The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, August 28, 1890, Image 1

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I the great iniTu?iciuflng center of th
mute ti-on nre-, wnod end fir watr lf,
in iMvhniHtiM unnlitlHi. V, h more. ,,,,
ut'tt.-turing establishment Oin ll other e.ii.mi;,.
II at the mt varied resources of ny county
ill tbe state. ClackMDM county wheat tarried
way the. erlzwi at the ('en tenia! Ki position an
the r-tnla f" elf. Fruit noil vegetable productions
are tinmrpaiard.
ill till" state Combined,
VOL. '.M-NO. II.
-I 4.1.,. ... 1.!
I l'ltlCK 0 CENTS.
The Enterprise.
Itilili-tcil I C very I'lmmilny,
Of-rtciu. nm ur cuc"iImIs"cntT.
iY v til ti IS ,MVtNC:
On," y.'.iv
- t J i'
- 1 UU
..i, unci given on
jas county Directory,
urrv omifcKs.
J. W. M.ldni.n.
' II. It JvlllllMII,
W. W. It. Stti.x.n.
, W, T. WliUUwk.
'.S, II. Callfl.
.John W, Soul.
. iiMirh.l. iii Alev Thi'imon,
. Sidney Snivtli,
i Chiirlr. M iln'ik.
' ) torni'lltm Hnlr,
i x
Kf.; 'S CITY or'Ht TtS.
,.TIi.w. r Uvaii.
r 1.1. J'.iVe.
s. 1!. tirwn.
K, H. fharntaii.
i A. S. I'twwt,
! . C. K. HiiriiK.
.. .:u-i..r 1'. Ilnltwk, U.trk. W. II. Howell.
.'.'I V. II HKN.
i' ii r.t i
i luiv Atlioy, I', J. Parker.
I I i urnim. K S. Warren, J. K.
I ..- ii!m:'i, .1. W. OC..iiitt..
!.' tvuvt imrlli, a . 3.-Ji r. a.
1 "... ;n:u; iu(il, 1 HI . K.,H;'.r. M.
. 1 1 K..i r.
, i it t.i M.iI.iIIk. Muliim.t .run
U.tti. nl M ti a. M.iiiiliivK,
u. .t i.l Kri.U)', i.l n iiinu ti
.. .! .
i t i t i i Mink I'lurk-i. Miillno, I'n
. t.i MimI.hv llrm.k: Irntrt al
M i :Ut . V.'.liifl.iy mi.l Kritlnj,
. . ..i t . i : w ii g ,i h.
l'liA Kl. Kits' (illl)K.
1 'i : ii n .N I' ti ll I.' I tlx.
I'. i l.ui.l Arriv- i 11 II . X.
ir :u . ' 9 t v, a. ami i 4.1
tl T .X I I TI'X .
I Mif I'rt'm City.
1. . . a.
tt i . a.
I J r. a.
; r. a.
ii,.1 r. a.
mi Vn- I. ii. liner
ay Laii.tiiiif..
'. . a.
2:K r. a.
II :) r. a.
;n;l l.mhrf, I.
o. . r. i
r ui lit. .v. I K,loi Hall, Mala HM.
M - i 'i :'i. .'r.lor ri tu. tt4 li atifiij.
It) i'Mt . I J. J l iik. N. ti
M iliiiui.iHii l.mlk'i'i Nt. I, A. I'. 1 A. M.
it , u rt''iUr c.irainnult'alli.ui tta IrH
.u i ., 1 ..lur U). f at ti aiutitn at IM r. m.
hfi.if, n in t iu lull ut arv lurttl to atlftit!.
A. K HAVH. M.M.,
I AClifcKMAN. HiH-rary.
't.-H If
1'iixt n. i, U. I K
in i-lit uf Orficoh.
llr.t Krtajr ul rt.rjr mnnttl, .1 7.10
.1.1 .;,,,. lull, iir.-j..u t ny
uhii A II kKUINii, Cuiamaudrr.
t iiy i.otiiff tr t. o. r. w.
..-,., ,. ii. I iul l. ufllj'
I 1 1 . ;. I. ill. linn All auj.mrulllf
.i htlly luvltr.l in atl.n.l.
U.l. Hll.k,l..-ttN. M W.
.1 ' .i.Vil'K.. UloSALCIU'llCli-iuv.
pii..r. nurvl.-t. at il a. M. aou
in It) !i.-li...l alirr muruiiif wr-mt-.-luia-
Vt fluri.tay welting at
.- I'r.i) t-r meelllK nt mili l"eu.I..
, , i,n. ii.tll Ku.Uatur ivi'l) Sulula)
i i! , ,r.'liil..
VI i..
i i. rinr t iii iit ii -kv j c, kad
M.,ruiui Servu-a at II tu, auimaT
, i u i; ., t'vrniiiir service s :iu, Knfiilar
.- i ,. . '.iiin t...lii.-.lay evtiilnit. MoiiialT
,1-.: il '.mi every e.tne.lay avenln
n m in.- r) r.t riiimlay In lh mmith,
r, li.Mt tli.'li l i all.
) ii it rill liril.CATllol.10 -Rk. A
.'. i mi. Yt.i. Oa auu'lity nia. al aitd
t m. i.erui.ii .erinnu flrt ami lliirtl
iv i i n li ni'.oih at oel.H-k nia...
,t , Ii.k.I nt titl r. M. Vlra .ml
lu l, ..It al M r M.
r-Aii. -ir. k i iiriuil Ur I. U ro
it i:. . t..r. ..ert irei every fcitiiilay ai II tw
,i ri.ii k aiul tt eiluemlay .veuing al 7 .10
mi ;
.e.-.-k. .-! at louu t. Caul
. :i. i...;. i in.-iiuili. nervlre eath alternatt u.
i , 4! I in ii ..i.i.-k.
J.iiv I'.n ns., ra.tnr. Miirnllilt urelr at II;
t in I n (...) I at U l i, Kveiilnervli-. atT: ,...,!r't meeting lu.ii'Uy .veulni !
- ifl rnver Meeiini 1 hiirmlay creolnf at 7.
r'.rti.jer. ....rilutlly llivlteil.
Hi:-!' ri:l-:-llY I KHIAS CHI'KCH -Kv. o.
i-.kv. 1'a.tnr. Servleea at 11 a. a. ana
'.i mIiImiii s.'li.x.l at lu a. a. Y.iuui
. .i i. -iy of I hrutlau r.un.avnr meet.
"iii'lity eveiiitiK at li ;HJ
.- J M.T ilieetllig al t ;J0.
Heat. Ire. Su
i i ii ti. cm ri ii -It. v. J. M. Praia., of
Uit,'..rtl A".".'
Hi- Kt
n - I.
.ml ii
Hiiil H-crv 8'iinliiV at 1 A M tuew
(i'l iy exi ft-tf
Ui-ruiau 8al'l'lh M-bool
lIl'l lV llT IM A M
Professional Cards.
. v ;'t a i Mi.
E. II. Commo.
. l,. ,,re I'nlteil 8tta laud (illle.. a
viry, . . . CRKOON
C. D. & DC. L A T O li RETT E ,
litis Sll-KKT, llltKIIOM CITV, OltKOOM.
rutin!. Ah-triM-m nl Title, In Money, Fore--iun:
Muriit ii?"!., itn.l tr.nnact Onueral llimlne...
;:':.! at lw and notary public,
Oregon, City, Ora;on.
lulu... HtiilrH near Court limine
Attorney at Law.
- ;-, on City, Oregon.
' ... -i m '! nuiness a Specialty.
.". M,.;;,fji;. A. 8. UHKHHKK.
V;b::!UE & DRES3ER.
