The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 24, 1890, Image 1

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02&E3001T OITY
Property In bfclng Hold at reasonable prices, (hut
Insuring rapid growth anil txtonslve Improve
iiii'tilM, It hut uo boom, but continuum pros
perity. Is 'c,lily increasing li Kinwtl) tid wealth. It
already has many mauut'actuiing enterprises, nml
several new otto are to he added lu the near
OL iM-NO. 0, J.
orinaojsr oity
The Enterprise.
t.ibliHtvcil ICvery Thur.tility,
nci.a ritu:a "of "clackaxascounty.
1'iV iPI K l 10V VM'K:
I. war ....... $ a do
ii,mt': 1 (kl
j. ivo num'i" - - jt)
j I'.i'iitii!,' ru- nivm i application.
)t , . '. V. Mi'Mru'ii.
i,:.t ,'' i.'iiil' .... H. II. JoIiiimiii.
: etui " W. l . It. Simmon,
I vinlcr W. T. WliUUk.
1 w urT S. I!. laliil,
4 ..vmt Joint W,,
I s -Ii kii i i!' nl. :i! Ale, TluttUMin.
f N'trM'l H' ..... SiliiO'V S ilVtil.
I . ' , ., Chart M .liiike.
1 " " ' - m-Iiii Hair.
,. ... .. ,itl
miK.!. ot rv nrKicKiis.
. :v,.r . ,Thi. Uvn.
, s . i. r I.. I.. I'.iiVr.
w-m- .. . S. K. tirivn.
, rv.i-ic. r F. K. t'lntrittuti.
.'itv A: t,riu A. S, nvor. i.iil ''. K. Hum.
ir.i'l tiu-i-tnr t tl.iUiK'k. Works . , W, II. Howell.
N 'll MK,
i tt. t'a'.n'i.M. i'Iisk. Athev, t J. IVker,
1. I.. t'...if!r,nii, K S. Warn-n. .1. li.
I'iVliklth, J, W'. ('l'o;un!l.
THE M lll.S.
Mao-. . -.' north, , e. m.
M.'iN el.- :tli, :' II . .i'f. .
Or ' 'o.i i'ii t M iutiho,t':uus nnd
A'ilu. ll' til ! i A. M. Molliluvx,
A tMat-s 'us a. . I 1 1 t . t y , Hint tvlm'tn on !
m'i:'i: ! . I
'rrao.i 'i!y I i Mink. T! irk", MiiliiMi, I'll
it. ii Mi!,. ;ii:il Me.i.l.m llivnik: l.e:tvi'
I I , M. .!... W ...I, . ..I ., ,.1 I.',,. I ... I
.'I 1 ti" UVi (ull.i'.v ,) ,!tiv ,
Tu.WKt.KKi' (illiu:.
n I I'll K. ! i III'' tHilS,
Vr.ii.'i i':-" a l'. i!!.i:i I: A iivml !l 11 . M.
: J .' -t r. M.
Am ir. in S .u h : -l f . M. a.., J I I
si imi:,.s or si- t vros , j
i tuw l'oiti.out. I eiivi uri'ijou ('iiy.
7:1' . M. 7: in . . i
t . M. !I:,H A. HI. I
I-'"' x. i"r. . I
siiu.r Aii.Tii i.o War UilIhi..
.,.i:i!i'.' I ... i. m W juiiui,-. I
hi i m. '.( :i i . m.
Il l" . M. '.Mm K. M.
4 i'i r. M. li. 'l I". V.
Society Directory.
lirrtMli I.0.I1;, I. 0. 0. r. u I
M.t'! i' i loir' I iy in en al 7 .10 u'rlurk
a in iin' t.ii Fvltowa' lUil, M iln ire.i.
i -m T' nl
f In or-Jer
m m 'T' nl thi' oriifr Art In t ttr.t lo attrloi.
or-Jer u! i. J N. (i.
M'.ill ...... . I. I V.. I t ' fc 1 V
1 . i. .".., a.'.,, , ..... ., , . a. ....
f H'tlAf o. r."iilar commiiuu'iiltniia mi rlrit
m:iil llunl s itur.i iy of fuel! uiontti at 7 80 r. M.
ii rrlarvu llt'i0 'Utu!tH5 r luvtte.tlomti.llit.
a. r. i., . si,,
L AI'KH.M AN, wraliirjr.
H li- l ost No. 2, (I. X llj Di-pai t.
mi'iit of Orriroii.
life:. fWt r'r: I iy "t pvory uninth, at T
a .tU'ii h'.-Uuw ,' IUU, orrifi'li Oily.
u.if. A, KVUiilNo, Com iiMttiltr.
rniN I lijr i.oilir of I. l. i . WT
Mi'it' i'iit .n I itiol fi urili Krhliiy evi'ii
ciaii'll hi'!!vvi. l.ii I ! 1 1 fi if . All aiiiiuriiliii(
..'.;ir-u cr.i.ii ii:y Invite. I l. utti'iol.
I A it. Wtl.Kl.N.HilX. St W.
rill;.! l .iNi.KlMHItli.VALl'lll'l;! Il.-Hr.v.
A . I.r- .1., l'i"l .r .sitvii.... at II a. H- an-l
v m rviti'li." Mi. rini.l nlUT innriiii.if iier-
, I'i i . r nii-.'Uiiit W filiif-Uy pv.'uIiik at i
rr ii.T iii.-ftiitit ..I ..nru IVi.nle.a
I l lirl'li.ili evirj s.lli tiiy ,
m'" "" 'T. , ,
r,.r M-.nii'iu' rvi. o at lluu; Huii.tny i
t i. .una ev.Ty ft , .y ovenin
p-Mln I'm nrt n ilnlrty 111 the itlolitll. .
iUi h.vil-lUi.ll In All.
