I t SUBSCRIPTION : f.triclly in a'lvanco. Two Dollar per year; One Dollar for six months; - Fifty CYhfs. for three months. Binglo cupio i'irii Cents. 1 IT J T " r 'V iikiv ' sU l VII . lYlll'.ltlotl. I.kmaL Ai.-t,M rt tlu'll for (lrl Innortlon, mi.f pl nor Im-Ii fur -U mtn' inu'iit Ui.f i-ti.ut, 'rw( hie Mlhfit, , .,.,?,. II,. 23 NO. 4'.). 1I1UO iono 4N()llt SU!.t f! Oil IS IJ il ii S Sun lillf IM VIM.?!,? Hip I! ,v! 9' Shi' I..I,. ?iftv a i .5.. I... imm run c tl -- ' l I -I. Ilf t lll u i: j. r. i ,.'r' 'h 4 MAHOII mm?, t1 ViTv '-'.'" plo tl l'i' l u t lii:l; 1 i -'M r N a sm.' Si H Si WU:H;'J tl'l S I.M. IV'- S"l5it '.'i'Alf.li I .Wit. I ' J! ! HI t A.I taLUtlt t Wl'll;H M.u',1 11 tM. .'' '1! .ilil KvrMtiia ! M i'' II IM !U I'I' If s: IIMl'1! Ml M I.I.Ms,! ' :' M ", iiiiri''-"-'1- mm JUMt Unroll I. i'. i. - Vlvry Thir.gf nvi Hi " ;W oVI.irfc I . 1 fl n if v.. . f M. ill IIIO l'll IIJJ'" ii.i.i. .M-.ui rx.M Si.miT nl tin' Or.U yr limifl i.i mioiiil. HuMiimuaii l.il!r, N. I. A. V, & A. M. 1 H.iliH If nnUr oinmniili" illniin mi flr.l i n.l iliinl siut.l ii ul rui'ii m.. mil m 7 ;.n I', m Prfllirvu Iiis.hhI imutiUK Itu lli-l tu mlfinl K l VVM. . M.. I Ai'KKliM S. MTiTPtur) . I Hi-.i.le 1'uil M. '-. A K , lVuiii. mi lit f Ori'itiHi. Mi'.-i Itr-l VNi'.lii.'. l ii .! rvrry ui mhIi. i M t l iM.Hi lU'il" H ill. Or.'s.iu V Hi. i,..ntiuui.ti,r. kiu litT i.ii.iiti r i.e. r. iV. Mv'. evr - o'l-xii. I mi l f. urili Krl.hy in oil I lu in oM fVllni. Iiul luii! VU ...joiiriiiuii brtititru imI'Ii iil niviio.l l" nt.'ii l ; I i ?. IV ll.kl.N-niN. M. W SUNDAY SERVICES. FlUsriiilNiiKKli Vlli'N Vl.l'lll Ki II - III:. 0 Liu., I'l-l .r .loruo.'. m II i M mi l 7 in r M S'ln.liv S li.'-.l ilti'r ni..rii'ii ...r !-. I'tlltr IIIOOUIIK I'.lllf l ll I'li'llHiK ll 7 o ci H-i it . i t in nonius oi Yo.iiu r-.'i "o . Sin'iriy ol I'tiri.u in Kii'lrn..r ni'i.. -..I.. III VUIU it u rui.( KIKSr lUI'lWI I'll' H II .-UKI I I'. Mil'' l'lot M..ruli.n Sortlon al II '' .i.in.liy t.'ii.il at Uli. r.i.-iiiiK .Tiior i. v. lu-ii ilr trvi-r lil.--lilii i-.llii-..l ii i-i'-lilni; M .mlili Lo.riiiut U.'tmu i-i'Ti iSislui-lii ri.-iaii.-pwr llli llt M'-t " iii'lf)' I" Hi" moiitli. A coruul li.ilUll.ni ! ml. ST JOHN ! I'lll'lU il C A t tlol.H-.-lir.r. A liti.i H8I..N1I. l'-i.:or. im suti'Ui iii.i.. m H mol III i A. . IliTlll lH ..Till. 'II Urit lol l!nr. Siiti.Uy In m'li iiioitlh m u'l" Kuii.Uv J..-U....I m : r ' i" bUiticlloll l ! 1' k m i.. ; ..T. .11-1 . nr V Wl.'i V K I'lti'K.'ll -H'v J ' ' l.l...ii. Kwior. sr . iry.iii'Hj l II u.l 7 .kiui-loi-k mi.l V.iii;i..y rvMiiii oct.'. suioliy Molt".. i t I""" '''il Ch.pW. I',iii.-unh. Wllio to ll ait'TinU- Mm- ! il t I DO H ol."'. MKIIIoI'lsr KI'li"!' O. t HI 'In ii -;" J..HN l'H-..M. I'lt-l.T M"tlllli rilrf m II. S.lu-Uy ll"Ut I- 1 ' Ki.-uliH"-fil' ' '" YoillIK ...i liii-i-ai.K l'i.'l') fn-lll i.' nt 7 UO. rnu'l Mi-flinK llrit.t.ii i-ii-nlii.- nl . ' ..lrm-r. i-ur-lu!l) lin I'.r'l riKsr fkk-iiyiki;i.vs riiim n -i.v W iilHol. PikI T. hiTHrf.nl II I mi l : :a) r n n.l.l.nlll Kfli.ml l I" '"'"'K w... . - rf. ..! t.l I hrl.llltl Kli.l.-'ii "T luo. ..... rtun.lnir tirllllK ul Wr.lir...ii inlii .rit-r iiiffUi.ii t 5 l" lr,'i- Collfrll'iU. t'lkf II. Professional Cards. t. r E. ll r.ntiMi COWING &l COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. j T1 lie lr l'iil'i-l " 'mil ' j .ffluitlr. i OKKaoX C-I'I'Y. UKi.QN 1 C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, j ATTORNEYS iHD COUNSELORS AT LA Ar. 1 main hrRKtr, uKtunS rirv, iikuih'. anilh Almlrioti n( TUIf. I)in M"ii'-y. ri- 1.1 IU10M, . I G. E. HAYES. f ATTORNEY A? LAW a:I3 35TAW P'J3LIC, Orosort, City. Oregon. 1 Ui-e up .1 i!r iirir C'o'ii-t ll'"i' j FO. McCOWN. I A'.td''noy it Law. I )r."'.iii City, Oivooii. Land Business a Spcci f A. MfllHlliK. A. . IHMJH-il' K. DP.ESSER. Attorneys at Law. )m,-r in Swt r.lKi k.OMV.m City, Or. I SIDNEY SMITH, Civil Engineor and Surveyor OHioe nimlv iil Court lluum!. RKIiON CITY, ORKUi iN. fork rrompUj AUi'htU A Ut ' j:V. POWELL, M. D., 'hysician and Surgeon. ike nt ('Urinaii k (V I'niK M" ;K(J0N(TTV, OUKiiON. IT.WIHTK. W.A. WIHTK. WHITE BROTHERS, radical Jrchileds J' HailJcrt. Will prennrp .lnn. 'If vhIIi.ii, wnrkliin lin, mul upBCllloiill.. n ('"" M"'1' "' I""M" . h-,.(.,iriilli"itt" rl" t' ni' ''rii !.! k.llmal.