Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1890)
v,. iurn " ' ' iniij'. 1 II Mill K ! 7 OWE AMD vidiiimf. Hiri" i in n j ii triit or ' vt Ti mi:. alter l Intfrrat 'Ut'lcl I imiu i'Uy AmI 'uur) . lulM'i'iplionn paid iriiiitly inuktt iwn and Co. uit lutvinit ft now i window liuvdiu thoii Htoiv, flu' fvivli"r wotk im turning mil dam'iwMiiiully ol iuhhIiI', w. .. .,t I -I . I i ft .... 11.11 "(., " Win n rin m i i'I'd 11.111 idaV Hit!''1. I uaiiiWid nightly. . .i . i . - i 310 1 aouio niniiiu vvi. hiv nun uuiui- n m'vv wMp BvrMw MioKor Uiko at ; iJi . l 1. l uU'iitvlto in iviariitt m ,1 iH'i! in tho cvlolmiU'tl U, Y, go raw. , fho Hoalth ivniiiiittH of tlio city anal 'v out imoNiigutiiiK imimuuvH tl Saturday. Mt'CoWH A ,h' 'k Until aMlH'k lot in Oivjsim V'ity to Mr. Cox in , rliii(!' addition. f Oliuriiirtii Sou aro tlio aole atiotit fur U City, ot llu' jiiftly ovloliratJ t'leu'land I'ai'il The Ivnl of anil, viator mill tho liuest !,. at tin1 '"''l "I '' atiurs loadiuii in,! to Kails View addition. T Howard, o( tho Milium riouiinu it ill", i I'Uiuun iu now rollers ami llllklllg I'llll'l iiii('n'viiu iii-. Mr. Otto lVittto intend tcevlin) h hie rsiUut nil tho lot lie tntvly ur lied in i'M View addition. The exclusion y vti'itiuor Ui!u to Sow Kra on Sunday w ill Ih vor con- vitiont for all who iloxirv to uttoiul. The I'aptist chuivh have received an Want I'll' orynn troni t'ortliiul. which iiii be I'liuvil in jHwition in ii low day. Mr. W. S. tiavlnrd will cnniinonoe luuldiiur a houw, next week, on Ins lot to.y juirv'haiHl in KadU View addition. Mr. WiUimii Tot'ls urrivisl from Muni- - U !t w' k. K'UKht tour low in rail I uw aKl it ion, Kii.i iiim a hod.-o puitlv I'rwtiM. The stnoko stack of tli t."nwn l'aHr Jlills was raisol yostcrtliiv. It towttrtj lip iu the air to tho height of nearly one iiumtivtl feet rrtic who huvu not Iwu rvviviiic ii k KsriiKi'iiisi; nxuliirly, will iloam Isotifv this ollu, as we ilostre to cornn-t It. 8. Slopor iiiul Mavis UiiiuIhII, luilh ... ...... ,.,nv, mm UlliniOlt lit V HIUMUIYI'r tiiHt Umrwluy. On VtMuv evftilnu thov wvtt' nifivnu.lo.1 ty the .irinu lml at the iii't.i... .... i. . f .r . ... ... .... . win iTKuiviu- uu tliu mil, Kit. fiteshiuenu wir wrvwi mid a UullgtiUul TIlO la Tut' lotui'V hollar .,( II,- I'.. I,,,,. bU Utvr l'HHr Mill t UCmnin, Vh. VJS'UMIHI Willi toi'IlllO folHt t Hft, liiostlny cvonhnf, l.,llv wifcklnii thn ntuin toitio of tho I'liKimt room, Vw tmmloly tlu'ti) wan no lost of lilo, or in jury to any one, Thk Kntkhi'kih tloaiivn i'onvsiml til in vrv ih'IkIiIhiiIiihkI, iukI will ttlYt nStoUHlhll IVHltiOH lihoiiil iluttU'H- umiiliilo rt'itiihuty furnish lu'wsitonm wxr NMih'r uitt rtnuoHloil piuiuplly to "ioi iii vvorviniiiK oi iniiol tiling 111 tliKir lU'ighhoihooil, . Mmsih, lliiiniltou A' Allon. of I'lmkn mux, rtt imikinu iiuothor niaiiKlilor in thoir liruvs, lloiv niu mmm of them; UUw D, ti, miitiir, I.Wi ltllm Ktm . .(injur, H.tKi; illliiiuncoloiviltoii.ll.U); UuiiMWl.-r toH.onmtl to fl nrUchi i-lso-w hi'iv, Tft ci'iitu; 4lli dihIii, ift ivntii. Tint ChU 'Uk'o Comoilv Coiiiimnv. who rv univorsal (avoritwn with our ihoiIo. Iiavo wiH'k'miiKait"iuont at I'ope' tint- tw t'ouinii'iioiiiK ni'U Moiulny, Thov I'rtwnt now Httiuctiomi thia tinut. uml all utiouUI take llio avlvantao of mi'iiig a in si cmas coinpiiny without olng to IVrtlittKl, Mr. ('. M. tinik.1. of Itmio C lit forum Inn KrKUfuiMK, that tho i'ition of that I'huv will colohiata Him I'.iiiiiIi July in imtriolio ntylo al Miirnuaiu'ii. Tlio Mt. AiikoI huml will fiunish the inusio for the ocmsion. lion. I., T. Ihiiiu iiml li, 11 uvea will ho Iho oiu torn of the dav. ithu mailing; list. lVint't fail to altoutl tho Oiicuiio t'om- .lv I'o ut I'oi') ll-ill, ii'uiint'iiciin! iu'vt Mjmliiv, Juno iiinli. rojuilar prt- $vs:v.,;itv'...VH TI,o ,.,M,U.ry .,f th V M (' .,( I'ortlanil.cttiui' uii on nn vxcursiitn Tue- Uv evoiiiiiit on the Altouu, mid rtt- fiiaiatil I nhort time. The Cunt'imih im.i.I is rapidly inuring uiiilt'tioii mid that thriving mihurti fii (.irty'ii City will noon rejoice in it Iplt'iitlul ruad