The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 10, 1890, Image 2

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    The Enterprise.
l'lilill-lur Mini ti'M-rli'
Kkim vk II. Oaum ur, Assistant 1'dilor.
OKKiiOX I'U'Y. .U'l.Y 10, ISM
t "' "
smxv piyiulus.
At tlio ptv-ont raw el ;ronlli it will not
U Ions until Oiv,"..m I'uywill necessarily
luko sumo Meps toward m;ieu.himU inr or J
v!ii(t tin' MtivH.' IVftue inch till Under,
tnkluji i commenced it would ho well tela-VCSli;-;Uo
m to ii li' l"St aew livable
pavement. Sumo iiul weed have hud n
thorough tc-t, iin.l ate (ouud to Iv wuutlUK
111 nuuiv rv-spccK Many el the ttlioa In tin1
states ef 1 Ho Mi'M '-upi'l valley mv new
lisiies I'l'ick in plvl'tTftne t" nil el tier mate
rials. 'Hie I'll. I, a a iv l.ii.l down aidennva,
nrti-r lieiii-itnirui'd li.-ioli r than that we.l I'm'
lulililuijj pUll'i'siS, It is well adapted .tor
ndvi'ls when' lu-avy teams mv pasiiii over
the i.; ay, in il iml bunk, and the
noise iiueio ty vcM. lot U scarcely noticeable
as oomi':i;o,l Willi stone ef wood, Tlio brick
pavement s;vtils tlio wear niluiirublv und i
Hew ill no in all tin' pi i ipal lew ns el Ne
l.raska, where t!uv ol.iim it is actually j
""''1'or than I or ia .-l'ic...e ,
Jiul -o Celo. el IVs Memo-, lewn.
Ou'Ten. . laiius II. ov have uo.l l-tit k !
invi'iiu'iit in tint t it v I'.t tlinv onr, ami
llio tx'si.l.'iits an. I ai',i!ieuiii' net new
mov ail,, I en le u-o im oC.T. limit!...! al O'lWll 10 H regular maue oiu
Mll!uu ;li i( l.ii- lv nu-..l lliroo yours tlio I tier, it is useless to tell you further,
wo.-ir i ,ar,viy u,.ii.v.i.lo, Anetiicv ml I and if you have not, why, you are
vniita;;o in I'li, k av, inoul is wlu ro sowi'is (0 )(. pitie(.
ino.t rv..iiiiei-, er tlio aoiim.l ii te In' I Some time when the Tualatin
aUiui tor any I'miv. ii .an W iv.l.i,v,l :
W iltlellt IralilH' tie
a'.l le (i.,01 iukI,
llloeninuHlilii; tl
I'.ootiu nts a it a!i
p'lioral llo en a,
aiul o: lo r siih i i
a.l anta.'.xi et l.ri
Willi whull he!-.,
with, nit l!rtote.-i
iv.orUiK I'lil'lio. I'liik
1 '
-1 , .m taill te .enio title.
, ,,, , ,.,
emit el tliou .lo.inliin sh.
a.i;i;a.i-,v AneUi-r
k .atoir.oiiM is i ho oa-o j
s tr.el iiii-t Uio stil ts !
tlio fomliiieti el' tlio an una! 1. i" i I lit' It-lilt
el' we,.,lon er sleli. :o, in. nt-, wlii. li luo.;
a Icntli'iii'v te si
a lew i .n s.
ii.aii,iiiim her-'H ivriiH lllAt uxxim i-tn Sunday,
,,ilv .!'.', ut -'. 1'. M. All are invited.
stw ri'Mi'iMi m uimm: m viion.
I'-icxi it mn t'i'enii, II ii;, .'.I an
tnilinaiuo in tlio , il y , euii, il Nt.'n'tay oio-
llin 'le i.Kn..: lor a'l r'i.lien te cl' a j
null tax h o i-siim Hie t'V.i n-.e
f a now i.iitii ii -;ati i. l!to mattor nttl
a.;atn It lirer. .lit ui- .il t.!-1 - s, sien
Kri.i.o t'M'uin whi n iii Ii.m ,1 tlio tneas
nro will .. I In-) n in .ttni in tatten
U n holly inalo ii.itii I'.-r the .nri.o lo -sin,
I, an,l I ho t iiy i n. t rm i,h'. w till niio.
hall' I ho w ,CtT s i; lf ;n In tll" tit'. ,t.'il te
ro iilo for Hi,' (.re. n: ih-iuan I. I'mlor
the t'i-lni;r i',iii,n,i-n ,. itl'.urs, it will !.
ahetlt inn-e'-il'lo f, l' tin' l.ej.lo liitn en
tlio lull t" - ,'niv a -tij ; ly el wator. oson
w In n tlio a.l.ln .!ts ,eo l.ti.l. inr
hj.lRlttt- aro i , in
-Ii. i !, t a tiro o, , i r. '
lo o:n't, .in.l !
Mi.- int. ti, 'ally ;
I'ortorl. -s ,i te, I i.i.i -,
X 111' the tiisi-t. ' s I
Soaill,', Ss,;.in,' VaIU, at
t a'lsO et' tlio la. k el I'lll i:.'
a t'ow , I, 'liars t-r t.iii, h n
Aro wo t
boo oit'itakon
ti.. I other ! .ii s Ih'
;e - nit in s.onliio;
llei iU, I tiro (.rote,-.
t:,n ',' It ,n tl.o . .,:
oaiw-l lie' i I'm ,..
o ,li.-a-'trous. 'I ho .o,
no hvilrai.ts, ai.'i i ,,n -ent
tint eri'l. i li.'ii. Il
ii,,i, !
.h-on the bill haw
iio ntlv b U welt-!
is hi -h tun,, this ;
mattor u .i- hi iii--
i I . I'roi r.tstii, alien
inthis install, o is fraa -ht with ilati'-'t-r. in oh h, wun. ,l, sti
more .roit rt I li.ui a 1 1 . -- n now iun,i
.stations wnii I, I o, ,st. I., t ii ml el I'ra. lo i
atol our i itii' ii- oi.i iai! , l.ti.o this mattor
in hatiil aiol soo lint ii h oaiii. 't to a -no-fs.'u
i.-ne. -l l.o iro ,i.t . 1 1 : i 1 1 .: station
tillable to trot- aav, ir fait to work wlon
Ui MTvioos aro ii-i'!i 'I. niT-'eit
City i
inn-l li.tx li.o o water. 1 he , ula!ion is i
Sto;til:l ill, te;i-:i
water routs w ill
Kwry in rive , it.i
interesi in si. i in .
thi- er-lniaileo.
an I ti
hi,,' ratio,
a -''. tal
it th
i 1 la
, il
as i.'s
At- tin ii-.,
ii.i.. -.1 I: e I "I:: I
;ah-:u the huhovn
il on a ei'l-i-ri ,' it
'.iii, nal A-
i; t oiiiii.itn i
nal 'lli ko
was tip; oil,'
to bo'l ,1-lihelein I' II. A.
Sili. ;ey, I'ortlanil ; l'i"l'. lluil, ( "rMilli-'. Ik
S. Jluittlii.'tnii, Tlio Ialloi: Alhnt Itnm li
cit, Albany ; Trof. Ii. It. I'.-llii r, lln-'eno;
I. A. Maei'iim, l-'oro-i (
A bla in I : .la-'. SI. el, I',
Salem; N. I!. I';e. is, Si
Astoria. Hero. f. How
linn is. of tin- t"-iiil. in
location of tli" cllo.;.'
,i,'.,-;li. J. Webster,
ithin.l: l. I!, lirav,
Inn; ii'-o. f. Hall,
i ili.etis, aro IIk-
ii vli" have the I
in liatel. Sh'all wo i
inuke nn e'l'oit to s. ei
tional in-titutii'ii in o
count tiiiire eiiterj i i
an ay : lie ii i."'''
H labia
) -le cthi'',i. 1
1 ie rm It
I'liK s (.r. t.ii y ot the In a -my lias in,t i
(it '1 Mr. Hernial. n thai thoile,aitinont bail
aiithorue.t the t in j ,b jy 110-1, t of a ilvpnty
colleetur lor tie: Southern ili-tiiet of Uitkhii
ut Kiiii'iie t'ltv, iui'1 iil -n an allowance is
iiiiolo for ni'.nlhly I'a.Muent of otlieo rent.
