The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 17, 1890, Image 4

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V i
if HW-III'I1!'!
r r r
wooto shoes.
i'r "oiiiPA"
."i vr
. el
! ( I ii v.
vd ul i
l Mom ii
.I.T her l.elu
. i.i j vu
ti l.i
:TO u
ft !
i I:'
o llel v.i 1 liul ;' - 4
I WSj. V lilt Ul tv J
u i' .it no -;h-di nil ;
r coil oil a Cilli-i HiIJT (
.'! ' ; lu the.h.Nl. Thro
; in tl-.o ihe.k ,.r lio j
1 ,1 11 C lit' loll U. 1,1
: h, , oi' I llio I. ii.A j
u i', .l t. '. iii, in i
v t..-,.:,4 and U ill ,. j
n'l s-M cue thin,;: j
' h old in t!..-.t br j
ir ,1, v.'ed tl!
I lH"
i- I!
t. T.i
lit., I
l l;'..i
Ml! 11
'i in
! Ill
1 (I
1 (he
'i I'-.
,l mull; il I Hi' III II n,tlftl'i of the lilt Hot" sh
vv.ilit .v tln ureal lulni,nlH In tinnr
and n Imii-Ii ot lli.niilv tree n ay tug Hi the
mn.l. A cliiiHIucli .hunt to the luiiinh ami
wim;i I. mill lixi tin;lui;. Tlu lUnir stipnl
Cii, will, the blind, liflc.lit illjr Iptunlmj; nod IMi.t.'s liltlrt world caniii
lyatiiiuy ill II lilt It- the wurM which ilwU
In lli.i lull' tl.iTi'tuMlliv-.' that .t inned this
Kiivii lane of horo like Ipkivmp' nest pushed
cut, under (lit1 l.iive on In tho water1 edga.
Thee c:uis poiiio .Is orrluliti'f tlicnit, nil
moilli'll; Irllll, I'livlll, lll.llll UlillKIIlt IKHWIltH,
I I iii.I tmi Uii;;, Miullv f iintiiiM mill lirttl
III tln-lt mill niMifilit lunlUvn; (iixipl wlio
I.U'oiv.l In Ihn IK'I'U nil (ho liny liiiii;, or
ttiMknl lhvi.i'l.w tillh.l ovor Ul imi) pilUiWi
In !!i'tiy,
i,- t . ti.. .i...... n..iuu
I 'u n lit' i iMing in ii in nn'iim I'l-n-,
iM lhi of ili.'iii. "My ul. I nintliar Imll
CiMlll (llt.l i.iH'Jl Itilli.HH fill Villi. M
"Nmv-Is lur oimii' nii.l llv Willi tins 11
!.-," ml.l ' o Hwn.l, "I m ill i;lv Jfu lil
ntiil ilii', . i.l ol.'lliliiic, (i fur Hi rl;lito
)HIII' iliit Of liMllllil.
"Th it la In i'liiU linr," until III Uilnt
''lliii'k lu'i-o, :.'1h-ii, my ni.tur, who In Inn
iniinii, iu ymi knuw r'H, .Imll imiii nml
lii.ln nidi you, mill Ji Von iioIIiIiik imtlilii(
mll-iily ymi nli.ill jiiat k'v linr rrimt,
HM'h:ilvi, tttiil tl four lliitii'ni i.i null imiiiioI Iiiuik.
"Mo, kiI.I tltn fouiilii "Ihnl will not
il.v Von Ii t mo liuviilliiiiuilini nml Hie hull,
I 'Iw, (in. I lift mum lml (ill tli (iliwui for
rvti; unit I will live tvtlh yotl liiym'lf, Mini
iiHU'lha ImvHllltf flllilll j vim Will V
I hII (Iw iniii, ilo von nut t tlmir lit do onaf
"roi.'i!" Mi.l llmllflli, .(iHitor nml ImftiT
il. ih.l tii.m (Iw ivit, "Yum ni'o nil wiwvr fur
j v. 'ir nun k 'il, not (or 1hih lli'itilmr
; t,!!l''N K'lH nti.tiolllil All llll II. w WlUllll Iw
j il I v - 1 will lain I Muti di llvn Willi inn,
nil I, r ii.'thitt mi l utivtill root llio Mow-ocri
up nu l !,u!f It ultli j;.ihI oiiliLrtiin rtn.l jmlft'
t I - mm I -ul. i.l pbiiK An. I I ill talil my
r.'.n I i lim hm I.) noii,.ii K nflor ilitil
. in ;. i. r.-.. will iiikiiinv I'lmnco of nmklnx
i in i 'i i .ii oT It, nml mi on cnn Kwk
! Itiniv f ur i;i-iii (lint nhi'ii oiiit mill wlinl
I iii' itii. t K mi. I tliiitl,. Imt liwvin ilo; ami
n! Cm y.-:ir romi.l, ttlutiT iin.l hiiiiiiihv, Ilo
i lv lioci) Mill n-tnt lor nollilnj;, tin.l linv to
t.i' ii. i-uii for ln'r.lf lintovwr. "
J him nlm iiiil,,i, Mi'i'o Knitis, wim tU
' K .t Ij Jo ..iimn In tli Hltlo latin,
h.ivi i.: lii.i.Mimif li roivil ii ti. I ivtn llij;. u(
a ! 1 mlivr, mul n i;iwn fiut, mi.l liijltloK
that t.vk Ihn iin'.li Into Hriiv-1. bhv tAtu j
li.-ml. tin -A-i.iiii, with rnnM't, mi l dmrt
.l -;i,-0 f..lonil II -r worilA
I'itt It mil voi r uluirt; nml a Imhlnib of
v.i in orovoil wu ti olh.'r dflur II a thiiik
: i'li -.v l...;t.T it.'..tltit on ntiotln'r mul
liioi-o ,-:t r (o ,-ti nt.-o i-yioli oihur nf tlio ill'lo.'iH a Hil l ,l h.'.l.'V of tlll'lr olfol- ot
ni L
'i'!.rou;-h It nit II Ui' Mit ii'.tllo iiil.-t oil tlm
-.!-', f t'i. ht!l.. ti-ii.-lihi tirhnitli hor iyi-
I'. 4 on tlif;i;.i) Ivn.i ami (ho sin.liii; clutf-
unw yiiiinuiiniiiiiiiiin iiiwumivi Jtiunucuri
wlllinul lil Inlot fi'ivnin,
Hi'Ikw liml nlwnvn llmiiiilit It null" n Him
ttiliiit In hiivii twX'll Ikm ii llf WHt'T lllli, Willi
(tic pint for lioc fiiilu'r, mul nln'ii ii'ilu lit
UruwU liml ifk'"! Ii"(' f I"1' l-mvulnnii,
Inifliorpliiliil In tint iimii.'t ltli ft coi'ltilu
liHik on hor Mint wiw nut lilt oilier clill.tioii,
hail ftlwny Rtuvwly hiuwhtmI til lli ntropt flllllll
"My ntntliM' win n floiwr,
"You Nr ft llnww, Ht miy rnlrt," (liny
wotiltl ny In roliuiM mul IMwo liml Iwn !
HV llll(l llllllfllt.
Iliitii.iwplmwrwiloiil'tfiill pli wiw rnllinr
wi'itni'il (linn purron fiil.
