The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 03, 1890, Image 4

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OUST A IS ha., coma
from tha mljiiniii
I win, ami his uhuuI Im
fAAalva fitoo boro tlia
vMono of III, nitatlon
over tlia tnurvela ho h.tii
''Si heard.
1 1 Th Shadow, In plv.
J I lug the warning of the
aititroaeh of another
eom?r, had dosed the door after him.
The owner of the mimical voloo was not
disposed to knock, much loss to use his
haruU to opou tho door, for ho gnv It
vicious kiok. Tho lock was a good ono
nd did not yield.
"Opon tho doorl" he cried.
"Open it yourself," responded tli
chief, "and como in."
Tho door was pushed opeu mid a young
man strode in.
As soon ns ho (topped within tho room
he was aeir.od by tho two tm-i, stationed
at tho door.
With an oath, ho tried toatruKglofroo,
and was nearly successful, for iio was u
very powerful num.
Tom turned tho lijjlit upon him. llo
did not know him.
It was not to bo wondered at, but ho
was, in fact, tho young man who had
chloroformed anil abducted Annio in the
"Good evening, Mr. Parker, Jr.," said
"Who in-great God! A II vol"
, . Tom had boon startled by tho look of
( wild terror and horror that came over
! the young man's face, nml ho saw that
i It Wiis caused by tho slight of Fountain.
"Do tho dead rise again? Alive! You,
Fountain, alive? Am I dreaming or
. mad? Alive I killed you in Union
rpwu, and yet alive!"
The man wa vitlctiUy horrortrlckon
and ditl4 kp&m whM ha was doing,
"1 nrrTShf e, jqU did ZVJ mo-"
j '"1'Ut they buried your
"t ut the hamlcutts on him, ordeiM
Tom. "Wo have tho murderer at la-it."
"You or a grer.t mnn, Tom, cried
Chief Hantord, jubilantly. "Ouco more
Tom liryan, tho keenest newspaper man
In Now York and Hanford's lVtoctivo
agency, beat tho regular police."
"Xo," jkiij Tom, not heeding tho chief.
"You did not kill Fountain, but you did
Tompleton. Hut how can you have con
tinued to believe that it was Fountain
you killed," said Tom, much confused,
"when tho papers announced tlio death
Of Tompleton;-"
The young man had recovered nufil
cicntly from tho fright and consterna
tion into which ho had been thrown on
seeing Fountain, and began to realize
what ho had been saying tho confoaslou
he had made and so would not reply.
Tom repeated tho question, but re
ceived no answer.
Tho chief, Ilanford, said: "All right,
my man, but you've confessed, and al
ienee won t savo you now."
"Well," said the murderer doggedly,
"I thought Templeton was his right
same and Fountain a false ono ho used
among tho girls."
"Uy Jove!" said Tom,"I never thought
of it before. Do you know, Mr. Fountain,
there is a strong resemblance between
you and Templeton?
"I have heard it noted before," said
Fountain. "It is not strange; tho same
blood ran In our veins,"
Tho old man Parker had boon strug
gling and making unintelligible sounds
in tho other room.
Tom ordered tho removal of the gag.
lie struggled to his son.
"Unhappy boy What tnado you com
mit that crime?"
"I don't know that your hands are so
white that you can afford to throw
"Oh, ho reproaches mo mo."
"Ileproaches you, yes. Shut up. Wo
played a big game fur a big stake, ami
we've lost. Well, stand game to tho
last." '
"But this murder, boy, this murder;
that was not iu tho game."
"No, it wasn't," replied tho sou with a
bitter laugh. "It was a side issue of my
own, That man Fountain, curse him,
Btolo my girl from me Marian and I
had it in fur him. That's all. Now that
I'm dono for, I'd give every day I yet
have to live to get at him once."
"Marian. What Marian? The Marian
who lives in Hudson utrcet now?"
"Tho same," said tho son.
"What tangle is this?" moaned the old
man. "She has tho girl Annie's mother
in her keeping now, and she herself is a
daughter of James Preston."
"The number in Hudson street, please?"'
said Tom.
"There's little uie in concealing any
thing now. It's No, ."
"Let mo handle that part of tho case,
please?" asked Fountain. "I'll guarantee
to return Mrs. Templeton safely."
"As you will," said Tom. "You will
do well to take some of tho chief's men
with you. We can spare two."
' Fountain departed with them at once.
"Now, chief," said Tom, "I think it
would be well to take our bag of gamo
to the Central office. Tho play is over
and the lights are out."
"Xiio tlireo prisoners would bo tar
moro welcome if somo ono elso than
ourselves were to bring them," sardon
ically remarked tho chief,
"Undoubtedly. But let us go. Hand
cuff them all together. Como, let us
set out. Shadow and one man in front.
You, I, and another man behind."
As they moved out in this order, a dis
appointed voice commented:
"Dey only hit him onct."
At the Central offico the Hireo prison
ers were arraigned, and Tom said briefly:
"I charge this man Parker with hav
ing murdered Henry Holroyd Templeton
on tho morning of tho 18U) of last Au
gust, by his own confession.
"I charge this man, Cleorgo Parker,
with having been tho aider, abettor and
instigator of the abduction of Annio
Templeton and her mother, this day, by
bis own confession.
"I charge this man, Scar Top Johnny,
other name to mo unknown, as being tho
aider and abettor of tho abduction of
Annio Templeton, and of having kept her
In confinement contrary to her will."
"And I," said Chief Hanford, "clmrgo
him with being tho abductor of a child
In Hartford, and claim the reward of
13,500 offered for him."
"But," said the officer, "what are the
"Lock them up, Inspector, and read
Tho Sol to-morrow morning," said Tom.
"I can't wait; it's after 11 mot, nnd I've
a lone stair to write."
Tom enjoyed his "hour httyvly, tmi
was for aovoral days the hero of Ida
otlleo, the wonder of IU competitor, and
tho envied of tho detective foivo,
One thing, on tho ninntlug of publleii
lion, iuuiTod Tom's full enjoyment, lie
hud tmnotinoed he rescue of Mia, Tem
pleton without knowing tt to Im au ab
solute fact.
Accordingly he early (ought Holbrook
t learn the reault, and was told that
Fountain'! expedition had Uon crowned
w ith tuece-aa, Un hud also recovered hU
papers, tho girl Marian hnvluit delivered
them over as the pi loo of her liberty.
"Tom," said llolbrook, "tho regular
police had tho true theory after all
Templeton was killed under tho U-lief
ho was some one else,"
"True," replied Tom; "hut we enught
the murderer and they didn't; they had
no conception of the k rent dory behind
It till. Yet, llolbrook, your theory waa
not so far wrong after all."
"Fieept In the estentlal thing,1'
laughed llolbrook, "The motive of the
murder had nothing to do w ith 1'lerson'a
"What a tpioor case It was!" com
mented Tom. "If those two women
hadn't been conveniently abducted, we
wouldn't have hit on tho murderer after
nil To tell the truth, It was a lucky
stumble, aa moat great discoveries ar.
Then to think that Fountain's chore
nmie, Marian, should have turned out to
li his cousin. 'The sins of the father
(hall Ih visited,' etc IX) you notice that
wot a clew proved w orth a snap?
"1 say, Tom, what ahotit the diamond
but tou?"
"Ah, what? How much we expected
from it, and how little came of itl Ken
Noble, the owner, say that on tho night
of the murder he was passing from
Fourth avenue to llroadway, through
Twenty-sixth street, and when midway
of the Madison Stiuaro Garden a man
rushed across the street, grasped him by
tho arm and pulled him to tho light and
then dropped it, saing, 'You're not th
man.' Afterwards, when he found his
button gone, ho thought it was rob
"It w:is young Parker watching fot
Fountain. The button was probably de
tached in the struggle, to U carried
aw ay unintentionally In his clothes, to ha
lost in I mon sipiare.
lour years have imased (luce tho
events occurred recorded in our nana
.mis, letupicion is dead, olio never
recovered from the exposure and tho
nervous shock received on the day of
tlio abduction of herself and Annie, fol
lowing no closelv upon the murder of her
son. lliitkho did not dio until (he hud
f.iitlifullv carried out every expressed
w imi oi iieri.mier.
James Preston aiioeditr realized thelxv
nigti hope of his brother, and drank
himself to death iu six months.
Young Parker was never broueht to
trial. Five daya after his arrest he win
found dead in his cell dead br tH)lson
mnoscd to have been supplied br one
of Ijis iirmiior memix'rsul tne u, a, i s,
of fcli1'" no w as a lunular member.
li s fattit.iid iicarTop Jolinnv are
( ui' '0"g (t1''" imhesUUe prison.
t4 east '4;J'till living lit f.lilAdojpuia,
pfuapwvus'aiia jwpec'cd, anl dot not
dream tnnt he wii TW collected bv
liolhrooli nml Tom of having comruitt d
a murder or that ho was in d.inger of
Tho origin of tho birth of Fountain
has never becu nnelu public. He and
Flora Ashgrovo were married two years
ago, and his friends and acquaintances
nave ceased woiuli ring over hi mysteri
ous accession to a fortune.
Thev count Mr. and Mrs. llolbrook as
their doaret friends.
