Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1890)
I 1 Oregon City I Vi'fli' Powor for ton years anil warranty 1IO01I la iUs for fac tories, The bost inducement ever of fered. Oregon City! Chonp transportation for prod uct t;4 in (uantitios. The bast shipping fucilitiogof any munufucturing center In thoWost, rn' ERPRISE. H OREGON CITY, OUEUON, Tl I UKHI A Y, JULY :. 181)0. MICH 5 CENTS. I 1 - :tLJN 1 1 he Enterprise. dlt1wl Kvccy Tluirmttty. jilAL m Of CLACKAMAS COUNTY. fnfMsAVWII'TION IIMKH, i v ii k in uvvn r: - iioo g tiiiiHlh" " I on .j,re nionih. " ' " Vhertistui! sh''U l plication. LKKAMAS COUNTY DIRECTORY. .1. V. M.ldrum. ,.!!( . II. II. JoltllMlU, W. W. II. Snmmn. . T W hit lock. S. II. htl. John W. Noble. , !l'.ll"l. ltl All'V. TIllHIUMlll. Sidney Smyth. ( i v'hurli a Mmuifikp. i; ' ' i Cornelius Hair. il.rilf Ius.s'i. .Vh.o.l .-II Mini" or t'onim;--!' iKKiioN CITY otHi't-K. m,(1,,r .1 bus. K. tt an. Rnvrdi-r I.. I- Puller. Awwr i. rwn. i.1 t .m. ........... ry.l-lirvr -. ... inmunn. I'll v Attorney A. !. IWr. Marshall E. Iturn. Street Ct'iutiiisMoiier I . ntiU'.H'k. Sui'li'l W.ccr Works . V. II. Howell. CoCM'll . C. II. M. t'lms. Athcv, I'. J. Parker, r I . Chaiuum, K S. Wiirrvn, J. It. I'lYtnluili. J. W. OlVrinell THK MAIL. M.iiN i l.'-r ming Mrtli. . v.. 'J-J r. m. Mjiii'I'-"i."i," ,illi. S:' . ., l:'-"" f. M. :!; rn. Ore ami lit ( Mululhi, Million, Cams and Vlilii'lt: lean's III .' . X. Monday, W edm-sdni i and Fridays, ami returns on ft!li.ll:i! .lav . iintrim Citv to Mink, Chirks, Milium. I'n- Ion Mill" uii.l Meadow Brook : at ' In v. m Munil.ti. i clnesuay ami rriiliiv nd rvuiru mi lotion it.g lsi . Tll.W KI.KI!-' l!l'llK. 'i rni i; ri iru- ikiu Trai:l from 1'i'i'li.lli.l mi 'Hr. . Arri' I ut Sm'li t. M. Atrivi" i ! II . . nririMi'i:M ir Nil vr" . j l.oini' dri'iixii l ily. I T -.n A. . I A. V. j I.1ih rurli.niil. T:,ui M. I'l l" , 1.' im M. .": r. . A n'c v. I ii r. m. 4 i r. n. li;.UI p. X. St. arti. r Aitmia n Wuv l.ii.liiiKi StMiiirr I .iton W .iy l.niiiliiifi. SI'iluY. .1 a . !:.H . . tl ii . M. i :i r. V. i i.i r. . I". . Society Directory. Dreifoii l.citliff, I. 0. 0. T. No " Mi firry IHumliy even ... .1 ' .lOo'clork m hi Iht. 11.1.1 k'.lloyr.' ll.H. Mrtln .Irvvl. Jlemlf o !li uplor r linuej to .Itruil. b-Ordkru! J. J tookf. Hulliiuiuali ire, b. I. A. . k A. M. H.iiil. Il rrituUr roiiimtiulctloii. im flr.l a l ilnr.l .s.iurd i). ol fli ni..iuh t J JU r. m. SrelLr.'U hi i(Hi ..nillnc .re Itivltvil to .llvuil, A. K I'.VVIH. W. M., I .vi kkK.v AN. irctry. I'ii-I .Vi. i, U. A K , Drpart. nt tf Orcirou. M.i-!' ft rut Kri.liy of tvrtj mnnlh, .1 7 JO f. x l U IJ K. lrw IU1I, linifiiu t lly. t.r.o A. II UU'I.N'j. i:.) r. TilU ilj "'i.mtlire" r l. O. I . wT Hrrii c erv iol (i.unh Frul.y evfn tti III iM I t-U' l.ull liiiK All lojourulll brrUirru i-.n.ll lii) liivHt. t to uttrtiil. US. ttll.KI.NSUN. M. W. SUNDAY SERVICES. rilLsl liuNi.HKiiA HiiN AI. f II I'KC II -H. W. l.rm, fi..r. rvlrM .1 11 a. . .ml ii m i.' rii'li.M.l .llip ninrulttir .tr- ', . I'lavcr HIPI'IIIK W l"l lll'.'l y dn-nlll .1 o.rlot'k I'rnyet un-elliK of Vkiiiiii l'riile, . I ..)..' Hi W prnmilt. Kif.l' B OTI-ir OII'KC'II.-Kitr. C. H0 .f.i' Mtuiiik Srrvlio l ll.uo: Hiincl.y iHciiWm I.' I.j; Kvciiiim fliTvlfo Hsu, Hi.icuLr ;prer.iM,'i" evfiilnir. Monthly tUuionau. W.'i'tin cviTy V.ue!i'Uy eveuluK f rr.-.lii.c '.tin tht HiiioUy In the in. mill. A rcorni.l isvii.tlon lo U. ht ioii.n s" i iin;i;n. c. riKii.ic. iikv. a., I'm. .or. on Huii'Uy m... .1 H aiol 'luio a. M. .ruion tlr.t mini thiril xtuu'Lir In nirli in.. nth at urlock in.... IHkUt fil'llm.l .1 I Ml r. M. VB.lM.Ti lUll iif it s M r. . ST. J-Al l-C I'. K CHI KJIf -H. J. M 1HM1 AlOnuli. li'-rtor. M.Tvife.. wvory Mtimliiy t 11 W ud ; jooclwk mul Wilucly evening l 7 im luck; fcnml.iy a. liol l lu ll Ut. l'ul Ck.wl. (.'Hiiriuth: Service ech ullerunte liuu- XKTKol'Isr KI'ISCOPAI, CIH'KCII -IUV Jwin I'.itKoNv, 1'it.lor. M i r 1 1 1 ij ir rvlre nt 11; H'lU.lny K ll..ll I.M.i. Ki enlin .. rvli'. HI 7:30. Yocidk p.ipic icic'tim Tiii'.aay eveulrijj t 7 (X), rmyiT Met-uuk Tlniri.liiy evruln l 7.JU. itmigtTH cor.Jtiiliy iuvlte.J. HHKT PUK-llVlKi!M' riJl'BCH.-Kltv. (). W. ijimiNKv. l'nmr. mtrtirM M II a. . mul 7 :IU r. M. S 1M1.1II1 Si'llool t ID A. M. Yollllf ff.ipn;'. S.rf-j.-ty "I t'hrl.tlaa Knilenvor uik-i. ..rery sumlny .vfiiliiu nt liJU Hilumlay vn I u pr.iy.T iiieeiliif nt " MH. HkhU tnta. Su iUt.Tloua tnkll. Professional Cards. 1. Y Cowimii E. II. Cowimo. COWING & COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All ! I.ef.iro I nll.'l 8Ul lnoJ olllcei );lHlly. OKKUON CITV. OKK'iON C. D. & D. C LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. MAIN HTRKKT, 0I1EB0N CITV, OKKOON. Funilnh AintMBt. of Title, t-ot Money, Tore clois M irlK iKnn, hikI tru.:t (ieueral i,,iw luiiit-. G. E. HAYES, fTOENEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 'Oregon, City. Oregon. Office up .mini near Court IIue. F.O. McCOWN, Attorney at Law. 