The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, August 07, 1890, Image 4

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    I L
Continued from lint Keels,
Attiiomh) aiit no near or notww, ilia u
ttlU lookuij, out of tha wbid In llis null on
to Um tniuiin, and th Sulla, and Uie wntxvr.
II wh tvvUUbk
From thu Ivuyos and brlii tor nun th
tttpll of Mia iwv TtM snUora ware ahoutln j to
each other, lbs craft war crowded olos.
and Kwt In tha Krowtnjr darkneeav Oil tha
otinvr aid of Um canal tha bclfrim wwa Hup
Uns for rt
"Klevxsn vovaitas on aud another, Riul Ita
never furirot to lit tha flu to tli inot," Ao-
nemt mm mured, with her old wrinkled fac
leaning out Into tli gray air, "It used tu fly
thr;ou could a It coining up half a mil
off jiuta tajrallow flakaou tli wind, bkea
urissojmy hair, hssrvuld ear. 110,110,100014
not (o Ti b o7 cum tomlbt, to-uimr-
row, any tlm;b u not ilrown!, not 1117
man; h ; all i bad, and Ood Ugwd, tuey
" see) all (, anj God 11 ooixf, rasy
Roboo listened and loohd, then ktaed th
old disking baud nnd took up th lac pat
terns and wwil aftly out of too roooi with
out nptxikU'i.
Wheu old Aminnls watched at the window
it was useless to vk for any word or niu
of bar; peopto said that b bad never Uvd
qui to right In her brain siuce that futal win
Ur noon sixty yeor before, when the coutor
had broushl Into port tli broken beam of
Uu pood bri Flour d'Eplno.
Bebtw did n it know about that, nor head
whether her wit wr right or not,
bb had known th old cruatur In tli lar
room where Aunenil pricked out deatoia, ami
she had conclvd a great rvt-ard and sorrow
for her; and when Amianiie bad become, too
aillnj and aged to (o bonolf any longer to th
laco uukcr't place, Uc be had U'ggwl fear
for her to hare the pattern at borne, and had
carried them to and fro for ber fur the last
three or four years, doing many other little
oauful services for th km, old oul u wull
mrvloe which AiuMuu hardly irceived,
aim had prown to used to them, and her fivMe
uitellifrenoo wa m mink In the one alworbinn
klea that she mmt watch all thedaji throuj;b
and all the year through for the coming of
the dead man and tb kt brig.
Bo bee pot tb kv patterna In hr basket,
and trotted horn, baraabotaclattaroigon th
" Wliat it must U to car t w any on lik
that!" the thought, and by ou vagu aaao
ciation of thought that ah could not bar
purawd, ih liud th laarea and loukttt at
the moa rot bad.
It wa quit dead.
A eh got dear of th city and out on her
country rood, a shadow fill acrua her In th
Tenlug 11 lit
"Uav ou had a good day, little oueT
asked a rolo that mad bar stop with a cu
rious raguo expectancy and pleasure.
"It 1 yoal"haid, with little cry, a
b saw her frlead of th sllB stoekiags
kog on a gat midway In th greoa and aull
taryroad that leads to Lokn.
"Yes, It I 1, be answered as be Joined
bar. "Bat yon forglraa ma, Ibeel"
bbe looted at Ub with frank, appealing
yea, Uk tlioe of a ohUd U fault.
"Oh, I did not aWa til night, sh said,
simply. "I thought I had b a rude and un
grateful, and I could not be sor I had don
right, though to bar don otherwise would
certainly bar bean wrong."
II luughod,
"Will, Urt Is a clearer deduction than U to
be drawn trora most moral oncartalntlea.
Do not think twlc about tb matter, my
dear. I bav not, I aantr you."
Eh was a little disappointed. It seemed
such an Imiwns thing to her; and sh had
tain awake all th night, turning It about In
her little brain, and appealing Talnly for help
In It to th sixteen sleep angels.
"Xo, lnd.ed. And where are yon golnj so
fast, as If thee wooden shoe of yours wer
sandals of Mercury f
"Mercury is that a shoemaker T
""o, my dear. He did a terrible bit of cob
bling once, when b mad woman. But be
did not sho her feet with swiftness that I
know of; sh only runs away to be run after,
and if you do not pursu bar, sh comes back
Ikibee did not understand at all
"I thought God made woman," sbe said, a
littlo aw stricken.
"You call it God, People thru thousand
years ago called It Mercury or Uermcs, Both
mean tb sam thing more words to desig
nate anuhknown' quality. Wbnr are yon
going! Does your home lie heror
"Yes, onward, quite far onward," said
Be boo, wondcrinj that he had forgotten all
hn hod told him the day before about hor
hnt, her garden, and her nolghbora "You
.did not corr.e and finish your picture today;
why was that! I had n ruaotmd for you, but
it is dead now."
"I went to An rem Yon looked for mo
little, tbent"
"Ob, all day long, for I was so afraid I had
been ungrateful"
"That is very pretty of you. Women are
never grateful, my door, except when tbny
are very ill treated, liercury, whom ws
were talking of, gave them, among other
gift's, a dog heart"
Coboe felt bewildered; she did not reason
about it, but tb idle, shallow, cynical tono
pained her by its levity and Its unlikencss to
',' the sweet, still, gray summer evening.
"Why ar you In such a burryf ' he pur
. sued. The eight Is cool, and it Is only T
' o'clock, I will walk part of th way with
"I am In a hurry becaus I bav Annonilo's
patterns to do," said Be boo, glad that h
spoke of a thing that she know bow to an
swer. "Yon see, Annomio's hand shakos, and
' hor eye are dim, and she pricks th pattern
ail awry and never perceive it; it would
break her heart If on showed her so, but the
Baes would not tako them as they aro; they
ar of no us at all 80 1 prick them out
myself on froth paper, and the Baes thinks
it Is all her doing, and pays bar th same
money, and sh is quit content. And as I
carry th patterns to and fro for her, be
cause sh cannot walk, It It easy to cheat bar
like that, and It It no harm to cheat to, yon
know. " lie wa silent.
"Yon are good tlttl girl, Boboo, I can
let,", h said at last with (paver strand In
hit vote. "And. who it this Ancemlo tor
whom you do so much an old woman, I sup
pose r
"Oh, yos, quit old; incredibly old. liar
man was drowned at tea sixty years ago, and
tb watches for his brig still, eight and morn
ing." "The dog's heart I No douLt be boat her,
and bad a wife in fifty other porta."
"Oh, no," said Bebce, with a little cry, at
though the word against th dead man hurt
her. "Sho hat told m o much of him. II
- wa at good as good could be, and loved hor
. so, and between th voyages tbey wer so
happy. Surely that must have been sixty
years now, and sbe Is so sorry still, and still
will not believe that he wa drowned."
Ha looked down on hor wltb a smile that
had a certain pity In It
"Well, yes; thera are women like that, I
believe. But be very sure, my doar, he beat
her. Of tho two, one always holds the whip
and uses It the other croochei"
"I do not understand," (old Bobce.
"No but you will"
"I will? Whenr
Ho smiled again.
"Oh to-morrow, perhaps, or next year
or when Fat fancies.
"Or ratbor when I chooto," lie thought to
1 btosolt and lot hit tOTareet wtth. ertala
iiip&muv on ?a uu'ii inn, uWk wmt OMltt
him in tho liinxs, niui tho iitvtlyfulr htw.un
that showed evitrand ftgnltt, a tho ft ills of
hor linen bodlc ww blown Iwck by tb
wind and bor own quick mrtMon.
Hl ltxkl sWi up at hlmt h was very
buiuUniie, and looked to to her, after tb
broad bluiitoharaetMieni faces of th " slloon
pennant ry around hr, II walked wltb u
easy grace, h was clml la plvtur tik vl
vets, In had a beaut Idd (HWtlo head, and eves
UUderp biMwn waters, and a fatw Ilk on
of Jonlaeiis or lUmihramlt ca alien In tb
palleiie wliei slie 11ml to tl In of a fuu
day, and Itnik up nt th paintings, and dnwn
of what that world could b in which thos
people had llnl
"You are of tho people of ltubes' country,
are you not f sin MKknl hlni.
"Of what country, my dearl"
"Of tb iwople that liv lu 111 gold
fitumn," salt! liebeo, quit seriously. "In
the Kalloi'los, you know I know a charwo
man that scrub Hi tloorsof ths AimiiIku g
palsce, ami she lots ins lu oiutliiit to Iwk;
and you are Just Ilk tboM grant geuthunen
In th gold frames, ouly yvu uavsuot a hawk
and a sword, and .tiiey always bav. I um
to wouder wher they cam from, for (hey
ar not hi any of lis one bit, and th cliar
wouiau b la Iia Ihvll, anil lives In tb
ttrl of tlie I'ot il'Ktnin-alwavs'aald, '1W
heart, Uiey all Mong to ltulx' Uud w
uever tv Uielr Ilk' But you
limit com out of lvube' lu.l, at least, 1
think so, do you uotl"
Ho canglit bor luiwuiug; be knew that
I! 11 bo was the homely abbreviation of Ku
bout that all th Netberlaiuler used, and lis
guowvd tlie Idea that was reality to tills llttls
lonely, fonctfvil min i
"Itihatn I do," h answDrud her with a
initio, for It was not worth bis wbll to dl
tbUKt ber thought of any biiauuiatlon thai
gloritled lilui to her. "1K you uot want to
see Bubcs' world, little ouet To see tb gold
and the grandeur, and tho glitter of it allf
Uever to tod or p't tirevlalway to Uiovs
in a pa,ant f always to live like th hawks
In the taintiut;s you talk of, with silver belli
hung rouud you, and a hood all sewn with
pearls f"
"No," said Bobee, simply. "I sliould hks
to see tt Just to see It, as on Itvfcs through
grallug Into the klngt Km houwa bur.