, l,i!IN ! CIll'KOil CA'I Hol.lC I1KV. A.
..I, .K ini, I i' on .Sunl.ty nun at i an 'I
' a. M. ii'Tiu in acriuou HrHt ati't tlnrit
1 1.' in .'.ii'li itiuutii nt K urluek iii.'h.
U li n..i.i..l Ht -iJti c II. Vut't'r an l
tk. i-,i,ii.iii nt s r. m.
: PACLSl'. K (MlfKull. Uv. J. M Imii--
.ii. .Tii-fH eviry tuin.JAy at 11 !o
7 ,;o o -', k aii'l vVfliii-'ilny evuulntc at 7 M
f ik; nimli aieliMil nt 1(K (. fault
fi;i--i, (' .. i. in ill , OHftl nllrrn U' Sun-
It i 'M i ui.H lt.
luTltOill.Jr KI'lMl'OI'Al. Clll'ltCIt.-ttKV
f I'm-i., t'.i.'ti.r. Mnriiliiii m-rvlee nt II ;
m l.iy mi,n nt U l i. Kvrnliit rvlc nl V an.
fcl'lg t..-.;.;o til.-tlllllK I ii.ib.1m- CVl'Illlllf at
il rnt)i'r M"i-linir I liuraitity cveuiliK at 7 .no.
:,l!i:r!,l:..rijlully llltl'.l-l.
BiisT I'icKsllVIKI'.lAS C'llfKCH.-ltKV. .
tniiiiNKV, I'.i'Iur. S-Tvlri-a al
p. m. .-. .I.iniii S'-hnol at H
In a, . Vniiim ; f,
f A .I'i.-ty of liri'll.m KllilufWi.r !
f , ,5 in. I iy I'Vi'llill.' lit li.'iU. tt'r'lncaily
.111. .r i j i' r ill 'III 1 1 o. III .' J. nciia ihtc.
'Hull' l.'k.Ml
Profossioiial Cards.
i'mtiMi. K. II. (Jowimi.
. (m lo.r.iri' futuvl He ill's Hll.l olllnei
. illy.
i i.; CI l V. - - OttK-COS
D . & D . C . LATOU R ETTE,
nnm km couiiscLoas at law,
UN hTHKfcT, OltBO'J CIYV, t)l:i;ouN.
A' trrlM nt I'Ulii, 1.0 01 Mnliiy. I'.ii u
', M.irt, fit'i-i,. mi l lrliniia O-li'.Tll
I.iw lliisiiiiiaa.
C. E. HAYES, '
inon, City, Oroe;on.
loilii'ii up xt.ilin near Court Hoiiho
AUornoy at Law.
.'on City, Oregon.
1 Business a Specialty.
Attorneys at Law.
i in .Lliiir Uloek, Oreitmi City, Or.
fliysician and Surgeon.
$c id Ciiarman & Co's Iiuti Hlore
usi and Sign Painter.
Kiper Hanging a Specilty.
jiiii'.; 'Ioiik in all it H hranelioH.
J I,hhvh orlerH al tlio poHt-odic
ili atriiar of the post-office.
w. a. wiiiiK
I'mctictil ,1 rchitscts J- JiuitJurs
W ill HfiiMm nlrnii. .W.Hoi,. .,hV li,
t'liU, mi l M'.Mrli'tloii hrll klioU ol hwtl.l
in niiWii iu.'in,.u v,hi io imulcni trnt
Un, Kxiiiinti' fin-iilnlii'd mi niiiilioiilliiii
Uoniir,,nM W IIIIK liltim ,
.1. 31. BACON & SON.
Books and Stationer-
-Weal Esliiio-
iieres of (Vilur liiinl A hnrituin,
Onttc in KNTcuriiMit llmMiug.
Attornoy at Law,
il.iic !oi'litl Aiil ot 0iur tl UiM (Irliefc)
Oivgim I'ity, tlrcoii,, rrt-oiiiitioti mill TiiiiWr
I.ntiil AppliiMtioiiK, uii. I other I.iuul
Oltii'O Hintm'K, SHn talty.
tU KU'K: iinl Mmir ChiinnnH lirrni.
HIiH-k, u.ljoininu T. 8, l.miil (illii-o.
.Merchants Excliane.
Until Mr t, Um'Koii Olty Orrcmi.
li brmi.l nl l.i,iior. Wine, ami OIr
In ilic City riii-plii mut iry ilia new IlillUril
falll Aim'vl V llwauki'V. l llli'atn anil
H.M-a tleio- J. I K KM II W II
Renner & Davis,
Practical House Movers,
w ill .Io all win k iii tluir lino irrtilly
uinl H ilnl.u-loillv. .Aililrfioi,
Kr.Nr.I .V 1A l,
Oii'nuii City, Oiouun
Geo. S. McCord's Mill
on Mt. rii'itsaitt 2i mile with of
Oregon City.
Painter, Kalsominer,
and Decorator,
la prepared to attend promptly t:
work cntruHu'd to liitn.
I'utrotmjje repei'tfitlly Holioitetl.
Livery, Feed nnd SuletftaMc
,Tij. ,IK , KKJf -t if if IIKIIIOK AND
I )otll)lu and Sillily Ui'H, lllld Hild-
dlohorsw alway- on hand at the iirii-e(. A corra l connected
with the barn for loose, htoek.
I '
Intiinn.ituui ri't;;ir.liiiL' nny kinil of
HtiK-k ri)initly utleinlfil to Iiy in-mon or
horsos Bought and Sold.
M. II. riiimi'nMii.
H. A. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
ol Wiiii'., I,l'iinr., Al. ilfor, Ac, to li
i In Iho Htnta. In l-igin KaHllmin lllock
Give me a call.
