The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, June 19, 1890, Image 3

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B in U)
auail i j
Delicti! ctl
aMnon. ki-cli
tul T .w.n'l,
Homo Unpponings.
Tr TlttiM li I'upnUr rrooorty,
Oil tho 8taii.
Mi, J. A, Vum i very itok.
Aiwtitior Nubia U looking ttor llu
Uihlo WHirty in the elt y,
O. II . Hivttow luis ol no hlmi ut
hi turning aiul eioitrr shop.
Wilfrvd While ;Urie In now vtiloo
Ipeilo which wu iMonoiiUo him,
Tlio moat iitflilly, convenient iiml
Uittutt ih'.itioii to Or'iton Oily,
Mr. Nov. W, A. WiUUoii m vUit
inn lriiul in I ho i-itv lust SiititrUv.
Mina Kloreiirt lluknmn o(St, l.tmU
11 ho re to visit relatives (or ismiu.
I'. Jiirriaoli ul Oswego In builtting
ft Ili'W Iioiimi tint to Albert Wnlling,
About !M wow oontlrnusl ul tlu
Catholic eliinvh lt inutility morning.
C'h Mowrv nml Mi lmt'rol
8t. Iloloim itt tliti Sabbath ill Iho
trn Uro. A Co. mo having it now
how wimlova i'Uoo.1 in front ot llioir
A mll oltUe biiiltling 1 going upon
Sixth itrvH-t a.ljiuent to tlio bank ol Ore
gon City.
Tho MotlunlisU gave an loo cream
ocUbte at tho church luat Saturday
A reception teiulcrej hv the
(Vttholie to the bishop on last Saturday
Mr. Thorn Cooer of St. llolonn,
Columbia county, wa in town TiicmUv
on bunine.
Sucker Creek continuoii to How by
Owrgo minuallie hrMgo that wont out
11 February.
-Win. Took, who arrived in town a
fow iUv ago, tknicht in Fall Viow uml
will build ut once.
Are you preparing to go on the ex
cunion to Mult Hamuli Fall, July 4th?
'Knot, why not?"
M. A. Stratlon and K. M. ltand
loft by vitamer yenterday for a trip
through WaMiiiigton.
The Presbyterian Y. l S. C. K. re
planning for a ociablo and candy pull
toma evening next week .
li. K. Have returned from a busi
niw trip to Sitokuiitt Fall mid ether
eastern Washington cities lust Monday.
Lots $M0 o down mid $5 per
A. D. I'utrow new rut lane for routing
ha jiiNt been completed. It w ill be oc-
clinied bv Mr. Mctiuw, recently from
the et.
riiUmeun tlut rail View a. bil
lion to Oregon City is tho fastest selling
property in town, Willi.i n A I'ortor,
Whv wouhln't it I tfix-d mheine
tor each proirty owner in the city to
clear up the !lreetn ami alles mijmning
his jiroperty.
The Crown Paper Co. have deter
mined to erect a new warehouse adjoin
ing their mill which is now nearintf
J. O. Porter returned doin Uoppnor
the latt of tho wook, h.iving been ab
sent everal weeks biiyinn wool for tho
O. C. M. Co.
Miss Grace Williams will leave for
McMinnville to-morrow, where she will
remain for several weeks to visit Irieuds
and relatives.
Jnj. Thomas has his new "rago" on
John Adams street nearly completed and
ready for the "bird" to move in. When
is it to be, John?
Mrs. Chas. Moehnko left for Seattle,
Wash., Wednesday, June 11, where she
has gone to visit her daughter. She
will be gone about two months,
For some time the Willamette
has been steadily falling and it is now
safe to assume that the June rise for
1SU0 is over with no high water.
Charman A Co's new soda fountain
is a tine one, where cool leverages of ull
temperance sorts may bo obtained by
dropping nickel or more in the slot.
Buy in Falls View and save five
cent fare.
It is a real pleasure to go to Portland
now by river on the Altona which is finely
fitted up for passengers tratlic and makes
the trip without stopping at way land
ings. Hon. K. L. Eaitham, Major Tbos.
Charman. J. G. Charman and O. A.
