The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, August 07, 1890, Image 2

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    I L
I'uMWhrr n4 lrorltlr.
i 1 i 1 11
V in t worries the mind it tin vrrp
cititini of OrrpmOity ivmr than anything
l at the tuvsimt time lit ftre protection.
That our tire uVMrtment la onVleut
any in the Ule with the apimrotiu at com
muml, cannot be iilsimtil. Tha ftictorion In
the north part of the city make that portion
or the town particularly uiwlttbl to the
rv:iKc of lire. That portion of tha city r
quire s tlr protection by U1 wmn, and pro
vision should be made to Unit ami, At
prewnt the city 1 trvUig with debt
l. rt on it. haiuU by tha old council, bt-
nl,li- the expe nue of repairing th ravage
rmi.lo by lt winter'! flood. But lull will
not lat Ions. By their economic nian
. m. nt tlu v arc rariiUr wiping out the debt,
and lite city jll toon be able to provide ftr
its tuvessury necda. If the tvaldeut In
tin- north cud of the city will organlit tire
company, tint council will provide Uicni
with lh needed apparatus. They should
uot for a moment heitte to take advati
tajje or this. as part of the city ti In
ront;iut dauber, and ha not the facllltlei
of lire protection al other portioniof the
municipality. The pumping itutlon will be
o improved with a new water wheel that
the sm-plv of water will be materially in
erciiw-d, which will be an Important aid in
V.the supply of water to the tire department.
Improvement are contemplated In the tire
Icnaitmeiit that will make It leeond to
none in the state.
Wk will aoon have seven kind of cur
rency in this country gold, allver, gold cer
tificates, et-eeubackt, national back biU, and
th. m w silver bullion treiuury note. Of
these, only the tiret two (told and ailver
coin -are actual money; the other are all
promises to pay. The gald certificate rep
n sent gold held tn the treasury Kir their re
dejnption; the silver certificate represent
eilver dollars held in the treasury for their
redemption; the greenback are promises
to I av, made be the nation ; the national
bank bills are promises to pay, made by the
banks; and the new silver bullion notes will
h- promise to pav coin, and are secured by
the bullion bought with them, which is to
bo stored ill the treasury.
Ir we want to have a mall aerviee to the India Islands and Australia, our gov
eminent must grant subaidirs. Australia
and Zealand claim that they are tired of
building up American trade at their own
expense. Adolph tfpreckles too comet to
the front and sayt without aubsidiet the
steamer will ttop. Unlet tomethlng is
done by our government, and that too al an
early day, we will lose the profitable trade
, of Australia, New Zealand and tin East
India blauds, England tparet no expense
in stibsidiiing her tteamshlpa liberally, and
ronseiiucntly is taking away a large bal
anee of trade from the Cnited States.
From The Enterprise's Con of
Sen. Hem of lnttr r'rom Niirroniul-
lug Town itittl Cimnlry.
ramier are biwy liaivoatiug.
Kvorybody la enjoying tlm dimt.
Mr. John KivhW will at nr. for WillioU
thla weok.
A tolophono line t being count inctod
tlimugh town,
Mr. Uoorgw Knight Inin bot'tiropairmu
hi waivhouto.
Mr. A. T. Dlx la cutting n lmnien-.o
amount ol lumber,
Ntmieiroua liuntera hio scouring
wood In aoaahol bird
Mr. John Knlnltt'achlldron.ol aleiii,
are visiting relatlvea hero
Mr. II. A Lt recently sold a liu
and nevet. lot to Mr. Kellogg ol Oteguti
Muta Ola Mack attondi-d tlm IiibIiIiiIo
hidd In Oregon City, laat Tluimdiiv and
t riday .
Jamea Adkuia ami Mik. Ann Stone
were married bv Justice Knight luM
Saturday veiling.
Your correspondent took a trip to I'.l-
liott' prairie last Sunday and loiin.t
that moat ol tho grain tlieiv lia.l Koeu
cut. The farmer tliert may jtisuy pnoo
thomwivM on the beauty a woimim lor
tility ol tholr little prairui.
Evervbodyl dollw'htod with tho neat
appoaranc ol Thk Ksrwutsa as woll
a with it nowaltom. May It go on
increasing In goodne and strength, ever
upholding the bannerol the republican
party, i our wish.
When will tlm 8 P. K. U. Co build
rnox ffimniT.
Trip tit thetlty of Catnasi,
Wii.iioit, August i, imKi.
I'.niioii Mnikkpiuhk: (Hi Wedm-mlay.
July IK), wo liuiiu) ourwlviw itlmurd tlm
Hlniiowlili Muiitor Hiiudnll a our jolly
drlvor. Wo rortcliiid Wright' al noon,
wlieio limn and boiimt wa wlroidu'd.arul
nfler a beitiiliful ill iv o through aa lino
n lot of faun at thero are In (.'liti kanma
countv, mid not loant tho toasel lurin,
wo ai rived at I'limp about 4 I', M , and
after Kolling Ihod (or the night wo ut
londod mm ( tho open air coiicorl
which a iv glvmi nightly In aonm promi
nent place on tho gi'otiuda A Imgo lira
liaviiig I ice 1 1 arranged, tlm nimpora
uiitlier mound and tln ooncoit begin,
ooiisislinii ol aoturii. roclliitlon, elc. t c-
cuNioiiully an evening la enlivened by
lia'ice hi tlm hall
On funday tho attendance was ipillu
liiiue, : innnlior drivlmi from Orognit
City on Saturday evening, Among
tlm 'number wo noticed,' C. O, T. Wll
liaiua and wifo, Charles I.ittourcttu mid
wife mid a number ol the boy,.
1'i-oiesnH ir Itiuler inadit hi wlfitglnd
by putting In mi appouranco on Satui1
dav evening.
to-ilav will bo the big day ol the im
sou, Iho tauipoi having ooiitilliulod
about tentv-flvo dolhira (or tho pur-
t-liaso ol a tM'el for a grand bmbacun,
which Is now boing dbno up in grand
stylo, Julius l.ogua Mug the grand
cm ver r, Kelly and M, Flanagan aro
niaiilpulaling tho pitchforks, and alow
oilier ruxtling lor tho crowd.
bail I 1 1. lav evening them was about
liitv hauils ol augtir used (or a candy
pulling, which ol course wa a awoot
tuno The Spring are tiuno largely
attended Ihls vear thitn evor boforo, a
evidenced liy tlm (act ol th. enlarging ol
Iho camping ground today by about
lbriH hcios, and before night a iniinU'r
ol tents woro dolled thtouith tho tall
; tic The iiianuLroineiit thia vear bv
a atation houae at till place large enough citKy u( Portland ami Win. Haldr.
to hold medium nd trunk? Thei !,,( uienoii fiiv give Utter satisfaction
I mora snipping uuno in mu mi. r'- than ever
than trom half a doten stalion com
bined, south ol Portland and imith of
Salem ; yet we are compelled to use
something not much better than a chicken-coop
lor a atation house.
Hon Caaaldav met with a painful acci
dent on day last week, lit was ut
work running tho edger in Mr. A. T.
Dix's mill and unlortiiuatoly got his
hand against the saw, resulting in the
U ol a hand.
Jl I V i'5, 1KHI.
I notice In Tux KsTKai Ki that you
desire correspondent Irom the county
precinct, and a I hup-n to be in a
bad humor and wantnomething to growl
about will send you a short letter, and
a it tcrtm to be the mhlon to p I
alout tho centu enumerator will do
the tame. If we had any enumeration
in this precinct, I have (ailed to tind
It out.