(So Mr. llolbrook is married? To An
nie? Of course. Could thcr have been
any other result after tho (eeiie at the
rescue iu Mutt street? Married, too, bo
fur o Mrs. Templeton died.
Two children, a boy and a girl, make
music in tlio house. Tho name of the
bov is Thomas Bryan llolbrook.
There is another !v iu tho house
w hose name is Maurice McNulty, whom
Mrs, llolbrook loves with all tho wealth
of her affectionate nature.
There has been some ditllculty in clv
ilizing the Ikiv, but he begin to show
tho results of tho humanizing and refin
ing inlhtciiccs he is surrounded by. In
deed, tho only time ho shows any of his
old savagery is w hen a rollicking, rat
tling young man with a cheery smiJa
and bright blue eyes, and w ho is wel
comed with great shouts and warm
kisses, and w ho is greeted a "Uncle
Tom," makes his npearnnco, which is
nearly daily, and wants Maurice to tell
whether he has that day "whollopod
any one right up and down and gin liiui
black eves, I golly!"
And 'Tom? Oh, Tom is still the old
Tom of superhuman energy and intense
ontliiisiu-in; Htill tho keenest newspaper
man in New York as when ho led the
search for the owner of "Tho Diamoud
Ilia lltimlllun-Ilurr lJuid.
Of the last hours of Alexander Hamil
ton tho following is told:
Mr. Pendleton raised his prostrate
friend. Dr. Hosack found him sitting
on the grans, supported in tho arms of his
second, with tho ghastllness of death
upon liis countenance, "This Is a mor
tal wound, doctor," ho gasped, and sank
away into a swoon. Tho doctor stripped
up his clothes, nnd saw at a glance that
tho ball, which had entered his right
side, must have penetrated a mortal
part. Scarcely expecting him to revive,
they conveyed him down among the
largo rocks to tho slioro, placed him ten
derly In tho boat and set o(f for tho city
Tho doctor now used tho usual restora
tives, and tho wounded man gradually
revived, "llo brenlhsd," to quote the
doctor's words; "his eyes, hardly open
wandered without fixing upon any ob
ject. To our great joy he at length
RK)ko. "My vision is indistinct," were
his lirst words. His pulse became more
pem ptiblo, his respiration moro regular,
his sight returned. Soon aftor recover
ing his sight ho appeared to cast his eye
n pon tlio case or pistols, nnd observing
tho one that ho had had In his hand
lying on tho outside, ho snid: "Take care
of that pistol. It is undischarged and
still rucked; it may go olf und do harm.
Pendleton knows" (attempting to turn
Ids head towards him) "that I did not
intend to lire at him."
1 hen ho lay tramjuil till he saw the
boat was approaching tho wharf. Ho
fi.dd: "Li t Mrs. Hamilton bo immediftto
ly sent for; let tho event bo gradually
broke to her, but givo her hopes." liok
in;; up wo saw hia friend, Mr. Bayard,
standing on tho wharf in great agitation,
Ho had been told by my servant that
(Jen. Hamilton, Mr. Pendleton and my-
selr hud crossed tho river In a boat to
gether, and too well ho conjectured the
fatal errand, and foreboded the dreadful
result. Perceiving as we drew nearer
that Mr. Pendleton and myself only sat
up In tho stern sheets, lie clasped his
hands together iu the most violent ap
prehension; but when I Called to him to
havo a cot prepared and he at the same
timo saw his poor friend lying In the bot
tom of the boat, ho throw up his eyes
and burst into a flood of tears and lam
entations, We then conveyed him as
tenderly as possiblo up to the house (to
Bayard's house, at Greenwich). The
distress of his amiable family was such
that till the first shock had abated they
were scarcely ablo to summon fortitude
enough to yield sufficient assistance to
their dying friend.
A suite of two rooum to let, In Jacgiir's
buildiiiK nour court house. Apply at
F. O, McCowN'g oflice.
Whim I m itivbl, mr ilntrmt,
Hiiiii nu Mil songs for inn)
1'lsiit Uiuii no nwtis at lie liwt,
M-ir hIisiIjf tviruM tr
lis Hi nw (raw but his
Willi honors iuil JwiIimi wt
Atul It iH.iii wilt, nuiwnitMi
A ii J If Uinu wilt, futo.
I shsll net hi Ui listluw
1 shall not fml Mis mini
I ahull nul tivar Ilia alshUii(l
Hliisouaa if In lni
Ami ilivamlnn ihruugti Ihatwlllghl '
That doth not rla nor (,
Uilj I mar nHiiniulwr,
Ami liJ m rorirvt
ClirlilUll ReawHlL
I liai t,illlllallril,
Young le Trop-Too Intd that young
De Hummer dmnu't know more than he
doea, Isn't It?
Young Blase-Why, I Ihoimht h waa
rather an Intelligent fellow,
Young IWTrop He may be, naturally,
but his education tin Unm sadly neg
lected, Why, he can't even tiaplulu
four-in-hand so that It looks anyhow,
Drake's Magazine,
Tho Alhlmhvt In Hilda Vara.
"And 1, even I, Artaxerxes, the king,
do iniiko a decree to all the treasurer
which are beyond the river, that what
loever Kara, tho priost, the (critw of the
law of the God of lira nm, (hall requlra
f you, It lHdoiie(petlily,"-Eiirarll,l,l,
Km roll Fntkiii'misk : 1 wish to say a
few words through the column of vour
paper. My tux on tho (imhiuil farm
near Hubbard was near one-third more
this year (hail last, and there bud bean
lull acres taken oil' the farm. 1 w rote to
Sheriff Siuuson for information as to
why the taxes went so much higher and
waited for a reply. A I did tud reeelva
the desiiod Information from him I did
not pay my tax till in June. I tlnd some
of my warm-hearted neighbors more In
terested In my tax than 1 was. Koine of
them put tlieiiiselve to more trouble than
1 thank tluuii for, and 1 will not pav
them for the time they have lost riding
rutin 1 blowing about S. W. Guinea not
naying the tux on the bind belonging to
hi wife and heirs of N. (Irshuin.
S. W, tit.s.
Hubbard, Juno L'U.
0. C. T. Co's
l.tO K 1'oHI I VM.
7;,UI A.M.
Ul iHI A. M.
i:-M M.
p. m,
5:00 P. M.
rH'suiuor Album
I k K Oiinuox Cirv.
7.;MA M
!i :;ld A . M
I 00 I' M
'J.i't P. M
I. .ISO P, M .
IU) Wav Landings,
Steamer batons Wuv Laiiibl'iis
it it ;
H (HI A.
11 ;t A
A :ll P
lilt A. M
'.' ill P
r. ihi p
I now, havo a Full I.ino of
Hardware iiml Stovoa. .Solo Agtnit
for ,Siirior Stuvon und Itangea,
ThfOliverl'liilli'ilI'lu'wHiiticl an m.
Wo have ooiiikh'IimI with tho house
a v irnt t inns ritiiiibiT nnd I inner
ami work in Huh line will bo iih
Promptly doni! nnd iih ('heitiit8iiny
could tli'Htre.
R. D. Wilson.
Opposite Pont Olllce.
One of the nicest jilncea in Clack
amas bottom, being 85 acres. The
finest of land for a peach orchard.
1100 young peach trees just be
ginning to bear; good dwelling
house on high ground and all of
the necessary out-btiildinge, etc.
45 TO 50 ACRES
One of the finest springs in
Clackamas county. For sale cheap
for a short time.
At Clackamas.
P. 0. McCown nt Oregon City.
Mom Latona.
Ort'fjoii Cilv A i'oiUiukI.
NOTM I! I I'l IM.M t HO,
Um'iMiHrvn l,nOrno, i
UlllcoON IVl'Y, Or., M.IV '?, m,r 1
Noril'I'lla hereby itlven I lull In eolnpll
lien with the hi llom of Die in I ol I'uii
jiinas of June a, lava, enlllled "An uel I'm
the nlii ol'llnilii'i l I In Ihn Htulea of t'lil.
lliiMila, Orejtnu, Nevada, nml Wn-hlui'lnii
Teiilioiv," Arthur Hbiow ol Hood
Hlver, I oinilv of Wn't'o, Hlnie ol Orcein,
bus tbl dav llli d In Mils ndlcr hla Noni
italeini'nl S.i, Vmlii, lorllie pmvliu-e nl Hi
H S ol NV 4 and K !, ot MV or Hen.
