jt,L. CLACKAMAS COUNTY Is tho grout manufacturing center of tbe siaio Iron ro, wood and free water power exist in imhiiustihle quantities. She has more man ufacturing establishment than nil other counties in the state combined. CI.ACICAMAH COt'N'I'V Mil tho most varied resource of any comity' In tho stale, Clnckaiuu comity wlic-ut curried away tli prize ut tli Cenlenlul Exposition an the HtuIrO Fair. Fruit ami vegetable productions nro UllHlirjlMMMwl. j H 1.. 21-NU 10. OIUSOON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, .UNJUST 21, 1800. I'JUCE 5 CENTS. ENTERPRISE, t" he Enterprise. ilihct ICvery Tltumdiiy, WWII Of CLACKAMAS COUNTY. i,l'HSCHll TION KATICM, tlVUnK tN .U'VVNl': ir - S t r.;!. 1 on m'll.ll .... ft n-hn: talis xiwu on application, ;v:,!.s County Directory. ml MY OKKHKItK. . S. MeMrani. j.r1- i Cent 1 -M II. H. Jolinmti, W. W. H. Samson. W. T. Whltlock. S. It. Calirt. , v , John W, Nobis, i - .;, iuti ml. IU Alex. Thomson. i, Sidney Smyth. . ,., I Charles Muliiik. 1 ' '' ' Cornelius Hair, OO ..Lr'tS.iN CITV OKKICKHS. 11 t,.r ,:,U r ...Tho. F. Kvn. L, I- I'u'rter. .8. K. Ureen. F, li. Churnian, ... A.J, l)rwuMr. 0. K. Ittirna. . . . C. HllllOOck. W. II. Howell. t-v-e' m ti . r 1 vl'.'' p.' .i:i , I .iii'III-MiHHT '. 1 I el U .1 er Works HHM II M KM. I!. t .i rV.l, CIi.il Atliev, C. J. Parker, i" I . Cioirmim, K. t. Warren, J. It. t vinkuli, J. V. O'Connell, TIIK MAILS. ... '-'- emu liorlli, X ., ., 2:'.M I". M. iU.i i.ij!HtlU, !; v. .,tl:lVe, . S'liK KOVtl i-.'. 'it i, i MiilatU. Mulino.Carna and . ... a tea-..-, at Monday, ; .ri.l I relays, and return on -.1 ; ; .: 'i.i . . i'i;v In Mink. I'liirkt, Miilino, Vu- i :. ii 'I Mr l HrvHik: l.cavtn tt i. m .n.ilv. Wi'lmxliiy ami KruUy, I h .i 'in liillnuiiig ily. TliAVKLKKS iiflUK. - i viiri.x rvi'it'if Tuns. ,. : . .,.. ; l'.T'.i.ni.l: Arriv.-s t V. a. a. i i . . .U-i..- tr-m S.nisli: !:t3 a. tt. mul i: 1 MX V - l.rti.N V. il, Irave Orv)Mii I'itv. !::. M. : . M. t :( f. M. r. H. li Si r. . ii:i no Way 1. muling".. Way l.aiulinc. si NUVt. :J A. M. S:l r. M, II :U) f. M. . ' .' '. -- . I - ., l.;tl.i:i : x. I "I I. M, i ' i.i ; : 11 I'. . ' . I'M'. M. r All.' I ..i.nm - :ociety Directory. nrririni l."!;c, I. 0. 0. F. 1 HfdifiTi- I imr- liy vrn ,. at 7:90 o'clurk ri Nit iic'il lelli'W.' Hull, Main iul ii'-' T' I !.t.' ur.kT are iiir llej lo alteud. il. :.-r ..I J. J Cmike. .N. il. ,51 1! t ! i.i i ti l.niU't". '(. 1, A. V.t A. M. ;l I- it" r.-'iiar ci'mmiiiuratlout on Ural i.iiiiil itnr.liiys if wacli ui'.tiih at 7. 3D p. M. 'f..:i 'i. iii .'i'.l xirtiiilitiK ar invited u aitcnil. A. K ll.WI.1, W. il.. I. AC K K K MAS, Secrelary. Li.li- rot t). 2, U. A It , Dfpart. mi'iil ul Mn-Koit. Sieii i'.rt Kri.lHf of every oioutb, at 7;) K jiii i i Kil..tta' Halt. Urrjiili Clly. irr.ii A. IIVKKt.su. CummauJrr. a.u t itv i.oiiiri r i. "o. i'. wT M i .:- itv .1 ami li.urlh KrMay even- .!it.'. i I .:'... LulliliiiK. All ojuurutun eL.ir. u i "i t. uiv invited li. alleml. Urt. ttll.kl.SSON, M. W. SUNDAY SERVICES. HU-i i iiNi.i;l-.(iAIIINALCHl'KCll.-Kl. w l.i ... I'l-l-.r let men at It . M. and i r -i'iI i ri. h.n.l aller inurulun aer I'luti iiireium Weilnrn.lay venln( at . .' I'r i i-r Meeting ul Yumif People.! v.r , .'i riirlitiiiit Kniieavur evury Huuilay .:. il '. ireiuiil. Hi.:- i I! M l HI' t il t ltC II. -IUV. 1 C, KlAD ii r M "iiiui! Service at 11 w): Sunday u.-.i.i! l: 1 1, l.venliiK !.ervii' .'); Keular 1.. - i. iSi'.liii'ii.liiv evenliiK. Monthly I- i. i liiui eiery ttednemlay eveului . i. i. i'i" hrt liuuilay In the mouth. A ::,:.i. i. livinii tu all. -f Idii:. -t i ll! UCII. CATHUl.lC.-Kuv. A. .. 1' iiiiir. (u Sunday uiaaa at aud i . h. inTiintii aiiriuou fimt and third al:r i 'i .'ii!! iimiitli at H u'clnck roaia. li. ii . 'l ul I Mi r. a. Veapera aud :.i i:i".. .Hi iii .w r. a. il f I -i I'. K. ClU Kail -ltev. J. M Dim : id r: t-ir rt.Tvlce every Sunday at 11 :W i ; , .. .'ii'i'H mul Weilucday !( at 7 HO .' .::i'lty nrllnul at 10 uo St. Haul ! i;.. i i i i -ul ih ; Bt-rvlre eacrli alternate Suu- l I ."J i n.'.irk. IDiil.iHlsl KI'ISCOPAL CICP KCII. K lis rir.-.N-. 1'itntur. MornliiK wrvlce at 11; u !i M'.'im.i at VlXr, Kveiilnitervlc at7:). i:i.' .!i-' mcetlin Tilemlay evrnliij at 'i i't i . it MiM'ting I hurmlny eveulng at 7 .'Ml. '.ii. i. r- . ..I'll illy Invited. !l:-r IMSK-ihVlKICf AN CIU'KCH.-Kev. (1. i.iii i-; . I'l-tur. hervloea at 11 A. a. and i t il. - I'l.illi Si'lliinl at 10 a. a. Yoillif 'i' i; .- i n ly ( hrlntlall Kndeavor inceta r- --.ill iv i-vniiiK at au. Wedueailay II: it .)i r iiii iitinn at Hcata Iran. Nu '".ii.iK .'.l..'ll. Professional Cards. : um vi. K. H. cowmo. iOVlNG & COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All im .'. i,.:furi! I'nited HUlea land olllcei a it'Oliitv. tEi)N ;IIY. - - - 0KKC10N b. & d. c. lTatou rette, ATT0RO3 AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Main stiikkt, okkoon citv, ohkoon. iriilili Ali.trneta of Title, loan Money, Fore- ie MurtinKi:s, and trannact Ueneral l.nw itunlneaa. G. E. HAYES, 2NEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, trcon, City- Oregon. Ollifo up talr tienr Court Home F.O. McCOWN, Attorney at Law. Oicoii City, Oregon. JniJ Business a Specialty. A. MemuiiU. A. 8. PKKBHKR. McBRIDE & DRESSER. Attorneys at Law. ii' O in .a'iir lilock, Oregon City, Or. J. W. POWELL, M. D.