The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 15, 1890, Image 4

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rsoa tub nun or i.awvkk and ma
(tVipTH. iilixl, JSSH, hy a M Dunham. ItiMhtM
t. xtKvlui ivirani---ii('t UirvHMfh Tli. AmM-tva-a
rumV stoKV.
Mitf Tom tirriv
oil In Now York
oily it was tvirly
(u tlm mortilni",
for linoi-mio in up
on tlio So u nil
do went striiinht
way to II o 1
hrvxik'sotVicc-, 1U
v a 8 anxious to
txch;uie,o hows.
Ho felt that tho
cud of tlio search
wan growing
io;tr, nnil wltilo
ho w ni tod tho
routing of tht
jmnijt lawyer, ho Indulged in Utiiit
Iititioip'Uions of tht) sensuthm lm would
create, tho brnoncsa of tlio "scoop' ho
woulil havo upon his contemporaries,
ami ho even Wg:n to nrr-uto In hit
mind i ho detail of tho tuurative for hi
It was eh:ir:ictrri-dU) of tho man Hint
ho t lt no pity for tho Intended viotim,
or k:ivo lU.n;;ht to tho distress his cxpo
tmre would carry into tho household of
Not that Tom was an unkindly man.
Ho had only boon hardened in tho prac
tie of hi profession and sotii-hl hit
end remorselessly.
While ho was iinlul;;hi' these expecta
tion Ilolbrook came in.
"Where havo vou heon for tho pant
fow-days." ho said, w ithout waiting for
salutation. "I havo been seriously
utarinod. I font every whoro for you
and could not lind you."
"To Newport." '
"A pretty tiuii) to K pleaj-urln","
grumbled Ilolbrook. "I found your
"Shadow, but ho wouldn't tell mo any
thing." "No, ho inner tills," said Tom, com
placently. "Vou gave uio a pretty fright; why
didn't you let mo know you were goin?"
"Hadn't time. lhit," said Tom, "I'll
relievo you. I cut on tho very luisim-st
you think 1 net-locteJ. Shadow, who
keeps very closo to fountain's man hi
valet and worms inerythingoutof him,
came to tuo ha-tily before I was out of
lod a few days ttj-o, with the informa
tion that Fountain had been summoned
to Newport, titter cousiderublo telo
graphic eorresjioiidonco with tho Ash
grov o i;ii I. Upon tho impulse of tho mo
ment, 1 di toriuiued to p and I made up
my luiud that if I started at oneo with
out delay I could ct there before he did.
An in-unet intuition what you will
ititpell. d inn to pn, So not having time
to sec you I left at once. 1 made a big
"Oh, then you have learned some
thin,'':" "A b' ileal. Listi iu I had not
time to pack anything, but I grabbed a
ba I ha I used on my last trip out of
town, hi which 1 knew there wa a
chano of clean linen, and just caught
the train."
"(let to your point," said ilolbrook
iiiipatieiitly, deeply Interested.
" lake it easy, my tioy, it U not to be
told that way." The beauty of tolling a
tulo is toliitv; it in a sequential manner;
you make your point much stronger,
and a clearer understanding is the re
sult." "Oh, k n your own way," returned
Ilolbrook, irritably, realizing that Tom
was nut to lj driven and that interrup
tion only delayed tho course of his nar
rative. "Weil, then, n.1 I traveled on I had
timo to examine tlio reasons laying back
of my impulse. Of course, if fountain
went to N" iort ho would ro to Wither
spoon's. That several telegrams had
parsed between himself and the Ash
grove girl, and that Fountain had ex
pressed a desire to remain in Now York
a few days longer and had yielded In
obedience to the last telegram from
Newport, showed urgency. Now, what
ur'-nov, and whv? That was what I
was traveling to New port to find out if
J could."
"I should take it a very poor reason,"
interrupted Ilulbrcxik. "Tho idea of
traveling olT so many miles iiion an iiu
".My di ar fellow, your inability to np
preeiato how controlling such impulse
are upon som temperaments, show mo
charlv ymi would never succeed as a
newsiiuiM r man. I mako it a rule of life
to obey the promptings of my intuitions.
Hence my mccess,"
"Well, jri.t on jour story."
