-"'v.; ... ;' SA fr- "St' BEBEE, OR iwounuiwann-N snoi. IY 01 IDA. t'ontiiutt'il Crom hist wk. CUAPTEU V. "If I ovmKt sav cent tin a tiny, I couM buy a pal i( stocking this thn next year," thought IVU, loeklim hor shoo with her other treasures In hor tint war th iksxs morn ing, ami taking her broom mi J pail to wash down hor littl rsiltictv Cut centime drtjr I ftrw ileal In lira hunt, when one has nol alway mvoigb (Mr bar brvaii, ami whan, In Ions chill winter, on must wear tltrmtl lac all through tit hor daylight for ueitto nothing l nil; for ther ar to many women In Urahatit, nd very on of. them, young or cikl, eu Bulk lace, and If one do tm Uk the pitiful wr on may loar II ami go aiul tile, for li.it the master lao maker car or know; thr will alway b uoui;h, many more thmi enough, to twist th thread romi.l tlio bobbins, mul woav Ui Ivj Kl.-iJ veils, ami the trains fiir tli courts. "And hostile If lean snroa centlm th Vaniltnit children ouj;lit to have It," thought Hcbee, at th swept tli dust togothcr. II wi o trlhMi of hor to b di-oamlng atatttt a pair of stccktnj". alien tltoso little tltiti , oft on went for ii.i; on a ter of nettle So h l.iokwl at hor dim pretty Net pretty, and tlen.lor, nii.l etvtusl, rosy and f.ilr, and uneramped ly th prnsair of lentlier and rwalgued hor day dream with brave heart, a tho put up her broom ami wont out to weed, aiul hoe, aiul trim, an I rrc:t the garden thai had boon for ouod act Lv'aI the nlj'lit before. could not novo half an rnsily tn tack-His," tho thought . i;h true philosophy, at she worked among th black, frh, awivt BuoUiivR mold, and kbsl m rvw now ami then aa ho vusfd ono, Whon ih got lutotha city th(jt day, hor null Uttimul chair, which wtu alwaii h(l tiptdo down, tn c.-u mln ahould fall in th nlht, waa Kt ready tor W, aad on lt wat wa iray, glltod box, aucti aa rich paopl glv away full of bonbon. CoIik ttood and kxkl f ivm th bos to th Broodhuia, from tli ltroodhuta toUi boi lb glancod around, but noon had ootu tlcr ao early a aha, txcopt th tluiur, who wat busy quamslln; with hla wtf and let ting hla aiucltiuj Or burn a bol to hit broochoa Th box waa wrtnJnly for her, tine It waa Kt u(on har cuairf SbM (xnidnred a UoniKuti Uioo littl by littl opened th lid. Within, ou a ooct of imc satin, war two pair of tilk tockingtl Il tUkwitb tin prottitwt clock worked op their ildoa In color I I5le kst a littl acrenm. and atood itlll, th blood hot tn hor chooka ; no on beard bar, th Unkor'a wife, who alon waa near, baring Just wished heaven to hud Judgmout on htsr Losband, waa busy putting out hla nnokiui aniall clothe. It U a tray thct wonitin a&J wire bare, and t!wy titter tea th batho of it. Th place CUcJ craJuaQy. Toe customary crowd gathered. Th butt net of th day besan audornoath Cu nmlil tudincui toaee of th chiming bulli Betou't b uitncs bean, too; ah put th box behbd har with a becUzj heart and tied up her Bower. It wai the falrlci, of courarl but they hl nerer a nub bottomed chair on it Ugt be fore, tfii thia action of their trighucd her. It was rathar on eajpty morning. tjsaaoU tittle, c:.J there waa th mar Una to thUii. About an huur'aiicr oixo t ji.-e addnsx4 beri "Har yon mora nv rote for mr ' Bebea looked op with ami!, and found aoma. It waa her companion of th cathedral Bh hod thought much of th rd taoe and th tilrar clasp, but ah bad thought nothing kt all of bin. "Von cr not too proud to tx paid today T be aai.I, g'.ring her ailrer frano h would not alarm her with any mor gold; at thanked him, and allppd ll in har littl leathern pouch, and want on (ortlng torn rjpv pmia ' "You do not teem to remember niel" h aid, with a little tndnea. '. "Oh, 1 romeuibor you," aaid Itebce, Uftlng bar frank yea, "But yon know I speak to so .many people, and they ar all nothing to ma" "Who la anything to yooT It waa toftly and insidiously spoken, bat It awok no tcbo. "Vara hart's children, aha answered him, Instantly. "And old Annemle by the wharf aul and Tambour and Antolne't grave and the starling and, of course, above all, the flower." "And tho fairli, I suppose! though tlwy do nothing fur you." 8he looked at him eaRHrly. "They have done something today. I have found a box, and anno stocking such beau tiful stockingHl Bilk once! la It not very oddr "It Is more odd they should har forgotten yon so lonff. Slay I them P "I cannot show them to you now. Thou ladi ar ging to bny. But yon con them Inter if you wnit." "I wilj wait and paint tho Droodhuia" "So many people do that j you are a painter ther "Yea In a way." lie snt down on an odge of the stall, and spread bis things mere, and akotrheii, while the tralHo went around thorn. He was Tory ninny years older than she; handsome, with dark, and changeful, and Untie face; h wore brown rolvet, and had a rod ribbon at bis throat; he looked a little aa Egmont might bare done when wooing CUilre. Bcben, as the sold the Cowers and took th change fifty time In the hour, glanced at blm now and then, and watched th move ments of his bnmls the could not have told why. IIo rpoko to her rarely, and sketched on and on in rapid bold strokes tho quaint graces and moKMve richness of the Million du ItoL The painter took a long time, Hosctabout It with tho bold ease of one used to all the In tricncle of form and color, and b bad th skill of a master. Cut ha (pent mor