Harding went to Portland Monday to at
tend the annual meeting of the W. T. &
L. Co.
Why the change? O pshaw! Don't
gulKch) us.
Tho llaotist young folks' society will
give an icecream sociable on tho 2ith
of this month . A splendid literary and
musical entertainment will be given for
ten cents.
On tho pursers desk in the Altona
office sets a line photograph showing the
new boot as she lays at the Kighth street
dock. Tho view is quite a picturesque
one of that part of the city,
The Secial services at the Pres
byterian church held under the auspices
of Kev. Boyd and Giboney closed liu-t
Friday evening, a goodly degree of inter
est having been manifested.
The streets wuro lively on Saturday
with Mt. Tabor sabbath school excur
sionists who picniced on tho west side.
The shower in the afternoon was not wet
enough to damen their pleasure
S. A. Lambert's fine fruit farm near
Milwaukio has been divided up into
hlocks and lots, and is now being sold
(t; in suit mirc'iasera. It will
hereafter be known as Cambridge
-Maior J. A. Varney, of The Dalles
was in the city last week looking after
fruit bugs. The Mayor is inspector of
fruit pests under the law oMHHDand is
around looking after the orchards
Sidney Kmytli has rented the house
now occupied by Jos. Purdom and will
move in M soon as the present occupant
can complete his new house on the lot re
cently purchased of F. 0. McCown,
There is something wrong in the ap
pearance of the street above the Imperi
al mill since the "Three Histers" slid off
Into the river. It will look bettor though
,itnr .Inn. Hedges getH the Canomah
road done.
On the evening of June Oth, Rev
Josnnh Parsons united A. McLaughlin
of Silverton and Miss Tillie Forrester of
Eagle Creek in the bonds of matrimony
.iiu Jinmn of the brides Bisier, nirs. a
W, It. Paitlow mid wlfo led for lin
ker City on tho morning boat yesterday
to viMt ins hrolhor, Dr. U. 8. I'aitlow,
They w 111 lm absent about a week, This
is Ml'. Pai'tlow'a lirst tiin auuv slnon
ISnJ when ho eaino luw,
By the courtesy of A. K. Davis, w
r in receipt of the ad.lies of Grand
Master, M. W. Christopher Taylor, ns
delivered hotoiu tho recent session of
the grand lodge of Masons, ll is un
able and Interesting address.
0. M. Idlomau, of Portland iwolvod
a letter from Mrs. W. C. Johnson at
Loa Augolos staling that they Intended to
start for homo last Saturday. Mr. Idlo
mau thought that they would stop ad.iy
or two at various points while enioute
home and arrive homo alout Saturday
next. i
Tun 1'ai'kki'iiihk This week con
tains the advertisement of tho United
Hack, Truck A l.lvery Co of this place,
I'ndertheelllcieiit management of Mr.
W, II, Cook, the company's business
is steadily increasing, promptness and
reliability being strictly adhured to In
his deali.igs with the public.
The attention of those having busi
ness befor the V . S, l ard othYe ot are
desirous of securing a limber claim, is
called to the card of Maior Brocket!-
brough in this weeks issue. Major
Brockenbrough by his extended expoii
enr in land nutters is securing his
full share of the business before the
land olllce in this city and those desiring
his service will llud him thoroughly
ponied and reliable.
The traveling public will Hud at tl.e
Clifl Mouse, the advertisement (or which
appear ill another column, as gootl ac
commodation as can l had in the city.
Since tho return of Mr. John Bittner
the genial landlord, from Calilorula, he
has made several Improvements and
change in his hotel to provide lxttor
for the comfort and w ants of his patrons.
Commercial travelers will llml at Iho
Clitr House large nd convenient sam
ple rooms lor their use.
Why stare al those stairs?
Conth-ut The school board held
an adjourned session last Saturday night
for the purjmse of considctiug the bids
for construction of an addition to the
To tiik Sot'sii, On Monday, Mrs, A.
Warner accompanied by Misses Hat lie
Warner, Annie Poh, Noita Barlow and
Ktta Pope loll for Victoria and the Sound
country to Is- gone alsiut two mouths.