to this place. Mr. Frank Vanillin, formerlv one of the itronrietors of the Suinlav Mercury llicd at liis home in Portland, Monday, ft lieuiorrhaK'e ol the Uuitf. Visitors and excursionist arv hecom Jinit more niunerous to Oregon l lty snu-e tliel. I. 1. to. Iirst put in two tiuats, .nn, I nuikc close connections. Mr. J. Hoeson was in Oregon City Mondav. He and his father own a saw linill near Mink post olhco, and report plenty of onlem for Itimtwr coining in. The stairs are iu town; can he seen Iroin anv part ol tow n, llieylead to a I art of rails View addition A few more ts left. Apple to Williams A Tortcr. Mr. A. S. llresser, of tliu firm of Me- ride Ji Presser, has been retained aa uin-il liy one of the ilefemlunts in tho It-hrated Hose murder case iu I'aciilo juntv, Wash. Now that the Kjiirth of July is almost ii'jre, our citizens thotihl he on their lard uifainst any possible fires that may kimllcil from the ciireleds liiiihlliiii; l tire crackers. F Company, of Oregon City, of the irst Kiniuteiit, O. N. ti., are taking a jut rank uiiiouk' the military cum l.nies of the state, t'ol Jieidie com ihiiicnts them in highest terms. An entertainment ami jociahle will lie .en this pveningat the Ifuptist chiin h the Y. I". S. C. K. Adinission, lite, 'freshinenta will Ut wrved, and a so il.'le w ill lie hehl in the liiiricmcnt. fhe Willamette Cornet bund, which lis some of the best tnlent in the city rehearsing for the excursion toMult- imiah Kails on the Fourth, 'i'hey will doubt acquit themselvea creditably. I'.very holly's favoriten. tho Chicago fc'Tiedy Co., w ill open an engagement I oiie's Hall with an entire change of ny nightly, and prfj-lucjil in .Metropoli jii style, i'optilar price 'Mc, 30c, 60c. The St. John's school w ill give nn ex- ihition at l'oie's hall ti-night. The rcises w ill consist of nongs, recltiitloiis, Irama, "Mrs. Willis.' Will," and liish llross will deliver the closinu addrens. Mr. J. W. Orajs'r bus just erected a v resilience nt Caneniah. It la t, one and a half storius high, with an 14x11) feet. It is a nicely arranged elling and presents a very creditable fiearanoe. plr. Joseph Furgeson, while in a tree King cherries, fell to the ground, g tance of ten feet, and was severely it. Jt is feared that his ine is in- fed, but he was resting easy when it heard from. he elegant new soda fountain at irman's drug store, is tho center of traction, as it is the tinest one south of Uand. Do not fail to call and try lir ice cold soda drawn from the latent roved apparatus. I great bargain in corsets. Charman A h ive received several dozen superior cm. only slightly damaged by lugli ?tr. The former price of these cor- was fl.00, but the entire lot will be Sliced for 30 cents each. W- W.jMohh, who lives in the south tof town, broke his legin three places, lie going up the hill Haturday. Jle is I HO yeurs old, ami while going up the ji, slipped and fell. He is getting Jg as well as could be expected. )1t the regular nieetiiiK of the Local lion of the Christian Kndeavor Hoci V'f Oregon City, a committee of live f e appointed to tuke such stejta as muy jtiiceSMary to compel the saloons and "es of this ciiy to clow; on the Hah gli. . p'. 1). Wilson has a fine specimen of t adopted fowl, the Chinese pheas f, in his show window. The bird is I good condition, and all who have fi'cr seen the progeny of these iinpor Jions can take advantage of tho oppor flity of viewing thia one. lion. razor, a oioneer of 1802. died jdenly Monday morning ut his home r Forest Grove. Ho waa for many tis collector of internal revenue for igon, and later was prominently iden ed with the postul service ol 1'ortland. i age wag about 75 years. Attention is culled to tho udvertisg. ineut of tho well known 11 rm of Suiver A Walker in this issue. This linn it tin) well and favorably known to reiiiim any laudation at our hands, as they ba built up an imiiicumt trade hv fair deal mg. and have tho coiitiilenct alike of the fanner and manufacturer. Mr. W. It, l'lirtlow returned from I'a kurCity Monday. Mrs. I'artlow, who was taken seriously