'CicV'on City, Oregon. 'LaritJ Business a Specialty. T. A. W-BltlUK. A. 8. DKK8HEK. McBRIDE & DRESSER. Attorneys at Law. Write in Juunur Block, Oregon City, Or. J. W. POWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ollice at Chflrman & Co'a Drug Btore OKKGON CITY, OREGON. T. H. HORN, House and Sign rainier. Paper Hanging a Specilty. .Taintinu done in all its branches. Leavo orders at the poot-oOlc Shop at rear of the post-office. W, A. WHITK WHITE BROTHERS, Will inmmUin, vtllnii, wurkliiv il Ull, . I iwliWu.'ii. for Mil kliuU i( l.iitlil liiua Hiii'i'Ul ull.xitlmi (ilvmi to uulrii p.i llii. Kultinitlxa (uriilnhiHl mi Ki'iillonllixt Onll u or .lilri WHITK UUUH . J. m. mm & son. H(K)ks and Stationer)' POST OFFICE DUILDINC, OKKUON CITY. UKF.GON. D. J. SWITZER vc CO. ABSTBAOTS A3STID -Ileal Eslalo i ni r' nf (Vilnr liiiul - A linrKitili. Oru it In KsncHi-HinK lluil.luii;. J. B. BROCK EN BROUGH Attorney at Law, ,Ut JwUI Ai-iil i( (Inuriiil l.ii.l (im.) Orogun I'ily, Ori'jtun. HiiiiiOKltit, l'rt-iiiiititii Ami Tiinlnir I inl Ailii'ittioiiH, mill utlicr I.uihl OllU-ti HiixiiH'iui, K SHi lKlly. OKKICK: ".'nil tliMir ('luinimn !iiw. Ulivk, ailjiining V. 8. I.hiuI OiI'uo. .Merchants Exchange. M.ln Mrr!, l)n ..u t'lljf tirr(un. r"KK-!t CONSTANtT.V ON HASH Til In (F City, f u p In kii.I try Hi nrw IHUUi It K itr Tt: Alio luiiHirinti llliik.. tiilt'uro .lul . U . -t 1. fc. 14 II . IMtv. Mt..n ill mii.I irv Hi. uw IllllUr dw. ovvr. j, i nr. n im i n rruorlplor HOUSE MOVING. Reimer & Davis, Thi; Practical House Movers, will ilo all woik in llmir linv iioni,tly ami :iliiliutorilv. AtMrvM. HKSSKIt A PAVIS, Ori'ifiiti City, Oipun. LUMBER! FOR FIRST CLASS LUMBER CO TO Geo. S McCord's Mill on Mt. rifiiKunt 2 miles soMth of Ort-gon City. PAIlVTIIirC , A. WALKER. Painter, Kalsominer, and Decorator, In irt-pnroJ to ttttcml jiromj.tly tv work entruHK'tl to liim. I'utroiiiijjo n'fitctfiilly solicit-)!. NO LETT, Livery, Fwl nnd f?nle Stable ORECONCITY. L01ATE0 HKTWKEN HOC IIItllKIK AND DKfoT. Doublo and Single Iiiys, ami e;ul die horHtu always on hand nt the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the burn for hnise wtock. Information rettitnliint any kind ol stork promptly atieniluil to by ihthoii oi luttfr. Horses Bought and Sold. M. II. Flitnugiii). U. A. Hill, Flanagan & Hill, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL LIOUOR STORE. KKKPH ON HAND 1MB HKHT 1KI.CTI0 of Wliiea, Liquor., Al. Hr, Ac, lo U foiinil In the Slat., lu Unm-Kanluam Mock Give ma a call. HALF AND HALF ON DKAUliHT. United Hack, Truck and Livery Company, W. II. Cooko, Managor. Corner Fourth nnd Main Streets, KEfiON CITY. The. LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. KiK o( any leHtri)ition funiislied on short notice. All kinds of Truck and delivery Biisi nesH promptly attendod to. Hones Boarded and Foil on reason able terms. "for sale. 40 acres with name locality, finely improved, for Bale chenp. One of the good farms of Clacka mas county within two miles of Oregon City in a fine state of culti uation. Also land in Clackamas county, near new motor lino. Fine for farming. Terms easy. F. 0. McCOWN & CO. The Cliff House, John Bittner, Prop., Oregon City, Ore. The LEADING HOTEL of the city. The table supplied with the best the market affords. Kooms large and well furnished . with comfortable beds. Simple Booms for Commercial Traveler. r.r.wiirrK. BANK OF OREGON CITY Paid up Capital 950,000. I'ltKiutiNNT THOMAH t'll AKMAN. Cabiiiich CHAM. II.U!FIEL1. Mana.ikh K. I.. EASTIIAM. lni,iH. nn.rlvf.l aul,lol to rliwrk A,.rvi'.l I, III. .ml uoid. ill.iio(nti, V'ouiily anil oily bonalit. I.,,n. mi av. II. I, li t.uurlly. ollrtitton. ironi,ily, Prall. oll on I'imlaiiil, Han Kraimlinnv.Cliloa. Hi, New York, ami all .rloi'll,l olllva ol Ku- roi. TnlrKiaililt i-li.niti- Bullion Cmllauil, Kan Kr.ui'Li',1, l'lili'Kt,i aii.l Aw Yolk. Interest pjti 01 time deoosllislollowt: Fur III I'm mniliha, i par rnt rwr aauuai. For t inuntlia. A nr vunt, .r aauiiui. fnr U uiouilia, ( i t caul, aiiunia, . Tim. I'.illrii'.li,. of tlaiHiill ,.yalllon df mainl, but liiirro.l Inrlrll.J If ilrawu krlvit till ol If nil ul UihI!, CITY BATHS AND Tonsorial I'arlors. 