The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 31, 1890, Image 2

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    -if r
rn.N. !ii..i:itii:.
lblUhrr mid lrirlrur.
M-ll-L- 1 1 t . I . 1 1 -
lionrv-so-ntntloii In Conffr.
For many years luxst tt lias Ikhmi custom-
tv for congress, after each census, to to
apportion (ha menilcrship to the house of
representative, xi that the increase W pop-
illation wmiM nut materially alTecl the
numtierof presentntives. I'tuler the hist
pportioiimont the tvpivseiitl.m wan one
monitor to each IM.oiiO people ami (he
house consisted of SiS ineuitors. Tlier arc
now counting llnwa from tho now
talcs. Tlio inorcnsj In population aim
U last census is over ! wt cent, ana will
cause a large Increaso In the lucnitorshlp
of the house unless a new apixirtiwiiment
U niaile. There has toeii much in sajd re
gard to this year's census toiiig hurried in
order (o Rive congress time to do this at
the present session, but it is now asserted
by (ha chairman of the select euninittlev
tliat no action will be tukeu till next session
The plan most talked of Is to increase
the basis of reprweitlatlon to 1,(KW which
would give th house ,V or :UM members.
This would Increase the representation In
nearly all the western slates. Then has
been some talk or electing an additional
representative from Washington, w ho would
(ake his seat on condition that congress
would admit him toeauso his state, under
the recent census, as entitled to another
member. Congressmen who are author
It on such matWrs say this would
be waste of time, as under no clrcum
stances, will additional members 1
admitted till a new aiiHrtiontuent Is
made, which will be In time for the Klfiy
third congress.
The time is getting short and the Kntrb
raise again calls attention to the fact that
Oregon City and Clackamas caunty should
hare an txhibit at the Portland Industrial
Fair. It would be one of the tost possible
means of advertising th city and country
and the board of trade should take the
matter in hand and see that a creditable
exhibit Is prepared." With contributions
from the many factories aud'the various
farm products, Clackamas county could
make a handsome and complete exhibit and
one thatjwould bring hero the favorable no
tice ot hundreds of visitors who would thus
Irani of resources and capabilities of Clacka
mas county.
Sixes our lust issue, Argentine ltopul.lir
has been the scene of a short, but Here
civil war, resulting in the loss of a hi re
number of lives. Th cause was the un
popularity of rresident Celmati whose res
ignation was demanded. Vpon his refusal
to concede to this demand, th government
forces were attacked by the populace and
several red hot engagement took place,
but the government forces were victorious.
The insurgents were Mug rapidly rein
forced and another battla was imminent,
when President Celman atidieatoil In favor
of Vice Tresident l'elligrin. This satisfied
the insurgents and peace has leen it-stored.
L -
I'ortlami's population has at last Ix-en
settled by the census enumerators at ,U,sil
with East Portland at U7X) and Alltiiia at
4000, and the remainder of the county at
10,7o0. It is estimated by the Ori-goniun
that between 4,000 and pi,t0 names were
added to Portland's list by its own efforts. A
very faulty einimcrati.ui is given ami it is
claimed Qui figures given arc much below
Its actual population. A remuneration was
-asked for, hot the request was not granted
br Superintendent l'orter.
Kaisiii Willi tlx, not rtuitent w ith reg
ulating military, civil, and religions affairs
of the German empire, now proposes to
reform the universities by the substitution
of Engli.h and the sciences for much super
Buous Latin and Greek, and it is given
out that this restless young man will not
pause in his work of reforming until he has
procured the abolition of the time-honored
and blinding German text for the adoption
of the Roman letter.
Ms. I'tHKT Hinkls, the contractor in
charge of the government work at the
mouth of the Columbia river, has been no
tilled that, on account of the delay in the
passage of the river and harlior bill, no more
rock can be received for the Jetty. Conse
quently the work is susmled, and the
large barges used for transporting the rock
to the Jetty will 1 Idle till afler the pas
sage of the Ml!.
HiSATOB MiTcim.L bus reported a bill
from the postolllcc committee, providing
for free mail delivery in all cities of 2,000
population, or where the revenue amounts
to $3000 a year. If this bill posses, residents
of Oregon City will enjoy the metrojwlittin
convenienceof having mail brought to their
Wobk on the extension of the I'nion
Pacific railroad from Portland to Seattle
Is being rapidly pushed and before many
months go by another great railroud line
will be added to the Pucilic Coast system.
for Ween Ending: Saturday July 2(1.
The week has been marked by con
tinued high temperature, ranging from
60 to 70 degrees along (he coast, lrom
48 (0 95 degrees in interior valleys, and
from 50 to 110 degrees east of the Can
cades. There has been an entire ab
sence of clouds except along (he coast,
where fogs, as usual, were frequent. No
rain is reported to have fallen within the
it- .... CROPS.
'''.'The weather has been very favorable
to harvesting operations, which are in
full sway throuKhou( the state, alno to
late spring grain, hops, fruit, etc.
The fall wheat is reported to have a
fine, largo, and plump berry. As but
little threshing bas been done so fur the
yields cannot be given. One report from
Washington county says, "One Held of
CO acres has been cut and threHhed and
yielded 4.1 bushels per acre."
At Gervais on the 24th the find, wheat
was received at the warehouse from Mt.
Angel. On the same date last year the
ilrst wheat was received at the same
It is estimated that the entire section
of country within 20 miles radius of Ath
Ani. Umatilla county, will yield on an
average from 35 to 50 bushels of wheut
nAr acre. In tbo French prairie, Marion
aounty, the wheat is generally bettor
end a larger yield than ever peiore.
Crook countv lias an increased acreage
of wheat, and they expect enough fur lo
cal demand. In the section south of the
I'.Iua Mountains crons are all reported
; good. ; Union county has the brightest
' Of prospects, morrow county nan uio
best grain crop ever produced. fSher-
man, Gilliam and Wasco counties will
have more than average crops. The en
tire Willamette valley sends in most ex
cellent reports as to wheat prospects,
and Southern Oregon will hava fully an
average crop. Hops are good yields,
and good prices are expected. Large
quantities of fruit are being shipped.
Prunes, plums and pears are especially
plentiful. The melon crop will be unus
ually large. The fluttering prospects for
a bountiful harvest, indicated the past
few weeks, are now Being realized.
B. 8. I'AGUB,
Observer Signal Service
The NVvu tit Drier front all Mertmns
of Cio Ctumtrj.
London has tlO.OiM families living In
A Chinaman coimuitlod suletdu near
Alhanv last Monday,
IUikota rvnorU indicate greater wheat
crop than ever before.
Tho Kansas Htut6 ToiiiMranoo League
la in session at Toeku.
The new cruiser I'hlladolphla lm been
received by tho government.
Two hundred coal miners are, on a
strike at Gallup, New Mexico,
A new atoani schooner Is being buill
at Alcoa bay (or the coast trade.
OuW four territories remain I tali,
Aruonu, Now Mexico and Alaska.
A valuable vein of lignite has been dis
covered on Mount Yulapa, California.
An earthquake shock wan distinctly
felt at SIksoiis, t itllloitila, last Minuay
A tire, at Tacoma Monday morning
l.tstroved imnionv to Uu amount of
Amnrieil will DloducO till Voar 0.000
000 tons of Iron, while llngland pro
duction will U H.tiOO.OOO ton.
W, II. Grower was run over by a ca
ble car at Soatllo, receiving Injuries
from which ho died shortly alter.
Marriage licenses are. not roiiuired In
Idaho, Now .letsey, New Mexico, New
York, South Carolina and taconsin
Hal Hackonsto and Arthur Wilson
wore arrested at Pallas last week, on a
charge of soiling liquor to the Indiana,
A well-known colored fiddler at Anna
pohs, Md.. dreamed that b bad olilv
one vlav longor to live, and died accord-
Imtlv. '
The government has ordered additional
lif.t savin stations to I established at
Coos bav and the inuulh of the Coquille
A man named llocker has sued Paker
Piiv tor sl..s;:0 for damages lrtin a ill
laoida'ed sidowalk, which caused the loss
of a limb.
There are now '.Ml electric railways
in successful oi-eration ill the Cnitod
Stales, ami as a motor, electricity is no
longer an experiment,
Secretary Noble announces that his do-
rartniont has decided todeliver the lands
earned by tho I'nion I'acillc, amounting
to about S.tHKt.tkH) acres.
At Manchester. Kngland, last Monday
afternoon, two construction trains col
li.led. killim? foitv workmen, and se
verely Injuring a large number.
Tho roaidoncd of Kov. lavld Plumb
of I'ini-intinti. was set on lira Mondav
night, and ho was fatally burned, while
his wife and three children iwriHhed lu
the llainos.
The new Croton anueduct ha been
oiwne. at New oik. 11 is over uurty
lhr.. miles ill lellu'tll. COst I'Ji.OtW.OtW,
ami has a capacity of 3lSllO0,iHiO gallons
of water a day.
I'hirm-o Iron moilldel riM-eiKly Sent
l:'..MH) to the assistance of the striking
mouWers of San Francisco. They now
have a fund ol nearly $ 10.000, and
poet to soon end the strike.
In a saloon iWht in Port hind Sunday
Thomas Vaughn was fatally tab!od by
I.. I. Sprnguo. Vaughn died from the
elici ts of bis injuries during the day
Spragua was 'locked up pending an ex
One of the poorest men on earth is the
man who has no time or inclination to
:io unvthini! but make money, lie is
almost as much to 1 pitied as the man
alio is too poor to take Ins home paper
Prinovilte New.
In Joseph'mo county, ttr , a nugget
taken from tho hydraulic mine, owned
bv .lohn S. H.iverlv. on Canyon creek
weighed M.10. Mr. Ik'sscnger, one of
the old miners of this county, says there
is considerable good turning ground!)''
ing idle on Josephine and Silver creeks
A few davs ago a lot of type a as plowed
up in a tiol't at Kphrata on ground ol (lie
historici". seventh day I'.aptist Society.
The ptoss on which this tye waa useil
is now in Philadelphia, III Hesion of
the state historical sooi ty. It was the
second press set up in the colony of Penn
sylvania. Times Mountaineer.