BitiiK Walls Biii.iuxo. The brick
walls of the new woolen mill building
are well under nay and one can now )
gin to comprehend what a tine apar
ance tho structure will present when
Bu-risr AssociAriov. The Willam
ette Baptist Association met in this city
on Tuesday and Wednesday with a very
interesting programme throughout. The
evening exercises are w orthy of special
Tiik Cucmms Bmiimik. Work has
Uvn in progresson the Clackamas bridge
for several wwks and the frame work be
gins to loom up. The false work can
soon be taken out and in aUmt two
weeks the old ferry can lie dissnsed
Si-kcial Tines ton tiik Forum. The
O. C. T. company w ith their two boats
are planning to give ample accommoda
tions for the traveling public, and rxpeel
to run both Wis up from Portland the
evening of the Fourth utter all exercises
are completed. Particulars later.
Si iivitviso Tiik Bi.rrr. F.nginoor
were busy several days the pant week
making accurate surveys of tho bluff
above town for the railroad company
who are planning to cut the bluff dow n
and straighten out the curve between
the lnqHTial mill warehouse and Cune
mali. Contract Lkt. The school board in
session Monday evening contracted with
Messrs, Maple and Day to build an ad
dition to the school bouse, the same to
be completed by the llrst of Scptouilier,
the contract price U'lngt'.''!-?. The con
tractors issue bonds to the district in
the sum of l-'iW.
Thursday the Three Sisters which occu
pied tho Canemah road since tho high
water, was launched into the basin
where she will await tho repairs now go
ing on at the basin As soon as possi
ble she will run up the canal and get to
cairying freight.
Fouktii or Jli.y. Grand celebration
at Meinig's Park, Sandy. Oration ami
picnic. Music by tho Clackamas brass
band; dancing on platform in the after
noon . UcfreshmenlH of all kinds served
on the ground. Grand ball In tho ovon-
ing in the hall, with good music and sup
per. Come one and all.
V. T. A L. Ki.kction. At tho annual
stockholder's meeting of the W. T. A L.
Co. on Monday, tho following uireciors
were elected. K. L. Kasthaiii, l'lios.
Charman, (1. A. Harding, C. 0. T. Wil
liams and J. C. Morcliuid. After the
election of directors the following officers
wero chosen: K. L. KuHtham, president;
I . T I
Thos. Charman, vice prcsKicni; j. .
Moreland, secretary, and 0. H.toutleld,
Tim Boss. Everv one who has seen
1, i in peiform, speaks in high terms of
n.u ui shown bv Johnny cnigin as
Irum major while leading the Willam
ette Silver band, Tho way ho handles
the baton is a caution. Besides present
ing a line appearance as leader he dis
plays great skill and excellent iiimuy in
,..!, wtinif tho iiiUHic. Ho should lie
presented with a fine suit if ho is to con
Untie in that position.
Tbaciikhs Ei-kctid. ThoHchool board
met last week on Wednesday evening
and opened tho bids for an addition to the
school building, and afterwards elected
teachers as follows: Supt. Prof. Frank
Higler; assistant, left to be llld. Tlu
following named teachers wero re-elect'
ed: Fannie Porter, Neita Barlow, May
Kelly, and Edna Henley. Miss Emma
Hedges and a Mrs. Uye, ol mauison, i.m
kota, wero elected to the new positions
u n. E. of tho Baptist church have the beautiful (steamer Undine,
have engagad the Willamette band, and
willirivea grand excursion to Muitno
mah Falls on the Fourth. Xo paliiB will
liH St mrcd to make thin tho most pleas
ant, excursion of tho season. 'Refresh
monts will be served by tho Yotfng Peo-
nle. Boat leaves Oregon City at 7 : 30.
landing at
Portland and Vancou-
Nkw Road. Put Colbert is In elm i go,
of a gang of men, who w ith giant and
Jtldson powder, and shovels and picks
are making a road on uneasy grade up
the hill to Weclyn and Windsor. The
work I being paid for by private ub
crlption, which seem a popular way of
Mad building hereabouts.
