The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 17, 1890, Image 3

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V New vf tlio Hwk us (latlu-rnl lt
nur Ivoi'ttrtor.
C. EiiVcvxV. biw ft neat vvtUtt
lWvr!v cncUv'.
The front oivoti clostxl n tlm lMli
l tliC UVOtlt tlUUItll.
I V now fonoo lui Iwn luiill in front ol
Ko lion' oiVUUm lv V. upt. tthttm,
llavo you fai'l yt'ur 'lix'l tux ? Tiint
", llllil II WM I'llllt -"mil 11 m I II Will IH'
riH'MOikot 1'iUliiii" -Tiinltoil
i i i i-
io road m-'min r,i-
miisl tu-iluy.
Mr. 0. K. l.tttourotut
,,intiHl Hillary ullio by
vm'k mi
HliMV M ill l IV
(0lNTY ,KSnXlKM'M.
Iwu ttp-liovi'inor
I Kiili'li Miller lunl lila Imml cruxlitvl on
li.lny wliilo noiUttf (or tin V, T, !
jiv nil ll Infill.
. i;,-v. Ilonry Wull, from I'mlliuul, will
is iiny tin' rulpit novt Sumliiy sit t!ii
jt'iifrvf Htu'ual iliUivli.
!,!. M. Noma id liuvitif a woll iloaijjnoil
ii story tluolliiiK Uouih' eiwtt'il on hi
kls tin1 avliool hou-.
Tlio now ivaiilomi of John Wo'lnu
on Mirth irvt it well junior way, mul
rill IhmmiiiIoIsI in alioiit thtvo vvovka.
A lury numl-or o( 'H'oplo from Put-flu
nil won' in tho I'iiv Urn Siuitlitv, Imv
iiii: oomo on tin" Alums (or a pUnsmv
Mr. Jolm Ttioiunx luis liin tvaioYmi on
Vshtii-ton divot, U'lwwn l-mirth ami
I filth, iMtni'li'liil, mul will nliortly m-
iiipy il.
II J. ll.iiilitif, wlio litis Iota on loner
Mum jiiivol. lot too i-mit tact to K b".
W'lnto, for llio ens-lion of a eotlnce to
loost iilx'iil t iH.
Homy Mi'l-lrniii Ima itirvhrovl two
; lot ol Mr., near the m-ln
1uh, iui.I will in the near future ereel
ll i-iiMiiiiiiii"i:- ti -iiu'iiii' iijiviii litem.
Mr. A. Walker lius Ihvii given llieeon-
f Irait to limit Hie new eoiinty hiulue
feni the t'lai kainus river, helow town.
fWoik will Ik eoiniiienrvvl tiHn it at
i .....
I si'ial atlention in ralKnl to our new
lory U'tiinniiit! with Ihii iwnit, entitloil,
"ieKi' ",or I'wu l ittle Wmnlen Shoe,
lv oneolthii jrieatest wiileta
of the ilay.
The eoiinty i tiltiiiit in on the river
front on the I'aiieinah nuui with erili
work, an I i aUo eonntrut tiii! a hulk
lieail to turn the current w lieuever high
nater occur)" nain.
T W Sullivan, Ihe engini-er in chaiye
of the W. T. A I., t'o.'a work on the
Ihisiii tovs thai he ill have the work
along m as to let Ihe Thm Siter out
hy the hift of thin month.
The new time lahle of the Southern
fViiic nK'aion the fourth pnfe of thin
:!"sue. ly connulting it the time of ar
rival an. I tlejiarturv of nil trainn through
tlii.-i city may l iimortaineil
At an election liehl hint Sunday hy the
I'rfshyVrun SiiihIiiv minxil, Siilnev
Smiytli kx elecleil UH'riiilemleiit,
vice Jai I'. Shaw, renigneil. J. Fuller
a'an electcil assistant imperinteinlent,
J. I'unlum laid wt a comniemlulile ex
ample to Hie proin'rtv bolilem of his
neiglitiorhoii.1 hv iiiittuig down a mih-
tantial six-font side walk in Iront of hia
lots tion which he lias lately had a line
rwidcnce huilt.
J U. Tremhath has. let the contract to
'i. it. ti .Miller lor tlie prertiun ol a
laelling hmiNo. to cost l!i.V. It is to I
located on the rorner of Fourth and
Wanhington slnrts, where he lias a
cou le oi line lots.
Tlio ladiet cf the ('onimvationul
ctiurcli will jive a lawn social at the res-
ulence of Jlr. M. .M. (.harman next rn-
lay evening July Isih. All aie invited.
Adiiii.-sinii, ID cents; iiih I'reiin, 15
M Ilatloo, w ho resides tnoinilcs east
lt!e oi rvu tli::t measured ovei seven feet
Jin length The straw was so heavy that
;il required three men on tho harvester to
l.ariille the hund'es and tlie lieuda were
were tilled.
Ht'imtv I'nited Stales Marshal. O. I
lilli r, came down from Salem yesterday
'uorning and stoped olf hen' to take in
iiarge llulieri l liase who was nrresteil
y Siieriil' Sinnsim two weeks ago for
Bissmg niiinterfi lt money to ( . l'aiii"-
I'll ol ihe I trill nil House.
The wagon to I' I by w iy of
i'g , and the west nid of the river in
open In travel anil is sanl to In-III
i rv gun condilion. This road la wv
la! miles shorter than the east aide
Pad mul lieing shaded hy the timber for
he grealert part of they way and will
in he 1)11:1; a popular driveway.
f A large force of men are busy rebiiild-
: the warehouse for the W. T. & L.
'iiipany, and rehiiiMirig the breakwater
l a inure suhstantial manner than ever
fjture ihe hreukw-ater is well on to
fitriU eomnletion as far out is the elw
fie power lioiisc. near which two strong
ilkheads will be built.
Irhe Willainette Kails Klectric Com
ny are busy settim; two huge new
Sheds wbii'h w ill give them double their
fcn'iit eapaei:y, I he building will ulso
enlarged to twice its present si.e to
ijake room formoiedviiauios, which ure
de 1 to meet the demands of theirin-
N.asing hiisinesM.
siiev. .1. M . rroiW, ot I uiihy, will lie in
jegon t ity mi next humlay lortlie pur
fise of organizing a church of the Kvan
flical order. 1'ope'H hull baa been
fcured, and a business meeting will 1
ild II A. M. At II) A. M. a Sabbath
fiool w ill beorj-'anized. and at 11 o'clock
y. IVeiHS will hold divine 8erviccn,
lich an; to be in German.
On Wednesilay ol lust week, lrn.
till and I'uge removed a large cancer
fin Mis. Mailin (iregilrrion, of Hub-
d. She is rajridly recoveriiiff from
os.Tation, which was a very Hnceess
one, ii nd which it is thought -will
fi t a pennaiientciire. She is slopping
h her don, .Mr. Arnold (iicgarnun, of
i place, for the present.
ior nin unneeotintabln cans Tut
AMTIHI'lttll W put in ltt ppMf
ano at toil pototBc thl week
Mr. F, A. Brown, of 1'oitland wasi
ylsmtu with Mr. and Mra, .Hi'm Kru
last week.
, Mm, Christian Sii.nan, of l,a Uiande
ia viaitlng with her parent, Mr. and
Min Wagner.
