J L, Oregon City! Oregon City! Oas ua l n Half Million Dol- !:US e:Xl.Miacx! Ill tltO llVCtKU ot factories Uuj past year. That amount will bo doubled the coming year. RPRIS Tho (jront muufucturing cen to r of the Piicifle Count. Moro Powarthun Minneapo lis und Spokane Falls combined. m h aaa aaaa n : 4M VOI, 1U-N0. 2. ( The Enterprise. VulHletF livery Tluicvluv, kriim nm of" gummas' county. KlIWCHM'TKIN IUTKH, ftttHI It IN AllVANCK: jir year ... SlX lllilllth - Tlirve months .VilviM'liMHK rale given $ 8 rti - I mi to application. Clackamas County Dikectory. IVI'STY OfUCKUS. .1. w Ju Iff Clerk l loinM . Mierill Knurdrr I'rvaainvr Sh'K'l -iiperintemlcnt Surtt-jor Xtcl Irutu. II. II. Johnson. V. W. II. Samson. W. T. W hillock. S. II, tallll. , John V. Noltle. Alex. Thomson, Sidnev Hniiih. lmUliMl'M'IK it'hurles Motsiit'lik. itVrnelliis Hair. OHKttoN CITY OKI UK MS. . . ,Tho.. F. liven- 1.. I.. 1'orU-r- S. K. UrrvH. F. It. I'lmriiiau. A. S. lirvsser, t K. Ilurtis, . 0. HnlkiN'k. Mayor . Kecorder TreaMin-r Ciiv Aitoriwy Mar-.li.tll Sir1! l'timniiai'tii'r . Sup t n( Water Works . W. II. Howell. CHI NCH tHOt. 0. II. t'atitield. Chas. .Vtbev, C. J. Park T. I.. I'liarman, K. . VVarrvn, J. H. i'rviulmtli, J. W, OVoiiiit-ll. TIIK M Alt.!, Mail cle going nerth, ti . h., 2 r. x.' Mails close uik south, !...., :i r. M . mix Rot Trn. Oregon City t Molalla Million, ("arm and Willu'it: U-ae ut 10 a. M. Mondays, Wednesday anil Friday, and Mums on following day. Oregon lily tn Mink, Clark, Miilino, I'll dm Mill') unit Meadow HriKik; biio nl 10 . M. l'm'Mly, Tliunxliiv ml .ulurvly, n,l ri'turns tin lolluwing iltty. TkAVKLKUS (Jl'IHK. .'ITHKKX rl'lU" THIS. Train from l'urlliiii.1 : Arrivrnm li.il. K. an,l S 'A T. H. Arrivi't frm S.uili: 1 .IS . . ami A I T. M. rrriiii ai.i.iK -utiw . l.ir I'lirlhtnil. l.rc Oroitmi City. " Si A. K. 7 ::m A. M. lll lll A. II. !:.' A. X. I .' ' M. I ki r. H. Si r. . 3 ' r. m. 5 uir. m. ii ;v r. . StfimT Alttiii! -no Vy 1.;uIiiik. iU'tiuirr KnU)n ay l.aii.lu.H. rikY. (l ulAd. II :l a. X. 11 ii . u. 2 i" r. . 4 iir. . li.iw l". u. Society Directory' On-roii Lottitf, I. o. o. r. No 1 rvry rrnirtnr evn..,H at 7 M o'rlnrk r. M . In Ihr Il0l Kullnwa Hall, Mio ircol Mpoilr nl Ilia Onlr r lutllei, Ui allruj. til urJer il 1. 1 Cuoka, N U. Multnomttli l.oilicr, No. I, A. V. k A. M. Hoiilii ltn rrKilr coinmiuiloiiliiiut ou flrl nl IhirJ saliiraayii "I ei'ti nioiiui nun r. Arrilirru IdkimkI stumlliic nrt luviicilto iiuetiU A. K Ti.Wl.S. W. M I. ACKKKMAN, heiTi-ury. Vlt-Hile I'uot .No. 2, ti. A It mi'nt of OrfKOb. Depart Mfft Aral .ltie. Ujr ui evtry monih, it 7 SK P M At OdJfellDWl' llllll. iiTVtou tltv CumaiAnilrr. mils i li l.od it of a. Mitt every ierunl ml fi,urib Kriilny even lucmuiM Kellow. ball.ln All brettireu cufiilillY luvltel to tteml Jouruliitf I Art. MU.K1.NSUN. M W SUNDAY SERVICES. Kl Its r UO.NMHEG ATION A Lt: II I' KC II.-Kv 0. W. Li'Cak, fa.lnr. itervlrra at 11 a. h. anil 7 a) r a. H'lti'Uy Hctioiil after miirulnf .er vice, Player lueetliiK Weilnemlay evening at 7 JOo.cluek. Prayer mcelltiK u( Yiiiiiin People. a dueleiy ul I'hrl.uan Kmleavur every buu.l.y CruiU( at A. jO pralnpL FIK-iT BAPTIST CIICKCII Kav. J. C, Hiad Pa.tor M'irnluK Service at 11 00; Mun.lay tonuol at U 1", Kvenliif berviee .40; Keicniar prayer inertlux Weilneailay evnilin. Munihly Covenant Meetlnf every WeliieaiUy eveulna prece'lmg the nrat Hiuulay In the month. A coruial luviutinu to all. 8T. JOHN H CIII Kl.iI.CATHOI.lC.-Hav. A. Hillkhhanu, Paa'.or. on gutiijay maaa at n ami 10& a. H. Uerinaii aermnn Aral anil third bunday lu each month at urliMk maaa. Sunday Hehoul at J SO . M. Ve.pera and Ueueilictloii at 30 r. H. 8T. PAl'L'H P. E. Clll'KJII -Hev. J. M linn aldaon. Keotnr. Hervicea every aumlay at II on and 7 .10 u clock and Wedneaday ovenlin al 7 ito o clock; Hunday aehaol at 111 00 Mt. Paul a Chapel, Canemah: bervice each alternate Hull, dav at i 00 u nlock. METHODIST Kl'ISCOPAI, CIICKCH -Kav JoH! PaaaoKH, Paatnr. Morfilm aervli e at 11; butiday Hegwil al I'i.l.'i, tvenlna aervli e at7:H0. Youny fieople'a meeting Tueaday venlii at 7 00, Prayer Merilni 'I hum. lay evening at 1 M. trauger. cordlallyluvlted. V1KHT PKKHHYTEKIAN CHCItCH.