Mr. lleiniann bus hcivlofo.'e -uhiiiiltoil bis
reasoii.s fur this in, n a e, und has shown
tlmt there aru no .til i, .- or in.-i tors at
flllMIU.I. Ceonillo li.ei, I'uit ( irfotil lllnl
J'.ov'iio river, uii'l that w heno or the rul
It'ttor was rojiiircl n, a-lini -astirc vt-siols at
cilborof Ihi'-i- i!a, I-, he was Vol!ipellcl to
lock nn his, olliec. and lurlber, that he was tie eoini'i'ieatiun rorn nt.
Si'K' I At. A;'ent Kriis! ol the t oiem ilt iai t
incut refuses to have, the enumeration work
of l'orllaml lo'lnlel over, anil has tole-
Kr.'iiht'l lo Wa-hiin'hin that I'ortlaii'l has
u L'ooil f-niiiiioi'al ion. and iloei net neoil a re
count, lint all Ibis (loci not convince the
iioonloof I'mlland Ilia! lb'', have hid a
fair count. Jt is very cviilenl. that the
lirovisionsol'tlic ei n us law arc lame, in
asiniicb as the lime fur nial iier Hip ootint
is entirely too "mall.
A 1:11. t. to aiiliioi i.e tin; ill -color of the
lnint to chitne the, tb -iioci on all coin
otbi.-r Ihan (.'"hi w ill sboi tly be -ent to the
rrtffiidcrit, whose ci'iiatiini il will jaobahly
receive. Thorn is. ilentyof room for iin
l.rovcincnl, c'iicci:tlly with the siller dollar.
'J'bat aj.;nriiziiiK eaiioalim; of the American,,
ealc on this coin .' bonl'l ('(;, and a proper
head for the I'oddcs.': of Liberty be sub
stituted for the beefy and thick-lipped le
lnuli! whose clli(.'.V it now presents.
Tim collej'e commeiiceincnta aro over this
year, and the- I'radiialcn who hit ready to
take iiold and cnide the nulion's destiny
aro about to find out the cold, cruel truth
that the Darwinian law of the survival of
the fittest ix a liviin; entity in politics, the
pulpit, the Kan'tiitn, unci in the professional
and bui;iuc!s world u nerally.
iMt:i'.iiEii(-.H ki-.M h hope Inisgnne,
and he will die by elect rioty, after all, early
in the fall. The li-;:al buttle made to save
bis worthless life bus been one of the most
hotly contested in the b-eal annuls of this
The editor ol the Walla Walla Journal
displays the pastoral streak in bis nature,
when lie nays : "The census crop is a fail
ure Ihi" sear, and won't even iniilte rood
bay." "
A I'KOMi.M-.Nr journal in an up valley
town complains of doK-fcnnel (-'rowing in
the streets. The bustle and .stir of (Iregoti
Cily is not conducive to the erowtli of dog
fennel, 7ior moss (,, the hicks of its citizens.
County Correspondence. '
The Knti himiihi: rcticlnul us Kt'i
il.iy, itudoml of Siittmldy, or Mon
day, its it usuully ilol. Tlio timil
conies to Wilsonvillo mnv via An
voiii hodem! t'f Omyvcj'u,
Our yyt niitl iiociiiititiitiliitiuii,
mail currier, Mr, Fiunk Kurd, no
longer I'l'it'oruiM tlisit duty, us lie
W:IH UHtli'l'l'iil wllt'tl till' llist Ooutret't
V;IS li t.
Wlion thin rainy fhI1 stops the
hum of tlm mower will bo lieni'd
curly ami lute, ns it will pusli the
fanners to get their hay crop in he
fore the w heat ripens.
The Kourth was duly celebrated
hero with a picnic on the ground
prepared by the neighbors on Mr.
I'. Kllison'n farm, situated on a
hii;h hill which overlooked the tine
vallev below. A laiw Mprinv! of the
purest water bubbled from the
Tlio exercises consisted of the
read iuj of the I'cclaration of Inde
pendence by A. O. Kruse, and an
oration bv 11. K. Haves, both of thin
lai ve table some fol tv feet lollH
, i , , , . ,.
. , ., . , , , . I , . . i
lu'il men isikcus aim uisirioiueo
the pood things in true iiranjd r fash
ion. It, Mr. l-.ilitor, vou imvo ever
. 1 . ... I " . I!..
(; n , ,.H ,metliiiH; special I'll
' ,i. " il.,,,. vou can
ir , - . ,5
itulijc lor vottrselt.
4. , ,- . . . M, , ..
N es eidav, he t. h, the I ualatm
' , , . . ,, 1 ....
l' 'lar I ntoll, held another ot its
interest ilij; lueetine.s w Inch was Well
attended. The vounirer ineiuU'rs
; will meet Saturday next to orame
u ellotl' Utlilrr the It'tlilel-Stttp of Mr.
J , Knise. The I'llioll w ill lioltl
TIU: lot Kill XT tut K tuts.
Koiu tli of July, and the villagers
ate ustir early. The t'tre-craikerit
stiller from the hands' of the muall
boy, and a pop pip lu re and a p'p
pop there tmuoimiv the advent of
liidt penilenet lay. Mid'atland re-
lurtuliers Uie occtl-lnn ami nrex n
dynamite juii.
The Milwaukee band arrived in
cnod time and played stirring mu
sic Th l.ils i ty i tir w as soon utatle
ready, and Miss Laura Johnson,
stamlint; bv the Su.rfand Stripes,
lepresfiitfil tin' lOM'leSS tit l.ltielty.
Seat, d around her in the car,
J t row nod willi w reaths and with
banners in hand, were forty-two
'charmiii;' cirls, repteseiitini; the
American sisti rhood tif .states.
Tlie coniiiUi s in eo-ttmie having
iirrive.l int'iree. a mare it luliie pic-
nit rotimN wan beounto the ruins
of martial music. Arriving lit the
erounds, the lleelaialioii of lude-
I pt Ititi ltt't
rend bv l'l'of. Tltolll-
son and a verv iuterestiiiif uddri-H
viwas delixcred by l'. K.Clarke. A
I iiatimiiil Mini; was then suii', after
which Key. Tims. I.awson tb livend
ll spirited adilfi'S".
Alter tlinner the sports U il.ui; tlu
fat mult wouldn't run, but the la
dies ran an v:'i race, w hich w as very
. ,t raeeS f:n'k raees. whei-lhar-
row and potato raees followt'd, the
latli r eiecial!y b. ins; very iopuliir
with the small boys.
( ohm! jiiiljjes estimated an attend
anei' of l'-'UO people, and " a f'ood
time" was the general verdict.
The Wesleyan M"thodist camp
meetini; will commence ut the pic
nic erounds on July HUh, and con
over twi
bitths. Kverv-
('ill! is.
liol.AI l, V.
M((, J jiri'till (IK I'ArKKl'UIsi:: We
Ini ve never met vou. hut here urfiour
1 , .1... . ... it"
i III St I ,s i il LM 1 11' : I H 111. n is p,v 1 1 1. 1 1 1 ,
ii pleasant renieiiiltrauee lor
the rctiriiiL' " J'.uss." OrJf
Tin? Fourth was sparingly cele
brated on the river at Liberal catnp
uiceting tnotiiids. Owing to the
short notici: oiven the assembly was
not large.
Manpiamsville celebrated in
frrand style; almut thruo thousand
people were on the grounds. Hon.
lYtcr l'aquet delivered the oration
in his usual straight forward man
ner, and there seemed to bo no end
to the short speeh p-srrvc, comical
and otherwise. The vocal and in
strumental music was, all that could
have been desired. Everybody
seemed to bo in a hurry to enjoy
themselves to the fullest extent.
On the night of the Fourth ut 11
o'clock it commenced raining a reg
ular ciimpineeting Oregon idiowor,
and a bountiful crop is now doubly
Graders are now at work on the
Oregon It. H. near I'.utte ('reek.
Wheat is being removed us "lino"
is needed across, the w heat fields.
The locating surveying party will
soon reach Molalla.
