The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 24, 1890, Image 2

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4'HiN. :ui:i:imi.
lNililislirr nntl lrlrlelitr.
r '"I !
( IMUIX.U, M'GLHiflXCi:.
Timm is no doubt In the minds of the
public that tin' authorities lit lllllshoro are
indirectly tv-ponMhle for ttt dcmli of the
Kroiiclitnan Chas. tHtpuls, who recently
hin,i:cd himself at (hut place. Ho wont l
Hilbouro on tlio Till lust, itu.l conducted
himself in such manner ns to leave no
room for doubt as hi his Insanity, A friend
of Id- vvivsinir to tin" IVncli consul, says:
"I took nolle nu interest In Inipnlx, and
tried lo get the authorities to tut, but they
would ilo uothliiit Ho threat
ened to commit suicide atul wanted to
lt linked tip in Jail." If these assertions
lire hue, then the authorities of llillsboro,
vvlio-e duty Is to look after tuuli cases were
guilly of criminal iiccliKvnee in rcftslnn to If Ibipul lirivt been locked up, as
he should have Iwii, hp would have been
alive now, and hy proper treatment nd,ht
have recovered hi" reason. The 1'rencli
consul, Mom. Tyson, ha (tone to UilNboro
to invc-t!i;ate ths mutter,
Woku comes from Irelatut tnat the po
tato hleiht lun ulino-t entirely de-troyed the
crop. The ell'cvt of this upon a country,
where tho potato liimislios aland tho only
means, of sit-teuance, as it doe tn Ireland,
ntu-t K' much Midc ring and will probably re
suit in many placid in actual starvation. At
Hie hc-t, the iv-idoid of Ireland can expect
hut a nu;u'tv lit lug, trampled as he is under
the heel of tho Itritish lion, anil when his
one moan of ei-tenct) Is (aki n front hlni(
his t dance for life is hut slim. Much a-i-l-nce
lias Ken cliui to Intatnl I')' her
countrymen in America, hut an extra effort
will ilouhtle-s U' ma te to assist her In. thin
emergency. liev. lr, Lyons, of Ca-tle
Haven, in tho di.H'e-o of llo-sa. fork, says:
''I feel iiiito bew ildcred, as I apprehend the tliat are likely to ensue from
this failure of the potato crop here. I see
notliitii; h -s than starvation starin.u thc-e
unhappy farmers in the face."
in t
four, -':
a short time a.:o there were only
our -.titles. Now (here are forty
v territories havini; been ndiuittedto
o.l North and South l'akota, Mon
tana. Wii-liim-toti, Idaho and Wyoming
There were slid three or four territories left
at last acituiut.s, but at the present rule they
will -c-.ti all he states. This is as it
should U and rvlbvts credit to the pres
cut a I'liinistration.
Osr.of the greatest eases of senseless
folly that has ever came to our notice was
that of a younc man at Seattle last week.
ho played hall w ith a loaded pistol, tow
im: it up the air ami eatcliinK It as it fi ll,
until! finally It exploded and killed him.
While the hw of human lite is always to 1
rc-rcite,i, it is hard to work up mu It
sympathy for a man who loses his life
through such reckless earleasuess.
K.m H 'Miairidentshave Ixvn very plenti
ful during the past week, the telegraph
columns of our exchaiies beiliij tilled with
Hi 'counts of them. Hut few lives have Ken
lust however, the majority of the accidents
oe-'urin.-on freights. This seems to indicate
that train employes are lievoiiiinc careless,
ml the mdmad enmpaniis will liecompi !! d
to ra; le with the prohli til how to reduce
toe n'iMioer of thee tli-.aters.
A I v in. e im:ulM.Tof our exeliaii:es. im hid
iiu' the l'ortland dailies, puhlished a dis
p.itch from Salem, giTiiiK a gralllc aceoimt
of the killing of a farmer named Long, by a
wil l ho, since which time it has Isen
Icarr.e 1 ( the killing was the other way.
t l.o man killed (lie hntf.
Tin; correspondent of the t regociau irom
this !.n e state tlint the Locks here will
shortly he cltne-l down for repairs. He has
made a slight mistake in this. The Locks
will he cleaned out hut it will not intcfere
with mn ifratinn.
. N r.wsr vi'i;im in Havana have Ix-en Xorhid
den, under heavy jK-nalty, puhli-hliiK any
t!,iu in regard (o the yellow fever, which
is ra;..'inir there. This is an instance of the
h e lo;u nf the press in some enimtiies.
1.x this is-ite will he found the rej irts of
the lo.inty ollirers of Clackamas county,
for (he year ju.-t ended, They are Well pre
pared ami will he easily understood by our
ForWceS Ending Sulnrtlny July IX
In tlm western portion of the Htato the
temperature was below the nurmt'l, in
the central portion tibotit normal, und in
the casturn portion above the no tmtl
Tempcraturert of !J0 or moro occurred in
I'matilhi, Ihikcr und Malheur counties.
In Western Oregon the temperature w ast
below 8J and above 4ti.
(iemirally 1'iirtly cloudy weather pre
vailed ; no rain U reported to have fallen.
The weather conditions have lieeti ex
tremely favorable to growing crops awl
to harvesting operations. The liny crop
has about all been housed, and it has
been more than was anticisated, both
itiality and ijuuntity being about an av
erage. J.ate wheat is filling well; tho meshes
are fjuito lare, and the berry larjro and
plump. The spring wheat will mttko a
lunch better crop than was expected.
Karly wheat harvest is in full blast, and
tlm yield is fully an average or moro so
The entire wheat crop of Oregon this
year bids fair to be larger than over be
fore, Thousands of acres in Umatilla
und Union counties will averago from
Z- to '10 bushels per acre. The average
number of bushels of wheat per aero will
generally be secured. This, together
w ith the increased acreage, w ill produce
the inereuHod yield.
Barley, ryo and oats are promising
goo 1 ye Ids.
The weather has been cool for corn,
though in Wusco county it is doing veiy
Koine varieties of early peaches arc
ripe in lieriton county.
In Jackson county the second crop of
a'.falfa is being, cut, and the yield is tin-
usually heavy
A bo Ji. Jlivrdman, Morrow county, the
grasshoppe.'H are doing considerable
Kweet corn, peaches and melons are
now being shipped from llie Dalles.
The plum and prune crop is largo. The
oudlin moth is doing damage, especially
in the Willamette valley, (spraying the
trees is provimz neneiicial.
From svery section of tho slate come
rcpr rt 9'jf good crops.
. .. j B. S. Tauvk,
' , Observer Signal .Service
' Chanice of Time.
The change of time table, which goes
intoeliect the zolli current on the Oregon
Pacific, w ill accommodate a largo class
of t ravel .
The train between Albany ami Green
Basin w ill leave tho eastern point in the
morning, arriving at Albany at II ;) P,
M., returning leave Albany ntltlO P.
M. This will give connections with the
Yaquina, tho Hoiithern Pacific, and the
Narrow Gauge trains, anil people from
valley points can reach the heart of the
Cascade mountains on the day they
leave homo. This must largely increase
UeniHtcil War In Central America.
The San I'tancisco Call t( hint Mon
day coulaiucd the following ilipHlclic
In lccaid to the war roportoil to l tak
ing place in Central Aniciicin
Cm- orMnxico July Siv Kl Universal
puhlitdioH nu account of a battle between
tiimtenuiUim and Situ Salvndoinii
in which the former wits vlclcalcd with
heavy loss. The thiatcinulans force
uuinl'oivd tHHHi. tlcneral Itarnmdia,
the tiuntcnuiliin refugee, lum lett Oaxaea
to take part in the war. lie will proba
bly raise the alitndaixl of revolt In (innt
cirutlii. I'rivnto tclegnmiH from San Sal
vador say that the San Salvadorans cat
tuixsl tlio tiuitteninlan iirtlllcry in lm
battle w hieh took place Thursday. It In
ruiniiivil that 1'ix'mdciit Harlllit of tluat
einala talks of resigning.
Senor tioronlnio, who arrived hero lat
ninht tioni San Salvador, says o( the
war w ith tiuatcnialn, "Itcfoiii I left a
San Salvador war wits threatened with
tiuittcumla. San Salvador has tool
upon tho defensive, liualeinala has
eliOHcii to iutefeiv in iloinestic politic
by trying to put into jiowor tho I'lvsl
dimt naiust our own fix'o choice. We
sent loivcs to the fimitier to txiel any
altcmpted invasion of San Salvador, and
it appears bv my telegrams that they
were neislcd there. W e had 1KKK) well
eouipped men along the liio I'ik, but
I behove there are now fully ItUHKt along
(he fi-ontior. 1 understand (hut the
tiuateniala fotx-es iiiiuiKm LM.tW. There
is not nor hits thorn Uhui anarchy in
San SalvHilor. It is thoroughly under
stood by our HS'ple that tienersl Kjieta
is onlv our provisional president, ami
that he will not attempt to force himself
upon the ivpublic as president.
"1 oilictally deny the reports of upils.
iivs, assassiuatioiis ami other thing
that have been circulated derogatory to
the condition of San Salvador. Thelol
cgrams to the ell'cct that (lenentl Iveta
tlux'ateued to shoot the families of those
men who Imv gone to other counties
since die ..'it and had blown up their
houses w ith dynamite, are baseless fabri
cations, lienor lleta, upon ls'ing made
provisional president, issued a pns'ht
tiiation of amnesty to all political exiles,
and that (hey are taking advantage of
the decree is evinced by the return of 1'abiaii Moinn from San l'litu-
Picgiu ol tiitetaniala discredits the
report of a buttle.
The 1'aciflc Mail steamer Acapulco,
which iirrive.1 yesterday from 1'auaina
and way lmrts, 'brought up no pajn'r,
and baiilly any new s of lniHrtunce out
side of what had been received by the
steamer San lilas, which arrived on Fri
day. The otlicers reHirt all quiet at the
different ports they touch at.
One of thy otlicers said: "The City of
Sydney was delaycsl one day on the pas
sage i(ow u at San Joo do Cuateuiala
waiting for an envoy that President Par
tllas of t iuatemala sent to President Ho
gran of Honduras. Pandas wants to
stv the States of titiateiuala, San Sal
va lor, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa
Pica unitisl under one governiueitl. As
A starter he proposed to his next-door
neighl'or, San Salvador, to unite with
(hem and place his Vice-President as
President of San Salvrdor. To this the
San Salviidoran decidi-dly objected.
" Then Parillas sent an envoy .low n to
Honduras, thinking (hat if he could get
its co-operation he may make war on
Salwidorans from the north and the
Honduras nple can do so from the
soutn. Then when San Salvador has
ea pi vd und the throe Slates are
joined, they can easily coerce the other
two into coming into the federation.
That is 1'arillas' sthenic, und whether
it W ill succeed time alone W ill tell."
Our ( mist lefetle.
