ft VJ Jubututi OKisaonsr OXTY onisaoxt city In nut cxreliY'l by any town in Oregon an to 11 educational advantage. 11 '""V 11 MTV ERPRI Hun six church edifices mul ti. Urn organinuthm,. each of which ure in u piNWPerOUSCl.ndilillU.a t.tCt Ulllt SIH'tlk well foe h town. H lino graded school with fl corps of eight teacher. IgBBMWuuyfirvwi finTiwrMiTTg OKKCON CITY, OUKOON, THURSDAY, JULY 81, 18V0. ritICK 5. CENTS- N1 J ST H The Enterprise. uhtlwliotl Kvvry Tlui"Milty, aim f am or ci.acs ax ,s county. I MV (!. H AI'V VM '; L year " '" ' a M piv liiimtl"" - - - I tut fhre nilli - M AiUrliMiig ia' given nil application. Iuckamas County Directory. (OlMV OKrU'KltH, KU'KltH, , .1, W, l,l l II J, it w,v. it. sn Ju.tsV . , l rl ol "itrls is' Shwtn - I TiMMin-r. Awr .1, W, M.'llm.n. meruit. itiimm. V. T. Wl.ttt.M k. s. It. t aim. John W. Noble, Ale v. Tlmiiii, Sidney Nmvllt, I t'luirics Mlmkc St-hool impel utii'ii.ii'iii IVimini'-er- . ) tvriu'liui. Han. -mi . - - ONKiluN CITY OKt'lt KHS, Naver . ,Tht. F. Cyan. Ko.vnl.-r ...t.. I . f.i . ,wr I. U. Hrv-'ii. Twa-nnr 'I"hi. alt Atf nrv .. ... . . . A. ". Urcser, M'rlill ..." - ' F- I'urnn. jtirtft Cnmiin"f t Ualam-k. Stipti'f Water Work W. II. Unwell. iMt'xrii wkn. C. II ('unlit Id. 'lia. Aliirv, 1". .1. Parker, T I-. riiiirnuii, K S. U iu'iyii, J, K, Trviiil-.il It. .1. V. OV.mii.'ll, TIIK MAII.n. M.iiN I'" :"," "''ll. s . J:'.1" v. M.m.. m'lui; mhiIIi. S:i o . at..ii.iir. , ; Kil't W.'l I'M. Ori'co i t"livt M 'l.ill i. Mu!uu,l'iim ami I WUIl.41: li)li' Hi x i . M. Mi.l.n, ; Wliirv'i.4 ami Kn U.W ami n'tiirn nu t (jU.kiiii; .U. ! Of:i l'llV Mink.'lli. M iiU i., I'll I Ion Will. il M!.l" lir.Hik; hmr l , in . W.nuUv, Viliii'iiv mul I ri.l.xJ ml rsinr... uii luilow iuj U . TkWKIKK' (illKK. l Til Kill HUH'' TH MX. Tr.U:i (mm I'.-ri Irtit. I : Arnvrtl II . M. -M r. i Arn.!'" Irm S-'iitli: ' " v. ami '.' II, r. . trrim n r.'X i - . r!!n ). I.i'Snc or. ;"ii l ity, ; ill M. T '! . M. I'l ll . M. !' !'l . , .' M. '! I'. . s . i'. m, 4.1 1-, y. i !.'!. . '. -H I'. X Hr-i.if A!'. 'in ii Way 1.1 i.iiw;", HtraiuiT l.iilonn ay I ttii.lt u i:-. I' M.. S til t . '. l I. ll m . '.' I-. 1. 4 F. X. ! r. N. Society Diroctory. Oregon I.imIicp. I. . O. V. Mvol fvrry l'liiir .r n,l" .. at ' H)t.'fl"'k j f la 111' H.'.l rVU..a' Hull. M-tlll !rfrl. 1 Umr 'il lilt orlr ru lit nr. lo .U.'UU. ' bi orUff ol J. I l.x.ko. N. li. lluUllOitlttll l.iillk'i. I. ' A. M. i jixl'U lit rrK'itar f.mmilitL.-ll.u m (lrl .1.4 ihirJ S tiur.Uy. .'I t-.cU ui'tnili l :i f m. ArtUri ti lu .hmI .uti'lintt " luvitr.tto aiu'ti.l i . K I'Hh, W.M.. I Ai kkKM k.N,Mwrlry. I Arlf l'ot 1, 2, . A It , lfM4it uiviii f Uriirii. ! IIhIi Arm h'ri.Uy t iu..tuli, at T .10 .-. atot.l Klln' Hull. orwM I ll). i.,tt A, IlkKlUN'i. Ci.nm.a.Ur, ; KiTrntyioiisTri70TwT ! ftfU fn'rt e.'"Lil ill. I (..tilth Kll.Uy trn ' latintM'l Kfilnna Imll.llu. All ..J.'iy ulii(! I tlif'UC.'l'lull) IlltUfl t"ltl'!l'l. I Ufi. It.klNsnN. M W. " j SUNDAY SERVICES. I riititi 'uV'iiiKiiiHii.iiAL iiriti i.-k. 0 Lf ... I'alr. at U x ""'I IM T Wli'iay Hfli.l ail.. tjj..rtl III T ilw. yi)r ui.-viiuic di.ly I'tuijiint at 7 ojilu Kf avrr uit'tttiiiK ..! Y.ihii l'f.l jiry M I'lirifiiati Kml'av. i . suu.Uy rur iyu.r I'iM Ki'ii -luv. ) c. lie t f..tor K uuiuf .rvu at II '. sun-Jay (Jel.il.t l.- l. ',.ijlll --rvl'' i. m. H' K'il'ir pr)ir tnrrll.l .'Jlt.'Ja trvfUllii. M-mtlily toeuilt M.-rllliK H'y tt-)iifi-ly ef'iiajl yrwraillit th rlrst Hilll-iy 1U Ul"""'. A r-irniai Utvltalli'U In at!. " T JOHN' ! t'HI HCll.l'A'nliil.UI.- l'rf. A KllUliiN. Paa'.ur. nil ailli.lay m ai 1 ') tl)3t) t.frmail rmon tlr.t an l UnJ duller In "h m'.ntli at 1 u !'' k nia... juinJy . lj.)..l at i M r. M Vf-ut-m an.l JltiietJirtluu l r. . ST PAI L V K CIII KJII -Itt-v. J M l"ii U...n Ke. u.r !' ri"f hiiii-i)' ' I" l" u-l 7 Oi.i-l.M-k ami ly evi-nliiK f ' mcl.K-k; siin.lay .'li.l aj I" ' t I'""1 " Cknt). l ait.-iuah; ot-ftice wO alti-ninlt- mill 4a at I vM u ol-K k. MKTiionur KPist oi'Ai. riirui'ii -hkv Juu.l J'K-., J-aitt-.r. Mi.niliill nt-rt it f at II. .iu'ly a. u...tlat ll I.'.. Kv.-iiinr-'irvltt! at . .. lfo'ior dIf lutltia- I n.-.ly evt-iiliijt at 7 tu. h)ir Mi-.-uhii 1 liuia.Jay menlng t trantera ..JUIly luvlU'J. FIK.sT PKK.-iHYiKHIA Uf Ut IJ .--It KV. J. W. ijiBorv. Paaior. iwrvU;. kJ Jl 7 3tl p. . HaljUtli ii-liii..l at JH a. t. I "'in K-iile ri'rf-iriy nl t krl.Uuu KiiJuav. ini-'-it. fry uii'lay -v-iiliit( at ti : p.Jjj-Jh)t ovn.liK .r.iyr uii-trilini at ' dMl " cullt-t'iiniin ukt-n. Professional Cards. .T. F ;'uimi. K. II tUVtlNIl, COWING & COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All rwi nefuri I'M'"") Mt "' """'c" ' illiflnlll. I ORKUON CITY, OltKiioN ,C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. IAIN HTKKKT, OIII'.OOS CITY, OKKHON. rorlh AtrRM .