I THE DIAMOND BUTTON rROU TUB DIARY OF A t.MYVKH AND MB NOTR BOOK Of a RCroitTKH. Ef BASCLAI NORTH In n moment mora sho heard thapnttct of hi liro foot on tho liita roof. Sho climbed down and rwtorad th tahloniul chair to tho ,.liioc whom tlx found thorn. Sim .it down on th hod to think. Hut sho was too mnoh distvirlvd to think or to sit, Sho begun joinj up mul down th floor. Sho had taken hut ft fow turns when ho hoard a bolt drawn back und t key inserted in a, look. Tho door oivnod. It was tho ono ortonlng Into tho otliei room, A stop or tt o on tho Boor, A man stood before her. Ho was divssod in shalihy black clothes, A Ixit torod black derby hat was on hi head, undor which shotted tho utruting itnd matted locks of him brown liair. llii face was covorod with a coarse, bushy brown kud and mustache, above which glowed a prominent hooked 1100, the end of which was intlumcd. Two mere inf. liorr eyes (vercd ont on her, "So," ho said, "yer'vo found yor way Into this here room, havo yor, my lady)' Sho mado no reply. Try in' to tind a "way out, oh! Well, don't blame yor for that. It's what I ex pected yor to do, so I Used it rhat yei couldn't" Ilia oyo fell upon tho discarded valicc tlt-ess, and lin luu.:hod. f ho, yor didn t hko the nice purtj div.Hor friend vr.-nt.Hl yor with, oh " by am I ooniined here?" sho naked. " ho brought mu hero?" ".Not known." can't say," the man re - Mini. ,1 iiy IHI J IT COUlllUM HVI1. ;OI kuowiu' 1 couldn't say." "Why do yon keep mo here, then! Oh, tr, I pray you, let 1110 ico, I will p.iy you han.lMiu-ly if you will let me. "Oh, no, my ladybird, I couldn't dc that, yor know. I'm only obey in' orders, and so you will have to. Let yor go! Oh, no, that wouldn't do at all"; but J wi-.li they'd take yor away from bore, for I don't want yor." Annie saw the uselossuoiyi of furthet worus, and slio trusted to ttio ooy. Tho man continued: "Here, there's soiuelhtn' to eat for yer nuu some Ivor pomitng to tho table, llo walked over to it and took awav the , ...... v w... : i J - here. Ho moved the chair on which' laj thopaiHT to l ie table As ho lifted tho puvr ho sod: "And hero eomtj rciutiu for yer. j lit attention was attracted to tho u.u- j tilatetl margin, lie looked quickly to 1 the table and saw the ncil was gone. I twit havo yor boon doin ," bo asked, fiercely, going to her. A ho did ho saw j the , pencil on the thr. j Mo, ho! ervo been a tryin' to kom-; ciuuicrcate, hev ye.' j "Ui' ivi'IU-J. Ix.iaijr. j W ell. did ye; s;ud he, wi mg at her keen ly nnd suspi iously. I The , ea .wept over Annie s mind that it would bo wise to conceal her attempt. , ur what u.mj was it." she said, wear- j Uy. omen are K-rn actres.se. "How was I to snd a letter from here?" I -Truo for ye. Where' wot yo writr 1 dtdn t write anything. 1 toro the r;Vr'r !'P'. , . . upm 1110 noor, ami aw ' ' '''v' "au U1IJ ' I,. uiu nui saitsiy mm. no loxikcJ ..v. bo..vh.vwi; u Hiuuiwu, nuu uifu Ot.(U "I don't believe yo. Not that yo saw anybody, but yer'vo thrown gomethin' out for a chance. I'll see to that at onco. Vcr'd Ix'tter cat," ho said as bo turned away, ''Tor yer'vo a long ride before yer to-night" With that ho strode hastily out of the room, locking, boiling and barring the uoor nicer mm. tier heart failed as she "l-"" U"U!, ul" I She saw bolts and bars on tho inside, j V . ,'T, .? ' up 110 liars and shot tho liolts. She llow to the ! 6:her door and bolted and barred that hno was safo from unwelcome intru sion. Then sho sat down to wait for IIol brook. CIUITEK XXXI. THE SENSATIONS ACCX-lIfLATK. OM know that tho cry of joy llolhrook had ut tered meant that now of Anuio bad been receiv ed. Just what ho didn't know, but that the mes senger w ho had brought tho in formation would bovaluable to them bo quickly appreciated. Ho hastened af reached tho head tho pattering of t. it'i" tcr the lad, and as bo of tho stairs ho heard baro feet several (lights below a rapid rato of tpecd. going at He called to him, but tho owner of the pattering feet took no heed of his call. and, perceiving the uselessness of at tempting to follow him, he desisted and returned to llolhrook' oflico. As ho passed the door of tho elevator shaft, it opened to discharge a carload of passengers, and among them Tom recog nized tho man who had watched them in Lexington avenue. Ho mado no sign of his discovery. In tho samo carload was tho Shadow, and to him Tom gave a sign to follow. As ho entered the office again ho met Uolbroon going out "Whero aro you going?" ho asked. "Going? To help Annio. To rescue her, of course. Where clso would I be going?" This reply w as m.,do in a tone of the jupremtst contempt "Wait a moment. I want to have a moment' conversation with vou." "Don 1 wop me, Tom. You'vo been particularly irritating today, and I am hardly in a c edition to bo responsible for rny acts." "That's thy truth," replied Tom, calm ly, "or else you havo a desire to make the rescue of that girl impossible." "What do you mean?" cried llolhrook besido himself. "Havo a care. I am in no mood to bo trifled with.", "Perhaps," said Tom, looking him gtcadily in tho eyes. "liut you are in a mood to tiialto an eternal ass of yourself, By heaven, llolhrook, if you leave that door in tho fraino of mind you are in this minute, I predict you will regret it to the very last hour of your life." llolhrook looked at him angrily, but, nevertheless, ho was somewhat stag gered by Tom's sudden exhibition of energy. Swung that ho had mado an impres sion, Tom continued: "You want to rescuo the girl, but IV. fill you are going nlout it in a way to make It an Impossibility you havo taken leave K of your usual good common sense. Now give me five minutes und I'll convince you." He laid his hand upon Holhrook's urm. The lawyer sullenly submitted to being led into Ids privato oflico, Tom closed tho door after them. "1 do not know hut the damago lone alitNidy. Th man I (iispecUtd of widohlni? tit In Lexington avenue In In the hall now. If ha wan within wrhot he has hoard yoir injudicious talk." "IViut him out to me, mid llolhrook,' tpiinniim to th door, "aud h II noTwr watch any on again," Tom placed himself betwwtn Uolbrook and the door, crylngi "In tho namo of heaven how can you bo mioh a lunatlof" llolhrook Klaml at him. Tom turnej the key In tho door, took It out and put It in lii pocket, naylngi "1 ant oittvotjr Mhamcd of you, Hoi tmntk: vou act and liav acted in thii matter liko a mad man. I tell you, man, this Is a ease whom tho Hon tkin will not do; the fox'a iklu It thtt on wo want Lot mo to that note." HollmHk handed it to him with had grace, "Of oountel Whero wen you going? To Mott street, threo dooro from iay- arl." "An bllot would know that," replied tlolhrook. "lhit which homwf Them ar four of .hem In Mott it root, thrvo door ftviu Ikixanli" lUlbrHk winced under thin, but hi replied doggedlyi "I'd ko to each ono of them." "That answer prove how absurd you are. 1V yon realir.0 that a h I con lined In one only, thero aro three In which she Is not? That tho chanco of your linking the right ono first 1 a threo against one? IV you imaglno tho peoplo who nlHhictcd her, slid who havo carried out their plan no skillfully to far, aro Ihirn Idiots, and that you would not to recognized tho moment you el your foot in Mott strH-t? That tho girl would not 1 lu, n,,ii-;t.,.i ... .. ..... ! - .