An Ass. jeiated Press of the L'.' 1 from
ashington says :
"S,,nio interesting suggestions re
gardinu the ability of the I nited States
to lay P.ritisli Columbia under a siege in
ease of war with I'.nglatiJ an- contained
in the testimony given by tieneral Miles
in the report of the senate committee- on
t'aiindiait relations, which was laid be
fore the Semite to-day. tieneral Miles,
commenting upon the defenseless condi
tion of (be I'liitod States, ami esHH-i-ally
the Northwestern border, said:
I w ill state what is well known lure
ward tu Canada. 1 believe that the rail
way system of llritish Columbia could
Le occupied by American troops, nut,
however, through Victoria, on the is
land of Vancouver, now occupied by
P.ritish forces, the place where the llrit
ish k'ovci ninetit has expended millions in
building dry dis ks and navy yards, and
has made some surveys for her forti-
They have there at this lime a fleet of
war ships under the coniiuand of a llrit
ish admiral. I think it is fair to say,
w but every intelligent man must know ,
that during ten days the Pntish licet
could destroy our railroad system, every
tow n and city on Puget Sound, und des
troy our outlets (or that Northwestern
country. They could also send ships up
the Columbia river and destroy the city
of Portland and that railway system
There is not a gun or earth w ork on Puget
Sound, nor a single artillery soldier.
There are a few obsolete guns at the
mouth of the Columbia and Fort Cutiby
but that is nut n c.v occupied by troops.
That is the condition of atl'airs north of
the hartsir of San Francisco.
South of the harbor of San Francisco
there is not a gun in position, a round
of ammunition or a single artillery sol
dier to defend the harbors and cities of
San I'iego, Santa Harbaraand San Pedro
the terminus of one of the railroads, and
from these points a small force could
destroy the railway system ol Southern
T he testimony contains an uceount of
the Itritish fortifications at. Ksipiiinult,
where it is reported ( Ireut Itrilnin is now
concentrating war vessels with a view to
possible contingencies in llehritig sea.
Manufactories anil Material.
V. P. Tyler was at one time presidimt
of the Tyler Steel Tube Company, in
lioston, but he removed his industry to
Washington, Pa. Mr. Tyler tells the
Cincinnati (la.etto that on his recent
visit to lioston, he found that the South
lioston Iron YVorks were proposing to
move their plant to Middlnlmrg, Ky.
Mr Tyler thinks tho outlook for New
England is dismal, Furming doesn't
pay there Her iron manufactories,
foundries, boiler shops, and kindred in
dustries are dying out. Her cotton mills
begin to feel tho active competition from
(ieorgiaand the South, und he thinks
that even her boot ami shoo industry is
destined to go to the west. The reason
is obvious. Tho raw inatetial for New
England manufactures comes from tho
West, Tho largest market for their
products Is in the West. It stands to
reason that her mantifaetoiers cannot
pay freight holh ways and compete sue
.iiuufii h ui i tliu i n.I Hul ri.ia Tour i.r.U'imr
.. in ,,, intl,rior. T,jg ,,, cttnHU
will bo the greatest faction building up
Oregon City, for eastern manufactfries
are finding out that they cannot hold tho
trade of this coast and pay freight on tho
long haul both ways, Being thus forced
tp bring their factories nearer to both
their irmrkets and tho raw material,
Oregon City with her groat water power
and unsurpassed shipping facilities can
easily necttro a number of them .
(Tuises of Cyeloiios.
If. Ilabenicht has wtitten an arliclo
on tho causes of the cyclones of the
North Atlantic. The author points out
that, if the uloho woro covered with wa
ter, tho general circulation ot too air
would bo very regular, without local de
pressions and steep barometric gradients
and lie reiors to tno contrast oi mo sys
tems prevailing e. g. between tho South
Pacific and the North Atlantic. Jfo
finds the explanation primarily in tho
obstruction offered to the regular courses
of the winds by the great continents to
tlio east and west of the Atlantic; and
secondly in the constant barometrical
maxima over the continent In winter and
in tho neighborhood of the Arctic re
gions. Telegram.
The Nt'Mi in llrlt'l" IV'im nil Net Huiih
r l ie Cowilrj.
Henver'M population Is reported us
1 1'ti, I nu
Fxiilornr Stanley has tecoveted (mm
hit illness.
Tacontii hud a J'i.iUM tlio Monday
morning lust,
The federal election bill will pi nimbly
pass tho senate.
Wisconsin muhihlilonb ts have nomin
ated slate oiliccrs.
Pilneess Fllhabeth, of Au.llia, will
soon visit America.
The Seattle Morning Journal has been
sold to St. Paul newspaper men.
The republicans ol Montana have
Issued a call lor a slate convention.
Two lives were lost bv the explosion
ot a boiler at New York last Sunday.
Senator Mitchell Is endeavoring to get
h bill through oiienlng tho Warm Springs.
Tho widow of tieneral Geo, II. Me
(TelUn has been giauled a pension of
Hubert Homier' great tiotter, Snnol,
made a trial mile in'.' .16 at Hetroit last
The volcauiH'S llilainii nml Fugna in
Alaska havtt Unit very active, dmiiig the
past week.
The overland train ran Into a hand o
horses Saturday night near F.ugciio, kill
ing live ol them.
F'.ngetio Schuyler, late Culled States
Consul tieneral to Fgypt, was bulled at
V video last Sunday.
The iKitato blight In Ireland has do
st roved almost tho entire crop, and much
distress is the result.
A crany woman named Williamson
jumped Into a well and was drow lied at
Nevada City, Monday,
Nine persons were seriously lujuied
last Tuesday bv an explosion of powder
at Led Key, Indiana.
Navigation on the Willamette above
Salem hxs been suspended, owing to
(ho low stage of w ater.
Several cities of Chin have been
destroyed by llixls. The waters covet
the country to the grvat wall.
A man named Samuel Cmueion w is
killed at his sawmill near Oakland by
being caught in the mai hiuei v.
Frank Spencer was banged ut Kain
toopH, II. U. last Monday, for the,
ol Peter Foster two years ago.
Jeanne Hugo, grand child of Victor
Hugo, is betrothed to I .coil Hamlet, soli
of Alphunse Handel, the novelist.
KepreiM-ntative Walker, of Missomi,
died Saturday, and congress adjourned
on Monday out of rvss)ct (or bun.
The Contropolis Machine Company of
Kansas l itv bus made an alignment.
Liabilities, llsft.000; assets, bsi,ii.
Hairy Cummins, night clerk at the
Willis House, Seattle, skipped out
week with M' belonging to a guest.
George Goodlow was shot and iut.intl
killed at Hairy, Oregon, bv John shook
last Sunday. Shook gv himself up.
Joseph Sutton, a prominent humor ol
Umatilla county, Oregon, wa butikm'.l
out of .iod at Walla Wal'a hint Sutui
Jay .
Several army ollicers have beenai
rested at Pueius Avres for coinplicilv
in a conspiracy to overthrow the govern
ment. From tellable souiees it is learned Ih.i!
the Seattle, Luke Shore and l.asteru i ol
road has kkii pun based bv the .xoi tin in
Four persons were burned to eeutli
and several seriously injutcJ in a toe
in a tenement house in Cincinnati 1 1 ;
Tuesday .
The steal. ishin Gen W, KIdcr went
i ashore near Poll Townsend in a heavy
fog last Sundav, lull was towed oil with
out injury .
The American ship lleurv Failing has
arrived inTscom from Yokohama with
cargo ol -tl.lMO kegs ol lea, value I at
The National Glass Blowers' Associa
tion, now in session at Baltimore, has
(s'litioned congress to retain the duty on
glass bottles.
Two contractors named Anderson and
Swanseii wen- killed at C nioutow n,
Washington, by the explosion of a blast
last Saturday.
A family of nine irsons were pois
oned at Fail Claire, Wisconsin, by cat
inir canned meat Sunday. Five of them
will probably die.
Two trains collided at Uis kford, Wash
ington, Monday, smashing several cars
and seriously injuring Fireman N.thak
and Knjineer Hill
The great two-mile, doiible scull ro.y.
ing mutch ut Oiilulh, Minnesola, I , i -1
M undav, was won by Gaudaiir ami Mc
Kay inii::.
Newton Tanner, living three miles
from Salem, accidentally shot hiuiscl!
with a revolver Saturday, and his recov
ery is very doubtful.
Two prominent Hebrews are on liiil
at Berlin, before tlm synagogue e no
minee, for smoking cigars on Satinday,
the Jewish Sabbath.
Another cyclone struck Minmisoia
hiHt Tuesday killing live persons in
Taill.t county ami two near Marshall.
Several more wore seriously injured.
Two pugilists, named Patsy Mulligan
and Kd Smith, were shot at Spokane
Falls last F'riday hy a man named Pillv
Flynn, who is now in jail, M ulligaii will
Lust Monday night, a pleasure train
went tnrough a bridge on the Koek Is! iml
road near Linon, Coin., killing Kngitienr
MeCormick and seriously Jiiijui ing twelve
or fifteen otiiers. Tho causo was the
washing out of tlio middle spans of the
bridge by high water.
Springer's saw null, Ihntv miles from
Oroville, California, was destroyed hy
dro Saturday morning, together with n
large amount of lumber and nineteen
houses. Tho loss is ch! minted ut $ h)i,000.
Hiipcrintomlert Porter begun driivving
cliecks for payment of census enumera
tors lust Monday. Tho checks uie sent
direct to tho enumerators, and will be
drawn and signed at tho rate of 501) per
day till tho entire force, 50,(101), are paid
A party of roughs rode into Poca
hontas, West Virginia, last Sunday, ami
begun firing promiscuously on the street..
The town ollleiuls summoned a posse and
a battle ensued, during which several of
tho town forco wero wounded. Two of
the mob wero arrested, but tho rent es
caped. Con Murphy, his cousins, Patrick and
Daniel Murphy, and John Cullulimi,
were blown up by giant powder ut liutte
City, Sundav night. Tho boys gained
possession of throe sticks of giant pow
der, and wanted to create a sensation
bv exploding them lute ut night. Con
Murphy was utmost blown to pieces by
the explosion. The others were also se
verely injured and burned.
To the Circus.
Hteamer Latonu will make a special
trip on Saturday evening, slopping at
way landings. Loaving Oregon City at
(I P. M. and Portland after the Circus in
over. Go to tho Circus.
Jouimnn ill liu.Kiun, Aitv'm
A d iii I ii 1st rater's Notice.
I lmvo lieini duly npiiiiliitiiil hy tlio tluiintv
Court of ('laebninits County, Oriiirnii, AiIiiiIiiIk
trntur of tlio KsUto of Jueub Khnor, deeeitseil.
All pnrsonpi hnvliiit cliiliim nitnlnst snlil ustuto
will present them tn mo at my residence near
Chirks f, O., In sslil clou ii ty within nix iiiolilhs
(rem the ihun of thin nnlliie,
bated ChickAiiiuii oiiunty, tireiion, Tidy ii,
M AdiuiulBtrittor,
oiimiok City, Om,, J ply J, lnno,
Heir f;lr or Madam ;
o me earnestly Icipieslnd to
iillcml tho Normal lin-tiliile for Clacka
mas County, henluiilng Monday, July
'.!!, and continuing two weeks, Tlm
wmk Will bo conducted In the nibile
school budding at Oiegoii City, and will
he In charge nl Prof, trunk ii'iglnr iihied
bv competent n 'inlaiils Toiteheis
should come piovided with tct-hook
mi 1 1 1 1 on und Mont il Aiilhinetle, etc,
I', S. 1 1 ii-ti it v nml Sill's (Iruiiimar.
I'iicv will ho ,'oimod lulu clauses ami
rci'.ular si 'iool vvoi k gone through with.