ill on the trip, w ill remain at Itaker City until she is recov ertnl sullicieiitly to stand the trip home. Mr. I'artlow is' letter than ever pleaied with Oregon City, and roiisiilor Haker City a vastly over-rated place. The ato k holders of the Mregon City Street liailway , company, held their second iiioi-tiint In thiseiiv last T'hiirs- tin ,mk! i'lectl the follow iug hoanl of directors, J,Jf Apivmon, t. A. Hard ing, K, M. A'.mii., T. L. Charuuiniiud J. A. Chase. T'hu Uuftl of ilirmtors intH't this altornoon tt lm;t a , board of ibrwtors. ' . , y Mr Jos. I'lirdom, Informs nt that in structions have been sent out to have mail catchers erected at all w ay slut Ion by the oil of June. Oregon City will le the lirst miiit at which thv through train will slop; the next w ill U' Wood burn, then Salem. Way stations who have through passengers will bo required to Hag the train. Mr. II. A. Fry, the well known and reliable grocer, bus adopted a novel plan of placing a one price l.iUd on each separate shell continuing his wares. His goods are of the U'st ipuility to be found in the market, and are sold at one price, and that the very lowest, ipialitv considered. Tho place to buy fresii fruits and groceries. A numls-r of boys iu the vlciuitv of lower Main street, secured a crowd ot in terested sectators Tuesday evening by introducing a new game They were playing cow hoy w it li a vengeance, and as they practiced throwing their lairiats, catching misuseftiiig victims, the ap plause of the bv-standers could le heard two or three hfis ks anay. The excursion on the Fourth of July to the Multnomah Falls given under the auspieesof the Y. 1. S. C K. willle thealTairof the season. The steamer l iiiline has lieen chartered (or the oc casion and w ill leave Oregon City at 7 a m. The Willamette hand furnishes the music, and every preparation is Is ing made to make the allair a grand success LOCAL REFLECT OlWr.KVATIOSM OF THK I'.KrVuil.ll UIUI.K OM HIS UK AT. p ii 1 1 i - i . it ri 1'i.rmiilil. II ' I I" waiin IO ; W i:lnliu ill Hit 4 H)4'uiikliIiitf Iu riiureli..'luvver UsriUu Iteul I'.kIhIo ,lgenin Nl-ee IIhIIiih)ii. Onoieatuiit thai strike th visitors to Oregon Clly favorably, I the univer sal prevalence of Mower gardens In ami around the dwellings and yards In every portion of tho city. This gives the low n an apiraneti of lovo o( homo, that st rlkos the iiow-eomor most agreeably mid Indicate a rellned taste among tliu la dies that la certainly ooiniuoadnlilu, No clly In thn stale can boast of a greater profusion uml display of Hewers and shrub than this, whether on the river hank, near the roar and spray of the Falls, or in the new ly laid out suburb, tho tendency to cultivate llowers and shruh I the siimo, This feature, which add so much to tho attractlvenos of the place, i having its silent oiled In bringing new H'oplu to catt thtilr lot villi us. Mr. H. W, Curler, '( oswego i n MomUy mi 1'iifliiec, ... - Mr. l It lav. one of to mnutr wi Jickamus, will i town Monday. T O LlvesiiV hiKScd through b'W'l Vnday on hi way to Ht ? lleluin, ti atliien. i ii tin ,oi ami .lohii McAdain. tn 11 ... ., 'C. i ',, ni,, , n e.nmtv. were iu, .vn Moiidiiv' Invest Igullim tiutlumhur kikut, m j i,' i, wi,n,t und Mil. I'ulrow It for Salem, Tuesday, to lltlolui Hie cetlng ol Hi Willitiuelto lolia-i.' mill Associaliou, M p l.'ioiits rutin ned from Wash ' ... . .1 I U....L..I1M igloli, IllesilaV IIU Visueu r.'i alls. Seal I lo mid other place of tliti ill- trior, and it delighted with hi trip. Hon. W, T. Huiney and hnnlly mil loving to I'orlliiud trinporarlly, to m Jupo the stencil irom iu ie. -if heat III In" Vicinity oi in rei.ien.'