-Itav. 0. W. iiiiioxav. paator. Xerrlrea at 11 a. m. and 7 30 r. a. Hahliath School at 10 A. H. Vouch People . SiK-kty nt Chrlatlan Endoaviir meet, every Sunday tvenluK at :t0 Wedneaday cvfulriK prayer meeting at 7;30. rieata free, ho cnllecliuuii taken. Professional Cards. T. V. I'OWIKO. K. II. C0WIN8. COWING & COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All naaea before United Hlitte. laud ofllcei a Ipeclalty. OKKUON CITY. OKKOON cT dT& b7"c. latourette, ATTORNEYS AND C, WLORS AT LAW. U AM BTRKKT, URKOOM CIT, 3BICOOH. Turnlah Abatracti ot Title, Ixjan Money, FniV cloae Mortic-.Kea. and trau.act Oeuurul Law ilualneaa. G. E. HAYES, fTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Oregon, City, Oregon. Office up .tain near Court Holme F.O. McCOWN, Attorney at Law. Oregon City, Oregon. Land Business a Specialty. T. A, McltKIDK. A. 8. DItEHHEH. McBRIDE & DRESSER. Attorneys at Law. OlHce in Jsinur Block, Oregon City, Or. J. W. POWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Olllce at Cliannan ORKOON CITY, & Co' Drug Store OREGON. T. H. HORN, House and Sign Painter, Paper Hanging a Speollty. Painting dune in all Its branches. Leave orders at the post-offlo Bhop at rear of the post-ollice. r.F, WltlTJS. W.A, W IltTK WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects J- ltyi!J,;ra. Will nrtnMUti, Itritlnni, worklm ilrv MIU, u,l imMfloailoni lor All klluli nl Innlil Iniia tiiiwUI mio'HIon iUkh to m.-li-rn v.n Uin. kllmU liiruulieil nit .0lolU,ii vllourl.lrein Will IK HKiin , Urmuii (Illy, 0(ti J. M. BACON b SON. -DK.tl.KUS 1N- Uooks and Stationery POST OFFICE BUILOINC, ORKUONnTV. OUfXiON. D. J. SWITZER A CO. ABSTRACTS A3STID --Heal Eslato- V'! iTti uf Ctilar lml - A lmiifitln, Oii. in Kktkm'Iiik lluilillnn. J. D, UROCKENBROUGH Altonuv at r,nv, il.l Kt'lAl Atent ut i;uorl l.iul (irtice.) Orogtm t'ity, Oregon. lUmiosW'it.t, I'rw-ciin.tion niiil Tluiltr l.utiil Applimtiunit, mul oilier l.uinl OlIU'o Humittiiut, tk. SHt iKliy, OKFU'K: '.'ml Hotir CliuriiiHii llrm. Hlot k, ljuiniti l!, 8. l.itiul Ollii-o. Merchants Exchange. kUlu Strmt, Ort(nn('liy Orriun, KTKV CtiSMTANTt.V OS 11A.NI) TIIK ll lir.iul nl t,l,uor.. Winn .tut t'lf.r. Illlli.Clly Mlrfiln mul try Iho ui'W IlillUrit Th! Aiioluiiirtil Milwaukee, t hieuauj Bip H.er ;. 1 KKUhA 1 II irittirlelor HOUSE MOVING. Renner & Davist TIIK Practical House Movers, will tlo all woik in their lino nmitly ami HutUtailurilv. AidlroKH, UKXNKH A DAVIS, Ort'tfoit t'ily, Oregon, LUMBER! FOR FIRST CLASS LUMBER CO TO Geo. S. McCord's Mill on Mt. rirfiHunt 2J niilos noiilh of Orrgon City. A. WALK Ell, Painter, Kalsominer, and Decorator, Is )rt'imrod to attend promptly tc work entruMu'd to liini, I'atromi ru.pfctfully milicitcd. Tavory, I'V'd and SuleStalilo ORECONCITY. LOt'ATKU tlETWKKN TIIK IIHllHiK AND DEPOT Double and Single IUgn, und mid dlo liorsi-! always) on hand nt the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the burn for loose Block. Information rt'arilinK any kind of Ktock promptly attended to liy person oi letter. horses Bought and Sold. M. II. rinmiktiin. lt. A. Hill, Flanagan & Hill, WHOLKSAI K AND ItKTAII. LIOUOR STORE. KEEPS ON HAND THE II EST SELECTION n( Wtrie.. I..imr, Ale, lleer, Ac, tn lie found In the Slat.. In Logui-Eaaihaiu lllock Give m. a call. HALF AND HALF ON DUAIJUI1T. United Hack, Truck and Livery Company, W. II. Cooke, Manager. Corner Fourth and Main StrectH, 0KKU0N CITY. The LEADINOll VJfifr HMt' of the & V;li)ifi o( any description THrtnslied on short notice. All kinds of Truck and IVdiviiry liusi ness promptly attended to. Ilorsea BoiinloJ and Fed on reason able terms. FOR SALE. 40 acres with flame locality, finely improved, for ale cheap. One of the good furine of Clacka mas county within two miles of Oregon City in a fine state of culti uation. Also land in Clackamas county, noar new motor line. Fine for farming. Terms oasy. F. 0. McCOWN & CO. The Cliff House, John Bittner, Prop., Oregon City, - Ore. The LEADING HOTEL of the city. The table supplied with the best the market affords. Booms large and well furnmliod with comfortable beds. Sunple Booms for Commercial Travelers. BANK OF OREGON CITY PaIU up Capital $50,000. 1'rkhuiknt .THOMAS C1IA1IMAN. Oahiiikh .t'UAH. II. CAIIKIKLU. Manaiium )'.. I., KASTIUM, liepiintl. rveelveil illijrm tit vltort. Aiirnvpil hill, anil nil. tll.eenm.J t'oiitily ami oily warauia ttnuilit. l.naua mail, nit avalkilil letmrlly. t'nllwliiiiia mail iraniily. ira(l lt mi I'nrllaitl, Mitn KriielMa(Milr.- (, New Yotki .ml ftl irluoli.l elllnnl Kil- nii.. Toli'travlilp .inhamel oM nn VurtlanA, Ian Fraueiauu, t'lile.i anil A.w Turk. Interest rail on lint deposit as follows: fur I lire. luniitlii. 