The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, June 05, 1890, Image 3

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Mil Voto of CliU'kmiias Co.,, Juno, 2l, 1800.
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Money to Loan.
In umn of mm to IM.OOO.
I Ja 1'. Khaw,
1 Heal KHtato and Financial agent, Oregon
I City, opposite 1'ont ollice .
Park l'lace in Popular IT.-jii ty.
s Park l'lace in Popular Property.
1 Notick iH hereby inven, Unit tho firm
of l)rn. Hickman A Kolierd, PhyHician
and Druggiht, at T'luckaman, Oregon, in
hereby iliHHolveil by mutual coiiHfiiit.
lr. UobenlH Vi;tiring. Tlio bilHincKH
will be continH by Or. Hickman, who
will pay all debts against and collect all
billBduethem.. ,1.11. Hickman
H. L. Hoiikkdh.
Stflekliolileri' Meeting.
NOTICE i hcriiliy (tlvwi, Unit Hie miniial
metlni( o( the itiHiknolilHrx of thn (jrcviin (;ily
MHiiiiIarturlnK Coinpiinjr will li Imlil l Ihn
nlllneol IheOiHimny In Ori-on ;ity, (room 5,
Clmrmmi Muc.kl on Hutiirdny, July laih, IXUll.
at III o'filofk A. M. ol milil (lay, ("r tint piitpoie o(
electing l)iri.-e director of Die corporation In
nerve for the eimnliiK yer, anil tramactlnir
Much other uimluciK an n.ay come liclorc the
meeting. M, A. HTItA'ITON, Scc'jr,
Oregon City. May W, 1MK),
The prevalence of scrofulou taint in
the blood i much friore nnivernal than
many are aware, Indued, but few per
nors are fitte troin it. Fortunately,
however, we have In A yer'n Karnapanlla,
the uiOBt potent remedy ever discovered
lor this terrilile anlietion.
. vti v.x- ;-- ! ' r.-' ''"I"0!': aWtothat hedid nit mS, ma tf3 attiM ma .k.. kih .i.-.. .famirt. tiMeMr L" n4.nd He'
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IliMoepHia ciuiHOH depraved blood,
which, in time, n fleet every orttan und
function of the body. A a remedy for
these trouble, nothing can approach
Aver' Karsaiiarilla. It vitalises tho
blood, HtreiiglhenHthe Htomach, and cor
reel all disorder of the liver and kid
neys. I. H. l)oten, Justico of tho Peaco nn.l
merchant of Iiristol, 111., Hay he can
recommend Ht. Patrick's Pills. "I have
usod them," hesavs, "and know where
of 1 snouk." Anyono troiililnd with con
stipalion or billioiisiinH will find them a
friend. They are prompt ami certain in
their action ami produce a pleasant ca
thaitic effect. For sa 0 bv (. A. Har
ding. Never hud a preparation a morn ap
propriate name than Ayer'g Hair Vior
When tho capillary kIiiikIs become en
fecbled by disease, age or neglect, this
dressing imparls renewed Hf-ti tho
hcalp, so that the hair assume much uf
Its youthful fullness and buaiy, I 1
The entering wedge of a complaint
that mav Drove fatal Is often a slight
cold, which a dose or two ol Aver'
Cherry Pectoral might have cured at the
commencement. It wouiu db wen,
therefore, to keep this remedy within
reach at all times. ?
Mamma (to her little bdy). "Now,
Bonnie, if you'll bo good and go to sleep,
mamuia'll give you one of Ir. Ayer's
nice Biigar-eoated Cathartic Pills, next
time you need medii;lne.Mi Bonnio.
smiling sweeting, dropped off to aloep at
once. , I
Park Place is Popular Projierly,
, i - - ). .,.. ....i; ... . J : 'i " ina ui ions i,. hm uu.mi iWti'-"! Snu drM. n ii 7r
hi 1 . 11 ij , ..I. 'Xl.Ti 1 'W1'
Homo Httpponiugs.