than half tho time looking Idly at the humors of the populace or watching bow the treasure of Bebce's garden went away one by on in the bands of strangers. Meanwhile, ever and again, sitting on the dgeof hor stall, with bit colors and brushes tossed out on the board, be talked to her, anil, with the soft, Imperceptible skill of long practice tn those arts, be draw out th de tails of her little simple life. There were not always people to buy, and whilst ah rested and sheltered the flowers from the tun she answered blm willingly, and In one of her longer rests showed bun th wonderful stockings. "Do you think It could be the fuh-losP she askod blm a little doubtfully. It was easy to make bar bullov any fan tastical nonsense; but her fairio wore ethe real divinities. She could scarcely believe that they had laid that box on her chair. "Impossible to doubt It I" he replied unhes itatingly. "Given a belief In fuirica at all, why should there be any limit to what they tbey con dot It la the same with the saints, Is it notr "Yes," said Boboo, thoughtfully. Tho saint were mixed up in lior Imagina tion with tho fairies In an intricacy that would have defied the best roasonings of Father Francis. " Well, then, you will woor the stockings, will you not I Only, believe me, your feet are far prettier without them." Selioo laughed happily, and took another peep in the cozy rose satin nest But bor lit tle face hod a certain perplexity, Buddonly the turned on blm. "Did not you put them there T "If never I" "Are you quite surer "Quite; butwhyaKkr' "Because," said Boboo, shutting the box resolutely and pushing It a little away, "bo couse I would not take It if you did. You are a stranger, and a present la a debt, so Antoln always said." "Why take a present then from the Vara hart children, or your old friend who gave you tho clasps f "Ah, that Is very different. When people are very, very poor, equally poor, the one with the other, littl present that thoy save for and make with such a difficulty, ar Just things that art a pleasure; sacrifices, like your sitting up with a sick person at night, and then she sit up with you another year when you want It Do you not knowr "I know you talk very prettily. But why should you not take any on else's present, though he may not be poorf "Because I could not return It" "Conld vnu nof 1 mo smile in his eves ilwil tier a llttloi It ti no K'niups and .ret hud so much light tn It; but lio did not understand blm on whlfc "No; how couM li" th said earnestly. "If I were to save fur two years, I could not get fran. w tmoiiKti to buy anything worth glvlntt t,i.-k and I should l to unhappy, thinking or the debt of It atwnya. Do tell in? If you put t!uo stockings tlwrtf" "No;" lit looked at her, sttij th trivial li faltorcd and dld away i th yea, tktf aa onutal, qmwtloitnl Mill to InnocviiUr. "Well, if 1 dldfh ald frankly, "you wished f.r theuii what barm was thnral Will you bo ao cruel a to rafuta them from met" The tear sprang Into Belieo1 ywa, Bh was sorry to live th beautiful box, but mor sorry ho had 111 to bur. "It v:it very kind and good," all said, rr fretfully. "Hut 1 cannot think why you should have 1i It, as you had never known mo at all And, hidcod, 1 could not take them, becati Autoln would not Ivt ni If b were alive; and if I gav you a flower vary day ail th yiir rvund I should not pay you th worth of t hum it would b quite tiupowltila; and why should you toll ni fuUelKHnU about such a thing I A falsehood It uovttr thing ( f a uiaii." li J -"rr try--, pa-il eittUwa verm mmmm "Jk .i.'n.'ictJ i nvr a thing fur a man. Phii shut th box and pushed it toward him and turned to tlio telling of tor bouquet. Hor voice shook a little a th tied up a bunch of tnl.-iuuuilta and tuld th price of it Tho) t-couttful stocking! why bad th ovar ten tlieni, and why bad h tuld her a lie I It uiajo her boart bsavy. For th lint tini In her brlif Uf th Broodhuia nimd to frown between hi'T and th sun. I'udLst ui lA-.l, lie vaJ.;te J on and did cot look at hor. .JUjaJujr was nearly douaTh popl ba K'U to K'Htter. Th tliadowa grew very king, lis paiutol, not glancing once elsewher ttun al hit study. Uclwe-'s Uuket were quit mpty. tho rime, and llngeml. ana! reanll him wistfully, ho was anj-nM; perluip li bail bivn rudol Her llttlx heart failwl her. If he would only l.k upl Hut lie di.l not look up; he kept hi hand some dark fat ttiuliouidy over theranvaaof the IWi-thuU. (She would have n a anilt in hlseytw it tie had llftixl thein, but be never ralwl his It.lv Drtiee htiiitattxl, take the stoi'klugs sli wciuUI not. but perhagi tlie bad return! him too roughly She wi-iied to that h would kn'k uo and ui't her tponktiig llttt; but h knew what he aa alumt too warily and wU to help her thu r-ho Bftit,1.! invhlle, then t'k one littl red nie r'vso bud that ho tmd tavi( all day tn a cvru.T of Iiit banket, and held It out to turn frankly, nhylv, M a in-ac oiTerlng. "Was I rudol I did B"t mean to tm, but 1 rann.it take the stockinet, and why did you ; toll i lie that f.il!iiil" He toi.k the r bud and rote too, and siiii!iI. but ho did not meet ber eyn "l t u fur t tho whole IiiatLvr; It la not worth a u. If you do not tak tli box leave It; It Is of uo uw to nm "1 raiuiot take It." Hhn know iho was doing right. How wa It th.it ho could mako hor foul