v::f m. v. noM tub tuky or A uwykk anu TH MOT! HOOK 0 A RaPOIlTKU. Bj EASOLAY MOKTU CHAPTER XXV. ItOUUiOOK MAKKS A PlSaU'KKY. MONT 11 litd eluwe.l sineo t ho murder, 1 1 re- maltieil niiito ns llllll'll f " lory a it It a J been in tlio Ik Klitiiiiifi. Theiw ties mitlu'rili.'S wero biitlh'.l In every uiret'inni. .though they c1uiik obstinately to tluir theory I lint Teiutilel.Mi Xt!X Im.l been WiIUhI 1 fur SOUie OIIO else. On his way down lown, on the morning follow lug his walk with Annie, IMhrook had Htopil Into headquarters, ml had talked with tha hfeh olUcial who had mipi'litnl him with ths sample of cloth and tlto dia mond button. Ho hd discussed tlio theory with ths hlvh oiUcial. mid was 1 . ' ' V.Ui 1 1 mm ( e.Uot nml wiU b dl"otoo( tUim.i..iivii I wniit l. xvitlumt diwHuonim'to JiidHo UurUiier cortun e.;. of inv life, which. If knoii b him, onld loan mo his esteem. 1 think I l,llVl it now, und I wish to I'otnin IU Tim tlrst thin 1 would Imvo to con foes would be Hint Churl. i'lorsoii I not my riKht name, Hllhounh I havs bonis It now for tw -eni y )': mvl ,mm' Isl'miolirnMon. I propose to sot dowti here brlajy tho facts, to b. ivad by Judgo IhitktiJ after my death. "1 wit born ut Hod Hank, N. J. W holl about W vein old I removed with my parents to' ri.iiullold. N. J. There, two years, after, 1 married a yinmtr. i;lrl, who ilied at the end of a onr ill Ktvil ,lllh to a d.un;ht.-r. "Shortly after 1 went l riiiladellila, V. ,1,1,11 111. O Ih'OU tho Initio of my hf. ! 1 lfcv;mi, invohed with a widow named ' WcssiiK, with ono child u boy, rhe j forced m into i inurviiK. I iolonlol 'to vlcld. but llw.n uuH'k iiiurriiiKO. j im"upioHi inlni't'T wun iiu tic-ont-j iilico. 1 lied from thin alliance, tiiklnrf j-atv that lifter my lUnt she should know thu ceremony was false. "I tied to I'liiopo, nud while mere mi Americnn. of my liamo exactly, died ill a small town. Though nwani of it, I ai.l no ut lent Ion to it. until I learned through tho Anieilean consul that In ,iuirie bad ben mado by my dead wifo'n robuiveH and bv tho woimitl WcMnlng. ." "n . i ..!..... 1. .,!.-, that from tlin : Tli. n 1 ieri.uad.'d tlio C.Mitll tlmt It w ..... i :.. !,.... tli, iriiiea. mid w ith : invsrlf ho bad died. It waea touo, the information they p.wsoase.1, tho thory was nliiusibly tiried. lie was troubled over his own conceal ment of certaiu things, and wbilo bo felicitated Itimsii'lf inm tlio fact that neither Tom nor himself had said a word concerning KouutiUii. now that it was clear that ho was not tho guilty man, yet ho thought ho oiiftht to tell tho authorities of tho suspicions they bad us to reuipleton's and rouutain's relations Jach other and to tlio dead 1'iein.m. tut what was ho to say? llo was in pi - cisely the sarna l Aouea Uo cotildnt s)vak without brunjlnjfr tho nttair, and if it Wl Wn difliasdl fjlofo iKforo, now hU LfmstiwWi her. and ufter what M prstoJty a promise ou bis part not to mm bk kowledi.- to tho ilis avantno oJ licrsell or rouutain, H was doubly so. IUsidcs, to open himself to tho hi't;h officii w ould be to prove trench Ariins to Tom. So, without revealing any of his thoughts, ho left and went his way to his otllco. Uo dismissed all further con sideration of bis duty in tho matter w ith tho thought that ho was so involved by circumstances that bo could not do w hat seemed to bo an obvious duty without doing greater barm in other directions, and let his mind run on tho joys of bis walk with Annie on tho previous even ing and her charming qualities of mind and person. Thus engaged, he reached his otllco. As ho opened tho door of tho outer room, with more than usual vigor, he was star tled by a loud crash. A clerk bad so placed a ladder that ono leg w as imme diately In front of the door, lie bad mounted It so as to gain access to a row of high shelves surrounding tho otlUri), on which were kept green wooden Uixes, the figures of jnit years, tho names of Clients and of estates w hoso atlairs the olllce had in charge being lettered in white on them. When Ilolbrook had hastily swung open the door it hud struck a leg of tho ladder, nearly toppling over tlio clerk and causing him to drop one of tho Uis.ii to tho Moor, UKiu which it fell so heavily as to burst oh'il This was tlio crash which had startled : for the othet Preston Inul no menus. '! then returned to this country and i adopted I he name of Charles 1'ierson, j fifteen veins had elapsed since 1 left riaituiel'l, I put Inipiiries on foot and i learned that the YV.sMng woman had ! never taken my name. "l filtered business and prospered ' from the Uy.iunlng. I'rom time to tliuo ; I have sent money, through s.'crot j sources, to the woman Wesslng. 'SnK-.e.pieutly 1 bad liu...' had ' ... l .-' WU'lt- ' ".She bad ju d man iod, ut tho timoof my inquiries, a man by tho nainoof ! IViiipleloll-umrried w ell and was Imp j pv, so I did not di .ttiib her. ! "liming my life in NewYoikl mar i rled a idling gill under tho iiiiiuo of I nun: ,in. Siiu tbou,;iil slui bad married ' me. It was another mock marriagu. A I scamp of a lawyer, named Tinker, acted the part of a clergy man. "He bad mo III his power for years, and bled mo freely, until I caught him in a ncr.ipo and held the state prison , jver him. Then 1 wus independent, i "1 lived w iih this woman throe year lit l'litnant county under tho narno of fountain. Then tiring of her, 1 Jis alius, d her mind ns to the marriage md left lu r, after giving her enough prop. I.. ii writes of hi villainy I nd vet tiles to make atnetuis at the close of a long and evil life." commented Ilolbrook. . r "Well," said Tom, hardly reenvred from his astonishment, "the motive ly Ing at tlto tKittoni of the niunler U clmr nough." "Hut who Is the nmrderer?'' "There Ihn tho liiformatlon," replied Tom, itriklng the pair ho hail laid upon llolhrixik's desk, "Hut which? It was not Teuipleton, for ha didn't kill himself for his own benellt. It was not fountain, for we know he didn't do IU H Is either Wesslng, the wxjtJMfslinpsoii or Pres ton. " "I'reslott, What Preston!"" "Whv, JaiuiM. I'tesion tho old drunk ard." 