( Physician and Surgeon. HVvti.u. U, k' " .' ""ll ' '....A Ml M.nrtnutl '-'i'. Iilni'k. k.iiiksi k: Water Mreet biwk of Charroan Illid'K 'KK'iON CITY. OREGON. T. H. HORN, 1 Vloiise and Sign Painter. Paper Hanging a Spocllty. Anting done in all its branche. Leave ordor at the post-offic Shop alrear of the JjiOBt-ofDce. w,T. t Kiv, t.T. haiim, j, w. iiairia. m um, luuiN a Dn.vruK, ATlX)RXKYS.AT-tAV. Omnium. City, - Orkoon. 1 ymra niv-rlem-a rfiilalur of Hit l'. S, land ntllit! hew rwutnnivntt n In our vllty of Mil klmla of buainra twforti tli land oHliie ami the t-iirta, ami Involving tit (uiti'tie in tliv gima laml ollK-. -, ii. ivi:. ATTORN K Y-AT-I.AW AND NOTARY PUBUO. Orru i Corner Main and SUth atreata, 4 Wulii Oregon t:liy Hauk. r. r. wiuTt. W. A. WHITI WHITE BROTHERS, Practieal JrehUct$ J- Builders. Will prpar plana, tlavatlotu. workliif da lalla. and aelllealliia lor all aiuda ol uulld ln MiHH'lal attentlim alvan la miolern aol lKe. Katliualea luruUhod on aidlatiim Call on or add rwa WillTK HHON , Oro cay, 0 J. m. km & m. -OKAI.ER.S IX- Uooks and Stationery POST OFFICE DUILDINC, ORKUON CITY, OREUON. D. J. SWITZER & CO. ABSTRACTS A IT ID Heal Estiito- norra of CnUr luml A Imrnain, Orir in Kmthphiii lluiKliii. J. Bv DROCKENBROUCH Attorney at liavv, iLato SW1 Antof Oenerai Ijtsd Oltli-e.) Oregon City, Ongon. IKmioatriail, lWvuiiidion and TimlnT IjaiiiI Aiilii tion, and othnr Ijtml Ollii t) Uiininean, a Specialty. OFKICE: 2iidFlIIo7"chnnan ltro. ltlovk, ailjoining U. 8. IjiihI Oitke. Merchants Exchange. Main fttrMt, Oregon Clljr Oreon. KltVS CON8TAKTLT ON HAND Till bt brand of Llitiora, H'luea and Ctiara InthaClty Seep In and Iry Ih new Milliard Tabic Alto luiiHirted Mllaatikea. ( hlcain aud boo Beer i. TKKXHAfll fronrletor HOUSE MOVING. Renner & Davis, THE Practical House Movers, will tlo all woik in tlioir line prociptly and autiNfactorilv. AiMrou, KKNSEK& DAVIS, Orcoo City, Orogon. LUMBER! FOR FIRST CLASS LUMBER CO TO Geo. S. McCord's Milt on Mt. riensunt 2 vjiiles south of Oregon City. A. WALKER. Painter, Kalsominer, and Decorator, Is irepnred to attend promptly tc work entruBwd to liim. Fatronage resptrctfully solicited. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. tOCATKO BETWEEN THE BKIDOE AND DKPOT. Dinililo nnd Single RiL-s. and sad dle horse always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn lor loose bwck. I utiiin ro-iinlilllf inv kind ol stot:k promptly attnntlud to by person or letter. Horses Bought and Sold. M. H. Fliuaxnri. J. P. Hill, Flanagan & Hill, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE. KERFS ON HAND THE BEST bei.rc I ion of Wli ea, Liquor, Alt, Beer. Ac, to bt i..n in th Stat. In LomiarEaatbam ulott Olve m a call. HALE AND HALE ON DRAUOHT, FOR SALE, 40 acres with name locality, finely Improved, for ale choap. One of tho good farms or Liacna mas county within two miles of Oregon City in a fine state of culti uation. Also land in Clackamas county, near new motor line. Fine for farming. Terms easy. F. 0. McCOWN & CO. The Cliff House, John Bittner, Prop., Oregon City, - Ore. The LEADING HOTEL of the city. The table supplied with the best the market affords. Rooms large and well furnished with comfortable beds. Sample Boibi for Commercial Twiltri. BANK OF OREGON CITY Paid up Capital $50,000. rHksmiiNT THOMAS CHAR MAN. Cakiiikh ( HAS. ILCAUKIKLO. Manaukm K. L. EASTIIAM, Denoalta reni'tved auli)eii to rheek. Aiiriived lillla and nmea illaeoauled t'ounty and vily warranta IiouhIiI. t.oane mado on avallahle aetnirlty. Colleettoni made routilly. Iiralta aold on t'orlland, San PnuiflxHi.Ciilra- o. New York, and all irluilial vllloa ol Ku- ro, TelvKraphld axeliainiea anlit on Cortland, Man Frauelavo, Clili'an i and Aew York. Interest rattl on time Misrolliiwi: For three montha, 4 per rent per annua, for inouilia. 6 per eent. per annum. Fur H uiomlia, i per cent, per aitiiunt, Tlmt WrtlSealea ol tlepmite payahl ion de mand, but latere. t forlvlted II drawn belorf udol term ol depoalt, . CITY BATHS AND Tonsorial Parlors. AIR CUTING' nHAMPOOING AIR DYEING J INGL'ING. Sh.irj Kazorstt ('loan Towels Ladies' and children' Imirouttiug a siKH-ialty. Hot or cold imths at any time. 25cts. BATHS 25cts. W. C. GREEN, Opposite the Post Office. If you are in nw-d of a llariuvui, Saddle, UriilU'.or 1u'iiuih, you oanaavo inoney hy rallint! on me. Fine HuuiiV Httnu'Sii- and StiH'k Suillli'K m tila to onlor. Whether you want to buy or not ben in town rail on mo. THE BLUE FRONT Harness Shop. Also Aitont (or tho Celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Willamette Heights ! ONE MILE FROM THE Suspension Hridge ON TIIK WKSTSIHK. A Fine Chance to Invest I3ST Acre Property. Inquire of McCOWN & CO. LLVESAY k SHUTE, Clackamas, Or. DEAI.KIW IN FLO UK, FKKD, OKA IN A (JOHN MKAL. Agents fur Clackamas aiu7 Or. cgon City for tho Col umbia Flour. ALSO Ktrp on hand Kustic Fooring, ('oil ing and all kinds of Finish ing Lumber, Dressed Fence Tickets of all sizes. CHOICE Columbia Ce dar Shingles. CLACKAMAS "HEIGHTS." "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" is divided into 70, two and ono-half, a ii.l den onrn trniit.M. It is located on tho heights overlooking the Clackamas; lienoo us name, u is oKnnf Him miln from Court House and One-half mile from tho city limits, ilio comity roau crosses "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" which makes it easy of access, being about twenty minutes walk from the