- ....... .. ..j .rw.-.v jvm vs'ttiia wnj Jack liohitnon? I know ometldnR of thai part of town. Whr, nin llt-, from the moment you loft'thU ipol you j WnuU , followed, and when you turned ' rour slops in the direction of Mott atreot the alarm would bo given. Your own common sense, if you will ouly glv it a ;lianoe, must tell you this." Molhrook w:t forced to acknowledge the justice of Tom' remarks. "Well, then, what would you dor "Act Immediately," replied Tom, "but not rush up there like a mad bulk Uth ten to mo. The course to pursit seems ! to mo plain enough, Tho Shadow Is hero ' now, in the other room. 1 will ond him up to Mott street to tako observation, ; and to determine, as nearly a h can, In j which of tho four house Miss Temple ton is confined. This ho can probably do exaetlv 0f tlmi tor lie 1 excellent at that tort IVhil.. I,- .1 ..1,1. l.uMiiess. you and I will go to a friend of U1i,io-t!io head of a privato detectiv. n,.,lwy, nll(, wa wiu ,et twm uIm , force of trusty men to assist u. But tUl) it!ll lhiug w mm Jo wj w . out of lMi building unobserved by th 8pv outside." :.Seio him and tio him up." ald Dob bn.Kk .No.- laughed Tom, "that won't do, We want ,lilu ,0 remain hen unJl,r Ulf imprion that wo aro .till In thi of- jja, ll'olbrook. who had coohnl down con- rfih-rablv. thought a moment ..Tll, otllc comiecteJ , waY through to tho rear. Th. Janitor ,aS Uoyj , them ,nJ h, cat U4 through to tho rear hall without it U., . n,VlWary t0 g0 out on UieoM w, ordinarily use " .n,0 v'erv thing," Ud Tom. I M solui" wur j him .t " i "Hold on a moment," lntcrpced Tom. -St-nd out a trusty clerk to him. and let tho janitor com. to u from tho roar I hall, unlocking tho door, a ho comes, , w that when wo do leave wo can go quickly. This w as agreed and acted upon. Iu tho meautim two other clerk went out Into th hall, and in th pret ence of the tpy had this conversation! "l!y Oeorgo, it' hard line, isn't ItT "What' hard lines?" "Why, I promised my beit girl to tako her to Coney Island to-night, and hero comes Mr. IJoIbrook in at a late hour a,u tl.l9 ln8 not to g( AWAJt for he wiU have sumo copving for m. to do." vt-ll, he'll 'bo through by tlx.' "N,,t ' M'' "Tan and ho have i ,1,.,, .;n 1, .l w eight I heard them lay o. That mean nine." So the HXr spy settled himself for a two hours watch. Though llolhrook had yielded, licit!!! chafed When Tom told him that ho did not think they ought to make the attempt. it rescuo until after dark ay about 9 j clocji ho rebelled. Tom argued with him, and convinced turn again. "I siipKj( you're right, Tom," hesnld, 'but tins sus.nso is frightful She is a iroung. lovely girl, Tom. Think what u.iv illinium to her " "Uu.)U yuiir nun J lo all sucti tnougnis, replied Tom, "and open it only to con siderations of tho most practical thing- how b st to rescuo her? That's tho (Irst thought, nnd wait pationtly." "Oh, but. Tom, it ia very hard to wait." "All tilings come to him who know bow to wait. Coino, you aro in a rea sonable framo of mind now, and hero I the janitor." In a few minutes they bad passed through all tho adjoining oflices, and reached the passageway which ran paral lei with tho rear street To descend quickly by a comer staircase wn but moment's work, and the three were soon rapidly treading their way througli crowded Nassau Btrect At Printing House square the Shadow parted from them, turning to the east Tom and llolhrook turned to tho west nnd crossed the City Hall park. Reach ing liroadway, Tom led th. way to the second door of a building which faced upon tho lost office. Entering nn office in th. rear, well built man, whose frame waa suggestive of great strength, about forty-five years old, nroso and greeted Tom effusively, This was tho chief of th. private de tective agency. Tom presented Hoi brook and said: "A word or two In private with yoji, chief." "This way then, Tom." They entered a small room in which there were a few chairs and a tablo. "I want a force of five picked men," said Tom. "All right, Tom," replied the chief. "Anything you want I'm bound to tup ply if I can. I owe you too much to disregard any request of your. What'l tho job?" Tom rapidly sketched the fact of the abduction, saying nothing, however, ol the events which had preceded it. "You will see," said Tom, finishing his recital, "that we want your best men. Why can't you head the force yourself?" "1 can and will," replied the chief. "Have you mado any plan of attack?" "No, very fow. I have sent my Sha dow, he's one of your old men, up to lo cate tho house if he can. He is to meet us hero as soon as ho has done his work. Then 1 thought we would be governed somewhat by what he report. We ought not to go up thore before 0 o'clock, I think." To this llolhrook demurred as an un necessary d elay. Hut Tom was now sup ported by tho chief judgment, and llolhrook was compelled to yield. "We c;au lav our plana and arrange tho details when n lnar what tlu Mia dow hir to report," mild Tom, "In Hit meantime, Holbi'oul,, Mis, Toiiiplotoii'i anxiety nlimild bo relieved It would In a Immune uetion to let In 1 liumv," In this llolliiook neipiloM id, mid pio posed to go there foi lhw llli Tom said luiighiiDi "I'll go up with you. You are not in a lit finiue of uilml yet, and may commit nu not of Imlis cretlon which would ruin us," IlolbixHik was uunoyed, but til liouom ho tult Hint Tom was right, Bo descending to the street they found a cub and drove oil, When they reached the Imaiillng houm of tho Tcuiplcton, llolhitmlt entered, and IVm remained in tho cab Anew boy passed, and Tom purchased a paper, with which ho busied hliuself. lie hud hardly Interested himself In the Hi nt tele graphic Item, when llolhruok dashed down the steps, his face talo. and ureatl agitated. 'What' tho matter now?" exclaimed Tom. "Mrs, Tomplotou has gone." "Tho old lady? Done? Where?" "Annie sent for her; the messenger nsld she had broken her leg, having fallen whll out," "It another part of the plot," cried Tom. "llow could, tho old Imly hav been to foolish n to go after alio knew Annie had been enticed away out of th house by a forgery," "Do you think lit a part of the plot?" "I am sin of It Hut this It getting to bo a deep one." "She may have been taken tothe sum plaeo that Anulo was," ventured Hob brook. "No," said Tom, "the scoundrels would trover dare two abductions ill (ho open (Uyllglit In tho same iieighlHrliiHd I tell you, llolhrook, llu are nocomuioii HHiutulrels. They w in on their IkiIiIiiossl W ho wa tho linywenger?" "A woman a respectable limklng wo uian," 'It' a deep laid plot All of the loglli ntnto heir aro gouo imw the brothel killed and the mother and sister nh- ducted. "What shall wo do now? pllcates the matter," Thls coin- "No. We'll do just what e worn gi. Ing to do, Kind Hie girl tlrnt, mid the tludiugor the mother w ill not UmIiiII cult 1 111. 