The residence of Mr. T, Toone
and Mr. It, V. Short, had a very
narrow escape fM im Stttur-
day nighl ut f mi An
outhtiilduiK that had been lined aa a
anioko house and store, ro iin caught lliti
and waa entirely consumed. Fortun
ately they wr awakened from llwlr
Up and hv alrtnuoua ell'orta ancctHidwl
in aaving the other buildings, Tho loss
waa about f 7ft, Tli tire Knlted from
an ash barrel, whew they had do
positcd ashea tw o daya liofurv.
fit Wednesday of last week. lleo.
Seaman raised I be frame to hia mill
! !!"' K!,-1 hv it running this
fall, It w .ll he a law mill woli mi,i.-
ily of about Itl.IkH) (H-t per dav, when
completed. "o, K.
:inIj'. '
JU hv Ivoaa 1 Just eloslnu four
minima- term at the Melnig achool
House, w hero h haa tauuht with her
iisuai gtHHt auivess. After a brief vaca
tion at homo, she will ho ngnln wantwl
in the Joiisrud dlsliict.
l'pitgma. Another bam -lilxtK feet
for Ihe lieveniie Hotel. The traveling
public will lind no lack of luvomiinKla
tioua here,
thir new mail carrier must not ho in a
hurry, lie atartod from tin-sham Tlmin
day evening without receiving tho mail
sack, and did not miss it uiitiltwo miles
of smooth rtmd brought him to tho next
yostotllco. Whoa, Charley !
Mr. Hunhel, propiietor of the old
I'ielle place, la llmshing his new hoiis.
Mr, lr Francis and a half doien jolly
companions, all of I'ortlaud, iuissihI
hereon Thursday, ennuile for the Icy
top nl Mt, Hood,' As the mime parties
made the stipiery ascent two year ago,
they no doubt will succeed this lime,
"tin it while you're young;."
The recent succession of rams has de
veloped hav, esiieeially timothy, until
many of the fields w ill yicld a fiill crop,
i-wntrary to the outlook of a month ago.
Apples, wherever the htosaoiua wen
not nipped, may yet grow to a good sine
and till up many of the trees, hut cannot
make hall a crop, l luiiis, prunes, and
esn-cially m 'arswill bo very abundant.
Miss Hattie Croulhera la visiting tho
,Mise lionnett.
Tho many friends of Mr. Harvey
Staikweather will ho pleased to hear
that ho is again able to In' out.
Mr A. W. (iraham. tho genial Pur
ser of the Al'ona waa in town Sunday
visiting the Lamberts.
Misa Ka'horino I'ouaett la home for
short visit.
Tin Fvangelical Aa-ocutioii holds ita
annual picnic at l.ehni m's limvo.
Hon. J. II. Lambert and fumilv will
leave next week for Wilhoit Spring.
J. II. Hungerford, tho energetic real
estate man of tho village, has recovered
from the mealc and is again talking
ow n lots, Hero proiiertv and motor lino.
Telephone has also been added
The Telephone Co. aro placing poles
in position pieparing to place telephones
along tho line to Salem.
l-'arly Saturday morning tho consta
ble was si-en bnvnn and duster in band
busily engaged in sweeping and dusting
the ceiling and walla of the court room
much to tho "astonishment of the na
tives." Tho occasion waa an action
lo lecover money, nolea and accounts,
Samuel l. iiloom, plaintiff, J and Kate
Peterson, defendant. In absence of the
defendant's attorney, tho caso went by
default. Tho venerable Judge l.akina
gave judgment against the delendai.U
for the sum of $1:1 and costa of action.
The defendants gave notice for appeal.
The tmpilaof Mr. F. 0. Streyrtler'a
class ol vocal music, have arranged tea
tiuionial concert for the ls-nefit of their
instructor at the F.vangelieal church
on Friday evening. Tho programme
will consist of vocal and instrumental
music, and a large audience is ex
liecled. lo IU.
' 1 1 m n in mi '
II. C, Lewis, of Viola, was In tho idly
Henry Mlley, of WlUouvllte, wan In
towu Saturday.
W. Vi. Jce. of "Sew Dm, wan in tho
city yemvrduy.
Hon, Geo H. William", of i'ottUtud,
wailn townTueiUv.
Cpt. Villi Phiiunon, of SpringtMitor,
waa on our atiuota Monday,
Lulu llnnlesty enterlalned a party of
Her young (Honda lust Saturday.
.1. K. Mi t'oniiell, of rieasiint Hill prio
cinct, was in the idly on Tuesday.
A. T. Nhoeppa and children, ol roll
land, weii) in tho city on Monday,
K. W, Itandiilidi went east Monday
evening, to lake Ida mother back to her
old homo,
Mrs, James Thome, who has been
aeriously ill for toinu time is slowly re
covering, Mr. James SwaH'ord, of the real estate
firm of Swall'onl A tinmt, Is reported to
bo quite sick,
Misa Kale bonnet t returned Wednes
day from Milwaukee, where alio has
I st n visiting friends,
Misa Ftlu Stetnhclsor, of l'urtland, Is
visiting her coualn, Mls Lena Acker
man, ( thl city.
F. Matthleu, of lliittevllle. Marlon
county, waa In town the llrat of (he week
vlslllng old friends,
J. L. Swaironl, who ntiirned from Sa
lem last week qulto sick with a bilious
attack, ia again mending
Hon. T, A. Mcllrldo and family, re
turned last Friday (mm a brief visit with
ndatlvesat St. Helena.
Mr. Janiea Warren and family, of
Seattle, are vlslllng at the residence of
hia mother, Mrs, Henry Warren, ol this
Mr. Median, of tho linn, of Confer,
Mead A Median, returned homo Friday,
after a few daya camping In the moun
tains, Mr. A. S. I'rvssor, deputy prosecuting
attorney (or this district, returned Satur
day from St Helena, where he had been
on legal business
Mrs. Chas, Mis-nhke, of Mink, accom
panied by her ami W illle, n't u rued home
last Saturday fnan Sealtle, where Ihey
had I sen visiting friends.
Mr. Frank Harlow, one of Oregon
City's enterprising nien hants, w ill leave
the latter part of this week (or M l.liotl
Springs to li absent several davs.
liev. 1, M . Ilounett, paslor of the
I'niliil Hrvthren church will preach at
the rn'shvterian church ol this city next
Sunday iU3:U0 r, M. A cordial invi
tation is extendeil to all.
Miss lieorgie Thome, daughter of Mr.
James Thome, of this eilv, closed her
school at Marshland, Culumhia county,
last wii-k, and ia now assisting her
father in hia abstract olllce.
Mra.W. I. Iturna. of Port In ml, has
been visiting ndatives mid old friends at
the Falls City, during the week. Mra.
Hums waa one ol ihe llrat settlers of this
place, coming to Oivroii in W-i-
I. 1. Larkins, of Untie Crock, waa In
town Wednesday. Mr. I.arkins reKirts
croai looking very fine with every
prospect of a big yield of wheal,
lie exrweta to atari for' Soul hern Ore
gnu in a few daya to take a look at the
county with view ol leeating.
Miss Analle Cishrane has charge of
the short hand department of the I'ort
laud llusiuesa College, during the ab
sence of tho rogulartcachur, Misa Moore,
who is taking a vacation. Miss Coch
rane has accepted the position a teacher
of the same branch at the Capitol Col
lege, at Salem, for which place she will
leave the lust of Septemlier.