centre of Oregon City. "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" lies in Oregon City School district, and purchasers can have the advan tage of sendinc their children to a irnriil. twilled Tillblic school. The Boil is good, the Location very healthful, all Fruits and Vegetables vinld abundantly. Terms one-third down, and balance in one year at eight per cent. For lurlner panic ulars inquire of E. E. CHARMAN, City Irug Srp MWiFarirs The Commercial Dank, OK ORKUON CITY. CAPITAL 1 100.000. TramacU a oanaral lanklng suilnaii." tioaua mad. Illlla dlieonnleil. liakea rol teollona. Hiiv. and anil a eii'lialiae on all point. In the Itulled State., Kurop and Hona Knn lieiioalla reil"iid aitlileet lo vhei'k Interim al li.ual ralea allowed oil time detioalla. Hank open from a. M lo i r. a, aaluniay avtuinia trout ti lo 7 r. M. D U. LATOt'KKTTR, PraMnl. r. K. DuNAI.I'SoN, Caihlar WOOD TURNING A.nsriD - SCROLL SAWING. Parties desiring Wood Turning, Vat turns, liraekets, or Shop Carpenter's Work ' Will t Suited by Calling on Ma. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER, a. II. BESTOW, W"Olp. Hie Congregational Cliurtli' THE LINE OK GROCERIES IN THE CITY. Call and Examine MY I'RICES. Twel'.li and Main S'.a , Oregon City. Money to Loan. In sum of I tOO.OO to $.V,um Jas 1'. Shaw, Itenl Estate and Financial agnnt, Oregon City, niKile I'oat ollice . loriri: i ok im iii.K A'i iot. t'NiTan STtria Land Ornri. OkauoN City, Or., May U, i NnuV la hereby alven that In compliance wild ih. jirovl.lona of thf a. l of ea.uirea. of JiiiieU, l7, entitled -An aet for Ih aaleul Urn ber lauda lu the State ol California. Orea-oit, Nevada, and Vtaahlinftoa Terrl tory." Man Jeiiwn of Aln.lel. eonnty of wla, alat f Wahlli(tua, ha Ilil. day nie.1 In Ilil. oltio 111. .worn alalenieiil No .I'-V lor Ih puri'lia.eol the SK i.ol Seoilon No la, In Tuii.lili No t South, katif So 7 Kat. and will offer proof to .how that th land mnillil li aior valualil for It llmlwr or .ton. than for airteollura! purMa. and lo e.l.b II. h hi. claim lo aald land befnr th refine aud receiver of thlaoAe at Orei Clly, or., on Tueaday, Ih Wrd day of aeptemlwr, liwu. II namea aa wlinea.ea: Frank llaulou aud Man. Auderton of Mill Falla, lwla county, V.iliiti.n; W A CaU.rn aud N J Welch of forllaud, tirenmi. Any and all oeraona cUlmlnf adveraely Hi aiMive de.crllied lauda ar renue.ie.1 to fll their claim. In Ihla nitic on or before .aid gtrd day ul September, l"VU J. T. Am.KSON, VI HefUter. TIMIIKK LAND, ACT JI'NK l.WK ioi io: t on i'i iii.k atio. I'stTitp Statu I.AS0 Orrirt, I likie.ios Citv, Or., May Ti, IstW.I NOTICE i lieri'liy glvrit t tint In compll- am-e Willi the provision or tne act ol t ou- Kre or June .H, IS7S, enlillcl "Ail act for the anle of liinlierlnnila in the Hlnlca of t'al ilornlu, (in'Kon, Nevada, and Wualiinitton Territory," Arthur lllnhmw of HimhI Itiver, County of Waarn, HlHle of Ori'iron, hua Ihla ilnv 'filed In this ollice hla aworn itnlcini'iit So, 'Jiati, for the piirtlniM) or the N Kol'NW H soil K H of 8W '4 of Kcc Hon Mi. .ti, III lowiianm nil. i noiitn, II V.. y L'u. ..,.1 ...ill ,.H ..Mw.r . uliow Unit the luml aouitht la mora valuable for lla tinilHT or atone than for airrlt'tiltiiriil piiriHinca, mul lo citulilii.il In claim lo aaiil Iniiil iH'fore the ItcKiater and liccclver of Ihia ollice ul OriKiiii City, Urcson, on Wcilnewhiy, the iUth tiny ol hepieniiier, Iwai He iiiinioa aa wltncMai.B : M. L. Ijiv. j. ('. Iiirera. I., K. Morae, and I Ncnlilli, all of Hood Itiver, Wanco county, Or. Any ami all ix-moiia cluliiiliiK adveraely the lilKive ih'.iTlla'd land, are reitieateil to llle their rlniins in thia ollice on or before said 2llli liny of September, ISIkt. j. i. Al l r.nmin, 0-111-8 21 IteKlalcr, TIMBER LAN I), ACT JUNE 3, 1878. lOTKi'. I'OK nilll.ICATIO.il. t'siTan Stats Land Orric. ( Oh so os City, oi May 17, lsyft j Nollco la hereby given that In compliant with tho provlaloiia of th act of ConireM uf June a. I, entltliil An act for the aal of tlin- ber landa In the statea ol :alllrnla, oreion, Nevaila and Wa.tiinffton Terrltorv." tliaa S. Steveua of Aberdeen, county of Chehalli, Stat of Wanhlurtiui, haa till, day Sled In till, olllc hi aworn tatemeut No. 'iihti, for the pur eliaa of the SK H ol Section No. 10 In Tuwn abip No, i South Rang No 7 Ka.l, and will ofler proof to alio that th laud aoiignt la more vaiuaui lor n tiinoer or Ion than lor agricultural purpoaea and tu tabllnh hi. claim to aald land belor th Keg later and Itecelverof Ihla olllc at Oregon Clly. Oregon, on Thtiraday the IHlliday ol September, m. lie namea aa wltneaaea: J K Alllmin. l( II Hatea of Aberdeen, Waahlngton; W A Ca born and N 1 W elch of Portland, or. Any and all iieraoua claiming adveraely th above dcacrlbed landa ar rtuiieated to Al their clalma lu thia olllc on or before aald lath day of sepumkur, law). T. AffKKSON, -l-S-al Keeiater. TIMllF.lt UND ACT JUNE 1, 1878, OTI4'K I'OK tvm.U'ATIO.V UsiTsn HTATKa f,Asn Orrti n, I oiikuuh uit, or., May n. xm. Notice li hcrcliy given that In eninpllanoo With th iirovlaiotia ol Ih act of oougreHi ol June H, lsts aiitlllcd An act for th aal of tim ber landa lu th Stnlea of California. Oregon, Nevada and Waahlugtou Territory." Frank llanlon, of l.lltle Kalla, County of l.ewli, Slate of Waalilnglon haa thia day Sled In thia olllc hla aworn ataumteut No, mfts, for Ih purohaae ol th NK ' of Section No. W, in Townahlp No. 