TIiiwkhihI fi lonilnf hi'll i'HIhI In mud
now pin nlumt lior. I'm Iihim, itl'lif nil, llionj-.lit
llcUxi, It mt;lil linv Irh'II Imllur Ii) hnv
liml ft liiimitn iimdior wim wuiikl linv liikon
rnr of lior now (lint ulil AnUilim mm il."i.l,
liitnil of llimw tmmulfiit, Hlomuliiit, volil
Wntnr llll. nlili'll wont to plwiiim llioii' kiikii
vulvnt IhhIp, mul ill. I not iwmhily iM' wlmii
III thoriip tun lulu lior ItiiKurp, or (ho wllilvp
got Into Iwr wtxHKm lioi
In pome vniiiid why, illMinooiiinl unvy(lii)
twin illKMCiUof the ttorlil-lniii'lil lior Iniii
will I'liwk with (lintr hot lihwlli, mul iu Ilia
eviHitiiii Ml, tlUi fell erjr Imiply mul
lllila wlptfuL
hint Iin.l tkwn nlniiya IimkI In run out In tin
iliwtnt Iw llllit time mnniig Uie How mi mul
wntt-r (hem, Anlulnv Itlllnti tlmcnit f imiii tint
WiiU, mul the nolnlilhint wonl.l I'onm nn.l loan
Utilimt Hi little low wttll, liilllliiv' nnJ
HitK Mil
Hilonllllo Anmrli'mi.
Tlio "( U of Ihn 'i'nrliniN In ilih, .,,l(.
li'V Hi lln ii i-ii liinoM xnul , (,,
limnly.llv.. In ll.litv .r ,,,,,, ,,HNimll
lM IWIllll tit llllll WIMlHim ihlMlliM-tltHd N
ilim In imll In Hiir li.p (ihl,,,,
whom nil Urn rimill rrnrkoM nml m,,' 0J
inn mrijo nr riiniiuii i rm li,,,, , i,,,,,!,.
mul iilMiitn llio liniitiHltliui hy lint ( 'lil-
iii'i - muvi iiimii iii in tin, U'h, or lux
Imlll n( W lili li Ihivii ni li'il ill n i liork
ilitl imtiiiifm-linviM, HU lknn mo n i,i.
iiloiil iiiTiiMimni i I'lHiu, mi. I liiinp
,nt tliiuuiiislilv i.iu,,,,.,.,.,!, 1IV(II( whllt
mo limit tulloil iiihiiii, lu nn,
Milkon mo u Iliiiinttlii.niln.l u,w
til iimiilv il Ml ti N llf llltl,
Tlioiiiinmtl i,., oi.I Hi,. ,., M
nun I'litimiv mo iioin oiiii I,,,,,,!
1 1,.,,,.,, ,. .i i . . . ..... ,
,.,,.,,-,,, i i, nun 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 linn, , nin
tli'in ini (horn. ,i.i,Im Iiiivi. (ii lie v,.h f,
Will i .mo vi lli III ii.lvniii'ii, 'Ihot ,m,
iniiliiiliii liiiiiiH : vonr Imoin, jt, ) lini
llilU tiliunt id, i ,ilU, wi,,,,, A imci i. titi
liii'irlniii'i. 110,1,1 ,if ,,!,.,, ,.
linv! v.'tu'ft mi,.v, Th.i iiniiil v,
Iioni N, w- Y,k i,i II,,,,,, i.,n. u i hi
lilV, Mil Hull llio 10 ,o l 1 1 1 V lill. nllor
liippiii:ii li ( hin.i mi.l roiiirn, I J.i .,n !
Urn your I'ho niiii ,,i,ili t .n. r!
tlvi',1 in Now Ymk mi Annl :ii mil, ir, .
11(111 Inn,- uf h,,. rmokciN nil lni,u, I,
I liti Ki trt mil Il it lo mini n,lk I,, .....
I in I
l.y tin
....u.1,,1,,. Mit.l tl,M l.l. k,l.u I r,....., i ... I .. .t . . '
f,.,..,, .... on. inn. in mo rniinirv Niir, )ii l,ij ,,,i
iftrmwi, woiil.1 -k tlmlr lii.Utlin.iWli (ht inti , ,-,,,,,, VIUl.ivr f,,, ,,,,,, ,
V I I T. I , .7, V. "'I"'l'" Ot l III. I, III IN t!,.H,
ilnn.-o mi.l i.lny lolin m die Bitx.n ,.i ilni--, lull,,,,,.
ny in wnter, mii.i plus wnmuiie (lnwoi-p wer i , I,iiiI,,mj ,,,i H,,.,, .,.i
;,l 1, (Wolvo foot I,,,,,, .1,,, ,,
Kil l Hum h.oo j ,n ,, , i
Trnnsportatlon Llni.
0. C. T. Co's
Mia Latona.
Oregon Ci(V l'(,i tltui(l.
BUMMMr' TI3vt3D.
I.KAVK rilllTI.ANII, I.K.UK (titled, IN ClI V.
7:.'lll A.M.
I". UNI M.
!l :id I'. M,
ft KWi I', M.
M .
Hlouinor Allium mi Wiiv I.iiihIiiil'H.
rioHiuor i.iiii.iiii vny I.iiii.iiik.
7:: A
II ;!M A ,
I idll I',
2; -to- V.
Il ilO I',
1 j I tT" w.i 'ttilt,yr
' r mmm
f J lu I'll fe M
K llll A,
II.iki A
4 (Hi IV
llilli) A. M.
K "0 I'. M,
(J .IK) l. M.
.1 MT, t
E. 8. WAIMftKX,
Mm) curilcp a full litiM u",
Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc,
Wlilrll In (ilforp i.t
liitlicr (,'AHM or t.n Hie
XxT Vii fiimiot 1 licltcr lliau i) fall aii'l f:tuu,,
i t, to i ;
,-1 (r
t l-i.
h".u-.l (h "ii uM viii,-iitly,
V w, -1-111.1 Ii-t r.ihl fi lin.K ft li)ti,U ol.l
Tins otie h i t liivoii lior rherrinp ft !
' tt of T!iiii.-n Tlu other tin.l lirotmhl
h r a luriu w.uiit J,von t (he KeniKuni,
j 'ii.i'oU noniKtt in l!i hlti linen tklrt liiul (
I ttsk.n h'T to I.T IliM coiiiiiiuitlutt, t'he who I
ti n i'n I: r ; .t r (o (ho ertut mi.l th j
(hi lots, li:t. lu-..ii.:lit Ii. r a U-niitiful intml j
lo it of hour. (Imt h. ft.t wh,.4o frmia i
. I T
' I.
-S-r Iii.I Rt-
. .1 Itll'l I-tl'l-!..
lilt., il nil'
-. ! hit:
iiii longer tliliit.1.1, wuiilil Join them, mul
iMtiip mul iltino nml ping lltu u)-tit of Ihnii
Ihit now the I'tioki'U Innig ul llio U.Hntii ul
Hi well, mi.l Unworn hiiitp'i'wl III viiln, mul
111 li..i,.;lilnn h. 1.1 nlonf, mul Pli phut to (lie
hut tliKir nu.l lo.iou.kl to ihonilii w hi.-h Uv;un
In fall, mul I'i'teil hont'lf to pleoi In her liny
V hen Hie ilitw ii I'nine the inn rop rl mul
wnriii; (lie tr nn.l IhiiiIip pirkle.l, link
Pnnttl tlxlaiH awoke nml in heart, linlml, fof
her .t dI1 tiieinl, hut lirlttliter etui l.taver.
