The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, July 03, 1890, Image 2

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    The Enterprise.
n vsit ".'. .' t ' 1
411 tN. MI'.M'.im'.
lulllli-r nnil I'ropn'lelor.
Kvn kh II. tluiBKHT, Assistant Kdltur.
There Is one thing that lieoJa the urge-til
and prompt ntit-ntiun of Iho tv'lilouts mid
ivpvtty holders along Main street. Ao
writing to tH irovl!loii!t oC the atatulea of
Oregon Oily, il requires that a majority of
tin' property holders along a street must le
tit Urn (he city council ltVin k""'1 '" 1"
stabli'dicd, or street improvement itiinto.
Considerable complaint is Mug made by in-tr-tvl
jiartti's that the grndcof Main street
ha never been legally t-t.itU)u'l, imply
fur tin) reason ihat property owners wore
careless in signing a petition mi that the
council could legally til.-r it grade ratal'
lishctl. The resident f this place hiv not
averse to improvements, but 1 1 io present
condition of Main slwl is duo to outvie
lies more than to tiny other cuiw. A pe
tition for the liuprovt'tuoiit of Main ird
has W-etilvingon the counter of the Oregon
City Hank for works, and therequirod num
ber of petitioners have not vet Wen vml
to t liable tlio nuu'h needed improvement to
bo made. This it n matter of piiiaiiittuut
Importance, iiml should If attended to t
once. Oregon City, wiilt all lier (irowtli ami
prosperity, cannot atVord lo allow thi con
dition of tiling to exist. )l l jeopard iiing
the K'st interests of the city, mill will tend
W oat reflection oil the enterprise of this
City unless the mutter i remedied. It
should l attended to now, in (May are
dangerous to lliu welfare of all concerned.
New sidewalks cannot ho built on a proper
level until tlie gride it regulated. The
street cannot prqs'rty !. Improved until a
m.ij.rity of tlio interested property holder
sign tlio iwlilion usking the council ! grant
ducli prvHeodiire. Tlio K.m i ui-kh-k doe not
believe then' is a property owner on Main
street who would east a slinw In tlio way of
its improvement. The ciliicn of this place
lime siilcicrtK-d lihcrtilly tottunlsiiiiprtii lug
outside roads lendinir into the cilv, while
thoy liavo can uoitlccled lo pndide
for thoi, own Htroon. lUit now thai their
attention lias Ih'oii called to lliu inaller Iwl
tor thiiiea may If rvtiil.
Tho Coti;rei;.nional ehurch of iire:on.
aro drteriuiiied to haio a college.
"At tho second days scoiuii nl' the u-(H i
at ion ol'l'oii;rei;aiional churches ol i irviion.
now convened in Saloin, resolution were
adopted this oienini; in -ul'-taniv us lol
los: That the time has hilly arrived
when a Coiiyroiratioiial coll(i;e should he
ostahlislied inOrci'ii; lhatiie I'led.'e lilian
rial aid to such college, and a commit
too of twelve ho appointed hy the modera
tor with power to tako all steps niveisarv
for the oraniiatioti of Mich a rollout' in the
state thai shall lw in full sympathy with the
cliurv ti and the association; to seen rv the
nvoi;i!ttioti of the Americiiti eolleftn and
educational society; ti receive a proposi
tion of money and land for the I'M at ion of
saino, and to raise funds (or pl.iciiif; tho
oolleuT ou a sound and strong liiiaircial ha
sis, with instruction to report ill the earli
est date in their judgment prsu hi alle."
Hero is Orevon City's poldeu opportunity.
Other cities arc making laud.ihle etl'orts to
socuro all the (leu((minati((iial and other
schools possible, and while this is hecomitiK
a groat iniiiiufacturiii); center, edin ational
facilities should not Ik' neglected. The
board of trade and citijtens ironerally, should
make vigorous effort. lo se' iire the location
of that i'ollcre ill Oresmi City. It has all
tho lldvantai;es of, roiiven
ionce, raj-id transHrtatinn and the ino-t do
sirshlo surrounding.
Ity proper otlorts and induce n,eiit, tin re
in no dnul-t hut what tho location ot the
roUet'e could 1(4 secured at this plan'
Tln-re are people residing in outside towns
who are prone to make renuukstliul irmin
City is having a Uiuii!. This is a vreat
mistake, and is a luisnpprelK iision of the
true status of nlliiirs. Oregon City has i
fictitious values, and her rapid growth dur
ing the past year is the natural outcome i.f
tho increase of maiiulacturiiig enterprises,
and consequent imrease of population. The
one and a half inillioti dollars evpetidi'd in
the erection of factories during th pa-t
year is no idle la.-t; but the suhstaiitial
works and buildings swak for themselves.
The large unrulier of new Imililings ling
constructe.1 in every part of Ihecity are the
result of no lsioui. Th(-o hinldirign are
built and owned hy actual residents, who
arc in business, or have actual employment
here. The majority of the suburban hits
are not held hy nutsidcspeculutnrs, as is tho
rule in the suburban districts of most cit
ies, but are owned mid occupied by actual
residents. This ill itself shows that there is
no loom. The business men of this city,
while they maybe considered conservative
by some, do husiiM'ss on a sale and sure ba
ais, which insures solid prosperity for all
time to rotne. The cities of Portland and
Oregon City are to ho congratulated that
they have escaped the mushroom growth
and bluster of the fillet Sound towns, and
will conseiieiitly escape the depression in
financial circles that follows in the wnkeof
booms and fictitious values.
It is idle fur those cities that are disap
pointed in the result of counting their popu
lation to charge the census enumerators
with wilfully neglecting to count uny of the
Inhabitants, These enumerators only re
ceive pay for the people whom they enu
merate, and it Is natural U infer Hint they
sroubl desire to secure us large a compensa
tion as possible. The fact is that many cit
ies that have teen prosperous in the last de
cade bave had an exaggerated idea of I heir
Increase In population, and now w hen con
fronted by the cold figures of fact they are
chagrined to find how greatly they have es
timated their own importance. Atthe name
time it is important that Oregon Hlnuild
have a full count, as it will give us another
representative in congress, The time for
completing the work ullutled to Ihe enu
merators was entirely too short.
A Venn Hou.xi) woman recently commit
ted suicide because her husband fuilod to
kiss her when he went to work in Ihe morn
ing. If every married woman who is neg
lected I u that manner should commit sui
cide the female surplus would soon be re
duced. And in this case the parlies had
been married twenty-four years, ami this
was tlio first break in the oscillatory record
that the husband had made. Tlieberenvod
man will probably bring up his second wile
1.01,'iHUNA lias sold herself body and hoiiI.
The lottery company bave purchased the
pelican state. It Is sad to contemplate such a
fate for an American commonweallh. l'ntnce
once sold Ixiuisiana to Hpain; then f-ipain
sold her back to France! then France cold
her to the United States. This lust transfer,
however, Is a national disgrace.
Ot'B new navy is doing ninny surprising
things, not the least of which is the record
of a mile in two minutes and three seconds
made by the torpedo boat Gushing. The
navy willbe one ti be proud of yet.
AW.UIINH in:vi l.orUKNT,
Iteneath the rugged bills ami mountain!
of Oregon an' oiue of the Illicit bednvif trull
ow In tho 1' tilted Stales, Matty of th Vtliu
arc of phenomenal thlckne and rich In
desiiahlc minUties, Many of those bed aiu
close hy the walon of the Willamette ami
Columbia, and others are within easy dis
tance of railroad traflle, Coal Holds are lu
adjii(i'iil and luexhaiisllhlo, wilh sonic ol lh
llnost ipuillties of coking coal on th rontl
nent, w Idle oviMl piMnotinca aome of our
Iron ore unliable for the llnosl ipiallty of
lli'ssauier steel,
The uatliclron Is hotv, pvery nttrihule for
working it Is hero, the besl market of the
world Is lion' for Iho product, and yetlhln
great Industry lies practically ilornianl, To
supply Iho I'acitlc coast would eouauiiie the
products of plants costing millions of dollar"
and employ tug thousands of men. Ami In
addition to the count liitde ami III trade of
Iheatatea oulhooasl side of the mountain
ranges there In the great west, toward! the
setting sun, Is India, The shore! of Ihii
state hiv nearer to the vast oouinierr of the
Orient than are tin's of any competitor.
Then why does this Industry lie ilorinanlf
Certalulv wo luivo lu this statu tlietmsls
of all prosperity, Tho foundation Uhiii
wliidi was built the prosperity of Southern
California a few years ago was composed of
fruits and llowers. The foundation upon
which It Mug built the prosperity or th
state of Oregon to-day is Mug ooinpowd of
Iron, coal, hinils-r and agriculture-. One l
solid and permanent ; the other ephemeral
and destructible.
Our coal and lumber Industrie at being
rupidlv developed. The Iron industry l
greater than all, yet practically nothing l
being done toward il development. Sooner
or Inter our iron mines will bo opened. Hut
hv not now f In connection Willi Ui pro
posed steel bargoouterprisrtiiow lielng wisely
considered is the op(Kirlnne lime In awaken
greater Interest III the development of our
iron ores. There Is no reason why the Iron
interest of this vidnity may not hocoina as
gtvat as ii is lu llirmliighani, Alabama, or
bv the talo of Oregon should not w III lact
as well as name, the Pennsylvania of the
P.ii I coast.
P.. nil vMnewsii, rs have soong howled
aU'ttt marriage Is ing a failure, that some of
her citizens w ill make an attempt tit prove
the contrary on the I'miiili of July, Ou
of the attractive feature of the celebration,
will bo a balloon ascension, and a young
couple have made arraugemeiiU to ascend
in the ball, .on with the aeronaut and a min
ister, and willl married at an altitude ol
Ink) fool. Tory will I a glvonf .H, a sot of
furniture, two suits of clothes, and notoriety
enough to last several years.
Tun Uitlotii has dropped out of the
Washington Issun, ndw ithstaiiding tin
strenuous ellotts to keep up the strain by
ovies.uely advertising in the daily papers.