"After a while I thought I would
open my bag and lind what I bud with
me, ami to my surprise 1 discovered a
suit of clothes for a lalxiring man a
working suit. 'Hu n 1 remembered that
I had u ,i .1 it a i a disguisosomo time ago
when I was on another ulfair, and tho
thou 'ht impped into my head that I
could u e it again, possibly to good i-f-
feet After I got to Newport I mado
my way to tho Witherspoon cottage and
took in the surroundiiiL'S. I knew what
timo I'oimtain was to leavo New York,
Hid, then fore, nhcut w hat time he would
"I determined to disguise myself a
garde ner, get on the grounds, and risk
detection. So procuring a pair of garden
shears, 1 did my working clothe up in a
package, Kmuggled it out of the hotel,
and on u plaunliln pretext nncurcd
room in n cottage in tho town, where I
could mako the change. About tlio only
thing I lean 1 on tho fitago was expert
nes3 In make up, and when I issued from
tho room I was as lit a gardener as you
over saw. 1 loitered around until about
the time for his arrival. I was near the
gates when the carriago drove up, and
quickly followed it, Fortunately for
mo, such as were til work on the ground
wero in front and not In tho rear."
"Oh, do skip the details, for heaven'
sake!" cried Ilolbrook,
"iuu seem to no nervous tin morn
ing," rejoined Tom, who, between a do
siro to teaso Ilolbrook and an inlcnso
relish in his own tale, was indulging hi
vein of graphic recital, "Well, I saw
tho Ashgrove girl waiting for hlin, saw
her greet him, and then sit down and
wait for him while ho entered tho house,
Shortly ho came out again, utid I had an
opportunity to get closo up to the vcran
da out of sight, on tlio pretext of trhn
ruing Homo vineB, Then there began the
most extraordinary conversation."
Tom hero detailed that Bc.cno upon the
veranda, of which tho reader is fully In-
informed. During Its recital Tom wa
not interrupted; Ilolbrook was too anx
ions and interested to lose a word.
When ho had finished Ilolbrook said
"That se.'lles it, Fountain Is tho man."
"1 think (hero Is no doubt of It," ro
pliod Tom.
"None in tin .'east. What power of
self potiHesmon! Of course ho realized
thoroughly what fiho was driving at,"
"Of course," said Tom, "but ho is sum
of her love, nnd docs not propose to ad
mlt it even to her."
" ' .'if
cold blooded kind of n person w hoooiiM
commit ho delilievute imd cold blooded n
"Truo, but 1 think his evhliiillou of
firmness and wlf- powsaou tit tho club
w as oven greater than on tho veranda."
"Why, on tho veranda ho was euro of
the gill, he could depend en her love for
him; but in tho club uu Intimation that
hu wa the murderer, backed by piwf or
strong suspicion, would havo made each
man there an enemy,"
"True," commented Ilolbrook. "Hut
Floral How that girl dih-s lovol It is n
wild, unreasoning, uu all pervading love
-ft love sacrillciug evervthlng. I could
not have believed it of her,"
"(.'onto, tell mo," said Tom, "of your
doings since l'vo been gone,"
ci unci xx
twt'lWM Ilolbrook'.
k J, r-italitp,H-atvd
m v ThiiUi had been!
"N', w I t .lono in thowavl
P,"'--11J! ot hedding ligh'i ;
"ii f on tho dark'
pi ICeS. lilt h id j
applied r..rVtte.s
for Mrs Temple- I
toll, and' had l,s!
celved them. Ik'
had taken posses
sion of tlio prop
erty and papers
tit her name, ittnl
w it It her ponnis
all the peisoieil e(
I. Ho had found let
Ion had examined '
feet of tho ikvca iei
ters in plenty, both at tho ollleo of Tent
pleton and his larding place, but none
that threw any light uion the motive of
the deed or which even demanded he
qui ry.
The books and business papers wore in
rxcclloitt and methodical hhapo. lie
was certain after closing evciy thing tip
and pav ing nil outstanding obligation
ho cotihl turn over souiethlug above
thirty thousand dollars to bo added to
the fortune of Mrs, Tempi. ton. The
greater part of this money was already
in government bond deposited in a
safety vault.
The ladies wet o eomtVriabN situated
In Islington avenue, and ho taw them
nearly nightlv,
He had been over . see old tieore
rXilwell on Iuie; l.ind, nnd ha I con
vened with him as to Wesin -'-t viit.
Little had come of that v i it. Wi s,in.;
had not been by any means c.'niminue.i
live, had adroitly avoided direct answer
todins't questions, mid had It led lodiaw
Upon lKdwell for iccoll.vtioii of the p.r
(h'I'S of riersott w hen in the olbee.