'iHotith, Kiinga No 7 Knat, and will nlTer proof to i how that the land aotight I mora valuable for lla Umber or (ton than for agricultural purpnaiia and to tabllah hi claim to aald land before th Kegiater and Receiver of Una olllc at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tueaday the lrd day of September, 1HU0 II namea aa wit ne.Mii: liana Jemen, of Alnalcl, I.wla Co, Wiiahlngton; Ilmia Auderaon, i.ittle falla, l.cwla county, Waalilngtom W A Cabom and N J Welch of Portland, Oregon. Any and all pemnna claiming adveraely th above -deNiiribed landa at requested to file their claim in tbli ollice on or before aald Xlrd day of September, 1WK) . J. T. APfKHSON. o-lli--'iI Keglatcr. Iotle for l'lilillecatlon. CiitTti) Htatk La tin Orrics, I Oitsuon CItv, Or., July 7, ISM.) Nellce II hereby given that the following named letller haa AM notice of hla Inteutlon to make Anal proof In aupportof hla claim, and that laid prnoi will be mad betora tne regta- tur and receiver ol the U. 8 Land Olllc at ( ),re- gnn City, Oregon, on Thtiraday, Augtiit W, 1HU0, vlr: Itobert Coutier, liomeatead Entry, No. MM, ....!.. 1 il B i , I . U ... mm OH 11 m l.ir Ml. , C, 1. u, V, n, V. any . Q ., r 8 e. He namea the following wllneiiM tfl prove ooiiiiiiuoiiB ruaiueuce ot'ou, auu. uuitiva (ion, aald liiml.vlt: T. a. Morgan, 0. 0, Arm lining. B (!. Uh I and A. Ketchtlon, al) ol Viola V. O.i Clacliamai county, Oregim. j.T.Ari'KasoN, 7-s-D-ll Kesialar . . 1 I NoUt Istsikg, rondpt books, elr,, nt, IIiIn ollUe, well gotten it i mid noiit ly bound. Hawed SIiIiikIi'm fur miln In nu'louil lots. liKjiiire of I). J. SivlUi'r. .Soatoiintl flooring, coilitiK, riistlo, uml Miigh liiinber In (inutilities to suit, at JoncV Inill. AiIdrwHN J. A, Juskm, i Oitigon (illy. .. i ;';wi' i.;.ir l'aik I'lanei Is I'opiilur Property. No. 1 an Win! shingles in nir loud luU lmviadsbliii(ls In largo itiniitilies. v quire el II. ,1, 8witv.nr. Till riAi s To ihiv.- llioh nnd dry olosti toropiod Miotiii line, near en nnery and ww mill, Clni-kiitiins llelnbts Is tb Ideal home. Lois m) uinl V0 ; fill down! Utluiiee weekly payments of one dollar eaolt. rrlee will iiilviinco .May nrst. I'ars Plttt'H Is ropiilnr I'Mpurty. Farm for lain of I'.'l 'u iieros, fi'a miles from Oregon Citv ami 17 miles (torn l'...ll-.,.l . .!) !...... ... I . ,. I ...II, Ail . Ul , ...in ,1 fiiim , ..m. mnn, . acre ii lulu r fuuea ; .'HI aures In iiinmlow, oret.'tU, to. x Also one of Ii5 aerra par tially Improved, adjoining tlio above tract. Will sell on bent of lerins. Ad dross, V, 0. McCown A Co. If TnnmiH Nnlleei, Largo sire, on etolb, and pluin, nt tlio ENmiellll'l! (ll'r-lt'K, Notlre, TIlH CUIIltV HH.H..I ll tt'lll III! Ill lltl. Ill fleo every Snliirdity inilii further notice. 4 . tv, umim.is, i otimy AMMiiNaor. Atlenllon Tcufliers. IleiHirtment i-tirds, gianl fur tlneu months Complete, mul mi omul curd board. For siilo ut Hits olllro, Semi lor samples, The Whltock Mute. T. V. Ryan, Ihn uigiien of tho Whit- link Stoto would full the iitlenlioii ol those persons to whom he hits sent ataloiiii tit ol their amiuttta, and hIho thosti who know theuou'lvc lobe in debted to snld store, Hint they must cull on him at bis ollice in lrivii t'lly, nnd tlio Die SHttlii on or befnro tho l ith day of Augtiat, A. !., l.s'st. Slrujetl. A tWiHver-old Imv llllv, slruved from M.W. Randall's lutiu ulxmt July 1st Anyoiin reluming ber to (he ulmvo men tioned furin will ho comiietiHuti. I, 'l.ia I'. It nuai.i,. for Sale. One of the lineal pntirie litrms in (Mitck- ainua ion nt v . lolly imnroved mul in llrst-t'lass ciiii'lilinii. On liiiuoos Mnl.illu prairie, near line of I'oillitiid and Silver ton raiiruud survey. It is a hurifiiiii V. O. Mi I'owN A t'u Oregon City, A Xpc 'iiliillnii. Kino residence projH.ilv in Oregon l ily IxH'oiiiiiig Very doairiiblis The N. V Itaiiilrtll reaidimeo tirolierlv bus In en aiiliiliviihul into bits, and will l sold (or f.fiO Bimce As s.m ss tli.-y bitve nil Ihhiii wild there will be it ih uw Dig lo ilu- lormlno who ahull gel the rcnli'in'e. Here is a spleiitlid opiHirttinily In gel a 1(100 realdemu, with two lots (tee inn nioet desiratilu l"iriluii ol lliecilv. Stit li uptsirtnuities wetir only once In a lile time. Tim lot on which the dwellings aland -sill b-a 100 feel sipiato. Kor lur ther imrtictilnis aiplv to liVAS .V UA.NOAI I.. I'ark I'luro Is l'opular I'roperly llcnlilt mid l.oin.'cWtr. lie A Wiir.inl Hull's llvjicllic Ti.iuIiiiiiL fur Iho iH.riiiiiiiiiiit cure of dis- oases witiioilt either nieiliriiie, electricity or costly appliances Works m period harmony with tho laws ol limine. r-..ui M ii'MM'tiMiii "extnt" which gives the history o! the physiological discovery. Semi lor ctrciiiuis ut my ex pense, l'rico ol llenllh I'utiiphlet 14.110, Atlilress, J u . iiioMAs, Muliillii. Or. A Fine Fnrm. SroPl If you itro wauling a lino farm, hero is your chance. ItHI ucres, three miles from Oreiion Citv, one mile from Clackamas Heights, where town lots are selling for -,70 each. Oood house, barn, woodshed, mot house; .1(1 seres cleared, tiuod timber, nettr saw mill : well and springs never dry. Will sell farm, or farm fttid slock. For pur- liculnrs cull at this oldco. Clly Tax Notice. All lines due Onwin Cilv under gen eral and speeiul levy, lire now tine mul payable at tho ollice ol s. u. ttreeti, city treusurer. All luxes not pintl by SobtcmlMT 1st, will I reltirneil ileliu- qiient and costs milled I hereto. S. K. ini tx, Cily Treasurer. Iltntrdor ljiinliziilliiii. Noticn is hereby L'ivi n Hint the Hoard ol Etiiulitation of Cluckuiiiits county will meet ul Hie v oiin iiottm! in virt;"ii Cll.i n 1,.,.I,.U K.illllllllllllC l.'i Wial. VIIJ.uii ...iniiii j , . .