We were, about to lay off thit country
into building lot as aii addition to die
gtin City and now here wears without
any population at all according to the
ceuiii ol lrWO.
Well that don t prevent tin mm t e-
ing one ol the best pari ol Oregon. Our
i.i. .. ...,. .... Rnu anaorouuciion are manv nun .im,-i.
heat harvest. The outlook now it tht
tl.c imo will be about the same at hut
year's. Heme the Inevitable shortage In
Western Europe must be supplied by im
pollutions trom the Cnited States, India
and Australia. The Importation will prob
ably cxd lit volume those of last year.
Our own total wheat crop will U between
tn and i.V million bushels, as against 4t
millions la-t year. All the fact "ol Ir.
loelar prices far wheat, Vi'i th farmer who
cau store bis KTajfl until wlutsr and spring
will doubtlif-s find profit thrrrin.
" Awuor.iH Portland is greatly dissatisfied
Willi her census enumeration, one thing l
lertain the jxipulation and volume of busi
ness far exceeds that ol either Tacotna or
Seattle. A fair test to show how far Port
land is behind the Sound cities can be ob
tained by counting th name that appear
in the directory of each of the three
lit ic. Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. Per
son, of course, have been missed In each
city, but tho that are printed will "aver-a.-e
up" fairly enough to thow that like
Abou Den Ahdem, that Portland's name
leads the rest
U the authorities ol this city expect visit
ors to receive a favorable Impression ol the
place when they arrive here on the boat,
something should be done with that tewer
that empties Into the river at the landing of
the boats of tho 0. C. T. Co. The itench
is something terrible thl warm weather,
and the matter could be very easily reme
(I.e.! by placing In a ix inch pipe to carry
oil tho discharge into tho river. It does
not matter so much In winter when the wa
ter is high, but something hould be done
now during the warm weather, and that at
It isbij-'h time-that omething be done
with the sidewalks of the city. Nail are
protruding everywhere from the boards, and
pedestrians are in constant dangCT Of ttub
bing their toes as they wsllc along the
street. This i not intended as a kick, but
the people and visitors are complaining
all over the city. The property owner
should see to it that the nails are driven
down in tho front of their places, even if
the side walks cannot be repaired.
lion. R. P. Earhabt became collector of
customs at Portland Friday morning. Hit
appointment was made several month ago.
hut (or some reason did not take hi seat
until Priduy, at which Urns Mr. Hynian
Abraham stepped down and out. Alva L.
Pike, the present chief deputy will be re
tained in the otlico. It la uid John M. Hod
son, one of the editors of the Eugene Reg
ister will also be a deputy. The other ap
pointments will be made shortly.
fjrtLL unsophisticated farmer csntinue
to be taken in and done for. The way 8.
W. R. Jones, of French Prairie was wln
died out of $0000, by a trio of sharper on a
lottery trick, Is nearly as old a the hill
he cultivates. But It l not likely that he
will pet tuken in again, as be has learned
wisdom enough, beside being over 70 years
of ago. Jones was anxious to marry and
fell an easy prey to sharper.
The dust along Main street Is almost in
tolerable. And inasmuch as the city at
this timc'is hardly able to provlds a spring
le.r for its use, It ha been suggested that i(
tlic business men, along the street would
thoroughly wet down tho premises In front
of their places of business at least once a
day, the dust nuisance would be greatly
abated. This would add very much to their
own comfort as well as that of the public,
At the supgcfition of the board of county
commissioners, BhorlfT Kelly will at once
appoint all road supervisors and road fore
men deputy sheritls and empower them to
arrest persons violating the law relative to
Keeping tne couniv roaus in proper tuime
Tho above Is taken from the Portland
World, and Is a precedent worthy of estab
lishment in other counties in the tate.
consisting principally ot s'ia
water, ground njuirrel, Ilea, climate
and preachers, with a few shingles
Thi country utod to be (union (or shin
gle, but lor a lew years the shingle
crop ha boeu nearly a lailure, but e
can produce more climate audi more
preachirt to the acre than any other
part ol Oregon. Crops are very good,
bar being much better tU&ti Sown iii the
Hlley. Ther is a Urge crowd ol
camper at Soda spring, tn ootci aiso
being full of guests.
How, Mr. Editor, dont throw thi in
the waste basket on the plea that I am
trying to gtt a Irce advertisement da
thi country up here, and I will promise
vou that when we put our addition to
Oregon City on the matket, we will ad
vertise extensively in Thc Emm-Hi.
II your correspondent in other places
find items as scarce a they are here. I
aui afraid your correspondence columns
will be dull reading, but ll anyone xei
married, ha a baby or runs oil with
some other man's wile, I will write
At'OlST 5, li'.sl
H. P. Walker Is building a Hue resi
lience on hit place.
Miss Maud Glenn, ol Portland, is vis
iting Mrs. J. A. Dibble.
Mr. Harvey and Miss Ida Stark
weather are visiting their brother, Wil
liam Starkweather, at Canby.
Mrs. Helen R Kerr, of Tillamook.
daughter o( Mrs. E. J. Ross, Is visiuni:
her old home .
The familiar face ol Mr. J. (1. llon-
nett was seen Sunday on our atieet. lie
returned to Oregon City Monday.
L'a fashionable to have thc measles.
Miss Edna Kos i the victim. Hy last
accounts she is improving. Who's next'.'
The Milwuukio boys have a crack
base ball team. They would be pleased
to meet the Oregon City boys for it
friendly contest on the diamond.
Milwaukle I aliout to lose its princi
pal business establishment. The Stand
ard Furniture Manufacturing Company
111 remove its plant to Ccntialia,
Washington, the citizens ol that place
having deeded one acre of land in their
town and given &uwcbhii.
New Kra.
Dr. Casto's family Hpent HuadiiV at
the Springs. ,
Eighty tents were counted ti Wilhoit
springs last Sunday, a great many of
them were from Oregon City. - t
W. J. Ranch received s very severe.
(all while at work on bis new house
which he is building at Wyvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall gave tlm
young (oiks of this vicinity a very pleas
ant party on last Saturday evening, it
being the twenty-first anniversary of
their son, Willey,4 All who attended
spoke of the nice time they had .
Everyone 1 kusv harvesting.' The
wheat is nearly all cut and outs mo
nearly ready to reap. The fruit crop
here will be Cie best it has ever been
(orvoara. The motlm nr) not near us
baa as they vera last year.
Mattle F Rrekol, of Kansas City, will
deliver thrta Iree lectures at Now Km,
spiritual eamp ground on Friday ut
3 P. M., .id Saturday ut 10 P. M , Au
gust 1ft id 10. Saturday will be u sort
of a bawet picnic and all are cordially
invited to attend. Mrs. Krrkel has a
wide Dputation as being one of the
finest ijieakers on this count. Conic
all andee her.
. i, Shout'.
A lew channel. fulfill still add
lo this growing resort, naiuelv a
number of lamps through the public
Kioiinds; the laying out of the caiiili
tfiouinl in shoots, giving each camp mil
ticieut room for comfoit; tho enlarging
of the room around the spring, and ar
ranging so tint! Iho ponplo cannot stand
around, depriving oilier liom gelling
to th spiing, etc
I havn been to the Sprint! a great
many limes, but this i the llrtt time 1
have seen so few seeking lost health;
bin on the contrary nearly everyone
seems well and I cut on having a good
lime 1 Hud people here lo'in Salem,
I'oitbiinl, Kant Portland, Sllvcrtort, In
dependence, Aurora, Jiew Era, Harlow,
WilUI'iHu, MiUaukiu, and Oregon I'll. v.
the latter being more largely rcpicwntod
than npy ol the dinner. We notice as
follows.' The Kelly and Higler tent,
Mrs. ,M . Mratton, Julius l.ogu anil
familv, Mis, Cap), (irahain and family
Mis . lieorge I'liih, Mr. T. Miller and
lauiilv, I'. Keilv, Mr. Trembatll and
family, i W. t iiurch and Uttulv, Win.