-. l.irnlhf.l m nvv H" Inn OallorMr.M r. ;, t'y. Ox" T. H. HORN, House and Sign PiUnlci's. Paper Hanging a Specilty. I'llintinu doi'H in nil it liiaiii'licH. Leave onlorniil tlio poHt-olIic Sliop at the rcr of the notit-ollico. JUST O.E. Freytag, : 1st ai apt LINK tl' !gro(oeribs ' " "tK Till; CITY. I Call and Examine my ruin-is. WHY NOT? '! You lire InUMi.tliiit Li imri'tmaK Pil if Brp; TI1KN HY Sol" I1KN J. H. WAY, Tiio I.ivn I'l No iiii.l uKi;N iimn ' n. 'II ml u'l lii.iltiinii'iit VERY CHEAP... PIANCS: lll l Hi ll IIIIO!.. I ' 1 . 1 . Bt . it t.ns a I'on. ora-Aisrs: II IS ? A II . II. 4 II -l.. i:i: i.i: I , r ScU far CASH or 62 tl5 INSTALLMENT PUN. I A..lrii iii Oi uko'1 City, Oro.j jjl j mi mhi i ' ' " j A No A;ciit (.r thn IVIrlimtoil WOOD Tl:RXlNijSINGER SEWING MACHINE. - AND - SCROLL SAWING. r.uii.-i ti-irin W. i.i.l Tiin.ir.k'. Iitih, Him koH, "r I'ut- Shop Carpenter's Work Will U'Miili l I'.v f.illii!i!ii Mo. Doors, Windows and Blinds; TO ORDEH. Or. II. BESTOW, IT0ii. tin' l'iii-.n-n.iti"ii.il t 'liiui.lt jSprinj? and Suimnor, NEV GOODS ARR1VI.NG DAILY. Vc are Showing this week ths Latest Novel ties in Satines, Dress Goads and White Goods, also in Embroideries. .' Th(5(ircL4Easlern Mayer L Ackcr.i:an;Prcps. OSWEGO NURSERIES, WaM.INII Si .1 AIIIHt'll, l'l'lil., I CRCWEfiS AND DEALERS IN Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Etc. Nnr-i-ry four mil'- l;nlow Omtfon Cily, on lli Onwi'iiu road. 1'ul.lloUUOH INUiU'll fii'ie on ui'i'lii'iilion, AdilrrM till orilrm to WALLING & JARISCH, MILLER BROS., DEAEEltS IN Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, AriAItY.U'OUIniYKUITUKH (i A ItUION TOOLS, FHItTJLT ZKIW, TIlKKS, KT(J. Ullll Hi'Coiiil Sln-ot,' Iti't. hiilniiin iiml 'Jiiyliir, rortliiiiil, Or. Sank:rul for Cativloguo. 42-.'$ BANK OF OREGON CITY Paid up Capital 50.000. I'KMimisr THOMAS CM A KM AN. Camhuk HAS. ll.CAl'Kll'.l.l). NUNA.iiai i:. I.. K.Wl'llAM. A lnv.l mu kii'i ii.iii. .iiM i.iniii..i r.Minly inl iuy nniii li.'imlil, l..mim turtilo un iimiIIhI'Ii nMnttlty, .lUn'limiK inmli .nmitly . ) r. 1 1 .!.! nn ..rt tt !. Hill KrnllfUro .t'hliM- l'l '! , mm nil IM UH-ij-hi ruii'i r-ii li-li liini'lilo M'liMiitu t I il I'.mlniul, u V'fiim iM'", I'lili'ni i Hint Anw Yi'lk. Ultrts! raid on line itwsitsj tollm: INir ilin' i"tilli, i fur iTiit I'm miiiiini. Kr ii nn. mil", ii ft i'iil t'" hii ii hi. jiif I J iiti.it i Ii , ii n'r ii'iil. t' miiiiim. Thno I'eillKi'iiiMi if i1i.i.Viii l"Vl'l ii'" l niml.1, lull IHIi'ii'.l li.tlvlli' j, I, ,lr 11 Htf Mlri .in (tiniSk. ,, i 'V ' I CITY BATHS AND Tonsorial Parlors. HAM TOO INC. UAIUCUTlNu H .MR DYKING J 1NGL1NG. Sharp Ka.trsA' C'U au Towels l.a.lii'd' uikI i liilii'iix' Imin-utfrnj! ,t niitiiilly. Hut nrVnlil l iitlm at any tiini', 25cts. BATHS 25cts. W. C. GREEN, Opposite the Post Office. I l( ol .HI' III lll'l'tl "In IIji lll'iH, ..l.ill.', ! I'.rwl , r llt'i'iiim, j mi i mm mivi iimiii') j liv iMlliin; i. ii mi' 1 im- I'iivO' ll.iim'ii j i'ji nn. I MihW S i I l!i' in i lo '" iinli-r. jW lirlltor ..ti w.inl I.i t'l'V nr nut l ull , ! in tun II full I'll mo. run ru;i: front Harness Shop. ! LUMBER! : FOR FIRST CLASS LUMBER J CO TO Geo. S. McCord's Mill lull Mt. l'lt'ilKillit '.'S inllf un ltll uf i ( (ri-pni C'ily. " -" " 3jp!h.njac,HWC A. WALKKli. Painter, Kalsominer, and Decorator, U ni i;ir i to ulti ii'l j t i n it ly t" work fiitnihii'il to liiiu. l'iltruli:'!' P irrtl'il!ly Cilicitril. HOUSE MOVING. Renner & Davis, TIM'. Practical Houso Movers, will tin nil Kink iii lln ir Inn- I'Tniiii'tly .in.) -.ili-lai l'iiilv. A'UtofH, l;l.NNi;u ii li.Wls, f i v' ' City. onviiii. The Commercial Bank,! ul- i);!'.;oN CITY . CAPITAL 100,000. Trnnsactt a Ocnrrnl Dunking Ouiineti. I.UIITIH linnlo. I'illH ilihniillit.'il. Miiki'M i'dIIi'i'Ikmii. lliijrn inl "'Uh I'lllllm-Ollll llll M.illtHin tll I'lllto.l tllll'H mi l l-;nriiii' iiml ml liuii K'Hitf. I'i- piihilH ri'iiiivi il HiilijM't tovlioi k. iiui'r t lit nmml r.ili'H iillowed on tiino ilrtM- lltiiikotHTi (rin 0 A. M. to 4 I'. M. SnliitiUy oveiiliitfn f tim 6 Ml 7 1'. M. I),C. ATOL'KKTTK, IVehiili'tll. ' V. B. DoNAI.HSON, CimIiiit. LIVIlSAYuV SIIUTI1 Clnekmiias, Or. DEAt.EUM IN FLOUK, FEED, (JltAIN & COllN ME A 1 1. Agents fr Cldcka'niiin ainl Or cHii (ity.far tliu ('ol ujjilna Flour. ' Keep on ban,! J!i;sli(! Fi wring,.. ('oil in"; ami all kinds of Finish ing liiinilicr, DiX'Hwl Fcnci! Pickets of all si.os. CHOICE G. Iunj(, Ce uar oninji,,... Mereliants Exchatiff6. Mntii huoot, o'K'iii city ormou, vrVVVH COM; "AN ' ,Y ON HAS TIIK I cMt liriinil of J.liiiirn, Wliii'H anil (HiiaM 'KKI'H COMil'I'ANTI.Y ON I., it.nf.liif Hii.iiln h nil trv l in llfir miliar Talilo. Alro linior!i)iJ Milwimki'i', CMiwrnMii Bock Hcor. J. 