Attorneys at Law.
in Jaipur I'.luk, Hru0,n City, Or.
j. V. POWELL, M, D
Physician and Surgeon.
ik: i:.e : Knumn Kiw. U hii1 It, (ihnrmaii
I' III.,, k
"(tV-iiiBNi-'a: Wnl'T "lii'i't Imi-k of Obarman
For Male.
Kjrm in Beaver valley of 100 acras,
fur IftnOO.OO; Will
iruii'rty. lmjnire o!
trade for town
.T BlIBKSY, t,T. SaBIS, J, .liUAl'KK,
UCKSKY, 1I1KIN & ll.Ul'Ylt,
OMIi.U.N Citv, . . . tit ;...s.
Twtlve year. eurleiic register of 'the
.,.;,:. !,. ,'" ;"';' rtHH.mneni,L us In
ii" i tv " k,",l, l""li' l'f-it.
II l.n.l onUaiid ili, court, nn.l luv.tli lug
"is practice in tli- Knrrnl Inu.l otllc,.,
H. iih:.
Mio: c.rii.f M4lit ii. HUlli .tr.-vi.. ,
Hutu truo f ly M.nk.
r r wtiiTt.
VV. A W ill I K
Practical Jrchittch J- lhii!Jts
fit: I !Vt ,ll. oln.ll.m., wotklnt ,l.v
?. UJ '''"'"'"I" l"r nil klu.u i,m,m.
HIWUI ll..l,.u , m,rM ,.
, . ..nitnn'i mruikii
t .11 u ur ..IiIi-mi
imi ni'iilliMll.ui
W III t'K HKtM ,
llimnu I'll), Hull
Hooks and
OUKUOS i-lTY. OliKt.oN.
-Ileal ' Eslale--
m-ir. tif fclar Ian. I A Iiii;iiiii.
Orsit a in K.ttmirumt; lnil,lin.
Attorney nt l.:tv,
(Ut HwcU At.tit of 0,'ii'r.l .nii. tin,,.-
Oregon City, Dri jjon.
lltllllt'KtVail. I'r-lliliiil Mil. I lVlil'l
Land Ai.iftiiiiii, hii.I oIIiit I ami
UllWa tluHini'M, a SHviitity.
OFKICK: 2n.l fliaiui.tii llnm.
Mlui-k, a.lji'ilillik' I. S. I.un.l IHIi.'i..
)Iercliants Kxchane.
H.ln MrMI, O-.-.tMi t'iijr iirrinn.
KKtr coNitrAaTi.v us hash iim
bM br.nU nl ljq.i.r. W iui. mi. I I'U.t.
Ulh.guv Ht.piu u.l try lUv u.-w
! TaM.
A IM I ui iHtrlcv V 11 . ii . I Itlt-NiiimiU
) Hoc. Br
Renner & Davis,
Practical Houso Movors,
Mill Jo all wuik in tlii'ir liuu 'iurii4ly
and autiafiu-lurilv. A'KlrreK,
Orrjou City. Ori'icm.
Geo. S. McCord's Mill
ll ML I'll'UKIlIlt 21 lllillH S.l'ltll nf
Drfgon City.
Painter, Kalsominer,
and Decorator,
la rqnri-il to atti nil promptly tv
work ciitrusii'tl to him.
PutroniiKO rt-HjifCtftilly Holicitivl.
, j Livery, Fewl niul HiiltiStaliln
Double untl Single Iligs, niul sud
die horrtt-H alwuyn on liand nt the?
loWL-at prices. A corrull connected
with the barn for Iooho -stock.
Information rci!unlini( imy kiml of
atm'k roiritly atlciulfil to ty imthoii oi
horses Bought and Sold.
M. H. Fl.iiiatfiin.
J, I'. I lilt,
Flanagan & Hill,
KKfcP OS HANI) Ilia ir-ni
of Wlu., l.l.H"r. Ale. Hoer, A"., i n
found Iii tbl i ail.. U iii.--K.tlim illm k
(lira in. a call.
40 acres with hiiiiio locality,
linely improved, for sale chouj).
One of the good farms of Clacka
mas county w'thin two inileH of
Oregon City in a fine statt) of culti
uation. AIho land in ClackaniiiH county,
near new motor line. Fine for
farming. Terms easy.
V. 0. McCOWN A CO.
The Cliff House,
John Bittner, Prop.,
Oregon City, - - Ore.
The LKADINO HOTl'Xof ll.u oily.
The table aiipjilie'l with tlio bent
the market affonlM. Kooina
larue and well fnr'nii-lied
with comfortable beds.
Sample Rom. fur Commercial Travelers.
Paid up CuplUI 850.O00.
fAKiiikH ('HAS. II. CM
Man.ui.k... , M, IvVl'IIAM.
iiliall r,M'..vp,l mil.) in iiliiM k ' hllU mill ttoii.. tlii.iiuiinit.,
J i ' mm ( y mi.l (.y wnrrniita luintilii,
i 1..HUI itiriiU mi ttvnllittilii HoiMuiiy.
; rilli'i.uii ittmttt iiriiiitiMlv.
litll nl. mi )'..! I t.ttl.l, Mil Kl',i I'lili'H-
., New V. ilk. mi. I nil .iiu.'lMil t'lllt'iiiil I n
Tt'l.'lliiililti ihitniti mil. I mi I'. mini. I, Hut
Ktmii'iMM, Cliit'itii.t mut .. V,. ik.
Merest rjli on time deposit as ralliiws :
for ihrpf immih. 4 vt vvu or itttiutu.
Knr mtnttlt. ft itcr ivnl mh mitMiin
K'r U ituitiilii. 4 wt rtttt. nr mumin
Tlnm en 1 1 rtoai . nl .l,-),..
nntiiil. hut Inltirimt (.irlt'lir
nil.l vl tt'rut til tlt.iMiiil'.,
Hit vtll i ..Ii ilr
I II .tltltll lii'li'tr
Tonsorial Parlors.
Sharp Kazors A Cii-nn Towi-U
l.ltilii's' iiinl I'lii'.ilivn.s' liairi lillinf;
a Hjii .'iitlty,
lint ur t'ol.l Imlli-t at nny time.
25cts. BATHS Zbvts.
Opposite the Post Office.
li fun itni in iH'i-.l ..f ti H i; n.'-i , Sn 1 11,.,
I'.li.ll.', nr liii;liia, t nil i nit ,t t .. ;n.inrt
'iyt-ulliii)!tili iin. Kim. I'.iwv ll.trin -M-.'a
itn.l Slm k S.tMlus in t lu In iiiilur.
WIlfllnT Villi mini I I Inn nr t.nt it l-rll
ill l.iw ii ota 1 1 mi inn.
Harnes3 Shop.
AU Afiil Inr Iim t i !t lii.ti,. j
Willainollc Heights
Nusiu'iision l.riiljro
A Fine Chance to Invest
Acre Property.
Inquiro of
Clackamas. Or.
)K.M,KI!.-i IX
rmi'K, ri:i:i, ci:ain
CORN iMi;.L.
Agents ft'i- Chickanias ain: Or
I'goii City for tht' ( 'nl
tiniliia l'lniir.
K'ei p on hand
Rustic Foul ing, Vil
in ami all kinds nf Finish
ing Liunhcr, I'l-csst'd
J'Ynco rickets tif
all si.t's.