"I'ji.-Ii ,4 Ihi'in wmita to tet .iiiolliliiu on,
of me," Ihoiilit the vlnl.L "Well, I will llta
nlone then, mul tlu my ihily Jiut op lie pnliL
The Uowoin w ill Hover let any real liiu'iu come,
tliniiCh they do look po liiillirereut ami null
liiit pom, -Ilium, an, t thoui;h not one of them
liiing their hetlila when tilioulUll wap carried
lluoiigh them jitei'vtiiy,"
'Hint wnnt of pyuti.lhy lu Ilia lloin-n
In. ul. I, il her,
'Hieolil tiian liml Intoil (hein o well i mul
they linil ail looke.1 ai cliul ftp ever, anil l.n.1
l,iui;h"l inti'ily In the urn, aiul not even a
r.e tiiil tiiriml tlu. iler m the .r pull
atllfeiHil IIiiiIpi wont t.y in the wooilou aliulL
"I PUW tlinl cut vk-Imt Wlll they
.11.1," p.ii.1 lol, to whom the giinh-n ui
liioro hitelhilile thnn I'rovlilenitv
"Why tin ymi nut enrer alio imkul tl
I'iiiL, pimltin; the rtilu ilroj off their eurll
iy .tnla,
The I'IiiIip lemirtl Inirlly ak'alupt their ptlrki,
an-1 -iiu, toniy, "Why plmiilJ warai- fur
anvtliliin, iiul.w a plu ; ho,tliiK uh-that la
-eil woo, If you like."
Ikl,e, wiilwut her pnlKilp on, wan,ornl
IIioukIiI fully nnii'iii; thapwwt, Wet mulli'lil
eiie.1 InlyiUitliPof IiIikpoiii, her pretty I writ
I: i- I
1 ,.t I
. r 1 1 1
1 ., 1 : n
: I v
r I
,, I
I il
; . :' .1 . .;
o..! . i l I
i i l i - T i .' r
; - , . f ,;.,. I
;:.; i. : r, t.i.i 1 w ..h t.w j iu of
to.i, or - .!!,.. a itit woniiia r t f lurt
tluw th in lior yoke, hn.l le.'t It there to nw.ivto ih-.ilh, not ruckouiii; fur the
luwarj r;; i Utof I h eti.-reat or totihtua tf
tl,''v Illy l.m w an I ateun,
OIJ Atitehi t.!t It to LUwife, nn.l th
wif , aci..: hiss an.l ftjej ftouJ, boeil leave
t U.i i it; nnJ Hi two p.r lowly, sjmplo
f.jiis Kin to earn for th homoliM, motbef
liv-i t!..r -. nnJ th.y Bts.l t!so jwjiia uU.ut U
ca'ii J r. r. iv.i:i.;y H'Uo.
It R t ai It a:il n '..!. -! to It a
. h.,t f;ir a'.! its !!!tlo worl.l it
.( r "'-ie-u, l,
ill !.- '.. Ii.
..itful f.hlor
i'i,; to
iiu-rt' iihe wim t'W
tl, but he folt in
( t'-at titer were
p. .me hen. fit
there to l.-ti your rhiliii Why Jo .
you not i-nre, any on uf your . i
"liner mllv ymi are I" ml, I (da
iU ilo a:
'i'!.5 t'' r.
n:-.::n- I i
Li. i.-rl:
11 it.. '
l;iv--.-,.:. rl
tlio ti -i;. .
L r hi v .
U'l A:
r-.r : ii
t .j r-
o whin it
riirmiuin h '.i
t-'.;;.'!;.. il a I:
ti- : I
(he iititrv won.ler, I
n r n.t of her whole lif.-a '
ni. tv i,t I'm f.-ilral M, hllit I
.Ik. i- ,,f ml loi.l ih.niti nor iki her l
h-... toti-it in liihili.tat, nu.l t..!.l
, mi. I lot hr ri.e in the t;nvu eart !
i-ii. iy o-:itiM rmiilHiur. i
I ti t .1 . i;t t ih it ti,, iniitjf ol.l j
it iv-II v l, r, tiii l yet a rorinin 1
f il oil I.T lii'lt In nil tlueooutl-
p-li I -i.i w iii-.t I--. n-i'nii w hole heart,-..! j
' n- I r..t i' a .hi. -j, h i, I proiiiptnl the i
f it t I r of t:i.i tt.i, ii J.-.un an, ,, iir. :
1fi.-,.,fM,si.;,;u j
I: -!' .!, I r
U:-; ( fun-,' i
a v i.-.,,, n
n'l . r t:, ..I tr
i f I: r I f litiU li-riln ,e with pmull re
t .! ( .- If nt tin, r,'t of tli.-.r Kvul.itlonii
-! w-w ft 'hil l, wholly n cliilj; l
ft'i.l '-ii woie Uith froh hi her ftp a goal
iT x ui j.i t l-rn out of t! aiiowr. ltut
j wim uot n little fool, though peopl aon
. tlitti fall.xi her pi brx'nU'MB ho woul.l pit
I the in. , in, uta of hor loutire with her Lluoe
; on th fur nnny rlotklp like a tlihi lu
i uream.
Hh hivinl Ihi'in ptillently till thccklo
plirill voIiid ln.l ,ihuiu.teil Itn-lf, ami th i
; woiiien stooil on (ho pitiiny uiuil Buor of (
llllt evoin tvt.'h other With vellolllolip climna.
for Ci .i;-h (h.-y were cnxl tieL-hlmrp at all i w ' K1"- "J ' u Virgin, o baltored
ttm-a, nu-h, In lhi nmlter, wtu hutiRry for i U"t no ono eoulJ tram any fmrof lb
the (ol.i;..t out of ol.l Aiiuuiu'i I It ha.1 Iwen titer for oenlurloa, ami
11 it of roim.L The? worn very poor; Uiey I 4"1J '" Kreal reiKirntlou, an.i ohl AutulM
b ilvl In (ho Mii he. or froen , Mi nil M alwnyi out the rl .t of hip r.aa
ion. i.,wi-i ii,iitiin.,ii, . ti. li Mill, ihoeoil.
lux iiHum pi k o, Hi., n,,, J t,,t j,,r
o llll' I'llllillllit W l,oi ull. il una kl,.,,. .,
I '"i l'l"" "I '.i4r, it lull, v.w, ,'n-
j lilllllliK H,H,.,r w, ,i t,iii,,,,, lollli.l, ti, wlilrl, R..,.,m., , M.
Ill'tll ll.llle,,, t,j,lt! ovi.l,,,!,,, H)(
iWiiuii'i, nml t in!, hen u ,,,,, , nv,.y ,,.
(.lllioil ill Iii.I lll.llllll.i, In,,- ,,f u (..h,,!.
The ,ii'. r ii.,'., .( l,,r , , ,, -k,,r
rut In tho n,iiio, li-nutli nml it,,,,,
i wirlu'it i ( Hie i.ii,Minv . ,,,.,
il,n k.'l In, Mo Hi ll,o,,inn, iln. iii, ln.
lll.llllll.i III Weilill; in i,i tin, i u,,.n
ilei iiiii,i,i, I. in,, a Hiu k iili.uii two ami
(ilio-liiill fool l.uii;. i,on,.., Inui, ,
i.iMliiiK bi a airin-, i!ii Ii i ali.ii 'lifd to
, llio ci'iilio uf tl,,, Mi. k. mul a pi,,u u
,ln,-e,i ii , woinl mi on,. r, n, ,;,
mil. le .i bo w.,, i, on l,,. i,i.r n,
i ,h. ip ii, Ilo, I ini, i . Iii,, loiiuby
i iii. iiim ( a Ihil iii'ol W.H..I hoi,) ,,, ,;,
. linn.lf , liiul (lie,, one on, I w , roi,i-, wnli
rt 1' ol 1'ini In ih mul ii piiinjj t t,,,
, llio fiiMM. ii ;i o,ii,,:,i v I,,,.,, i ,r.