. Hon. 1,. T. ILirln wn In town Hatfl ay, 1!. .1. of Hunter, Colin limit v. was In town I liursuay on ics before thn land olhco. Mr. tf. I.. Inwell, thwoll-knowi('1' 1'iigliieer of Salem, now in chargf r" I'orthind.V .Ml, Hood railroad nr---wa In the citv Ibis week on br " (YOU EXPERIMENT VVIIKM YOU USU fho Cnry Ogilon 11 od Cross Mixed Pi tints. Tho visitor who read of tho rapid stride that Oregon City is making In liiumii wim I'l.vivi.., II OHUIV to if mi' . , ,,, ., , mlJ ;...u,i..i.i .... !... .t i.A'utiiioctcd Willi that toad uolui' only that portion of tho town that lie along thn river immediately along the blull. Hut let him climb the stair and go southward and bis eves will oK'ii iu Astonishment, when he be holds a city extending iu that direction (or one and a half miles covered with tasty dwellings, and that tho city oi Hon. W, C. Johnson relurne' ii,. Iii.,r i,,rl of last week. gone to Tho Halle. lli hoiiUf midorably impiovM. ("apt, J. T. Appeison wont ""'" Tuetday. o ... i .1- ii...:.. ! s: t,.W. UI OLD, TIIIOD, AM), WEARS WELL, SPREADS WELL, nml makes it goinl GLOSSY FINISH. PRICE LG.Caufield, Afj't, For Orogon City. 0 O fill t 'lul along tint river for a distance ufj apiut C, W, Lotmhery iU( ' The census enumerator are beset on every side with innumerable ditliculties. It is imjiossible for them to complete the work w ithin the time reipiired hv the su pervisors, esis-cirllv in the thickly popu lated districts. Their districts were made too large in Salem and I'orliand, and Siiierintendent I'orter has tele graphed that the enumerators may keep on until they finish. The Spiritualist camp meeting is in progress at .New with many attrac tive features, and much interest is man ifest. To give all those desirous of be ing present an opjiortui.lty to attend, the Uitona will carry an excursion, leaving her d.s'k at Oregon Citv at H :30 a. m., returning at fl p. in. This will be con venient for all and a very pleasant trip, as the scenery it K.s k Island is line. Fare for louinl trip only 7!) cents. From C'ttiieniah, .60. two miles, ho re n lues that humous it v of Oregon City. Ilu note with ad miration the fuetorioa and manufactur ing enterprise under way, and In ois-r aiion, and sees tho steady growth In every direction, with no attempt to looming, then, ho, iu fact, thl hossihle ami probable greatness of the Intuit., Hid von ever notice that neoiili' who go to idiuivh more than coplo who go to the theatre'.' Ho tho same people who go to church go to tho theater? tl lctcn.l, so a mend tells me, upon what church they attend. Hut whether the same who xo to church go to the theatre, or whether tliorv are Iwo sets, one for (he church and one for the theatre, the picslion remains, why Is there more oiighing in the iK'WS than in the nr 'hestra chairs? A a matter ol fact there i more reason for coughing III the theatre than iu the olmryh. Tho rise and fall of tho curtain create a draught. Hut somehow the cough Uaeldom heard, or if it is you bear it under rover. In nliuroh the coughr rough right out iu muling. And It may hav occurred to you thai tjiurn i ioiiiething vry conta gious in rvawl) when it breaks out iu church, A cmigh aharta in th back row and travels to tho ameSu. corner, (jather ing a it goc until tha vhViCgwta it. That tlio real estat agent if 5V!f'n llty areas energetic and iiilcrpriai!iif as any other citv is a fact that cannot ho disputed. Yhey are using every laudable etl'ort to induce capitalist and desirable people to invest and hsate here, and their work tin ind been without its good result. They have materially lent their aid to the hoanl of trade to advance all its umUr lakingstoa siiectssdil issue, and have displayed a liberality in advertising Oregon City to the world, that iu itself i every way commendable. We should coiigratuhita ourm-he that this city is not Hooded w lth all undesirable clasn of shyster real estate men who intrench themselves in boom towns, ami who are a serious imixHlimciit to the solid grow th of any village or city. Tho real estate dealers of Oregon City are reliable, busi ness men, who are crsoii!!y interested iu it iiihstiintial development. Two years ago many of the residents of thia city would have looked incredu lous, had they Ix-cn told that they have Is'eii told that a motor lino from port laud, and a hs'ill street railway wa one of the Hissihilitie of the next live years. Hut now a bx-al street railway and a motor lino 'to Portland, possibly two, one on each side of the