as thoiijb t! acre noting MTtaiglyl "Ixove it. thru, I any You ait not th flrt woman, my dwir, ho has qtiarrvhil with a wl h fuitlllod. It bawayyourea has of re '.'inling gila and men. Ilom, you old witch hVe Isa treusur) trove for you. You ran ll It for ten franca In the tuwa anywhere." As h ke lit tuned th casket and th stockings in It to an old decrepit wouian, who wus vwiliig by with a baker's cart itruwn I V a il.; nn.l, not staying to bwd ber nttoniktiiiii'iit, galheroil till color and easel together Tho t. urt twain In V lv' eyi as ah saw the box whirhd through the air. Mho h.i.l done right alio aus sure sli had done right. Ho wm a stranger, and the could never have repaid him. but ho niailo her fuel her self wayward and ungrateful, and It was bard to tee the Uwutii'iil fairy gift bom away forever by the clmokling, hobbling, greely old Inker's woman. If he bad only taken tt hliiiv lf the would have been glad then to have Uen brave aiul to have done ber duty. Hut It wr.i not In his dit-lgn that she ahould be glad. lie saw h-r tours, tint ho seemed not to o thorn. "IkhxI night, fleliro," lie snld, corelinsly, as ho saiiiitoml anide from her. "Oood Bight, my ilmr. To-morrow 1 will finish my painting, but 1 will not otTend you by-any more gifts." llebeo lift"! hor ilrrn head and looknl him In the eyes eagerly, "Hh acerUtln sturdy renolve mid tlinlil nbtlluluons Intermingled In le-r loot "Sir you speak to mo quite wrongly," the xiiiil nitli a quick accent, that had prltl as wi ll n xilu In it. "Say tt was kind to bring mo n hat 1 wished for yua, It was kind, I know; but you never saw mo till lust night, mid I cannot toll even your name, and It Is v ry wrong to Uo to any ono, even to a liltlu thing like mo; and 1 am only Dohco, and cannot give you anything back, hocnu) I have only Just enough to feed myself and tho starling, and not always that In winter. I thank you very much for what you wish to do; but if I hml taken those things I think you would huve thought mo very moan, and full of greed; and Antolno always said, 'Do not take what you cannot pay not ever what you cannot iy-thnt is the way to walk with pure fis't.' I'erhops I spoko 111, because they spoil ma and they say I am too swift to say my mind But I am not thankless not tlianklesi, Indeed It Is only I could not take wbnt I cannot pay. That Is alL You are anf;ry still not now nor There was anxloty In the pleading. What did it matter to her what a stranger thoughtl And yet Heliec's heart was heavy aa he laughed a little coldly, and hade hor good duy, nod left her alono to go out of the city homownrd. A senso of having done wrong weighed on her; of having boon rude and un grateful. bho bad no heart for the children that evening. Mere Krobs was sitting out before her door shelling pcus, and called to her to come in and bavo a drop of cofTee. Kreh hod conio In from Vllvoorde fair and brought a stock of rare good berrioa with him. But Boboo tlmnkul her and went on to her own garden to work. film had alwnys liked to git outon tho quaint wooden KlejiHof the mill and under the red shadow of the sails, watching tho swallows flu Iter to and fro In tho sunset and hearing tho droll frogs croak In the rushes, while the old people told hor tules of the time of how In their babyhood they bad run out, fearful yot fascinated, to too the beautiful Scott Grays flash by tn tho murky night, and th endlos line of guns and caisson crawl back bm a make through the summer dust and th trampled corn, going out past th wood to Waterloo. But to-night she had no fancy for It; she wanted to bo alone with the flowers. Though, to be sure, thoy bad boon 7ery beartlees when Antolne's ooffln hod gone past thorn, itlll thoy had sympathy; the dainio tmlledAt her with their golden eyos and the rosea dropped tours on hur hand, just a hor mood might bu; the flower were closer frlendi oftcr all than any human souls, and becides eh could say so much to theml Flowers belong; to fairy land; the flower and ths birds, aud the butterflies, are all that the world has kept it tJoldon Age; the only perfectly beautiful thing on earth, Joyous, Innocent, halt divine, uiiolouu, say they who aro wiwr than Ood. Ibhos went homo and worked anions bar flowerc A little, liiborlous flguro, with hur psttlooat twiutod ljl:;h, and her foot wot with the night down, and hur back bowed to tho booing and, cliDplng and riikluj atuonz tho blossoming; m0. "How Uito you hi waiktufl to tilshl, IV biHil" on of tvm enlloit out i t iey t msl th Rsto. Olia looKed up and amUed; but wont on worklii j while th whlt.1 iiioon ro .o. Hho did not know what alhd ber. Him wont to b.xl without supp'r, hovlii.t ber bit uf bread and bowl of iro.it' mill! to niake a mml for th fowls iu tho iiiori;iii!, "Little Ugly, shameful, tmked fo.it I" the aid to thorn, sitting oil tliocd;,e of her licit troia, and hH'!clna at then) In the Moonlight, Thoy wD very pretty tKt, and wt-uld ut kai bsHMi li.il u piMtty In i:U t'-ii-'o n:i I atllistioivii; but tlia Uld not Itiunv tint; Iu bad told hor slio wuntcil tluwj viuillh Bh tnt still a built wbllo, Imt rosy rt iwayltig to and fro like two ro time imw on on stalk mid bang dowu 111 the wind. Th UlUo lattice was op nit tho twoot tm l dui.hy enrden was heyuuds thara was a lintid't liraadlh of iky, Ui which a ltu;! attr was