1 the 11 1, mid you will ilnd tho mother nud the murderer, tiet Into tho cab and lot u drive right Utck to llanford." CUAITKIt XXXli. HOVINd ON THK KNUMV. N arrltliig at llanford' they found the Shad ow awaiting thorn. Ho bad t.itiu- lied hiiii.vlf u to the h o use 1 11 which Annie .is conlliiod by Kiit i 1 fylng hiiiifulf that ill threo of them, til Irani. there w as no pmsible chance for her con finement I In bail sm-rtvtlisl in inn 1, in if an examination so conclusive iii.u iii,m B could bo no possible doubt of II It was then, for the first time, that tho thought crossed Tom' mind that tho note received might possibly Iw a ruse to mislead them, and so expressing himself be asked to seo tho slip of pas-r again. To llolhrook th thought was torture Itstilf. Ho bad In his possession a brief noto from Annio concerning tho author ship of which there could bo no doubt II made a comparison, as. I the nnman sliip was qulto evidently dls-iiiular. llanford. tho chief, pointed out that the comparison would bo of little value. In the one instance tho note was written on flno iaH-r. with excellent pen and Ink, at leisure and under no excitement, while in tho other it was written on coarsa paper, with a common had pen cil, and evidently under tho greatest ng itatlon, hurriedly and orhaps covertly. llolhrook, whoso high hox s had fallen on falling to distinguish any resem blance, brightened on hearing the chief 't words. Tho chief pointed out further that all the probabilities wero in favor of tho authenticity of tho nolo; that It was quite unlikely, however able the con spirators were, that they would havo written a noto so brief, so hurried, and which bore such evident traces of agita tion. On tho contrary, bad It been the intention to throw any 0110 oir tho scent, tho latter would havo tried todomnro than this hurried scrawl bud done, und, further, that it must not bo forgotten that theso hounds would scarcely seek to inform the friend w ho could give tho most eflieienl help of her abduction be fore he was likely to find it out, as would bo the c;ise if they took that view of it, slnco tho Isiy had evidently been waiting at tho oflico from a timo very clow to thatof their departure to Mrs. Temple ton's house, whero they (lrst learned tho news. On the other side they had only tho expression of Tom's shrewd fears that it might bo so to lead them lo sup- poso that it was a ruso. Tho argument of tho chief could not be answered, and so they fell to arrang ing tho details. The Shadow submitted that the danger of an open attack upon tho attlu In ques tion was, that tho inmates with their prizo could tako to tho roof nnd make their escape through adjoining buildings. .9 had penetrated far enough Into the fourth house, .without delecLiou, to find that tho stairs leading to tho attic (loor wero inclosed and tho door locked, Ho suggested, therefore, that soino of the party ought to force their way into tho attio of 1111 adjoining house whethfr tho inmates liked it or nut, and tliiistnko Bossession of tho roof, while the rest should storm tho apartment in the other house. Tho chief strongly favored this plan as tho only 0110 which insured success. There wero eight In tho party, and, so as not to attract attention, it was deter mined that they should rendezvous at a neighboring saloon, known to the chief, proceeding thither In couples. All wero 'ft be well armed, for resistance was to be expected. On arriving, throe, with Tom leading, wero to enter tho adjoining house near- pst tho corner and, rushing up, take pos session of tho attic, and ufter a signal had been received from Tom's party, tho uthers led by tho chief, well supplied with "jimmies," wero to mnko nn as sault on tho Iiouho whero Annie was con fined, llolhrook was to be with tho lat ter party. llolhrook and Tom went up together, and taking a cab across town woroon tho ground earlier than tho rest. Thoy left tho cab, after having given Instructions to tho cabman to station himself In Hayard street hulf way down the block, and thoro await order. Guarding themselves as much as pos- liblo from observation, they strolled into tho street and located tho house iu ques tion, i hoy wore slightly disguised, arid thought they risked nothing, ftffe sfiSwstr IMl I iiryn.nl piissmi iim lioium hut a tiiiV paei'nwlion Holbioolt felt It tug on llm iklils of Ids eiint Ila Imiked down and tiiw i:n,;,;n, In In liny wliiiiu ho took for 1 lv,i;ni', and win uiioiit to ilrlvo hint kwiiv lieu the lad said: "lie you ifolu' to IiumIi IiIiii now? It llu'l up ileio," llollirook would liavsikett hnrthly 0 him, so us to rid himself of tho an noy anee, when Tom wlilspereili "ll Is I ho buy who brought tho tmto to you." Thou, speaking to tint buy, ho saldi "I'oniii hero with 1110," and led lb rt ay into a tielghUiring pnnsagii, whero lliov could partially conceal theinselvo ly the dool, "What do you inoiiii by 'trashing1 lilin?" mketl Tom, kindly mid emiour- sglii'.ly, "I'e woman sod as how wen you com , J"'11''1 llU ".v" 1111,1 nllop 'Int.1 "What woman?" asked llollinMik, WUI 1 '"'u" ,l" l"M'"' 'wm lo yon, hlie promised, she did. "Whore is she?" "In do nex' hoiino, Nlm's upstair oil jo top Hiiro, I o until ain't dcro. Ho went tway Just iifurii you eoimi, Yer a goiu' to lii-k lin. ain't yer?" Veil just lut wo are," said Tom. "You 11B t". 'I""'t you?" Oh, my eye, don't I?" "Why?" "t'os bo's kicked meolToti and ulTsu," "What is ho to you?" "Nolhiii'. lIoeulTs me over do head wnievor ho gits do chance," "Wliv diK's bo do tlml?" "I diimio. I'o he's Ugly, keep oul'on his ballwav." ".Mi,"sal.l Tom. "ihrw the ladv?" Co I won't did you "I gut on do rof and talked to her tin' de skylight." j "Oan you tako us up there? Qv coiirno I kin. Wo live tin tu do nttie, rit;ht hero, Me uilthor Is gone an ay mid 1110 fuder is drunk over der in the any limit. Ilore's luilnidy uu dero ,l,w- Sluy In-ro 11 moment with the boy. H.'lhnsil.," said Tom. I hi sought th chief and found him. Hurriedly bdling him what ho bud learned from tho Isiy, lie bil d him to send the Shadow and two lie n I follow llolhrook and himself, Hinl jAc I liliu to Knard tlin tiaiwutcfi to the Iioiimi III w hioh Annie was cotihued. Hurrying buck, the five wero con voyed by tho ly to tho attio. Th joiinplor show ed them how ho mounted to tho rd, und In a moment they wer on it. Tho p.ixige over the roof was perilous, for it was nn old fashioned high roof, sloping ut a precipitous auglo from a s-ak in the middle, both ways. The Ihiv, ho ran over tho roof like a cat, and with tho agility and eonfldenc of one familiar with tho font, showed them tho skylight