Ihe mushroom town" '" the Sound ar
already stunted in their rank growth, and
fortunate is the man who was not led inti)
the snare. Hut those who invested ill Ore
gon Cilv property can n t assured thai they
did not purchase in a w ild cat town, cov
with stumps, rock and marshes that looked
Is-st on the lithographed plates.
S,.viK opleand places take Ihe cake, but
Pamascu take Ihe Hag this time. Soma
time ag", the publishers of the Youth's
Companion olh red tho prize of a large Hag
to any one that would w rite the lst oT
on' Ihe Hag ill our Public Si Itool. Mlsn
Myrtle P.reithaupl, a most estimable vunng
lady of laini'scus. won the priie among nu
merous eotupctilcrs all over )he country.
Urigou talent and oreg..n girls are roiuing
to the front ill g"sl style, escinllv III
Clackamas county.
Cl At li am vs county ia aurely deatinod
to have another railroad, a a branch of
the Southern Tacit'io ayatent ha U-on
laid out (rum ICast rortlatnl toSilverton,
along the foot hill., tupping tho moat
productive portion ol I'tuekuinaa county.
A new era o( di'veloptnont in Cliu kaiiuui
county is coining to pass that can yet I
hardly realized.
A Kr vsos tia prediction as to the gene
ral results of the census now being taken Is
that the pastern cities have gained largely
and that the Kastern states have lout ; that
the Middle states w ill also show ashrinkage;
that the Western citin will have gained, bill
not to such an evtent a has ls-ou antici
pated ; but that the Western states, especially
those west of the Mississippi, have gained
far U'vond all i's'ctation.
Tin: su-'ar trust is (hitting its sails lo
me t the legal breeic. At the meeting III
New York Tuesday, Ihe trusteri announced
that counsel wen- at work Uhui a plan ol
reorganization which would enable them lo
c-teaic the pains and H-nallles of the state
law. It is not unlikely that the events now
occurring in New York may ull'ect the action
of congress ii u it the federal Bllti-lrust law.
Astoiiia is certainly sure of huvlng more
railroad facilities, in addition hi waterway
advantage. A company have secured the
survey notes iiuide by the Northern l'ucltlc
some vears mzo from Hunters to Astoria,
and a company of New York capitalists
oll'cr to build a mad over this line, provided
a liberal subsidy is raised, Verily, Astoria's
niilinad dreams hid fair to lie realized.
Tiik Mlate Teachers' Association, in ses
sion nt l-alcin this week, bids fair to he an
..hi,,v ,!,lc nml useful one. And it is honed
j j
that their deliberations will lie productive
nt mm Ii good, lis me neiu lor iinproveiiieiii
can be augmented in many ways.
Win don't the residents of those towns
who are eternally howling because the cen
sus enumerators do not reach them, come to
Oregon City and get counted in? Tliwe has
been no kick or complaint about theenu
monitors of this seel ion.
(it'll ml on July 4th, 1SII0,
lit Ciirrlnsville.
Choral exercises by efficient glee club.
trillion .
t rand jiicnic dinner.
Various processionn.
Hiding tournaments with appropriate:
Jiaso bull, games, foot race, etc., to
conclude with a grand ball and oyster
supper at llbcni H ball, J.agl Creek.
Tickets for bull and Hiijipur l.J!fi. H3
July Fourth ul Sandy.
Tlio glorious Fourth will be observed
at Mcinig's Turk, Handy, by a grand cel
ebration, including all patriotic, enjoya
ble anil amusing features. A grand ora
tion in tho morning followed by a picnic
dinner on the grounds. Tho Clackamas
brass band will discourse sweet music.
Dancing in the afternoon on the plat
form and in the evening a grand ball in
thehall. Kcfri'slmiiintHof all kinds served
on the ground. All are invited. US
School Money.
There is plenty of money on hand to
loan of school funds, and it will be to the
interest of all borrower, especially those
who need any considerable amount an
well as long tune loans, to borrow school
money. This ii absolutely the cheapest
money to be had 8 per cent and no com
missions after tho first year. Call on
C. 1). Lntoiuette, Attorney for the board.
The county assessor will be in his of
ce every Saturday until further notice.
' J. W. Nom.K, County Assessor.
Of Every Description.
0 U It 8 T 0 0 K C 0 M l' U 1 S K H TH 12 C K 1. 10 11 U A T H D
.m "s v-''r;vr p " " "'"'-r:
Nw Market fllivk, Poitlmitl, Oronii,
Ileal i:tnln Transfers.
Jacob T WyckolT and wiln to Isaac
ti ration; 40 acres of tho donation land
claim of I'otor II Torllligor, Consider
ation, llfiUI.
Josso A Keck to Mm IHdltab Sargent;
loin I and blk L'S ol .Milwaukee. Con
sideration I.M.
V V. Habersham and wifn to W T Itev
eriilge, undivided one-ball in l.lttlo
llollivs Addition, No 3. Consideration,
V T Hoveriiluo and mile to F K lln
boraliam, undivided one-half internal in
certain loin in I'leasant l.ittlo Homos
addition. Consideration, II,
C t)T Williams and wife to M A Stint
ton; lots ;i and l block II, Falls View
addition lo Oregon Cilv. Consideration
lhivid Hobortson ami wife to 8 W King,
trustee ol tho cilv ol 1'oitiaud ; land ami
walrr rights near tho town of .Milwau
kee. Consideration, :;.'i,lliN.
Alftod Herman and wife In Abulia
Chuo; ton acres in Iho no '4 of sec III,
tpll s, H I w. Consideration, V.".
II II Harding and wife to F l.lnd ami
diss MeveJ ; lots I and 3. blk fi, lu Kob
ortson. Consideration, I7
A !. uelling and wile lo I'Tatro, Frank
Tatro and and Chas Talro; lots II and
1. ', blk o, Clackamas Height. Consid
eration, $l()ii.
Hond for deed, J A Thayer and wife
to Frank M While: VH ti:l acres in dona
tion lau. I claim, No 4:1, with :i s, rile.
Consideration, tb'sxi,
C'liT Williams In M A Slrallon; bd
Din block ', Falls View Addition, Con
Bidcration, $'0.
I'svid WiMslcix k nJ wife t John Leo
nard ; 100 acres In sec 17, tp fi s, H I o.
Consideration, '.)
Kugnio Hoechler and Mary Deadlier
lo Mariana Deechb'r; tt ul no olsoc
2. tp 4 s, r 7 e, containing HO seres. Con
sideration, 'iO.'i.
Waiter Smith and wio to A II Hard
ing Assignment of contract. Consid
eration, ').
Pottland Trust Co to Andrew Kershaw ;
lots ID, II and 1'.', blk li, and lots 4. 6,
and ti jn blk "I, Windsor. Considera
tion, llsKI.
Williams A Straltoii lo W H Hoover;
lots 5 and ti in blk 4, Falls View addi
tion Consideration, I'-M.
Oregon Iron A Sleel Co lo trustees of
Iho first ( ongregalional church of Oswego-
lots II in blk hi. Consideration,
l'eter ) Turwilliger to Oscar II
(irsnge ; 40 acres ol Torw illigcr d inalion
land claim. Consideration, UHKI.
Oscar II I.atirango no Jacob T Wyc-
koll ; 40 acrss in Iho lorwilliger dona
lion land claim. Coiisidoratioii. I:I10.
Hoals For Oreg hi City
On Julv 4th w ill leave Tavlor street at
7;:m, 10:i'k),iui, I'.MKi A. M.' ::m). 6;00,
ll) :UI and II .'III l. M
And will leave Oregon Cilv at 7 jltll
amlliillo A.M. I :, 2:4.ri, b:'M, and
tl::R) 1', M. This is the most sptilar
ride out ol rortland. rare, round trip,
50 cents.
Slop Your Slock From Jumping
An exchange says you can easily slop
a noise or cow Hum pimping lenccs when
out in Iho pasture, bv putting a strap
with it ring in It around the near fore leg,
above Ihe knee, and a surcingle or belt
around the body. Then, by a short
strap or piece of r'. attach the two
rings so as to make a harmless vet per
fectly elloctive, bobbin. Halter-nulling
in the stall may bo cllectmilly and easily
broken. I'ut a slip-noosed rope around
the body, lead the end of it between the
animal's fore legs up through the baiter,
and make it fast to the n. anger. Then
go iin into the hi ft and throw down a lot
of clattering tin pans into the manger,
When tho horse jumps back the rope
will catch him and bring bun forward
It will not be long before you cannot
make bun jump back .
Ilo for the Fourth.
It is about Ibis season of tho year thai
those who can do so are preparing to
make their trips, either from the coast
to the mountains, lakes or resorts of the
interior, or Irom the Interior to the moun
tains or the seaside. There are many,
however, who cannot spare tho time and
expense for trips of this character.
As the Fourth of July this year falls on
Friday, the Saturday following will no
doubt bo a holiday as well, This will
give all classos of people, leisure from
Thursday evening until Monday morn
ing. In order that the poople generally
may spend this time to the best advan
tago, our company lias docldod to make
open rates between all points upon Kb
lines that lio within a distance of 150
miles of each other. This rate will be
the regular single-trip applied for tho
ound trip. Tickets will lie sold on
Thursday aflernoon July 3d and on Fri
day July 4th, and will bo good for return
passage on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or
Monduy. T. II. Goohman,
Park Place is Popular Property,
Their Huslness Dooming,
Probably no one thing has caused
such a general revival of trade at O. A.
Harding's drug store at their giving
away to their customers ol so many tree
trial bottles of Dr, King's Now Discovery
for Consumption. Their trade is simply
enormous in this very valuable article
from the fact that it always cures and
never disappoints. Coughs, Colds.
Asthma, Bronchitis. Crouo and all
throat and lung diseases quickly cured.
You can test It before buying by getting
a trial bottle free, large size $1.
Park Place is Popular Piopcily.
( heap baud I or Sale.
Choice fanning land, lliico mile from
Oregon City In limn 10 to lisi acre tracts
at '.'ft. Oil to 10 do ht a. io Call on or
address, Ityau A liiimlall or
J. I IIi vmk, Oregon City,
Timber laud For Hole.
HO acres of lino limber land on the
I'ovleelliall nvei, in Coil lit rountv.
Wash. I u convenient lo navigable
water and logging camps adjoining.