Ilmi No, vn, In Toiihu N, J Hoiiih,
limine No. d blti-l. and will oiler pi I In
allow that the land miii;IiI Is iiiiuo Vuhinlile
lor lla Itniher or nloiie limit lor mo h ull nml
pliiiioxc, and to elnlilli. Iiik i hi i m lo -in, I
lainl hel'i nil die NeutMcr and It in-r nl
Ihla olllre ill Oie'uu t'liv, IUei;uii, on
Vedliedny, Hie ','llh day 'of Kepleiuber, He iiiiiiii'm iih v ilni"ii, : M. ,nv,
J, V, IMvera. I K, Mi.rae, and I , Neiili-Mli,
all of Hood lllver, Wan n uniniy, Or,
Any and all pernnia i tainting n,vi'iely
the anion di'Hi'ril'i'd luiids am re,pie,ili'd In
IHe t Ill-it rllllllia In llilollhe on or In line
nl,i ;'llh day ol Si . iIt. s ,
,1, T. AITIIHSiiN,
H II bejil .ler,
OIK i: I'tMl I' I 111.14 I 10 V
I'Nirifn Si n I.imi Oi hi 'K,
I'linms l'u, or,, June '.'I, Ivm.l
Notice U hereliy idi en I hat fie follow Itut
named nMller linn lih-ii iiullieol Ida iiileu
tloil In linike lliinl pi'iofiii u i in l nf lil
eliilin, and Him anld pniolwlllbe made be
(ore Hie ri'itlaier and n-i eixer of the P. J,
land oltlip at tVeiton t'uv, on 't'lie-dnf,
Aim I.', iwm. vt I'eier M, HuNt, Home
ati'iid Ktilrv, No. Mi at, for the V ol'ol N IS
. NV i.'otHK i, mid NK i, ofSW i, id
IS, T 'J H, It I IC, lie inline, the MlnW
iittf w iltneuNt" to prm ti hU ihuHiiiioum ri'1'
deuce mum, and eulilnillini of, mid land,
vi; T, Heeor, of I iiemiii l ltv : John bind.
Tom I'ellil of I'leai-iod II. dim I', O t sini
John H. Htniie ol Handy I', o,, all of t'lin k
auias eoimly, Oregon,
j, r. vrri isHiiN,
" .1 a T Ui niiii'1'.
Vticc In lb I, lye llulhlera.
Healed bids fur tin' enii d. ui tlou of a
bilib-e uerou tho Tiialnliii i O or nenr il
llinlilh, will lie received bv Hie 1'olintv
Ooltrt ol 1'lacl.iiiiui-i t otiidy, ir , unlit nonii
on Wediiculiiv, J tit v n. i'i I'luni nml
atrnin iliin-uiiiK wlih 'i ilii iiii.uin lo
etMltpattv eaelt bid. Much bidder Ifuniled
to tli-im-lt wllh hi bid A per cent of the
Blnoillil of lh Il lihU hr niil wmk.
The I null ivci n't the thdd lo iclc. I tuiv
and all blda. Il oldcl nl (he I', unity Omul
June term, IVM.
lllii'ii II.. hand and "Oil id lite t 'utility
mill, thii 1 1 ..I Ji I vn.
II. It. J..ia.n,
l oiiuiv i iii k.
Lxeeiil'ir'H Nolltc.
Noli.e ia haiehv then lint tin-
eiitnr aUmed lid hri-ii ilult to,iM,ihle, eve
the htt will ot M, A lliiuti ll. d, , i n-, ,.
AU eeinni fntv tne clunni .'o-'iotit nt, t
tale nre ttnl iliid ti ' r -i nl the tante l-i mi
nt Milwaukie. ure,;, ui, wiilnn am n,,,ni!n
fri'lll the llr-l 'ti,li iilh'tl id llo luiln e, lir
I lie V Will In- forever li.ond
N. I!
IIM,,,1 A I tH I H IN,
Allomm a lor !-it"l
Ihtl.-d lull thiv of Jtlue, a
II .m: vi- V,
I xi
, purl,
r'a Notice.
Nollie m Itetcl.i- kjneii Hud It
iindi r
alfc'lted 1 1 n a Im-li dlilt ill, I ,,o:led
or ol Hie ralntr ..(' I, I',, d.-c.-a-
AH tier ,ni'.a mi? claims n--anil -.aid i
tale me liolil:ed I" 'le-etd tie -all e t'-. un
lit Mlht ankle, I to 14011, w il I in tv Inoiilh
Irollt Hie tlr-il liilhlu-alioil ol llu Lottie.
It. Ml 'IT,
ima.ia ,v Ikik iv. V, Iii. 11 .dtaiof
All, -met a lol -ho I , late. 11 I 'l.'i J line l-nli. t
Me. tluu.
. VilM'K 11, I.. u ntiuut,!
Wtwtlfie t fh M'kfml.trwi fif nl(a tm'ifi'ii l (ft
fc.Mllt'Tt,r I f .-,rf fr i I-.- l:i-M ,( l!,r
Hit-c( I fh sfS , t Iti m v it 111) r It, (,r
1 inrni! 1 4' 'f ! i!'f! . , J 1 5 v I 1
Ml W.M'ii.. h i l l-.i III- jmii f... (
I lt ilr'' flil ' ttf lil r..t pni !(,t"tl Itt
irrvn t'-T tl" t-n-idiii) y tl. n I li.tit. Uum flilef liiialu.-a a Ii rtv I'.iinn I 4- f . . r r thu
! Faber's Colder? Fcmalo Pills.
I'ur tVtitir! Irrrn-MjUr
Itlt:' ItnSlttftC likt'lh.-m
tU l ,hi titrttk' l, ,Vrir
.u t r-iul!v nti
t'V t 'llltill'tll
tiii'iiiliiv liiioram.'.-il
!j i.'licti iiui'iTt'mn'4
ti'lll't m hlIllf''lfi,''''l.
Mt 'lln,(t, Hcrtltti,
ttu-i ut. hum .take u.-utlji
H.-ht . rtny Miv.
p.-t itm iy iitittl mi re
..,(!. .if t.1.1,-., ill.
Weston, lirtun h, lu ;:, 1'Olt l f.AMk, If
For Silo hy ClmrntiH, A' (o..,
Solo AircntH for ( luckiuiiiiM rounty.
TN Gclelratcd F rench Gurc,
Warrant! APURnniTIWr" r ""n-r
to cm.
nt iiiiuuiinik rutiiuihit.
la Sold iih a
li euro any
clltnaw, tir any
dljimtor ot the
(ciH'rativ. or- Af-TER
(ana ut (lllicrarx wlmtlmr .lining from llt(
iCdiilrauMof HllmnlanU, Tuliai-ci) or Opium,
or Hi rung Ii youthful liitllnmitlnii, over lmlul.
line, atii-lt aa Uin ol Hralii !'nrr, Wakdltit
neaa, Bnarlim (lowu 1'alni Iu Ihn Ilai-k, Seminal
Wmkiieaa, 1 1 ) aturla. Nurvnui t'riintratlnii Nia'tiirif
al Kinlaaloii.-, Uurorrlio-a, lilitiuen, Weak Mem.
ory, Ixnaiil Power .ml Imimiem y, whli-li It ii.
gleeli'il otll-ii lea. I lo mmiatiiroiil.lnitnanit liman-
Ity. I'riee 11.00 box, 6 tmiri lot If. tlfl Bent hy
mall nu n-i-el, ol ,rl-ii.
A W II I TT K N (I IM II A N T l: K for ererj- f,00
oriler, lo retitml tlio iniitiey If a rrriiniiintil
euro l nut effiele.l. Tliiiimainla nt tiAtlnioitlall
from nl.l ami younit, of until intea, n'rinanoutlr
curvl by A r n limn ri N K Circular Iro. Aililro
BOX 27 ''MHTI.AND, Oft
l'or Sitle by ('Illinium t t'o. sole
ngfiitH for ('Iiii'kiiinaH eoimty.
Offico Is the Best. Try It.
.-y' ':".,v.
ilMHKK t.ANII, ArrjI'NKs, 1S7,
tlliamiN Cut, or., lr 11, IUII I
Nnllen la lierehc wlveit thai III iniiiilUiii'a
Willi Hi iiiuvialHiia ut Ihi, net nt tuiiiaixaa nl
III lie II, lh, t'lilillt'il Au art Inr Ilia ailllntf II III
hor liitola In th, Him.a nt 1 alltnrnls,
IMhiiiiii, Nnvsda, anil Wu.hliin.u 'j-.
hM) ' lliiiin Ji,ii,.i, o aiiialwl, imunty
nl l.awla, nun. tn'ailniiiM, Inn ihli
ihi)' Hied In thla nilina hi, inoni laii.mnnl
Nn-ihiifi, Inr Ihn iilli'i' Simlhui
fin I, III 'l iiw italui. H t H11111I1, llanau Nil 1 will nlloi priitil in almtv 1 hat ilia hi ml
iiiiillil la in, no valiuhlii I, if ha Hmhar nr ihnia
than Inr aurleiiliiual iniriHiaea ami In e.l-Oi
Hill Ida elaliu u ah lnu, tndnra lha hnl.ler
ami M'linlvar of Ihla nlhi-o nl iiri'Kt.H (!liy,nr,,
mi -I'uii.iliiy, Hut '.'mil ilny nl H,-,in,l,, autl
la liamea na wlltipaaaa; l in 11 k llnnhiii anU
Malta a. 1, let. an n l.llilo fala, lewla inly,
Wmhliiiit.111; w A 1 11 ami N J VN'vleli of
t'nrlliiud, orauiin
Any 1011I nil i.iiranna eh liiilnir ailvmanly h
ali.ivii iieaeiihi.,1 Inn, nr rn.iie.ti, ,, tin,
lltnlr einliiia In ihla iiihi-n mi nr Indian mi, I innl
ilny nt Hi't'iitinhf r, Ihtai
, ... J T. al'I'l-nsiiN,
111 -S II llnslalnr.
