The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 17, 1890, Image 2

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cut m. Mi:-nm
Tubltohrr stud lrirItor.
OREGON' CITY, JULY 17, 1800.
NtTtONU. V.l.miOiAL 1..UY.
riu rWtkm law nvontly ai-wd by tbr
bouso of n'vnontiillvt', ond now n'intliig
in Ibc wnato of Hit V11IIM tlaloi, I on ol
grout Imimrmio. Its obJM-i Is to l.i lo
mory votor tli tiwdom of bis eoiiMiln-
tional rijibt to cit bion Uillol, nd list
nrovWomi are siuh s lo pwvent tliu nolo
rious biillot bos mulfliig of lain year. Tin'
bill provides only for intloiml vlwllonn,
leaving each stale to regulate lb own. Th
oromi' Willi whiih lb tvimhllean
larty has Riven ils xipporl lo lliiit bill, Ik
vvldeno that Ihev have nolhinK to fear
tnini ils iia.HsA, It lias iiromluM, thiMVith
Ils l'lall'onns. Hint the inlieri'iil ri.ultls of
(tie ih'ohUi should lie preserved, and the
present iidmiiilslrallon Is riiltHUti these
proiuisrs in a inimiier that is gmlilVlni! to
all lover" of juslUe and ri:ht, IkxIi repuhli
ean nuddeiiKH ralle.
Now that th bill has ised the hovfo,
the denuvratle memhers arv comtntriitlng
all their loives to .'. li :it lis pnsstiK in the
stnate. Why is liiis? The reason is ap
parent. With this law in fore th "solid
south" would be no lont-er solid and the
last hop of the demoorrio part)- to ever
njrsln obtain coiitivl of the piveriinieut
would le lost. They fully lvalue this Met
and aril makinit a desperate rtl'orl lo defeat
the p!.sajw ot the hill by the senaH'. 1Vh $
it not appear that a party or i' dividual who
- will oppwa the passai: tf a law lor the pre
. Wlttioti cfcriH"', lias wlV K''wimfd i
urely ?vem thai thar couhl Ci tjooturt mo
' tlv. for i honest, Isw-nliiJing pVWl'J UR
nothing to (bar from th liw. ,,, V v
oiu.iaiN tiivs 111 u.utMi imovi.
Tiierv aiv no less .than titty dwelling
houses uinler course of construction
in this place, at the present time. The
an:e immU'r of them will cost from $11
to li,iiiH and they would lo a ereilit to
any city. Th Isvtu has Just Rot fairly
tarted as the Kreat scarcity of luuili r lor
some months past has greatly relanlwl
buildinp openiiions, but now that lumber
can bo bad in iniatilities, the nv'ii"i of
htiuscs will be pushed with vlnor lor the
remainder of the sens.. 11 and Is Intimated
by eompe'nl aulhoriiy that there will b
no less than one hundred dwellings, v
sides factory btiildinps and busines bouses,
erected this .ill in addition lo those now
being put up.
Om e moi' Uii ! ivnif lla-itnni! mi-r ; lowed l'.' for imnilli lor car of 1 A r
(he wins i-fa irrriMc iloslruclinnof lii'c and ; tlmr, faiioor
vr,.rtv y, dr,,, om-nv ollh, .niddlo Or i? ... coun y clork b. . -
and eastern states the cyclone. The loss
'of life will not fall far short of '.ID persons.
The greater numlr of them were enjoying
an excursion on Uiko I'eptn, and, were
thrown into th water and drowned by
their Kat lieinit capsitcd by the storm.
The twin cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
eseaid almost miraculously, t!ie ' funnel
shaped cloud ' touching th earth on both
sides of them but passing oer them with
out damage. While th op!e of this
country are sympathizing with that stricken
region, they should a!o feel thankful that
they live in a country where such things as
cyclones, blitanU and tornado are un
known, and where there is nothing to ftar
from the element.
CorsTY BTt-miKTiNrmT TiioxrsoH is
Vtive at work making full preparations for
y Teachero Institute, which will con
jVtot tl,e public school building in this
in'st Monday. The institute will Id
h. . si fur two weeks, and w ill be under
' '"i;i.,,
lrii ,
Anl of the Oregon tity schools,,
nl Hi
interesk-'.l in t.'ael itig and it is expected
that a full attendance of the feat ht rs of
Clackamas county will he present In take
part in the i-xereis.
Stanley, how hns a rival in the field i
person of I'r. Peters, the fiennan explorer,
who althouli hi" mas-nerv has been several
times reported, has reached Zanzibar iu
safety, anil will penetrate further into the
Interior. Germany tines not propose that
England shall have-ill the ereilit of the Afri
can explorations and I'r. IVtei-s will con
tend with Stanley f r the honors.
Tiik prompt fliou of President llarri.-ou
in sigiiint,' the new niter bill is meeting
with approbation on all sides, and the re
publican parly linvo reason to cnnirrultf
latc it -elf fur having placed in lite presiden
tial chitir a man whose pen is always ready
to sijin any measure for the public itond.
What a Contrast between this: administra
tion ill,d the last.
Til e Ks raii'MSK ollieo roccivod a pleas
ant call Wedncwiuy from .Major J. S.
Kinearson, of Columbia county. Major is one of tliu early piotmerH of
Oregon, coming to tlto tttato in 1H-I5, nntl
eettlin in tins county whoro ho lived
for ninny years, prior to bis removal to
Columbia county. Tbo Major is one of
the prominent figures in the history of
the Btato and has seon Oreiton i!rw
from a vvil.lernesH to a great stalu of tbo
Union .
Okkuon Citv, Ok., Ji i.y 7, IfiOO.
Dear Sir or Madam :
You are carneHtly reqiiesbid to
attend tbo Normal Institul for Clacka
mas County, beginning Monday, July
21, ard coatinuint? two weekH. Tbo
work will be conducted in the public
Bchool building ut O'CKon City, and will
be in charge of 1'rof. h runk Kiylor aidod
by cointietent aasiHtants. TcacherH
nhoiild cotno providetl with toxt-books
on Writton and Mental Arithmetic, etc,
U. S. History and Kill's .Grammar.
They will be formed into claHBcs and
regular sc'iool-work gone tlirotijrb with.
Every loar.o.i will be a typical Hehool
room exercine, the purpose being to give
teachers some review of the subjects
taught and to irstruct them objectively
in the bent methods of teaching. Such
work is now being done in all of the lead
ing counties of the State, and progress
ive teachers are availing themselves of
these opportunities to advance in their
profession. 1 hope and expect to seo a
large attendance from every part of the
The attention is especially called to
the2;ird iiaragniph of section 25, chap
ter 3 of the School Laws of Oregon, as
published in 8H'J which provides that
"All teachers, in the public schools of
ltis county shall be rotpiirnd to attend,
and the .county superintendent may at
bis discretion revoko tbo certificate,
reduce the grade or refuse the to grant
a cei'uticatu to any leacticr, who re
fuses to attend the county instituto
without cauae." Jtcspcctfully,
Ai.kx. Thomson,
County Hupt,
Two black gelding iiorwjH, perfect
matches with the exception of a whilo
epot in forehead of one horse, came to
tbe place of Mrs. Isabella Uincarson,
two miles below Oregon City, on -Sunday,
July 13th. Owner is requested to
take them away.
Mus, ISAUUl.LA Kjnuakhon,
ivvxn 1 01 it r.
riVKOiit, Hun, J W. Molihum, JuoVj
11 11 Juhmeut, rloiki V W 11 rhimum,
shoutV, ttii.l lmiu.'sloiit Vbrly
Moeulike J C IWr.
Cuvriimvtlle nd Oregon City road-M-tiottol
aurveyot. and viewer accepted,
ami mut ordered oifttod.
Ar,itinii road K'lttlon wtlhilrawn.
Mill n( damages Mod lv Kd HiUeter lor
IJihi on Howhmd unt A Warner road-
ilool.ttMMlo. JiMM'im wnlUm tun Jalt.
Swiiil'oid niiioiuted viewer to w'K
th.v N.tltn
Volition for llitunhlll road alltmetl, mm
I viii.iii lluiiWk. StHloi Ctilonmn .
I'll lansiutl iiiiiiitod viewer to moot
.,1 Hull II mi Itt-i.Lm
lviitinii for i liiio n 1'oml rtwtl reiecteu
too narrow load.
U 8 .rtor tnd petition rejected! re
iviiviimI rullifl tiled
lVUtioit til W lVirtor am. I'M Mlllor tor
mad ( private assessmentlaid over
lit 1 1 il Siiiit.nulior term
Mm tin Tliontti road, ami chaiiiiu In
OS Mttitav road. Hill of capouse l
lowed and ttuiounl assessed annum (oil
tinier , . ,
Ihiuuitjes allovuid it per report of view
.mm, til John I lilCOIl'S t'ltad .
Hid d.i' tiuildmii tho Tualatin luiii.10
near IVlor Weir place rejected,
l'.xiHnof Martin Thorn load n
ut,...l attains! ttetltiouor
Application u have repair on Peep
.reok irn ite Ititt'lo. l.aiu wver mini
ll..t term
Application for repair on K1 cweok
lutilo near mill nu i over,
l liiim of tiiHiivo UoIwiIhou for daw
liv unison nl Iuuinssaltlo road -nut
I'.iU of ll Won survey of Uie Aw
nlliv roud allowed.
K.m.iri n( (1 W I'rnsser. Hunt, of con
s!iil,-tl,in oi OaYtCHO liriduu. accepted
Verbal report oi (.'oiuinias'rMooiilik.)
tlCCOplllli; HUH lllt'Klt'UNft I'ritlllO, Oil imr
mid t;iiiir.iii'twl ilied 'as aliove. Or
ili'ti'il that warrant xs iiwui'd in favor
of t lio 1 Villn ItriiUntl'oiniMtity for miio.