I Jr. I.eavitthas. located at Molalla
for tint practice of medicine. See
his new nigri in postollice building.
G. Y. Jackson, an old pioneer of
the forties, is in this locality, look
ing as rugged as ever. Tzt'M.
If HUceetiH is measured by steady
enjoyment for everyone tlio celebra
tion at Meinig'H l'ark wa flucceas
ful. Rarely on Independence Day
do wo see the people more social or
so well satisfied. The proprietor
had cleared a grove so largo that
the six hundred assembled had
room to spare. The Clackamas
band of Oregon City, under the
leadership of Mr. Randall, was in
attendance, and discoursed music
scarce excelled in Oregon.
The programme was simple
enough but had new features. The
Announcement of Independence was
admirably recited by little Herbert
ISoHoh. 1 tie Declaration was ren
dered by Robert Divine, who pre
faced the reading with a nhort but
thrilling history of the grand event.
The best thing of the day was the
excellent oration by Mrn. Kcerian,
appropriate! to the hour and brightly
portraying; our nation's iirogrimii.
Our right ulnmorii nttied well In
IllliiiH the program. After dinner
thosinoothdaiu'lng floor tttul revolv
ing iwitig came, into uho. Tha tin
went down without a iiinghi rami
ally or diaturhanco having ocourrod
during the dav, and inanv young
feet retired to Mclitig' Hall, which
wan lUted tin for tlio oceaiiion, ami
finished I'l'lciiriitlng the unnivcrsiiry
in the morning hour. Whoiuia r.
Nilliml lti'i(ilt.
The following in the report of
school taught in Muli no district No.
M, for the inoiilh ending Juno '?,
Nuinlwr of day nehool kept open,
'JO; number day attonditncc, '.'U'-'l;
number of day alweiice, t'.'TJ; nuni
her of bovH tMirolltd, III; number of
girls enrolled, 11; number of eases
of tardiness, 'Jt!; number neither
absent nor tardy .1 Carrie Knotts,
MaUd llohliH, and Freddie Wade.
Number days taught, Ml; num
ber davH ttttetidance, 10." I; iiuiuImt
diiyn aluouce. whole nutuber
Uiys enrolled, 1 1; wlmlv nutuU'r
girls enrolled, l'.'; numtter case of
tardiucsx, 'Jil; number neither ab
sent nor tardy, 'J Miilsd llobb
and Carrie Knott; utitnU'r absent
but not tardy, 8 Itcrtha Albright,
Minnie Irish, Minnie Wade, Fred
die Wade, Charlie May, David Pen
dleton, Kalph IVndh'ton.Agie Wal
lace, Visitors W. W. Mnv, ex-director,
J.l Logan and . Jones, di
rectors, Mrs, Maker, Mrs. Wade,
Mrs, Hobbs, Mrs, June, Mr. Trcl
linger, Mrs. Logan, Misses Minnie
May, Nora Gordon, l.illiu Knotts,
Men. Oscar May, W. II, Seltzer, Jones, H, A. Hounds, Gisirge
Mallatt, John Darnall, C. M. War
ren, C. K. Knotts, Key. John Darn
all, Reuben Wright, Uastus Keable,
D. 11. Worsluim, Fred l'embroke,
I'M. Trellinger, John and Frank
l'uiiie. Mas. S. A. IIi'UltKs,
" -
School Hi'iuil.
School closed in distriet No. !1'J on
Friday, Juno 27th, with the follow
ing report for the term:
Those lieing neither absent nor
tardy during the term were, Kate
Glick, George Clark, John Card,
Hert Ringo, Haw ley North, Fred
North. Amanda Tinnerstet, Irene, ISelht F.vans, Frank Miller,
Willie Miller.
Number enrolled during the term,
tJ;!. Average number Is'longiug 51.
Averagedaily atteiidauceduring the
term tS. IIki.kx M.Tayi.oii,
Me-srs. A. M. Crawford, of Coos
county, assumed charge of the olliee
of receiver of public moneys, and J.
II. Muiki tiHik charge of the regis
try of the I'nited States land olliee
of" the Rosehurg land district Tues
day, successors to A. C. Jones, re
ceiver, ami Chas. W. Johnston, reg
ister, retiring.
These new upioiutiv are young,
able ami discreet, ami w ill doubt
leis muke efficient ollicers who will
Is- prompt and courteous in the dis
charge of their duties. I'laiudealer.
It has come to the knowledge of
the linker City Rludo that two new
additions to linker City have
been located in the desert hills
southeast of town, and are out of
sight and reach. Portland parties
arc manipulating them, and the lots
are being sold to the Willamette
suckers on the same principle that
lsys swap jack-knives, "unsight and
unseen." This sort of thing will
act as a boomerang for our boom if
it is jwrsisted in. linker t lty is
already surfeited with additions
that have merit, but these fake
town lots ought to be exposed.
CKOIMVmTilFIt HI l.mJX.-N... 17.
t'or Week I'lidlnir Nattirilar July 5.
Tlicdiru partufthe week w us extremely
warm tbu hitter part cool ami cloudy,
with local rains to-dav.
Tim teinpi'riitiire mni!il (fuin t0 to 108
tli'Kierson Juno .10 and July 1st in all
i ut rid of the ntutu except alonu the cohhI.
Local thunder aliowurs prevuileit nn the
lust two ilnys of June unit llrst day of
July. On JtinoL'l'tli a very Severn tliun
der storm, accompanied, willi rain ami
hail, wan experienced a few miles north
of (iritnt't Puss in Jonephine county.
'the extreme heat of the fore part of
the week did very little injury to crops,
while the weather in the latter part of
the week was very iHitieticiul. Fall
wheat in now nunerully punt the point
that the weather could injure it. Spring
wheat is (loin remarkably well, mid it
no unforeseen causes interfere the yield
wilt he much ureal er than anticipated.
The warm weather was lieiiellcial to
corn which is Krowlntt well.
Columbia county reports liny a fair
crop; on uplands vory good. In Wash
ington county hay is an avodige crop.
In Cluekamas county full w heat will he
resdy to cut insiilo ol two weeks, the
crop will he an average one or more.
Spring wheat and outs growing well. In
Yamhill, l'olk, Marion, Benton and
I.iino the wheat lookout Is very promis
ing; spring wheat will (nuke more than
was expected ; corn, oats, hops and liny
will average well, Cod 1 in moth (IoIiik
some damage. Fall wheat will soon be
ready to cut; heads are well filled,
la DouKluHsvountv good crops are now
assured .
Josephine and Jackson counties will
have fair cereal crops, Fruit crop will
be lurice except peaches. Melons prem
ise to be plentiful. Hemes are in abund
ance. Clatsop, Tillamook, Coos and Curry
counties will have crops fully up to the
Hay is quite nenerally reported to be
short in Western Oregon and an average
crop in Eastern Oregon.
Wasco and Morrow counties have in
dications of a better wheat crop than for
years past.
Hherman and Gilliam counties roport
avornRe crops.
In Umatilla 'and Union connties re
ports indicate a yield of from SO to 50
bushels of wheat per aero.
Wallowa, Baker, Crook, Grunt and In
terior counties bid fair to muke average
or more than average yields.
The present outlook is most encourag
ing for a line harvest throughout.
It. y. Pauuk.
Observer Signal Service.
The county assessor will be in his ol
flco every Baturday until further notice.