Pilco intHI. Will trade for Oregon
City property. Apply lo
I'.J. Smri ii, hank I'd"! k , Oregon
City, Or. tf
No. I acd shingles in car load lots-
shaved shingles in largo iiuiititit ion. I n
ipiirn rf l. J. Sw liter.
To i tract for lb.' delivery of ,nu
..I i - I. ( l I ' . . ( 1
n'ni hi immi nr itiei. i or itiriner in
f,,r..,ut(..t, ....It .., ....... .Ot.... .1 ...!,..
1 1 1. v mk r i k Piii'.v PmaCo.,
iiit hi nr rv. .-'inn. Mipciinicinieni.
Take Niillcr.
Notice i hereby given llmt my ilo,
Julia Anna Kelly, must ih( U- trusted in
my name, as 1 will not l r's'iisibU'
for any debts ol her coiiliiieting
J. kkl I V.
Oie.iu City, June 21, IS'.si.
Psik Place Is Popular Propeily.
Hi allli and l.oiii; i i It).
I'r A. Willord Hall's Hygienic
Treatment lor Iho peiiu.ioi-ot cure ol dis
eases without either luodii iho, electricity
or costly appliances Works inperleci
harmony with Iho laws of natiue.
f,&Tf Microcosm "extra" which
gives the histoiy of the physiological
discovery. Sotnl (or cirenhus at my ox
N'iiso. Price ol llcaHh Pamphlet 4.00,
Addrcfs, J W.Tinmis,
Mohilla. Or,
Taken I p.
A cream hot so iiith white mane and
tail, medium nice mill h bile sot in face
and brands mi each shoulder, also a
notch in right ear. Outier ph ase call,
pay damages, and take awav.
Anmk CooI'Kk,
7 miles (rum Sandy in the burn !
tweeii North Fork ol l.iiv'le Crock and
Dear Clock. t 2
I will bo in mv ollice at I begun City,
to attend to business, cadi Tuesday un
til further notice, tf. I.. T. II.UU.Y
A iiuiiiboroiio milk civ (or sale cheap,
as 1 am going away. At u Kiu.i un;s.
When in need ol iimlhing in Ihe line
of llags, tin' ctuckers or lire woiks, call
onT. W. Fonts, opposite the railroad
deH)t, Oiogon City, as he carries a com
plete lino of such goods ami sells them
at very low prices. U;
.'120 acres Iin mproved laud, 10 miles
southeast ul Oregon City. Level brush
land, good soil and easily cleared. In
one of the bos', (arming districts of
Clackamas county. Price 10 per acre,
at least half cash, ell seemed Can he
subdivided and is a bargain, Address,
tf !. J. Kivnzm, Ileal Kstate Agent.
t begun City, Or.
4 bargain I !
Not to be overlooked. Lot with al
most new louse of nine rooms and stone
basement, close to woolen fucloty, pay
ing 10 per cent, interest on Isoo.lK): can
bo bad for a few days for XtOO.OO, half
cash. Parly must have rummy.
J as P. SlIAW,
212 Deal Kstntii liroker.
SI rill oil I'l iiin Homo,
About two weeks ago, a small, dark
red cow, Willi short horns, small while
slar in forehead. Any information of the
alio vo should he uddrcHHcd to H. I.
Phii k, the tailor, Oregon City.
All those knowing themselves indebted
to May A Cooke must call and settle be
fore July 15, (or lifter that time all of the
accounts will he in the bunds of our at
torney (or collection, with costs.
May ill Cook it.
A Npe.'iihillon.
Fine residence property in Oregon City
is becoming very dos'rubio. The N. W.
Hundall residence projierly has been
subdivided into lots, ami will be sold lor
'.TiO apiece. As soon us they luivo all
been sold there will be u drawing to de
termine who shall gut tbn residence.
Hero is a splendid opportunity tu get a
1000 residence, with two lots free in a
most desirable portion of the cilv, Huch
opportunities occur only once in a life
timo. The lot on the dwellings
stands will be 100 lent sipiiiro. For lur
thcr particiilais apply lo
ItVAN ci liANllAU,.
A l ine Line,
Mr. J. II. Way, the well known piano
and organ dealer, since bis removal next
door to the (lenlntl Hotel, lum received
an elegant line of organs, pianos mid
sewing miichines. A sample of the eele
prilled Fischer piano is in the purlurs of
the Central Hotel, where it run bo In
spected at any time. Hols tilso ngent
for the Decker Hros. and Tvers and l'oml
pianos, and Mason A Iliuiilen, A. li.
Chase and Weber organs, nil sold for
cash or on the installment jiliiu.
For Sale.
A good paying rewspnper and job of
fice in one of the flourishing counties of
Oregon. County ollicial paper, and bus
the land ofllce business. Address News
paper, care Kntkhi'iiihu, Oregon City.
ii:i,in(u:nt kkai. ...state.
suit: iiK oiii'uiiN, i
l HUH ur l. Ml KM t
Tu ins HMKMirv ur saiii Cui'srv, llnnsriss:
In Hi" iisiiio ol IIki sinio of ori'smi, yiui art
OiiiiiiiiiiiiiIc'I In levy, iipuii Ilia goods anil olist'
Ilea ul ilelliiipioiit u esyers iisiiiimI hi Ilia
xv 1 1 Ii I ii ili'lliiiinl la llal.ur an much Iharwif
as w Ul utlli llm iiniioil Una, lunmhar Willi
cmia and senrulns in il, ami It mi (irrdiiisl
liriipcrty lie tiiutid, llieii upim the rsl propurly
ant f'irili In aslil iloliniiiett tss Hal. or an
lllllell sa Mill anllaly tlio la aa chaticd
siul ibm n llh t'nala anil uipiiiiaoa; and yuu sr
roipilied to j.ny ever all iiiimey au enllm'isil ou
iiihi-fiun llmllnl Miimlsy In July, IMS), lu lh
t until ireaaiiror at aald oniony
In milieus a licronl, I Ii m v at horoiiatu sal lay
hand, ami aillioil III" anal nt h colony ami rl
Hits will ily ol May lwi,
II. II. JuMNauM, i ininiy Clark.
I lo ii'liy enillly Hint llm sbovr la a Una niy
ul llm nri!iil wnrrsut ami Ilia winds llinanl
lialod llil Jul ll day (it May, Isvs).
, II. II. SinsoN, HIierlSKl
I lai'kaiuaa t'uuuly, Orfu.
iy vlrlun ul llm alinte warrant I luva Itylad
iii..h ami alll, on Haliinlay, July Mli.lswJ. allha
llnlll ol 10 o'clock a. in. ul aald day, al Ilia oinlll
hoiiae door In tita elly ol iin-aou t'lty, I'lseks
lua oodlily. llleaoii, anil all lli oluii( ilo
erlliwl reol properly al aueiliui lor eaah lu
hand, lor amount ul isi dim llmtroti lor Ilia
year ltl aa liowli upon Hie ilelliiuiicii! Ilil lor
aid vesr logiMher mill Ilia eoata ami sipauava
ul sale.
i II
ll 40
i w
9 0
I 3
II 40
I m
1 0
1 04
1 v
A ant, Amia a ul i 't ul aav Hill,
r S , so acres
Allirlhl MraC-Ufti( City, blk I'M,
tola I and 't
A I it la til. It W - llrr,.,n I'lly, klk il.
Aii.c... Aim K- Ilia, lot i
Alnlelaou, II II - lUacraa lu tec HI, I 8 a,
r f o, ,
Anderson, ) U -ii,o ',, u 17, u i,
lit. mi acres
Alulltwa, I has li', ul !, nt ,
I I I. r I W era
UnihY. i' It,-- Ilm.i'l II It liei,, ..o Jfl,
,!, i li a, r J A .1, tuaeiea
llls, A'al awl( ol an', and al4 ul
aw' ,,(s IV, 1 1 a, r i . so acrca
lltoKkiu, I ins - aa1, ul as' tvv I 6 l,
r .1 o. 4(i acres
llaytand, Asa, l ul X Wtllil II I, I',
aeii ; ami a I .1 a, r 3 a. ISI acrea ....
lilllix, ) II - K It laud lu arm I, I ,
r , In acrea
How tuali. Win w1, n ll',, aooal, t t,
t '-' e, so aeraa
ltilhi(ai, Kennedy lira hw', ul aoo 6,
t i a, r fi let acres
ll.-.-l,.-, llllva M,, ll.i kaiiiaa, blk t,
Italikliia, AtidreHi m,'4 u a'k ul It'll
ti, I 1 a. r I . Hi aetea
tlrow a. lieu- ih id t' ul ao IT, alv
id o ID. 11 1. 1 I l.o ai m
lion man, Mm T Coaler II 1. 1', lia,
r .1 , si acrea J VV A U A - ul ao ft. I I a,
rue, ni alirca
llurlluaita f,d - r' ul aw'4 and w't
ol e',. me,, iioi,, are I, I I and I a,
II r. l Aclca
llnttrll J II -lielia III Uloiirnlto, Il
1,1 , . 4, i a a, r I a. W aerra
UroHU J K tc ul li', aeo 1, I I,
r I o. luai-rn .
Ilnll, i, n i,',. pi u i;, aw Is, j a
r .1 a. l.siaeiva .
Maker, l-sureiiew pi ol Klilior II 1. 1;,
l J , r n. I acre
tlt-elie, Miaa XI fc, NtfW Oaweft-il, llfk II,
ol II and In
Holds, j 1 -a', aoo Id, I a, r .', IW
Hut lea. Mli lid, t" ol ar1,, see , I 4 a,
r I e. lu ai-it-a
tarlaoii, Joloi, ae1, of tee 17, 1 ft a, r St,
b -Mi
I 10
A ii
U l
I 40
7 Ml
9 90
I'aiiu-toii, '(tin an a1), at't and
as. ai-e lu, l 4 a, r a o, lisj acrfa
7 M
I a m I'" 1 1. Vli Xlr -i lluwaid U 1. 1'
see .11. I .1 a. r i a. I(SJ
1 iiliini MtaMarllia, -lie', ol II dairy
I' I. I lia, I Ja, III aelta
t'liliuilirfliaiil. lieu llniaid. I 1 1, r 1 1 .