jvoiiinitf Hi,. ,w,,-r it, on rum, in,,
when the i li.ol.i, n ,o .,,,v, iual'oi-
! Ol ll'lll llllll l.'lt,, I,, l-o ,,.,,. 1C,
1 111-.1 imine., oiiHOfN IA iN IoIIowm;
I Tin' ft l.lliloltiilr., Ioiih lie.! loyollier likr
i iK.ire tin no. I .,11 i i,., u, tl.011 (noiroil
1 Willi mi mil, til,, I ,,,! , ,,,., lu,,, II, in
i mailt, iho I'ovt.lor ,,,iii, fr,uu a llll
I'.in. Tlu-i, (ho nil -1, 1 oi (I,,. , r,i, kot ip in-p.Ttr-l,
W liti'h (',t,ii:p of 11 ,i,.,v 1 1 1 1 ( t ,
:(,'ii,'li ',..or, with JU p. .1 1 1 ,, tl t ,,ier
ilwoleil u;, in it ij make il I, mi, .i, klv
1 A 'l. -io ul .a, r IU t M..t ui i: .iu.o.
It. l. oiiil f
Overlain! to (Vlilbrni;
Noiitlirrn I'lirlllcConiimiij'Mlluf.
The Mount Shasta Route.
1 line l.otn ii ii (j,.-,,, i i lly am) Hpii Kiaiinliec
,w Iiieiri.
I f I 1 1 , 1 1I N I A t'Hpii IntlNKPI'N IMII t.
II'W T l'dlrilAM" AMI HAN rMANl'IKt'O
""i ll I " " "T Ktth.
ti ip' i a 1" '!."" "l-,iiiimi, "'it I x t'S.
;. M I l.v tltr..ui:ly ,t I a U . H.
1l ', a I Af t). KrplielaiK, , (HI r. M
Alio... Irallu. .l,.(i only n II, I. .11., all, g au
II, ,u. u.1,111 , k,I,iii K.. ! I'otlloii.l, lire.
. ,i I lly. H.,.l, inn, in . All,., r, I nuiiFiil,
vlug a it.
P '! a
o, a
ii ihi e. a
(llio (if tilt' Ilici'Ht JilllccH ill Clldk-
nniiift IhiKoiu, lirint; K.'i ucrcti. Tlio
flnt'Ht iifliiinl fur it jii iu li (iii luinl.
1100 young jM-uch Irci'H jiint Itc-
jjliiiiiii tu liiar; gimtl ilivclling
Ihiiihii mi liiol, iriitiiiti mul nil uf
Tlii ul'l noil reliable lino a kii i in li, 1. ;i full
Hirlil,ui, Jiiiieili'iu ( ii), Ir- till) lloiTHKitiy out litlililingo, c
IliinKin Mil MAIL ',llyl
I I v I'ortUu.l Ar f i in r a
I Ar
(Itewolit'lly I t
II, ,!, UK It
J nml
ftti a. I
" on ilor Iioin
t mo iii.w
fivt tleuihiiir the pm,. m- iil,. -ol. ,i, , ,. Iho
,W,r.l.hare,,lu.m ' (..von.iiij;
, . . . , . ' '"l.l Llll, III., ,
"He win ao cip.l to Tim alt ml, re, ! ..I . ...,,i . ... .1. . ... ,
ir,wilifully to thnr.t Killyi,iien i 1 1, .,.,,, ', 1 ',, , ,
m.J Ih. ,.t.J pwevt "IU ev.V e, - , ' Z "'7' ' ' ' '."''
VU know he... or ,.l-l, .,.,v.,e I.,. . . e,I ,l , h,V
worn, Knn or tl w,l Harm you-he '""J'Ti'" '!'
w..ul.liit up In the , I. .oe after I H, , ,.,( ,, ,',,
nm ' h-ii iii n v I it'W WIW TTO, IM '.i, 1
, Tlio
"You llllll la. a t,litl..r1v nri,..l lt,,t.u , l'"M'
tobeaif.-iIWi it,, that Kuiiaou wiU ilo all ! "" """I"' H. I He "I' Iup
" .-.! - , -f -iri (
AI.IIANY I.1K AI, ll'olly. tire,l aun.l.y )
'" f a I I t IvtiUiuI Ar imi.
pi".ra It 11,, .,,1, u iity .v J.,( a
W r a. I ,tr Ailnnf I.t j .', m a
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Kor a,-eoi,lliie.,.tltl of .-eittul I'I.. I'paMplleri
ptlHel.e.l to t,re. 'I rail..
Th a I'. r,i'i Fi.rrv tupkea r,,iiiieeil,,ii wlib
pii ttir r.-niar train ,,u Hit t,.i m,le lilt Ixluu,
roui .,l el t alreel. fotllalul.
M eal Hl,li I, U l. I. .n.
liKlttHiS I'OHTI.AMI AMI culit'jU.I.IH.
Mali Train. I.allr (Klie, HineUv t
7 iiiu a I I t l'rilail Ar I Mai?"
i'"" a 1 tr i-i.ttaiiip i t I 1.' "' r a
45 TO 50 ACRES
One uf tin- Uncut cjirinyH in
Cliti kitiiiaH t uuiitv.
for ft Klmrt lime
r. (
l'ir mil.' clii'iiji
At Clin kitiiniH.
F. O. Mt I'tittN ut Ort'iron City.
I lulu Hie'ililie
r In r.-lleae i Iioin ll,o
1 lav l,.ll,,lil j, 111.1, ho, I
ni ti n.-t rnta any ,i,,l,f aiiliii.'
U10 liiu.len, ail into the wall; a
rt tf,a u 11. r K
Dlt'he Willi t
!l 11.1 tho
iy when
1 1 tlio Cixu's 0; -.'-.v fuiuiJ
l . I,
: Inn
iih a hri r I,-. ,
v.'.i.-h ;. -i I,
'! I. .rt ,-f ('
r.. i I. , iiii
I I.-: 1.1.
.: b.i I a
" I, ni.L-ro the
'm t.h.-nry w,
i.i L
n t lto liii'Vi.-iv
' -a ail ro'ai.l
V ' 'I I ,. '. II
', ! vn llr.i
r.;l r,,.'i:lo-.vj
1 i rct f -,-1
! llio ,i,..,f
ana mil ail
-o-t i ihp b:,I
or nvnt from ,1 iw,, 1,, nkhtfnll 1 ""' ", """" "'''f l' '" front of It every
p i it' ; over He ir e.,l,n-li ln,i; mi l to mve a
. il or g-iln ti i nhl a-aa of moment to
t.'!-"i t iily noou I to tho k i j.iiin of their
fc!;; ei-ure of h, ai.'ii by I.onu,i, nm nml
li-s I
,;rii -hi
r 1
a 1
fie i
ih . ,
0. -.
n r. ' 1
l...ii !,
ti . ...
t--i- i
1. ..
for t. n
f.,r L-;
0. 'l :: , '
t'-.u I, -,
lo i n h
we-'-' i!
ton r,
1, :i-l?. 1
1.1 ' 1-0:1
v. .
,,. 1 , i.-o ht
o-l 1,1.,-s,::;:.
u -t; ti
'1 f.iMiis Ih
f u-hiT ti. -i
!:i,l tl. n It
i:i ov..r w i'.h
tt 1 1 -1 llo-.ver-1
t!i, re aro
n r..-,r t!,o
U 1111' .il
i, r
i 'f till 1 tie
! iij V. 1!!)
fliel I
i l 1:
I.ii.) I...