As these pt llielsdiy li ll.ti d to lit i.. i
tion over the eollcctmgi.f bu -un s deots,
and the sett hug f pailnei -ship cub rptises
and sH CIllations, w holly eoinmcrcial and
llnaucial atfaiis. liobvells re. ob.enon
had interested him little.
Ho hail asked how much I'i. r'ii had
left, and IVilw ell thought jorr Iw o mil
lions. Ilisonlv sigmlic.tut qtiesti 'ii ten
Had Mr. IXilvvell r- .isoii to vui po-c
that l'ierson iad ever home any other
Ah!" crhsl Tout, "that Is
warm, w liat was lioiivi u s n
No. mvou the contrary be h.el eiety
reason to U'heve ho had not; I I. ad hi . I
kuownof Mr. Fiersoti twenty I'm- j..oi
o, and he then hoio that n.r ie, ,u. I
was known ns a reputable iiu teh oil. "
'This thing it very n h u.,;." io.
marked Tom th.;ightftiliy, "I cuumi
make out the oontiiotiou. We. -in.: ii
ra making inquiries with ie,;anl to
rierson's papers; Fountain makes the
same inquiry, and yet so far as we ue
enabbsl to ascertain tin to i i no iv! iii,,u
between tho two."
Ilolbrook was paeon- to. and down I1I1
narrow riHun in pioioiind tieiu.hi. ii
nallv he said:
"Tolu, tho case stands like thi , Now, '
follow me closely : Tcinpleloii i . u.iifdei, ,
iu tho open streets and tlnro i-. no ap
parent molivo for thu de.d. t ileum
stances, wholly arising I nun I e t.i . ,'i
grove's inaniier and words, p.nnt the way
to suspicions of Fountain."
"(iood, 1 follow you.
"As soon in we set inquiij on l-x.l "
run against the dead 1'ier Wes its :
inquires for his papeis, so dis s Fountain."
'Yes, and so docs linker.
'Oh, that Is notion,-; he isan ntu.i in j
probably acting for one orotlierof thou
Don't interrupt me, you destroy tlio con
linuity of my thought. To get b u k -so
iocs Fountain. Now, in tho talk ls-twis-n
Flora and Fountain, overln aid by
foil, there are I hrisi jsiintt made lis .1,
Fountain it an illegitimate son; t eoiid.
ho is promising to i-ngage upon an enter
prise in tho following of vvhiih ii in
volved the ex posiire ot lilt 111. -il uu ae ;
third, l'rovidenee hat remov e I T.
ton from his path."
'Oh, ho, 1 Infill to see your dint.
'Now to weave these fads. L t u
make some suppositions. Suppo-n I ht
Son was one of thoie men who, bavin.; n ,
fair and reputable bu ine-a evteiior.
lived a double or even triple private life.
This is not a wild Htipisisil ion-there are
plenty of such instances; the records of
the courts nru full of them. Now to pin-
coed: ."Vioie mat vw-ssing is iiiauiu;; in
qtiirios because now mark because his
mother Ins mother, inaiK jou, imiii.s
that l'isrsoti is a relative, nnd if he is
then she Is an heir."
"Good. I follow; 1 follow." '
"Now, 6llpHiSO Wcs.sing llimll l be a
son of I'iersou's under another nam",
that would account for his inquiries af
ter l'iersou's property in so guarded ii
manner, wouldn't. it?"
"And suppose, siinii Fountain no
li now ledge that hu is uu ilioeiliiu.ili)
son, ho was another sou of l'ier on's by
another mother, that would account for
his inquiries,"
"Y'es, but I don't follow you elo.cly
"And Riipposu (hat i'ierson was an ;n
sumed nnmo in middle life to cseapo the
consequences of a devious way of living,
and that, having had two illcgilimnto
sons, ho had a third, a legitimate son,
whoso mother ho had abandoned, ami
that son was Tenipleton Templeton,
whom J'rovldcnco had removed from
Fountain's path that is to nay, l'rovi
denco in tho shape of a shai p knifo in
tho hands of Harry Fountain."
"You tako my bre.ilh away And
what then'."
"Why, you have the motive for tho
"Hut how do you bring Wenning In?"
"I don't bring him In; ho Is lln ro only
from tho fact that ho Inquire for l'ier
son's papers."