MiNHTitm.. The McKanlass trouM of
colored mlnstrtds played to a largo audi
ence iu Odd Fellows' hall on Monday
night. It is undoubtedly th best show
that ever raiuo to Coos bay, and Is worth
seeing. The singing and dancing was
good, and the niuslo line. McKanlass
proved himself to be a llrst-class musi
cian, and the little children are all
that is claimed (or them. The company
left for the Coqullle on Tuesday morning
and will show at tho different places on
the coast. Mall (Marshllold.)
Tiik En minus. this week contain
the advertisement of the I'nited Hack,
Truck A l.lvery company of this city.
This company bus on of lb best livery
stable in Oiogon City and tlrsl-clas
rigs are furnished at reasonable price.
They also carry on a general delivery
so l freighting business and all prrl
or freight In their charge will be bin
died promptly and with car. Tht pub
lic will find iu Mr. W. It. Cooke, tht
manager, a uourteout and obliging man,
and who i ever ready to attend to their
Bui F.NoiN In, Goo. Broughton'shlg
engine came last Thursday and on Satur
day they wore busy at tht new saw mill
getting it in phut. The small engine
has already cut out the material for
good part of the mill, the lower story of
which Is now extended out It full
length. Tho plans have 1hoii changed
soiot-wiml ami an addition built on on
side half the length of th main building
and '.S loot wide to I mod by tht plan
ers. Wbtii completed this mill will 1
one of the most convenient in tho
Sr.a k Ovxa It Air Tahkn. The Ore
gon City street railway incorporators
had secured subscription to oter one
half of the capital stin k on Saturday and
had determined lo call a mooting for
one o'clock to-day lo complete the or
ganir.alion, by electing director and o(- of the lsiard. The talk wa that
J. T. A p person would lx elected presi
dent of the boar. I as he was the primary
mover in the enterprise. Mr. Appersou
wishes to have the surveys made imme
diately, i i a to begin work next month
at the very latest.
(.kai.ihnno K.ssaV Ut Thursday'
Orvgonian sH-aking of the graduating
exercises it St. Helen' Academy notice
a German componition entitled "The
Singer and the Singer's Curse," by Mis
Mary J. Charman of Oregon City and n
English composition entitled 'Ttnbrel
lus iu General," by Mi" ElixaU'th A.
Uimhcrt ol Milwaukie ami add "Tht
par read showed evidence of thought
and careful direction, and the young la
dies sHike with ease and becoming
grace. The subjects were well handled
and too much ran not I said In praise
of the young ladies efforts."
I.ivkly Smish Ce. Last Monday
Horace Williams, who I driving Geo.
Ilroughton't wood team, hd Just lifted
Mr. Broughton' children out of the wa
gon U-fore the house when ono of the
horses kicked over the tongue and the
team lscamo uumuiiagoable, and lart
ed tip Main street full tilt. Just in
front of E. G. Cuullold' tore, Rev.
Watery' buggy occupied by himself and
another man. was coming along, Just
Moro the run-awav reached them their
horse Iwgan to back and In spit of
their efforts, the team ami heavy wagon
rushed against their light rig, knocking
it into smithers. Fortunately they had
both got out, so no damage was done ex
cept to break the buggy.
Public Convksiksck. Tht Culled
Hack, Truck A l.lvery Co. have had a
watering trough placed in the street at
their stable on the corner of Fourth and
Main street, for the convenience of the
public, Tho trough Is cut out of solid
risk itud holds atsmt three barrels of
water. It was made somo fifteen years
ago by Horace Baker, of Baker' ferry,
on the Clackamas, for a Portland saloon
keeper, to bo used for a U-er cooler and
Mr. Maker was to have received $75 for
his work , but the satism man hi i led and
the trough remained at Mr. Baker's place
until purchased by Mr. Cooke for his
company. The wuter is supplied by a
pipe from the city main, and tho tirod
and thirsty horses, who are often de
prived of water by their drivers, because
it it not convenient, will no longer need
to suffer for tho lack of a cooling drink.
A MvsTriiY S till-. Several items
lave appeared relative to the absence of
William Hickey, of Portland, who has
been missing since the Hila-rniaii ex-
ursion to this city. Two young men re
ported lust Friday at the Oregonian of
fice that the young man was drowned.