Chicago will b excelsior ' Iindon
has undertaken the task of building a
tower to overshadow tho F.ittol one at
Par is, and now Chicago is about to siiend
two million dollars to build an immense
pyramid of steel and iron that will reach
several hundred feet higher than the
London construction. Tluire is too much
fog inhaled by the native cockney lor
iiiiu to possess" anything like the clever
ness of the active and energetic Chioa
goan. Mr. 1'. H. Whitney, of the Southern
Pacific, has Kkf acies ot land out in Clack
aiims countv which Is turning out some
colored earth of which he has a very
high opinion. There are Iwds of red
earth and also of yellow. When first tak
en out it is soft clay, but hardens on cx
lwuro in the air.' It contains no grit
whatever, and Mr. Whitney thinks it Is
genuine ochre. Applied to wood surface
with water it gives a nice coat of paint,
which is removed only with dilhctilty.
What it w ill do when burned and ground
is not known, but Mr. Whitney purposes
sending a sample to Professor Condon,
at Eugene, for examination. Orcgonian.
An extensive sandstono quarry has
been 0N!ncd on tho place of Charles
English, in Columbia county, five miles
below St. Helens. The stone is of a dark
blue color, lino grained, and free from
seams or defects of any kind, and be
comes quite hard on exposure to the air.
Mr. Kennedy, who has tho quarry
leased, lias made extensive preparations
to bundle the stone, and will, says tho
Mist, make his first shipment tins wee
to Portland, when, if Ins venture meets
with the success now assured, he will
double his force of men and have the
railroad company put in a switch near
the quarry so as to enable him to ship
by rail as well as by boat.
Portland is now preparing to build
three magnificent structures, Tho union
depot, the chamber of commerce and the
city hall. The aggregate cost of these
threo will bo something over two and a
half million dollars, Btid they will be a
credit to the city as long as Ihev stand.
The Riiirit which has actuated the erec
tion of these costly public edifices, is the
spirit which is rapidly escaping the toils
of inossbaekism and assorting itself
tbroiiifhout all the Pacific Northwest
It is a spirit of pride, and an ambition to
suitably represent the great resources of
the Now Empire as tliey are evolved.
Nothing short of the best can satisfy this
spirit. Heal Estate Keviow.
Will Kxplotc Ml. 81. Helens.
Ms Merrill, of Peer Island, Is
making verv extensive proparalluns for
his trip to Mt . St. Helen with tli Mc
Hrldo partv, to ma thoiough iuvws
ilimilonof ilm ureal eavltv on the north
side ol the mountain, w Inch up to dale,
has never bad a close oxsininiition. u
hat beet) rumored by both w hite men
and Indian that they have occasionally
seen smoke Issuing bom that place; and
while It ha been given t'ousnieiaiuo
redltbv some people, oilier liellevo ll
(o be without foundation. It would be a
great robot to the minds of many to
Enow exactly the condition of things
thev exist In and around that Imposing
mountain, ami wiiuia many nuompm
have laen made to exploit) tho samo
from the south side, no one lias ever
luuni willnni to volunteer hi services In
taming how things appear around the
hole on tlio liorlll slito, lor goon reasons.
It is verv dangerous work in trying to
exploit) the mammoth rocks and boul
der and the seemingly inaccessible dill's
which are uotlcealilo on tliitt siie;auu
the man who will venture niul need be
possessed of great nerve as well a very
little regard for danger. This, however,
Is what Mr, Mclhidn contemplate do
ing, and we am told If he fails It will be
nofault of disown. He certainly de
servo a great deal of praise for atlruipt
lug so dangerous an undertaking, and
he has many irlomts who await nun no
little uneasiness the result of bis ardu
ous task. We certainly consider Ids
udeavois worthy of the praise ol all,
and we send with dint our best wisnes,
and trust that lie will havo the best of
good luck. -Oicgon Mist,
An Oregon Pioneer.
In a communication to this paper Pa-
vid Arthur, of this place, stales that he
was one of the immigrant of Hi:t, and
drove an ox team on that memorable
eight month' trip across the plain In
the winter of 1st.! he ploweil the nrsi
forty acre of land ever cultivated In
Clackamas county, and heled haul saw-
log to tho little mill, men run by t'r
McLoughlin in this place, from where Is
now the main business street ol Oregon
City. Ho claims to have ailed lu the
construction of the Ilrst wagon road
through the Willamette valley and to
have helped build the Ilrst bridges, school
house and church put up by American
In this county, He also planted, to the
best of hi knowledge, the Ilrst orchaid
set out III Yamhill comity
Mr. Arthur ha undergone all the
hardship and privations of a pioneer
lie. and done hi full share toward
changing Oregon from a trackless wilder
domes to a country possessing all the
advantage and condor! of the most fa
vored state ot the union
Letter List.
The following is a list of letteia re
mamingin the poet ulllce at Oregon City,
July 31, IS'.W:
TIMIll'l! LAND ACT ,H'MC il, ln.TH.1
Mrs Chun II Miimiu,
t'NITHI Prm I (MM OCHi k,
UHlii't'N I'm, ,lm,e '.vs, hm, i
Noliie s hereby (men Umi u i,hii,II
nin e wllh the nnnlxlooa ol the net ol I 'on
gre ol' June .'I, IS',', cntlllcd " An net for the
sale ol'tiinher land'. In iK. Mm, 0 Califor
nia, tireunn, Nevada, and Whlii;on
Territory, ' Mm. ( lata It, Mmwui, of ;lroi;ou
I'll)', Counly nf t'lin'kainiis, Hhile of I Iregou,
has thU day lllvd lu this nlllen her pouiiii
talemenl So, y'i,1, or the iHirchiisn ol Ihe
N K l of section No, jit lu Township
X, llaime No. !l Eal, and will oiler proof to
show that the hind souuht Is ihoiv valualile
for Its limber or slime titan for agricultural
tuiriHises, and to etuhllli her elulm in said
land liel'ore (he r'Kller and receiver of this
ulllce at Un-poii CM v, Oregon, on Wednen
diiv, the I'nh dav ol (ii I oiler, S1M,
hheiiiiiuei.a'illueei; Clmrles W Mend,
tleoine l. Waid, Ednoiud llaplolf and
William I'nitei'son, all o Oregon cliy,
Clin 'kniiiaa countv, i nccon.
Any ami iillpervoimclaiiiiliig u.hermilv the
ainoe Oew iiiie,! luml ie inme-leil lo lile
their claims ill Ho- olli, e or or heloi-e md
loth dav ol October, Iwni,
.1, T. AI'I'lvllsoN.
7 1 ! W ll.-,:l'.ler.
Police I'ur liib!leui,iii
Mrs. Maniatet L, Itabloif,
IMrcn Si i rts I.vnii linn t , i
Oai.o.ii i ' 1 1 v , or., Jiini) '.' i, Iwii.i
Notice l hereby uUen hi coiniitlain
tin ii i: i'
!, 1 oH.
-i, i'
I Im
III l!,e l
' ', I
r l,n..
lilu i
,'ew of .1 in
lle ol 1 1 1 1 , t
Ida, I ii- '
lilorv," Mr.,
t'lly.'Coiinl , .
Illll tlllS ,:1
Milll H'.l'l
ol Ilia V
1 1) So 'i, iii
So, ;i i: i
the I. in, I . "i
HlohlT ol' id, ii
jum,"., ll.,, I ,
laud I I. .1 .i II
olllee ill I Uc, i
Ihe huh .l.n i
Mlie ii 'I...
Ileoiy II 't
mi)-)) r.o'
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l.-.lh ilii;- ol ii-
V ;i ii
: 'Oc
it ii) com pli-
i, ll' I ol coll.
mi act or Ihe
i,' f olCililol-'
UilH'loll ' !'!'
I I'l. (. Hi
I I M.'Koll,
ilice ber
i, of ic
.li.iw I j I It I
le lor ll pur
11 III Kllld
v. rot lids
i. ti.
I ml.
W Mead.
i.'il nml
.i r.
1 1 i i : i ; -it N ,
m .l.C.i.
i .i I li.o.
i I It i
V) li It ll." I
lib tlio hum-loin ol ihe in I ol r. ,,r i 11111,1 ''
. t t.-
ll , IVti.l.'. t.l
ilrOn ,.t tn,
lltl. at, i, 1 1, ki
1,1 Ihe M ,
'JS'inlll, I. .
It. ati.ot Oi i
lor It. I
Li'li.l I,, lot.
niin'e li ttl.
June!!, Is.'S, eiilllled u ail for Hie wile ol
limber lamU lu Hie Males ul'Ciillloriila, Ore
gon, Nesil ainl a-hliiftloii Tertnorv,"
Mrs. Margaret I.. Uaidorf, f I ircnoii Ciiy,
County ol Clin kninin, Male o ( iii,:.'.,ii, bun
thla dav lllt il In Hit" ulllce her anortialaie
itieitt No i'blt, for the I'liivhaw o the N V
l, of ftecilon No in ToMii'lilp .So AH,
liaiu-e No ,'l V., anil will otter proof to almw
thai the luml noiu'lit U ni.i'c t alintl'b' lor : oil
lt 1 1 lit M-r or "lone than lor agrh iiltttiin ; "I " ' '
imriiii'i-" and to etiibltli In r claim to anl i If
land belorci the rei!tter ainl receiver of litis i J ""J '
ollh e nl Oregon I'uv, otegoiinii Wedncvlitv I J''y ,,'n
the lolh day of October, Iwn, ' j ,i,,,, ,t, ,
She names a. witne-iai-a; Charles W, ! lit. ir
Mead. l.. ofi:i' 11. W anl, Kiliitoml, llitt.loi t j .1 iv el vt i
and Wllbuiit I'tiH.-r- f Oregon t py, I
Clac'ttmas eoinitv, Oregon, ' 1
A n v and all per-oti. i-lnliulug ndv-r-cly
the tlfsoe-.le-i rlUsI hotits toe r.-'jllelei to
(lie tbetr claim in this ttllltc on or before
said l 'tli thtv of 1 1. loU-r, vo,
J, T. Al'fCllfsoV.