United Hack,
Truck anil Livery
V II. Cooke, Manager.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of lln! City. KiyH of itiif ilcnitriition
fiiriiiiiloul mi nlnrl. notiiai.
All kimlrt of Triu k nml IVilivery IStiHi
iiefH promptly utlutiilod to.
Horse l!oart!(!l ami Feil on reaHon
n'llo terniH.
40 acreH with flfiino looality,
linely improved, for sale cheap.
Otto of the good farms of Clacka
mas county within two miles of
Oregon City in a fine state of culti
ttatjon. AIho land in Clackamas county,
tiear new motor lino. Fine for
farming Terms easy.
F. 0. McCOWN A. CO.
The Cliff House,
John Bittner, Prop.,
Oregon City, - - Ore.
Tho LEADING HOTEL of the city.
Tha table supplied with the heat
the market affords. Kooms
lttrgo and well funnelled
with comfortable beds.
Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers.
r. r. wittrts
m m in nr nnrnnu nirw
uMH.ur untuuii on i
Paid up Capital $50,000.
I'rkhii.kst THOMAS ('HAW MAN.
Cahiiikk . , , I'll AH, n.CAI'KIKI.l).
Manaukii K. 1 KAS'lllAM.
PpiuIU riilvl nli)).ii 111 phxck.
Ai'rovcil lillli unit liulri .luouinnnl.
Oi.uuly mut oily wiirriiiiiii Unuglit.
I.oiMi. mail nil kVHIUIilK iwuilljf.
Oiilleeduii iiikiIii iiriimplly.
lirnllii until mi furtUuil, Mnn FrnflliK'o,,('hlCfta
no, Now York, mol nil Tlin'l(il iililm ol ku
Ttligrailil(i iiitimiKKi ulit on I'nttUtlit, Mnn
r'tKuiilm.'ii, l'liU'n.imiil Aow York.
Interest Pild on time deposU as follows :
For thre monihi, 4 ft ci-uL for nulla,
Knr niiiiillia. t fi t will. r unnnui.
Fur 1 3 luuullm, vr coin. ur milium.
Tlm roitlnVmix nl itrpnill pyMion do
ninn.l, hul liinov.l Inrlvliril II ilmwu Urlurt
Utl ol lriu ol ilrHill.
Tonsorial Parlors.
UltUNU 1 1 1 IN U 1 1 ii u.
Slutrji Razors A' (Moan Towels
I. tulics' ami clii'.drons' lmirotittitig
a iMoinlty.
II. it or colli lmtliri t any tinto.
25cts. BATHS 25cts.
Opposite the Post Office.
If von uro in need o( llurnoM, Sitddlo,
Bridle, or Hcpuim, you run nave money
tiy clliiion me. I'ino ItntciSV IUrnM
v and Roek Su'lllm mtdeto order.
Whotlier you want lo tmy or not when
in town ea.ll on me.
Tin wum mm
Haraoss Shop.
AIho Atfcnt for tlm lVliliratl
Willamette .Heights !
fSuspeiision llridge
A Fine Chance to Invest
1 1ST
Acre Property.
Inquire of
Clackamas', Or.
FLOUR, FEED, (ill.VIN' &
AgeiilH for Clackamas ano Or
egon City for tho Col
umbia Flour.
Keep on hand
Rustic Footing. Ceil
ing and nil kinds of Finish
ing Lumber, Dressed
Fence Pickets of
all sizes.
CHOICE Columbia Ce
dar Shingles.
is divided into 70, two and ono-half,
and five aero tracts. It is located
on tho heights overlooking the
Clackamas; hence its namo, it is
about One mile from Court House
and Ono-half milo from tho city
limits. The County road crosses!
which makes it easy of access, boing
about twenty miiiutes walk from
tho centro of Oregon City.
lies in Oregon City School district,
and purchasers caa have the advan
tage of Bending their children to a
good, graded public school. The
Soil is good, tho Location very
healthful, all Fruits and Vegetables
yield abundantly. Terms one-third
down, and balance in one year ot
eight per cent. For further partic-
iimrs inquire 01
City Drug Store.
The Commercial Bank,
CAPITAL f 100.000.
Tinct Qtntral Hanking Builntti
l.imim itinilo. IUIIh cllwoimtod.
MttkciCollcctliiii. liny Kiul "'lid ot
eliHtiwaon nil point in thu Uultoil HUloi
unit l;uroietml on iiuiik ikong, w
Hiiti rH'lvoil iiilijuct tochiH'k, Inter
Htt umuil r.ici ulloweil on time ilcpoi
Hmikoimi hum 0 A. M. to 4 I'. M. i
riitiiraity eveuliiKii from 0 nil 7 l . n.
I'urllei (Wring Wood Turning, 1'at
Unu, Bracket, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Wtll 1 SulldJ y Calling on M,
Doors, Windows and Blinds
T"0'p' the Congregational Church
0. E. A. Freytag,
Call and Examine
Ileal Estate Notices.
Ou Ike Tualatin and WilUmetle
III ?ern.
Some of the finest lands in th
State of Oregon. Can be sold in
large or small lots. For jirices and
particulars see II. E. CROSS.
1aU in this handcoine addition,
ten minutes walk from west end of
suspension bridge; high, healthy,
sightly; gilt edged. For prices and
terms see II. K. CROSS.
On Clackamas river, above the
Furniture Factory. Cleared and
ready to set out in trees. Deep,
rich, and loam Boil. Unexcelled
for peaches or small fruits. For
prices and terms see
II. E. CROSS, or F. 0. McCOWN.
Moss Addition to Oregon City.
On Willamette River; on 0. & C.