4 t.r tunt par aanua. 'nr l tiunillia, ft per e.nt r aauuut. Pur U muitllia, i ).r v.ui (i.r auuuia. Tim. tiertlKeatea ot iteiotll. (tayabltaa if maml, nut Interval lurlolwj II ilratiu keltirv end til tertu ul tlioil' CITY BATHS AND Tonsorial Tarlors. E AIR CUTING nUAMPOOING AIR DYEING JJlNGlilNG. Sharp KazDM A ('loan Towolu Lmlii's' and child rent' hnircutting a rijH'cinlty. 1 lot or cold biiths ut any time. 25cts. BATHS 25cts. W. C. GREEN, Opposite the Post Office. II vuil are in need ( Harlieaa, Saddle, Ilridlo, or Kepaiia, you can aave money t'lilltng on mo. l'liin IUlKatV llarneaa ea ami Hlot k Saddles mvld to order. Wlietlier yon want to buy or not when in town i-iillun mo. Till- BLUK FHONT Harness Shop. Also Annt lor tli CelebrateJ SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Willamette Heights ! ONE MILE FROM THE Suspension lirfclgo OX TIIK WEST SIDE. A Fine Chance to Invest Acre Property. Inquire of McCOWN & CO. LLVKSAY it SHUTE. Clackamas, Or. DKALKIW IN' ' FLOUK, FKKD, Git A IN & CORN MEAL. AgontH for Clackamas and Or egon City for tho Col umbia Flour. ALSO . Keep on hand Rustic Fooring, Ceil- mg and all kinds of 1( inch ing Lumber, Dressed Fence. Pickets of all sizes. CHOICE Columbia Ce dar Shingles. CLACKAMAS "HEIGHTS." "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" is divided into 70, two and ono-half, and fivo aero tracts. It is located on tho Heights ovenooKing me Clackamas; henco its namo, it Is about One milo from Court House and Ono-half milo from the city limits. Tho County road crosses "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" which makes it easy of accoss, being about twenty minutes walk from tho centro of Oregon City. "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" lies in Oregon City School district, and purchasers can have tho advan tage of sending thoir children to a eood. (traded public school. The Soil is cood, tho Location very healthful, all Fruits and Vegetables yield abundantly. Terms one-third down, and balanco in one year at eight per cent. For further partic ulars inquire of E. E. CHAKMAN, City Drugstore. AtteiitiFaiiFS OIIEOON CITY, OKKC10N, m ti jii ! miiwi mi'1 ' The Commercial Dank, OK OKKUON CITV, CAPITAL $100,000. Trnicti onerl Banklrn BUln. LiMiia mail. nUtu (llai-oimttnl. MkMoolloiian. Iliiyn mul U cliitiKton ll jioltiU In lit llnltctl WiHw nil Uuroi mid tut IIiiiiu Koni. I'o Kalti reetjivml pulilnot in dinek. Intar imt ut umiiil rtt lluw(i(l on tiin li''" lln. inkr)Kin from tt A. M. I 4 r. M.j Hattinlit uvditlng (rtmi 6 till 7 l M. D.t3. 1.ATUUUKTTK. rrflitnllt. . v., wsMimv, I'ltnllltT. Farmers' Store! K. L. NI'IAVTONV 8l'tt'atia TOI STRAIGHT & NEWTON cash Goods sold at Portland Pricos. lUtillKST l'HtCK l'AIH IOK Ol'N. THY ruontHT., HAY ANI VVY.U A Sl'lX'l tTY, 1ST HI1 BY GROCERIES IF TIIK CITV. Call and Examno MY Hl'F.H. WOOII UJKNINU SCROt SAWING. I'arlies dexing tt'. Wood Turning, UraAkrls, or 1-1- Shop Carpenter's Work Will l,HulleJ hy Calling on Mt. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. O-. II. BESTOW, fT"Opp. the Congrtigatioiuil Church. FOR SALE. Onti of tho nicest pluttunin Cluck rtias hottoin, lieing 85 acre. The fest of land for u jii'itch orchunl. 100 young pencil trees just Ikj ginlng to ii'iir; good dwelling huse on high ground and all of tit necessary out-buildinge, etc. 45 TO 50 ACRES i in HN CULTIVATION. Vie of the fineBt snrings in Clakawas county. For salo chenp forashort time. V. C. HUMnillEV, At Cliu'kamni. ; 0. Mi Cown nt Oregon City. 4rVHY N0T?fc Yon ara tnltinllng lo piireliaiia a THKS WHY NOT RTfiT wrow, t-WIIFN-' I nun 1 M ., mill ino livo i.iw "'Wrumcnt ... i i... ..,,, ..t w.vufw ....... sou you aii VERY 3HEAP piajOS:' ni;cui: iihon l.'IMIf I KM V l0l. WUHTKH ILLMENT PLAN Soli for CASH or on the INS1! h City, Ore Address at Oregc Brocery Store, 0. E. A. Freybg, Tin: LINE OF Pi v on THURSDAY, JUNK 20, County Correspondence. OSWMIO. I.iiMt HiitnrtUv our imhlio ch(r''ln wcr cloned. Tim lfiattitrin witc in- doubtcdly tln ihhhI hiiccchhH'II Hi vry n'Hict in the lilnlort uf the OswtK'i nchooln, An I havt no ho cimri to th rccordi I "n.m u precintdy the number o "''holitriin aUrmlaiion during lb' lut term; but from what wo cav on Haturduy it imiHt bo about 1- wits a vry plenHinn ilgb-ttowu io uuttiy bright, rnlllng y-'n8 M truinwl. Thtf WMHPi were very interotii, ai-J Jpe onter an. ain; einli.m r .APollt'tlt. Mr. (I. W, 1'roMser, eli;-" ,,f. t,,w JV'1 f ilinictiira t'llJ vtinv iiivrri intti not been A iiiew Wltlpllllnl HpilinHl el Iber of tu teiiehorn uurino; the term nni' Hl1''' wnn '"lt ,llir at IhimL nf t hii If) teiuler A volt) of i....'