The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 10, 1890, Image 4

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O'H n hrn tlu fun tn r.WTy rtyltt r vtMtW
tYlKH ts.i tho (wili ,;it t;tM l-vkoJ tnm mul tr
"IV. I t-" you "hv jmr Uv fur
Tiin'ipr !. -.v nt our
iVi.t tho nkv fnut t;M tho utrtin oVr .tt
(1),vm iv luiSmmtMtvy - nyU..,
''Semi imu lovo i'V t;. M,
To U-ltVl U 110-.-1U mtr-t Us
WohK Uhv,v;!,t,ov, wor.Nl but lnsn Mm; (KwiM
ViMns iv.i.,H ;:-! (Yd Jvo mutt IV-U to ivt--Kt
m 1 ki-ow tlu-it th- ititMimii? huUt'-u.
Nr, I.oto) wuh vitlmmkttt, mA JtnmttT,
Now wt tvv Iinu iu',1 iii tutM'Uiii;, you iii t
I tut lit i ht misty , t!m il-uU mv mit-t
A'M (tt iIinwo woii! I t.jvk niul know not ttt.
t!y tiutt I'V sunm.luVW 04;
1'llt - 1 low .Mt ttt'-U I'H.MI.i v
Y l.-.o j o.t, i.oii If uovus must K
'TV,p.i, who 1.4 tho r.ti'an,;.'r I tuw 111 the
library jut I Ho was talkie,; to yinir
ttvtvt.iry, Mr. Wiu,:hcil, nt If ho wcrvt'iilta
nt li.ut'.o," tk.iil P.iliV C'vhtintn, winding nit
pluni)., w iiito tuu m omul her father's itccl,-,
in !to poivlnd hcmelf nil the. tivm of
T.'.oso ilo Know i'.n r'.vlun no nly iu
Iv.ivii'.Ass num, i'i.i,'nt '( fwiTil ralliMiiiU,
iliiwtor lit a - i. C o.hir ivrKr:tKn nmt
.sli.uv'ui!.;,T In fM-ry U. is'iivr In (!io
tatl ttvUlI.i ti:l V'A lv ll ll!i:l.'.il l SH Ih'MT
ivi-i'y l!r fiMj.i: r.irl !vnt t hrt ill IIm
ttvnf Iswu tixl, lin hatn'i l iiism.
l (SUirno r.i!:!ir,' ivjilU-J Hid C'!v! -rw, i;!i!rt;t n'fvli.vati'lv n liK
"liIMu't vimi Ms irimo It; 1 n.-k,
Wlio h lu-l jiul thnt h tlm wav toil l.ui to
iiivwr r.iy j':i'vi!rni, nit f" n't'l r..i (hi' i;i
IV.!T v'.'.y' !' ' lu' !! nin.
"Oii.'Ii! u l;;t!. In r.i r.ivo t'i'iiitl
Wi'lt, ti l-o oli i!, Mr, l'.t!".i'r U tlMoud
i lllV till. I. T HVIVMI nil. l!oH t.v- t-t ll.-a.ilt
.Vr. Wliu !;, :!."
'Cm:io, oo;.ii u T t !; '-'i'.iti.'n l'
Hal ymi siv ti if ; .ilul T.i. ;!iir.;T; I : ut
th4 titttH, ! !.''. tni'b i.b.I inv.hiiijj I'lit
llu- ti;:!!i."
'Toi :.:t;' y I iv:...'!'i'vr tl::il f w wtviM
you aii.1 y".r r.:. r n x-:. 1 frin nm n
jHMr.ii.' t!:it I iv. ,.'.J ri'UT i'..', im.l. r any
I'iivinil'.t.ttu'in, iV'i'.l tU 1 u k.i;; a wtii.'tl
m':!if iviro t. mo t'V i i... I t t-ij'iV'N.'
''tvf v?!l' lU' J." t!u s.. r : !i,'.'; 11. uu I
tin I j ',i a ,ii i .i'i:i'. h nli . in'.-, vy mi.;lit
lo it M 'i t'h-.fuv ii liii; it :i liy n
IlnTO i iir.'lt I' t: lri t w out f 11'. l.T
lll'.i! ut 1 11. 't I ;. v t; rri l:p." I' l Il.'l I'.ll y,
i(!i a !.u- ! i'
"Vt ;u f ( iv.i! N l'.',:i 'iir;it:i
cni)t';;h (: .'..i tt f. r !.;; '!r I . t;i. h. ll lui
f.uiiiiy, n'.'. l N;:tv-4 ,;.r r.'.'1'iit c: i. rl. n.'o iio
I'.iis no l:i : f.'i- r...- !.. ... , I I t o i';i!.ti.yixl
tUi youu.; I'luiiK-r, w ! u :l tn i:i.- It
Miil K Ui;l;i ii'.y p.n'.i'i "
"Oti, vit' i, n . y :;.b:! 1 I' ' t i';o t:i rl if of
liU l.fol ho is ;' i uim,;, i;i3 It ho luut
".'o, C'Tm-: t, . .r i-.-T i-iur ivUstiit'. lio
Is hW.y o !'i. ;r. .1 r.:: 1 i.:i t-'iii, I ut U-iii
tttiiort uu!o in t..-:;i.'ss, n.1,1 t:..' jittol
I y a tkti:-t!o: i;ifl, to r.-.i!i-l to il ail rrni
to mi i:::!i;in'y '.. :'& 1! r . .1 a H'uutity
i t bt:.L:uu:n, I'lit lUviiil t ! :; t tliiititrjim'
CTtif.n, r.'.'. l to si; t l.iu.. '.f l:i t!;o lnviX
latlit-r I;h bar I nvrrvo l t lii ni:a na utv
cui'lcin. for tin wnml ;v.l to l only
i'iou.i, ii"t il I'll vi. t i'. i n ti a liiii
Uil, nn.l ns tlio lot! r l;o l::v rr.i.'.i for 't-
lUOI'tOJil 'l!', VV( 3 (T.lVo l th it tho slinotin
Mas ir.L n!;.';i:il, Imnn.i l:i il.ii:,: r of orrt
nJ IvuU f, r nti.'v.i;.!.! ni'ii .: r.
'lA'iu'r.i:!;: of n.r.iir, i '.rticit with
nn'A nml unrtl my iiil!uon.'o In l.i Iw
Lulf, enj tli-TO n;u no nrn-st. lio (.lactil no
vuiuoon Im iifo, mul so ro.-.ilily ncooj'twl tha
psiliou I o.ftrol li ciuiio tlio very
tiny al'Wr you unJ your tit. -titer wont to juur
KTumttnutli r't to j-.ii.l Thmik'-'giviiiij, ftml
II r. Wlnch-U tolij n li st to is of civat nj
ti.l.inoe to him, t-s; .X'l.i': ' In it y liirj for
e'.fi cvrri-vs.lonk I.'j U a puLU'tuaa
lioiii, s l;a iil liro n i;h us n inc:iilT of otir
f.iniily, nr. 1 I irant y.'ii t .) f;ivo your cousin
lion b j a liint t;.nt li.lo h'.-.'S ii Miih m wo
fcojv sl.a t.j court c ill to Uiiu, 1 am
very f n l of fi'lila, ir.y tl.-nr, l-ut I tin m.a
Uiiit :jo i tho c:ii.t Lit l,!;o l.ur
father. Ol . J.-nnns Una uil.tvil mutil"
Tho fami iH Kiitnn.r en's mlUt wi-ll ha
txxu rirucl t.i.u Clyburuo uikI Ot'l Ji ii
rx, for thf.o two r.:;i tsira cmti'ma"y
ll,;liti:i3 tv.tli oad in.'l. If o;. ccul J thwiu t
a tclieii.u of too otlior it w it rnro irjiurt to him,
but retaliation -e mro to corno In umia
lnvu't (.'.irr'iin;; v.r.y. A tlicy l:aj nurrk-J
timers m.d t!r ro uaaex-r. i.i-t iatii-courtd bo
tin (Vir wivr.i i.r 1 5.-.u,:Uter, thuy out
trnnlly nriiiitnirnl an rr.ttoJ B-vatraUty.l
H!Ja4 rtasI'Ju. D-'iliy, do you know
wlio I iT'io t-:in tin;) l.'i i:u mrrioy tioivT
criu.l l.rl'.ia Ji rntii to 1:t eou..:!i nln.:i alio,
too, h.u! .! tI.o; :i '!:.i op.-ni-r.
" Via; Izot 1.9 t' .J i:t..- nUmt ii'ni Just a
f.w unricnts r.;-i. 1'oor fril iwl Koiiiuo
romnutio u:i'l al hi.if.-.ry," r- rlii-d I'aisy,
nil then frtit on to ri!'tt ti Uat wo nlrcaJy
know nK'Vt ijt jw:vu I'alricr.
l: rthn I: tone! attontlvtly tvltu a iullar
nn.Ic I'.oMrr.::;; crour.d hi : i'.An. aosjleia lips.
Bil l Tl !i-"!1 till) .tol'T V.'.'tl C:Jlt'-'lll;iiy:l tho Mkill,
with ii :' n: ; of I. cr ihcuM.'iv. ''Very ro
iinn'i.', I ailmif, I it n hut e fx..! hoimi"
(Jil, no, li'.' -t! I.'oa!it:ii I: fa tronl)l-s
kail toMp' r-.ri'y turr.'-U til britlii, ytt miroly
ho U to r..Meii."
"1 inn n. '. m ha Is not now tut
toil in-, lini y, uul )ou over Ut::r ir.o ijxsiik of
ayoiin,: ''ov.iii r 1 hn-l who usi 1 to iluluo
cio with I'll" ro nml ehoieo iKiisiiuus until
bin fortnni rpni .lnil, arid tl.oii tlioivirt'il on
cio t'lul-r vcr w ;f kU ow n cotnpositi-ml"
"Oil, jo"; Ki.-l Loi I (r:.vii.;l you for imvlii;;
a I'fil p. t it your foti liut ivli-ro is lio
oo'.v 1 1. , li'j n'.iil ?:ul yon poom-if'
"Do,; ;:i'i'.jl, y.oi mt-nnl So, I hnr.t not. In
Oiborno l'ol:n"i', your fc.thtr' cle.-lt, you ko
hokl tho n .