Kt'oori of t'limmimtionor ttuir on con
L'siol t tmililiiii uirotti-li to I'uddiiitf
i iYor lirid, mroplod und bill of I Hootl,
toi.tii't" m miiw (or IK).
i ilKllliu plntuU miKrviitor nmd
diMriot K .
A!iintioii of Marlon rhllliiw (or re
surv. v of Hull .rt of Qtty lld BtVU
road now In dioniit granted.
(iooio V t imnadur llod tli linn
of fM .or montli from July 1, lS'.W, for
euro o( Julm V Mo.d:iniii, JnnilW. .
W arrsinl ordi'rod drawn tu fvor of W
II Sinitli for topaim on Abornolhy roml.
Warrant ordmvd drawn ill favor o( H
S MoLoiiRlilin for work on Milwuukie
road ,
Ut-I'oitof Alos. Thomson, Svliool Su-IM-rrtilondi'lit,
T M l.ini(C, HiivrviiHir rouddixtrii't No.
'.''.'. niitliorUod luoxniid not morn thn
$."iH iii lilliii)! titti nx k tin crib work on
I'anoui.i!) road,
Ordered, (lull Mm Jobii Kolly 1 !
I.-jmI lilankH.
Ordered that a warrant for .( lie
drawn In favor of Mrs A Albright, Uxea
refunded ; paid by another
Contract awarded A Miller to paint
Clackamas bridge, two coats.
Warrant ordered drawn in favor of Jo
soph Hedges for crib work on Caneiuali
IVter J'auuot ordered to make nect
surv repairs on Tualatin bridge.
o'rdiMtnlthit llm sum of IVhJi) bo ap
propriated for the improvement of the
Oregon City road.
Ordered that county clerk adverti
for bids to construct a bridge acroa
north fork of Molalla river on Seth Ana
ten road.
Ordered that the county judge be
einowerd to make neeesaary repair to
toAor of suspension bridge.
Ketort of S 11 t'alil!', county treasurer,
Ordered that tbo salary of the ik'hool
euriiiteinleut lie increased to per
year .
lfie following bills were allowed:
III II I., I, -.,., . l.-rlf
1 r.f,t tsi
w u h j-jnn tihet ilT
mri'tT TTiil, stale of Oregon va
.1 Wi'ler, iissesiior, rejected.
J Sevens, llagens roud stippl'a,
Ciirnn I'.ros, br'tlB'i! cxpenao,
li l No II
J W Nurris p.ius.'rcxi'H 1 Arthur
I Ircgiiriian, brii'.o lioticn
Cori'tier's exp's, inouest W J
II SclUcr, lumber, K I) .No IISO
Kulit ll.tvwtioa, exp's insano...
i W l'rosst.r, exp's It D No .
Coroner's exp's, iu.iuest on body
of r.urmell and I i Harvey. . . .
Assessing damage on Sager road
J II l.'evenue, election exp's
G W Trosser, " "
J W Meldrum, survevor
W A White, powder lor Iff) Hist
ChtiN Smith lumber for Cauetra
road ,,
Noblrtt's stable, liver rigs for
judge and commissioners
Klot-tioti extenses, judge and
Kluctioti expenses, brit'ging in
jioll books.,,
Election expenses, judges and
clerks, extra time
Statu of Oregon vs, Win Owens
KrastiiH Wiliman
" John Ots)
" Andrew Wengel
" Herbert Chase. ,
" .btsephl'atik....
" .las llrown
2 (k'i
2 80
11 40
17 tm
4 50
7 80
1 ,'()
mi oo
2 08
10114 84
20 00
510 00
"9 70
16!) 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
10 15
18 2.'
I! 40
8 70
24 00
llimrv Muleher. .
ctionexjiciiHes.canv'g board
U Kautoti, lumber r'd dist. 4(1
111 67
O C K Co, light for treas's ollice
Knterprise printing
(.'has Smith, lumber, r'd (list. 1)7
VV VV Jesse,
J F Uihley, siikt!S, roatl dist, 3
C Moenhku Clackumas bridge..
Havis & Ambler, road dist 2
M Ilockart, lumber " III
H S McLougblin, sunervisor r'd
3 00
200 60
2 47
4 86
0 60
21 1
14 2f
4 41
(list. 1, and mail plow 10 20
jiavis tv Ambler, lumber road
dist. 1
Welch iti Co. lumber r'd dist. 42
" " " 41
A K Wait, stafioncrr
K S McLaughlin, spike r'd il. i
Mike Kiiip, buriul Mrs H Kus-
selli laid over.
J K Samson, boarding pauper.
1) Arthur ..,...!
Peter l'aiiuet, expensos Ttialr tin
K M Hands, election blanks. . ,
in HO
34 10
35 22
1 80
1 25
.14 00
110 75
Terrible Cyclone.
A terrible cvclone missed over I.ak-a
City, Minnesota, nt 6 o'clock Sunday
evuiiuig. causing a loss oi me estimated
at irom juu tu aio, un,i Uamaging prop-
eriy to a great extent. The greatest
toss ot mo was on Lake I'opin, where an
excursion boat was capsized by the
niurm unn an me iMjpio on board, to
the number of I ")0, were precipitated into
mo iuku. a large majority of the lost
are women ana ciuiuren.
The sumo, or similar cyclone, struck
two or three miles north of Ht. I'anl.
over the region of Lake McCarron, and
also Lake Coleman, and a number of
persons were killed, how many is not
yet known, but the wounded already
number forty or fifty. The storm left
nothing stumling in its path.
Minneapolis ami Ht. Paul escaped as
by a miracle. At 4 o'olock a funnel.
shaped cloud formed, dipped to the
ground, near the slock yards but onlw
for a moment, and rebounded and came
to the earth again about five miles fur-
tbereast. Many peottlo and hundreds
of head of stock wer killed. The de
viating oU'cots wore immense.
i.OLNWr.Vli.r ll llll,..r.ll--?io. I.
l-Vr iVcet. i:mllii Niiliinlif,lHl)f ti,
Th tduiDiiiii'iifo li boon t'oolor Hum
tli vran for th wk, tumiy cloudy
to cloudy wwUlie-r, with Iwivl bnvo
iirvVttUtid. ,
Tb tsuiptfrntnro ba nmd Iiom W
to W dr!1. Tli miiouui of ruin full
bM vrtd from ,10 ol nil Im'h to over
on Inoli.
Th weallmr lia bm-it linfavnrnlilo to
llmlltivliitfoKOtlimn. I oiiKhbinihlo was
cut and tfow 11 v. Imii th Ihh t',11110 iui
and noiim of It lnin"'ii
lion the rain Inky dolayud lliu hV har
vest causing it to com too tins to urn
wheat harvMt, wlilull in taetiona nis
begun, and In moat aeetlona will twin
(nil away item wo. in . "!
far btUir (ban xpetd Th wwallmr
wa very bonolleUI to lit m im pnn
u null enillH. a SO 10 I III Colli, limmn
wheat bait gonmallv 'H'il w,, 'lm
mry lingo and pHliup m Kprum
iliout. whloli on Jim Isl was thought
to bo worthies is growing nlceiv mm
will yluld almost an aveiago e p m
most sccllona, Hooteropa tun all in
imstt piomlsititf coiulltloii. '"'I"' " '
tlntiato thrive and their yield will lm
above the vi age. Tim appi " no-
lug Injured bv the codliu inoni
non-aniiearaiioo at an earlier dat iimv
h dim to (ho backward spring. ' hey
are vlilntlv now appeailnuln (ullbiree
and at proving to b iim Injurious,
iiminin lmsehes are coining Into nuir-
kot. The poach crop ol Soiilberu th
goil will not l over f0 per cent ol the
averas. Tlmmgh lb WllUmetto ill
lev the crop wilt lm slightly bettor, I
W'aseo the Hacli crop a'ai to bo th
boat I'horrie aro beemuing scarcer.
Itorrieseotilinim to b pleiililul i walor
and musk inolona promls a verv Iiuk
Tlmv are esiNVlullv prolilie III
Jackson and Josepnl" fouiiHos Jb
goins vi'ty gwT;io7 Ibe laV.m.'sV'('llu.
season and catlla ere in prim condi
tion. Tim wheat crop In lb main-
etlo Valley will bo almost an averauo;
in Southern Hiogon an average; in
co, rdterman, tillliain and Morrow conn
ties boiler than lor yeaia; in '""
and t'uloti counties tun largest ever
produced; in Wallows, Hakei, (irant.
t'rook and inloimr cimntiea luuy an
average crop.
Keportsfroin all seclmiis indicate that
bountiful harvest is assuiud,
, II, S, I'Mtt ie.
" , Olnervcr fcignal
' ' . " ' Hart foul. I,,,, lj
Anolhereoa,! ruin ka ln difvere4
In thi county, and soon, II this on ut
thing ko(t up, the county will b ichiiih
to be one vast lied ol coal. Caio br.-a.
are the lucky pswsessors ami are pisuv
proinl of their tine siiecimnns of coal,
w hich are now ouoxlublllon at tbo "U ws
Store." The mine is on tit east t'uiptpiu
twenty mile from Kosobuig, ami there
are at least a million Ions of coal In it.
Only two week'a work by two men has
yellieen don on lb mine, but the pro
prietors sav they will stsm thoroughly
develop It., a there I everv Iiitlii atloti
that it will prov a valuable piece ol
property. Accompanying lb eii't-iiiietis
il . .rial dow n the llrsl ol thi week
was Ihe following loiter from the font-
man of the mine;
"This coal is from another pnice, ,
wbre we are now working. I slatted in i
with two Hit hoe ami il got up to two ami i
. ii. . t........ ..It ll...
a halt leei ami is g-titnK
time. I can't nay much about it. for I
only worketl Hire hours on it Saturday,
but 1 think I have the imlnl veto ami u
ia looking tine. The coal U hard as
Th time I not far distant when coal
will be valuable, and a there aplara to
be plenty of it In thia country, om one
la bound tu strik a bonanr aom time
Hurrah fur th Houglan county cual
fields l-l'laind.aler.