;oti,l till
1 11 t.f th
,'otul t;o
Ii. wh-tit
ir r, il vulj
Ih--e tho
1 1 Ii-.,
!,::', pi:,:; nil ov, r ;i;
,.:i ll .-it ihu h Lh.-r-
'ir lil! io I'l'liir,' lli('eS
; pi. iilli, mi l hi ; rfri
1 I--.V yon ill
1 Rt 'i .':!i nil tin
, llllll Ili-J l.ilo'.UI Oil
: - -,v Tr ni v ,:r lo y, 1 r ; mill
1 i,,' 1 , ; 1.10'j Ii ,.ii 1
' Oiiil'',', .... of t',j"iii 'lllil pillki"
, ii '-I I' :! 1 1 li- l..'t
: i: - l.y Aii'oin. 3 -i-ie aloii
a' tri.l Into tl.u wlii'o, v.t.lo
') 1. m Lot tho bay. r- mint
ii L'i.y y-ivig tio !.,.ra
l ,L 1,. jil'iij f;-,i 1-Mi h -n I 101,1
.iiii; l.hi,,. , t, nml h:iy ilo
J i'ni-i:ir, ioi,H viho'h. r they
II', I. Mil Jl.'lt Oi'i eil'-ii
' ii:,. I -.iy t iii.t, tliaiiU to (Jur
, t ii'ioo tm Plirnii;,; iiiiii'O thu
.-I oil, "I out hi-r lo-y liiijura
bO ill ' !.,::
dp'I iii. i
tl ,;,.! .
w. i-.i r, 1 1,
hoiii,-ii .1.
till- OOiiO-,
s-i-:-t 1
!;. 1 I - .
In i.'ii- ii
giiiliul 111 I
f 'i '! 1 ) i
eri'i iMiii?
ro:i, ii he; .1
Ut f.nvt i:
as ooj'i 11., 0
.-.nio, liii-vcv-r slitThirt trail... inl-ht
'i-r, tvii-ti tlio ioi:;; w iiiUm
I ,.i.'i ::i,, do in C.ijr it a sharp
o.-jl Ii;-, in:i.'i'-!i-s of I't. Cm lulu
. ; -I :,i:., iiilli "iioiv, mul th..' hot
!.!-ti-; o.'io.l hil Iho iiiiiri.-.-t, nnJ
" 1 il I.ii ' TO hill'T hi.' It tfill'l
. ; ,:.i 1. Ii i o tlio t:!ni!y roots lui'l
- , I-,,. U.' 11 1111 I' r -i -..iiii,, lil.-o
,.1'ii'Mi in it cellar, (h. n tlio money
iei til 10 of lent tun! bl,-, mil iviiiiitlj j
. 17 a hh-' k lii-if nml f.-ir.tcf wnnd
.. .1 ,t y in toohtHi! pinli hut Ikih'.o
II up hi tior htl llko n tlormouMi,
1 :'! tli.-i.fc sho ui, ii,p,.-rl,'h5 ai;4
fro'a robin.
fio timt iih-u Anliino Ifaca grow dli:k nml
dieil, moro flora n;;a mul wiltiua than finy
ronl tliij-a'-o, thero wilfci only a few ullvor
crotviw in llio brown jugTilililon In tlio United,
mul tho but itnelf, will, itH pnteli of grouuJ,
Yax (ill that he con,) lonve to Iioljoo,
"IJvoin it, lil.tlo olio, antl ttiko nolirxly In
It to worry you, nnd Ito good to tho bird and
tho prat, mid bo euro to koep Iho flowers
blowiii;;," mill tho old tnnn with hip lant
bn ii !i; r.n-1 mtMng b'-rlieart out by bin bud
lid", o 0 vo'.vi '1 Io do Liu bidding.
Ulm v, e; no), ijihlo foiirtucu tlittu, nnd whon
,lu, h i I l,,i-l her ohl friend to roit In tho
roi.,;h ;-i -:i -i nvi.yurd about f-lt. Culdo sho
win v.-i '' iinnvl'iil and lonciy ,oor lllllo
bri;,ht ii I,.-, wliohml nuvor bmd'y known
- v., .0 l.iieii to run tho thorns of tho
roeos Ini, 1 In r liii, i-it, or to cry boeuiiso o
tlinj-,ii 11.11 found tataryed to deal li lu tho
j'.eboo went homo and sat down In a corner
nml thoiii-ht.
'j ho hot bor own, and Ijorown tho lll llo
a 1
ii:;iy Auo.i
ful -or, 1,10;
The pun vrun hi,,
i'-'o j:i.t thnn ct'owilod villi lu
, 0:11 In till tho oi .lorn of tho rnbi
'.'.1 i to l.vo In It, and never let tho
-i:o ho had fluid; f'ou.l, ro,i-h old
i j .".i :-:!, wlio had h't n to jer WI
1; country, king and law.
I.-: :,-r p -alia
ll.-u o h. -eii'-d to them nil, an, tho tonrp
t!: h, I 0:1 lur i-ln. 1.1, 1111,1 her pretty rtajotiuil
1:;,,. .-t:t I- I , to one another.
"V011 am very p".l, 110 doubl, nil of yotl,"
t'.w void at 1 1 t. "lint I cannot (ell you that
1 u ii (i.iiiil.f ul, f .r my Ii, -trt 1. bke a (time,
nn I 1 t',i:,k it L-i not mi very miioh for ma a
It i.t f.,r the hot that yon tire ptililux. i'or
bu,,i It Is w ton,, for u, to piiv iso yia, I am
w r.wic 1 am pure ai e till kind, and 1 mil
cniyi. l" .,. Hut you v-o no told mo tolivo
hero and talto euro of tho Unworn, and I mint
tl i It, that is ivrluin. will ak Father
I raiii L-i, if you wi-.h; but If ho tclli mo that 1
cm w toil", n-. you do, I .ilmll tny her all
th" Mine)."
Ami in ".motor lo their e, liilatlon. nnd
con, leiunnli. in, pirn only said tho pnmo tiling
over n-iiln tihvavi, lu dillerenl words, but ti)
plains of 1 tba oui aU'adfiu.1 purpopo. Tho women
r! iinori .1 nlx.ut lur for mi hour In reproach
am! r.-huk i, aim iviui a bnliy ln,l,iil, tho wai
j a lllllo f.,, pIio woi a naughty, olatinnt
1 child, Kbo wns an uni;ent.fiiJ, willful 11 1 1 lo
cr. oliir.i, vvlioou-ht to bo beaten till llio wa
i b I :-, if only theru was anybody that hail tho
' il.-ht to ilo it, "
I "ilut Ihi-i-o h nobtaly tliat lin, thn right,
. r.-il'l II, ! ,,, feiiiu" iiii-ry and ptnudiu(r up
ri. lit on lie, Il..,,r, wild Antolne'a old rny
c.-ii in 1,-r round iit im "ilo I., Id me lo slay, and hi) would not luivo paid do If It had
I.. . 11 ti i-oit.'c, and I mil old ciioU(,;h to do for
i my,, If, nnd 1 tun not afrul.l, and who Ip thera
II, it, would hurt liiul Oil, yep, ro and tell
K.ll.or I ranel;,, if ),, lik.n. 1 do not ladluro
ho will hloiiui me, hut If ho do, I bear It.
l-.-'-n if no shut llio church door on 1110, 1 w ill
oli-y Aiiloitu', nml Ilia lloworp will know I am
ri-ht, mi l th-y will l,,t no vil ppiritp touch
in", I-.i the llowefs urn Ptron fur that; they
bilk to (III, lllll'el.l lu tho flight."
What iimi Hun It to itri'iio with a Hltlo Idiot
I li'ot thi ,1 Ind-i'd, paiHiiuta novcr do argna,
! tle-Y too nlulNO.