".No! .S'ot roriilyt I.ri't that chll And
now tint l. tomo to lifo ctitin, so to
njior.!:, t!;-i l . !y roinanro will kein nil over
jpiin," ai'l iJaiiy, with a f.iint tlir-iio of ro
gri't in her vol,
E.vhrf I'i.m crm',in.i hstl sor.r llii.-t;; fho
otlmr la'-'l.f'l. li'i'ilin ivai CTio of ft Inrgi
family, and how Daisy trLfUrrl thnt tlio, too,
mi;;lit h.ivo otto or tno l.rothor.'i, or ono or
two 'J- ;ir little ml'lots of cislrr.i. lint llortlin
rc,".iiilcil tlioiiO yoim'frr ow at rhnnnels
whore a Inrrro of lie r fntlicr's monoy
mast K'Ji wlnlo l'ai.iy was tho filunud idolioil
linir In her homo.
Then, too, IJ'-rllm hml to ninny loverannil
Daisy f.'i fow. To U i.tir-', tlio lonni-r, ever
casor for utlontion, met tho in fully half ivny,
wliilo tho nioile .t lit lio (lovvor wniled iiilol ly
for notice or iil.t-ntion.
Of courw; it nan not now ut ull fiuin j;i:i
that 0. ho! .10 ralm-r ivan soon tmulo ipiito fit
homo in tho Cljhuriio ninir-ion. lio nml
Iiertha had ono day a long and coulidoiitml
conversation, nml after that thuro was no ro
tralnt in their liitorcoursj.
If , however, ho wroto any mom vorwn on
bin lady's eyelids, Ilcrthn noil her ujiolio of
nor exhiliitnl tlitm.
Almat thiRtiiiio Ih -rn .'iTipoaretl In tho my
cial finiininent whei-o llio Clyljnrnes npurklo'l
a new ular of urent ina;;nil tide, neilher nioro
nor lota than a fo-nuino ju'i of ItriLi h aris
tocracy; ho was kxii', to lio miro, Imt ho was
Unmarried, rind morn than ono iiiiiiii;.;in;j
marrinin iva.s (iiilo ready to ex'-hanno her
daii"hter';i din .'ils for :i liaro of lii:i lordahlp'
And I'iila n Clylnirii", na niiiliiliom m I.u
cifer, mado up hiMj.'iind that it. i.hould not ho
his fault )S the yoim,; man were not nttractod
by hl.H Dal. y. Tlieri uioii f-itueil a Koriefl of
enUTlaiiimetitfuif allt.orla; (.'lyliurne he-grin
none of litem, hut lie;;avo tlio last of eneh
fierier, for no miieh tiifii'o cosily w.oh hii dinner
or hall or l.healro parly or luncheon or Kiiy
ety of any a t thai, no ono ventured to biio
cel lihii.
"i'ap.a," said Daisy to hlin ono ovenlng as
bo chawed Uj Ik-alono In tlio lihrary for a
few inornetits, "I have a pieco of news for
How Ills heart jumped I The foreign fish
hod eertahtly lieen HwinimliiR round nnd
round the halt on the (,'lyhunio liookj wni ho
really ohi' to nilihle
"W'i'll, my irlii!', wlial, Isil f
"Did you I, now or mvpoct that Inyeounin
Iiortl.a Ihof-n l for whom Mr. l'uhuor
mi mn'prix',1, ip'onii v mil J.itlo thnl 11
In, nnvwiiv, jii-t li:e lioi- tnUn'i .''
"till, pnvi, von do her Injiivtli'o MlmilM
din'oiii'iii;.'- linn, thru, U-'ntiM' Med, Imeoii'Mi
km wiix poor, Imt.ol' ininw, klieiievei'ilitunieil
ln would take It no to hmii k"
"And, of i-oiii-o, tint knew her fill her would
fioiMi on tinv i'h inntelil"
"(.if imiii""!-, t ti ll liii ii don't ltl,o lo' their
llnii'.'.hti'tn wwl ivvcrty."
"llli, llint'ii iioii.ioii.j, my deiii'i miy fallu r
of tiiMiU look; llti.i t (lie I'lmi in ter mul'ilitl. of lii daui'Jitei''- lover, nnd If
I hey !" nil il: tit the pinw In .Miiliii'y. As
fr iVIhiiiio I iiltiior, I awtiiM yon, my ili-iii',
1 liavii wnti'hisl liliu I'liwcly ulueo Im Ims Invii
liei and 1 eonslih r liliu a neiy linn fellow,
(if imiii'hs lii iioiild In siili tdti la ni;tlul
lihn, hut l iii ivmo to th ivnehwlon Ihnl
MOII V nnd tilnl v.itl.'ii had limdo liliu two
thinl.i I'lti-y."
"Do you think a ulrl iionld"
"lUi lucky to niiiiTV lilmf Yes, I do, ami
tf joh know of any K" 1 that thinks of ilolni"
so lion liuvli, my ik nr, dou'tHp.-nkl Don't tell
mo nit) tlimul I limo a vei'y un tleiilur re.
m il for n.'l wtintiuit to know anytlilni jruu
tell her or liiui, or both of theni, Hint to sv
nil fii-a or nivkwnixlmos I, If 1 wnns him or
lier, wviilil ilip otr ipilotly and 1 inai riiHl,"
"Hut, vtki v, door, do you itvilly nnwn that
yon would foi',;lvo"--
"Tln-iY's no ipu-tloii of fori'.lieni-, Yoil
just t. II 01khiio what 1 hnv mild, and if lis
linn tliMn-n 1 j.lio liliu ewlit for lio will mi-dei-itiitnl
At thin moment I 'i-liuor him-elf eauifi lulu
tluiriHuu, Tliero tliei nv enoil o n ti i uiliintiil
l'or tomo iktvs theiiifter Mr. riybiiru
whs m nl mituiisl, nhnit oiiflivu!i, Uiat
ineiy ono otnervnl It; lit fellow directors
and iwH nnd :l ouo another mul rnihlt
".Now's your time lo talk tot'l) Inn tie on such
and mch n pi o! el ,"nd li Is clerks whlijwr-Mli
"lloiv ipiiiT ll I 'I v lun no H'eot-I Wonder
If he's t;oiie; to di."
(iiiii tntiiiinto fi'iond, a ventiiri'aonw fellow,
luut tlio h.iritiliooil to iyi
" Wh it the iiiio hlef lumMineoi'i'r yon l:itt
lyl ! never know ou to U mienluk Whom
havs iou IKivxhI thi Tiis-kf"
"t'h, I'vo (.'tticli a rich thliiij on 0U
Jenn.v.l' roplnil I'lylmriiis oliuoklttisj to
lilnwlf for tlw tlioiixnidtli lii:n "Didn'l
M.t me snTthtn;- but a little mil i.iv hvi'-t
thin in the t Id, you kn-nv. Ho can't get
aluvul 'f lee on this ooiv'"
Thefi h iiil didn't mention this to any hut
ten of In- iin.t mtiMiaio frU-udi, fin I n tliey
Kero ihjii ally hvroiiv it ill. I not tui-t i'B:: to
mt ev i v loan on linn ; to slyly w ill eh mi
tiUl J.iinom. Tliey iinturslly iui'wd Unit
I'lyhurno i. feriwl to thin,; Ihmii.'lal, not
unit imoiiiil.
lVitl.nt-.t. d D.d v .pilto often aNHit thai
tiui", nnd Mr. I'lvtuii iio Uit no rliiiniK of
1-iitlii-Iv li'.lt in tint IVith.i limit m ud for
ier "thln;" and ivuuin (he rest of lf Wik
with Dao,'.
(inn iii.'iiiin r. ditri.i.,- n, a sersaut
rametoMr I Mamie m ll tat ut brMikfivt
on 1 ti'enit'l.iujy tai.l:
"M.ea I'll tunv, Kih, Mim pul-y ain't in
lu-r rin. Mhl'"
" f or n walk, I mpixKe."
"1 f.ansl net, mil. An' an' Miss
I'-.-rlliil il.aie I'.i'tio t.M."
"1'hey'll K hero sunn, Ktfi
S"ii'.e ii lleo hot fir them. "
"II-1 ut, inili, M.iry oho my u hew da l-il-iti't
o-:i tl in."
Neither of n-.k.. Mr. tTyburue,
little miiioui.
"N no, tculi; on' yur'sn n.-to Mary foiin
In MUs lUky's rem," addil tho num, hand
le.! a tiny ini-'SoH) lo hK uiaiter, but stnml
lit us far fr m l ini a tie width rf thosilvi
salver mi I tho -ct jtit of lib lonij ami would
Jlr. t"b bur-id oik-'icJ the n. In enlmly; ho
sus; licit ho know what w--jlnlt;h
nn'ivly plan.-rd r.t the tint ilinn:
"DniUMi I'ata Thli U to tell you that
Mr. I'nlmer l to a. t on your advn-o;
r.'rt!'..-i nn l 1 tiro to meet him at Dr. s at
11 o'clock t.Miuht, for ws tlitnk It tst to
have a friend! llnt-ai to sacb n mattor.
"Ihl, l a, hal" hiuh'tl lio heartily, to tho
r;rpno ar.d ih'h'ht of tho alarmeil servant,
''1 undomtnnd It sow. Ml. Daisy will !
h mo pretty soon, but It l not n-ji-oswry to
Ktvo any hint of tills lit t lo al'alr to your
ulstr'-. tflia litis a novero headache aud it
will only worry her. Kotid .Vary her"
Mary quickly apu-nrwl, for ISilas Ctyburna
ires a terror to v d doem, and the, too, was
cat'Uoui-l to til- ii.-o nnd hi r fear all allayed.
tUlcntl Yes, t j is ly they would Im very
silent, c.pvhilly w hen nch of thmn rs.'oivi)il
a C:J Mil nith tho rci.i.n k: "I'll civa yon aj
niu.h mom If y.-u will w tt,.'nui brliu w
su.'ll 'ol nen-i."
"Ami iio-r," -aid he to hlim- If, an ho was
on hit nay down town, "luov lst to tu-euk
tho news to my ilvar fvitaol Ohk Hal hal
hal How ho will r-io sa l fumul VVomler
ti hat I d btv.t say. liuna I II Ju t baud him
Daisy'" nolo to ms mid nuub hu fuco whUs
ho rends I'. I'y tlio wny, I lisi'in t read II
nil myself."