K. R., and online of proposed motor
to Portland. 59 lots, all clear; one
dwelling; valuablo river front. On
tiis property is situated the largest
fruit and vegetable cannery in Ore
gon, to employ from 50 to 350
hands. For sale in ono body. This
valuable property will bo sold at a
For prices and terms soe
Lots In Hawardeu.
On Clackamas River at Gladstone
Furniture Factory. Splendid sight
ly lots. Price $100, on installment
13 acres adjoining Oregon City,
suitable for subdividing. $1750.
Oregon City.
Money to Loan.
InsutiHof $500,00 to $50,000.
Jit P. SUAW,
Ral Entut and Financial agent, Oregon
City, opposite Poet office.
Itcciird of (lie Neiitciico Pinmpd Against
Jena of fliuurelli.
The following Is correct truuncrlpt of
inw ninHi inruiurittiin jmiltmil Hetitunea
which huu ever been littered by human
III in lliti annuls uf lliiiwui lit Tlitaeu
rltiua document win (Uncovered A 1),
IMO, In the city of Aiiiill,lii the kingdom
of Nuilf. In the comae of a wmrch
untile tor the dim ovcry of Komiiii mill
untile, and It rtuualncd tliore unlit It
wot found by the comiiilnxuiluii of art In
(lit rroiirh annvof t tat y . l it to the
time of tha campaign In Houthorn Italy
it wik proHnrveil in tlm mtcriMy ol ttie
Cartliumansjtear Napleit, wliero It wait
kpt In a box of eliony. Since then the
rollg hat been kept In C'lmeclo C'aterta
Tlit Carthtmiani obtulitcd by titlon
leave that Urn flute might ho kept by
tnein t an ackuowieiigment ol tlm due
rilloen which Ihev I not made for the
trench army. The French tranelatlon
wat untile literally by of the
ooinmiH.uoi ol art. l'anou hail a lac
uluilUof tha plate engraved, w hiulf waa
txiugiK ny l-ord iiowanj, on tnt Hale ol
hid cabinet, for t,NU0 franca.
There teoiut to bo no hi"torical doubt
aa to tha authenticity of tlilit document,
aim It li oliviou to roiniuk that tlit rert
aontoftht aunttnee vorrenpuud exactly
with llioee recorded In Ihn UoMpel. Tlm
aentenct tlavlf ruiin aa fotlowit :
8i.itimee limnonncml by I'ontliia I'llnlc
liitmiilnnt ol Umor (lajlllio. tliitl Jcant ol
Namrelli aliall aulti ril.alli by the croaa. In
tlir wivi'iilwulli ycitr ol the n ln of I lie Kin
irnr Tllwriua. uinl on the i'llli I it V of
Murt'li, In the iiio-t holy city of Jcriiniliou,
ihirlng llio tHititlilimlu of Annua uinl I tint
elm. rnlilliia l'iliilii, liitcinlHiit of tlic
1'rovlnr nt liwer (Ulliltv. aiillim In Jtnltr
Itiriil In lite pnliltiiitilt nilrot I lie prm lur,
wiitdut. JfaiiKOl Nniiri'lli to ileHtli on (lie
croaa, between two roliliera, u llii'lllinifroua
talliiiiiiiia of (lie Mropl. prove Hint- I . Ji-
it. la I Uilalattilnr, 3. He hna cxt'tlnl llin
Kioiile Ui iwliiiiin. V. II" It nn cnrniy to
he l a, 4. Hi. t ill a IiIiiim.II I lit' h..u ol
(I.mI. A. lie cnlla lilinu'll fulaelv tilt' Kinil
of larorl. tl. Ha wont to the Ti niple
lottrtl by a uniltltiiilu ciirrybiK I'lilnn In
lln'lr li on! ,
It likewiae order tho llmt eouturion,
UulreUu Corneliu. to bintr liiin to the
place of execution, ami loilmlaall er-
on, rich or poor, lo prevent the execu
tion ot Jean. Ilia witnwea who have
ittned the execution itint Juan ttre :
(I) I'uinol Huimiil, a rhaiiitce; (I!) John
Zorolmliel. () K.ti'lmi'l Hotimil, (4) ('
let. I innlly II onler that tho aaid Je
an M taken out of JeiilHuliiiu through
the gate of Toruea. Kolinwho .eiltiug,
Kiitraace to Uray' Harbor.
K-oiii t i ii to lo time complaint have
reached The Oregoiilan that tlm govern
ment chart of the entrance to limy'
Harbor were incorrect and did that chan
nel a urett injimtice, and alo worked in
jury to the pruKpecl ol the Imrlxir and
the town on it oliore. Tho attention
of The Oregoniun bit alto Ihtoii called lo
the fact that the aounding inthnchun-
ncl aio Ihn bar at the eiitrunce of
llray't llnrimr a given ou certain tnu
of that ms lion piibl'.lnd by private mt
outdid notairrtHt with llioi-o given on
the iroveruuiuiil clntit
The preauuiptioii i of counto that the
government chart are correct ; but it i
not hiiiMMjaihlu that they ant wrong. A
gentleman who hit Ihwii in and out ot
Uray't Harbor great many time dur
ing the Hi ten year, ami who i luuiii
iar with the aurveyt uiado during thut
tiuie,wa akeil by a reporter to explain
the dicreaiicie butween the govern
ment chrtrta ami the idea of the eople
of Uray't llartxir in regard lo the depth
of water on the bar there, lie ex plumed
it a follow:
The inrvey of the bar at the entrance
totiray't Harbor, made by tho I'nited
State engineer in InMl howed I he depth
ot water to tw toventm-u feet at low tide.
Tho t'niteil State Htirvey of lgl
how, If it ahow anything, ulovcn feet
of water at low tide.