But 1 should uot like to live In It. 1 lovo my
hut and tho i:irliu,:, and tho chickens, and
what would the garden do without metand
tun children, and tho old Aimemlol 1 could
nt unv how, anywhere 1 any happkr than
I am. I here is only on thing I
"And what Is tliatf
"To know something; not to b so L-nor-
nnt Just lookl I can read a little, It is true;
my Hours, and tho letters, and whan Krel
brings In a newi)iier 1 can read a hills of It
nol linn It. I know French wall becnii
Aiitnlne was French blnusUf and nsrer did
talk Flemish tome; and Uiey, being Nether
bunlers, eamn t, of roursn, read th news
papers at all, and so think It very wonderful
indeed In me. Hut wlutt 1 want Is to know
tiling to know all alvut what was bofor
ever 1 was living. Bt Uudule, now they
say it was built hundreds of yean before:
and itube, ai;aln tliey any In was a paiiiU
king in Antnervn tx'fure th ullest,
womau like Anuemla ever tvan to aouut
tinhv I n sum books will toll you all tiioa
thing, ! 1 ae the studenti comlnft and
going with tlicm; and when I saw one tits
millions of books hi the lluedu llirnn I ankod
tlis kv.r what uwi Uiey wur for, and Ik
said, "To make men wlw, tuy dmr.' But
Uruigolr Kao, the cubUvr, who was with
meit was a fete day Bao, b said, "Do not
you believe that, Bebee; Uiey ouly uiuddl
folks' brains; fu- ou book tells thorn on
thing and another bvvk auotlior, and so 00
till they aredaiod with all Ui contrary lying;
and if you see a boukimh man, bu sur you se
a very poor crenturv, who could not ho
patch, or kill a pig, or sutcb an upper leather
wrere it ever so.' But 1 do not bellovslliat
Bao said ri,;ht lid bl"
"I am not sura. Ou th whole, I think it
I the truest remark eu Uturatur 1 bav
sver beard, aiul one that shows great Judg
nieut ill Hoc U'illr
"Well aoluetiinga, you know," said Bsbve,
not undenitauduig bis answer, but pursuing
bar tbougbtsooutldantially; "aouwllnies I talk
Uk this to tho neighbors, and tuay laugh at
me. because Mer krelw says that what!
Mu- tn.otaiiow U;.uiaul swo p aud auik
ir. a.l kuo K y ine's praera and unlk a guul
1 n inn it isutl a woman wants to s 110
. u Jle uf h.nven. Hut for me, I caunut
1: "in u t hut at thow windows in the
otlco lor riil!lullun.
Mm, MiU'iiiiicI I., Bnlilort,
I'NitKii Htrit r,m Orric, 1
Okkuon (tirv, dr., June , lt,l
Nolle Is lieceby (liven In Coiiipllaini'
With the provisions ol the act ol Connies of
June H, I.1.H, vulllled an net lor the sale ol
lliillir IuihIk III the Stntes tifl'tllbirnln, Ore
Him, Nevada and imliliislon i'enitorv,"
Mrs, MnreiinM I., Batdoir, of Oregon t 'ft y ,
t'oiinty ol t'lm kiimat, Hlule of Oriigun, Itiis
Ibis dny IU11I In tills olllce her rwui 11 tiiie
nieiit No Jllll, for the pur lianp ol the NV
la if fectliii Nn;il, In l'oioliii No fib,
linnirii No il K, and will oiler proof to hoiv
lluil the land soimht Is tuoin nliiiiblo lor
Its timlx r or stone than lor nuriciillurui
imriioe nnd til e-tnbll-li hrr clulin In Mild
limd before I lie rottiMtur mill iveelver of this
ulllce nt Oreon t'ltv, Oregon mi Wrdiuxelny
the 1Mb day of October, lsiw.
She names as wltnee: t'linrlcs W.
Meail. Ucoiko II. Wiihl, I'Mmoml Hnbloif,
and Vllliaui I'liltemon, ot Oiegon t lly,
Clin knnini couiitv, Oii'koii.
Auv and nil iwrnons claltiilng adverely
the aUive ilesciibed laniln are iMijuoted tii
Hie their claims In this otllce on or bi'lore
id l.ith ilnv ol October, iJem,
TIM B KB I.aN1 ACT, JVNK !l, 178.
vmi i: 1011 i'i iti.ic.iTiotj.
Mrs. Miiki Ic K. Bililiuf.
1'NiTKi' HrrK I. a np times,
Oregon l it v, Oregon, Juno ift, 1M. 1
Notice I hereby iMvcu tlmt 111 conn. Inn. e
with the provisions of the act ol 1'oiikits
of jnn S, 1STH, rntlile,! "An act for the sals
ot timber lauds in the (dates ol fiililornla,
Ortgviti, Neiada and washlnnloiiTerrltorv,
Mrs. Mncitle F, Bulilorf of Oregon Cite,
County ol Clin ksniSH, Hlnlc ol liienon, lm
this day tiled in this olllce her sworn state.
nieiit .No. aist. for the mm haw ol the V W
yV l, and S N VV Ij of ciwllou No. W,
In ToHihli No. South, Bailee No, S Kt,
and will oiler prool to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or
stone than (or attrli'iillutal, and to
etabli"h her claim to said hind below the
Hegisteraud lie. river ol thUoHlcv nt Or-
gni l ilv, on Wrdllevlav, the I.HIi dnv of
Oi'tobvr, l!l.
She names as w Itiienscn : Charles V,
Mead, tieori,-e B, Ward, josvjiji W. Batdorf,
William l'atteron, all of Oregon City,
Clnckniuas county, tln-gon.
Any and all tvrsons iluiinlnK adierelv
the nlHive ileH rilH-d Uinln are reiiieted to
(lie their chiitni lu this ullli e on or U'lorv
said I'thilnvol October, l''"V
' J, T. AI'I'KlisOX, Itelslrr.
noi 111: i oii n iii.H' t rion.
Joseph W, Bntdorf.
I'MTsn SrtTrs l,tiOrrii , (
oimms Cirv, Or, June .'.1, h:vt
Notice herebv itiven tlmt III compliance
With the .o Mohi ofllie ai t of Collnlens
June .i;,S, ei.lill.-l "An act lor the
sale ol luinlt in the Mutei of ( all
lornla, OrcHon, Nevada and washing
ton I'eriiiori,' Joseph a. Batdorf of
Ortk'oii t'ltv, couiitv ot t in, kauias.
State of Oregon, has' this ilav bled n
this utile his swum stulninelit .No, '.'ills, (or
the purchase of the Nil'4 of section No li,
township No, li South, liange No .1 l.a.1.
and will oiler proof to ihat the Isiul
suucni is more vsiuaiiie lor lis iimix-r nr J
sione man ior agricultural purauu-s, aiul to
eftnhll-h Ins chum lu sunt l.unl In-lote the
Itegister and Kei cii ert thloll.e at 'is con
I lly, Oregon, on .tn,-.,l.n , t'ic . lit ilav
of UctoU r Ism
He nameaas witnesses Charles W. Meiel,
William I'litterson. Kdaiund llalilort I'.
Wilson, all of (iregoif Citv, t lai kamas
county, tin-gun.
Auv and all tM'rs.itis eliilinltii M,liA,,..le
the aUve-dci rilx-d hinds are riiuesed to
tile their chums in this ollhe on or Ik'Ioi
said I, nli ilav o( OctolH'r, Iksi
J. T. Ari'KKSoX, llegl.t. r.
7--:' 1 ii-.'.'.
mtl-t inr I'liblli iilloii,
l'nnKnariTi!l,;:iiirrii, I
IMiSunli C I I V. Dr., July 7, WHO I
Nollee Is hereh slven Ihsl Ihs Mllrvwliu
nninuil setiler hss flleu mille n his tulaiillnti
in make llnni urool in sii'iuttiil his nlslm, sml
that sslil nrool will l' isde lieline Hi rsxUter
sml receiver nt the I'M vllleosl I iretmi ' It y . Ur
emia, on Tuesday, Ant imt 'ilit, IHiai, vis: Wnoris
r t'liinsy. Iliiiiiealnsd j ntrv, Nn,, (01 llis
S I, nl hK, I, ami M It uf HW I, ol teullnu , i 7
K. Till I . lie lisiuss Ills follow In wltueaiiss to
nriiv hi eoniluiioiis leitileucs 1111011, ami mil
iivailnu ot, sail lumt, via' Itsnl iiiuuisa, W,
Itilaael, l l' l unley sml I', line I I lionma all uf
V, Illicit IV li., Cliiekioiitta I'tiiinty, ii,
7 a II Hesialur
01 n r. 1 011 ri 111.K i 1 101
I'Nitmi Hr u'cs I s Ni tireics, 1
liuKiiot t itv, or,, July , iswi j
Will In in U111I)
Nntle Is li.ualiy a I v u 1 1 that th fiilhurln(
ai-oii-i una loi-n iioiii'n hi IMS lUISIttlull
111 make tlusl 11 r ""I lu auiuniii ol hi. ejaim, mi
dial aunt nriHil will lie made Iteture llis lleilalsr
Slid l(eelvr ot I', H l.unl nine al Oiesnll
City, Oreiiun. 011 apiemlir , Ikisi. vie n.