CHOICE Columbia Ce
dar Shingles.
is divided into 70, two untl one-lialf,
I I' I !., Il lu l..,..,l..,l
itnil live iicie' iiin-in. it m i,,,
,, t i. ...i.:,,,, ii...
on uie neigiiin im i iimiwiin ";'
Clackamas; hence it h name, it in
about One mile from Court House
and One-half mile from the city
liniitH. The County rowl ci-ohscs
which makes it cany of actress, being
about twenty iiimules walk. Ironi
the centre of Oregon City.
lies in Oretron City School district.
and ptirehaHoj-Hcan have the udvun-
tago ol scntling tneir ciinuien 10 n
i ii ....i i: 1 1 'I'l...
gootl, giatteil piinin; m ini.ii. j in
Soil iH good, the Locution very
healthful, all Fruits ami Vegetables
yield abundantly. Terms one-thi rd
down, and balaneo in one year at
eight per cent, l'or lurtiier panic
ulars InoHiire of
City Drug Store
The Commercial Bank,
riamncK a uminrnl linnklng Hiitlnoit.
1 mix iiiiiln. IIIIU .llti'iiiinli'il i'iiI
li'i'lli'lH lltIV
III llll I Hill'. Hllll,... I III. .I'll HII.I II.IIIH Kl.llll
iii,i.ll ii.i'i'i' ,'il .iilijin'i in i liin'k inlinii itl
IIMtul ttili'ii Hlli'tt.'.l nil thill' iIiiiiiimII . Ilitllk
iini'ii lii.iu ui n In t i'. M H'iiiiiil,iy livening
llulll .1 lii V I'. M
i r. I a rur it kith rri'..irui.
r, K im.YO.M "ON, t'nlili'f
I'niliiM .li'sirinu Wimi.I Tniiiinn, I'ul
Ini im, Itim ki ln, nr
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will lmSiiili.. lv Ciilliiimm Mit. ,
Windows and Olinds
.i r. i j w.irvow,
till' ('lllltl'k'llliiillll (llllull
f r"0.
in mi: tirv.
Call and Examine
mi. I M ,
ri;it i:s.
i St v. On
ni t'llt.
Money to Loan.
lu Minn n( ijl , M,n,l (,. l.Vl.tiiki.
J m !', ii t ,
;tl I'Nliilii mi l Km mo il ,i .fiii l in','.
ii...n:lt I'.i.t .'lliu
T. H.
IfiKise aiul
Si! ii infer,
P.tpor I l.inninK a Spocllty.
Ctlnliiitf .'..nm in nil in liriiin lit-a.
I. Ml .1 .11 I Tt nt 10 ..i.l .il)i.
S!i". Hlnvtr nf llit) iul-tilllre.
1 1 M Hi; It I. AMI, ,i I' Jl M:-i,
XMM I. I Olt 11 III.K ti l IOV
Mr-. I'll M. Il.ll.lmf.
1 Mill, till H I.imi in Ci. ,,
li Till
1 1 1. r .... till, i n.. iiini- .... Imi ,
li,,- h In.rt-l.v u
It !t,l 11,, 1. 1... i ii
i ,i li..i
,f ui,- ti, t
ul J tux- .1. I i.'i,, nil It. I ..r lit.
.1 iiml.. r l.t'i.U in tin- viiiii.1 n I'nliiur
ln i.' .n, N. v t.l t. rt'i-l jH) 'I fr
Mi-.. I. In M. lull, i.t in. (....n
i'miiiiI. ul I l.i. k.nii.t, Mult- ..I i)i.
i ll.u,
i ill,'
li..-. llii. .I.n Iil.-I in lint uili. i. Ii. r
""im i.ii. tm i t S... lur lii. inn.
..i il..- u ',, ' , in,. i i: i, s I, ,,f
nun u in I ... t,.!,!;. u ' .'iil'i, llitn:'.'
Vi. ;l I ., iiliit .till ,,!t, r I'tuur In hIu.h th .1
I1,.- li.uil fcuucni i tulimttli. .,r ti
IiiiiImi .r Hluni- thin l..r :n;iu .nr
I niul (. fitrtl'lNli In-r i iui in tn ml
I I I" Imi- I li, rtvisi.-r i.n.l r. i . iy. i ..I I !ii
..Hi. .- ul i t . -1 : . 1 1 i in, nr., im V 'In. ,'
il... I .'.III illll ul ti. I . .1 -!l I.
j-ii.. nun. in V il ii . I Iui I .'v M... ,,,
II- W ""I. Ju...i.i U . I la: I iiml
Am in
111," a!,.. v
hi. 1 1 .i t r
1 .111 .1.1.
nl) ui
I n.
ulllil ,
il nil . i'uiih , linniiiin l i t.-ty
' 1im i ii-i-il litn.l mi. tt .in..ii-.l tn
hiinu. in t iiiHuthi nil nr hrluiv ttinl
ul I 'i l.iS. r. I.v.i.
.1. T. AI'I'l-aiSDS,
!' Iti it-l. r.
TIMIlllll I. AMI AIT, ,11 NK :l. I-7C
Notice for Publication.
I'm i in Si it i I, am. ui i ii -,
I iiif..,u t in, nit,, May 1 1, i
S' i'l' It 'K i In rt-hy (.'it mi iiml iiii uiii,.
;ltli .' l III) lllf pint iiuli, ul' lltt. It, t, t ,111-
Kii -i ul jinn' .1, 1 1',' s, rntnli',1, "An lift l,,r
i In- Mil.- ul' Iiml r In in li in I In- flute ul' t 'nl
iliirniit, I'lnrun, Seta, lit iiml tt iiliitit'itm
I inl ," t.iini II Kuhhn, u Si-aiile,
c.i'iiilt' ul' Imiiii, Sluff ul, Inn.
his ihiy lili ,1 in t !iit ulhr." Ins Hti.n-n
siiili'iiii'iil Nil, lvi,l"i- llir1 i'111-i-lui-.t' i.( Ihf
',' nl Sn liun N.i. In, in l'.. nliii .Sn,
-.'Smith, liiiii-i" N.i.i I-ji-.I. iiml will ! T i r
I'liiiit In hlinvv thai (In1 lanil rtnllKht i"
iituff talnal'lf lur ili linil'i-r ul' Hiuni' Iiiun
l..r iu-iii tillural nni-".i.M, anil In t" tiihli.ii
lii i liiiiu In it til litiiil hi f.iri' Ihf if t;i,
niul I'l'i i-iti'i' ui Ihi". ullli l. ul t )i-t-(.i hi Ciiy tin
tuiltif "ilny, lit." L'lili .lav nl Sfilf nilifr,
l!i. Ilf naiiifs it h it ilitfH.-H : janifi
Sinilli,!'! r.lttui, it asliinutun ; llfnry Snni-
ul .-iniilf, Kinu ..iiinty, ittislilii:iiin;
.in lit i Mil nly in, nl Sit in ly, I'la -kit in a." t. nih
il , ()if!;un ; aiul Nullum J Ufl. li ul' I '.rl -liiii.l,
.Miiltnuiiuili i-.inuly. Urfuuii,
A 1 1 v niul all 'ifi'tuni i liiiminK inlyi-r.xf ly
lln-aiiuif cl.'Hci'i I lanilt nif i'f.iit".fl lii
tilt" llifit' i liiinis Iii this iilllrt. mi in- hfliilf
-nitl mill ilav ui Si nli-nilifr, IMim,
.1. I. AI'I'KI.'SdN,
II 'J'l lit Hi'Kit.h-1-.
'II mii fat I. nt. ut .U N t-: :i. b7H.-Noi'li:i-:
iui; I'l iiLicriuN.
I'lilli'.l Hinli-ii 1,'inil tillli'i",
oitkiiii : 1 1 y . ori'itnii, Aim, i, i"iw.