( T(tl, Im M'lin-y. K'lre (tIi.m: MiriiiiKt!i, ami trautii:t Ooiiuriii J,ar Biiln'-- G. E. HAYES, mm AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Orotton, City, Oregon. Olllon up Un r nr Court llni F.O. McCOWN, Attorney at Law. Ort-gon City, OR'ff.n. Land Business a Specialty. T. A. M.HKirilJ. A. 8. nKKHHKK. McBRIDE & DRESSER. Attorneys at Law. Ollice in .lai-'gar Jilx:k, Oregon City, Or. J. W. POWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon- Ollice at Cliarmnn & Cu' Drug Store OKKGON CITY. ' OREGON. T. H. HORN, House and Sign rainier, Paper Hanging a Specilty. I'aiutinif done in all itn branched. Leave orderB at the pont-olISc iihop atrnar of the jtont-ollice. W, A. WHITS WHITE BROTHERS, VMll I.Trtmn. itl.ti. luil..i.. i..vi.Im UK mul .iwinnmioin fttrall Mioi. ul tmil.l lll Piw-eeit atlt..ltll alvvlt In mtttli.ni etit Hk. I'niliitu.' fiiriiti.ii-il on .mUli-allou nil mi nr a.l.lit.a Vt niTK 1IIHW , urrat.tt I'll, din .i. yi 1UC0N & SON. ami Stationery POST OFFICE BUILDINC, OKKUON niY, ()HK(iON. D. J. SWITZER ,t CO, AX3STTiACTS AND -Ileal Estaio" "i iii-r.-H ttf tVilnr Imitl , linrtain. Orm t in V.sTMtfiiiKK lliiil.llng, J, B BUOCKENDROUGH Attorney at Law, il.tit. .... ul Atitiu r (inrrl l.ni.l Oilii,) Oregmi City, Ori'giin, ll.iiniKlt. l'iv-oinilinn mul TiiiiIht l.antl Ai.ii'ulitun, itntl titlior l.uihl oili. o Hiiniiit'iui, a SMvinlty. Ob't-'li'l'! : '.'ii. I Hir Cluiriimn llnw. lUtK-k, i..iiiiintj I'. 8. l.tuiil OlIUc. Moivlwnts Ex('Iian(iv. M-tlu Mrcvl, Or,'t;.i I'Ujf Orrftm, KKKTd liiSNrVMIY UN HANl) TIIK t.l brnti.t l U.iu.g-.. Wltu.. mt,l Cltfttrl ittitruv Bt... in nit.1 iry Ihv new IlillUrd lal.io Air., luii'.irii-.i Wllnnuk.r. I mi J H.. IS J. IKKMAIM Hrui.rlii.ir HOUSE MOVING. Rennor & Davis, Tin-: Practical House Movar, ; M ill l nil tk in llii'ii lint' .mi M'lly tin. I (..ilini.ititiiilv AiltlrvM, ! ur.NNKit & n.wis, LUMBER! FOR FIRST CLASS LUMBER CO TO Geo. S. McCord's Mill im Mt. I'lfimant 21 inilf ao'th of Orrgon I'ity. A. WALKHH. Painter, Kalssominer, and Decorator, I irr!irctl to tittt'iul jironiptly tc work eiilrUHiwl to him. I'utroiiao risi trully aolicititl. t.ivi ry, F'f'l and Sale iStnlilt' OHECON CITY. I.'H'ATKH HKIttKKS TIIK IIKIlHiK AND I1KIMT Dtiulilo nii'l Sin;jlo Kij, and nad ille liui-n ti always m hand ut tlie J.iwortt riii!i. A cnrrall conni'ctcd with tin; luira for lto stoi lc. Infuriiiiiti-in ri-ifiiriliinl any kind ol Hiot-k prt)inilly ntt-nilt-tl to I'.v ihtmoii or ll'tlW. horses Bought and Sold. M. II. l'liinaiiitn. J. I'. Will, Flanagan & Hill, ! WIIOI.KSAl K AND HKTAIL f LIOUOR STORE. K HV tt.V HASH THE IIKHT RKI.KCTIOh .,1 W U.ii..r. Ale. In-er, Ac, li.U fnuinl in Ihi. mala. In ).ii Kaalhani lilixl ; rilvu in a eall. IJAJ.l' AND II A 1. 11' ON DKAt'liirr. United Hack, Truck and Livery , , ('onipiiny, V. II. Cooke, Manager. Corner Fourth and Main Streetn, UKC.ON CITY. Th.i I.F.ADING I.1VKKY STA1U.K t Hi.. City- !!: ' V l'w"lwn (uriiiHliRil on ithort nolice. All kimlHot Truck ami lVli very Huni. whh promptly itttunilml to. i.r- Hoiinleil ami 1' ' o reiiHon aWIe lerniH. FOR SALE. '10 ttcrun with Biinio locality, finely improved, for Bale clioap, nm of the L'ood furiiiB of Clacka- ma county within two niiles of Oregon City in a line Btate 01 cuiu uation. AW. bind in Clackamas county, rw.ur Timtor lino. Fine for farming. TermM eiiwy. F. 0. McCOWN & CO. The Cliff House, John Bittner, Prop., nroirnn Citv. - Ore. ViVQV" T The LEADINQ IIOTKL of the city. Tha tuble Bupiilled with the best the mai-ket alTorJH. Uoonm large and well funnelled with comfortable Deun. r.t. wiiivk. BANK OF OREGON CITY Paid up Capital $50,000. rHKuKNT THOMAS (II AH MAN. Cmiukh t'HAH, ll.t'AUI'li:!,l. Manaukii V., I KASTIIAM. Iifli.i.ll. rt'i'i'lvml mtlijooi to nlivi'k. ApiTuvnl hill, ami iii.tK tllH'tniiilnl I'twiuy ami tmy wtimtiiin IhhikIiI. U.niih iiitttlit tin avtiUitl.lt iffOiirUy. t'i'iU't'Unmt mmlv )rimi'lly. hraltit attlil nu I'ntlUii'l, fall rrii(jln'n,,Clilr i, Nw York, Kii'l nil irini'lml ulllna ul hu Tn.. TWiiritOtlt ni'hitmii'. tulil nn I'ttlllaiiil, Hull Kraiii'l.u.i, t'UU't.. ami ."W Yrk. Interest rjli on time deposit as follnwg : f.ir Hit o moniha, 4 fet ot'iil irr miimiw, Kw 0 itiiiiiilia, t i" i ..'Hi. .ui mi ii it in fat U UKiiiUti, ivr t'l'in. 'r auuiliu. Tlino t'tmlSt-aloa i( rtniHiaii payaM ton tie niaint, hill lnlnr..l lurlvlirtl II ilrawn Im'Imt aiittui Ifuil ul ili''"l'., CITY BATHS AND Toiisorial Parlors. AIR CUTING rtHAMPOOING MR DYEING (JINGLING. Sharp UazoiHit Clean Towels LtiitifH1 mul flii'.tlirnn' ImitvuttiiiK lint orVoltl lmthri nt any tinii'. 25cts. BATHS 35cts. W. C. GREEN, Opposite the Post Office. If von are in noi'il of lUriR-aa, StidiJU', llri.lli'. tir tti-puira, ynu canauvi money liyi-alliiiittMi ii.n. 'nt Ilti'.-y llurni-aa- t uinl Muck S.i'l'lli-H in i.ltt to order. Whether you iiil In liny or not when in tin i-allon me. TUG Hl.lJK FKONT Harnoss Shop, AU Aj(oiit fur lli flt-liiulod SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Willamette Heights"! ONE MILE FROM THE Suspension Hritlge ON THK WHSTSIDK. Fine Chance to Invest IN Acre Property, Inquiro of McCOWN & CO. WVESAY SIHJTI1 Clackamas, Or. DKAMilW IN FLOCK, FKKD, (iUAIN COUN MKAI,. & Agents fur Clackamas aur Or egon City for the Col uniliia Flour. . ALSO Keep on liaixl Hustic Fooriug, Coil- ing ami all kinds of Finish' ing Luniher, Dressed Feneo rickets of all sizes. CHOICE Columbia Ce dar Shingles. CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS. JJ "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" !h divided into 70. two and one-half, and five aero tract. H is located on the height overlooking the Clackamas; hence its namo, it ih about One milo from Court House and Ono-half