shining; tli Imuvo of tli Tin hid nil llm IvsN But fr once th saw nun of It, Hheotily saw th black llroodhuls, (h r -1 and gold siiii't overhead; th gray stormi, with the fulleti row leaws and orunhml frultx; Mid hi the shadow two dark, rcptuachru! tyva, that liMknd at bora. Had sli bmii ungrateful! Thatlltl buidor, lionwt heart of bor m tmublntl and oppiwwut. For oii.h that iiluhl lie slept Ilk CIlAITEIl VL All the next day alia tut under the yellow awulng, but the ant alona It was market day; there were nmuy straugvisa Flower n In doinnmL '1 tin copper pleow wore ringing agnlicit one auotlwr all Hie houit through In her Imthoru beg, Th cobbler waa III such good humor that b forgot to quarrel with his wife. Tim fruit was In such plenty that they gave her a leaf hill of whlto and red curruiita for tier uoondnr dinner And the pooplo split their tides at the Cheap John' Jokot. he was o droll No one anw the leak In hl'kottleoor tha hole hi hit bellow, or thn log that was luck big III hit milking tool, Kvervlsoly was gay and merry that day Hut lichee's blue e)m lookisl wl.lfully over th throng, end did nol Hud what IhoV sought. Somehow th tiny smmiiisI dull, and th apiar empty When the day waa Jon llobeegavea quick tlgh Malta looked aero thowpiaro. Mheluid to wanted to I' ll him that the was not un grateful, aud alio bad a little hum rime nvi.lv with a sprig of out I irlur, aud a toiy tpray of niaideii hair fern that grew un.lor the ll lows, which alia had kept covered up with a leaf of ayeiunoie al! the day long No one would have It now The child weutout of thepla.'e andly, aj(ho carillon rang. There wn only tho nena r In her basket, and the r1 and whito currants that had been given her for hor dlutu-r, Hint went along tli twUtlng, many colore.!, quaintly fn.slilou.sl atra'tt, till aliecaiiw to the water ttda police was fond of watching th brtga and bargim, that looknl no big to hor, oith their national flags flying, aud their tall niton standing thick as gram, and their tawny anili flapping In thn wind, aud alot thorn the swwt, strong tmell of that alrnn,;.', uiikitonn thing, the sea. But thlt dull day IWIwa did not to .t. v, ti Uioo the wharf, alio did not want the aullorV tnltw, sli taw th masts and bit of bunting that stratum! from thorn, and thev made hor rnstltt, which tliey had never done lefor. Initead she went tn at a dark old door and climbed up a steep atalrooJB that went up and up, aa though ah wore mounting KU Uudille't lielfry towers, and at the lop uf il utered a little chamber til the roof, nvhi re onewpiare uugutted hole that torsod for li:hl Itukisl out Uu th caunl, with all Its crowded cralt, from the dainty tehoonor ya ht, frh as gilding aud holytono culd make her, that was running for plmurn to tli 8chcJ.lt, to the rude, t luinsy inutl large, black as night, that bore the rough diamou.la of Belgium to the siiow tiurlol rt.f. of I'hrts tlanla and Stromsta.L In th little dark title there Mas every old woman In a red prtticoat and a high cap, who ant against the window, and pricked out lac patterns with a plu tm thick a-r Hhe was aA yeart old, and could hardly tn p bty and aul together. Betmt, running to her, kUsl lior. "Oh, mother Aiinemlo, look here! Ihnutl fill rd and whit currants, an 1 a roll, I saved them for you. They are the llrtl cur rant we hav aivn this year. Mel oh, fur me, I bar eaten more lima are good I Vou know I pick fmit Ilka a trrow, aln-nv Dear mother Annemle, ar you bettcrl Ar you quite sure you ar (letter luday I" The little old withered woman, brown as walnut and meager a a rush, li k llieci r ranta,and smiled with a childish gl.si, tu .l began to eat them, blotting the child wi'.b etoh crumb the brukn ulf tho bnvid. "Why bad you not a graudinother of your own, luy little onoTalio iiiiiml.l.-L "lion gixxl you would have been to hor, Ik-liee,!" "Yes," said Ik-bee, Berlousjy, but lior mill I could not grap tho Idea. It wa easier lot her to believe the fanciful Illy mrtutnge oi Antolne't storiea. "How tniioh work hats you done, Auueiulul Oh, all that I All that I But ther Is enough for a wtvk. You mu t too early and too late, you divtr Aniieiiile " "Kay, Beboe, when one bo to pet (.uf"i bread that cannot ha. Hut 1 am afraid my eytss aro fulling That rose, now, b It well di r "Beautifully dona Would the Bam take take them if they were notl You know he it oue that cuts every centime In four !.- " "Ahl sharp enough, shurp euough-that It true. But 1 am always afraid of my ryisv I lo not toe the Hags out ttiere so well as I lists) to do." "Decauao the sun Is so bright, Amiouile, that Is all. I myself, when I have ls-u tit titig all day tn the Place In tho light, th flowers look pule to ma And you know ll ii not ago with me, Aiinemlo." The old woman and the young girl laughed together at that droll Idea. "Yon have a merry heart, dear llttlu one,' snld old Aiinumlu. "Tho mints keep it to you ulwnys." "May I tidy tho room a littler "To be sure, door, and thank you too. I bavo nut much time, you sou, and sonu hr,w my back ache badly when I stoop." "And it Is so damp hur for J on, over al) that water I" said Bohoa she swept ami dusted and set to rights the tiny place, and put In a llttlo broken pot a tew sprujs cl honeysucklo and rosemary that the had brought with her. "It is so damp here. You should have com and livod In my hut with me, Annomlo, and sat out under the vim all day, and looked after the chickens fur tn when 1 was In th town. Thoy aro such mischievous little (ouls; as soon aa my back la turned on or other 1 sure to push through tli roof, and got out among tin flowerbeds. Will yeu never change your mind, and llvo with mo, Annomlo! 