'AIR CUTING HHAMP001NG .. .... AIR DYEING MINGLING. Sharp Ka.orsit Clonn Towt'ls Ludies' ami childreni' Imircutting a NiH'ciulty. lint or cold I'iilhs nt any time. 25cts. BATHS 25cts. W. C. GREEN, Opposite the Post Office. If you n' in ih'i'iI of a Haineas, Saddle, llriillo, or Repairs, you ran nvi 11101117 lijr eitlliiiK on ifi". Fine Buy lUrneita f and Slin k Saddle intda to order, Wliothcr you waul to buy or not w) 1 n in town rail on me. ,' THE BLUE FJtONT Harness Shop. AUo Agent for the Celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Willamette Heights 1 ONE MILE FROM THE Suspension Bridge OXTHE WKSTSIDK. A Fine Chance to Invest insr Acre Property. Inquire of McCOWN & CO. LI VESA Y & SHUTE. Clackainas, Or. DEALKKS IN FLOUR, KKKD, GRAIN & CORN MEAL. Agents for Clackamas and Or egon City for the Col umbia Flour. ALSO Keep on hand Rustic Fooring, Ceil ing and all kinds of Finish ing Lumber, Dressed Fenco Pickets of all sizes. CHOICE Columbia Ce dar Shingles. CLACKAMAS "HEIGHTS." "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" is divided into 70, two and one-half, and five acre tracts. It is located on the heights overlooking the Clackamas; hence its name, it Is about One mile from Court House and One-half mile from tho city limits. The County road crosses "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" which makes it easy of access, being about twenty minutes walk from tho centre of Oregon City. "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" lies in Oregon City School district, and purchasers can liavo the advan tage of sending their children to a good, graded public school. The Soil is good, the Location very healthful, all Fruits and Vegetables yield abundantly. Terms one-third down, and balance in one year at eight per cent. For further partic ulars inquire of E. E. CHARMAN, City Drug Store. AtiButiouFarmers Th Commercial Dank, OF OUKUON CITY. CAPITAL 100,000. Trrtniactl Otneral Hanking Buslnm. Iamm nrndo. Bills illsi'untod. Makes eolleeilim. Btivs nnd srll en- jvlmuitrton all ilnlln thit V lilted Klulea 'and Enrol and on llonit Knnu, ' lie- ponlls revsivnd subject to ehet k. liUir Mt at usual rates allow tid on limit tlepos Us, Bank upon from tl A, M. In 4 P.M.; Saturday uvvulnit ! out A till 7 I . M. D.C. I.ATOtMtETTE. 1'ienlilnnl. F. E. DONALDSON, Lasuier. WOOD TURN I NO SCROLL SAWING. I'artie tleslrlUK Woo.1 Turning', I'al tarn., Biai kl, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will li Suited by Callliili Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER, a . II. BESTOW, 4TOpp, tlie Coii:reutioiial Clitlivh. 0. E. A. Freytag, the LINE OF GROCERIES IF THE CITY. Call and Examine MY ntlCF.S. IMPORTANT Ileal Estate Notices. ORKC.ON IRON and STKKL CO.'S LANDS IN CLACK A- MAS COUNTY FOR SALK. FIVK THOISAM) At'HKS On lite Tiialalin mid Willuinet !i HI vers. -0i- Somo of the finest lands in the State of Oregon. Can lie sold in large or hiiiuII lots. Fur prices und particulars see II, K. CKOSS. Vi:ST SIDK ADDITION. Lots in this hitnilfoiiu) addition, ten minutes walk from went end of suspension bridge; high, healthy, sightly; gilt edged, tor prices and terms seM If. K. tMlOSS. CLACKAMAS Fill IT LANDS On Clackutiias river, above the Furniture Factory. Cleared and ready to set out in trees. Deep, rich, and loam soil. Unexcelled for poaches or small fruits. For prices and terms see If. K. CROSS, or F. 0. McCOWN. Moss Addition to Oregon City. On Willrtnietto Hiver; on 0. A C. R. R., and on liuo of proposed motor to Portland. CD lota, all dear; one dwelling; valuable river front. Oil this property is situated the largest fruit and vegetable cannery in Ore gon, to employ from 50 to 1550 hands. For sale in one body. 1 his valuable property will bo sold at a bargain. For prices and terms see II. E. CROSS. Lots In IlaHitrilen. On Clackamas River at Gladstone Furniture Factory. Splendid sight ly lots. Price $100, on installment plan. 13 acres adjoining Oregon City, suitablo for subdividing. $1750. II. E. CROSS. Oregon City. Money to Loan. In sums of 111500,00 to $50,000. Jas 1'. SllAW, Real Estate and Finanoiul ngotit, Oregon City, opposite Boat ollice. Loggers' scale boards for stile at this oitiee, guaranteed to be correct. 1ST mn BestaiClieist County Correspondence. HILSONVIIXK. Wll.siiNVH.l K, June HO, 1M1II), lCniToit Kntkiu'Hihk: Mrs, R. V, Short hits returned from California, where she has been for the last three month visiting friends nnd relatives. I'rof. J. F. Cook Hindu it flying visit to Mrs. J. hrise on Miiinlny lust. Crops look well considering the long dry spoil. Tim ruin mul cloudy weather the past week has greatly I iti prove J th timothy buy, Wintur wheat Is looking well; straw nhort but well bended, Mrs. Sharp will have a jiiece to cut in a few diiys. The Tuuliitin Orange had n very Interesting meeting the h. State Master 1 1. K. Hayes Ixuug present, gave ft very Interesting tulk on the agricultural colli gn, lie says It is Very beneficial to tiio funnels if this state, and they should take nd vantage of it and send their boys and girls to get a good practical ed ucation, Everybody is preparing to cele brate the "glorious Fourth," smne going to l'lirtlund, smne to picnics, sonio to dances, etc. All, however, v exjK-cl to rln'iiiiiiitii' on the .'th. f or my part I would rather take a good keg of W Milliard's best, and lay in some fool pluco and take sweet comfort. The Ttiuhitin Secular I'liiou will hold another of their Interesting meeting Sunday, July (It 1 1 , ul '.' 