Judge W. S. Moore, of Klamath county,
withhiawife and daughter, an-the guests
of the family of Mr. F. O. MeCown. The
Judge has lately been siild-ring with an
attack of rheumatism, hut ia now much
improved. Judge Mi sire is one of the
principal stockholdera In the Gladstone
Ijind Company, and ii in the city looking
up his business.
l.eller Mat.
Tho following la u list of loiter ft"
nmlhlnglit the post ulllni at Oregon I lly,
July 17, Mil);
MUlnr, Jobll W
Mintth, '' Ii
Manlii, Ml" "bve
Miioro. III
Miuliii, ilolioid -nlsoii,
Lai's I'
I'rlee, M's. I'' M
Plellm'lllller, l 'J
Paddock, T.
Iiiiiiiien, II I'
Nokohs, JoMipli
Siivllle, t 'Inn ley
Seveh k, .Im'
lllllll, llelll'V
Wallace, l laybiii A
Williams, Mr 'vni
Yeiielie, Trludoliia
Zni'llel, Joinpilui
Amivrien, C J
Auftln, J M
Honing W II
Hallev. MA
Unlit, 1 i mul
llurke, Kilwnrd
Culp, .lolm M
Carr, Wm
rinck IHiiir Hand t
sione ijiuii-y Co.)
Ciirlso,!! 1' ,M
l iving, T
Davis, I' l
I llllisiulll, .InlHI
Hall, Mis Cliarley
Harris, A
Hodgson, Mr A I'l
How tlt, fcilwasd
Hilleliliis, W !
Ingrahaiii, Alex,
When called for please aay when nd
verllsed. J. M. H.U'oN, I'. M
Oregon City Kou AgaliiNt (lie Wml.l.
Jas, Kirk, tho gicut hi tap nuiiiufac-tui-er
of Chicago, was In town Tuesday,
in (lie Interest of his factory, he Hiding
(hat the competition of the Oregon Clly
Soap Works was getting an sharp as lo
seriously Interfere wllh his sales on Ibis
const. "Ho Hn'iit tha day with our lo
cal merchants endeavoring to convince
thorn of the merits of his soap over that
manufactured in Oregon City, bill bis
lalk was of little avail, us he found thai
our inorchaiita believed In imlrouUIng )
and protecting our home iiiaiiulnetui
era. The Oregon Clly Soap Works me
now putting up nearly i!,onO,(Mio barsol
suap a year and the iiialily la such thai
It ranks Willi the Is-sl eastern soap and
their sales are increasing ho fust dial
they will largely increase the outptil
for their factory'the coming year.
Oregon City is lo liavo another real
eslalu (Inn. F.. M. Atkinson, the well
known lawyer of Portland, and J. W,
Noble, our county assessor, baling
formed a pai I ner-'.up, Thev will open an
olllce In the Oregon Clly llank blm-k, In
the rooms lately occupied by the l.'mled
Stales Land olllce They will Inakii n i b
Wll'l N' i I' D
tihoulil oxamlna
tho brarula kopt by
E. G. Caufield,
Whici' aro Unox
- t ! Jt'tl for Purity Wearing
p : !.:::; KtASOfMQLE
: o
Clearance Sale
I'ii 1 1, ri.ii c i-i I'opular I'lopeily,
l.i, cm i' le.iln buul'ls for sale at this
oilii'i". I'liiiianleed to Isi correct,
Mole .-.".li:l, Ifceipt bis'ks, etc., at this
lul'm.-, veil .- .lieu up and neatly bound.
Iiji.i! e. -one inilli cow (or salechcnn,
,i I am ; ' 'ii,; u iv. Aiii, Knk-htr.
A -
"I lie
in-, 11
L.i.1. 1 :
No. I
.pllli- i I I.-,
N.i.1 I ".
Find, -reliniii:
lie-,1 l..t ..'
rial, i n I
w tt:, i v;v
III. in e-,.
w ill i
irding'sgriHt mill at Mulino ia being
liilt and enlarged to nearly double its
f er cniiaeity, with the full roller pro-
put in for the manufacture of Hour.
rgo warehouse for the storage of
Jwill shortly he built adjoining the
This mill, when the improvements
sconiplcted, w ill be one of the best
lltry mills in ( lackaniaa county, and
the able to turn out flour of a quality
fl to that of liny mill in the state.
tfin.T. A.Mcdiride and family, and
jK M. Hands and family, will leave
Jiniddle of next week for a trip to Mt.
.Helena. They will take a complete
hp outfit with tlieni and spend about
onth in that wild region. They will
by ftraincr lo St. Helena, in Ooluni
f county, and from that place they will
ocee'l to Woodland on the north fork
f l-ewis river, from which point they
ill continue their journey by paca
irres up that, atream to its headwatera
the base of Mt. St. Helena, where they
ill pitch their camp on the banks ol
ut Lake, a beautiful body of water
rounded by a dense forest on all sides,
vd teeming with trout. The Nimroda
the parly will go loaded for bear, aa
lie of all kinds ia said to be quite iden
al in that region. With Mr. Mcliride
f trip is no novelty, he having spent
I vacation for the oiirpaHtBiiuiiiierattt
t place. The party will doubtless
ve a. jolly good time and come home
b renewed health and strength.
( larkiimii County Teasel Farm.
Mr A J. Sawtell, of Molalla. was in
town Monday. Mr. Sawtell is one of
the largest growers of teasels in the
I'nited States, lieing the only one on
the I'acilic Coast engaged in the busi
ncH. Ho has over 2m) acrea in this year
and n-tsirts the rrop aa very line. Har
vesting will commence next Monday and
he will employ over Iw men with work
As to the quality of teasels grown bv
him, Mr. Sawtell states that there is
as lunch dillerence in quality betwitm Or
egon teasels and tltoae grown in eastern
slates aa there is between the Imps or
wheat of this coast and that grown in
the eastern states. Owing to the small
niinils-r of woolen mills on this coast,
hy whom tl' teasels are used in finish
ing woolen goods, Mr Saw tell shins the
greater part of his crop to the eastern
nulls, w here by the suiienor quality ol
hia teasel he linda a ready market and
at pricea for above that secured hy east
ern growers.
Mr Sawtell atarted in some thirty
years ago and from a small beginning
lias limit it up until lie now employs
over one hundred hands and distributes
thousands of dollars each year in carry
ing on his liusiness, which has come to
he one of the important industries of
Old Colu-i.
Mr. (ieo. HiincH, of Portland, baa the
following note In the Oregnnian of the
Kith :
"Among the numerous curioailie
which the high water at Oregon City
last Fobruarv brought to light were three
round brass coins, one-sixteenth of an
inch thick and one and one-eighth in
ches in diameter. On one aide aniM;ara
an inscription "Northwest," on tho up
per enrve and "Company" on the lower
curve, with a well dellned engraving of
a beaver in the corner. On tho aide the
word "Token" is found on the umier
curvo, and "1H20" on the lower with a
profile nfn Hritiah king, presumably
(leorge III, as ho wiih ruler of Uroat
Britain in 17H4 when the Northwest
Company waa organized in Montreal.
Many inquiring have been made aa to
the use of the coin mentioned, but ao
far no knowlodge baa been obtained;
the conjecture ia that it waa lined for
trading purposes among the Indiana,
but nothing can lie found aa to Ita re
puted valuo in thoae early days. This
Item ia written with the hope that the
eye of some one may full upon it who
can give the origin of the coin and ita
Thoae are probably old coina brought
here by the Hudson Bay Company at an
early (fate and have been lost for this
long time. If any of our old aettlora
know of their origin and use, and when
they were brought here, Tim Kntkii
piiihb Jvould bo pleased to publish the
facta for the benulit of the curioa.