Turn put his mouth to tho broken pan and iiiuilu a sound "Hull I.U!" Ho heard u liioM'ini lit Is-llcttlll. "lift, Miu Toinplotoiit" "Who's that?" was the answer In a fo main voice, "lie quiet: help Is near," he mid. A cry of joy was beard. "Aro you nlom?" anked Tow. "Yes, quite alone." "Stand fait, then; you'll tie quickly fris-d " llo pulled at the fmsuoof the skylight ll as f.int lwoof the men drew "Jimmies" from their hh Lcm, littod them together, and hueited them under ono Ida "Crick crack!" iu a twinkling It was pried oft. "llli, 1 h, oh, golly!" laughed the boy. Tim moment tho skylight How off, 1 light flashed up from Mow A nine bad lit a candle. lhilhrook iilleuipted to dose. nd. "Wait," she cried The d .stance is too great to jump." k They heard a nol Jof 'something being uraitgci. f -'4 "Now you can JutBt,ab said. llolhrook lot himtolf drop, and ho fell on tho U il Annio had dragged under th skylight. llo caught the girl, who was trembling with excitement, In his arms nnd cov ere. 1 nor laco Willi Kisses, llo mur mured und moaned over her; ho laughed and cried and embraced her again and o.;iiii lu tho meantime tho other wero turn bling down one after tho other. It was not until long after, when Tom was in lin led tho next morning, that ho reali.ed that no one, not oven Annio herself, seemed to think It strange that llolhrook should havo hugged and kissed her in tho frantic manner ho dlL At tliu timo bo was too bur. Ill mind was working with abnormal ac tivity "Wo must get tho girl out at onco," ho said. "Hero, llolhrook, stop that mm iciHiwiml tako tho girl nwuy. "llow?" Hiked llolhrook, ready for action, now that tho first excitement wo over. "l.j througli tho skylight Quick. now." "Hut how can wo got her up there?" a-ilo'd the Shadow. "I know," broke In Annio. "Tako that bed away." The bi d was tossed on ono side, while Annio ran into tho next room and began to drag the table toward tho room. One of tho men took It from bur and carried it in, nnd an sho directed placed It miller the skylight "There's a chair In thoro," the (aid: "bring that." They comprehended her purposo, and It was placed on tho table. "Up you go, llolhrook," cried Tom. "Quick!" llolhrook climbed liko a cat and waa on tlm roof iu n twinkling. Tom lifted Annio by main force to tho top of the table and then on to tho chair, springing up on tho table after her, llo lifted tho girl up by tho waist o that llolhrook could got a firm grasp of her arms. She was then drawn up on tho roof. "Now, Holbroolc," cried Tom, "away with you. Quick I (let tho girl out of harm's way as soon us you can. One of you," ho continued, turning to the chief men, "go with them to protect thorn. Shadow, run down to tho chief and toll him to 001110 up hero the way wo came with the rest of his men. I have art Idea." Tho Shadow disappeared. Tom was tho general commanding the forces, and lie did havo an Idea a great idea. Ho seized tho candle und made a rapid examination of tho rooms, llo satisfied himself as to how thoso who came would enter, and ho quickly determined how to dispose of 'nis f'orcos. Finding tho door boiled and barred from tho inside, ho un barred and 11 11 1 n il toil them. By this tiini) iho others had arrived. "Havo you found her?" asked tho chief. "Yes, and llolhrook has carried her off." "Then tho job lu over?" "Not by a long shot." "What now?" "I've set a trap hero, and wo'U catch a bird." "Tho man who abducted tho girl?" "Yes. Havo you bull'seyes with you?" "Yes, and shooters nnd handcuffs. " "(Joint Then we can put out this light. Hold on." They wero startled by a nolso above their IiciuIr To bo continued. l'lirk I'lnco is l'opular Tropci'ty. KOI K I! Olt 11 III.H 1 km. !tMifiiHmr (.SNtiOrrier, Olismi ('in, Or, May y, .m Nolle hereby iflven 1 1 11 1 the tS.llovUnK. iiiiined si'HIor litis llloil iimIIoo m lii-iniim-tlou lo liiake lin: jiriinl In surpurt nl his Olllilll, llllll tlllll Sllht I'l'liill'wlll lio IHIIih' ho- lor the Iteglsler mid Kooi'lver 0I II10 II, H, Inild tlrhi St Uli'lMll I'lly, Ori'Keu, 1111 TupwInV, .Inly , I sni, yn' Allien Hunt, lloiniKlettd I'.nlrv Nn ft( 17, rue llm W i of N W H. of Moo, A, 4 W, II ;i Kat, names ilm fnlluwlng wiinrm, to pIIIM, ouiillniious rol'loi,i o Uiihi ninl 1 't , I ( 1 v in I, in of, Sill' I llltld, Via ! (', lli llltiiili, I'. Mm liilkn, M, Moi'linke ninl J i,i,,inlll, r, nil ul Mnelilike, t litoksiiiiis i niuiiv 1 n umi, J. I',' Al'I'f.llstlN, N) tl ' UyUvr. TIMHKII I. AMI, At'T .U N K I. I oi h 1: t'oit ri iiur t not. I'Nirni MrATM I.inu or, n r, i niimms t'm.Cr,, Mm J 1, I -11.1 ? ul lii Is hoii ln (i' i n 1 u,( in , , 1 , : 1 1 1 nm 0 I lie iriiviliin nl tho (Hi ul I'm.. IMV-K III .lllllll ... ii 1..- 1.. 1 , , . It, his, 1'iiiiilod 'An net Inr the sale ul IliuUir luinls In the Si,,ii the ! ninl I ( nl ll'oi'iiiit, mi-nun, Nsti.ihi, ninl n,,,lniiioii Teri'ltnrv." WI111I011 ('. (lioll. nl Mini. County of I'ohiiiibiii, Hliiio ol uriiniii, him till) lint lllo.l In tliln ollleo bin nyuilii nlule lliolll Nil. yo- It. Inr tl,n 1,10,1,11.,, ,,1 11,,. Mf, 1; nl (Section No. lit, In ,n, i,l, jN,, Soiuii, itiiiiKoNnii i-:i. ,,,t mu ii, r ,,,i lin iniei,., , nn ill, in on 11, III llllllllll purponea, ninl lo eninl.li .li In- , .,jm ,, i, Inild betorn lint (eil-ler Hud lt.e,o, i, tllla Hill, (i ut tnvpiii llli, 111, no I no-hit, III IM day nf hnile.iil.oi, -ii, lie imiiii BS Vtll,ial-: I', II. Wheeler, V. lliollf, nnd I.. W. ItnivMi nl I', nil, iii, i. Or , J, II (lllllauf llunteia, (li, K Any and nil i-ri vnn i lni.nl, ,k u K, im ly lh simtl' llonorilil',1 llllnla SIO le (llr.e,l to u Ibolr ebtlnia in tnli mil,,, on or hi (n o nld '.' Ul ditt of hi I en, Ih r, I l.i J. I . A I I'l lISi iS, tl IU It Iti-oi.tor. TIMHKII I. A Nl, A''1'.II'.K a, .XI I It 11 I OH IM III.U I IOV l.'mri n Hris I. inn ninn, I Oum.os rir,-ir., Mm Isai j NdTII'K i lierrl.f HIM'ii Unit m ,,,,,,, Slieti tt itll Iho pint Hi, nm nl I i,e in I nl I i, n Itrvss of Juno :(, ls,s. n,i it I. ,) i,,i u,f tho aillo ol lllnhor Ittnihi Hi tin- h-liitr n ( ul Iforiilit, I Ihkiiii, Noittihi, ninl M n-lilni-tnii leirltort ," Ailhnr liiilnnw nt 1 1 , ,. t Itnor, ('niinly n Wtinou, Muio i, iiteumi, lina tbin ilny lib ,1 In tin- niln elon nuiiin tlltolliout So. '.Hi I, lor the i n- liiiM- ill Hie H l, nt NW t, ti u,i K 'jnf.sW i, ,, ,,i . Iloli No. -.Si, In 'l.inii.lon Nn .-mill,, ltnll;e Nil. M tnil. unit Hill niter ,,1 In alum tlml the html nnli.:t,l In 11,1,11 , iiinulili- fnr tin UuiU-r nr stnnp llnm ,ir rnin, nlinuil pllrininen, llllll In i -lalil l Ii loa i hiiin In -,il, flltlil Ih-Ioio lilO Iti Htilrr lllel b, ,,ui'r nl Ihln ollnn si Hrv.'mu llli, nuvn, on WrdliP-ilat, the Villi iln V nl --i I, n.her, Israi. II.-Inline-, n- lli,i- ,M ,,,, J. I". Iiver I., b. Mi.r.e. nnl I. S.,il, i.i,. all nf ll.m.l Itltrr. t ln enllnlv, 10. Anv and ll In r,nn i lninoMt n.h. i-, It- the ulnitt-ite-u rilml InliiU nu- li nn, ., , '(l lllr their rhilinn in tlilanlln e nn ,n I,, .,ie aiiid ;'llll lint nl S i Irmhi r, S- J. T. Al l I l:SuN', i! ! H i;.