I'tiiH 1'lnro rtiMilnr I'ruwMy,
- Vii k him tinijmi n tli M
HiMiiy Smllli uml rturuHl
toSini Kmnrlnoo lunl S(iirvltty.
I'r. YaUo, lutuly (rum IVniiKylvuiiln
linn oxmukI un ulllce In tli city.
. V U'turU Sltukftiittlittr tlloil yUr
ilay Ht hoi' honi ntr Mllwiuiklo ol ty
tliulil imtliuU.
K. It. rimiiimn U movliiK. He will
Mora IiIk Iiuiihi'IiuIiI kiiU till IiIh mm'
Iiiiuno it COIIIiIoUhI.
-TImY. 1'. 8. O.K. o( tlm Bptwt
clmrcli ro talklnu up n cioumion on
(ho l out It to Mtilliummti 1'uIIh, '
Hy tlw ovi throwing of lilsmrlugo
on iH'ouintliiri Uuy. A. T. Ni'liociiiii,
wl( hiuI I'liiKI woio MurlotiHly liurt,
1 1. King m( the tti-lwr, Mului,
l.'iili r, who Inn hwn vlnitliig II. C, lluw-
li'y, ol UigMii, wiw h cttlliT yoHtoriluy.
Mr. J. I'rlileuux, ol Milwuukle, nJ h
hkiighti'V, M1h l.llllo, rtiturtind UmI Kri
luy from a very (iloanitut trip to Vin
ton, It.C,
The Imiul wUIipi to kuow 11 miy-
thing l to be done nhout the Fourth In
Oivgou City, M they wUU to make n
engugimint vNiwritre II nothing ie done
Cahu or Tiia.nks. Th Indice o( the
W, t'.T. I'.doelre to ripreee their thmtke
to nil who cont rlbutiHl! to their ttlnncr,
und eiHeiitlly to Mr. K. K. Willimin (or
the line o! hie (mil, ling. Hy orvler u(
At the rcni leuce o( tiU purcnl
in liurllold, M.iy 'M, lSiH), ol dropny ol
the Imnrl, JIkhtik, ngud 17 yeeie, eon ol
S111. uml KlUitU'th Wiloox. Iturtie
wui vorv bright mul good boy who will
he much iuinnid by hi mwoi-iutii. The
fiincrul nit t-oiidtiitod (rom .ion clnirrli, LVi. n n gmln; f0 In lull wheel;
Ucv. J. V. I'uhuutoor ollli lnting. Lgo orcheid; one-bull mile to depot ;
tii.AM. m.L.-Thorw will U.grnd NrUnd;phue wll welorcd; bu.i
hulUt Wtttte' hull ncr the CleckiimiH " ' 1,1 "
llh Imli hei v. MavAeounty. 1'rlce Term ey.
U. All an invited. Arrungeiuente art
made lor a Hint clan party. ThU ht1
i imw iimU'i the miiKciiH-tit ol -Mr.
Wutlvwho will do nil in hi )miwi'U)
uiukii thiiiti pleaunU tloo-l muei: hat
Nrn sriuivd. '"- '
- - .
IUm Ki t union. Urn 8uturd U
Himito went to Salem currying tl Uiltl
exrumion which nuuibdred ftlut SOOtijr
the time it reached Slmr, Tt l.t
" " 11 rt','1",vl The l.t
"v '.' ut h,f 4kAHo.4v,0l
leUy Utey had to go
Inline The excumiunuU bait to tuy all
iiikIiI and did not get borne till Sunday
ultcrmiou. They all, and the lutrel
esHcially, weri-Jmuch pleel with the
kindue ol the Salemlte.
Fiskkt Hi 11. pivo SruN. The Clack
uniim llitlf Hand Stone Compuny with
a paid up cupitul ol tl'.'O.lxkl hit just
Ik-ch iiicorptiruted with it principal
elhcu in Portland. The oilicer ol the
company are I.. M. Cox preident, N.