1. M. An interesting programme is lieing prepared. . K. BtMASI I S, I'rof, ( elimed a very suc- eeshful term of school on Fridnv, June 'J7. He will take charge of a HchiHil in Fust Portland this full. I'rof. (trout leaves many apprecia tive friends in Ihiiiiucsus, both old and young. SiHietinie nun the polisher of The Youth's Companion offered a pri.e a nag, . ' x i iei to me school in each slate that should furnish the best t Hsav on the sub ject, The flag in our I'ublic Schools. Diiuiascits eiijnV" the distinction ol lieing the banner district of ( iregon. Mis Myrtle ltreillmupt wrote the essav. I lie tmnllsiicrs lurniHin ti the ilug a beautiful one. The cit izens nut up a pole on the school house and raised the llag after the close of the school with U'Coming ceremonies. The chairman of the Umrd of directors, fuiuiliarlv known as Dick Morton, presided. The young ladies of the school sung sev eral patriotic songs. Tho llag was raised, three cheer given tor our national emblem, t lire) for the pub lishers who furiiiehed it, and three for tho young lady who won the prize for the school nt Damascus. Thus ended a day long to 1' re. meuils'red. T. Hi'ltlMJ IJuite warm ofter the two weeks' ruin, which did immense good for the growing crops. Everybody hereabout going to celebrate the Fourth at Currins ville. A. M. Shibley has just finished the enumeration of census district No. l'.l, which included live pre cincts of this vicinity. He reports the people healthy and happy, all crops except hay looking well, and an extra good prospect for fruit. TllVNiJlll.. June :io. III I.LKTIV-Ne. 111. Fur Heck FnilliiK Saturday June is. WKATIIKK . TIimcouI, cloudy, and showery weather of the previous week continued up to to-day. It is now clear nnd very warm. Tho wuitther llutt lias prevailed lata been worth untold wealth to the producers of Oreijoii, and from every section conies the most tliittcrinn titid "eiii'oiiruiiin re ports. Tho ruins were especially copi ous in the Williimi'Uo valley nnd along the const where from one to threo inches fell. In Southern Orcnon over one inch full nt HoHshnr;, hut decreased south ward to Jaekson county whore less than onu-ha't inch fell. In Eastern Oregon wus more than the average June ruin fall, it varying from onn to two inches. The rains wore most opportune and have given new life to (1,11 vegetation. I'ltoes. Fall and early sown wheat is now thought to be past any luinn from atmos pheric causes. It is filing well and of good quality the "tools large and stand ing very good. From present appear ances the crop will be more than tin av erugo one. From Umatilla conn; reports that it will bo tho lurgiist crop over har vested in theooimty. Late sown spring wheitt is coming up and fair yields of good hay crops will be obtained from it, From every suction of the Willamette, valley, reports are en couraging showing an enthusiastic fuel ing among tho farmers. Some clover hay wus down when tho rains began, and was slightly damaged. Timothy hay has been grcutly improved. Oats are doing well. Corn is thriving, but in sections of ouslern Oregon the, weather is too cool. Hops are gruwing Manly and give prouiiao of a goad yield. In Gilliam and Morrow, ryu harvest is in progress and yields very good. Codlin moths have not done any dam ago yet. Spraying is however rocom niondud us a provuntativo. Beaches and apples, short crop in southern Oregon, other fruits very pluntilul. The potato yield promises to bo thw largest in the history of the state. Every section re ports them doing finely. Through the stock county, grass on the range is good and cattle are in prime condition. The rain extended through Crook, Urant and other interior counties insuring tho hay und grain crop. The week closes with tho moBt flatter ing out-look for Oregon crops, B. 8. r.flun, Obsorver Hignal Seryico. Keystone mailing book, nenrlv new, for sale nt this ollice will liol'd 1000 names, a bargain. OUR INDUSTRIES. Ninii: oi' thi: NniriiT I m . i:Tn.itriiii: or Till: 1'Ai.l.N MM. I'lie Ori'Kii I'll)' lH I. Inif 4 ' puny 'at It vi'lia. Tim Oregon City Backing Comimiiy. of which Mr. A, ll Buseow Is triuclinti manager, Is one of the prominent limine