'Y., but w here Is lief W ho ever heard of Itlmf" "Whoever hoard-why Itolil Itar.t I miv, didn't Ir-why, bhws my soull but 1 did toll you, didn't 1?" "You are arlleulaily lucid inul In (elllgenl this morning, not to say ejaeii' latorv." "Hut I say, didn't 1 ever tell you?" "In the course of our somewhat tended and frequent intimacy you have told mo many things and loft untold many others, I upHBO, 1 Hit which particular piece of Information you are ' referring to in your usual perspicuous manner, I am unable to ascertain with out a little more light." "Oh, stow that slblng! you are never so uninteresting as when you think you are sarcastic Hut I say. ilidn f I ever tell you what tho Shadow reported to mo alsmt an old man l'reston and Parker?" "Never, my royal youth." Tout, w ho was too seriously Intent over tho discovery of the paper to fall into tho vein of Ilolbrook, told with brevity tho scene in the old house lit Yarlck street . . The recital soon won lioU"' " "If you had told luo this," he said at Its conclusion, "we would have been well along in tho quest without the aid of this documcuU" "1 cannot for the lifo of me tell how I canto to tn gleet It, but you see, on nir side I uev. r knew, for you never tolil lite, that the mono of Mrs. Tcmplctou1 father was Cat roll Preston." "However, we have the connecting link now, and the qn.wtion as to who is the person is hammed to a very few," "True. It must bo either Vemg, the woman Simpson, or Preetolt." "Ur Parker." "All, by tieoige, lie come Into th game, too, dm-sii I he," " Yes, by reason of bis connection uinl conspiracy with Preston." "Holhrook," said Tom, after a lini ment's thought, "1 do not believe that srty to make her Independent. I had I either 1 lesion or Parker aro In this jiart son by her named Harry fountain. j of the job." "I married another woman under tlio , "Why equally so w iili the others." au,o circumstances, forcing Parker to "Listen to me a moment, lu this pa- perform tho man iugo ceremony. r, I l.-rsou is at pains to state that Par- "lie was my slave now. Myiuiniolu tearing paper Into long ilireus., a ItittHt when Iiu was profoundly thinking, fl natly lu wild: "Tom, soiiiii very singular things In the way of oiuliislous present tlieiusulve. You never told mo of Unit Vurlck slrret Interview, and I never told you that Mr Teiuploton's family name was Prustou. Here were two broken links that we might have joined without the aid of till paper. Now, here Is another omis sion," "What?" mild Tom, with an air of an noyance. "Are you going to make tu cut a pair of blunderers?" " Yo, apparently, We never attempted to llnd out whether Wesslng knew any thing ul 'out the diamond button?" "You always scouted the Idea of Woss Ing being connected with the nlTalr." "I admit that, and I nut going also to admit that I cmmi near forgetting to tell yni that 1 know w ho has worn a pair proololy like them," "WboV for grilcloiK stkel" said Tom Irritably. "You Increase rather than do crease l he poi.!liilii!os." "Kendilek Nohlo, !), you kne him?" ' "Yes, He Is In the situni set as tic grove gii I and fountain, t tut, spiio connectioii can uu niivu Ing?" "N rt nny that I Unns' utust llud nut wln,t hst " ' II,. i N ru UUssMI M r flit tt ity D.M.Ftnnuco. V litt Mm iit t.Mi K1 KvcUmtn in tlx WMitii, ! h'tiUHil'y lllM.i-.itr,,, asy PUD AMI rinlvi ntitivt 'Ml l IJU ,, Siilli-iu, tn is Iv I'M KB I., til iiniri. Ithitr i kMHUfti't tu. tv in Mi, i t ihin vr, Kv. w KlslUKKkU' .,,l.n, Klow.r D, M. .l"-Ml..rillull, ot nnvaco. im oir, MICH Ash. oat h' lilt Wees- ul Hut we lins to say aUml there lu uvo lionr risk, ol, l man, you till ; : 1 1 1 lot lo and ut on.yor, on- nl , K ,( Ti)( ju t.Mts. V uh Ml tll0 knowl,.,! , w po.p ye-., nmv l.nSj0ll, .infiHng truths. Your cllenis are now llmt claim ants lo i, lavgu proH.ny," 'True, That has lHen In my mind to y f n- sunn, time. Why not go up with me? lit this cow two mliuls will be bet ter than one," tot us U on the move." Aft. safely Im-kitiB un ih- , 'I'D be CnUliilifd. A II an lira IauMa Tkts t'IJ ' ef ourj ,1M Uk H.r-!-..Vil.Ni He. aa ictu.es tli Hint. S'l-A(e'i t-rr U.o wluU rslMfiskw, si,l i,iM ,,, UBhaiwerssnsr W. IMM, KjimiM,,, UuteiUf, blow. 'r in, ,. , t vf u. . lh, j'uj Ve?,".TrV' Ai'immwi.k .... i Hn Wt,,. i.. ... . th. ilnu.,..i..illJ, luii,,',, J imiers rssi... , y i. u,n nZinTwn ' tlio .iimr ii., o ssi UN.n id. tuJS (lle. lH,.t. (s llm ihiiiuwh iil .in. W.MHI. sun ,t, i. A rnulw iimL f To cure lllllitHsniMk'sirk llasdselis, CoitsU. psllnn, Mslsrls, fvr ( ,niilaliits. Uke tli sate siulesrtsla romoity, HMlpjIH BILE BEANS T". " ,X ""V1""' Bssas lelhe twiUri. insf us lMtjr vssissr. rrlre r ellhrr slse. r, pv uuitf. KissiHoass I.(.1I1S4...... sii.ii. ,(a0, ST. LOUS MRtlinai ana surgical this inarriago was ,Sunpon. 1 lie w umiih lives in New Pochelle. nnd has a .laugh ter now nkut U years ohL 1 made her independent when I left her, which Was only a year no. "I have a villain of n briKhcr who dis appeared when be was sixteen from lied Hank, and e all thought him dead. Ho turned up live years ago a terrible Vlrunkard- and recovii.cd "te. I denl.il llie ivl.ilion.-hip, but have given him momy to keep him quiet, llo want . rum, that's all. ' "Pallor belie te my pror name is I'ier.son that is, ho ib es not know lotlio ! coutrary. If ho ib i, he las never shown ; it to me. ... j "V,,w "When 1 i-.ud. ad 1 want Judge Haric ot.' r to istali!i.h tho fact that my daugh ter, now M:s. Teuipleton, is my heir. ker had no knowl.Hlue.if his orevitai ife that bo never know that he Imre siother name previous to that of Pi. r I Ht." '.s, I reineuiU r; I see w hut your ! liufcof rvtu-mniug will U'." I "Veil. Now ho did know about tin! lounvin and Simpson marriages, lui my inttkvlvw with him bo was only di f ttirU'd W'en 1 talked of fountain ,Ust was luwynoiigli to know that U ht r ' Wim no ittk .,.,.,-( ,i... i.'.... i. 1 i "h't ct'K'inony, t. ,-ther iK k Liver tSDcnsary ljO' iIKH LAND, ACT JPNK.'I, I j h iii oii n ni.n atho. I'SIIKIi HrtTBS I.AWIl 4lril'R, I dsioion ( ur, Ur feh. SV, s'.l,j NllTlt'K I hereby Hb"" "' 1,1 eoiiiplh nliee ttllli the pl ot Imiiiis of I lie set ut I on uress of Juno !(, s,n, eiillilid "An I Cur the wile of timber lauds In lbs Hlnlf" of tub Ifornlii, th-iyuu, Nettnlii, and tli iHK'"" Territory ," t hus K. Hinder of Porilmid, t'ounly of Mullloiiiii.il, Hlttlct oC'iii Kon.lins thUiliiV llli'd III Ibis olllm Ills sworn sluie nii'lil Ko, n:i7, lor the pnrebse of t list NIC i of Hei'llull No, VJ. lu Tnttitablp N". 