Usui I mull. Ibniisaiesil Klilry, No, hit ha
W l ol aeellun T 4 H. K H K.
II usmes Hi IiiIIkwIik w llnesaea In prnvt
Ida ct'iillutiiiiia resldrm e upon sml eiililvnllnu
nt, said U"d, vl William Huokmr, ( dark,
t Ueksinua eounl)r, Ureanu , Msrllll rreetiiatl.
Hubert Nicholas, sml J liarheit, ut lllnhlsuil
I. U .t'lsckNlusa etiliuly, Oiesuu.
?-al -K i J, I. AlTl kHIN, lleslater,
Police lor I'ubliratUii.
I witm HtTss Ijadtt tlrncs, 1
OKktuiN t'ltv, or., July hi, isvu i
Nntle la hereby slvsn that th tnlluwliis-
tisiueit aeliler has tiled itiillcs ol hr tuieiiiien
lo make Itual
thai aald proul will h mad betnr in rumor
and reevr nt the t' S l aud utile si liraa.m
i lly, Ureit'iii. eu Thutaday, tip! , laiai, vis
j'riaeilla Parker, ICino-mad rnlry, No 6? ID,
lor Ih a l ut aw i4 nt see s, I ft a, r t
Sh names III loliiiwllts wlllieaaeato prnv
her euulluilolll realdeur iipou slid (-1 1 1 1 1 V a 11 1 - tl
it. aald laud, via baild Mi Lain, at Haw lsili
Mel sin. Mary Ituhenaim and John tiolsii, sll el
Meadow tirouk, I'isckaitiaa Co.. Orevou.
5 I7- Jl llilef,
vt'U'i; I'uil 11 lll.K'ATIO.-si.
t'Nitsn Btra l.asn orncs 1
Untniox t'ltv, us . Jim , l"JO (
Nolle Is hereby lvn Ihsl In ci'inpllane
Willi the priivlalona u ike set uf eousreaa ul
nine , IsN, volllle.l "An set fur tli. aal n
limber lands lu Hie rliaiea uf California, Or.
mi Nevada and W ailiitntton lerrllnry.' J
'I li A liupvrl. uf -irilaiid, coo ol y ul Miillme
lliati, aUle ot llreKmi, liaa Hub dny tiled lu Ihla
ollice hlaaworu alnleuielll No JIOJ, tor Ills iil"
ehaae ot Ih ,NW 14 ul Kectmn No Ja, In fuwll-
hip Nu J Hoiiih Illume No. 7 1 a.l. ami will
ellur prHit to aliiiar tial Hi laud aoiiht la nor
valualil for lis tliutier or alu than lor.irp
rnllural purpo.ea. and lee.labllh hla claim to
aald laud litlore Ih rt'glatvr and lelver uf
litis uitie at uteiu t;iit. or,, uu Wednesday,
llis sill day ot oe.olier, Isis)
II nauies aa w (i Vt UarLlld J II.
Hassetl. A. J Wiwl.alld Mary Wood, sll uf
I'ortlaud. or -sou
Auv and all ner.uiis elalmlns sdver.etv Ih
aliove described lands ar re.pte.led lu III
their claim, in ihl. uilie un ur belore aald Mtt
day of Oi, 11 J I' Ari'MIMiiN,
.' lu V II Ilea later
NOTK'li 10U IM mux.
('tilled Nlstea land (Mill e,
Ornn ( by, iiipm, July n, lii
Nolle la httrahy given, that In noinpllam1
with Hi pruvlaiiiiia nf ih set of vousreas uf
Jnn S, ls7S. siitlilsd "All set for llis sal uf
timber land. In llle alnlea uf l allfortlls, lreotl,
Navads, ami W'sahlmibMi Itirrllury," l u I v 1 1 1 a
(J. Wood, nf Wheatland, oouniy nf Ysiuhlll,
slsia of Oreiliill, Its. tlna day Mind in ihl uHie
Ills swuriisiniemeiil Nu J 1 , 1 , for lit piirchaa
nt lh ni.i4 ut Inn Nu, III, In bom. hip
Nn, if, aoiilh, laimn Nu. II eul, sml will niter
pruul to almw Hull ilie iHiul auuelit a more vsl
tialil Inr Ha iimlini ttr sioue 111,01 fur surli'iil
luinl pnrpoana, and to ealalllali hla i litlm III
aaid land beluivilie reutaier uud receiver of
this mile at llri'siiu t'llt, iiieuou, on WedurS'
day Ih Jillh da) nl Octolmr, Is.HI.
lie ualiie. s wllueea J A Cos, A W Itli'll
v, II., nf Portland, Oreumi, and II,
Mnlulyre, uf ( hurry vltln, Oiesnu,
Ally slid sll iin, oua ebiluiTiiii sdversoly Hi
almve ilnacrllit'd lands sin rmpie.led lu III
Uielr claim, lu ihl. nine uu ur said VI li
usy 01 oeluiinr, lwi
7 at 10 'J Uelalr,
0. C. T. Co's
1 lain I.
,"s)ollce fur I'ubllcnilun.
1'NITtllHlaTkS I smii orrn K.
OssuuK 111 v, or., Juno 17, latsi.
Nolle Is hereby slvnii Ihat lu eniiipllituos
1011111 i'iioi.uiii. ui iu aei ui eiuiKie.a ui
Jnn n, Ik; a, mlibd. "An ant for in sals ul
tinner isinia in in males u I allturlila, Or
Sim, Nevsils. sml H a.iiluKlou lurrliurv." lieu.
K Adams, uf Han I'laio l.i'u, county uf Man
r.-auenfu, ilai ut t'll..rula, hat this
nay nmii 111 hub nine hla atvurii tlat,
no nl Nn. 'Jll, tor th purchase uf ihs rJW
Ul nni'uoii n hi IIIHIianip n Nutiih, llsus
be 7 kaal. and will inter pruol to .lo.i, that lit
laiul siinsiii la nun valualil for lit limber ur
an Mi ii.sii mr ssrieititural puruoaes, and 11. ea hla claim to aald land belur Hi rrsis-
lly,!, or at thiaat laiautlful twiatml littlo
, .. .t. il t in K UVM Mir l(t,. ,B Villo, 1
1 .:nt , know elio tlni iin-u worn that nuuld
I.. 111 -11 hat they did and thouchl-how
!!.i lia,L--d and sa.kt-bow they kstrneil to
!u,.i at. nu into linve and grawu like that
t.ow in,') could linage all tlioa m,.,!
In .-sou the glass. When Igualuli (nihil
p;i:u c:irly m..ruing or at uijl.t wbcullls
ati.l-suu.-tiuhu (u wmttr I L.iv tu st.iy
till It ts d irt over the lac I hawr their l-vl
tino nftcr me un I tlmv whisHtr to m eh'
Loot what U-autiful t:ill;;r wu bav do .0.
I !. ., Bil l you u!l : :;,o lu tl;ito V,',-,l I never will i!.c. 1 .it u'ir ii.irntsiiu a.
c.l -jith.-atc.iei An I Un n I amsuu.iry f.-r
.i-.r. rrii r i,;mH'l Ar I I w:.
r. " '. 1 1 i i. li 1
(To tc continued.)
Notice of Adiiiliilslriitor's Siile.
Notice is hereby i:lven that by virtue nt su
order of sale duly itisdi1 and eulnred of record
by the Hunorable Cuuuly Court td the County
of Clackamas. Slate of oreifuu, on Tueiday, th
sui day ul July. Is'A), lu ih matter ol Ike e
tale id Julia A, McNsry, deceaaed, I will sell st
nubile suction st the court house dmir In Ore
gun City, orrgnn, un Hnturda), the ibth dsy of
Auwuat, isau, at 010 lick v. -m . an 01 tn
rlwht, title snd IntiTi'st tint thea.iid decessed
had st the time ot iirr de.iiti lu or tuthe tierelu
after described ptuperty. loKothi-r wltn snv
clslm that the said deceased may have had at
any lime ilurlmt her life time senlnat T. L.