Hoard of Trade Seetlug.
Owing to the amall attendance but lib
lie husineai was transacted at to spe
cial meeting of the Hoard of Trade Tues
day evening. The meeting was called to
konlcl Ity V ICO i rrstueiti ..u s ...
nroisisition was sutmnttd hy l;.!;
ii on lor immigration polioses. Alter
some discussion the .piitstioil W as referretl
to a coiuniittito uiiimwii ot i o. l ,
Williams, 11. K. Cross ami E M. Atkin
son, who aro lo report al (he next meet
ing. KHirt of II. K. Cross as to progress
of work on Abernelbv toad made.
Ueport of C. O. f . Willninis, from
committee on advertising, on liroponitiou
to advertise Oregon City in railroad pout
ers, made, and proHsulioti declined, as
let ounnendi'd.
The natneii of Kobett I., Taft, of the
firm of Taft A Hire, of I'orllaiitl, ami
F. W. Keynolds, also of Portland, were
proosed for iiiemls'rship and admilted
Hoard adjourned to lucid in regular
meeting August l.'th.
"There's .Nollilng l.iku It."
Kvery rstnblishetl lis-itl ncwspaa'r re
ceives subscriptions (nun largo cities
w hich pu;,hthii publisher toiieeount for,
but the New YorkTimcs lately threw sumo
light iimiii thia matter: "A wholesale
grocer in this city, who has Is'coimt rich
at the business, says bis rule is that
when be stills a bill of goods on credit to
immediately subscribe fur th bs'ul paper
of bis debtor. So long as bis customer
advertised liberally he rested, but us
atstn as tbo debtor Iw'gan to contract his
advertising space he bsik the (act us evi
dence that there was trouble ahead and
invariably went for that debtor " Said
he: "The mini who is too poor to mukc
Ins business known is too poor to do busi
ness. The withdrawal of un advertise
ment is evidence of a weakness- tlmt busi
ness men are not slow to act upon.
There' nothing like it,"
An Open Letter from Henry .11. Stiuilcr.
(Ity the (,'ommert iul Cable to tbo Herald.)
London, May, 1(1, 1890, Tbo follow
ing notico was mailed last night to
Mcssm. Charles Hcribnor'a Sons, ami 1
have boon shown theorigiimlslgned copy
I bog distinctly to statu that tlto only
publisher in America who have any au
thority to publish anything whutovei of
mine are Messrs. Scribner'a Holm and
Messrs. Harper Ilrothers. My new and
shortly forthcoming work "Jn Darkest
Africa," ia exclusively iu the hiuuls ol
Messrs, Charloa Scribner'a Son, ami 1
cannot too emphatically condemn thu
conduct of a firm culling itself the Ilia
toral Publishing Company, who, in thu
name of truth and Justice, put forth an
advertisement headed, Look out I Do
not be deceived I' which I made up of
in most Darelaced falsehoods.
Th work which they announce as
'Heroes of the Dark Continent," I ro-
puutate entirely. Tliov sav it contn ns
all my forthcoming work and a grout deal
more, I emphatically deny this Htnlo
munt. I have simply to suv once for nil that
these people can by no possibility pub
lish anything of mi no but what tlmv
dishonestly appropriated from my pre
vious works: and being un American
citizen and therefore holding mv copy
right there, 1 shall in due tiino tuktt
proper measures to protect mvsoU'
uguiiil such unprincipled robbery.
i am awuro mat several other publish
ers are announcing spurious works pur
porting to no mino. l therefore think it
tigbtimo that ull my good friends in
America should bo put on their guard
and bear in mind that my authorized
work will be called "In Darkest Africa."
in two volumes, and will bo puhliHhod
only by Messrs. Charles Hcribner's Hons.
IIknky M. ptani.kv,
Ii. J. Shank, Local Agent.
If you want first class job printing,
send your ordor to the JCNi'icni'msg
of lice.
The Nens
in Itrief IVimi nil
of I'le t loiuii j,
l'ullui, 1'ci., had n niillioii
the 11th,
l'on.l in Nni'ihorii Inly ore
lueiise damn;,:!',
Ileplesclilitlive llciiimuu hi
thive sink light on t'oo" I'm
The tmvns ol l'e:"t y o-id
Ulllmtil. 1)11 V h I'll de (IOV
M'reslllclll 11,'H'l! 'oil lli 0'
hill linuii'dliitely upon H '
While IMi!..
Ileneral John t', l''iieuioiil
1 I
w ;l"
Hew York last Wednesdui
lulltliiry display.
The city election nl Seal II
hint resulted in a complete '
repiihlh an lleliet,
A vry valuable i"ld niln)
have iiocli dleoien d no lie1
Vuiieoui er 1 .hind.
Seven woiknicn were killed u'i 1!
by an cplosiou i.f d hit idle in .1 1
m ur Mc'sluu, Sicily.
Thu explosion 1 if lilts! tes ul p
at Cliiclntmll on the I'-ih ci'i
dealh of tell persons.
Senator Allen has s cined the
by the Sellilto of hi ' bill doimHi
In Washington f"' a .MIcn.' I '
military acadrui y.
) r
Ten lives elo bed at ",i'l'- ''
llliles mlillll ol I'doi.'ilill 1 e'
Hill, by the ciilii 'hui ol a pan- ") 1 '
flflglil Ham on the laiuisi il'e, V
and t'hleiigo railrond. J
'I'hl' Cell-ills of S,ll i.lnc',1
o, - - -' '. i..--
the llllh, W lieu n'.-e had '."
bus l.i'e.'T ,'!, while New J '
only from '.'I.'."" I" I."."
The o lopii- or dev.! (Mi
briny deep, litis l eii m-i 11
Island In the mouth of lit
- I l!.,
(nl 1
It h at done coii-i h".d'!e .hint:! -i
men's net-1, and has 'h- 11 sht
I, nl illll bangs to hie ull I'M' i'
The Canadian
Ale. I.
It M
I- :
Pott Tnwiiss iid, last
t.iius olllts-rs. This ve -Hi
.if an Kitt-hshuHiii lunii.
- I
known as a miioiioiis sine,,.:
Into this eoitiittv, A wtiif.
, t
for III S' rt-t ol S'fti i h"i ! " '
Victoria. ,
TU Kadi Id mh's,-'m '
yes sa! ( bi-lera is e i.te-idti-n (
t.nvi littli pitiiti.ofVs''i-i" l v 'A
itii-S 111 l .l-t.dlrv l1 i'U'i't Co ' I'
t.iel llml the .1. . r.e-etl lll'' f "
I lt'1
Itilthl. Kdv . ai--. tie. in if I
M-V.-llli-etl i if lilt It pI'O ed I 'I
A t alih- di-pnl. Il ftotn I'.eth and t ! hie. u-.,iiL-m
Krniteio S. Ituu.-n ei III. I"'
of lite ." pr;jes t .nit;,!. n d I
llllllotllll shooting fct.Wll.
altonl l.'t.n i eoiiipt-iiiii;, a hit
1 1
; thu San Kraml
i itt.-ii ;-.-l
f pil-rv
huge pr.i.rit
l-I.Uv.ttd Halts
Mar, Was hul't-
, h. r. tl.e I
.1 ill Van.'
,tt lilleen
t't till. 'ii,
the lllh. At h
Witnessed the
hl'ds 1,1 see the 1-lltl lit s-l-. -a
tht-rf'ilileiiilt could he est i . I' ' '
until. II niade a tjiiiinie.'ie t -.-
ilti"ttaltee ahottt beuii; mmiv to n, -fore
thriii In neh a o-ii-on,
triiKglr then ensiitd, wlmli b-l'
three minutes. Willi lb ai I of -1X
was at last M-ciired, faiinel, ft. I I .
herllf put on the cap
I !
demited man to t' H W hell, ft I t- I
Italhiglier's hist em. Is in an -..
''Ni.titt i.f yottr .hoioied l'"-i"-trap
was then sprint-:, tin u nn :
feel, and tiler vb'trll e ll. it1' ' I. a''
tut n,..r.'.
:,-.-s cV-r-
"faii Mate It.t.u.l tif Hi t'll,, 1.
, circular statui,!
! corpses, th ens of
that in M.i..
Wtiiu ill H'ul r
th iiiii family, dead ol ,;
certified by thu' attending t hi..
to bit "diiugertiiis tti the public l.i
were conveyed In, in )ii!'i.
County lo l.upei-r County, M.,
Where', in jtit a wt-.-k ftuiu Use
Collins Heio tipeiie.l and th" i
viewed, a peisoii hu w.i-. Um,, ,
eaiiin tlnwn with ihphthcii t.
o'.lttos, says 1 )r. linker, w on Id p:
have been exposed ei-'epl lm th,
of flic local health tillieei , It.
Wisher, w ho, susH'cliiij tin
of the ib'aths was diphl iin ia , t
the neighbors und foi b.nle Ci.'i
uf tint eothns at the fun
prnmptly isolated the 1 1 : -1 pei
was attacked, ami lm epideiine i
This, Dr. linker adds, in .juit.
from th result of a similar on u
Zaiiesville, Obit), where ninny th
suited f I't "III e X poHu I e to a i't it pse
from ( hicagi), Il Hmua the uup.t:
of liotit-u to tint local lieallh nlll, to
arrival of a corpse, so thai lm m.ic
everv preeaiitinu that may be n. e .-
N. Y . Medical Jouitt.d.
Altutller l ui'lne .
Mr. . C. Vaiigbnii, of .Id", :
Wisconsin, w as in our city Mon l.t-, n.
ins exuiniiuilious willi ii'vit-tv ui C :i
lishing a factory in lire,'. m Cltv h i i
manubiclurtt of agricultuiinl ia,
mollis. Hit was well pleased with w :
bit saw, but as bis limn was limiiel
could not niakeau ( x t in u It-. 1 -x a 1 1 i 1 1 ! i . . i .
ami left itisti Uctinii with Mcwm Mct'.mn
A Co. to send biin on by mail iullp.n -tit'Uhirs.