.t... I'rofesor ICvanH,tlu.'rrin oiiml nu' '"Hs i'll,HI"M,'i teiicher .J ti,'- primary department, for the very i'"0'1"11 Wor't l"''y l'l,(' il.inil. tlt"B during the term. an' of th MiH'iiktr) iniid the tcaehi " behest couiplinients Thi I"r,",H"f the school are anx' 4" luv piiiiic U'lirilt'lB rill .h-it-a Kl next term, even thoutrh ar' rualury isreimired to priK-ure their " " "V (),""CK" " iiierciiHiiij very futni' w'" '" l'10 near future, 1h. i ""burb of rortland. b. ii. o. , uita 2:i,18',M). VIOU. jj'imi uertrudo r mley is vuitnif? in Mio1-. ai.rs. Minnie W'imkI is visiting her parc"U'"r- and Mrs. J. M. Huydeii. .'e enjoyed a splendid ruin on thai HiBt., insiirmg . Olllltllllil linrvest. yi uoiioMiHin to nave ft tri-ww kly ana iinderMliind V. 11. Mat fhan ben awarded lhe contract mail 1 1 u i. i ..fcirK Hi' will run a sLie btt ",1 Hn" v "leKfilnriS. rt aueslion, "Iti'solved, That i. i. i , , i i fort'itn inniigruli.in Hlnnild Ihi pro lilbiiH'' wa difieimsfil nt the last iiiwt ,n? t'1" Literary soriety. Peori 111 ln" "inriiintno. Hon. i p, JUrin w as iireseut and iiinde UiMtiOrttalk. Mm in .m rs. v n as. .Miller 1!,,. I., It,.., I I ..I... WH8 lf K ii'itiauti run nun throwUro"1 "10 Wl,k'n and two of her rl rt,'"'n' w,lH taken to Mlilna w lie re sue Htm remain at the iinnf w'l'gi Init wcnreglitd to lear" l0'"g WH- Muki: Axon. clackanTk ITKMS. Clutkamas is growing. Clackti inns is getting a largo tiiidn that forinerly went to Portland. The schoolhuu is to lx niadf twice us lurgtt to utvoniiiHidiite nearly 1KI seholar. A Congregational church of 1 1 iiieuiher was organized recently, und Hov. Win. S. Hunyan wuschos- n pastor. Messrs. Deanlorll ami Johnson have started a hutcher shop, und Mr. Johnson will handle choice incuts at the corner market. I p stairs in tho same tmilding we find another industry lately lidded to Clackamas; a dross-miiking estab lishment under the elhciont euro of Misses Piatt and Foster. The Hand is preparing for the -1th at Sandy. A great improvement is noticeable in their playing. Clock ainas is now getting ready in good earnest for tho celebration. 1 hey propose tn have tho biggest celebra tion in tho county, and will spare no tiains to make tho day a thor oughly enjoyable one. Everybody invited, lhe Milwaukic urns imntl ill furnish music, Tho usual ora tion and reading of Declaration of ndeiKMideiice, sack races, footraces, slow horse races, and a score of oth- r sports will follow. Plug tiglies in great mimbori will participate, who must bo seen to bo appreciated. Good grounds ono-half mile eat of station at junction of Oregon City and Damascus roads. Kulreslimont .a l ti i ' j 1 on tne grounds. iiasKei dinner, and at night a dance. Everybody come, and enjoy a great big patri otic Fourth. Cuius. NEW Kit A. Hniritual camp meeting is in full blast, and will hold over one more rundiiy. I ho lout; needed ruin w inch came last week will ho worth thousands of doUiirB to tho fanners of this valley. Crops look well hero, except hay, which is very short. The potato crop looks woll, and tho averago is perhaps larger than ever was before in this locuJity. Peter Kanch and family, of Hu verton, aro visiting relatives here this week. Ho reports fall grain looking very poor up in tho .Silver ton hills. Frank Kruso Iuib been busy tak ing tho u. S3, census in this pre cinct tho last week. Dr. Casto has sold his New Era property to a Mr. Claronco Now bury, of Montana. Wolconio Mr, Newbury to our midst. Tho steam saw mill at Now Era is protrrcBsinir and will soon be turning out lumber perhaps most ly aHh and Cottonwood for tho pros cut. Any onp wishing to purchase a good flouring mill well located, would perhaps do well to call on Mr. Du-rins, New Era. 4The fruit crop is quite promising here this summer. lhe codiin moths seem to have vanished, and so far the apples look in good coiv tlition, snip. OUR JNDUSTJUKS. otii: oi Tin: ham i ti I'ni.u i:,iti:iiiiiimi:m or I in: i t i.i.n i i v. I'rown 'nn. M.P 4'tiiiiiij. l lllniiirllei I'mII. ;.i l.lor 4'oniiiiii;, Oregon Cily la auiely tlnHlliiud to tuk her place ainuiiK the great Iiiitiiufiieturii cuiiwi oi I. 