I'rawiii:; t!io noto from his pvket ho U'ait
to rend: " 'At Dr. 'p,' tun, I vo read that,
uni, urn, 'kiich a deed, and ivl.1 can Im a l t
b r oao than a eoi,,:n( liortha C'H-s liomo to
nl.tht,' ii, then tho fu.-i Is over.
Dut wloit, it thnl 'I powith my lun-baod.'
Why, why, v. hat 'Your loving daiif;liter,
poi-n to Ui Daisy 1'nhnei-r Am I rra-yl"
"No, he nan it it cra.-y. in hli (-reeil to
Wi lli a n:iv l..-f to his enetny ho had not
allowed loi d iu;;liier to explain that it was
lli", not. II. cilia, with whom Usl-omo I'liltnor
wi.slu lovo. Ilo Jumied to I lis ronehiMon
that sl'O iiib rolerrlnj; lo IV-rtho nil tho time,
mi I, I d he h id ih-tio us tho wk l-i-I often do;
hi I -1 1 linn j If fallen Into the pit that ho had
torarefully dieted for another.
"If 1 run old UIkiI -shall iii I know
ll; I'd not ; no linn Unit -tinfacliou," nut his
di -I -ion.
Put, though hu put a brui n he's on tha
matter, no ono was ili-t-rivnl, and ho knew It
Thoy wheeled to ono anoflier and won
deled "wh. to I.- tho littlo Eamo hy was to
pliiv on Iih t-netnyr'
I if com' m- Daby's hu .bnnd, In Daisy's eym.
i?ifart'-fi piiH'iou-i to risk hi.H lifs In o-x-iiiiiK
any more of papa's powiblo bombs, no Mr
(.1;. biiriio U n oiin lit search of such n d"puty
- r.'.ov York liraphh.
"Let ller tio, lialliintier."
A coinion lent In xlui;tm, Ky., wants
to know n I h .ii t "Ijet her ro, tiitllngher." Thit
phri.'-o never ln-came nr. Hipular ns "Paiutin
tin- town I'-d," rilihiiiirli la.-t year It had sonic
currency 'I liei-i- are lorly-nine ilifl't-rent ex
plmnilioiiK lib hi . hinv it thirled. One Is that
lliei'.. tins a yoini.- hastl.iill pitcher mimed
(oil! - In r on I he l'.ieiileeoa.,, w ho was much
admired by the hoys, and whenever ho stood
llfl In pilch they used to khollt tllO plirnso
Hat in I he Inipiiry conn's from tho south,
fH'i'hips I he writer would like a southern ver
tion. Hero It l-e "Sipiii'o Iton Herons Is the
gi'ttial airl hi,- heat'tcil maislrntfl of tho city
of Montgomery A eoloii-il laily, hnvlni; In-
lulled in very 'inlhiuted liiiij.'ilii'-o' biwai'd
nnotlii i'of an cpially ni;;hl thndo of com
plexioii, the o'.-t I'ieveil ono had her nrrestod
nnd m i niK".l for trial hefoio th wpilre.
(Jno of lie- uumerou iviltnses was very
sever., ill lea li-.timony ni-aiiist thoncciwd,
Keyiu;, amo:i, oilier llilu;;;i, that sho u.'iod
'tall; tltatno lady an Vjirei.s.' TiiissoaKt'a
i aled (he il 'feiiihuit Hull tin- went for witness
I'ee.u dle-s of kiii foundings. Tom tiiiihif'her,
th i !iu:ri.-'s bai'ilt', tried to stop Htn wool pull
in.; thai etirucd, nnd caught hold of the do
fi ..d: oil's arm, when llu.' sipilrn, who likin to
w i lt' pi iv, and " it hid enjoys a i;ood thiit(",
tlm.;: il. ' her ;o, (Inllnc.lier.1 " Dulrolt
I'ree 'r.i.
Itiiiiil try U onion All Ills lire,
lien- in a pretty compliment to "our
Mothers, our wives mid ilauehteis," unci tha
gem i d tentimentof nil men will betoup
provo it ns collect: "Itov. Dr. Boiijnmiu
Akerly, tho veiioi'iiblu KplKCciulian niinlstor
of Oai.luml, Cah, mid tho other evening to a
prut ty youn;: hwly from Now Yoilt: In look
ins over my curir 1 llnd (lint I liovelieon
ruled by n woman nil my lifo. When I wan
a boy my mother ruled mo; when 1 got mar
ried I had to do ns my wifo wiiihorl, and now
I (hid that I nm not Independent of my
(Inughbir's commands.'
" 'And yet you seem lo havo mirvlved
pretty well undor their tyrannical sway,' ra
iiiiii ked tho youns lady.
" 'Indeed 1 havo,' suld Dr. Akorly, 'and
wero I to eonfcsH I should say that had I
always followed their sound ndvlrs I should
havo mado fewer mlBtukes In lifo.'" Cleve
land l laln Dealer.
Tin; Kntkiii'Iiimk iloHin-s i'iii'ichiiiiikI
eiilH in I'vory lii-iKliliiiiliiioil, nml will
givn roMp'iiiHililii juirlieH liberal inilui-u-iiieiilrt
to regularly fnrniHli rmwH itmiiH.
Our roailnrn urn rcrjncHtod jiminptly to
tend in nverylliini; of inipoi lanco in
sbeir iieit-'lilrorliood.
Hie I'lliiee of Wains' Hoik,
for so pi illy a lvuinan tho I rlncs of
WuliW lirt tlm iil'.llcKt ilaiikhten suit ono nf
th tliipldrnt sous liiinnliishlo. Tho uldotl
son or llu. prince. th one eoliinioiily known
as "Cull's and I'ollBrs," Iteeau-si gf his fancy
for eci"lvely hhihiMlluis ami lilt liuilnai Ion
for (lint leiiiiii kal'lencllon known aaliiillii
hit eiitTs- It as stupid as ho Is uuly Tlio set
olid son, I'lllico tloiK, is most dellwhtfill
ami n iiiit Isvoi lto ninon th linuluh hi
pin, Very early In Ufa ha dltplnynl his luds
pendeiit spirit Olio day tha royal family
woid l dliliiel'.lllid thaolilldiwil wels brnliglit
lu at dm-uk riliieo llvorit was thou In
pi'ttlitiata Aflcr tbey had Iiwii nindo iiuieh
of lor a w hile they ww lakou out, but stnl
ilenly th uuim rolui'UMl to say 1 rluos
tlaorifa was inlln-ri ha couldnt ba found
anywhere. It was tum-esto.1 that they should
limit under th tnbhs and front out of It, a!
this hint, walked III small royal bli-hiieas, tit
tally illviwte.1 of hi ehtthtiitf, his fae
suii'-irod with soma fruit front stolen tails,
and alHiut him that air of (-outmost only kjs
slhle to bahy boy. To lilin Is i-i wIIIihI Uis
advUv tlveu to his stupid brother, when II
w as niH-twiry for hi m to till up the thus, tliat
tiaslaiukl "o into corner, and whistle (Ks!
save your (iauiliiiothr."' I'lillailelpkia
A I'tiysletan's Oujeet tsana,
A doctor, prrwrlbliii for laby, was sadly
vexed by the otllctouuioaa of His child's feiui.
Ulna relatives, who srleit all soils of bom
remedies for It, saylux In aoolo-iyi
"Ws thoiiKht If they did no (uoct, tlnry
would do no harm, dit tor."
At th sud of hi tlanoa, th iloetur on
trni-ruliiK eslle.1 for a bowl, saon and soin
fnstli butter, and began stirring th lalt-sr
rouuil ami muiiiI, with an air of Kiavtin.
poi tan.-e. Ths ladies i;trirod sttuit hlin in
qulsttlvely, hut h gav theni uo attention,
until at laat, curiosity boeotulng raiuuk,
they eilnl In ehorusi
"Oh, diK'lor, do tall us what yon ar olu
to do with the butter T'
ller was his chano. Facing thsin ad
ninty, he said i
"I am roIiis; tocrnas th baby's lbow
with Ik II may not do any rooiI, but II
won't do any harm I" lemdou Tid tlita
ICiilaiialliia tlltl Nul llelit,
A U'ateibury busliinsi man wltnerssol
tunny seen on a Nu;utin'k train. II was
rabM lu a corner w heu a msu cam In ami
took asrat lhr pew Id frwil of hlin.d--,osllliu-
i'1 Kr,P ' I'i by lilstkla tkaia
after Ui msii It ft Ids -grip Is lls seat alou
and wrnl forwnul toujoy acinar In tli
siiiokliig csr At the neit station msu No. I
raiiio in nnd tut dowu by th loin-sntu rl
sack, man No. -I taking a scat nest In th rear.
At the nut station the mail by tha crip left
th ear, and No. I, swing th grip for th
tint tiiuo, tiipHsl It Uloitc.i-d to No, B, and
Im at On.u ral-r-1 wtuJow and threw th
grip out at hlin. yelling t "llrre,youl I lore's
your Imrtii-te," and aw at tin ear skurrled
before the U stort.tiry onlooker bad llin to
stop the fun. W hen th owner of th grip
snuutercd U. k to bis seat from ttus sim-kof
and could not Hud bis bagiaga, ttweiplauay
tion nf the atT.itr mad ths Incident rather
agiravatui.-Vat-arbury AnieiUaiu
Hint lo ( lean kllk.
For every ipuirl of water ntiulre-J, to
i-loau-a thetiik pare and grate ono hrg
tato. I'ut th (titato In tho water, which
mutt l-s eld, nml let stand for two days
without illiliiibuig Ik lUlu water Is pre
fl rTl wbi'ii It can Im obtained. I'ouroff tli
clear llijuor into lar ge vikwI ami dip tl
: silk Up and down lu tt uutli It Is llioroiighly
! snturulr.1. Do not wring It, but k t It hang
j whore it i-ou drip. When nearly dry lay It
' Bat on the table and rub It with a linen eluth,
! Hrst on one ule, then on the other If Iwo
' -mary to pn-w. It plmv ll U'tweru Ihiiiueland
ttsea ini-J.xl" lion. - Detroit rrm rrvoa
...... -
A suite of two 10.1111. lolct , in Jjuitur's
building near coin I house. Apply at
K ll MiCows's oilloo.
v,.. . H.jt - ,,,'i
I now liavc a Full Lino of
I larilw uro mul HtnvcH. Sul Agent
fur Sitpriii Stovt'K nml Uuiiuch,
TlicOlivfrCliilli'ill'lnwunttl mi in.