The depth at low tide in IS'.M). tot re-
tKjrunl by all pilot, who, -it 1 well
mown, are more inclined to untlerelute
than to overHtate tleptb. i eighteen
toot. Ship maeler give twenty to
twenty-two foot.
The eurvey of IksJ na Hindu in nn
0mhi tioat, and the work wa dangerou
and coneiiiently wa not couinlete or
correct, ami ehow a quarter of a mile in
the miihllo of the chuunel without a cant
of the lead. Thin may account for the
difference between the depth of water in
the channel a on the chart and a
claimed by the people of the harbor. A
new eurvey of tht channel should be
made in a 'thorough ninnnor to settle the
qtieHtion a to what the depth of tho wa
fer really i. Oregon la ii.
Pour kertiHcue on III Wife and Set
Fire to II.
A dispatch from Columbus, S. C.,
ayt: One of the most horrible crime
on record I reKrted from Colleton
county. The crime was committed on
Mary't Island, an uufreipiented spot in
the county mentioned, l'mlilv tirunl
lived thoro with hi wife, l'hieho, anil
another woman, Hiippoed to bo on inti
mate term with Grant, frequently visited
hi wife. Weilnt'Hiliiy lust Urant in
foimod tha relation of his wife that she
bad been severely litirt a week before by
an explosion of kerosene, and w a In a
bad condition. Thu relatives found her
burneJ from her knee up, in front only,
terribly charred ami xiechlcs. She
died w hen an atte npt wa made to re
move her. No trace of tho oil could he
found on the floor, nor wero thoro nny
trace of burning below the knee of tho
woman. These contradictory state
ments caused the arrest of Grant, but hu
escaped from the guard. Having been
run to the earth again, be requested per
mission to return to hi room for a short
while. Almost immediately tho report
of a gun win heard, and It was found
that he bad plucod the mu.zlo of hi
musket aguitut his stomach and exploded
it, blowing a hole clear throuih himself.
It is thought the koroHone was poured
over hu wifo by himself nnd tho other
woman, nnd that the whm then sit on
Naming The Months.
The following from American Note
and Quarries is an interesting account of
the lignillcation of tho mime of each
month of the year:
January is of Latin origin, from the
word Januiiiiiis, named in honor of the
god Janus, to whom this Bcusjn of the
year was sacred.
February was introduced by Numa
Pampilus. The Latin word, Kobruurius
is derived from Februm, which is of Sa
bine origin, according to Nnrco, and
means "purgative;" lionce comes the
noun Februrn, which signified tho Ro
man festival of lustration nnd expiation,
celebrated on the 15th of the mouth,
culled, in consequence, Fohruury ,
March Is named in honor of Mars, the
Roman god of war.
April, which the part of tho year in
which the buds appear and the whole
earth apparently opens, derived its nnme
from Aperire, which menus to open.
May is a name the origin of which we
owe to the Romans, In honor of Maria,
the mother of Morcury and daughter of
June is a name that all will readily
think of when they read tha hlnlory of
the untitle Juno, in till month liu
teemed, from ull account, It) be greatly
July I In honor of the great Human
C'iiIu Jullu t'li'Mitr,
Angina wa minimi In honor of tho
gtrntl Krmiuii Kmpnror, Auguntu Cienar.
Ilefurn Cienar'a time we have no account
of AugiiHt, only a texllli, meaning
Hlxth, and thin v. formerly the tixlh
inonlii of the vear, which begun In
September was the Neveiith mouth of
the lioiuiin your, and ilorivetl It nam
from the Latin word eeptiim, meaning
an ven,
October being 'be ulghlli month of the
year, tlurlvo It name from octu, mean.
In eight.
November i from iiovein, moaning
lNceiulHir I from tho Latin word tie
I't'in, ten, It being the tenth mouth of Hit
minimi year,
YVoiitlrN eea by Hlvern Off the Plor.
Ida I'oukI Danger from Shark.
In Ht. NlchoUs for May 0. F. Holder
gives in experience a t tliver oil the
Morula coast : " I he llshe were beaut!
ml, he wri. "Someawam over my
arm anil let me move my hand toward
them, lint most were shy. A to the
lorir of sharks, they are in the main
not irtie. i nave hud t mark, mine
within live feet of ma, and when 1 rained
inyband It iluited oil in iich a hurry
Hull tut Polling of the water nearly
threw me off my feet. Of course, there
may be case where a very large hark
might attack a diver; but if be hould
attack ono wearing the mtslern diver'
liaimet or armor, I think the sliark
would have a har t lime of It copimr
ami gius woulil not make a very good
'A friend of mine tad a fuunv exonr-
ience. He wa walking ou a aandv lt-
loin, when y he wa lilted up
ward, then thrown backward, and, but
or ii:r iim, would huvo luliiMi. J'or a
lew second the water w not clear.
Then he saw that the cause of hi tip
act wa a big snake Mutt had lieen lying
'Hi 1 1 y nurieti mine sand -asleep, per
tapa. Ho had atoptied with hi leaden
shoe ria-hlun it buck.
"AmoiiK Hie slranno thin thut mav
lie seen by diver is the ocean forest, off
iho eastern coast 'llie santly hot Ion
there ia covered w ith the hardened root
of great tree, and In nouie Instance
pan of trunk are tlanilinir. ihowint
that tho coast th.'re must have settled
ami that the c there ha rolled in over
the laud. Komi time w e go down at
night and then the scene under water I
ilten a beautiful tight. Every jelly fish
and living creatine acciii to be ablate
Willi light j your rope appear to be on
llrt, and every motion make the water
glimmer. Tin- crab and lishe sparkle,
inRiiy witli a light of their own. Ho, you
o, instead of liemg a dark and barren
place, a the majority of people at cm to
ret'iud it, the ocean, even at the itnutet
depths, is probably made bright by the
very animal thut most need the liiiht."