fuetuilng enterprises of thiseily. They are usl.ig up the. raw inaterlul product of the fauna, orehurd and gardens of thi ul.,l,u (!.,. ...uli.... - ..... ... f..:ii.... ... ,., itiuj. .! no .iiiiiiikiiihi- ket, am' suiilviiiK the liailii and eon- Niiuiur with einiiifd gtxxli that have heie Pilot e been luiporteil from California. The plant with the latent improved tini chluety I arranged mi an enleiiaive si'itlu, with every facility necessary lor the siiceosaful handling of vegetable and pcrlahalile fruits. Everything in cleaned In a uiost lUorough inaiiiinr, uii.l the appaiulus and machinery are kept SI'lll'Sl Ull'ULV SKA I , Owing to the groat acarclly of small li'tiitnlim wsot, niclj ad Htraw herrie, gooseberries, t berries, tiW,. , thet oiiipanv liavo been unable to run their works to their full t'Siutcity, although Ihey are re ceiving orders for their good (unlet thus they can supply the demand. This ia the fault of , the producers, who cither did not reiiluo that they had a splendid market for everything that they ean pro duce, ahnontal their very (Iikjih, or from careli'HNiiiiss in guthering their protlucU and taking them to market, 1'eus and l.lai kliornea aro now liejiniiing to come iiitomarket, and in another week or two tliiu-uiinery w ill 1st employing over one hundred lunula. They have a fine, lot of fruit alrcRily Citiiucd, and would have ilosble the number of case out up could the frmts have been secured ill the market. The building I. three sturicK in height, with a wharf extending ii.todeep water. All the gallon cans uaed fur pie fruit are niaiiiifucl tired in Die building. This is a home iiintitution that ftirnishen the producer a luntket, and the same time miiphc the cotmimier wish a bolter clus of good than the Imported article, nil'! it dennrvo the uiiipial illed aii.Kirt of every resident of this vicinity Contiaits will he uiadn with piodticr'S lo forniah tiipiilies for nct ai'ttnim. when the buainisa will U conducted on a more exleiiaiti mule than ever before. Male Horticultural Socle!). gi ASmuv Mt.KTiNu, coin i mux iiun- AI.IIS. Tnea.l,iy, July Kth, V. M. Iliitliciiltute in I. inn County, Jay V. Blnin, Alhsiiv ; Fruit, and the l urtnei ' Homes, J . I . Whitman, Medford llor- tictlllurul htatislics, See, I'.. It. Luke, Corvallis. I'iscuasitiii. Visit to the Agricultural College. Itiesday, JulySlh, I . ,M. Mitaie; Addivas, I'reaidelit J. It. ("aid well, l'oitluiiil; Music; "Buga," nut contined to those that infcrl fruit, ( ol. E. W. Allen, Portland; Music; Eco nomic Entomology in Oregon, I'rof. F. 1, Wushbuin, Corvallis: Munc Ill SINKS Ml III NO Wednesday. H:tKJ A. M Trnvtuiers' report ; lienor! soei commitlees ; Appoinlmenl of commideea on orehnrd Iruils, stiiall fruits, vegeta bles, Mowers, oruaiiientiilr, entomology, hiitany, noiiiem latuie, new fruit, legw latiun. NKW lU'SINKSS, I'aiier for this session have been re- ipiesled but as the parlies have imt res ponded we cannot give sulijecls. Railroads an. I hotel will give reduced rates. A gissllv number have already signilled their intention of attending This promises to be one of our best merting and you are earnestly re quested to he present, ulso to bring your friends. The State Horticultural Board will also hold its regular quarterly meet ing at the time. The horticultural interest ol Oregon and how licst to give thent a prominence at Chicago, tho world's fair, is a .pies t idii that we can discuss none too nooh. Come prepared to use some new or useful matter to Oregon' horticultural interests. Join tho society by paying In the secretary 1.00 and help by your presence and knowledge one of our foru nios! stale interests. Respectfully, E. U. I.akk, Secretary, ( uuliy (aiiii Meeting. Tho M. E. campmeeting begins at Cunby on the 0th day of July. Ar rangement have been iniido for the holding of tho largest religious assem blage that ever met on the I'acillc const. Bishop Taylor of Africa will address the assemblage on Sunday the (it 1 1 . The Bishop is said to ho an entertaining speuker. At meeting of the M. E. preachers in Portland on 2:lrd, In speak ing of the Africans, lie said the speci mens of manhood and womanhood, physically, were not inferior to those of any other country on earth. The women oKM;iully are very bill, straight nnd powerful and able to curry great burdens, lie gave several instances, one in which a tribal queen had carried a large trunk thirty miles without apparent woaritioa after two men had given it up, More than half ihu population of Africa me slaves. 