II, l.i their only form of lojilo.
They u.a."l It to lli hue, ratiiifj horaoitndly,
ns hoenmo people who wro old cnoii;h to be
lu r j;i lailiuolliein, nnd who knew that (ho
hud been rn! od out of their own pond, and had
1 no inori) r.-til plaoc lu creation thmi a wntor
r;,t, ni 0110 iiii;,iit h-ay.
'l iio women were kindly, and had novor
thrown thin truth ne.'ilntit her before, and in
fact, lo boa fouiulliiiB; wns no port of dle;rac
lo th Ir pi-lit, hut unL'er Ip liko wlno, and
iieiltostho doplh.. of tho mind pliln clear, and
nil tho mud that I.i lu tho depths pi ink In
(In, ll-hC; nnd in th-ir wrnth nt not (baring
Anloino's Ii -ncy, tho good snula anld bitter
thiu,i,:( that iu calm llioiiiulll tliny would no
nioiu hiivii uttered than thoy would bavs
tahim up a knifo to tilt her throat,
ihey tulkiil thoinsolvoB faoarno with bn
pationeo and chagrin, nnd wont backwards
ovor tho tliroiliolil, their iroodon shoe and
Hair shrill voices keeping a cluttering chorus.
I!y this tltno it was vonlnfr,lie nn bad
K',110 olf tho door, and tlio bird bad done sing
Ii. iitico Htond In tlio wintn pluco, hardening
lior little heart, while til liml bitter tears
pnellod into her oyep and fi ll on lliupoftfiir
of the nil .-plug cat
l-'ho only very vn-iiely iiiidoi-Htood why It
win hi miy Mitiso plidiiiefiil to luivo lan raked
out of llrjivuh r liliep lit.o 11 drowning Hold
Ki'iiiMi, an they hail wiid It wan.
Mho nnd Antoiiie had ol'h.11 tallied of that
tiiiiniii.-r nioriiitit; when ho lutd found hor
th-To niiio,,;; tho l.-avon, and iloliuuend hi)
luul lau-Jii'd over It fitiyly, nnd sho had boon
ttiil.. proud iu her Innocent I'ufthlon that sho
liml I1-1 1 n fairy mid tho lluwei'B for her
niollicr mi. I ('uliiioilii'i'i, wliioli An tl 110 al
iiiivi told her wim theciitio hoyond liny ni.'ill
n rol .loiihl. I.v-ii I'lilher I'Vancip, bearing
lie- ,ii.!l h.'iruihii:, II, lion, hud never ileetiie.1
It hi.-, duly to.hi.lui h her plentiiiro lu It, bcin
a ,'..oo,l, eiioi'i'liil old mail, who thought thai
pomi wi'jlfiui U1I.I1 boii n.;.v-..ii irt,
31 hor NHtruIng ail U10 suuiiuer kmg. Ilelav,
whinpj rvllglun was tho nvn,t,t, vnuwit
ailiiKhne of pnKnn and Chriallan myth, and
wluaaj (nllh in falrloa and hi auliitp waaex
solly ituU In strength and In lejioranoo
lleUv llllnl thedelf l anew cniMfully, Uien
knelt down on tho turf In that llltle cr.vii
CMTier and lu devout, uorful child
iah r,yI faith to tho awful iiiiknown l'ow, r.
who were to her only as jeulle guldm and
kindly playmat'i.
U malic Upifiuiilliur wllh iho Holy Mother)
Kb won ahiuait fearful that Pli wan, lint
th Holy Mother lovol (lowcrppo well, Ill
would not fil alipif from her nor be afrul.L
"When on cula the btwt bloasuma fitf-her,
and trios to Iw good and neter tulip a He,
thought Hcbooo, "1 am qtillo sure, na she
loves (h llll,, that sho will novur alU'gether
forget 1110. "
Ko ah said to tho Mother of (Tirlat, fir
lently, and nothing doubting, and then row
for her dully work of culling tho flowers for
tho market In llrmtwla,
Ily th tltn her txiskcta wero full, her
fowls ful, her goat f,pl,lerl, hi starling
cng clentidl, her but d,ir lip-k.xl and her
wooden pIiooi clattering on tho sunny road
Into th city, Help wimalmopt content ne;nlii,
though ever and again, op ptio trod tho famil
iar ways, tho tonr dimmed her eyes natha
n'mcmlKTeil that old Antolno would never
again hobblo over tho stone bealile her.
"You aro a llttlo willful one, nnd too young
tolivo nlone," mid Km her Kriuirls, mooting
her In the lane,
Ilut ho did not scold her seriously, nnd alio
ki'lit to her reaulv; uml th women, who
wero goral at heart, took hor hack Into favor
again; and o llelppj had her own way, and
tho fiilrlos, or tho mint, or both together,
tookcaroof hor; and so Itcojuoto plow that
all alone she board tho cock crow whllo It
wan dark, and woko to tho grnnd and amazing
tnith that this warm, fragrant, dusky Jim
morning found bor full 10 yours old.
cuAiTrcn a
Tho two yoors bad not txn ail playtime,
any moro than they had Ipvii all rummer.
When ono has not father, or mother, or
brother, and nil one's friends hnvo bnrely
bread enough for tlieniHelves, llfo cannot bo
very ixwy, nor Its erupts very many at nny
ltelico hnd a cherub's mouth, and a drivun-
cr's ayes, and a iot's thoughts somel lines In
her own untaught and unconscious fashion.
Ilut all thopniiio sho was a II tile hard work
ing brilliant peasant girl, up whllo tho birds
twittered In tho dark ; to tied when tlio nil
sun sank beyond tho far hluo lino of tho
irl-ffiTf'inigiirrrimtTrtrtliii (iniinti; litllll'ITIgnaliu"
Million tin Uol; hut all tho tlmo tho child
throvoon It, and was happy, and dreamed of
roiiny graceful and graclmis tilings whllo she
wtis wtjoillng among tier 1)1 lei, or tracing tho
threads to and fro on her loco pillow
Now when sho woko to tho full ., of
her wonderful II) yours lichee, plan, ling
barefoot on tlio mud Moor, was us pretty a
sight as was to bo soon botwlxt Kcholdt uml
(To bti contimu'd.)
"Virtue i a liiotliiHtllmverwIiicli oftttii
IiIiihIioh miHdim in if.H lilililuu nook,
wliilo ninny mul iimiiy u grander 0110
fulHoiy hiiIIh under iln iiiiino in llm woi ld
lo bo atlmiiud of men,"
Tiik Hntkhim'ihh odlco Ih tlio pluco or
flrat-clttinj Job Work.