Aldndee wile, T. P. Randall ami
mother, Mrs. M. N. Kandall, t'apl. Shaw
ami family, J . I., watlord and family,
and Mis V. A. White and a hunt "of
otbeis. We alo notice Mi. Lain I vert
and family of Milwaukle; but 1 think a julh good lime the Kelly and Itig
lei tent "lakes the cuke."
There nin now about eighty vamp ot!
the vtoiiml, making by iiumrAhn,
and it w is don belter llitll Um stale
centos besides a large number of
boar lets at the Wei.
Parties v'.isiring to camp will find auv
Uilvig In the grocery and provision line
a! the time .inle reasonable.. Veiteta
blesofsll kinds mat- be oU-suied of the
(arnieis near. Yours trulv,
J. I.. S.
( Koi'-n i: w in it in i.i.i i iv-No. ;i.
I . . i li eli l ulling Siilui ibir A inc. t.
w uriiiH
The li n.per.tluie has been below the
avoia" (or tlm week, and ha raiik-itd
Irom 4'i to (si degruet. Kxcept a lew
local spiiukles along the coast and a
sjiinikle at Walla Walla on July 31, no
ram is ii jiorted to have lulled In the
slate, lliu ilaj liavo been ilomly ui
partly rb'tidv in the mornings, tlm aiter
tiiniis, have been cloudless,
The cool partly cloudy wcul.ier was
very favorable to harvesting operation
w hich have continued during the week.
The weather conditions have also been
lavorable to the crop not yet matured
and to tlm riHuing of the fruit. The
wheat and oals are generally yield n
belter than was expected.' The hay
crop was much larger '.nan was ex
pecle I. Tlm hope coriinue to be most
promising. As was expected the peaeh
iron is poor; the apple yield will bo
fair. The codlin moth ha done con
sidi rnlile In jury . Plums and prunes
w ill be t'spectally plentiful. The griiis-s
liive promise o( an abundant yield and
vineyards an retmrted to be In a healthv
and thriving condition. The yield o(
corn will not lie up to tho average on
uceount, of the dry weather when Heeded
and co(4 nights during growing season
Wheat yields ol W bushel per acre
are reHrted from various localities:.
Senator E. T. Hatch, McCoy, Polk Co.
reports, "I had thirty three acres which
yielded forty and one half bushels st
acre, Thi may be considered an indi
cation of whatHuminur-fallow wheat will
average in this locality." From the
Willamette valley gimoral reports as to
yields have not been recorded. The
number of bushels per acre Irom East
ern Oregon will average well. Wasco,
Sherman, Gil limn and Monow counties
have very satisfactory crops. In Uma
tilla to the west of Pendleton the wheat
is poor, Some will not yield over ten
bushels per acre to tho north and east ol
Pendleton it will average fully thirty-tive
bushels per acre, lnlon county will
average from thirty to forty bushels
periicri!. The moMt satlslaetoav reports
tiro received from all counties.
II. fi. Paole,
Ob server Signal Service
John C Hickman,
I'lilted Slates Land Olllce,
, Oregon t'lly, Oregon, July ft, lsi.
Notion l, hereby given that, In cniupll
niifw w llh tlm piovlnlinia of tlm act of con
(irexsiif June M, IMJs, vullileil, "an act ftir
lliu wile ol'lliuher laiiil in Uie slates of I'al
lliunla, Oieihiii, Nevada and WNshlngloti
Tenlloiv," John V, Hickman, of Oii'ttoti
City, county ol l laeluilnua, stale of Oregoli,
bus this d.iv I'led In tills otllee his snoril
sinteiueiii No, ,'I,VJ, lor the puri'hane of the
N' .'.l M ami lots ami 'i, ol section No,
1, in lottii-lilp No, 4 miiilh, range No. 0 east,
anil III niter pruol to show that the laud
"inirhl Is iiioni vahiablii for lis Umber ur
toiin 1 1 . ii 1 1 (or aitrlciilliiral purposes, ami lo
eoal'll-h his cliiini to said hind More the
0 -t i and iiicelverof this otllee, ill Ormtoli
1 lly, on Wednesday, lliu '.''id day of (Mil
be, 1 sin,
lie inline ss witnesses! J nines 0, Mi''
bun, ( hioli s W, Mead, f Iran Holmes, bum
W. ltaudolih,iiH ol Oregon t'lty,l'hickinas
county, iio'(!oii.
Any and nil person claiming adversely
the akee ilim lllinil lauds sm reiUetei to
lite their claims III Ibis oltleeou or before
mud if .'. day ol 'October, IsiW.
s-T - to ll ileglsler.
:-ia w lUiidolpli
l ulled Stalei I slid utiles,
orcein I'liy, Oregon, july A, IsUU.
Noi ice i heivby given thai in compliance
n oh the pioMsloiis of the act of Couttrei
ol June .1, s,s, entitled "An act for the sal
ol louder Iroel. in lliv slates ol California,
I'reeoii, Nevada and Waihllu:toii Terrl
tty," Fta W. Itainlolpli, uf Oregon City,
Countv ol Chickainas. Hlale of Oregon,
bi iln day tiled lit this olllee Ills
Kiiorti -I iienieiil No :'IM, for the purehaae
nlllieM.i. ol section No 81. In lowushiu
No :i south, riiuge No. 8 east, and lll oiler
proof in .iimv (lint the laml sounlit l in ore
aluahle ler In lunU-r or sloue thn for og
liiillliiial piiriosea. ami to estahll'll hi
claim in said laud More the register and
re, elver ol thla olllee at Oregon Cliv, Ore
gon, on Wednesday, the t.M day ol tlelober,
lie I n nes wltllresi James 0 Meo-
twiii, Cluoies I Meml, John Hickman and
t'weu llulnie, all of Oregon City, Claeka
m. ik i-oiini . (lieuou.
Any ii . d i ei,ins clalnilnir adversrlv lb
nlmu .li -ctilK-J lands are miueilnt to Hie
Hu n i I o ns In tills otllee oil or Iwlnre said
:.'d day ! Oi tulsT. Ii.
1, T. APPKItSoX,
a 7 o u l(i-Kller
tohn V tlroiit.
I tilled stales Und Ollb-e,
ine.i.ii city, Oregon, July 8, 11
Notice i heieby nlveii Dial in compliant
nub the iiivi-l,m of the ait f Cong reus of
liiuo t, !,, riilltliol, "An act for the sal
ol timU t laiidi in the slslrs ol calilorul,
i in-con, Nevada, Slid Washington Terri
tory." John YV tiroul of Oregon City,
i oiiulv of Uackaiiias, Mate of Ore
ton, ti,i ihii, ilnv lllr-l In tnis ullliv bis
xiinrii -Mieineiil No "l.'il, for the purclis-
o l(.ei-i,,il neellull No S, in UiWImhlp No
I noutii, taiifB No ft eal. and ill oiler
I cool lo -Lin 1 1 ml the laud sough! I more
i.iini.l, i r ii lunU-r or ioii ihsu for og
ileultunil i ut I'oses, and lo plalilih bis
i i nin lo i.od l.unl hrlore the register and
ii.i-iicr ofthU olllie nt im'gon City, tire-
too,, on , ,lni -ilny, the '.Md day ofotlolirr,
He i.a i.nai Itnrsiei: Junes C M te
bun, I a nils W Mead, llusn Kly and tra
K.oi lo! h. all of Uregiiu City, Claikamas
i onlity. i Org, ill.