J. W, Nuui.k, County Assessor.
The In vent incut ol fnrelmi capital In
liVhiNlml cnlorprldoK mid the Investment
ol (iiii'Ikii capital In land me two ipiilti
dllleienl tiling. I ho Mnd we ninny
have, mid if It. In not mltlvulcd this
year II will be when there In n tin.
nniiiil for Its products lint fitelorles
built in this ctiiuiliy with nii ipn capi
tal do work thai 'would othei n ii.e lm
done iibiiuid, I ntid itltm Is piellv cei
talll In Illi'ieiiHii in Milne an popiilntioli
IncieiiNi'K In uiiiiiliirs, whilti (aclinic
may ili't'reae In viilue tlooiieh vkci'ss
Ive i'niii'tltioii, Il i bad ciihihiIi to
lniie onr uliip, plaiili., bivnci ins, Ihmr-
IlitllS ail'l like Inilimlili In ftuvlun
InilliU wlthnilt liniiilniK over our land
to people VthoHO enernl InleifHlH a re op.
inei In oil I' . A bill In inrw belore the
Ibllisn, with a (uvoiable lecoiumeiidil
linn frnlii the J iiilii'liii v Coiiunlltee lilch
Piohlliits ulieiis limn hciiiii inn uiiv
renter eiitale in laud in tlui eoitntry
thuu il live yciiiH leioteholil, and leinni
itill aliens who alien, I v l' lainl to
bt'come cltifens by iiiittiialiralloii or pail
with their holdings within leu veniH,
'I'lin V of Nointi ma ll lie'loOHoU
bectimiiiii every year nunc and nppur.
cut . 'Hie report u hit h licceinpioiies the
bill mi.vs '.'I.IHHI.IHHI itcreit of laud in the
I'liiled States me now untied bv tilled
alleliK who, of Colli e, tin lint InuiHih lo
bin'OltlecllO.enil I' oli'iuu I'llpifnllHtii lint
titled lind some of whom mnv become
cltieim hold iibonl liKi.tHKi.tKKl ucren
under mortitiiun m Uritlxli stibieet
nwiu IHI.IHKI iicies III lllnuliion which be
thiiwM l'iH),ikk n j enr In rents Theno
cam's ure Isolated only In their innuiil-
tilde blind In the mnaller tract In al
inoht every tutc in the t'nioii In held
by alien w ho do U"t conteutplate beeom
intr residents, linii'li IchuciIio'Ii. bat-
ever may It' anl of the part of the bill
W hli'll liuike clll.elmhip a Culnlllbill ol
liuldinK hind already nc,inied, Ibere vs ill
I hi a Ki'lierul atreeiiient that tlm lutthcr
purchase of bind bv whelm nho.,,. U
Oumuin Cir , tin,, Ji i v 7. !.
Pear Sir ur Madam ,
You are ciiiiicniIv ie.pieki, to
attend tlm Noimul In-titnts for I'hn ka
nni t'onntrv. bcK'innini! Mondav, July
HI, and contiiiniiiK tnu Heck, The
Hot It Will In. ton In, led in the ,'iillilic
school hiiddiiii; al t'teeoii City, and will
Ui III chaise o I Pi of. I rank Killer aided
by foniiM'tcnt iiiiitiiiil Icaibei
should coine providdd Willi tet -titMiks
on Written and Mental Aiithini'lu'. etc,
I'. S, llietoiv and hill's liraioniar.
They will be foriiiol Into claes and
regular school work gone thmiigli with,
K.vrry IcsMiii will U a typical hiIukjI
rcHiiil exercise, the purpose being to give
teachers some review of the Hiibjects
taiifht and lo Instruct tin in ob)ectively
III lbs best iiiiCIiihU of teaching. Such
woik is now Ociiig ilonu In all ol the lead
lug eoitulic ol tb M ite, and piogtess
ive tem hei sin availing lln-insi I vrs ol
these opioiltiiniieH to advance HI their
profession. I hope and cMn'it lo s' a
laige atlettibiliee Innil tietv part of the
county. Hca'ell(i!lv,
V I I . TlloMst.S,
I'oimiv rupt,
lit ul t'state 1 1 nn stt i s,
W I, lbs km r to II W Ib.x. s ., of
thcJauie ahlt,,i doiiatioli laud claim
in seeiion I , j, mid III. tp It , r It e, con
taiiiing l illaiics, coiini li ralioti,
ti A Young mid wife to .1 W llrowti,
'ciily iterv in r I'J, tp It . r '.' e, con
taining 70 at re i ci.iiKi, relation v0.
C SclillU I to lloN rt Sthula-I. three
acre as di m nU'd in the record ; eonsiil
COT Willium and M A Miatt..n It)
Utto (K'llle, lot II. in blk lli. t ail lew
addition; coiisi,,-,ui,in j;o.
John Oillett I.. II W Hum, w 4 of lie
'4 of and lie '4 nf w xt of m c '."2,
tp4i,rl! e, eotilaiiong IJo in r. Otore
or less; colisidi riittoii (looo.
I'liiled Mutt to I hoiiia W Nvnr, pa
U'lit for s 'a of nw '4, of lie i4,
and the lie ' of tin 't ot see 10, tp 'J ,
r 4 e, containing 1'Si in n -.
Otto I'eiile und wife to l!ariicst Mat
thic, easterly one-half ol lots ll and 4
of blk l.'iS, of I ingi.ii lilv ; coiisiderution
(' Klinv'ir, inetuior, lo Jompbiiie
Smith, ble I t'ole and .Vuicbii Kanisbv,
ISll.tll acre, beliiK' a part of the 0 I. (.' of
John Klinger, tp 4 s, r I and " e ;coiiid
cralion f ll'JU.
V O T Williatn und M A Strutlon to
Otto und Matilda Pi iitc, lot h in blk l"i,
Kail View addition; eoimiilciatioii ,rHi.
CO T Williams und M Strattim to
MaiT Kraiitriiiiinri, lot 4, blk HI, in Fall
View uddition to Oregon t'itv ; coiisitlcr
nt i mi U''
V 0 McCow ii mid w iff to Joseph !acl.
man, certuiii tract of land on the east
side of Hock sreek, in sec I'.', tp - s, r 2 e;
colisiderutiou IliOOO
Il W IliM'lbing ii tut wife lo !" imiiicr
iiinn, lot 7 and K in blk L'" in the Oregon
Iron ifi Steel Company' llrst addition to
the town of Oswego; consideration f-lfill,
K II Matschky to K Ziininerinnn, lot K,
blk 47, in O l ,V S Co' lirst uddition to
Oswego; consideration
Hiehanl Kiirin to K I'' Itobsou, undi
vided onc-hiilf Intercut in nw of lie
of sec It), tp 4 s, r II e, containing MO
acres; colisiderutiou $,',
H Livingston to X S Grunt Mariiiiiui,
UK) acres, a part of the Hector and Alice
Cuiiiplsdi donation laud claim: consid
eration (I.
Tlio KnglcM und w ife lo Peter Steele
und Peter liiebter, w 'u of mv '4, lie '4,
nw '4 und nw '4 of lie of see tp 'i
s, r 4 e, containing bill ucrcs; foiisidf ra
tion, fl-'OO.
Align M I'oeand wife lo Peter Streets,
w 'u of nw '4, lie 1 4 of nw '4, and the
nw '4' of lie li of see "'1 s, r 4 e, eoiitiiin
ing Itld acres; eoiiHiderulinii
Pctwr Streets to Peter J Hit liter, lie '.(
ot nw '4', and nw '4' ot ne '4' of see
tp 2 s, r 4 e, contiiiuing Hll ueres ; consid
erution I loll.
Peter J Hiebter and wife to l'eter
Steele, w of mv '4 of sec ";!, tp 2 s, r
e, containing ho acre; consideration
COT Williams and M A Strattoii to
T 11 Knglitih, lot (I and fractiomil lot 7 in
blk 4, hulls View ami to Oregon City,
consideration 'i'its.
Olive and Chas lleebe to M H lteib
hofl', blk 3, in the town Marshlield, con
sideration $71 0.
Joseph A I'ubes a ml wife to John
Forbes, e 'a, ulSo the e 'n of the w !u ol
sw '4' of ne ,'4' of see I), tp lis, r 3 e, con
tinuing lit) acres, more or less; considera
tion L.
J A Tallied and wile lo W Hobiiison,
live acres in the ! I, C of W T Mattock ;
consideration 1500 .
G K Habersham et ul fii C A Gove,
lots 27, 28, 211 and III), in blk S, in I'leas
aiit Little Home; consideration ifl.
Lcnora 0 SchtiltJ! and John H Schultst
to Jus W Partlow, 82 iicivs In tp 3 s, r 2
e; consideration if 2000.
Albert Wright and wife to Sarah F
Boylan, parcels of hind in tp Sand !f;
consideration (IH0.
y elei
their seats last Monday. The majority
of them w ore re-elected, as they had evi
dently served their constituents with
satisfaction. The following are the
county ollicers with their bondsmen;
Clerk, H, H. Johnson ; bondsmen. K. L.