T '.'I !' A lt.-gl.ler.
1 1
I'l I
'I Cii :
.o I'M :
Andrlck John Jones lohn
llulier, i bos J Monk A Mi n a
jlliHiiner. A It Onlla.u. Mrs I.
jlmwii, Ueorg V I'orler. I.Ida
t'srter, H I'll 1 1 1 llnr.ev 8 C
I levies, Jennls A, William
Paniel, Jav Hose, Itelle
H Leonard, Mr Koas, diaries A
IMiHild, bla llo-e. M t
Kllam. John Itichnrd-on, Mrs 8
Kiomolt, Js 8iiuth. I' t
Pre her, W D 8inllh, Cora Klia
Kosler, J M 8101th, Mrs M V.
Kugall, Charles 8hlen, It
tirebbv, lieorue'J White, Ashley
Htiglies. jiiii.-ln Wright, C K
Hull. Linda Wheeler, M littles
Jones, Psvid K
When called for please sav when ad
vertised. J. M. Haiom, I', M
lla.e Hall.
The following is the standing of the
North I'acillc league on July ltd:
I'lnt'ed. Won. l.ot. I'ertt.
U :i :at i.i
ftl '.!7 '."I .(.I'l
M '.T '.'1 ..Ml'
,'itl IS I.' ,MI
For Sale.
J.I) (.ere of laud, 8 miles from Hie,; 111
City, at lift 1 .or acre. Apply to
P. J Switkh.
MITH K roit I't ItLK
CsiTKti 8Trrs oru , 1
Ohkios City, Or., July I lib, Ism..
Oeorge W. McCarver.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the net of Con
gross of June 5, IS7H, entitled, "An net lor
Ihe snle of tluilwr lands In the Males of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," llrorge W. .Mt t 'urverol Ore
gon 4'itv, County of Clackamas, Mate of
Oregon, has this tiny hlctl in this olllee bla
sworn statement No. '.'Hit, for the purchase
of the N S of XW and N !," of 8K of
Ms tion No. 12, In township No. II houih,
HnnL-n No. .1 hast, and will oiler proof to
how that the land sought is more altiable
for its innlx-r or stone Iban for agricultural
uirtHiM-s, urn! to establl-li his claim to -aul
ami IK-Iore llie regtsirr ami receiver 01 una
TIM liHt I AMI Al l', Jt SK3 ls
.oll-e I'ur I'ublli ulloii.
t.lmolti (i Kill..
I'sitrn Htm. 1. .mt mi n 1 I i lly, lir , )itv 'J.l. s s' I
Niil It'rl j liorriiy gt.ui ittst iu e,,iii.luite.i
with the pno l.t..ii. i.l tin. art ot ( .ttiRi.-.s
el June .1. s'.s, eiilllle.l -An ael !.r llie s,.i. itt
IttnlH-r latnl. In llie Hmle.'Nii(,,riil4,, hikI W a.ltlnttt.'ll l.ifrtti.rv.'' I ilioltt
II Mil. nl Seattle, l .noity nl Kins, auin i.
S.llllisl. Ml, ll till. .In. (111 . I III till, ii'll. e III.
sw-nrtl .tstt'lttetlt N.I. '.'l.-s, lor Urn put. 'Its..-of
llm Nl-.' ,, u si-,-(lnii No II. In I iiw u.ltle No J
Mould, aaiie No 'I r.s.l. ami will oltnr pinof t"
how lliat llie laml ai.usltl I. titxte y slusl-ie t..r
It. loiilier or alone thsit for agrii-uUur! I'tif
iMises. anil In r. III. I'l.itn tit aat-l b.h.l
U'tore tin. i'tt.ter anil lin-elvpr of 110. ..niee
at tireunn t'ltv.l.r , on "I nt-..Uy lit. Milt luy
of ih-tolrt-r. l-,si. III. iisiiie. . w line..-.. N
J Well-It, tt A l al.tll, K Ii l .nlrlli ... II II
tt.lul I'nrilsii.l, ur.
Any ana sit per. on. t-t.tlliiltK tbe
Sim. e lie. i-rlli.-'l Ull.l. ate r.'.tt.'.le.l lo n;e
lltelr elslttt. tn ll.l eili.-v mt or iM-fo-r -slit
toll ,Uy ill oi l. iiwr, Ivsj J I APPKU-iitN
J I?. is 11,'ni.u r.
ini it i: nut n iu.iri i io.
Joseph W. Ibitdorr.
I'sinn 8t ytra (..Minnies, t
ti,i:.ios Cttv, Ot, Jure ;'o. s-.i.t
Nott. e is hereby Kiven lliut in 1 .unplui'icc
Wlthlbe pro.i.iolli ol l'ie ml of Coliie-s
June .1, l;s. entitle. "An m I lor the
sale of luml . 111 ihe Mnli s of I ,ih.
forttla. Oreeoii, Ne.ala tonl Wa-bm..-ton
IVintorv, ' Joseph U . Il.ii,l..r( of
On'oit I llv, cotlhlv of I i.ekionit.,
Male of itot'oti, b.i. lias d.iv lii.- l in
llo.s othi e bis .tiniii .Ciieitifiil No, "l 1-, f..r
the pill, ha -e of tin- Nl.'. of sc, No I ,
loniisbip No. 1. N.iiiih, 1 it i No, :t I 1 1,
iiinl mil .'I'd- pi.Hif lo sin. lioil ihe bind
om:ht is 111. m- iithtnUe (or it- tlinUi'or
slotte (bun lor iMf pntp.v, in,i (,i
e-lnbll-li Ills 1 bitm lo .111, 1 tit 1 i.l belote the
Itegl-ler Illl l lb" .-net ol Ibisollli " n' ' 'n .roil
City, Or. i,'oti. 011 e-lln -d.iv, l'ie I 'lh.iay
of ii.-loU-r. s'n.
lie lutllii'S iis w ittic-.-es I'litir,! - W . M 'il l ,
William l'iiiler-.ii, l-.iln.on I lintdoif, I'.
Wilson, all of Oregon lily, t la. k. teas
county, 1 ireott.
Aitv itii-l nil H-nons elnl i.lni! a
the tilsite..csi riU-.l btmU toe l.-' .i
tile their . liilltis iu Ibtsolh. e im in i--1
viiil I. all il.i v of 01 loU-r, I -'.it.
' J. T. AI'I'KIIM'N, II'vi-i. r.
T -21 !l 2.'.
Willi t
I, OH. ,
N.i I ml
... .
h a
s-.ntli. I;
In .1 I .
W t.l II
' I
I-1..I Ins III i U - ,
el tn I 'l - 1 .
).-. !
I I .1 :il I, I
- . -, 1 "it,
t ". 1 ll (l I l'S ol
Ihe . lie i,
1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 , ore
M tint. minti,
:. 1 In till, i.lln-e
I, i 1 1.,, t"irrlnt.ti
iii 1 nlili Ni.
I n lil "II. r proof
'.n m . niiirtlibi
1 1 1 .'1 teiiltutsl
- I ll.ll lo ...111
!,. . . 1 v or .if (Ilia
I ,-, ililnliil'.y
,. inii.i .- 1 1 .
. .. 1 ' .11, I- li
I .I,.,rli ill 1'i.H
- -i.i n, Iv tin.
1 . st .1 to nia
I '. S.ll. llllt
1 , .',1'C: li-liN
1. .1 I-
i- .54 " .'-(
. t li t'lt't:, f
u- "l
! si r 'iDpHftlM'i
! r- t..'ic nt
: itn e,,.ic i(f
' - . . H-.).tllti
m M e V'i!n .,1
. ...- . Um
. .f-h., ..I
, . 1' 1 1 " 1 i 1 1 1 Nil, it
. .,, 1 -.1 In
: , : , J,!,- for
- 'iil'ir-l pur
.':.. I" I'OI'I
.-.I I'.l.-tl.rr ol
.- 1 -.!. .l-.y ol
, -. ' t'"'
1. - l-t.-l-p.t'l.
- r .,,: ml. or
. ,;.,-' --iy Hie
. .. ,1 i, Slellielr
. I " ll , IV
,t i ,1 yt Hsi.N'.
l ! t lttlt.
1.1 ,. c .
IIK- ',:
II 'll..
Hi',, r
b:i- !l,-.
H i :
ol I on
,0 1 lor
i 1 1 nl
01 h i: i oii ii iii.k 1 ioi.
I'sni'M Mrvirs LsNii Ot si' . 1
1 is Bun Cnv, Or. 1 May IHaM
olilP Is hereby given Hint In ituiipli.
aiit-e n ilh Ihe iroyn.ioii nt tint act ot emi
gres of June It, laiH, entitled "An act for
I he sale of tliiher lumla In the Mules of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," Wbaleii !. UrofT, of Altai,
Countv itf Cnliiiiibla, HI11I11 of Oregon, lisa
Ibis ibiv tiled In this olllte his sworn atnle
iin nl No. 'Jotiil, lor th piirehnsii of the
N I'i i of Meelliui No, III, III Township No, If
Minth, lliiiigi' Ntt II Knat, ainl will oiler proof
.i"liow Hull Ihe lanilaiiughl Is inure viiliinhle
lor Its timber or atone Hum for Rgrlt'tilttiriil
purposes, mid to establish his clnliii to said
hind lieloin Ilia Iteglaler ami Ibeeiver of
this olllee at Oregon ( 'llv, Or., oil Tuesday,
the 'J.'tt I tlnv of KeplnmU r, sli. He names
IIS Witnesses: C, II, Wheeler, W. tlnlley,
and l W, llrtivvnof Piiitlatid, Or,; J. 11.
Olllls of lllllilers, Oregon.
Any mill all persona claiming utlveraely
Ihe iihovti ilesi iibeil lo 1 n lis nru reiiieslei to
llie their elaltiialii this olllcit oil or ht-fii.e
Mild '.Mil dav of Heplember. ISISI,
II PI S . Jllglsler.
aiuk i: i on itiii.h vi 101.