ItlH I! I'OH III.M t.
t'ai-iau Hrarsa l.aan Orru s,
on amis I'm, of,, May l Iu0 I
N.Hhn la hnrahy j I veil thai In eiilliillain'o
Willi Ihn piiivlahini n ihc nel o cngrei, ot
InnnH, la tmilili'il Auael Inr lha ,,hi
her IntHla III dm nun.,. f I alllnrnla. Ulaanll,
Mo-aila ami Wuhliilnu 'laiilliity.1' rrank
ItHllh'll, III l.lllln Krtll. Int.lilv nl I hi. I- UI.I
nt Waihlnaliill Inta Ihla ilav Kind III Ikla'i.llli't
Ida kwnrn alitlit,i,tnl K,,. -jmia I,,, o, ,,u,nl1aH
if Ihti NK I, nl SiM'lhm Nu ju, in TiiwnaUlh Mn.
jHaitin, 11,11, ji. Nu 7 Kam, and will nr t,,l
In llmw lha land aunalil in,,ra aaluahl
Inr lla Ilmi, nr than fur aarlouliuial
.iirimana ami In tali!lab Ida claim In aahl
am) lli'lnrn Ihn r and Uveal var nl thta
nlllea at tlli'inill lltv. Orvaiili nu I.1...I.V lha
jatd day nl itni.tanilwr, lauo lla itantaa nil
nne Han Jnnaan. nl Alnalal. I.ewl. 111.
ttaahniKloiii liana Audnramt, i.ltila Jalla,
lillli, can. IV, tt u It I lis K, 11 - H a I ,l,ni an. I
N ) Maleli til I'nrllaliil, (lriiii.
All!' and all l.t'lmina tilannllia alvar,Mlw ll.a
alu.ta ,.,.enl., inn, la am r.',.ii..lcil in Ilia
Ihi'lri'lalma In I hl ,,t, r twl.iro aahl nl
lr nl x.,(itaiuhr, lauo J, J- Ari'KllaoN
!- It llailalar
mm h i: i on i'i in.M t i -m.
t'arraii Hriraa l.tNn iitrn , i
iiaaniiK l irv, In , May l . laiaj j
N,.lli la hurehy (Ivan that In e.iniitlauia
nllli llin . .it 1. 1,, I., of Ihn ai'l i.f (,iili(ri uf
June U, l.l, enlille.l An ai'l Inr Ilia aaia nl llin In the Hlalna ,,f I'nlllai lita, Iiiukdii. an, I 'Inrrlimy," Hiaa
a nievena ti( Al,.-l,l.,.-li. i-.i.iihv ul I'hahnlla,
ilaloi.t, lla lllla ilay dll-.l I u II , la
uilii-a hla aontii aiainiiiaiii S,i . ..r tha .-:i
I'liaait nl Ihe K I, nl a,-rll,,li u In I., an
hill Nu. t Hnnlli Itanaa Nn 1 kail,
ami will niter .tiit to aliiio Dial Ida
lainl anng-lu la iimre valnahla l.,r lla 1 1 ml, it i.r
limit llian ..r aalli-illlnial I'liriumaa ami naa,
Inl.luh hla elalin In aal.l U.,,l l,,l,,m lha Hvf
lalef ami K.-. i-lii-r ..I Ihla olllre al I lly.
itii'Si.n. i, It tlnira.lny II, r. I'll, ,U, ut,
twal ln linntra wliiin...a J K Alllaull,
It II Hatea i.f Al.eiileali, S h.IiIiiki.mi ; W A t -hunt
ami N J Malnliui riirilainl, or
Any ami alt 1.1-1...11. i-laliiilnn a,ltraraly lha
ahovn ili-i rll.e. Ian, ! are reittelri In Ola
tl.i'ir i-Uliiia lit ihla ,,ili,.,, un r l i,,r,. i.,
lay nf srj.n-tnl.ur. I al T A I't'K HHI IN.
! l llrr-ialar,
TIMUKIt I.AMi, ,U T JI NK 1, l-.a
vm k i: I OK ll III II I I 10.
I'KITHII HlttH t.tNIl llrrii ,
iiiii.,.,,n l 11 1 ir May -.M, latai I
N'..i l lierrl.y Kiteri thai In eiiinpllaiiea
allli lha .r. n I.1..1,. ,. tha ail uf itei ul
Jinn- 1 anlllli'.l. "An ai'l f.irlha.ale ulilin
lrlaiul lit Hie uii- ul t'al l l..ritU, llrr.,ii,
Ni'ta.U, an.) W aahii.gnui li.rriii.iy," linn. r,
.lalmii ,,f I HU la),, rtniltlr nf la-ola, (lata i.f
Haililnglmi, liaa Ihli ,Uy nii-.l In II. 1. i.fllre hla
tturn tatniiu-iil Nu laa.t. I,.r the ,nrrliaa ul
tlienK', ul Mrrllun Nu n. HI l.ialuahln Nit
; Koiiih, liau Nu 7 Kai, ami Kill c.rti.f .i...,l u,
i huw Dial Inr laml .,,ul,l l im.ra (or
I lla ilinhcr or i.inn ih.n r aerli-uluiral mr
.r, it, 1,1 ailahllalt hla rlallil to an I, I Ul.,1
i l.eli.r lha tallrr ami rareivrr ami rei-elter
1 ,.l II. u uiiira al tiir.i ciiy, nr. nu I iirxln) the
i in. I ilay i. iar.t,.ml,r ijtyy, jj ttauiaa aa wl.
i niiati. frank Man Inn of Uli! kalla tta.i,-; liana io .af Alitatr'. Waahliitua:
j w A t au.l f Malt a 1'i.rtlan.l .r. ,
' Aiifa'-lail ra.ina iiialBtl!i .lrMly llt
1 ilmerltMat aul ara rMj.t(wte4 hi (
I Hmlt einiiua in tjiin il.ta on ul Vfure aitt,l tH
I .lay nf r,(emt.,.r, Iai. J 'I . AI'I'HinuN.
t. l!l II llt-illaler.
TIMIIKIl I.AMi AI'T. Jl SK.l. h.
o iit i: run ii in. i i !,
I Minn Si trra I.aiii Urrtrr,
mill, i.. si iry, nr , Mnv l, Imi (
ull.n l lien-liy ,( n.ini.U.
iime vtiili Hit- ,i.iM.i,,iia ,,( tin, mi uf l im
t;r. ut jtitn. 3, s:a, tmiiiliHt ' Ai, w r
Hie anle nl linila-r ill I lit- atatra ul (.
1 torn la, I'ri-K'iii, Nninilii ami wuhIiIukIiiii,"
lleiii) hiiii,.iii.ti( N iiiile, utiiii v nf Kniir
Male. if analiliiiibui, liaa Una tiny IU11I ui
this tillltf Inn atturit tnU-iiu-iil So, ur
Hie ilin liitw ul I III- yaw , uf N-l Hi ill Sn. ll,
111 Tuiiliii t it. smtii, itniige Su. "Knit,
ami ulll nlli-r i'n. tu almta Unit the Ininl
uilfclit U nour tnlniil.le lur ill lilltla-r nr
aliinn limn fur iiftrit uliunil ,iit.-.i a, ami tti
rallili ln t litiin Iu amtl 1, 111. 1 ln-l'ure Hie
it Kialt-r 11111I rtveivrruf Una iiilim al . iri k'i.n
I UV till tteiliit-a.l.iy, tlm :'llli i,,- ,,( S,.
I1111U r, I -ai a 1. Ileiiiinn-a nawitiH-aai-a: Jauira
fmllli nt Kliun, 'nliliiftnn; Jmnea II H,.
lin, uf N-niile, kiiiu tintniv, aitahliiKtiiii ;
J11I111 Milnlvre, til rimiilv, rinekaiiiaa
riiiinlv, ur; NhiIihii J m l, h, i, I'tirilmiil
Miiltiiuitiiili tiiuiiiy, urt'ijuii.
Any ami nil i'rniiia i Inimiim itilteraely
lite nliiivr itt-ai nUsI InniU uri mjiiestril '.t
file lln-ir i-lniiiia in tlii uflii-i' un ur U'ture
.mill "Hit ilin nl Seii iiiU'r, Iwai
-I. T. A I'l'I'.ltMilN,
iI'-T-h'.'n llnriHii-r.
TIM It Mil LAN I At'T, JIN K 3. IhTk.
Notice for Publication.
rsirr n Nutib I. mi urni r, j
liiKuua I'itv, lH.,.lity I I, Ni.