'J'KKMIiA'f II , fropruti i llitiFaiws i OKKllON CITY, OKWiON, PLANTS AND OUT FLOWERS! AT Til K (iliKKNIloUNK OK TIIK OREGON CITY FLORAL COMPANY, -ON- CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS. Tim fulliiwlnu Kiiii' Ki'liu'llnil of I'liulm I'nUi'il iiinl Cut Kin' i'Hi CliiyHitiiUiiMiiiiniH, llullyliiH'k. Ciuiiii tinim, IVliinliiM, liiwK, Viirlii'iiim.Vlif inth, tcit w it) tuttiw. I'limti'.-inifiii't, l niili'n, llilliitriiii'H, l'nly Mtt Irr, Sulvlim, Ci'iilMUi'u, 1'uliUiin, ()iiiiiiIuiii, t iiiiiiiih, mimI n (hiiii'imI ColU'i'tii'ti ' nil uilior I'luni. Ciililmiio lwt Muikot KlmU WO, (Ml Ciililoir, ( loo ' ' i.0 ToiHUtlH'K 4 ln'kt KlmU. I'l'f loo. ,7ft Farmers' Store! K. I,. XKWTOX. HX I I MHO t"t STRAIGHT & NEVTON Goods sold at Portland Prices. HKiiii:sr I'KU i: I'aih roi: t ot s- TltY I'ltoPCCK. MAY AM' I I l l A M'i:i IM.TV. M. II. l'l.lll.lltM. It. A. Hi Flanagan & Hill, WIIi H.l SAI K AM' K I I All. LIOUOR STORE. KU'ii nS II SII 1 UK liMf Ht l K TU l Vluo, l.l.iilor., All'. liflT. Ar . to U I. .nil. I III lllf HUl 111 l."(ii III. Ill Mo I lillf lll ft C.U. It Al I' AM II AI T ON lU AC(ili r. Ii. K. MAY. ). ) nit'KE. MAY & COOKE Ili'iili'iH III (Jrori'i lrs A. I'l'mliici', t IIICAUD hlolti:, Ort'non City, Oregon. 1 ii. (.tit. hi. Ilnii-y Ht-. Hloir ..I li...i..ti .n.l II. .w, Ntil.t.rlf. 1. 1 I .inl.rl.tk'f. Mi.. . Ii.ik l.ffll hi. i ..I li. I k..i r..M.ii-n.. r.iii. .nil ; I. llt-rr llif l.il.lllf . Hill l i r..i.liirli'l n. CO Illl I! II I liimiil lliincr Hint ii il Mmr, I'. II lli It. M.n.tffr. Kilil I'ii.hiIi'IIU, ( ill. f-Hfii.l (or rmni'il I .tnlxmlf CO Willamellc Heights ! ONE MILE FROM THE Suspension Bridge ON TIIK WI'.ST SIDK. A Fine Chance to Invest iisr Aero Property. Inquiro of McCOWN & CO. Lively, Krcil iiml Suit' HitMi OREC0NCITY, .nl'ATKU HMIVI-.KN "I' 1 1 IlKIHUK AM' HKI'oT Duiililu iiml Sinoli! UiK, iiml ;ul' 111) ImrKlM ultVllVl lll llllllll lit till' ItlWI'h! ItlilTH. A IMIIIllI IMIlllllTtcil with tin' 1'iini for jimmi Htm li. Iiiloriiiiilum rriiiii'lniif niiv kiml of Nlot k iroin.tlv ullt'iiili'it to I'.v irihiin or tl'lllT. horsos Douelit and Sold. J. 31. WMW & SON. -ih:ai.i:u.s in- rxxiks uikI Stationery POST OFFICE GUILDINC, OUK.UON CITY, Olil'.iloN. rolllll'lll (IIIIUISJ. Tim IoIIowIiik riii'itni (or joint ciin vhnh luiM lioiin iiKioi'il iipini . Tliuiii will li b joint riinviiMH liitlwiuin llui n-piil II t'liu, iliiiiiix'riitic iiml iinioii I'liiiilitlali'K, eiti li piirty to liiivaonn thinl of tliu tiniti UKioo.l ii ioji for lliu Hii'iikiiiK oiii'li iluy, till! tilllO to 111) Ul'll t.y tllU fl.lllilllll('N in iiui'li party iiH.tln'y niuy iinrro iiiiiunu lIllllllHlllvuH. l'olloy,'i;)g aro tliu pluruH inn) iluti'M of plllllll! BpCllkllll Kriiliiy, May 211, Non.ly ; hi IhmiI-Iioiinb. Haliiriluy May '2), Cmiliy. IJolirjuy, May "H I'-i.i; ('anip ground. TnoHilijiy. May "7. V ilHonvllln. Woilni.Hilay, May 2H, nvmiimr, Ohwo- If". 'J'luj rHiJuy , May 2(1, I'Vi'ninit, lIilwan klu. Fililay, May 20, hvdiiIhu, Claokiiiniiii. Hutiinlav, . in. Oii'xon City; 1'opu'H hall. Tlio rjpeiikliiK will IiokIii lit omi o'clock p. in. nt eui!li placii oxiiept ut Ohwi'ko I Milwiiuklu, uml ClacUainuH wlmre it will begin at 7 ;U0 p. in. Grocery Stare. TIllMlsnAY, MAY ; IH'.R), lil I'UII.K AN I'l ATIOIIM. 1 In. ri.iiitili'aii mrly i.( llmunii III Uln ....n Vi'iillnii nM tiil.lili irniiil ul lu ri'i ntil mill i.t hl.l.irv. ID iIiim Hon In Urn pi lni'lilin nl liiniinH ICi iiy mnl liiiiiinii rliilil., II. iiibiiI himI lii.nitllniti'.f iiniiii.. ttlili-U If ml lit.UD nihI iiltny In Ilif Atnrrli'dii imlluii nl In.nm mnl miii.nR lit iinll.iii nl Ihf niirilt, mnl u mi i mm ri) ul t. 1-. iilliiii.-. I n.li'llly In iIik iiifni .iliii l.!i t,r wlitt-li ll Int. foiilmiilftl lu lite In .I, tl. mnl unili nnl ii n ii 1 1 . !.. 