'i roiitlnimt. Tim wutiir power here cannot be auqianai'd by miy amrtiou In the I'ueillo Northwest, or even weal o( tlin Mlsalaaltml rivoi-. The irmat nuia nua mat niviin. urn ejtn In a Ink Ing advaiilugit of tlm 'vmajii unity fur In vnatiiiHiit, That; gmat liiiitinlncliiri.ig eilywllt grow up and (U'VMlup hero ia us sine a that the waUir ul tne Willaiiinllu I alia this? toward Him Coliiinbiii. Among mu luatnng ttmerpristis now ut active up' erauuo la ma Wii,i.AMKrr Falls Mxcklsiuk Comi anv I hey have eatabllahud their idant ul the lower end of the lueki, und creeied building 'MxW feet, containing H nm. flilnea lor liuiklng eicelsior frum cotlun wikkI. lhe inaidiiiinH have acupm ily of lour Ion daily, while tfawr threti pit king uiai'iiiiir nave a tiipumly ol iimiir ni ihsi.oiki ikjihkIs of rKa Miimiallv. J im product of tho mill Is ahipHil lo vitrluiis pat ia oi I no rat ine Coanl, und la used ox li'iiaivuly by tipliolslttrera. Tlm wuiks art) now in active ((iteration, und give em pluyiiieiit to a inittilmrof liumlit, wlulit lliti ciliatuia K)iiit,,out to vimtorH Willi pride, the Kat elslur mills aa ouu of uur atihtl inatitutloiis ,J Thnro is room fur nioro InitJiRH of the aiimo kind, mid the cli'inund (or this kind of urodm't is ifauiiy intreasiiig. Caows Pai-kk Comcanv, iiiu louiiiiaiion lor una iitiiiiiing was foiiiint'iHod Octuher 1st, IS.H',1, When completed und in oriillon this mill will consume 15 Ion of straw per tlav. tirtHlui iiig about ten tons of alruw puper u la lliti intention ul the coiiipaiiv to iiiitiiiuat'iure oilier grinle oi paper. The liiilldinga and mat hilierv will runt 1140 VSI. flin main slrurlure is fsulH.'i fet wlltl I. -tUxta-l; lliBuutslilDbiiiidiiiiiscoii mat id asture houe ihixmo etl, two st- nea liigh; a uiacliint shop IMIxmi, and bltkiiiilh shop ;iux4l). A'olit sixty men will tut employed by this toinnaiiv. about Imll of whom arenkilled woikmen, and lhe pay roll will amount to about a,(KiOHr annum. OKMaO IV K ATI! Kit lU I.I.KMX Foil MA V, IH1I0. Summary or .Monthly lteiuit. I'iiiiiumi, llregon, June l.'t, Ism. TKMCkMATCKK. The cool wnull.er of the oast five muiilhs was broXen on April L'l'lh, mid armor weather continued during .May, giving to the monih onu of lhe higheitt mean lemiHTaturi' on record. The change in loinarature were iiidilen mid tune severe. On the 'Jstli. "ilth and ::oth a cool period was exne-nced that um at ionii amed by light frosts in we f tern Oregon which alighlly damaged lender viuea, ami in eastern Urevon did coiiki.i rat.ln duinaats t..., u. jured. Tins frost was one ol the latest on record. Temperature of tv degree or more occurred ul Urant's Pass. Free- ing leniHtratiireorcurn'd eitsl andsoulh ol llm lllue mouiiluins on the Xli, '.".Hh and aoth. Highest temperature, US degree at rani' Fan on the '.'lith, 'J7th itml ;iUlh . Ilitlhest mean 03.4 degrees at llisnl river; lowest fiL'.D degtves ut Joseph, I'KKCII'ITATION. Thtt average preciiiitutioli, 1 .11.") in. lies, i 1.00 below the normiil. I.a tiriudti reiorl 3.LM Inches the highest monthly total, and IIixhI Uiver O.l'.l inches tit lowest. Hull) It'll ou from three lo eight days. Snow fell in tne higher itliitudes ou the .Mill, .".'in ami .tutu, iiiuiiuer slorum with bail and ruin are rcnrtcd from nine stations. WINKS. The prevailing direction of the wind is from the iiortlewtst. The winds were generally light to fresh in velocity. No tonus are retried, H. S. I'aock, Ubservor Mgiuil Nervice. ITtOTMVEATIIF.It ltlT.I.F.I IV-No. 15. For Week Fading Suliirtbiy June -1. WKATIIKK. Tho cool cloudy weather ol lust week continued during the piesent week, and wa accompanied by ruin that were gen eral, except In Douglas, Josephine mul Jackson counlit'. lionoriiuy over one inch fell along the coast and in the Will amette valley, while in euetom Oregon it ranged from one quarter to one inch. The average June initn bus now fiillen. and any more Unit may full would bo in excess, though the excess would prove beneliciul. II the rains nun navo just fallen bud fallen four weeks ago greater good would havo resulted. Thev were, however, very benellcial and tvero gladly welcomed by the fanners. Tho temper ature has been below und the cloud lines above the average, bolh condition he ir favorable to the crops. While no rain fell in tho Umpipia or Rogue Uiver valleys elill the cool, clouily weather w its beneliciul. Kuin in these valleys is badly needed, CROPS. All growing vegetation shows a marked benefit of the rains which have given new life tn it nil. The (all und early sown wheat will attain a higher stand and tho lute sown wheat will at least make good hay. " . l .1 il.. !..! , ,1... 