1 am sura yon would be happy, and Ud starling says your name quits plain, and bo is such a funny lilril to talk to, you nevor would tho of him. Will you nover comol It Is so bright there, and green and sweet sniollliig; and to think yak nevor evon havo seen Itl aud tho vaus end all-It Is a shame. "No doar," snld old Annomlo, anting hor last bunch of currant. "Yon hav tuid an ao often, and yon are good and moan It, that 1 know. But 1 could not louvo ths water, It txmld kill ma Outof this window, you know, I saw my Jcannot'a brig go away away away till thn masts wuro lost In tho mint Going with Iron to Norway; tho Flour d'Eptuu of this town, a good ship, nnd a suro, and hor mato; und ca proud an mii;h! be, and with u llttlo bUnt Mui y in hwl round bis throat. Bho was Co he liaok In port In eight mouths, bringing iimlier Klght months that brought Kiulur tltno. liut tlia novcr ciuna Novor, nuvor, never, you know. 1 sat hura watching thorn come luul go, and my child siokuued and died, and tho summer posnd, and th autumn, and al! tho while 1 looked looked looked ; for t tit brigs are all much alike, and only hor I al vays caw ua soon as tho hove In tight ibe cause h tied a hunk of flax to hor inueii mast); and when he was homo ufu and tumid I spun tho bank Into hoso for him, that wai ft fancy of his, and for eleven voyages, out on another, he had never missed to tie ths flax nor I to spin the boss. But the hank ol flax I nover saw this time; nor tho bravi brig; nor my good man with his sunny blm eyes, Only one day In winter, when tin great blocks of loo wer smashing hither and thither, a coaster came In and brought tidings of bow off in tho Danish waters thoy I sdooiut on a waterlogged brig, and her hull riven In two and hiircrew nti rlrow.nod "i d"-"' i--.- .ml any innhnof of doubt; And "on hor Ktoni there was hor name painted white, tho Flour d'liplne, of Brussels, as plain as uiuuo could bo, and that wa all wa vor know; what evil had struck her, or how thoy had perluhral, nobodv ovor told. Onlv tlio conutor broiurht Hint, un or lioiimitttfiy, wnn Hid lileiirdi'iflil! writ clour iihiii It, Hut vnu wsi I never know my iii'in Uih nd Any iluy-who run miyl aii.y one of those ships may bring him iilnnird of her, nnd ho inny lonp out on Iho M lmt'f there, nnd s.int rulinliig up I he slain lis hi1 used to do, nnd e t, In Ills merry voice, 'An neiiilo, Annoiiile, hefa In inure lhi In afln, here la mor,, hot tu weavef F'ff Hint aasalntts lis lioinnw ni d n-iirtl, uo Hint lor whether he hud had lulr ivciitber or foul, ho ul.inva lilloitrd the Has In his mast Mosul Mo vou noo, i..m- ivaihl not leave hem Fir what If Im eiinin and found me aitnyl lie would y It u tin old fiishlot of iMoiit iilug for IiIiii, And I enulil not do mill out the window, you know I can ss ui. li nil the Mrlga coma Iu, nnd I can am, -II the alilpplng miiell that I have Iovih! all the ilavaol my llfu, mid lean tea the lads Itonvlu.e, end rlimhliig, mid fulling, and mending Hum hit itl ciinviia, and tiiiulillg tin ii Ihiga upend douii And Iheii who inn tnvt -llio a. a iiovor t,s,lt him, 1 llilnk-l think I "hull hour hla voice In-rorn I din, Fur thoy do niiy Hint Hod l gi"l," IU.Imhi, anis-lilll Very tlolacliwdy, lnUtls-, and lior es t-rew uu'ul nnd aoiulerlug hlie Ma t liini I Hie alory a thousand lime alaya In ili,t"n'iit wolds, but alwnvs th "aaiiio lilt la I n I', and the knew bow old An llouilu w aa d- it to nil the bulls that tolhsl Hit Hiuo, and hhii l Ui all (Ma wliltnueas of her hull- mid nil tlii Hilnklist of her Ittoo, in id only limn - hi uf hor tea aluln lover u he luul lHn In llm iIam of her youth. hho did ii"t asiili at all as the flnUhMl anncplng the lirh ks, and went donn ttnlit for a itioi.d crui ho tull or water, and act over a little chiii coal on the ttove the old woman's I Haws tviip It. Mile it llli lior tupier of stewing eel'ltit.'t, (To In' I'olltllllletl.) Ait tipt'ti l.eili'i' fium lli'tiiy JI.Ntiiitlrf lHvihe I oiiiuii-n ml ( aide 1,1 (lie Herald. I.iisnos, May, Id. IWd. riiii follow ing iitilii-e an linillt il III"! I.lglil ti Mov.t, ( li.tilcH hci ilniol ' (siilis, Blnl J have boon chow II (lie uilgiriaialgluid cop) Nmii i; in un: .Un nu ,x I't in if : I bog .liMinotlv lo Htiilolluit llit'liiilj iiitililiere In America wliu have any an ll oiitv Hi loililihli iiiivtliiiiit itlintevel tt. mini! are Moitwrs hcnlmer'a Hntia ami )m. !.sih. Iluipi-r Hmtlifla My now ami sli.utlv loitlicoiiiiiig wink "In IhnkcHi lAiiii ii," l c. liisUrly in llit liiitiile u Mi'kmk. ( liailcn N-nlini-r Nfi. and I ! ,'iiiuit.t ton ciiipliiili. -ally mtnloinli tin ; t-oiidiii ! "f il linn frtllmg llw'U the Hi" (oral I'lllilmbnig t'finpaliv, who. ill tin inline of tilltll ami isti.o, put (mill !' i !i,lvo,tiolliolit lioailod, l ook ml' U nut lieiloociie.il" wli'cli l liiilde Up ui ; the lllimt I'.llclaoo l diUl IliioiU, I Tho Woik uliiili t!iV u-iiiuncr a ; "II.Kan i t llie IhuU t'uotitiollt," I lo I pu.liati' ciilm-h , 'lliev any it cnntiiiiif will piv f.iiiln oinilig ttoik und a giea' !doiil inoic I emphatically deny tlil- ' St.ltl'ltll'llt. j 1 luive snnpl) In .iv ome fur nil Hull ''llirso pooplci iltl bv lie po-slblllly plll : llsll iinMlillig of mini! but wlmt llie j iliitlioln-stlv llpprnpt lllle.l fli'ill III V pie , mi.iih w,uk; ami bring nil A uiorn-iiii I citi.