Fire Alarm.
At about 1 o'clock Monday afternoon
an alarm of lire was Hounded, which
promptly brought out the department,
though their service were not needed,
the lire being extinguished before they
reached the scene. The alarm waa
caused by the roof of the building occu
pied by Mra Moore, adjoining the uuh
Houae. taking fire from a defective flue.
The dtiuiugi! was very light.
Th moMt. delicious drink ia Wiiippkd
Cmcam and the genuine in for sale at E.
G. Caufield's.
The Cllj Coancll.
Council called to order by the Mayor.
C. II. Cautield chosen recorder pro
Ollirera present T. K. Ityan, mayor;
C. V.. lluriia, marshal; rouncihncn
Athey, t'liarinan, Warren, Irouibath,
Parker, O'Connell and Caulleld.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
proved .
Ordinance No. , vacating nlffy
through hhs-k No. 127, mid the iccond
time, and on motion, was nassed by vole,
aves: Athey, Charman, Warren, 1'reiu
b'ath, Parker, O'Connell and Cuulield;
noes, none.
Ordinance No. , providing (or a sic
cial election to U held on July 28, 1WHI,
read the second time and passed by vole,
ayes; Athey, Charman, Warren, I rem
bath, Parker, O'Connell, ami Caulleld.
On motion, the recorder waa directed
to post the nec-jssary notice for audi
asu'ial election.
Ordinance No. . regulating the duties
of city marshal, waa read for the second
time and, on motion, waa laid over until
the next regular meeting
The health and the police committee
made a verbal report in relation to a ca-o
of diphtheria in town, ami were mrecleu
to take such precautions aa they consid
ered necessary to prevent the disease
Council adjourned,
Appropriation Wanted.
Major riios. II. Ilandlniry, of the
United States F.nginoer Corps, has sent
hia annual report to the chief of engi
neer at Washington. In U be reviews
Ihe progress of tho improvements under
ids charge, during tho fiscal year end
ing June 30, and makes the following es
timate of the amounts to bo ex
pended upon them during tin next vear :
specially of bundling Park Place, Ceniial I'
tud I -aii-mount additions to Oregon l 'it y . I
They will also halidhi iroarly oil com-
mission. They are Imlli enei'Rotie limi
tless men, and wllh their extended a - i
tin u 1 1 1 tn i)i-i in rl.u I aiiius coiintv, will
sisui build up a largo business, Mr, i
John Aldcii, well known to our c'liens, j
will have chaigool I lie olllce work, hm.I
will have cli irge In the abciu e of Mr.
Atkinson or Mr, Noble.
Seiions compliillit Is iniide ab.uil b en
lull playing on the public miiiaic on
Sundays, and a commllteo hai been ap
pointed hy the Ptesbyterian society to
hring the mailer before (lie city council
with a view of having It suppressed. The
complaint stales that a large number o
men ami Isiys congregate on Sundays lo'
play bail on ihe public square, and I v
their noisy conduct disturb the peace nl
the nclgl.lioi IiimsI, mid especially Ihe
services of (lie Prcidntciiau church Im h
adjoins lb" square The council Mill ,,,, j
douhlless prohibit fuilher Sunday pl.iy ' ,.,.., , ,r
llig on tint spmiio, and if Hie Imvs iinit ..... i , .,
play ball on Sunday they will bale to
seek a more retired sit wlwe they will
not disturb cititoua w ho desire lo spen I
the day 111 pc.icii and qmel .
A most distressing accident occurred
at the pi n e ol Alex Thompi on, of l i n k
ainas, on Friday last, w Im Ii resulted in
the death of Ins son, Hav, aged eleven
years. It apieuia thai Itay, wilh an
other hoy, was enduavoiing to cateh '
some horses and had ili'iven them Into a
bine, when one of them kicked him in
.1 i ...i. . i.- ..ii-...., ..r ..I.:.. i.
low piuiiiHt 11, lliilli Dili i-nei ii. in nun. m
lie died the follow rig Mindav. lie
little follow was a hriitbt hoy of iimrl,
promise, and Mr. and Mrs.
have tint sinieie syuipulby of llu-it
uuighlHira and fiiehds in Ihcir great lu.s
Tlie funeral services weie held Mou
day and were largely attended.
lo-'l'l Inlet
omt hoiiso,
ii ellli e.
In Jaggar's
Apply at
I'. I
- 1 1 pnliii- Property
I ubiiigles In car load lots
le ' in liiii;e ipianlilies. Fll-
-;l ll .'.el .
-it I ' kii ,ir, -.Mlbs, (I ; Fxlni C
I- ii ' I ; Arm and Hammer
i iviiih, New Hi'lck store,
! I ii .s iV A i i.ks, t liu kaiiiiis.
On eiibir Fiiday or Saturday
in I .i i i i i t tt iiu-lallic liandle.
mil Is libeiully n-aanletl by
iik P. t-xiiii six, t hariiian
H I'.-ll
the i I i
.bin ii ;
doll U" I
lir !.
1 1 - -1 w.
.111.1 l.,i
i. ill, l: e
1 1 i'
our k
i inn; ntlli e is tccclving a
'.i l ve ii u I printing mute
1 i i,,i nv iiiamigeiiieiit
.wl ol printers is Is.tter
i. n-t r.-d lo do the Ih'sI of
:, t pin es
m Ul V. High and dry
1 n .itnr line, near cannery
.1. -1 1 ickamaa Ili ighls is
. lots (iig sod 1,0; (10
i ci-kly payment of one
In, is will a lvalue May
i Popular I'rotierly. ;
K iv WooTeu MUlComiMi-
. in un-goii riiy, ran i
i . birest atock'; Sd, HO
; ;!d, the latest daaipns
I ii, llui fienbest goods;
t i . Ii' li ruts ; I. Ill, ul niiin
, : i ( ,',!l and exaiiiiue
. i ... T. ll.iiirow , Agent
Wo inti'iitl to inaugiirato a
Sorni-annual Cloaranco
Sale, in nruVr lo roiluco our
stock, timl fur tho
w oxjioct to give our cub
toilH'ITJ Bllt'll
that will never bo mado again
when thcRo coodn aro once
('loaned out.
to Ko-Hjiectfully,
Tako Notice.
Parlies knowing themselves Indebted
to Cooke Pro a must call lliuuirdalidv
and settle mid save costa
Ceogg Puna.
To coiitracl for ihe delivery ot 1,01 XI
onls of wihhI for fuel. For further in
foiiiiatioii, call at our olllce at works.
Wn.i.AMan x Pi i i- A Vm kh Co.,
tin iiidir K. Smith, SiiH'rinlcndetit.
Wool WanUa!
On and after May tilth the Oregon City
Wisilen mill will be prepared to buy
wool for which they pay the highest
market price, Ity order of the
O. C. M. Co.
Patk Place la Popular Prosity.
My cnliii! law and money lending
biinini ss will lie carried on a usual dur
ng my absence from the stale. Mr. A.
S. liesor will have charge of it.
W. ('Aatv Johnson.
For Sale.