'i H. ItiniKi' No, (I H, uinl will oiler pionf I" "Iniw 1 1 ut I llm lam! soiiiibl Is mure vulunble for lis tluilier or siuiiu limn for si'iieiilluiiil pur luiM S. nnd lo e.liilillsll bis i I'llui In idd land lielorn Hie ltinller and llrerlter of nlllei. ut nreu.iu I'ilv, Mr . on frldav, the Hill ilnv of July, N. llo imitifM nn w it iii'Mi'n; Jus. A. fov, John Allen M'"l Win, hield of I'uilliind, Miilluoiiuili ciuiiilv, Or, egiiii; John M.-lmyre nf Hoiolv , ( luekinii loiiniy, Unroll. A i v u l n 1 1 persiiiis iliihuliiK ndvernely lb" sliioe'ileneriliMl IiiimIn sre reqneali'd tu hie Uu ir I'liihus In lliii mill i, on or .. I.,ie siild Illli . 1 1 . y ul Julv, Is'm. J. T. AI'I'KIIHnN, tt in M I i'l ! lb -iilNier. TIMIlldt UMi, AiT JI NI',,1, lw. iii h i: i on ii m.ir t'i io. PsiTt ii HtTrs I.asii drni r, liii,i"S l it v, nr., Man li 1 1, Inm i NUTU'IC Is hereby given Hint In cninil, am'' vt Illi I he plot isIimim of llie net ol I ou ur f Juiui ,'t, IhH. enlilled "Ait ei fur I he nk' nl liiulier hinds lu the Hi in." ul I nl Ifiiriilit, (tri'iiou, Ne mill, uinl SS n-lili')rl.Mi Territory." t buries l oiter, ol Handy, oini. IV iiCt'liiekinitiiM, Hiitle of t)reiin, lias thin idiy lilid lu this nlllee IiIh stturn aluli Inrnl No, lU,'.. lor Ihe pureliiiHi. of ihti I') t ol HW f nnd tola .1 sod 4 of He, Hun No, IS, In 'Jnwit'hln No. 'J Smith. Ituiiee Nil, 7 I'atal, it int will oiler pruof lo in Hint ths btuil Miiighl la mure Wiluiilile ur lis Inula rur ; hi, me limn fur mol, itlliinil ,ii;,um a, siel tn j I'Muhlioh hia elniin to amd hunt liefuie tlie Iti'Klat.-r and Itei elver uf Ihla ii llleii ntHri' i K"i, t'My. tin foil, on 1'iliieailny, Ihe wit 'r day of 'Augtiat, s!i. He iinnocs a vtlt iiieseia; J, A. I'm, t', K. Hhslnr, nnd T. I, I', tl'lKinnell of I'urtliimt, Muitioiuuli l u., ,"(iri uii; J. Mi Int) re, ol Handy, Imi Ioi'ui.b eouiilv, liii'iiun. Anv sinl nil perantia eliiliiilng inlirrwly the ulnae dei't ihed luliila nre reqiieaied lo llie I In i r elninia In Ihla ultliv or Ih lore snid tith ilny of Aiinust, 1 h . J. T. API'fltHiiN, 4.'i lu M i -:i HI. Iti-Ki-ter. TiMHI'.U I. AMI ACT, JUNK 8, Ih;. I oi i i: i on ii in.ir A i io. IMrrn Hrvrrs l.twn tirni k. j t tiiif.i.us firv, or,, Mureli la, iNst.i j Nit Tit K l herehv pis Hint In euinpll. mini ill, iiu, pro. l-ioiia uf I licr net ul t'uie I ;ri a uf June :f ls, -ntit,.., ",u si t Cur llm anle uf liinU'r Inn, la in the alali a uf I'ul. ; ilurnui, iiri'fuii, Neiii'ln anil N nahinirloii leirllury, lima. MaeKiiirn, of 'liieunm, t'olllilv ul I'len e, Hlii'e u WanhltiKlon, lui hlaiiliv tiled III tloa ullie.. his ailoril "laleliii-ltl Nu, P.l.,'!, ha' the l-ureliiihi. u the M: an, I V i'H T lial.il P.sat, Bl.'l Will t)s til The r 205 StCONO STUtlT. Mill T.i.... i il,.,i ik. I.V..1 II i. i si. '., N.V; k.l'f""""' ' '! v iltoISJC.Tlo.,e lhl.ll ..r X 'f '.V Mure' ihe ltefrii, r 'KlVATI-s' lHi:AKI".fi.' "W 'lh''l'i rrt..ii l i .llaidM-a ul UF ,HV NU emilM iet la.uirt .. ri'iiaiitrr !,, 11,111. I lm I llMvsl i'l'SiH mtk 1,1a. hfii t Kim.ii rsiian lbs J- .iiU kass-ir' " i,L ! ru. rv-it "" 1 " " .1" ' ' j fl. . ... . .rlll. Ili.1 I. ... . .1' . m ... . un wai wnni ssi - -. , ,M i,, ji ,n.ll.iv bo tlto lnuntaie or not. wi i . 'r a Hie, kiwtw m' ll lbs ""')' usture io !.... 'ul''-,i"",l"" l'"s d thus pttrel' '"''"J "' W'ssl. IWIng .,,. "If'tablo Slid siigar-ruatml. Iliry ,.le,,t , lBk ,,, , , stsTlllioiitlllnV,:!,,. "Alter many mwr s run ut f-l .M Nv i, ( r-1-.'iioii Nu, 4 Ninth, Ituuirr ulhr I tiail lo ai.,,- liiiile I iilonl'ie lui iierii nil in id pur s elniin tu aai'l it 1 1 I KeieUer ul 11 v. Iltrfuli, on TUt fsilnv, t! 7th day or AuKit, I'l"'. IH names s'a tlin. . ;' V. A. ( itliuru, slid S.J. Weleh of I'lirthoiit Mulluomnb t o., I "WI Sfissssssssssssssssssaa TiMliritl.ANf), ACTJl ftE . I7, nor m i: roil vt iii,m: i io. IJantrii HtAu I A KII rl l K, j (iHS'ios t iTT, tir,, Mnrrh l. IW. ;..iTH'i; Is hi rcliy given that In eoini II sns' ith llm rruviiiuiiis nf ihe ml oll'ou r"a,i of June II, M7, mitllld "An net (' rthu L ol IIiiiIm r Uinila lit Urn Hlntm of I nlllur iilu, tin 'truii, vsdu, und Wsahltiuluu 'r rliui v," juiui 'A'. Tail, of Tucoms, t uuniy of I'ieree, Hlnln of V iisIiIiikIuii, bin this lay Me, I lu Ihl iirlii'i) his swuru alnlii. IIM-tlt No. IIKI, fur th plltehnae uf thr H J-j, NVV i-i Biid H N K (i of Hi'i'lluii No, 22, III Township N". 4 Huiilh, lliintre No. li iinal, ami w III oiler pruui lo nlum lJuit I In land nought Is llinll! vnlllllhll! fur Ha lluiher or alone than fur ngri. iiliunil purpuaea, llllil In I'-liitillau Ilia I liilill to aiiiu , III IM'- (me Ihe lti'i;iler nud lieeel wr of Ihla nlllee nl llri'Kuii I ilv, Or, on I huia,iiv Ihe 7Hi ii,:V of AUKiial isisi, lie Iinuiia lis tn- lieal-eal TllOa, M III alMII'e, ul I le u.lill , li"ll,; I',, I li'inenia.uf (.in vuti Cilv, "r. ; W, A. I a huin nud N, J, Welrli, ul 1'uiMiiud, Ur.; A uy II mi nil pi I'auiiaehiiliiiiif ail vera, h Ihe llhuve ileerilrl il lillliia nil i',IU"ilei lullle Hu ll' i In 1 1 i h III Ihia iillii . on or In hue aai'l 7th day of Au;;iial, .sli, I, T. AITHiHoN, 4 .'t III VI W, Itegtaler, ! 't 1 M 111 it I, AMI, AIT JI'Nf- ', I"'"" I Notice for Publication. t .miKiiHMir.s I. mi Hfi" n In tjuii t il v, i ireixi hi, Mioeh I I, N'uliee la liirehv ('iteli Unit lu toin,l I nine wh!i the pnn'iduiis ul ihe m I ul I mi i gri-as ol JinieU, H;s, eiillllnl "All ml lur! llie sale ul lluiher lands in the Hlitli a ul ( ill- ; lluriiln, I" iruii, Nrviula, nnd WnshlnKlon I farriiuiv," perrvCiiver.il' Itoaa, i iniiiiy nr King, Hinio of V.miilnyliiu. bna , this ilnv filed In Ihla nlllee his sworn j alllli llil lit Nu. V.M, lur the piir.1,11 1 Ihll j N W ol Heet loii Nu, 2, iii Township No. j 'JHoiiIIi, lltti.K'' No. II fii.t. and vlll oiler I i.ruul to ahow lluil Ihe hind auutfl.l i nmre j valuable lur lla IlinU-r or aliin thiol lur uir j rieiilltirul purpna. a, and lo ealnhliah In- rlui uel laiel Is lute the It. ei-ler nnd liniinr ol Una ultiie nil in t'uu inv, irui,, on Tui-ahiv, the ftlh ih.y la'ai lie I'Sliea us Willi! W. leh. of I'urllauil M u in mo i st. Is ins Cm" i lT I'm r or tin nUu aus. run mr. un sir ir t.1,4. Hu,, 1 lium is f Im t um 11 1 Maliiliit I .a 'ii ill ilsrili-l K. I'ril.le, lui Ilea II Hurl, 11. ! w llllaiu II Nurioii, ( Juiui H Surtuli, I Z t, Ni.riiiii, K.I win It. Murom. I ' Kllshatli K H Nntiuii j , lti'li'li'laiila, 1 'In Harriet V rn-We, K,nel 4 1 iiitrma 11. ri'iri'iii, tiiiumii, n. ,,,4, Nurtuii, .. r, NxiI'.ii, Mwin , ,, r.iiniieiii r,. 