Concerning this, tho Sunday Oregonian
contained tho following: Tho cuptuin,
mate, watchman and crew of the steamer
S. G. Reed, strenuously deny the report
that a man was drowned by falling over
board from the steamer while at Oregon
City last Sunday night. They Bay they
never heard any cry of alarm or warning
as is claimed to have been given by an
informant in Tho Oregonian yesterday.
rim officers of the boat say that before
the steamer left, a man sadly tho worse
for tarrying long at the wine while it
was rod, w as noticed in a helpless condi
tion on tho rocks beneath the bluff and
near the river. In trying to climb down
tho man lost hit balance and tumbled
Into tho wator. lit was Immediately
milled out by several of the steamer's
crew, and subsequently turned over to a
policeman who marched him to juil.
Later another man swam across the
river, and all of which happened afttr
lark. Captain Moody of tht steamer
suggests that if Hickey, the missing
man, is known to have bten under tho
influence of liquor on the night in ques
tion, it might bo well to look for him un
der the high cliffs back of the town.
Tho captain is credited with stating that
number of intoxicated men wero piled
on top of one another in a drunken
sleep, near the e Igo of the cliff, and It
is only a wonder that several of them
did not meet a terrible death by rolling
over the brink and being dashed to
pieces at the foot of the preeijiice. Cap
tain Troupe Is investigating the matter
and would like to see the gentleman who
claim s to have seen thf unknown man
fall from the steamer. Later The body
of Wm. Hickey was found floating in
tho water, near the foot of Fifth street
by fishermen, early this morning.
II I F.I).
I'lKLDS.-At her ImnJ In ,'rt,,,!yJ;:,",t'
the IHIh day of June, IHI, o . ' '
disease, Saiilh, wllu a Ann- I .
aged Ul years, It inonilis and W
Mr, l'le'ds was bom Iu Huusworlli,
England, July '.'7, WM, and was man led
to Amos Fields, April 110, lHf,0. Seven
year later, Mr. Fluids emigrated to
America, leaving iU wlfo In Kiilaml,
and not till three years laler did tho Join
htr husband. In lS7l,lhey tgalu '
elded to move an I Mr. Fields found his
way to Oregon. Not III! 1H7U "0
Joined by his wile. They llrst located at
Brownsville and sumo year lbr
turned to Oregon City whore Mr. Hld
llrst worked after hi arrival In H'f lt,,rt'
For two years Mrs. Fields ha boon n
poor health and for the last seven inonlhs
she has been confined to the bed. Hor
ailment which was rheumatism In -tur
at llrst, finally developed lulu valv
ular disease of the heat I. Sho was the
mother of nine children, seven ol
art living. vl; John, of Flsbklll Laud
ing, New York Mrs. Mary l.uddlngton,
of Commelvlllo; Mr. Emma Smith, of
Grant' Pass; Joe h, of Applogiil. Or.;
Will, of Grant' Pa; Mr, Clark Ga
noug and Mr. Joseph Gaming, of Oregon
City. Her husband alo survive hor.
Tht funeral w conducted from Un1
Episcopal church at eleven o'clock Suu
day, a large nuinlcr of friend being In
W AT K I N S F. V E It EST A t tht resi
dence ol Geo. Walklus, In this ritv
byllev. J.C. Read, on Wednesday,
evvning, June II, Win. A. Watkins
and Esther Everest.
..! i ..i"?
Exerulor' Notice.
Nollr is liarebv glu'ii that the under
liriinl lots ihilv pHiutrd eeiilf f
lli lull will or M. A. Iliirnrll, ile.'U"l.
All wroii Inivlng i lsinis iiKiiuint uitil V
ll lire lioll!lo.l lo prrwnl ill mime lo tur
si Milwuoktc, tirnfoii, within six inoiilu
from lh llrt puMa utloit of Ibis linto o, Or
llnv will he loriHcr hiirrvil,
McHsiokA Pkmhiin. MiTiiior.
Atlornev for Sunt Kulnle
I' l-Hlli ily of June, inn. 11 Ill3
Administrator' Notice.