Anv ii-U all permna claiming adtrnely
the iiUite-tluiM illstvl land am rniimt.l to
l ie their claims in this oilne on or lo-lore
i.'d day of Ocl'ilsw.lKisi.
J. T.
" . : io
Mil Hi: Kill PUII.K'AI IO,
Puaue Ply,
l uileil ,'tnlei Land llllUe,
I'H gon Cily, Oregon, July 4, 1J.
- i- In i I , y given that In compliance
liio i -li uii. ol lli sit vl Cuiigrru of
I -'.', cnlllUil, "An act for the sal
i land In the -ink's of Calllornia,
Nrtail and Washington Trrt-
Klv of Orrou Cliv, niuiity
tsle of Oregon, ha thla day
Again at attempt I being rnado to con
solidate the towns of Portland, East Port
land and Albina. The Portland Chamber
of Commerce has taken the matterln band,
and appointed a committee to confer with
the municipal corporation of East Port
land and Abina to formulate Joint meas
ures looking to that end. The matter will
very likely lie brought before that body.
Schoolclosed lam Friday week.
The wiatber is dry and very dusty.
Mist Enrna Hayden Is visiting n la
tlvea in Cpjmopolis, Wanh.
Mrs. George Maplo has boon thc giiwt
of Mrs. Miple of thin place the past two
weeks. ' r
Harvest jig is in full blast and tho crop
will be abijut an averago one, although
smut ia reported In roost of the oatH,
Rev. D. K, Glass preached his fnro
woll aormtn last Sunday just before
starting for conference at Grant's Piihh,
Oregon. I
Harvey Mittoon is carrying tho mail.
It leaves Vida at 8:00 A. M., arriving
at 12:30: leaves at 1:00 P. M., arriving
here at 6 P. K . the same day.
A picnic Tag given by the Pleasant
View, and Viola Sunday schools ItiHt
Frida. Everything paHsod oil nicely,
and all acreot that it was a decided muc-c"-
j yiont Anon,
,Mtli It"
lone 1,
ol tun!
tell," I'luiiie
ol I'Ui. loiuia-,
i, 'n m t'.is utile his sworn statement .No
.'!' i, the purchase of the NKl ol sec
i nn S i h, in townslilp No 4 south, range
So , ci i and will ollrr prool to show that
tin- lot sought is more valushle for ll
tiini.-i i r ioui-than lor agricultural pur
I ... . i , io rstnhhsh his claim to said
iiioil i.i re tlm n-guter anil receiver of thl
oil. e nt i Trgou Cirv, On-gon, on y'edliv
i.i v. the ;-:d day ol Ocloln-r, lt.
fie I aiues us nllnessa-s: Jslin C. MetV
l urn i h .i U-.i W Mi-nil, John W Urout and
I i.i W Kandolph.aUof ots-gon City, (Tack-.iiii.i-
.'loity, uregou.
Any and all iwrson claiming adversely
ti e ai .e n dri ribut Isnili are n-ipieslid to
Lie ihdr claiuir. in thl oltlee on or Is-lore
said sr.'d day ta-tolwr, l-'W.
. 7 -10-0 Kegi-ter,
JollllSnll A iDLIMAn, ATTY'S
Ailinlnlstralor's Notice.
I Inivn neon duly sppolntcd by the Countv
Court nt Clnekiiiiiss Counly, Orogon, Adminis
trator nl tlm Kslnte of Jaeno Klmer, deeesseil.
All persons having claims sgaliial snld estsln
will present ttiein tn uie st lay resilience near
Chirks H. i)., in snld county within six months
Irom the dais nf tills nntleu.
Imliiil Clarkamas county, Orermi. July 24,
(III Ail in I li 1 ntrn ti ,r.
Atlniliilstrator'i Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thnt tho under
signed has been duly appointed by tho
county court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
as administratrix of the estate of Ellas V.
Kd wards, deceased. All person having
claims against . snid estate are hereby not i
lied lo present theirclalms properly v'crilied
to the undersigned ftt tho olllee of Johnson
it Idleiimn in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six month from the date of this notice.
Administratrix Aforesaid,
.Iounsok ife luiiKjfAft, Attorneys.
Dated August 9, im. 8-7-8-2H
William W. Davis.
Lanii Oi-nric at OnEtioN City, Ortnoo,!
July 25, imo. f
Notice Is hereby given thnt the follow-Ing-nnmed
settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and Ihitt said proof will bo miidu be
fore lite Itegistcr and Receiver of tho United
Htiitn Land Olllee nt Oregon City, Oregon,
on (September 1(1, 1800, vh: William W. Da
vis, Preemption D. 8, No. S872 for the lot 1
of Mfollon 10, T. 2 8., It. 2 E,
He names the following witnessed to prove
hiHcontiniious rosidencfi upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Daniel Talbort, John
W.Watson, D. F. Uvcsay and John Tul
bcrt , all of Clackamas post olllco, Clackamas
county, Oregon.
J. T. APPERB0NT, Register.
7:ti 0 4 ' ,
TlMbl l! LAND, ACT jfNE .1, IS7S,
Owen Holmes,
rniled States I.aud Otllee.
"ti -on City, Oregon, July 5, 1.1SM,
Noii e is hereby given that In compli
ance null the provisions of the ai t of eon
irress n June .1, IS7.S, entitlcil, "All act lor
ihe ale oi timlwr lauds in the siaU-s ol Cab
ilornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
leirilorv." linen Holme of Oregon City,
eounti ol Clackamas, stale of Oregon, has
tins day tiled in this olllee hi sworn states
men! So :'i:.i, for the purchase of thu
NH , and lots 3 and 4 of section No 2 In
ioiishii No 4 south, Range No 8 Last,
and Mill oiler prool to show that the land
viiii;hl is uioru valuable for ila timber or
-lone tli.ui for agricultural purposes, and to
-t.ilii-h his claim to said laud before the
riveter Htid receiver of this otlloe at Oregon
City, on-.ton, on Wednesday, the 2-.'d day
ol UclolaT, ls:i.
lie mimes (is wiluasses: James C Me
ban, Clnii'les W Mead, V. W Randolph and
John Hickman, all of Oregon City, Clack
nuns county, Oregon,
jnv und till persons claiming adversely
the iinotc-drscribcd lands are requested to
lile their claim In this olllee on or before
said l-Jd dav of October, 18W.
K 7 - in 0 Keginter.
notice ion t i iui.
Umtiii 8rAt l.AifB Orriei, I
Oaitiinn 1!it, Or., May 27, lsli.(
Nolleo Is hereby given (hut In eouiiillaiieti
with the provisions of llui net ol' Congress of
June it. ISVM. unlllled. "An net lor Ihii siilu
of llmbnr lauds In the Hlales nf California,
lircgon, Nevada, and ashliigton Terrl
Utry,'1 Marlon F, l,ov, ol Hood Klvnr,
County of Wasco, Hiale of Oregon, has
this day tiled In this olllee his sworn statu
nteiil No, yoyo, or I he purchase nil he HI',
U of heelioii No. ,1V In Township No. I
North, Range No, ti i:al. and will offer
prool In show Hint the laud sought is linir
valuable lor lis liuils-r or stone than lor
agricultural iiuimscs, and lo establish his
claim to said land heloni I he Register Hint
Receiver ol thla olllee at Orcuon Cliv. Or..
on Wedi lay, the 2llh day of (September,, ill tiaiues as witnesses; A. IMe
brow, 1 Nealelgh, J. C. Divers, ami l IC.