N'.illi.- Ih h.-ri'liv ttlvi'ti (lint In .iitn,hiitf.
tt llll llni iil' nf llll' m'tn ut I'lniul'i-i-H uf
llllll'll, IhVflllilh.ll "All lll'l llll' lilt. Bill.' uf
tllillifl' lllll'lnln llltl Htttli'H nf t'litlfni'lllll, Or.'-
K"ii, Ni'i'inlti un.l iynslilnijliiii 'r.'inlury,
t'liiiilfii o.,l,rii,
nf I'utlliiiii, futility nl, Mini.' nf
III. 'null, Iiiih llll.- ilny llir. I In linn iillic,. lilt.
k tt . .i'ti -t tttt-iitt' 1 1 1 Nu 'I'.t.'i, fur Ihi. jitiri'luiKi, nf
llll mvl , ul m'l'tliill No. '2, 111 lull nsltlp Nu. ii
"iuiiIIi, iiiiii:i. Nn 7 i-iiHt. timl tvlll nilur iruuf In
sluitv Untl On, hiiul ..iiuk'lil I" inuri' vnhuilili'
Iui' II llinlii'i' ur Muiif lluui fur iiyrle nltuiiil i n i r -IIU..I.S,
niul In .'HlithlNIi his rliiiin lurtiil'l liunl
iH'fuiij Hi,, lu'nish-r and llfc-lvi'i- uf this nflifi"
nt Crii;uii Clly, t)r.'iuii, mi 'I liiin.ilay, thf tilh
ilny ul Niivfinhfr isini.
Iln niiiiit'i iin wliufKn's: .1, II. lliiKKflt,
.If llit-ys, I, I'l-fBscy, II. M. Ilal'liinil, nil nl I'nll
liunl, i irt'Kuu.
Any itnil all iii'i'siiiis flithiiinif uill-frsfly tin1
nhiivti iIcsitIIh-.I l.inils nit! h-iiiu-hti'il In III..
Ilti-lr fhiliiis In IIiIh ulllf c mi urlii'fiii'ti until lilli
ihty uf Ni.Vfiiihrr, l-S'.n),
.1. T. Al'I'KHSdN,
H II, III Hi llfulnt.-r
oi ii i: I'OK I'l III.K VI IO V
l.iiml dllli i' al Oifumi Clly, Or, Ann-11, If'.NI
NOTICH Ik In-ri-hy itlvi n, Unit Dm fiillnivlnu
iiitnu'il si'ttlfi- IniN flluil nullr-ti nf li I k inlfiitiun
In inn III' liunl limuf In Kiliiu- nf his it lalin, mill
Hint sniil iti'iiul will In' iiutiii' lii'fnrf tlm Itftilsicr
ii ml"lvi'r uf Ihf U. s, I, mil oilift) nt ()rfuii
Clly, (i..iilii.r illh IHim, viz;
Unhurt (I. K. Wf llznnlll,
lluiii'-slfiiil Unlry Nn. Inr Hit' iv'jnl luv' j
nl sfi lluii H I 4 s, r -2 .'.
Ita luiiin'S llni fullnivliii; ivllniissfM In irnv..
Ills futitltlllnlls ri-slili'llfii 1 1 1 1, tri anil t'lllllvillllill
nl, snlil liunl, viz; Inul WuisIiiiiii, .Inlin I'aiiit',
H. il I IVni'-iluiiu, I'., I. 1'aln.i, all nf Mnllllii,
Clilflitililils I'n., (Il'.-Hull, '
Ml, IMS .1. T. Al'I'HllSON, HfuUtt'l-.
Wool Wiinliil.
On niul uflnr IMny llllli llm Utti;oii City
WniilnM mill will be iri!utreil to buy
wool (r which they pity tlm hinbimt,
nm rk nl pi ii'e. Ity tinier of tlio
O. (!. M.Co.
Best aiul Clieapest
LINK 1 1 !' A
t llill'.WKATIII It III I.I.ITIV NO, 21.
Kr Hit' Wwk Kiiilluif Hiiiiinliij, Aiiuim 'in.
HI .till I II
'I'lic t 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 Inn. Iii'tm I k Ii i w 1 1 ii' it v
l'l'll!t Inl llii M'ik ; II luli(i'i Innn I'llnlm
ii'Kiri'. Aii Mi'i'ii.liiinil .i'liijiln nf lain
Irll. tlinii'mllv .inllv l.iii.! y iwiiIIiit Willi
innn' Hin.ilti', .i.t mil il.
C'll'll M,
1 lir ruin Hull lull h H. in, i'iiiiiii'Ii In .In
uny it in I -1 inl iliini.iri' In liiii'M'.inl I'l'nim
I'lvi'iy hii'liuii itij.inK j.i ,ln Ih-iiit Hum
t'tv lllllh l',ili' I. I.itlc nmui 1 . 1 1 1 1 K Wlli'lll Will i m t In' Mil IIH'I'lli;... tlitla
iiml Inn I. v mi' ki'im nilly t ii Minn iimrtt lluui
aim till, iii y it 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 iiinniv Innn
lll'lil III lull nt'l nil lltl'lili;!' lllhl ,'lh
liti'iln'U nl wln'iil nri ii.'ii' tvin- lililnlni'il. In
llimliin ninnlt II i. i -1 1 1 , i it I . . 1 , ni Hlnli'i-
W Ill-Ill Hill Ul'r.l'.l' HII.I Mjal'iliu Wilful -.'ft
nti.iioii pi'i (n't.,, i, .iii' i..i't ii mil. im. li-lilril
iihIiIkIi ii M Imilii'li. mi' win, Tlirn'tiitliiiiit
i. inn, .'iiiih'n, i mini 1 1 it- niiii-r t ulli.y
rtitinlii. Hit. p-iit'tttl nti'iin-ii Inn lii-i'ii Im
mure tlnm t'u iiniii ii nii'il,
liny t, in u iiil.', hiiiri' it. tn uiiHiilliy
Hint niiiuiiy, innn twi. nn.i.i.ii iui-, iin llilrtl
rrt'i' In initiiV m i-liini. huini vri v tminl.
Ill" Imp tilnji Hill Im iilnilll fll HI linli'
ittiil ill v, hi. I i(inilily,
III I'.iiii-.lii'i ivinily IVnil l;
ft liotl ttinl ii. tit in ritt'tkuii. it i:..ii. i-rup; III
lltlltlin (inly II lull- I In,.
Ill Jll-I'lllill.' mill ,1.1. '.I 'II, l'rll' Mllll'l
nifUiti. tnti iiml tlnii riii In uiiii"niilly
lunf It U' li'ilir ciiiiily wliiii' fniK'n rt
ti),i-; ill Inn' t aut-tii- ,i,iniii.n rll.
In Wii'.r.i t uniily ti In nl, mil. iiml Imilry
if lion It' nil i "I Tin- niiinlviti itttlinli'
Int. Him 1 1 "" t i.'I'l.
In I-Oioiiiiiii win-ill iiml Lin l. y nri-Inriiinn
mil wi ll. I' iiml - 'I nt i -t . i , - wi'll.
Ii.i'i'i 11 nil... ,;iilln r Ill llulll liil iiml M, nl.". i .hi nl ii . In lln littler
liuili v tn l'l. ul '.''i Irii .,t 1. ., - tii'ri' nri' n.
.tli,l.' In ini'iilui! I ul :i,,.i Mil,.
.iti luii- h i.t-i- n;i , i.-.l l.v c'i ''n iijilil..
Inl null 1 1 l,t im I I iiiun t .mi ill.-, tin-1 Ih-uI
i t'., i. i. nil iiml . .. nl. I I .-. ..-, i.-.l,
I In v.illi-v. nl Wii!l.,..i i .tniily ir.,,rl
hiul t:itt im I..I v t ii-l'l ..
In llir r,,i.,l,'t l, V I t .ill. y In. ill- limn nt
ci in i. t i,-M l,n r I" , it , hi i- I.
Iln-lutv , i,.i in lu,' !,.. U i iiiiiiirv tin.