-i.ior. tDsta IUIijt was at, k, i-ni- her ('ant.tri. WIm-s alios s (liilil, aim eilnl fr r.ni nl. Wuwo sIm Iweatile Mian, alni .'Inns' tn 1'iuit.nls. M'bsa sua bad LlilUron. the (e Hu m ( utort, HARDWARE i AND ASTI-RUST TINWARE. ' I now lutve n I'ull Line of HarJwtro nmi Stoves. Sole .Vent for Slltierior Sloven ninl Ilaii'eH, TlieOlivirl'liilled 1'loWH ut if 1 nn in. Wo hitvo coiinet'teil with the Iuhiho a First C-ltiss riumlier mnl '1 inner anil work in this line will Is- tin rriiiiiptly ilone ninl ns ('lieni ns any could ilesiri'. R. D. Wilson. Upponitu l'ost ( lllioii. -VOU- fDiRiUiGiS it GO TO G. A. HARDINfl NEn'HOME SEWING MACHINE 6.0l!lCf,MASS. CHICASO 30 UNION 6QUARE.N.T.- OAUAS, ATI A NT! ns 1CX. ILL. ST LOUI8.M0. E S. WAJIKEN, v x.,rsair:r,ssj 7 fit -ski :i'Ti I """ H 1 I'HIH " TfMliiriii.ANIi.An'Jt'NKlt, irs, ftOTM li I Oil III. 14 VI -. I'MIISIl Hiatkh bANti lirrn R, I Obwiiin 1:11 V, lir,, M, U, IsiHI Nnlliit la linrnliy hIvmi Hull In 1 l 1 r i w ll li Dm jirovlnlniia nf His m of iiiiimHmn of June 11, 7, lin, I "An m fur lin- milonl llm lir IhiiiIs lii tin, HlHies ill l sllfnriils, Oilmen, Spvn.lil Sllil WsahlllltiiU Tsirl liny, Dsns Jiti.nii n( Aim Ul. id AliiaUl, otiiirity of I i-H l, inne ul W a -III null 111, hn tills 'I")' llli-il In thin mild n awnrn alalvlionil Nu isaiii. lor His iiri'liiil tlm HK '.ul Hiwtlun N,l IS, In 'I ewii.liip f.11 'J s.niili, luniio Nu 7 fcsai, ninl Hill i.llur ,n...f in allow Hint ihs In set ulit la mine vnlimlilu Inr Ila ilinlmr or almis Hi, 01 (or nu rleulloi , nirinai'a. ami In r.l-h lull lila oliilin In until In 11,1 liotnin Ilia rttflitnr 11ml 11 celli't ul llila 11III1 nl (Hi-Hi, 11 t lly, Ul , nil I ne. .1,,, , Hi,, ; u, I ,y Hiliinlir, Intnl. Iln Iniliiea Ha wllioaana ft M ll k llmilnll ami 11,1111, Aliilrlauli ol l.lllln Kail., I.nwla enmity, Ha hllnilnii, W A Calniill ami N J Hsli'li ( r"ltl,ill,, (lintfiiu Any ninl nil imianiia 11I1 tmliiK ailvr-ranly His illito n ilenerlln-il Inlnla H! ri'illn.lt,il til Ills Hii ll i t in in tlil. iiiiicb mi i,r lielum asiil anil ility ol ,'i(i'inlir, Inisi 1 T. AITr IIHON, 11 I i s w Hi'ui.ii.r 'I I MU HI I. A Nil AT I' JINK , IM, O I II I! I OH HI.IC lot. I'snrn Miarsa I.ikhiioh , lOimins l itv, III., llm u aul N. , ni ls llerfiliy alum Hint III i'lillilillalies Willi ilm prnil-lmia iifllin net ni ruliHiaaa iif Jniiu 1, h?.i iiini,., I au not Inr ih anlt ut tiro- 1 "' llm Huira ul ( lilnriiln, l)i.nii, j " ',,""!".'' ", r:llk Ilia a,iln 1 nl ni.inn I Nn. Jlk.a. I,,r Ilia nurilhnaa el llm NK 'j el Mael,,i No fit. III 'InMllalllli Nn J f,,nin I,' ,in.' i, N 7 Knal, a let will i,ll.-r imul riiun Hint llm latnl anuiilil I tiiurs vsIubIiI inr ila itiiiiiir i,r aimi (linn (or aailmiliiirnl Inirnn.ea nin u n.int.ltali lila elnliu In aalij honl ln-ltiB ilm lo-ulkiir anil lisevlvi-r wl lint miu n nt linnnii t II), liii-a-mi, nn lur.ilay Ilia ilnl il.iy nl nu.liilinr, Inn) uanii'l mil !,.,,, Ilnna Jmnali, nl Aln.lal l.wla I n, ttiiatiliniieii. Iln,, Alnlnia j.llll falla, tenia i Ill r , tt ,. .ll I n ( I mi . tV A Calmril all, N J t i-lrli i,l rirll,iint, urt-at nu Any ninl all ,ri.nn i-lniuiliii ailvsraaly III almiti im.erllia, Inlnla ai rriiir.lHj (u fll llielr el-nnia In tlOanllie nu or Imtnra a,il,l iSnl Is) nl H.-lm,r,, IkjU J I afl'I.HsIlN Ij ll ln-itnr 1 I M III It I, AMI, At'T Jt'NKS. I;. oi i i; i oit im lil.U iio. t'NiTali Ml naa I sn llllll I linini.n Cur, ii May I', IniSI ,S.,ter la tinaliy s'wil ttiat In rniitillalir nitll lint OnvUlnlia nl (lit, ael nl t iiliia.l uf June ,1. In n ollllllr l All Bel lor III am nl Ilia her lioi'l In llm ntntna nl t nlllaiiila, Oltfnll, ,Sfvii,,i aiel tt a.lilllltltil! 'I erillnly," t lin S hievena til At't-rtlfM-n. eutuily nl I'liWinlla, Smlii nl W nalillmleii. haa 11. 1 ilny nlml IM tllla i-ltiri, ton annrii alntnuii-lil Nn aoi.l, f,Mti li-ir-t'lii.a nlltm!-. i nl Hi-ellnn hn 11) In luarll Ion V. ( M. ... 1 1 1 luno Nn 1 Kaal. and Hill i.llir iiik,( in aliint llial Hi t,oi. annnht la tnnri- vnlllttUIn (r It ilmbrr nr l, nn- lli.iu (,-r nulit-nllnrnl nrnnara ami lu t il'll.li III. elnliu l,i arinl latnl brlnr III l!( 10 f ,in. lirei-lirr nl till, nllie nt I Ill-poll I 11 y . in, -,ii, nn I Inn., Iny tlm IN tula, u( ni.,tiniilH-r, 1-n, 1 1 u inoiit.. aa wltn,-. ra J K Alll.ull, K ll II ilea ,,( M,rl,lvn tt ".III 11(1,, II , H A IS I, ,,ill ninl N J ttnlelml r,,rllnn l, III Any mii, all i.nt.nna cUlmlng ailisrarly III a I,. . . I r .i 1 1 1 ti, I Intnl. am r0,i,in.li-. In (ll II, i-)l rinliii. li, llo. nltier nil nr liotnra aalil l-lrj ilny nl iM't-innWr, vjo, -', AITr.llStiN. lv 14 In-, mar. I IMUCIt I. A Ml. Al T Jl M-.:t, IsTS. O I 11 i: oil III. M A I io. r.MIt Ii NTITIS l.iMillineS. ( I'lll-nnSJ Clt, Hi Mllf ''I, l.-IH.I Nnhee I. In-iehy uoen t .tut ill eniii,iilllee mill tl.i- prut ll..i nl Iho m l nil imie., ,,( June t, n,n, , nlltle,, "All art Inr tho ! ..I tlililn-r liilnln in the Htnlea nf I'nlit.iriiln, inegnii, .Simula, nn, ,biii?tnn lorn imy," Mnilm, 1". .v, l, Ibnul lilu-r. I ..nn ly nl WiKin, Hinti- nf llrrKoii, bus tin. ,,n lile.l in linn nlln bin BHurii liito ment ,n. '.li,'!!, f,,r tho nri l,-e nl tin- bK nl fvellnli Nn. ,f.', t, Inmi-lilli Nil. I Vntli, Jim,,.-B Nu. s Kimi ninl olb-r I '" nhnw Hint tin- IiiiiiI BntiKht la none v.iliinl.li- Inr itn liinU r nr atnni- llnm lor Kiiln lilliiliil .iirira, ninl In r--tnl.ll-.il bin Iniiii to "ninl I. in, I In lore the Ki nkier nn. I Keeiltirnl II, In nttln- nt I Ir, fun ( 'II V , I T. , nil tnllil-adilV, Ilir '.'lib llnV nf S' U-iiiIht, nl, lie l.iitnrn n Wllliennrn: A. I'ln- l.rnw, I.. Vmlriitb, J. C. I its a-rn. nn. I (,. K. Mnrr, oil nl II.. i., I liner, nn.ii imintt , tiiino, AeVntiil nil InrMinn rlniliiini; n-lvrr-M-lf t e iiUiM- ill -eiibril liniita lire li-ijlle.ti-. In tile H eir eiulin III llilnnllno nil nr Inlule .-net .'Itli ihiv nl S plelnln-r, tnai, j. r. a i i i i:siv. I i. :u H Ili-K-iau-r HMUKIt I. AMI, ACT Jt'NK.l, IsTl. OIII I) I OH III.H't l IOV I'sithi Suns l.isn (iner. 1'itnniN i itv, nr., .Muy bi, Inm N.ill.e is bi-relit- (ivi-n ilmt In e,im,. sine with th nn i-l.