Shaiimiii vice prenident, Frank Hunch
wvretury, (ieo. W. Ogden treasurer, and
Henry Stani iiperintendent o( the
ipiurrr which is located two mil- below
tingoii City on Ut Clack aman river.
Frank Piim U wtr hrrmi-t a (In
nample ol tlwine, wjilch it a rich buff
wind utmif idmlrabl flttej lor ue In
Hm- ImiMIWK Tt lilts been l.mnd by act
ual ten to tund lire and usf. The
ijn:,r: as now o-netl i on the top ol
the l,lntr ( which the stone i cut III
any desired ni,e and hipHt, The
stone cut pvrfccly frte and I brdly
to U fxcelled for building purpose.
It i without rtnnM destinetl tu prove a
gn'nt industry a no other ipiarry ol like
kind is 10 convenient to ( rcgon City and
1 11 k Ai.ros a. I Ins lienutiiul new
stcuuier, made her trial trip on Mouduy
to the complete sntisfaction ol F'ngllieer
II. Campliell and bur owner. F.lectioii
news and the tax sale prevt'lit our giv
ing this boat the mention ol which It I
worthy, lor her running on the Oregon
City andl'orl land route mean a great deal
(or this place. The bout is a handsome
us a picture, is a like her model as
coiil, 1 he, and is built (or last running.
She measures PJ7 feet and 2'-' loot Is-am
and draws but little water. She I llttcd
up on purpose for passenger tralllu, the
cuhiiis being Heated with line assembly-
room chairs all convenient to line large
windows from which the scenery can be
seen clearly. Outsidu ol the cabin are
rests which stilt leave room for person
to pass between those itting and the
rail. Altogether the boat ha seating
accommodations loi over 250 irons.
In (rout o( the cabin and just beneath
the pilot house is the purser' olllco
where you must nettle your bills. The
pilot bouse contuins, beside tho pilot
room, the captain' private apartment
and two state rooms. Her speed on the
trial trip showed that she is capable of
making the run from Oregon City to
Portland in considerable less than an
hour. She is a credit to her owners,
and especially is II. Campbell, her de--inner
and builder, deserving of credit.
At present The Altomi ha taken the La
tuna's place, but shortly both will be
running so as to make quick and fre
ipienl, communication between this city
ninl Portland.
Tho children of tliol Congregational
Sunday School will give a concert next
Sunday evening. Pains have boon taken
to make tho program an Interesting one.
All are invited.
Letter Idst.
The following is a list of letter re
maining in the postolTlce at Oregon City,
June 5, 1800:
Armstrong John
llrnines H H
Hoy lea Mary li
Kramer Emma
Corbin J (!
Campbell Morison
CahaM Mrs Kutn
Cook W U
Dunn Davton
HufTinen Louise
Howard 0 O
Jones M D
.liimos Mrs Capt AL
Kellogg Lena
LawrunceMrsKate C
Lane H
Leooner 0 I)
Nichols Alfred 2
FrindrickFromiiiikorPoase Chns 2
Foster Arthur P0I1I ltudolph
Fallen Louise Tuckor II O
Tillotson Levi " Wisdom Mary
Urahain L K
When called lor please ay when ad
vertised. J. M. Bacoh, P. M.
Park Place In Popular Property.
WM ' I' ! m
fnrJ of llutuli.
We tuko thin inoiuie til thnnklng tho
nmny Irlwmln who eldod, romforleil n ml
vunnvlhliO'1 with im In our ullllction
and berea Yemeiit.
Mh, N. W. llANOAIt.X I'AMIt.Y
RAND.A ' At I'' h1l"e In thla clly ol
hnnrt ile''e, on rriimy, way ,w,
m, N. W. lUiulull, iigod (Jfi yome,
!l month fcfi'l lll'ly.
N, W. Huuv'ttH w born In MudUon,
Luke cmintv, tl'k Kebnmry ll,IHi
but itt un wiiily it(i mov it with hl per
enl to Milton jiii "'' " "Hiity,
where he lived (ill l W yer of
ge, when he iwved .t Jwkmtiivllle,
HI. There he 1m muiVled In 1SIH to
HiiHunn Teylorf who uitJv him.