.-tin! i'ti - I, ini'l In-"n- lit, in . iiinit;li I. mii
(,.,m', (,, I..- .mi lut'1,1 i.'i liny ttinii r tt.-itili.-r
(ll.ll lllil. II
I 'n l',.i. in in
Kliinintli, l.nki',
M, tl!i.. ui i. .in, it,
ni' t ii-l.l. .1 ni"'t
Suit .1 .t. l . ti y ti
itn.l Iui, i i' .... .
.,-. nil
In i , ill 4 ni il'. tliruiittti
inn-. , I !.,. ,k, I intiil nn,
Ii, nl. i.iti-.. l-nrli'V un.l
illy i, ...n...l,
n..t,ttil I. 'II, Ion V ,
I'f.l t.
i-nul Nitviie.
.itti'. SliiiiI."! fur
milt, itl
Svt lU.-r,
1 II , 1 1 1 i I
ul l. .1.
I 11
lulll.f, ...Mllll, lllhlil', llllil
tn iri.itit:l:.N tu unit, lit
VI. Ill
.1. A. .l.iM H,
I l I'l.'. " t l')'.
in Lu,,
in t'ltr I. .ml Ii
.ll.lM"! -lilllvl.
U,IU I'l I I. .1.
I'lllMf 1
I" I'.i - II ifli nil, I dry
I iiiuiui Im.., ni'Mi t uiiiii-ry
. t i.n kitnuiN I li-it.'lilH in
l.ui-i (nil inn I (70; (ID
tt . .-k 1 v .;t vnu-nli uf unr
'i i '." mil it I n 1 1. May
unit .m inill
till i.ll'.ll ll.U, I.'.
iluit n ; l ul. tin .-
lull.,, I
I'.tik l''.i " i"
, l;'l
.ti ri,iK'ily,
r.t i ni i,
fmlil tU."
I'uill ,iul ;
iti-t.-H mnl,
i ul" nl 11. iii-ifi, .v.. iniit-a
ni l ilt un.l I,' iiiilus It. mi
ll.-ll u,',,l," ; i! I Hull ; III
rl.'ii' f, ;M a.'i.-M in mi'it.l.iw,
ur. Ii.ti. I, ul.- M"i un." ul li'i iii ri'B 'ur
liullv i i 1 1 1 v ' -1 . u lj niiirii! tin' itlinit'
Iril.'i W ill ..-II un l.i -t ..i Inrnm. Ad-,r.-s,
I '. il. Mil '.ni A ( o. If
Tlu-. ..ilntv tit. ir tull I,.' ill hit i'l-
li..., ni ui v in ' until lnillinr lintii-i'.
I. W , N.iiui., t'liiinly AsM'ssnr.
i. H"
I .-;.. . j luli'll
lll'.lltlis t .
I.ui.l.l. I '1 f
Siiini'lu s
..) fur
Mill flllll
S.-ii.l ,ir
I tin
T. I' Kvan
link SI"f"
tllii-l' .'f.u'l
Hlat.'iui lit ,l
H I. llm I. Mul e.
tl,.- a-M.;!.,-.' ..( llm Whit
flM i. ill tlm ill t l , I nf
tu nl,. in In- lum m'lil
I i.-: i ui'. ii mi l, Itlnl lllsi)
tl. ...... t.l... 1 ll.llt 111. -ins.- l'-S t.l If III'
,f!,!f, li, fanl st.ii,', timl Un y in'wl call !
mi linn ul bin iiili -" in tinv'ii City, ini'l
Xt'lll" till' Hllllin I'll "1 lll'l. llll Illll I- Ill
diiv "( August, A. I'-. Is'1 '
A tti'.-i.-iir-iil.I buy lillv, eti-.iyi'd from
M . V lt;'iiul.iir f.ti iii itbimi July 1st
Aiiyuiu' H'liiriiinif In'r tn tin' nbuvn liictl-
t it nn i liti'tii Hill l'f i' ni'iiHitti'.l.
Tint I', li IMlAI.I..
I'm- Suit'.
t Iim u( llm llnt'sl 'rail if fiiiniH in ( 'liif k-
ant. is tiiiiiily. i-uiiy ininnivi'ii nun in
llrst-fluss i-uii'lilii'ii. t in l.iiuiiiiH .Mulnllii
liiiiiiiK, linn nf I'm lliiinl niul Siln'f
Inn ritilt'iiiiil ftii-vi.y. It in it bitiK'itiii.
I'. U. Mi'C.iUN ti ( o
Oi.'H.ui City.
I'iiik rl.i.-u ih I't'piittir 1'i'iipuity.
X I liif l in in.
Sim'! If ynii inn wanting it linn farm,
lifio is your i-liiiiiff. lilt) iifii'!., thri't'
Iiiilus Innn llifuti t'ily.titie mill' from
I'l.ii-kiiiiuis lli'inbls, iilifii) town lota
mil ht'llint' I'T i'l' each. tiootl
liniise, burn, wi'ihIhIumI. lout bourn'; .11)
tififs. clnai'i'il. (liunl tiuilinr, nt'iir sitty
iii ill-, wi'll tiinl "prinus iifVfr thy. Will
wll furiii , or farm mid stork, l-'tir par
lifiiliiiK nail nl lltii t'llii'i'.
Clly la N.illff
All ln"i's line tlt':."iii Cily lliulnr m'll
tiral niul Hpi'i'iiil luvy, n re nuw ilun niul
pnvilbli' ut llm iilliif of S. 11. tiri'i'ii,
rilv tti'iisuif r. All luxes not fin ill by
Suiiluiiibi'i- 1st, will Im it'liinu'd ilulin
ipiciil innl foi'lHiiililuil tlu'i.'lo.
S. li.. I UK UN,
Cily AHSfs.soi' ain Tiut-CDlli'ftor.
lEoiiril il i:iinliz:i!loil.
Nolit-f in lu-ifliy Ktvi n that. Hip Hoard
of Kiiuili.alion of ( 'liu ltanniH i'liiinty
will luff 1 at iim Court Ihius.i in Oififon
Clly, nn Monday, Scpti'inbei' IT), lS'.K),
for 'llm f nii'i ohu of fiUiili.inn tlio imsi'SS"
m ii 1 1 of lsiiil. All i-laiins for t-orifi'tioiiH
must, be Hindu beforn llm Itourd .
.1. V. Noni.n, AssusKor.
1'iii-k l'liifft is I 'i i i til nr Tropin ly.
nt ici'.
Mv cnliiu law niul money Ifiuhnu
bilsini'ss will bn rnrried till lis tisiuil dur
nu my iibsfUfc from llm slate. Mr. A.
S. Ihesser will have fluirtfi! of it.
W Caiihy Johnson.
(iit'iii liiinil 1 nr Salt'.
Clioii-e farniiiu! lanil, tlir.'o miles from
Oi-i'L'on Cily lu from 1(1 to 100-iicro tracts
nl $:'.'). 00 to ui. oo per him o. ("all on or
address, llyan & limuiiill or
.1, ). Ivhnnicii, Oreifon (lily.
To foul ran I. fill' the dflivi'i-y of 1,000
curds of wood (or fuel. l''or further in
foi-iniiliiiii, call at mil- nMice ut works.
Wll l.AMK'ITIC I'm. I' A l'AI'KltCo.
(In, ii Kin' Iv. Smith, Siipei-iiili'iuU'iit.
Knte boolts, rei'itipl, booUs. elf., al this
ollice, well pollen up niul lii'iilly bound.