1 .1..., me ruin suguiiy injured iiiu niiy uiiu was down, lluy is ironorRllv reported to bo a short crop. Hop uonlimiu to bo promising, lhe codiin inotn hum not nm, In itaaiiiiciirutico vet to any Ki'out ex tent. Apples and pears uro coMsetpiently reported most promising, Frost in May seriously iniured the fruit crop ol the Grand Rondo vulley. Ihiiiitillu county, Walla Walla and Urund Hondo valleys have most llattering prospects for grain. And tho rains have materially iieneiiteti the grain prospocls of Wasco. Slioi imin, (iilliain and Morrow counties. Present indications point to a prosiwr- ous year for agriculturists Fruits, ber ries und Hops uiso promise exconoiii yields. RIVKKB. Tho mors continue to full. Consider able snow Is yet reported lo bo in tho mountains. It Is gradually being melted. It. . I'AOl'K. Observer Signal Service. Wuntetl. To contract for the delivery of 1 ,000 cords of wood for fuel, For further in formation, call ut our olllce at. works. Wll.LAMKTTB 1'UI.l'iS I'ACKK VO., OiLnienr K, Smith, Superintendent. Tako Notice. Notice is hereby given that tuy wile, Julia Anna Kelly, must not be trusted in my name, as: I will not bo responsible for any debts of her contracting. J, Kkllv. Oregon City, June 24, 1800. I ,Mt l;i) llltTIIIIK.t (OMKIIEMK The Oregon Annual Conference, church of tho "Dinted Jirethrflii lu CIn iHt," convened in its '7th annu nl session al I'hilomulh, Jieiitoii county, Oregon, Wednesday, Juno IX, lMDli. Ilishop if. J. IVcker, I). I)., of Akron, Ohio, presided. Kov. T. P. Conner, of Philomath, wits rhosm recording secretary, and P. 11. Wil liams, of Oregon City, was chosen stitljHtieitl secretary. Tho conference was largely at tended, both by ministers and lay men. Eight intelligent, consecrated men went added to the ministerial ranks of this ImmIv'. 1 ho reisuts to the confercm chart showed a very marked im prowment during the year, both in numbers and finance. Plans were inaugurated for still creator effort by this people during the reining year. me iiciiis were all manned save two, I.iiiniiud Dunn missions, which are in tho hands of the Presiding Elder, until Im hhall find men to taketheiii. Following are tho ni siiltliiefils:' I iiiiiipm district, h. M. Marstcrs K,; Koscburg circuit, J. Oilhano! pastor;Coiistt:ircuit, C. H. Marstcrs pastor; Coos circuit, J, (j. Moslo andM. W. Hamilton, nastors. Will aiiittto district, II. L. Hark ley, P, t. w - . ..... ' r. ; Marion circuit, li. 1opgan, lias or; .saleiii mission, J. W. Pulley paior; l minim .liliysiiooyme.pas tor; Philomath, J. C. Keewl, pastor inn and l.ane to ho Hunnhcd: 1 1 . i . .... .. . iiHumglon, t, p. Ue, I'aHtor; Or egon City, L. M. Uonuett, pastor Nenioiiia, Kobt. Miller: Nchalcm. . ii. rainier; Columbia, P. l Williams; Cowlitz. Ionard Prof. Keezi l was again elected to io presidency of Philomath col lege. Steps were taken to nut the oJleL't' work ill better shane. One lady in Ohio hn contributed an an unity which will cover half the run- nun, oxin'iiso of the institution e understand that it is tho pur se oi tins denomination to under take in the near future to establish themselves in Oregon City. In or- cr io niciiuaie matters let all mem- s-rsof the Dnited Hrcthren church. or those in svmathv with them lease rciiort themselves to P. 11. Williams at the Ked Front store. or Pcv. L. M. Itoniielt.theiuistor. A Mkmiikk. W Hindi School Ileporf. Sc ciiooi closed at Wilhoit Friday, ie .'inn. with an entertariimcnt ntittt. ,1nl t I CO l ..v. .' Miss Nellie Ilungan und Master Mi ll Ilungan, of Jefferson, kindly assisted with well rencV led decla mations. Those who obtained the greatest number of heiidmarks are: A class, Miss Habrs Ivus-'-ll, 44; H class. Mil's Penh Carter, US; C class, Mas ter Frank Melton, I'd. Those who attended every day are, Edna lloyles, ltena Carter, An na Wingfield, Iva Hussell, Dudley P.ovlcs, Frank Melton. ltena Carter attended the full nnmlx r of days without being tar dy. (Jiiitou nuinlsTof visits were re corded during tho term, and much interest was manifested. (iKo. Swopk, Teacher. Transfer of lleultv. RufiiH