I'mllicrs. Irtt lu, Caiiruuili, OIM la, lull
Catubtiell, il II -I'lsckaiuaa, blk U. lula
tli. . men A VJooaUo-H lillcoiul), II I.C
and mill
I'te.ay, K w -pi ul rruw. Il l.C. I la, r I
c, aj acrea
l iciiiruu V M Na lltoo l,)k IX lull
J.1I. Ink ' tola ; S, ,lk -J, lula 1 J
lamfliell, J N tt uattrtfo, Ink II, lull
I w
i 30
I I 00
n . .
l.'ti in I l.c II, Alice - New Oani-tfu, bill 14
I..I I
I'al U, I I. New lo i (.i. 1,1 k .Si V lol I i
ii ....
t:ilrt". ii.c.r- Mi Mahoii i I. f, aec Milt,
i J P. ii at lea
t rnttlord ii A-w',. ',.'(. al,.o tl
t li,lli IMI acrea
l arlaoii I. tj - im (,. e' ,, aee , I 1 a, r
4U acrea
I 04
1 01
la M
1 OS
I Mi
Cik k. I II
!( acrea
aeo 11, lia, r ft a,
Colltaay. Mlclll -ae'j. upl, and Ue'4ullr
ae a, ,i a, r 'i . au acrea . ... ,
I brialie, Ihma.a ..( u 't. ', a .
aee I u a, r 3 a, It acrea
('arum. Tuc't l no 4, aee Kj, t I s. r i a,
II acrea
Columbia. Paper Mill lu l Hurk PLC
aeo 41, 1 J a. r V , 11 acrra
l arla.ui, a U a iiw'-t, u',. aw',. ic S
I .V a. r 3 p. 11 acrea
4 IS
19 00
10 40
I'raluea. II - W 't lin, r'k
I 4 a, r A a. I141 acrea
Caiul-l, patid IH"
r . e. au acrea
nw',, aeo 14,
, a-o 31, 1 la,
4 It
I (1
I 90
I'liliKali. Homer. -Molalla, lull,
I'ut.iii. Joloi - Molalla. lot I
Ullbola. J I' lot 1 ul ae, -.11 1 a a, 1 1 e, 3.1 40
lreer J0I111 II 111. .l 1 3 a. r I a. w aerea
Pull). I'm Holme ami Vance It l.C
aee .V, I J a, lu aerea
liel jiflinicnl, hii H VV Hnlmei, t) l.C
aeo U. 1 le, ma. aciee
liedienl, W C - eaal ul UK'noii l ily blk
li.l. I.ila I i a I
I'll. hi. 1. M Mra - New Uawegu, blk 31,
lot a,
Pe Mara. Mary K NWOaeo, blk 44,
lot a.
Iiauelijr, C II - I'aaoii li 1. c, 1 1 a, r la,
llarry, A V. W Cook p 1, 0, aeo 7, t la,
l), Si aerea
I'lioii. 1; J-11',, i,, a.-o js.i ja.r & a,
11 1 acrea .,
Peiueui li -lot 4 ami ul, uf ae, aee ill,
I .1 a. r I e, 1HJ acrea
I'etler, Hern-all. e', ul lie',, aeo JSI, I 4 a,
r 4 e o aerea
Pott all. N A ol ot (I W Ula tl 1. 1', aeo 30,
I I a, r 1 o, il aerea
Pane, K and I. l ol claim No 44. aeoSTi
1 i a. r '1 e. ,v acrea
Pane. I. H - J II lliaae olnlin 44, loot's
I J a, r i 0, W ao ea
I no
M 00
I 30
1 04
10 40
30 m
3 13
13 00
13 00
3B 00
Pane, I. C -1: K 1 racoy, Ii LC, are 31, 1 1 a
r l , Ml aerea
liano. L C e', ul ae',, lula 3 4 aeo 3.1,
I i a, r .1 a. let aerea '
fiawall, llarlet:- Marthlleld
I'eiiim. Jw', ul ae', ul', oliwj, aee 10,
I J a, r 4 e. Ml acrea ...
tiattell. H C-ll Miller, U L C, ae;, 1 1 a,
r I e. ill itcrea ,
Hiilrnneo. N -Sollttuod, blk 114. lot 6, 7 ,
Knirlek, MIclil ii, ol tin',, aeo Is, t 'It,
r 4 0, mi aerua
Kraiia. Thoa ntv', nit1,', e'i ot aw'-,,
aee ul, I -j a r II o, I'M acres
Klierauii, C fi, of no',, aeo 11, I i a, r 4 a.
Ml aeroa
rft rtll. J..IUI - II Hold, aeo 24, t 4 a, r t a.
so aerea..
Kdwnrda, J-a't ufaw1,, aeo IS, lia,
Kdmlatuii. II N -i)ri-nii Clljr, ol. I aora
haailinui.Vt 111 W haeliaia II 1. U, I 1 1,
a I e, U acrea
Kddlo, W m Now 1 w. 'go, blk 44, lula 7,
hnrderlirook, A Mra-Mark wood, 11 1. C,
aee ml, 1 2 a, r 4 a, 44 aerea
Klliu, W ll-hellwood, blk ii. lol 11
Kvaua, t;a -Vt llliama i L C, aeo 10 11,
1 3 a, r 'io. lot, aeroa ...
Ksvoa, Mllinii-Noty Krs, blk 2, bit 1-1-6
(1-7 s, blk 4. lota 12. blk I. 0 S. blk i
It 30
7 M)
18 00
7 Ml
4 16
( 34
10 40
1 IM
18 00
1 80
8 V
3 tW
7 SO
8 1A
Kr.'derlck, liixtnvo.-Hellwuud addition
tu M 1 1 tv 11 11 k let. blk III
Ranalds J 1111 hairs ul ft Jl lut In mill on
ileeji Creek , ..
Kuator K W -Koater II L C, aoo 3i,t'Ja,
r 4 0, UK) seroa
Fsrahsw; J A-ol-o uf noi,, sue 17, Us,
r 3 0, Ml soma
l'orealor, J 1'- J Hruwu cl, aoo 1 3 a,
r '1 a. Hill seroa
frits, Jluury-uoi,, aoo IM, I I l, ill,
pill aeroa
Rrsnola, J-Noty Oattrogo, blk l, lota
7 and S
Rranooy, Thoa Now Oawrgo, blk its, lots
Fautun Klialiou, v ol na1, and aw of
aw (,, see h and li, 1 4 a, r i a, l'JO serea
rancher, W ll-Hiown It L ;, t 8 a, r 1 a
Psnolier, W ll-0regoii City, blk 1st) luts
Rellotva, K 11 Canoiilall, bk 8, lut 4-8 ...
P.i 1 o.l nut 1 1. ttnin'l no1,, aoo (Ml, 18 s,
r 4 a, old acres
(IrluoHiiiir Mra. M.-a 8, t 4 , r 4 e, PiO a
Urlilui, Juliu titvf; uf u a of uw4, a tl, I
4 a, r 3 0, SO acres
Green, Jack It, II. laud, 40 acres
llllibons, Win -claim M t i a, r 8 a, SO aor
(liicrsuii, John a 30, 1 1 a, r il a, U7 aoroa.
Uriiiiiliinn, Hiirvey lie', ! lie', I 1,14a,
r 4 o,4(l serea
(bils-It. K. hi ml, a J7. t 2 a, r 6 a. 8(1 aorea
Ualns. Mra. M. K.-Mamitua 1.L. C. a 13.
10 40
8 50
I 30
8 30
7 60
1 n
1 95
8 80
80 Ml
30 80
8 83
8 V0
4 HO
a os
14 Ol)
311 00
t d a, r 1 a, 4u iioroa 37 SI
uaiiis, jura. M. it. guardian urauura a
heirs, a 13, 1 6 a, r 1 0, liu aoroa
Uardnor, H. A. 11I4 Waloh'a Li. L. C. aud
achoiil bind, a 311, 1 4 a, r 'i a, UHI aoroa. .
aiionch, K-ao', 114, pt of IV, aw-, of 37, t
33 03
14 80
' a, r 4 sun u 0, -mi acres
Cllvena, V. K-Whllounib 1) L C s 80, 1 1 a,
r 1 0, 40 aoroa
Ihiiui'll, Harriett l of Hill D L CtJl,
rift, SO aerea
HoHoltlne, A H aw'i no1 ,', nwfi of ae!i
a s, 1 (I a, r 3 a, so acres
Ilnverly, I H-iu't uf uei a 311, 1 1 s, r 8 a,
40 aeroa
Hiiiiauii, R C sol of awi,' s 13, 1 8 a, r 6 a,
4u ncros .'
Hull, J A no',' of no1,, le'of uej a 81,
t II a, r 6 0, so aerea
Hiibons, Kills tv' no'., ao', aej nil, t 8
a, r 3 0, 130 aorea ...
Hum, W Jl-nw;, of soli siul swi of ao i
of a '1, 1 4 a, r 3 0. IiU aoroa
H1111N011, K lol I and lot!, of lie'. I II,
1 4 a, r 3 0, 43 seroa
Hat no. J U- Mitchell D L C a 8. t 3 a, r 1 a.
130 00
30 80
4 (5
3 17
1 04
1 04
3 08
t (0
8 13
3 08
40 sorus 18 80
Hiiliion, K J- 8, t 3 a, r 1 a, 40 aeroa . . Ill 60
HiiKlics, .1 1 1 -Hon III UsHegu blk 38, 1 11 3 OS
Hiiburl, Mnry-Mllwsiiklo lot 7
IlHimoii, Thoa-iioi uf i a 1U, 1 8 a, r 5 a
4U aoroa
Ilnhii, J W-(1oo Wella D I C I 25, t 1 I,
r 1 a, 10 noroa
Hitlin, J W Helltvimil blk 41, lota and 4
Hugh A Jw' j of 'A t 1 a, r 8 a, 3ii9acra
3D 00
8 90
14 80
15 110
lloiiinleli, A- iini, uiv'i 1, t ,r i ,
411 serea , , . . . . .