Mr. Yuughu is a biotbei -inlaw
of Mr. Walker, of the gieai imple
ment house of Slaver ti Walker,
Portland, an.l is one of lliu largent u.m
ci 1 1 1 u nil iin 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 nuinufai'ti'i lea ia
Wisconsin, und his locality iu theon ;
(lily Would bn a great advaiiliign lo ihe
clly, und every uucoiirugeiueiit should h " :
extendi. ,1 tu him. 1
Oregon Clly Mui tilue Shops,
Work was begun Tuesday on Ihe
Oregon City Mnchine Shops. Tl.e m,,';
of putting up tbo building, which i
located on Ihe coiner ol Wider itml J iil-i
streets, is to bo pushed us fast uh p.,...
sible uml th: tiuii'hini'ry is bring gotten
on the ground now, mitt it is lint inluiiiin
of Junius Kooke, tbo manager In have
the shop running by Ihe middle of A a
gust. Oro'toii City oll'urs the best uf in
ducements to a machine shop, fur wi;h
the large umoiint of inat'liinery wo use
hero thuro will bo stoutly work assured
and Mr. Kooko will bo ahlu (o sta ure
ull that bo cull bundle .
Special Kleellon Nolle.
rurHUitnt to tbo city charier of ();eg ui
(lily, notion is boioby given Unit u special
election will bo held in Oregon Che, Or
cgoi), on Monday, July L'S, Imiki, f.-i- ihe
purpose of voting on tint propoHiliun p.
luivo a special lux ol llirtio nulls on llm j
tlullar on tbo taxable property within")
thu ufortiHiiiti corporation, for ihe pur-j
posu ui mutiiing it pumping sintioii, lur
tbo water wotkn. Orthtred bv Ihe t'.iuiu
cil, July ll,ll!1!ll). T. 1''. ;Vi;v,
A I test,. May,,,'.
Ciiah, , ('Ai't'iKKii, pro loin. Wllllflll.
Kotilod WiU will bo roci'ivcit
U) ll)
1 humility noon, of AngiiHl 17, b
DO. for
good fir wood, cut from t.m bu
v of
largo livo trooH, said wood hi bo thdiv
ored ul, thncoitrt house in Oregon City
boforo the lat day ol October, IM'.ld.
11. II. .ItJUNIliiN .
County Clink.
Oregon City, Or. July lo, lS'.H).
rii l.Mli 11 . I
11 ni,, ,1'ilj l, It si I
iu i..i..ivii.ii
, in...) 11..1 !" nl in-r n.isitiii.i
pit-, I in uMpp'trl el hit uifiin."!" 1
,1 biiii,.. lu.i'i., I" l"i iii tiir '
" ' ""' '""'" V,,"'f'u '
!rM-'i..'i..Tiit wi"ii..!. to pi'ive 1
11 kik eiiu!V'tii"ii
vl.t vi. I nu. I.ll il"-lli 1
1 I .l.-I'li I
-I "'
.1 I
,ll-- IIMUN.
I Vs.
I .f I'
. 1, ,m m; .1, I s.h.
ltll(U' ll ItltHi
l,!l II IV, el"
1 1 mi win 1 . . inn nrsiea
ij.'ii i ii)-,
111 . J 11 110 .'.I. I'l
..'ll tlmt I" '.! H i
n nl.-m 1 Ins nel t'l I "little"" "i
el.lhle-1 "All S-l I'-r li "ills of
. in Urn hi, iles nl I' .lil. riiln. "re
nu. I V. ifililH'li.ll l,.ltU',IV,"lllll,l
i ,,,,i,,i,. t ,,iniiy .l, M'lliui'initti.
. ,, I, , i ',l .,n ll!i"l III HO" "U'i'"
,u ,,i : ;.:ii. fxt ln' l.itti'lisse
,1 i . , ib. 1, ,,',, 1 1. In 'I w iadill' Nu
. .1 V l utl, It Ml "Her l'""'t
, 1,1, t Hid ...ei hi l Hi"!" v.ilu!tl
, , .1 M. li" tin. a l"l' i!l leiillilt'tl
...l h, 1 .l,l!!i hi rl.iliil I" sM
, , ,., . ...., I lieei-lier ( llils
... , 1;. i. 1,11 In I .i III-' Illll .iny
; li., , ,,,l S Willi. Ml.1", II.
1 ..I ... it-.!., v. . ii 1 1 m 1 "ii, !' '
J. O ,1, 0 , A l ,l."tll "I I'm!'
e Oltlll' i.v.'llif Illll
, 1111. I.' ,ll.-l-. lo til"
-..ii ..1 1, I, 1.' ild Hiu
) T.
l.M. All Jl M' S, l-s.S.
on ri'iu.M'vritr-V
l, -l , l I (, I- Ill I OH!, (
. ,, l, , Jill,.' lilt. I'i.n.i
!,. ir.i e I llir.l III f ,ii-!litiei.
,. ! .,1 Hi.' 1.1 t .'I I (HI' "I
;,.' I. "All t''t t"l- II" f-!" "I
til,- Ill l',.l,llllt.lltl'"H.
,:,!i;iiM,,t ,-U"t," H"llll'.
-i.;,. I ,, :nilV I, I ktiiii. t..ti. ul
IU,'-. ,l,n Hie, I lit llil .in. en Ilia
, -! i - .,r It.,' (-Ii eliitfct' i.t
' ... -.1,1,, S(1 ,'
- ,1 t .-I 'lie I H III "I'l l 11"., I l'
, ! - .ant l 111,-le I ,1,1., 111., fi.f 'I .'ir
in i, ii,i win)
1 i I lull- ,il",i e Ht
, t it. Mil .I t) '(
. I I.-
I i
V, in .l"i
ii.., vl ,-
, ,i l P-il
nuit'it i"l
... ..t K'.t-,
I 111,1, tit,
I f-ril tilt'
., I. hi , .'. I silt il
j i, tri-i tixits.
,1'fi l',u;i.
n, Pe.l II..' toill'i'll
n .,1 1! ' tl!.''!'-l! t 1 1 V
l ,i P.- ll.'l, ttl I'lW
,, k,.ii till. H'M-td It,
!,i,,l l( July I1"!!. Iwt
I ,1 . i f-t I lm I'll l'"i'
. ,, t',n t'.,t .,t,ili.,l li.
. If, illl, I It ,t,,t. !Htt
,h t. v i -t,,e I ,'l,,re tl.e
V .. I! 1 I 1 1 'N, ! f.
tl I Jt Ml
. I'
. , , . 1 i - , . M. I ' t t . I
i'i v 'i., i .. . .' . : .
i e ; el-, , ti-oii th,d !'t I tilllpli
t no ,
,1,. ijf ll.l. 81 t (if 4 ."I
lill' t ' ,'0. . Jot
t i tint fit iti- ol I ,il
-t f 4 0' I
i' a. nuvi wa.wnei
, i w i-. ,., ' oi' ol r Koo,
, , I l i ti l. elt, I- ! t
t . l,e I l.lll ' t'l III
, I. ', ..t.stV ., ul N-i
it I t.,-i-!" No. I Si .Illll,
.lit a', d v 'il i.tti r pt""t to
i . ; -m.iii ',1 t-. tiiiee VitlualtU' ;
,, ,-. t i i i t.-r I-, i - nliiiial ;
i , , : ,, ,,js i Cm 1. 1 '.lltl
t 1 -I. ' a .1 i:.-..ter oi ;
- . ,, -i iu., i 'it ,',-u, on ;
! . ' , -I lt..l 'ol ---i-l.-ud t. I
. , ' .11 : .; I., la.v. i
I J. V,,.t .- ,,. I.. i,-ji, I
-. v ii-, nr. !
,i p.! -'.it i:.,ii.ii!i;' ll.l V i-rs.-ly 1
, 1 1 d la, ,ils tl.e lt-,ur.e. to
i.s it, this .-Hi, c on ur U-l.ilt j
,,i 1. !i,l,. r, se j
.1. T. Al rllll-suN. j
I lit-gister.
I, M. Ai l Jl Nil .1, It" i.
3 Olt I'l III.IC TIO
i in k i i I 1,1 ri. ft,
i, .. t in or , J-m. ?, l"i I
, , I,.- fUfii In cMiipll.tiirt"
, , ,1 ihe ii t tf t'.auj.i i.t
.-.t ' - . Mi ( I "l ll"- t-sl t'l
, - . ' 1. , -I I ' , i 111,! It i4. 1 tt f
i ... . - ii . ; ii I ert tl., y, ' Attun
,. . t . ,.i,i , .,! K ,iitt .It. .d
. ; s ,' , , I .. I ill tins ,-'t.i I- illl.
, ll.' :
I,. i
I Illl"
. Ihe
tee --t
it. ri-t.l.
Oi, I. ur
etsel)- IMS
, i-t !'.-t
.ill..! ll.l
sl.l ,i lm.
f. le s il-l Mil
he,ii.l. T.
' at I Jt ,
1'.. bll.
'K .!, s "
1 tsi, ,ii , t, V i
.J.UI.-l. s,ut
' li oi.-t- tt Ith the
"I J a.e a. .s,
l ! , 1 1 j t . -r put, Is hi
.' it. Nt t -tiltt, and
t to-.- t i . ut Jew
"I t'r.v-,,ti. Ins
' , el H, e
luiinre .Nu,
i 11, nl lite
Hit, Per or
itil-l In l-S
Pie rt-fc-ls
-i---ti t tty,
I .i,-,...-r.
, i't.,
il l ,.r I
; p-it i-.--lid
l,.,l, I
ll.l I, I
II Wit.-.-:,-r.
'I I't'tlhlll.t, dip
. 1 1. II.