Four yer eouompum'ed by hi
ftunlly, huiUrUl ftoron the jit.i for
Oregon, lie lk ft flulm In Chu'i11"""
county mid hioYerlnoe been ft roeln'ent
ol lliu county where he held niimorov"
iiohIiIoii ol liAior and triiNt. Ha Nerved
ft toctetury y the Ute grange, coun
ty Judge, erveyor, echool uierlntnn
deut and lvniii a teitchnr. Ho had
been in pir health (or eoine month,
nd lor 3 AiMk tt wa evident that he
wmIu1I1ii lleave 11 wllu and live
chlldnn I mourn hi departure, The
(iinerftl n Hundy by the Moii u
couuiftiiM by the Odd Fellow w very
largely I tended.
j New To-day,
A xte ol two rooinx to let , In Jaipur'
tiulhllg xeiir court houm). Apply At
K, o-MrOowH'i oltien.
Notice. !
1o knowing theinnelvee Imlobleil
to t) Arm ol Miy I'ooVe nmt rU t
NJitt'e eteble n.l wttle without lUy.
TlIleHiml. May I'ookii.
KOU H 4 I.I-..
nw) ..i,i H uitlcii lrm city ; Idtlculll-
i acre bent laml in me coumy ,
cultivated ; bovine and bam ; price .'lOO,
110 are 4 mile liom town: 40 !n
cultivation; 2 barn; box Imiine; nice
orchard; red p"' l'u,l"i '',"", n"r
Iwneei price HUM ThU I one ol tlio
beat Wialn. ' I'1'"
s : See Here I
Vv r'c.luree-Awiithnol uih r..
Oregon Ciiy. JltieJg J- W. tlwit'e
building, :'xl l, ,u a one story ad-ll
lion, 2Kilri, conUlijug ix comlorlvble
room all wall paperM, I lull, I ntry,
I clothe room, 1 w.ll draiurd iIUr, 2
porches, all llnelv linisVd. Also, good
well with force pump, bn, Iipii Iioioo,
wood abed, 30 bearing (mil liees, patch
o( straw heir ips, etc., and bilance o gar
den laud in An cultivation.
At'ti. Kuii iirs, (on ib pluie.)
Take Notice.
Parties knowing themselves imlelitnd
to Cooke. Pros, must call immediate)?1
and leltlo and v cost
- Cook Cuo.
1 Or. A , Willurd, Hall' , 1 1 ynic Hi-
Treatment forth permamiiil 4ure of dl-
t'AseS without either medicine, electi icily
or costly appliance Work In lerlecl
harmony with the law of imloie.
r",s4. MicriM-oHiii "extra" which
give the history ol the physiological
discovery. Send (or circular at my ex
Hns. Price o( Health Pamphlet I ) 00.
AddresH, J. W. Tiioms,
.Mohdhi. Or.
Ilurklen'l Arnica Salve.
The licet Salve in the world lor Cuts,
itruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Hheiim, Fe
ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chil
blain. Corns, and all Skin Eruption,
and pistilively cure Piles, or no pay re-
uiireil. It Is guaraniiH'ii to give is-ncei
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
;'fi cent jier Imix.
For sale bv (i. A. Harding
It Is unicitaiu whether Chicago or
New York secure the tireat Exposition,
lint it i a lioaitive (act that Itludhilder
i tho infallible r dy for all blood dis
ease, and is a safe, sure and reliable
lctio.Sold by E, II. Caulleld.
They kuow how to cure rheumtism
in IVniisvlvania! Mr. J. E. Mrigham,
a Pittsburgh clgur dealer, awoko one
morning with an attack of rheumatism
in his right arm. Working around the
store during the forenoon made it worse,
liy noon the pain was so severe that ho
could not raise his band to his head and
had to carry his arm in a sling. Olio ol
his customers, on learning tlio facts,
went across the street to F, E. Heck's
drug store, and at his ow n expense pro
cured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Hal 111 and persuaded the cigar dealer to
try it. It rased the pain, reduced the
swelling so that by the next morning he
could use hi arm, and by tho second
morning was entirely well. This is only
one ol the many severocases ol rheum
atism that have been cured by this
valuable remedy. 50 cent bottle (or
sain bv II. A Harding.