-oii am! tie roluin Iioi-ling my copy uglil llit-ic, I eMail III due blue, take piopcr inoiisiiios tn pinleit Inyacl. agaiiit lli ll llllplllll idoil rnbbory. 1 mil attain limt aovi-tal oilier pulilicli- leisaio aiiiinuiioiiig Kpiirlniw Bulks pin -: poilinu' to I'" I 1 1 ( t I llioieloie ibitik ll j lltglllillio (hill nil IIIV gonil llll ll.U III Aon-11,,1 Kliollhl be put oil tln ir gll.lltl ,iiiid I r ill mm. I lh.it inV iiiilliou.eil ; oik will I ailed "In I'.nkcM Allien." lin two MiliiiuoK. and will bo published i J 1 1 1 v I y Mo-sis. I'buili-K S. iil.iicr'ii Soiih IIi.miv M. M isi u, I'., .1. Sn Mir, I.ot .il Agent. It ' -ml ni want In, loin ui. tor !.! job piintlllg llil 1 1 N l I II I'lll si I IMP.I'K I Mt AIT, .ll.'Ml 1. I;. Mint i: km: n m 11 tiin. I SI , I I, M t 1 1 s 1. IS I. I U 1 1. . I I u I i . ., s I il V. I'r.. Jill) I'l, Is-ai I 1 ft. i. II. Kinney. Ni-il.i- I-. I rn-hy mo'ii the' iiiiotopli-!,i:,ii- t ii h tlio ( r-'i i-ou-s ot ilii-mlof Ion g e. of liim- :i, I- t t iiiiili-d "An n. l (or Hk . sale o( luiil-or hinds 111 tlio M.ll.sol I aliior inn. i i-on, Ni a.is nnd ii-hiniMoii I er i rtlnrv," I luirlis II. kiniu-t, of Mn-n.laii, l oiihiv n V.i'iilnll. Mate of (ire-.-oK. has . lin ilaf lih-d 11. II ! oltn e bis atlorn sl lte ) ino il N.i. ..r tin- pinr .itseol li e NI I I , o fs. , ... s (t, I oil lll.i No. '.' ' .,.u'!., I!io;; o "so. ,- I .!, nod Hill ollrl 1 p,..,. lo shot, th il ll.o l.ind oll,-l,t l llloll- j ilnai It- tm it , nn.l or or stoiie H.ilti lor inr n. ii'.iir.il ,,!,i-.i - nn.l lo cstuhlitdi lii- ii-l 1,1,1 to -.ml I Old I . I. : i- the n Or lilld ' to, i n i r ol ih;. oitii . ut Uni'iiii lui.i'r., on W,.,i,es.liiv, the ."ol, ,.iv ui u. lot. r. , 1-". IIo i,.oi,i t a- wihio -s.-s: .1, A I'm, and A. W. IIo l ev 'd I'oril.ioil, iiin-,.ii: II. Ibib ! I. nis, oi . M it ns il!,- i tr. -. ninl II. Mi Inlyrt 1 o I lii-lll Will-, Hi. Anv nod nil ft i l.iimiiut adver-oh jibe liluo. . do ' 1 J id lull t ale riiIH-lid to : di- tin n i ! n ii- in this ..Mi.o on or Im lot, ! vnd .IK I. O.ll o 1'. toiler, Is al. i J T, AI'I'KISSnN', i 7 ;: In .' lov-lslcr. I i M t f li I.AM' A (T. JI'NM.i, s7s. Nu n i: roi; n iii.ication I M I I II M li t l. SI' I 'I I I' l' I llm ,s i iiv, nr. July In, ImH.i Alln-rt 11. Killlioy. Noli, o i' I. on lo fiveil Hull III colllpli-linn- u ilh I ho pi in i-uni t ol IliC in t ol I nil nn-si, i, Jut,,. :t, !s, rnlilh d, "All in t tot Hie "all- o I timber hind- ill 1 1 it slate" nt ('ill IliOtil.i, (Tii'iiii, Noiiula und Washilii'lon l i i i iioiy,' All-oil K. kiniioy. oi Sliei i.lan, r.nllil.l 'ol Viiliililll, Male ol Un l-'oll, litis Ihis d.-iv lil.'l tu this nlllio his sworn state no nl No 'Jlils, for the pilt'clill-e of the S ' lit Nil I, and lot- I und 'J, ill N-tlinll No, I. ill I oivii-liip No. 'J Ninth, limine N" 7 l in-t. and Mill oiler prool lo slum that the hind millplit is ro vuliinl'le lor ils- limber in siono tliitii lor iiiit'ti iilinral purposes, luul ti. i - -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 I , Ins liaiiti In -aid html l.i lino the ii-!-isi.- and roi on or ol Hits ollh e at I ireguii ( Ii v, I ifi oou, on U e.liu-.-.lay, (he i'lli ilai ol iioiobor, I vat. llominios us uiiiies-is: .1. A. l'o, tuul A. V. Kiihoi , o I I'oril.uid, or.; II. Hub bins ol MoMiniivillo, i iregun ; und II. Me I nl i to of ( li.-i iy villi-. I ir. Ani and all .irsons rhiiiiilni.' itdvcrsid.i I ho iiiim e iIim t'dii il lands ant reipie -led tu lilo ilu ii-1 iiiiins in this nllh .' -r la-turesuiil itiili ilav ol ili lol'or, Is t. ,1. T. A ri'l'.HSi iN, 7 ; IU o lieitislot'. TIMUKIt I. AMI Al"!', JI NK II, 17. notk i: i on rrm ica tion. l'lllK-d Milieu build Olllee.j Ori-Knit (.llty, (in-H'iu, Jul) IM"'. I John T, M'.iiul, Niitloels hon liy nlven. Unit lit eoiiinlliiiioe n ull liio priivlsiniiti nl Hie not nf riilitlti'-s of Jiilie:l, IsTs, I'titllled "All net lor the sale nl 1 1 in hot-1 iiiiiIk Iu Hie at ales nf I'lilllni'iilii. un-Kmi. .s evmlii. nnd WilslilllKloti I on Ibiry." Jnlili I Wood, nlW lio.illiind, (Jointly "f Viimlilll. Hiule nt (li-.-ioin, lm-tins ilny tiled In this iilllee hla sworn alilleineiil No. 'ilVll, ft r the iillohile of Hie HW olrli'i ll.iliNii. ill III Tiiiuislilp Nit. i Hn'llh, Ultimo No, il I'uikI, ninl will oiler prnnl In show lit, il Hie litiiil aoiiiHil la mure viiliiiihle lor ila ti in tier in l,,ii" thn ti for n,: l Ion ll mill pin pi nil, I In eslnlillsli hla claim In "O I'l hlliil liolure the Kelster nml Ueooli er of llila nllloe nt (lie iiii I'liy. (iioi.u.n, tut eilnesility, Ihtt 'lMi day ol (leliilier, is '0 lie tntiti'-s us wlliieChes; J. A. Fits, A. W, llloltoy, II H'lhl'ins, id I'lirliiiiul, ilroipiu. mi, I II. Moliilyte. of I'herryvllle, Ufi'ttoll. Any mill illl lit'lsolm elaltulliK tnlversely the ilhiive ili-siirlliod hinds tire reiptealril til tile their i-1 ii t in s Iu Ihis iilliee on or lieliiie aiild mill ihiy id Oi-l'ilii-r, Is'.io .1. T. AI'l'I-HtHON, Henlter 7 .11 III-!! TIMUKIt I, AMI ACT, JI NK II, !. NOTK i: I OU I'l lll-ICATKIN. Hulled Hlulea Minn! Olllee, Oreunn (llty, Oreiiit, July vM, IH'.Kl. Hlolville C.VViiiid Niiih-e In hoi'ehy nlvett, Hml In eoiiiilhiuee w Ilh llie piiivlstntiH of Hie act uf tioliitresa of June ;i, Ikvk, eiilllleil "An ne! for lite stile of lltiiliot- Inn. la In Iho spiles- ol Ciilllnrnlii, (iroxmi, Neviulii, tuul Wiishliiiiloii Titrrllury," Melville C. Wtiiiil, of Wlionlliiiid, eoiinly of Ymilhlll, Hlnlo nf ilti'i: hits litis duy llloil In IIiIn nllloe Ills sworn stnleii'i'iit No 11(71, for (he piirehtise uf Iho HK1,, of Hoolliin No. Ill, lit Inwiiahlp Nit. 