Charmsn, Truatce, snd the bolder ui the legal
tilie to the said hereinafter described read es
tate snd any claim that 11 H. Johnson, admin
istrator nf said estate nnw has or hereafter may
have aiislnat ssld trustee.
The said real estate beln described as fol
lows to-wil: IL'iil:ii;lLjr at a point t) 7V chains
north, ri minutes west, from the southwest cor
ner of the Itouatlun Land Claim ot Win. ilulinae
aud wile lu T UK! K, of th i Willamette
meridian snd rum. lux theuce north, m de
grees and U mintitos east, nnrallcl with the
south boundary of tho claim Z'i.i8 chains;
tht-ucc north RbJ chains to a aiuue; theuce
west If.'ju elmliis tnaston; thence north 11. m
chains to a atone; thence south sii degrees west,
9.7b chains to a stone mi the weal boundary nf
said claim: thence north 11 minutes west IJ.M
rhaina tu claim corner; theuce north A'A tie
reca ItO luluines Kast s ,rai chains to the line be
tween T 2 and J Mouth; thence west nn Town
ship tine one chain to claim Hue; theuce
north t decree Kast on claim line 0. Jfl chains
tn the most southerly currier of a tract nf hind
deeded by Archibald McKinley and wife to
David Jtlt-Lauictileu, found recorded on tinge
irfi and i'.7 of buok "C" of the records ol deeds
of said ClackHmas C'ttunty and stale of Ore
gon; thence north lid degrees and 110 min
utes West on the southerly line uf aald
MchAiighlcti tract to the top uf the first main
cllll; thence southwesterly with the meanders
of aald c.lir to the intersection uf lbs aama
with tho I owmthlp line; thence west 011 the aald
Townahipllne to the Intersection of the same
with the soiithweBlerly boundary litis of aald
McKinley clnlm; thence south, 4c degrees Kast
on the clnlm line to the most northerly coruer
of a tract of land deeded by A. F. Hedges and
wlloto J. T. Apperann by deed found recorded
on page 3'Jfi of buok "N"of deeds fur. said
cuuuly snd stato; thence south, la d greet
west, WM'l chains to a stone nu the Rotl'It boun
dnrylineof said A. F. Hedges' clahu; thence
east ou clnlm lint) 17.11 chains to a point;
thenne north 8.17 chains to a point ou tho
Mckinley claim line; thence cut to a point
on the West boundary llneuf ia!d VVni. lloluise
claim; thence Houth to the ,jlac of beginning,
containing iio acres, mors) or less.
Terms of sata: cash at liint of sale; purchaser
to pay for making dtra,
. H. 11. JOHNSON.
Administrator of to Estate of Julia A. Mc
Nsry Deceased,
Dsted July Hth, W'.fc 7-17-OH.
Mn Clura B Muson.
Unitkd ST.itu Land Orrtci, j
Okeoom Cwt, June 20, 1890.
Notice in hereby dvcti that In compli
ance with the provisrans of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 187S, tutltlcd "An act forth
Bulu of timber lanil.t la the Htntcs of Califor
nia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory, Aim. Claru B. Mnon, of Oregon
City, County of Clac.kiitnas, Htato of Oregon,
has this day lllscl in this otllce her sworn
fltntemcnt 5io. 213(1, for the purchase of the
NE of section No. H In Township No, 6
S, Kangc No. 8 Eiist, aA4 will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valtiuhle
for its timber or stone nan for agricultural
purposes, and to her claim to said
land before the register Jina receiver of this
ollice nt Oregon City, ( tegon, on Wednes
day, the loth day of Octcler. 18i.
filie names as witnesest .Cnarlca WMeud.
George B. Ward, Edniiiid Batdorf nnd
Willis ttx Patterson, all p Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon.
Any and ttllpcrsonscluiining adversely the
aliove-deNcribetl land ;! wquested to file
their claims in this oftl or or before said
16tb day of October, 190,V -
7-21-0-25 ,v j 1 . Keginter.
TIM lint I.ANP, ACl Jl NK.1. IsTs.
14 11 I OII 11 III.I4 A I lO-s).
t'KtTsu Srirts I.akii otiii't, j
UMinosi Citv, I'r,, May 17, vs! 1
Nt'TICK is hervhv -iven that luiotoidl-
am With the irovi.lulis of the ail ul t on
icrcsa ol June .1. IsTH. entitled an act tor the
sale of tlinlier lauds in the Stales of Calilur-
ma, liregon, Nevada, and Washington ler
ritory." liidarrt II. Hales, of Ala-rdi-ru.
Cuuuly ol I hehalis, Hlntu of Washing-Ion,
has this dav filed lu this olllc hi swum
statement No. 'JoM, fur lit purchase uf Ih
NW 'i ol section So Is in luwiiahiii No. 1
Notltli, ItaiiK No. 7 Kast, and wilt idler
pruul In show that Ih tend sought Is
loot valuable fur lis timber ur stone than
fur ni-ricultiiral purpuM-s, and lo establish
bis claim to said html before the Hcgtstcr
and liecciver ul this ofllie at Urt'gtui ( liv,
Oregon, on Thursday the iMh dnv uf S p
trtnber, IS'SI. lie tiaincs ss witness,,;
J. K. Allison and Chns. N, Nlevvnsuf Al-r-deeii,
Washington; W. A. I'slmrn and N. J.
Welch nf I'ortlaud, Or.
Auv and all jiorsonB claiming adversely
the alMive di m rila d lands are reipicsteil to
tile their 1 latins In this ulllce uu or U lore
said lith ilav of Kcpteiuls r, jajsi.
'V I1'- 14 lU-gist.'r.
TIMBi;nl.ANl) ALT, JI NK 3. lies.
notk e roil rim un ios.
rNiTin Mates Lawn Oii-trs, 1
Oitgooit City, Or, July in, lnsi.i
Charles II. Kinney.
Notice is heiuby ghen that in compli
ance with lh provision or the ad of Con
grcssof June 3, IsTS, rnlilled "An ad lor th
sal of tlmla-r lands in the States ul Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," ( buries II. Kinnev. of Sheridan.
County of Yamhill, Slate of Oregon, has
this day liled In this ollice his sworn state
nietit No. '.'Ibti, fur the purchase ul thcNK
M nt r-ect 00 o. a to i.iuo. or, v., 'r
south, Hitnire No. 7 Kast. ami will utl'cr
proof to show that the land sout'ht is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than hr ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish Ins
clnini to saitl lainl la-lorc the revtstcr nnd
receiver ol this olllcrt nt Oregon Citv, nr.,
on cJiirnlav, the Will tluy of Oclolicr.
He names as witnesses; J. A. Fox. nnd
A. W. Ilicheyori'iirtlunil, Oregon; II. Huh.
kin. l.,f;. II- I I II SI..I
wiu.s, ui ..11 ..iioii, 11 iu i , , uuu n. till 1 my re
of Clierrvvillo, Or.
Anv and till nersons clnimlnr' ailversele
tlio above-described lands are requested to
filo their claims in this ollice on or belore
aid iflltli tiny of llctola-r, lM:si.
J. T. AI'rEIlHO.N,
7-31-10-2 Hegisler.
lIMIti: It I AND. At T Jt'NK J. sw)
olla - lor I'libllcnlloii.
I' Ml til S1 ll. list. Oltll S t'11 v, or . June , Isxi (
Notice la given tltal I., enmpltsnc with tli
l-rovl.i.iiia at th acl of enliBre.a ul Julie a ls.a
ettttiled "An s. t tnr ih aal i I tliiibm land. Ill
the .tan s of l ullloliila, tircgxii. Nevada, and
0 ..hiii-t, ,11 Inrtmirv. II 1 a a as ul jr
ell, I 011 ,ly f 1 lal.-li. Stat ot lirrtfoli, baa
thi day rtlr.t lu Ihl. olio' Ula awuril atatltletil
No juis, tor Ilie purrlia.vuf 111 a Vj ul Kee.
Ilou Nu s. In lown.lilp Nu JH. -itll, batige u.
S l.a.t, and will erter priK.f In ahow that Hi
land sought la umr valualil for italliubr ut
at. ui thu lor sgriculiurai purp-a, atut tu
labll.h hla claim to aald land liefor III rrjla
ir and rctii.r uf this ettte ai Oregon i lir.
Oregon, uu Uodueaday. Ill Bill day uf octolmr., II uamea aa wltu-aea: C II W lieeler.
W llalief, and I. M llmau uf I'. inland. li
mi; J II iililrs, uf lluiiiera. oregoii
Atiralld all l.eraoua claluiltta aiivtiraptv Ilia
sbuie li-ai-ribed lalota ar reiueald lu fll
irtrlr i-laliua lu tli 1 ullli-f un ur bvfoi aald Mil
nay ol octohrr. Il J, T Al fl llmlM.