Morse, all ol Hood River. Wasco eouiilv.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the also deierlhed lauds are requested lo
niu their claims In this olllee on or lH'(or
aid 2t(li day oI'Mepleiiilier. Imi.
J, I . Al'l'hKniiN.
fl-HI K H Itegliter
TI M Hlcit LAN D, At:TJ'J t 1 tk"i 1s7h7'
oti i ii i; roit im hi. it" vi lot.
t'Sltltt) HlAIS I.ANU OXII I, I
Ogsiiug City, or., Mav 21, Ihki.i
f olic Is heivby given that 111 cotupll.
am with Hi provisions ol the net of Con
gress of J 11110 , H7H, entitled "An act for
lliniilc of Umber lauds In Hie Htates of Cal
llornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory." Whalun I!. On iff, of ills!,
County ol Columbia, Slate of Oregon, has
this dav filed In this nu Ms sworn ilnto
nienl No. 'Jnj, fur the pimdiase sf the
MC W ofMeetlon No, Id. In Timnshln No. 2
(South, Range No II b'sst, and villi oiler proof
iosuow inni t hp latin sought is mole vaiuahie
fur Its limber or sloue than lor agricultural
purposes, and to eslahlisli his claim to said
laud before tint Registry and lli-eelver of
this ollli-e at vnfgou City, Or., on Tuemlay,
tlm 'M dav of hnpleiulier, Iwii, lie namei
a Wltliesies: C. H. Wheeler, W. Ralley,
and L. W. llrowiiof I'ortliiud, Or,; J. 11,
titllis oflluntera, Oregon.
Anv and all s'ron claiming adversely
the alsVff.ilew-rlbed lauds are tciiieil to
lile Ihelr claims In this olllee on or bcto.e
said '.'.Id dnv of riepleiiils-r, Isiai.
J. I, AI-Pl'ltHON,
U III-KM Iteglsler.
TI.MHKIt LAND At. iTjt'llTsTlNTir"
iVini i: i on ii in. i t i lot.
I'tiiiiii KrArrs I.aih Orn . I
I'lituosClTY. er , May It, Isuo.i
Noiice Is herebv given that In compli
ance villh the inin isiuu of ihe m l ol Cui.
g'v.s of June ,1, s?, eittllled "All act for
the sale ol limber hinds In the slates ol Cal
llurni, Oieguii, Nevada and Washington,"
Henry KliiipMin.of N-alile, Couiilyul King,
t-tnle of Husliiugton, has this day llled III
this olllee his snorn slati-iiienl No. sir., fur
the pun hs. nt the aw t, o N- tnm No. 10,
IllTowiishljo. SMoulli. Ilalige No. J hast,
and lll oiler piuof to show thai tlm Und
ought Is uiorti valuabia lur Its timber or
touv than lor agricultural purMM-, and to
stnlihal, his cUiui to said land Iwloru the
regisier and rss-eiver of this oitu at Oregon
CUV on sednesiluv. the '.'llh iluv of Niti-
lemlH-r, sii. He nuini s ns ilnei-ies : Jaiuc
Hiiillh of bltns, s ashliigtou , Jamr li Hoh-
lln, or (Seattle, Mug i-uuutv, Wli hluglon ;
John .Melntvre, of Handy, Cl"kiua
county, orj Natliail J welch, of Portlamt
jiuiiuoiuan con in y, ircgoti,
AnV Sllll ail ltt-Y,lli elul,lliir
th aWve-drtt rlbwl hind are teqursteil to
rj uirir eiantia in this olin-e on or twlore
said 2ith dnv ol S-nlemlier, l-ri
J. T. Al'I'KltHON,
02T-H2H liegtster.
.Vu i h i: ion pi iii.i a i ioi!
I'sitsu Hrstrs I.asu orrn r, i
Ostuos Cirv, or., June '.'t, IK.
Notice l hereby given that the lollontng
nsmol settler has hie, I nolle. u ,ls tnteii
lion to make dual prool in ui'url of his
claim, and that said proof will Id made b
(ore the register and reamer of th U.S.
l-snd ofthti l Ctttpui Cliv, on Tussday,
Aug 1.', 1-esi. via: 1'eter M. Hoist, Houi
ir.d Knlrv, No. Mi si, lor the W 4 ol ol N E
S, Stt t of SK lJ and NK tj ol sW w ol
b- IH, T 2s, It k. He iiamrt the follow,
lug wltluvssn lo provn Lis cuuliiiuous resl
dem upon, and cullitailoii of, said land,
i: T.Kior.of Oregon City; John kind,
Tom I'ollll of I'h-ns.iit Home I'. O. ; and
John k. Mone of handy I'. O., all of Clack
amas countv, Oregon.
" i - 7 Register,
Notice for Publication.
I'aiTtK htav Lnn omca,
0ie,g (,itr, oa., May 1, Ism.)
KOTICK Is henby given that in compli
ance Hh the provisions of the set of Con
! if June J. t7s, cntliled, "An act lor
tlie salt ol tlnils-r lands in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oirgoii, NcMela and aashiiigton
Terrilory," jamea II Rohlin, nf Healtle,
County of King, btnio of Washington, has
his dav tiled III this olllee his sworn
suleiueii'. No. Ini'l, lor the purchase of th
sw V; ol Sitilon No, lo( in Township No.
2 Mouth, Range No. 7 Last, and ill oiler
proof 10 show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural iiurposcs, and to establish
his claim to said land licfnru the register
and receiver of this olllee at Oregon City oil
Wednesday, the :'llh day of Septeiiilr,
lnl. He names as : James
Binith, ol Lima, Washington; Henry binip
on, of (Seattle, King county, Washington;
John Melutyre, ol Handy, Clii kanias coun
ty, Oregon ;'and Nathan J welch of Port
land, Multnomah county. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the aIkoc descrilied lands arc requested Ui
tile their claims in this olbee on or before
said 21th dav of Scpleinlicr, IKisi,
J. T, Al-l'I'.ItSoN,
0 2i!H 28 Register.
.loiici: ton fi, in. m a i lot.
I'mitsiiRtat LASiiOrric. I
OKSilii till , III., Ma)f '"' I
Nntli'a Is llnruliy slynii that In eiiniiillsiiil
Willi His provisions uf His set of Cniitr.a nf
iuiis II, lava, miillled An set fur th shIm nt line
sr IhiiiIs In Ui Hiai.. i I'sllUiiils, Ul's'iu,
WMVa.lM at.. I UJa.l.l.,,,. lu.tll,,,. " lltaS
S, miiivoiii nf Alwnl.ini. enuiily oi ('h.lislls,
Sisianf WhsIiIiisiiiii. has this i' Dlsil III this
nllin. his sworn Nn. ')i, for ths p ir-
enas. nt Hi. K c, oi H.etinu tin, nun own
li Iii No, . ginilli Hsug No 1 Kstl,
ml Mr 1 11 nrtxr uroof to show that tlis
Und sun. hi Is mure valuable fur Ila (linti'r ur
aimi. Iliau lur ssrleiillurnl iiitpnass siol to M
tnlillsli hla el Miu in aslil Isml l.lnr the H
Isi.r ami llei elnirel thla utile, at iiregmi t'lly.