11. ru'tti'ii, inn t.j 11-inlHiiia: In tun niii iOiif llm HUla til tin,.-. Iii'ri'hjr ei,ioiiaii'li"l niel ri"eih,(i thn l.u'e i'l,ltli-,l r',1111 1,1, I, In Oil ul Hi 1 I'lai'iiin nii'ii a n a 1 1, t leu! niul 1 tiii.i' In llie 1,11,1 l.lii'iiit . "iirl nl llm "tale 1S1 u. l-li. r 1' Uif al; 1 r of u,,y lerfj 'I il'iawur I'lr lo II., 'I l''ii, i'll''l II. B 1'illliSlli, 1 iliiai c Ure- ll!j!l, N. J. M till 1 11 xiu.li l'u nr.; Krsd Hea.rr, nf Hmnly, I lie kuuui" 1 nuiiit, (irrgini; J. Hlurala rK, "I' llnaa, Kb If I ullll IV, WaahliiKloii; sed N. Mera, "I liulhi ll, King t mnity; Ws-liiuv'inii. Anv nn.l nil aruna ihiiiiuiiK" nd veraely the slmve item -ribed ho da nre re iptesled lu li le I heir 1 ho ma in llna ulll, on ur la-lure amd ath ilnv nl Aiiimi-i, ln i. J. T. AI'PldtHi.N. 4 .-42 lo SJ. It' fi-ler TIM It fit l.ANI), ACT JINK 1. la's, OTM I! I Oil I'l IILM t l ltl. fsitr.it Kutis I, s s tinier. 1 Oiiki.u fur, dr., Mn' h 17. H. 1 Nut ire i her'ehy giit-n thd In euiii.iiinee Willi Hie i.ni.isiuiia uf Ihe 11 1 ul 1 01 i:n f June 3, !;', entilled, "An net f.-rtin- nle ol liiulier l.in.la in the Huila uf ( ulilurm.i, in,,, N.-iada. nud -h!liciou leru- lorv." ItetiW'iim '1 iw tiflMoi. I uioily nl t liii kaln ih o-i ul llui neat ri'Ki'liir frill I ..nit. I" wit. 1111 M'llul'iV. Hii III.! A I' lai, ami full llie I , yiiil Ul an tu H,n-,r i. ,I.,IM Uu- lihillllill III , till- li'lli'l ili'in ileh-il In . I A il el,-i- ai unit ,i Oi , I. Hi, nit In iui'1 lu llie (.rui I a.,a aioipli'il lit l ui ol ur"K"ii, in wi 'till, U I allIt llilll uf III,. I),,tln'.li,, uf Z t.' Nrt"li ami 1 , r,,lti. ,s.,r, .Nuiifieuiiuii Nu vie. 1 luie.i .So, e, In, 11 l.nml f tn I III tii-lfi iiii .,(, I j. I. . n sinl 11 in 1 1. i,.,,, j , A r.aai ui " iti.uiu'iu- iiii-ri,i,,t, utit niul ili'erll,i"l aa ,,,h,M H lt . a e, Hit V eleiOi, um in,, I f, i r)llt ll.ii 1 1 lll.es. I - n.-r ul llm .1, , 1.1 thrl.e r,i,l N, elisiii; ,(,,. elinnia. inirner i-.hi ;i .Militiu, j,, ,.1 el!4ttia; tlilllll'U Meat u; .' chill. aiultll in a. eii.iiiia in tn H,..f euiit'iitiiiiif ei;i.i ai ri-, ii,r.-ti.r wtJ auiiftllar, His Irui-iiii-iiii, lu-raiiiij,,,, n,Mirl. liani'i'N li-ii-lu t,i-ii,i,,i, ut wim ,.ett,iliili,K , tint z. b.tttfJU rrrti ..rtiii-r 1,1 piui l-ri-iuiivi h l ul lur la-iilli Ilia iee-ai,,!, Mi n,t ,lt, asi.imi'1 Hie elivi'ioii i- ,,f Aij Ir llm alierlll tu t; S nl yr n..,., (lirtinlill a euii,,Ulnt an, I iimi t'li(lt, lull a. iili-a'ui.if jw'ii'Hi i,e,i ii4 utt ai etvl -U1 llail'lwii'iil lu.l )r X (j that Hie , ill. I. II tliay Ul a.)u,t , U-tf.il iiMlli-r ul arfhl ,rrnil.ei, ,k miii-v iriuii Z. .; Ju.ii- u lull I Hie eiuiraiiei' Iruln Iv i lrf ka,i M Suit-, 11, ui el .,rlii hi ,,iuniit,f. Iien-iu may he iren-.-,l tu la- U vui-l, mi'l i,l 11.1 luri e mH fSee aliuvv millir.l ilefi-ielAiil uu,y i make, i-ieeut mul iteilvrr tn 11,1 j, ilie, I 1,1 (,,live)alien nl ail llirll n, Hint Inleri at In aaMt lueiiioei tit Un, ami Ilia) l l-ii!liu-i l.jf ,, )j t nun lu 11,1 II lur lliein, m,l thsi Ui. may liMve nieli Itntlu-r ami .iiiir f,, lialurv ul tin I'aaij ma)r ri',u. iwj e, ala ami ill.imr.uttit-Itla uf tlilliult 1 Ilia feililieiitl'lt! ul aiiinuiulii i ami j'ir-waiil In aiiunli r nl 11, ,1, f i ju,li.-e ul the al, .11 rmuieil c-,ni i,, Mi til: 1 1-1. A I'klnm .i,, r Ati.mr'ilHi IllatbiU. 'In lilt I'.UMV I'm Kt nr 1 1K SttTI i.,u, inn t.l .1 has ui mi . Ill he M iltar , ileeeiiM-il if the r:Mlr el JulUil i-t; 4ients. ui iirec-i. t'lti, 1 ' ttrV- J. W. Tilt, f Tsitii 11- ..ii... - j 1 " ' ' r'' ,: -'tl eijlll 1-1'-''"l, elaV. .' VVl ilu -n., , iL.i 'i'i 1-1. ,la six- risiuet-ii lutiit-fullitvitlii; 11 ,nie.l ln-ifi.it I.., '' Iteiiiil nun I nw liMrnu, ul I ueuluu, j Mi Nary, ilwi i's.i-,1, ami lu ail uti.an ai t'nillitv nf I'M' H P, Hlnle ul 11 usllllinun, lilis 1 iijr is ui.ioh .1 e. -.iu..,h, , I.,,, .l.v iil.at iii llda ullll Ills sworn stale- ." '"""". " ." . '""ih , :. ,. ", .j,. ,, ,1,,, I,...,. ,, il. ,,l. ' I lo'rell. " r llrmrlil. t.. i la-mi-ni, llielll Nil. P.S.I for Ihe l" "II- nl UH lula f .rll., J, ,;. H and 4. Bi ll X S. -S" '"' ": """ V". I, I ..i,y. J ,,e W ,,e .,) w ' III luwn-,iii N'o- - Hil.lh, I, llliue .No. li un, ii,,i,i.. ul llu- none i,l im-ji V ,,.( -.,l ,11 oiler ri'l to hnw Mini the , es. n nl ),,u bot liairl.) viU-4 ai,J 1,, lalt. w,Ui), ih innril t'jluilble lur Its llntla-r a-l-'iir at llm . .unity l.,,int nl Uit Ktb irtn'', ,..,. l,,r ni, till Ural pur la is, lltnl I lur I Uekamaa e.aiiit), at th. Omr. tofl', ,,, ,.Ja to said hunt ,.f,,rf !'""'"" '"V' t'r.'S"". M -oli,, Ih. Il1: "..'". Liver of tin. ullie,- at I '""..".. !''." -.. t'i-iei 1 , , . - . , . nra: un)-ui oie JU1 lef in ui 1 yun V f 1 tit. 'r., I" " - " ".' al ' M' lla 1 in tn.-- it-, . iu.e-sis : it- . " - ' , .r .1 lai.-.. .. 1... 1 ,. l ... i -a- uiM.rn. ns 'I--- -- u. v..t . r urn l w . :r ...i a. sj . is-,, ia ,,"'1 fred H" f ,4 -.r M years rttsstlenrn with a a reiuiMly f,,r Rtn.lllig I. tint suk.H-a.id r.ni 1 smmlHTuf allinma r..,,..i 1.. .... ' could l, ideittlled with the tie I f I"""," "' "", vvt- l iihnr l ii,lti,', son. lVnco lis dUtui.ity.. 1 1' iT!1 .' J".llr" l""'li m to kmm-lclgs t,f ih, ,,miurA. . TH .iT ..." . ' ,'"''. '"is" pprM iii t which at tlin ting I duU 1 t-l" him. Several of the clerks sprang to j save the box, and as they lifted it up it ftdl apart, scattering its contents. "What papers aro tneyr askeu lint- ji, m iiU papers eftabiii-hing that f;ut troolr, viewing tlto wreck ho had catisnl. j aM(,, U tho i'liemicaJ Uu.lt, m a box ( v-"01d ones, I should JuSc, Tfplied I 1 )10 charietf tbe ttresidcitt, uiarkcst Clark, the tnannging clerk, bettdins over j .r0 Ih, .Wiie.,jliJitJUw.ttU'.r f ib nnlehrnnanf that meksursS UO. ''Xhrtian'r ' v "".' ' i WHO r"v .- 1 o -a aui I",,.,- 'rta oiisj.w Bampeon, iiurooa i.tm a coi.