1.0 i,, r ip now i. u lv for the lliin
I t. ,1 paper wbu li em a alolllnl
ftW ti.l II tri v Ileal v iliiiiU lo-elh.-r
Whlell funuH 111.. keta llltl-l ,,l,k
and Dune aie . ., , wi,ipp,, n bi pa
per mil 01 1,, to, -1,1, , will, a led I,1
. Ih ,, Inn--, ,. ,ll,iKo,, up,,,, ,( I;,., J
. Ihe leilno ,,,,,, ,, 1 l,iii , ami a
crmkeia mix tin'd pi 111, ipallt on (
,iio,,a, ibut color i rigidly lolhete I
lo III llio III, m il t, 1,1,0 IheM, eoo.U
Hie pa, ka ai.' l.n ed in botes and in
iTupuiii.ui i,f fi.ny p,k. In Hie Ihu
I bent la A .ItviMoii n .,,r in llio
fiaoker bicluiv, em li Hia,i bnvmjj bit
or her m..'UI lo ,o, un, in i,,H
tlH'V iHX'UUll' veivovpoil
....... . . .. . 1,. .. .
oo nuuto 1a a Uf.n iipiiuii i, ,a, moi,
cracker iiialluitlotiirn, but Ihf iii, Will
apply to tho Pttiall crm kers. The bill.
h..wvtr, arogenor ilft miide In (lie nual
! .iio.iii i", 1111,1 am iiniiigni iiuwn Ihe nior
IO I alllotl III Jllllka
I Hero la 11 lai;to biune i uiai,ipl ioi, uf
nio ci ni k. r ., 1111,1 the ( lime,,.' tlittik (Inil
Iheir e. i.1,,,1 v ill wmd oil evil pplnta
i'i.... ..... 1 ,1- ... . 1
.... , ,,,. iui-,1 ,111 1,1, uuineroIIH .h'l'il-
sn.lia, but p irlii-iil.ii Iy on Hie t 'liine-e
new year, which n n .11 iable il lie reg
ulated lit Ihe I ll.ltl-e il, Iho m, , ,i, .r.
eiiierK rcnliiig in Canton ,.IV,. h,ii
11 11 .1... ...... , . , .
1 .in iiii- , 11,11, 11 Piiiuie, ttlllcll cull-
aipiH in the lit 1114 ml' nl otii. liiiieof pix
boxes 1,1 mm. ill , rai k-'ta and tu or Ibree
hoses ul i-aiii,,.,, i iaeke.a, and Huh ie
given on tlio ib paiiun, of oncuf their
tiiiniiioi fur
('I Ihe milium t uxea of crack, rn Belli
en, Ii year lu tbia country, 11 number me tu Si.iil I, America, wlicte they
me IIPc. I nil hiu-I:i occiimoiih ih Well unit
public li los Tli. V are UM'il al the
"iiili ul ( briilnias tmio and iihn in
('llllildil nil May "I, tvbicll H j)i 11 Vic-
tmia's liirllul.iy, ('aiiiiiui crarkeM are
mil, In in (liia ciiinilry, but Ibepiiiiiil oties
cniilinl bo pri'ilnci il bore at nnvlliing
like Ihe plico Uiey cm, bo furiiiidicd bv
llieCbinoMO, Tlieir product is ciiriiod
linli way round tlio woihl, pays dulv,
and is llio 11 Hiibl for N. eetils it Imx. fu
the iMcKintoy larill bill now befnro Con
grem, I'io duly ,11, i. carkeiN is placed
at K coiilri 11 pniied, which will iiuiko Hie
la 11,'liciil.H an ugain.,1 "1 eei, Is 11 box,
which in (bit rule paid now. II Ibis pro
vision nf llienotv (anil bill ih adopted,
il will probably llal 1. llio ell'cel nf H li III II
luting Ihe niiiiiiilacliire uf cnniiun crack-
em in ilim cuiinii y,
l ire crnrlii'i'H nio nf very ancient ori
gin, I't. WiIIiuiiiH iu 1,'ih exliauplive
work on Cliiiia, oiiliil.d "rl,,, Miildle
Kingilmii," uvh: "Nu cviilrni'ii cxinli
nf Ilut mo of uunpi, wile-hp ,111 iineul ol
wiiifiiin imiii Ihu mid, He uf Hut iwt'lllb
century, nur dnl ti kiiowleilt'e of ill pru-plllHiviM'Hi'cl-i
i'oiiio fo Hi,, Chiliem. until
Ilut reign nf Yunglup in the lll'lccnlli
cenlnry a thoiiimiil years iillcr ils (iinl.
employment in lire crnckcis."
IXercNc uml Ihiillli.
lOxercisi., ttilli lml h" men nml ivtiinrn
i 11 )Ui-il iii nf inlelligenci' 11 cuiiid
eraliun of kind nml iiialily, rullier II11111
ofilegree, Tlie Hllliject liilH fnr'ttuinell
IieiMiliiireiiilian'tiHHiiieiilHiinil liinilallims.
jiiirtii'iiliirly in tin. cluwi lioiisi'-botinii
life of lliecily. In Hie it ry lliero urn
Ihn niiliiriil iiiortiiiig ilulies, tvilli open
windows: nnd Hooding sunlight; Ihe
walk lo the deput. or fur llio mail, iiilo
mul calming; tlio long piazzas. In Iho
city, iiiiii. tvunien tint nl Uie ten aro vic
tims to llllll'llillg gllW IIH llllll plippol'H. A
mil "h lint, rout, mul glnycH hung In thn
lmlhwiv, iilwiiyn in reinlineHH. W'luit
would tin any if liuotn, ti-ousers, nnd emit
were to be elinngetl, after an hour, before,
lin could get out fur n lirenlli of uir?
W li ilo iniiny women Hlill fulliiiv tlio lia
ililiunu of ileliemiy imtl lielpleHineHs that
liuvo for ho many yeuiH eiiMluinetl mid
enfeebled their Hex, yet tliey have conio,
all Hie Hiimo, to iiiulerHliiud, throiigli
tlie elloj'tH of tunny of their HiHtei'H who
iniiHt, jieifoi'i'o bo Htrong, that a poor
pliysiiiie putK a woman ul uiIiIh, uml ut
the mercy of otliei'H when tlie hItohh of
lifu domes). In tlio new creed to which
women lire giving allegiance it, will
cuine to be nil article In lime Hint weak-
iiesH, iiiiIohh inherited, Ih sin, Tho
young women of thu future, will fullll tho
Hid noet H 11 leu I: 'She iravo linn her
hiintf; it. wiih not u helnlcHHone," Kmm.v
Moi't'iiiT Tvino, iu IlurperH' lluziini'.
A I AUe.ii a 11, 1 . ,. ait la etliit,e a 1 1, aiul
ol liter-, II l .o ill,' l(allr,,a,l.
Klprea. Train I'all), lKtee. KullJay)
1 n 1 1, rofiiatui Ar P'Jo,M
I I'.t a I Ar lleMliiutllle I t I S 4 a
Til A I.I, I'dlNT
I'-r II, lrl and bill llltiniat,l r.'lar.lllif
rai .a. n.apa. tie . rail eii l -mean) a aa'eitl al
.irrKt'.l Vlljr
KuKIII.Ht. K H. KOI IH 1. '
Mall.ior, Aap'l U, f. a kill I'pll. Arlll
WVi -A
Hardware, Tinware, etc.
riimimiiiir, (Jns FitUny k Jobblnj
AtioiidcMl lo iTomptlj. lis
.iniaios FiiniisIuMl.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all ,..nii Kail, via
r. I'Al'l. AND IHNNItAltil.H.
I In. Norllicrii Purlllr li.
la Ilia only line running
1 ittnv Imvc a Full Line of
Ilartlwiire nml Sloven. Sole Agent
for .Snticrior Sloven ninl Kuihch,
TIieOliverCliilletiriowHutll nn in.
Wo hnve coiiiitH'Ic.J with tho Iiohhc
1 First ChisH riumbfr nml Tinner
nnd work in thin lino will henn
l'roinjitly done nml its Cheap nn nny
rmilil ilenire.
R. D. Wilson.
OpIK.slto Put Ollice.
All ret.tirii); ilon1
111, 1 Htirnnitcij.
it a'.- --V.
t'uilMittHiitr TruiitM
Kir!r,te.t,,,uf c,,"rK Facer's Colder? Female Pills.
I'uluiiili I'iibicu Pilcepinu Curs,
liilm-i" llnin(f Cms (meula Tic)
I "in in Tnrlliim! in tlie
Fust .
See Hint yniir tickets reinl via tho
Northern Tu, 1 lie li I; and
nvuiil cluiiiKo of cur..