! very lesson will m a typical schooi.
loom oxctclho, the puiiMisn being toglvft
I teachers somo review of the subjects
jtuuyht and to Imiltuct I lit in objeeliyelv
I In the bet-l inn'lioih of teaching, Sileli
jwoik Is now lieing iliiliu hi ull of (be lead
j III;.; counties nf the M ile, and pmniess.
, lm teacbeiM cie availing themselves of
j these oppoi Innilles to advance In their
! piu(esioii, I linpii ii, id expeit to see u
i t.ijue allcudauee lioin every part of the
I county,
The altculioii is especially called to
;tbe'.',iid luirugrapli of section 1'5, chap
iter, I of the School Laws of Oiegon, as
! III .XM which lirovldes (lull
"All Icaciinis, In (be publie sclusils ol
I his County shall be reipilh'tl to ttltnlid,
J and the connly supciuilcielent may ut
; Ins discietiiiii levoke the certificate,
reduce the grade or refuse the to grant
a ceitillcale to imv leuclier, who re-
(nee In alien. I the county Institute
.without caiiiv" Itespis'tfully,
Ai r x, Thomson,
Count v Sept.
l I.VNH ACT Jl'NK !. 1H7H,
-so i i i: on im in n k run,
Mri t'hita It .Mason,
I mu ii Suns ,ni oi , I
ionium l i it, June ''o, Issm, i
Note e Is hereby lilven that In cnmpll.
ton e vv n Ii the coo l-iiuis of tin. act o( 'on
er, of .1 Hue :i. s;s, f nt it I.-.l A ii set fort lie
Mile nl land" In tlin Males ol t alitor
ma, urctfon. .Neuela, and U'ntiliiKton
r.tihorv, M is, t lion It. Mason, of .ireLfon
I'ni, l .mill v ot t lacknmns, Hi ale of t iregmi,
ha this .lav t . : -1 III this her oni
I in nl N. ;' i.'i, ..r (he piiteha. ol the
S i: i, ui -r. (.on N.i. 31 in Towin.hip ,, f,
si. H i ce N,,, ,H Pa-t, and will oiler prunl lo
sh.o. (hul I he hind soiiehl s iuor vatuahle
tor i! tocher or sioue than lor ricrleiiltural
loo i o-., n, an. I to C'-tahli'ilt her ehdm to said
land I., line the ii cuier ami receiver ol this
oil., e al nr. com I III , i r. con oil Wellies
d.iv , the l-.lti .lav nl ii. lolirr, !!.
:-!.fi.:ci!.'oioiji.i ( hrtdes V Mead.
I.. ..::- II. Vvio l. Ivlnooi.l Hul turf mul
U ihiiinl I'lllleisuli, H ill (irei-oll t'uy,
I'i.t i..i oei-1 - afil i , i ire. -on,
Ai.v ami ill i "o's . I, omliig iidver-idv the
a'-ow .1 i. ui.,. la i.l to.- rv.pi.-Ord to hie
ti-.'.r.'iii'io in lhi oilneor or belon-snnl
t.dl .l.o ol II, tiil-er, t s-i.
J. T. API'I ItsiMV,
T :i !' ;-i lieglsler,
iiMhbi; l.AM', Alt' JI M;.i, tsn,
Police lor I'Ml.Ilcnllon
.Mrs Mar -an t I.. Ilnt.torf.
t s 1 1 1 ii - 1 . 1 is I, I sii U f. K, I
iii.t..... i'iiv, in., June .v., Mi,t e i- hi-rehy elveu in eumphaiiiHi
i. eh t.'.c provi.on. ol he ncl ol I .inKrcs ol
tu .e 1, --,s eiuulcd an ai t for the sale ol
uin!'ci lacdi in loc M iles ot t Hiilorola, lire-,-uu,
Veviela nT a-hh gton lerirtory,"
Mr-. Mint' ire! I Ihodoit, of I trcgmi ( 'it v,
I .-.ii, 'V ol ri,n t. oua-, Male ol I lleg.ui, hullo-
.1 . v ,. .1 lu I !o- oill, . ln-r sworn stale
!...! Vo '.'l Ut-r the urchii-.- ol (he S W
i,o( . lion No Ol I'own-hlp N.i ,1 si,'e N- a I., and W III olt.T proof In show
i:-0 ih,: i.o-l sou;, i- mini.. ahiitl'l.. lor
in tii.i-r or -(one limn lor ncn. ullnoil
ir oo - und lo i - l.ihh-h lit r chnm lo said
! i i if fr tt.e r. ei ,h r and receiver nl I his
..!':-,, .i I Ue I' .l I , I le. eulli 'e,: e-ditV
Ii;- I ! 'I .1 , of I I. I.ilw. SHI.
s .,' - us u,i..-e- . t'ha-lcs W.
M i! I -, , II aid, l-lmoiid
. 1 '. i i railiT-on, ot lirrgon t Hy,
I , ', .. a- i , . 1 1 1 Iv , l-e.;..!i,
Vnv a it ah tci-oi,- ilaoioog -l.eri lv
!ffi,'' - ,. .I. - l i: e l honU life moic-ted to
c i'i i- il c.n -lii ltd- olll. e ol or Is lore
-.III l'i .hiv ol I '. I..I.T lt,
J. l'. AI ITIiSiiV,
.' .'I .1 .... teh-iter.
i.iee lur I'lilillenlloll.
! Liu..-, hi li Kills.
I moiishu. I me urn, s
! Unnf-ll I ll. III , J.oiv .-.1 l I
1 N.'lli F I-lor. l.v iflvi-ii lino In e..titll tiien
.. on in. i... l.i-.l.s ..I Ihp del ..( I nlioi'i.
. I .1 1 In' 1. I ' . -, .no II ii'.t "An ,'t ,, Ihr nl
; r m'.rt 1 1, 1 1 , 1 . lit .. !u- stti., ,j( n.U(.. ruu. l irt'tjiili,
I S -v-ls. nml tt -.l.liu-l.iii 1 r r 1 1 . r y . " I Inc.lll
i 1 1. tl.U -I sIMiii,. i' ,(V Kllnj, M-ile ut
, V. u'llimli Hi. lets Oils. U lllr l In lion i.lllm Ills - ,i.i.i,ul No, -.'is., ,,r tlm iiir.Tni." nl
I t ho m: ,, ..( , il-n s.i it, in lnon.lile .V... 'J
S nilh .Othi-i' .N.i 7 Ks-I. Mini will olter point In
no. th il llii- l,il. I s..i,h.lil In in. itn nl.IMl.le (nr
c. r nt-iif- lioin fur aitrlettllursl nir-
,.,, .01 I l.i i ... ,, IP, i - li hi. ,-l .I,,, ., .-l, inml
!.(.. rn 111.- k. nl-l.T hii.I lln-elvr ..I tills elller
i nl lire i,', .11 I ity, ur , i.ll Tilt.s.l.iy lll Mlllitsy
, f in l-l, cr, I-.1. Mn iiini. a, wtttii'i.: .N
1 I H.., ii IV A t '.. ir ii, L. li. t'nuillr.i. It. II.
, VV ,nl ..I pi rtinii.l nr.
i Any ii ml ,Ci j. crs.. i, - i-lslmliiir s-lversety (hi.
; il. i .I. .. riin-it Mia r.'.imstr.i tn Sle
I'l-ir elahii- ill Oils i-IIiee tin or It.-f.ire -si. I
j lull .h.y olii.l our, is si. J T. Al'I'l- ItsiiN.
' .' IT. ll 1- Itegitl.-r.
iTIMP.Kl: l,AM ACT Jl'NK .'I, ISVrt
j ittnt i: vmi vt ni.ic vi iu.
I Jo-. ,,!, W. llaldorf.
j I'nititi Sti ri n I, ash i Irncr, I
iiiooos Citv, Or, .limp ls'l.i
NiC i. e is herehv given thai in compliance
j.ii'.lil-e piov i.-ion- nl the act of Cotress
! June :i, l'..s, entitled "An m t lor the
-tile of Ian. Is in Die Nates n( Ciill
: lorni i. Ure.Mii, Neva. la and Wushing
i Ion Iciiilon,' Joseph W. Hatdnrf of
M'le-'ou lite, county of t 'lacliiiimis,
j Male nl' Un roii, has this day liled In
! this olhi e hi- mviiiii "lalemelit Nn. 21,'H, for
I I lie- 'lll.ha-e of the SY.K of sceliiin No. 12,
j inwii-hlp No. il South, liaiige No. ,'t Past,
i and Mill oiler proof to show thai the land
, -oil:. dil is more valuable for lis tiinhcr or
-ion- than lor nricullural purposes, and to
e-tahli-h his claim lo said Inml bel'ore the
loci-ler mid Ih'eelv er of this nlllne al I lli'goll
ii v, ' ii s.-iiii, i.ii Wednesday, tlio IMh ilav
of icloher. InHI.
He iiiimes a- witue-ses Charles W. Mend,
William I'olli r-oiii, Kdiiioml llntdurf, I',
il-on, all of Oregon Clly, t'lackamas
inly, I 'recoil.
Any and all person claiming adversely
th. alio'. e de-i ril.ed hinds are reipie.-t.-d tit
lile their claims In this olllco on or before
said 1. t Ii day of I letoher, lum,
.1. T. AI'I'HIISON, Heglster.
7 '.'I n
Atn H i! i on ii iii.ic t i it.
Mrs. Maggie P.. Hatdnrf.
liregmi City, Oregon, June il.lsim, f
Notice Is hereby given that III compliance
vvilh the provisions of llieuct of Congress
of .nine ,T, lA, enlilled "All act for the sale
or liniher laiiils in the Slates ol California
Oregon, Nevada ami Washlnxlon Territory.1
Mrs. Mu.'i.'ie K, llaldorf of Oreion City.
(.'oiinly of Chieliiimas, Slate of Oregon, hiis
lliis day filed In this olllco her swonstate-
meiii ivii, ii.u, inr me puriTiasn in mn vy u
SV ' ;, mid M N W of Seclion No. Wl,
in Tmuiship South, Itange No. ,1 Kust,
und will oiler iii'oof to show that the Inml
soii.'hl in more valuahle for lis timber or
sione ih an for iii.'iTculturiil purposes, and tn
eranieii nir eiiiim lo siuil Inml lietore I he
Pegi-ler and Itccelver of Ihisoltleii at Ore-
I'ou Cily, on WeilncNdav, the loth day of
I li tohnr, Ism I.
She names us witnesses: Charles V.
Mend, (ieoi'ire 11. Ward, Joseph W. llaldorf,
William Patterson, all ol Oregon City,
. nu Mimas conuiv, Inchon,
Any and nil ncrsons cliiiminir tidvorselv
I he iihiivc-ilcscrihetl lauds arc requested to
lile their cluiiim in this nlllce on or liel'ore
mild l.ilhdav of Oetoher, 1HINI.
' .1. T, AI't'KHSON, Iteglsler.