Nolle l hereby hUsu llml the under
lgnel has Isu dulv puiiU'd ndinlnls
lorofllm e-liileof I'. I. Ilurvey, ilenuud.
All persona ha In claims Khit ul e
tala) are nolilleil to prru ut llie in to me
at Milwaiikir, tlri'on, w Itliln six in. Mill,
from llie lirl uuhliealiuu ol llil imliie.
It. N'Olf,
MiUious.t liwiiwrK, Ainiliillrator.
Attorneys for .-nnl E-lsle. H't"'
tinted Juiif l-'h, Iki.
Sl.xklloldtm, Meeting.
NUTU'K I" hrwlif ilvrii. Ilisl lli animal
nipvlllis "I Hi .l.x kliuW'". f Ilia Ulrili I II)
Maiiiilariiirlni l .niipaiiy Ul ! hl'l al Ilia
oltlraul lli.o iiin.y la ot.K.ili I'llit. iriann .
I'liarmau lll.- k) un Slur.lf . Julf l.'tli, I.
al lOuctin k ul aal.l ilar Lit Htr iul" nf
elarUn IhrM illrfiei.ira ul III rmimrailini In
arta lt Ilia rii.iilui )ar. H I (raiiaartlng
ni-h iHhar bil.llii'.. n r. ina Inlul Ilia
turatlna al
I K.1 ti'.
orefiu Cilgr. May
I M,
New To-day,
Park Place is Popular Proicrty.
Wsmn Wood haulers to deliver 'M)
cords of wood. Impure at Hit brewery,
J. M.UlKH.
A ntiinlsir-one milk cow (or aalocbeiiti,
as I am noing awy. At u. KKciirKii,
Call on T. W. Fouls, opMit the
railroad d.'iait. lrei:on I it v. lor line ci
gars and tobacco, and all kinds ot smok
er1 articles; be also dairies a line line i-f-ondies,
cakes, crackeis, etc. ; also sells
alt kind of mild drinks. IUI
I will Ihi In my olllce at Oregon City,
tost'tud to hisiuesj', each Thuraduy till
furlhtr notice. tf I.. T. I'.aiiix.
When In nwil of anything In the line
of flags, (ire crackers or lire works, call
ollT. W. Fouls, opposite the railroad
deot, Oieguu City, as he carries a com
plete line of such goods and sells tliiini
at very low prices. I CI
Taken I p.
A cream horse with white mane mid
tail, medium i with white spot in face
and brands on each shoulder, also a
notch In right ear. (inner pleaw call,
pay damages, and take away.
Anmk Cool' km,
7 miles from Sandy in the burn
tween North Fork of' Eagle Creek and
Hear Creek. t 2
Timber l.uinl For S ile.
80 acres of line limber land on the
Coweemiin river, in Cowliu county,
Wash. In convenient to navigable
water and logging ramps adjoining.
Price l00. Will trade for Oregon
Citv proMirty. Apply to
I). J. Swn.i!n, Itank lllock, Oregon
City, Or. tf
Parties desiring the inwition of Supt.
of Water Works are hereby iiolilled that
the Citv Counci of Oiogon t ity will re
ceive bids for performing the duties of
the same until Iho llrsi aionuay, iu
July, 1H!H. I" 1" Pontic.
City Itocordor.
Oregon City, Juno 2:i,lH90. 12
Ft) It SAI.K.
320 acres uivmproved laud, 10 miles
southeast ol Oregon City. Level brush
land, good soil ami easily cleared, In
one of the best farming districts of
Clackamas county. Price 10 per acre,
at loait ball cash, woll secured . Can be
subdivided and IH a bargain. Address,
I), J. HwrrzKit, Ueal Estate Agent
Oregon City, Or.
Farm for Sale,
UK) acres in Heaver Valley, Columbia
county, Or., level with deep loam soil,
free from rock and no canyons, 100 acre
of best yellow fir timber, balance easily
got into'grass. Good frame bouse, with
noverfailing well. Orchard of 200 trees,
beginning to bear, embracing apples.
pear, cherry, plum, prune, pencil aim
tpiinco. Grape vines and all kinds of
small fruit and berries. 4 acres charred,
10 acres in past tiro. A number of line
springs on the place. In a thickly set
tled neighborhood, convenient to roails
and schools. 4 miles from Columbia
river. Price f 1500. ill give time on a
part, or take Oregon City properly,
!. J. HwiT.Kii, Ileal Estato Agent.