A gisxl paving rewspas.r and job of
lce in one of the nourishing counties of
Oregon. County otllciul pajsr, and haa
tho land oflico business. Address News-
pas-r, eare K.NTtafaisa, Oregon City.
Cheap Ijmd tor Sale,
Choice (arming land, three miles from
Oregon City In Iroin 10 to 100-acre tracta
at .','). 00 to I.W.OO )ki M. re. Call on or
ad lresa, Uyan & Handall or
J. I. Hksnxm, Oregon Clly.
Park Place la Popular Property.
We liave juot Jtccolved
Of jLatcst Dof3ien.
oiiJ you are gure to lo jili-'aicJ.
Carpels, Oil CIolli ami Halting
Xfst Comploto cxracl
jPriooo tlactt Astonish.
Falls View AMition to Drepu City.
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In Die lant sixty days. Examine tho record. Very sight
ly, adjoins tho lost improved part of town; also convenient
to tho manufacturing part. Don't fail to look at it before
purchasing. Terms very easy.
Oflic near Post Oflico.
O I M i: l Olt IM III.K' t ! !
Ilornce I), Woodward.
I'NiTieri dTTK I.tKn Or ru n
(IrcKuii Clly, Or , Jinn n, l'jU
KOTICE In Imri'lir ilri-a llil III omniUmim
uliblh iiruvuiitiii of die An uf CniiKr.iii if
Jutifilt. n,k, eut(!ii.4 "An ct fur llio iitle of
linilifr InU'U lu Ilia Htmri uf (.alifuriim. Urn
full. NvikU, am! IVmtiliiKtoii lrrtlnrv'," Hur-
r l. WoiMlward of m;il, ruiouy nf King
Niateof WK.Iiliint-in, hai tliU tUjf flied lu Ihu
oflicv ma aw.irn alultwnrtil Mi. il'7, lor llir pur'
rtirfhuuf ilieHK'nl Mictlun Kn.'i, In Tuwimlnp .No,
I riniiih. naiitte An. 7 r.aal, and mill unnr pron
In ahow lliai Ui lam! anuglit la luur vaiuabla
fur Ha tlmtivr ur anme titan fur aRrlculiura
1 1
Silc ( Ilt'iip.
Il'lj .illill,'
Tlu notice lor a apwinl clcclioii to I.,
Iiclil i n I hia cil v on .Moiulay, Julv :'s,
(or tlio purpime of volinxa tlnv mill t.a
lo ctiiilili' Ilia citv io purcliiiHK a i;
piiinii lor tlio water workn i pulilinlc I in
anollicr coluiuii. A San I iuihU. o linn
lutH ollcicil to Inruiali Hit' pump, i in ; (
ami Btroiitf, ami warranlcil to orU, im
pulilc ol 1 1 ft i n u l.(NKl,(ioo (".illmiM of wutm
per il.iy fur lUii1, tlioiili when IuiIk .in
ailvcrliix'il (or, it ia piolinliltt tlnil a nml-
u Ii Iti one can Ik' procunvl lor a 1cm mini
It ia not tliolitflit ailvinulilc io put in it
pump ul IcflK limn I.UMI.IHMI tfikllniiN i I
ijiily, u u ti in ii I tt-r one wont, I ani lum
to lit) rcplactnl.
lfcv. It. X". Slutrp, of SiiIciii, (nriiu ilv
ii pin 1 1 era on l, mul
1 . u. .Mi l ott A t o.
i or Sale,
il 1 1 1 1 urn una i!iiiiI
I. W IUiiaul. til
-iiiriiiiia, ami tii mtatjllab lila claim to aaid
ul bfor tha H ''Klalvr -nid Kncclvar of ifeia
nflii al (ir-K'in t Ity, Or., on 1 ucailar, Ilia Mill
ilay ul tictiiiMir, Ih'Ai. lie uarni wuneaara
K. tl.Cuuiitro, II K. WaiU, N J. Welch, W
Cabura, all of 1'orllaiid, Dr.
Any ami all n?rmma claltuliig advariely Ine
alnive tlfM'rtbed lamta ar rripieated to file
llifilr rlaiina la Ihlaulfice oa or t-t-fore aald Mm
day ol I dolier. 1mm. J. T. Aft'EKMON.
il, i Ketiauir
Im c.i'miv u .oor ! In liia ol
i, ft nil iv
A tine r'ariii.
Slop! I( you ar waiiliiiR a flm farui,
I litre ia your clmnce. Ilk) acrca, throe
. . . . noli. a Iruiii llrrt.iin, I i u una n.lLi
.litlll IllrtliM Mm.1. ' .. . , .....u (w.
! v iai aiuiiii-i lioik'oi",i licro lown iota
J. W, i;Htnty AiwcaKor.
Coluuiliia river Jolty.
CiiHciuli? locka
l,w'r('oluinliiaaniI Willainctto
Upper Willaimitto Tl,
Cowlitj river
Total l.fiJll.fMH)
Tlio followliiK ia an extract from that
portion of liia report rclatinu to tlie
Wllliimelto aliovo rortluml :
IluriiiK tin) low water of hint auiiHon,
which waa tho lownat known, a channel
twentv aix inclitta in depth waa main
tained to Independence, eiithly-two
milea abovo l'ortland. At one time
tliero w hut twenty-three incheB on
the lower mitre Ht 11 of (he locks at Ore-
Kon VMy-. . .......
THO total amount appropriuiuo ior hub
work aince tlie preaent project waa
adopted ia $1 13,000. All of tin liaa
tiecn expemleil, exunpurif l'ou,xi.
Thiaatreatn iaof mich a character that
a certain amoiini oi worn win db re
quired every aeaaon to keep It in any
thing like a renaonahle condition for
houtini". The uliannola and liara are
conataiitly cluinuiiiK and exponin new
rotka, aniiL'H, uml otlier otmtrucuona a-
every chanite. A ainall foice with auitiit
hie boat and outfit can be vory profita
bly emploved during all low Htauna ol
tho water, In cloaintt hIoiikIim, buildini'
wint-daiiiH, ncriipiuK liaiH anil rouiovuiK
annua and rocka,
lit Durkcat Africa.
IIKNKY M.STANI.KY'H latitat and
IjreatnHt work will be IbhuwI from the
preaa about the lat of AiiKiiat, B.J.
Sharp, of Salem, has secured tho ajrency
of Clackamas county and will at unco
enter upon the canvaaa.
Thin ia tho full mid only authentic ac
count of fctimloy's adventures and dis
coveries durini b;a last threo yoara in
Africa. Don't Tall to obtain a copy
The moat liealthful drink Is Wilhoit
Mineral water received from the anrinus
every few days and dispensed pure and
I -l.l .1 L- 11 'n,,(Ul,l'
ICO UOIU Mli XJ VI. vamiuiw
piiHtor of the .il. K. church in llu lum c,
and one of the pioneer mini'.lciH nf t in..
Koll, in in toMii this week. Sir, Slmrp,
oMinu to tiiriuil troillilcH, Iiiik lu cii C'.ni
x'llcil to (live up the ininiiti V, uiol i
now liiuiillinir Staulcy'a '' 1'iirkcil
Allied," for which he bio" the cxclii-ivo
iiKcin y fur this comity. Not illi-lnn l
iny, the ii u 1 1 1 1 K-r of -ipurioiiH bookH piu--iKirtinK
to be Stanley's sold here, he i
linviiitf very llntleriii't success in liisciiii
VII ss. !