I'ridges and wife to (1. P. llridges lots :i mul (i, blk 40, in tho town of Ore gon City, Consideration f5. R. O. Short and wife toCbai, F. Toozc 471) lit res. Consideration, $70011. Ilond for deed II W Ross to David r.illoter; lL'ii acres in section IS, tils, r 2 e. Consideration, $KK). T A Wood und R C Woo.l to J "W Campbell; lot 7 in blk 8; Scllwoorl, Cimsideralion, $-.r)0. David Robertson and wife to Amanda II. Wotzter; lot 7, blk H, in town of Rob ert son. Consideration $'.W. John Welch and wife to T. A. MeUride mid wife; lota 2, !!, 4, 5, II , und 7, blk 34 Oregon Cily. Consideration, $:'5O0. liavid Robertson and Ilaniiah Robert son tt Lizzie 1. II. Sellwood and Hello J . Selhvood ; nil of lots 1, 2, .1, and 5 in blk 11, in (Jie town of Robertson. Con sideintion, $l!r0. J Sunniin et til to K. K. Bolutll; lots t) in blk 1, East Oregon City; considera tion, $:ioo. John J. llinderman to Rosetta A. lVitrdol!'; lot 7, blk 11, I'leiisiint Place nd- dilion to Oregon City; consideration, $1:10. Ricliuid t'ilasspool mid wife to Chns, Habcock and wife; lot 5 ami (1, blk 7, llreen Point ndilition to Oregon City; consideration, $500, T. P. Randall to Wm Troiuensliluger ; lots 10, blk !l, .Mount l'lonsunt nddi tion to Oregon Cily. August Muni and wife to Alexander Citvepun ; cerliiin tructsof land on Pud ding niver; consitleration, $3ti00. T. P. Wni'shum and wife to Mary A, Ranch ; .42 of an acre in section 5, t 3 s, r z e; consuionuion, .iw, Oregon City Also. ' There is moro actual building activity und street improvement in Portland now, than at any previous times in its history. lt is not possible to go two blocks in any direction, without obsorving one or more houses iu course of construction. Row aftor row of dwelling house are rapidly filling up vncant lots. In Camther's addition, a largo number ot two-story bouses are butlding. Although many of these hotisos will not be completed be foro two months, they are rented al ready. Such is tho demand (or houses. business b'ocks ase rapidly displacing frames. Fully kttoon lino stone and brick blocks aro now completing, or are contracted for curly completion. The nature of buildings, as Indicated by per mit issued nt the superintendent's of streets ollico, is rather above the averago of tho vear. A drive of a fow hours about Portland would bo a revelation to many who think tho Metropolis of the Now Kinniro is nuiot. Ileal Estate Uo I yiow. ,i I ritlCE 5 Ch 0TATE jflD kwm ur.yij et.wvr Ami lll led lliitr Fur Tlm I leelulloii of Our Header. Tli Caiillul Journul I Infurined thai Hupt, I.niii, ofthe asylum, hi temlurml hi reaiirnallun td the hoard of asylum ccra lulmlMiiers, eomcd of flovcrnor 1'tnnoy it, Trcit.urcr Wulib and Hucmiary of glatif .Mcllrldn, to take irct January 1, lH'Jl, WoiiK Inn eoiiirnenced Uilwecn Inda-" poudauc and Monmouth on the Monmouth Independence iimtor line. The roail, it 11 uxui'led, will be compleied and In opera tion by lhe glorluu Fourth. I,reai.,T Im keen dieovered In the Cld nce quarter at Astoria, The Aatorian says: "A Chlneao phyahlan admit Hint llii'rwi! tmo.Moiigoliatu lnthlclty who are iilllii tM with the loathsome dineaae. Now let, jiroiiipt ai tlori lie taken at once, anil If nt'VCiMiry, a thorough eiaininatioii of Chinatown ho made by phyniclana and tlin pniper aiithorltu;, to rtain to what an oli':it lhe disease ha rcachfl. FiiiinY, tho Ural iiiaehliiery for Oregon' first pulnt iiilnii was sliliiiKid to Turner. from which placcdit will Im taken by wagon to lhe ml ncs between lhe fork of theHaii liaui, near Ilianou. The engliu'i will fol low to-day and lhe mill will lie turning out what promise lo he a line (jor.lity of pulnt In a few tlaya. The company will be Incur pornM lids week, having their principle of' Hi at Ilmnon. Underlying the ocher Is a rich Vein of aslx'aloa, w hich will be worked also. A lelegratn wa receivod from Washing ton Wednesday conveying the Infoniia tlon Hint Mrs. Minna Waithbiirne had been appointed postmaster for the Kugene office. The pn'sent potmater, V. W. Oeburo, re signed several months, ago, and ha been anxious to lie relieved, but no action wa taken until the present time. Mr. Wih-. unit! will IHI the isition creditably. The ilher applicants were F. Heimer, W. If. A brains, Jlenrv Fry and Geo. F. Cra liiiinl, ! , A gentleman living near Albany bat re ceived a letter from a frieud in California iii.iilriiig about the land