Wit luivi I'liiiin'cti'il with tlio luiime
a Kirnt CIahs I'luiiibor ami Tin hit
and work in thin lino will lxwin
Promptly ilonf mul itHClicn)itnuny
coiilil di'Hiro.
R. D. Wilson.
Opposite l'Ost OllltO.
v'" .'f"' "rv.rri
l ' " ',,t 1 'W tK "st, i
-,tLV ifcli
(10 TO
One of tlio nicoBt places in Cluck
ainas bottom, being 85 acres. The
finest of land for a peach orchard.
1100 young peach trees just bo
ginning to bear; good dwelling
house on high ground and all of
the necessary out-buildingo, etc. ;
45 TO 50 ACRES -
One of the finest springs in
Clackamas county. For sale cheap
for a short time.
At Clackamas.
F. 0. McCown at Oregon City.
-. I . l. .1 M I J
h -vs. a1
W I r
Ni'lU'o In lli'ilt r.nlli'iu'H,
Sealed bids for llic c. n o.l rii- i . ,11 nf n
In I. leu in i.iik i he Tiiiiiaiin ihcr nenr its
mniilll, Will lie recelvnij by the l oiitilv
t'mii't ol't'liicluiiiint Cniiiily. ir,, inilil nooii
on Wioliietdny, July n, Is'ii plan'K nnd
slralli iliaiiriiius lillli tpcel,nl ions to lie
t'oiiipanv eneh hid. ICiich bhl.ler reipilt'eif
lo lleplll lillli his hid fl Ml' colli ol IIm
llinoiuil nfiiucli hlds lor -aid it oik.
The ('unit I'eteries the llidil to ici I tiny
and nil bids. ly i . Ii l id tits- Coiiuiy l outl
June Icrin, I Kit i.'
Wliue-is in v Itmiil ami seal of tie- County
Court, Ibis 1 1 iluv ui June KM
11. II. .lullN-O'V,
Coiiuiy Clerk.
I'M'I'lllol-' Niict,
Notion Ih herehy kIiiui thai liiil under
sinned lias been duly nppolni. d i M cuior of
Hie hl-1 Mill of M. A. Illlllirll. denized.
All piioiis Inn luit clnliii" iiiiiniii wild c
lltle ore iiolilh il lo preietil I lio kiiiiir lo lue
ill Milit link h', I Hoi . 1 1 , lilt In n k; iiiniitlit
Imm the lli -l puhllMitloli ol IhU until e, nr
they M ill be forewr hiil l d,
N. II. II A It vi; V,
Johns.. N ,1J 1UIM.II( Klccillol',
Aliio'tieis lor f-nnl K'.tali'.
Dated I -si 1 1 day o( Jiin,., -!ii, t iii,1
Ailiiilitl-.triilor's Niillee,
Notice Is herehy (riven thnl the uiuli-r-ttlltled
has I h oil dull upli. ootid lolinlni.
.i ol the I'Muleol I. i, lint i i , i, i i ii, d.
All pernins hai Ihit i bilMi a :aii.'.t said c
late ate iiollllcd to present II. e f-uine lo inn
nl M i i rint.ii., 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ntoiilhs
Iroiu the 1 1 r -it pilhlO nllioi ol this mil. e
ll. Ki olT,
Joiiiim A Ini-MiN, Adiiiliii.lriilor
A trot nei s lor Hind I'.liili'. ll l'i."i
Pin nl June bill, IMi.
Sloilillolili'l'S' Mrrtlilg,
OIIK . Iirrei.y t-h
Urn, lit it I tnt m ll (in a)
ttieotliis of Itie ,ti.elil.l.ii
t (in tiffii-Mi t'iiy
lUlitilMi'IMrlliit ( iitiihrtity mil l'f lit'UI nt till
Hilictml tlii-t itittimii) tli uivtfwii I IIVifriMimn,
Cliwrmnli IUnki mt HittiihUy, July I1'.
Kl tt) ii i ti k M ol -tilit tiny, fur llu' f1" I"""- "i
vli'tMlMH lltrt'ti illtcrtnti il tlm t'.if l.iitloii in
tsrvf U't lit ntMiliiK )i tr, mul 1 1 niirtrlliui
mrli nlhrr Itiuiio1"" li-y rt-m- triri Out
MivHliitf. M, A- tHAl ION, iWjr.
oii'tjt'ii l ily My biti,
'oih i: ion vt iu.m tnov
l'Nitr-t -t f r I ! ot m r
Not li k Is kiH'V (Him tliHl llif (.Mi.Hliif
h-Miit'i! aoUlir Iih fil''t iM!)cit t-t hl tuii-iitl-iii
in m nli t ft ii ttl 'r"of In nt.i( l hi i-j.iiui. nn
tlttt K-tuI irM nill e liMi-lf (.itfi-ii' th It'--' lUr
met ttonr ( M 1m l oiiiio i imhihii
t'Uy Orr"ti, On T.flnv. JoU . v I ( -
flHtkW II. J(ll4iit. Ilnt't!i t.l t hit t Nil rt.HI,
fur ihr Biiiiih "l -uth ' 4 tlii tl nw n
hi,' 1 '"Ol,, muk 4 Pt
IU inoiipi ho (ollotvliiif w lHirt- ti t'r,l'
lit rohlliitiotit rrftot-iiHf utit tl I ruhlt -tlli'M
itl !! Uixt, l J i . Iti'- ry I ll n . riM i. J,
Corrih" imI J I'ivU, ml l 'ut i iiUv Im 'k
iunw roi, iiti't'Ol
; nl i fi A ri KstiN, lii-ijiMt r
0. C. T. Co s
Altoiia - L
OrcjiiiM City A tl;iinl.
SUJVL M .10 1 i 'V I m. :i:.
I.I; 11 I. Poll 1 1 ISO It ill I III oo tit V',
7 ilo A. M, 7 no A M
III isi ,V. M. ti II I A M
I.' isi M, I im I' M
:i :ui p. M, '.' 1 1 1'. M
."i.ihi I'. M. ii ;i.i I'. M.
Stoiiinet Albn-n no ,iv I .iniliiigs.
Steamer I .ilnuu Way l.ainl ii'
h imi A. M 'i A ,M
II t A M I! hi I' M.
4 a) I' M. t.totip M.
I Fatcr's ColJcn Fcmalo Tills.
yCV. ,ir rrteite Iirreutsr
fx :rN li". iiiiihoisbkeihora
KCft-v. . "ii ot.' AVirr
V --i-.....iiiiitii...i
.Ut1. ', " wi, I hi , '. iiiiii.-lil U.ll.'t
rvt a- ' ki V '""" lola-siu.-i-d
, WV i ' ll lo l-ll.-io a i,i r.a-4
'V ' jf lliellalllinUoll.
L V .-'v., I-.n't t.-. llllllle.-eo.
Y t f i turns -ru cerisini
L V .-'v., I-.n't t.-. llllllle.-eo..
V. f Unie 1 rue. Ileallh,
aii'iiiiui,.') .like uuoili-
Cut to an a. I'll"",
.y,"" . , a . ut.. t.v nm'l uu io-
eteix'' .''' "' I'Heo.lJiti.
--atiijfc - l. A , lie...
Western liram h. llo U., i'Kil I I.A.Mi, till"
For Suit) by Cliuniui t'n,,
Snle Afri'iilH fur Clmkitiiinc I'ntiiity.
Th- Celebrated French Cure,
Is s,n ii on a
to euro any
loitnol uervous
illtesie, or any
ilitorilcr of Hie
Koiierstlre or-
gsirs ul uillior whollier silmn- Imm Hi
siromlvo tits ul aihiiitlaiin. ToUeco or Opinio,
orthroiirtli jrouthlul luilliireflnu, over Itnlulg
nrc, Ac, nu ll ss Iaiss ul Ilrsiu I'owor, WsViillib
ness, tlesrlui dowu I'slnt In the lisek, Seinlusl
Weakuoss, Hysteria. Nervous ProttrstiniiNnetiiru"
I KmltsloiK, !iii nrrliira, IHMncit, Wctk Mem.
orjr, Uitsol Power snd linpotcncy, which II ne
glected of ton lesd to premsturenlilsLiestul Intsn
Ity. Price 11.00 shox.O boms lor I'. oo Scut hy
mall on rerolit nl pries.
A H It I TT H N f i II A It A N T K K for every !t 00
order, to refinul the money II a Permanent
our it not otTi'-iinl. TliniiMiuila ol tctllniotilsll
Irom old sud ynuin, ul both sums, permtneiilly
Cured by Ann uoni riis a. Circular In. Adilre-
wstisns ristNcli,
POX 27 iMltTh.vNP, Oil,
For Sale bv I'liannan it Co, sole
nj-ents for Clackamas county.
ill ..A w. -'.I. '.V'Ji IV rl
1 1 taA,
chicaiio -30 UNION SQUARrN.Y:- DAllAS,
ST ';Vl''JiI'H---TL-Ctfjl ;-tllH-H!,
E. S. WAIillEN,
Office is tha Best. Try fi.
sVJJWi 1 tT IWI It"-; ti iltilJi j 'I
lOTH'ij i on i'i in. h i no;..
I'NItSIl MrtTKt I tSII otrii K, I
inikooN cn y, ill,, M) tl, laiai
Nolle It liernhy given llisl In O'Uiiiilltiii
fllll till' poo l. I. in. o Hu ml u( noiign.a, uf
lllli H, t',S. IIUIIIIimI i'Aiiiii.I I.,, IIm .!,, i.l Ll in.
lier inn. in lu Hie Httlot ol rsll'iiruls,
ini'Ki.ii. Ni', .nil Wt.lioitlou Itrrl
nn)," Hunt Jeuten nl Alii.iel, eonul)f
o( linn, mmn i, Wnnlilnsliill, list this
il.iv- llled In IliU iilline lilt twnrii tlslemeiit
No ',swi, lor tht. iiireiiiaeiil the Hh h,of Hvetinii
No Is, lu I'liwu.liip No j Heitili, Ituuse No j
I' -Kl.ioel him t,tii.r niihif I,, .I,,,,. iL.i ii,. i.,i
ouslil In morn i olimliln fur lit or tlmi
inill tot tinleiilliioil iiiirtiiiti.a. slid to etUIr III. eliilin tn .ni, IiiiiiI lielnit the rrillr
.iitinTi'iiiTi'i init ninee si tirtsoti t'lty, nr
on I ue.iliiy, the Vilnl iluv of Htmii-inlicr. Ikimi.