J 10 It llrgl.ler
TIMHKIt I-ANli, At f JI NK .1. s-Si,
: tun ri him iii4ii
' i Kitsn arirta I.aso Orni .
oatiiDH tits, or,, June 7, s-ju
Nullc la lo-r.-h) giteu dial In compliance
with the prori.lniiB of Hi art ut eoligre.a uf
jnn s. is.s, Miutiro -An act for ih aal o lamia lu Ih stales uf I a lllorula. or,
(uu, Ntd and W a.liliiainu 1rrltury," Anns
K Mratlle. Cuumy ol king. Hlal uf
tta.liluiioti. ha. Ihla day sled lu Una otto- hit
sworu Blnlerueut No JIIH. fnr lb purcliai ut
III hK I, uf aeellun u, M, lu luWaahlpNus
s.niili. Hang Nn b.(IIi . Hl 0,lrr ,,,,,, ,0
Bliuw thai lb land suiigltt Is tnur vsltiabi
nn us uiuimr ur siuti thaa lor ag rlcullural
niitiMr.. and lu e.tanlluli hr elaiiu lu said
laiul lielorr Hi rrgl.ler and reeler nl llilauf
Re st Oregon l it). Or., VII Wilusdy, Hit lib
uav in ociuoer. I-
eh uaiuea aa witneB.ea Wm Jonea ul Fnr-
Bvtn. t uatrr county, i, mans, vt M lueiipard
n in itoovwr ami is. j. wen it ul furtlanil, or
Any snd all nelsons ciainiina adwraaiv th
shove deacrlbcd Isuda ar rcuuealed In fll
their elaltna In thi. utiles un or uelore aald alb
nay ui oetuuer, isisj j i; arrr.KHoN
Jlo-sll hegi.tar.
1'nited HxATrs I.anu Ot rirte,' ) '
Oiikiion Citv, Or. July 111, 1WKM,
Albert K. Kinney.' ' '
Notice Is hereby given that ' tn compli
ance w ith the provisions of the sot of Con gress
of Juno H, 1M7H, entitled, "An acl lor
thu sale ol timber hunts In the states ol ( ul
ifomiu, Oregon, Nevadn and Washington
Territory,'' Alljrt E, Kinney, ol Hlieriilun,
County of Yauililll, nlat of Oregon, has
this day liled In U'l" Oillc his sworn slate
n.,...i oiiiij. r.,v il,. .si,M.i,uu ,.r )... u j
llillll, .IV. HJn. UI III. )ull,lllll-U O, III, 1.1
of NW Si and lots 1 Slid 2,ot Section No. 4, In
townsbtp no. BOtitii, ii.ingo .o. 7 Knst,
and will oll'or .proof to show that the land
sought- is more valuable, fur Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, ami
to establish bis claim to said laud before the
register and receiver of this ollice nt ( Met'ou
City, Oregon, on Wednesday, t lie 2!ith day
of October, LSI).
lie names as witnesses; J. A. pox, and
A. V. Hlchev. ol I'ortlatitl. Or.: II. Ilob-
blns of AlcNlinnville, Oregon; and II. Mc-
iniyre ot i nerryvine, or.
Any and all persons cluimliiir adversely
the ahovc-dcscribcd lands are rctiiiestcil to
file their claims in this olllcu ur before said
211th day of October, lKirn.
J. T. Al'I'KHMO.N,
7-31-10-2 Itegister.
7 LAND. ACT Jt'NK 1. 1.178.
oircs lor I'ukllrnlloa.
t'siTin St.fs I isnoirn i
OKsnuM t'ltv. or.. May W, law)
Nntle is hereby given list In eomplisno
With tb rrlaltiiia uf Ilia act of
June 1 isf.s, aullted "All set far th Bale nf Um
bo r isnds lu th stales uf California, tirsguu.
,pu... .mi n a.iiiiigiuu territory, nxaav J
IliLLli. of I'orilauif enituir uf Multuumsli
state nl tarrgoii, hsa ihl day Bled In this ottios
hla awnrn aiaiemeut Nn iisvi, for Ih ptirehsB
nl the Hf. i4 of Hecuon Nu. 4, in Township No I
South. Itauge No. s Eaat. and will otter proof to
iliow that the land suught It no.r .alualile fur
Its timber or at,, us th.n ,,r agricultural utir
poaj a, ami to eatahllah hla claim insald land I
lure the regiater and receiver uf Ihla atlic at Ore
gon thy. Oregon, on Krlday, the aetli day ol
ecpteintH'r, isiaj.
He i. ames as J. M. Oreen, F A.
Ito.ecraus, (ieorge Miller and A. Navarlut, all
of I'ortlaud. Miiltnomah. tiregun.
Any and all por.ot,. clsliulng adversely th
shove di'.erlbed Islnla are reunsaled l Bl
their claim, lu thla oftlre ou or before ssld ih
Uay ot September, ljo. j. T. AfrKUaON,
7-lo--a, Jugl.lsr,
TlilUEK LAND, JUNK 3, 1874.
Umitkb States Land Ornca, I
Outooti City, Or., July 14th, 1!KJ.
George W. AlcCarver.
Notice Is hereby irlvon that in compli
ance witli the provisions nl the act of Con
gress of Junes, 1H78, entitled, "An act for
the sale of timber hinds in thu States of
California. Oreeon. Nevada, and vVushiiiK-
ton Territory," Ocorgo W. McCurver of Ore
gon City, County of Clackamus, Hluto of
OreKOii, bus this day liled in this ollice his
sworn statement No. 21(14, for the purchase
of the N '4 ol'BW Y and N of HE of
Section No. 12, In Township No. II Hotilh,
Kanite No. 8 Kast. und will oiler proof to
show that the land Sought is tuoro valtiuhle
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
niriioscs, and to establish his claim to said
and before the register anil receiver of this
office at Oregon City. Or., on Thursday , the
2tfth duy October, 18W.
lie names as witnesses: E. V. Knn-
doph, and C, W. Mead of Oregon City, Or. j
David H. Patterson, and Edward P. Eagles,
of Cray's Harbor, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described hinds are requested lo
file their cluims in this ollice on or before
aid 23d duy of October, W!i.
j, i. Arixtiaow,
7-31-10-2 Kcgistcr.
United Htstettand Oftlre,
Orenoa tlly. Orsggii, July XJ, lsnO
Willis II, Wood,
Notice is herthv given, that In compliance
with the provl'isiii. uf the act uf oungre.s nf
June a, 1ST, siilltled "An act fur th ssle nf lim
ber Isnds in th Mtatea uf Callfnrnla Oregon,
Nevada snd W aahlngion Territory, W illiam II,
Wood, ol w heatlsad. I'litiuiy uf Yamhill. Htat
01 OrvRoD, has this duy nii-d Hi this mile his
swmn statement No. VTl, Itir the nurchsa of
th WWW of isectlun No. 11, In Township No.
2 ttotiUi, No. Kaat. and will otter prnuf
to shew that Hie amight Is mure valualil
iot u iiiiiner ur atone than fur agricultural
fitirpiiaea, and to eatnidlah his claim tn said
it ml belure th heglater and Hecelver nf this
ulllce at Oregon Clly, Oreguu, uu Vedneday,
the a.ith d.iy of October,
He mimes ss wliuesaea: J, A. Kox. A. W.
Itli hey, II Itobblna, and II. Mcluiyr, all ul
I'ortlaud. Mnltnoni'di euituiy. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely th
above-described lauda am replicated tu file their
nlalins in tills ulliu on ur before said Jtith day of
October, IKS). J T, APt'KltMON,
7-31-10-2 KoKisler,
t'NiTgn Status Land Oirinm,
OiiKuoK Citv, Or., Juno 7th, INK)
Notice Is hereby given tlmt In compliance
with the provisions uf the set uf emigres, of
June It, 17S, entitled, "An set fbr the sale ol
timber lamia In the anttea of CHlllnrnhi, Oregon,
Nevada, and W lodiliiglou Territory," llnratln
W.Hiullh of Beiillle, Cutintv of King, Hlala nf
Wnahluutiiu, has this day filed In this ollice his
awnrn aiittetiieni Nu. 'JIIM, fur tho purchase of
IhaHW'f ol Hecllou No. M, In Township No, 6
Hunt li. Kiiiik'ii Nu. It Kaat, snd will oiler proof to
ahutv that thu bind sought la more valuable for
its timber or alone than fur agricultural pur
noses, and to establish his claim to said laud
before the roglaler and receiver of this ofllca at
Oregon City, ur., ou Wednesday, the Sib day ot
October. ImK).
He names as wltueaaei; W'm. Jones of For
svtli, Custer eotiuty, Uuntaua; W. 8 Draupard,
Win. Hoovur, and N. 1. Welch ol Portland, Or.
Any aud all persuus olalmlug adversely th
aliove (Inscribed lauds are requested lo Die their
claims In this olllee ou orhelora said sthdsy
of October, PJDO. J, T. APCUItHON,
JIO-sll. HeKlstsr.
United Htstes Land Ollice, I
Oregon City, Oregon, July il, Usui). I
Robert T. Wootl.