The Proper Length.
A gentleman from the West tell t his
story of Abo Lincoln, which, If not new,
i certainly by no mean hackneyed.
The irentleman came from the auction in
which Aim and iHniulu were conpicu-
ou ligurc in the past, and the alory he
tell rrlutealoa decision made by Mr.
Lincoln aa to the pnjoor length of a
man' leg.
A the alory iron. Ponclu ami a Mr.
Ltvcjoy weru al one of the haunt in the
village, where they used to meet for
new and goosip, and while there Abe
Lincoln came in and sat down, de pos
ing of his lengthy limb in a soinew hut
awkward manner. They taw him com
ing in antl immediately began I conversa
tion in regard to tho projier length ol a
man a legs.
"Now." naiil Loveiov. "Abo1 leas are
altogether too long, and your, Houglus,
1 think, are a little short, I.ot s ask Abe
what he thlnkaof it.'"
The conversation bud lieen carried on
with a view lo Lincoln'i ovcrhcariuu it.
and they closed it by Having :
"Aim, wiiat doyou think a')out il?
Mr. Lincoln had a far-awiy look, n
lie eat with ono leg twisted around the
other, hut ho responded to the question :
"Think of w hat '!"
'Well, we've lieen talking about tho
proiier length of n man' leg. We
think your are too lontr, and loug!n'
too abort, and we'd like to know w hat
you think i the proper lentgli "
"Well," aid Mr. Lincoln, "that's a
matter that I've never given any thought
to, to, of course, I may be mistaken, tint
my first impression Is that a man' leg
ought to be long onough to reach from
hi body lo the ground."
Flue War Ship.
The new protected cruiser of 7.tiK) ton
displacement, for tho building of which
the secretary of the navy ha Invited
proposals, will, il completed according
to the plan now in tho hand of Secre
tary Tracy, he one of the most formida
ble cruiser in the world. She will be
able to travel at great speed, the calcu
lation being that the three triple-expansion
engine with which slio will be pro
vided, will drive her nt a rate of twenty
two knot an hour, fast enough lo over
take any of the Atlantic ocean grey
hound. She will have three screws,
antl will have endurance mitllciont to en
able her to steam ut her highest rate of
speed aero the Atlantic nnd back.
Two of tho ncrews will drive tho vessel
at the rate of eighteen knots nn hour when
sho i cruising and one screw, when tht
ship wishes to travel along leisurely,
will give her a rule of liftuen knots an
Tho armament of tho new cruiser will
be treniondons. She will carry two
eight inch gunf, fourteen four-inch rapid
tire guns, and a multitude of smaller
rapid (lie and machine guns. Tha ma
chines ol the cruiser will he wall protect
ed by light Hide armor.
It will bo seen Hint this new cruiser
will be a sort of nil around lighter, for
sho will ho as serviceable for harbor do
funne a nt sen. In an engagement her
rapid llring guns would he able to keep
an adversary continually under a shower
of She will be a most formida
ble war vessel and a valuablo addition to
our already tmignillcent navy.
A Success.
High license is ovidentlv considered a
success in Kllensburgh, Vnsh. Manor
dealers in thut city are required to pay
$1000 a year for the privilego of engag
ing in that tralllc. An cll'ort to reduce
tho Biune to $500 recently, faded, the
council laying the resolution to thai ef
fect on tho tahlo in accordance with the
wishes of responsible citimms, who pre
sented a strong remonstrance against
such reduction. An exceBnive license
i nto has usually a tendency, like prohi
bition, to encourage illicit liquor Belling,
hut thore seems o bo no complaint of
tho pernicious "speak enfiy" In tho am
bitious city of Eastern Waslilnston.
Vice-President Morton was robbed of
diamonds nnd jowolry to the extent of
$10,000, on the 17th, by thieves who
entered his cottage at Saratoga.
Ileum of Interest Culled from our .
Yellow fuver 1 raging In Havana
The interest oil the national debt Is
Late rot urns give Chicago a population
01 1,100,1)00.
Upokane falls had a $18,000 fire on
tlit morning of the liUth.
The (tuker City lilmiti lias suspended
me piihliculloiibl a daily.
Nearly the entire wool crop ol South
ern Oregon na been told,
Tie contract ha btun let (or a (1000
iciiool uount al Independence.
The Northwestern Exposition tt Ta'
coma will be ooned next year.
Walla Walla ha three unlive born
Chinamen old enough to vote.
Hop are being contracted for at tt
high a Id cent in Marlon county,
The Oregon Pre Atnooialion nierts
in Portland on the loth and loth of next
A young man named Kmmntt Rlukoly
wa drowned in Iho Willamette at F.u-
ttene last l-'ri-iuy.
R. P, Karbart will assume hi duties
as collector of custom at Portland on or
about August 1st.
The milu-anil-a-'iuarler running record
w lowered on the 17th by ltanquet,
who maun n in i::ojJ4.
The Firemen' Association will hold
their next tnnual tournament in HKikcne
run ui ttcpicnitor.
A row overt gaino of card at Astoria
lust week, resulted in the killing of Geo,
Wade by Oscar IMgurd .
None of the ennnerie on Yaqu'ma or
Also hay will be run this sou ton, owinir
lo the low price of sulmoii.
Godfried lliekethlor and ('. O. Hurl
bcrt were seriously injured by a falling
caiioiu at Migene last week.
A '.0.0o0 hot.d i to bo built on the
In-.ti h hot ccii Healuml ami Illwaco by
tho Northern Pacific Railroad Company,
A Warehouse conlaininit 1000 Ruck of
wheat and oooO jute bag wot burned
with it content at Ciowlev. Oreuon.
last week.