Lastlnim and Julius Logus; Sherill, W.
W. H. Samson ; bondsmen, J, T. Apper-
on and Julius Logos; Heconler, . T.
Vt hillock; bondstnen, T. L. ( hiirman
and Julius Logos; Survivor, Sidncv
Smyth, bondsmen. K. G. Oitulleld and
M. A. Ktratton : Assessor, Jno W. No
ble: bonilHitien, N. O. Wuldcn; Coroner,
C. 1'. Sullivan, bondsmen, Jno A, Con
fer and Frunk Ford ; School Sunt. Alex.
Thomson; County Judge, Jno. W. Mel-
I.ATK.Si llllilltiUtl'IllC.
China thietili'iis to sever all coininer
clul reliillons wllh the I'ulled States, un
less tlm Scott's exclusion bill Is repealed,
Nkiv You k, July 7, Clilneii cases In
the criminal courts urn becoming of 11b
iiionI tlaily oceui rence hern, The ruses
are nf the same tint 11 1 it as those familiar
to the Sun I'rmiclsco courts, There are
almost daily cases nf opium joinU III
Which young while women have been
found. A ease ot this sort cioue up In
Tombs coin t this morning, The court
room was lilted with 1 hlticso. six Chi-
nee und four w lute girlnweie unsigned,
llieglils were (iilti pretty. As there
was nn evidence against the .Mongolian
or the girls, Judge Patterson ihsoliuiycd
them ail. He censured the police for
111 resting tl i, mill Mild Hint was
110 law prohibiting while women from
aot luting W illi Chinese,
I.oniion, Jt i v 7- l'iuke, editor of the
London Pic, who, on January luth,
wan convicted ol libelling the Furl of
Fusion, In eoniiei lion with the West
Fnd sciiii'liil, WBto-tav released from
Hilllllii oil oil account of ill heallb.
I'iiis, July 7 A short time ago a
limn her of the Spanish ,,niliHsy In Purls,
w'lh their families, were slllintisl with
inciclcs, and not long alieiwanl the
disease attacked incuilan of the Ana
ttlan embussy and their families, Now
the Ittisniuii embassy is invaded by the
malady and other foreign represents
tivesuie Wiiiideiitig w hu ll of them will
he next to stiller.
I'eprcseiitiitlvii Hermann bus Intro
duced s lull 111 congiess for repayment
to F, C. Miinteii, ol Portland, Oregon,
of the sum of IIDtl, being the purchase
money 011 one ipiutlci section of laud
entered at the Oieunn City land ullieo,
The cisit is douhllcn of luterrst I')
tiiiineiniis elitrvineii on the Pacille coast
and especially those entering what are
alleged lo be liniU'i lands. .' I e depart
ment dci'liiic a repayment ami In its de
cision in .Mr. II in 11 11 states that the
t ' tilled States special agent reporls I he
laud tu be tit for cultivation, although
covert d with timber. That the prellini
11,11 v ullldavit icipiiied of entry men
under Urn net of June :, 10, g, the
siiniii both under the tiuiber-culturu and
tiinls'ilalid law, to the extent that the
coliditioli of the land uiiiat Iki set follll
In each case( mid lm he a personal
know ledge thereof, nil Hid patl of the
entry men, ll w as the duty of iHirchaser
to have Hindu a persolial exsiuinalioii of
the laud before entiy, and by his fail
ute so to do the government was not In
(anil 111 allow nig the entiy. The depart
ment then proceeds to cite niiibontet as
1 pieccdenl, and suvs; In the case ol
hulk Slviiihurdt t7 I,. 1 , 10) Secretary
ihts sat : ''It is evident fmin these
Is. t that said allldavit was hmde tiy
Stcinhatilt, witliout ejtuminatloii ol tlio
laud, 01 knowledge nf its condition, up
on which to dale the same, and this
view is supported by the blither lint
(011111I by your said oilice decision, that
sun! land, w ben cleared of its timber,
would lie well suithd to agricultural
piirsiscs " "this slut of facts, I think,
hilly wsnaiits the conclusion thai said
ditiy was obtained through fraud. It
the case ol Charles F, Collin (li ll. !.,
IIVI) it Was held that (iiloting from syl
labus on cuiifeltutlnll of an entry niado
lor laud not aubject thereto, by reason
of a iiatnial growth ol timtier, rejMiy-
incnl will imt lie allowed where the en
li Milan, without elmniliatlon of the
land, or know ledtte of its colldillon,
tnailti oittb Unit the laud was devout
ol limber
C II lien ilt, n well- know 11 uttornev of
1','itlaiid, was shot and instantly killed
at ."ellwiKid, Tuesday, by Chas. lteller-k-.elc,
a disreptituble Jive and hotel
ktcH-r, He with licllegrude, had been
at N'IIwishI for two or thn-e days where
he was having some building con
stituted. He mid lU'llcgrade had been
dtinkimt and at times tpinrreling. llelle
grade was a Frencli ssirt and gambler,
and formerly conducted a hotel and bar
a a ssirting resort at Scllwoad. Th
hotel and bur bad la-en cloc for some
tune, liclltvinde tsvupying the building
for a resident--. They were alone at the
time ol the shooting, but Hew itt rushed
bom the house followed by IW'lleirradi',
who continued shunting, until Hewitt
fell dead on some potato vines. Itelle
grade then made every eye witness of
Ihe alitor html their rccctive holes,
and returning to the house, cut Ilia own
tbioiit. Heie the Multnomah county
ollicial found him, a ghastly aisn'tacle,
lying in bis own blowi. The trouble ia
said to be over a w oman that llellegradv
claimed was hi wife, us Hewitt was
inaking attempt lo secure a divorce for
An authority on such things says ills
uiiiawiiiiiy vulgar for man to take a
lady's arm In walklmr. In fact it is not
necessary even fol the lady to tuke th
man's aim, and it is out of the order
except in a crowded street, or of dark
night. Hut thai young couple who
came down the hill, and passed Hie
tleHit on the wsy down probably never
read the alHive-menlioned authority.
Alwuys break your bread before spread
ing und never out your arm around your
parlnet in sw ingiug ii, quadrilles or lan
cets. Take your town papers and adver
tise, liberally.
It is a pleusnre to ptirchuse your gro
ceries, where everything is kept scrupu
lously pent, and only reliable bra nils
of goods ure kept. People pnssing along
Main sheet to stoii to admire the neutly
arranged stock of fancy and staple groc
eries in II, A. Fry's store. His success
ill business i attributed to bis one
price motto, und keeping only the best.
Cull in and see the novel niunner in
which he murks his goods.
.Vile lino
ks, receipt books, etc, ut this
olliee, w
gotten up and neutly hound.
Fat 111 Tor Sale,
liitl acres in Heaver Valley, Columbia
county, Or., level with deep loam soil,
free Iroiu rock and no canyons. KM) acres
of best yellow tlr timber, balance easily
got into grass. Oood fraiMo house, with
neverfailing well. Orchard of 200 trees,
beginning, lo bear, embracing apples,
pear, cherry, plum, priuio, peach ami
ipiincc tiruNi vines and all kinds of
small fruit and berries. 4 acres chnrrcd,
10 acres in pasture, A number of line
springs on the place. In a thickly set
tled iieighhorhtKid, convenient to roads
ami schools. 4 miles from Columbia
river. Price $l.rilK). Will nive time ona
part, or take Oregon City property.
J). J. SwiT.iai, Html Kstute Agent.
Oregon City, Or.
Park Place is Popular Property.
Cull on T. W. Fouls, opposite the
railroad depot, Oregon City, for tine cl-
gurs und tobacco, and ull kinds ol smok
cih' iniiclcs ; he also carries a tine line ot
candies, cakes, crackers, etc. ; also sell
ull kind ol mild dru!ks ta
School Moiier.
There is plenty of money on bund to
limn of school fluids, and it will be to the
interest of all borrowers, especially tlioso
who need anv considerable amount as
well as long time lonns, to borrow school
money. Xhis is absolutely the cheapest
money to 00 nail 8 per cent and no com
missions after the first year. Call on
C, 1). Liitourette, Attorney for the board.