-. tji tjiat b.n, Isi" at escapee Jftlie-r "t!f"MI f"Ftr siiJI CloaftiWVi - "I, ji tv I 4 . Ani60ik., i": , - tv.il small tin box. What U th..' Vsmi.,4 tf ;lbrook. "I don't kno.v," mit the clerk, plrUnR it up. "Iiortk for tss key," finding it locked and tliVkey tiot in tho lock. The ofllce boy pawed over the papers, but could f.nd none. Holl rook took tho Ikix and turned it around anil around. On 0110 end bo saw tho It ttora "C. P." "What can it be?" ho suM, struck by the initials. "Bring something to break it open." He carried it into his private room, and there they brought him a hammer ar: J a broken dining kuifo. With theso lie broke open tho box and found it filled with papers. The first ono ho lifted from tho box was a nolo long since overdue. It was drawn to tlio order of Chui h;! I'ierson and signed "A. r. Duncan." "It is as I supposed," ho muttered. "It belonged to I'ierson und escaped tho boys when his papers wero relumed. t must have been iniKplaced in that box." He lifted out other papers. They wero all overduo notes, drawn to I'ierson's order and mostly signed by Duncan. Ilolbrook did not know and did 1101 care who Duncan w as. Ho turned tlto contents of tho box out on his desk. At the bottom was a largo bluo envoi ope tied with red tape, and eealed w ith red wax back nnd front over tho tape. The tapo was wound around tho nar row BJid then tho long way, no that it T 'could not bo opened without tho seals beihg broken. ' On tho back was Inscribed! "Private papers of Charles rierson. Not to bo opened unless upon tho writ ten consent of Charles Piorson, or after bis death, nnd then only by Judge Hark ner." "ButJudgo Ilarkner died beforo lio did," said Ilolbrook, talking to himself. Ho balanced it in his hand. Should ho open it? Who was to utop Mm. and who was thcro to say nay? And was ho not the executor of J adgo Uarkner? He broko tho seals. To open tho en velope ho was compelled to destroy it. It had liecn fastened with gluo. Tho en velope was ono of tho kind lined with muslin. He toro It open and took out a written . i m 1 1 -it papor. It was a sneei 01 icgai 1 v ten on both aides.' 1 The contents of the sheet had J penned by tho same hand on had w the inscription. It was signed "Charles rierr "1 mp.teal Judge milliter to lulvine S Kw. Teiiipl. ton tliut il I.t my vvli.h that 'g:,0,000 bo given to Mrs. Wesslng, of Philad.lphi.i, if alive at tho time of my I death. :' "That S.'-WX'O b.t given Mrs. Fountain ' If iilt!it my death, and if not then to Iter son Harry Fountain if ho bo alivo, : but if not of a,;e to then bo held in trust i for hint by Judge Harkncr. If bo l0 dead, then thu sum to bo divided eipially among .Mrs. Templcton's children. 1 "That fiW.iJOO bo given to Mrs. Simp ! son under tho tamo circumstances nud ! conditions as the gift to tlio Fountain 1 woman. I "I (le irn aNo that Mrs. Teuipleton hhall pay weekly to my ucaiitp und jail bird of a brother, Jauica Preston, Sad, In the li" '.' that he will soon drink himself tu death. "I 11111 unite roiiM-ious that this Is not a will, hi 11 uoniaii obey tin mi instructions. "Cii.tni.r.s iTuitsoN. "New York, April 10, 17-1." Ilolbrook laid tho paper down, ove whelmed. , CHAITKU XXVII. TOM KTil'ElilHNCKS A SKNSATION AKIN A BIIOCK. T WA3 iii 110 viablo frame K I mind that 'fu turned out off d '. iff v II Ml moil ii- ud d es- ad- un- him luii- CHAPTER XXYmnTi A DOCUMENT THAT BUJOOK 8 a t ii to rend the jumwit so Bio fularly broutrh rto his notice. "Judgo Hark- ner bus freouent- ly urged mo to 1 wuko a will.' I Vk22 tot property has grown to be largo. It now amounts by Un, last inventory to over two million dollars. w m a mm on tho f 0 1 1 o w 1 11 night ho hi deuvored b Fouutiiin. 1 been mint fill, and hi ow had hi nblo to as. through taut tun Tom wJi foot disemni;. and be made up bis ftf'" Hit Jhruok hud not succeed'1' 111 eliciting A thing ,,p vi.h.o from l',,"':'. I'o would ivo U; ,1 nhnli, ii.'ter and confos.Ju'iiiBelf beaten. Tho llr1''" "H'iuIos lifter a feu man wakes i' t'") """'"'UK and ices tho freih "cl,'1!(', 'f tin" day ureiu bluest (Jf t Iwenty-four lioura, nil oil this pillar morning Tom unsJred with .iaii-1 tho old Oniuiri pWosopher's ioiih ipiestion. Life wasit worth Ivlliu. JI,) hro toI hair biouWrt rinlenr. mgtogivc thoniiHwcr niUtionul em phaiiis. J.utbytho tlmo thai ho lid disposed of his inatuLinuli cup of cieo and lit bin cigar tlto mental boiion cleared somewhat and tlio vapors liiriin to dis - 1 ; appear. iiy tho timo bo had volkod a half dozen blocks mid felt tin joy of exer cise, ho bvm to pluck ij somo hope and to manifest n curios as to what Ilolbrook might have to Ul him. Ho by no means anWipated such a soiiHution as ho was t.i ejorlonco. When Tom entci-eu IJilbrook's ofllce I lie lawyer was aim ing rtit of the win dow, Tho only return bo mtflo toTom'ssalu- liil ion was lo blind bier the document which bad overwhelmed him without a word. Tom took it, turned tho paper over and road tho xijrnaliiro and dato. "Tho deticol" m exekiimed, and de voured it rapidly, W "Holy juiupit.-g Jehosnpliatl" ho cried. "AVhatnit nldneainpl Ilowunbluulilng- i.s,t r,cklesal)tt!mmf)1 tilZ M drunkard. ' 1- 4 ("l,m- ' tenyearVanllilU-dUtC,, HTyettts previously. The U, m. w til reinenilier, wanted W a .. Parker that he certainly was brother, because for fifteen years Pb ron nail pahl him money, and you must gly full weight to tho answer of I'urker, that it made little difference whether money was p:iid him because he was a brother or whether it was because he possessed a secret which Induced old I'ierson to g!v itiiah money he was brother enough for thuir purKsea. Now this argues that Parker was not fully acquainted with tills relation, and that he really outer t.Jned doubts of the verity of tho bfotherBhip between the two that tits rdation, if not tho acquaintanceship, bo Uvcen Prestou and Parker had sprung ip since Pierson's death." ! "I see, I see. Yes, your reasoning it los." "Now," coiitlnueil Tom, "whatever f lso wo may think of Parker, it won't do ,1o tako him for a fool. And fool lie would have been to open up this nroi t if Mrs. Teuipleton Is as good P- I 'l11"0"' "y "is own motion. , as her mother was alio will f'K on tlio heels of tho murder, if be nan oecn guilty or It, or Implicated in it. Tho fact that ho and bis client would liavo been benefited by it would hav been too patent, and If he know the rela tion Teuipleton bore to the property, he had every reason to bellove others would know it; and with a guilty conscience would think that that fact would bo the llrst to bo pitched on," "I am disposed to beliovo with you. Tom." "You will, tho more you turn over In your mind that scene in Varick street und my conversation with Parker. I'll send for tho Shadow, and together we'll go over tho