A family of live. consiatinK of Pierre
Mcrundo, wife and three children, were
burned to death in a hotel fue tt Que
bec on the 17lh.
In biddinir for the count v nrintlnc of
Tillamook county, the editor of the
Watchlower proK)e to pay tho county
$10 for the privilege of doing the work.
C. W. Washburn has told 1121 acre.
eght mile west of F.ugone, to a party of
thirteen German. Thi party have
picked out land for forty-nine other
familie whovxiiect to come to Oregon,
Rain-iu-the Face, tho Sioux chief who
is said to have killed General Custer.
is in a dying condition at Standing Rock,
.xjrlh jukotu, I nun wounds in tin- ted bv
a jealous squaw.
Milling niafliinery for tho Evening
Star mine, Raker county, i on the way,
and it i expected thut the mill will
be in operation at the mine and turnins
out bullion inside of sixty days at the
The newly discovered cave in Joseph
ine county .;is said to bo three miles long
and to have a numberof mineral tprings.
The owner I trying to get Portland cap
italist to invest money to at to build a
road to it and to put up a good hotel .
Woik hat lieen commenced on thirty
mile of new road for the Southern Pa
cific railroad throuili Cow Creek can
yon, Oregon, thut is lo replace the road
damaged and destroyed by the big land
slide of lust February, and including two
short tunnels about 260 foot lung.
Tho body ol a man was discovere l last
Saturday hanging in an empty room lay
low the stage of the opera house at Hills
boro. The body was identified a that
of a Frenchman named Chas. Dubois,
w ho had been around the town foments
time in a demented sta'e. He wasclearly
iiiBitne, but was considered, and
had not been taken into custody. It
was a clour case of suicide, he having
hanged himself with a rope used to ele
vate baggago to tht stage. The body
hail lieen hanging several days before
The loss of life on tho steamer wrecked
in the Minnesota cyclone bin stirred up
one of those perodical investigations of
tho wholly inadequate means of life sav
ing supplied iiion most of the steamers
plying upon our Inland waters. The
fifo preservers on the wrecked Sea Wing
are said to have been made of a cheap
substitute fur cork and so little bouyant
that bottles incased in them sunk to
tho bottom of tho lake like lead. They
had beon duly inspected and approved
however, by the proer otllcittl. If this
story is true, that United States in
spector ought to lose his ollicitil bead.
Census Returns.
Superintendent Porter makes a guess
nt the population of tho United States.
His guess in round numbers is 84,500,
000. OlUciul returns will he made out
in the next thiity days, nnd figures will
be known to a certainty. Instances in
which a a recount has beon allowed are
many, although every village in the
country which is disappointed at the
outcome wants another tnnl at the prob
lem. The returns from the cities given
below have been announced in tho offi
cial way thus fnr: Now York. 1,017.227;
Chicago, 1.087,01X1; Philadelphia, 1,040,
460; lirooklvn, 8110,570; Baltimore, 500,
000; St. Louis, 440,000; Boston, 417,
720 ; Cincinatti, !ltitt,000 : Kuflalo, 250,000 ;
Pittsburg, 250,600; Cloveland, 248,000
New Orleans, 240,000 ; Washington. 2;(0,
000; Milwaukee, 200,000; Detroit, 107,
000; Minneapolis, 185,000; Louisville,
180,000; St. Paul, 138,000; Indianapolis,
127,000; Columbus, 114,000; Grand
Rapids, 05,000.
Arlemns Ward its l'numcrutor.
Arduous Ward has liad au experi
ence ns a census onumeintor and relates
a? follows:
The census enumerator 'in our town
boiuir taken sick he denertiaed me to tm
out lor him ono day, and ho was too ill
io give me information now io pereeea 1
was consekontly compelled to go it
blind. Silt in, down by the roadside I
drawud up the folic rin' list of questions
which I proposed to ax the people I vis
ited." "What's your ago?"
"Whnr was you bom?"
Air you married, nnd if so, how do
you like It?"
"How many children hnve you, and
do thev sulliciontlv resemble you?"
"Did vou ever have tho measles, and
if so how many?"
Have you a twin brother several years
older than yoursolf?"
"How mnny parents hnvo you?"
"Do you read !Wnlt's Hiins' regler?"
"Do you uso boughten tobnekor?"
"Wilt's your ('.tin' wute?"
"Air you truhlej with bile?"
"How doe your t.imjrsliain culler?"
"riluto whether you are Mind, deal
Idiotic or got the heaves?"
"l)o you know any opry singer' and,
if to, how much do they owe you I"
"Watt's the average of vlrtoo on Iho
Ery oanarol?"
"If four barrels of emptiiis poured
onto a barn floor will kivcr It, how
many plane can Rourcicuult write in
a year?''
"lbean a rcg'Ier article of diet In
your family?"
"How innny chickens have you, on
foot and In the shell T"
"Air you aware that Injianny whisky
I used in Now York thoolin' gnlryt in
ttid of plstilf, and that it thoott fur'
"Vtyoutver In the penitentiary?''
"Stnte bow much pork, impen'din'
cryae, Dutch cheeso, popler tuvrenty,
itundard poetry, children's strainer,
slave code, natnlp, red flannel, ancient,
history, pickled tomatoes, old junk, per
foomery, coal Ho, liberty, hoopskirt,
etc., you have on hand?''
But it didn't work.. I got Into a row
at the fustlioiiKtil stopt to with some
old Jiisliellevin' the answers
they giv in regard to their ages, I en
devered to cmiii their mouth and look
at their teeth, time a they do with
bosses, but they floo Into a violent
rntre and tackled me with broom and
sicli. Tkn' the senses reuuires ex-
periunse like any other bizniss.