I'siirn Hrstrs Lash Okhcs, j
tmsoiiH Cit. or., .May 27, MM
Nollce Is herebv iilien that 111 eiimpliiinis'
u lib the iirtolsious of Hut act of Corf li-asof
.nine, 1, is,.., entitie'i, rtii at 1 i''t ni" awn.
ol liinbi r liiinls In Ihe hinlea of California,
Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Terri
tory," .Marlon !'. Is.y, ol ILmmI lliver,
Coiinly of Was 8late of Oregon, lias
Ibis due Died III litis olllic his sworn stale
iiiettt N'o, 2ni'ii, for the purchase nf IheHK
t of 8ectlon No, 112, In Township No. I
Noiib, I do lire No, s Musi mid will oiler
prool to almw I linl tlte luml sought Is more
valuable lor its liuils-r or alone thiol lor
11,'in nllilliil inirsise, nntl lo esltiblisli his
t I11I111 to anld I11111I Is fiire the Kegisler ami
lleeelver of Ibis ulllce nt Oregon City, Or.,
oil Wediiesihiy, the 2llh tiny of M pleiitla'r,
Ism. He 1 111 in is as Kllitesaes: A. I'l"
brow, L. Nealt lBih, J. C, Plvera, ami L. K.
Moise, nil of 1 1 nod Itiier, Wasco toiiiily,
AitViinil all is'rsolts elallullig adversely
llie uIhimi h aerllad lauds are rc'iiclcl to
lile Ibelr cliilma hi tbla olllee on or Is lore
siitd 21th tin V of HepieiiilH-r, Ihi.
J. T. Al'l'!' ItMlN,
11 III H II Itegi.ter
Notice for Publication.
I'siTrn 8r.Ts I.amu Orrn-g, 1
oiiKoos Citi, liu., May It, Itio.i
No'lTCK Is hereby gltrn that in coutpli
ii;n e ilh tbe pro) l.loiis of Ihe m l of Con
Ui. sa ol June ,1, l"7s, i-iililh-l, "An net lor
Ibe sale of II111I1. r hinds in Ihe late o! Cal
ifornia, I'liynii, nml Wiishiiigtoii
Icrnlorv," Jtoiies II Itoblin, of Keatlle,
Countv 'of King, Mate ol Washington, has
his tlnv bb. I 111 tbla ollne his
sli.teint nt No. IstM lor the pur. hase of the
sw i; of Mellon No. u, lu Township No.
2 oiilb, Itaiige No. 7 Knst ami will oiler
pi.. nl to slum Hull the land sought is
11, vnluiible for Its timU r or stone than
1 for niint nllitral pttrMisea, ninl to esttibli-li
hi. 1 1, 0111 to snlil liilul Ik ,,re Ihe register
i ainl til this olllte nt orcyoii t Ity 011
j .-. Ittt -.lav, Ihe '.'lib day of M'pleiuUr,
' I sm. lie iiiitnea na witnesses: jumps
Minth, ol Klma, witsbiiigloii ; lleury Minp
son, of M'lillle. King tounty, wasbiiigtoii;
! John Mi I nt vie, ol Sandy, t la knnius i ouii
Iv, Olcnin i'tttnl Nilttmll ) Welch of Purt
i.o.'l, M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 0 1 1 coiinly, t're.'ii,
I Any ami nil s rsotis claiiuiuu ndversely
' the itisot- .lest rils'il liiutls nr.. re.pie.Uil ti
lile Ibelr elniins In Ho" ollne 011 or Is lote
siml :'il iluv ol N i'leinU'r, sfi,
J. T. A I'l'LltHON,
li V 2S liegialcr.
Nw Murki-t liliH'k, IVtlitnl, On Kn,
Hay Tresses of Every Description.
Dctlcrick Suiiorior JlevcrHiPlo Ixjvcp ivrpctnai Yxw.
. i 'i" 1.'.. 11 ':,.!.. i', ..,.i,,,.l 1,.U s
J('(1C!K'K I' IH1 V-IICIU j vij'.citiAi 1 unn.
Potlorick-licit l'erpotual Itchmch.
... 1 , 1 f ici ot i.-ijc i.-a T....I..1I
) KDK.K Ulv K (,Mi UAniv imiii.'ti 1 Hi..viip jiiciuuid
Mlit Full Cirnln CoiiijH'tition Htp rrens.
Heavy Full Cirdo Htftd Tn'SH,
Ui-viTHililt) l.i-ver lV-riKtuiil Htrcl I'rcHH,
licit rcrjH'ttml Sticl I'rt'HH.
rlilO 1 1 iQii' w rr'n 'r 1 '" 11,11 '"""j-
Tho Detlorick rroKHCH are now baling over tlirot-fourtliH (if all tl,l
and Hlraw bali in tho United Stated and Canada. i
Are the only perfectly deviaed and coiiHtructed 1'rei.sesi in use, J
iK'yontl all conipeiiunn.
We also ciirrv a Full Hl.s'k of the l elidtrnted
Tho most rapid and economical method for tying hales,
It will pay all parti.'H wantinf?
Hay Presses of any Description,
To call iitMin or correspond with tw.
V nuarnntec our Dederick 1'remR'H the moot jM-rf.-eUy cotistructrtl
est hnliiii? and mont fconomii ally handhid rrecm.-H in the iiiarkt
N'fid for iiecial descritivc catulogtn; ami prices.
TIM It Kit LAND, ACT JINK 3, 17.
xmt i: i-ou ii iii.k'A'i io..
fsiTsn Hritita l. m l orrit 1. I
Ostuus tiTV Or., May IV 1'J0 I
SOTK'F. la liarel.r lsn that In compllanc
Ilh llin lir.ivlsliilii nf lit se ol ensress nf
Jims S, sf eiiiiil.,1 "An set for His aale of tim
ber liuida III Hi Hlalea nl Cllfiiriila, lirrvui., am! ttshiiilnu TVrrln.iv.' Jal.e K
A III. oil. of Alwnlell CnilUIV uf tlirllall., Slats
til tta.ltlllltliiu Its. IhtB lar lllt'il 111 Ibis
ortu e Ins aworti auieiiwitl No .'), for His pnr-
eliass 111 ins as 4 1.1 .-so. 11, in ih.ii- .,
Iil. No JSntilh, ItsliKt. No. 7 Kaat.allil wlllnf ,
TI Mil Kit I.AMi, A;i il N. , 1 I
'Nutlets for lulielenllail
I'KiTsr. HTATra 1. 1 at) 0i
Oktuos Cm, Or,, Jinn li.
Nolle la lo ri-l.y give n Dial In ennf
Willi ins .riivialoiia nl the act ot
juiie .1, n;s, hiiIUinI. "An act Im 11,. 1
llinlM-r lalnla In Hi atale.olcaltlMraU
Ne.aila ami VS salilliiftol. 'territory." A 1
Alios Moi.t.r.s. "I I loveriWIv, riniut)!
noutali, al.ile of California, Its. thli fl.i
Hits olllee tils asrorn atsti-iii-lil Nir 't M
.itrelia i.l Hie Nr. 's of seill.rfi SM
own.hku No t H'ltitli, Ksnv i.k
ler imsif It. alum Hist tn Una son ml is inure : ,n ,,,( , ,!,,, in,, , f t.
valualile lor lla llmlwr or atoll man n.r a , , valusl.ll! lor lla Hllils-r or Unlit f
rleiillnral iiiirpoava. am! u establish Ilia elaltn areiillural nir...s.'., sml 10 t.lsllub nl
loaalil laml In-fore Hit M. ller sml Kii-elvar , ,, lnl oelore Hie resl.ler and rerj
nl Hit. urtles st oreifiili llv. Orevnll, on 1 Itura-, ,, n at ureiroii City, Or., ait In
ay Hi istli .Isr ol Se.ieni(r. IMS), lie names . ,,K, j, H-i(,tM-r. Isxt
a wlllirsses' I lls. S Slevena. K H ItsU-, "f , II nslnea as wilnessra: Hnls-rl H, III
Alier.leell, Wsliliil"lli W A Cslx.rn, sml N I ,.,ls-rl II. limit anil ;. K. AO. is.
tAeleli, ol 1'i.rllslt'l l)r t Kranelseo, I'nl : James A. Kol ol fun-4
Any ami all i.rsima rlalmlns ailversel) lit j Anv aiet all person. clsliniii( ailvrtst
lo iles. rilH-d lain! sr reotiesletl tn flle !,,,. i,.-rll.r, I Isml. ar,i
llietr rialin III una nine on ..r iH-io.r ,,..i i-in
day of ailmlar, 1. r. AI'I'KltHOS
0-IV -IV-1 4 Hrslalrr.
i :
ni I.
'. I!
' t'n
,,i ll.
I.- ii,
,i.l , i
Mill :
Willi I'm
J-II.e ;.
till. I . 1
t Ti ,'i'H.
, .' ol III.'
Ol' Mc-
I .-..I. til.'
I-' " o ru i: i on ii iii.k i i ioi.
V ... - . line i
,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 r it I :
-,i lo mid
. ni r ol
I'siTSifHTATsa Last. Orrit , I i it. or , Mnr ;'s, l-wO i
Ol II K U In teliy siren, thai Ilia lullnnlltf
- Io.litr.1 setller lis. fliill.-
I.. 1 1
M ..I. I
-led I
of lil Intention
t insk Sua! iinsit in ut.H,rt of his elalin. auil
Hist as nl liriMil h III tie lint a lM-fre Hi Heul.ler
anil III" .'Ivi T nl Hie I . S, Ijiii.I tlltie al tnesnll
I uv, or.-S"i). on 'lloir.ilsy Jnlv 17. !-' via:
; It, .fan,! W lillllllll. Itollte.leail Klllry No Vs.
,.r the wi-.l', of .'itilli ae.t of aecltnu S,
l li.lilt i a.eitli. raliittf iea.l
He list.i.'s Hie Inlliialns a.:insea to firov
his e.iiilltitiiiii. re.lilt'iti-e iikiii ami enllli allon
ol sst. I Islet. VI. J. I' K.alts, J. It lwla. iotiii
: I'.ti. iii.l I' li-.illatil, all ol Cant., Clst-ksinaa
eoniiiv. itri-Koit.