News licms (.'liiiK-il liom Our h
Ami ll.illi'il Ilium fur tin' lli'li'i-litlliiii
tif (fur lti,iiili'r1
I .t I ut i n in Im liitvini a tmil'liiiu' Im'iiu
I'uily i'iirii'nliui no imvy ul vtuiU tli'.iy,
Tim ilniii'i'i'it nf I 'ul It t i nint v will i:oliilii
ui ii I m ni unii i ii , wuii.'iniii-i ii iiml
I'.!, anil liiihl tlii-ir Hint iiiinnitl ii'ininni
Ditiilt'l Muiiuw, wlm tittt iihikIuiI it I
l.niiil t'rt't'k, (iiiint I'liiinty, mi it t j i' o
ruhliniy Iiiih linnn lii'I'l In itliHwiT In tin
mini ol flMJ.
lllimii .iiiliiisun, nl i .inn imy, una
klfkud by a homo, i-iiusiu u . . i i j .. ,u n, I
tritfluiti ul tlm riKlil in in Hint Hfvi'in
hruis.'M un tlm 1'biint, '
M,. I ii Mi.,,,... ,.l I:.. I,.,. IM,,
ilind Tliursility, iillf r u auvi'to ilhu-ns of
fOliHiilttrttblu dlirntiofli Hlifl letiv.n a
lnmljiliul mid four t liil'lieii. .
Iutliort-ra me miiviiw In l.uComu'r
ibilly in ipifal of work, Tbey Kmierully
maiuif tti uet il on si mil noiite, n,
llto Mail.
V. W. I.iyis, of lliu lieu I. hiis Itiiketl
ill Ibn It. -ad by ii slalli ni Wlin li lie wiih
Ifitdilitf In wiilfr, Ira, Iui ihi hn skull,
Iln ditid alti-r four day. Iinnrnin;.
Tlm war belvteen I In- riiiliuiidi' r and
Ibn piiipuily-iiHiifin ul I'aliiUM' City hits
nlinosl t-uasi'il. Sttffl. tV'l'in hut.
a fort-i" uf 1 1 it. it Kturilni( (bn Iriu k day
aiul liiubt, lu iireyeiil It n lining turn up,
or tliienlM In llinl ti llui t Inn i) liu.'ii
A Tailifflil iniresiioii lf tit of llm Al
bany ll.'iuld mtw n woiiuiii iuiihIiix a
hinder Sillidiiy Inst H.mtli of them in a
wheal lipid, iipiiarr nlly mieffssdillv.
vthnli is n'finintjv an iiinoMitinu in
hitnestiu.', A mall was iudilHti lously
sli.H'l.intf till 1 1 m ur.tili alter the lltai lillle.
Tlm .Saleiii I'uui lli nf J illy eniniuittep
aller pitying nil i"tpiiini s, b.ul on liiin.l
fii. S!i, wliifli wit. tin nt- I oer tn tlie
hoard ol Im In In Im used in ndyertisiiiK
Hut t-oiiiity iln reiiiiii knblu tiling
llinl it l .uiitli of July . i nt in 1 1 1. .. sliuiihl
Intlf u bullion' oil blind ;i(ti-i J'.iy iltu ex-
Mr.. .. J Inn wii, foriiii-ilv it side nt
( I i i'iJiiii. lii".t J inn) i" nt t ort .Myers,
I Iui Iilil,. Mia. r.rowu'M Inaiilell iiuuip
un listlit'r Mosi.-r,. Mm. nine In (lie.
tit. n in SI7, n, i VO'I in Hit) (n ui ill' ol
tioveruor AUriu-lbv. Slit) iiiiinifil l'r.
Iliow n in Aiitiii.t, KM. I l.-r njjed Im
hand antviVfs lnr.
J. . Kllupri'll, ul .Ninth. I'uii.ler,
I lil'ill fuilnty, Iiuh In ell at'leited hy
the f iiuiinlss uiiui s In eUssify mid nu
I'l ins,' Hut residue lalul ol lite I'lliu-
.Ha ln.i.i,'i re-ri ul mil , us a siirievnr.
He iirriv.-d in l'etidlet..u, Monday, ulul
I tn it it-. 1 1 it I el - starlel wall the t uniinis.
ei.iiieis to b! Held o! opfiiilion.
If nil Ibe railroads lluil lia ve re, enliy
ffiilly lifi-n in.-.ii poialf .I m tiifuu weio
built, this stale would he entered Willi
siieb it of ro.t.!s iii'.stlv donhlo
trni ks its lead out of Chii iin. There
will lip inure rtiilnui'ls an. I hrain li s.m.ii
ill tlreuii, mid liutliy foiiipatiies ineor
Miiale. til l! will never blllld llllllullils.
The siibtry llxe.l for llm land ollli-ers
lor Uri'ifuii for tlm t'lisiieiiitr U us
lulluws: iiuiiile, $JM.i 'H, l.akt-l lew ,
-V.'J 7:'; tiit'tfun City and U nburn
.tiioui'ttt-li. Tlm liulle.i, f;:.'U.nO. The
.,l). .. It.tM.a iibjfll L" Ih t'.'.t. )
I' only a little mti .n- ...ulhs
mis eitl'lii'd eluli)ll to blinn the H.ilary
to 'JL'-til.TO.
II. ('. Sinitb, ol C.H.s Imy, mied (!2
luais, diolilH.'.! dead III"! I 11 1. IV ol lii'Ult
iliseusn. Ho was a verv larp man,
weiliiim ttboiil iliiti KiHiuU, and was en
KUlfed in tiiltin iii.iti-hw.Knl, lie wa
in Kini'iie City a lew limns helore his
.le. itll, mid tiffined 111 usual health,
lie emiie to Co, w hay ulnuit eihl iiiuuIIim
no niul leaves it wile untl four ihildien.
N.i I lull Sears, a final' man who bin
been rmiiiiiiik' uhoiil lite railroad i-.nnp
in the vicinily nl Cbebiihs, wan nip.
Iil'ed Ulul sent to Sleil.ifooni. lie owes
bis insanity to th ink . W hen t-iiiiht be
''"'I "a but
lillle clot bill): untl bin body
was terribly sf rut.-hfl ami bnn-ed frnin
bis ritiinimr IIikuiijIi the limber mi l
Injunction suits have been luuu.-ht
Ui;iiiiiMl the tl. ,ti V Kailioitd Coiiipnnv
at I'l'itjlleton, to restiiiin lluui ft out us-iiiL-u
sl'ieet in Hint city lor depot and
yard purposes, Another suit bus bleu
bro;i);bl by a lodiiia! houso keeper. Mis.
owery, she ulli'cmt; that the noise ami
smoke of the ileleiiilaiit'a fiifjlics mid
curs liavi! t'liused Hip loss to litir nf all
her lodgers.
I'raiik lloiton, lined sixty years, was
killed on Iln? canyon mail, between
Scott bur innl lort Jones, raws tlie
JaekBonvillt) Times, w hile luiuling sup
plies on it sletl lo Hip rnitd worker, in
the canyon His loud upset wilii him,
una sleei IiiIIkiiIo, eausiii): las ileum,
us well its dcinnlihliinn; tlio tuliit'
oulllt. Tho I'itsiialtv oeeui reil nlioutsix
miles below jMeinlu'i'H pluce.
Two foolhcilded voilliir niell llilined
tiibson iiml Jonen Blurted lust Kridav to
iiinko tlm trip (o I'orllund in u sniiill
bout, says tint Yiuiuinu liepntilicnn.
They K"t iihuiit Iwcnt v-livo miles north
nnd were forced to return, pitliux b.t.'k
to the buy on Siindnv pr ibiibly satislied
Hint they wore not full llcdrd se:tinen.
They certainly were fortunate, in ;f!tiii)!
back to land sufelv.