Nollee Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions uf the act of congreas of
Juno II, IS7S, entitled '-All act for the sale nf tim
ber Inmls III the stales uf California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,'' Hubert
T. Wood, uf Wheiitlaiid, County of Yamhill, Htato
of Oregon, has this day filed In this olllun his
sworu aiiitouienl Nu. a 173, fnr the purchase of
the HE 'i of Heclhin Nn, 14, lu Township No. 2
Hoiitb. lunge No (I Kast, and will orler proof to
show that the laud ought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
Enmia, and to establish his claim to said land
citore the register snd recei ver of this olllee at
Oregon City, Oregon, un Wednesday, the Wth
day of October, isutl.
Ho names as witnesses: ,t, A Fox, II, Roh
bltn, A. W. Ftlehoyof Portland, Oregon; aud U.
Mclntyre ol Chorryvllle, Or.
Any and nil persona claiming sdvorsoly th
above-described lautli are reiiuested to tile
their claims in this ollice ou or before said Mil
duy of Oetoher, 1D0, J, T. APPEttyON,
7-3l-10-'j. itegister.
ter end receiver uf this oibe at Oregon t
Oregou, un Hi IIUll day uf October, lata)
H namea as allueaaea II II II Hun'. Hr
berl II lltiiil snd I Miller of Hon r rsueiscu,
tal i snd J A ros uf l-iirtlaml, Oregon
Any and sll claiming sdvaraely Ih
above described lands are leipieated lu III
liietr claim, in una ulhee uu or before said Hall
uay ui ocioi,i isju j. i AI'I'MmoN,
7-li)ll Itealsicr,
TIMIlr-lt I.ANK, At l JI NKH. IS.'S.
,ullt' lot- lnlrllrulon.
t'srrcn KrsTra I.anu orin t.l
Oasiioa Citv. or , June I), Is j
Nnttce la herehv given that lu eouudlaue
With the piovlaloiia ul 111 act of emigreaa of
juue a, s,s, riuilliMi - All e lor I tin Bale ot
lilllhar lauda ill III Htalea uf California, Or,
oil, Nevada, and tt a.hlugtoii Terrllury," Hsa
user II, Hi sr, nl Man, county ut aau
Hanoi. no, Ntal of I . Ill,, mis ha. this ilav
r,led In tlilaiillice hlaaivoiu .tatriueiit No Jlla,
lor lb pmclixe ul thu Ml ', of auction ,o li
111 tuHltahlli No 'I noiitll. Itanee No. o K..I
and will mli r praof to ahow thai th laud
Bought la utioii valuable lor Ita ilitihtir ur Btun
Ibau for agricultural ptirm.a, aud tu
Hah his elallil lu asld land U lore Ih regl.ler
I receiver ut ihla ullli'il at lllcaoii l.'llv i,r
uu rrblay, Hie Pali day ut In toh.-r, l-.l '
He uaiuea as u r,. AtUui.. T Mul
ler, and It. II H liuul uf Han (fauciaeu. tab.
J A f us ul I'orllalld, Oregon
Any and all err. on. elntlullis adter.elv lb
sInii dr.crltird land, are reuileated lo HI
their eialiua III fill utlit o or belore aald loth
lay in ui, jstai j 1 APPHiauN,
7-10- ti ll lli glaler.
TIM lit: II I AM', All' Jt'NX J. s:s
.olti' lor I'iiIm leulluii.
P Sll (li ht Ills I HO 11,1 li I
Ohiui.s t it t. or , nine 17, Istai
Nolle la hereby gllell that III compliant'
With lli poo 1. 1, .ii. lhacl of ciiginaa uf
June a ls,s. lilid. -An ail tor II, r .ale uf
timber land, lu ih .tali-. of t ailioruia. tutgoii,
Nevsds slot W a.lilngiMii lerrllorv A K (lis
SLOB APuila, uf l no .1.1 in-, c, only id
in, mah .1,1,. t ni, mi. la, ,, ghta ,u, nlid in
this oihc hi. .,.ru Bt.tvuii-iii No jiiii. fur in
loir ha.e of Ihe NK I-, o encllon N u, lu
Inwii.hip Nu I Hniiih. Hang Nn a Koai a id
will ufti-r pna.f lu .how Dial Ih land sought Is
umr valuable for Us tliui-ur ur stun than for
agricultural purpoaet. and to e.labll.h Ill-claim
to .aid laud Uelore the rrgl.trr and receiver of
hub nine at Oregon tuy, or , u Friday, Ih
liah day uf ot'lulwr, si
II namea a itiii.Mi. Hubert 11,11 Hunt
llerlierl II Hunt Slid Uen K. Ailallla. uf Hsu
Praticiaeu. t'al . jamra A Koi uf l-nrtuml ur
Auv and all nersona elalmlns a.lvrr.nlv Hi
aoiiv tieairtlwn ar r.llra!p4 In fll
lblr i-lalln. In ihl. ml,,. ,,, nvl,n aald IWU
day l iM-iuiwt sai. J I AI'I'KlisoN,
J-IU- II liegiatrr.
TIMltrlt I.ANK, Ai l Jt Nr. H, Is.s
4l 14 I) I'Olt 11 111.14 t I 10.1).
I'stTrn t its. l.ASO Orrn s f
ostuos titv, or.. April is, lataj
Nolle Is hereby given thai III compliant'
Wllblb pruvl.lolia of lb acl nt rollgreaa uf
Jiiii I. s,s. iniliird. "An ai l fur lb aal uf
tl tuner lauda in ih Bialea ul l alltornla, or
1,.n, Nd aud W a. Illusion lerrilury,"
lury Suiallmra, ul Viola. Cuuuly uf l laeka
uisa, atal uf Urcguu, hss this Usy Iliad I u Una
tittle hla sw jru alalemenl No Aef lor Ih pur
I'ha. ol Ih NW I, nl MM,, and NK I, nl tt
ul auction Nu. He, III 1 1. u. hip No I Hnulh,
Kang Nu I ka.l, and will oiler pruof Ui show
thai ill land Bought Is uiur valuabl for Us
lliuhr ur bioii Hi. u for agrleuliural purposas,
Slid loa claim lo aald land blor
Ih rrgl.ler aud rreciver ul this otbe at Or.
ob :liy. or ,uii r'rldsy. th Pnn dsy ol Ht
wintxr, nasi
It uaniB. as wliueaaeB I'ha ('titling. Orin
Cutting, and l ip Ma.oii of Vim. Oregon, II. r.
Nefua nf Oregon i lly, or
Auv and all persons elaliilng adversely tht
sIhiv dss'rlb. lands ar riiiratd In fll
their rlaiini Hi Ihl. i.nir i u or belure said itHh
dsy nl Nepumlwr, syo J T API KimoN,
7-lo--ll heglatsr.
Oregon t'ity &,
I.KAVIt l'llJirl.AND, I.KAVK OlIKtlON C'lTlf
aatyrs4'sl '5 ,v 1r "
.s; , $) k ' . e rrtyr; ') I
I ' e ' ' s. . ,L, - 1 ' "'i ' r-'!
7;:K) A.M.
10:0(1 A, M.
I2:(KI M.
P. M,
b MV. M.
7 :!HI A
II ;il A ,
) ilHI I',
2 :4o I'.
o :m i.
M .
HIatner Allolin in Way I.uiuliiigs.
Sleutiier I.ultmu Way l.aiuiiiiiis,
:(H) A. M
11:00 A, M.
sJiOOP, M.
::ill A.M.
i M V. M.
11:00 I'. M.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Nleuiiit r tsiilllilif Hilles.
From Vaniilus-Hlesiner Karallun. Ap'll ;
Wlllain.llB Valley, May 4. larall .May,
Wlllsitiell walley, Msy 14: Ksrsll ui, May,
tsmor Wlllsinetl Valley. Ap'll 'JS; Karal
lun. MayA. Mllameit Valley, Mty'J, KuralluM
May H. Wlilaiuvti Valley, May M,
Thsenmpany reaerv tb right lo change
sailing t'ates wllhutlt linllee.
Trains routiect with the O 4 C. It. ami It 1 v
Busts alCurvsillB aud Albany.
Tim Ori'Xtin I'mcIIIc meamlmaU on the
Willainelto river division will leave
I'urtlaini, aotit-lioiinil, Muml iy, W'eilnr
dav, Krnlav at tt A M. Arrive at
Oirvallis Ttics.liiy, 'l lmtsduy and hatur
ihv at 3,3(1 I'. .M. Jj-avn ( orvullis,
liiirtli lioiiud, Moiolny, Wetlneaday faixl
FritlayatMA. M. Airive at I'umIhihI
Tiics.lny, Thins. lay un. I (suiiiiiliiv at ;i :u)
I'. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day, both nor til ami sontli-lioiiud Incite
lie over nijiht ut rsalitui, leaving lieie at
41 A.M.
freight slid Tlrkrl Otllce, Nsluiou airert ahsrl
C II IIA'iW MX. Jl .Otiieis! CAP Agl
Si sloutgolnery Nl ,a.ti Kram-iacu,
C C IIOOl K se I li. r A P. A o P 11 ,
i.riallla. or.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
Aud all polula F.sat, vis
The Niirlhrrii I'liclllc II. It
Is th only Uu running
'usssciiit Trains,
wcntuM Ua SliH-iir (dee of ilmre;
Luxurious Day Conclu-a,
I'llltnail l'aliu Sleeping I'urn,
I'alacD Diiiiiitf I'ats (inoiils 76c) .