,-.H J J. T. AI'i'KllsoS. lt.llrr.
V ,' '., 1 -.
v ll Hts
' 'i l n r. f
in I ! ' I
TIMIILI! LAM) ACT, Jl'M', :). I;i7 i
OTI4 r. l lllt 11 III.M 1 I lta.
Mrs. Mtirtle K. Iti.tdorf.
t'siTrn Hr.Tis I.isi. niro r.i
llieijoii City, I 'p eon, June l-'.i t. i
Nollce is herel'V oiM-ti Hint in oin.itiitt e
A itli the pi-ox isions of Hie m l of Comi t-cH
of June. 'I, s?s, enliilisl "An net lor the s.tle
of tltiils-f Imids in Hie Slnlcs of i ',tl i (or 1 1 in ,
tli.-Kon, Nei ndii .-tin I Wn-liini-lon'reiritor. ,"
Mrs, .Mii;.-,;ie K. Ilitlilorf of ureu'tin t'ilv,
Countv ol I'lui kuiim-, stale ol i iitoii, lot
(Ids ilnv lile. I in Una ollice Iter sn.irn s!t...
iiieut N'o. '.'l.'ll. for the I'lirchiiM' ol lie' V
.nr.. ...
oi.l I-
still i;
IS in II
Am -
. ..I III.
no icon ,,f
No i. ;
, 1 t.... l l ,
. iin- die '
Htc.ilKiral i
I. n
Last Kriilay tnorniiif? flro was di'scov
erwl in a limilicr pilo in the North I'a
eilic Mill ctiiiiiiiiiiy'H limilicr yard, at
Portland. it had been burning for
fltiiiic time when discovered. Jteforo the
flro could he K't under control It had
destroyed lumber to the value of three
lliouwtnd dollars, also wx hundred feet
of trestle belonnitix to the Northern Pa
cific railroad company. The railroad
coinpauy'R (lainaneH will be about 25,
000 tlollarfl. The lire is aupposed to have
caught from Hparks from a locomotivo.
ami in still burning, but aft, it in confined
to tho Hftwdiibt, no fnrthor damage is
Tho entire biiHineHH portion of Wal
lace, Idaho, was dnatroyod by fire
hint Htinduy. The loss !h estimated
at half a million dollars. Wallace is
tlio center of one of the richest
mining district!) In the weot, pro
ducing half the lead supply of the
United Slates, besides millions in gold
and fiilver. It has a population of lftOO.
and Ih reached by both Union and
Northern I'acillc branch lines. It was
lighted by electricity, had water works
and was the largest town In the dis
trict. It was built on a flat at the junc
tion of the Month Fork of the Ca-tir
d'Alono river and Canyon creek.
I.sXH Urncc at liiRti.iN City, liitKoos,!
July li'i, Ismi. f
William W. liavis.
Notice Is hnrt'lty Klven that the fol'tiw
Ina nainait settler lias Died notice of his in.
tetitioii to niakn llnnl priMil III sii.ort of his
claim, anil that said pPNif will Im inii'le Ih
forrt the Ki'ifisUT and lleeelver of Iho I'nllctl
Hiatus Land 1 Illicit at UreRim City, Ort'Kun,
on HeptrnilHT 111, INIal, via:: W i 1 1 in lit W. I n
vls, I'remnptiim 1. H. No. W7J for the lot 1
of section 10, T. 2 It, 2 K.
lla names (III- following witnesses In prove
liiscontiiiuoiis rfslileiiee upon anil eullivn
tion nf said laml, vis: lhmiel 'J'allstrl, John
W. Watson, I). F. Llvesay and John Tal
bcrt, allot' Chickiiiiins post olllee, t'lai kiuiias
county, Oregon.
J. T. AI'I'KHSON, Kegisler.
t'nllstlHtslna I.nnil Olllee,
Ori'gi'ii city, Oregon, July lu, lsud.
J, W, Klnnev.
Notice Is heron Klvtn Hist In compliance
with the prnvlilona of the set nf ciiiuiresa of
June S, IH7K, aiiiltle.l "An set for lint salt! of thit
her lamia In the slslea nf California, Ori'ifon
Nevailsanil Wanliluitdin Territory. " Joseph W
Klnnev, of Hlmrl.lnn, County of Yamhill, Hint
of Orogon, has tills tiny lli-'l tn thla olllee hla
aurorn atateraunt Nu. 21117. for the uliri'linsti of
the HWI'iot Heellnn No. 4, In 'lownshlp No.
Htmtli, Itsuse Nt). 7 Knat, sml will olt'er prnnf to
show that the laml sought la morn mlimlilo for
Its tlmhurnr alnm- (linn for tigrlciilliiriil pur
rtoses sml in establish hla elulm to anlil hind
hufnre tho reglatttr sml reeel' nr ol thla ollle.i at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wetlneailny, tint Mh
day of manlier, IM.
lie nsinei sa witnesses; J. A. I'tcx, A, W.
Rlehey, of I'lirtllllnl, Oregon; II Knhlillia, of
MoMlnnvlllo, Or.; anil H, Mclntyrit of Clterry
vllle, Or
Any suit all pnraona cliiliiilng utlveraely Ihe
shove tleaerlheil lamia sro reitiestt'il to tile
Iholr elnlma In tills olllee on or lie hire anlil 2'.Hh
day of Octolwr, 1W J. '1', AITKItMoN,
7-H1-10-2. Keglater.
Ill I'ou n-liii. No. A South, linncc No. S lvi-1,
11 1. I v. ill tiller plihil lo
Hlilcc ot tiregnn City, Or., on Thursday, tin- i KW.'n ml -s ' NW i "( S'ciion N
Zlth day Oetols r, ls:i.
Ho names as witnesses: K. W. Ilnii
doih. and ti. W. Meml nf Oregon 'itv, Or,;
Ilavltl H. 1 alteraon, sml l.tlwunl J . i.tigiits,
of liray's llarlair, uili.
Any and all persona i laiiiiing adversely
the slHive tleserlU'il htiiils nre reitieslis o
llie their lininis In tins olllt e mi or Is lore
laid 'M day nl'Octoher, Isssi.
j , i. Ai rr.iiM.i.i,
7-.tI--ltH ltegistcr.
latnl I
In, tv Hint tin
sought is more tiiliinlile for lis tinilK-r or
slotie than f.,r iH-rieiiltnnil iitrsises, nml lit
e-lul'li-li her clailll In sun! Inn.! iM-l-'letlie
Kegisler and I'eceiver of this ulllce utlire
g. in l ily, on ciliii sihie, Ihe I.. Hi
lit tolmr,
She iiiinies us w llm1
i.iiii oiiv tit i ti,,
t llin li s V,
Mend, (leotge 11. Ward, .itie li W. Ihildorf
Willitini I'nlterson nil ol On-troii City
t hicKnttins eoniiiy, urcgon.
Any ninl nil tieisoiis cliiiinliig ml. i i-i ty
the nltove ili'scrilK il hni.l- nre rc'iiele l to
lile their cliiinis Iii this olllee on or heloie
said 1,'itlnlay of oclolu-r, s''.
' J. T. AI'I'KHSON, Kegisler.
7 :'! ! '-'.'.
I'll IM
till' -I.l
l i, -IllI
ell. t ..
mu m i: run im iii.M'i i iu.
I - .. I .. II,.,... 1
"'''.'.'.'".Tf Ht'i.noN CiTV, Or ', May II, IslVi.l
i- of ' Notice la herein' gicll lllnl in l'i.lli, li
nt., nr.- i tt,, wn, il,,. pnui-ions of (he net nf I'ou
isie".'. "' J1""' '. I""", etitille.1 "All acl (or
.lie suit ot lltuisT llliios in me sillies oi i ai-
iioritm, I iiTaon, Nevnilii nod Musliingtoti,"
Henry Simpson, ..( S.uiile, County. .1 King,
Mule of ttiishington, lius tins tlnv llle.1 In
(Ins olllee his sworn siuleiiieul No. Iso.', for
the lilir. hllsf of tlte SW , nl Section No. Ill,
tin. of ! In Ton iisliip mi. S Smith llnnge No. 7 Knst,
tin sill mid u ill olh r prtsif lo almw Unit the luml
sought Is ntore for its tinils-r or
sioue limn lor tigrictilluriil, mul lo
establish his cliiiin lo snlil hind Is-fore the
register ami receiver of this t.lllee nl Oregon
I llv on ttediiesthiy, the '.'Ilh liny of Sep-t.-inla'r,
IVal, lteiuiuies iisuttliesM'S: Jiiiues
S ui il h of Klniti, nivshliiglon : James II lit.h-
tti, of Seal lie, King county, a-liiiigtiiii ;
John Mcltitvrc, of Suiitfv, Cliickntiias
county, or; Nullum J welch, ot I'oillnml
M 1 1 1 1 in hi nt h coiinlv. Oregon.
,,,,,,,1 I Ativ and nil 'rsoin cluiiiiiitg adversely
,. , i . ii ) . llie nlHive-.lescrilKsl lands nre r..iiesie.t to
! Willi the ' """r , in this utllte on or hefore
t ni";t. .s;s i sum .'lin tiny oi .-seiieniis'r, i
xiTiri: i oii n iiut A i itn.
I'siTrn Htatm Liaii ftirirs.l
OHKoosi City, or., May I'i, lf.iJ.1
Nollce is herel.y given lliut in coinpli
mi with the j.ltn il..lis of the l of Con
gress of June .1, IS7S, eiitillisl. "An act lor
Hie sale ol tiiuls-r lands in lite Stules of
I alilornia, Oregon, Nevada and U tt-lutig-Ion
Territory," Nnls 1. Johnston of Port
isml, County of Multnomah, Male nl Or
egon, has this tlnv ti It--1 iu this ulli.e his
sworn stiiteinenl N'o. l, for Ihe piirchase
of Ihe SV , of S.'.-lioii No. a', in Town
ship N. J South. Itiinge No. 7 Kast, and
will oll.r proof to show Hint the land
aotiglit is more vtiltuil.le for its limls ror
alone than for agricultural iiiirsises, and to
esiul.lisli his cliiiin to said land before the
register autl receiver of this olllee at Oregon
City, Or., on Wednesday, the 17th day of
SepieinlM-r, imi. He names as witnrases:
11. K. Tulla.t, W. A. I'als-irn and N. J.
Welrh of Portland, Or. ; C. S. Su-vetn of
Als'M.s'ii, Wssliingtnii.