- , lor the pun oso of t-nuuli.ing tho assess- nient of lHtMt. All chums (or corrot tions must be made before tho Hoard . J. , noiii.k, Assessor, TcHclieis' i:iiiiiliiiilloiii. Nutice is hereby given, thai for tho niieiviMo nf innkiiiir an exuiiiiiiiitioii of ail persons who limy oiler themselves us usnoidutes ltr leiiclieisoi mo seiiuols ol this county , tho count v schonw stiperm tviidont thereof will bofd n public exam ination ut the court bouse in Oregon City, commencing ut 1'.' M. August M7(h, 18IMJ. Dated this 1Kb dity of August, IH'.M), Al.KX. Thomson, County School Siiperinlmitleiit of Cluck amus county, Oregon. I'ark Place Is Popular l'ropei ty, Nollcc. My entile luw and money lending business will bo carried on us usual tltir ng my absence from tho state. Air. A. H. Dresser will btivo cliiugn of it., W Caiiuv Johnson, ( kenp Ln nil Fur Sale. 1 Choice funning land, throe miles from Orogon Clty.ln from 10 to IDO-aore tritcls at 25.00 to 1)0.00 per iteto. Cull on or address, Ryan & Uumlall or J. 1). Rknnick, Orevnn City, Wan I til. To contract for the delivery of 1,000 cords of wood for fuul, I'yr further in formution, cull at our ollice nt works. WlM.AMKTTK Putd'A 1'Al'KR Co., Oa.DKitr K. Smith, Huperiiiteiulont. Wool Wanted. On and after May lillli the OiegonCity Woolen mill will be prepared to buy wool for which tlmy pay tlio highest uTSKfit Di'ico. Ity order ol tho 0. C. M. Co. For Side. 820 acres of luml, 8 mllos from Oregon Oily, at (10 per acre, Apply to 1), J , Hwitzkh, STATIi ANDGliNIiRAL News Items I'lipiial from Our lix- clidiinis Ami llolli'd Duo ii for tlio Di Ii i'IiiIIoii of Our Iti'ittlcr. The Heiiulu bus passed a bill uppro iiriiiiliig tlitl,l)i)i),iiiii) for rivers nnd liar Inns, The mill lullciy bill bus pusscd tlio li'UIMi. Siime ol Iho meitilsos Ol ( oil glens i l.iim Hie bill is liiicolislltutloliiil. t'oiitraels have been sluiied for I lie erection of the new St. Helen's hull at roiflund. , Mrs, Henry Ludiges, of Cattmspiutrie, was found deud by her husband last week, sitting on a clittlr In tho house. Thomas Sinllb, of Klii kllut countv, klllt'd a bhn k bear weighing bOO poutuls oiibday last week, A the near 1'liitiliuiiln on Wednesday of lust week destroyed the house and barn of llui vuy Jlrow:;. Tho roudlied ol tho Northern Pacific bus Ih'oii taxed by thn Kittitas county commin.-iioiier at (oOO.lKKI. Nano'ni Fields, of (irunt county, wus adjudged iiisiillit lliat Week, nnd Will bo t.tkeu lo the asylum. The stuto ugrlciilluiii! collog will hold it dinner's In -litulu ut (iruuls I'ans, Atig tiet.:l mid .lilh. Preparations nr being made to coin ineiice uindiiig on tho Portland A Coua liny ruilroud. The Piirillc Fxpri'SH coiiiiuiuy lost I'lil.OiK) on the MiKsotiri l'ucilli: railway early Sui.dity mnriilug nenr Tipton, Mo. I lie tiiiin w as held up by robbers Tho Calapoolit Is lower tiiiin It bus been fur years, notwithstanding tint heiivy aiio'w lull of lust winter and Spllllg. Seven logging camps ul Westoort uro nil Imsy polling 111 luii. It is eslnnttted Hint their couihineil output will reach l.'i,tkli),(kKJ. William C, liri'wu, of Dullus, Polk unity baa uncle an oiler to furnieh half ol Iho capital fur the building ol a new court hotiNU ut 1 1 int il.ice, under cut tain proviHion. leu'llolon liiliiuie: Ills lirelly hard lo tell which Ih tliucauiu uf the inoetdis- guat ul Portland, their badly botched cciiKtls or tin ii lcicatiKly defeuted base lull! ('lull. An linuno puticut from Malheur coun tv was taken tu the iixvltnn lust wtsk. He ia u ('iiniuliiiu, iiged '.'il voir. Dime tiuu'U cuuned his iiiMiinity. Tho mull i laiins lo ! tho lost ChuJley Ross. It is now rumored thai the great Ninth ern railway w ill be extended into Cali fornia. Railway ullicuiN admit thai the road is us able lo build into California as any of tlio great Western roads. Tho lemiiliis of John C. Wells, the liiakeiinui recently killed on the I'nioli I ai illc, have liccn Ititcrrcil ut linker t'lly under the auspicoa of tho lotlgo of Odd I clluws ul that place. John (iieiiu'er one of thu early settlors on Khcu creek, died ut his homo lind I uemlay, liom blooil poisoning. A few days ugo ho run u splinter uf wood into liis thumb uud fuilud to remove It. Raker Citv 's iH-ing visited by a crowd ol very loiiuh cliuraclon.. The gang con siels of about uight perilous, four ol whom, tin) lieinocrut says, ant languish ing behind the bars ol (lie city bastile. The I'nion county Industrial Kuwait bus Ih cii oigaliiAcd Its objects aro to udverliso the re-niurces of I'nion coiiuly, both ut home mul uluo.id, and to secure the heel market for Its products. Some Elleusbiirg hooilluins got full of beer hint Sunday and alteinpled to ciii tore the town. Alter a hard Unlit they were landed in j.ul and puid (10 each for their ulitilHcnictit The citi.eii.i of tint high bridge on the old I'.llis logging road, near Olyinpiu, mo considerulily excited over Iho pios ii.h Is of teuring it il iwu in clearing its right ol wuy. Another stage held up nnd robbed near l.ukoview. The rubbers