Nt. (ieorge, ol Merry England, dos
troyod the drery dragon, but the Ameri
can champion larbolisalve conquer" St.
Anthony's (Ire, chilblains, frost bites,
cuts, wotinda and itchihg and Irritating
diseases. Hold by K, II, Caulleld,
Elder ft. F. Kittingor, of Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, says ho had beousnll'crlng
with a cold and cough, also his wife, that
they took to using Chamberlain's Cough
Kumedy and received groat benefit from
it. Yet ho says, "It was so pleasant
to take." For salo by (1. A. Harding
E. W. Porter, the post master at Elm
Creek, Neb,, says that he has personal
knowledge of several cases of rheuma
tism, in that vicinity, that havo been
permanently cured liy Chamberlain's
Pain Palm, alter othor remedies were
used w ithout benefit. Ho has sold it at
hi drug store there for live years and
say he never knew It to tail, that "any
customer who once uses Chamberlain's
Pain Palm will have nothing else in
stead." Fur sale by li. A, Harding
Dr. II. Hamlin, of Lemoro, Cul.. says
a few dozen bottles of Chamberlain'
Cough Kemedv which he sold there cre
ated such a demand for the remedy that
he could not well gut nloi.g without It. No
one can fully appreciate the real value
of this remedy until they have given it
a trial. Those who use it find It s much.
superior to any other remedy they have
ever tried that they recommend it to
their friends, and that Is what 'makes it
Tho Cury Ogden
Heel Croeis
Mlxwtl Puints.
uiul nmki'H a good
E.G.Caufield, Ag't,
For Oregon City.
Wheat, f Me,
Oat, V bu .4'.'
Flour, lt grade, :l.75 3ml, :UK).
Ilulter, UtoiOct. .
l-'uk', 15 ct. ',,( 1 4-
t hicken, drred,) dux, M 14 S
I 'llti kt'llfl, D'rlng i;"sa o y:.U sr .
Turkey, A . '
l'otatoe, Vim l. IB toll. 30 Y
Onion, V bu l-'.txi i
Apple V box, n'.OO
FKKI': '" 7
Short, I'.M M
llriui, I1H ,V ; .
Iliiv.timotlijbaled, l 0
Hay tliiiolhjhHe, fl 4;
I'lover, bul.5 117 t.9r" '
MKATS:- fa,
IIm-1, live. !l '(nii
Heel dnii4, tt C.
Yel, dreium!, t .
Hog, live, 4.;.
Ug, drealeU. fc,.,,B
Hlieeji, V 'e,'t V t. i md -'.W.
Wuof,l7tJ0 ' .
I.ard, coiintrr ..Ho.
I.urd. bucket.
Jlam. VV
, Hide. V
I to JJc,
AJI km, vVy dull.
pteii i ' '. ,!, and 4c.
and :)o.
Id A 0c
SlivrtfTit haV
STATU OK nltK.eoN I tft
t'oi sivor fin iws.( " . . 1 l
Patni k McUuulilin, Hu" ,,'"f '
Mlchol lliruk, IVifcmU. ' r "t
.S'hTH'K ii brli lvn. that f :,l
,.r Mil CIM-Utilltl 11UI out of III I'' !.!'.
I'oiirt ol t'lark.lliiwi-olllllv lnl UMl of '
Mi.t, Lt II, A dllt tA.1 Mlllt ilelivetwl M !