1 liroutfll Plllllupn I' Ht..r,,,,a Cars. el.
Kant flat roiieliea, fln.-at ,plpep illiilu. eala hr
lu.'in I', .iiOiu. I, Ine.iiua ami heitlu. Olrrcl
I'Pliy a. rvire.
1. ii i iii. i o-.
. . .... . . . V-.ts
lPPl.laeu I 1-naa. Al(, I'JI lr 1-
(.. i-uriiiiHil. nr.
"fir Frmnlo ttreu!ar
luea: not nior tike 1 tx-m
on Iho matte!. AVerr
,lll. hu,-eeaalullr llaeil
Uv leoiiiinrtit I a. I lea
mimilily. liuarpiiiee,)
tu telleve p i,,n-MvU
t'ou't Im hutnliinrreil. ;
have lime. 11,-aiili,
pii.i 11101, .1 , lake uootu-
t'.,'iit to any p.l.lnai,
Peeura l,v limit en rn
celpl ol .r(v,f.',tM.
1 -t'? aiT
V. I'
Undertakers and Dlacksmiths, Orenon City, Oicecn.
Auxitl lieari'is, Inintneii Collins ami Cnskctn alwnvs in SUk.
JjT4'le,l. corner Klral ami U nireeia.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
F Ii !: I 1 1 1 T AMI I'AU F.S TIIK !.( iV KST
W intetu liroui h, Iwi X, I'Ultl'LAMi, OK'
For saie bv Clitiruiiin ci Co.
l'riiUKiptH, Orct,'un Cily, Or.
The New Remedy. - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cure
in Iho 1'oHt Ofllco aniu'oniiatioii hill
liitely paHHed by tlio Senale m n provin
iuii by wliiiih mailri an! to bo Hurled on
on hoard sleauioi'H, ho Hint deliveries
will he hiiMtnnod on tho arrival of vt'H-
huIh, Tho aiTiiiiKeinont Ih to bo in coii
juiiclion with llio Kovuniiiientij, tho
uniiod HintoH imying it h portion oftho
Sle.imcr Nil 1 1 hut Ililti'N.
From Viuiuln i si u-r I'irilhiii. Anrll 9
tVlllnm 'lu, Valley, M iy I; r'aralloii. M ,v.
Wlllniaetlu Willley, Mil) 14; Kurillljll. Uy, TiPIrTC
lVIII..,.,lli l-jll.... A...II ..a. P-....l awaaa- a w
ioii.Muy'.i W 1 1 In ) I r. Vtiilev, Mtiyli; Ktiralluii
M,iv II; Willi, mull,, Valley. Mny '.ti.
Thee,,iiiiny reaervo the rt(lit In etipnif
piillltilt t'pti'P willieut nollee,
Triilaa eoimi'i'l Willi the (1. ,d C, It. and It I v
lltiitia ptCiirvsllis an, I Allistiy.
Thn Oregon I'licillc Htennihoiita on tho
Williinietto river division will leave
I'nrtliiml. piillt-biioml. Mutidiiv. Wednns-
ilnv, at d Friday tl A. M. Arrive at Ofl A 1 i A ,
I orviiiliH iiiesuay, iiiiiiNiiay ami hatiir
tlav lit Dillll 1'. M, Leave ('orvalliH,
norlh-houiiil, 1Iontlay, Wcilnosilay ami
Friday at H A. M. Arrivo al J'ortland
Tii.'Hiliiy.TliuiHilay and Saliiida.v at HillO
I'. ,M. on Monday, WiHlnosdny and Fri
day, Imt Ii nurlh and Noiilli-bouud boils
lie oyer night at Salem, leaving here al
Krelithl uml Ticket Ollice, Hiiliunn plreet wharf
TraiiiH ful the FiinI leave l'."llaiul, i
A. M. and HUM I'. ,M.
to pii. I from
lu Ihe I iilte,
Plnl lidriipe
,rlnel,il puliiii
Mllllea, (,
Eh gun! Now Dining Palm e Cars.
I'liiinini I'alai'c Slc('icrs.
run Thinnuli on lOxprcHaTraiiiH
COUNCIIj 1. luffs,
a-T" , ,. .
W il I1I11 only leu iimnihs this truly rciioirk.ihle iiiclleln.' loi fotiml its w
11110 me very ei'i nun I uta, Ih-CiIiim' It ( t KKl Tint ai, h. N,, ,p
o, ro-i. i in. in. 11, 1,, run alii. , k, , ,.,(, leahliij; 1
lur In.ok eoicpiuliiK lull inlorueiilon.
,e t,K e-la
lll'-ll,-tte. Pt
IE 11 iji'k m ito it r, itiiii.., o.,
". MiirriMii, a., I'lirllaii.l, Or!
Keuhe Am iiia (,,r ('ho k jui is Coiiniy, TH08 ('II A1;M AN X SuN. I
Oli'lt-.u Cily. On-jon. I
Th Celebrated French Cure,
rrntej it
Lo euro
or monoy
Cle ftiinnectliiiip nl Porlhuiil tor Hsu
cIpo am! I'liKet Hound points,
0. 11. HAHWK.I.b.Ji . Oe110r.1l rP, At.
HI Mouluoiiiery Ht,,Hnu Krnnelaefl,
t, 1;' iioot r, i' 1 11. r. . r. a. ii. v. 11.,
CnrvHllla, Or.
Farmers' Store!
For furllier piirtlcuhirs Inquire of any up-cn
ol the CoiupiMiy or
is w I. nr.
. i. .v r.
Foi thilltl.Oi l'i (11
a. HI i:i.l.i:l. T. Millie.
IJon'l linn niter.
It Sold on a
lo euro any
form of uorvous
illwpno, or any
disorder of th
BEFORE ' Kenerativ or- AFTER
lam oi either tax whether arising Irom th
iCMilt-cnMot Stimulants, Tobaero or Opium,
or through youthful ludlicretlou, over lndulg
nrc, Ac, men as Lois ol Dralu Tower, Wakeful.,
Bearing down lalns lu the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous rroitratlon Nocturn
al Binlsaloiir, Uttcot.hO's, DUilnew, Weak Mem.
ory, UmoI Power and Impntcnry, which It no-
liieeieti oiteu lean 10 protnatureol.l nitesii.l Insan- i 1
i.y. rrueii.uu a uox, 0 Doses lur IS.00 SeiK hy
mail nil receipt ol price, ,
order, to retiiml the money It a Permanent I
cur Isuoteflectod. Thousands oi tesllmouials I
irem old and young, ol both sexes, jierinanontly
cured by Am iioiiitinc. Circular freo. Addre"
57 FOKTLANn, oil,
1 4
For Salo bv Clianiinn .t Co. solo
ngents for Cliickainns county.
i,-t f n''," 'a.
ni linnrcniiiiir iiiniiinr n nnsurr uf
ulii in 1 n ,ni is. mn .i
1.111CAUO - 3,-1 iiwioii cniiAor uv. DAL
"'-'- .Tl ilM-en f a 1
5T LOUit
(anw iespoB to)
GrocBFT Store
Goods sold at Portland
Guaranteeing More Power, using
Water than any other
Whool, and the only Tur
bine that will
work successfully
under High Heads,
under Heads from
310300 FEET.
Less yx
sdHr i
l'nA e.l .'I.
on 1 10 ticf.nrv
I fe?H
k II. ii'-, 'i' 3 m tv1 t , a
WimiwavMfMt iiiriiiWMtv r'M-tr.--v I'-mi-tv -
n'j , ' . 1 ., , .
at, - -------1 ... .-,