-n. n I tin- ml ul ( nn urn. nf Jims ,'t, l,S, entiileil, "An si-l (or the null! of limlnr Inn. In In the Hlntsa of Csliforni. I'ri'eu. Nrisds slid WsahliiK tmi I rininrt , " Sain C, .Inhii-ilnii nf pnrt . linnl, I 'mint V nf .Mlllllinlinili, Msle nf Or ve ni, bit tl.in ilnv tile. I in Una nltier Ida mom aiiiii-im-iit No, '.iwi!i, r 1 1 it- ,urehsxi of tin- -W (, nf f-eetion So, i, in 'lowti nl.tp Sn. 1 ,-oiiih, ltnii(p No, 7 I t, mid Will nltrr prnnl In nl,n ,ltt 111 Imill ,ni(rl, I I-ii.uii- tiihiiihli- fnr Ita tlinU-r or .tone tloin lor urn. li 1 1 ii y nt i 1 1 r -i n, un.l to t".llll.ll.li Inn iLiiiit In mild binil In-lnrv tin rei-l'ti-l Mint n-i rinT nf Hon nlllii- nt OitkoiI l ilv, t r , on Weill i-vlnv, the 17th tly nf ,-.ii-ii,U-r, I h He linn, rn nn ttitiiennra: It 1' l iillmt, V. A. I iiln.ni sn, I N. J. Meh had I'nrthilld, Ur. ; t'. N. Mrti-na nf Alienlerll, V ll.lltiLt,lll, Ant ninl nil n-r-.niia cluiiiiini,' sdwmelv the nlmvv .li-eillml luiela lire reiUt "-teil li, liletl.rir . hiiinniii Hon nlbee nn or hi-lnm -si, 1 1 V t : il.tt ot.N-ptt-niU'r, l-'.n. i T. Ari'i-:i:5(', l' 1 I I l!l;lllT. TIMIIKIt I. AMI, ACT .11' NIC 3, (sisi. MI I M li I OH IM 111.14 VI IO-N. I'si n n Sr.trrs I ash Oiner, t'liioiis Cnv, nr., Miireh II, ls:i.l Ni 'TICK in hereby K'ten Unit in roinpll-itnei- wit h li t- prot mil m nf tin- net ut Con-ure-n u June .1, IN'.n, entitle, I "An set fur the nule ul timber hiinln lu the Slsu-a ut Cub ilurmii. uri'iiun, Ni-t iubi, iin.l ii-liieejiiti l i rniurt ," Chnrlen Cotter, of Ssnilv, Conn tv nl t 1,1, lillllilln, ,Xlltl' nf ( Ireful), linn thin ifiiy tiled ill thin ulliee hin sttmn alitli Ini-iil Nii. bkin, im- tin. i iii r, ! i n -.- nl the K u ,sV , ami lutn .1 ninM ul Neelion No. IS, in Tottimliip No, Suiilh, Hun),'!- No. 7 Kunl. in. I w ill i. Her prnuf In i-hiitt thnt tlm Inild nontiht in more tiihiiihle lor its tiuiln-ror -.tune llniii (nr llpli ulllltlll pliri'imen, mill to e-iiinu-ii inn eiiiiin in mini iiinii la-lore Hit1 lii'lii-ii r ninl Iteeeiver nl thin nlllee nt re KniiCil v. Ori'iion, on t eiliiewlnt , the nth tiny uf August, lntsl. He niiniea nn tit-ne-.i-eH: .1. A. Km, I'. K. Shnf'i-r, ninl T. l :. I' I inline 11 ol' l'..rllan.l, Multnoiiinli Co., 'Iiiib..ii ; ,1. Melnti re, of Sitiidy, I'lui kitiintn eouiily, Oreiron. Anv nud nil persons fhiimiiiK uilversoly the iiliuve denerihi'il liilnln lire reiUeslcd to llle their elniin.n III thin ulliee or helure sniil nth dny of Aujtust, 1MIHI. J. I. ,VI I KIiHON, I.'. 10 -1 HI Ul. Ki'BisU-r. XITK i: I OH 1 III.H'A no. t'NiTKuHTATKa I.sNnorriei, j oitmius City, Or., Msy l!S, 1 rnvrtl. ( NOTICI! Is h.ruliy Klr.n, thnt the Mlmtliiii llaiimtl nettl.r hna Al.tl in. lie. uf lila llit.litluu tu in ii k t- Uuul iirnnf In upiHirtuf lila claim, ami tlutl KM, I prnnl will hit in. In. lift.. re th Kixinl.r unit Iteeelvi-r nf the II. H, l-illlit Oil!.. St llri'ltuli City, or.Ron, nn Tliurailiiy July 17, lhliu, vis: Huliiiitl W. tirlttlth, lltiiuvntenil Kntry. Nn. .'moil, fur tint went, i, ul aniiili weal ' j of aeotluii 8, tuwiinlilp 4 sutith, rmiK 'J f-HMt. lie iutuus Die fullnwiiin wltueaaea tn prove hin t-i ,i 1 1 1 1 i t it it i n ro.lili'iu-i) tiinni mul culllvntinii uf anlil liiml vis: J. T Kviina, J. K. betvla, Jullll liiit la nml h lliillartl, sll n Kerns, Cliieknmaa ouiiiit v. lirt-Knii. M-tiJ J. T. Al'I'KHHON, Ht'iflstor. I-STTHE ENTERPRISE Job Office is the Best. Try It. VME OLD RELIADLE JAS. LEFFEL WATER WHEEL Guaranteeing More Power, water tnan any otner Wheel, and the only Tur bine that will work successfully under High Heads, Guaranteeing ECONOMY AND DURABILITY under Heads fro m 3 TO 300 FEEL " ( Tl M HICK LA M, ACT J UN K :i, M. ! O I H 12 OH IM III.M VI I'NITKllHtATM UflllOl HI . j OimniiH Ci t y, nr., Mi- W, I""' ! NoTtCK Is hereby given Unit in eonipll unto vtllh ibv provision nf Ilie in t ol t mi greas of Jim II, IHVM, i-nlllleil "All ml lor 1 1, anliuil limber lauds 111 Id Hlsl-s id t ill- 1 iforulii, (.iii-koii, Novnda, snd WiisIiIiikIoii Territory." t'lm l' unsn-r m 1 umhuhi, I'minly nf Mullnoiiisli, Hlnln iifdreKoii, ba tbla ihiy tiled In this nllli' his attorn fui"-mi-ill No. 111:17, lor tin imrehsMMif llm HI. U or Heellon No, VI, In i'ottinhli No, 'i H, l(nii!o Nn, ll and lll olb-r pnnif lo show tbiil llm hind aoiiuhl in mm tiihiuhl'' fr Iln tliiils ror nlniiB Ihiin fur sKileu't'iriil pur lumen, Mini t tllhllnll Ilia i liilin lo asl-l Inml hclmo Iho lti )(lnter slid llei el . er of Ihla ollleo III Ote.iill I'll v, nr., Oil I rldilV.Ihe 1 Mb (lav "1 Jiilv, s'l, llo niinii-n ii" U liennen;' Jus. A , (o, John Allen Ilnd Win. Kiel. I of I'oitliiinl. Miiltniiiinih 1 IV, in. .Iiilni Melnlvni nl -Hiitt y , Chu l.inuiin I olllltt', I Ireifnlt, A li V ninl nil pel-nuns iliilmlnx ii-liemrlv I he nlini it ilrneiiheil liilnln llle re.iie-led t" llle their ehtlinn In ILianlllin on ur l-lute anlil I lib tint' of Jiilv, l"l'. , J. T, AI'I'I MKt'N. I'l 10 ,Vl I '.'( 11 It. inler. TIMHKII I.ANI, ACTJI'NK't, HVs. l l( i; I'OII IM III. M A I IO. I'si rm Krirn .sn n i ii i . ( llMKlluS t in, nr., Mn) li', IS'ai.l NOTM'K l hereby Miven thnt It 'I'll-j II urn tthh the I ruvinlnlia nt tin- in I nt Cine Kit an uf June .'I. n'i'4, a-1 , 1 1 1 1 . I nu ml Inr llo tile nl limber htinln in the flnlea of I ulilur tun, lin-eiin, Nut inls, nml snliini'tnii Ti-r rituit," ItiiU-rl II, I'.iitt-a. nf AlH-nlrmi, Culll'ilV nf ( liellillia, Hlntf ul WimlnliK'"". Inia Ihla ilnv bled In this nlliie Inn mi.tn atnti'iimiil No. Ji iVi, fur th iiiininiw of tin N V '., nf neetiuii No It. lu lutinalilli Nu. I Hulilli, Ituio-e Nu. 7 Kunl, und Kill ntb-r prnul In alinw llllll IL lillnl annthl l mule vtilunlile fiir iln limln r nr alum- Hnui Inr nrrn nlinuil pniien, mi.l to einlilili lila i Iiilni lo mild Inn. I In loif the Id-jtmler soil Itinelier of thin nltliv nt On K-ni Uf, i nt-pin, on 'I Lnrn.liiv llm 1Mb ilitt nf hep li-iiiber, ntl. lie lilillli Iln tltneen J, K. Allinnumiil finis. H. Htei inn nl A Ler ilt-i-ii, Wunliliit'tuii ; W. A, Cjburiiuinl .N.J. S el. h ul I'ulllullil, llr. Anv Slid nil jn-rn.inn el liinlnu ii.lver-.i-ly tin-iiliuie ilenerlln-.l hintls urn ie-pieli-'l In lllu llielr rhllins ill thin olllienn ur In lulf auld t -t ti ilnv nf hfiileiuln r, I J. T. A rrbii.i iN, li III H II Hi liiHler, TIMIlldt LAND. ACT JI'NKS. Is.'". hoik t: I'Olt IM III.M . I io. I siTHi HrnTM I.ASD linn s, (iiinn-s ( irr, nr., Msy in, 1 '',( Nntlee la bin-by ri vi-n Hint III ttmi ll mn. ttllh the provisions of tin' net nl I'uie )-reaul June .1. Is7s, nilillinl, "An net Inr llm n,!i- uf tin, In T lull. Is til the Mllli a ul I sllf"l Ilill, 11(011, Net lnlll Ulld Wu-hlli ton Irintiirv ," lleiij. K. I silnit.uf purlin lid, .lill.IV uf Nf II 1 1 li ,1 1 1 ll 1 1 . ntiitt- uf ini-in.li, bus (Inn ilnv llleil ill iJilnoflnr bin annul -tilti-wriil So. for llm purebsnr nl the MC il Max t lull .No, '.' l, ill ,inn-liii Nu. J Nmlli, bullt'i- No. 7 Kunt.Slid villi utter pnmf la, nlniu li st tin- land milluhl ia Iln. re ml.iiil.li Inr iln tnnU r ol nlnnc II, nn lur ut-iieiiltinul (itirtNist-n, sin! lu rntbllsh his ehiiui to annl snd In'lure the rin-ir nil in', hi-r ..I tins ullli nt (iri;tiii l it v. i 'r., nn t ,iie-.lm , the I7tll tint ul Kt-plf'llila-r, l-!l. Ill- lullnen lis iturtsr : S, I', .luliii. Inn, V. A. Imrii mnl N. J. ebb of I'urllnml, i ir ; f, H. Mevi-nn, nf Aln-rilefii, WsslniiK'nii. Anv snd nit pi-rwina ihtiinitii; nilvt-rafly lb n(IV .it m rilil-. lltlnl" sre re.lll-nti ll lo tile Iheir rlituna iii this nlln nu or U lun said 17 J ilnv nf SrpU-inlwr, Is'li. J. T. A 11 ' K It si iV, li III -H lti-i-ti-r. 11sllir.lt !.AN1. Al.'T JI NK S. 1". .xii ii i: i oh ii ni in i iiiv I'xiTr.ii Hriira l sn nrrn s i liafiiua i itv or Na JJ. Inim N.illr la titirliy itlvti that In inini!laiirf tallli llir t.rswl.li.na ut Hi art i( cmitEn-.a ,( J.ai.