Oregon City, Or,
Park Place is Popular Properly ,
Letter List.
The following Is a list of letters ro
mainingln the post olllce at Oregon City,
Juno 10, 1800:
Barker Jos Morion Mrs Timet
Craig Hev J W Madsnn.K
OespainWH Mills,! II
Foster Frank Norton William
GillundMikkal Gun-Ownns Wm E
durson Petery E E P
Hermann Thily.n Poss Charles A
Jacob Hyno
Hart James M Htuvens Mrs Mary
line! Miss Arna Stephens Ham
Jonsen Hiuniol Hatterlanil Jan
Johnson Paul
Korson Jas
Lowell A 1!
Miller Mrs Hophia
Hiiriiiuo Molnv
Ward, MIhh Emily
Wuriim K E
Williiiuis II 0
When callod for please say when neb
vortlsod. J. M, Bacon, P. M.
Tho Gary Ogdem
Hfnl Cross
Mixeil Points.
1.13 XjIA23Tj3I3,
nml makes a good
E.G.Caufield, Ag't,
For Oregon City.
AUonicy at Law,
ll.ats ielal Aji'iil uf (lanoral Lauil Ortlee.)
Oregon City, Oregon.
Jlomeslaiail, Pre-emption and TimW
J.aud Application, and other Laud
Olllce business, a Hjieclalty.
OFFICE: 2nd Floor Charman Pro.
!ock, adjoining l S. Land Olllce.
JULY ""4thT"
Grand Celebration.
Meinig's Park, - Sandy.
Oration and Picnic.
Clackamas Brass Band.
I inuring on Platform, Afternoon.
in tin: hall ATNKiirr.
of nil kind un tin1 grotimld.
Como Ono and All.
0. C. T. Co's
Orcput C'ily it Portland.
7 ::M A
10 ini A
3 :M P,
fi :00 P
7 .30 A M.
ll ;:U) A
1 ;(HI P
" 4 P
1 11 ::to p
Steamer Altmm no Way Landing.
Steamer l.atona Way Landing.
8 -00 A
11 :ll A
4 in P
0:30 A
li.tKI P
United Hack,
Truck ami Livery
Y. II. (uke, Manner.
Coiner Fourth ami Main Strtrts,
of the City. Kigs of any description
InniiiliiHl on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and IVIivery Itusi
lies promptly attended to.
Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason
able term.
Wbciit, V IMIc,
ouiH, v tm M
Flour, lHtiirailo, "'''
13 to'JOclH.
Kuk. ! 'lH-
t'hickoim, ilnmmiil,, V ot ta' ,0 '5
ChickcnH, BiriiiK 2.0() & :i.WI
I'liickciin, live, o( M.00 tof'i.tK)
l'olutoc, 1'bu to tl.L'O
(IniotiH, V bu U.tH)
Aiilo V box, if-'.OO
Short, 'J1 r0
llrau. tlSfill
lluy, timothy bttloil, 1H to fL'O.
Iluy timothy loiwo, lo.
Clover, billed 17 loW
ltocf, live, !l c .
limit lllCHHCll, ft c.
Voiil, (IrcHHiiil, I) c.
IIokh, livo, -lc.
lloH, ilrcMBinl, (in 7c.
ShiH'ii, 1' hcnil, 2.l)0 and f-'.W).
,Woof,17'J0 1)' II.
Lunl, country bulk, 8 c.
Lard, buckcW, liil4.
Hum, VII,, U
HiilcR, 11., IDc.
SboiildurH, H'tti, He,
All IciikIh very dull,
ApphiH, mm dried, 3 unil 4.
l'luuiH, huh dried, 'I unil 3c.
rriinoH, sun dried, 4 and (lc.
l'mirH. Him dried. H and He.
Atiplim, muciiliie dried, blenched 8A 0c
l'luuiH, miichmoilrieii, u lo io.
roaiH, iiiuclimedried.d anil7c.