milo from tha city limit. The County road crosae "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" which makes it cay of acces, being about twenty minutes walk from the centre of Oregon City. "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" lies in Oregon City Hchool diHtrict, and purchaHcr can havo the advan tage of sending their children to a good, graded public school. The Boil is good, tho Location very healthful, all Fruits and Vegetable yield abundantly. Terms one-third down, and balaneo in one your at eight per cent. For further partic ular inquiro of E. E. CHARMAN, uny urug iore . AttBiitioiiFariuBrs The Commercial Bank, 0F OUK(ON CITY. CAPITAL 100,000. Trantactt a Oonaral Banking Hualnan. l.oana iniidii. IIIIU illt'iuit'l. Milken I'olleelloim. Huya and aella t lmiiKiion all point lu Him Hulled Htatea and KuroiK and on H"iiK Kna. lHi IhihIIn roi'lviMl aulileot to iheik. Inter et at usual rale allowtid on limn dfjHMi ItH. Hiikoen from H A. M. to 4 P. M. Haluiday uvenlnn from (I till 7 l. M. O.lM.ATOUUKTTi:, I'reiiildenl. F. :. DONALDSON, Crtahler. WOOD TUHNINO ' -A. IT 3D SCROLL SAWING. rmlic tlealrinti Woo-I Turning, Val lum, lrackita, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will Iw Suited by Calllngon Mm. V Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. a. i-r. bestow, "0'i. lh (iiirKiitlonal ( liurcli J 0. E. A. Freytag, tiii; i t f.iK or GROCERIES K TIIK CITY. Call and Examine My rulers. IMPORTANT Heal Kstnte Notices. OUF.UON 1 HON and STKKL CO.'S LANDS IN CLACKA MAS COUNTY roRSAI-H. FIVE T1I01SVM) ACKKS On llit' Tiiulatln and llluinette It I vers. Sunn of the fluent hndn in the .State of Oregon. Can Iw Hold in large or Hinnll lotn. For price mul particiilara aee II. K. CUQSK, WKST SIDK ADIUTIOX. I.ota in thin liandHonie addition, tun minute walk from went end of HiiHiienHion bridge; high, healthy nightly; gilt edged. For prioea nnd terinn nee II. K. CROSS. CLACKAMAS Fill' IT LANDS On Cluckainas river, ubovo the Furniture Factory. Cleared and ready to act out in trees. Deep, rich, and loam Hoil. Unexcelled for neaehe or small fruits. For price and term aee II. K. CHOSS, or F. 0. McCOWN Mosh Addition to Oregon City. On Willamette Hiver; on 0. A C. U. H., and on lino of proposed motor to Portland. 6'J lots, all clear; one dwelling; valuable river front. On thi property is situated tho largest fruit and vegetable cannery in Ore gon, to employ from SO to 350 hands. For alo in one body. This valuable property will be sold at a bargain. For prices and terms see II. E. CROSS. Lots In Hawnrdeii. On Clackamas River at Gladstone Furniture Factory. Splendid sight ly lot. Price $100, on installment plan. 13 acrcB adjoining Oregon City, suitable for Biibdividing. $1750. II. E. CROSS. Oregon City. Money to Loan. In Hums of 1(1500,00 to $50,000. JasP. Bhaw, Do.il Euluia and Finnneinl atrant. Oi'ftnn city, opioito l'oat ollice . RECEIVED Ben (be Only a Wiinl. A wiiitt -niitl llix klt'Kitw iliuki r; A wnnl-iiiiil Hit) t liiiiila roll IiIhIi; A word and tint mini lie. airu lu-n, Ami hurl Ih'iiHn rli' v- iiml alli, A Kurd ami tlm akltm wnuld lirUililcii; A W'iril mul lliti i-lniiila wniiltl lly; A Willilnilll lliaaiilll llniU lifnliliK, Ami hurl lunula teuat. lo d.:li. Oh, word, rm tun lnin, Im aiiktul hut III" III rt'ttlntli I ul ailtMii'ti hu it. ... .i'i I , Kin Hit' llirt'inl ul 1 1 1 y ('tit- Im Imilu'ii Ami lliy t'liiiiiii- ItinuiT Ih- luall - iH'trnll l''iut I'rrna. (01.1 MIII .SIN' 91.41.ltM:. Ilalluiia lu 1'ii'Nt'iil Mew Ymk City a llaiiilMiiiia hliiliin, Naar Yohk. July S'i. New York City la to bo proiwiiti'd Willi u humlmiuie alulim of I'utuiiiliua hv the llitlluna ol thla city and tha oldeountrv, t'unll- erulilo money haa already been raiaed. Tha klnn til Italy, CriHpl Hint Milliliter litmt'lll imvo pioiulHeil hanilNointi ilona- tloiia. T.io work will cont .M.ikhi, mid an order for It to be Imuh will at once N alven Hie tuontiimiul will Ui eoie Ktrut titd In iluly by the fumotiH aeulptor. (ilt'lillio liu.au, whoHti (Iralk-n wuMat'ltu liiil ami approvetl by a i-oiuuntleo ii'iiniim- tud by the 1 1 ul tun uoveriiininit, J Inn i-oiminlleo waa uuiuMim-t uf thu moHteui- Intuil aculptora, pututei unil art'liilnt ta i.i thu country. Thu monument will I hi 75 lent In liiiiht. Tin-auuie ol I'lilmn litm, III the eoHtuuia ol uu u.liiiiiul, w ill be txiiU'tl in 1,'ttrara nmrlile. The col iiinn will bo inuile ol uriiiiile in the form of an anelont heukntl I'liluiun, and (mm it will project reiin-iinnUttoiianl the poop mitl prow of Ilia tlirmi vehaeU wiilt h ut coiiipttiilott Columhua on Ida vnyauu ol diacovery, The aulurior portion of liio Hideali will coultiili ifroopH, reprea.-ut-liilt "lite Hi'iilna ul CoIuiiiImih," I'lit'llx Utn ol ( oluinhtm Will be re preaciiled with Ida hum! n-alin un a uIoIm', hIiu-Ii the diieoveter la cuiii.