1 1 t f 1. jr iniiliii mnl Kiln in llif I.. It, ihIiiii ilri'liiinllnii i.l It. irlniil. In; Mini -'Htm Uvnf liiintl. filii'lviil mnl l,iillt.iti.il niliitliiliiliiilliili til eifrjf tltnuirl itif nl ol it'n i-tiinif nl. t llt .lain mil until, nnl Htuuliil-Tlinl reniil tlio Itoa .i'IkhiI If nt til tun il. la lli ipt'ilul lin" filnl irlil of Hit fpiillili it 'rly. in lit. t-lif iUIimI a. uin ul .hti linlwmk. nl llif 11 Lit 1 U- nl Hit. ,.",,. TlilrJ-'Ui.l wltitifa tim lfiil lut nlwitjummtiiitiliitl lor iiurnnWliiral f If hi, III .nriniiii-g ol Una inllir Uvnr Ihtt it. . ,, ll, .it . . ih Aii.ir.ill.tt tiallul. if in iA..lau..-lTi'il i i.lii 1 1." r.-.iil. Ilcnli mr ly l.irnai'l ttii'li a law al llm licit .fxlotl til llif IfnUUlur. iili.laullally lil'uil ln linn "n.l nl II. f fliarat iar nl Ilia a. i a ilinllf.l Itjr lite Hal lot llfluriii nl urtiioit. A..ti.i Kmirili-Dial llm rf tulillraii nl Urftoli .fit. I (rfullim. an, I fiuiirattiliiilnii. In llif Ir l.toilir.n ..I Malutt (nr having liirnlklit-il llmitta. It Hm.il, all Inttit.t an. I r.ninnfoiii h.K-.iinn. wlm at ...iikfr ul llm linii.a ul rf .m.i. nuiltio, Ion .fftirfil lur Ilii1 ni.n'i'.inllif nl llt .u .c llm rllil ul llm ln.iji.rlli l.t ,n.-rn, ami ttf itriitiuiH'o llm lli-lli.il Ly uli ir It ilfitiiifinllf lite iiilti-f. t.l rohgif m at i. lit 1. 1 l..n.tl( llif Iff It uli al .U lial nl llif .f. .lf ami llm iitnj.irlly nl lltttlr I'Wii I.i .l)' Ly iflii'luil 1. 1 vi.if. Uiu.ikIi In In.'l .rrfiil aitinii ilnly lii.tttol to .1.. au. A. I lait.f.J i-K..iititii. i i-tiiin. rillll 1 l.ul 0 raj.il.' Ill llif lat I lll.l III lllf In. I ,r..l,li llll.il flf. lion til Atl.rll.'all .m..f v., if, I .t amulli mnl ii,ln,l. llif r...tililli an .loo irllm l I .ti.ffll..ll wtiit-ll llm ilf lu.u'l.llf .atly .i......f. In tlf.tr. y ..( .lana. ainl taf an. In lavur ul llif fnlitlittiaiirti ul Hint .y.lfiit nl ,r,.u rl..n liU'h l.. .If vlo.i-. llm nun ii lufltlrlim ami rliiiilnrl litlrif.l. til nut fniittlry anil .loliu-lf. Aiiifrl.-.n Ub ling tnfli Itoiti tit ilia. Unit t-..ii..f lltl. u with llm ..ti r lif.l all. I n.iifil) .irtikfll lal.'.r of llm Ot.l Mull. I .t..l.lll.f ). Ilol lu lli! flot tll-l.'IM' Ilia .r.. li..ii. ul III t.lll know it a. llm Mi Km ly urin l.lll, mm 'fii.liig trluin r..ii(if... ainl ut t.alt all ol llif w o.'l growf r. a n.l olltf r tiului iru-a ..I Hm I' .it-lllf SoiiliKf.l Ha u ii.uii our if otf.f iiLUItf. In foi.urf.i lu .1.. all In iliflr p..f r lo .n'.iro ihf f itly "i" ill" nl iit l.lll ! A..auf 1 hlvlli .lliul rri-..tlllli.g Cm l.ul Ui.l thf I lilt.il htitlf. I. llm gtf Ut-.l .llifr r.lucll.g r.iiintr) In llif wol'.il, an. I Dial l--Hi li'il'l r.ttii Hit r m-ri' f.jiiall, llm tummy "I llm fvti.lliu tl. ii Ir.. ut llm l.fiin.li'g . llm if . til. Ilf mull ll.f h...lUf linl.lalloll gain. I llllrr. llllll ll 'III il.it) r..lilrnrtt.l llm rtri'.iUlliiit Inf. Hunt ol tlir f, .unili. io I rr.'.-ituKliig thai llif (ifal litlfr I-!. i, tlm .r..-tf .It-inati.l Ho uf nn. Uf y lor n.c III tlir I'liaiiliria nl Irmlo ami fiililltirrif, lllfrr l..rf , r ilrclaif uiir.f lif In Intor i.l llif liff ml i.nllliillr.l rolnagf nl .lllff. ami .If Itoiilu al altfuil'l to ili.f rltnlltatf a.' tin. I .llifr M utm l.f ami tiuj.i'l. ( A .,lauf I 'Lkmunb ton mi vttr.ni. Hfirtilll-Ihal I'm glatllu-le ol llm lialloli to lllf ilf Int. If r. ol llif I liloll fltllllvl If Itlf a.urnl I.) law. Tlial Ilia IfgUlallnll ol r..igri Itoulil i-. i.l. tin lo llm .rlgr ui.ilr I.) loyil .f,t,f. alol l-f "o rltlalgr 4 alut I-Ilf 11. If . I a. tu . mil. If awalu.l llif H..llil!lty that any man uho hoio.iat.ly . if tlm Kr.lfial imll .iiii 'liall Lfrobm an lunik!'!' !m'. n.n. or il;Wuil t ill ii) on .ililf i li.lii) lAi'l'latim j higlilli-'lliat nn rf In l.ivoro! lnltan.1 r.ital .I1.I1II.111I..U ol lal.ll. lt. ami f t.clfvf llt.t all t. fity not m w rritit Ly 1 .li..ttl. itiil. mi. It. .I'm ft. . . ril.ui In 'n) urn nl ol tlm tf.-t ltttaie f i..-iif. ol llm g.-ifitt i.if m. 1 hai f a if Iii (i.r ol llm al..lloii ol 'tt-h ami-tolu.f hi lo our B.f.itt.nl U. a. nil! .t-.