The In xpn vela of Oreuon Citv to he1
alive to their interests hIioiiI.1 uivo u j
uiiiiuinioiis vote on the proposition In j
levy a three mill tax Willi which In on-
luitpi tlie city water winks, which w.ll
lie h ul mi 1 1 ii I to them on next Mniiuit
week. The pii'sent uml pio-poilive
Kniwth of On'cnn t'ily demuiids a heller
water acrvicit and morn teliiililn llio pm
leelioii. Tim conI. is hut a sin ill sum
l oinpareil lo tlio hem lit lo be iiciivc'1
fioiu Iiiiviiih im iiileipialo waler supply
(or Hie cily :
'' II i: ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 iililiiliil liieeliii)! of l!o
(Iri't'OII I'li'.'S A'.soriillioll will bo In 1,1
in I'orlliiiiil on Thursiliiy mi l 1'inhiy,
August II mid lo, I Kill I. rrepiiralimis
arc lieing liiiuli! by llio III' u -i,i p,.
(iiiteinily of 1'orllaiid lo cnlcitiiin tlu ii
Kllesls ill bcconiiiiK slylc. Il iscvpeeleil
Ihat the press nenerally will bo rcpic
sclilcd and that a bo'h pleasniil uml
prollliible lueelini; will Im had.
Mr. and Mrs Sydney Sinytbe essayed
to make ther first attempt .in hou.-e-koituiiiK
Tucsdiiy . As our (-eniiil county
surveyor appeared on the street the next
day with his happy is to be
takt n for Kranfud that the stovepipe
went up without a hlvli and thai tlie
llrat biilch of bread was not burned.
dipt . Jus. I'. Shaw, the commander of
Co. !', 1st Ueuiuiont, I). N. (i., of this
cily has issued orders for the iisscm-
Plyuiii of the conipunv Haiunluy even-
inn in their armory, at 8 1'. M for tpmr
terly muster uml Inspection. Kvory
niemher is expectntl to ho present.
The uradini uml improving of fiflh
street, no in Adams lreet, la proj-ri'K'tiii
in uood shape under the directum of
Street Commissioner Howell, and the
residents of that part ol town will soon
have a fine tlioroiif-hfiiru.
If. C. Sloper was airehted uud broui-lit
boforo JiiHtlin Knuta on a clnuue of
thieiili'iiiiin the life of W. II. Davis, On
Hlopcr oirreeiinf to keep the peace and to
pay nil costs, tlie case was dismissed.
A, M. (loltra, the popular barber,
has opened a now bin her shop on Main
street, between Fourth and fifth, and
is ready to receive his old patrons.
The Ladies of St. Paul's ('Jul It will h'ivc
a I.iiwn Social next Thursday evenin",
at the residence of Mr. Chas. Hums. Jcu
cream and other refreshments forsnle.
j tii.ii i t:
' I'm I ' i
jeniev ...
' I, mil I i
ins rn
I.I.' i! ,i'.
Vmi i', -u
i t i it" -I '
1II0KKY. Near DainiiHcus, Oreiron, of
eonsnmption, Mr. W. IS. liickey,
lilted 70 years.
lie leaves a wife and eiulit children,
and a lurue circle of friendH to mourn
his departure, Mr. Ilickoy was an old
resident of Oregon, and much respected
by all who know him. The funeral oc
curred at Clackamas station on Sunday.
11 in'i'ii!
-uli In ;
i'JMl :IV
lieefl .
ti'l HI'M,'
lie i' i
,f.i H i,
llio I ' '
opii.i; I 1 1
' ime
-t.illd , i
lliet I',-.'
.11 r I
inilu :
I d
r : . lliiiiliiluu.
i mi'' tiling lias caused
i i. ,M' d of irudi' at U A.
, spire ul their itiviii)-
ii I mi. rs of ho ninny free
I1, , K oiii's New Discovery
mi, riieir t tad is Simply
;lo v iy valuable article
i ii i: ii I .iy n cures ami
. i':1-. inii;!is, t'olda,
i ' i ll -, I 'roup iilnl all
I: -i i- M ipiii kly enrol,
i ) " buy ill by eettimj
I ,!,;e n.v l.
ii' uhilinll.
pfipetiv in Oieniin Citv
y ,!,"i' The N. W.
in.' in e'erlv bus betiii
i !'ii, and w ill be sold for
A, foon ux th y huvo nil
it lil be il druwlili to do
hall i."'l Ihe rcsidiilice.
I. I iippiuluiiity lo (tet a
, Ullli two luis fie,i in n
-' " 1 mil ol the city , Such
i : only once in u hie
r ' ii w ) it-It the ilv!liii",s
' ' mot sijinne. 1'or lur
. . ,; lo
I. v s i: Ii' anii.u I..
.-II H il decs,
ill- i""i ti'iieiion of a
I iiii'uliii iirr Hour ils liy toe I'oiliily
i nmity, ' 'r., until l ii h in
I" II. ' I -Ho pluees mid
-ii-i-l ju nt lull, to lie-
aro bcllunr lrm t)70 each. (lood
house, barn, woodshed, root hous; 30
acrea cleared, (iood timber, near saw
mill: well and springs never dry. Will
id I farm, or (arm and atock, for par
ticulars call at this olllce.
urn H.ii.t:.
;iSI acres, 8 miles from cily j It!;) culti
vated ; Hi) in urn in; 5(1 In full wheut;
liiih'e oreliind : otie-hulf mile to depot ;
on r.ulro nl ; place -Veil Wiit-'icu; liouse
in. I burn: one of tlio licit farms in the
county. Price fXi, Tonus easy.
Mi) acres best land in the county; '.'5
cultivated ; house and barn ; prion f.'UHI.
Ill) acres 4 miles from town; 411 in
cultivation; '.' bams; box house; nice
orchard; road pauses hous; school near
house; pricv M100. This is una of the
bei-t bargains. C. Ct riiNti.
Park Place is Popular Property.
A Hue I. Inc.
Mr. J. II. Wav, tbe well known piano
ami oiyan tleiilcr, since his removal next
ilimr to the Central Hotel, bus received
an clt'puil line of organs, piunos and
sew inir nincblnes. A snniple of the ccle
pnitcd I'ischer piano is in the parlors of
the Central Hotel, where it can be in
nH'eted at any tiuie. He is also nuent
for the Decker and (vera and Pond
pianos, and Mason i Hiiiideii, A. It.
Chase and Weber orpins, all sold for
cash or on the installment plan.
Sclimil .Honey.
There is plenty of money on hand to
loan of school funds, and it will he to tlio
interest of all borrow ers, especially those
who need any considerable amount as
well aa luiiirtiiiHi loans, to borrow school
money. This is absolutely thn cheapest
money to he hail 8 per cent and no com
missions after the Hist year, (.'all on
C. D. Laloiirelte, Attorney for the board.
I., del
iliiniiinl o
'I In- t'o,
mi'l i. I I'i
,1 -i . .. I 'I .'
U i
Clllll'l. ti.i
I line i lii.liler ri'iiuiied
i lii 1 A i r unit of lh
,1 . im- Mini ii i ' r k .
" tiie riirltt to rojoi't any
in !i r ol llio Coiiniy l.'ouit
ml uml o -t. t of the ("oiintv
nl' June isttl.
II. II. .TollNSiiN,
t'oiinly Clerk.
Naiinii:.! Smulciil lustltule,
:SI'.I I'm I St., San Priincisco.