Any and all persons claiming ailveraely
Iho slsrve-rlescnlssl lands are reUeU'd to
lile their elaiitia in this oltiee on or before
ssnl ITtli day of S-pleinls-r. Isssi.
IVIIU-KH Kegisler.
Il.elr eialuis lu Hit. oUn-e ou or belnrt J
lay ol m-toisrr ls.a. j. r. ACfl..-
1 1 i on i'i iii.h at
I'xiTKti Statfs I.aso lirittr
Ohi uok City, or., June sf
Notice is hereby given Hist the foli-i
iittiui-.! H-ttler tins itlisl notice of lu.i
ti.m to make fituil prool in sUiiort
elaiui, attd thai said pnsif will laj n,4
fore Hie n gisler mid receiver of tin:,
1-iilid i.ltlis- at t regon Citv, on 'lui
Aug 1-', Isssi. ix: I'eter it. Hoist, j
stead Kntrv, No. '."'ill, for Ihe W Sn!t
S. N W 1 i of SK i and NK l; ol ritt'
Sue IS, T t S, K 4 K. He liatliFS tbe af
nig WiUnesMts to prove his coiiliiiuo-ii
ilcoie iihiii, mid cultivation of,
v U : T. Ss-eor, of I in goit City ; John 1
loin l'etllt of I'leasuiil iloiue 1'. o.
John K. Stone of Sandy i'. O., all of
amas ixiuntv. Oregon. I
7--X-7 Kef
f K..r
lu.'i i Sl'l.
i tinii.l. Ur
l,.i,ly tin"
-!-.! p. lile
: i.- - ml S
il'l'l l.stlN,
lo i.l.T.
ll I ii-I.
luml -
O I I4 i: l lllt IM'A I IO.
Vkitkii Htatks Land OrrieK, (
OlIKiiON ClTV, dr., Jlllie IM, IMal.l
Nollce Is hereby given Hint the following
naiiieil settler has lile I nolii eof lilt inten
tion lo iiiuke llnnl proof in support of bis
cliiiin, Itll'l thill snid proof will be nimle be
fore the register utul receiver of the V.H.
Lund Olllee at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on
August 4, IS!), vu: James K, Nelson, Pre
emption f), S., No. Msil, I'ur the lots 'i nml .'I
of Sue lis, T i S, It 2 K. He names (he f'nl
lowing witnesses in i.rove his euiilliiuniis
resilient upon, and cultivation of, said
laud, vi.: rums Wright, Itetiben Wright,
Win. .White anil John II. Jackson, all of
Molalla I'. ().,Clackiiiiias eoanty, Oregon.
f-2ll-7-:il Kegisler.
I l.ll.lKll III.
I ler ton! fi '
" "I
: I--.SI. He Ii
W ll.oi' '
gelt. .1. II
uv sml
llliov e ili -i
lll.'lr e
tl-i) nl .
, r on Is In
.. . .nl... ami
i I, ot jew
'tri-.'tl, litis
n i 'teim-til
i. I.niii:.' .No.
-t. Hint th
!- tllnti.T or
. nml to ea-i-
tut- r.'uls
.reg.ali I 'lly,
ot i i.-t. .her,
II IV heeler,
iihili'l. tire
li '.'7 a is
J. T. AI'I'KltSoN,
Pnltstl Htules I.nud Oltlen, I
Oregon City, Oregon, July ti, IsiK). j
Itohort T. Wootl.
Notice Is horohy siren that In complliiuro
With the prnvlsltnia of thtt net of congress of
jnue 8, 1S7N, ontltleil ''An net for the anlti of tim
ber lands 111 Die states of California, Oregon,
NevaiU anil Washington Territory," Unhurt
T. Wootl, of Wheatland, Uniintyof Viiuililll.Htnte
nf Oregon, has this day Mod In thla ollleu hla
sworn statement No. 21711, for the purehsae of
Ihe ME '4 of Huntlnn No. II. Ill Towitahli No. 2
South, ftsnge No A Kast. ami will oflttr irniif to
how that the land nought la more valiinhlu for
Us timber or atone than for agrlniiHiirnl pur
poses, end tneatahllah Ilia elulm tn anlil land
ho lore the register Slid receiver of thla olllee nt
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, tlio
day of October, WW. ' . ,
lie namoa aa witnesses;' J. A Knx, II, Hob
bins, A. W. Klcheyof Portland, Oregon; ami II.
Melntyrn nf Chcrryvllle, Or. ..."
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
abnvs-rieanriheil lands are ritiesU'il to tile
their claims In thla olllee on or before snlil Stilt ll
day of October, 1SIX). J. T, Al'PKIleON,
7-111 1U-2. Itfglsior,
1'nlleil glnlea I.nml Olllee. 1
Oregon City, Oregon, July li, Isuo.i
William II. Wntiil.
N'oilee la hereby given, Hint III cninpllnuce
with the provisions nf llie net ol congreas nf
J titii. II, IK7S, elilllli'il "An net lor Ihe anle nf llm-
her biiitla In the Hint f CnlllurnU Oregon,
Nov ... I ,v nml Wnahlngliui Territory, VVIIIbun II.
Wnnil, tlf Wlioiltll. ml, (iiillllly of Villtllllll, Hlnle
of Oregon, hits litis tlnv lllt'il III Ihla nlllet. Ina
avvurn sliileineiit No. 'jl7'J, for the mirclcise of
the HW' .of Heelloii No, 14, In Tnivnshli No.
'i riiiiilh, (lunge No. II Knst, ami will oiler proof souglil la more valuable
for lis timber or Minn-limn for agrleiilluriil
uiirptises, itml to estniillslt hla claim to snhl
liiinl before Hi" Iteglater nml lleeelver of thla
olllee nt Oregnti City, Oregon, on Wetluesihiy,
the HIHli tiny of October, IsiKl
Hit niitnes na wltnesHi's: ,1, A. Fox. A. W.
Itlt'ltey, II. Itnbblits, nml II. Melnlyre, till ol
I'nrlliiiiil, M 1 1 1 1 lu mi'. Ii enmity, Oregon,
Any nml all persona eliilinl.ig adversely Hie
nhove-ileserlheil lamia ni'ereiiiiHleil to It le their
ehilina In thla olllee on or he fni-t. an 1.1 'Jm It dny of
Oetnber, IS1HI. J T, AI'I'I'.ltHON,
7-III-1U-2 Jteglstor,
I .ninl lllllccnl Oregon I'ilv,
July 'J.t, IS! it I.
Hltiy J. Wni'ii.
Nollce is hereby given Unit, the fiillow
mtinctl selller litis 11 led mil ire of hid In
tention to iiiuke llnnl proof In Niijoi't ol'
his claim, and lliiitsniil in I' will be mmlc
before tlio ltnglstcr nml Itocclver ol' (lit)
llniletl Land Olllee nt Oregon (lily,
Oregon, on Hcptmnber, 17, Mm, via: Kl.o,y
J, Warn, Homestead Knti'V, No. rtHfio, fur
IhcHK'ol'HKH, WM nl' Hi')i mid N 10 '4 of
HWMol Hcclit.n yit, T U H. It. II 10.
lie mitiics tho following witnesses to
prove his cntiniiiniH rcsldcnco upon anil
ciiltlviiliiin ol', snlil liintl, viz:- Charles
Hhniilt, I). W, l'lirktir, (!. I', Wai'O nml
Charles lluly, all ol'i;li('iryvlllc 1'. )., tlmka
nins County, Oregon,
,1, T. APriOh'SON,
7-JU-O -1 Kegisler.
'I I Mil I
' It j
I't-sely (he
,- i , ,in-.i.'.i to me
ni .1 lltl- 1 1' Villi SHI
i ,il si: :i, is;s.
. ...' 'l IO-sj.
, In ,,'
pruv I i
iili ninl
.1 1',
nl i
Willi tin
.tune a, I
HllllliT I
gutt Nov.
seplt A. I ; 1 1
lltsti. si tie
..III I'l- III. Mll'lll 1 1 1
ehiise nl Hie N iV i, ,.
ship Nn ii. on-
oiler In -Inn. toil I
Vnlilnlile Inr il-. Inn'" i' i
eilitinitl I'llil'M S, nu. I I
anlil liiinl lit Inn- I It..- I-
(his ml tit mi -if ill t il
IhllvUlt il l) nl I'l 'i'l'i T.
He iiiiini-s in- t. line-.-.
nggell, A. .1. Woi ,'i, ,n
I'oitliniil. tn- -i: n.
Any ainl nil pc. .mis t
nbnve ileit-ril.i.l I n.'l'.
lllt'il rlalnia lu Ibis .-
day nl oeiubcr, I .m.
, 7 In - II
l l ,
i -,n t u t n t:, I
. .lllllV ll. IS-.'ll I
t' li milliinee
m l ,, t nlu'H'.S Ol
in! f.-r l!ie snle ol
..I C lillni ulii, tire-
ii i i-n il.-t y, ' ,lo-
l- unit, ol MllltllO'
,i-. .1 iv'tlleil III litis
'i .'!".', (or the (nt---
ti No, '.'s. Ill Tiivvn
..i. V I- list, nml Will
Hi ll Sellillit is imtrit
.ii.ii" tluitt lor itttrl
1 .hull li's t-htltu to
:et ninl ti't'elver of
vii it i: ion im nru' no.
t'xirsn Htitks I.ASti OrricKJ
Oskuiin City or May tt lsau.(
Notice la, ltcrehy given that In Compliance
with Hie pruvlslutis ol the set of congress of
June a, IsTsenlllled. "An set forth sale nt lim
ber Inn. la tn Hie states ot CMliforut.i, Oregon,
Nevsils, ami NS sslili.gimi lerrllnry," Hans An
ilersoii of Utile Kails, eoinily ol l.ewts, state of
VV ii.liliniliiii. has Ihla dny filed III Ihla oilier hla
sworn alaleineiit No. 'JIM. for Hi pure has uf
III. SK1, of H. ellnn No s. In Tow nship No i
Smith, lunge No 7 Knst, and w ill titter pnsif to
show that too Ininl sought la more valunhle fur
lis timber or almio (linn for ssrleiilturnl pur
nosea. and tn establish hla elsltil to aahl land
before th register and receiver and receiver
ol Ihla olhe at OregnH City. Or, ou Tuesday the
fluids)' of September. Isvhi. ll naitiea na wit
::;'ssea: Frntik linnlun. of I. till Falls, Wssti
liigtnu: Hull" J'-n-.'ti nl Aluslrl, Wnsliluutitii:
A Cnhnril all N J Welch of I'ortlsnd Or.