river are not only one of the possibilities, hut one of Ihe probabilities. The fact is becom ing more apparent every day, that rapid transit is the great desiraluiu, The residents of Clackamas w ill cele brate the Fourth of July in royal stylo, and every preparation is being made to have a grand time. Mr. C. V. Clarke will deliver the oration, 1'rof. Thomp son will read the Declaration of Inde pendence, and the music will be fur nished hv the Milvviiukio Itrass Baud. A splendid basket dinner w ill be provid ed, uml a complete programme of races and sports has been iirrangrd. The (iladstone Keal Fstaln Associa tion, in which Mr. Harvey K. C'roci is largely interested, have their large saw milloii the Clackamas nearly completed. The mill will be run by water power, ta ken from tho Clackamas river, and brought through a canal three-onarterB of a mile in length. They already have a million feettif logs in the river, and in a short time their mill w ill be turn ing out a superior quality of lumber to supply the urgent demand. The Congregational society of this cily sent their pastor, Hev. V. O. Lucas away on Tuesday. Mr. Lucas accom panied by his wife and two children took the Altona for I'ortlund intending to take the evening train for the east to visit the scenes of his youthful days. He was sent owav with friends for the journey, and instructed to take all the time necessary lor rcHt and pleasure a large number of the Coiigregfitionalists were at the boat ts bid him (iod speed, lie expects to be absent several months. Mr. T. W. Sullivan, engineer mid superintendent of the improvement, at the basin and power house, is very busy enlarging the basin, and will build it (',() feet wider than it is at present. He is also putting two turbine wheels in the electric power house, which will add immensely to its capacity, and more dynamos will be added soon . Mr. Sullivan did the work on tho Taper & I'ulp mill which stood thn freshet . last winter, The work ho is doing around the basin and power house is of the most substantial character, and will no doubt withstand the freshet., beside adil immensely to the water power. Mr. Sidney Smyth, county surveyor, has just completed platting and survey ing the Jiolton tract, ft plat of which hangs in K. 0. Caufisld's window. The plat is executed in an artistic manner, and reflect much credit to Mr. Smyth's skill as a draughtsman. The new ad dition will be called Bolton. It adjoins the W. T. A L. Go's tract, and is situa ted on the West Side of the rirer. The owners of the property are E. (i, Cau field, Thru Randall, and II. II. John son, and they have subdivided the en tire tract, containing IX) acres into town lots, which will 13 placed on the market. This is a most desirable location on the bank of the river. Mr. J II. Way has moved his piano mid organ storw one door south of the Central hotel, opjiosite Mr. Burniei ster' jewelry store, lie will kep the latest improved Wheeler A Wilson sew ing machine. Ho not fail to inspect hi stock. The Spiritualist are holding their an nual camp meeting at their grounds near New Fra. The attendance is very gixsl, a large number of people having gone out from this place last Sunday. The meeting will continue until a week from to-day. The Southern 1'iicilic will cros the sleel bridge next Tuesday, using thn now remodeled I'nion 1'acilic depot on Couch lake. Freight and passenger business will after that dale Iks done on this side of the river. The Weit Side passenger will run in to the Union i'acillc depot. The height depot for the Southern I'a ci'lc's Fast Side lines will 1st in the big building at Second and ti streets. The West Side freight will 13 handled at the present warehouse, near the headquar ters building. The trains will continue to make stops at both of the Fast Side station. The Southern I'acillc will noon shorten the time on its overland ls'tweeii here ami San Francisco. It will he aided to do so by the vstahlish meiit of a new local train. The present local will run as fur south as Koseburg, The new train will go to Albany and