NilTlt'K It lieivliy (thfii Unit In i-,,in,.
alien Willi the )rm ialuna nf llin mt nf din-l-ri'ia
ufjmie.'t, Ihh, enliilnl, "An ml fur
the nitln uf liitiln-r litinia in tin- Mnii-n uf ( u.
ihtriilii, I Mf;iiii, Nvvatla nml iiliiiiioii
li'riiliiry," Jiiitn-a II Kulilin, nf Meal tie.
loiinly nl king. Mine nf innlilntmi, I,,,,,
inn lint llli-tl ill till t.llllt-t' II H awtirn
aliileiiit'iit No. I-Hl.fiir Hie iilrt-lin.M. uf Hie
aw t ut N-rlmil o, lllj in Jitwimlilp Su,
jmiuiii, iiniifri' ..ii. i iMii.1 nun wiiiuiit,
.ruiif In hIiuw tliut the inn. I auiilit ia
mure li.r it m timlier nr .itmie llinn
fur iittrieiiltiiral iniriiii-a, Mini tu
111" .i:t. iu tu aniil Inn, I lirfuii. Urn reviater
nml ret elvi'r nt Una nlllee nl I iri-trnn I ' 1 1 v on
a-etliieailiiy, the '.'lift tiny uf Hr.teiiilK-r,
imi, lie intniea nn , n-iliicaaea: Jiiiuea
Miillli, nl 1.1 mn, HualiiiiKliin ; Henry Mnii
ami, nf St-ntUi!, Kinu imiiitv, wuali'liiiriun
Julin Mrliityie, nf Suiiilv, flit -liniima t-a ti it -
l, liiei;uii ; iiuil .Viillinn j wi-liii uf i'nrt
hill. I, M 1 1 1 1 ii. h 1 1 it 1 1 etiuiitv (ireitmi.
Any nml nil I'crmiiis i-liiiinimr iiilvt'i-.n-h'
tin.' nli.iui ili'M-nin-il InniU are reiiieiiteil tit
nie ineir t iuiuin in i ma nnii-ii on ur lielnri'
sinil !!-ltli iluv til M-i.teinlier, IMim,
J. T, Al'l'IOHHON,
11 -i.i-.v-.',1 HeKiMt-r,
4 l 14 11 l'4K IM 111.14 A 1HK.
t'NITKb HTATRa I.iNli Orni K,
oamim Cirv, Or., May ia, imuj.
NOIICh la hereliy (I von, Hint ihn fnllowliiK
nanteil aeitler haa A led uolli-e uf hla Inii'iitkin
to mn In. JI i ui 1 iiroof In annti.irtnf hla claim, anil
tin. I aithl tirtiol will he inilne htifortt lha Knitlalnr
iinn iii'i-titt t-r 01 ine u. n, uami iniitie al tirt'Koli
i;ily, llri-Kiiii, on Thnrailny July 17, 1MK), vie:
Unliinil tv. Orlltltli, lliinieaieiid Knlry, No. fmim,
tor lit wi-H, of aontli weal ut aeeliou a,
townaliii 4 annth, rniinn U enat.
lie miiiiiia the fullotvlii, wiiiieNKoa to prove
ma t'l.uiiiuiuua reaiiieneo it ion turn tn I vntlon
of anlil Iniitl, vln: J. T. ;vana, J. K. I,tvla, Julin' liiillaril, all of Caruo. (.'lat'kainaa
con 111 y, iiri'Koii.
Ul -nj J. T. Ari'KltHIIN, lteglatef,
vmt i: i-4ii ii 111,14 .11 ii.
Oiikiiiin Crrv, Or., jium tn, lHtK).)
Niitiep Is liuifliv Kiven t-hal the fnllmvltiir.
iiuiiieil ai'ttliT him llleil nntii-e nf hla lutein
tlnii In niiike lliinl nniul in aunum-l nf hla
i-iiiiiii, nun mm, hiiiii muni win nn iiiinio no-
liti-ti the i-i'niti'r uml ret-elver nf tliu U. 8.
I.11111I Ollltr ut Ori'Kmi Cilv. on Mnnilny,
All.rllwl ,1 lltim vl., l.n.n.u'lO V,.lun,. l.,
omiitioii i). H., Nn. Ml. Inr the Inta '.' nml 3
of Sot! 2S, T ft H, It 2 K. Jle iiiinieH the fu.
lnwiiiR wltnuaHes to prove his enntlnuott.i
rcainiMicn iij-un, 11ml enitiviiiiuii nf, kuki
html, viz: Hilua Wright, Itcnlit'ii Wright.
Win. Ii. Whilu nml Julin II. .Iiiekson. all ol
Mulnlla I', (I., I'liii-kunuiH county, Ort'Ktin.
.1. 1, arreusim,
(i-Utt 7-al Iti'Bister.
ni4TI4'i: l'4 l'l 111.14' i l'IO..
Unitkii Statm IjAMi (.ifficr, I
Oiikuon City, Or, Way 24, IK!).!
Notino la lirruliy irlven that the t'ollowliiK-
iiiiiiii-il Hi-lili-r lins llh'il iiuiici' of his iiitun
tiiiu to iiiiikn lliinl iiruuf in support of liia
claim, mnl Unit Kitiif prouf will bu mmlc be
lore Ihi) Hnu'isti'r ami Kooelviir ufthoU. H.
Lund Olllco at Oivirnii Cilv. Oreiroti. on
TiKimlny, July 8, IH11O, viz; Alhert Huol,
llomesleuil Kntrv No. f)M7. lor tlio W
of N W K. of Hi'"- 8, T' 4 H, H S Kimt, He
minion tlie i'lillnwliiii vtitiivH8i8 to prove hla
coiitiniioui rimiik-M-B upon and cultivation.
of, Hit iii litnd, viz: 0. lU'tlniiin, V, Mot'lmke,
M. MiH'linke and J (irussiiuller, all ol
Moeliuko, Clttcknniua county. Oregon.
J, 1. Al't JiltOUJN,
W-0 Keglstor,
Minn: i on rriu.H t no.
I'HI I KIi r-r n a I.inii III rn a, i
f iiunim I'n v, nr.. Mm- iM, I -Im.l
Inllrn la liereliy flvi'ii Unit In i iniili
nin Willi llin .r.iviluna nl the net uf t'ni,.
iieaa nf Jiiiiii H. M7N. niilllleil "An art lin-
limiiUi nf liinl-i.i Inn, I. n ihn Hinii a u Cnl
lliirniii, l.lre;".ii, Nuvinlu nml WuIiIiii;Iijii
Tnrrllnry," Wlinlmi I.', limit, uf ,lat,
Cnitiily nf Ciiliniililii, Hlulii nf I iri'Knli, lm
una tint- llleil In tliia ullli-u Iih aiil'li alule
ineiit Nn, waul, h.r llin .iii.-inn uf tlio
NK 14 nf Heitliui Nn, i, In Ti,wn,, Nu, 'l
Hnntli, limine Nn 11 Kuaat. nml will nller iiiiif
Inalinit Ui at I he Ihii.I aiMii-.M la limn- vuliiiihle
mr lla tiiniier nr atune limn fur nKt'li nltiiriil
iilirimaea, nml In ealuliliaii Ilia i-liiini In anlil
Imvl lielurn lint ti.(tller ami Uiei iver nf
IBIa nllli-n ill iiii'ffiiii My, III-., 1111 Tucmliiv,
urn sin nay 111 Mnniiinin'r, Mii, lie mimea
na, t;, , Whn li r, W. Hull.
nml I,, W. Ilrnunuf I'tirllniul, (lr,; J, II.
inula 111 iliinl.-ia, (Ii,juii,
Any unit nil i.erauna i-lnlinlnir mUeraelv
lite nhnvn ileai rllie.l litiula nru riiiiiealeil In
un' iiti ir i iiuiiia 111 una nnii-ii (111 nr lie!n,.
aniil 2M liny nt hepli'mln-r iaim.
Mil S U lli-KUler.
TIMUKIt I.AMi, Af 'T JI NK a, 1711.
o i i i; 1 011 i'i iii k tnoi.
I'Nirttii HrTra I.anii lirriek, I
lliiannn Cirr, Or., Mnv V, Iwm.l
Nnllee la linrt-hy nln'11 Unit III enniiliuni-n
wllh the irmi"iliiiia ul lh ui I ufl uiiKieaaul
June ,'l, laVK, piitlUeil, "All net Inr tltti anln
nf limlivr Inn. la In tin. Hiult-a nf Ciilifiiriilii,
On-Kiin, Nevuilii mn) W aalilntuii Terrl
tnry," Mail, 111 f. ia-v, uf limn) Itlvcr,
t'nitnly nf Wiiin, Hlale nf ilroKim, h
llila tiny llleit In lliia 1 intra hla awurii aiain.
IlienlSii, 1I70, fur lliu iiiri-liaae nl the HK
uf Na tluii Su, ;)'.', In Tuwnalilp Nu. I
Siirlli, It 11 1 ik' Nn. " Knal ami Hill ufl'er
(iriHil tn ahuw Unit Ihe Ininl .iiihIi1 la inure
yitliiitlile fur ita limlirr nr atune lluin lur
aitrleiiliural itiria.a, nml In etiil,lih hia
i litini In aniil Inn. I U-funi llin Itettlater ami
Iteeelver uf tliia nfllin at llreiMii City, Ur,,
nil Wnilneailiiy, (lie stllli itity 11I Hriuiiiilier,
lwl, i, iiiimei aa ultneaaeai A. Hia
Inninr, I,. Nenh iuli, J, C. Iljieta, ami l K,
MnrMi, all ot llntill Itiver, Waaeu intinlv,
Any mnl all nerauiia i-IiiIiiiIhk ailveraelv
the nlmvo ilrai-rijieil iamla are reiiieteil In
llle llielr elitiiiia lit tlilanlli. n nn ur Ik lure
aniil L'llh llnv ul ,,-ii.-lnl..-r, K'
J. 'I', A ITKIiHi IS'.
l! -K H lt.'Kater
roi h 1: 1 on im 111.14 t no.