Throe hundred and twenty acres of
lino timber, two and one-half miles from
the town of Clutskiuiie. The north fork
of the Clatskanie river runs through the
Intnl. A bargain, only $10 per acre. Ap
ply at once to 1). J. Switsuch,
At the TIiob. Kay Woolen Mill Compa
ny's repository i" Oregon Cily, can be
found 1st, .the largost slock; 2d, no
shelf-worn goods ; 3d, the latest designs
and patterns: 4th, the freshest; goods;
01 It, tlio most styliHh cuts; Oth, at man
ufacturer's prices. Call and examine
onr woolen goods.
Frank T, Bari.ow, Agent.
Letter List.
The following Is a list of letter re
iiialnlngln the post olllcu at Oregon ('lty,
July 10, IH00!
Andrews (1 P Humphrey Ftblly
Armstrong H W Knolls J Y,
Andrews, Curpentci Lis k 0 (I
Prown John Miller John W
Hock John 2 Merrill Mrs
llenolt Fd Minks S II
Hiewerlll OsboinFM l.l'en Mis Maty
Crupper Kittle Ittietly Win
CurpeinerJ W Komtld Clara I,
Colelt Peter Huberts 1.0 .In
IIcschiiiik Fruesl Ids k well L 1
Fugles F, P Sprullnn Molev
Fllain John Schneiiier bertha
Forev Win Vcrmilye Mrs C
(iarile Mrs Siela Vandelxigart J
Hughes Mi JillielteWelch J ohn C
Hinder Theodore Wright H W
Hitching (1 W WhlttomoMi A 1C
Herald Fdllor
When called for please say w hen ad
vertised, J. M. IUcon, P, M,
Mulhinul SurKlcul Institute,
310 llust St,, Sun Francisco.
One or more surgeons representing
this I list Utile will be at the Oriental Ho
tel, Oregon City, July 20. This Institute
is specially devoted to the treatment of
cut valura of the spine, disease ul the
1 1 1 1 and knee Joint, crooked limbs, club
feet and all bodily deformities. Their
success in treating lhee troubles a
well a all chronic discuses has mads for
the Institute a national reputation.
All person who are aulleritig from any
of these complaint, should not full to
tako advantage of this opjrtuully (or re
lief. Kcference may he had to the following
residents; Judge It. 1'. Ilolso, Salem;
Hon. Tlm. L, liavldsoti, Salem; A. Lu
elliug, Milwaukin, Or, ; T W . TIioiiiih
aon. liaslon, Or.: Jus. Full, No, 204
Madison Street, Poitlund
1'lielr HuhIiicm llueiuliig.
I'robablv no one thing has caused
such a general revival of trade at 0 A.
Harding's drug store at their giving
uw ay to their customers of so many Iree
trial bottle of)r. King' New lhcovery
for Consumption. Their limit) is simply
enormous In this Very valuable article
from the fact that ll always cures and
never diappc!iit. Coughs, Cold,
Asthma, llroiichitls, Croup and all
throat and lung diseases ipilt kly cured.
Vou can test il before buying by getting
a trial dottle free, large n.e l.
Paik Place i Popular Pron-rty.
Wsstkli Wood haulers to deliver 21 SJ
cords ol wo-sl. Impure al the bnwery,
J. Maio.k.
Mesr. White Pro, are doing the
Wink on F M. Hand's new olliee next
door to the Oregon City Hunk. This
w ill be one of the liuudsomet olliee in
the city, and wil) be iscnpicl by Mr
Kami a a real cslule olliee,
The Sabhalli liool of the First Con
gregational church aro adopting a new
set of tixed rules governing their library,
ami will have their lKka numls-red
and appropriately tugged, and a record
kept of all Issjka taken out of the library
o that none of them will he lost. They
w ill sisni have one of the finest Sunday
school libraries of tha state.
The roof of M. A. Strutton's residence
caught 011 lire from some unknown
cause on the Fourth. The fire depart
ment responded quickly, and the (daw
wa soon eitiiiguished'. The lues was
eomparutirely small.
Mr F. M. Hand hiped the eagle
to Portland lust week, w hich he reccuily
donated to the city park.
The ground is bsing broken for a large
warehouse adjoining the 1 nits-rial (lour
ing mill. The increasing business of
the firm makes this an urgent necessity,
The Chicago Comedy Company left
for Salem on lust Sunday, after a week's
engagement in this city. They played
all week to crowded house, ard gave
good satisfaction, and are universal luv
ortte with Oregon City people. Messrs.
iH-vlin and 0'I.cary muke friends wher
ever they go.
It is intended to have the new pi;
organ at the Baptist church tuned tip
and in working condition bv next Sun-tO-Work
011 the brick walls of the addi
tion lo the wiKilcn nulla ia progressing
favorably and they exieet to have the
machinery placed in vosition by the
llrst of September.
(io to the head of the STAIRS in
f ALLS VI FW addition on the evening
of the Fourth of July, and see the dis
play of tire works at Portland.
FALLS VI LW addition is the favorite
locution, because it is near and sightly.
A few more lots left .'s & Poktkk, Agents.
Mr Frank Ponaldson, cashier of the
Commercial Hank, has purrhuscd two
lots in FALLS V1KW addition at tbo
H. F.. Ferrin, M. 1)., has removed his
ofllce toJaggiirblia:k, opposite Cautield's
drug store
Tint F.NTKKi'iusit olliee is receiving a
new lot of new ty)Hj and printing mate
rial, and under the new management
with experienced job printers is better
than over prepared to do the best of
work at Portland prices.
I'urk Place is Popular Property.
The following are the ollicers of the
W . CI. T. V. of this city as re-organized
I'resiilent, Mrs. Wilkinson; Secretary,
Mrs. Nettie While; Treasurer, Mrs. M.
Tub Pi. ack to Buy. High ami dry
close to proposed motor line, near cannery
ami saw mill, Clackamas Heights is
the ldeul home. Uits 1(00 nd70; f 10
down; balunce weekly nuyinents of one
dollar each. Prices will advance May
Park Tliiee is Populur Property.
Wool Wanted.
On and after May IDth the Oiegon City
Woolen mill will be prepared to buy
wool for which they pay the highest
market price. lty order of the
0. C. M. Co.
Fur Sale Cheap.
One-half block adjoining McKee's,
with ten good apple trees on it, and
other fruits. F. O. McCows 4 Co,
(iolden C sugar, 20lbs, 1 ; Extra C
Sugar, 18lbs, $1 ; Arm and Hummer
Soua, 25 cents. New Brick store,
Hamilton & Au. en, Clackamas.
All those knowing themselves indobted
to May & Cooke must call and settle be
fore July 15, for after that time all of the
accounts will bo in the hands of our at
torney for collection, with costs.
May & Cooke.
A Speculation.
Fine residence property in Oregon City
is becoming very desirable. The N. W.
Kuinliill residence) property has been
subdivided into lots, and will be sold for
250 apiece. As soon as they have all
been sold there will be a drawing to de
termine who shall get the residence.
Here is a splendid opportunity to got a
$1000 residence, with two lots free in a
most desirable portion of the city. Such
opportunities occur only once In a life
time. The lot on which the dwellings
stands will be 100 feet square. For fur
ther particulars apply to
Kvan & Randall,
Of Every Description.
O U K 8 T 0 0 K C M P K 1 B K H T 11 K C K I, yt )t s
Hi it 1
. ''- y
New Market Ulis'k, PorlLuol, Oie.m.
l'ark l'loca is I'oitular I'roperly.
( l)esi I Jiiid l or Sale,
('hoice furiiiitiK land, three mileii from
Oregon City In from 10 to loo-aerr tracts
at l.'j.OO U) lllO.Ol) ht acre, t all on or
addrmis, Kyan A Kundull or
J. H. Kkkskk, Oteiron Cily.
Timber Mud For Kale.
HO acrvs ol Use timber lutul on the
CowiNunan river, In Cowlila cminiv.
Wash. In ronvenieiil to naviitahle
water and Iokk1iii( cainps adjoinitiK.
I'riee 11000, Will trade for tireiioii
City proiierty. Apply to
D.J. Hwitzku, ltank Illock, (Ireunn
City, Or. if
No. 1 ael shinyles in cur loud lot I
shaved nhinitles in lurge iiiuutitiei. i ti- I
t)in- ef 1). J. .'