-i.lly ittutlyintt lot tha purHimt uf tliviniiiK Hi" onititin ol tliu two coiiliuentM. On the iiimlerior Kirlion will Iki a reiireaentaliou in hronw of an litillieliae to, the i-tml-nl nrniH ol Aiiiorua, nudof Itt-nuit, Ihu birlhplure of I'oiuinbua. Hu Ihu ai'lt.a ul tha hmIoIhI will bo hita-reliefa, tepreatintniK notitble eventa in the hlu of Kr''"1 naviK'tlor. Tha .Utile will probubly Ui eiet U'ileilhi-r ut tha battery or in thu city hull purk. The I'anama (unit I til,lilr. Il in now over nfuhl yeiim niitt u aoik aa Ural begun UHiii thu 1'uiiiiiiu t unul, uiul nbuut two yeuia havo elupae l auu-e Bt'livo oprrittioua were nuopeudi-d. The lulal i-tMlul tin) work up lo the pren-nt tuna, lilt liulnik Ihu indelitu.luenN uf the coin) uuy, i eitliiniiU-'l ut "even hundred nillliuua of dolliiia, mid Ihu runul l hardly bull llninlied. iH'liKM.pn' i-aliiimle of the coxl in IhhI unu liuiiilred and twenty mil lion, unit thu time required looan the rmiui live year. Tin) iiiiiunuiiui'iui'iil ol Ilia anterprnio ban been t-tinapieuoim, anil tho aaiiidhiig prueliced upun the lyinpunv fearlul, Am. um Ihu Uictlioda of dtHiiption the follow iiik ayatt-in wua nt tin) tune rcjili'il : Wtn-ii a nhii arrived Willi a t'UiK') ol ton I, a ittutill iiiitnni wutild lie lauded ami voin berH (jiveil for thu w holo cariio; thu alup wouttl then tie- j purl and return aitain in a abort time, on teuaibly w iln another carno, for whli li new Vuiu lii'ra would be jiveil ; the auuie trick would then bo (ivrlurmed U)iin. TliiiN by Hit) knavery ol lt uitcntH, who wera Nitnply plumforera, the company: paid fur mnterialN m-vcrul liuiea over, lliiire were lumuraof Iran. In in aliuoNt every dpartment of Ihu work. There euuia tu have beeu a woltil luck of that rljid biiHineaa ortiuuimilluii, mid clum acruliny of th-liilU, whicli Nhoiild govern in inch an undertuking, in uuler lo se cure ectiiinmv mid NiicceHN. Much ol tblN Ittxtly w itH duuhlloi-H tluo tu the deadly and enerntlimt (-Innate, which liniM.t at tne lieuinninit of the work cur ried lo tha until Nuverul of thu uIiIchI and molt enH'n-Miced cbii l ollicem utid many ol their vuluetl annuitant. Alter thu (itilura ol Ihu c puny tu uit.fl it ohlialitiiiH, a receiver, an we Nhotilil term him, but in h ranee be l called a litpiitlalor, M. Itrnuel, wu ap Hiiulit tu tuku chiirK'u ol the work mid the proiertieH of Ihu company, lie uamutl a cmiiiiiiitnion, conninlintt ol twulva intleHutlent, exptiriencetl, ami prominent iHjrHuiia.iuiiuiin whom wereen KiiKH'ra uiul piofui-NorN, w ho werecharxed to vimt I'anama, exuminu the work mid machinery, mul reort on tho hunt way of completing the canal, the further coela, t-lt!. Kllorl went alito to be made to obtain a renewal of thu vonceH ainn Ktanlctt by the I'olumbiun govern ment, uh thu privilege will noon expire having now only a little more than two yearn to run. The coinimrwiunciH ri'iit ht'd runuuia hint und iuceiUigatud everything with much cure. Their re Kirt luiN lately been inutlu to thu chnui oftlepulieH, mid in anything but encour aging. The committee auya dial tho couatrnc lion of liio canul at the i-ulculuteil levut would occupy twenty your mid would coid 1,7J7,IHH),IKH lianca $;I47,-I(HI,II00. In thu opinion of thu cominiltee the work could only be completed on the ba nin of ait iuteinutional ugreumeut or u Hyndicule uf the Htutua inlcicHlcd. The r.inort stulea that, taking intone- count the intcrcHt to bo paid dm ing no long a ieriod without uny reet-lpla, and alno the general tlnanclul churgea, the capital nccennury milHt hu OHliinutud ut three hilliona of (iiiuch, or any aix hundred imlliona of dollitra. A (urllier report deala with the tluiecta anil iiiiiiH.iuiin of four plana pruponetl for the completion of thu cuiiul. Acoortling to thu I'rnt ol these plmiH, thu cunal in to bo inol.ilctl, no uau being miidu of theexiHting wittnr waya. Thu aecond plan (iropoitea to make uau of audi waterway. The third provide for a hhin railway tin n portion of thu proponed interoceunic routu, and the fourth for a ahip tunnel llirotigh I he high land at (Hilclira. Meantiiue thfa unioriuuiito anaruimiu- era liuve netitionetl tlto French congrimn, iihking Unit I hu liquidator ahull prepare a atatement showing pruciHuly whut litis been done with the money roeoiveil liy M. DoLobhupb and tho director. More tlnin twice tho sum they atatotl would bo retiuirud baa been Hulmcributl, ami thu creditor now buliovo it waa obtained upon (u I ho rcprcnunlul ioim. 1 buy Heek to have the director tnatle perHonully re SK)iiHiblo lor thoir Iohhoh, und hope in Unit way to recover back ut luuHtj u por tion of their vanished tieuaurea, Hliere Shall She Ilecelvc II hit. One of my glila la busy all day long biiHV In tho hIioii. or purhnpa in the counting-houHe or studio. When liven ing come alio goeB to wiint you cull home, fruHlions ItorHolt-up a bit, oivta her dinner, and then alio wuita for him to comn. Home to her, Junt now, muana a bull bedroom in which thero Ih u tiny folding-bed, oiio or two chub, a bureau und a wiiHhHtund. At home she hua been tatiglit that her bud-room waa a aucred place Into which no mini ahull enter. In the Hume bonne with her are many more girl placed exactly as nhe in, and they laugh ut her timidity about seeing a young man in her room. Homotimua tho laughter ban it oiroct and alio plunges in boldly and anka him to cumo up to her little huven of lOBt. Hbo thinks tltiH i bettor thai going out with him and taking a walk, Hut every imw ami (lien abu all ilnwn ami wiinderN If ahti In doing rigid, und, II hlie iau't, what hint might tu do. She In u girl hint like votir and mine, mid aim In a brave