-iiTf ll.ii f.it.il ami J't.l a.r intfil iin-l I. tall, n l all 1 ro f rty al 11. lru vnl.m M111I1 lltal ilfina.ol Cm Itiimr.lUif lor Irlliui' l l folitlit-.a "I I'm l..i"l gram " I Hm Nortlifin I'attnf rlii" l !i"in WaUui lo l'..rl!allil. Iftitli - lit 1 wf ai Im uil'y In l"r ul llm pii.l,'.' Illlollgll foiHrr.l ol lllf I'll! I'loll.llltg ..r if.il railway at llif .Ifllfa ul llif loliim lila rlifr. whlfli h trn im. In llm .iitnif hy tit. rfl. rt. tl rlfltator. Milt In I ami i..!.lt, lltat wo Luiii'if ll In l. tlio ni.l .rrlUl.lf 1. 1.111 luf llm if Ilol ul Hie .r.litrti ami lor llif ,lfvr... itif nl o that a.l Ifrrtl.ny olcotiitlty Irllniiiiry lu tlio giful Columbia rlvi-r. rlririilli -'liit wo liv.tr llm etiai-luifiit ul a lw In Urn Inlrrral ul Hm a(.o varnliig fl""' In faciofir., Iiiliir.. otklio. wnil pulilli oik fli'ng fighl li.'.ita aa a ilnj a work, ami w tlfiiotinto llto ihuiilfl rotiiia.-i Uln.r .y.lfin a. iiiiJii.i in Hit It'.iif.i labor ol our urn, ami l.flifif Htm all In. re.-ognUli.g biu-Ii ay.tftii l.f rf.fliil; Unit wo ai oi i'ontil lo llm (nr llmr Itiitnlgriilloii i.l Cliliu.f Inborfra In llto I lillf ) htatf nflil w .I.11111I1. 1 lllort Bldtigflil ami fllfillio liifiiBiitva lor r trrjlng lulu Taf tlial i,.ftatliill llm fin. Iliifltl. ol rotiiirf.i f fin. ling tlio Chine lubotfn Imm Amrrlfuii ...II. A'.atlf. .fKOt aUTION lok I M t'ltol 1:11 KNr., I Wflllh-'lhal ruu. ralo our .iruvl nl the I'.ili.-V ul lll.fr.tl a ..Mllon lur I11lt tn.1l littprt. if infill", Hfffliilly lor utif rlii-r n. liatbor., Ilia; no lavur llif c iillniialloti ul llif ollry ol ti.lug llio piibllti niuiiry lor Hit hub Ilf wullnio. lu-IU'Vlng (lull Ui linroifiiiftil ul uttr wnl.'rwiiy will rf.ttlt III a niHlftnil tfJut' lion ul llio r.ili a ul trait. imitation; Iiml f Inil, I all I'lirporiilloiia alrltlly tf..-li.llilf lo llit'lr llnl'llnloB nt.it T llio lititr. ami rrragnlio Hi rlglil ul HiolrglBlitluro lo t-tiafl all rfamita lilv lliiiliniliiiiaoii i.nr.oriiif puwor. I lilrlff n-'l h it wo fnvor i ll.itli riuifl infill by whlnli llifru inny Im ilfi'ttil or up- .oliilf. n i.ilf lti.ffltir ol Wfliilita mnl iiii'iib-nr.-., ami alii lavur Htii.-ii.lin. In luiinli li'iil rliiin.T w Ii l l will rr.iilrf llif iii.olnliiif nl 11I luill.llng ami mutuary Iiii-i-Iit In all ritlrn ol ti ll HtotiBiinil nr ini'ti. InlinlilliiiilB. Kiiiirtffii-Tliiit w urn In luvnr nl nil curly Biirvoy ul liliBiirvfyf.l .ubllt. Itunla In Dili I, ilf, t ti ill llto aaino may bo clnluii'il mnl ni'Otl plf.l anil lllli ra apffillly .ruftirvi liy lionaflilf m'tllrrt, nntlor llm lia ill llio l'nllf.1 Hlulen. Wo ili iiiuiul lllifrul piro.rliitlon l.y congriiut tu .of ttrr llt'tl t'tiil. Klili'i'ti-'ll al wlillo tlUflnliiiliig tlio rlilto liilfrlfro Willi llto ailinlnUlt'iitlon. (i liuurinil alliilra nt ItiuMn 1'nUiHiii, wu tlurvri'ly np I'lovo llm oillnta nl lrl.li anil Knglbili ilnloa liii'ii u Bt'i-iitti ly pi'ai-i'lul tiiftliiul. llm Anu-rl-tiiir. iuIiii Ipitl ul home tulo lor Irvlituil. I A IlllllBtl.1 alglt.f 11-Thut wo ilfiiniini'o till lrtil mnl ntiinlilliiillnna Hint havo I'T I ht'tr "liji't't llto t'"it Irolllng n llio Jtnukol viilnii ul Uto ni'i'tnii.iirf ul III11 mnl Hint wo nro In Invor ullntv. itmlrnlii lug mill 11 1 1 . .1 1 1 1 1 1 K tlio aninil. IAHIIIHIIN AliMINInlllATluN INIlllllhKIl, bt.vf iilt't'ii - Tu ul we iiiiiigrnliiliiln the uniiniry 11 poii llii! BtimiOBB mnl the prtmpfrUy tlint hitvct iiiiirkt-il llio firm, your ul Proalilfitt llitrrlmm a .li,iliil.lrnloii; Unit we ri'Jolt'o In tlio ri'ulurii Hun uf dignity, vlijur i"l mitliiBinnnahlp In tlio pnniliiiit nl lurnlmi nn'ttlrn, Hllnli have 1ftll.1l grnvo hili-nutl liiinil mipl lnu 1 1 1 m tiioii a Im nl whlili Bfimri'i evory Aiiiorlonn right, mnl Irloiiilly ailnilict'B itit hoiltnllly, hHVO iri'UHlhoiifii tlio wmtlH ol nyiiipiillty mnl Intor 01 which Join im to the ropnhlli'" t tlm Alitor! nun ooiitlin'Mt, pttvlng llio ttny In 11 potli'y n( ptint'O, nl itxlonilml aiiiiiiniiii'o, mnl ul tiiiilly ii,i,iiu nil tlio nnln,!n nlii Niv WiirW. lp plniiti'l Unit wo aiiininontl llm primi'tit unlltnuil niltiilntntritlluii lor npplylng the itirplna ttitnlii to llio piiynnmt ol Inloreat-imylng bumU. n 1,'niitriiNlnl with the iloiiiui-riitlc pullay ulliiiul tun 0 Bitriliin to hinik wlilnll roliilnoillhulr li'inil. Hint oolltii-IO'l uiloroBi thorouu ivniio imliig tlio ponplo'a intinoy, wliti'h ahnulil luivo boon nppllntl tti Hie piiynioitt ul milil bun.lii. AllltltlHtl. limiH anil revolvers reiuiireil hy I'Vnult Nultlun. at C. W. porter's shop. All work warranted to give satisfaction. an m immwmmmmmmmmmmmmHfmm I nor nii or nion i. v , TIKMH'H!)M. i II,1 kli.iwN up i'iiiiiiiyr uml II Ih FnNt' Slat rnU In Their Tnic l.lulil. I nun the Oi'i'Koiiluii of tin. lHlli, Hakkh (!rrv, May 1 l.