T contract for the delivery of 1,000 1 ' " - ' i-i'Mijc . t-,.ut,t,
cords ol wood fur fuel, for further 111
formation, call at our olliee at works.
WiLLAMsna 1't'LrA I'ai-kkCo.
Gil. dirt K. Smith, !suH'rintendcnt.
Take Notice.
Aoticeis hereby itiven thul mv wile,
. .. . ,, J -- . , ne imuip. wnifi-r. it- inii.B
una aiiiiu ivetiv, liumi 1101 ne iriifie"! ill . orrtM-ri 11 Hunt met y 1
my name, as I will not tie rcsionihlc i Kiiiric.i i ; juimst a r t hhiu
lor any deiits ot lier coiitractni(j.
J. Kfc'l i v,
Oiegon City, June 24, lWsi.
1'aik l'lai-e is l'opulur l'roaity.
llrallh aud Lonireilti.
IV A. Willord Mall's liyifieiiic
Treutiiieiit forth tiermAnent rnre of ilia-
orcostly at.p.iances. Works in perfect X'Xi miTl
iiarmony wiiii ine lawn oi naiuie. R. r,,,,,.,.r atur tl..,.n,r , ,,.
.N Microcosm "extra which
Itives the history ol the ohvaiolok'ieal
discovery. Send for circnlura at my ex
pense. Trice of Health Pamphlet (4.00.
Addrers, J . W. Thomas,
Molalla. Or.
Taken I'p.
A cream horpe w ith w hite niiitie and
tail, medium site with w bite spot in face
and brands on each shoulder, ulso a
notch in riht ear. Owner plcai-e cull,
pay damages, and tuke awny. -
Annie Cooi-kh,
7 miles from Sandv in the burn ls
tween North Koik of Kule Crtn k and
ltear Creek. t i
I will be in my olliee ut Oregon City,
to attend to hiisinens, eat li Tuesilav un
til further notice, tf. I.. T. ISAKl.N.
When in need of unvthintr in-the line
of fhi!S, tire crackers or lire worka, call
on T. W. Fonts, oipoit the railroad
depot, Oieunn City,-as he carried a com
plete line of such ((nods and sella them
at very low prices. t:
320 acres un'mnroved land, 10 miles
southeast ot Oreuon City. Ivel blush
land, good sou and easily cleared. In
one ol the beat furmiuir districts of
Clackamas county. Trice HO tier sere.
at least half cash, well secured. Can be
subdivided and is a bargain. Address,
tf 1. J. iswuzKB, Ileal Kstute Airent.
Oregon City, Or.
4 Iluricain ! I
Not to lie overlooked. Lot with al
most new house of nine rooms and stone
basement, close to woolen factor r, pav
ing 10 percent, interest on 4,H00.00: ran
be bud for a few days for jHoOO.OO, half
cash. Tarty must have money.
Jas, T. Shaw,
"t2 Kcal Kstate Uroker.
Fur Sale Clienp.
A useful horse, small wuuoit nnd bur
ness. Apply to K . Olassi-ooi.,
L't Oreen Point, Oregon City.
Strayed Prom Home,
About two weeks a;o, a small, dark
red cow, with short horns, smnll white
aiur in forehead. Any information of the
abavo should be addressed to R. 1
Prick, the tailor, Oregon City.
,ollre lor l'ublleenlloii.
rniTn sttk8 i.Aiin Orncn, I
OHKiion CITY, Dr., July 7, ISsiO.)
Notice ! hereby iilven thnt iho (ollnwlna
nuiU teitler bu fllJ untie ot hit tuleulitin
lo unite fliulpniiifln auinwrl of bin claim, nnd
Uiai Mltl proof will bis utaile before the rwls
tcr and mcelvor ol the I'. S Laud Ollic nl Ore
ou Cily, Oreuon, on Thurnday, Aiiftllst is, is.m,
Hubert Conuer, Homestead Kutry, No. MSS,
lor the lota 1, 4 a, 4, IS, 0, 7, mid s, of iec ti, 1 8 ,
r S e. He nnuiei the followlnn witueaaeii to
prove couiluuoua realtleuce iipon, and cultlva.
tiou, aald land, via: T. tl. Mornan, (.1. 0, Arm
alrouit, B C. Lewis and A. Ketehtlon, all ot
Vlula r. 0., Clackamas county, urexon.
l-t-9-U Keulster.
Notice lor Publicutloii.
, t'uiTsn Status Laud Officii,)
Olisuon City. Ur-, July 7, ISJO.)
Nolle Is hereby Riven that the following
named seltler has filed notice of his intention tn
make flul proof In support of his claim, and
that said prool will be made before the reiilater
and receiver ol the It. 8. Laud Utiles at Oreuou
Uty, Oreion, on Tuesday, August 26, lata), vis:
John W, M. Bonney, Homestead Entry, No. 67,
lor th E H ol N K M and K W ol 8K V ol seo IS,
1 7 a, r e. He names the lolfinvlim witnesses to
prov hit continuous realdeuce upon and out
Ovation ol, aatd land, via: Kaut Thomas, W.
Riiaael, D. C. Oooley and Klmer Thomas, all ol
Wllholt, Clackamas county, orciou.
J. T. A1PEK80K,
7- -U Heglater.
Notice for lubllcnlton.
UntTsn 8tatks LAnn Ornct, I
OKitionCiTV, or,, July 7, IStlO.l
Notlo Is hereby atven that the lollowlni.
named settler has tiled notice ol his intention
to make Anal proof in support ol his claim, and
that aald Drool will be made before the !!
and recelvernltheU.S.oltlceat Oregon City, Or
egon, on Tuesday, August 2n, lata), vis: Oeoree
r. Bonney, iiomeateau Kiury, No. 6741, for the
8 W ot bK W and 8 W ol 8W -4 ot acctiou 8, T 7
8, R 3 E, tie names the lollowiug witnesses to
prove hla continuous residence tinon. ami mo
tivation ol, sail laud, vis- Maut Thomas, W.
Kussel, D. C. Cooley aud Klmer Thomas all ol
Sod Hprlngi V. 0., Clackamas county, Or.
J. 1. AfftKSOlN,
7--9-ll Register.
vuk i; 1011 i'i iii.ii i,
I'mih. -l l,H,0,
lllf,.i,l I lit. In . Ji:,,(, ,
Ni.ti,-l' i lii'i'li- i.'iti-)i !(t:tt U,,.),;
lutnii-0 M-ltlrr lets lili -l - (,
ti,iii lo 11, .Oe ,r...,f e, s-ut-t.n
1 laliti. toel Ihiil situi ),r,,l-.t;U
Inn- li,e rej-it. r an,! f, 1 , e ,r i,( tfjf
StiiO-s I.. iie I efl:, i- at iiir,'..!, 1 i(V ,
ii 'iiie-.l-ty. Julv l-.i, v,z 1
Manoi, l'ri--en,(tiiuti lr ,S ;;,ss ,
v 'joixw r, ei.-is I,, t u
ititlie-i the lit!i',wiia' w itia r.,
1 olitoiti.iiiii ri ,tilt-l t i,,ii ur,'l i-ij.t
"f. -ui. laiiil. lie J. U u 1 1 . 1 , . W.l:.
and J.'lin iii-seii et' ir. 1 at 1
teas , (irii.e; N. I'.,,i l-i,,.,)
Ian. I, OrU'eti, J.I, A i'i'r.K-
1:1 7ll i:i
Nelli e lor Iu lt IraiUa.
t'MIl I. l 111,. I,t.(,
OKU..,!. 1 1 v. 01 . Jin, 1;,
.S'.iliie U hi-o-l.v trivi'i, tliat III f,,r.
: Willi tlir j,r,it itiMMH ,l Die h. 1 ol e,,ii'-
J'llii. M ls riititi,.,! lt, K,-i f,.. ...