One or inure sin-pious represent ini
tios luntitul will be ut the Oriental Ho
tel, Oriyi! Cily, July I'll. This institute
is spet inlly dovolod to (lid treatinent of
cli'viiliii'o of llio tipino, diseases of Ihe
hip mid kill-, ' joint, crooked limbs, club
feci, and nil bodily deformities, Their
H'.lW'sti in In iliio; tliese troubles a
well us all chronic diseases has mado for
the I list it ut o u iohiil reputation.
All pori'inis !i,ium sull'oriiiK from any
of thoHn coiiiplaiiit'i, should not fall to
tako iiilv:iit;u,o oi'tliis opportutiily for re
lief. Reference may bo hud to the following
residiiit.: .Iiol.'o Ii, P. Iloise, Salem;
llmi, Tims, I,. Davidson, Malum ; A. I.u
ellinsr, Mdo.aiiLio, Or, ; T W. Thomp
son, (lie Ion, Or.; Jus. Dull, No. 20-I
Madison Sin ot., I'oillanil.
Kritt ve No! lee,
Scaled l-iilu will be received bv the
nndei-sionoil lor llio couslrnction of one
bridge ami approach on Hie north fork
of Mm Mol. ill. i near Austen's mill, said
liritlne to consiit ot one HI) foot space
with approach, 1DII loot lone;. Said bids
must bo Mo -oiiipaiiii'd by pliius specill
eulioiiM ii ii-1 slraiu dimtriini lotietlicr with
a check oi depo.nit coyeriii(- 5 percent,
of bid -i. 1'lui ilirhl to reject tiny or all
bids Im r-wrvctl, H. H , Johnson.
Count v Clerk.
Oreooii Cily, dr., July 15, ism). '
a i' itoc Wiiuli'tl,
Soalod bi 1 1 for bikini" care of grounds,
and iloi-,i;; Ho. j.inilor work of school
limine for ciistiin;: your, will be received
by iliroelois inilil July 85. Riuht to re
joct any and all liids reserved.
II. L, Kelly,
Clork of Dist. No, 02.
t'simri 8TTxa I.asn Omen.
Oimtos City, or., April is, lsisj.
Nolli-a la liart-liy nlveti Dial In coniillanre
Willi Ilia pruvlNluiia of ilia act uf cotinrfaa of
June a. l-Ca, eiillliiid, "Au act lor tlie aale of
Umber lamia In tlie alntt-a oi Calllornfa, ore
Jon, Nevada and Vi a.liliinliin Territory,"
lenry Smallirra. nf Viola, county nf Clacka-
maa, alate ut Oregon, haa Itiil day filed In Una
nitire bit awjrti ataleitieiit So. "AiC tor the ptir-
chaae of Ihe Nw ot SK 14. ami KK i-, ot Stt t.
ol niTunii ino. 's, in lowimtnp iso. 0 Houtn,
lunge ,No. 3 Kal, and will ofler eroof to ahow
that tlie laud Bought la more valuatite lor ita
tlmoer or atmie Uihii for agricultural utiriioaea.
ami to eatahllah lila claim to aald laud before
the remitter and n-relvt-r nf thla onit-e st lire
gnu Clly. dr., ou Friday, Ihe IjIU day uf 8ep-
lenilier, in-jo
He liamea aa wttlieaaea: Chna. Cnttltlt, Orlll
Culling, and Up Manon nf Vlulit.orfgnu, II. t.
refua nf uregnii city. tlr.
Auy and all peranua olalriinn adver-a;r the
tthove deacrllied lamia are rt'ipiestod to rile
llinlr elalma In llifa olllce i n or l-i-lorp njd Ivih
day nf aeuipinlier, l-.J J. T. AI'l'KKStiN,
7-li--U ' liiglmer
lliiillli ami Luiiirevll)'.
Dr. A. VV'ilford Hull's Ilynionic
Troatment for the permanent cure of dis
eases without cither medicino, electricity
or costly appliances, Works In perfect
harmony wilh the laws of niitine.
JfWSeo Microcosm "extra" which
Itivus tho history of the physiological
discovery. Send for circulars at iiiv ex
pense. Price uf Health Pamphlet $4.00.
Address, J, W. Tiiomah,
Molalla. Or.
Tl.MltKll LAND, ACT JfNE.1, 1S78.
.oi K i: roit im iii.ic vrio v
t'siTTTs LAanOrnca, (
OHitiios City, oi May 17, lssu, (
.Not lee ia In-ri'liv given that In eomnllanrt
with the jirovlhtotia of the act ot CougrenH of
June II, WiS, eiiiilli-il An act for Ihe anle nf tlin-
tier lailda 111 the Slnlea nl ( alllernla, llrt-gi
NevsiU and n ar.)iliigton Torrltury," i:hiia
H. Hievena of Aberdeen, county nf Chelialia,
Shoe id Wnalllligloil, haa ttiia day filed lu thla
olllce ma Bwoni aiaieineiu ivo. -jma, ior me n-.
chuao ofthoSK '.4 ol Seolhm Nn. Ill III Town
hlii No. 1 Sonlli Haute No 7 fcaat,
ami tvill orTer irnof In ahow that the
laud Bought ia niorii valuiible fur lla timber or
atone than fi,r Hgricuttunir fiirimaea nlid lo ea.
tiibllah hia el ul in to aald laud before the Ht'K-lalt-r
and Kei-etvcr ot thla nilu-e at Oregon Clly.
Oregon, on 'I liuradtiy the IM'uluy nf Si'iaenibur,
tiiaj. tie iiaiiii-a aa wuiioaki-a: J K Allian'l,
U II lliiloa of Alierdceii, W iiahliigton ; W A lis
born uml N J W elch of I'orllnud.or.
Any mid u!l luiraoiiv t-luiiuliig udveraoly the
iibovo-doacrlbt'il liitola are rvipioNled lo Wle
(heir t'laiina tu lliia oihoe on or hufore Hiiid 1Mb
duy of Seiut'inber, IsiaJ. T. Al'l'KHSON.
tt-PJ-e-U keciaier.
police I'or l'libllcuiloii.
Lincoln tl. Kills.
I'nitkd Htatk Liiiii Orricc.l
Ori'ffnn titty, Or., June IM, lS'.KI.j
NOTtt'K la hereby given that III cinnipllanro
w It Ii the prnvtalniia nf tlio not nf Cungreaa
of June 8, ISIS, eiilllliMl "An ant for Ihe sale of
timber ltiiula In IhcHliitea nfthiltforulii, Oregon,
Noviulii, uml Wiiatitiurtnii Territory," Ijluontn
(1. Kills nf Binitlli!, Comity nf King, Htsle of
WiialiliiRton, hna thiadiia tiled In thia ollloo Ills
awnrn Ktiiteimint No, 'iltfi, for tlio tmrohnaonf
the NKi of Section No. 14, In Tniviislilp No. i
Month, limine No. 7 Kiiat, slid will ollor pi oof to
allow that the lnnd nought la niorii valunhle for
Its timber or atone lliun fur ngrltiiiltursl pur
noaiiB, end to eatubllah lila clnliti to said lnnd
nufnro the Itoglator and lteeelver of this olllce
at Oregon Clty.'Or.oii Tueailny the 14th day
nt (lotolier, IKsKI. tin nnnioa aa witneaaea; Iv.