Fross rurllaad to the luti
sesj that your tickets read via tlio
Northern l'ui llle II li and
void clianiie of cars.
TiMHKit lank act. ji nk j, H7s.
4 I I4 11 I 4ll I'I 111.14' i I I4H
Ilnraco I). Wuudward.
Oregon Lily, or., Juui As. IsuO '
NOIICKIi herebv given that In eoniullanee
with Hi provlahma nf th Act o Cong'sst!
Jnn s, 1 , mliied "An Sit lor O m of
timber isnds lu the aisles ol California, Or-
gou, .s.ra.i., aim n asnilir1 lerriiory, nur
se U. V. o.lwsrd of Seaul t'uimt nf King,
atat of VYaahimrtan. has this day H.ed In this
oitie hit .worn ataitmeul No .'U7. for th fur
chaaent iheSKol section No i In Township No.
4 soiitn, nsnr" isu, r asat, auu win oner proof
In shoar that u. land sought Is mors valuabl
lor Its limber or alone than for agricultural
Iltirps-seB, and .i establish hla claim to said
and o ior the K -gl.ter and Hecelver of tkls
ortle l Oregon I lly, or., nn Tueaday, Ihe Mill
day of October, He ll.imi-a aa it tiosaoa
a. U. Cuuntce. II. Il Wnde. N J. Welch. W. A.
Caboru, ail of Cortland, or.
Any sud sll persona claiming adversely ths
ahuv deaerlheil lauds are reiiiestrd to hie
lhtr clsims lu ihla utile nn or belure said Mil
day of t eiuber, lj. J, T. AI'rKltMON.
i IS. sis Itegl.ter
(.:. I',
iinriortnknrti and Olacktmlths. Oregon City. OreBOri
Good lii'itreen. Triminixi folliioi inirl CnnkHH ulwaya in M
sWLm " -sy
Absolutely Pure!
The New Remedy.
Thousands Already Cured
Within only ten tnonllia this truly remarkable medleln ha. b.ut.a U
Iwtu Ihe vry best fallllllea, U-cue H 1 1 ssi. mr n a No dl.esPai pi
eriul tu real.t lis wonderful sitacka It costs imlhlng to lnieatl(.. Q
'or Ixxtk containing full Information. 1
n tniM'M ti iioiii: mii.i.i... in.,
lass yinrrlsea sal., I'orllnasl, 0i
Fseluslv Ageuis for (,'lscksmns County. TIIOH t il A KM Alt I S'i,
. Oregon t'lly.Otnotl
I ,7 .'. -'v' I I
; . ' ' s . !
: .I'stfi'- OUT Or ORRtR.
- j asm rcw"'t,N.- ou'i
f I N'a.';.
Tiains firrtiio Fast leavt- l'irtlainl,
A M au.llt.isl 1'. M.
ThieUjl Pullman !';. Bleeniiig Cars, el
y euaenrs, nuesi psisc uiniug care bs
n P.irllaud. lacuiua and beaut direct
sial da
ully sarui
A. II. I II A III. 1 OS).
t.4J-u'l I'aaa. Arat, Itll 1'Lrat
Mt., ortlisntl.Or.
ftf le but. corner First sud 0 Streets.
Unit from prim Ipsl pulnta
lathe 1 hlted Hlatea, t auada
and Kdrup
1,'gHnt Nev Dking Palace Cars.
ruiiiiaii rliifp Mrfpfm,
run Tliroliuli im )-!xirvHaTraiiia
Clo.s eoirneeiluns at Purtlaud for 8a u
cit"0 and I'ttget Hound points
Fran LAND ACT, Jt'NK 3. lh7H
.tjollcc fur I'lililh'iillnii.
l.iliculll U. Kills.
I'siTsn Htatks I.Aiin Orru g
Oregon t:ty. Or, June 1M, sii.(
NOTICE la hereby given that ill eoinnllalie
Willi the rirovlsntua uf the act nf t:uiisri.aa
nf June S, Isja, entitled "An act for the auli, ol
timber lauda III Die Htntea otCallfornla. Oregon.
Nevada, and Vt iialiliigtou 'lerrilury." l.liiculu
O. Kills ul Heiiltln. Cmi nt v of Ktior hiaim uf
Vs aalilugtou, luia litis diia tiled In Ibis utile hla
sworn statement Nn. J I JM. lor tho purchase uf
the NK',, nf Unction No. 11, Hi Tniviinhlp Nil. 2
tinlltll, Kange No. 7 Knal. and will oiler tu
ahuw that the Inn. I aoughl Is more valuable for
Its timber or atone limit for agricultural pur
poses, and to eainhllah his -luiiii tu aitld land
uelore the Iteglater and Hecelver uf linn oihc
at Oregon t hy, or , on Tuesday Hi 14th day
of October, lawn. Ho names aa witnesses; N.
J Welch, W. A. Ciih.iru, K. II. Courllce. 11. II.
naile ol I'urlhiml, or,
Auv aud a I lierauua claim tig adveraelv the
abov described lauda are reuiieateil tu tile
their claims In ihla nlhco on ur befnre .aid
Kill day ofot'tuber, tm. J.T. Al'I'KKHllN,
717, U Ir! IteglHer.
.olh'o lor litlll'nlloii.
Unitkd Statks i.ani) okkick. I
OiinuoN Citv, or,, lime 17, lSLKI.
Notice ts herehv given that In cumiillanc
Willi th pruvlalnna ul 'the set of emigres ul
Juno II, Kitt, mil Itlcil 'An acl fnr the anient lim
ber lands lu the states uf Callfuruhi, Orfgnn,
Nevada, end Wnahltiglon Territory," Kuhkkt
II. II. Hunt, nf riiitt i'ramtUco, eoiiuly ol dan
KraiKilaco, Hlntu of Callfnnila, hits this flay
flletl lu this nllice hla sworu statement Nu illti.
fur the purchase nl the BW i ul Hectlon Nik li
In Tow itahlp No, t liiuith, Kniigu Nu. li Kaat, ami
will oiler proof tn ahuw that the hind sutiglu Is
mure valuable fur lis timber ur slnne than fnr
SKrlunltiiriil ptit pnaca, ami In eatahllah hla claim
tn said laud befuro the reutaier ard receiver of
this otllce at Oregon City, or , uu Friday, th
nan usy oi ocinner, mini.
He names as wltusases: uan. K. Adams, of
Hao Frauolson, Csl.l A. V. Theodor Mollsr, of
Cloverdslo, Csl.i James A. Fug aud A. W.
Jllchey, of Portland, Oregon.
Auv aud all iiersuns claiming adversely ths
above-described lauds ara requested to HI
their olslina lu this ulllua ou or before said ltlth
day of Ociober, IDIHI. J. X. APPKItSON,
r-iu w-ii. itegister.
" Tailed itstn land rvifi-,..
Oregoo City. Oregon. July ttltiSU. . 5
' ... f John T.Wood. '
Notice It hereby lveo, (hat In ootnollsne
sltli Ih prut laiuaa of tli set uf congress nf
Jun X, s7s, eiultleil - An set lor th mi (
timber Isuda In lb (Hateauf t ailfurula. Oregon,
Nevada snd Vt ashltigtoii l errHiiry," Juhti
Wood, of tVheatlaud. County uf Yamhill, Mtat
of Oregou, has this day filed 111 this ultir his
sworn Blstenient No.'.'ITu, b r the purrhaee uflii
WW I, nf aeellun No. ;u lu Township Nu. i Booth,
Hang No. KaBt.aud "III oiler pried lu show
that th Isnd sought Is in Are valuabl fur Ita
Umber or stun tbau for agricultural piiti.ea,
and nie.tabll.h his claim lo said laud Inrforc
lit Heglater and Hat-elver nl Ihla i. ai Ore
gou Citv. oreeon. uu Weiliu-B.1.. Ihi, ',. I. av
of October, lsuo ' I
He mftnes sa witnesses; J. A Fox. A W. '
ntcliey, It KotiblliB. nl Portland, Un ifuU. I
Fur further rsrilculara Inqtiir of suy sgeii
of th t'uinpauy ur
., . I. AT.
... , .. , , p4irllttU4l.0t'rfi4M
O. . MIXI.E.T. nsfllr.
- sUa' Alssnticer. .
Soiillieni Pacific Koute
Faler's Golden Female Pil
r Fern. I. Jrrayxuf
lues; liulhliiglig,!,
nn the ii. start, jyj
ml, Muisi wfi,!!.,
by li'omloent lan
uiootlily. Oiisrseu
to rellev rtiiiiraiaiii
Imn't las buml"H
Hsv Time, Um,
aud money, tag a
s- . 1
L. A
"- nl to sny addnaj
. m. ,.r .a:i r
Nedpfulurleti.tiifl. t
Ad ilea, I
the tPHRO timn zwm.