1 a n I - d . ' llmlr iniiiH iii Oif i.iti.,,ft iM,,r,,.t
I .Nrt'l Mtel H nlii(,,ii li-mttiij. t J
1 IH.mith. vlsti .,1 I t I,, ties O.U .1.,
t Itt ..Itu-e hi )itt ,, tu i-tnU'llH-ld S suit'
;iurelist. t,l tin. M: ' el sf H m
lmtlstiii N,i, t b.'!ltt, lUr.t-p Nn, 4
will udtrr .risit in lei urn ttii.Uu4 twt.
to. .re t nlteitiii- t,,r it totil r or a.
Mjfrlrilltuntl i,arj,mi-, toel 5,, i-!fti,.;ir,lti,
;i ftmtl Uuil Iw-l.-fti Otf r'te-trr nl tMT,
thli lift, i-e hi tjfi.,,ii titj, or . u Finlt
luth ilay of ocl.tlK-r.
AliV Blel nil eersolil ciiouiiljtf itlitri
a),,,, c ilix-rllir.l Uaflli Htr lt-,,!:t.!l l
Ittrlr einitii tu Olii, i.ltit-i- 1,11 tl,,ri
a) "I orii.lier I ju J I Al'i'H
oi i i: i on ii in h ah
t:.IIi.. St!! I .a mi Urn,!.
lKLOu.1 (.'Hi, l'r., Jui.t.'i, 1'
Nuliec is lien liv u-iten l'. t'M
without either meilii-irm eleclrii-ilv "-"ttler hu lilni nuti, t f Iuj,
I.un,l ollt.v at I rtt-iiii l ttv, nn Tile
An 1.'. I.s'ii. UJ: !,.., M. Hih'-i, H
stea.l hiitrv, .No. ,'.s,i, let lhi'W kob
S. Ntt el SK i, an, I K i.ut.-a
Mi' I", T J M. K 4 I-.. He ii.'Out-- Ilk 't.
II1R lllln-sM, In .ioie U (OlitililkHi'
iletite iiiHiii, Htnl calttvaltoti et.
tiii: T, Nser, ef nnruii fitv: J.'lai
l.uu retut oi rlt a.suiil It. line P. n
John K. Mniie ef ,-atnlv f. o..allt(
tunas eeuiitv, i'ret.'eit.
J. T. AI'PKt
TlMliKI! I.ANI), ACT Jl NK5,l:s
ll-- lor l'lililleativa.
I'sitfii liriTK- LtsMirr;
oatuiiK i ir v, or., j,it K, is-
Niittce is hi-rrhy nitcn tlm in enmt
Willi the tiruvisietis ul On? m t t,l ts-ntt-
Jiittea, ls;s, (mitli-. -An act t.,r thr i.
lintbr Uinla in Hi,, siait-aef Csliforna
Ken. Nt'va.u, am) Mslntm,,!! Ti-rntrj.
MKHF H. lit NT. et Sua -rrtlicet'o, fouillt
rrrtiieocu, Sutt- el Cniil,,rui. hit tai-
lllnl ia una uiai-t? his a-orn strtteiiiftit .v
fur iht. ttiri')iwi-1, Oit- MV i, ol swiii.fl N
ut ii.HiistHi, ,mi, a .-.milt, halite ,.
ami w ill tuli-r ir,,f l.i ahw Out Ui
nniKlit Is mure valuable for lt msbrrw
tntol I. if nKru-nltitrnl imrti.-si-s, an.l til
lish his claim lo Mid laud beiurf die n
and recetieref 'Ins etlice at orfBi.ti Cil
on r rlilay, lite lata day of Oi-K,ln-r. Irw
He nameaaa wttnt'sscs; 0. K AUinf.7f
Icr, and K, II. 4. Hutu et tsmi Kraiu'ixs
J. A Ken of I'lirilaml. Orcsmt
Any and all iicrsnna clttitiiini; advene!
abot e described lands art rvttie!ril t
their claoua in tins t.tln-e er U-inrewi
day ef October, lvaj, J. T. AI'nHs
,-lt)-it-li it,-,
1 1 M li K li LAM), ACf Jl X i: J, ISA
.Aotlee lor I'ubliealioa.
t'MTKo tir.tTE l.isnorri
Oiuties I'ttv, or.. Jnu II, C4,
Notice ia hercliv aitca thst in ctimr
Willi lite iirovt.siotia ot the act of cms 4
.nine a, is.s, etiiitlt'd '-Allan fur Hie
luaticr lat.ds in the Stair of Calilvraai
u, Aevaila, and V aac tsi n itltut Terrier)
ti. Adania, id San Fraui ist',,, eeinay , !
K.-HUeiacu, Mute t,( Cauluroia.
day tiled in Oiia eitice lea aura
incut No. .jini, i,,r ihe (,iui-.' u( t 1
l4 ol Seciieu ti, ui lew nsltii .Nn liNMtih, !
No. 7 Knst, aud ill oili-r proof to sli" I
land seniilii la mure vitlunhlc for io tin I
alunc than for aiiricultural r,tri,,M's. an,,
litbln-h his clallu lo aaul land wfore tli'
lerund receiver of litis otliee, al OreKix.
ort'Knii, tut ttie uf ticiolter. Is
lie names as vvtoitses: K. . ll. linn
bcrt 11. Hunt and 1. .Miller oi San Kr.,
C'al.; and J. A. rox of 1'unhiini. ureson
Any and ail persons claiiiiiiif aJiers,
above dcsi;ribe,l lands are iciueaietl '
their claims lit this ottice on or neiorcee
day of October. I -wo, J T. AYtf.
7-111 Vt-ll Kisl
TlMliKI! LAN 0, AcrJl'NKMfiS.
Notice Tor ruUHculioa.
Vnitkd Statks I.AStiOrrici
on Me, s en v, or.. Juue IS, 1'4
Notice la hereby given that la eomr
Willi tli- nru lsiuiis of in,, net ut coin,:
Juiletl. 1S:.S. iitill,( 'Ai, u,. i.,r Old Itkle J
bcr lands in Ute statea oi California, i"4
Nevada, and W'aahiugteu i'erriiory,' Aiea
oel), of Cortland, I'ounlv ol lultiionia,ii"
ol (.irotou, baa Otis dav riled in this t
aworu atateuieut .No. 2114, tonne puwaJ
llii'NKJ ol Secliou No. is. lu iowuslmn
in iowntiiti o.a south, hitiife No. , t
nut oner prool lo snow llnit ute una
more valuable for its timber or alone
aLtriculitiral purposes, and to to estut1
claim lo said, laud beiore the resistor
culver of Una uilice ut orviion cuv, on
Friday, the unit day f October, lasii.
lie ininiea as witnesses: J, II. liiifj'
Oarlaud, aud J, A. Kuperl of i'ortlaua,
and J. A. Mclutyrc of Uierry ville. tirej.-.
Anv and all nerauiiN i.ut)iiii' h,1m
abiive-duacribed lauds a re requested lof
cittiins tu aitia unlet' on or beiore a,ni
of October, l.sta). . j, T Al'l
7-109-11 1'
xVollvr or 1'ubUcation
I'NiTati States L sn Ornc
Okkoos Uti'v, Or., lune U, )
Notice Is herobv trivnn tiirtt In colli
with Ute provisions ot Ihe act of cons
June a, rs.s, enilUed "An act for the sab
oer lantis lu tlie states ol Callforula,
Novada, and Washlinrtoii Terrilorv."
H. H. Hunt, ol San Francisco, county
Kranolsco, State of California, haa U
Sled 111 this olliee bin uu-urn KiHteinent
lor tho pure'liaso of the SW X of Section
... ,vnBi fSO. ifi OOUlll, KilUKe iVO. 0
will oiler proof to show thai the laud e
more valuable tor Its timber or stone i
aKrictlltural uurnoaca. and to establish ii
to said laud before the renitaer ai d reec
tuts onice ai orcpou city, or , ou trw
ivm uj oi vciooer, imio.
He names as vvituesaes: Geo. K. Ail
Sau Krancisco, CuL: A, F. Thetalore M
Oloverdale, Cal,; James A. t'oi aud
Kichey, ol Ponland. orctrou.
Auy aud all persons claiming sdrers
oove-ueacrioeu lanas are remieateu
their claims lit this oUice on or beiore s
day ol October, lataj. J. T. ACl'Kt
7-10 -il H
A number-one milk cowforsaleo
as I am going away. Acq. Kr.ti
f s
s W.