He im t na Iiiii.-.i.. I'rnnk lliinlon
ii.o, . mi, in. ,,ii nt i iiiin rullt, lewla county
".iliiiiti,iii IV l u Itn i n .uj H J Weleliol
rolllnli.l, tlreirnu.
Any and nil ooraolia i,i.iilli Bill araely tilt
Klime ii..erlln.,l liiinla ni .,iii..i.,, nis
iin ir i-oioiii in tin, i, men im nr l.ii, taul a;inl
ilny nl iiepieiiilirr, Isisi
It PI II ll..laler.
I I M Ml; It UN ll TJI'NK I, ISIS,
vi i h i: i on ii tu n 1 1 ion.
I'nitkii Hum I. ma otrti a, I
OKkooN i iiv, nr.. May ii, In)
Notice I. hi-reliy hin i in eoinpllsuee
Willi Hie i.rm l-loo. n tin, ,,a ,, eoiisieaa of
June H, l? An act fur llio tals ol llin-
I. ..I Inudt In llio Wnina ol t allforiila, Oitoa,
NmniU and 11 n.hlinl.iii Lrrlper.' Crank
II. o, Ion ut l.llllp rnlla, t ii.nilt ol l-mrlt, NUIS
of II it.lllliltloli haa llil. ilny rilr, n,t. olllop
III. .mom, u,i,,,.in No. lor the nnreliaa.
of Hie M', l, of H.M'tloii j,, , IIW nahip N,
J Mixitli, luiiiin No 7 I ntt, and sill niter rmd
lo iliu Hint the isinl iiiifht it in, r. ttlutlilt
tor In ilinher or turns limn lor sarlenliursl
i.iiriii.aet and lo e.inlillth Im .itliii to tald
laud heli. re i lie Hritn r ami Iterelvvr of Iliu
i.iln e at Oil-toil ritv, iiretiiii, on I ui..ily Hit
.'inl day of ki piioulii r. HaJ lis tisuius ss wit Unlit Jelitrn, Id Allltlnl, l ow la l o,
U ..liii, ill, ,ii. IIm,. Aluler.iiii, Mine Kallt,
lent" i ill'. a.lilnsooi: tt A IsUifii sill
N I tt elt-li nl I'lirtlniiii. 1 trtiktt.
Any ami all p.-r.oii. elmiallia adrertely lh
al,..e ili..eillir. Inu.ta aie r.iuTled In file
Hour ePiiiii. in thlt. lilies on or Iwlure tald .ml
.Is) -nl Ni.iimiHr, iM J i AIThHenN.
If s it Itraitirr
to i m i: roii ii iii ii i i io-.
t'NITtll HTlTItt I.SNII Otril K, I
IIK,.,H t ill, III., May 7, kuO
Notlio It In.reliy (Wni that In eonipllauee
Willi llu. pro, lti.,11. ol llie aet nf I'tiliiretl III
June il. Is.a. rniiilrd An s.-l f,,r the 1 tlm
her Intnl. Ill the Htatra ol t nlll.llila. Ilr. .,ll,
Nnvmtn Sll.l II B.lillillnll liorlloif," that
H m,.li. ol Ahcnlmii, loiiuty ol Chthitttt,
Slate id lla.lilrintnii, haa tint ,'oy llio. I In lint
i.llte. Ilia aln1tuielil No, for III. cir
rlHi.,. ol liii. h n H.'. lloii ,So loltl loan
.1,11, No I H.iiilh Itanse No 7 kaat,
and will oilrr . ,o ,f ., .In, it that th.
Uti, I ti.iittil I. inori. talilthle fur tit puttier "f
alo in- tliu for aarlettllural pnrn-.a Slot to et.
Inhllali hla emltii lo ant. I land Ij.'Ioib Ilia lli-j I anil 11. , i net ol thlt ullli i. at luesmi I lly.
itf"it, on I hur.lay tho lot Inlay ol erpieinuer,
I"'.,' Mn tinmra aa J k Alliaoll,
II 11 ll.o.-. ,1, tta.liliitt.ui. tt A I t
h .rn an, I N J llel. hof l'orllaii,. tlr
Any an. I all iHiiaioit elaiiitiits advertrly His
I at.i.i e di . i r I t.r.l Intel, are ri-.ploalv.l to file
j tlnnr i-liilllia In Ihla oltlt-e tiu or brfore aahl IMil
i ilay ..I e.'.ii-liil,. r. IwO T AI'I'MleilN.
I'- IK l Hornier.
I litliKIt I .I.Mi, At.'T JI NK , Isrs
Mll ll i; I Oil III M UO.
t'tciitn Srnt. I. is ii nrtti s. f
imri.or. i m nr May .-j, lvo j
Notice it lierehy glvrrt thai lu rornpllatte.
till the l-rui l.loltt ut th. net ot eul'sroaa of
Jinn- a t.a .iilltlr., "All set lortheaalo of Ilia Ion. I. lu ll,o .Into. v ( alllolliU, Ore oil.
Neva. In. all. I II a-lil I--I..I1 Irrrllury." liana All-
Irraoll ill I illlo talta. einitily of lwta. atale ut
II a-llllisioll. haa thla tiny fllt-,1 In tllla oltlee Bit
.worn .nui'Mieiii No ;tt.. lor llie ,urelra.v l
lliosh', ul ee.-tl. ll No H. ll, iiwiiahll No i
hoiitii. Knin-o No 7 l.i.tii, all) r prmdln
.It... that llie latut . unlit It ntor. valuahl fuf
It. tliiil.i-r ..r el. .no than lor anttriilturai pur
l.o.i a. an.l to eatnhllalt Ilia eiatui U aahl land
l.el'.rr the rrl.ter sii.l roeelior and reeeitar
i.l llOt ollim at luvgoK I Ity. or, uu lueailay Hie
; ,ol ,ln) ,. n-l'l, lol.or au lie nalliot at wil,
I,..-,-. I'l.iuk lUiilult of l.nllo liana J.uaeii ,.l Aln.l.l. II aahlnttlou .
II A I !.. in ami N J II i-li h ul I'urtlau.l In.
Any an, I all or. out i-i.iiuittis slierarly the
nlo . .Ii'.i.rlho.l st re.pli-rted tu file
(liolr einlnit In i It in f.ltit'Q uu or Ix-foro antd tilrd
.1.1) ul e.-.ruilr, fSl. J T AI'I'kltSllN.
I. I'J a II Krsltter.
TIMHI.1! LAND At T, Jl NK 3. InTK.
xiiiii: I 'OK 11 III. n no;.
I sum Surra l.ttiii turn r. I
I'lii.i.iR fur, ur , May II, IMtj.i
Notice in lierrby filch that lit compli
aiue with the prnvi-iona of the act nf t on
i n - a ol jiiiio .1, s;m, i.tiliilol "An act for
tli.' tule ol liinU r in the slates of Csl-Ih-rinu,
I in-oti, Nei iuln and iinliliorloti,"
Henry Siiii ni, ot Nntlle, t'ouiilvut King,
Mate of a-liii,t,t,in, l,a thit ilay Jiled in
Hut olhis- Ida twnrii atati -incut No. Ire".', for
tin- pun hone id the w I, ol Nil tion No. 10,
in Ton ii. lop . i. i Noiith, Itoniri' No. " Kaal,
no. I ill o IP r proi.l to nhow mul ihe land
totichl i tiooi' ul ii ul ilt. lor Ha liinln-r nr
Mm, V than l,,r nirrn ulleriil iiiHi n, and to
ciliill)"h bin chiitii to tuid hind U'lore the
register llll'l tiHiuVer ol this nllicr lit ilregou
t tlv on nedion.lay, the '.'Ith ilay ul hop.
tcniln-r, l-'ti. Ilo iiauien ut witiienai-a : James
Miolli nf I I in n , ii-hii,e,i, ; James 11 Hob
lot, of Seattle, K 1 1 1 tr coiintv, wa-hiiikMon ;
John .Mi lnlvre, ol Nullify, I In, kiiiiini
county, t r ; Niitluiit J wch li, of l'urtlaml
Miiltiiomtili toiiiily, tirei-iiu,
Aiivnnd nil pi-ruins claiming adversely
tho ti I nivc-ilencrilM-il hinds are ro.picitcd to
tile their cliiiuia m ilo. otitis, on or U-fore
aid .'nil iltiv nl Scptemlier, l-ssi.
J. T, Al'I'KltSnN,
tl - Itegiaicr.
Notlco for Publication.
I'MTKIi Si ATI I.AM) tlrril'tt, I
iiuiioos t in, Uu.,. May H, 1-e.ti.i
Ni 1 1 It 'll is hereby uiven that in rumpU
nine nitli (he provinioiit of the Oct of foil
Ureas otjitiif.'t, ls;s, entitled, "An net for
the tale of liinla-r hinds in llie Slates ol Cat
ilorniit, 'ri'tr. in , Nevada and Washington
Icrritoiv," jiiiues 11 ilolihu, nf rcuttle,
t'ouiiti nf King, ISIiile of iiaahinctoit, hut
Inn day hied in this olltee bis sntirn
siiilcnn nl No. I.stn lor the pun base of the
w i; ol Section No, pi, lu Tow nship No.
'.'South, iiiiuge No. 7 laist. nml will oiler
proof lo tloiiy thnl the land sought Is
more viiliinhle for its tiinls-r or stone than
for ngrictiltiiriil iiiirposes, and to
his claim lo suiil hind Isdoru the register
and iceeiier of this ollleo at Drcgoii t'lty on
iiediiciihiy, the 'Jlth day of September,
Intl. lie nniiics as viitues-n-s: James
Smith, ol Pima, iiiiihiugtoii; Henry Stlnp
sou, of S, an lie, King county, Washington;
John iMeliityie, ol Saltilv, ( In. Ionium couli
ti , lrignu ; mul Nathan J welch of Port
land, .Mulliioinitli county, tiregon.