0- fJ4'i: I'OU l'i lll.lM'l l.
l'NITKIl H'l'ATKS f.ANI) Ol'li'lCIt, i
(HinuoN City, Or,, .nine 1H, lHliO.j
Notice Is hereby eiven that. Hi" followintr
i Milled setller bus filed mil ice of Ids Inten-
If i t i to imikn llmd pi f In siliiorl of his
claim, and Hint said roof will be made lie
fore the register and rucuiver of the U, H,
band Ofllcu ill, Orcijnii Citv, Oreitmi, on
Aii'ii-I 4, I Sim, viz: James I''. Nelson, Pro
emilioti I), H,, No. Msil, for the lots U and !)
ol'Kee ffl, T 4 H, H 'i K. lie names (lie fol
lovvinit vvilne-ses to nmve his eoiillmimiH
i'i'.-ii in, ., e njioii, and enlllvailon of, said
hind, viz: i-nias v iTjrhl, Heiibnn Wriirhl,
Win. .While, ami John li. Jackson, all of
M i.j 1 ; 1 1 1 n I'. ()., Clackamas enmity, (irciinn.
J, T. Al'rlOIiHON,
en(!-7-.'ll JleglHtor,
O ri 11 I 'tMl 1 HI M Ml HM.
Mis, Ida M, Ihilihnr,
I'Niritn Htati's I. a so (irrici'., I
Oiihios Citv, Or., June "ti, ISim.t
Noll, e a herehv ulviin Ibid III cniupll
lln.c wllh ths pro. I-Ions of till) in T ol Coll'
gress of .limn I m;m, imlltleil, an act for the
ule ol 'limber hoiiln In the lutes uf Ciililor
li lu, OieHoti, Nevada, nml Wiishlnclon Ter
ritory," Mrs, Ida M, lliitdnrf, of Oregon
( 'Ity, '( 'omit v of I lai loimns, Slain of I begun,
has this day II lei In this ollhe her
nnrii iiiulciiient No, '.', lor the purchase
nl the W SK mul K t, SW V, of sei -lion
No '.'u, In Town-hip No ft South, llunr"
No, II I), nml will oiler proof to show that
the hind sniiuhl In more Valuable for Its
timber nr stone Hum lor ngi leuliiiral pur
poses, nod to esihlh her eliiliu lo uld
laud helnre tlie reiiisier mid receiver of (Ids
nllii e lit tic(joii ( llv.Or,, on Wediiesdiiy,
I he huh this ol II. lohe r, s.!ii.
She niimi's us w ; I 'buries W Mend.
Urol,,.- It Wind, Joseph W. HaMoll Mini
William Piitleisnii, all (' oii.guu Clly,
flue' minis coiiulv, tlreguii,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
Hie nlsive described land r reiiilesled lo
II I., I heir claim-In this nlllce oil or before mild
Iftlll day ol October, IsiM.
7 '.'I t) S.t. It.'Klsler.
ut lee lor I'liMlfiilliiii,
llslptl II. Ws.ln
Tinrmi sinus I. villi lin-n s
liii'iimi I'll)', Or , Jans '.' I, Isjti.
Nil I II K l tier., lo lvru llinl In i .iliiillnlies
Willi llie iifnvlii-iu nl tti et ut Co unless of
Juno It, l-,s. niiiiilvil "An set fur llitii.iili.iif
llml.rr tnuiti In Ilia Hislns nl I'alilnriils, (ir
ii. ui, Ne tails, mul W it.lilimimi 'let rtlnry. "Itslpli
II VVhk, ol I'ntllnlnl, ( eiliiiv nl Mulllnin.sli.
sum nl iiM Kini. list liili .Isr Alml lu Oil nitier
lilsswiiiii lUtinnriii Nu,, (nr lli tmrehnss
nl Hit. N W ' , nl Sis ileii Nu, Ti, III I ii.lile N.i.
JSiiiiiIi, luniir Nn. J t ssl, mul milnltiT iroiif
In Hi. ot llisl Hit. lalul iitlulil Is iiiiirn valnslils
(.r lu timiier nr stnur tluit for sutleuliursl, nn. I n ttaunluh III ehtliit In Rshl
Isliil hctorti Ihr l(iKllrr ton! lOs.elvrr n( ihll
tillli-B nt iirennti t Itv nr, (in I iitikiluy llu Milt Usv
f, I syy Itn li itir Ms lliit'isi-s II.
i VVo,U ,1,1, .,( S...IU.- WsslllliKl.ill, K II
t'nurilep, N. J vtrleli, A 'ul...rti ( (.rl -Isn
l, in
Any itml nil n.rHii clsltiitiiK mtvrrsely Ihr
Ninon itnsrrll.l Islets nrti"l In Sir
their rUllu lu tills i.llireiol ill lit-lnr silt Mill
iy nt clelnlirr, 1-11 J. T, At'C'tlsuN,
7 IJ, IS Hi'lt.'r.
O I M 11 I OH 11 111.14 VI Uf.
I'siTin srttrs I iKii iirriim, I
tiitiaiiiN Citv. or , Jutie 7tli, l-isl i
Nnllcr U tiro-lijr irivrn tlul In oiniltauer
Willi lti pro. UI. ns nt the set nl e. mures nt
Jilliii A. l-:s, rullliinL "All set lor Ilia .tlr uf
llailn-r Ulnlt lu llir suli-ii ut ITtllliitnU.tireit.iii,
N'evs.U. sn.t W s.lillmloli li'rrldiry," llnrsllii
W ism It It 1. 1 NtinltlA, tiiiiuW nl kind. Slstl lit
vvii.ioiiiri'.n. h iiiu .I,, r n:...l In no. miier los
.wi.lll si tlvlttriit Nu, ','IU.', I,.r Ihr .iirelMm. nf
IliritW nl Mri'tloii Nn at. lu limulili Nn. A
S nilli, IO.ii)i N.i . l.ssl. Hinl w HI niter l.r.sil tu
win tw IU..I tlir hoi.l x.iih'lll U mnr vsluslile for
lu nr tliiui (nr srtrlriili.irsl pur
!..... mul tn t' Ins etsiiit In ssl.l laud
(s-liirr tils- ret-lRlcr nml rci-plier l Oils ufltet. l
oto-it t oy. ur .nu W i'iliici..Ujf, II. r sia ilsy til
lht. l-M
II iinii,i.s hi wltiiini.r: m Knr
th, t nilrr r.eilil). M-liUtiN A s irii.arl,
VV III llunvrr. Slel N J. Welch nf I'urllsli.t, ut
Any sin I sll . erst. lis rUOultiK s.l.rr.i'l). I lie
nlM,.r l .en I. I Uu.l srv rci.ii.'-ti'.l n. rii.. Hmir
eUlitti in tills i.lln'i' nu vl l.elorr ssl'l sill .Isy
ul Ii. l..l,.r. Ijl 1. I AI'fUlsiiN.
Hll lliiil.ler
ItMUI'll I.ANIl. ACT Jt'Ntt a, s',s
Il I'OU I'l Mi ll l llin.
I'miiii srrts I.anii utrin. (
Oii.,o Citv, Or., Slav T,, hii.
N'oril l'i is hcrt-bv Klvell Unit tu isimplf
am e oh the prm i-iotu ot the act ol Cnu -liess
ol Jim,. :i, s,s, entiiit-d ,;An ad Inf
ll,i, sale ol llmls r hiiids In the Hlules of I al
ttorniii, Oregon, Nt'vu.hi, and a-hnictoii
'I etntorv," Arthur Hislirow of J 1 ... I
liner, r'oitnty nl NV usisi, Suit, of oreiion,
Imu Il ls ilav' llh-t lu (ins oltlii' hu nwiirii
sl.iieii . nl No. '.sad, lor the imrt bue ol me
I S ol N W l, nml l'i , of MV ., or he.-
I ti'in No. 'Jn. tn Tiivtn-bio No. 1 Smtb, ;
j liii.ii'i- N.i. s I ii. I, and dl old r pr.M.f to
shnw that the hind smn;lit is inure tulnnhle
for 10. Iind'cr or stone than aKrii itlinrttt
I.iiris.-.-ii, mill lo e-iithbsb his i hum lo sunt
ill,. I ! I.oe Ihe lli:i-ler ami Iteceiver of
Mill- olllie ut Olecoll Clly, lle!iili, on
i Wi'.bie-d.iy, Ihe 'Jllli day of S'l-iemls-r.
' Is-ti. lie names ns vvitm--st-s: M. I.. f.ov,
LI, C. tiv. r.. I., K. Morse, ami l Nenhljli,
: all of limit Ibver, a-i o isniiiiv, Or,
! Any nml ui I jcr-oits i hilmiiiit adver-ely
' the iib.iv e de- l lis d holds nre If lics1ed to
Idc iheir cl inns iii Ibis olllis- on or
.unl '.'lib dav 1. 1 N r. sii.
i J. T. AI'I'CUSoN,
! r. in sll ItfKift.-r.
' TIMItrilt I, A' M, ACT Jl'NK 1. vi.
! vm ii i: i on ri t rio
I sittti Suit, l.isn oun r. I
list. ins Titt, nr.. J ii nu J, 1-sl I
Nulice Is lierchy given llmt in eiiiit.tlntirti
:illillie . ret on .lis nl llie set nf e.'liK'ess ul
i June A. I-;-, i-niiitr.l "An net tor the isle ut
onilii-r tsiuis In tin. nlsti'H uf T'sllturiiU, tire
tt. Ul, .Nr. ,U to.. I VV n-litliKlen T errllnry," A lilts
K sut ll It. tif senllie, I'niility nl Ivlinr. sniie nf
l iisloucl.'li, lis Oils ilsy IHe.1 In litis i.iliee tils
innrn .1 it.-tiu'iil Nu. ';int, h-r the .nrelisii ol
Ihr hi. ,nl H.,. Hi. II .V.. Ill III Tint lislili Nil i.
; s.niili, iuinre Nu 9 Kl, slel will oil. r .r.s.( to
; iliutt Hint lliti Istul si.iikIiI Is inure tslilslilti
i Inr 11 llmlirr er ilnlie tlisit for nirrleultursl
I i.iiri"ies. hii.I In p-unllsli Iter rlHlin tu suhl
lioi.l ls-l..r tlir r'isipr mul receiver ul litis ul
i Si i. st tit.'h'.'li I'Hi Or., nu VV iMlminlii), the Mil
any "I tin.. her. issi,
slip ii tun's hs v Ii ii.-Kt- Win Junes uf Kur
sv Hi, I'u-ter emiiiiy, Minimis; VV s. iie..nrj,
VV in II",. i er ii, I ,N J Well h ut I'nriUiul. or
Any tot.t sll eUlintiiK niiver-i-l)- the
shove ilr-rrlln il Islels art. rr.niesle.l In Sle
ttielr elslimi lit llili nll'et. nil ur lielure S,
usy ui iii'ioimt, i-'.si. j . An r ti-us,
Jlltsll ltt-ller.
T IMIiKIt I.AMI. ACT Jl'NK 3, ls.,i.
Attllt e lor I'liblteiitloii.
(iiimn.s Citv, nr., June , is, j
N'.illee Is nlvell I lint I,, ci.nipllslieo ttlili Ihu
I rot i-iniis st tlie set uf cumtrcsM of J'nie 3, ls;s,
I'tiillled "All net lur the ssle nf ilintH-r in
the slstrs uf l.'iillfuriiln, tlretiult, Nevitils, Mini
Witsltlnutnti 'icrrllnry," illlus tilmrr, uf jetv--11.