one liei-unixi aim him faced the world lioiioiulily and taken cure of lien-elf. She i a hciilthv girl mentally uiul phyniciilly, and'it I rfghlthitt he nhiiulil winh to keip her men friend uml have u pleuHiiiit lluiti wit It them. Thin neeiiiH the nolnlion of the iUf n-tio-i, l,ct tier miikn her llllle nenl un pretty un ponnible, put the book, thai alio lilt Nitved money to buy, on tup of thu iiianlel that blilen nndef it her bed. The phutouruplm of tbONii nhe love may dei'oritle the hllle tublti, und on lliul.ii reiui nil the beluiigmg that a wouuin ly girl collect, may bu put here hikI lliere, wherev'tr it eem bent. A tiny acreen tuny be folded clunely about the wunliHtunif and then let ll nut be a tpientlun of one hoHteNN, but of two, for let her link thu girl w ho think a ahu due, lo come down and help bur enter luln bur Iriund. It'a I nm tbut thin may maku a bit of a crowd In Ihu room ; It'a true Ihitl aoinu of tlm vinita may bo Nlmrtened bm-anne of tho crowd but when a vlnllor goo away w ith the feel ing that be regret Unit thu time h.t" been no abort mi la very apt to come again noun lf y.ni like, intike one or two or tliiee nveuingn in the wick when von und your friend are to be I la, in in i.lie hull ruoin, and you will be mir prlnej to Ibid, bright tiirln a you are, iiow ulur your little evening" urn, itnd how you will linprt-a utun the mi ml of tln iecial mail what a uiiml liuinu ninkur you are. I lu not believe that the girl who ce one man alone in their own rtmniNuru anything hut thouglitienn; but the winn girl in the one who learn tbut beaitlH her own pum In-art, the benl prtttecllun nlm can buvu ngidiiNt ib iigreeublti reniurk ubultt tlioiighllt-nit belmvlor, In a woinuu liit-ml who think like her and whom equally unxioiin, w Idle having a g-iod time, to keep her name lieu from reproach. - l.ndie' Home Journul. ouitiix or Tin: cusses. .Mon- in lite Wlblerness I'npiilur lillililii-rulliina hi Flilepc. The niont ancient Ntalinticul rectinl of the kin I in that ol .Mourn in the wilder nenn. That cnuiiicrulioii muni have I ice n excecilitigly Himplu n nliown by the Hint chapter ol Ihu fourth hook of I'enlnleuch. "Take ye," buv their ac- cuuul, "Ibe niiin of all the congrega tion uf the childien of Inieul allcr their (amilien, hy thu hoiine ol their father, with the ;:tiinber of their innncn, every mule by their miIIn; from 'M yearn old ami upward, all that are able to go lortbltiwar lolniHfl; thou and Aaron nbull number them hv their nruiic " l ite naiui-n of the chief eniimnralorn are alno given, thonu who anninte.1 Monen and Aaron Ix-ing "the renowned ol the. congregation, piince of Ibe tribe of their father, head of Ibounalidn in lr ruel." Then the enuiiierator "a Htimbled all tho congregation together on the 11 1 Ml day of the lu-coud monlh, ami they declared tlieir (n-iligree alter their fuiiiilit-N hy tho bounu of their father, according to the uumU-r of iiiimt-n. from '.11 year und upwuidn, by the iHilln." Thi eiiuiii.'i ulioii tiiunl have lieeii mi ufl'itirntxin over, renuinng proh- ahly no more than a o.iy a time, iH-iug tnen-ly a counting of the head ol the lighting men. Ihero wa no rotintmg ol women, or children, or obi men, or cripple uml tlm l.evttc.1 were not numbered aiming tli.-m. I hone w ho .lid ui 1 1 up tu bu counted iiutnln-rcd ii:i.6-'al. 1 herein record o' a ceiinin in China a far back a the year 1'OtJ 15, ('., am: ol iM in Japan the bint century ln-fore I 'hi int. I'lider the conHlilnliou of hololt the cilixmin of Allien were divided ami rvginlered into four elanncN, accord ing tu the amount ol their taxable prop- eitv or income. the Htmuin cennitn wa bunlened with more Blutittlcs thjtn anv of thenii Himplu (.uinueriitionii, It oiiginnleil tintler Si'rviu Tullin, nixth king of Home un I wa an itlbiir ol much wili'innilv . It ik not ut uli hkelv anv man or woniiii wa found nuUuicnlly Itwt lo feitr of ronnt'tiuencen to inuke fuce at cennu ollictrn, or w ithlmld de sired iuformuiion. I'.vei v citixen had to upin ar tiiHiu the ('uitiiiu Martiun and tlechiru Uhiii oulh bin name and dwell ing and the vulue uf hi proper! v under the penalty of having hi goodn conlin cult-. I mid of being ncotirged mul nultl lor a nluve. There waa no trouble about having nncb a cenau lull ami coinplcte It bud the beuelil, too, of mukiiir the the iH'ople to be count d unxiutia to Uml the .-eiiHU man, while be wan not put to the labor of going from house to limine to Iiml thu people Augustus I ii Miir, who hutl a great head for .lehiil, when he bud the populittioii'utinibcrcd, greatly enlarged tho scope ol the census uml improvetl the niethotl ol taking it The census ol modern Kurotni in com purutively recent. No exact popular enumeration were made in the seven teeth century, but in the eighteenth great progrenn was made in the develop men! of sUU-licui Ht-iuuce, In Itnssiu thu taking ol the census in it crude uitv began in 17tk), uml in 1710, under IVtcr the Great, though unproveuieuts hud In'en made, female were omitted from enumoi'ulion. I'ensns-laking in I'm sin dates from the time of Frederick William II. The l'mnniun census of to day in very exact uml complete. It in taken by civil ollicer in one day, by meun of printed Mcbedules. The Hint cennun in Austria wa taken in 17.")