Ilanaoii, l'lr-aa', ul iw'i il II lain
VI, Ui a, r 6 , 4l acr.a . ..
llcmliMieii, W p - a ly, 1 4 , r 4 a. uu
Held, Mary- sll, I 4 a, r S, SOaoraa
tllnliiii.Cliai'l'lVleliara I'M ti aud
; I t. t I , I'M Silica
lliillonl Ii. II u id ill Wllllaiui II I, I'
Ul, I II a, r , (nltaerat
Hill, II 'I-J Henna homcal.ail I 9, I I,
r I , ay'taniaa , . ... .
Ilauilliaiii, Jaa- l.lbu I) I, I', b-i II f, 0
a II ami Hi. I n aid 4, f I a. meria
Pnyea, n K- II K llayea I) I.I en add. tu
II II hlk s, loia II ami S IHIaeraa
Hllbera, Joan- New llaweyil lilk 4V lol II
lloeliKlilnllliiir, Joa-New llavti'tfu blk 41
loia III and II
lliiiau, l'c(.-r- Now IIcko blk 'JS, lot VI
II a a kaworill, John- New llaiteK'l blk II
Iliiedwlell, Now Oaweait blk ,14, 1st S
jloidllaka. ti New Ink ,iu lot 10
lliuMi, S ll-Niiw TI, hit II
llolllduy, Hen), ratals ol- -all ol Ilia land
laylns alona Wlllainclle rlvnr wai ul
unit Tins ul Waior SI, Iroiu mill r
aorva In (110011 I lly tu a point u-
' 1 1 at 11 w Corner uf Ida S la ore(ua
a os
1 SO
Ul 40
81 30
4 f
14 00
I 'il
( 50
1 01
t 04
S 35
I 04
Il v
78 00
ft 85
Almond -1, I11I. Ill ai'1, 'JH,
I 'X a. 1 i a. Iiiii aeroa
llhai, I M IJ ' link mall eliillll lli.ill
111 serea
nillii', W II awij loaa 4tl acrea t iM,
t 4 a, r I , I'M seroa
lleliitloh, Joah - pt ul I'Iisks elslm I Is.
lloaieiier. 0- Miller's liiiintaload l i, I S
r 'i n, Ml aerva
Ilnlnii, Jamoa-w'tawl,k14,t I , r I t,
Ml ll'IH .
Hull, Oeo-a', aw1,' Is, 1 1 a, r S a, Ml S .
Hallux II, A liell a id i. 1 1 a, r 4 a 40 a .
II r, VS II a r l..vllwo.l blk 4V,
tola I aud i .
Jean W u-aw (,, aeo S, I a, f I, an seras
Joliuaou Jareuiiab, a - Oawu, blk HI,
Jolinaou Mlrlu,-N K Mlaru, Uuiild,
Sac, ( aud IS, I J 1. r '4 a, 140 aelaa
Jennlui, Marllia, Mn -H Jtualul V
I. II, 1 1 , r 1 a, I4U acrea
Jtiinluia, Addle, t:. Jauiilli(i U LC
I i a. r I , I4D ai rea
Jmuilusa, Juliu a -wall w owl, blk 40, Im
Janiilnia, S Sallwiaid blk,
Joliuaoll, Mlaa Mary - aw',, aej. lol 'J aud
Malby ol, ao au 1 1 1, r 1 . li acrei
Jul, 11 b -',, a.-1, u II Jut, llniaid, aae,
IKI I I a, r . V.' aerva. .
Ji nnliina. Wia-tdul Wllaun II t, C SI
Sl,aa.rl a, lju aeroa
Jullea, W It 111,, a'1,, ao', a, 10 'il,
I ti a r S , mi acrea
Jouca li K 1.1 Harvey May ) I. I'.l In.
r I , '.'IH acrea...,
Joliea II K .! pari laaae Karr I) L V,
aefl V, I S I. f II a. all acrea .. .
Jimea llioa -- il ul jrludley, H I. C I I I,
r 'I e, 1tl acrea
Joliea Mamlra II, ul nw , aeo'A I
II . Ml acrea
Joiiea Vt 111 W im It), I i a. f 1 a. W serea
kelloo, M J -pt lli.w.l.l Ii I. f, Panne!!
Ii 1. 1 a IV. 1 t a. r 3 o, tm acrea
Kellelu, Martin- pi ula li. I a, r 1 a, IW
Ki(a.., T K l. -u'k awl, aisi.l 3 a, r 'Ja,U
K In jell, 1 K-ptol I'ullll, II l.C. aeo'A
and 13 a. r I a. Ill ai rea
K..IHI I ll. - pi J lliltwood HI. (', aeol.
I a a, r ae. th acrea
Kinney. tteo-a', no',, aeo t I a, r 4 a
Ml acrea
Kliclieii. 11 - pi KoMer 11 l.C, t J i, 1 4 e,
ii acre..,,
Ko.n-ii. J1.I111 ',, IIP',, aeo II t 2 a, f 4 I,
Ml aerea,
KihiiiIs, Ja New IWwrsu, blk 47, lot 7,
kecimu, Marlla, how l"i'o. blk It, lot
. .
Kanrmaii, Alice, -Truaice, New Oawenu
I. la r.. M ,1, ...
I.nran.ati. Jno -lit',. I . iee 30, I J a,
r I e. m
I. ik. net Kdwd -u', ul uo',, aae JO, 1 1 a,
r I W, Mi acrea
Umlxrl. A ltd W - pi Kllllrr l I. I', t I I,
r 'A e, ;,S acrea
l.nllicf K. A Mra-McMalloll II 1. 1', arc JS
I I a, r i e. 3 acres
Ulldla. J ll-ruilll'. P I. C, arc 6, t 2 S
l'Jr.1 aerea
Uwla Juo l -ae',, i, ot la . aeo ti, t (
a, r Je, .'411 acrua
teletrrv 0 lc He', ul lie1,, aeV, ot Be,,
lie',, ae1,. aee io. 111,1 i e, lju aerea .
Leant. A 0 1 .-11 !! I II eg ..11 lily, klk IJ4
lol 1..' II, ...
Uwla. IV II Alien l 1. r, lit. I la, IM)
Laiklua, Vt M -reoa l it), blk ITL Id
3 01)
8 30
t 30
I 30
4 l
3 00
8 30
10 40
I 80
30 1
3 40
e 34
8 v
10 40
14 M
T 3S
3 0s
38 00
10 as
30 so
I an
4 55
i 58
33 75
7 50
4 IS
4 55
4 l
4 65
3 ao
1 04
8 VO
1.1 Ul
li 60
5 30
10 40
14 17
I 80
& 40
""I'-!?1' b- 'i'l- ' aae . '
T aerea ....
M.aXea'i, W l'-ni, ol uei,, aeo A, I i ,
fSf. a aerea
MaUKt. II A -liel ol ae'. ul ao, lee 'J7, I
3 0
1 OS
MfMor.' r
fSI acrea
Ratillue lie',, awl, of ue',uf
ae',, aee 1:1, 1 3 a, r a e, au aeraa
Morilmore, Kd - Morlliuore llmald.t 4 a,
r 3 e. l(i aeroa
Me)cr, Joaei.U. Huyiilou aiidt'liaal l I.
c , aeo 5 I 5 a, r 1 e. 7V aerea
Martin, t. -', ol aee I, I i 1. 1 I I, JSI
acrea . .
Martin J II -Martin llm. Id, I 8 a, r 8 a,
leu aerea
Marahall, R oi j, ae') and aei, uf ae'f
ul UN1,, aee 10, t I a. it e, sa acrea
Marabrteld, R - ', uf lie'.auduw ut
ae(,. aee I I I I. 1 'l I, W acrea
l( liutre, II Mra-w1,. ae',, w, uf ua1,
ae'. ii1,, aeo s, i 4 a, r 3 a. liar aorea
M)(-ra. Vt k w ul uw' aee i), I 4 a, r 4e.
Maihew R J Hi,, aw',. ' ae. aeo 3S
1 8 a r 4 e. loo aerea
Maira Siul pl uregoo Clt) ol. t 3 a, r 3 a.
2 aerea
Madduek, Kll -el al Near Kra. blk 8 lot 5
Muaa, Vuluer, II Hlrauhl li L C, aee 35,
I 1 a, r i e II aerea , .
Mtera. kllcii Mre-rleiith Oaweo, blk 10
lol 1 .
Mk-oii. R RTuiniikiiia A Walling 1) LC
Mllcr J It - Mil w ankle, blk is, lula 1.3 3.7,8,
Mel art-er, S J Mle-lUwuod add lu Mil-
waukle blk 1 .
Mc( after sj- ol W bliiHimb I) L C, 1 3 a,
r I e. 1 I 3 aerea
Miller, Arthur,-!! Campliell II L C, arc
31, III lie, 40 aeroa .
Miller, Wru-ni, aw, aS4, 1 1 a. r 4 a. so a
Meier. Aruii-u'i ae', a 14. I 3 a, r 3 a. SO a
Monro. J J in-', a It.', I 8 a. r 5 a. liaJacra
Marahall, JotiuK, H land a 1S.I1I.HI
McKiniieii, M-a't iw', a 1ft, t i a, r 8 a,
so aerea , .
Marahall, A Iv-Oaweaju blk 80 lolaJl
M.wa A H A-Oawccu blk 31, lula 8, 8, 4,4
blk ll, lota 6 and 7
Mcllitlli, Cieu-Uawego blk 34, lots V, PAIS
ami 14
McUrau I 0wci!.i blk l lot II ,
Ndtlius, W 1. How land U t C a 13 and
14. 1 J , I '.' a, so aerea
New land. II -llowUud 11 LC I 31, t 8 t,
r 5 e. 40 aerea
Newman, II ilielra of) ae', of a ft, t 3 a,
r ft e, Hal aerea
Newman, Im- nit1, au1, a 5, 1 4 a, r 6 a,
4u aerea ...
New, 8 K- ' ew',. S ne a 13, 1 8 a,
r 4 a. lit) acrea .
Nlehulaun, I II- H. H laud a 10, 1 3 a. r 4
0, 4il aerea
New 1,1 1 1 J y eatalo of- w', uei,, 01 ).w
a Is. HA) aerea , . ....