I ,'i hi ii t y nl llnlsnli, Sinle nl liniO'l.. h
Oils itny ftliHl 111 tills nlllce ills svtnrn sliileiit..iit
No .sr.s, l..r I tit. uirehu-onf tin. Sr. '4 ( See
that .Nu. 4, in 'luvvnitili Nu. 'S Huiitli. i.ttltijtt Nu.
il h.isi.niut will uiler r. .. .( tn slmw lie. I His
isiul m. .tiu It t ts iniirii VHliiuhlt. fur lis iltnlinr nr
smite limit (,.r SKrlenlliirtll iiirines, ntut In es.
Islillsh his ulslllt In suht isiul hefure the retlfs-
(er iouI reeelviir n( this uiliee nt '.rctimi t.'tiy.
ori'Kiill. nil W ti.lliesilsr. Iltu sill ilsy ul I letuher.
l-'.si, itu nittlii'S ns tt illie-sus; t'. ii. W Iteeltir.
VV. llnllcy, nml I,. M Trnun uf rnrilnml, ore
i;uti; J. II OHti's, nt llniiiers, oreuuii.
Any mill nil persniis ehilmln ndversely ttte
tiluive ileserlht'il honls are rcinestt'il tn tllu
llielr I't-illlis tit tills nlllce nil ur snht silt
i(s' nf liemher, Isw. J. T. AI'I'lillSllN,
" lll-ll-ll Keglsmr.
1IMill:it I.ANIl, ACT'Jl NK it. s7S.
ci i i: i on n iti.H' a i io.
I'MTKII HrtTKs I.ANII (ll'l'll K. (
liiitimN cn v, u,, Juim u, 1-sl.
N'utiee Is hereby Kliim (linl in c.iiiiillniicr
Willi tlio iirtivlsli.iin uf IHu set nf ouiiKresnut
.nun. a, I-V-, on 1 1 1 1 cl "An net fur llie sale nl
tliither hoi. In la tint Hlitien uf t'ltllinrnht, Ore
Knit Nevnihi nml VV iuhlni,.ii Turrit. n y, ' Ju
se.i A. Iiiiierl, uf I'lirthotil, enntit)' ul Mtillnn
iitiot, ntsle ut Oresmi. Iisn linn tiny tlle.l In thin
uillee hlnnvviirn Htttlttaieiit No lilirj, tnr the nis
flm so ul iltu MV ul Meelluii Nu, Js, In Tuun.
ship Nu J Smith, Ittiuita Nn. 7 Knst, sml will
ull'er prnnf to show tint the Inntl nimiilit in mnre
viiliuilile Inr lis ttinlier ur ntmii. Hum furnitrl
enlliirid liitriiuHOB, nml In csiitlillti li!n ehitmto
snhl In n.i liFlnra tlm ri-K Islor mul rervlver nf
Oils nlhee st Orettnii Clly, Or,, on WctluestUy,
the Hill tiny ul tiotuher, IsiX),
Ilo iiiiiiien an witnesses: O. M. thirhiml, J, II,
llnuui'tl, A. J. Wuvd, nml Mary VViiud, all uf
I'.irl 1. ml . OrtKini.
Any hii.I nil persons chiliiilim nilverselv the
ntiuvw ilphflrltieil InmlH nru rpqiiesteil tn ttle
lliulr ehilins In thin oilier, nu or holers snhl Mt ti
Usy nf lielulier, isuu. J. T. AI'I'I'lltHiiN,
7-IU-U-ll Kegtsier, LAND. ACT Jl'NK. tl, 1H7S,
rVollee Tor 'iiblieiilion.
I'hitkh Htatks I,ANnOmeit,
OiikiiiiN Citv, or., May 'J.i, isiiu
Nutlet. In tierutiy ui veil tint lu ouniiillniiee
Willi tin) nrti 'Islniin nf ths net nf emiKress nf
June II, isjs, eiiillnl "An net ler the mile til tlm
her htllils III the Hhiles uf Ctlllfnt lilu, Oreunn,
NovH'lit. nint Wiishliiiituii Territnry," IlKNitv J,
Itmiii.K, nf l'lirllniiil. enmity nf Miilliiunutlt,
ntiiti! nf Oreiinn, linn thin ilny tlleil In Hits nlllee
hlnnvviirn nuttuntnit No. Itusfi, fur the luirelinne
nf the MIC ', ul Simmiiiii Nn. 4, In Township Nu I
SI, null, Intuitu Nu. A Knst, nun will otter prnnf tn
allow Ihst tan honl suiiRlit In inure vitliitihltt lor
Its tlnihiirur ntniia I li it it fur k rl o n 1 1 ti nil nur
nnses, sml to sstnlillsh bin flu I tit lo anttl hind lie
turn the register nml roeolverof lliis sllleo m ore
Knii City, urexnu, on Kriihty, tlio 'Jilth day nf
Septi'inher, lHutl.
lie i. nines ns witnesses: j. M. (Iroen, K. A.
Itnseeriins, UmirKa Miller sml A. Nnviirlne, nil
of I'nrlhlilii. M llltlinnuill, OriiRiin.
Any nml nil piirniinn cliiltnlitft silverst'ly the
iihnvn ileserlhiiil Umls are rtniiiesteil to tile
their Chilian la this nlllce on or hnftiru nnhl 'Jilth
ilny of Htipleialier, ism). J. T. At'l'KltSoN,
7-W-ft-ll, 'i!.'1'"!'!!!;
.o(Iee lor iililleulltm.
Oiikiiiin Citv, Or., July 111, IS'JO.)
k.iMoii Is heretiv otvou that tlm fnllowlini-
niiiiieil sol Her lint tiled nntlee of Iter iittoullnii
j,, .....ii.. tl mil tirnut In nunnnrt uf her ehtliii. nml
Unit sahl lirtinf will h innue tioforn tlie rei(lslur
nail reeulvtr nf the th H. baud Olliee lit Orexnn
Clly, Ortiirnn, on Thiirsilny, Hent, (1, isnl), vim
I'rlHellla Pnrknr, lluiiinsttind Itutry, Mn 57 10.
Inr the ', ui SW.'t m mm i, t u n, i u u.
st.u i, ,,iii., tin. InllnwIiiK wllnessunto nrovu
her (loiiliiiilniis runlileiino iipnu mul inilll viillim
r.l Nitl . 1 hunt, viz: Havltl Mnbulii, Kllmilititli
Mnbnlu, M it ry Ititherisoit uu.l John Dnhiu, all ot
Muiulow ilrouk, UhiiikiiiuiK :'',i,0rejtoii.
7-1 7 B-'Jtl Iteglstor.
iXiiii i: i'ou ri itiK innv
t Fi i mi Hr'ATts ,vii On n-f . I
Cummin Ci'iv,Or,, Mil' ltio,i
'oHi Is hereby given Unit lu eoinpli
Itlleo Willi llltl proyi-iotis nl the Hi t of Coll
glessof Jllllll it, ISVS, elilllle.l "All (let lot
I tit. Hull of tlllliier binds III Ibn Hlules ol I 'ill
Morula, Oreni ii, Nevada, and WiihliiOon
Territory," W liuleit C. lirotf, id M I'm,
County nl Coluiiilihi, Slum nf On-con, bus
thlsduv llh'd III this olllen In-".loin -line
mi ni No, 'JIM, lis- llie purchase of the
Nf; 'nr Section No. In, In Township No, V
Siiulli, Ihiiign Nu (I Kal, and will oiler proof
toshott II. in the laud sniiiihl is more Valuuhie
lor Its timber or slone thiiii tiir scriciiltiiriil
purposes, Slut lo establish Ills claim lo said
hiliil before lliii Iteglsler ami lieceiver of
tills ntllce Ht Oregon City, Or,, on 'I iiesduv,
Ihe'JTd day of September, IMU. lie mimes
lis witnesses; (1, , Wheeler, W. Pulley,
mull,. W.llrownof I'milainl, Or.; J, II.
Illllls ul lliiS, (III pin.
A iiv nun all persons claiming adversely
the ahuve deserihed hoi. Is urn replevied fo
lile Ihelr chilins In this olll, e on o hcfn.c
said 2M ilav of September, Isisi,
J. T. A rl'I'IISoN,
II III S ll It.'gWer.
u i: ion fi mn i ioi.
Psitsii Srsii' I.vnii tones, I
Oiirnos Cnv, nr.. May L'i, I '.n.i
Nulice is beitiby given ihut in cooipliaiice
Willi the provisions of I he ml ol I 'onioe-snf
June .1, s?s, eiitiile.l, "An act lor the sale
ol limber lauds tu the Slates of Caliloiula,
Oregon .Nevada, and Washington 'terri
tory," Minion !', laiy, ol lloo. Itixr,
County of Wiuco, Sour of Olefin, has
llilmliic h led in this ollhe his sworn -Inli-luenl
No, 170, for the purchase of the SK
'j of Section No, H,', In Tovviishlp No. I
North, Hiuigi. No, s Ijol and will nth r
prmil In show Ibat the laiul sougbl In luort'
Valinililn Inr Its timber or stone than Im
nt-ricultitrtt! i.urMises, slid lo otithjl-h his
i hilln lo nulil hind Is. fore the lieKi-ier and
Heeelver ol thlsoltlce nl on foil I lly, or,,
on S .slut-silav, the 'Ith day tif September,
S'I, 1 1 is inoiics ii- wlint es; ,, i-.
brow, I., N'citlclidi, .1. C. Plvers, and 1.. K,
Miirsn, nil of llood liivcr, ii-. o enooij,
Any and sll iifir-niis chiimh if iidvcrscK'
I Sll pi
lb set ib
the iiIrvs il. sertUid lands are n-. pie. led to
lile their claims lu llii nflu - on or Is Ion
said "lib day of S. plemls-r, l to.
J, T, API'KU.oN.
n IU -S II lii-Ti.ti r
Notlco for Publication.
t'MlMl KlniS I.AMl I 'I Tier, I
omuiios cm, on,, May 1 1, iti.t
NOTU K lliertby t ri that 111 ci.i,,
am e vt lib the .mv i-miis ot Ihe in t of ( mi
Xrcss of June It, s?s, enlilled, "An m t La
the sale ol tlmlsir hoeis in the slates i,( Cat
iliirma, nri'itnii, Neva-hi and tt n-Uiei-'tim
lerritnry." lames II Itnhbn, ol Smile,
Cottnly of Kinir, htule ut n.i-hii.el"ii. has
Ills illty Hied in this iilti, ti hl sivorn
sliit'-mi'iit No. Hit I. r the noi hn-c of the
s of -. imu No, I", in 'I.. mi No.
2 Ninth, liaiiK" N.i. 7 Kii'i. and will . .11. r
pr. Mil' to shim that the hind sniielit Is
mule inliluLie l'..r lis tlinUr er sl ii.e lion, Hiun nlitiral euri"-. -, and tn r-t.i'.li-h
' Ills elaliil lo snld hill'l h. ..le ti e lr :i-ler
j und n c-lver of this mill e at uri ..ii t il . on
i vt.'.lin -dni , the Villi di v nl M jH-inUr,
l-tio, lie liitmes in Mitne e-; jiinei
!,Hinith,.. i '.tins, asliini'l.iii ; llei.rv sun),'
j sou, nf N iiitle, kiint cii'.l ahlci'1im ,
j JtiiiN Mi Intyre, ol ."S.iinh, Ci 1 nnnts .
j It , Oii'itini; told Niitlnoi t is. !. It of I ort
I honl, Midtniimah cniily, I 'iivii.