!, uml for Ilk) yturs was taken each three year for military purpose only. In Sweden the science of statistics liu been particularly cult i vutcil, und liclgitim rank muong (lie Hist nul ion of tho world in coinplele nen of it national ntutintics. In Italy the return of thi character are voty complete, the range of intUilies having been greatly extended. The movement of the population i determined from civil reginloi'B kept by the municipal authorities, In Turkey tho enumera tion in vory imperfect, the chief object in taking It being to provide, a basis for taxation ami conscription. In France tho llrnt (-01111 of which records aro extant was taken in 1700. Of course, us in everything pertaining to Hlulinticn, work of Unit kind is thorough in Fiance. The Hint cunmt of (iieul lbituiu wan ta ken In IKIII, und embraced the sex, but not the ngu, of ull subject. Tho fuinil iea and occupation were elusHilied, no u to exhibit tho number einyloved in agriculture, in I ratio and manufactures or hundicrafta, and those not comprised in the chiasuH. Ithtnkn of householders schedules aro now left all over tho king dom by an army of enumerators, ami these aro required to be lilled up on tho night of April Und, and are collected by the enumerator the following day. Tho police ussint in enumerating the hmisolyss population. The army and navy are returned by the naval and military authorities. The Now Curtis. Tlie now ponlul card soon to be Issued are of two nines. One, intended for busi ness communications, will Imvo twice the aroa of present postal curd. 1 hoy will bo docked with a portrait of (lunoral Urunt instead of tho representation ol a slump. The largo card will bear tho in scription "One Cent Postal Card, United States of America," and tho smaller one stmply "Postal Card, Duo Cent." NEWS MOM ALASKA. A Trip lijf Nclitiiiiier to tlie Mining Itc- glen Nui'tli of J a u en ii. .luine Mcf'aiiley arrive! In Port 1'owiiM'inl a few iluv ago front Conk' inlet, Aluika, and bring much Informa tion regarding die mining region of up per Abmka. In eouiiiutiy with Alexiili'ler I, amp- bell, Hilly William, Charlie Miller and r rutik Abel, Mr. Mctailloy chartered the Nciiooiier Advcnlurer hint April ut JuniMiii and alurted for the mining re gion north of Unit place... From there they went lo Yakilut, from Yukitut to ('npjier river, from C'opiier riverto Prince William a noun. I, uml Iroin there lo dink's Inlet. Three of the parly, Mennr. William, Miller and A lad, remained at I urn-Again-Arm, m) named iMicaune il It tho place which i auppoed to lie tha furthest a person can go in tbut direc tion with a vetsel of uny kind, and in tbereloru Iba iilaco where one uitint turn again" in traveling theru. Mc- ('atiltiy and Campbellcamu on down to Juneau, thu former coining on down to thiHcilv. Mr, McCaulev auv bu ha bud all be wtinlw of pioHi, tim. and mining lu the vicinity ol Look Inlet, Jim rout min ing, he iiv, i very goml, but pro- pectiug in thu line uf gold and ailver i not a paving Imimidcmm. One dollar a day I the mont that I ling made in piinitiug there, ami Mr. JIcLauley Iocs not think there will lie a paying biiniuen in the line of work for a long time. iHirt ol "rich atrikea," "pay ing digging." etc,, in tin- region of Cook' inlet, nte daily circulated iu Juueuil und other nurl of lbs territory in such a way u to ntir up considerable interest and excitement in the unexplored part ol the territory, but there I liotliing to keep up thi Inlerenl. At leant Mr, Mtliiiiley think those who visit the part hi party went to will not care lo go there the aecond time. Tho report of of rub Iiml above npjken of induced tlie members uf Mcl'aiilev'a parly to inuke the trip they did to northern wutorawith a view t linding out junt w but truth thero win In lliem, and also . Im the Hint on the ground in rune the repot t wit true, ami their real exsn'tu lion were reuhj-.cd. A rough voyage wa experienced on the -way from Juneau, ami it m-emed more than once that the whole purty with their Nlaiiuch craft, would go down or be (limbed on the rocky shore. At "Turn Again-Arm" there i almost con tinually a strong ea running, and nav igation there in dungcrou ul almoKt any lime. Mr. .MiVuulcy Hay the salmon puckof Alaska will undoubtedly lie much less this year than it wu-vlunt. Tho Hah are not running in Alaska nlrea-un in any thing like the numln-r they were a year ago, ami it in doubtful il tl.e run will t much more, although aoine claim it i h i 1 1 1 1 1 y lalu, ami that before the neiuton clones the cannerie will have put up a many salmou it were put up bint year Tin i not likely. Mr McCaulev aava be knowsof mure tbanone inntunco where less t) i it ii one-ten! h of the nuuiu catch in Ixung made that was taken last year at the suiim scuMiri Hid in the fame trap. Caunerynien aro paying only 11 cent for kinglinh, which is a ridiculously low fig ure, und a a consequence littlu outside fishing is be'ng done by Indian com pared witlt the number taken iu that wny last year. Tlie volcano of Fugnuc and lllama, near Cook' inlet, Mr, MoCauley ya, havo been vory active, and aeveral severe shocks uf earthquake have la-en lelt. A large quan'.ily ol anbe, anil in place large