Any ami all rauna clnliniiig adversely the
nbnve tleserlhe lauds are rc.iuesied to flle
their claims In la ulllce ou or before aahl -Jiltil
day of Hepirmb r, Il. J. T. AI'l'KUHtlN,
tl-IK-s-ll llfglater.
ll. M
,11 try
; irhin.l, .1. II.
VVuiiil, nil tit
erselv tbo
-,iunli'il to llie
hef.irn Mllll Mil
r. .M'l'i'.itHuN,
I.ANP. ACT JI'NI-; il. Ilrts.
n f'.T a'.'Mi. allon.
Notice Is lu-ii'!-'
Willi the pro l i--.1
vi ii ;l, I-'-',-., eniiti
her bimls In li
Nl'Vll'Ilt, nml
Kiiuii.k, m rum
St .lie nl Orel! Im .
Ills NWnl'll si ili'lni'li
of lliii SK '.i x.i'11.
Siiuilt, lliiiiin' No. s I'
slinvv lli'il Hit' html
Us Hinlii'l' ni- nl i'i." Iho
nines. ninl In establish It
loritthe rcglsicr ninl r
. I'i
May 2.1, Is.ilt I
en I, ,tt In enliiplltince
, tile "el uf t'litlKt'eils of
V ii -n l l .t- the snle of llul
i ni ('illf.ulll't. IH-egotl,
;,.n Ten llury," II I'.MtV J.
n t' nf Multiiiiiunll,
Iii-. .1 ly'sied lu litis olllee
':i- Inr lite purcltnse
No. I. In l int iihltlp No t
.si. ii il .t ill uiti-r proof to
III III ii. tnnl l' v lllltilhll. for
rin Im- iniilt'iilluriil pur-
cl 1 1 in lusiihl latnl ho-
I Hils ulllce ill Ore-
gnu (ill)'. Ilfetm
Seiili'inhi'r, I-''.'".
Hit i.itiiii-s us wiinc'
Unseel'illli. Ili'iii'.;" Mill
ol t'ni'll.iiiil, Mull nni'
Any ll ml nil pf r.ens
above ili'M'i liie'l Ininl:!
thelr-el'iliiis lu I
tiny uf Si.pleiiiht
i I'lnl ij, Ihe Jiilh tiny of
, I:-
-es; .1. M. (irei'll, K. A.
'i- .nni A, Niivtirltie, all
. I 0 I'nOll,
'l.ihituiK inlvt'i'sely the
inn i-i'uiu'i.ti'il lo Hie
i- oil ur hefnre snlil 'Jlilll
,l. T. Arl'liKSoN,
police t, l- L' tli'Ci.'lllioi).
,:u H i
Nnllt'i. Is lierehy i:
nanieil selller b m III
In inn lie Html I'l-'ief ii
Hint snlil I't'nni will Ii
ainl rcct'lv.'!' nf m,- i
Cllv, Oriwun. "ii i In
I't-i'.i'lllii I'-o-l i'i'. II"
for Hit' a '.. ol sw 1 , i'l
she unities lu' Inll
Iter in mil 1. 1 ti .i .; i
t f, Klllll 1 lliut. V
Mel ,. Ill It II'V l!
!(, t l it-lollll
y I, ami Ori'ii'g, I
, or., July 10, IK.HI.
Metuluw hi''
7 -17 -N-'JI
veil 111 it Ihe Inllnvvlllg
I nni leu nl her I
i nu in o ..-I nl liet- chilli!, and
e in eh' hi'lnt'i' llie register
' n I, -nni oilice nl Oregon
in ,i.,v, Si'in. 4, l.'.liil, via:
m.-lenl Kntrv, Nn Mill,
f "i-i- S. I :. H, r il tt.
on in-: v itiu'HM's to prove
i'in-1 'iniii itml tiulilvnlloii
Inn lil nicl.nlii, KllsnlHilli
lii-llMill .linl .It'll 1 1 1 1. .1.1 ii, all of
, Oi't irini.
oi'ici: roit ri atk.
I'ajiTKii 81'ATKa I.Nn Orrics, j '
OiisiioN Citv, Or., May tt IMW.)
Nnlleo la hereby given that In compliance
'.-.Ilh the lirovlsltiiia ollhe act of congress of.
June a, 1N7S tuillllfil An act for the anle ol tim
ber In mis In the Stales of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," Frank
lliiiilnti, of l.lllli. Fulls, Coiinlv of 1,1'vvls, Htitte
of Wnshttigton liita thla day tiled lu thla olllee
hla aworn stalenient No. 'Jia'H, for Hie pitrt'lnise
ol Hit. NK 14 ol Seeflnn No. '.HI, lit Township No.
i South, linage No 7 Kast, and will niter proof
to i how Hint the land sought la more valuable
for lla tin. Ii.-r nr alone limn for agricultural
purposes nml to establish hla eltihn to aahl
liiinl hefnre Iho Iteglater sml Receiver of this
ollltio r Oregon Clly, Oregon, on Tuesday the
Jilril . nl September, latnl He naniea aawll-tu'KM's-
linns Jiviistsii, of Alnsk'l, Lewis Co,
Waahliigluii; llnita Amlitrson, i.iltle Falls,
Lewis (tounty, Wnshlngltui; W A Caht.ra an I
N J Welch of I'orllnutl, Oregon.
Any ami all persona claiming adversely (he
shove -described Intula aie rciiicatcd tn tile
their claims lu tlilanlllee on or before anld iitrd
dny of September, IMS) J. '!'. AI'I'KHSON.
il-IU-s-14 Heglslor
,-o n : roit i'I iii.h atio.
Pnitkii Status Land Omcs, )
OiiKUoH Citv, Or,, Mny ii, isuo
Nollce la hereby given that In compliance
Willi Hit- provisions of the net of eongreaa of
Juiuill, IK'S, eiilllled "An set for the aaleof tim
ber biiitla III the Stnlea of Cnlifurnla,
Oregon, Nevtuln, and Washington Tsrrt.
tory." liana Jensen of Alualul, county
of I.i'H Im, shite of Washington, tun thla
dny tiled In thla nlllno hla sworn atntvinent
No amfi, for tbo piirchnsenf Hie SK "lot Section
No is, In Township No II Smith, Knnge No 7
Knst, nml will oiler prool lo slinvv that the land
antight la more vnliiiihle for Ita timber or atone
tlinii for agricultural purposes, ami to' eatsb
llsh hlatilnliii to anid land before the register
and receiver of tlilanlllee nt Oregon City, Or.,
on Tiiestbiy, the VUril day of Heplemher, lsufl.
1 1 o muni's aa witnesses: Frank llniilnii and
Untie Aiuleraun ol Llllle Falls, hevvla county.
Wa-hlnglmi: W A Caborn and N J Welch of
Pnrthiuil, Oregnii.
Any sml nil persons eh lining adversely the
nhiive described hinds are requested to file
Ibelr claims In Ihla ollice on or before said fflrd
dny of Septonibur, ISIK). e
0-19 8-H Keglater.
,w.'H i: roit it iii.icatio.
I'siTSn Statss Lamd Ornrg, I
Ork.ion Citv, Or., May 17, lstai.f
NOTICK is hereliy itiven that Incompli
ance w ith tlie provisions of the acl
gn'ssof June 3. lx7M entitled an act Tor the
sale of limber lands in the Slnlcs of Culifor
nia, Oregitn, Nevada, and Washington Ter
nl.try," Itols at II. llntcs. nf Ala-rileen,
County of Ch. hulls, Stale of Wasliiiigton,
has Hits day Hied in this ollice his sworn
slnteitieiit No. '.l.Vi, fur Ibe purchase of the
N W '-4 ol section No U, in Township No. 2
Mouth, Ititiigv No. 7 Kast, ainl will oiler
proof In show that the latnl sought is
more valuable for its fiinlsT or stone than
for agricultural purposes, nml lo establish
his claim to said laml la'tum the Kegisler
anil Kisvivcr t.f tins otllce tit Oregon City,
Oregon, on Thursday the lsth tluy of Scp
tcinU'r, l-!ai. He iiumcs as witnesses:
J. K. Allison and Chas. S. Stevens of AIst
devil, Wiishiiiginn ; W. A. CalK.rniind N.J.
Welch nf I'otllnti.l, Or.
Anv and all js-rsous chilniing adversely
the alMive-dcscnU'd lamls are retpicsted to
tile their claims in this otliccon or la-lore
siml lsili tlnv of SeptemlsT, Isai.
ll-lll-SH Kegisler.
tlTK'i: roit I'l 111.14'A TIO.
Vnitkp Statks Lakh Orrics.l
OuKutiN Citv, Or., May Hi,,)
Nollce is hereby given that in coui li
line Willi the provisions of the net ol Con
gress of June H, 1S7S, enlitled, "An net for
the stile ol timber lutnls m (lie Suites of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
toll Territory," llcnj. K. TallH.t.of r.iitland,
county ot .Nfulliioiniih, state of Oregon, has
this day llle.1 in this oltiee his sworn stale
incut N'o. 'Jigs I, fur the pun-hase ol the SK ! j
of Section No. 2.1. iu Tovviisliiti No. 2 Soiitii.