'I, aoiilli, ritiiKe No. (I oust, mid will tiller proof In show Hint the liinil ainiiilit la more val uable for lis llinliur or atone than fur tiKrletil turn pin piihi-H, ninl to ealithllHli hla claim to mm til Inn, I holnre the roKislor ninl receiver of I hla ullica nl OrcKim Hltv. Ores; ill Weiluea- tiny Hie U'JIli ihiy nf (lotnlter, IHIHI. He nniiiOM im wlltiosoa: J. A, I'ux, A, W, Hleh ov, II. Ilulilillia, uf I'lirlhtllil, llt'ci'ii. nnd H Molnlvro, of HherryvllMi, di'okoii, Any ninl till iiursniiN cIiiIiiiIkk rnlvitrsely the iihiive-ilosorllii-d hinds Hie reiiiteslml to hi" I ho! I- elnliDs III Mils ullicu un or huloto snld 'Mh day of Oobiher, Ihiio t J T. API'liltHON, 7-II1-IO-2 - Keulaler. Transportation Linos. 0. C. T. Co's STEAMERS li - Latona. Oi'fpni Cily & l.iilhtnd. DAILY LINE. gtjm:m:idi? timiij. 1. vh I'tijin.ANii, xk DiiitiiuN Crrv, 7:.'KI A, M. 10 m A.M. IJ:(i(l M. 11 , IIO I'. M. f:lKI I'. M, 7 ait A M, !l;!lt A. M, I mill'. M. ii ;4a I'. M, H:;UI I'. M. Sloitiuor Allium --im Way l,iiiuliii;s. di'iiiner l.iilnim- Way l.iiiitliiiitH, al'NIMV. H UH A, M . 1 1 ;ml A , M , 4.(l I', M. l!:o(l A.M. HilH! I', M. i (Ml I'. M, EAST and SOUTH VIA Sonllicru I'acilic Kouto SHASTA LINE. Knpit-Ks Tniiiia li'iivu I'nrlliiinl I'nily, toii.ti I ... - ., Tfj(,',(i nair u 1 T.v " 'poitlniiil Ar "" ' a", tt'. i :i r a Iv tin ,.u i Ity l.r B Ut.a, ,', hi ,r a i,iii-i...i v I sour , Aliine Imliis aliip only al Hie (nlltmlug au tlima li.irtti tit Id'sitlitiiS : Kntt 1'nrllutnl, (lr- "ii ruy. 11 "ii'lliiirti. hitletti. AIIiji y, laiisnit sIimI.i, ll. I. i t. lUirlai'ius, Jinn linn I tly. r. i ley ami hiiKi in lIllsKlll'Hll M Alt. (Ilallyt tiauatl v porilnn.l ar I i iai r, at ua. n l v (tn-tjiuirily l.v 'J.Mr. ' iw r M I Ar l(i..pi,nr l.v I 6 ee t. a II b IN V I in' 1 1, 1 1 tail y "-il S'lii.l.y ) ' ' I- M I l.v IVttUml Ar i IM. r II ,v OI.V..H t -it y l.v lt r n, I ,t Allmny l.v (SI 4. H. 7 a. a. .1 no i St. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. for .li-eotinmtittttli.n of "ti-eutu! t'Uaa faaaeilgtrt Rtlai-iied lo h s'fesa I tallia. VI el Hull- Invi.l.itl. UKrvM iiN riiini AMi aku iokvaI.i.ih. Mail 'train, loillv Tm-ri't Hunilav I ,ui I Iv I'., i-l.i,, At I !Milru I-' ti'f tr Cnnallla l.v I' .. r Al AUmIi) ali i I .initio, i-. lilil-i-t a Illl IftlUI 'I no il-'ii f aoirio hallo, a, I t iiroas Train Imlj (Knipl Hiiuilavl I l"t- a i I v I'.-rilatid Ar Isan 'ii" ,- .-,r I Ar Mi-Mliiiitlllr Lv I 6 ti THROUCH TICKETS TO Al l. I'OINTS EAST AND SOUTH, F"t llt-li..(B an.! full Ittfi'rmait'.n rettat'lln rat ia. niai.a. He., rill ell ( tun pan y a agrlll at ilti-iil I tly It KitHII.Ht, K I1 lit , F- Malliik'- r Asa III I i Ud I'tat Aiaill Northern Pacific R. R. Great Overland Route. I'H'ii r.VxTTIt.VIXS HAII.Y! Not llANtii; tiKCAKs' Shortest Lino to Chicago Ami all points Ka.l. vis HI. I'AI I. AMI WIN.NKAI'lll.lH. The Nnt-llicrii I'ailllc It. K. I (lit ni.!) hut- running I'tirst'llKer Tltiilix, ,-ei und-t Iiish Slocpeia (fieeuf l liBry) I.iihiiiiuiih Ihiy l utioliea, I'uliiuiii l'uliii o s.,,,.pi1(. Cars, I'tiliito IMniim Cuts (tuculs T.V). I'l urn lYrtliintl In the Haul. fSci- Unit ymir tickela teail via Iho .N.iillii-in I'm Hi.- I; It and H void , Imnoo of curN. 1 tirt'iicii 1'iillninn I'nlttrc hire yut Vrn, ?! gdlll tlu ,-i.ltrlit ai, tH !((- illhlliir (-HI It Ulrrrt l'MU- ti r h o. . 11.411 lll.04 Ml. lorlunl. Or, f &U hi, rt.rncr Flrt riuI (i Hirwtti. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO S STEAMERS. SHOUT LINK TO CAM FO KM A. Fit I :i il IT AND K. li K STI I K I.OWKST Sit'. liner SiiIIImk DuteN. Fniia Yaiiiln Mli'iiinur I'lirnllnii. Atrll Wlllatii tti Vsllt'y, sl'iy I; Kiirulliiit. Msy, Wlllniiii'iiii Wnlli.j, May II; Cinill tu, Msy, S.iMitiii'r Wlliiiitn'lic Vulli'y, Aii'll Ita; Fsrsl mil, Mm v illnitii-titi Vallt'V, May ll; Ksratlna M'iy H, Wliliitiii'tiii Vulli-y, Mil) Jii, 'I lip piiiniiitiiy ri'aiTvo I tits ri.it in (itnugr adllllis t'Mti-a ll llllitlll llntli'ii. 'I'rnliiai'.'iitii'ot with tlti O. A C. It. ami Hlv limta si Hiirvtillla stul Allmity. The Oii'umi 1'tu ilii' atoiiiuliimlH on tlie Williitnetto river diviHiun will leave 1'iiilliititl, Himt-liitiiiiil, Miintlny, Wtulnea In v, ind Kritluy all) A. M. Arrive ut CurvniliH Tiii'Ktluy, Tlmtstliiy ami Halur iltiv at ;J::! I'. M, l.eav'n Corvullia, tutitli liiinnil, Miimliiy, Weilnesilay ami Kiiilny ut 8 A. M. Airive at I'urtlaml Ttii'siluy, Tli ut mlu y aiitl Satiirduy at 3 MO P. M. on Mimtlny, Winlni-Htliiy ami Frl iluv, lintli iiiirth tuul HDiitli-lioiiiiil Imata lie over ninlit nt Suli'iii, liMiviii( liore al HA..M. Krt'litlil iiiiiI'I li-ki-t Olllre, Hiilittoit street whsrl ruillitiiil. (1. II. IIAHWKI,I.,.!4 . (li'tiiTti! MP, All II I Miiiiiut'ittrry HI., Ha ii Kriinrlseo, (!, (V IIOOHK, ae'l U, K. A I'. A. 0. 