: iim
hi e
lie, adversely Ihe
e, n.-ie,l I., iui'
,r I, I'l i,, , ,i Ml)
i a i--i.i;s. I.N,
. .M"l JI NK 3.
ci ;i.ic
. '.U
'it i 'I ni v, )
Jtaie i., Is. si l
III t'Mliliiil ttlt-e
' ' , -. l 1 1 V . t 'It
' ' " !'': r.lveil I'l l
I l- I .s i-l III a.-l
,i.i,:,. .1 "All net ,
f citliiMt-ss i.t
Ihe sale tit
', ' - In I'te S v,. ,,( PiiIIImiiiI.!, t),-,..
I V .-.llM'fmu 1 .1 1 ill, ry, ' Ju.
' ' ,' '. "i' i-'itiliiii,!. e.inntj nl Malum.
' i- .; -ii. Iei l Ina it y llli-il in t,,
i -i-a . it, in, -tu N,i jinj, (ur Hie par.
. !' , Ct , ,,i s, eu.,ii Nu '."I, In Intnl.
1 .' : -nil hiii, nu Nu. 7 l-'nsi. null will
; 1,, Mi ,v !;,.! I'll, Ulul M-iuJit IN tlliirt.
' ! r ii 1 1 r ai.uie lluui tur iirl
i l a i-, -e, iul hi espibiiii in, rhiliii m
1 ' "' tat- ie:ii.s!er tin.l leevlvt-r nf
- ,1 in. -unit t'liy, uriiii Weiliie.dity,
' u ul la, Is.-tt.
.one, US It iliiiisn n; (), M. tiltrlslltl, .1. It,
A. a "".td, ulul Mary Wmnt, nil of
ti, ! ill lel'snflB l-liibiiliin nilviTStilv the
, I --. . 1 1 ,f I Inula ine re.ilestetl tit Hie
; , In lliln ,. Mice nu or hi-liire aaltl Ml)
'" " i r, ).-. J. T. AI'I'MiSliN.
" ; ' lieilaier.
iii! I.A.N U. At.l'JI'NI!:l, hi;s.
.' di e fur litilleitlioii.
I'M I ,:ti S-TAI-liS I.A Nil Otl-ll I!, I
t 'in.'i. nt tin v, in., May i!i, i.h:j j
.- i, lu-ii-hy (jiveii tint Iii entn pl lance
,e in'.t Isfiiint uf llm in'l nf tt,iinj,,.sa ,,f
I-,", euiiietl "All net Ur the aale ut tlnt
I ' 1 , s in Hie slates u( llitUtiiiiilu. Onitfini.
Nev i i i. uml Vnaliliigiiiii Territory," IIknhv J.
hii'i'ii, ui I'l'iUiiiid, cuiniiy uf Mult
si lie nl tlrect'li, hits till" day lllt'il III this tillteo
his mv, a n Ki iieiiicnt Nu. 2tis,'i, lur the piirt'liHse
el Hut .sk i , u I Seel urn No. J, in Tiivviishln No 1
' illll. I
Il-'tv II
ne Nn, ,s l;nt. nntl will iiller prunf tu
Hie land koiikIU Is inure viibiulile fur
Ik tiui'ire t,r sittiii' limn fur ngrletilliirtil jiur-pt.s.-i,
nn. I ,i '-.t..-i I.I InIi his t'lnliii Innnlil litlul lie
1,'iv i:i,' r. ;a ,t,' i' .,iiitl I'l'i'i'lfi'i'ii! IliUiillieit nt on).
u, mi t tiiiiiy, tint amh iim- uf
Hue .si's: ,i. M. llrttfti.lF. A.
Miller mnl A. Nitvailiie, all
tiuulll, llfi-inill.
. ins t-i.iiiuiin: 'ttlvet'M'ly the
nils nut t'etiilesli'il n tile
h tehee uu ui- itefni-it H.(,l 21,(1,
I'-'"1. .1. 1. .M'PI-lli.iilN,
11 per
mzs I'l'asi.ii'.tTio.'V.
i ,.1 ,1 n Si' t-n a I, ami Ori-tcn, 1
1. on Citv, or., .nine I ft, l,siiu,
I ; I i-el.y r.lveil thai the I'ulliivi ing-
',-r l a . hie, I iiotiett of bin Inteii
. " linnl prut 1 1' iu suppin-i nf hjs
I : I : -. t raid proof will be minlo hc-
e I' r "iid receiver of the 11, S.
1, .- al Oregon Citv, (.Iregoii, on
I, 1 : ', viz: .lames I1', Nelson, I 'ro
il. No. .; !!, I'm-the lols ii and 3
T 1 S, li 'I I'l. Uu names Ihe ful
;i - ,- ,-1 In 1 nn e his eoiitiiiumta
1 1 11 y
upon, nntl -ti 1 1 1 vut n 1 11 of, saitl
: , ,a . ,, ught, lleulieu right,
ii:,' and .biitii ll. Jaclvsuii, all of
'. ()., t'lael,auiiis eoanlv, Oregon.
.1. T. Al'l'I'IKSON,
7 III - Kegisler.
,X I M ! rout itiii m atio.
I'ecii'ii CiifH t.vsM urrii , I
(iuk'mik t;nv,tir., ,'iav , t"'"'-'
r ulli Is Iteieoy givsit iini m iv"i
nnrii Willi the itovishmi ui i"w "s. v,
,, ,, j lh;(,i i,(iU..l "An a'.t rur
Ihesii timber lauds m the ol Cl-
1. ,-utity oi Oliimtitti, Hint ol nrt ston, has
ii.. An . t. in 111 1 1, in tiim 11 nut ti.tnii hhiv-
, , yn.;i ir tint Iniii hlistt of th
vii u... ti..., .. in In Tim lis tin No, I
Hunt li, llinipe No 11 Kii"l. ami will "Her proof
i i.i-liiov 1 1 1 ul the hiii'lnoiigld i lunre vitlmihlii
j il llmlii r or l loiie lor SgiM lliitiia
purpoii , und In t'llitiilisli Ills i iaiin 10 iini
liiiml Is'loie Urn lleghler Slid lliwlver of
i Hun ..lit. e at iii'idiu I It V, dr., mi 'luestlay,
i Ihe iM tiny of SiipI'Midier, Iski. H niimes
nn liiie. (!. II. Wliffler, W. H;illy,
land i.. W, llrotuiol rorllaml, Or.; J. ji.
; lilllls ol llunlers, (Iregon,
Any ami all perwrns elalliuillt auvernny
llto itliiivn ill st rilsnl lands nru riiirstwl tu
Ilia their claims III lh! ollh" oil or befo.e
said Id tliiv of (September. I'""'. ,
J, T. A t'l I'.ltisi t.-s ,
II III Hl llt-glstcr.
TIMI'.lllt I.AN'li, ACT JI NKS, IH7S.
ill l M ll l'H I'l IIMCA I IO.
1'imrn Hi i ris I, ash I irru-a, I
I t,i n I'm. nr.. Muv 27. IsllO.I
...ii.,. i. i.,.a,v ,nt,,i, tiiui in I'tiiiinllauce
Willi the provlsltim of th set ufOoiigreMyf
June H, l"7.s, enlltled, "All act fur th aio
i nf t tuber liiiuls In the Mines tu I siiioin.
tlltfoll, Nttvttdll, lllltl aslimgltlll intri
i..,v " 'm.i.I, ..i 1. Ijiv. ul Hood ltlver,
I 'utility of Wiiseo, Sinle of Hii'ltoti, has
int. thtv lllt-d lit this ollitti hl sworn stat
iui !,i N'n. 'into, fur Hit' utireliase of Ihsbfc
I ..I S..H..1. H 111 TuMllslllll No.
Ntttih, t(i(iifs So. S I'.iKt. ami will oiler
prool lo nhovv tlmt the lunii "otighl Is more
valuable tur lt lindter or "lone limit for
In, ml i.tirnotfu. and In establish hl
claim to said land Mure the ltt-)islr ami
n.. .,l,..i. ,,i tl.i. iittti-ii nt Ilit-L-iiu i nc. nr
I I, !l Wedncstbiv, the'.'llli day Ol Hepletnlier,
lm. He iiiiiiies as wltin'"es: A. I'l"
hoot, l Neitlt-ii-h, J, f. Piter", ami I.. K,
M.,t.e all of HuhI ltlver, Wawo county,
I In null.
I A iiv iiiitl all i.i ri.oii eliilinllig atlverwly
the tihuve th . iilsil Ittmls are rei,iien-d to
, hie tin -it- i In i 1 1 1 ill Ihlnilliee nu or Is-lorV
i mill 'llh thtv ot N plelnls r, s'i.
i J. T. A ITHItSi IN.
ti IU II JligUter
TIMI'.lllt I. AM! ACT, JINK It, 17.
Notlco for Publication.
('.sum Si ,tr l.snt I'rtn r.,
(tut..... ( ivy, 's., .May 14, stl.
Nt i I 'l K I" hereby given that ill com.ll
i iitt.n Willi ll tot i'siiilis of lb aa-t of ( on
! er. -. ul June If. l-?s. eitlillt-d. "All act for
il.c siile ot limber hinds In Ihe "biles of Cal
1 ilutiiia. nieiiun. Nt-wi'ln and Washington
I l,.rni..t ." Jinitis II Itiiblin, of Sialtle
Ctnu.iv "of king, Stale of Washington, b
ins ii.iv 1,1.1 nt this olhee Ins sworn
sial. nu ul No. I'M. lor the pun has of the
lau i. uf N-t'lfill No, 10. Ill otililt Ml,
I J,. nib, Kancc N't. 7 l.iil. and will oiler
; t i,,.. l.i t.l.u-,1- thai the land mlllght is
, n,i"i- v alind-le fur ii liiiiU-r or atmiv than
i ur iii'iu tillural ptiipusi-s, and lu ratultha
Ihis.l.iini to iu.l land la-fur Ihe reni"l
and r., t iter ol ltd" olliie al liregtui City on
a. I'lle-dat , lliu .till day ol SeptmU-r,
H Manas us ilin-': janica
in t Ji. of J-lu", wiishtiiaion ; Henry simp
.at, t.i null-, r..i.'s,ujify aashliigioit
1 1. l.ii W.-luivro. M Sitlidn. I Use.Min
i, , fi'isjuit; and Niitl.un I wt-leli uf 1'itrf
I,. i l, .Muliiemiiih entittty. ttre-on. ,
I ,uv aad all (a iIiiltulMg vlVsrsely
tin- ir-ue ileM riU-d hitnls are s4itnsU-d lu
i Id I
labiis iu lids t.ltiett tin ur befuis
said '.'oh tlai t( Se IciidnT, lissi,
J. I. Al'li'.IIStlS,
i, s s L'-t Hegister,
Mii K i: ion n iu.