1'ulygniny prevails everywhere. Even infants are bought by the chief talus nod held as wives. The only way he can get girls for his mission school is to buy them. They have no money there. Everything is barter, lie must buy guns, ammunition, cloth, or what ever the eoiilo want, in England and America, and trade with them for what ho wants. Ie thinks that within the next twenty yours ho will have 1000 mission stations. He thinks the ap pointment of Stanley as governor gen eral is good, nnd will ho satisfactory, Duvton Herald. Train ( linages, The Southern I'acillc railroad's now schedules went IntosfTuct Tuesday. All trains now start from Union depot at Fifth and I street. The Flugono expiess has been extend ed to Kosoinirg. Tho Han Eruncisco express will ar rive at this place south bound nt iM A. M. North bound at 8:4.), 1". M. Kouuburg express a, rives Irom tho north at 0:10 A. M. Arrives from the south ut2:45 P. M. Albnnv local arrives from tho south at 8:54 A. M. from tho north at 5:5-1 1. M. Tho Albany train will be daily except Sunday. The timo will be shortened fioin Portland to Han Francisco I wo hours nnd ton minutes. Winlock I'ilot: Snohomish has lx teen saloons, being about ono saloon to every twenty-six votors. The license is $500. If the governor of North Carolina who won fur himself a national reputa tion as a statesman by remarking to Hie governor of Hotith Carolina "that it's a long time between drinks," hud lived in Snohomish ho nover would have immor talised hlmsolf. Note books, recoipt books, etc., nt this office, well gotten up and neatly bound. Eii iinierulet I lie liiilil of no, rn win limikltiK f"-l, W'lieu lliniuli Hie alH'i tsof I'orlluiiil m'f A voiilli who Imre llil" alriince Hot lie, Mel III ii luscious ring of Ice - KlIIIIIIITIlIf I "Try not Hie lliils," the old tiian Miid : ''Tlicy'll poiir hot water on Urn hsiul I" The yoiiiiK mini heiiinlcd up the stairs; ' I II 'linn Hi, in there Is one who ilul'i'S Kiiiiliici'utcl" "I ill, slay," lint iiiicleiil in, mini siild : "iii,n) 1 1 tc t why I'm imt wed," The In r,, Miilh'il, imlli he; "I1" you Not ranli In in:.- at luriy-twof I .niiiiicratc I" At i", siiliin on llin iliunplnir irrunnil, A )'oiiiik iiiiiii hv h cop was found -A cull n i n, Mned bin swollen ,ste, And ho sho tan t'-iel on Ills lul, "Etitimiinile!" A Vuliiiihle Tree. Jim finest cherry tree In the slate, so fur as seen or heard from, stands hi the yard of Becorder Beterson, Lebanon Oregon. The b'idy of the tree measure pi 1 1. ti t six feet in lirciimferunce; the height of the tree in uboul thirty leet, ami its litanches, which are thickly set and Jiilerwovnn, have a diameter of sixty leet, J'hU niaiit old cherry trw soppoils mi i ten or oniameiitul incui hers, hut every inch seems to exist for the sole purpose of fruit bearing, it an nual yield approximating thirty bushes, A ladder testing among the heavily la den bianchc invites all alike to sate their tippelile on this most delicious fruit, and many are the n-no'S who have reveled in the succulence of its am ple store Mine or Bees nil . No one his ever hr.ii aids (o give all authentic u mnt of bow such enormous 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( -m of beeswax came to he dcos lled on the bench neur Nelialem. Hieci mens ate found along the heuch in vuti ous places, hut it is most plentiful near the mouth of the Nehalem. A) the sea shift the bars, piece of it are uncovered und w ashed ashore, and large quantities are found by plowing smiio of th low laud tieur tin. beach. There urn spots w hore the sea has never reached in the iiieniory of the oldest settlers, and which are covered with gisid si.ed grow III of spr:n e, where desjsits of the wax may be found by digging. Speci men of tbu wax may he found at the Iioiimi of any settler on tho beach, and to all ais'iance it is genuine bees-wax. Several tons ol it have been unearthed. and tine matt hip., a large amount to Sail rriincisco once, for which ho re ceive I tVal. In quality it is us ii'l as any in the market, and has retained its familiar whir through ull it lough usage and iv It is supposed by some, and so staled, that It came from the wieck of a Spanish vessel over a century ugo. Others say that it came from a wrecked Chinest. junk These traditions in regard lo the wreck count from the Indians and ate not ctv reliable It in possible that this bees-wax is reully the "l ost Treas ure" w hid, people ate digging for on the Nehalem. Till umiHik Headlight. COMMKNCK.MKNT. Exercise lit Hie Close of SI. Julia's Siliiiol, The entertainment given at Pope's Hall last Wednesday evening by the pu pils of St. John's sehuol, w as a most cred itable all'.iir. The manner in w hich the programme was rctidofed reflect in a very creditable way to the pains-taking wuik ol both touchers and pupils. The exercises on the stage would have been a crudit to old actors instead of