(Hi-son, on 'I Inirs.lny tli 1st Inlay nl Miq,l.nili.r,
1SINI. nn liHllina as Wlttl.aaea: J a Alliaull,
It II Males i, Al.eoliisu, Waahlliglon; W A C
burn sml 14 3 Woleli nt I'orilsinl, Or.
Any sml all nelsons nlslniln adversidy (lis
almvu iliiserlhed Umls sr to nls
thmr nlalriia In this miles uu or bvfnr. sahl I "ill
day nl M.i,ioml,r, IsW), T. AI'I'kltaoN,
t-llll ii.riatsr,
i. W. Kinney
t'nlLitMlsloa l.anl Oflle. )
Or.gnn City, Oregon, July IV, 1st!. I
Nolle, la Inoehv glv.n that In
with th. provision! nf th set of Qiilisreaa (if
Jnii. laVs, olilltli-il "All set fur III sal nf Um
ber Isinla In th. stales nf California, (irefnii,
sj.vaila sml W'aslifiia;iiiii 'r.rrllnrjf, " Jos.(,h W.
Kliiii.v.uf Mh.rhlau, Ciiuiily ot Tanililll, aisle
ut liri'soli, has thla ilar (licit In thla oille. his
iwurii alal.iu.iit No Ml, for th (nirelms. nf
III l H.elloli Nil , III I nwiislilp tin I
Sonlli, Itsus. Nn 7 Kast, ami will utt.r prisif In
how thai th land iilht la mot. valllahl. nr
Ila tiiiih.r or alnii than for ostleiilluisl pur
pi. sua ami in .stalillsh Ills claim to snnl laml
iMitnr. th. r.tatr slid nt thl. tittle, al
Or.nn City. Or.Kna, uu WiJu.i)a)r, ids will
day nUhMofwr, IMS),
II. usnies svlinvaaea; J. A. f", A. W
III. hey, ot I'lirllalnl, Ol.nli; II ItohlilllS, til
MeMlnuvlll. Or. sud II, Melulyr of Cherry
lll. Or
Any Bint all persona rial ml lie adv.rsnly ih. rltx-il lands am re,iisleil to III. elnlrtis In Oils nine, on or hclio. anhl frill
day nl Ot'inlwr, lieu J, T. AI-1'KHSiiN,
7-al-IO-i, lli.iil.lcir.
timiiku lank ait, ji nk , ivs
Police lor Iubllrnlln.
Kdinuud O. Connie,,
I'niTiD stt(s Linn orrn i
Oriiou City, or. Jun. li, imsi
NOTICE Is li.r.hy glv.ntliat In eoiiiiillsnr.
Willi His provision, uf tli act uf Congress nl
June H. ls.s "An set lor Iho .al. ol
lluiher lands in ih. Hlal.anl l,allloniu,(oi-i(ou,
N.vaila, sud W aaiilnslnn T.rrilory," r.ilitniug
IJ Cuurllea.iil forlland. Cnuuly nl M illllminah,
Rial, ill tltefi.o ha. tllll ilay (ile.l III this nllie
his awiirn oiiviiipiit Nu 'jl'A (er th. iurehaa
nl Ih.HW, uf Be. lion No i, In 'I n nshlp Nu
il Huiiih, Hans. Nn 7 Kast. and will oUrr prnol
to show that Hi. land .uunht 1. mini val
aahl. lur lis IIiiiIkt ur atonr than lur grlnuli
Ulal iiiirpiisea, sml to .stahltsh hla claim tn
snld Istnl Iwlur. th. K.llr slid ( ut
tins nllie. al (irrsoii ('liy, or , on Tuesday, Hi
Kill day ill lleloher, louSl. II. names .a wit
Uesset II ll. WiHiwariltiif Saalll W IiIiiIuD.
It II Wad., N. J, Vielcli, W A. t sholU ol
P.irllalld, llri iili.
Any sud all persons elslmlu sdvarMly th
shuv. landa sr. r.iu.stHl lo l elalHis In this ullic. uu ur Inter, said llt
dav ot winner, Istaj j. T. API'KI'.oN.
7-tT. SIS K(ll.r
New Murknt l'.lock, rortlmul, Orrgon, I
Hay Presses of Every Description.'
Dedcnck buncnor Ja-vcrniiiK' ja:vit rcrK)tuaI J'n
i i...i..:..i; i,.ii r:.,.L. ii,h,.i,i 1
jruci n. k. run vuvio t tijn-niai i icnn,
Dodorick J5(;lt rcrpotual IVohhou.
Liffht Full Clrclti ComiKdition Htjjl Prciw, I
Heavy Full Circle Steel I'rrH,
Revorrtiljlo Lever l'tTjietual Ktctl Prt-m,
lielt I'erjxrtunl Hto l Prnitn.
miik i: roil 11 lll-K A ITOI.
Joseph Leedle.
Vnltetl Htntes Land Dfllee,
0;e;:on City, Oregon, July 1st, 1S!K).
Notice is liereliy (riven Unit In compliance
willi the provisions of the act ofconKresiof
nine :i, 1;k, entitliil, "An act for the sale of
timber hunts in the states ox Calilornia, Uro
Kon, Ncvaila, mid Washington Territory."
losepli l.c.eilloof Uswepo, county of Clack
ainas, stale of Oregon, lias this tiny llled in
this ollire liis sworn itiileninnt No 21 HI, for
Ihe purchase of the NKX of section No 81,
in toiMi-hii Nu 3 south, ranifi' No 6 east,
ami will oiler proof to show that the land
-ou'.-lit is iiioiu vulnuble for Its tlmlier or
stoni- than lor nmicullnriil tiiirtHisns, and
to estnhliMh his claim to snld land before
the ri-j.'isler mid receiver of tills olllee at Ore
City, oreoii, on Tuesday, the i'lstdoy
nl' October, Imsi.
lie iniines as witnesses: Charles Mend,
innies Mnehiin, William Patterson, and Kit
fus I'ciiie, all of Oregon City, Oregon.
Anv "nil all persons claiming adversely
the iilsivc -described lands are roquestod to
tile their claims in this ollice on or before
Mtitl 21st dity of Oetolier, 1W.
8 7- 10-0 Kcglstor.
N'dicc uf ITiinl Settlement.
In the mutter of the ostnto of Coleman
Iltickner, deceased, notice Is hewhy itiven
Unit I Inicclllfd my final report in the above
esliitu in the county oi ciucxumas county,
Drci'on. The court has tlxed Monday
SepU'iiilier hill, 1H00, asa day for the ex
n in ii i m titn ol' said report, and (or hearing
of objections to the same, If any there are.
Adnilnlstnitrix of the said Kslata.
II, K. CitnsH, Attorney for the Estate,
Aut;uft7lli,lo!sj, 87-8-SJ'
"Votlee lor l'ubllrenllon.
CniTEn Btatsj Ladd Orrn ,
Uusuon CITY, Or., July 7, D'J0.