Newman, H R 00, add. to Oioguu City
blk V, lul 3
Nli'holla, - aw',awl,nw a 31, 13a,r5a
'Joe aeroa
Nolan, Jna N ', avl, a 30, no af lie) s3V
t 3 a, r I 0. 1'20 aerea
O'Neal. II IV-nei. awl,. wi; 114 , aj, t
3 a, r 5 e, so aeroa
O Ncal, li W-110', ole', a 5, t 8 a, t 3 a,
40 aerea
Olien, il ol l.oe I) I. C '!.'( aoroa
Oregon Lodge .Nu.8 l.o O R. OrogouClty
I.Iks, 1, Im 3
Oregon Nat l ll'ii k Portland nw' n.
lie', lot I a IV, 1 8 a, r 1 e, SO aerea
Prcaioh, J H heirs of-Oreguu City blk
I113 loll I.S frei 37
rortland l enient Co. building aud ma
chinery I'eiernnu, Aitolnh 8 Oawogo blk V, lota
7 ami 8
l'einiy. I'etor-K Mllla D LC a 7,13a, r4
a. so aeroa . . .
!Vtfrorifc La rami Koalenniachor limit
alio, I 3 a, r 5 ,3IU aoroa and Id uf l'elf
I) l.C a so t 3 a, r 3 a, list aoroa
I'lakley, KIIJmIi nJ of ao), a 31, 1 8 a, r ft
e, 4J aeroa
Talker, Abraham llsknr 1 l.C o,w',
aw', a 83, 1 3 a r 1 , 40 aoroa
1'urdeiin, W S-awi, iiwl,, uw', aw1, a 38
t 3 a, r 5 0, SO acrea
I'srry, Alnuliani 1 8a, r 8 e, SO seroa .
I'nraun Huiul w', nw1, a 6, 14 a, r3 a, 40
aoroa . . ,
Payne, W 8-pt of Fuller D L C a 38, 1 1 a,
r 3 o, seroa
Phillips, V L-pt of 110 a 5, t 3 a, r 3 a,
34 acrea
I'll n 111 1. R nw'-, of uwf4 a 37, t 3 a, r 4 a,
40 aoroa
I'alterauii, Lydla M Oawognn blk 35, 1 t
llHiiclplior, l) K-id nl John lllllell I) LC
a ii, I 4 a, r 3 a, 40 aeroa and K. K. laud
aw', uf nw', a 33, 1 4 a, r 3 a, 40 aeroa..
Itoek. Ueo suaeres a 13, 1 4 a, r 3 a
italatiiu, Wm aatatoof-lut 1, 3, a 3V, 1 1 a, r
1 SO
13 80
38 00
4 13
10 SS
a vo
1 08
4 SO
13 00
10 Vt
I 00
1J 70
ft 44
38 00
7 60
7 eO
7 "0
1 04
1 80
t 74
3 VI
3 ao
6 30
2 60
7 SO
3 OS
8 13
2 08
4 18
i 80
7 80
( 60
8 13
6 56
78 00
2 08
2 80
78 00
2 30
28 00
3V 90
8 60
6 30
9 OS
!0 40
2 58
2 60
? ao
2 80
1 04
7 34
15 (HI
1 a, ao'i 01 ao'4 (0), aivij of awi, uw',
nw',, a 1,5, 1 3 a, r 1,3 ain't sak (,
lot l'(i''), lot 8 (5), a 5, 13, 35. 1 3 a. r I a;
luta 3, 7 (13), bd I, w of uivl, n' Uei.
a 1 18, 17, tu, 4 a, r 8e; 11', uw), 11W iwj
(II); awi, nw1,, 11 w ( aw', a 1, 11, t 8 a,
r 4 a; ' j aw ,'i of a 7, 1 1 a, r 4 a, 855 IV
11)0. 83 00
KltottHrds, juliu- pl ut booua D L C t 8 a,
r 1 w. lOOacroa . , 18 30
Hsiiitsll, O P pt of MoCowil I) L Cl7,l
5 a, r 1 0. 100 aoroa 18 73
RtiHHCll, Wales of ae), eL, no), lie)
UvV, loaa 11 aoroa a 14, t 0 a, r 3 a, 14V
aoroa; w'-j 11 w'-, a 35, tS a, r 3 a, ml aerea 1 58
It 11 11 w. jauioa Key ic", uw',, ua'4 aaji s
5,t6a, r 3a, 80 aorea 7 so
Hutter, J K-Mar.hfluld blk 10, Iota 1, 2,
8,4,6,8 7 80
ltubluaon, j T-Murli field blk. 1, lol of
3 '. , . a vo
Rood, FMneiaoi,plof Btv) a 36, 14 a, r
1 w 7 80
Kuaaell, Mathow-aw'i uw, nwi, awji
a 8, 1 5 a, r 8 a, 80 aorea ... 4 18
Ryan, Margaret Mra pt of no aai. a) 38,
1 3 a, r 8 a, 00 aeroa S 50
Kubertaoii, David pt ot Wliitoomb D L
C a 3ii, 1 1 a. r 1 a, 300 aoroa 183 00
Rngborn, Hllveatar pt of PhllllppaD L
C, aoo 88, 1 1 a, r 1 a. 38 acres 18 30
Rol.erlo, J S-w'J ul w',ae'., aao 8, t 81,
r 1 w, 40 noroa (20
Roberta, Juliu e',', aol,', aoc 33, t 4 I, r 8 a
40 aeroa 3 08
Rlloy, 11 W-ptof Walling DLO 13 a,
r 1 0. 47.80 ... 18 so
8t Paul's Uuild, Oregon City, llk 7 lot 1,
7 28 00
Smith. J K-Biulili'e lluiald, aee 33, 1 4 a.
r8a. IM) 7 so
Shipley, L A -pt of Jeaae Bullock D L 0
aeo Hi, t 3 a, r 1 o, 45 aoroa 17 90
Sogluu, C 8, -Oswego, blk 33, lot 8 8 76
Shtite, S K-pt of Wadawortli D L C, 1 3 1,
r e, a nurva 0 00
Sluokoy, Jno pt ot J Kollogga, D L C 1 2 1,
rue, 14 aeroa 18 00
Slitmller, 1) A pt of Weill DLC, 100 80,
1 1 a, r 11 a, -o aoroa, si 20
Mioiih il (!-it of soa iw, 1 1 a, r J a,
till aiuea . . . , . .....
Seor iW ar!, awli, swtj, tH
ae aa 'JO I 2 a, I 4 a, M aeraa.,.. .
Shaugle, il y las. sea M, 1,3 1, t
10 ti
9 Ul
2 60
7 3!
4 IS
4 sores,,,,
Siiillll rre-l ie', aud lie) aao 38, 1 1 a,
1 6 a 40 aulea
Nhauki, I liaa-e, ae1,, IW',, aa It, 1 1
a, r 6 a, Hal ai' rea
Sclaler Joliii-K Hlslnl aoo 3, t 9 1, r 4 a,
sm aaraa .
SI Iter, Y- ',, iiw'i, aae 30 I 2l, r6,
soaerea ....
Skirting, jamaa lie 11',, nw aeij,u,
nil,, at',, aeo 38, 1 1 a, r 3 a, SMI aerea
S1.1111., i; L - llniaid, teo 10, 1 4 a, I 4 a, 58
aerea ...
Mwope, T W -R.'tgar Klalivr l LC, 12a,
r 3 a, 10 aeraa , ,
Schwann. Wia, -W K MeCubblu III. C
aeo ill, 1 1 a, 1 8 a, 83 serea .
Mliaiige. Adsia. -pl Rlaher V L C, lis,
7, S
r J , I 13 serea
Stnlili, Una, d uf Straight 1) LCI . a. r 3a,
Smith. hmlly Mra-t 3a, r 2 a.'il svraa...
1 1 4 seres
Sloan, Jainea-I'snby, blk 4. loll 1, II, 12
Selimede l.liaa -pl uf II utilise II LC, I 3 a,
f 3 a, I I 2 aoiea ...
Sch warn (,hi I Tbnmaa 1) LC, aao 33,
I 4 a r I a. 18 1-9 aeraa ...
Hebwalera uf Mlnutri el, t 4 I,
r I a, HI serea
Sherlli Una. II K land, 1 4 a. r 4 a, Waerea
Sclimldi jiiu-H 11 laud, 1 1 I. r I a, su
Spencer Peter-Parllng I) I. C 1 I a, r 3 a,
IS) aerea .
Sehuelder jaenb-liwl, n','. pl aeo 87,
I j i, 1 1 1, mi acrea
Seen. I)- Mark wood, Il I. ' aa 38, 1 1 a,
r 4 e. 43 aeraa ...
Schroder Frank Oawago, blk SI. lot I
" Margaret " " 4V " 8
Se.iolli l.'lmiphaa - " " 27 " S
" Alilollia " M SO, 32. " 1.3,
SlurelaA W.HlcH-k III Welo lilk 4'. (H 4
aturaia ueo Kugeua Oaaegn blk 18, lula
v,iu,ii,i,ib .. ......
Slraul, II R- Oawegu blk 84. lot 11
oliwau, Allea U-oawegu blk 27, lot 18
blk 4 lul 8 ,
StantoliO A-le.tie'; leaa 12 aeraa lu
aeo it. 1 1 a. r I a. M aerea
Htm kratte 1u-ili ulet(,, aeo 1 1 a,
'lauodlau, Vlclur-ae', ae-, a 11, w sera
r 'J e au aerea
Thomaa, RUelau, e'4. ae'.,, w1!, i) aeo
,1,1 I 1 1.1 I a, liwaerea
Treiiaeb, Sefierliia-belra uf Be';, wi
nw',, ne, aeo , 13 a, r 3 a im aorea
TerlorSeiul-aw'.eeu , l i I, Ida, lis)
acrea . , .
Tlirepp, C W-4'nby bluek 14
lliomaa j L!,. uw1, aeo 1, 14 a, r la
40 acrea .
Tlce, I W pt aeo 1 1 4 a, r I a, 40 aerea ...
'lelepliuua Cu- inllea ulea, wlrea luat
Sllurea , ... ......