Any aiid nil persons claiiiiing adversely
tbeaiioiu dcnciiU'd hinds are reipiesb-d Ui
lile their i laiins in tins ollleo on or before
said tilth dav ol Septcmlwr, IHtsi.
J, T, AI'l'KltSoN,
('."il-.s-'.'s llcgister.
PnitsiiHtatks bAisn orrn s,
ouitiioN CiTV.Or.. May 'is, lsuO.I
NnTll'K la hereby given, that llie followinj
niiined ti-ltler haa lllnl iiulli'o ol lilt intention
tu iiinke ll mil nrool lii tiiiiitorl of his claim, and
Hint aald proof will he mihie helore Hi lleKltler
and Iteoolver ol Hie U. H, band Ollleo at Oregon
City, tiregon, on Thursday July 17, IMM, vis:
Itiiliind W , llrlllllh, lloinestestl Kntry. No. fmilll,
lor the weati, ol sutitli-wet h, ol seotlou 8,
towiialilp i south, rature least.
lie iinnii'B the billowing witnesses to prove
hla euiiilittiniis residence upon sud ciilllvnlion
nl sal, I Inn, I, yts: J. T Kvnnt, J. H. Lewis, John
Hitvls itiul K lltillard, nil ol Csrus, ClHckuiass
eoiinlv, tiregon.
1,1 tl J. T. APl'ERsON, Iteglster.
Unitkii Htatim Land Orriec, j
OltrtiioN Citv, Dr., Juno IS, IHDO.j
Notice is hereby given Hint llio following
nittneil settler bus II led notice of his Inten
tion to make Until prool'iii support of his
ehiini, nml thnl suid proof will be nindo he
Hire the register nnd receiver of tho II. H.
band I llllce nt Oregon City, nil Monday,
August 4 1H!), viz: James V. Nelson, Pro
oiniitioii I). S.. No. MH'I. for tlm lots 2 and 3
ol'rlec "8, T ft S, It 2 K. He liamcs tho fob
liming witnesses to prove ins continuous
residence mum, nml rnllivittlon of, mild
hind, vnt: silus Wright, Iteiihon Wright,
Win. II. Wlille and John H. Jackson, nil of
Molallu I'. Ih.t'lm'kaniuscoiiiily, Oregon.
0-2(17-31 Hcgislor,
io'i'H'i: I'oit ri m,i' vrio.
Uniteh Statkh fiANiiOrrtrR,
OiiiciioN City, Or, May at, lHUO.l
Nollco Is hereby given that the fiilUnvlng
liiiincil selllcr has hied notice of his inten
tion to make liiuil piool' in support of his
ehiini, nnd Hint, Kiiid proof will lie in in It, lie
foro the Kegister nml ltueeiver of tho II. H,
bund Otlloo nt Oregon Uily, Oregon, on
Tuesday, .1 til v S, IhhO, vin: Albert Until,
llomesicud Kntry No. 6147, for tho W K
of NW li, (if Hee. 8, Tp 4 b, R 3 limit. lie
iinnies lite lolloiying witnesses to prove his
continuous rusidei.t'o upon and cultivation
of, said laud, vin : (J. llotttnnn, V. Mochnke,
M. Moehnkti and J llrossniillor, ull of
Mocliiiko, (Iluckutiins county. On-gon.
J. 1. At'i'JiKMUJN.O
soni ii i on i'i iii.K 1 1 iim,
I'lllTKII HTATM liANIl Itrrll'K,
Oiik'hin Citv, nr., May tl, IsiM
riilli'i Is hereby glvou Hint In lolupll
unt il w ith tlm provisions of tho act of I on
Kienaof Jiiiin , IHVS, ,nti., "yn m l for
llieaalii of llinlivr Iniids III Hie Hlniet nl'Cai
Ifiirnl, Oregon, Nvaihi. ami Waalilliytoti
Tnnlb.ry " Whiileii C, (Mull, ol Mlat,
County nf Colinulilu, Hlale of Oregon, hit a
this dni filed lu Ihla ollleo bis ai out tlnlo
liient No, i'i tt nl J , for Him ptirclinse id the
NR ti,' id Heotioii No, III, In Township No, J
Hoiilh, llnngi. No tl Kant, nnd will oiler proof
to show Hist Hie html sought la more valuable
for lis timber or stone limn for agrii iilluinl
iiiirnoaca, nml lo e.lalillah his claim lo suld
IiiiiiI Ufniii the Iteglster and lleeelver id
this tilll. t. at uri goi) l ily, Dr., on Tueaday,
Hie 'J ul ilny of heplemher, I his i. . iniuu t
as wltlll-aaes: 11. il. Wheeler, W, Ihlllev,
mull,. W. Ilrownof I'orthiiid, Or, ; J. II.
(iilllt of 11 unlet", Oregon.
Any and all pcraous eluiinltig udveraely
Ihe nlmvv dcat rlla-d lauds nru ie,pie.liv to
llie their elnliiia In Ihla ollleo on ot helo.e
anh I VHd rlttv of Neplember, H.
tl III N i l Itegltler,
O l II II I'Olt ITIII.K ,4 l ion.
I'hithi HrATts I.anii Orricg, j
Oiiauos Cttr, Or.. May 27, sli,
Notice Is liendiy given Hint fit compliance
With Ihe pnivlaloiin of the act ofl oligreasof
Jone.1, IM7H, eulltled, "An aet for IIm sale
ol lltuber liuida In Ihe Hliilca of t'sllforiila,
Oregon Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory,'' Martini r, l.oy, of Hood Hlver,
(.'otnily nf Vawo, hiale of Oregon, haa
this day II led lu this olllc his sworn stale
iiiotil No, L"iiH, fur the l-iireliate oftheHK
U uf heeiii-ii No. ,H'.', In 'lowiiabip No. I
Norili, Itattgu No. S Ihiat. and will oiler
prim! tn show Ihnl Ihe laml sought Is more
valuable lor Its timln r or stone than for
agricultural puraiaes, and to his
i hilin hi tid, I land Mure thu Heglaler and
llcn-Ui-r of tjilaollhe nt Oregon City, l ir,,
on Wisliii-mluy, the i'llb day of heptomher,
IHISI, lie iii'nnes as Wltiieaais; A. Din
brow,!,. N'eolt lgh, J. ('. Divers, ami I.. K.
Morse, all of llotsl liner, Wasco county,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the tiUive di m riiied hinds are ti',piean d In
llie their cluima In thla olllc on or 1s t, , re
tald i'llli day of Hrptpinber, IH'ti.
fl III -a- II llcgltter
,o i h i: roit i'i iii.m' i io.
t'siTtn HrsTss I.anii liiiim, I
Oksuu City, or., May 17, la-si.l
NoTICK It hereby given tlnit In coinidl-
sine w Mil the provlmolit of the act of Con-gn-as
of June H. IsTs, colilled an act l"r the
ale id timber liiinla in the Mulct of Califor
nia, iin-giin, Nevada, and W aahlngton ler
ritorv." ItolM-rt il. Hales, of AU-rditm.
I olll.l v of Clu-halia, Mule of Wattiim-tim,
list thla tlav llled In Hits olltcn hla suorn
atiili'iueut .No. Jt :, for the ptirihiiae of the
N W l, id M-ctioti No II. in lownahlp No. J
South, Itange No. 7 l io-t, and Will oiler
primi In nhoiv that Hi IiiiiiI sought Is
mole valuable for Us limber nr stone than
fur agricultural purposes, and to rtiihllh
Ilia i hum tu naui hind la-lore the Itia-l-ter
end lti ceier ol this nfllce at Oregnu City,
1'regon, mi Thiiradny the sth day of Scp-teiiiU-r,
Is'ti. Ho iiinoen as witnesses:
J. k. Allison and Cbaa. S, Sleleiit uf Alr
disrti, Washington; W, A. 1 altorn u nil N, J.
Welch ul Portland, Or.
Anv and all tn-raons ctuimlliir s.lieraelv
Ihe nlmve-doaiTtlied lands are n-ipii-ated to
lile their ( lamia In this ulllieiiii or la fore
tald ISth day ol NopteiiilT, lti.
j. i. A I' ?".,
fl lt a ll Itegistor.
so i ls'!'. I OH I'I III.K'A I IOV
I'-iitsii Statis t.txb Oim ,)
Ohsuiis City, nr., May in, luti,!
Notice Is hcn-liv given that lu rompl!-
sine with the provisions of the net ol I on.
gu ts of Jiine'l, hh, enliilid, "All act tor
the tain ol liiiilxr lands in the S Inlet ol
( sill, .riiia, Orek'oti, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," llenj, K. l alUit.of portlanil,
ei.illil v of Ndlllnolimli, statv of llrrk'oli, has
this dav llle.l In this oflice his tworn state,
incut Kn. '.(iVl, for the purchase ot the SK 'i
ol Section No. lio, in Township No. 'J South.
Iliinrc No. 7 Kust, and will oiler pnf to
show thai the land touch! Is more isluiilile
for Its timlnt-r ol tUm than for agricultural
luiriniwa, and lo etluliliah Ida cln'iii to tald
laiiil befnro the n gialer and receiver of this
oithe at On-gon tny,(ir.,on Wcdnesilov,
the I7lh day ol Septi'inU r, ls-tl. Hetnliiiet
at wilneisia: N. I'. Jobiittou, W. A. ( a
boru ami N. J. Welch of I'orllund, 'r ;
C. S, Stevens, of Altcrtlren, Wsshiugtnn.
Anv and nil K-rsoiis claiming adversely
the atnive iIcm rilwd lands am niiii sted to
lile their rlaiins In this nlllce on or U-fore
said 17th d.iyulSi ptettils'r.ltiisi.
lllll-SII Kcglsler.
41I4 K I'Olt IM III.K'A 'lio.