Nnilee Is linrehv lvon that tho following
iiiiineil settler has llled untie ol bis Intention
In iniike 11 mil proof In supportnf hla olslin, and
1 li at Hit It! prnni win uv iiiuos usiorti ine riivis
tor runt receiver uf the V. U Laud Ofllo nt Or
eon Cliv. tireiriiii. on Thiirstlsy, A in list as, IS'.KI,
vlmi Kohi'i'l Coiiliur, llomestoail Entry, No, 66113,
lor thu lets 1, 2, , 4, 5, li, 7, mid 0, of stio Ti, 1 8 s,
r ll a. He liiiinci the following wltnoases to
prnve cniitliiiimii resilience upon, ana oiuuvs.
thin, sahl land, vie. T. U. Mui-Knn, ii. C, Arm
siroiiK, ll 0. Lewis and A. Kotulitlnn, all ol
Viola F, O., Clacxsiuas oouuiy, orniton.
on( i: r ri iii.k'a i km.
t'MITIct) 8TTM'LAin llrlli ,
OatuoN City, t'r., .May m, is.i,
Notice I hertliy itiven that in lompll
nc with tiie provisions of tint art ol Con
irressiil June S, IsTS, entltli-il, "An ii for
th sale ol tlmlier lands in the Suites of
Clllorul, tireinin, and Washing
ton Territory," Henl. K. Talbot, of I'ortland,
county ol Multnomah, slate of (iircon, has
thia ilav hie I in this ollire his sworn state
ment No. ;sifsit for Km (.un-liase oi the bK
of ,". lion No. ifi, in Township No. 2 Mouth,
ItaiirMi No. 7 Last and will oiler proof lo
shuvt Dial the land south! Is more valuable
lor lis tiuibrr of stone than for airrli nllural
uriKisas, ml to esluhllsli hla claim to said
and belorr ihe rrcliler and l.celver of thla
oltic at tin-iton City, Or., on Wednesday,
Ih 17th day of September, 1st". He names
ss N. I'. Johnstoii, W. A. ( a
tsirn and N. J. Welch of fort Intnl. nr.;
C. H. Stevens, of Abenleen, Washington.
Auv and all (arsons claiming aversely
the above ilew nljrd lands are rtsiu-steil lo
lile their cluiina In this oilier on or tieforr
aid 17th ilavof Seieiiils-r, Istai.
J. T. AI'l-KUSiiN,
ll 111 .mU ltiylsi.r.
T I M HE H LA N l),AC T Tl" N K 71iit7sr
vii iri: i on ii iii.ii'ATio.
Units ti Lastn irM-t. I
Oasaoa City stay II Is
SOTirn. h.rsby t ivn thai In rniaplUne
nh in provisions of tb ail of eiir.s of
Jan. I. I7s .ntllliHl "As ant for lb Ml. nf lliu.
b.r lamia In Ih. sUalM nf CallluruU. Oresnu.
h.vd, sml Wastiinslou T.rrliorjr,' Jali. K
Allison, il Alwrilreu Cnuuly ol tiiehslla, matt
nl Wastilnmnu haa Ihls day Alsnl lu Dili
ortlc. to. awnru No -JtH, (or Hi. pur
rhas. nf th. l . nl brrttou Nu. ll. In Town
ship JHoulll. llalii Nu. 7 Kaal, ami will ill.
Irr proof In ahtiw that 111 lautl anuiilil la latir.
valuahl lur ila llinlH-r or Sinn, than (or a
rleuliural parM,aea, sail lo establish lilt claim
In aaltl Und bvlnr. 111. Hellrr suit Krerlv.r
nl nils oltlt-s si urr-ft-nn City, uresou, on I'ttara.
i'a)T Hi. lath Jy nl pipmurr, Isis). He uauipa
sa wltiLssea: Chaa a lvus. K H llates, ul
Alienlrvn, Waahlmitnii; W A Cabnru, sml N J
VA.h-b, nl Portland, or
any and all ixraous elalmln adverst'ly llif
jot. laud ar r.iiuesii-,1 in (II. claim In thla oNice on or brlnr. asld I sill
J. T.
t'iTn Htts Lamu Orric. I
UHsuus city, ur., May ti, ls0 j
Nolle Is herrhy given that In enmpllaoe
wtih lii provisions ol llio set of eoiiKress ol
Junes, is;s, eiultleil "An act fur th. asleol lira
bar lauds lu th Mates ol Calllornia,
Omiioii, vads, sud VYaahlmrtnu T.rrl
lory." Ilsus Juuten of Aliislvl, conniy
ol Lewis, stain nl W ashliiKlon, haa thla
day nl.d In Hits oltic hla awnru slaitun.ut
No '.-.V lur th. piirrtiaaaol ths HK 1 ,ol Seetluu
No Is, In Township No i Hmitli, ItniiK. No 7
Ksst, and will nlTer pnml to ahnw that the land
sonsht la more valushle for Ila Hinlicr or slim
than for siirlciiltiirsl pnrpnsna, ami to .slab
llsh hla clsiiu to snld laud be Into the reiilalnr
and receiver nl this nine, at orcirou City. Or,
on Tuesday, ths tint day nf September, Isuo.
lie names sa witnesses Krsnk llniilnn and
Hans Aud.raon ol Lllll Kalis, Lewis enmity
Wa-hlliaton; W A Csliorn sud N J Welch f
Porllsnil, Oreenii.
Any sad sll iieraona clslmlnit th Isnda sr requested In (II claims tn this nines on or bvlore laid 23rd
day of ber, ISUO
6-10-s-M K.lilr.
titoy J. Ware.
Lund Ollice at Oregon Cliv,
July 28, 18)10.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow-
n.mwl m.iHI.,1. !. I'llnd mttien nf hla in.
iMiitinn to make final tiroof in sunnort of
to e.i... ....! .i.... i .....,.r I.. .....l..
IIIS Claim, ttllll S 11 IS . Blllll lilOl'l Villi OU IIIBMIV
before tho Jtoglster niiti iteceivcr oi tne
l'..i,.,l Utiil.iM t.ntul llllle. lit. (It-oirnil Cite
Oregon, on HeplninlsT, 17, IS!), via : Htoy
J. Ware, Jloineslciul Entry, No. MvW, for
. . ..... . ...,,., SI . y u r.i . y 1 I." I.' , .
tne ni(S oi rsr., (. 4 in ni- aim isiv oi
BWX of flection 11, T2H HUE.
lie names the following witnesses to
nmva his cotiiuioiis residence unoii and
cultivation olj sn l'l laud, viz: Charles
Hbank, 1). W. Turner, V. r, Ware and
Charles Daly, all of Cherryvllle P, 0,, Clacka
mas County, On-gon,
' J. T. AITER80N,
7-01-0-4 Iteglster.
ftOTlC'I? I'Oll 11 HI.ICATIO.X.
Mrs. Ida M. Datdorr.
Unitkd Status Lano Okkick, I
Oueoom Citv, Or., June 25, 18'JO.i
Notire Is hereby pivon that In cotupll
nen with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June 3, 1878, untitled, un act for tho
sale of timber lands in the states of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory," Mrs. Ida M. Oiitdorf. of Oregon
City, County of Clackamas, Hlnto of Oregon,
has tins dav llled in this ollice her
sworn statement No. 21117, for the purehaae
pf the W Hi on K "' K VS, SW H Ot soc,
tion No 20, in Township No fi Booth, Range
No, 8 E, and will olfur proof to show thnt
(lie land cougbt is more valuable, for its
timber or stone tlinn lor agricultural pur
pones, and to establish hor claim to sold
land DCtoro tne register sua receiver oi nu
otlloe at Oregon City, Or., on Wednesday,'
the 18th day of October, Win.