ThorliJornaoii.Nel. pl I hoal DLCaaal,
14 a. r I W, ( aerea
1 liompaua, II II Holmes add la Or City,
I 3 a, r I a, 'Jecrea
luhgua, 1 boe-Oewrgu. blkMI lul 16 . .
Vlcli.ia. L-Oregou ( ny blk Si. lota 8. 4
Wrlahl, Alotuo-Osttegu blk 43. 1 la 10 It
W Iclinian, Vl Mra-Soulh Otaegu blk
I. .la I. 4
W ella. M I Mia-Soutb Oaargo blk 80
Woodward i II -all of bAlly I) LC 1 1 1.
r I w, 317 aerea
W llaou. 'I wood blk 4'A I'd 8
Wallenaielu. J-d uf a ri, 1 3 a. r 5 a. tnia
Wanly, t H-OregouCliy tlk 1)1, baa 3
4, 5,
W elch, Knbi aal i.f-pi of a 88,1 4 a, r 3a,
lui ai res
W illlaina, Wm-.l of a 34. 1 2a, r 3e,l'a
Ward. K.I w-Canl.y blk 4. lul I
W aguer l'eler-pl uf a J. 1 1 a. r I a s aerea
Wee la, Michael -a', ae1,, ae', a l.
t I a. r 4 a, Ha) serea
V, Inaeiibery, jobn-uw i, of na', a 38, t
I a. r 6 e. 40 aorea
Vtallera, l'haa-aw'., of aw', a 1, 1 3 a. r
a, 40 acrea
W tlamt, A J-A i W jlaud bumeilead I
Vuuug. juhu at ewiuw', aa) al, 13
I, me, liu aerea
y.eii.e. M-aaregu blk 82, Ud II '"
I naiiowu-i', ue) a Ml. I a. Hi, II aer
I lialmwu Caurmeb blk 8U, b.lae, 4. 5,8
7, a .... . . .
t'ukuutra-d'aueruab blk 3V .. .
do du blk la. Imi J, :
du do blk il. .s' '
CO. Aim. Tiu g. ..
I'nkouau blk li laia a
do do 47 do 12 18
do do M . .
dd do lev
do . do no lula 8 4 6 4,
dn du 175 da 11
do du 177
do do 174 loti 1 2 8 4
dn du 72 lid I
dn du 14 lula 12 8
do da 14V du 8 4 .
15 O)
6 -M
7 0
7 s
6 isi
2 Ml
7 so
I w
I Ml
1 9U
And at tho aaluo tune and plai-e. 1 will
ell the following deacrilssl niortgaices re
corded in the book and page set o..iie
each for the tax set ooile the re-it-i iite
Abraham, Jas, vol r, paye 317 . . f V.' M
Austin, rVtli, vol r, Jiage ti'it , .. 2 1.1
Austin, il A, Yol q, .age SU . . 17 .it
AeiiialmiiR, J W, Yol I, page . I:' 11
Alheii.lteUs-ea, Vol o, paga Xil I'l 40
Anderson, Kric, vol a, page .171 S3 HI
Anderson, K C, Yul s, page 57 17 .tt
Alulersou, KC, vol 11, pair lit 7 so
Anderson, )' 1', Yol I, page 473 13 so
A mleraou, A 1' and w iff vol I. page Is3 U isi
American illg Co of 800UI, vol ti,
pane IK ... 20 So
Aiiierlcan Mir Co. of Hootd vol ui,
pare 73 43 ,13
Hurket, W M, Vol p, patf 21 14 H 5M
ltrown, V Mra, vol r, page. 10 tk
lllack, It W, vol r, pogo ula 4 31
Hlack, 1) W, Yol a, ge 4.W (j H3
lllai k, 1) W. vol p, pagailW . . lu 40
Hoard of Cliurvii aret-t fund, Vol a,
lago2!) ., fl 113
llowinan, Julia, vol s, page 102 4";
Hrtiwn, II. vol p, page 65 ft Ts
Hanks, Law is A, Yol 11, )age 670. ..... 1 73
Hallour.liuthrie 4 Co., vol I, page 110 62 U)
Hallour A Urodts vol r. pagati mi m
Hell, Kobt, vol 111, page 4M. l:'l .33
Harlow, l 11, vol 11, pate 3MI .8 u,
Harlow' K T, vol t, page 321 . . ti (ai
Horgi r, K J, vol w, page t ti tw
Hlaucliard, A I., vol u, page ) 6 20
Chasa, Kiiinia K, vol r, )age 4S1 . . .. 4 44
Cmss, 11 K et al, vol r, paga 610, 3l u M
CainpMI, B K, vol s, ugv 15 tl i
I'liapuian, Kllen, vol J, pugaMl .. SOI
Crandall, O J, vol p, go 1)7 1 73
Chaiuls-rs, Hri.lgel, vol n, page 152 I 73
Cbeinebiita Uslo No. 1 1, 11. II. K
voir, page 77 17 13
Creasv, h W, vol i, page 343; vol r,
.age4; vol t, t(es llu, 370 W 0s
Cross. 11 K. Yol 11, page UO 4 S3
llavid, India A, vol r, pnge .Vl2 ti H3
Ibirand Kva, vol s, page In 2u so
Dalan, John, Yol s, page 203 3 4(1
Drtick, Win, vol r, page 213 . 22 .53
l.iallou. Win, vol a, page 2.16 6 20
I'avls, Mary, vol r, iago 240 17 ,33
I lean, Win. vol r, iutgo 247 13 15
l'itiiieeit, '1 1111, vol r, page 224 4 33
,'iiiuiea, nieunni, vol I, iag 457:
vol k, paga 170 0 m
1'ixon, joel, vol k, page 2.V1 ,3 33
1 'avion, laiwis, vol u, pago 71) 12 13
Davidson, Ueo. Yol u, page 31 ti )
Kdinondson, Nlary K, vol q, pag 74 1 73
Kvaua, J W vol r, page 112 s!l
r.uwanis,joiin u, vol r, pag 2117 .. . 17 s;t
Kiliniinds. V II, vol s, page 242 is M
Kdiminds. W II, vol s, page 242 ' .' 15 51
Knglo, M K. vol s, iago 234 no.
Fouls W 11 11, vol j, page 1(18 3 4,
t ratiklin vol p, page 600 n;
Failing, H J, vol 11, page ScX); vol o,
8 24
Olive .-ut,- , ...
Faircliiids, I'raula, vol 11, page 47tl,
Fuller. Msrlbw v.d .ai nt
' -.. : ' -It Vmh "V. .... Ol tHI
J-rante, it A, vol s, page l,'t SM
borlH's, H S, vol t, page 832 (j cej
hosier, Ann Mrs, vol p. page Oil ; vol
r. tiacea 171) ill. vi I ........ i.m o- mn
, . , ( . ., i j ( (, . , , , ,,i
(Ira hum A v.d ii 1,,... i
Oalvin, Thomas, vol q, page 8s! . tj 113
; ' ' vul ll tl ot!
Uoruon. Alarv. vol 1 1.11.M wo u ....
Ui.. , , , ( -;-''r-n-.'v o to
.assHjol, K, vol u, page 12; vol t,
2o4 I" 47
Oalland, j & A, vol p, jiago 1).'.'.','. . 2l"l 4ii
(tonlon, J U vol s, pago 303 tj
Hayes, O h,, vol s, page 443 1 w
llogan, Mary, Mrs, vol p, imga SkVi'i
Vol p. mural ila
jjendrlckson, John, vol s, page 428 12 13
HaiiKle, M K, vol p, paKO tJ 10 41
Hanson, l'eter, vol t, page 4U5 341
Harris, David, vol q. pages 223, 253,
8'1 33
HornshiH h, K, vol t, page 3tK ,' .' ". 3 lit
lloirno. 11 A v.d 1 i,u.... 10 . ...
i,;iV .V . '. ' 1. w w I lal
inn, iiarneu, t,, vol s, page 42... . tj (14
Hutlinnii, Charloltc. vol t. itatm'tM'" 1 .10
Hess, Christian, vol k, pago 630.. . 3 4
Hicknian, j 11. vol t, page 71 5 20
Howe . Hlnnl'oe.l ...,V. V it n " ...
ii 1 ' .. .. V lJ"u -tu.... l O
Holmes, M l), vol t, pago 352 2 ,w
"' ""'i Jieury t, vol I, pages 422,
r.i'...i.'.'.ir 11 ' ' ' j M 84
lociiiuii, j, aiuu who, vol t, page 243 8 W
Johnson, A H, vol s, page A g m
4u.,iinoii, ueo, tui r, pago oim, , , , a a,;
Johnson. A IV vnl r i.ii I
Johnson, 1 0, vol t, page m .. . s ,u
Jarvla Conkllu Mfg T I'o, vol t, p 404 6 (13
joiiea, r-iiiiuu, vol I, page 2l)7 4 4(J
jooes, iiugn, vol r, pago 374 , 2 HO
JOUOS. W It. Vftl t. i,a.ra Jl
joiios.8 W, vol n, page Silti 10 Kt
Jenkins, Pj. vol ui, jiage 81 15 (jij
1- 1 1 ' .!', voi o, pag 148 2il 00
Kellogg, L b., vol s, page 64 5 20
Mock, 0, vol t, pago 413 27 73
iviosiernian, j vol s, page 108 10 ',;
Kllt'lor. V J Vnl I mttrH Ult ' . ...
. .... , j.- in
Kinney. N ancy j. vol r, jiago 362. .. . 14 00
lYi-iiut , ti 111, voi 1, page 34.1 tj (m
Kilhourue, M, vol t, pages 210, 209. ". '. 6 ot;
Lilirim. 1 A vol e i.uu... .Ofi . ....
,-"""' " ' i:"M 183
I.urstnau, John, volt, page 408 g in;
ijuuiii-,v, 11 iti , voi i, page tot 15 ,;n
Lovcns, C W vol t, page 107 "
' O 1, " " . -..