secured f ill from the imssungors, but there was nothing of value in thu mail bug or ex press box. The Prince of Wales is said to lean aciiinsl liberalism in polities, and has been utvtng ulinniit undivided utliMitloii to Iho alliiiis of state and all social duties oiinected with the sovereignly. Woik is progressing finely on the lingo boom across bum St. Helens nt the in hi I It of Lewis river. Tlio boom will exleiid nearly to tho breakwater and it w ill take about another mouth to put in tho plug There is considerable discontent among the petiole who have to travel over the roud leading from I'nion to Rig reek via lclocuset, owing to tho (act the new road around Lyon's hill is left Incomplete. Fninia, a li-yeitr-old daughter of Wil liam Nye, nf Colombia City, wus drowned last Sunday while playing on the rtvor bank. Her II year old brother fell in with her but he was saved by a Mr, Ilonser. The gill's body was recovered. Aunt liana, aged years, and well known lo old residents of Walla Wulln, died on Wednesday evening ut Rt Mary's hospital. The cause ol death was old ago and continued illness from rheuma tism. Two men were utiested in Walla Wulla Thursday, who uro thought to bo the men who have lately boon stealing in the Tucanon country. They hud a band of steers in their possession when ar rested. Two French biologists huvo concluded that microbes uro not killed directly by the electric currents ordinarily used in medical work, but that tho observed de struction of bacteria has been duo to tho disengagement, ol acids or of oxygen . Tho children ot H. W. R. Jones, of (Imvais, w ho was recently buncoed out of (0000, havo applied to tho county court to huvo a giiiirdiuu appointed for tlio old num. They claim that ho is too old to look ufter his property. Chares E. Meech, of Portland. luiU been appointed special agent to niuke ro- euiiiiioration ol tho census ol Alultnutmih count v. in conjunction with bisjciuI agent John D. behind, who is sent out from Washington city, lloothby ik to Lions tlio Jul) lit baleiu. Theio is ovory Indication that gruding will bo in operation in a week on the Koseburg-Coos buy road. Iho survey is up to Coaledo and a low pass coming out ut Hud crock bus been found lot his place, that is said will cut oil' two miles aiul suvo if 1110,000 in construction. I . F. Bnssott, a pioneer miner of Rock Point piocirot, was partly paralyzed on thn 5th inst. , but wo are pleased to learn ho is improving nnd is able to talk some again. Wo were informed that dipt. Anknoy, of Sterling, was partly para lyzod a fow days ago, Ashland Record. Representative Hormann has secured tho passage of a bill for a pousion to Mrs. Caroline linker Slovens. She is tho daughter of Col. K. 1. Baker, who was shot dead ut tho head of bis regi- inmil ut Hull's Hlnir at the sume time lie was a United Ktuten Senator from Ore gon. Ed, Llbby employed by Mticklo Bros, was killed ut Sauvle's Island Thursday, by a runaway team. He was puttings hayrack on a wagon, when the team started, tluowliig him ugalnst stump. Ho only lived about an hour after lining picked up, There bus not been a single day with in tho lust month when this market, says thn Dalles Jtemlr.er, was fully sup plied with eit'uir fruit. Isirrles or veget able, and yet so many people complain of no Inducements for brunchlng out in production. A young ludy wus badly burned in tho lilllu town of Spicnr, Wednesday. In attempting to kindle a lire by puiirlng eoul oil ujion It from a glass measure, the Oil took fire sod exploded the vessel the pieces of which cut, her in several ibices, besides, she was ..severely burned. . ' Wttllot Crowley, of Dallas, while out chopping wood lust week, was running awuy from a lulling true uud ran under the descending ux of hi companion, receiving a blow that laid oissii a trash iiliimt tli rei) Inches long on tho left shoulder, culling tlio muscles and flesh from tho bouu. Lebunou Express: Oregon does not ulwuys have a full crop, but you cannot put your linger on a shj( in the Union Willi lewer continuencles to unset the calculations of the (armor thuu this stain. The wur of w inds, the crackling heat uud the iiivusion of pustifurous In sects never mar our peace nor destroy our craps. (irxitts l'uss Courier: "It Is a down right shnine to allow Ashland to ship more limn three-loiirths of all blackber ries roiisumed In this cily. Still she supplies her own demand besides Mod ford, (iraiits Pass ui,. other towns from not to succeed twenty acres of vine, We have the land but not the lierrynicn. County Commissioner McOtioon of A. I..,.,u .... i l...u ........ i. ....I I....... .... iiiniiij, nn icveneu iviivi iruui theshuriir of Whitman county inform ing hhn thut ho had arrested two men w ho hud been stealing fut sloera, driv lug tlicui into Idaho and selling thorn, and thut they bad along with others , omo of McQueen's cattle. The Pasco irrigation district has boon turmoil, snd it is inKed to take water from the Knako r"er, elevating it 1 10 feet Into a canal by means of a steam I in m ps to 1.0 located three miles from Pasco. The directors have advertised for bids for the plant snd for construct ing thu caiiul and also for the sale of bonds to the amount of 100,000. It is hinted that work on the Corvul-lis-J unction extension us soon as the work on Cow Creek canyon is com pleted. There are 2,0K) men employe j there nnd they expect to finish the job in about six weeks. Just bow truo the minor is we arv not prepared to say, but one thing is certain, the people of the west sido need tho road ami the railroad ought to have some respect for their reasonable demands. Corvallis Times. An exchange s.ivs:S. P. Kladden, o Eugene, wum interviewed this week by a rcnrtcr. Mr SluJdun said that be had an order of from one to tun car loads of Oregon prunes for tho Australian mar ked As be bus sent sonic, there and tl-y commanded Hie highest price so that he can now dispose o( all be can ship to that country very advantageously. This should bo welcome newg lo Oregou fruit a-rowers aud esiecially to those of this county for w hich the prune is especially iiuapieii. U. W. Iliini has built and is building single-handed, more miles of railroad thun any tniiil in the Northwest, or in the I'nion for Hint mutter. His lines ra diate (mm Wulla Wullu, reach to Dayton north nnd eastward, and will bo extend ed to Isiwiston, Idaho, southward. His road touches Pendleton, Oregon, with a proposed continuation to the lleppner country. Resides these he is constructing a lino to the (ireut UramU" Rondo .alley, and bns engineers on the Held building to Portlund snd dray's Harbor. Ho is well known throughout the Northwest, and is possessed of won derful energy. Undoubtedly bis capa bilities have not boon awakened, und his successes nre but in their infancy . Ho iHissossos a lieatitilul homo at 'Walla, lie is but 48 years of ago. roKTLAXU'M UHKAT EXPOSITION'. Still Jlore Palming Secured Application , SUU I oming lu, " In addition to the elegant collection of paintings secured by tho management for tho art gallery heretofore noticed, and which, without question, will Is) a great surprise and delight to the lovers of art, they have added to the list a fow more from one of the leading galleries of New York city, through the personal influ ence of Signor I.iberutl. The art com mittee bus decided 't-aliut out all day light from tho nf gallery and light it both afternoon nriiT fyenlnit' with' electa city, tho iiieaniMaantla-ot fmlng used nnd so placed with reflectors as to threw tho light on the paintings so as t$ pro duce the propor elloct. ' WKD1I1NU PAY. Superintendent Allen, in arranging for wedding day, Octolstr Sth, arranged for but two couples to bo married on that occasion, in tho exposition. He has al ready received applications from four voting men, with the consent of thuir best girls, to be married on that date, but as the first two applying woie the two lucky ones, the other two will have to make other arrangements, unless an other (woning can be Bet apart or some thing happens to oluiiigo tho minds of tho ilrst onus applying, in which case they will be next on the list. APPLICATIONS FOIt SPACE . Applications for spnee are still coming in, nnd at present there are a little more than double the number now than there wore last year at this time. Among those received during the last woek.were a number from the Sound cities, two from;iduho, and several from the East. Superintendent Allen's ollice hours at the Exposition building ore from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., the remaining; time he can be found at bis down-town olllco, 171 Second street. Oregonian.- The Gladstone Mill company com menced sawing yesterday, having sluiced out their millruce so that they have suf ficient water. They will cut lumber nt present to finish up their mill, and will jxit in a planer and lath saw nt an ear ly day . They have a ninety horse pow er, nnd a good head of water, and will soon be prepnred to supply tho urgent demand for lumber, Tho Orogoiiiun snys there is a great deal of fruit in Oregon this year, and there Is a great demand for it from out side the stuto, so fruit growers are in a fair way to make something thia year. If ono has good fruit ot any kind he Iuib no trouble in llnding a market for it. The commission men are very busy, and one of them said vesterdav ho wished there wore more linns in the business to re lievo bun of some of the work. New sot fo harness for sale at this Olllee, A bargain. OREGON'S EDITORS. The Press Association Wind Up Their Business by Visiting Oregon City, Tlio Hoard or Trade Wive Them a llniiiiiit nod llcrcplion on Tlie West Side. Hal unlay wus tho lust day's session of tin) Oregou Press Association . In the morning they went on an excursion over the motor lines to tho peninsula of the Columbia, ami returning took thesieumer Diidlne for Oswego snd Oregon City, There were about ZOO editors and their guests, and on arriving at Oswego a cast of thirty-live ton of metal wus nimbi in tmtsouce of the party, On tho bout a business inueling wus held at which res olutions were pusscd thanking the peo ple of Portland fur their appreciation of the association. Words could hardly express their gratitude at the w uy they were received by the metropolis of the stuto. They further urged a recount of the whole state, and urged our senators snd representatives to use every effort to secure liberul appropriations for thn rivers and harbors of the state. They also recommended that a state board of trudo Is? organized, and thut each town in the stale le urged to organize a local Ismnl, and that the state board Is) con stituted of delegates from the l'ul Ixjunls. One important resolution passed is as follows: Thut