-Tu tub KiUTiui. I liitvn ifitil (iovcrnor I't'iiniiycrV Hiuccli (which lm uVliv tirM every whuru) in The Orcmuiiiiii nf ilii) 1'th, uml unto what lie Hiiyn in regiinl to niywtlf. Firut I note what hy mtyg ahuiil imy ctmiitjctiun with tho "Willam ette. loekM." 1 will Huy in rejily to thin, t li (it Iain nut tlm owner of uny nlock in that company, uml have, not hfi'ii an owner fur the jiunt huv eiitecn yeitrfi, mi Unit were I in fa vor of tlm Male. piirchitHing tlx; lockH my intercut wonM not lie in tlio way iw Governor lViinoyer trieN to inxitiuulc it wouhl he. I am up poKoil tt the Htato itircliuHiii( the lin k", Imt J urn in favor of the gov ernment of thu I'nitetl State tloinjt no unit making tlioiu fri'etuthecoiii nierce of the river. (Iovcrnor I'eiinoyer nfrin to u vote on a rrHolntioii intrudiit'eil in thchtato ricnitte tit 170, tthkinn; the general guverninciit to ahrogutu the lliirliiiaiiio treaty w ith Chinii, I have not the record of thu utiitu meiit with me, ami tin not kuow whitt the vote wiih. !oinK I'l'ck 20 yearn in a i time, utitl the (rover nor hiliihi'lf wolllil ohjeet lo any ref erence to ItiitiKelf ii ii 1 hi occupa tion a few yearn In-fore that time, nay, front isilt lo 1 S ;,"" , when he won writing coppei h;ttl itrlicIi-H for tlm ilcmoeratit: lu'WHpitpcrn, in which he wan vilifying the 1'nioit army, an- nortiiift that the muni iiifitinoim re lu'llion that ever cxihtetl coiilil nut In- put ilown hy force of arinn, mnl i ncotiraoiiij' the enemy in any way in Iti h Hiwcr except hy ciiliktliiu in the rehel army, ami thuthin natural cowiirilice wouM prevent lliu tloing. However, in 1S7, after he hecutne governor of (rcgoii, he nciit a ilin patch to the New York WorM, ap proving 1'reniili'iit ('li-vclanirn re "toring to the rclield the llagH caji lurcil from them hy the I'nion nol iliem. lVnnoyer wait the only gov ernor whotliil Approve of tlie return of the (lag, anil I'reniilent (!leve html hiuihilf wiin iflmmcil of the nr ilcr uml rcnt'imliil it. The Htiiteiuent the governor nrnkt-n in hin h ei h that I have si itcl I wouM give UK 1,000, or any other Mini, to U eliTtetl, in too nilly to merit tviiitra.liction. Win ntatcinetit that I wn noniinatetl hy a conven tion nclcctetl hy the line uf money, in cipially untrue. I votcl for the lVitlaiul water hill. All my coiiHtitin ntn, tleiuo cratn ami repuhlieuim, favoietl it. I wan their representative. I votcil to pUKd the hill with the non-ansctin-ahle chtune, uiul without it. The governor hail nigncl other hilln of a niniiliir chaructcr, ami rainetl no ohjeet ion to them, notahly the homl claiiKC in The Iulle8 cily charter, which he approved Fchruary Ki, ISS7, which expressly provided that " thefe hoinltt bo innueil nhall not he taxed for state, county or municipal purponee." Alno, the fame character of exemption in the linker City charter hill, approved hy (Iovcrnor lVnnoyer Fchruary 17, 1NS7, which nlnoexpreshly miyn; "ThcBe liondn nhall not ! taxed for ntate, county, or municipal purport-' en." At the time he approved the nhove-nuincd hilln hu did not ex pect to again ho a candidate, and needing ft Hiihject on w hich to hood wink the people, ho took up the Portland bond. bunlncKR, tlum ptul tifying bimself and showing what nn arrant demagogue ho in The democratic platform express ly condemns trunt. Why docn not 1'ciu.myer withdraw from tho lum ber t runt? I n in no trust, but I'VltlMf1 I llll IU HM VHIIIV) MIV doing a business ipiite equal in vol- nine with the business of (iovcrnor Pcnnoyer. Why docs he not (sim ply with another plank iu the demo crat lo platform and make tho work ing hours in his business eight hours for a day's work? I do this in my business, The governor poses us a poor man and the especial champion of t ho lu borer. Will any man point to a Blnglo lct of (iovcrnor Pcnnoyer where ho bus miulo an attempt to benefit labor? Talk, with Governor Ponnovcr, whou ho wants votes, is cheap, Ho has been a man of