back. This arrangement will go into ef fect July 1. Tho through train will then stop at local points only lor mail, not carrying passengers, after the manner of Kustern through lines. Oregoiiian, tm in nrtiv Licit he will accent t'' .milv, o Mr, 11. natiiaway ami . viy ttt't I's, I'oiiieroy. , were in tow n 'ilurlugtihii week Hon. II Ii. Miner, in I w as in the ciiy TucsUy al a guesl of Ihe Villi lloiisej I Mr It. Frvcwhol tin t row u lapor to , t J to his home al St llelf' f ..ii . . . Med Slllldiiy, Mi ldn.m Met ..mi Jvtis.kcd Flu from a to In uiieF, gur Prairie , . , ,'de left for SI. Hi.tncl Attorney ' ,l(.r snuio bu.l Helen lue y .(,,., ,)( VtlUm. tie." before tlltl I toll' bill conn 'v. i t t u i.,""11') st- Helen Jo I -!. J. Sa 4t iMiim-sn. I iiedav on county , I tho Oregonliiu, Mr Ooo. Iter., .,, ci,y. pent last gliildn 5 ' . , . . lUinnsotl, win In J. U, Xiirt" town viwtetday. ii ' i I"11 Creek, Hon r.. si, A fh,m ,.mmy( repr.-eutollYrUU,, was til tuwil ' Mr. r., t. fljok ima , wa in town bun in nn' VfHleidajf. t 'r '''l,lrm'o home Sal- , '" teiie, here she hut been urdav frosfi,,,, T jV(, v rV. nk, who ha len at- A'l '.. niege, rtturiHsl home lending M leaw shortly for The this wi-fi.yv. Halle. ' '' , . , . daughter of J. MiSm,e Murcii,. ww 0 town C. Moreland. of I'oiU.iMonipartof visiting Iru nd during the , the week, Mr I.. Fuller and daughter. I.ilian, ol I ' 1 1 1 a 1 1. 1 , i-j .-ut last Sunday in the city, Hie gni -I ol her bndhcr, C'ltf .Mar.-lial t has. Ilmtm. Mr. I.. II An. hews Is attending tl Congregational as).s'iation at Salem, Mr. and Mt. It. H, Price eelebrati'd Iheir silver wedding Tiiedav. A mini '"'r ofilieir friend were present, and had n most euiovable time, heveral vuliml le pii -i ids weie received. Mrs. I.. II An. hew is evpecllnn her throe soli limine from t orvalll to s'lld their : i s-rv 1 1 . 1 1 Hon. J, It, Hiinick. of Marlon connly, wa in the ciiy yesterday visiting hi friends. ( has. I."i,"n and wile, of Portland, eii in (lregoti Citv yesterday visiting Julius bogus and lauiilv. Fred I'reeiitimn, w ho i now ungtigi I in railroad survi ving, was intowuSu, urduv and Sun.lnv, JULY 4th. jlrand Celebration. ( AT Jlclnlg's Park, Sandy. Oral ion and Picnic. MUSH! 15 Y Clackamas Brass Band. Dunuing mi IlatArm, Afternoon. GKAN1) HALL in tin: hall at nk: nr. REFRESHMENTS of all Lilids (ill tlio gi'Dlllitls. Como Ono and All. 0. C. T. Co's STEAMERS r1 rt it nnimin I'rm-nli it 'i.iUaiul. Orron Cit v DAILY LINE I.KAVK PoltTI AMI. I.KAVK OlII.OON ClTT. 7 :30 A lU;im A 1:801'. I I Fi'cnlor' .Notice. Noli.r i. I rr!.y given (tint llie inuler- "ilgiicl tin n, , n tliilt iippnte.l eierutor ol too l.i.d will ..I A, Huriifll, ilii'ciiil, A II ner-oit. tun ii g rliiim. iiciutnit mud c- luie itre notiin ,1 I., ,ri'.i'iil the .nine to me ul M il nut.1.', I'o cioi, within idi tuonili. Iri'in fie Iii "i I'lil'li, ntloti ol' this notice, or lli ill 1', i.,r, n r liiirred. N. II. II A II VK V, J..iin'.s ,1 tin rs, Ftecutor. An, in i', for ,.,iid F si nte. I'iiI. d ilnv ,,f .III'!.-, ,v. (Vlllia i'lirk' Place is Popular Property, Wantkii Wood hauler to deliver 2(10 fenriQ of wind, I luiniru at the brewery, J. Madi.u, .Several Arreiit. Since the summer excursion season hev gun, tha rowdies of Vancouver and Port land, who have a wholesome mslrainl placed over them at homo, take advan tage of the low fare, and fairly drow n tlio roar of the Willamette Fall by their howl in the vicinity of liroderick' Park. On lust .Sunday Joseph Patek, who keep a dive at the park, wa ar rested lor selling liquor to n minor, and liioiight before JiiHtico F. W. Foul. He had an examination Monday morning, and on waiving examination waa hound over in the sum of $L'")0 to appear before the grand jury. J.ewi Iliirdini, a aoldier from Van couver, who wa a guest at the park last Sunday, playfully knocked Clin. Hliuhel cold bh an ico cheat. Justice Fonts let him oir Monday morning with a fine of f; 50. which he promptly paid, and de parted evidently Hatialied that Oregon Citv did not need hiBnerviceiaaa solriior of the United Stales