She names ns witnesses; i mines w aieuti.
fluoriro B. Ward, Joseph AV, lliitdorf auu
William Patterson, nil ot Oregon City,
Clivokiunus county, orogon,
Anv and nil person claiming adversoly
the aDovP-dcscilbnd liuid are rciiucstcd to
tlletbuircliiimsiiithlHiilllcc on or before said
lrjtb day of October, 181)0.
' J. T. APPER80N,
7-24--2fl. Hugistar.
The Dock-rick Prt-HHt.- are now billing over tbreo-fourth of !1 tl
antl ttraw Lulod in tho United Htates and Canada.
Are the only perfectly dovi'd and conntructcd 1'reuw: in um,i
beyond all competition.
We also carry a Full Stuck ol the (lidirnUtl
The ruoMt rapid and economical method for tying ba!.
It will pay all partie wanting
Hay Presses of any Description,
To call upon or com-npond with uu.
We guarantee our Dedurick Trem); the moHt perfectly constructbf
est baling and mot economically handled JVi-hwh in the mark!
rkinu for Bixx'ial dencripttvc catalogue ana price.
day nf ai'.irtnb.r, Istsl.
n-ils a-n
TIM 11 Kit LAND, ACT Jl'NK .1, 1K7S.
.VII K I', roil IM'ATIO.
t'NiTuri Statm I.anii (H riet,
Oiiaooa City, dr., May In, ls-si.j
Notice Is hereby given that In comnli-
ante with the provisions of the aet ol Con-
grrss oi June .t. ia., entitled, "An act lur
the sale of timber lauds in the Mates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasliink
lon Terrilory," Nal P. Jobitstun of Port
laud, Countv of .Multnomah, Mute ot Or
egon, has tills day tiled In this olllee his
sworn statement N'o, stun, for the pun-base
of the fcW i of flection No. -Jt), in Town
shin No. 2 N'Uib, Hange No. 7 Last, and
villi oiler prool to show that tlm land
Bouidit Is more valuable (or its timber or
stone than for ngrli ultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
register and nwiver of this ollice at Oreiron
City, Or., on Wednesday, the 17th day of
rsopteints-r, iv, lie names as Witnesses:
H. V. TallKit, W. A. CalHim and N. J.
Welch of Portland, Or.; C. 8. Stevens ol
Als'rdeen, Washington.
Auv anil all Persons clalinini; ailvenu-lv
the aliovu-descrilM'd lands arc retiieted to
lile their cluiins in this ollii-e on or belore
said 17lh day ol'SepteinlH-r, Imm.
J. i. Al-l-l'.i(!t)N.
11-1!) 8 1 4 Iteglster.
xii ici: roit l'l iirit . ri4..
Cnito Htatics I.ANn ornt ,(
OkkuoH Citv or May a, lswi.)
Notice la hereby ilvru that In cnmnltsuo.
with tli. v-rovtatiina of the set ol conxresa of
June i, ls,s, entltleil, -Au act (nrthesale ol 1 1 ia-
nerlsiuis In Hi stales it CalltornU, Oreiinii,
Novsda. sml Wsshtiiiton Territory." linns An-
(torsnu ol l.lltlu falls, oouuiy ol Lewis, slats nf
WssliliiKliiu. list thla day died In tills nllie till
swum statement No. 'AM, for th rnirchsse ol
tlieHK1; til Heotlnn No 8, III Township No i
811111I1, haiiK No 7 Kast, anil will oiler proof to
siinw inst inn latin sntiKHt is more vaiiiaoie lur
Ila tlmlier or stmio than for airrleiillursl pur
pnsea, sml to.atahllah hla elatin to asld land
belore tli rstttstiir and receiver and rsnuiver
nf thla oltict si Ori'itnii City, Or, ou l uesiliiy th
gird day of Hept.inber, IntfO. II names ss wit
nesses; Frsiia 1 Union, of Lltilu Falls, Wssh
hiKlnn: liana Jnusnn or Aitislrl, Wsslilnk'toii;
w A cstioru an N J weion 01 1'oriiann or.
Auy and all rsgiia oUlinliia tli
abiivo deaerlli lamU are reniiesle,! to 111.
thntr olninis lu Is nttlc on or tmlore anlit 'itrd
day ot ttoptemb r, ISUO, J. T. Al'I'KltHON.
ii-iu o-ti tiPKismr,
W1H ll rH I'l'HI.ICATIO..
tlwiTBD Statks Lano Omri, I
OasuoN City, Or,, May 'ii, lsuo.j
Notice Is hereby given that In compilation
with the nrovlslniis of the act of oonurosa of-
June 8, lwn entitled An aol for the sal ol tlin-
her Isuuatn tn tts 01 csiiioruia, orcuon,
Novsda slid WsahltiKtou Territory." Krauk Little Kslls, Cnniily ol Uiwls, Htat
of Washlnittou has this day died lu tills nttlc.
his sworn atatemeut No. -jutijl, for tho purchase
til tho NK ol Section No. 20, in Township No.
'Jooulli, minx, mi 1 R.aai, snu win oner prool
tn rhow that the lsud aoiiKht Is mora valuable
(or Its tlmlier or stun than for agricultural
Diirposva and to establish his claim to ssld
fsnd belnro Hi Ri'Kisler ami Kocolvor of tint
oIIIcb at OriiRon t'lly, Oregon, on Tuesday the
iHrd day nf September, lSaO He nninos sswlt-
nouses; llsus Jensen, of Alualol, Lewis Co,
waaiutlKinil t lism nmiiunnii, 4.111111 I'lllia,
Lewis county. Washlugtoii; W A Qahom VJ
N .1 w.leli nf Portlaud. Oruaon.
Any ami all persou elaiiulng adversely the
shove -qescrlbeil lamia ol u ruqiiested to tile
their olalms In thlaollloe ou or bnforo asld 23rd
day of lieptiimbur, ISUO. J. T, AITKKhoN,
B'lll-fl-H Keglster
B A K E R Y.
Frunli BREAD, CAKES, PIES, etc., on
lituid ana lurnishea in quan
tities to suit.
We have a full line of ii rat-elans fiimlly
groccrioa, which will bo twlil at l'ortluud
prices, au gooas uenvorea irue.
Grand Special Sale!
s op
Mens and Boys' Straw Hat
$1,000 WORTH
Summer Shirts and Underdo
AU of the above goods will be sold at
25 to 50 Per Cent less than Regular Pri!
As I must close them out in the
And right here, gentlemen, allow me to remark that
sell goods for less money than any other
house in Oregon City.
So call and see mo at the
Gents' Furnishing StoreJ
Ji Fi O'C
Thi old ami reliuble firm always keep In stock a lull line ol
SWf ani
Hariware, Tiiine, etc,
Plumming, Gas Fitting & Jol)bi
Attended to Pronmtlv. Es
tinmtcs Furnished.
The Portland Jeweler,
Importer and Dealer in
ID) i a iitl on d i
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks anfl
tical Goods.
165 First Street, between Morrison and Yamhill.
Fine WaYch and Jewelry Repairing.
Orders From the Country Souq
that ritinit FMRD BTl
is tiie kiud that pay. S
young business men, 4
atpAa nf hook -keener!
ojrrnpUera of both sexes, attribute their succQsa to a course at the Portland
nesa College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College.
Oregon. Both are under the mauajjement of A. P. Armstrong, have tame eft
study, same rates of tuition. Vusintsit, Sliorthand,fypcvTitwg, Penmanship at
usa vcforuueaia. vy n w siuier wr joint tatalogue and 8jeclinen 01 yeng