Miss Itosu Sickler and l.eo Hiirke.
were iiiurried nt Walla Wall Hie other
day. W. A. Parker iiiad.i nlhdavit Hint
Hie Kill was IS years olil, 1 Un girl.H
futher swtiri) out a warrant for Turk's ar
rest chiiniinir. Hit irirl was but Hi. Turk
made himself scarce, but since, then Mr.
Sickler bus beeoniii reconciled to the
miirriiiiro and till has been forgiven.
lu Oreiroti Ibis venr the hop crop will
uinolliit lo about IIO.OOO bales, or 0,(100,
(100 pounds, which, ut 110 cents per
pound, w ill brinir into the counlry tlio
stun of irl.'iril'hlHIO, A slitirt moiilh iii;o
the nim ket openutl nt If) cents nnd the
dill'ereiicn of II cents on a pound will
amount tmfOT.i.OOO to tho hop growers
of tho state.
Heps were advanced last week to
twenty-eiijlit cents in county, uc
cordinn to tho I''.ureiu! papers. The
l.une county crop will bo tiliout 4000
bales. Hop lico. liuvo not inatorially in
jured nnv of Hie crops as yet. Consid
erable of thiu'rnp is alroady coutmeted
from Ihirtepii to Iwenly-livri cents,
Tho urowers liuvo a nood thinnlhis sea
son if they will only hold onto their
crops lor a while.
Jliss Lint T.ylaiul, iliiuuditiT of Mrs.
Dr. liylitud, of this city, ciime near ho
lni burned to death Inst Wednesday.
Kho is stoppinx with friends lit Spicor,
Linn county, untl nltempted to builti
a lire in llui cook stovo. tt went out
nnd she, tliinkim.' there was no lire
left, nicked no a k'luss coal oil eiin. ''I'is
Hip siuiio oltl story a spark of lire, nil
explosion, a budiy burned lady. Willi
her clothes in Humes she rtishoil to n
nenrhbor s whoro the Humes were ex
tinguished, not, however, until sho was
severely burned, The bursting class
Hew into her arms and luidly lueoiatcd
them. llervitis (iiizctte.
IHsl rift Jn,)( II, r,J . .till at Nan
ilkuu, Cal., ha Is slowly nalning
hlreni(lli, but bo li unahlA U jiroild at
the voiiilnif term of court. Jud)t M.I..
I'i I'i'M, of tin) Second dl.trlct, will hold
the Heptmubnr tsrm In Morrow county.
The people of Ifeppner liavfl voted to
bond tlio town for f'rOW, In order to
continnn sltiklnx tho artesian wull.
The drill is now In very liurd blue rock,
unit has reaiilnsl depth, of ovr (UK) feet
with iudiuatious that aii not Considered
K'S'd., ,
Tha Uituilllla Indiana at, scattered
all wr tt: iiiouutaiiis.i says tli Kast
t)i')(oiilitii. Sho-wa-wa la ll the Wal
low valley willi his followers. Yuiiiik
Chicl In in I'liion courtly mid another
lull I y Int. none to the John J'ay, Hom
ily and his mol hava rctunifd iron
Ibelr bn n Iiili trip. ' ' '
The Huletu Btateainan alatKe vor
Hon ol the cumpera anil pleaanr fk'
ftit who have been at iVlliolt Sprinft
are now rettirtiinir, home', owlni( to the
scarlet lover liavuie broken out there.
A bllle child ul one uf 1 the fainilU ar
IwriiiiiK Uuare waa stricken down Aret,
ami avveral c-'hers Lave buen irxaieu
i. Soiiiii iieraon or rorfont have been
makiiiKa practice tl iitilllng up plants
ii'iiu hip nuwur uuns at tlio Airicu turai
eiiiieKe, suya tho Itetitun leader, and
luivii even goiiB to fur as to break Into
the ireeii housv ami take idmits there
f " 'in - Of late several cboice variutle
of llnwera have been taken.
llm custom ivt Kaulu valley, Union
i-ouniy, in to have on the 1st day ol Aug.
est in eaeli yeiir a harvest home picnic
lo which everybody is invited. These
inn least, at wiiicli lluw friMtlv wit and
wisdom, and tlio weary wanderer is
made to fisd nt home. There is no hap
pier con i in unity in the state than the
L'.std people of this wonderful little val
Mr. A. M. Catiiiuti. the Htsikane
hunker, sitya that wdd rat real MUte
.ppciihilions have iniuln money HkIiI in
bis home city, end banks there are not
lending money to "addition" sharpen.
una ih tun cry ail over tlie noruiwext.
We know t nurse who vets but 115 a
month who nays out $.ri of it every four
week, for a lot fiOxKHI nbout thrve miles
from Portland. Welcome.
The Orcgoii Mineral Taint company
ma hout'lit swveral lots in Ix'Unon.
neur the tertiiiniis of the railroad. The
itupuiiy ask a bonus uf the U'hanonitei
bit li will tloitbtless ss raised, when
buildings will be erected. A cooiter-
ago will Ihi estabhiliod and all tlie are
I'liaiu-fs m-fssiirv for the manufacture
of paint will iinnifdialely follow. A
gisnl ar'.i. le of paint is now being turned
out from the mill and the r nter'iriso Is
an assured success.
In view of the nu.t that hi many Ore
gon fanners have of lute been ''done
up" hv slutrpors it is with more than
ordinary pleusuie that Tits Kstiscbisi
prints this Mfrvahing exception to Uie
ge nenil rule from the Stavton Hun of the
-Tut mat: We learn that an attempt was
made not lung since by two sharpera to
bunko Charles Millcr.'the World's Fair
( omuiissioner, living near JefTerson.
As the slorjr g,N-s a fellow called at Mr.
Miller's, who pre tended to have recent
ly been in the banking basinvse East,
untl while talking about a business loca
tion anol lire muii aMX-ared with airuilar
i iicuiiisuncpq () relate. Jlr, Wilier told
them to reet .Hisy, that dinner would
"'sin lie rvady end i.,Uip and be seated.
Mr. Miller dropped on a lounge
aud wiia aoou eiimiug at a 2 :40 gilt.
SOOU llu - -"'flTI1K
.uutl.rr. 1 l.o World's KairCom-
misttitmer didn't snore with one eye
oK-n, hut one ear appeared leeward:
enough was heard to satisfy the old
limner, and he promptly cot up and
told tlm bunkt) iim'ii to "git" and they
"got." ' '
' Hwret SlltMn.
I nm taller fur than Pes.,
Tliuiiith she's atouter, I cont'esa,
And my ahoe-topa nieet my .Irrss,
And my hair
Ib'n.'hi-s fur U'lniv niv waist,
Which Is Just a little "laced,
And many who have taste
Call'nie fair.
Willi tlti Ixiys I niuin'l play,
Mutiiu told me so In day ;
And mv dolls arv given away
hlverv one;
I'm too old to run nlxitit,
Tiny at tan or laugh and about,
1 mum It nrn to 111 pitliout.
Any fun.
If with Cousin Tom I walk
Muiiniia sees me, Ilk a hawk.
And you ouijhl to hear her talk I
Sin !i a kingucl
"You're a schoolgirl Itirtlng, fy !"
Then 1 wish Unit 1 might die,
.Since for any pleasure 1
Am tc'o young.
I'm too old to play with toys,
I'm loo young for'woniau's 'joys,
I'm too oltl to tight tho boys ;
Ami the men
I'm forhitltlen to regard,
J.'st I Bister Hess retard,
And I Iiml it rather hard 1
Now and then.
Tittaburgh Diajtttt'h.
It Pays Ui Attvertlae.
The man who conducts his business
ur. tho theory that it doesn't pay, and
he can't arTord to advertise, sets up his
judgment in opposition to that of all the
best business men in tho world. . Y itb
a few years experience In conducting
a small business of a few thousand dol
lars capital, ho assumes to know more
than thousands of men whose hourly
transactions nggregato more than this
does In a year, and who have made their
millions by -pursuing a course that he
suvs doesn't pav.