conversation again, and I'll write down both for you to study at your luisuro. It is quite as Important to got Ukiso out of the case who did not do it, as to get thoso In who possibly could have dono It." "That is shrewdly put, Tom." reiilled Ilolbrook. "ilut you do not forget Park er's call 011 me?" "No, I do not That call, In my judg- iiont, was to find if possible whether or lot I'ierson had boon engaged in mock matrimonial scrapes prior to tho Foun tain episodo, and of which ho had no knowledge. Now, tako fast hold of this (act: Fountain could only be a disturb ing claimant In tho event of thero hav ing been no provlous marriage. If Parker had known of the marriage of Carroll Preston, tho Issue of which was Mr Teuipleton, ho would not have been at all disturbed by my precipitation of tho Fountain uamo. Ho was visibly dis turbed when I falsely assumed to know, what I didn't then know, that Piorson had onco passed aa Fountain. As for the driveling old idiot of a brother, he is too far gone in rum to have ever con ceived or executed tho murder," "I think you have made out a cuso, Tom. At all events, if the othor lines of Inquiry fail, we have the precious pair to fall back on." "Now, if you agroo with mo, as you teem to, then It follows Unit thero aro only two left the Simpson woman and Wesslng. " "Well, then, let's considor theso two. About Simpson wo know no nioro than this document tells us." "As to that, I'll havo to send the Shadow to New fioehollo to iniiko In quiries. Ilut I want to noto a fuel. Thero aro only left now uudor our process Simpson and Wessing" "And Wesslng was at the place of murder when the dued was dono." "Precisely, There's our first line ol work." Ilolbrook did not reply. Ho was In tent on his thoughts, and was nervously J!0 & '' "inrli. ,,f this inedlelim fur Mm elms -a u,,,era l navB ,,.,". rt , UHKliinlun, llrysn, T..tt. I had tried ulinnst everything ,.r Ulle liver riiiiinlahit l,.u' .;.n r. 1,-f ,llllt , , Avr., I l,',',1" "valuable."-w. K WsumJi, TI J--aal Illinois .t a,!,-,,.,,. Ill " Aycr's Pills '"f 111 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Ma, til 1 sll liniml.i.anj I Iraki. In Uadlclatv 1.UM iSek,l a, A t'v I iilaMoui4le..aajf mumniiv. VK Stl I ''t rl' y' ''- '' -Sawlkir ball--n rnrluS!y "! li, a. an. ut tin I II Ssi.ca, t'ltria . ,r u ami hCj, 1 itrara em. i, Ai. nil kiln) iftowih inituvrtl It.-m nv trl ullt.r Iw.h, f ' .iillr-lrlH r hi'W sVtJIttii im, ur 'l"f I Htr iht-v i'y i r Thn t t-slHi (-il with ttt? M. I.ot tn MmH' l, i-t-x f llr tr t huinr4 Mvilt oil thf fat (lie tM. YDlNti l.lir.H, n' K'ummtit., mtv ii-r uU itum 111 4t h-rt, rituj.tf ati'l I rriVIr on ymr hu, ttn l ih it tm t-iMltil l'tik M'Uk Uixti'f rttr l.vr i U i Hk, 'V itl ifiinnr i(itl fi maitrttt,) a''1 ".r nt IU dutiful I. t imiiIc k it lit st'Tht if" (ttmuh Oir nu-'lu lui mill t v I Int, j i n: t U '. !v 1 1 nit?, I 'iMit.tjH.ilM.it I'ikn. i i u i- Ih i tt( iji A. M,rnjM , mn 9 u 9 I' V. I K MilU i I'irJ inplts l.'ltltn. tr tt ii it t i. li " ' r f' li"(!iitlj;. in Mtiti imui i ' i' vrMiii v i . -.t iv. ,,.(.'. m un: i mV. waammmm iiiinii in i .uv . rr- t . . "-n i i s i - , , . Wl-tiist.. 11... nil.,, .,'. l"l"we .iewrine.1 i: i us un- , -t. Is J. i lti-r-lv i-ste-t imf nf A n i'itid'ilit A I'l'l' l!M iN , lieiiislrr ilie l.',eir . 1 11 1 1 1 1 a III Ihla ulll, e .ill ur la lull' Ullll .".Ih .1.1 V ul Atl.:tlal, I H SI. J. I . A I'l'Kltsi' i, Hun n in itesisii r. an 1 lln rr Kii.ua' eati.r II any riiit, a iter ailuiiiil nnl Imi liiM.lr ,llrrelllin .till MM. tt4i'iuilalr-itnr nl asiit ri-lala tu Utility late ami luteti-.t nf amUilri, '"" st-' " u iiiu f-ni it1.r.j...'i!l.,!r ft nr-mfimj., tlu.1 the SHI-I llee.-sse.l inav tialAi h... I tl! ll,irilllf he! 11 It'll 111.' atf 'UU at Y. L. i t, .-- irti.TT... an, I tOI K i: l oll I'l III. K'A'I !.! t'xiTKii St tis b.sti tint. r. ( Uiiiiiun t ii v, nr., April l:i, Is '. I Nntiee la helrhv iritetl tlml lite fiill.iwillK- 1 nitiiit il settler hits hle.1 null,, i nf , inteii-i tlun In liiubs linul irunf in siiiHrl ut' hia I el. um. nn, I llmt amd priaif nill la- mmle he- i lure the riKi.ier and r.-.eher il lite I'. H, ', 'nf.UKlt l.AM, AIT JIM". I. IS'. .Mint i: roit rt iii.k' t iio, MMlKH y-tATK. I. Mi tll rll -. i f.' ' 'i MM scorn EMULSION CURES AT C0N8UMPTI0H 80H0nJL BRONonrna oonons C0LD3 Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flosh Producer Many havo Rninod ouo pountl per ilnv by itn um. Scott's l''mulnion U not a so crot roinody. It contains tho Btiinulutiii"; prtijxirtios of tho HyjiojihoHjihitos and imro Nor wegian Cod Livor Oil, tho po tency of both hoinu liiriily inert-used. It in uhou by Thy eiciuns all over tho world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold by all Drugglata. BOOTT & BOWNE, OlieoiliU, U. Y. Wlien Ilsliy wss slelt, wn gnvs hsr Csslorla. When alts was a ChlM, she erled fur Cmtorla. Wlinn sits Ihs siiic Miss, slio clung te Csstorla. A lien she hml Chllilreu, site gave tliout Cnalorl. uK'efillS tlniiilnlfi i t.rrilil llvrr, slrrnirllirn II.K illsr.lllr nrnaii., rr,ilalc the l,oel nd are uurqimlril m an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In tnslsrlnl ill.ti let. their vlrlam am Srhlrlv rreusiilrril. na tliev mm. Neu lUtr ,riNl I lea In IreilnK I he sl.l.u, tls.n, llmt pitlsitii, l.lrKHiilly ailnwr-rtutteil. Ihaw auinlt. J'rli e, ll.l eeiila ier kin, KOMI KVHKVWIIKIir, Office, 39 & 41 Park Place, N. Y. -FOR- DRUGS land nnlee nt t livirnn I 'it . I m-L-i ill. un I'li due, June H, lajn.vir: Msllum Itiehnh isoti, lliniiealeml I'nttv No. fn.VI, lur Ihe l )la-.'. I Sinl 4 mi'l NW'i, uf ,iV f, of see IT, T .1 a. I! -1 K. lie nnniea ihe lullmv Ug wit nes,a lu vr,ive ,. i , mln, nuns n.ii!f.iee 'i l u" nnd i nlli. ilium uf, aunl hind, : ! . t. ttnr.i, lei i.iri;iiii, K, .Musnr, st-j.l ill. ArinainiiiK, nil ul' Viuiii. ('litekn.taiKa Ifslisily.or.eii. . J. T A ITI-iHSt -. J' ' S-irtlV.-bl fl ' ,, , liegi Iter. t ;---;7h, xh ki: i on r ,M , lo. I 'lTSnsiTTBIl.,,,,.pi.K, dSKunll I ITV, nr. Ai.iil is. Is). 1. 1 tne liui.i.-r ul tne lir.i Hie iiiTi-iuniiei ,i.-M-rii-i-,i real f.t.i. . eiaim tlml II. II. Jelnniutl, ailmiiiutri kinl . alMte new liaa ur iierealtiir b-.i atfainal aul ir ti at v.