.l.Wuleh, W. A. Oiiliorn, IC. 0. Cuurtlee, K. H.
Wade of porlliind, Or.
Any mid nil iieraoua olnlmliifr adversely the
shove deaoribed liinda lire roipieated to flie
their o lu t ii i m In thla ollU-il on or before aaid
14IU day of oclobor, 1SHU. J.T. APPKHHON.
717, 18 Kenliter.
Notice nrAuiiiliilhtiiiliu's Sale.
Notice la hereby given Hint by virtue nl an
order of ante duly made and entered nf record
by Ihe llonoriiblo Con my Court ol the County
of CUekaiiina, tttalo ot Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe
Hib dny of July, IM, lu the matter of the es
tate of Julia A, Meaary, deceased, I w ill sell at
pn til It- auction at tlie court liuitao door lu Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 1Mb day of
Aiii-iiat, ISM), nt one o'clock H, M , all of the
right, title and lnleroat that the aaid Uecesaed
hail st the time of tier death ill or to the herein
after deaoribed properly, together with any
claim that the antd derenaed may havo hint ut
any time during her life time agnlnat T. 1.
t'harmnu, Truateo, and the holder of the legal
title lo the aaid hereiiiatlor dcaurtbed read es
tate Hud stiy claim Hint 11 II, Johnson, ndmlu
iBtrnlor of Bnid eatate now haa Or hereafter may
have agalnat intd truatee.
Tho anld real eatate bolng deaoribed a fol
lows lo w it : Iti-gluiiliig ai a point 6.7V ohaiua
north, fl nitniilea weat, from Ihe Sonthweal oor
uer of the Donniloit Land Clulin ef Wm. llnlmn
and wife tu T 8. K 'J K, of til 9 Wlllninotte
nierldliiii and ruiiidng thenoo north, HU de
grees and 11 niliiiitea enat, parallel with the
noli Ih boiindnry of the claim U.V98 clmlna;
thence north in. ID ohalna to a alone; thenee
Weat Hi. A) olrnlna to a atone; thenee north .."i
chnlna to a alone; thenee mith Mi degreea weat,
.;- chalua to a atone ou the weat boundary of
aniil claim; thence north 'il mtuutei weat U.o6
uhnlna to claim corner; thence north 113 de
greea mi mliiiiica Knsi s M clmlut to the line be
tween T '1 and H South; thenee weat on Towu
ahlp Hue one chain to claim line; thenee
north '1H degrees Knat on claim line ft. ifi chnlut
lo the moat aoutherlv corner of a trAot of lend
deeded by Archibald McKlnley and wife to
fiavld Mohaughlon, found reoorded on page
isl and i'i7 ol book "fj" ot the reoorda of deedB
uf anld Cliickninaa Coimty and atnte of Ore
gon; thence north (1ft degreea and 110 min
iilea Weat on the southerly line ot anld
Mehaiighlun tract to the top of the first mniu
olllt; thenuo aoiilhwcatorly with thomenndoia
o anld ellir to the liiteraeellou of the snine
with llm Township lino; thence wont on the anld
Township lino to the tiiteraootlou of the anme
with the aiiiiliiweaterly boundary Hue of nl 1
McKtnloy ohitm; thouce aoitth, 41' dogreoa Ksat
on the elnlm line to tlio moat northerly corner
of a tract of bind doeded by A. F. Hedges and
wife to 8. T. Apperaon by deed found recorded
on page DM ut book "N" of deeds for aaid
comity mid "Into; thence anuth, ltl degrees
weat, )ll.8-2 chains to a stone on the South boun
dary lino of anld A. F. Hedges' chilm; thenee
east on elnlm Hue 17.1s chnlna to a point;
thenee north 8.17 chains to a point oil tho
MoKtulcy elnlm line; thence euat to a point
on the Weat boiindnry Hue of anld Wm. llolmae
claim; thence Mouth to tlie place of hOKliinlng,
miiit.iliilng M acres, more or leaa.
Terms of anle; cnah at time ot anle; -mrcliaaor
to pny (or milking deed.
Administrator of tho Katnta ol Julia A. Mo
Nary, Deeouaed,
Dated July Vth, 1S90. 7-17--H.
Spring and Sunnncr,
We are Showing this
week the Latest Novel
ties in Satines, Dress
Goods and White Goods,
also in Embroideries.
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
The e-m-acie tn-r of SUuli-y'B rwnt thrtlllnf
a-lrantuni. and the dl-elnaiir ot hia Imporunt
dumnriii -nil imiw (, the Brat time In tlie
'irk wtllt.u oy hlmacK, mtltlrd "la Darkeit
l not e di-oalnid by any of Ui. ao
called "Stanley boo In" now belM olt.-red a.
uhw od"Aiitrientle. To uo oue ol thuasliaa
cunnyoiHiuiuuM-a auna.
"Blinrat.aoqiMaUiiiiaUiutthul riaAenient helnf
enrnictloercryprt4ouUr. We-rtiamataait, ana
-ollaivana-tiiniUrtouai'ptlcalioii, . -
in .mil ti io ne "nniiea.Be
that the book bear U lu.
print )t
And thtU tbe MnnMiiut tueni tmniei ft iwtrw
General Agents for the Paolfic Coast.
liier;ii10r;e Iotel.
Accommodations for Commercial Trayelers.
Barber Shop A Bufli Room in Connection.
None but American Help Employed,
Meals 25c, Rooms 25 and 50c.
Is herebr fliven thai, the!! t...
been arpolntcd by tho Hon. county oourt ol
Claekainaaoouiily, Or,.jutmltilatrator of the ta
tatt ot Jiiaenh Kloreneui-ileceaseit Therefor
perftona hHVillir ctttliia anamat aaul atut
will present the same to rue atouee at my atore
In Uackamaa, Clacltamaa counfy, Oregon,
wlthiuslx montha from this dnte.
, , , A. MATHER,
July 10. 189a Ailtmnistriuor.
Xwtlre ftir 1'iibllontltiu.
Eilinund 0. Courtico.
VntTBti Status LAnn Ornrit.l
Oreuun City, Or. Juno -19, 1SW),
KOTHJR is hereby slven that in enninllaneA
with the nrovtaious of the aot ( dnnrrim. nt
June a, 1S7H enlttleil "An set for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales of California, Orecou,
..v.-tin, n..u " nnillllKllill It-rrildrV, AUUlUtlll
U. Coiirtloe.of l'ortlaml. Connlv nl sllillmimali.
Slate of OreKon, has this day tiled In this olllce
his sworn statement No. ilSi, for the purchase
of tlie UW'j of Seottim No i, in Township No.
1 8outh, Kniijte No. 7 Kust, and will offer (iroof
in simw iiiai me lanu solium is more val
uable for Its timber or stone than for aKrlcuU- .
uml nurnosea, anil to establish his claim to
aald land belore the Register and Kecelverof.
this ollloe at Oreirnn citv, Or., on Tuesday, the
14th day of October, Mill. He names aa wit
neaaea: II. I). Woowaid, of Seattle. Washington,
K. 11. Wado, N, J, Welch, W. A. Caborn of
Portland, Oregon.
Ally and all persons claiming adversely the
abovo described lands are requested to fits
their claims iu this olllce ou or before said Ulti
day of Ootober, MM). J. I. AVfEHSON.
7-17, H-ia Kemter,
wii-wi.ffWa'-...-i'. ; f -
jl ii TTT nn I . .