amateurs. The instrumental muic was well ren dere 1, and appreciated by the audience Master J. Cr.igin delivered the Saluta tory in n clear und distinct voice. After music bv tho choir, the Oporuta "So journ," in live acts, und impersonated by twenty-six pupils, held the undivided attention of lint audience, intriersd with interludes by Misses I,. Paquet, M, Kuerten, P. t'ragin and M. lruor. "Mis Willis's Will," a in one net , wi,s a dramatic etl'ort, in which the participant did themselves and the play ample justice. The purts were rep resented by Misses F, and L. Paquet, M. Kuerten, I.. Mellert and M. (ileason. "Echoes." vocal solos by Misses M. Bntper and M. Pratt, were excellently rendered. Miss Praper oaescs rare musical talent, und acquitted liersclt very creditably for ono so vonng. " The Voung Musicians, by the Cho rus, carried the house by storm. A tableau, "Jacob's Ladder," was beautifully render d, nnd held the audi ence spell-hound. Miss L. Paquet delivered the valedic tory, then came the closing address bv Hi (irace, Most Kev. W. H. Gross, Archbichop, which was delivered in the happiest manner. Salem Statesman; The appointment of It. P. Earheart as collector of customs at Portland has been coiillmed. "KoeWy" is a most competent man an 1 faithful republican, and he has many friends in old Marion and throughout Oregon who rejoice with him in his success. He will make n model collector of customs. Stuvtilo Press: Tho Press has upon several occasions declared that the city should not grant sway, free, the rights and interest of tho people. That the franchises given to the several street railway companies represented hun dreds of thousands of dollars, and that those obtaining those privileges should should pay ho- them. That this is sound policy is evidenced in many other cities. Mot lotinl Surgical Institute, ;il". Bust St., San Francisco. One or more surgeons representing this Institute will be nt the Oriental Ho tel, Oregon City, July 2i. This institute is specially devoted to the treatment of curvature of the opine, diseasos of tho hip and knee joint, crooked limits, club feet nnd nil bodily deformities. Thoir success in treating these troubles as well as nil chronio diseases has made for the Institute n national reputation. All persons whoaro sull'ering from any of these complaints, should not fail to take advantage of this opportunity for re lief. Heference may Im) hnd to the following residents: Judge K. 1 Boise, Salem; lion. Thus. E. I luvidson, Salem ; A. Lu elling, Milwuukie, Or. j T. V. Thorn p son. (luston, Or.: Jas. Dull, No. Wi Madison St., Portland. Farm for Sale. liil) acres in Beavor Valley, Columbia county, Or., level with deep loam Boil, free irom rock nnd no canyons. 100 acres of best yellow tlr timber, balance easily got into grass. Good frame house, with neverfuiling well. Orchard of 200 trees, beginning to bear, embracing apples, pour, cherry, plum, prune, peach and quince. Grape vines and all kinds of small fruit and berries. 4 acres charred, 10 acres in pasture, A number of fine springs on the place. In a thickly set tled neighborhood, convenient to roads nnd schools. 4 miles from Columbia river. Price $1500. Will give time on a part, or take Oregon City property. Address, 1. J. Swrr.i:ii, Real Estate Agent. Oregon City, Or. 0TATE (ID (jEf!EI(AL .i:urt n r, . t.iiii:i i immi oi it i:i H4K.i: AimI llolletl lliisx ' The Ie lerlulloii of Our Itrmlcre. The Ureal Northern Hallway ytm have w looted Knlrhaven on J'ugft Hound an the ternilnin of the road, Edward 0, 1'yalt, of Wharton, came near lying the other night, the result ofliavlng taken a laws dose of Udludoua by mistake for antl-pyrlne. I)octir walked him all night, and It In thought ty-duy he will re cover. I'ynlt la a young man. and was Just married a few day ayo to Minnie J). Smith. With the departure of Clinton Pennine- ton for tils new quarters In the is'iiiteutlary ul Salem, the Baker county Jail wa left without nil occupant, something that ha wit occurred before in the past three years. At Viilon mail, in, Eastern Oregon, a hrukeniaii named CTiamU-rlain wa. caught ls:lwceil tlmnira. A number of bones weie broken nnd lie u-ihIiio, Internal Injuries which Is feared will prove fatal. He wa Im.nsht to the hospital hi Portland. The oldest Inhabitants say that they do not retiieiiils'r when Buker county hat been blessed with a cooler climate, more frr- ptent raiin, a more iwrfect freedom bom dusty hicliwuys. or futlt-r itock, than can now be seen grilling on the ranee. William lvetl, of I.a flrande, while try ing to board a freight train at Vnion that wu going twelve miles an hour, wn hurled lo the ground nnd terribly bruised. He wus picked tip unconeclou, but