-: all a. ,ravnt Uit i.illi"ii ul II. 11. JtihiuMin, a-liniiiliiri sut estate 'Ihoralil real -ri')ierty lit, nerthe.l aa fullnn.. I.i-vilt: I;, eiiMiih. nt a iinint (, 7V t-lmiii. - Itliliules Ve.t frutii the smith ill".! rnrsei I llullattetl l-aiel t i.im nl VS In II,,Iium.i in 1 .1 M, It I h. ul the W tllain.-lt hi-rnle r u nn tn.: Ilu'liev Nnrtti ay .1, rtm atet VI n ! Inst -srsllel Willi the amilli Uiiiiil.ir ! eUliii , v-i elninia theiiee inillh li l.t'ii. a at, .lie. Ilkelie. ttesl li JU elniin. Ul ! Hienee imrlli V is elialna tn s kt,ii; i s.iiilh a, .linreea t est t t I elialll. tn. K the S ept huiiti'lm nf ani.l el.ilin; ihruw i.' liiltmtes It est .'i'i ehnlli. tu rUm a thenee III, rill I.t ili-nri-i a .SI tulllillr. E. elmlti. tn tlin hill hetuet-n '1 i aliil I- tin-nee m'.t nn lemn.hlii line ime rbt tiienu- nutiii ilenifM k. j eUmt Itliv .Yi eli ilii in the uiual Sen 1 run er ul a trai t nf l.n.l tlee,rl lit' iiu .illeo la In-rehy siven Hint u llme.l a. tiler Inis hle.l tlnlle.' Una rt'irmkn linul limul in an n fullutt itlf II ins um afV"N ul hi. in- I ir t'llinil. IIIKl thill atlid lirinil will be mii.ln lM A li. in ill nil I.erMina r laimir. laitil nn-ithuv, a'seriheil laiuia nre fnrellie lteirisleri.ini lieeul in i. A n Bui V. S. Inn, I tie n ninee nl Oriini t ily, tireeut en .Mun,l,,v. ! Ii.lheir riunia in lh .Hit, j line n is'.i, vi: KlImtlT. I'realnii. Iloiue-' said Ml, , si ,f A umil. 1 aienil l'.nra,Jku u ur (i,,, -a; tt ,, fJW i - ' ul Neeliuii II, TMvsssiji u isutilli, J r-nst. lln liiiiiies the hilhiwini! witnesses In I i-i-.i- ma .aiiiiiniiiitia n snenee tllaiti uinl .iiltivniinn -, a, ,,t. Vis : J. liiehev l unl, H llenkle. iiml J. Wt-leh, all l.r I'litinisena, t'lHekiiiiins (inn,) v, nivalin. J. T. ArrKNsoN, In I! iM-l iH-l.l. li.'Kister. tiiit...nsi i irl, t'r., Mnr. li I I, 1 -i.i.i Nullit. ii berehv jriteii thai ill eiuui'li ttiue .nlir he 'ruvisiuna nl the net ul" I'ni,-k'iT-.n' .line .1, ,a;s, eulitIi-,1 "An el lur tliesnle ul iwnber luinla in Ihe Sinies uf I'nl iiurnm. nref nn. Nevada, nnd Valdiii;liiii 'I'ei-ritiiry." .Nulbnit Myers nl lluihell, ill v ill k iln Stille III Wlishilii-tull. litis lliimliiv ilii'il in tins nlllee Ins suin slnte- ejaint line MieillSi.. ll'-ls lur Ihe nn-luise uf till' h 1., ul rs.ctiiui Mi. .'.lit i.iwiisi, i 1 j MeK iiiiey sinl wt( in n.uil iirl. IS-illlU, IJlince r.asl. lin.i Kill uuer ,ruui i (,,, r,l,.,t ,, j,j j-,; ,t tu all. 1V 1 lull t he 1S.I..I.H illicit Is thure in Hume i nf Ihe reennla ul ihi-.l ul si,tll',i lur its liiiiln r nr iHm.e than lur ak'rietillitrnl ' t nuei,, ami Miin m .nemo: tiirnr. t I'lirinis. -, nnd In establish bis elniin In said 1 ifnit sml :s. umiutea Vt.st un tstrtrw: nnd hed.r.. the Ue.jt.ier and 11. . eiver ..( , '' M; l-"H.ti tr.et i u laf .i .,, . ... .... 'l-.,... i.... 1 "'! ntstit clitl: ISeiu .' NuuiluiieMi-rlr : i us n uiv, ,.i . Kuu ii , ' ' iiieiuulera ul Mhl rtirl tn tn Interna Ihe ,'ilti ifny ul Aitcnai, .s'.l. lie tin s Hs ,,. ,,, MlIh ,)u, ,, ,!,(,, n,,,. iran Kiliies-U'S ; N.J. Mekti nf rorthtinl. Or, ; n tlie si.t.1 'rimti.lrin line tu llir lmr lerrv Stiver, of J.oss, Kinr (inintv, Wnsli-iul tlie aaiiie with llie Kunthwekterly to. iiiKhtii; r ted f-nnv.T nf .s.'ily. I hieknnins I line ui aunl m miiu-t claim; thenet si- nii.tv, Or.; it ml J. Stiirala-n. .'I It. .-., Mux :"''.' r. uu j.e einiu line w. is. l-.mitlv. IVashinttiitL I T'l" ' . . . "'.. " ru..'' , lent f.Miml reei,rl-il nn isire ss.c. ..f li-e,la lur atiht t'iniitty m It, 1 Stale . lli.llf. i. il.'itreea VI i-M l, aehaiiia Mantou, r null liuiniiUrv line ul aanl A. f. h J. T. A ri'l'!. ? S iN. i .'I""" : lltenee Ki at nil cite in line 1,1a . 4 lai.. j 9 nii. '.- i, eeister ! 1 1; im',". sunn i, viiain. unpai ' I'll' adversely illl-se. til , i ur liefiu I ' -no i m i: mm TARIFF LITERATURE FOR ALL The A M mi um i I'lttrritfTi v k Ta li irr I.kaoits Is llllhllallllltf H llliwt Ullllilhhi aerlisi ut I'm IlT ilm iniieiila. Tli.wi are ins'i'iinsl with a view to stale the f ants anil arutiiiients fur l'mUsi. tlnn, whether In tlio Interest tif farmers, Minimi's, inereliniitx or irifiwlniiiil nmii. Knell laaun of the series amieals te thnaii on. SiikisI In si'iiiinite IniliiHlrles.niKl presenniiii. input ii I ili rants Hiiiinirlsniw of wimea, eiwt of livliiK, anil ot her argument! showing tlie liellelltsuf I'rotiKitlun. Any slitgla nnti will lie sentnn reeelrit of I emits In alnmps exiiipt " Winres, blvlng aud a ii. in, wiiieu win lie mini, mr Willis. Thuwlmlo Hat will be sent fur l.leetitsnr any twelve fur 2ti cents, or any live fur 10 cents, puslage pnld, Order by uuuibur. NO, I'ldltaL l"Witiai, Living suit Tsrllt." R. A. Hisrs- Huns ,. in. S-T1im Ailvaiiluneaof I'mteoim'Tsrl's'io tin. I.ultor ami IiuIiiHtrlni .if the Hlalea." Klrat I'rlie K..ay, 18S7. Cbaw rnllli It. IlKNNISII , ,. 8S " Iliiinu rruihletliin Iiii1I.h.inaIi1h Ui s Slip, ply, nt Uiw I'rlni.a, nf the Manufni'lurisl ',,1,1 in. ,,ll I lua ri'ipilreil fur the I'euple of ' the Wlilli il Hlalea, anil Ailisniate llimie rriallletlnn nf tliean CulniiiiHlllli-. liiiiiiie. .Ihle wlthuut s l'mttH.'tlve'1'arllt," alrat 1'rl.n Ka.ay, lass. (1. D. Touo., SI 4 " Wlmt are Huw M alerlnl. 1 Wmilil ifroe Haw Material, lie Ailaantiuionll. tn the latlair sml lllitil.trli.. of thu llilllvil state.." Unit 1'rlr.H Kaanr, ISaU. Ilusiull I Unix M 5- "fsllaeli'a of Free Trail". ' K. f. Miij.h!T. II 'Hume Vlnwaon the 'I'urirr by aa Old Uual- lie.. Man." tlsii. tllui'KH. 89 T "The 1'r.itiietlveTarirri lu Ailvautaire. for thnHoulli." 0. L. KliWAMiai., ....,. M -"Tlie Wonl Intere.!." Juils" Ws.I,.wiwea IU a "I'mtentlnn ... Vrue-Truile." Hlauirloal Itevlew. I, ti. IIaiihim.S SA 10- "The Karnier and the lurlfl " Cel. Tuoaas II, limu.sr , u 11 ' 1'niti.etliin us Public 1'olluy.1' Uicouus S IIIII1T.VSI.I , S M-"Ili ply to the I'mahient's Free-Trade 11m- .IIKI'." It. p. I'uiiteii 1 IS" Work Inininn ami the Tariff.'' 14 "The Vital guiutliin I Mhe.ll Amorloun Imlus- ti l... he AlnuiiloneU end American Mar- krt. Slirrenilerwl I Is hiiine In tliirinan, with Addition... i llr-" The I'nniress nf (me lluudreii Yekrl." HntlRIIT P. PoaTKit a 17 "priitei'tlun fur AnierleailHhliitihiff.''. .. s lsuTlinTsrirrM.)taTal." HuMiciilt. Pniieu',' i 111-" Why Itiahmuu Should He I'mUiiitloulaU " i , i "I'rninellon." K. II. Ahmiixiws X l-"Wlint la a Tariff?" Amwerstos Alorkini. ' liuin'. giuiatlnn... , 1. t!