of the Willamette valley, us to whether or nut it i tinted for the raising uf sugar beuta, eic. The W riter also atuted that a representative of lhe U gar king, I'lutu Hixrckleii, would viit Ore- iii during the timer for the purpoie 'of V- ' , ascertaining it adaptability lo the ugar beet wilh a view uf erecting a auger beet factory. It ha been found that the etigar la-els itrow luxuriantly aiai mature wllln ie lilainelle valley, several teats tsf grou- ng them having been made. ' . SrvKMtt, cf the boys lame hack from the race Saturday and from the expression on Jv their coiuilenaiice, one would Jmlue, luicketl a f . me wrong horee the full JiuiirlU ortbeif JT uck.-llillslK.ro ludeifliident. . . - - m , I list ' It will be rcnie!ula.r,i iLaijf,, ...nn, (. 1,H":liKl""t will. new kind of "t?l Hiwcr, giiso.ine or naphta Ulitji )!. 'lhe tonnigvof lli sUutner U tflsjut tevenly- ... five. About two week ago be va loaded ; ith lumber at Florence and started fnf San I'runcisco, fitted out wilh a itovt en i engine and apacrtainlng apparatus. .'bei." fitirl y out on the voyage the engines failed to work and it was fond the exeriiiienl was a failure. She had to abandon borenv glues and reach San F'rancisco under sail. A great deal of cenfnslun and trvmble i laing exrieiictd among censti enume r. tor of l'urlland. I'niiTMMJ and Tuconia were beaten by the Seattle and Sjiukanc base ball player lust Suiidav. F'ou the first time In seven year liquor i tS'iily sold in Lawrence, Kaneaa. An or inal imekage bouse ha been oiwned, a an agency of the Kansas City Drewery, an4 loing an immense buiiues. t Tux census enumerator for lwis and Chirk, in Washington, had a narrow e cai in the discharge of his duties, as he was chnscd by a crazy woman armed with shot gun, w ho w anted to shoot him. lie iropped lsjuk and blanks, but afterward recovered them, tlaiiinged soinewhat by coiilavt with the mud. J. W, Cami'bki.l of rortland, Is locating parties on gold placer mining claims at Hunker Hill, Columbia county. Minks: Dave Stuart, nt one time a prac ticing lawyer at Colville, but who for some time, has been living on a ranch over in the servation, attempted to commit suicide Wednesday, by stabbing himself in lhe side in the region of the heart. It is not likely that ho will recover. No reason can lie al igned as to the cause of the rash act other than that be had been drinking heavily for some time, ond probably in a tate of de pendency or w hile suffering from a lit of temporary insanity be attempted bis life. , S. F. Hi LLKTis : Tho Sun, of Saruia, On tario, call the attention of the Dominion liovernment to the fact Hint lb Chinese tiiako that place their point of departure for the United States. It also report a regular invasion agency at Toronto similar to that established on our southern border. In other words, Canada permits on it soil ; an organization for tho evasion and viola tion of the laws of the United State. Where does the comity of nations come in here? This conies pretty near being an unfriendly act, and at least calls for negoti ation. The long talked of scheme to construct a ditch between Gold Hill and Grant I Pas to supply the lntter city with ample power, bills fair to be speedily realized. The Orcgou Railroad Company ha asked the citizens of Silverton to donate 16 acres in that town for depot grounds and $3000 cash in consideration of widening the narrow gauge road, Salem is going to. get her school bond taken i:t 6 per cent. . Thore will be $13,000 of them and the money will be used in - building new houses whereiil to teach the young ideas how to shoot - The high water in Rogue river this month is,, Uau l,.r.w..ic..l tl.n MBiiitl fn nr.nlmnn Avar 1 1 any previous year, making that stream and Its tributaries swarm with a robust lot of ; tho finest fish in tho world. $ Nkw York, Juno 22. A split occurred in the Central Labor Union to-day, ,Theso iallstic delegates were compelled t6 with draw, and they have formed a now central body, which will bo known as the Central Labor Federation, The war of word WM loud and vigorous, 1 London, June 22. At Soutbport, Lan cashire, to-day 7000 miners paraded the streets, and subsequently held a meeting nt which resolutions were passed demanding; n eight-hour law, I.I i ? . i r m i " jali as? V i ! i 5 I i f !. i 4 Al": ' papmet ywrP-( sup mmm:x ,;,J.':.''tJtWj-.:-'VCi. . "1 "yjv ' 'J.iini5i(i'."'.--r'''