I'xitmi Hr.tka I, ,nii llrrii a, j
umu-.s Cur, Or., May 17, mi.
Nii'ITi'K la hen hv irlveii in r.. mi, li
mn i- with tlie i.ruvUiiina nf the ail uf C1111
Kivaat.f June ,1. a7a, eiiiiiletl an ait fur the
anie nl ilinlwr imula in Die Mnira uf I ulilnr
llin, On-jfini, ami Vitliln(tiin ler
rllury," JtiilH.rl II. Hnlea. ul AUr.lieii,
( uf Cliiluilia, fatiiln uf Wliahinuliill,
liaa (hia iluv Hint In Una tifllie hia aurit
ainlenieiil Su. i.Vt, fur Hie tnin huae nf the
S W Ii ufai-rliuii Nn H, III Tiiwnalilii Nu. 2
Ninth, Itinise V,,, 7 l, ami will niter
I'Mnl In aiiuw II, nl ilia html auniiht ia
liiuiu Vnliinlile lur ila linila-r ur alntte than
fur n.-rii itllnrnl inirH.a , anil In ealuhliali
lita 1 luiiii In aunt Ininl la-lure the l(rfitir
ami Ittn iter ul thla uthn. at Onyim Cilv,
rt-(,, un Thiin-.lity the laid tiny nf N-ji-teuilar,
fatal, linmra na aitneaaea:
J. k, Alllanii ami Chna. H, htrtena uf Ala r
ileen, Waalilniilnii ; W. A. i alairn tin. I N.J,
Welch n I'uiilaiiil, Or.
Ant and all -iaun 1 -luiiniiiK a.lteraely
the nlaive iirt-riU-.i Iamla are rt iiii-tr. .i
llle their 1 talma In thla ulll, run ur lutnie
aahl laih ilny n s. .tritil r, Ivai.
J. T. Al'l-KHKOK.
11 in, tt 11 . .
lf'. I OH IM llf.14 A I IO.
, VaiTna HtAtro J.,!) oh it r. l
. 0mu I'itv, or., May Itl, .ai,j
-Nolle -I Inrtliy niveii that in t-nin.l.
am- W illi the i.riivl' nf llin ai l uf fun
Rrvaauf Jline'l, IhTa elillllnl, "Alt mt fur
the anle nl iiii.)"r Inn. la In the MnU-a uf
Calllnrnia, oreuit, Netaila un.l WliiiiK
l..i. ferntiii v," llrnj. K, Tallail, u I'nrllaliil,
t-unttlv "I .Nftiltnitniuii, atate ut Oretfun, liaa
Ihla tiny Hit it in thla 1, flirt" hia awnrn alnle
lueiit S'n, ;n"al, lur the (.tirt ham" nl the NK
nf Set tnni Nn, in, ill Tiiiliii Nn. 2 Ntinlh,
lialitie Su. 7 Knal, ami will nller prunf tu
huw thai I lie lainl aniinht la mure valnnhle
fur lla lliul.i r ul at.ine Uiuii Inr nerh nlliiritl
inriie, ami tn eatnliliali hia elaini tn aahl
html lailnre the rrpialer ami reti-iter nf Una
nllli al Orr-pin t ity. or., tin Wrtlneailay,
III l"lh ilay nl faiifriularr, INWI. lleltttlltra
a witnrM : S. I', Jiihlialnit, W. A. Ca
bnrn ami N. J. Writ Ii uf 1'nrilninl, nr.;
C. H. Mrvena, uf AlH-nlren, Vajliiii,-tnn.
Anv ami all iier-tnia i-lalniinK aiherw-ly
the alnive ileaerllml htnila are rrint'iitrtl ti)
llle Ihelr elnlina in llna ullii-e on ur hefnre
aaiil 1,'lh ilay ul .HciU"inlH"r, ail.
J. T. ArrKH.IilS',
II' X -14 Iti-ttlMer.
4H I4 I'. l'4ll 1I 111.14'i I IO.
1'Nitan arTa t aati Orm a.
uaauua i;ity or., May I! IWtt.
NOTICK la Itorel.y jlveit that In cmillar
Willi Ihe j.riivlaloua ol the art of Coiinrnaa of
June ,H, I " rutin., I "An ant tor tho aolool tim
lier Iamla In I lie Hlalra nf California. Orroii,
Netaila, and Waaliuiitun Terrliory,' Jaliei K
Alilauii, uf Alierilrelt Cmllily ol ( behalla, Klalo
of Waahlimtnu haa Ihla ilay filed in Una
oltlee Ina awnrn aialenient No. r4, for tlio fan r
ehaao nf ihe H l, of Hertliiii No. 14. Ill Towu
alu. No Jliiiillli, liant Nu, " Kaal.aml will of.
frr pr.wif to aimw that Ihe land atinuht la moro
valuable lor lla Umber nr atone lhati for f
rlmiliiiral ptirfnatia, and loeatalnlah It I a claim
tu aabl land before iho Htnlaier and Uerelvar
nl thla uilli'o al iiri'iioii ('lly. (iretfoti. on Thnra
ilay Iho nth day of Heiteniber. Imw. He itatnei
a wllneaaea- ( haa & Hletem. K H llalea, of
Alienleen, tt aahliitiinn ; V A Colnirn, and N J
Vt'eleh, of Portland . ur
Any and all persona fUlinlim adveraely the
ahnvo drai-ribeii land are reuneated tn file
their claim In Ihla naiec un nr before aald laili
day uf Mopiemlior, I MAI. J. T. AI'I'KHSIIN.
Ii lll-- H HeirlMi'r.
XKI I4 11 1'4II IM 111.14 A I IO.
t'siTFtt Ntatm I.tan Orrica,)
HiiKiitiM City, Or., May in, iHtni.i
Nnliie ia hereliv Kiven that in t'tiinpli.
nine Willi the pinvUlnita uf the net til Ctm
liresa nf June II. is,!), entillt-il, "An tit-l Inr
the nalu nf timber Imula in the Ntatea nl
I'ulifiirniii, Uit'!tni, Nevada and Waihing
I1111 Territory," N ji Is 1', Jnhiistuii nf rnrt
Iniid, Cininly nf .Miilliiiuniili, Ntnte nf Or
eun, hna this dav llleil in tliia nttli-e hia
Mvnrti atntenii'iit Nn. '.'tllil, fur tlie piiri-hnse
of Ihe WW H nf Si'i'liun No, 20, in Town
alilii Nn. 2 Nnillh, Haiipi No. 7 Kait, iiml
will nller proof In ahow that the
anuuht ia iiiui-o valnnhle fur its liuihrvnr
stniiii than fur iiKrliiilluial inirpoaea, nml tu
fatahliali Ilia i-lnini to Niiitl Ininl Ik-Iui-ii the
ri'Kiitci' mill it-i-eiver nf tliia nllii-e ut (Irt-pin
City, Or., on Wcdnt'Ktliiy, tho lTtli day nf
riepli-inlicr. IH'.M, I In nn'niea its wituerWa:
11. 1''. Titlhnt, V. A. Caliurn and N. J.
Welch of rnrllmid, dr.; C. S. Ntcvena nf
Ahertlecn, WnvhiiiKtuii,
Any nnd nil licrwuia claiming adversely
tltti uhovo-ilt-M-illied lit In 1 m ure reiiiicsted to
llle their elnlina iu thh titlii'enn or ht'lurc
aidntli ditv iil'Sci.teinlier, I Sim,
.1 T. AI'l'KUfiON,
-!! - 14 Hen-inter.
The New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
i, 1V1!!''". !!"lyt ,c'.' r"10'!!!1" 'I' lry remarkable medicine tin found Ita wv
in n t ie very heat families, becaime il cubkii nut an a. Ko dlaeaVe I. to no w
erliil to realat Itl wnudnrful iittttek. It cuita notlilnir to liive.Vw.i. I .
(ur hook eoittnlulint full Inlnrniatioa. n"nK iu iiireatlgato, .s,,n,t
It tU tn'M UI4 KOIII-. Kil l. I.,, o
US .Tlorrlkow tail., lorlluiu
Exi'luah-e AkoiiI lor Clackamaa Comity, TI108. Oil AKMAN A SUN,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Guaranteeing More Power,
Water, than any other
Wheel, and the only Tur
bine that will
work successfully
under High Heads,
under Heads from
3 TO 300 FEET,
la TMa din pit I'tii'iiT nr Tn Hr m r Olid
ima, rnk tik 1 ni'UTT nt Vuiv Kaia a,
'1 liulrlaa (.Iikiiiikii
Mnrrlei K, Preble,
Kraiitwa A l'll'i,
I harlea II N'.rli 11,
U llll. 111 H. Korluu,
J "Ii u It Nul lull,
. 0, Nnrlnll,
K.lwlii H Morion,
Tn llarrlel K. I'rnhlo, funnea A. I'lapp
( liailna II Nml. m, VMIIIalu II, Ni,rtii, Julin l!