III of Id lOiilily and ltr, May il 't,
A. 1. Ikii, iiiiniii.iiding bi 10 nmf un
u in of ens tiiiinlrr.l and fnrtv one l"llrt 1
lit Pntlstl Sii- gold nun, tugrll.rr lllitn
ii'tfl llirretm since January . WW, t lhe
rsl. of leu pr int. lr annum, anrt tli
fnrilirr inn u( riliiet-u dollr and flfty
tlv (-rut, loKllir l!nl nd llUliurM
meiil ol ln n ulion;4iil Ikiv tniourit
to it iiuide out of the pernoii.1 rony f
".'.I..',1, "aJ!jL.1.( i'u"ujLij'
out of l"lie n-nl prorty Ih IoiiIiik to iil
defendant. Now fur wtulnf tfr-onl pr)
ertv I hsv levied uiin tlir followiiiM dir-crltM-d
pnii4-rty, in wit: All of defendant's
ri-hl, till ua in!t-rrl In ami In Hi 8. h
1. of tec. li, T. -i 8. It. '.' K bring psi n iri
more or let; snd will m-11 on ilu- Tilt iluv of
July, A, I). Iwti, it the hour nl too dm k A.
M , l the court limit In t'rrgon t'lly in
aid couutv and tint..
V. W. II. HAMHi'S,
Blierlirof t'l. kainsa itninly, Hrroii,
June t, sii. Al
Fiy, the cash grocer, mukes a pec
ialty ol line groceries.
Wool. WasitkI!. The highest market
price paid nt Mayer A Ackermsu', the
Tomato! ToMArors, The O. C.
Packing Company want to contract for
20 cie of tomutoc this eaon. See
notice to Farmer In business local.
A ItAsiiAiN! Forty acres five mile
from Oregon City; noil, black loam; "5
acre in cultivation; good new bouse;
running water; a pe-rfect little farm. In
quire of ( McCown A Co,
Wool. Wantkd, Partie bavin wool
to dispose of can obtain tho highest
price by calling at the store of 1. Ski.i.inii.
I have a business room with shel ving
etc., centrally located, torrent at reason
able rale. Must apply scon.
Ja. P. Shaw,
Olllce, Hod Front Grocery and Crock
ery House.
Take a ride on the new hack line to
South Oregon Citv and buy a lotol Cupt.
iiaw. Olllce at the Hod Front, oppo
site 'he Post Olllco.
Lost, In Oregon City some pension
papers belonging t) Ilanlol J, Hlover.
kinder will leave them at the Post Ol
llco and got reward.
Ckdar Post. I havo 1000 good cedar
posts for vale. Inquire at this olllco, at
Perry Maltoon's blacksmith shop or ol
tho undersigned. 12 T, II. Hankins.
Park Place Is Popular Properly.
('barman fi Bon have just received a
let of elegant wall paper and patterns,
while they are selling nt greatly reducod
prices. F'or neat styles of lalo designs
call and boo thorn.
Tint to Iluv. High and dry,
close to proposed niotorllno, near cannery
and saw mill, Clackamas Heights Is
tho ideal homo. Lots f(IO and f 70; $10
down ; balance weekly payments of one
dollar each. Prices will advance May
Why don't vou Insure in the Columbia
Flro and Marine Insurance Co?
T. L. Ciiaiiman, Agont
I havo plenty ol good lumber on
hand. Ordorearly. 0, H, MoCoan,
For the finest Buggies and tho Best
Clipper Plows, also Shingles on hand nt
all times, Inquire 0 1, G. V. Ciiukch
. Lost Between the head ol the depot
atnps'Knd Julius Crnniors a glovo but-
toner with small gold banjo charm at
tached. Finder will please leave at this
! '. A reporter met a man just loaded down
With groceries this morning and loarned
that he had bought thoin oil for a dollar
at Frcytag's.
i ii
and Examine Our Stock of
Browns villo Woolen Goods in Suits, Undorwaro of all descriptions and
sizes, Silk Handkorchiofs, Notions, Etc. Wo also carry a full lino ol
staple and fancy groceries. It will pay you weU;to call on us beforo
I linve )iircluiHC(l tlio i iitiii't(ck
of Hunt ami Slioen of Frank Mil
ler ut ft) jkt cent. Ichh ttiait iictiutl
(Hint, itml will (liHn.(ie of the miiuc
at a great em rifii'i'. You nut i-hvc
AO per cent, if you pun-lmso J'.oot k
ninl SIhic nt tliin Kmit
Sacrifice Sale.