army. Lewi L. KesHor, also a citizen of Van couver, walked up to hhoriir Sampson from behind and choked him unaware.:; but whon Monday morning came the JiiHtico taxed him ifoO for the aforesaid choke. Ho departed, with tho fact im pressed upon hi mini! that it cooto some thing to choke, a Clackamas county olli eial, even though the choknr he a resi dent of the stato of Washington. Justice FuntH deserves the thanka of tho people of this city fur tlio prompt manner in which he deals with this class of excursionists, and respectable pooplo who como here for pleasure can rest assured that, they wiii find Oregon Citv a quiet and pleasant retreat. Hherili' Sampson is entitled to tho con sideration of his constituents for his grit and promptness in making the arrests ut tho psrk lust Sunday. Administrator' Notice. Notice i luivSv given that the liiuler sigiied Iiiih been duly it i oi 1 1 U l uihnlnln li.rol'tliu .Into id' I. I'. lliirvey, ili'ieimed. All piTHon Inning claim against mud e. tntr me iiolit'eil lo prenent llm Mime tome ut', Ori'!.". n, w ii hi ii six month from llie lir-l puliiti utioieol IIiIh notiie. It. Hl'DTT, JoiiNsoa ,1- tin : M n . Ailniiiii.Hrnlor.'t. for liiid l.lale. HdWi Hated .linie Isili, I Mil, 6aV.. M. M. ii. M. M. 7 :3d A ll::id A. 1 :IHI P '.' 4 i P. U : P. Itora no Wav Lauding. Steauiel L"lldi". Steamer Liiloiia " t- at'MDAT. t HIMIA.M 'BiSOA. II .no A M. a .CO P. hi. 4:C0 P. M. h IK.I P. M. AT ""., ' MimijM)wer's Hall, July 4. Tk'kt'ts fur Pui ico ami Wujiju'i' Bl.OO. Horse Feed -Twimly-llvo ('mil Facie 8's Tlieatre ONE WEEK AND Fourth of July Matinco.- v'cfniu .ii( Mondiiy, Juiiii .!(), lieturn of thn Favol'lles ; CHICAGO COMEDY CO. KiiIutkimI, Htronprer ami Ilt.tter tliun over. Playing In an entire new leperloiie, t"iliiK play Monday night. The latitat Katern aucce. The celetiruted Cotnody-Dratim In 8 Act, entitled "She Black Hao. ClIANUI'J OK 1M.AV NKlllTI.Y, pricey 85c 30c 50c. No Higher, , ltoerved Keal on Halo at PontoluYt. E. S. WAKKEN, "t,.f I. SELLING S 1 MI AunonucBmen SPJXMAL Bargain Prices FKOM NOW IWTll. THK Misses' Black Hose full tinislii'd sien, " to S j, ,1T( jkt pair. I.u.liea' Uluusc, M each. J.nilies White SJiirtM, (looil Mus lin, ,'. eiicli. , Jersey Mitts, I'ure Silk, ,'-,"i jht pair. Ladies' Doti'ola SIuk's, I'alent Leather Tms, ifl..rl) jier jiair. Ladies' Kid Opera Slipper, lined .7.) per pair. MeW Negligee Sliirts .75 each. , fi.. i. .. c... t... 'i f... , , iiiiii. rn t-.'t itp ,ail loi Also curriii.) a full linn of Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc., Which liooltoiMat VERY LOW PRICES, Filluir CASH 'ir on the, INSTAIjLMIO ST PLAN. You cannot do better thai, to call and oxamino ,J POPE & Co. Thi old ami reliable firm alwaya keep in slock full line of tof, Slielf il Mifctwi Hardware, Tinware, Etc. : Pluinmin Gas Filling & Jobbing Attended lo Proiimtlv. Es- Fnrnislied. linialc s OREGON CITY, OREGON. NEW STOCK ! NEW PRICES We huvo just Received 1 FULL 11 OF WALL F Of Zjatcst Slocklioliler' Meellmt. N.lTM'K liiei'l I mk of tl. hrr.'l.y bIvpii lliiloilitrtiirliiit l :,,iii m u y will lit. linill .1 th. i'V iIvimi, tlmt ttis miniul i.,.i'l.lii,l,ler nf tliu tirci..ii t'lly t 111 I of llll'l t:ii!iriioni,IU.'i'Uj mi Hiitiir.ln I'liuy In ori'ifou I'lty. (rmiin , y, Jul; l.'tli, lnisi. nt In o'i'Imi'Ii a M .( mil. I tiny, 111. iurinii. ut al.i'tlnil llin'ii illreelor ol lit. Cnri.irmliill In m,rv for Ho. eiiMiln y.Mr, m1 trmmiii'tltiii mn'ti lU.r 1'iihiiK'Hn lis m.y e.,in liefnre thu liii'i'llim. . M A. HI KAI ION, B.'C'y. Ori;.iii CHy. Muy 21 1'J, M RKKT Ul'.roKT. Wheat, V tide, Oat, V l" Flour, 11 Krade, :t.7A "ml. IH.tiO. 10 toilets. Fw', 2'.' it. Chicken, dresned, V dor., (" f 4 lo 15 Chicken, aiirinit t'i.hi) A J.t.f0 Chicken, live, trf t.lHJ lofVOO Turkey, 1'otatoe, V btl fl l'i to 120 Onions, V hu IK) Aiile V I'0. l-'.tH) FFF: Shorts. $ J I fii) Itran, rlH.fiii liny, tiinolliy hilled, IH In fM. Hay timothy loone, (l.'i. Clover, baled I7 to W MK.VrS: !!.