I'snrn mtath l.isrt Ori-u s. I
ii.ii.i,, i irtf, ot., Msr t"-si I
Mlilt K la lii-n-t.jf nlfi-it, Dial ilia l..llitili
ttaiei'il clllt-r Its" rtlt-.l ll. .Ilea ut Ills llllelitlult
1.. iu it." Sttal pt.if 111 lliu olalln. ami
llttt miI nr.".) wltlt lit.Ua Ilia Kellar
and He. elver uf lite I'. S. Ulul Ollirt. al Ofeimn
I liv, on-soii. mi llttirxlair July 17, ssu. U:
It. . laud W l.rlltlth, lluniealrsil Klllrjf. Nu. inH.
inr lite talla ul aoiiib wol ul aaelluo I,
i.idiiaiiiti 4 south, raima 'I easl
Haiiatitca Ilia l.illttw litf wiliis lu psttl
ltl ei, tsalilrii tipuil atel eillliiaiiun
i.t aaltl land, via J.I' Kvans J. H. latwla. Juliu
Oatla and f lltlliatd, all ul ( artia. t.lai kaluaa
c.. iini). mra-oii.
;,l . j J. T. AI'i'KhSoS. Ki-slsier.
I'mii it SrtTia I. ami Urt't r. I
atas ..aUss-. 4ri Mnrr-Iti "
tt in
i.e rut t ions i, f tin- net ol inn
ul Jllllt
Is.s, ,.iiulei "An itel fur
an-1-1 lowlier Inn.!" in the stales nf ('ul-
, it. r ti ut.
Ileury :
ute-.'uii, Met ada and aashiiiutim,"
i't' I suit, uf S.-atile, ftniiiivt.t King,
Male ut washing! ha
hlnetull, lias thia tlav hied in
. thia olhcc his awnrn M.-it'in.-iit Nu. lfj, tor
lite piirchnse ul the sw ul Mectatii No. 10,
in T ot itship ,mi. u Siulli, ltange No. TKu-t,
and ttiilullt-r prouf In alum that the hind
suiitdil i mine, wdttnhle fur its timU'r or
sitti.t tur iigrn iiltitral piiiisi , and to
t-siiiblisli Ida tin itu tu auiil hind U-lure the
register ami receiver of this ollii e at tiis-gun
I ny on itedi'i-sday, the illih day uf Ne(i.
teuibt r, lvi. Ilena .Kili,f,.n: James
Mm ith or l-.lnia, ititshiiigtiiu; James II Hob
Iin, td Seattle, King county, aa-lutigttm ;
John Mi Inlvre, el' Sandv, ClacktimHs
eonitty, in-; Niithau J welch, nf Portland
M till ti. .nut It cttuiity, (tri-guh.
Ant anil all pi'rouiis ihtiming adversely
the id ou-ih seril f.1 lutnls are it"nesled lu
hie lln-'r i-laiius in this ulln-,- un r befure
aid :'nh thtv ol September, 1-n.i.
J. T. A I'I'llliSi iN,
li '.',- s -'s
llMl'lli: LAN i, ACT JI NK 3, IsTS.
Mli ll ll S'OCt ll III 14 ATI.
l SITKIl NTITSS I.IN1I l)lrie.l
OUK.IUS I'll V Or Mav -M l.slai I
i ,
Nolle I" hereby given tlmt In e.impllniire
j " Ull Hie pr.tVlsl.ilis el tins net n cnii,re .it
nut- jl, s,s,i.utltU'd. "An ael litrtlii.l ,,l,i,.
I l"'r htiiiis In Ihe atalea ut ihillfnrnla, onauu
I Nevada, mid Wsslili.gmu 'I I'lrllnry." limn, All
! iietseii ul I .Ul lu halla. nullity uf I a- tv I a, int ,,f
! W USliltiKlull. I. l,S Hits ,y fl,.,( I,, ,, ((.e
svverti aiiiirmeiit Nu. ;1s.t. lur tlto imreltase uf
itnesK1, ot Seell,tii Nn H, In luwiislilp Nn a
; Sunlit, lialitts Nn 7 I'.nsl, nlnl will ulter proof to
: shttiv Unit lint lone! a..tiUiii is ttnire vuliiahle Inr
jlisilmherur atnue limn lor aitrleiilinritl pur
i niises, mid In esliihlish Ills eUlia In Hit 1. 1 html
i hetitrt ihe reitlsler and receiver and receiver
nt mis niiu-i. at iiri'l'ini l lty, (lr, ull llU'siiiti- the
'Wnl tiny of .September. Isiui. Hit ii inu-. W(.
iiesM's; l-'ritiik llaiihni, ul l.lllli, I'liila, Vali
lliutnli; liana Jiaisen of Allialel, W aalilngtjti '
W A t nh.irit mid S J Welch ut l'lirlhtiul or.
Any mid all ersmta rlithnliut nivtrm'ly the
abut e ilescrllHt liiiuls ant re, pie-let! to Hie
lltt'lr t'htltita In Itla oitlee on or Mur ahl 'itrj
day nl isepieiuber, ls'.s). J, T. Ald'HItisoN
b-ie-s-ii KeRlster.
1'NlTKl) 8TATKS f ,A Nit Ol'rtCK, j
Oiikiion C't rv, Or., Muv , 1SD0. j
Notice la hereby given tti nt 111 ruinplliiure.
w ith tint iirnvlshins of tint ant of rnt(reas of.
.lime ISis entitled An net lor llio aula of tliu-
ber In ml is In tint states nf California, Orem.ii,
Nevttiln and Vt iishbi(ilnn 'territory," frank
lliilihill.tif Little Kails, Uoulily of bowls, Hum
nf Wiislibntinii baa iltla ilnv Hied In thia olllee
Itlsawurn MHlenieiit No. aims, fur tlto inrelinao
ol the NK i4 nt Kuetlun No. 211, lu Tiiivnlili No.
liiSuiilli, Itiinuo Nu 7 Kant, anil will tutor urutif
In i how Unit tint lu ml sought la more valttahl
for Its Umber or atone than for atrrlctilttiral
iittrtiosea and to establish Ins olitlin m an I J
lunii liobiie l lie Ui'L-ltUfr anil Itat'uli-itr nf Una
oiliee at orciftin City, Tueaday lh
irti titty ot oepientner, inifit lie uamea aa wlt
nttsM's: 1 1 u 11 at Jensen, of Allialel, l.ewli Uu,
vs MniilllKUiii ; liana AunerNltll, i,tttie Fftlla,
Lewis t-uiliily, WhmIiIiikIoii; W A Unburn aud
N .1 Welch uf I'ttrthtttd. Oreunn.
Any and nil persnna iihiiiulug ndversoly th
Bltnvtt -ilesi-rllietl Intula me rt'ipttiltti'tl to HI
itit'tr t'liiiins m tiiiHomee tut or lit'toro anltl 'ilttl
diiy nl Sepleintier, Iswi J. f. API'KHHON.
ti-lu-ti-U , Heutater.
sH I4 I'. I-'OIS 11 HM4' ri4.
OiiKiinN Citv. Or., Mny -j-;, lstjo )
Niillett Is herehy given tlmt hi eomplhiiiee
Willi tliu lirnvbthnia nf the net uf congress of
Juiiell, IMS, entitled "An not tor tlto sain of llm-hot-
lutnls In the Htntes uf Ciilltunihi,
Oregnii, Nevmlii, niitt Wasliuigtuu Terrl
Inry." Ilnna JetiHen . nf Ainslel, ontinty
nf LtnvlN, spite of Wimlilintton, tins thia
tiny tiled In this ttlllee his avvurii Khtiument
Nn 'tli,a, fur the pnreliiiseof the HK i.,,ot Heetlttu
Nn is, In Township No 2 Ki'iuli, Umitro No 7
Kast, unit vvlll uller proof to altnvv Hint tint land
s,, unlit Is 111010 vitliiahlti for Its tltnhi'r or atone
t ti 11 11 for sm-letillitrnl pnrposea, itml to
lisli Itln t-1 u I iii to siihl hi iiil befure Hie register
nnil rneelver of thlsnilleo nt Oregon, (Illy, Or.,
on TiitiKihty, the iird tiny of Ht.'.litiiber. Isttl).
Iltt mimes its witnesses: Krnnk llnnloii sntl
MntiH Aii.ltirsim nf l.lttln Vullu I ....,lu .......
Wifhlimlnn; W A Ciihorn and N J Welch ui
Porilnnii, oreiruti.
Any and nil persona elt luting ndvertiely the
nhove deHtirlhetl ItiitdN are reiitieatiid to tile
their claims lu title olllttu oil or More sit id i.trd
tiny of St'pitinibur, ism).
B-1IM1-U Kegltter.
'tw Mftrkt Elotk, PottlantJ, Orgon,
Hay Presses of Every Description.
DEDERICK COMUINtu nunau r..Min,..,,ni,uri,t
pt-tlcrifk HtuiciKir llovcrsiblo b'Vfr 1 frictual Yttn,
h l ri k Full (Mrclo lVrjtnal Vrcm.
(lorick J Jolt ruric-tual rresHCH.
ALtVlTllie UTKST i ni-iiov ri
DKDKRICK HTKKL CAMK ijai.iiu ,nn,uuin
....... ...