I An.' sml all (cr-.Mis ihiinon uover-i'lv'
lllienfsoti deseriU'il bunts aie le.iiic-te.l tn
i tile their claims In this nlln.' im or l,
1 said i;"i ilav ot NT len 1st,
j " .1. I, Al'I'l li-.iN.
I 11 ."il S '.'S liei-lci'.
Mll'lt i: l Olt V III.H' t l IO V
I' SITUli Kt ATM 1. 1 s n 1 n vi. r. (
J IIMRu.'S I'llV, Ol., Mhv 's I- SI i
1 ilmi ti.e l..i:..u iti
I tltttinl trltler Itts flii.l li,,i. i. lilt I no-lil l.-ll
i Iii mnkv flitni ioih.I tit tut ..,rl .f In rlnim toe!
llitl inhl litisil III he Helm !-., it Dim ll.-cou r
ami itoc'lv er ul I t . i., n.i..-.- nl i ii,,.ii
illy. nn Thtirs.l.iy Jtl 1.', t'.u. tu;
llnlttul M . Orlitilh, lli.nie.i.,,1,1 nl ry ,N.. Vsu,
l..f Hit. ttetlU id t.ilillt vto-l ', ut te. ll.'ll li,
, u lilili 4 t.nilll. rttio ;' col
lip llStil.'t tl I. .1 1 1 U Hilt U '.llie-.r- lu i ruVtt
hit rutilltiiK.ltt rcO'lrni'i it..,ii n o.l e.otli
ut tst.l lsti.1. tu J I T-.tiii, J h 1.-AI- Joint
linvUmelr' llulltiil, sll nf I o it-, t'.tcl. .i.n.a
r.iiiuiv, Or.'Kuti,
i., 1 T, Afi",:t:.-uN. I!, lih'i"! ,
TIMIIKIt I AN!) At T, JI NK I. 17.
UTIt K I'OIC IM 111.14' t I IUV
I SITEI" Sttus I ot t 1 1 o r, I
Oiir.ooNt irv.or , ,!.iy I i, l-tn.i
; Notice is lien by tritiTi lliai In i-.uu li
j tin e Willi the .r..v i-mns of Ihe w l el Tmi
I (trtus ol .nine .T, Isj.s, eninl. i "An .'e l for
j llie tale of tin. 1st latins in l,.e -ml, ol l u.
ilornia, Oieeon, Nev aihi ni.d w,i-.iinr:io i,"
Henry Sni'siui, of N niile, Coiii.i t .1 bine,
ih'taleof ii-lii,n ton, hit- tin- .I t, I. le t n,
i (Inn titlice hi-svv urn sluliTtii nt No. H
Ihe lin ..UM of the Mt i, I N. I... ii No. I",
: in Tow nshli I o, '.' South, liinn..' No. T lrl,
and w ill oiler .rts.( lnMm l.n.l Co hied
I sonidil Is more vaiiuihlc ..r its tmU r or
I slone Until Inr in;i iculinrnl in p.. -i , and in
j establish his t htiiit to said hind I rhnv the
', reci-ter End receiver of Ibis n lineal .'nnon
: Cnv on wedne-ihiy, Ihe i.'l!h .lav of s-j.-
' (ellits'r. S!tl, lie Inline-a-V. lll.e--i - : J.tlm.
Slnllh of I. In, n, VI :e.hili'loli ; Jame- II Kith
tin, of N'ltlllc, Kim; cm il v, vv .i-biec'iiu ;
John Mclnlvre, of h.imly , t lacl a cn
enitiity, Or; NalhaiiJ i Ii Ii, ot I'nrl.ciii
M ii !t tn it ii all louiiiy, oreeon.
Any and till ncr.-uns chtimino. a lvev-elv
the iiViVctlcserila'd lauds nre re (t.e ,.-,l lu
tile their elionis in lliis ottu n or I elme
said '.'nil Slav ol Sei'ti inU-r, h'".
J. T. Al'l T.KmiS,
(I 27 S 2H Keci-ier.
TIMIIKIt I.ANH, ACT Jl'NK it, s',s.
4H 11 IOK l'i 111 !Cti l(,
Csitkii SriTt:- ntin a i
I HI Kilns litv" or M iv '.'J, isw j
Nntlee In hrrrliy (ilvetl Ihut In eotnplhiliee
wlili ihe prut tsl,. i. ut ihe sel ot imiiu.-. .,
June H. ls'Js, en i U It..) ",n act (urtlie tie nt line
her Ininls In the .. C.ilif. rnlt, tin is "li.
Novsihi, nml Vl .l.-lill ulna Terrllnry.'' IT.nsAn
iler-un of I. title l-'itlls, enmity ut Lett Is, -one nt
VV nililnitluii. h i" this ihiv llie. I In this ml his
swum shiteiticht Nn, '.VNit, h.r ttie ptirelfoe ut
ttieSK1, el Sooth. ri Nn s, In riovii-iilp No 2
Sunlit, Itfinirs Nn 7 K,i-t, sit. t vv til niter pmuf in
sllnvv llmt tlie html selltllit Is liiuie vsliutlilc (ur
tit Ituiher ur stnun f Itn n (,.r niirlcnliurnl par
onsen, mul lu eslHhllsli his el tliiitu sti.l Isil.t
helnre tho reslsier iin.t roeooer iitnl rei'ett er
uf this tillten nt Cllv. tir, nn I itemhiy ihe
liilnl ilsy nl Keptenther. IS'-I, Me leitnes tt-'wlt-nemos:
Krniik tlnithni, uf l.iiilu t'.ills, V ii-lt-
lllKluli: Ilillin JoltKotl uf Alu-lel, V itsloiit,.,it:
VV A Cnlmril tttlil N J Welch nl IVrllmnl dr.
Any nml nil rs.uis ehtlinlmt ttilvet-ely the
ntiuvu ileserlho nre re.ilo-led tn' tile
their Chilian lu his olliee nu nr heture snhl -.Mr, I
ilny nf Sopieinlter, Ih'.si, .1 T'. A I'I'l-.K-itiN,
6-lli-s-H tieni-ter.
I'nitkii Status i.ami okkiik, )
Oskuiin c'u v, or., May l.Miti, j
Niilleo In herehy liven Unit In emiiplhineo
Willi the tirnvlslnits nttho net of ennortn.!. o.
June H, Ail net tnr I hi. mile nl liui
Iter hilitlsln th Slnten uf Cnllfornhi, llrenuu,
Nevnihi ntul Vt nshltiKluit Terrllnry," Trunk
llslihill, ol l.ltlle 1'iills. l.'niilil v of l ewis, St Ut)
u( WiisliiiiKtnii linn this ihiv tile.) tu this niline
lilsnvvurn nlnlenietit Nn. Win, (nr Ihe piirehiist'
nl tilt) NK 'a of Stielimi Nil. 3i, III 'Tnvvli-hlp Nu.
Hiiulli, ItHiiKtv No 7 Knst, h u.l will oiler prnnf
tn ihtitv thttl the luml suiixht In mure vuliinhlc.
fur 111! tluihor ur ilnni) tluiii fnr iiurleultnriil
fiiiriinsiin nml lo e.-IHhllsh Ins nhtttii to snht
nntl ttehirt) tho Iteiflstcr nml lieeelver uf llun
ollleo nt Oreiion CH)'. Oroimii.uu T'nesilny ihe
'iiirtl ilny of Kepleiulier, Ism) lie nitines its wit
ittissnii: Hulls .leii-eii, uf Aluslel, i.evvls Cn,
WnnhliiKloii ; llmm Au.lnrsnii, j.tnle KhIU,
btis ls nouiity, Vi nslilnulnii; V A Cittturn itu.l
N J Wulell ul I'urlhtllil, Olonnll.
Any mul nil persnini e hniiitinr adversely the
nhuva tlosiirllie.l Imuls me reiiie-teil In lile
tlttilr chilins In ililsnllleo on nr hefnre s 1 1 it 2:inl
Jiiy of Kepleniher, S!:U J. T A 1'1'KIISUN.
O-IU 8-14 iiculster
Tnitku Status I.ano OKKicit, j
OiiKtiuN City, Or., tiny il, lsuO (
Nollee l hereby Riven Unit In eoniplhiiiee
with tlm liriivlntniis uf the net nf enuurcKN nf
JuuoSt, 1S7N, eiitlllwl "All net (ur the anient Um
ber binds In the Stiles nf Cnllfuriihi,
o ST....... 1.1 ill.fl U',.-llllllltoll 'Carpi
.III'KUII, OH. '' -- ......
tnrv." linns Jensen nf Aluslel, ciiiinlv
of bevvln, stnla ot Wnshlimtnii, hnn this
ilny tiled In this olliee Ids sworn sliilement
JS0 asm, HIT lilt) purcim-mii on- or, ,i nt-omui
No IN, In Tiiwnslnp No il Huiith, Kiiiiidi No 7
Knsi. nml will olter nniof to shnw that the html
noiinht Is mnro viiluiilile fur lis tiniher nr stone
llltlll lur tiKrieituiiiiii inn nun ui fin-in
Itsli Ills ebilni (o snhl Ininl hefnre tlie reidnler
mul nictilver nf thin nlllee nt OroKnit City, On,,
on Tiltisilny, the vsiril ihiy of Kepleniher, (sun,
He nullum nn witnesses: Knink ll.inlnu innl
lliiini Aiiilersnii nf l.lllh) Fulln, I.evvls emiiitv,
WliliurUiiii W A Ciihiiru und N J Wulch of
f'ortlnui, ortiitmi. , , ,
Any nml nil pernniis oh Imliiu nilversely the
nhove-itenorlheii huuls urn reiUesled tn Illy
their elnlnin III thin nllieo oil nr before mini Writ
d,,yU,Hopto.hi)r,imu JTiAI,pEKH()Ni
0-198-14 Koyistf r.
New jMitrkt't l;li'k, I'tirtliiiuJ, Oregon.
Hay Presses of Every Description.
nrnpnir.1 nrurnwni r I rvrn PTRPCTUAL Cnr
Ih'derii'k .Siiiinrior J'cvci'Mililo lwr I'lTpctunl IVcsh, I
.. a i t tl y I I li t III I
1 )( del i k run V'ircio ri'ipcumi i ichs.
I)clcrick licit rcrpciual Vwm.
I.inlit Full Cindo Coiiijii titioti Stttcl I'rw.
llcitvy Full Circle Hltcl I'roKH,
Iti vi fHihlt! I-over l'crM'tual Hied l'ns,
Jtoll lVrjK-t nal Ktrtil I'ress,
k;t' -f 'r-'- . .. ', . t.J
.'l .. IV...1 ...:..i, o ., I...I!
1 III,' J fl'i!' 'I lilt 1 Itsni'is ino io.iit o.tllii
nml Htraw Imlcd in the tinted htuti-H kihJ ( unihIii,
Am llm only jicrfei'tly ilovisod nml constnictcil I'rcHsi'H in tiw. and
beyoiul all ctmjM titiii.