Jou can huvo tlit-m nt ''xt In;
nothing, us tlm entire sbs kintif t Is- j
t'losed out nt once. NA I'"'
i 1 '
time to secure llisds ayt Mmcs ut
one-half viihie. l'es(H1fiilly,
. bJiljijlJNUin
, Ja'
fcwi l
ii., il'iir
is divided into 70, two and mie-lnilf,
and five nt' re ttiicts. It is limited '
on the iii'ight overlooking the
ClackniiuiH; hence its nnmo, it i
about Ono niilo from Court llmis
and Otie-liulf niilo from tlio city
limits. Tlio County road crosses!
which liuiki'S it easy of access, Win"; !
alxmt twenty minutes walk from j
the centre of Oregon City.
'ie in Oregon City School disHd,;
and purolinsers can have tho ndvn-1
tngo of st'iidinn their children tini
good, graded imhlic school. Tei
Soil is giHid, tho Locution vcV
tixalllifiil nit Priiila 1111, 1 Voir., InldlL
Ms and Sloes
yield abundantly. Terms one-thin, qtth THirnrt ,v
tortaLXrSr1"01 CLOTHING and HATS
ulura inUiro of
City Drug Stove
A. 1ST 3D
I now hnvo n Full Lino of
Hardware nnd Sloven. Solo Agent
for Superior Stoves and llnngoa,
The Oliver Chilled Plows ut 1 an in.
We havo connected with tho limine
a First Clans Plumber and Tinner
and work in thin lino will ho an
Promptly done and as Cheap as any
could dosiro.
R. D. Wilson.
Opposite Post Olllco.
Fob Sai.k. Small work mare for s-tle
cheap for cash. Address J, M. I'inplkv,
Now Era,
Farm 2,' miles east of Now Era,
Just Biscwvkd! A fresh tot of Cab
bage. Celery, Cauliflower, Oranges,
Lemons and Butter. Also some Excel
lent Herring, Mackerel and Pigs Foot,
atthe Oregon City Market.
Now that brighter days have returned
I can give vou a fine cabinet. Also good
viows of the falls. li. Piiiidt.
Buttkr, frosh nnd good : eggs newly
laid, and vegetables, at Oscar E. A.
Freytag'H, corner of Main and 1-ltli, All
goods doliverod.
- e "iw "-'xi
e&ftf,. , . jfc jt
AlHoenrrle a full line of
Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc.,
Which he ofl'ur at
Either CASH or on the
-SI V(HI 'n""", (1" l,otU'r t,iau 10 cal1 ani1 examine
All rtM)airii)2 don
i . . i
ami warranted.
(tX'fVKIllH TKO.)
To the Ladies und (Jenflwiieii of Oregon City.
We havo Just received
MOST "CHICK" Line of
Slmoclhlm,... -I .
Oregon City.
j COME AND SEE US and be convinced,
j -ES. JT . IVToIilXTRlCrt,
r t
! k mm
n him 1 m 111
11 1 umj uiIKli Ul
eoi: it is sunn to please you.
Cai-iiels, Oil Cloth and Mattings
Is Complete rvncl
Us fa Addition to Orepu ft
The Most Rapidly Selling.
tho last HiW days. Examine tlio it cm-,1 v,. :i.4
Oflil nenr Tost Onico.
ef 11 ,T,'-lfTW)e'1
I i ' it u'tvt7oti'H '
i-4i- Dio.mithR. Oregon City, "r
Good llnivcen. Trimmed
.- ' . i j 1 ! '
ll.TTI! f T T . 1
'iU ffl
4 .
GriT? . I VJ I ' LJ JrGJU.
- - -.-
coffnw nnd Casketa always1
f 1
so popular, For salo by 11. A. Harding,