N'triiin, IS, I , Nurluii, K.ilwln II. Nunuii, ami
Kllahatll K. M Nnrlnll, Ilia a In, i n lirlllinl llo
III lha naino nt Ihe Hinln nf oreKuli, yon nra
lieiehy emniiiamleil ami re.inlreil Ii, ai..ear In
1 1. ti a 1. .un -ot 1 1 1 a. 1 1 eiinri ami aiiatyer llieenni
I'lalnt nf lha iilnltilllt llleil aaauit ymi In ani.1
I'mirl ami eatiar In Hi nlllee nl the t-ierlt uf the
I'lrenll ( ..nil i,f lliu Hlaltt el Uirn fur III
I iniiily uf I lat'kainaa n't nr linlorii the flrwl nay
..I Ilia lu'tl r.,(iilar I'lin uf lha ahura enlllle.
i;iniit, In alt;
On Mum lay th Sr. I day nf November
A Ii lami, anil y on or litnahy iiollfttnl ihal It
yon tall an In aimear ami aitntvnr aahl eonu
iiluliil the iilaliilllT will a,,ly to the onit lor
lha iiillel ifetnaii'leil In aahl eotn'lnllit in wit.
A ili'iiien aKninat you to tiuli't Ihti title of the
ilalnlltr In ami In tho l.illowlnif .l.-.-iil,.-,
j.ri.mlaea altiiatftl 111 1 lai kuii.aa eonnly, r)tl
nf tiraaon. In will
1 he wealern half uf Ilia tloiiatioit I. ami CIhIiii
nf. I. Norlifli ami laiolliin Norloii hla wife,
Nulllll'alloll Nil, 7 HI. t 1 In 1 111 Nil 411. aahl liuna
It. hi Irftml t lalin belli mrla of aot-tlona in, II,
Ii. II", II an, I Id. In 'l nwiiahlirlHoi Hi. uf Unlive
II Kaat .if W lllaliitilte tniirl'llaii ami la l,oiiii,n
ami .!.'. -rlbi., I aa fmlnwa lo oil, II. ulnlilni; al
a I'olnl V t-ltaln. aoiiih ami DM rhnilia weal of
lltti in.rllteaat euruer nl the afoteaalil arr-Uoii
I .; thanea aa.l art nhaina; ihaiui. a, mil, M
i-hallia, Iham-aaaal VI Ml eliaina: llii lu-r nurlli
V. l-halna; llione wa.l IU7 fi l lmllia, thane
a.. ulll Mi.Ht final us (a l,a ilac of trf Inning,
roiiialnlnt! rirf.04 aerea, iiuther with alt ami
alnanlar, Ilia leimiiiaula, lttrilllaiiieiila, ami
aiiiirl iiariena (lieraln lirlutiatiii) nr In any
ttl.a ai,Krulnlna. that ., U Nor'oii aa lha
real owner uf aahl fiemiaaa al Ilia (line
ul Ihe I. aiilng tha oareniioii al the lime uf ilia
aala ami Mm emivwyane nl aalil tmul.ra by
lha aherlir In C N HI yer aa 11, roll, ,111, 1 In
tilaliillil'i eoiniilaliil ami ihal ( hariea M Nor
ton at the aauio .erln lielij aalil .reiniaea In
areret ami liainliilrnl Irnal for I, I , Nuilon,
Ihal lha i.laliillfl may Im ,) ; .1 .th--.! lo I,., Hi..
Iraal uwnvruf aaltl brainlaea: 1I111I lit convoy
aiu-o froiti 'I. C. Norton lo II T la aiul
the rotiveyailt-0 front ll.'l'. Ua-kwiH..! to ( harb-a
ra nortoit, aa let lortti 111 jnainillT a eoiu.ialtit
herein may bo tocraei) lo In) fratnliilriil ami
v.. nl, ami ul no lorro ami mnl: ihal the
almvo liatlteit tlrfrmlallla may be ili'l-rrr.l lo
Itiaka, eaentna tlrllvor 10 Ihe nUlmlir a
lleeil uf eoiiveyalll- uf all Ihelr lit: III, llllo
ami Imereai Iu aabl ineinlatia or thai a.. tne ut-r
aoii may bo aiiolutei by thla llnnorahle
l inirl lo .1.1 II lor litem, ami II. .11 the ,l,.luiiil
way have atu-li fnrlltar ami odirr relief a. ihe
naiiira uf the eaae- may rfiil. ami lur the
enalaanil tllahttraauiruia of Ihlaautt
'I hia pilhllratloll nt ailltmi. ma la Ittnile limtrr
ami tinr.iiaiil to an ur.l.-r uf Hon f i layior,
jililaa of tho aliuve Wlitltteil eoltrl, May t !""-)
Mi llllllth 4 liltKnnKH ami o l, i 11W N,
All,, nu-) a lor I'laililllf
To tiia C.iiktt Coi-ar or tiii Nmu ur Ok
uoN.roa OLAi aaMaaCui ht.
III Iho Mailer uf tlio Kaiat 1
.1 Julia A Mi-Nary
To Iho followlni nam r.l lirlraal law of Julia A
Mi-Nary, iloeeaaril. auit In all olliera linktiowli
Nary vtllnloo. W C Joliiiaiin, Ktalikilli John
in, Amy Juhnanii, II It. J, ,1111. ,,u Julia
Inireh. If. Iiemonl, K. II. Knutui, K H Iw
H..-I.I, K U liemeiii. John 1'. Iienu iit, Kalo W
llar.laloy, Juno VaaUo.alul Way .!,
In lha hattto ul the male uf (irrnu, y,,n am)
ai-h of you are liorobv riled ami n-..iliJ 10
ai.ear al Iho ulilily t ourl uf Ihe auiai.l tiro.
aou lur I lai-aautaa euutit)-
at llio I'mm Httttao
111 uroifou 1. lly, ureaou,
ua July I.
law, al leu u elia-k A, M , lit aauio l.(i, U,a
(r.l il.y ,.l hJtliytlrnlfaal.HoUri .athtllLl', l'al.iia Dinliur I Str. ,..i. -t...
an) iltor ahnw eauaai f any caiat. li
dor ahoulil an Im wail 4ir!l .,m Uea,airt
Ilia ailniluiwralur ol f M oatau, M'K-.I lilllii
r.hi. Ileoanal aaioroai of aald dntaaaed al Iho
II. inniiir uar nraia, w ine real pm.erijp norein
'r'' f iaooriUd aa wall aa all ulaliu urttalmi
Uiat IB aald doroaaed mac baao had al auv
lllmo diirlim herllleitino analaaiT i.. harmaii
irnatrr. ami iho uf Ine Ifjal tiilo lo
Ihe herolnatlcr tloarrtbod real e.uie ur any
rlaira thai II. II. Johna.m, adiitlnl.iroitir ul
aald ..lata now liaa ur herealler lt.oy have
attain.! aald trnalvr: all aaprar,l f..r In the
Itrttiiiiii id II. H. Jol111a1.11, a.ltninlatraior ol
a. nl eaiate Th aald real property l.i-lm do
ai'rilieil aa fullowa, tuwtt:
liiKliiiiliii at a point .7J rlialni norih. it
nilniuea Vteal from (ho Hotlthwe.i enrtter of llir
Unnallnu tatlld Claim ol Win, HoIiiimi and wllr
III I It rl. It i K, nl tho Willamette Meridian and
rtinuttis llieni-t Nurlli nt dearer, and Ii ruiuturi
l a.l eaiailol Willi Iho aoiiih hntimUrv ol iho
claim fttciehalna : llteiit-e north 14 lUchalua to
a atone: theuee V eat II. ellalna In a alum.
ilieni-o nurlli .' ehaina lo a alone: lla-ui-r
Hoillh Ml draroei tt e. 7 rhailta lo a alonr ,,11
Iho Weal txiiitidary ut aald elaliu; ihenee norih
i littutlloa Woat ia :S chain, (o claim eurner.
ihrtiro north as degree Jtumlmura
rnaina u 1110 lino urtweeu T i and X Kottllt,
llieneo weal on lownabii Una ono rhalu lo
claim lino; thoiie rtorift t degree Kaai 101
claim Un i t rhalna to tho nio.t Hoiuhrrl)
enriierol a trael ul laud deeded by Archibald
Mckinley and all lo Havld Mrlaiiighlen
li.itnd recorde.1 on Urn and 7 ut honk ' -C"
uf iho recorda ut dre.1. nl aald Clai katnai
( unniy and Hiat ol Oregon; thenro n,.nh bS
drtirrea and au nilnulra W eat uu tho riotiihrrly
lino ul aald MeUuglilon Irafl 10 tho t.. ,, Hu
rl rat mailt chrl; Iheui Hoiilhwoaierly with the
iiteaiidera ut aald cliff lo iho liuorncetioii of j
Iho tame with Iho Townaltli Una: iiirii.-r Weat
on the aald Townahlp Hue to the intr r.i rit. ii
01 luoaanto Willi tne nuninwralerly l utiuln rr
lino ul aald Mckinley claim: llteme South a'i
decree Kaat on ihe claim line in the moat
Northerly eornorol a iraot of land deeded l.y
A. K. Iletlgoa and wife 10 J. T, Apperaru by
deed found roeordod ua pane Sitfi ol iHiuk "N" of
deed lor laid Comity ami stale; thence 8i.mli
In dearer Woat III aj chain tu a atm e on the
Bniiili boundary lino of aald A. K. Hedge'
claim; Iheneo Kaat nu elaiin line 17 ia elntiu. 10
a iniiiit: thence uurih 3 II ehaina lo a point uu
tho Mckinley claim line: II re raai 1,. a
IKillit 1111 tho Weal Imtindary line nf aald tt lit.
itoimae eiaiin: iiteureHoiiili tu ihe 1. a
I tw:
(inning, ciiiuiuing .'.at aerea, more ur leaa
liuiie by order of the llou. tt . I,, White, Judge
ot aald Court,
luted May 6. 11V0.