LiK'it r uil v;irtio Vciiiiim'iivkhi iv",
lleovy Full Circle Ktccl I'roHH,
ItovcrniMo Lever IVrpetua) Ftcl I'rnH,
Hull lVriietual Htettl Vrenn.
V WW Vi T-s.i: t.,t -r.-SlV
Tliu Deilerick Tn'sseu are now baling
ami Htraw baled lit the CiilU'U niatea ano vanaua.
Aru the only jx-rfectly devlHcJ ami coiiHtructeJ I'resstta in tiKu.indi
Ijeyotui an comp tiuoii.
-We also carry a Full Hlts k of the celebrated
The moet rapid ami econotnical tnctliod for ly'mn bale.
It will pay all partiea wanting
- Hay Presses of any Description,
To call upon or correspond with uh.
WeKuarnntHt our Deilcrick Prcsat-H the most jK-rfix-tly constructed, t
est haling and most economically handled Prtssea in the market.
Send for sKcial descriptive catalogue and prices.
1 ... I.ANIJ, ACT JI NK S,
t'siran stits" I.ASMirrit a. I
oaauua Citr Or., Mf 17 lw 1
ItoTll.'K It hsrt) given that la romt.llanc
villi His iirtitrlatoits tit e uf cmitt-aa of
Jutia I. lifts tillllsd "AO art f..r th taleof llm
lasr lamia In Ut stat-" ul I'allt.truls. Orrg.m,
Nevada, sntl WaabmitUiu Tarrliorv,' Jalass k
Allison, til Alsfiu l iitiiilii ul t'hrlialls, Stale
ul Wa.liltt'..tu ha. I Ilia tUj lrl III IBls
i,me Ina atrurii ataletttetil So. a), fur lit pr
rliiH ul Ilia SW ol Beln.ll Su. It, III ';-
hlli Su JSutilh, llama Nu. 7 K.a.t.aiul wllluf
let lu show that th laiitl auuh( la mute
talualila lor Ils lllnl' ur an.its titan lr at i.u,iM.aia. atlil lu "tatillatl bit claim
Iii aal.l laml belute Ihe Kfllrr aud Krelr
..I tlila nSles aior...ii I II, orsauii, uu 1 Inns-,
ila Hit llll day ol tsepteuilMsr, lw lie naiirna
aa linaM: Cltaa Mievent. K B llalisa, uf
A iKir.l.'i-it. Waalilnflnn; W A I aljttro, and S J
Welt-li. ut I'ttrtlan.l; or
Any and all iHtranna rlalmlnf ilvsrarlr ins
abuis-tlt'KMiMHl land are r.ittie I" Hi
Itiflr elalm In iltla oBice ull ur Id tstti
J. u arpirmurr, l"Ai. J. T. ACJ'KKaoS.
Vl-tvll ktlaler.
on k rou pi ni.M-A i io?.
Cmtso Ktat Ltt irrtc,j
- l)glt:i.?t Citl, vr , My K t".t
Notfi U hrby jri-en bat lirenmpll
ame with the provisions (if the a. of Con
gress of Jim 3. If7a, ntilled, "An act lor
the sale of limUr lands lu the Slates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Te,-rtitirv," Nals P. Jolni-loii uf port
laud, County of Mul'noniah, Sis'" of Or
egon, baa this tlav bled in litis ofllt-e bis
worn alatemeiil N'n. JHl, for the pun base
of lb SW of Ss-ciinii No. a, in Town
aldp No. 2 South, ltange No. 7 Kast, ami
will olbr l.r.K.I lo show that in laiui
touglit Is more valuaitle lor lis tinnier
atone than for sarit ultural ptirtoses, aud
catablisli bis rlaiui to said land before the . 7-HK-tt-H
register ami ns-eiver of tins ntlle al Oregon ;
City, Or., on W edneaday, the ITth day oleOIHI, IOH
Meplemis-r israi. lie iiamrs as wnneswCTt
II. K. Talls.l, W. A. Cabom and N. J.
Webb of Portland, Or.; C. . Stvna of
Als-rdevii, Waahlugtou.
Anv ami all tarrwms clalnihig adversely
the als)vnlecrit"rl lands are retiuested to
Hie their claims ill Ibis utile on or liefore
aid l"th day of SeptrmU-r, Isttl.
f, lll-S 14 llcgister,
..aai.r.n I.A.HI, ACT Jt'XK J, 178.
.WI U K IOII I'l 111.14 .4 no.-v.
I'mitkd StATra Land (irrira, (
Oukuon City, ir., May 17, l(v!).(
No'lTCK la hereby given Unit in tstnipll
ane with the provisions of the act of Con
grcsa of June .1. 1.S7S entitled an ael for Hie
sale of timber lands in the States of Califor
nia, Oregon. .Nevada, ami Washington Ter
ritory," Jtolasrt II. Hates, or Als-rtleen
County of Chelnilis, State of Wasliinirtoii
has this day tiletl in thia nfllce Ida nworii
statement Nn. ,Vv, fr the purchase of Ihe
S W t; of aei-tion No 14, in Township No. 2
(south, Hang .No. 7 hast, and will oiler
prtsif lo allow that the land sought in
iimiti valuable Tor us limtwr or stone than
for agricultural Mirnoses. and to estattliali
his claim to said laml la-lure the ltcgi.-ter
and deceiver of thi otllce at Oregon Citv,
Oregon, on 'I hnrsday the 1Mb tlav nf Sep-
icuiner, i, tie itamps as w itneswes :
J. K. Allison ami Chin. S. Stevens of Als-r-tlocii,
Washington; W. A. Calstrtiand S. j
Welch of Purl laml. Or.
AllV Unit all tverHillia ebiiudnir MiIvismuIv
the tilwive ili.Mi-rilMi.l mm pu......ui...l !,
Hie their claims in this ntlh e on or before
satil isth day ol SepteinlsT, lstm.
j. t. Arrnitsox
lll-s U llegister.
Cnitkii Statks I.AS1) (Hllt r.,1
Oiikuon CtTV, Or., May n, lsiai.f
Nolits? ia liertdty given thai in eompli
ante with the provisions of tint net nfiw
gressnl' JuneH, 187fl, enlitled, "An act for
Ihe saltt of tinilior lands iu the Slutes of
Califtirida, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Itenj. 1 Tallsit, of Portland,
eoimty of Nfultnomah, state of Oregon, lias
mis nay iiieo in tuts omce Ills sworn .state
ment No. JtlVi, fur Ihe purchase olthe ts'KU
of Section No. 2i, iu Tonnship No, 2 South,
ltange No. 7 Kast, und will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is mure valuable
for ita timber of stone than for agricultural
iiui iHises, and to establish bis claim to said
laud belore the register and receiver of this
ollice at Oregon I 'ity. Or., on Wednesday,
the 17th day of Hoptemlter, IStM. He names
as witnesses: N. I'. Johnston, W. A. Ca
Istrn ami N. J. Welch of Pm-tlund tir-
C. S. Stevens, of Alierdcen, Washington.
Any ami all js-rsoiis claiming adversely
the above-described luntls are ri'onesleil lb
lile their claims in this oitlee on or Is'lbre
said 17th day ol September, 1SU0.
l-10i Register!
Nolle tor I'ubllreialiouT
t'liiTKii Statks Laud Ornra, 1
ORKtioii CITY, Or., July 7, lSiiu.
Nnilee 1 hereby given tht the fnlluwlna
nsmetl aeltler hna ld notice ol Ida 1 11 1 em Inn
j) iiiake nalnr..f lii auM.nrtitf hl claim, and
thai aald prtaif will be made belnre the rerta
tr and receiver of the V. S Uml oillee at Ore
aim Idly, Oregon, on TTuiratlay, Aiignat JS, 1SJ0
jis: Kobert Conner, Homeateatl Entry, No. Vgvj
for the leu 1. a. . 4, ft, e, 7, and s, of tee u ta
r I e. He tiaroei the followlna wli....... . I
prove eoullniioua realdeuoe unttu, ami cnltlva
loa aaltl l.i.a via: T. , Mofean, G. C, Arin-
itrimu, B C. Lmi und A. Ketohii. mil A(
Villi l 1 Plunk.. '
, neiontii
:y. Orean
. s ..... . . Wl vieav aanuina VUUIIl
T. Al-l'KKHON,
Nolle lor liillleallon
UniTan 8tats I.Ann Orrica.l
Okkoou City. Or July 7, Itoo.)
m. Li ... ... ... ..." """ ! miention to
sntl roeelverul ihe II. K in.i i.n,. .. ,; '
Citv. Orevon. .... . -... ."1.. . "SOU
John W, M. Boiniey, lloine'steatl
"sat at'., tssHJ. via:
nril ?.i.' " 1,R,n, lliefoirowlng witneaaesto
provolilaoontlnuoiia realdiiuee upon and cub
wirhf, ',1;' V ",1,y al,d Kll,16r I httinsN all of
uiiult, ClacKiinins cotiuty, Oreitun.
,-i,t J. T. Al'PKIISON,
--- 4, Meglster.
Notice for I'ubllcHlloti.
Uiiitkd Statks LAiinornca, I
Oaioon City, Or,, July 7, lsso.
Notice la hereby jdveu ttist the follnwlnr.
tlun..,.l a. Ilia 1. u Ala. I .....I.. ... . . .. .. S
.......... uU,iv. oi ma inienttun
to mske II mil proof in iipitortof his claim and
that aaltl prouf will be uisde before the rea-lainr
.,1 ..H.l...l,l,. II u ill. ... H'-.'S'l
"' .t . ...s, u . . utttvuivi 1'ri'Ktm t.ity, Or
egon, ou Tuesday, AtiBiiat tt, lstK), via- Goorte
If. Bnniiay. llttnicateatf Kntry, No. 67-11, for the
S i S'if 1",cl B 0,.BoV 01 T 7
8, R J K. He ninnca the fnlltiwlnn wltueaaei to
lirove nu eoiiliiinoiia realtleuc upon, and cul-
. ..tiiii ui, run ihuu, via- Mill 'lltitlr
Kuaael, I). C. Cooley and Klmor Thomai,
Until Tt....u. vi,
W'ilhoit P. 0 Claekamai catinty, Or.