talk all his life. I have known him theso many years, and I am sure be has never done ono day's honest lu boT w ith his hands in that time. 1). P. Thompson. Iliisluens Notice. Having iiceeptuil tt position with the 0. U. $ N, Co., I have thin day closed the Oregon City market. Thanking my friends for patronage conferred, I remain, J, N. CinAlUU, 'Hi (Jovciwnlilp. The democrats churgcthat Hon. 1. P. TliompHon in no public ("peak . . .. t or. 110 maker! lint poiniH, nowever, on (lovermr I'eiinoyer, and lnitkcii them Honlron tlutt In Juno it will beilirteovercd the redoubtable denia K'guc of tho democracy in a politi cal corpno. That Pcnnoyer in al ready convicted of malicious falno Irnodn uttered against tho republi can cnnd'dati! for governor, is well known; and such wcuiions used in political warfare act simply as boonieritngK. Peiinoycr's ansaults arc, tinfortiinately for him, directed agaliiMt Thoinjmon's invulncrablo point, while PennoyerhiniHelf is in tho open Held of fraud, tho Doit Quixote) of the Faneho Pan.a party of Oregon. Mr. Thompson Ijum tho certified (locuiiientH fromdeinocriitic oflieial in h land olllcc in this state to provo that Sylventer has been in with a " gang" to rob the state by the man ipulation of the public school lauds, in which he and one or two of bis petH, if Pennoyrr is re-elected, are to laioille the people out of some sixty or eighty Ihounaud dollars. Thene .'!0,(KKJ acres of iudemnity school lands, taken in lieu of school sections in Indian mid government reserves, uro placed in the bands of the aforesaid " gung" at 1.2") Jicr acre, and by this " gang" are lieing olVered nt private sale ut from f .'..r0 toSiiper acre. I'nfortuniitely for the governor the republican secre tary of state would not be a party to the fraud, and Sylvester hits bud trouble in putting bin purchasers in 'plist pimm-ssion of the statu lands he ban undertaken to manipulate. When elected governor of the state of Oregon I. P. Thompson w ill simply block thin land-grabbing .'nine of old l'on, and put the lands up fur alo to the highest bidder, that the school of the state may receive all the money their lands are worth. It in suid P uiiovcr is a graduate, of Yale. If that is true, why should Oregon's school children be robhed to further bejjcGt 0I vltl jlulj whose pockets aro already lined with gold, and whose education has all bis life been devoted to jiecula t imi, speculation and disloyalty. Oregon Plade. It lilt the Iti-miM-ral. Kr..;n tho Yaiuliill Importer. Whatever of iniipiity there may have been in the Portland water bill, the democratic party should be w illing to shoulder its part of the burden. Instead of doing so, their henchman and stump-speakers are going alaiut the country lying to the ignorant clans of voters, assert ing that it was a republican scheme that all the republicans in the legislature voted for it and all the democratic memWjs against it. How true that assertion is may 1k ascertitimid by consulting the jour nals of either bouse. Take senate bill No. 17, on which the first vote was taken, and it is shown on pages lot! and li7 of the senate journal, that lit republicans and 7 democrats voted for the bill, while two repub lieuns and two democrats recorded their vote against it. On page 303, when ths vote was taken to pass the bill over the governor's veto, we Iiml that six of those rascally dem ocrats were still voting for tho bill. With such a record as this, it looks a littlo cheeky for tho democratic party of the state, to try to make a plat form out of the Pull Utm water bill. Another thing that looks a littlo bit lteculiar, is tho fact that scvvral of the democratic, senators who voted for the bill, and voted to pass it over tho governor's veto, hava been renominated by their party this year. Wo should like to I - kw tliu vwwb of (iovcrnor Pcnn oyer in regard to tho duty of his party toward these iniquitous nom inees. Should they havo the party support or not? It is safe to say His Excellency will not tako tbe stump to defeat any nominee of his ow n party V. Vi. Myers Explains. KuiToit KNTSiti'itiNKi AVill you ploaso allow me an answer through your paper to eliaiKon against mo opposing free liritluo ut Oregon City 7 I am sure Mr. Kilitor that you 1)0 not