W uueaa my hand and leal of ihe County
Cunrl Ihla bth day of May, A H , ls.i
11. II. JiillNHON,
('"itinv Clerk.
. . , Hy W.T. Wlitri.ut k,
ft-9O-7-:!-'J0 Ut-puiy.
.Wl'14'i: l'4lt 11 111.14' A 1 1.
l'NiTen8TTK,l,stiOrenr. I
OagtniN City, Ur., May two
NoTlt g la hereby given Ihal Ihe following
i.a,vu Ri-iuri naa nie.i nonce III Ilia llltl'miotl
lo make flual i.rtmf In iiipmirt of hla elaliu, and
that laid proof w ill he made before the Keglater
and Receiver uf It. s oiiice at uri-gon
City. Oregon, nu Tueaday, July t,,,, vi
Kraltk II. Khoattei, ll.tmealrad Kulrv No o2t,u
for Iheaotith I, of aontli eaat ij aertlo'u H.tuwn'
altlp a a, .iilli,, range 4 eaau
He name the following wllneaaea tn prove
hla eoiitlniiona reaulonee iinoii and cultivation
of laid land, vi; J. u. Tracev. J, Horner, lieu. J
Ctirrlna and J Iiavia, all of Ourrluat ille, clack
HBina county, Ureguii.
"i-l J. i . AI'PKUHON, Kcglater,
i4TM T. I Oil 11 111.14 A l l
Hhkiion City, dr., Junell, lsim.t
Notice ia herehy Riven that the tiillnwint;..
lintued nt'ttler has llleil notice uf hia inten
tion lo iiiitke tiiinl i.hMif in sumiurt ul hii
claim, und that said prouf will he tuade he
fore the register and rervivur nf the 1'niied
Stuti-9 Uiinl office nt llrt'Kun ( jtv, On-trim
on Tueaday, July 1".'. t,s;i, Vi:' Tlunnas
Martin, I're-eniplmn P. S., No. .Wl fur the
w H of N W nl Sec 28, Tp 4 S. K S K. llti
name) the ftillnv. iiit w-itueaaea tn prnve his
fiintiiitinus re.siilencu upon nml cultivation
nf, aaiil land, vi.: J. W nltun, W. lliiclmer,
ami John (llcaon of Oi-CL'ttn city, Clnckti
maa i county, Uregnn; N. Huvliind', nf 1 tiartt
lunt , Dreuon. J. T. Xl'l'iOltSuN,
U-Ilt 7-M Keisier.
linlnnr T.oaa Fi'kF'Kf
, a - ) - ( .
M 1 H i,
: '.''i'l f p-7
Transportation Lines.
Ovcrlaiiii jo ('ili.on.ia
Noullii'iii l'liciHcCiiiiijiHiiy'iilln.
The Mount Shasta Route.
lima be wwii lireut.n 1 Hy am nm frahiilM,J
1 t. inikaa mtina ma nn,y.
B WT I'UH ft. A N fi AMI MAN
fHANI lar.f
ami, 11 1
i lai rat I i I'l.nliiml -o
It W f. M. I.v Uri-K.,11 1 lly ,v
7 4f'. M I Ar 11 1-r.irn l.i 1, I.v
luteal I'aaaenirer 'I rain. illy,iK,i.
1 Norlirj
I I" '. af
I 7 11 r a;
"l-l Hiir,,),,!
iw, tt.
V IU, M.
'i,4 r. a
I'orlUtuI Ar
irir.iiii lly ,v
Kniii-ne I.v
i a 1
Pullman Buff t Sleepers
TOURIST SLCEPING CARS of -,,i,, I In., paaiiror.
alUrht-.l lo K,n-. Tralna. "
1 ha K. I'. N'a Kerry maki-a r,,r,,... ...
all lha ri-K.ilar Uiiln. on the Kaai rllilc Iilvlll)'
m n tool 01 r a run. i-oitnuiii. a.
W eal Mule lutlalon,
IIKTKi;N Koli l I.AMi a."'Ii ('OIIVAU.IH,
Mull Train, li.lly iKm-.-,t Hinulay 1
7 mi n.
I!I.C H.
I C xi r w
1 1 .! t a
Al Albany ail') Corvalli. I'littliMrl will. t.......
nf UfKon f'ar-lfle Nalli.Hnl.
Kt"e.a Train liolly,i mimlayi
4 Utr a.
a.owr a
I v
firtialnl Ar
Mi-U iiiitillf I.r
I ..
Kor full Information n-iranlliir rat a man.
ete. rail on nmt.miy aernt 01 (irrjoa Cut
Korill.KIt, K ! . I'oiiKltH.
Manas A'lii K ami fata Ant
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
Ami all .i.lnt Kan. via
Tlie Ninllii rii I'arHIr It. .
I lha i.iiiy Km- ruuniiig
faIM-i;i"r Tlaina, ,i , .!-:',
rSi'i uiiiM ,iks Meprvra ifrcpof i-trg)
l ilxlirityMJ l)f,f H'emiila,4 .
- .. t -.. 1.. .... L.-1 r.
- " ' -'" i-
Frew I'orllaiul : the Ua.
Pee that jour t i tela rend via the
Nurtlii rii l'u, ilif H U and
avuitl 1 IntiiKU ol car.
Tliroinh riiiliuiin I'aUi-e Hit e lag Car ol
galil dav rnarl.ra, llnr.t pann e dlliliig rail bo
iwren Cnrllaiul, lai-.-ma and hrallio direct
Pally a. rt li e.
. I. II till. 10.
al.4.n'l I'uw. A nt-n 1. 1 -j 1 riral
M.. I'oriluuil. 4r.
F-lieput, rurner I-'IrM and li .Street.
Oregon Pacific Eailroad.
f u k 1 1 ; i rr a . 1 1 1 a u i : s r 1 1 k lo w est
stciiiier Sitlllnir Hiites.
From Ya,iiim -Hinm.-r frlb.n. Anrll
tti m;ie Valley, M,y I. FiMllou. Jlty.
WUInitiflio VUlley, Mty !l; F,r4ll,u, May,
atenmer Wlllanint Vtllev. ApMl i- Faral
l.'ii, May tt'illanirlte V.ilirv. 4hv- Karallon
May 14, tt ilUlue.le Valley. May
uteeompauy reaervo the
ailing t'aiei w ilhottt imtii o.
right lo ehttii
Train emineei with the O c. It
Dual at Corvalli and Alh.-i.i-
and Kir
Tlio (livison l'lii-iiit- elfiiinhnata on tlie
Willuiiiftto river divininn will luave
l'nrtluiitl, soiit-lwuiid, Monday, Wedneg
dav, in d l-'rnlav at p, A .
j Corvallia Tuesday, Tlmiadav ami Satur-
.lav ,it ;!::!(! - ,M, l,,, ( oryallig,
lU'rlli lioiiml, Mniiilav, Wedncstlay and
I-1 iduy at S A . M. Airive at l'ortlaml
1 iiftidiiy, 'I litirsilay mnl Saturday at 3 30
I . M. on M.inilay, Wednesdnv and Fri
day, Imth north ami Rtiutli-I.njirnl boats
li over iiitflit nt Salem, leaving here at
tt A , M ,
I'tfrHauil1 "J TU'kl'' C)'!lr"' S,,lln"n ,lr,'e' wh,rl
C. II. llASH Kt.l.,j4 .Genera! F A p. Afl
i' i" ii,:n1"""''"m!'r rrHiicLeo,
( ( 1101,1 K.aciti. F. ,U'. A U P. It..
Corvalli. Or.
Tlaina f..r tlie Kant luavc I'mtlatid, 7 :00
A M. nml !i;0ii l y. '
TICKETS !" 1 ,'l'"m l,rl"'l"l t'olnta
I ivik I O ,e , njn.,1 Slsu.' t'auada
nnd Kdrute
Elegant Nca Diung Palace Cars.
riitiiuiii I'iilnif Nlieitrs.
run Through on Kxpreas Trains
wiTiim r ('ti.vNUK.
Close cnnneetioiia nt forllniid for Sau Fra
ciso and raget Sound point.
Kor further jUrttculnrs ,,rt, of
ot the Ciimpiniy or
t. w. i,ni;.
. !. & T. A
1 ml In nil , Ore iron
. n. tii:i.i,s:. T. ,.
Head of Wafer 2nd ower Requhed.
jas. -: :$",