We ul 'o carry a Full Sfis k of the celebrated
Tin) most rapid ami ct'oiioiiiittal lm'tlnsl for tyiiiK hales.
It will my all partieH wanting
Hay Presses of any Description,
To rail iiimii nr rorri'sisiml with us.
I Wo giijirnnt' i' our I rick rn-sses
i rt haling ami most wmotiiK'Hlly imiiillitd Tenses in the market,
j S-imI for spi t'ittl (lescriiti'(; catah'gtit! ami jiriccs.
i viTit i: i ok n m u a i i.
j I SITI'l. HI 111 . I si, inn. s. I
I onmius Citv nr., My IV is") I
I Noib'K It hi-it-tiy ulvrii Mist lit i oitti'lUiiet.
ttllll f tin liti.Vl-h.tlt ot (lit net o( PoliKrest uf
! June 3, l-;s enlllle l "All sel Im Hit tmp ol lliii.
i hi-r Istul- In ihe M iles ul Ci.ii,.n.ii. iinic u.
I N.ivuils, met W ii-liiui'luii TerrllnfV,' Jithi K
I Alio, ui. "t Ahrl.leeli t . inily nl t lii'hsils. st'ilt
let V) h Ililt dsy Sir. In Hilt
; iiaiec liis iiturii tiio.iiifiii Nu u.i, lur Ih iur-
i t-tui-i. ul IhiisVV i, of sicttoti Nu. H, lit T-.ttll-
i ltii ,Nn. '.'s.i.nii. oiiw .No 7 Ks-i.nii'l wiiluf
t.-r i-r.s.l l, mi.iw ihut Ihv Iniul ton im It inure
I tshoihiii l.r lit OtnU'r or tteiif limn mr
i leiri iitel tu t'.eih.l-ii lilt pinlin
tu ml'l hoi. I liel. ro (Im Ciid-ler met lli-i-elwr
i ut ll. Iii ullii e nl Ori-K .It t llv. tir.-vott, oli T Hurt.
I i'y (he l-lll its) ul ,-. Tti'iiil-T. 1-si He llsiuet
; nt tl Itne-.e- t hn IS SO-. .'lit, K H lisli s, of
i A 'ii't'li eii,, VV A ( Viorti, mul N J
: llnMt, nl l'..riisn,l. ur
Any mi.) nil i'ri.,.iis elsiiiitnti nil.eri.ety the
i th.oe .lot, ril.e.l litlul mi. l.'.jiii--te. lu Slel
their eisiia In not ..ihi e on or t..,l .re "unl l-lli
.ly o I s. .i. tiiln r. l-si J. I. Al'I'l-. I. su.S.
r. It -s .1 lini-ler
TIMIIKIt LAN I', ACf Jl NK.1, s7s.
j t'MTMl STATI I.IKII on irr.i
t no mis Cnv, or,, May In, fs-ni.j
f Noti. e h- brrel.y jri v. n llott In com.ti
; anta Willi the jnu. i-ion of the a. t ui 1 on
' ol June .1. !., eolith !. "Al. el lur
lue -uie ol lonl-i r bile;- in i;,e Si.ttes ol
Cahloiliia. on 'ici, Net anil tr-hiiiu-loit
Icrlilorv," N;i!s I', .hi! It-toM i l I'ort
IiiihI, County ol ,M nil iioiunh, Male of Or-
e has ll.i- ihlV lile I in Ihi- olb. e Ids
swotn si.-iii iiieet No. -S'l'i, tor the i.r.'l.ii-e
of the MV ol .- i ioiii No, 'jo, in lowii
shin N". - Ninth, No. 7 1-a-t, and
will tiller Woof to -I, ov that Ihe luml
suni-ht is more valuable for lis timls-r or
slime than lor itrrj. nltiiml jnirisise-, mul to 1
e-lnhlish bis elaini to said bind before, the
ret-i-ler and ret t iter of ihu olll. e ut Oreeon I
City, Or., on Wetliie-ibiy, the 17th day of
N i.ieiiilH r, IS'tt. He muni s ns witne es;
II. K. lalls.l, W. A. Calmrn nml X. J.
Welch of Tort land, Or.; 0. If. Mcvens ol, Wn-liini'lon.
Anv mid nil jiersnns cliiimlii)! adversely
the ttlstve-tles.'riU'd lands are reijuested to
lile their chtiiits in (his otbee on or liefore
sanlJTtli di.V ofSei t. iil'r, s;ni,
j. r. ai tkhov,
t; br-s H Uei-'i-ler.
TIMItKK I.ANJ, ACT Jl'NK 3, ls7s.
toiiu: i on ii ici.u' vno.
I'mitkii Stvtis I.ajiii nirn r., I
Oiiiiios Citv, Or., May 17, bvm.j
No'I'K'K is lien by (,'iven that in coni.U
itnce w ith the proi i-inns of Ihe uct of Con
1,'resn ol June .'i. IsTs, entiiled an uct lor the
-ale of linitsT binds in Ihe Slates of Califor
nia, Ort'imn, Nevada, and W n-hineioii Tor
ii..ry,v KoIh-ii ll. of Aisnlcen,
Coin, Iv of Cht hnii-, Mitte of Wit-binrlon,
Int.'- lliis ihiv lilt. I to litis oi!.,(e his icuirii
-lull : ,e, t No. J. ,'t'l. for the (ilHI-hase of the
NW ol -ee:ion No It, il! rovii,.s'.l. Nn. 2'
.vuiih, La. lie No. 7 Kn-t, ni.d Hill oiler
proof to ..oe. ii. ;i( toe laud tuijiht is
luore v alu.'il.le lor ii-timher or slone tlnci
for ncrii iihiirnl io p..-.e. nml in e-tblisi
hic!:iiin to s.iid honl U'loiv ti e Lei-ter
and lit'ci i-.ei ol tins olbce altie;nn Cily,
On nut, n:, I hiirhiv tlie I -I It day of S. p
leinls'i', I !. lie me- as vvitiice.-;
.1. K. Ai!i-..!i and Clue.. S. Steiens uf AlsT Wa-l i ! i: ( 1 1 1 1 ; V. A. C.iboru and N.J,
Uelib ..I I'l.tihtml, Or.
Anv and all (.er-oiis eliiimit.fT adver-ely
Iheafio.e de.-erihe.t hmds are re.ue-te. tti
tile tin ir i hiinis in tins otlice on or U'fore
saul Ith iho of he). tends r, l-m,
.1. T. AIT'KitSOX,
II !'.! -o 11 I'.euister.
TiMiiKit land, act jink .-i, is.u '
Xl lil ll I'OK l'i Itl.H'A I lOA.
I ni tip h'r.Tcs l.v mi Oihor.I
Oaioios C:rv, or., May in,
Not lis. is herehv triyeii Ihut in coni li
mice Willi liie ir.ivi-iinis of the act of Cou-i:iv.-
of Jiiue .1. l.sVs, tMiiitl,.,!, "An ,. fof
llie sale of limber l.uul- in (in. ,-.;a(.. of
California, Oreiiei, Nevada and Wa-hiiijj-t.ui
Ten iltu ," lienj. I'. I iilhntjitf 1'oiTlntid,
i-t.iii tv of, slate ol Oiei on,
this day tiled in this olhcc his svvoi n slate
incut So. i'o.Vi, lor II. e j tirchii-e oi me SK '4'
ol SeiTinn N'..i. 2', hi Town.-hi'i No. '.' .Snilli.
lluii;;e No. 7 Kail, in, il will oin r roof to
siniw mni i .if i linl sou -in i mure n nu 0 e
for il- timber of stone (loin for in,: it iillunil
illlTo-l's. nut to eslao Imi his chum tn -nl.l
land helore the reei-iei and receii er of this
olliee al oreiron t ity, Or., on Wednesday.
the 17th ilny ol September, Kill, lie names
ns witnetses: N. I1. .'nlai ion, W , A. Ca-
niiiTi mul .N. ,t. WcHTI ol I't.rilamt, Or.;
v. c .tn .vi.eitiee.i, vv asiniieniii.
Any ttllll til oel'sons el, ii... int. ,.,l . ....l..
the aliove ilesenhcd lands are rc.iiestetl t'u
uie ineir cuiims in nils nims- on ,.r hefory
said lTib il.iyol September, IStm,
.1. T. Al'I'KHSOX
0-111-811 lti-cister!
..HI.e lor I'lililieeutioii
I'iutmi stvtks l.Aim ovn, a, I citv, Or., July 7, ls.itl.l
Nntleo Is hereliy (rlvou Unit liie fnlhivvliur
ll.iiue.l telller linsHloit ituiieivui his tiileiitlun
tu unite Hunt prnnf In support ut his claim, mul
(lull snltl prnnf will he uiii.le beturu iht) reirls
tor innl receiver of the t S l.ioid Ollica nt Ore
Kim Cllv, oroimii, nu f Inn. -iy, AiniuM 'JS, item
vl: Itnliort Cninier, Ibnnesienil fiiniy, No ,v.;y
for the tuts 1, 2, 3. 4, ii, tl, ", ninl s, ni see VJ. I it t'
r 8 e. llu Humes ihe fnlhiwIiiK wllues-es tn
pruvo I'miilimuus riiiiilenoe iipnu, nml eultlvn
tlun, snhl Iniul, vt: T.jl, MurKini, o. c Arm-
of"," .'. " V,', ''V"'" A. Kelehllnu, nil nf
Vlnln I'. (., Chickniinis c.uiiitv, Oretmn
J. t.AI'I'lihSON.
I. iu-xider.
llloe lor Publication.
1'niTnn Sr.iTKs I..tnn Okfick,)
Oiosnuii Citv. Or .July 7, INiiO.j
Nntleo ts herehy niven that Ihe fullovvliur.
iiniiieii senior lots filed nutleeofhls liiienilui,
iiinki) l ii-l prnol in support ut his elaim, ami
llmt su hi prtiuf will he mailt, heture the reulsier
mul receiver nf the I'. 8. I.nnd Olliee at llruenti
Clly, Ofi'Kun, nn Tnesilny, Aumist Jti',, vsim vln'
Jniill W, M.lluin.ey, ll,itn,.si,..i4 Kntry, No. K74'j'
Inr the li !t ( NE-i , ,t K tj ,1( sK' V"f it'll is
1 7 s. r ;t o. He mnmm the lulfowliui w mosses m
lirill'O 111- n... .11, u ....... I. .
... -.....,.,,.,,,,,,, n u-Buuiu-o lip.ltl mill Clll-
vtilluu nf. snhl Iniul, nn ,tn TTuiiuns, v
viT, '."., '' V""1,,y ,ll11"r n'""1"1'. u"(
Mlhuit, cliick'iiiiiis cuuiily, (Ireirun
,,. .... J. T. aivm;kson',
7-ti-lilt Kctilatwr,
.111 I-o iiii Iiibli-n(liMi.
HiiiTKU Status Laiiii Oenca ) Cn v, Or,, July 7, (sno, (
Nntlee Is herehy ulyeu (hat (!10 tollovvlni;.
iiininil selller has I led nntlee nt his lutenthai
tn ninke Ilnni prnnf tu support nf hlsehiim ,.
Hint snhl pmut will he iuiuId before the retiisitir
mul reeelv erof the C. 8. olliee nl Oremuicti v oV.