I'siTsn SiiTtt l.tsn Orvn s. I
OssuoN Citv Or., Msy 17 is'AI I
NoTICK Is harehy given Hist III compliance
with the pruviatoiit ol Hi set ol roiitireai nl
June t, IsTs entitled "AO set lor the tals of 1 1 111
her lauds lu Hie males ul Calllornln, ori-goti,
Novsds, snd II stliingtott Territory,' Jstiet K
Alliaoll. -,l Aherilreu Colllity ol Crii'lisllt, Stsle
ol M a.liliitloii hat tllla day filed ill I Ii lit
ottlr. hta awurii tlateinent No. '.sv,, for the pur
eliaae ol Hie MW ol Hrctlou No. II, 111 lo 11
ttilp No. 'Jholilli, Kaiins No. 7 haat, and will oi
ler proof to allow that Ihe land toiiKht it tnor.
vslunlil. lor Its tltuher or stoti. than for ng
rtoulliirsl iiirpoti-i, snd toettshlltli hit elslrn
to suld laml lo-ture tho Ketiltter sud Kerelvtr
of till oltlee at uri'i'on t:ity, orettmi, on Tliurt
isy Hie 1 sit h dsy ol September. IssO. He nsmea
sa wltneatea: Chat bf Htevem. H H ll.ilea, ot
Atrerdeeii, II athlnslou ; IV A Csborti, sud N J
Welch, of I'orliaiul; or
Any sud sll pertont elslmlntf sdvertely th
shove -described lend am reoiiestcd to tile
Ihelr cistiu In thltolhc oil orhetore tald Istti
dsy ol Neiiieiuber, lsuo, J. T. Al'I'KHSON.
-IU tl llegltter.
TIMIir.R LAND, ACT JI'NK 3, 187.-..
xini i: rou it Hi.H' t i io'N.
t'NiTyn Statm I.inii Onicr.j
OiiiaioN City,, Muy 10, IXitl.j
Notice Is hereby given tliut in compli
nin e with the provisions of the act ol Con
gress of June .1, 187K, entitled, "An net lor
(' sale of timlier laiuls in ihe Smtcs of
l uliioriiia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Nals 1. Johnston of l'ort
luutl, County uf .Miiltnoinali, State of tir
egon, bus mis day tiled in this olllee his
sworn sliiteineut No. KsPJ, for the purchase
of Ihe WW i4 of Section No. , in Town
ship No. 2 Soiilh, Kongo No. 7 Kast, and
will oiler proof to show that tho laud
sought is more valuable for its tinilicr or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, nod tn
establish his luiui to said land helore the
rvgistur mid receiver of this olllee at Oregon
City, Or,, on Wednesday, the 171b day of
September. 18ml. ilo names its witnesses;
11. K. Talbot, AV. A. Cuborn ami N. J.
Welch of rortlitnd, Or.; C. S. Stevens ol
Alicrdeen, Washiiigtoii,
Anv and ull persons claiming adversely
tho abovc-ili'HCtilK'd lands are requested to
lile their claims In this olllee ou or helore
said 17tli day ol September, lsisl.
(I-1H-8-H Kegister.
The New Remedy. - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured-
Wlthlu only ten mnntlis this truly remarkable medicine hat found its wav
Into the very bett laintllot, becsute It eiasu Tint su a. No disease too now
eritil to retlst Its wonderful attacks. It ooati uollilng to luvettlgsie Scud
tor hook containing lull lnluruialloa.
It A 1A SI'S Mil KOIIi: Ull. I, I.., 0..
Murriaogi Nil., iirtlaiul. Or.
Kxclusive Agents for ClKCksmas County, THOS. CIIAKMAN A aoN,
Oregon City. Oregon.
old rtELiAnT.
Guaranteeing More Power, using Less
Water than any othor
Wheel, and the only Tur
bine that will
work successfully
under High Heads,
. hi ID tDII ITV
under Heads from
310300 FEET.
. i
........ ..... . . .. -j...., . A v r
'II Mil Kit UNI), ACT JUNK 8, Isrs
noiii'ii rou ri iii.m' t i io-i.
llMITKIi HTATM I,Atl Otrir K, I
Oitsooa City, 'r,, May if7, l'i,f
NoTICK Is hereby given Hint In coiopll
aucii with the provisions of the ml nil on -grots
of June II, IHVH, untitled "An in I for
Hie sale of llmlair lands In the Hlnlea of Cab
iloriila, Oregon, Ncvuda. and Washington
'territory," Arthur lilsiuow of llnod
tiiver, Cotiiily of Wasco, Statu of Oregon,
has this tiny llled In Hits idllielila sworn
aialeiiienl So, ism, for Ihe pnri linse of the
H ti, of N W 14 mid K i of HIV ; of S
Hun No. Lii, in Tuwiishlii No, I S0111I1,
llange No. H lliial. and will oiler ptunl lo
show that the hind Sought is more laloahle
lor Us liinU-r or stone lluin lor nerh iilluinl
iilirpoaea, mid In i-atnlilislt lua ehiini tu suld
Iriiul la fore the ltegin r and Ho clier nf
this nlllce at Oregon City, Oregmi, on
Wediietday, tlm i'llb day of Sepieuilu r,
IMtl, He 1, 111111 a an wllueases: Al. I. I'.y,
.1, t!. Divers, l K, Morse, and l Neh lf,,
all of Hood lilver, asm county, Or.
Any and nil persons claiming ndiorsoly
the uhoie ilem rils d lands ant icipii sled In
lile their claims In Ihla nlllce 011 or In lute
said ;!lth day or Heplemln-r, IH'ti.
J. T. A I'I'KllHi rV,
IMII Mil llegisler. I.ANII, ACT JI NK I, Issj
,ioll'r lor I'libliritllwn.
I'aiTrn HrtTsa l.tsn (itrnn
Ossuos Cir r. or,, Julia I, lA I
Nollre It tt I v n llial l riilliillalies with II, o
I lovl.lolil .1 Ilia set ol Itulisri'tt at J lllf a, In",
eotlilod "All aet fur the aale of ilinhi i In
Hi. Unlet of l alllorins, lln-uuu, slid
WatliltiKtoii T.rrilory," iltsaa lianss. ol Jew
ell, t uioily al t.lata.p, Sim. of nr. ton. hat
this dsy Hied III this oliioe lilt teoril tlalemniit
No Jjo, (or the purehs.eol ths rls. ',t ul eoc
tion No, I, In Tow n. hip No 'I South, Itaiuie No.
Kaal. sml will otter proof lo ttiow that the
iiu.l toutlil It uior taluahl lor In tltuher or
ttotte thuti for ssrleulturul -otrpi.ea, siol toea
lahllth hla claim lo tald land helm, iliu n l"
ler slid reeelior of thlt olllee si 'iroitoii l.lly,
OroKon. ou He.luotilay. Ihe ath ilny of 'Jetolior,
Isjo, lie tiainet ss wlitie.iet: I.' II II heeler.
IV, lull.y.sii,! I.. M loowli ol Porllstnl, In.
sun; J II. (itlti 1, nl Hunters. Oreuuii.
Auy slid sll elallalns sdvor.oly the
stun, iltterlhed Islets are rwiie.tei lo file
their claims IU Ihlt olllee on ur hefore anld sill
ilay ol lletolier, l J, T. Al'l'l InsnN,
7-10-tl II lleglBlrr. UM, ACT JI NK . I's. j
on i: 1 ii 11 iii.ii A l io..
t'airsn artTS. I.tsn 01 ro t 1
OttuuS Citv. or.. A pill s. hmj I
Nollcs Is hereby (Iven that In eullipllnliet
Willi lli provltluiit ol the set ol roiufri'ta of
June H. la, entitled, "All set fur the tale of
tlllloer Ittntt lu the tlnlet ul ( nlllor nln, lire
guu, N.tails sail W.siiitiiriun 'lorritury."
Henry ismsihera, ol t'luis, i-uimiy of Clacks
D1.1, tints ol uroson, hai this itsy tileil in Una
oihi-e lilt ttr im tiatemeiii No, ;sjot fur the pur-
j i lia., ol ihe Nil ol eg ',. ami NK ', ol ell
I ul Herliou No. Ha, lu'lowathlp No 8 Moitlii,
itsns No, s r.stt, smi will onrr prour 10 .now
thai the land sonthi Is more vsloshle lor lit
ttinher or stun, thau ur snrleultural purpotct.
sud lu eatahllth his elsttil lo tald laml hulure
the reglaier and reei-lvvr of ihla oilu-e st nr.
gun liny, or.,ou Irlitsy, the Ittu day ol tui
tetiiher, lavo
lUnniio-ata wttneaaea- t hat Ciiltlntt. rln
Culling, tod l.lp Un.oU ol Viols, Oregon. II. I'.
Ne.iua 01 uregou i-ity, ur.
Any and sll persons clalnlng sdvertely tli. :
sli.v'0otrriliel Intuit sre ropiested to file
their elslint tu iltlt oltlee 1 u or tioture tald Win I
day ol etiptoraber, Iswi J. I. API l-lirtoN, I
7-IO-tMI llcgltter.
-01I4 I I'Olt ll It 1.14' t I IO V
I'MitKb St trsa I.axii Orvn e (
OlituoS CITY, Ok .June t, t-J I
Notice Is hereby giv.n that In run, pilsner
wttb the provltlutit of the at-l of i-utisri-tt of
June I, Is7a .utllird "An set for tlio sale ol
(lliilM-r Intuit lu the Stairs ol California. Ore
gun. Nevails slid II sshtii(on 'lerrtlory. ' Jo A. Super!, ol Piirtlstiil. i-utility of ilullho
bian, slsl nt Oreson, hss this day filed (11 tllla
i.aice Ills ttrorn tut.inrnl No itluj, lor the pus
chase ot the NWi.uf iM-eii-.n No ji. lu luwu
llilpNo i South llsttse No 7 Ka.l, tiui will
inter proof to thow list the land tuiiKht it more lor Ilt limber or tmue thau lor sen-
l-nltursi purpotea. slid lo etubllh hie elalm to
aalij laud litfur. th. n-gitter snd tei-olver of
ihlt oilust st Oregon city, or,, ou ttvdoettlay,
the sin day of October, tsvo.
II uatues at wituesswi U. M tiarUnd. J II.
Ilassoit. A. J. Wood, and Mary II00.I. sll ol
Portland, nr -gun.