WeaUim lliam h, JJox Tt, J'Olt ri.ANb, Oaf
For "ai ItV ('l.atniun A Co. .
Jrni,vista, irenm ('ity, Or.
if T' -i'-s??
J r W
aud II. Mi'lntvre. ol i'herryvllle, oregnn. tl
Any sud sll persona clausing adversely Ih 1 1?,, Yriiina liuivn I'lutl iiul Ilailv
bovo deacrlbcd lands ar re.iueate.l to IH rJtP'u-" 'II1S nine t uitl.iliu tnil.
hat. LI..,a I.. .1.1. ...i,. .... ... i., . , T '
their claim lu thla oihc uu or befoie (aid 'JVtli " tshnrji"
w a ui vcumer, isw
J. T. API'KKStlN, Klater
7 SI 10 2
Nollrts lor I'ublirullon.
I'niTgn BTATra I.Ann Orrics.l
Ohsoou Citv. Or .July 7, ItoO
Notlea Is hereliy given that the following
nsmed settler has (lied notice nf hia lutuiitinu h
make Hn-I pnad In suiporl uf hla claim, and
that ssld pruol will be made before the register
and receiver ef Ihe I'. 8. Ijind utile at Oregon
s uy, urrgoii, un I ilea. my, august Jo, via
junu . i
fur the K
prove hla continuous rcalduuco upon un. I cul
tivation of, ashl land, vis: Itatit 1 hutnas, W,
HubbcI, ). o. Cooley and Kluier Thomiia, all of
nllholt, Clackamas county, Oregon.
7-B 0-11 Heglater.
i.r. m.
7 I., a. a.
I North.
"son, un I ilea. my, august Jo, via:
I'. M. llnni. ey, llumeaiead Kitlry. Nn. fi7IJ,
K ,nf NK ',' and K i. ul HK.t. of sec is,
le. Ilrinmca the lollowlng wiiuesaeato
.ollco lor I'll ll Ion I Ion.
Ittilph II. Wade
thiiTKn Htatks Laud Omen
Orcgnu City, Or., June aa, Ihuii.
NOTICE Is hereby given Hint lu iiiuiiiillauce
with the nrovlsloit of thu uct of Congress of
Juno 8, l7s. entitled "All act for thu sale of
timber hinds In tlio Htates nf Callfnrnla, Ore
gnu, Nevada, mid Washington Toirltory, "Kalpli
II. Wade, of I'nrllitud. County uf Multnomah,
Btiitu of Oregnn, has this day Aled In this ollice
his sworn statement No, Ji Jtl, fur the uurchsse
nf tho NW'-i nf Hecilun No, l'J, 111 Tewnahlp No.
2Houth, Kange No. 7 Kaat, and will oiler proof
to show that the land sought Is mora valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fmrposes, and to OHtttbllsh his claim to said
niui before tlio Register and Hecelver of this
oilloe at Oregon City Or. on Tueaday th 14th day
of October, IBta) lie names aa witnesses; it.
0. Woodward, ol Seattle. Washington, li. U
Conrtine, N. J. Welch, W. A, Caboru of Port
land, Or.
Anv ana ail persons oinimirig ativersety in
above described lauds aro requested to file
their nlalins In this oilloe on or before aald 14lb
day of October, lNUO. J. T. APPnlWON.
7 if, s-io i.vgiBier.
.(l'( I 'or I'ubllriilloii.
I'NITKn 8tats I.aniv OiricK, (
Oiikiion Citv, or., June 13, 1M0.
Ntlee Is hereby given that In compliance
sslthths nrnvlalous Of the set nf eiiliureaa nf
Jsitiell, 1H7M, entitled "Au act lor tlassale olliin-
Irer lands In the states of California, Oregon,
Nssvads.atid Waahlnetun Territory," Arthur J,
Vision, of Portland. Conntv ol Mui.'tnmiiab. Htaie
o4 Orsgon. has this day tiled In this o Mice hla
asrurn statement No. ill 14, lor Hi t purchase of
th NK I nf Sei'llnn No an, In Ti iwnshlp No. fll
in lownaiup u. n Bouin. Itsnga No. 7 Kaat. sud
will offer proof to snow that thu land snueht ts
more valuable fur Its timber nr slnne than for
agrlnullural nurnoses. ami totii eatahllah hla
claim lo aald land before the rr rlster snd re
ceiver of thla nllice al Oregon C lly, Oteaon, ou
Krlday, the Will tlay of October, Mil.
' II names sa wllneaaea: J. H . ll.o'iielt. II. M.
Oarhiml, snd J. A. Itunert of Pi irlland, Oregon;
ami J. A. Melntyre nf I hcrrv vlll e. Oregon.
Auy and all persons clitliiilii g sdvemely the
ahove tleatirlbcd liilids urereitu wted to tile their
claims lu slila ollice on or he hi re said lntb dav
of October, INKO. J. T. APPKHSON,
7-10-d-ll Kegister.
l.v Portland Ar j .:;' a.m.
l.v Oregon t:ity Lv M 4:1 a. m.
Ar 8. KranclKco Lv I if. to r. N.
Above trains stop nnly at the folluu lug sta
tion, nortn uf Kuaeburg- Kaat Portland. Ore
ffon City. Wuodhurn, rtalem, Alb.u v, Innteni
Jihedits,' Halsey, 1 1 arris t. ti i g, Junctio:i City, Ir
Vlug ud Kilgeu
ilsiA.Bt."l Lv Portland " Ar j 'i islr.ii
i.A. M. I Lv OregnnClty l.v 2:Mr. a
4llM, I Ar Hnaebitrg Lv ! 6 no a. u
AI.HANV LOCAL (Dally, except Ktindiiy )
S.iKir. M. I l.v Portland Ar I 9 (Hi a. m.
tir, M.l , Lv Oregon cliy l.v 7 M a.
("i,;, ( Ar .tllnhj l.v IJvt
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Koraeeom mods t ton ofiseeond t'hiss PnsKctigcts
aUnched to Kvpresa Trains.
Ws( Side Division.
HallTralM, Dally (Kjtccpt Stindnv.l
tVhO a. m. Ile P(rlland'"Ar ffi":s6Fi.
l? lli. in. I Ar Corvsllls Lv l 'ira
At Albany and thirva'.Us oouuvel ttllli t rtttti
s!oregon Pacltlo Kailnwd. ,,
Kxprt'ss Tnilii Dally (Except Stiuilny)
i-stti. m. I l.v Porilsnd "Ar l8:'.iia. M
7:JdT. si. I Ar McMlnnrllle Lv ;;, a. n
Kur tickets stid full Information regarding
rat ss, maps, etc., cull on Company's agenlat
Oregon Cliy , ,
Manager. Ass'tU. V. snd Pass,. Agent
I now Live a Full Line of
nanlwareuml Stoves. Sole Agent
for Snjiorior Stoves ami Ranges,
The Olivi-r C'hil leil I'lows at $1 an in.
W'e have conmvtoil with the house
a Fir.-t Class Plumber ami Tinner
ami work in this line will beU
Promptly .lone and as Cheap as any
eouM desire.
R. D. Wilson.
Opposite JVt Ollice,
The Celebrated French Gun,
Ui run
Is Solo on a
to cuni suv fnrm
oi ncrvotls discHMl
or any disorder of
the itcnerative or
Xansnf elthersex.
fielder arising
from the eyeoKuls e
usoof tiliiiuilMiiitt. APTTh
Tobacco or Onlnm.or thnnnrh vuuiifiilin.llan
tlou, over inilitlitcnce, &e ,stich as Livssof Brsla
l'uHer, Wakefulni'iis.liearimtdoan I'alnslntli.
back, Semiunl Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros
tration, Nocturnal Kmiwilniia. I..u,snrrhia. D1B-
iiui-ss. Weak Memory, Loss of power and tajsv f
ieney, n iuciiit iii'v iri'tcl ottcn Icailto premstur. j
ild aire aud litsuulty. l'rlco ll.tSI a 001, 6toxet
lor .i tsi. Sent liy mall on receipt of price'
A WRITbKN Ol Alt.A.NTKK isftlrenfor
every In .00 unler rccelveil, to refund the money If r
a rcrinaiicut c,m, t xmx effected. We harsj
thuusauilsof testiinontalt from old ami
nf laitli sexes, who have ta-rmanently cure!-
ny mouse of Apliroiiuine, Circular free. Adtlrenj
Western Itrancli, liox 27, Pohtund, 0s.
For Sulo by I'li.iiman P.ixih ,
Oieifon City, Or,
Guaranteeing : flora Power, using Less
Water than any -other
Whoel, and the or ily 'Tur-
umo that win
work successfully
under High Hoads, .
under Heads 1 ,rora
310300 F'tET.
--ss" N
to pv;:;
iiM-nusHsfti-'SBsV -'assiai,Miri-n( ialV t 's H
-u.tV.-.i.. i.i...
I. St
iff na
L 1
tr- -