Itnngc No. 7 Kusl.nitd will oiler proof to
snow mat tnu land souglil is more valualile
fur its limlx-r of stone than fur agricultural
luiri' ami to cstal.lisli his claim to said
laml IsM'urc the register and receiver of this
ollice at Oregon City, Or., on We.lnes.lay,
the 17th day of Septemla'r, IS!)), He names
as witnesses: N, I'. Jolmston, . A. Ca
Isirii ami N. J. Welch of l'ortlaiut, Or.;
C. S. Stevens, of Ala-nlppn, Washington,
Any and all Hrsons claiming adversely
the anovo-dcscrilied lands are re.piesled to
lile their claims iu this ollice ou or U'lorc
said lih dny of SeptcinlK-r, 1SISI.
J. T. ArrF.nsoN,
(1-1II-8-H " Register.
.poller tor I'liblicenliiiu..
t'niTsn Status l,min Orrirs,
UKKiion ClTV, Or., July 7, 1SH0.1
Notice Is hereby given that the following
linmeil settler has Died notice ol Ills Intention
to make rlnal proof In support of hla claim, and
that aaltl proo! will be made before there,-later
and receiver ol the V. H Land Olllcs nt Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Thursday, August JS,1H'.S1,
vl: Hubert Conner, Homestead Kntry, No. fuM,
for the lots 1, J, 8, 4, li, 0, 7, and , of sec JJ, t ,H s,
rile. He names Ihe following witnesses to
prove continuous reahlmiee upon, and cultiva
tion, said land, via: T. o, Morgan, t). C, Arin
slrong, 11 C. Lewta and A. Kelclillou, all of
Viola P. O., Clacknmna county, Oregon.
J. T. Al'l'MiSON,
7-tV-O-H Kegisler.
rllee lor I'liblientloii.
tlniTsn Statks LAiin omen, l
Oastion Citv. Or , July 7, 1nih).(
Notice la hereby given that Ihe follovting.
named settler hat tiled nollce of his Inlenthm to
make ttnl prool In siip.ort of hla claim, and
Hist an hi prool will be matin before the register
and receiver of (he V. B. Land Olllee al Oregon
City, Oregon, ou Tuesday, August Jtl, lsiaj. vis:
John W, M. Homier, lloiiiestentl Kntry, No, f.741
for the K ), ol Nt'., and K l of SKi; of see is,
1 7 s, r it e. li Humus tho folfnvvlng witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and cul
tivation of, aahl bind, Vis: Kant Thomas, V.
Ituasel, 1). C, Oooley and Klmer Thouias, all of
Wllholi, Clackiuiuis county, Oregon.
7-6-Wl , Keglater.
poller for Iublirailea.f
t'siTin Statu LtsDOrri
Oasuua City, Or., Jun 1), 1st
Notice la hereby given that Id eonpt
with the proviaions ot Hie actoteo&grt
JuueS, IsTs, entitled "Aa act Ua th. a lands In tbe Slates of Callfonil
gon, Nevada, and Mashlngton Tsrritonr.f
assr li. Hi st, ol Han Frauclaco, t.aioit
Krauclaco. State ol Cslllornia, bu US
AIihI lu tbla ottice his snorn atatemant N
for the purchase ol Ihe NW 1 ot section j
lu Township No. 2 8omh. Kanit Na
am) will infer to ahow thai tt
aoitght Is more valuable lor its tintsir ,a
than lor agricultural purptaves, sod t..
hsh hla claim to aald laud la-lure (be nt
and receiver nf this ottice alOrtfnaCife
on Friday, the Hah day ol October. IM J
He naineaaa witnesses: O. . AtUm.f
ler, ami li, II. H. II 11 ill of San mucin
I. A Fos of Portlau.1, Oregon I
Any and all .-rsous claiming adrrnal deseriU-.l lands are rei)uie! I
their clslma In tins ofln-u or t.ltrts
day of lieloU'r. 1MI. J. T. AfCari
7-lU-KvU K
TlMBKlt 1.ANU, ACT JI NKllfisJ
illrr I'ur liilllralloB.(
l niTsn Statk LvsDOrr i
Ohkoom Citv, dr.. June If, 4
Notice la hereby given that In cil
'Willi Hie provisions ot the net nf conn rt
June , ls;, rutitled. ' An set for tl a
lllutn-r 1mii.1 ill (be Slates of Califertt fc
gon, Nevada, and Washington TerrKerj j
K. Adani,o( 8sll I'rauci.rti. ctiuty 4
r .-suelseo, stale of Calif.. nils, 8"
day Bled lu this nrtlee hla ioti
luent No. UllD, for the purchase nl IIS
of Keetlou 6, iu low iislup Nt. J South.
No. 7 Ivasi, au.l w 111 otter pnsif idiIi.i tie
latnl s, , iis-lii is more valuable Inr lluin
atone thati lor agrieuliural aii-li
tnbllslt hla claim to aald laud MerslM
ler aud rev-elver of Hits ollice al owgi'tu:
tiregou, on (he loth day of octnlivr, Issu i
lie natives as w llucssca: H. 11. 11. Una.
ben II. tt tint ami I. Miller el Sin Fn
Cel.; and J. A. Fox of Portland, oreirnu i
Any and all persons claiming ad. en
sIk.v .leseribed are iviti.-iti'vl
Iht'ir elatuia in this ollice ou or helerf isfi
day ol October. 1jO. J. T. AFMS
7- 111 K-U l-S
follfc lor l'ubllt'iillon.
lllllTRD STATKS Imn Omt'l, l
OnstionCn v, Or,, July 7, lsiKl.t
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
nametl settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof lu upnortot his claim, and
that said proof will he liittde before the reglaivr
and rBeelverofthelt. 8. ollleeal Oregon Clly Or
egon, ou Tuesday, August ml, isuo, v: tloorge
V. Hounay, Hoineaload Kntry, No, ft741, for the
8 U ot bh 'i Hit.l 8 it ol BW J, ot aeclinu 8, T 7
8, R8 K. He names tlio following witnesses to
prove his residence upon, and cul
Cvatlou of, sail land, vis- Kant Thomas, W.
Ktiaael, 1. C. Cooley ami Klmur Thomas all uf
Wllhulf p. o,, Clackamas county, or,
N . . J. T. AI'I'KHSON,
7-tl-l-U UegUler.
.olit-e for lubllculost!
Cmtki. 8tatks LtsnOrriil
ohkuon Citv, ur., Jiin 13, l
Natlce la hereby giveu that In eoatf
w ith (ha prov isions ol llie set nl
Junes, tn"i enlitle.l "An acl Inr ilinalr
Iter lauds In the atates t.l Caltlurtila, it
Nevada, and Washington I'erruory," Aa
Uiuin. of J'v.rHiiiid, Coiinly nl Mtiltiioai.a,
ol ur. goii. has tins day n'l.-.l In llm o
sworn sisiemeia Nu. gU4. lor ctve ptirrM
lll.'NK f ol 8ecllou Nt. is. In T.iwlittbii'ii
lu It.wushlp No. -J 8..uth, KnUs-e 7 tsi
will otter pr.H.i to snow thai die land n-at
more vaiti.ihle for ita timber or Hem Us
ngrlciiliiiral purposes, and to In eal)li(
claim to said laud before (lie n-gtster a
eeiv erol (his ollice si Oregon l ily, Orrt
Friday, Ibe lUih day uf octulatr, lssa j
He iiiitnea as witnesses: J. II. I!aii(f!
tlarlaud, and J. A. HiiiktI of I'.irllsuJ, i
and J. A. Mclutyre ot ctaerryville. Ore
Any aud all persons chiiuilug advettf lauds arerentiesU'dto lil
claims lu slits ollice ou or bvlnre lalvl Id
ol October, J. T Afl'tt'
iillci- lor I'libllcallos
I'NiTKii Status 1..VNI. Ornf
OiiKtios Citv, Or., lone li.i
Notice Is hereby glveu thai 111 C"
Willi lliu provisioiia of (he net i.l cul
June , l.s;.s, entitled 'An set Inr llie mvj
her liilnl iu (he stnlea nl Calllnruiaj
Nevada, and Washington Territory, '
II. .11. Hi nt, ol h.iu Fraucisen, I'tnuf
Fninelsco, 8lalu ot Caliiurnla, ha
tiled In Ihla ollice bis sworn sialomt "4
(or the purchase ol (he 8W of swi'l
lu Tow nsblp No. 'J 8i.uth, Knnge No- i'l
will oiler proof lo ahow llniltlu) lainlf vnliiiihle for lis Hinheror xouaS
agrieuliural purposes, and tt. enullil
to said land belore the reaister al d r.s)
...i. ....... ... ... " ... C
viitstnuee av tiregou vlty, ur , ou s
lutli day ol October. IsiK).
He names as witnesses: lio-i. K, A-
Han rranctsco, Cat,
CU.verdale. Cal
lttehey, ol Portland,
Aiivh.iiIhII i,.,,u,,, ..... I . Lti
above-described lands are ri.iienl4
their elniins lu (bla nliioe uii or bofor f
day ol October, ln-JO. J. T. Al'l'kf
il.: A. F. Theodora i
J n tin's A Fox aud
ml, Oregon, I
sous clnliniiig sdvaif
I'Nirtn Stvtks Land O"'1
OUKiioN Citv, Or., July y
W illiam Lamb.
Notice Is herebv give i that the !'
t,a,.,.l ulll.,r I... Sl.,.1 ,lll.. l.f nil ii
to make Until proof in support ol hl "'I
that sul droit! will he ..mile ln.ftl' Utp I
and Heculver of V. 8. bind Olllee ail
City, Oregon, on September 5. -'J
Ham Lnub, lloiuestesd Kntry, No. "t
8W i ol section :"J, T 4 8, K H K, I
no names the loiiiiwing wuiiif"'-
hla coiulnuous resilience upon ana r"
ot, snlil land, vis: W illiam linen "
l l.,.. I, j ,..,. tlarl 111
Hubert Nicholas, and J. (iorbelt, of "
f, O, Clackamas county, Oregon.
7-.11-IM J.T, API'KKSON,
'I--' SjJ'pslnSW'
,. ,...
W.a I '- '"'''