want to min represent mo in this mutt or and the l.ti'tn havij been winliod for In conne ipieiu'e. I ditl vote ttgairmt sulisiilinliig llio liritluo Co., living tliem $1000. to 1 11 nko a toll bridge, with eleven other, hut at the sumo time, advocated sub milting tlio iiuest ion to the people In proposition for a free bridge and would votn to lie taxed for such piirporie. I am opposed to taxation without repre- sniitation, Oregon City, May ID, 18!X), W. W. Myehs Viki'k Vlaee is Popular Property, ) MICE 5 CENTS. IM.MJI I1HIIUM&IM J 1 1 111 lllll'HIWW IIJIIIH County Correspondence. NritiNGvmr.n. We have had some ino growing showers, but need more. Our new minister, Roy. Hylvanus, preached yesterday, tho 11th, to full house, lie, with bis family, on mo from Washington, ami will take charge of this field of the Pres byterian church. Quite a display of cow bucks and carts on main street of Hpringwa U'rin the evening after singing and lurch flurvices, As two young ladies were return- ng from church on the 11th they picked enough wild strawberries to have a dish of delicious strawber ries and cream. Mrs. Hickman, of your city, is p here on a visit to her brother, Mr. Shibley, to improve her health, hichitis doing. Crops are looking fine, and the fruit prospect is good. Miss Williams' school is pro gn'sning nicely. The singing class propises having picnic. Occasional. m:iv. The public school closed Tburs- Jay, the loth, a term of seven and a half month. The average at tendance for tho whole time was 47, umber enrolled CO. His Excellency, Governor Pen noyer, ami btate I reasurcr W ebb passed through thi place last week. There wcro only two citi zens in town, and they wero moss back republicans, so the Govcrncr id not tarry. Sunday, May 11th, was a great iy in religious circles. Rev. ILL, Parclay, of Mar.piaru, preached at o'clock, and Rev. F. A Parker, cf Woodburra in the evening; lyoth to crowded house. These gentlemen ill preach at the school house hert- after regularly. Charles Wolfer' and family, of Oregon City, were this week visiting at his father's, Hon. J. II. Wolfer, Mrs. Dr. Powell, of Oregon City, cajuc.up.LAfl week to visit U.a aje- ly of Mr. Isaac Darnell. Messrs. R. I). Ryland and Ralph Layman, and Misses Julia Moss- barger and Lorena Rvland, f Woodbum, paid a Hying visit to friends in Needy last Sunday. Mr. Jake Hitter the tanner, whilo at work in the tan-yard, cut a deep ami painful gash in bis left band, hich will lay him up for son.t tune. Mr. Combe, the surveyor of tho Molalla railroad, gent Sunday here, also Prof. J. R. Nelson and Noah Hardest y. The grain is drying up, tbe straw berries are small, and overvbodv is raying for rain. At the late school examination the fact was develojied that there is not one child in Needy district, of hool age, that cannot read and write. Can any community in Or egon make a better showing? WILHOIT. Wii.iioit, Oregon, May 17. Pursuant to notice, the republi cans met at Wilhoit Springs. The meeting was called to order by Scott Carter. On motion, J. G. Rlcakncy was elected chairman. He made a state ment of the object of tlm meeting. On motion, G. W. Swopo was elected secretary. After duo consideration, it was moved and carried that the chair ppoint a committee of three to Iraft a declaration of principles. The chair appointed Scott Carter, ;Vrry Yorh'cis, and William Mar.n go to act as said committee. The committee made tho follow ing report, which was ucceptod: We, legal voters of Soda Springs precinct, Clackamas county, Ore gon, having full confidence in tho principles of tbe republican party, hereby agree to uso all our influ ence to forward the interests of tho same. On motion, the meeting ad journed. J. G. Ri.eakxky, Ch'n. G. W. SworK, Seo'y. Public Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpoue of making an examination of all persons who may oiler themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools c I this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the Court House iu Oregon City, commencing Weduosday, May 28, 1800, ntl2 M. Bated this 17th day of May, 1800. Alkx Thomson, County School Superintendent of Clackamas County, Or . , To Whom It May Concern.. I havo resumed Imsinoss atuiyifflcf in Oregon City. P.O. MCowK. 1