1'ruiicH, iiiachin dried, 5 and 8c,
Notice to Ilrblue Iliilhlers,
Healed bldn fur Iho construi tlon of
hriilK across thu Timlutln river nnr itia
niniilli, will hu received by the County
Court of (Jliickiiiiian llounty, Or., until noon
on Wodiiesday, Julv II, IWIKI plums and
nimbi diiiKmi'iiH with HpeclllciitioiiB to ac
iiiiiiiiiiiiiv fhii'h bid. Kucli liiildur reniiirod
lo ilenosit Willi hi hid 6 per cent of the
niiiiiunt. nl'mich lililn liir Hllid work.
Tim (Iiiio-t ivm'rvi'H the riirht to ri'lect nny
ami ull bid, lly order of the (Joiinly Courl
June term, mm.
WitiiesH my liivnd mid (teal of the County
Court, this Uilnv of June I wm.
11. II. JotlNBON.
County Clork,
In - Lina,
mum Bitos. & co.
Bargain Prices
Misscii' lUiuk Huso full fini-dietl
sizes, i M iJ, .1) ier pair.
I.uilies' JUotlsr, ..r)0 riicli.
LmliuH Wliitu Shirts, (it mil Mus
lin, .35 each.
Jrrscy Mitts, Pure Silk, .25 per
Lmlics' DoiiKoln Sliucs, Patent
b-iitlicr Toes, 11. .50 per pair.
I.iulii's' Kill Oncra Slipper, lint
75 xr pair.
Mens' Negligee Shirts .75 each.
Mciih' Sriiuilesii Socks !i pair for
Mciih' Precs Straw Hats, ,"0
Hoys' l)n-HS Straw Hats, .25
Mens' Summer Underwear, .50
For Low Prices and
Good Goods, Call on
in divided into 70, two mid ono-tiulf,
nnd livo aero tracts. It in located
on tho heights overlooking the
t'luckanuts; henoo its iiatiui, it i
iihont One niilo from Court llotme
and One-liulf niilo from tho city
limit. Tito County road crocscs
which Milken it easy of access, being
about twenty iiiihuten walk from
Iho centre of Oregon City.
lien in Oregon City School dintrict,
and pureliuHerH can have the advan
tage or m'liiling their cliililren to a
guild, graded public Hcliool. Tlie
Soil in good, tho Locution very
healthful, nil Fruits and Vegetables
yield abundantly. Terms one-third
down, and halanco in one year at
eight per cent, r or further purtic-
tuars liiijuiro ot
City Drug Store.
Direct from the East.
In a Uniiiuo Programmo of Fine
New Songs ftiul Dunces,
Youngest Colored Children
beforo tho Public.
Reserved Seats on salu ut the
Post Ollioo.
TheCliff House,
, John Bittner, Prop.,
Oregon City, - - Ore.
Tho LEADING HOTEL ot tlio city.
The tublo Biipplloil with the best
the miuket ufl'onlB. Knoins
largo and well furnishuil
with comfortttblo boils.
Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers.
bins Four
li S. WAUItEN,
Also carries
Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc.,
Which he
Either CASH
TRY 'oli paiiiKit 1j U'ttcr than to cull and examine
This old reliable
in stock a
Heavy, m al MnM
TTnnrlTTTmin ffliriTTTri-nn nln
1 H J I II ll 'J VU I I III 'J I'U U
i uoi uii oi u, imiioiUjOiu.
Pliinmiiiiir, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attenjleil to Promptly. Es
iinuitcs Furnished.-
Of Latest Design.
Carpets, Oil Cloth and Mattings
Falls View Afliitiou to Orepu City
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In the last sixty ilays. Examine tho record. Very sight
ly, adjoins tho best improved part of town; also convenient
to the manufacturing part, Don't fail to look at it before
purchasing. Terms very easy.
OlHeo near Tost Oflico
0. V.
a.- J-Jil fcVViVW,!
Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oregon.
iGoodlloiu'ces, Trimmed
a full line of
offers ut
or on the
firm always keer
full line of
collins nnd Caskets always toc
F. Scripture, of this city.