, . . ,, ' T. APPER80N,
7--" Kegiater.
tin t-sutitsa r..i. 1.
over uiree-iourtiiH oi an ut u
HOIK II Kill PI III. K A lio
I'aiTiin Statis I.AaeOirni,,
(IKK., os Citv, Or., JuneV, lw
Not lee is hen by given that the folknr ,
nuitifl setller has bled liottcn.l hi, ii ,
linn to luttke final prouf in ui,irt M
rlaiui, aud lltat aaltf prtsif nt ill W mtdi
fore the register ami reoeivr ottliel L
Stales laitt'l otllt-e at ttregun city, Orw
on Tiie-sLiy, July ti, lss, yi: Tlaul
.Man tit, rrt'-empiiun I', n., tt. .'s'Vil Uti
W i of N W uTNk 3H,1pH, Kll
rtaiitea the following wiftteaars to pruta
eoiiliiinoiia tt-siilriic upon ami rtlltivt j
of. aaitl laud. VU: J. M altoit, W. Uurii
ami John olewm of On-gon C'ltir, rtatrtj
ma eounty, On-gim; N. ftovlantl. of H J
lalttl, Oregim. J. I. A ITfcltso.V
II It-" It Ku.i
.ollro fr Fularlmllaai,
t'sirri. Hraraa LaaoOrnrt,,
Oatuus Cirr, Or., jitut 17, law ,
Niitlee It brnbr lan dial In eoaslUii
wuu ins brtmaiotia ui in act ui oibfrsat
juiit. s, !"?a, iilitll. "Aa sot for the ttk
timber landa III lit alaleaulCallt.iraUl.Orrt'
Nevada auj W aahliiili it 1 arrllorr.'' A. t itt
aixta iluixst. uf Cititar lala. etnt at i
ouuiali. attic uf ( aliliimia. haa tbla dan tM t
iManlTi-till aiin tatiaent No 2111. latna
tllcliaj-t thl IJI uf Sssettna Ho. H,
oaru.hlp Nil. I atuutb, Kana Nu. Eaal.i.1
will oflrr tfsm( to aliuw Ibat th tan 4 anQfU vaittahla lur Ita ttml"tr ur ainua ibail-i
aarlrtlllttral utirM.aea. and In ftalabllibhUetait
I., u 1.1 lait.l lM.l..rsi It.a rssvlstr and mmI.h M
Iltla uitte at orritou I lly, Or., aa Friday, ut
lull day uf ttetutsfr, l-uu 1
II uamra aa llurnui: H'.ttssrt II. H Hut
Herbert ii. Iluut aud Ocu. K. Art. mi al lit
Fratielaen, Cat.; Jautra A. Fux of Putllaa l-i
Auv ami all pffraona elaiutlnf stlratKif lit
alMivtsdeaertbetl la ml a ant rest ut mat ti I
or i cU)m, la ,hl, Mc, UB or UlnrtatM
to j., u ociutarr lsw.
J. T. ArfHauS. I
I'siTHU Statks I.asd Ornct, I I
Ositius City. I nr.. June '.'4. lsttll !
Notice it hereby giveu tliat tlit fullaaiitrf
liamtd settler lias tiled nolle of buitmu
thin to make final proof in suoiiorl of bi
claim, aud that said nrvxif will bit'..
for the regiater and rtsi-eiver of Un C St
tjind otUtw at t regon t itv, on Tuesai,
A.t l-l Isttai via- l'Mlp ll 11..! U.tfssc
Sec 18, T I S, It 4 h. He names Um bOoat
ing wiuueasea to prove Ida continuous s:l
. t , "" cultivation of, uid Untj
r ' i: . . . . 1 " 1 John Ucii
Tom Petilt f Pleasant Home P. 0.; i i
"""i r- cione 01 .-suntiy r, o., all of Cltctf
.it.iw vs.uiii v , v 'rrgon,
Police ltr FubllmiUa.
I'siTio HTATia Lisa Orrirfi
Oaaoua Citv, or., June 17, law j
isotire ia Hereby jlvrn that lu cumpUi
: r's't'tts,, wi me act 01 eouaraia it
June, ls;s. eulliled "An .... 1... ,t
lituli.r laml. m ,e tltateaof CIllorui,Or. I
un. Nevinta, aud W aahiuaiuo Terriiurv." Mil I
str . iu. at. ul ban Kranclneo, cntinu of itJ
i . . . : aum-nietil no. ait i
or Ihe piirehaae of Ihe NW J. ol Sectiua No Itf
lu luwnablp No. t omith, Jtauae Na I tut 1
- ,,, vrmu, 10 annvr that tbt laitl
aoiiihi la mure valuable lor iu limber or hom
"A " .M'teullural purpiwea. aad tu witA
It.tthla claim to aaid land belure the rlBt
and reeelverof thia olttce at Oreaoa Cllj, ot
011 Friday, the ItSb day ol (k-u.ber jaatl
. He namee aa wiinvaaea: tl. K. A.l.m. T UiJ.
lr. and K, 11 H. Hunt of Sau KruciMo,CL.i
- tiiiisini, uregtin
Any and all oeraona claiming idvenely tlx
oiV - Iu , .!'!'ul1,r ruue.ied to lie
.1.. ,1 ,T . . . ' " '" "r neiore aaid Itu
day of ociolver, lssaj. 1, t api-kksoV
Notice Iter I'ubllmiloai.
Pnitko Mtatii I.ANUOriICI,
OSKOON CITV. Or.. June 1: liNu
Notice ia hereli ti..n 11.. 1- - n '
With III. nr....l..f...., "iaar,
I..... v'-J , act 01 eonireaeot
i, ,o - ,""l,lled- "Au '"r U" ol
timber lam). In (he Km... .,1 .-..i.,.....!. ..
on. Nevada and Waaliluytou 1 crrlmry, "'uto.
day Hied
su rraueiaeo. euunt.
of Sat
n tliu
HI ', I.. " v.....rHM. a,
atalM i.f 1--1 .,..-..1.. V
...vv, 1.1 una omce tila
uieui ISO. 'ins. lor Ihe nnn.,... ..1 ,k. aia
aworu Uale-
Bevtlou , iu Ten -naidp No 2 Somh, Kanrt
Kaal. au.l u 11 ..a.. .. .. tL...?-
I.n.l . ... .t 1 -..v. t"w"i iu auow mai uiv
ttune Umi? I ,VHl""ule '"' "n,l
tor and r " 1 ld ltul bloM lb
ui.i.ut. 1. ... . 7" vmi ur (-, mm kiw
lab, aud J. A i,,: of Poriland, Oregon.
Any and all pet. ma olaimlne; aJiftiely tht
T''i1- " rejiieaiej w al!
d. ni t '" "l" o'" "a or belore .aid Mth
day ol October. Ists), -t, t. a ppkksoN
Motive Tor lMbllrntioai.
Pnitko Statks Land Orrtcs.
Okkuon City. or.. June ia isvti
Nutlce fa hereby given that In cuutiltaiira
JiiViii iV,...!'V,','?.0',l'e ct ' cobKn"aol
Juiiell, !., emitted "Aa act for the atleofUin-
ottr iHiitia iu the atatua ol California, oreiviu,
VV.! u,UArV.a " ""."'.' Territory," AaS
.rf ? . i' 'r,l81'1' V,0,"'y
of Oregon, ban thia dsy nled in this oaiee.ij
?he N"KtK"',T" lli Ihe i'urcb.M vii
wit', ue-i-hn'p 1" h...v; kS.i".i.i
will otter prtHil to limit thai i....i k. ,1
! tla for iu timber or alone ili.ti 1, 5
efaVn,;. . I I Hl U""'"1 e.Ubltlu ttltj
claim to aald lati.t thU u-iu. ....i ..1
Krl,ur,t'b,i",a0hllr V"7 tJAyV ogon. ol
rrltlay, the loth day of October, lsvi. 1
.... u-uiea aa wnueaaea: J. li. Hansen. 0. It
and J. A. Mctittyreol C'herrvville. ore.mi.
.tl y i r"" elaimlu adversely the
abt oeaorlbetj lands are reuueled to
o ii e r,l, ou or M.un M'd WH dT
j. t Ari'SKauK,
7-10-tj-n ..i.,
T1M11KR LAND, ACT Jl'NK 3, 1K78,
notice lor 1'Hbllct.tloB.
Pnitkd Statks Land Orriea, r
OaauoN Citv. or lunu n twun I
Notice Is herh )- ,i.. i.. '.
With the ivruv. I. ".,.."". "Uiliauea.
luni i iw; i . luo B0t 01 congrest ol
June S, l,s, entitled 'An ant Inr il.. ..i5,r iim.
Se'vidi ., 1 S!" :""e" ' s-'sliftirnU. Oreguu.
u ii ii."'1 V.1""!"00 Territory." Kosssr
flted In tb . n hi. iu. 7. " : "". .
fur th i.i.7i. i "v,,u miwiuvm io un.
I n " mil on "k ul Socuoii No. 11
will otter pron! to ahov. n,.i n,. i.,..i .V. i.
inure valuable for ii. n.,.i.... ;?.".. .;. . .'.
a... in.. it. . i ..M.uc. sir luau lur
f...i i i r.,1 P",rP01"-, and to establish hlsclalia
thi. oih. . . 1 "tt'ster i l receiver ol
a. v,Ume wiiuesaea: tleo. E. Adnral, ol
San erauciaen it.t . a m .i..... . , ' "i
Cl.iu.r, i t T . -luvwaore aiuiier, ui
Moverdalo, Cat,; Jamea A fox aud A. W.
kioliey. of t-orttaiid, Oregon.
Auy aud all peraoua culmbig adversely the
thai, eSI'M. t1"1"" " rvquested ti l,
da of n u iU me "a or befure .aid 11KB