it Is not thought Ids injuries w ill prove fatal. The circus bus reached Eastern Oregon and every blank wall throughout all that region hits been plastered over with iKiater telling about the stupendous aggregation of universe-conquering wonder about to be unfolded to Ihegaze of the small bov. While Carroll was attempting to har m's" a wild hurspin hi barn near Union, the animal .prang buck against the closed door, broke it ojsfn and tprang upon Mr. Carroll' little girl, Lela, who was standing otiiside s-ering through a crack In the door watching h.r father on the Inside. The child's shoulder and arm were broken. The question of worms or no worms hi rofi-1-.inoc to fruit In tho Willamette valley, has Isfti rcspretluily referred to the Cor vallis ngrlitilturul college, say the 8nlem Statesman, with power to send fur persons and piism. It is something in which fiuit growers are greatly interested, and a report from the cillew entomologist would be gladly received. The bill extending fur two years At the time for building the Newport k ling Val ley ruilnny through the Silfti Indian res ervation, in Oregon, it has been rejiorted fuvotably by the committee on Indian af fairs. (.rants a sum of money to carry on sum out school for teacher of the public school of that state. The educa tional mutters of that state are well looked utter, but of late they sectu to have become disturbing clement in the politic of ihe stale. St. Louis was also dissatisfied with the work of Ihe census enumerator, and Is having sviel enumerators, revising the the work of the defective district. Wheth er they i nn pad out the returns sufficiently to bring the total up to Chicago remain to U seen. The Br. Brown-- Sequiird elixir of life i again receiving public attention, its Inven tor haiing cYiwriiiienud farther a he claims, and demonstrated It efllcacy with out a doubt. At Ir. Brown Seqnard fail to endow hlmseir with perpetual youth mid Is still grewing old and gray it will ls very hard to convince others that he ha discovensl the secret of retaining peria nal youth. His leading fellow scientist to tally ignore his claims. The bur at tho mouth of Smith river is to lie hi letter condition that it has been fof a nnnilxT of years. The com crop in Southern Oregon needs more warm weather to make it boom. The nights have been altogether to cool for it. Edward Oliver, while driving down one of Jacksonville's steepest streets, was thrown forward under the wheels, one of which passed over him cutting his head severely and breaking a collar-lxmo. There will be a largo crop of luscious wild Uaek berries this season according to all reHirti from country exchanges. Good wages can lie made picking them as they retail in Portland at 50 cents a gallon. Judge George IT. Holcomb, Mr. Heald ami A. W. Bead, of Gardiner, have gone to Coos bay with a corps of engineers, and the work of surveying the road from East Marshlield has begun. The other termin us of this line will bent Train, on the ' Southern Pacitle road. dipt. Thomas, W.'Synious visited Coos bay last week and inspected the govern ment work ut the jetty, says the Coast Mail. The work of putting stone on the jetty will ho completed this month. 'When work opens again- it will be on the north spit from which a jetty wilt be run. Tho work thus fur has proved tin unqualified success. Albany Herald: The extreme heat that is prostrating people in the East makes the average Oregonian thank his stars that his lines nro east in pleasant places. It gets warm hero occasionally, but never to the extent of prostrating people, or interfering with the sound sleep of night if the con science is clear. Port Townsend header: Over on Belling haiit bay are several towns as Whatcom, New Whatcom, Sellouts nnd Fairhaven, the newspaper of which are in a constant state of ferment over the question of which is which in other words, which name ought lo swallow all of these aspiring young towns. Astorian : Vnele Sam now has another star in the galaxy of the American nation and off tho bill is duly signed, tho new of Wyoming can celebrate the coming natal day as one of tho family. Oregon extends to her new and youngest sister a cordial greeting, and will cheerfully move Up a little closer to the rest of the girls, and giva he room In tho family circle. The bill to admit Wyoming passed the senate. Hur rah for the forty -third star. Tort Townsend Loader : There seems to be a (lisiHJNition to start a little boom in favor of Lieutenant-Governor Laugh ton for the eubbrnatoiial nomination to succeed Ferry. Laughton is all Tight to play eecond fiddle in matters of Btate, and Washington republicans can do bettor when tho time comes for naming our next governor.