Any sad all persona claiming sdvertrly the
sls.te deierihed UuJt sre rt-iii aird ui file
Ihelr clsiius lu tblt uilie ou or tald "-th
day of Oetotnrr, lesai. J. I'. Al'PtUHilN,
7- IU --tt tti-g later.
lO IK i: I'Olt I'I HI.14' 4 I IO
I'siTgn CTtTga I.asii Orrtt . 1
Ossoua City, ur., June 7, Isai t
Nollcs It hereby given that lu compliance
with ihe provisions ol the set nt consrets 1.1
June s. ls;s. enlllied "All art lor the tale of
limber In the tlates ol Calllornln. ore- I
iiiuuyi isiiii. 111 uiv sinios ui i nuioroin, ors-
uu K...l. ....I M ..I 1 .,
K Smith, ol aestile. County ol King, iftate ol
tt sslilncloti. has ihlt day 11 it-1 In nut ulliee his
tworn tinii-ineut No. 'JKM. lor Hie pitrchnie of
Hie SK I, ul Heelluli Ml S, In I iih li.lnp No. 6
Koulti, Ittnge No 3 kail. Slid will olti-r prmil to
thow that His land sought la more valuable
lor Ita tlwla-r or alone than lor ssrtcultural
purposes, sad to .sianlish her eUuit to tsld
land beiure ihe register sud receiver ol thlt ol
Bee st Oregon Ctly. Or., on ileduetdsy, Ihe Mb
day ol October, Is l.
nun iiami-t as Wllliettes 11 in Jonea or for-
tytli.Cuattr eoiinty, .Mi ntans, II . liteppsrd.
lira. Il.s.ver sud N7J. Ileli hoi p,tl.,'. 'or.
Atirsndsll persona claiming s.lier.ely the
shove deaertlied Inudt sre reijiietied to file
thetr claims tn Ihla oltlee on or before taut Mb.
asy oliK-iober, liwi J, T. AI'l'KKStiN,
.oi i4 1; roit im iii.ii .i i io.
fniTitti status I. ANnOrriKK, (
OsgooK CITV, or., Juno 7ih, 1sj0
Notice is hereby given Hist In compliance
with the provlslont ot the set id cutisri I
June a, ls.s, entitled. "An set fur Hie a!e of
liluuer leuils la llie tlalet ol ralllurtns. Orenou,
isovflua, siei nannttigton territory.
llurnl io
VI. Smith ol M-Mltl. Culllltv ol Kin. Mlsia ..(,i. I,.. II,,. ...I I.. .1... ... '.. ..:
sworn tnuenieiit No, jlui fur the ..iir ase V,f
llie an i, ol Heetlun No. M, in Tow tishlp No. ,1
Moitlii, Kaiifu No. 9 Kaat, and will oiler pr.s.l to
snow mat rue innu sougui is more vaiinthie for
Ita timber or alone than lor agricultural pur-
Eoaes, sud lo ettshlisli hla claim to said Innd
elors the register snd receiver ol thlt oftu-e st
Oregon City, or., ou II oluetdny, the nth day ol
October, is.
II uatnes as wltuettet: IV in. Jones of For
syth, Cutler couuiv, Moiilnna; w. . lireppard,
Mm. Hoover, sud N. J. Welch ol Port land, or.
Any sud sll pcraous claiming sdversely the
above described hinds srereiii'Med tn rile t hvir
cl ii I im in thlt oltlee ou or before said nth iiav
ol October, 10. j, r. API'KHStiN',
J'-"- Jiegltter.
Police for I'ultllrntloii.
I'NtTsn Status Land Omen..
OKkuoa City, or., May Jj, lsaj j
Notice Is hereby given Ust In compliance
with the iire'ltlont ol the act ol congress ol
June 8. tsis, entiled "AU set for Ihe tide ol tint
ber lauds In the ststes ol California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," IIknuy J
HimiLK, ol Portlanil, county ot Multnoiuiih
state of Oregon, has this dsy filed In this oilu-e
his sworn ttsteuieut No. iltisj, lor the purchase
of th SK I, uf Svcitoii No. '. In iowntliip No 1
etouih, Ksiine No. fiKatt. and will oiler proof to
show Hist Hi laud sought It more valuable lor
Its timber or atone ihiiu lor sgrlruliural pur
poses, sud to establish his claim to anld land be
lore thu regltter sud receiver ol Oils oihcc Hi Ore
gon city, Oregon, on Friday, tha i,tli tiny (
bctitember, Isisj.
ll l.Hinus ss witnesses; j. M. Ureen. F. A.
ltoseersus, Oeorge Miller sud A. Nsvariue, all
ol l'orllsud.Mulliiouiali, Oregon.
Any snd sll peraous cUliinug sdvertelv the
sbove tleterlbed lsmls sre reipiested in Hie
their claim In this oihce ou or helore said 2ot Ii
day ol aeptember, lsiaj. j. p. AfPriKsiiN
Mu-H-tl. Hegltior:
brn : : 1 1 M ;v J lis "
"-f ' '-n."7--K. -i L Vwj i v
ill ' ,iain,,sm j., l, , -,.- v. , v , i" I
r , . 'A ,i i v I
j Tron$portatlon Llnerj
Ovi'i'laii.l to (.'ulifbi',)
V u
Soilllll'l'll I,li('nil'('lllt,jty,))
Tho Mount Shasta Eoutf
Time between Oregon ( lly mul g,ft t
sa hooia.
1,1.1.1 p-'iii-1 a nrm.n l hai St SI H tun M
ll'W'T I'liKil.AMr AND SAM ',Av 1 , ;
I itir a 1 ,v poitiioel a 1 ... .1
fi 01 r, a. I, (in-if.iin ny 1,, 'f
7 lii M Ar si n,i .,. if
Local Pasai'tier 'IrMlu, bull), f Kii',.pt a 1
s M14. a, I l.v Porilioul " Ar j I
II . g. I I.V Oreo, ii;iw I. I
J liir I Ar r lo'no- 1,, J ,
Pullman Buff' tSleer.
Korseer.llilho.tnlloO of "eeoi,, l'!n. iB,
allneiitoi p, ppii-.a 1 mm,
Ths g P. dr. Perry iiinln-. ronntot
sll lha resnlsr trains u n, r,.i p
rota loot ol I ttrei't, Iiu,ou,
Vii'tt Sen- lint. p. 1,,
Mall 1 rant, X-lly rf. s ,.,,),, .
7 :u)i m
UiiBf a
l'or ! h 'let
At Alhnliy arel I urvullia ."ulllirct SlUi .
Kire.a Train iKIly Pie. pt g,l(l4l
4 Vie a
s nor m.
I'orlUiul Ar
Melt Oitii t!o ,r
For full Information ritsritinr rs' s, 1
,ii -- ..-iiui'iiij . ntfoiu ni nn-tu. 1 1
KOKlll.m, . V lliil.t pii
Mating Am Hi K mid P,., 4
Northern Pacific R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all points Kj.p vi
1 he ir1hi ru I'm llir I'. .
It ths oiii y lute no. nil, g
Seeoiiil-d hiss Sleepers, ifii eof tluij
I.tlXllrillllsj P.lV t luetics.
I' I'lihu u s-lei-piiio ('am
l'ulin e liiiinig ( ais 'meals Til
From l'or! land :n llie last.
See that your tickets read vis tint
I .Northern l ai llie li It and
J illuiil i liame of litis.
j I iiroutji, I'uiiniau J'sltee KSiepii.j
1 gam ilnl eoaetu-t. Hue. t pallice .liroi.g rsi, I
;luei-n li.rtlali.l, Ini'ouiB alut M'tllis dlr-i
i nniiy tt ri ice.
. I. 4 11 tltl. l ov
; Issl.l.Vll'l lua. ti,cMl, Iil 'r
I Nt.. I'orllantl. Or.
! JfasT-lH p. ', corner Kirs! and (i (irceti.
Oregon Pacific Railroad!
. . ,,,,, ..-si..,, .,....... 1
S II 11 tl 1 1 I I 'I II CI I 1 I'M I'll I
j ' ' ' !
Mle.imtT Sai.'in-f Hates.
From Vi iitn-iieim -r Kinlh.n Ip'll
ll'illin..:ie 1'iilcy, llu- t. Kiriloin Hi
Wlllnmolto llAln-y. Miy II; Kinilui, Hi
Mtesmer vi lli nueitc Villcj. Ap-U js: Ftr
ioii.mi) i, winninelle Vniley. Mays. Pirtli
i Uu it tl , un,.,m nil,., n... h.
Ti, . ,
-Ji'."." V' -y.n e.rv.."" ri',l" 10 r!u-
I "" ' "" w "h"ul """''-
Tralnt eotineci with the li c. It. ami Rh
Busts st Cor vail It and Alhnuy.
The Oreo,,.. 1',.,-ltl.. , I, ,..
on I
ii illiinielto river division will ei-,i
rorthitnl, aoiit-lejiiml, .Moinl iy, Wdloi
; iiav, aril l-riiluv at A M. Arrira I
j Corvnlli Tuesilay, Tiu:rK,l.iy and Kate
naval d:.ltl J'. .M, Leaii- lorvai! I I SI I ... .
i ...-ii, .uu, i, luoiiiiav, ll oiiiitsilsr li
Friday nt K A. M. "Airivo r 1'o'rllsi
1 tlesilay, 1 luir,Iav ami Saturdav at 3
I I'. AI. nil Miimlav. WoiIiihsi! .v nn.l Fr
- d ie bull, i,.ol. .'...J . ....i. i . i i
: ........ nil. i .uinii-iniiin'l DOS
I Mht leaving Iter J
OA, .M.
r ri'n-iii and 1 icket ottire 3 ilm.-n ttreet shil
i .minim.
C 11. HASH K.I.I.. Jj , Ceticra! F A P. Atl
.. Monlfoiiiery St., Si ii Frntirii,
t. C llOtil K, at-1 ti. K. A P A O I. II.,
Tiuins forllip Fant leave IVetlaiul,;
A. M. ami 0:1X1 1'. M.
to Mid from prim-lpi 1 no
lu the 1 n lied Stales, Cans
ami ioirope
Elcgenl Nc-x Dking Palace Cars.
I'lliltliltl l'alilce Nlft'licrs.
run Tlitiinnh on F.xpress Trnitis
it St. LOU 1
wnnoi r cn.iMiE.
Close conneetions st Portia ml lor Si
els-Co and Pugct Sound ptiiiil
For further particulars inquire ol any
ol the Company or
r. w. i.i.' i.'
i. a- r. i?
l'lii'tlainl .On
4. IX. -111:1.1.1',' . ,,!,.
"t'i" "II it n ti setf
Head of Wafer and ter Rrriii.-i
jas. Lcrrj' c. Z'
Nf.W VORK. I C 't'i"