- I. ts;n. tjilltlmt. "Au art tnrilm anie ul llm iKsrlmi'la In Wt atnl.a ul Callt,,rnl i. orrr,u. Nr.. On. ami aatiiiKtmi li-rrllnry." linn. An ilnrwin ul l.tll ir r.lia riinnlv nl l-w ts, ami.- n( tV naallllflnll. HOa iln) n.r.l III (III. i.llir. hi. IN.iin atslrinrtMt Nn .-. (ur tlm .tirelin. of llic-n1, nt Hisnflnll Nu III I n Ii.lllp Nn i Hmns liaiii-. ' 7 K.at anil sill nlti-r nriu.H.i ahuu thai tn. InlnJ amiftlil la uiero inlnalil (,.r Ila lltiitM-r nr at. ni lliali lur ayflt-tlllufnl ,ur tin.ra ninl In rstaliMstl Ills rlitllll tu annl Intel ul llila iJu-f nt ll.(S.i tlty, lir. uu I ll. s.ln) Ih. Ittl il iy ul h.plrinbmr Isml II. tiainrs ns a it n.aat-a: flank tlaliavill, ul I. llli. i aila, tt aali- ItiKlnli; liana J.ns.ii if Allisial. tt a.lnuicl.ui . A CnSnirii ami N J ts.leh ol I'urtlaml or. Any ami all .raoiia rlalnilii ailv.rsrly Iln - almi lrarrtlwl laluln l r.iin"t.'l In III. Ifif-tr Clalaua lu tllla ullicnt nn ur n.iur. asm alay nl lv',iriiiln-r, vO. J T AI'I'I UmiN, ly-t, Ii Kt'iilstrr T1.M1IKU LAND, xi i i i: ion ACT JI NK 3, KM. I KI.K A l lOl. ,,, , t Miisn rTis I.ann lirrn I I ousnns cnv Of.. May 1. IMS) I Ntl'l ll'K la h.r.Ly sivrn tlml In t tmillmir Willi th. i ruvinlnlia uf th. art .uiier.sa ti( 1 tin. a. Is; .ntlli.il "All set (ur thai aniv uf tint i.r Uinta lu Hi. Slates ul Cnllturuta. Or. sun. N. t ails, ami tt aahiitntuii l.rrltaiii-.' Jnl-.a K Alllauu. ,i( Ab.rtt..li utility u( l.atfenlis. Hint I u( t anhlliatno lina Una day (ti. Ill ltill oltl.. lila aauftt alat.nt.llt Nu. Jti'(, ha (It. pur- : rhaa. ill III. W ul heelluli No. II. IB I II- ) atilp Nn 'Jsmilli. Until.. Nu. 7 Knnt, nud ill ul I It-r prmtl tu atiuw tlml th. Iniul aniii'lit t lliut ' faluntil Inr Ila Itllltn-r nr stun thnu L af ; rl.tilltiral imrnua.a. niul In .slnli.lnli lila claim f m.l III llm In aaLl lalt.l In-Iur. Ill Iti-Kialt-r siil Kee.lrar j uf lllla allli- at tirt-vutt l ily. Or.gnu, uu '1 uura ftay Iti. Inili day n( lsil.itifi.r. ln.nl. II. uaiu Sa Wttl!.sn.s; I'llrtS Is St.l.na. It II lint. a. u( Ali.nt..ll. IVnalilua-ttill ; W A Cutiurll. Slul ,N J W lrh. nt I'lirllnuil . llr Any suit all ii.rauna rlnttnttiK ailvt-ra.tjr th sLuv. it.a,:rtlH-, (ami at. r.uti..itil In Al flmlr elnliu in this mite u ur In-tunt annl I ni ft ay nl miI"uUmt, Iksj. J. 1. AI'I'r li.Sti.N. ti lii-n-il l!t-(iai.r. Mn'iin-s Silo. STA TK OK (dlKdt iN. V'l MV tic fl.lt tS iN.t " l'litiirk .Mel.iiu.uhlirt, fbiintitV, VtTMln Mlelinel I It iiMTii k, I't'lfuJiiiit. XOTICK in herrhv eit en, tint l.v virltte -f ,, e,-,i,. i.stu., out',.,' .i.,. voun.t llirl nf ( llleklltnunoontlly Itlnl nlute ol' Ur- esiiii. to in. tliiin lpil junl ilelnen .l jo. Slier - III tf nt 1. 1 eoiiiitt- 04111! liili, tluti-il Mnv njtl, A. 1. n!i, etiiiiuumVniK toe to nts-ike the sum ut tine lumdrril mn lortv-one .Lilhn 1 in I lilted Siatm gnlil ruin, top-ther v, lb in-ten-.nt tlit'it on niiH(i .luniuiry i. IMS', -ti the ntU" nl' Urn a-r is-nt. ier it'nniun, nnd lite further mu in of eiubtein ttollurs mnl fit) v II ve rents, tuTtJter with ront and tliMtwN ini nt nl this e ves utiuti ; nitiil nbove iiinouitt lo In liliule out of tlic persoiuil propert f vi Mtid ilelciuliiiit if mnl tin. mint roiihf Ik Itiniitl, ttr if sullleient eiiiinot be liiuiul then out of tin renl property belnii);iii-to Miid tlel'eiiihint. llt for vvnut nf teiMiinil prop erty I hiive levied upon the Inlloit ii.); tie serlbcd properly, lo ml: All of tli-l'eiuliitit's ridit, title mul interest in niul to the M. K. i of see. IJ, T. H, 11. '2 K., In-iiiK lM aeres more or less; niul will sell on the Tilt duv of .Inly, A. 1). I!K), lit thehnlirol HloeliM-k A. M., ut the court bonne in Citron Cilv in said eoiintv nnd state. W. V. 11. SAMSuX, HheriU'of flaekaimis eouiily, Uivpm. Juiif-I, 1-5M. ' ;,i The New Remedy. - Absolutely Pure. A. O-K.IIIA.T SUCCESS Thousands Already Cured Within only ten months Oils truly remnrknhl. m.illcltm has fouiul Ita foilo the very best liuullien, beninis. , i uKi, tiik mi. Nn .llseiise tot now ur It" wnii.l..r(iil nttiiekn. It f,in iintliiiig t Inv.aii.nte. htr liiiokouiitalnliiK lull Inlni nuitlnii. k "nu it i ivr. nu itom: uii.i.i.k .. Sss. Vlurriso.ii a.. I'wrl luntl. Or. JCxoliislve Am'iils for Chiekainim Cimiity, Titos ('II AH MAN A SON, Oil-Kim tUty, Oregon. -fv?''f!X. using Less ffJ ",'a0eh!ntT-l ' 'l'.IS,:, 'Vri"!--"!!; '.'tJ-!. '. M. "lBi.l J ... -. il '. I - fmm .fit - ,, mi.1(i1Ii tl!aiis,-WitaiOi(iitsl -: ai--n;-r-ft- s- . - s ta. 'iimtHi- M Numinous. Ik tu "n i ir ( nest nr tils ri nr OS ,,, run i it k m iv nr ;(. usti 'I lluinns Clutlllein 1 I'luni.tt t flllf rl't C. I'll Lie, Klniu'i-a A ( tf. ( Inn lea II N"lL It, tt 1 1 On III II. Nmtull, Jullll ll Nultull, , C, Nullnll. Ki if III ll Murine. klluilmlli V. i Nntmn I iifell-Ullta. , 'In Ilnrrlel V.. I'"! l,ln, I'lsti'-n A. Claps, I'h.ili. II Nurlun. tt tlini iu II Nnrii.i . Jnliii II Nnrluii, , c, inn.n, r.'in-iu n, isurtuii, ni KH'iilis'lll f. " N'lt"". "" sLuv. liamail iiuul.ilila. In ilm nmimuf Hi" i" ""'n. 1" ' In-ieli) f.-lliiil.tinli-il mnl Hiillfi In n.nnr III Uu- nl.. in i-ulllli -I ' ntel nlmwi-r llm t-nin- i.l.ilul nl III i ,lnl-,IHI "S il'il yuil lliaalil I , ..ill met i lu Iln- ml, ii ul lin- emit nl III I Itenll I '.nii ul Urn stain tl iih-kuii Inr Hi I ny nl t.l.n k on is ''! nr l.ur in. Hist .lay nl llm imil ri t'lni n( Hie .Luv. littlt.u I'., nil. In nil, on M'.n...y. Cm :n. . y '.( Nnv.mLr.' A i l-in, mul ynn i.fi lu-ieLy lu.llrinl Dial II y.,n Lilt an I" n.,f mul illler snltj row i.l .lnl Iln- nLillilill vlll ii, ly In lln Cuiirl lur Iln- n-llel ,!t niiuule.l In ami i-..iti,lllil In tail: A .1. ni.f im.iiii.i ymi iii iilei iii. nn. u( Hi ,l,ili,llll In ninl n inn Ii.ili.aln ilirrll-i ,ielil.e .lln..n .1 III rl,,' kiiui ' l-mlit, Stat 1,1 III. lll I.. II 11 I lu- ..-.lii u lull ul !!,. Itiiiinlt.ii l.ainl Malm n( I. I ,S,.lt n nn. I I - I'llln Ni'tluli Ills tall. N.itl fl.nl l-ri Nn ill, ' Lilin ."sn V- annl bull linn I. 'ilnl ' l ilin in t r , if . ttla ut aeetiulia III, 11, I.' I. , II a ml I In I . it mnl, ii en Hi, ul iiam 4 I' ,it ul tt 11! on-He tin t. .11. II ami I leullulinl lllel i..i tll.el n I, .Inn. 1 It LiKltlllllH Bl I" ilnl J eleiln. a ,u'i ninl n .1 tie.lua naai in n... i i ill. i... at ul Iln- nlu nlllSrtlll M.llOU i, t-nnina; lli.nt-. auiitli JO I il ii t.iin, Itit-tie linflU ,i,, in: nl rhnlnn, tlmltr In ll.l; .lf. t I l.(lllUlU(, u i'-. I'.v-tm r talttt nil sini elnilliv inele ei t-lt on. Iln aulllll ' '-n t'ti t'uiinoioiis t..i: aiuanl'ir. nt. it-iu'tt.i i nln liete.lilnln.i.la, ana innuili nnle-ea theli- Lei,. I. no, It nr III stty Hike rt,J-elt ilnlml tleil .. i ,-sur-nil was lai re,il ni,,r ul .01 1. 