Some of Hie Provision ot Idaho' Ad
mission Kill.
Tht Idaho admission bill declares the
present territory of Idaho a state and rat
illcstho constitution framed bv the con
vention of July 4, 1 8s!). ami adopted at
the election the following November. The
usual grant of sections 10 and 30 of pub
lic lands in each township for the support
of common schools, fifty sojtiont for
public buildings, five per cent, of the pro
ceed of laics of public hind to consti
tute a permanent school fund art made,
and the state confirmed in title to seventy
two section of land granted the territory
for a university and to lands on which,
the penitentiary in Boine City is situated.
For supiRirt of agricultural college DO.000
aerosol land is granted; 1(K),0.IO acres
for a scientific school 100,000 acres for
state nermal schools ; 60,000 teres for an
insane tsy'uin at Blackfoot ; 00,000 for a
stuto university at Moscow, and 150,000
acres for other state, charitable, educa
tional and reformatory institutions, none
of the land to be told at less than $10
per acre. Mineral land are excepted
from the rrants made. An appropriation
of $2.5,000 is made to defray the expenses
of the constitutional convention. The
state i made a judicial district to be at
tached to the ninth circuit court, to be
held at tho capital, the usual court otli
cert to be appointed and proMr provis
ion made for the transfer of such. The
state constitution which is ru'.itkd bv the
act, contains a special provision prohib
iting polygamy, and declaring that no
person shall be entitled to vote, bold of
fice, oi serve as a juror who is a bi'umist
jr iiolygainist, or who practices or en
courages plural marriages, or is a mem
ber ot or countenances any organization
w Inch teaches such doctrines. The state
has the Mormon test oath, which is re
quired of voters, and it was not until the
supreme court upheld its constitutional
ity that the bill was considered by the
senate territories committee. In the
house the democrats'refrained from vot
ing and asserted an intention to make a
teat on this of the speaker's right to count
a quorum.
A Horse' Memory.
ay, friend, you are on my horso,''
said one gentleman to another us ho
reinea lilt horse before ttie door.
" Ynnr linrso M II, tin I U'l..- r I, ,
, " ' --- -w . ..j , . UVUIII
this horse two years ago."
"ou did?" answered the other.
"Well. I lost mv horse. It wn t,.l.,
just two years ago."
The conversation took place under the
far-spreading oaks of an old-time plan
tation homo, says the St. Louis Globe-
I leiiin.'rut A u-.ta .
t . i " "' .ui in incu ui
see his horse return homo alter two
years, and ridden by a gantleman who
evidently had bought the horse in good
faith. Alter tho some conversation the
oltl owner of tho horse, with much .im.
estness, said: "Well, eir, if you will
dismount, unsaddle the horso, and he
doesn't go to the fence, take the bars
down, walk to tho well, and if he doesn't
find water in the bucket let it down the
well, and then walk oil" to his stable,
I will give up, and that horse isn't
lllilin " "At fnnr u'cr.! . Il.n I
yours if he does all that," cried the visi
tor, nnd leaping from the horse, unsad
dled it. What was his astonishment
when the horso went straight to the
lence, iyi down me bars, crossed over,
went to tho well, and finding no water,
lot tlin hlli'knt ilnu'n unit !,. II.......I.
. ..... .. , u ., .. , h.,.. nn nil, u); u
he had left home but vesterdav,
wulked to tho old stable. The animal
rememoereu ine irica ond the ow ner re
cnvcrrtil his lior.n filar tl. l:..
..... .. , v. n, w ioi.;-CT 1 1-
ing who can attest to tho truth ot this
,1 l. l i .
oioi i, uio'.iii u iittppeiieu years ago.
The English Woman and Money Mutters.
AVith rCL'nril to mnnnv iutia
- ---- - "'.iiiiii ma
English woman is trloriouslv indeneml.
ent. Whatever the familv mcnmiv if
there is any income, she has her fixed
share of it. Wifo and daughter each
has her sharo allowance for dress, etc.,
........ . ,,...,..., j,IU Blm nitiun
which she expected to keep, whe.ber
it bo largo or small , The -e is none or
very litte running to papa when miss ia
extravticnrt. and the mmr! ahn u
ajwnys forehanded and the foolish vir
gin wno runs into debt are stock charac
ters in English story books. A mar
riage without settleoients is regarded
with as great disfavor by prudent par
ents as are runaway matches with us
and, thanks to the married woman's
property act, every fenny belorsing to
a woman before her maniago is absol
utely her own.
Before tho imsNni.a ..f ti.;, ..t i.
. ,1 " o- ... nv.ii puu
possessed nothing except legal sottle-
iiiuui,. ine very ciotnes on her back
wore the property of her husband, and
thero IS a case on i-api-iivI u'l,.!.. n
bomg knocked down on the street and
robbed of her watch and other val jables
the jury refused to find a true bill
KKaiiiDi, vne toooer. raecause ttie action
should have beta brought in the litis-
uuu iiams ior stealing ins watch, etc .
from tne pertou of hit wife,,.
Keen Bosy.
The secret of riioioi 1tr jt
- - ls w goon
n?rV'.,l0i,.bM W8evenK. Patient, and
..v....,B ... , K.,lIoull oi caning you are
ollowmg. The busy ones may now and
then make mistakes, but itis bettor to
..o. ,u, w oe niie and inact ve.
Keep doing, whether it be nt work or
seeklllir recreation Arni . .
, """luu io mo, ana
the busiest are the happiost. Cheerful
ucuvu moor is a blessing. An old phil
osopher says: "The firefly only shines
when on tho wing; so it is with the
wind; when once we rent, wo darken "
Llmina. '
Tint Entkuitisb ofllee is the place for
first-class Job Work.