we do not view with favor tho action of tho locul nnd stuto organiza tions In advertising Oregon and the Northwest in Eastern publications at high rutes. Isdieving tlmt such money exsmded in homo publications would serve tho purpose bettor and at tho same inno encoiirngo the tituliling up ol strong and profitable pajwrs in our ow n state. The Oregon City Hoard of Trade bud unpointed committees, and made com plete preparations for their reception snd entertainment. Everything went oil pleasantly, the only drawback being a inisiinuerstunaing about tne landing ol the bout, ss it was the intention of the Oregon City peoplo to havo the boat bind on the west aide near the grounds wbero the tubles were spread. As it was they had a long inarch through the strsets to reach the grounds . They were met at the .w harf near the woolen mills by members of the Hoard ot Trade and the Oregon ("itv cornet bund, when they passed up Main street past the immense w oolen mills and across the tissiision bridge to the grove on the I lull' w here the dinner was spread on . four long tallies After all had liecn seated, Hon. J. T. Apperson, president of the Hoard of Trade, made the address of welcome. Ho mentioned the province of the newspaper in educating the peo ple; that it educates the peoplo to the greut ail vantage of our w hole state, nnd now ns they look nl)ut them that they niny aw the advantages snjoyed by Ore gon City snd its immense water power. That he felt it an honor to receive this assembly of newspaper men, and the oc casion w ould 1 one long to bo remem bered. Judge M. L. Pi;- was repeatedly called oil to respond, and did so in a very pleasing manner. He sixke of the grat itude which he felt for the cordial recep tion tendered to the press. " Wo have met with nothing but kindness from tho citizens of Portlund, and now this is be ing continued by the people of Oregon Cit v. Sometimes we become discouraged ami think our work is not appreciated, nnd we appreciate the kindnesses. We have received a grand welcomo from the metropolis, and now we receive it from the pioneer city of Oregon. Short addresses were made by E. Ho fer, of Salem Journal. 11. S. Hareourt, of Portland Mercury, and J. H. Eddy, late of Pendleton Tribune. Afler dinner the pulp and paper mills were visited, and considerable curiosity was manifested to inspect the electric plant here, but the time nt their disposal was too short. Tne Oregon City cornet bund accom panied the editors on their return trip to Portland. On board tho bout the business meeting was again resumed, and it was voted to bold the next meet ing of the association at Astoria, and other matters of minor importance were attended to Mr. E. Wr. Allen, of the North Pacilic Industrial Exposition, cordially invited be members of the association to be present nt the exposition on Newspaper day and accept of its hospitality. The committee on arrangements ap pointed tiy the Oregon City Hoard of TJade, E. E. Chariuan, I. LoMahieu und Charles Meserve, did their utmost to inako the atluir a success. Mr. E. E. Clitirman, the chairman of tho commit tee, w as indefatigable in bis etlorts, and worked early and late to make the recep tion and banquet a credit to the occasion. How W'Oll he succeeded is answered by the complimentary remarks of tho visi tors who repeatedly remarked that the Oregon Wily )e-oplo knew how to enter tain. -.., , . Mr jo-.. ILitdmir and Mrs.. Fred R. Chamian deserve i special mention for.tha elegant lobster salad prepared by them for the dinner.", The aish was tjulyap preciuted, and rniuiy romiimentary re- murks were heard'as to its quality. The ladies composing the lloral com mittee performed their part of the pro gram admirably, and their decorations were ono of the attractive- features of the reception. The visit of the editors of Oregon to tho metropolis and Oregon Citv will be productive ot much good, they nre now convinced that the residents of this part of state aro not the grasping, seltish beings that some hnvo painted them. It will bring the entire people of tho state into harmonious combination, nnd they wil, all work together for one great end, for the advancement of tho entire state. As you Go Through Life, Don't look for the flaws as you go through life; And even n iton vou find them, It is wise nnd kind to be somewhat blind Ami look for tlio virtue behind them. For the cloudiest night has a hint of light Sninoivhere in its shadows hiding; It Is better by far to hunt for a star, Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life run ever away To the bosom of (iod's great ocean ; Don t sct your force 'gninst the river's course Ami think to niter its motion. Don't waste a curse on the universe llemember, it lived before you. Don't butt at tlio storm w'itb your puny form . But bend and let it go o'er you. The world will never adjust itself To suit your whims (o the letter; Some things must go wrong your whole lire long Ami tho sooner you know it the better. It is lolly to fight with the Infinite. Ami go under nt. Inst in the wrestle; Tlio wiser man shapes into Clod's plan As the water shapes Into a vessel. Ella Wheeler Vilcox in Ladies' Home Journal. Dayton, Washington has had a $85,000 fire, The Columbia Chronicle lost al most the entire outfit, it being the sec ond time it has passed through a holo caust of lire. -sWj fl- '"TV '- VM. ; Strife., j