stones, have lallen in the immedi ate vicinity, Fuslern ami Knglish capitalist have agents provting for large coal deponils along the In-ach near Kustickinin k bay. the coal in ul good quality. Jliero in nut a heller priwHctor und miner on the I'aeitie coast to-tlav tluin Mr. Mel atilov in, ami lie i now taking an interest in a mailer that may prove of great value to Ibe citizen uf Port Townnend ami vi cinity, lie saya he has never seen a sec tion of country where the apwarunce of the .iimuiuding foothill ami mountain range gave In-lter evidence tbut they contained mineral in paying qtiuntilie, and ha hit decided to devote a few months to prospecting ill these parts, lie feel conlldcnt that bo will strike suiiiclhing that w ill bo nt leant paving ami hope to make a big thing. Port Tow nsend Leader. Culture by Electric Light. In the botanical department of Cor nell University there have recently been made sumo very curious experiment in the cultivation of plant under electric light. A number ol flowers and veg etable have been placed where tho raya of powerful electric lamps fall upun them night and duv, and their grow th i coinpured with that of others of their own nnecie planted at the same time uml tintler similar condition except in the mutter of light. The litst anil mos1. noticeable efT'ct of this treatment in an enormously in creased rale of growth. Tho plant which me lighted seem to work day and night, und to become especially luxuri ant in fohugo. Tho vegetables shoot forward with great quickness, peas, for instance, which become in a few weeks two or three times us tall as their brethren liv ing by common dnvligbt; and the same thing is true of all the plants. When it comn to scud or fruit of any sort, the mutter wna entirely dill'erent. Here the plants which had grown slowly and by daylight were ahead. It iH true that tlie jioa which grew by electric light eamo to hearing much sooner than ftie other, but its hastily made pods had very few peas, often only one, and these of un interior nuulitv. In every instance tho reproductive powers of tho plant seemed to havo been mont strongly allecled, being sacri heed to mere folingo ami rapidity of in crease in general size. State Kefonil School. The Ochoc.o lteviow, noticing tlie fact that there are sixteen boys in tho penitentiary who are under twenty Year of ago, comments theieon as follows; "No doubt theso boy would bo better oil' in the reform school than in the pen itentiary, und society would be butter oil when thoir terms of sentonco expires. Itut even if tho school wore now ready to receive them, tboro is no legal way to get them into it. Though the lust legislature provided for tho building of a reform school, tlto members were so engrossed in their ollbrts to puss the Portland water bill, they failed to make any provisions whereby youths convicted of cnnio can be conlinud in this now m stitutisn. A youth, no matter how young if convicted of a felony must bo" sen tenced to the penitentiary now, and un til tho legislature convenes and makes some provision whereby ho can bo pun ished otherwise. And it is to be hoped that the next legislature will post pone action on Portland's pet meas ures until some provision Is mado to punish orring youths without imprison ing them in tho penitentiary, where they are bought into contact with tlie vilest criminals, and if not naturally bud when sent there, aro, by such associa tions, educated in vice beyond all hope ot rciormution. Why Tlitimler Morm AfTecl Milk. During idnclrical dlMltirhahcoait seem that cream and milk aro put into a con dition to sour easily. The probable cuiisn of thi, tho editor of the Albany N. Y. Cultivator oxptain a follow! The effect of an electrical dischargo is to decompono portion of the union phero, by willed online is produced. Tbia Hiihstance baa peculiar properties, from it intense activity a an oxide of oxy gon, and il action 1 olloii believed to be, and may be, tho cause of aour leg of milk, beer, and frewh wine during what aro known a thunder storm. The ozone la di United through tho air, and ia believed to be tlie ciiiii-.u of the strong acid odor which prevail after tha storm is passed. No doubt if tho milk is aubmerged In water, and acce of air i Prevented, no result of the kind need be apprehended; and as the more milk I exposed to the air the 1 more it will be allecled by the ozone, the milk in open ahallow pan will be acidi fied more readily than that iu deep pails although these may bo open. In our long experience, however," tho writer adds, wo have never bad any milk af fected in this war, either in kIikIIow pan or deep puila, and are of opinion that the beat ol the air ia preceding thunder storm i more directly the agent in tho souring of the milk than tlm oxono that may exist In the air after the storm la passed, ('arefttlnesa to maintain a proper temperature, by closing dairy lioui-c and collars against the outer atmosphere, will lie means of safety, Hew to Kfp Voar Friends. A girl, I know, said: "I am a great one for making friends." It sounded aa if she ought to be vory happy, but when I bad a minute to think 1 wondered if she wa ginsl at keeping them. .linking friend la easy to tho girl who i bright and