1'. It.. Citrviillla. Or. Farmers' Store! It. Ij. NEWTON. (UUCCKHSOII TO) STRAIGHT & NEWTON CASH Grocery Store. Goods sold at Portland Prices. HICtllUST 1'UICIC I'AII) FOR COUN. TRY riiODUCK. , i HAY AND FEED A BrECIALTY. -FOR- DiRiUfGiS " r vir'i GO TO G. A. HARDING. FOR SALE. One (if tho nieeut jiIuoch in Cluck aninn liuttoin, In-iiiK b.1 ucrcH. Tlio fint'dt of land fur a m iic1i orcliitrd. 11 IX) young jr'iuIi trccH juhI be ginning tu licur; giKid dwelling IioUhu on liinli gruuiul nml nil of Iho mt'CHHiirv out liiiililingo, etc. 45 TO 50 ACRES IN' FINE CULTIVATION. Ono of tlio (incut HiringM in Cliickmniiii county. For huIc cheuj) for a n)iort tinio. r. c. iiiTMrnKKY At ClurklllllllH, F. O. Mct'ow.N til Oregon City. HARDWARE ANTI-RUST TINWARE. I now liavo a Full Lino of llirtlwarp ami Sloven. Sol Agent for Sujierior Stoven ami HangcM, TlifOlivcrChilli-Jriowii atll an in. We hav connwtftl with tho hoiine a Firnt CIuhh I'lunibor and Tinner and work in thin line will lxas I'romptly doiio and an Cheap an any could di'nire. R. D. Wilson. OiKi! Tout onict). Faber's Golden Female Pills, nivw: uuililiitllkvdicm ou th tuarkft. Arwr Iu rt'llrv stipitvssml utuittutlluo. tUS El SAFE! CERTAIN! Twm't ! hiimlniirs1. HaVM Tim. IIm,HIi. :s and money ;Ukuou(U- Hrnt to anr aiMrpat, f -riiie ir mall nit ro tDljiinlirlix',li(XI. Atttlrvaa, THE IPHRO REDICINE COiPftHT, Wtat.ru Itnuiih, BoxlO, 1'OKTI.AM), ll For aalo by Cliarmiin A Co. l'ntitipHta, Oregon Cily, Or. UNIOX PACIFIC RY. OVERLAND ROUTE. Ti aiiis (or the EaHt leave rurtUtxl, 7 :00 A.M. and tl;(Hl 1'. M. TIPlfTTC to suit from prf nplt I points IlltlVCIO in the linltrd Hlalea. Caltt.lt ami Kilrni Elegant New Dhing Palace Cars. rutuiaii I'uluce Slreperx. FKKK COLONIST SLEEl'lNO CAR run TltrooKli on Exireis Truiiia TO OMAHA, COUNCIL FLUFFS, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, & St. LOUIS WITHOUT VII .VNU K. Clone enattrctloiia at Pnrttsml lur 8nu Fraa oUoo and t'tiii't Hmiuil poluta Knr further pnrtloalsrs luqulre uf any agon of Iho Cunipsiiir nr r. W. l.KK. . I A. T. A rortlidiil, Oregon . H. 9t I'.I.I. T. ntlllf. Uea'l tlanaiter. . in 'i . . vi 3 I 1 fmpm t-. . 1 H. J-tWs-t JAS. LEFFEL WATER WHEEL Guaranteeing More Power, using Less Water than any other Wheal, and the only Tur iinj that will vork suocossfully Mnier High Heads, Guaranteeing cCONOMY AND DURABILITY lander Heads from 3 10 300 FEET. sU.rS'j'..- j -'"' v:tr.i-it,;- "E. H. WAItltKX, XllWDBRTAItEK, Abieaillea full lili of Furniture, Window Wliicli he offer at VERY LOW PRICES, Either CAHll or on the INSTALLMENT PLAN. JxJ' You cannot do better POPE & 0(1 TIiIh olJ ami reliahlo flim , SB Ml Harilware, rat are, etc. PIuimniii, Gas Fitting & Jobbi Attended to Promptly. ' Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY, CLOCKS, JKWELUY. SPECTACLES SILVEUWAKE WATCHES, ETC. All repairinir don"' t j and warranted. (isjl-Vlilll(ITKI).) Mrs. C. H. L ;lav.y( - . . '. W. . M - J. s I ' , ". ' ' . J v. iv vvikkhkt . scRirrti WINESET &c SGIIlTXJrtE. f Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oreeo GoxmI lIoftrot'K. Triuimcii collins and Cankt-ts always in J GREAT SUCCESS. Thousands Already Cured- WKltln unlv (en mnnths this truly remarkable mrtlfclnr hsa fnatl Intn tlir viry lirat fsmiltes, crliil Kt rralat ils ."ii'li rlul tur (mhis CitntsiiiiiiR inn iiuurmttioa. it i tn nit Koiiii Hii.i.i.t.( MM norrliwst Ml., Ittrtlasi Kxi'lualvr Ah-eiill (or Clackamas CotiMjr, THUS CHAKMAN 4 (OX'i Or(iiaC'!lJ,0r fea&fe a !. M "Jlaay mmmM lH HOIE SEWING MACHINE G.ORANGE.MASS. - JU L'NKIM SyU.S,RE fiX- DALLAS, 1 an aaiTA .i. ' TEX. E. S. WARIiEN, 0 ' it IT t 1 . S . s. Shades, Mattings, Etc! than to rail and examine J alwaya keep in aloek full line of al OREGG (l-Ol-TltlUHTtO.) BURMEISTER. ;.,n. ion i The New Remedy. - - Absolutely Purt bectuae 11 t'CttD THR ait-a. No dlatrtat ti atlarka. Il cutis noltillif to Inrtilltaa , In Darkest An-lra, "j HKNKY M, STANLEY'S lalJ itreatoHt work will be wmi fri jltreaa about the 1st oCAdKost.j ; Sharp, of Salem, linn secured th f ol t Iai Ramus county and win sl enter upon the eauvaaa. . . This is the full anil only sutlifl count of Stanley' ailveiiture 4 eoveriea ilurinx h:a last tlire) y Africa. Don't fail to obtain a r4 The GeTebrated Frencb t 'ESS4 "APHRODITINE"j Is Pot.D ON a P08ITIVS UUAHAMItt to cur sny loria of aervoua tllthstis I f or any dlsDnlerof the tnrratii o ganaol cither ari. tnmit)i.iit"M.il.. ji' .BEFORE liseol Stimulants, AfTE Totiaefsj or Opluta, or throimh joutblnl i Hon, over iailiilKeiir, Ae , such ss lt I'ower, Wtltelitlneaii, Biarliis dona Pti bark, Seminal Weakness, II Valeria, Krvi tml Ion, NiH-tttrtitl Etultniiiiia, LeiieorThi tlueas, Wesk Memory, Uwaol fowtrst teaey, whleh It ue-leotel ollen lend I V old aire aud inutility. Prie 11.00 1 ' lor l.vm Hent hy niall on reeeltil of p A WRIT.KN t)l ARANTKK It every l.vu) onlor received, to return! Hi? a I'trmanant cure la not effected. Iliousautlatil teatlmonlals from old tr ol both aoxea, wholtave barn )a'rmst by the nau ol Aphrodlllii. t:ln-nlar lr THE APHRO MEDICINE Western Hrauoh, Box 27, Posi For Sale by CliHimaii Bixm ,1 Otejion ( i FO)s CATAli ALSO STATS WRITS Head of Water and tat! JAS. LEFFEL &J OsllO LIDERTv ST., I SPRING? NtW VOHK. I OH 'I -1 .VTlr-". i s O tl K a I if.