(, live, 3 v . Heef dressed, 6 c. Veal, dressed, II c. Hons, live, 4c. Hot;, dressed, (( 7c. Sheeii, Vhead. n'.tKlaiid fj.fjtl. Wool.bidtlH VH. I.ard, country hulk, 8 c. I.ard, bucket, U",,'. Ham, VII., 11 Hide, yli., hie. ShouldorH, ty'1'. Rc, MUKD FUt'lTS: All kind very dull, Apple, sun dried, K ami 4c, I'luniH, sun dried, 'i ami :e. Frillies, mm dried, 4 and lie. 1'eiirs, sun dried, t) and He. Apple, machinu dried, blenched 8 A 9c I'luniH, machine dried, ti to 7c. Fear, machine dried, ft and7c, I'ruues, uiucliiiif drieil, 6 and He, Mens Hoy' Mens i Straw Hutu, ..W "raw Until, .25 I 'rest ,. , Stiinin. For Low Pric and Good Goods, Call on CALL AM) INSPECT TJIP FINF DISPLAY, ami you lire Hiiro to lie jileuHed. LUMMIIiOUR STOCK OF Ill, Ciirpds, Oil Cloth and Mattings Complete o-""- - " PRICES ARE Mm LOW. SUMMER CLOTHG and HATS THE VEltY LATIST STYLES -AT T OT71T T TUTrt - JWJiUla l,JLXJUli, XjaVSJ LCJXXJLUXO. Spring and Siiniiiic 1890. NEW G00D ARRIVING DAILY. We are Showing tl5 week the Latest Novf ties in Satines, Dre? Goods and White Goor; also in Embroideries.1 TheGreatEitstei1 Store, 1 Mayer &, Ackerman, Props WE AltK IIKAIMU'AHTKRS A iiiiinber-oni) milk cow for nlo clioup, jiri, 1 nm KniiiK away. Ai o. Kiiicciitkh, I will be in my olllco at Oruuon City, to attend to biisines, each 'fuiisday un til iurther notice, tf. I.. T. HAltlN. When in need of imy tiling in llie line of Ihin, lire eiai lieiK or fire Works, call ouT. V. Fouls, oipoito tho railroad depot, Oick'iii l ily, as he carries a com plete linn of Mich ohIh and aell them ut very low price. 113 i ut sa !l-0 acreii iiniiuproved land, 10 milos soul hetiMt ol I trefoil City. Level brush laud, k('"I soil uml easily cleared. In one of tho best furmiiijf dintneta of (IhickiiiiniH county, l'rice (10 per aero, at least hull cutih, well secured . Can be Hiibdividid mid is a bargain. Address, tf I), J. Hwiiznn, Keal KhIiUo Aifimt. Oreon City, Or, V Itaririilii !! Not to bo overlooked. Lot with al most new Iioiihu of nine room and atone biiHoineiit, closu to woolen factory, pay ing 10 tier cent, intnrost on $tH(K).0l): can he had for a few day for ifil.WO.OO, half cash. 1'arly must huvo money. J a, P. Shaw, 212 Keal ICstato llroker. Notice. , The county osinaior will be in hi o( Hco ovry Saturday until further notice. J. W, Nwiii.k, County Aiseitor. Tun IvsTiiiti'iiisi! ollice ia receiving a new lot of new typo and printing nutto rial, and under the new niamiKeineut w ith experienced job printer is bettor than ever prepared to do tho ,bcst of work at I'ortlund prlc'CH, CHAtilUN & SON. us view Miiio nn liiif. i miio nil TlieMost Rapidly Selling. 80 LOTS SOLO In tho last sixty (.lays. Examine tho reard. Very sight ly, adjoins tho host improved part of town ; also convenient to tho manufacturing part. Don't fail to lfpk at it before purchasing. Terms very easy. 21 HOUSES NOW BUILDING ON THE TRACT) WILLIAMS & PCRTEE, , o . 3 i ii or ail , ou I to Cood ev j6 . Cast . 'termin fn, on tha llico near Tost Oftice. i'AClFIC COAST FQ HARVESTING MACHINERY OURSTOCKC 0 M PUIS K S T H K C K h E URATE J EMPIRE, CYCLONE AND TRIUMPH MOWERS, EMPIRE AND TRIUMPH REAPERS AND MOW ERS, "DAISY," "FAMOUS" HOLLINGSWORTH AND GAZELLE SULKY HAY RAKES. HAIiNF.S HHVOI.VINO UoHHH KAKK HTKHhlNti II AY 'J'FDDKU- ; 15 . it'v. jcrS.-.i.!i 5r.. 'U '.-... 1 J CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES SILVERWARE WATCHES, (Wl'VJlHllirKU.) Mrs. C. H. L. All repairing done .mil warranted. 1 v;t.' 1 i visited Coos n! the povern tlie Coast Mail. in the jetty will When work north apit from ho work thus success. mo heat that fcst makes the V. tttiim that. lii Wes. It gets never o the or Interfering if the eon- (COl'YKlUllTKD.) BURMEISTER. u Bi-lliiiR-Natcora, avon, 'out ZfKjjt l-M ' mil i SfACKEI AND Th4 i KEYSTONE HAY I.OADEUS "ECLIPSE" AND BUCK HAKES. MYERS HAY FORKS AND GARRIRS CELEBRATED STEEL FRAME RANDOLPH IlEADLRri! IT WILL PAY ALL FARMERS AND DEALERS TO CALL AN SEE US OR WRITE FOR QUQIATfOS PKFURW PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. STAVER & WALKER, Now Market Block, Portland, Oregon, I iH 7T - TZli , A til 1" 8. SCRIlflURK C. V, WINESET -r-i-irnTTTP.-FT!