1,1:, I.e. al III. Illtl ul llm ..illnt llm i-ne.iimii nl (hit tlm. uf III anil-ami in Winnie nl anlil .li-uil... Ly Hie aiu-rlfl in r n ni n r ns lii.iiliuimit la l.lnlnlil! l'..in,i o. I .in, I Hint ( L-ri.a M Kur luli nl tin-, i ,.il,.. lull l-l ,ltuilaa IU ii iti ml li.ui.i in nt i"it fur ' N'-iUiii; Ilnl Uu- , l.ili, Itll llli) lie n-lJuilKi'l lull Ul li-llal iu r u a ml l.teliil.i-a . Ill .1 III CUIIVy ii in 'i' 1 1 .. nt . . I ' N,,il, ll In 11 I Inrf-k'..! ale) tin- t vi.)iun i- In in n I l.t kw. -ml ! Iiarl.1 M .Nullnll l L ull In ... in. lilt fun, ,ialnl lien-Hi nm) Li- On tii- l In l- (rntultlli lit slut tnl,. ami nl It" Inn. uml rSi-t'l, llial til nlinltt mum-. I ilt-fi tt-Inula ntny I ib-rrrwl 111 Ilinkv, it. ami tli-lli.r tu Hi. ialltll(f ft i.-., nl ruin i-ynlier ul nil lli.tr nslll, llli ntel tul.'lenl Hi anlil ,flnl,'a nr that auni .r nuli ln,t Le n,,uliiU. Ly lllla llufmrnlil I. mill n in. II ..r lln-iii. Hi'l Hint (lie t. il tit I (T may linn-nu ll lutllu-r ami nllmr li llnl aa ll, llnltlti- uf Iln- en., ma) lr-iil anil (nr III ru.isniul ilinteiriiitenl. u( ililaatlll. I lila (eltun allull nf s.iniunl,a la mail. tlUtl.r ami ,ni ni.nl lu m unlit nl llnti. V. J. 'lay.nr, i.ub'i' "I O.r ni",ti. t nlllit-'l rnint. May Vi. .Mi llllllil. A I'l.l ist li ami C tl Xel lits H, Atl'rtii-l a (ur I'lallllllf. I ll.lllull. tu nm i'ui nrv r.mit nr tns HrATR or Oss- nun, y, -ii i i i u a . i t'ni My. In th. Mittirr tlei ttll. . ,1 iln- I ai.ii. ul Julia A Wt Nary 1 ntlm full,,. Inn leiiim-l Imtr. at law uf J tills A, Me.Snl ) . iln ea-.-l. ami In nil utlmra IllikllnttO; Mnry tt in.luli tt l' J,, lit. suit, t rauknii Julia-a- it, Amy J,,liuuti. li II. Jnliuauii. Jnlls I liuri li. tt f. 1 1-in,-nl. K. H In uu i.l. K l mt'iit. r ti i'etiu-nl. Jnltit '. Iieuit-nt, kat M. Ilnt.l.n-y, June ttn,!r.aml Mnyttn.lt-: In tlm nam. ul in. nut,- u'( on-fuu, yuu sn4 .m-ii i,), .it ni. Imii-l, elie.l ami rt-.titrvtl lu a--rir at lilt- I ulinl) l uim ut tti. Stat, ut Uf nun lur i n salmis t ,,iini), nl th. ( und Ituua iu iiit'Kuti I lly, titi-h-uti, nn ,,n-lny, July 7, s-jn, nl len ti i t, -i k A .VI , llm ntiiiie livlu lli Stat lin) ul Hit-Jul) linn ut anLl t.uurt ami Ih.U an I there -tin. e.i.,- i(mi) t-tlsl. whyanur .1 -r aim ul. 1 in I l- iiin ii' -1,1. ,111.1,- anil Jieen.ilia lilt-a.lilOIU.Unlur ul snl-1 t-.lnl. (ua.il all III ris-hl, line ami Intett-.l ul annl tlee.aaett at tti llnm nl In-r ill nlli, tu in. real .ru-.rty h.r.lll after -lea, tlhi-,1 as m-ii a. nil etmm ur rlaluil tluil On- aat-l ileevau-il tun) lint. ha1 al any tlm. itiirlln; Iter llletiiiu- a.ilnst 1 1 i.liarmau trii.lre. an, IL. Imnli r u( in. lenat title lu til. Ilt-tl-lnnllt r ilt-enln-1 real .staf. ur Bllf t-lnllti tllnt II It. Julinsuii. a.lllillilitranir of snhl t.lnl. Ituw tins ur lu-ri-all.r bay bav na'nln.t ant. I ll u-Ut . nil as .rn ).. I Inr lu Ul li.llllnti n( It II. Juhti.'.ti, a.lliiililslrnlur uf anlil Int.. llm annl n-nl ,r -..-rl V Lvllic t-aerll,t-.1 n. (ul I,, a s. tu- u 1 1 (ieHlliliiiiS nt a ..,inl nTyrlialns north, liitn ut r. tt i-.i I ti-i.i im- .n,,n 1 1, a t-.t f-urti.r ul th tiultatluli Lnml t niltti ul tt it. II. mm,, ami wit III Ull.lil h. , I Uu: tt ulnmt'.I. M.-inllnll ami rtllinlni; tie tier N-'llll Vj,l,-;ri,-, ami 1 uilllUl.S fa! , ilnl, .1. till Hit' s..i,th hi tile Inry til 111 i-utlln .' '..n il - the lu .fill l.i IV chains to a M..IU-. llu-ntt tti .i ii. .-u eiiaois tu a atnii; i in uith V n l-l,all,s tu a stnlitf. lil.ut' levte.-s ttr.l y .1 ehiiiia (,, a atnil tin i..,iiiltni ih. ltti-l I" nml.it) .-I siei t-i.om: tti.no. iiurtti In I till Irs tte.t 1,1 - etuilli. utillt nnru.r; j thru, i- I, ,,!!!, ,u il, ijr.es ,ai mi Hull's Knal S.S , t inon. tu in. line ! l m n I i ami n Suulh; t nmi.ee ai-.l i.n tuwii.iou Uu. ,,n. chain lo i-l.nni ill, lln-lifi uuritl ut-K-re.B fc,al a em m nn. I ,, ,i 'i riuiins tu tti. itua Iiael u I Ion. I ,. .,!-, I h luilmrly Arelilualtl MelitittrilrD MeKlllli )' ami nil. In t'avul shlro luiiml rt-ennlint mi nim- .-'niaml XV, .1 L-n-k "J" nl (lie leenl.lsut nl annl " larksrnaS I'niiuly ninl .nut. nl t tn-l..n ; lllt-ntt- tinrth 6 itrnrera ami m tntliul.a tt cn uu th. lautllll.rl. j lint- ul annl Mel sun lili-li trai l In 111. tu til III I tun Itialti eoll , llit-ie t-li.utliiwrslrriy with 111 ! Iiii-nli'lela ut snhl I alt In th. I litrrMnrtluli of llm an inr a till llm I ,,w mnl Im., tlirurtt it a( "lillu-snul ull.lili lllu- lo til. llilr-tli.O ,,, ,i. ,. uh uu- h..,itt,..i.rly Inmuilary ,, , M, M,.ki,,;i-, t-i,oi... ii,.-,,e Sn.iih & I .1, ,n-,. K.i-1 uu th. ruim lin. lo llm rnn.t : s,,nlu-r) e,,ru,,r ut a ir.it-l u( i-out .l.lcnl im I A f llcilv.s Hi, I i(e ,, J I Ai i itm-ii lit tl'l-l (ullti.t ri-e,.. nil j .ie u( ti,H,k "S" tt( li e, la lur ... I-1 t .tt.nt) ninl Mnl.. til. in-, buuth 0- ilt-i; f.-.-a tti -t In ; ehnlna lu S slul.. uu th n, .inn I... ninl , ri him nl sanl A K. Ilnlit.s' elniai . lite lie. f.,t-l ,-u eintiii llli. 17 1-1 enalu to a ,nl. tht-ni i- liullli .1 li rhnllis lu a iulut ou Hit MeKili.e) t-i.iiiii lltm; lii.ui. .aal lit s n., int en ih. t e-i Ittiiimfuy iiiie u( anlil Win. 1 1 1 ! in ni elnliu; tlielu'e .--..tilh tn Hi. liiae. uf tny Hiunttii,'. e.iituttiiin: ;.ii at-ies. mur. ur l.sa I'uti,' ti) ,'t.n r ui in. ii-ui. tt 1- tt int., Jutl ul anl'l t u li.ilr.l May li. Is'.'IV ttlliu'-n my luiiul niul senl nf the County 'i.nrt Hits i-lli ,l,i) nl Mm , A. t , s-.nl. ii. ii juiiNsoy. Culllity ci.rk. II) W. T. W HITLlM K, .-i-tk"7-:i-l lt.-puiy, miik i; i on im iii.i(nio. IMriti Statks LtMiOFfir. I (.nanus t u v, or. Mrtv as, Is!) ( Nuin K Is li.rel.y (!if,i Hint tli. (ullnn ln( llnlneil settler h in lilt-,1 untie, nf Ilia tltt.lltiun tn mn ke Iii, nl i.rnul iii sue nntt "f his rlsim, and lhal n inl pmel ill h. uuul. tit-lnr. th lirgliu-r nml Kn-itifr nf I'. M 1. mil liitn-. at orrKnn I'll)' lireifuli. uu 'lul-.ihiy. July ( , l.s-KI, -rig '' ,,"1""";': ' V"""" i 'V'0' j l;rj;::;;:;;;;:::,v1;trri.H:r' 'l''',,''u,Mo"u- I II. leuiie, ;H, ,,li I(n.ss. to prot 1 Lis emitiinunia i, sului.re iinnn mul eiiltlvaiiun i "1 l'l 'nml. 1 1; J C. I rttet-v, J llnri'.r.li.o. J. Ciirrinn ,iu,t J ImvIs, nil .,( Oiirrinaulle, Clack . 1 '"'-,' ' " ' ;. -H 1. t. Al'1'KHfjt.iN, li.Klater. o i i i: roit im iti.K'.tTio.'v. I'xiti n Srtrks I.vmi tiini-r.1 tniKi.ox City, dr., June il, Ittm.f Noliee i lieii-iiy uivti that the lollutvitifr-iiiinit-il M-lllt-i' has ii ii iimiiv n( his intrn tmn to make Iiinii (-roof iu .support of his (hiiin, mul that suiil prouf will he made lie Iniv the register ai.tl n-eeitni- of the Tinted Slates l.anil otlli't at ilreirun f itv, diTHou, on TiifMbiy, July , l.yai, vir.:' Thomas N.Triiti, rre-emptin 1. S., No. ,Vsi.'! for th W , of N W li ol See 2S, Tp 4 S, H S K. lis riaines tlic follottiii witness. to prove his eniitinu.nis reside nee niton nml rultivulloti of, suiil land, viz: .1. Walton, V. Hurln r, and John ileson of Oreimn fitv, f Ineka miis enmity, Ori'ton; N. Itovhind, ol Hiirli land, Oregon, J, T, A I'l'KKSt IN, ii l!c-7 H Itftfister. MSO SIATK Head of Water and Fcwsr Boquued. JAS. LEFFEL & CO. GFF!INGF!E!D OHIO. 1 m I ll I -.Vsv, ...