I'irrili mi 'I'linuil.iv An,.it.i ti,i .,v "t ,-",J'
J. liunn.v. Jlnmosttmii Kniry, Jn. f741, for the
.. ... ..v .1 oie ii.iiuwtnij wuiiessen tn
prove his ouiitliitiuus rtisiiteitee iipnu, ami oiil
vnthin of,,,, I inml, vi,.- k T ul i? V
tunnel, ll, c, c.nley mul Klmor Thunini ill ni
Wilhult P. 0 Chiekniiitu county. Or '
J. '1. Al'l'KliSON,
7HiM1 Uexiiitor.
ll...... ..t ..II .1... if
I Hit-u-i'im win hi mi tile fa
th most perfcrUy constrticteil, fu
mi i h i; roit l'i iu.14 a i io
I'sithi hrTrs Lmi Orrrcr i
OSKi.DS ( ITT, Or., June tt, 1-ni.,
Nulice is hereby (riven tbut the loilowi
Itlllut'd sellb-r hits Jile.l Imliet-of ids if,.,
lion to iniise linal j,.sif in sn,s,rt nl
eiiiim, and Ihut sni.f )rnol viiil Is- ii.u.lf
lor ti.e register and ree ' nt the I u
Nllitet lolll'l Olliee at llli j;iui City, nri.e
on I iiesduv, July Km, vn: 'iiun
Martin, l't-emilnm ll. f., .No. ,'...'! ,,r .
W , of N W i, ol Ss 1 1. 1 .-, It 3 K.
names the Inlhiuini; vtttiie.--es to ir.of
t niitiiiii. ins ri'sidi lev i:si:i ai.d . ti !ti al
of. -aid land. VI : J. Wall..!., V. It'ilu
Ulld Jniill (lleiMill uf OivtMlt Citv, Chi.
ii coiiclv, Oregon; N. i'.m hmO, i.l Ih.
land, Or. eon, J. T. A I I'i.I'.mi.V
'I H 7 A bed.
IIMllKK I.AMl, At T Jl 3, -T,
ott - lur Itibi I. ulii.a.
Cmtih Sttv I.asii orrn
(isii.uN tuv, or., June 17, l-'ju i
N'ullre In lu rohy (Ion iltnl In f..mUti
allll the .riitoluiit ..( ihe net ul e,i.irti
June , 1-Ts, rlitlllnl. "All el (, t Ihe lf
lonls-r Imuls 111 ltt iste-ott'nlit.riiu Ori't
Neva. U nu I W nthlntioi, I errllory .' A K Ii
Alms Mot.i ra. ol l inter.! uf. founty nt
Ilutiinll. ttsle uf CniilurnU. lis- thii .ty ltio4
tills ullii-.. tilt tweril t( iletiient .No -tilt, luft
i.ttrrli-t nl lite NK ia AwtL.ti Nn 1
Tuttll.lilp Nil-'J S,iiu. IUne Nn. i, Ksit.A
trill utter .r.s,f (n tltim ihsl the Imi.l -imikiiI
mere tnlnnhle ..r lit tiniM-r ur Una (
urieullurnl pur..i. , m,i lo rsuh.itl, lutein,
l.i tnl.l intol tielurtt llie n Killer mul reeroor
lltlt uihea nl l ily, or.. u trelny l
lliitt ilny ul octulier. i-isl
lie timites ns sttlii.--t.-i-: (..t-rl II. II. llii:
llorhen II It till mul lien. h. A.l .ni., ol if
Frsitelie.i, Cnl : jmin-n A K.-x nl I'uitisti.l. i
Auv nml nil ei-rt.iiit elniiitlmi n.l...rtoiv t
ntHite-uVserilieil Imels its rt-iiitle lu f
tui'ir etmiiis lit not ntl.oo oil nr bet. .re sni.l I'.
any ui iKTniier 1-.SJ. J. T. Af I'fcknoN
J-10 K-ll Kfgllt.
.- 1 1 i: i on pi in. u a i iov
I'sitep Statts Laxii Orrtci. I
Our.iios Citt, or., June L'i, kij,
N'oliee is hereby irivcii that the followin,
liame.1 seltler has tiled notice of hit hit
tlon to disks final prisifin support uflcJ
eiuiiti, uu iiiin imu prtsii will im nin lrl-f
fore the reiris(er and receiver of the I', .'f
ljuid ollbv at CruL-on Cily, on 'Juistial
aiiK 1-'. sn.'. vi : reter Al. Jlolst, Houn
strati Kntry, No. ,'iSi.ii, for the W of of
. X W ofSK H and NK V. ol SW u .
Sec is, T X S, K 4 fc. Je names Uie fuUo i
nig illnesses to prove his continuous n
tleiice ukjii, and cultivation of, said Inr.
vU: T. isiTor, of Oregon Cily; John Ui,
Tom l'elill of l'lea.-ioil H.u'.... I n . ..
John K. Slone of Sitndy 1'. u., all of i'lml
atiiun cutliliv, tiretion.
i .V-S 7 liceisu-r.
MlU lor I'liblltHiiun,
Csitri. Sr atks I.asu tirn. i
ORKiiiiN Citv. or.. Jtiiu. i: i-i, t
Niillee it hereby ilvrn Dint In c cIUbI
...,.. u. ,uc n't i.t coiitirrti
June 3. s;s, etuiite.l "Ati net tor l no ttie.
tiiiih.r liintO. in iltu SUiet ul, ur
Roll. ninl VV nstiiiiluii Territory," III
iiKtir ll. Hi sr. uf Etna FiMiictM-o, eutiiuVol
Krsttciten sinie nl tstiinriiM. has isit .1-nii-1
in Hon to. ......... .
: , v p - "" n.-.u-ittrni ...i jii
tnr Die l.tirf-hi-. ol 11... VU 1 ..- ... .5
,:, 1 - -v o,tiiuu it
III luIISllli ..o. il sulllll, I.Aiii!,. N. t, KhiI
mill ulil oilor i,p,,f ... ... ... ..... . I
, i-'-". -u... nint tito ttr
sought in more vnluntiie (or lis limber ur sun
'" ""''e'lllarnl .urM..e, n,i u, ,
nth hi- r .mi i, .-..,.) i.... i..., . - . .
ami receiver uf uitoitieo nl urej-i.u Lhj, oi
'- " ei. flier. I.-:S1.
lie limneii nt tt iuiosses: o. h. A.lsnn T M.
ler, slel K, 11. 4. Hunt u( si n, r r tinmen, u
J A Kux ol PoriLtint, tirt unti
Any nml nil persons cunning Adver-ely ll
nlH.VtMleserlbeil Intnl. nre re.lieieil In ti
tlielr enttnit in n,i ,!. r ., ,j ,w
ilny ol iHil,er,l-ij, j, I. Al'i'hhso.N,
.,'"!-:U.. Kfie
TIMHKit LAN li, AC I' JCNK S,"l,-:i "
csotiee lor I'ublieucliin.
I'nitki. Si atks l.tMnirni r,r
OiiK.n.s Citv, Or., June, u, i..(
Nntlee is hereliy given that in cnmp.uiu
with ihe provision nl ibe 1,01,11' i., ,
June H, ls,, cuiulod. ',.. ncl lr llie mk
tinnier imuls in lite State. , c'dlluni "li:
V a.i... J '1 "-""mfc'iuu icrruery, ' u.
I.. Ailmiis, uf mu trnuci.-eu, eeuitiv uf v
u',"'.u,'1'' . "-IH- m t:,.;,(r,a, t
N4..0: T"t" "i "'if;' "''"e -Vl' s.'ml,; bnJ
- - ........ ."iter prui.l tu stuu Out 1.
inml ni.iieiti luur8 v,lllui0, 1
niniie tbm, , nuneulttir,,! ,.,,, '" K
abosli 1,1, claim tu si ;'. lei , . .V
er nml receiver ul ii ,,;,. u
ores,,.., ., i itll ,lllv , lK , vi,
lie linlne-HS liursses: li. il. II u Ur
ntv?-eroil'T::"! '" l!
o.ot-..1-0 T H, teuilesieil lu II
Ihelr clmms In Utis oii.o.. ,,r I'a.toros.ii.l io
-' nil1!':. r' J. T. Al'I'hKSO
, homsn
.oll-e lor I'ulitit'utioK.
I'nitkii Status Lanu omen, (
u"1' V.11V, nr., June is, isss,.)t
t.rir,'!',''!.1.'' ''t:' Iv,'w "'"i vcapiisnt
I, i".V,roV,MV0; "' ,u'1 cuiuTrt-l
1. . r ' . ' .' ,,,',,lBU "Au net ,ur Ihs suiomdi
V o. ." 'i"a" UM"' C'aliloriiis, or,i
Nevn,U,niiil VV nnhinmnu lerriiurv, ' Aimu
1 'Z v 1',l"lll';"bi;niiiity m Muliueiuiili.
i g'.'": I"ls l''' "'lliis u.liei'
i?i'T,li"Ml,!i'1 -,l4 I'lirclin-u
lie NK I ,,( ,.,.(l,,n No. , in 'tuwiislnp N
II uvv ilshlp Nn.ii Stititli, Kainw Nn. 7 hast. 1
mure vniiniblu lur lis timber or Muuo in.n
nurleu inml purpose, nml n, to " '
citiiia lo .,,1,1 luuil hoiore tno reKiMir''''u
eelverot Unn ,tltA-o nt ti,,,wn 1 iV." A
l-rliliiy. the IOH, Usy o( Oeb" ., U""1
it r hi 1 1 , 1 , tt 1 1 1 1 J . A , Km j ,V , r . !.
oi ocmuir, i Ctt " "r Vir!.!? t
-' ' liesi
XoiU- Uv ,ibllt.,,ou.
VNITSII Stiti-. I . -.. .1
OltKilnN t'trv no 1 n
Nntlen 1. l,..v.,i... '' . ..''I
wuiuue o-; vr ..u a ? ri'i
Jim., x l-':s .,'.". V 01 euuuiosi,
her b. ,u . .l'..AU,','t.l"r."'
Nevn I,. u ' uairiuruln, Orcn
11 i ii.,; . ","""U!init Terrllnry," Hon
fliii.i i , .1.1. ,1 . , v"oieriua, una lliis ni
I, ,r o, ,'.M" 'l'u 'i'". ' "late.nent No V J
i.i ! . ' vv"" 01 me evv t4 ol sett on No.
Ill one, J'iV'.t'l' "". K"W N- KhS. .:
ui r.I l. ,Ki , f.'" lh,lt "' isntl soilBlu
Tti..i.... 1 1 iiiuner or slone Until 1,
ml f 1 1 "'fl"""'". ami to establish lunolni
lu nnlii Innd beluro the reulsier ncl r....,il,r
h... VJ . " "".witnesses: Goo. E. Aihirns,
rim er.' " C,V' F"1' A' ' Theuaore Muller,
liiehov 'i'h0", " 3,mw A mul ' A, '
l.ieliey, ot I'orlhiiul, Oregon
abuve !i'!lUd ''."'f0'"1 cwiinlin; ndrersoly H
th. 1- . 1 1. 1 1 , nre reqiltisltiu in in
10 ... , , ""! '" 11,111 01111)6 u ' "Vera snltl Itn
day of ocmber, isuu. j. t. appkiisoN.
,.7-JU-lWl. iietd