, . . . ei "i"" IO OH
Linn, C A, vol 1, page 160 0 ttt
uui' ureav, mury yoi a, pago n ft 20
Limlsey, David, vol a, page S8 13 jj
Lewis, Kvaua, vol r. page 485 6 y3
Minnesota Thresher Co, vol s, page 379 11 2(i
Minor H J vol s, page 306 10 40
Martin D B, vol 111, page 313 ' 6 20
Morton, Rich vol t, page 86 13 8;J
MortlmoiB AW Mt. vol, .ii-o Ti
" " t, " 170. la I,
Man l,fiiils, vol t, piu ISI a"
Mooia tlso Jr vol () J'.ige 1 1 '
I " .W .
" " " " q " w
Meyer,' Mult, vols, piign2i,2.,
Mayer, A vol I, pin'o an ,
Msgoona, Ii i, ml I, pngo 45 '
McKwau, Je-M' yol r, page 47l.,.,,,'
M'Urnih ji ter lol I, .nge 4,2
Mei'iillahiiii I J t"l . piii( Hi.' ,
Mi Kinie lua yol 11, .uye ;i "0
Mcl oWll K n Vol p, page "''.a . ,
Mel own F i).il r, page 71 . .
Mi Malum A A tolq, nt'eiil t
" " " Vol ', l (III,
" Morion ml a, puge v: ,
" " "l t, I I'ge 37. , ."
Northnel Murine In. I o. 0
I'iigefi77 . . . '
Nil -hulas Ann, tolp, price 17
Noyer la-lia 1.' lol r, page .'!.
Oregon Mlg. t o limited, vol o,
page 2l'i ,,
M Xeal Iniu'l Vol o, pnge I'-i
Dir. J W V"l t, pnge IL'I
I'arker W W,l,nlorce J I,, vid tl, pago
I'arker, J 1' yol 11, pnge, '.I
I'owers, I, J, lol r, iiC" H I
I'lit'lie, w H Vol I, page 7. ,
I'litlon M ul hew , vol r, 1 10 e -!'..;
I'erklus, .8 nea Vol I, imgu li
" l'liilllii, rol r, page Isii
l'll'le A- Muhli ml ll.p.ige 2-U
j'eli-ra l rel vol a, l ege 417,
I'urk I) vol ), pnge Ho
iliiien, M K vd 111 page T.'-i
Itcncii, ,M K Vol i. puce lo'
I'llabury, 1 Ii, vi I p, pm'F ,
Kilter, jno vol 11, pecii if
I'.aiidall Mary A vol a, pnge y.ti .
Ituaai II 4 ( iiv vol a, page 274 .
lingers li li Yol p, page i'l.',
Kolx-rtaoll I lu t ii tol 11. age .V,il ,
Kyan I I vol 11, pace ,
'" Win vol a, pa!'. I2
" " vol a 1 see ll
" " Vol a, pa( e ss . .
' " Vol a, p(go Hi, ....
" tol p, page si.' ....
to m
n n
lo a
I 7S
I" 8
10 c
" vol r, pago lil
" ' id r, vol 111,
Kill, dull If K tol t, pi,,-, put
It I'", vol (, pni-e !::
Itoaik ' W .yul I, page '.' ,.'
Itiitler I, M, tol 11, 1 u -e :;.
llucht r II, vol I, pmc .',!!,.
"hanks, M A vols, pnge is. .
MVliuiiiiig-eri l-rm i, page 41)
hH'li( r It I., vol a, pni'e i a
fi.arks, Kill 11 vol i, puce 4.'4
f-liauiioii, (' K vol a, pnge 4, t,
h hi 1 in .11 , C K Villi, pni-e n; .
r in il Ii , lien tol 11, j iu'ii If
Mhnre K "l p page 21s .
Millie Mill, Yol I, I age .110
Silicltura Co. lol i, page I'l. .
Ndletlora C11 tol j, pjc.'e l",)a
holiciiora ( (i vol ip 1 uge :ii'l
Wohcitora Co Mil q, uce 1.12
Nilli ltofi Co Mil q, I iti.1 HI
Mrnighl lliriiiu Vol I, pure '.11
Mraigbt II 1 ram, tru-li e 1 ..I t. i. igi- j;
N brillll hlirilll Vol I, put;e Xi't
Mraua Jno, vol t, m-i- Hi
Mliaheiliii-r. II, till 11, 1 u'e K
horiit'in J M lA'lin) 10! , page I'l'.
Tin- J M vol a, page 1 ;"i
Taylor Jim Vol I. page i,
I loiter jim A vol I, page Im
TiM-pleiuaii I A vd s, pages.'
liH-pli-iiiHit V A t.d i, page fill
Tocplctinui K , ml o, 1 .1. ,1 !,i,
Toe 1 ileum it K A ml 1, pai r s.'i
1'oepli-liiitll J., tola. pm.'e 2.h'l
Todd Jaioci, tol 11, page .-( .
Tyrou 11 11, to I, j ,,
Tv nm. It II vol I, pice 1
a l II Vol u, 1 age P 4 .
- o li, M Vol p. 1 age ,i;.i
'muli-riihe C t ol p, i a re id
Web Ii, 1.11, Vol , pa. e 2o
Winter 1" I' ml r, page W
Williams i v,, p, page ,'l?i
Wlllllltlia, C C t.. I, page IX'
v 1 1 !i i-l in Cutlnttitie y,.j 11. puge 441
Wright V 1., t,d t, 1 age I'd
W atlier V ml p, page ,'ipl
Wise am A, tol t, page 273
Wachinian Jim, mil, pnge.'t.l
W,.rk jiicob, vol I, page 217 .
Wailka J, Mil 11, page t.'l
Wilhau C V T, II K 'rie, vol I,
page 312
Wn-kamter I'itt. Md q, age 47.1
Wii han.ler. I'itt, Vol q, page i;u
ii hander. Tin, ml k, page 2l
Wlliloll, Uil.ili, Vol e, page 77
Wyiiian W It, vol I, 1 age 42
Young 1. S vol in, page 11 1
Zitcllie j II, vol ip vol '.i
Zainlltt Aiillie, tol 11, page pit
134 3)
i m
13 88
17 31
lor further iiartieular w-e rt'ords
Sheri:! df I iui kiiinm Co., Oregon,
liiiled Oregon I nt-, urigou, JuneSISSO.
Treasurer's .Sollce.
I huvii now ill my hands funds spuli
caldo lo tho pavinonl of all warrants en
dorsed prior to Ifc, 1 1, Kss Interest will
cea Iroin thiteol (his .t!ico.
I'aleil litis 12!h duv of June, lsl.
S. It. I'ALiir.
Trcasnier of ('hu kiiiiitts Co , Or
For .Hiile.
Ono yoke o( ea'lle ami one one good
hoise. Inquire of M. W. Handaix. tl
Tako Notice,
l'lirlies knowini; llu-inselves inJchled
to t'ooke llro s ninsi call iiinniedatelY
and sotllo and save coats
Cookr Bros.
I l!( MI.K.
3iK acres, S inilos from citv ; lOOculti
vatej; Hit in grain; Ml in fall wheat;
large orchard ; one-half mile to depot;
on ruilroad ; place .ell watered ; house
and harn : one of the U-st farms io the
county. Trice Terms easv.
Si) acres host land in the countv; 25
cultivated ; house and bain ; price $2100.
110 acres 4 miles (torn town: 40 in
cultivation; 1' hums; box house; nice
orchard; road passes lions; Bchool near
hoiiso; price ;iUH). This is one of the
best bargains. 0. Crrriso.
For Silt- ( liiqiu.
A usofiil horiio, small wagon and liar
ness. Apply to U. tiLAsseooi,,
-I Ureen Point, Oregon City.
Fur Sale ('lieiip.
Onu-liulf M,H'k adjoining McKee's,
w ith ton goml apple trees on it, and
other fruils p , o, (MKws A Co.
A Flue Farm,
Stop! If you are wanting a fine farm,
here is your i hunce. loo acres, three
nillua fr.011 l)i-..,,.n ft,.. ... :l..
v-...,o v (i . , viirj nine iiuiu
Clackamas Heights, whore town lots
io M'liuiL' ior $,u oiicli. Uoou
llOUSlt. Itai-ll. nn,L I I...,,r . (IO
....... ,v.t uuupc, w
acres uleari'd. tiood timlinr. near saw-
llllll: W I'll llllil Slil lm.a ..... .U. Will
sell farm, or farm and stock. For par
ticulars cull tit tins ollice.
My ontiio law and monpv lending
bilsineas w ill he carried on us usual iltir
ng my ahsencs from the shite. Mr. A.
S. Pressor will have chargo of it.
W. Cakky Johnson.
Parlies dcMiilinr iho ,uu;i;,. ,.f c,,.,
of Water Works are h.r,.l.t- uoilil.,.!
tho City Council of Oiegon City will re-
t.eivo uma ior petiorniing the ilutlt'9 Ot
tho sumo until Hm i;,w m. ..!..., :.,
II"'. ..l.'lll.OT, ...
Jllly, 1S00. L.l,. PoKTKK.
Cilv K'ooorihte.
Oregon City, Jiino 2;!, 1SK). " t2
Park Pl.iou is Poptiiur Propei'ty.
W'antkd Wood hauler to deliver 200
cords of wood, Inquiio at the brewery,
J. Madkr.
Tub Pi.acr 10 Hhy. High and dry
closo to proposed mot or lino, near cannery
and saw mill, Chivkunms Heights is
the idoiil lioino. I.ois ftio and70;10
down; biilnnce weekly pavnu'iits of one
dollar ouch. Prices will advance May
Park Phit'o is Popular Property.
Wool Wanted.
On and after Muv loth the OiegonCily
Woolen mill will h propiuod to buy
wool for which thev puv the highest
market price. Hy order of the
0. C. M. Co.
Park Placo is Popular Properly.
Cull on T. W. Fonts, opposite the
railroad (Ktpot, Oregon Citv, for tineci
(tiirs and tobueoo, and till kinds ot smok
ers articles ; ho also carries a fine line of
candies, cukes, crackers, etc. ; also will
all kind of mild drinks. t3
IT v
l k
ill ;
IK 40
1 1I
12 U
17 a
6 '
: iu
77 w
l'i is
14 Is)
17 a
21 3D
4 76
II 87
10 4V
3 4
4 S3
34 tl