happy, whose society give I'lcusiire anil who i genial, liut the iocping of them demand more than this. lf you want lo keep a friend don't get too intimate witli her. Have your own thoughts, and permit her to havo hers. lk not demand loo much of her in the way of confidence. And do not bo too aggronive, wanting to know why she hasn't done this, and wbv she Jjesn't think as you do. If you think your friend's style of dies ia not beautiful, don't tell her; yoit only oilend her, becauo deep in her heart she is convinced that she know great deal more about it titan you. lo not And fault with your friend' friend, and do not expect to lie the only one given a corner in her heart. He a coiiHideraU) ol her feelings aa if nhe were a stranger, and remember that politeness I an every-day garment, and not one intended only for high days and. holidays. To sum it up in one sentence, preserve the courtesy of tho beginning, if you wish to keep your friendship to the end Ladies' Hume Journal. Heating The Slut Jtucliliic A complicated case was brought into Ike central police station yesterdav after noon. Il was that of a man wiio had been beating a"drop a nickel in tlie slot" box on the corner of Third and foll'erson streets. Tho man who was able to per forin tbia feat waa John Lewis, and he is suiiljto have made a thorough study of the subject before risking his nickel. Ho first bored a hole in the coin and then fasened lo it -a juiuill jtllk thread. Ho then dropix'd, the nickel in the slot a ' directed by tU sign ,-anl,drew a cigar. Seeing that nothing waa stated in II .a directions as to how many timet one nick el eould be dropped In he drew hi . nickel out dropped it in again. (Succeed ing the aecond time he continued until he emptied the box. lly die time he had drawn twenty-nine cigars quite a crowd bad gathered around him and cheeiud him on. Their cries attracted otlicera Schadel and Conehue, who ar rested him ami took him from the circle in w Inch he bud become a hero. At the station bouse the question arose as to w hat bo should be churned w ith. After several suggestions of robbery and burglary, it wa decided to place hint under arrest ou a charge of disorderly onduct. lie waa taken out on bond a little later by some ol those whose cries had attracted the police. Louisville Courier Journul. A r.lg Stick or Timber. Captain F.. Farnham, a pioneer lum berman, of Seattle, who landed there thirty-one years ago, direct from China, nys: "The biggent stick of timber ever cut on Puget sound was gotten out nt the Port (tumble mill ten years ago. It wus HO feet in length and SUxSti inches square. It was slnppedjto C tuna, where it was cut up into span for bridges. I wan on board the vessel on which it waa shipped. The timber protruded over both thu bow and stem. I think that it might lie possible to get out one per-, hups ISO feet long 30x30 inches square at tho small end. Such a stick could not be found near the toast lowovef. One would havo to go into the interior for it. A great deal of care would have to be ex ercised in cutting it, to prevent its break ing when it fell. If siit'h a stick wera cut I have no doubt it would be tho largest piece of timber ever cut in the world." New Depot at Portland. Portland is to have a big union pas senger depot, tho finest west of Chicago. The building w ill bo equipped with fts own electric light and beating plant, whicli w ill bo placed in a separate build ing at tho south end, and tho sanitary accommodations for parsengers will be of the best and most modern description. Above the ground floor the building will be used for ollice purposes by the various roads, and in the third story thero will be reading rooms and assembly rooms, fur employes, and lUi rooms and other accessories. The .building will bavQ a total length of 4'.3 feet, and it general width will be tU feet, which, however, is increased to 130 (wt ad the maiu wailuig room. A Narrow Escape. Karly on Sunday morning, just after a Ireight train had left Pasco for Wallula, and while Hearing the Snake river bridge Conductor Kuhl noticed a man frantic ally waving his hat. Tho brakes were applied and the t rain came to a halt just in time to save the ltlo of a tramp who hud fallen asleep across tho track. Mr. Kiiltlo. the man who had flagged tho train, had noticed the prostrate form at a distance, and not having time to reach him. very promptly gave the signal, The ' tramp was awakened, arose, rubbed hi eyes, and walked oft" as unconcerned aa it ho did not know that his life had hung by a thread one minute before. East Oregonian. Found a King in a Fish. George low,en, a young fisherman who wont angling, along 'the Umatilla Tue. j day, landed a trout a foot in length, Ho curried it home In triumph, and while y" dressing his troutshlp for hreK..'cit. dis- I covered a plain gold rlng with tho initiuls " "1. V." on the inside, unheddod in its anatomy. The ring had evidently been accidentally dropped into the river, and swallowed by t he trout, through the natural mistake that it was a new vari ety of tho insect family. This is no tlsh lie; it is the earnest, sober truth. K. 0. c . . .1 ..' l-'-l jV l 't i;l U. ti., f'V'K . X r 4 . l.',Hf.'t7t!e)Yjjv!i fW'Hr r..rFfi u':ivm i'' a,, A, ,