,t l V " 1 .l... t- !.
II ouvcrusillg uucrui l pay, wuy is n
that Hie most successful merchants of
everv town, largo ana small, are me
heaviest advertisers? If advertising
doesn't pay, who does the most, busi
ness? If it doesn't pay to advertise,
why do the heaviest business tlrms in
the' world spend millions in that way?
Is it because they want to donate those
millions of dollars to the newspaper and
magazine ntiblisheia, or because they
don't know as much about business as
the six-for-a-dollur storekeeper in a
country town, who says money spent
in advertising is thrown away or do
nated to the man to whom it 1b paidT
Such talk is simply ridiculous, and it
requires no more tbnn the average pa
tience to discuss the proposition of
whether advectisinpf pays or not with
that kind of n man. His complacent
setfeonceit In assuming that he knows
more than the whole business world is
laughable, und. reminds us of the man
who proved that the world doesn't re
volve hy placing a' pumpkin on a stump
and watching it all night.. Kx. : t
' . j ; i , ,, . ti i . J
' Snys tho Telephone Registers The
Chicago Comedy Company, which held
forth in this city last week, were unable
to pay their bills, but through the inter
vention of a personal acquaintance, thev
were able to trunsfor theirchattola to the
next town. Lives of actors and actresses
are made up of striking situations, aud
one of the principal feutures af the drama
is tho net ol going iiroko. . ah great art
ists have been there.' 1 ' -
For Abstracts '
Or abstract work, apply to
' f'-. f i-ntwp. - f .ypis Mstatf,.
to Oregon
I'rei A.orlntlli Well Tlnised
With Tliclr Visit.
lllll.lxirr) Iiiii..iiiciit.
Saturday morninir wo crossed the steel
bridge on the electric cars and were
transferred to tlio motor lino running to
Ht. Johns, on the route to which we had
a good opportunity of observing the won
derful strides that the city of Tortland
Is making into the surrounding country
in that direction. On our return we
took a steamer from Albinu to Oswego
where we ylewed the great iron works
and saw a cast made. The red molten
Iron ran like water Into the moulds pre
pared In the sand, making thu surround
ing air hot like veritable i fades. We
low proceeded to Oregon City where we
anded, and were led by brass hand
along the principal street, accompanied
by hundreds of people across the free
suspension bridge to the I 'lulls on the
opposite side of the town, where we
were made welcome In the name of (be
citizens of Oregon City by llon.J. T.
Apix-rson, president of the Hoard of
Trade, of that place. Here a most
tempting lunch was spread on several
long tables, and we gladly reciprocated
the kindness of our entertainers by do
ing ample justice to Hie delicious viands
Home racy speeches w ere made, and we
left the scene of festivity to investigate
the great work of that ancient city. We
visited the naner and null) mills, the
electric Jiower, the great woolen mills,
and a number of other works which our
limited lime prevented us from entering.
All during tho excursion a business
meeting was in session which hud to bo
adjourned a we landed at Oswego ami
Oregon Lity. Thus ended an entertain
ment of a most stiotitaucoiis. lilierul
and instructive character, which the
press of Oregon will long ami gratefully
remember, and not fail to profit by.
Waihlnftoa Dcin-KTAt.
Iteturninir to Albina. the i,nl
us aboard the L'ndine, bound orOswego
and Oregon City. At Oswego tho visit
ors were shown through the iron works,
tho only pie works ou the Tucillc Coast.
It is a great industry, and one of which
the state may well be nroud. A mod
deal oi its money is paid to residents of
(his county lor cord wood to bo burned
to charcoal, of which it consumes a vast
amount. On our arrival at Hregon City
we wore met by a dclegation.of citiicns,
headed by the brass brand, and escorted
to a pleasant gioveoverlookiin; the locks
and mills. Here an elegant dinner hud
been spread at which tlio guests were
seated. They were then welcomed in a
speech by Col. Aptierson, who told us
what great people we were, ar.d ptu us
in a very good humor with ourselves.
After dinner we were showu a portion of
Oregon City 'a great industries. There
is no doubt that llrvuon C ity will at some
future date, be the greatest manufactur
ing city on the Tacitic Coast. She has
a power that is nowhere equalled, and
it appears to be In the hands of business
men ol broad minds, who understand
that liberality in the encouragement of
great enterprises will enormously in
crease the value of their property. A
el.if IaImui,, f 'ii.i ill, 11 v.r M .1. ,
seeker for information iu regard lo Ore
gon's resources. They are great and
diversified, but one of the greatest is the
water power at Oregon City. Here we
met our old acquaintances, Mr. Puna
Hwltser ond wife, and Chas. Meserve.
of fits Kntkbi'sisk, and wile.
Sllrerton Appeal,
On the third day an excursion on the
same steamer, the "Undine" to Oregon
City and the Oswego Iron Wotksgave
all a still further opporlunitv to nolo the
growth of the state and her towns and
cities in manufacturing plants
Tho old pioneer town at the Fulls
has good reason to be proud of w hat has
already done and what is being done,
and o' the mere prospect that the practi
cally limitless-water power nt her door
will be utilised to tlie building up of
a greater Lowell than Massachusetts can
ever boast of. Woolen mills, pulp and
paper mills, lounderies, electric light
plants and other great enterprises are
rapidly building Oregon City forward and
giving to her Hint place to winch while
she is justly entitled in the economic and
civic system of the slate. The good
people of the old town met the press gang
with band and banners and escorted
them to a beautiful grove on tho west
side of the river where live long tables
fairly groaned under as tempting an army
of toothsome viands as ever tempted the
appetite. Not much time was taken up
in speech milking but those made were
pithy and to the point. Visits were made
to tlie paper mills and other manufuftur
ng plants and at three p. m. the prow of
the "Undine" was turned north.
Ut. ltt'l.u'l Mist.
Everyone was satisfied with the treat
ment they received at the hands of Tort
landers. Hospitality was never dished
up in a more appropriate manner by
more liberal ami kind-hearted pcoplu
than that received lust week by the quill
punchers of Oregon from tho citizens of
our grand metropolis. Nothing was lett
undone which would impress on the
minds of the visitors that a royal greet
ing awaited them everywhere! To tho
committee in charge, Messrs. Casey,
Samuels and Allen, much credit is due
for theexcellent manner in which every
thing was arranged ; to the management
of the Hotel Tortland many thanks are
extended for the magnificent manner in
which they looked altor their guests, and
to the other citizons who did so much to
wards aiding in the success of the con
vention ana tho entertainment of its
members we can only say many thanks.
At Oregon City the excursionists were
tendered a grand reception in a way
which spoke volumes for that enterpris
ing little city, and their generosity i s
greatly appreciated,
Oervalt Star.
Aftor dinnor some two hours were-
siient In visiting the paper mills, elec
tric light plant and other business en
terprises ot tlio citv. Tho locks and
dams by which boats are enabled to
pass the falls were objects of great inter
est while the falls themselves received
much attention. At half past three nil
went to Portland, well pleased with
Oregon City, her people and hor busi
ness enterprises ami fully impressed
witn me iiiea mat uie tuture ot the city
as a manufacturing center, was bnirht
Hoquiam Kepubltean.
This meeting was truly a round of con
tinued pleasures, and has gone a long
way to make the country editors bettor
acqusintod with the beautiful and pros
perous city of Tortland, nnd its neighbor
Oregon city. The editors returned to
their homes with a most friendly feeling
for the metropolis of the state, and they
will each and all look back to tho meet
ing of lS'.K) as one of the brightest events
in their lives.
Park Place is Popular Property.
- tw.,'f :mivrmimm't