-"The Anitiiieau Wool Indudry." js. ii, ah- , mnuws . , s jn "Wages and Coat of Mvllnr." J. I). WltSt, 4 M4 " Knul horn Knrinliirl Indiiairleii." . ... Z !!!" A Short Talk to V. nrkliiKlneii." ,, I WO" Prutnetliiti and the H'tu-Juer." UetiaUir 8. H, CuiXOH lg'' The Amkhkun BensnatsT, weekly devoted to llie alMnuHKliin of alt phaaea of the TarllT question SB syiuir. Hiiniiileeoiili,. free. AdilreaeAfnerlran Proa teetlve Turin League, Sll W.SUtl Nt., New Vsrs-' III!., III! I MPKTV ,,i WlwnsaMsHsts f l fjfra?ffil una nnt I'l iii.ir.t i io. I'NITItll KTATtS l.tXIllltKH r. I HiitijiiN I'i rv. Or, May I'l, IsinJ.i Nnli.T la hereby jtheu that the fnlluW in;. tallied sen ler has tiled liuliir uf his inlen ttiin t.i make llnul pruui' in upairt nf his I'hiiin, sit I lluil , mul will Is. untile Ik- i lure ne liepMer IM lieeeiver nf the l S. 1 .! t II I . . ... . 'iiue ut .in'L-illl I V Ills., ,,,11 lay, .Inly H, In (I, vi : ' Allien ll'unl. Tne. MI7, fur the V 1. lluliiestcm Mitre ut ,111 .1, uf See. t. Ti, 4 S II .'I .'i II., unities the InlluHinu illiesses to prxvp his eiiiiiiniiniu resiilm iv tiputi ami enlliuitinn l. xiil. I lund.vi.: V. lleiiiniiii, 1''. Miielmk,., .M. M.ielinkn ami J tiruasmiller, all nf .ineniiKe, I lilt klliniuH enlinlv llieenn J. T.'Al'l-KliSON, M " lteKisler, GO TO G. A. HARDING. Mm OTK'K I'OH 1I III.M ATI. l'NITtcn HTATKS I.ANn Oi-rn-s. I ..,,,.,. , "itmioM firv. Dr., Msv W. Min. Milll I'. 1 hereby given, llmt the InHuwing nameil aeltler hna Alr.l nmlee uf hla lutuiitloii lu iiiake tliml pruof In an,, ,,,-, ,la ehilm, ami tlutl aalil proof will !.- nt, bu. before the ll.!.i.. sinl lteeelver.it the II. S, I. mi, I oil,,-,, tiregmi I uy, tlreiotl. nil 1 lnir,l,,.- I,.K. 17 lum i.. Itulnml ilrlllitl, II L-. ..'.. ..'.'. ..v.' , '" ",,n-.,-n,, e.uuy, is.i. ..soil, Inr the H'l'HlV. nl a, ,1,1 1,,,..,., I ., 1 township 4 south, range . real llo names the following witnesses lo prove ma eoiiiliiiiuiiK rrshlene,, npm, ,111,1 cutti vHttmi of.iihlliuiil vl:J. T Kvnna, J. K. Lewis. John Unvla uinl V III 11,11,1 all nl k-..r... ei...i... ""' etiniily, tirrgon. ftl-ii j, t T1MI1KK 1ASII, AOTJI NK S, Is;.. Notice for Publication. 4 KITKIl HTATKS I. ..Ml Omt'l, I Ir, i;uii t lit y, t in r, in, Mm-, h l.), JS'lit. NOI'll'i; is hert'ln civen liuit in euni'li stiii' Willi tli .m isiuns uf the net ut I'un gts.ss u June :, Is.'s. eniiileil "An net lr Ihe sne ul liiu lur I viid. i.i Ine (slates ul (' ul ifurnin. t ireL'.i .,t, Nevada, and Wa-sliiiiKt.-'li lerrilun'." .Iiillitts Sjursheri.' uf linss, ( niiii ' nl Kitic, ."sinte ul U h-Ii i iiL.-t.,ti, has this day tiled ill Ihis nlllee his .atnirn atllteineiil N,i. I.H.I, fur Ihe plirvbnse uflhe lots I sinl '.'and S ,, X V. i ul Seeliun No. I, ill Tnw nsbii Nn. 2 Sum Ii, Kane Nn. t; , Kust, aial will teller Ja-unl" I,. slui.v Hint ihe linul w.iikIiI is 1 ituiv val'.iahli. I'. ir its liiiiU-r j nr slune lli.-ui fur strrieitltt.rtl piirpuses, an.l I In estnlilisb Ins elaiiu In said land helnie ! Ihe l!et;ister 11 ml lieeriver nf this nlliee at ) tltVlSUII t.itv. tlieiilll. .111 Tnnvihie lh... ',.!.! ...I ui ..u-iist, 1,1,1 11,. nttmes its tut-iiesai-s: N. J. Wt'leli, . rurll.iml. Dr.; ', .-1.1. r, ui iiii., rt ins; t niintv, aslinutin; N. Myers, til' Hull tell, King t'nniitv, Vnsli niklun; uinl Kred .Seaver, uf Sandy, I'laek llllllls t'ounly, t ir. Anv nnd itll eraniis eltiiminir, ndverselv the iilinve-ile.seriln'ii liunls .nre iviiicsted iii hie their eliiiins it, this uili( e un ur In liire Mini fml tlnv nl Vnusl, IH'hi j. T. a rri:i:soN, Ki'i,ster. nit MeKitiiev rliiiin line- thence rut lilt nil the Ileal liultliilrt.-v liuenlMlil 1 llminse eUliii; thetiee Snnih'tn tne pUr., giiutiiiK, ejut liainu j'.u aerei. ninrenrler l.noe by nriter ol the llu IV. L Whw1 ul anlil Cnltrt. llut...l VI,..- It lh.Nl Wltnesa iny Imiel ,id seal of Conn ihla mii day ufilsy, A. IL, II. IL-t'll-s-O? ;iilUllvt: ' Uy W. u HtTieci Al-PKltSDN, Iteglster. "Mtffc1 OUTOF ORDER. NCIVHOMESEWING MACHINE G.QRAWCE.MASS. " - 7 - ,1U tllHUN OIJUflKt.N.r.- USLLSS, IL ATI flWTfl na 1 TEX. n FOB UEV. ONLY! PTTflnr)53K"' loaror failikj airiBooiii Ml llan.ral and NKKVOUS DI' Bll.lTVl fi. niaiyarn aim.', ritrrts 11 .. nM. um n a,,,, u,r, , , ,j4 So,.t.aa).tiBlVKI,ol'SIOlll,4.4laol Alllll" Sh,i,l.l.l. .ahull., IIIISS lllMTNST-K.a.St. ! . l.r Adlrm ER taBOIOAl, CO., tUHPALO, N. V. I"THE ENTERPRISE Job Office Is tho Best. Try it. I-.'t '.iii lj-Ii.,VJ ill neIV 1 .O in i; roil 1.I.K'TI I I'MTrti STATa I.anp Ornri. inimins fiy. nr., M'ty Svl .Nurti rl lirreby giya Itisl the wl" va.i t tns ille,'i."H'-.' ot hi, ,,,1,1 ,'J.. ,':." I, s I.. ml oiIm'c 111 or- U lili'iiiute. '''''"'-,H,IK::!r.5. aiilimstUM 4 ".i.n" r,ul:i' 4 ens ile OH ins'. :,e lti,. I,l emit li,u,.t.'ei.l..i.e iiih s 1 .1 0 il li ef ailhl 1. Mid, A': J- I'- ',"'' J 1 v Ma t furrliiaii.Ml'avIs, sll of t urru'"'"'1 ""ir'fUITtWS,! I'ilv. Krmik for tlio -rjl) 1 ivi rHRR, Mni i:t npitht-tion lo A, UsiMtt. M FifUi Aw. Ntf 1 The Nuw Remedy, - - Absolutely Pure .A. G-.R.ET SUCCESS' Thousands Already Cured Wllihla ejlljr leu Inoinlia this truly remnrlahle nieillclne li found II' 'f m.o tne very eesi laiiitnea, nes-nitse II .1 list, tiiksi.'k. No dlaeaw ttr en ul' lo realsi lis womlerfitt altaeks. It costs uuOiiiig to ini't.ligsl. (or hook eoiita.'nlng lull Inlnrmstlntt. It t II I 11 ' TUS It4I- 1.11 I I It 4 0.i sass Tlorrioon ., a0rllnnd.l r.t liilve A,.uia 1 " I'Ut'k Unas Cotim.v. THUS Clt AKMAN A SON, Hi egou City, Orel1 r-.-- nn,, Ivi!!,), 'SiviiVAi vj 4, It OiljllllXOt ."o" chiM "i r1? 1 w vt r1 r"!,le uiHto. Muitiren Inlto it w itlir SI vt'ort. !y dmints. rri BsMPFWa)J'TS E.L8. WAKKEN, -a 1 JAS. LEFFEL WATER WHEEL Guaranteeing More Powor, using Lesa Water than any othor Wheel, and the only Tur bine that will work successfully under High Heads, Guaranteeing ECONOMY AND DURABILITY t under Heads from 3 TO 300' FEEL 'IfaHlS Ah Vf- -M' V. : w "-t: f t'r 1 1 - - . ,. ."'l f.'.. ft rm1. . '. .s- 1 . i..", ...-la. ' . ' a: jj. Wj'lk-. '"'. ' ' ' tY -a? i f 'J..1II.SL ,.- - ?,'" , h ' -;" - JlfalVi (':' ,4 "VI Ii, I-..'.' W ... li iV',1.'. av V" v v vi in " ; -';K ri 1-' .4' fi'-..' . tu 1;: . .V I , ' . T"ll''''",r''SWlSWllllUwmatfMiaeeM.a--. . , . : ' ' - 1 t . a o no LintrtTy st., j i.r.w YORK. .r?diae..ia iJ tn 1 r V'KjriGFIE'-D OHIO. ti an ?-S"1 A .1. k.t:. -inmrnii. 1 1 3 Lr . t n It I " ,aS VV.i v ' -tl IS 4 -9iHtMffrmtu . waaqjsr. vjswswsmr