"And Hint ho was present at (he mur
der; don't forget that In your llieori.
Ing." "I don't; it is nothing, a coinci
dence, but onoof those curious joining
of lines arid crossing of paths, which if
not carefully uvolded confusotho judg
ment and mislead you which malum
truth nlwavg so much stranger than fic
tion," "Wensing would havo tho sainn mo
tive for getting Templeton out of tho
"Hut ho didn't do tho deed; lind be
sides, WcHHing- is not a man who would
pursue any point to death and whoormld
do deliberate murder; a glance is sullh
clout to determine- that ho hi won k. On
tho contrary, Fountain would, We linvu
both agreed to thut,"
"Uut."euid Tom, "is not your theory
There Is n great deal to sup-
pone, I llil
nit that, o far as Fountain
In concerned, It Is plailsihlo.
"Ou! "pUut'ihl" tiho the rent becnu-i.
vou have certain ti-ioerlalned facts or
statements of himself -ttnd Flora to rea
son upon. Fountain is proponing to seek
a ton one; 1'ieri .m's fortune lie wiilllng
to lo sought, Fountain Inquire hen
about Fiction's papers, mid admits 10
Flora that hit called upon iuu in refer
ence to that enterprisit, Flora i horror
oli ieken at (ho idea of his coming to mo,
w ho saw tho murderer at a distance, and
who pretended to seo more than I did
Them nro the connecting link which
niul.o the reasoning sei-m plausible us to
Fountain, Vou seem to stumble over
the idea that t In to iiuiitt have been soma
knowlcdr of Weislug by Fountain, and
of Fountain by WeKdiig."
'I ce
It I
not neees siiy lo (he truth of m
that Ihev idioiild not have kllow i
I that they h'lotild See here
.i Fountain did know of Weaning
I v holly doubt, and thill he was
ilnii.ite M hi atso, II would make
i, Me in his iiiiei piiso of killing
"'', '
lempieiotl, II ni'iliii ee lim IIHH m'
"'v; ' ,m''t;
' "') other .lle,.tu...e heir ,-otild
I"' '"' ''haveiiet.u n on (lie iinclulmed
.. . . i. .. ..ii i . ...
l oere ts a tine ie.ii.ouuig in mill
tnl vou have no bias for Bitipoaing
then' wail any aliaudoliii'-ul of TenipU
ton's tootle (' '
llolbtoo', had Ii en pacing up it lid
down III how.n (hill reasoning t'Klll
Tom's i. mat k ho ti. i iied quickly around
mid I ito -ii:.; Ins hands tojjeiher with n
le. MiMdio ; w h u U lie i-xoialllleil
"hs, to Heaven, I havo! Mrs Tom
pie!. .ii i. iid un-thai her father had lefl
her on I. i t inotliei s tleaih to the care f
tin aunt, iin.l went to I'hlladelphlii; tlmt
ftiibs.'ijiiciitlv a iiiinort'f his marriage
had leai h.s llieui, but was never veri
lied. 'I 'hat was alter they laid hoard of
his death ubtoiid."
" The facts in lids case come out slow
ly," Mid Tein "Tho line of Inquiry to
follow is i he I'ierson lino. Why not
pii.h our inquiries with Mr. 'I'outplo.
ton:' S. e if It i i not possible to connect
the T'euiplebeit w ith l'telsoti."
"I tl
W it'l 111'
e,l 1 t...
io it. and tit once ou'll go, w oo't you?"
I ll .;.i with you. and would ls
I, n ent wo alutuly ground
bib, ,-m a judicial inquiry?"
w ot ii!1,:, I 1 ha o established the
.ii of Fountain with the iiiuu
i. I. i ,e, the clothe. "I'll go
about il
uw n tie-
,v an. I then meet you.
iv, Tom, if Fountain don't
Id button, w ho does,'"
h t!i.,ed if 1 can tell-that i
-Til be ha;
ane of the pit.'.
in I in s most piuitluig
of all-. I .e.."
T e ti lull tied olf to his filond, the
leader writer, who had undertaken lo
abb, in a t un
I'titiotti portrait of l-oun-
Will, boa did v on make out." asked
t i.e.
i and
I o't liv.l views of him -full
tace," IU tKik them
from hi i d. !;.
To:u in ipect' d them closely. "Capi
tal," ho s ,i I, ' p i feet pictures."
"Whit am vni K"tng to do with
m going to
th, in." asl.ed lh
"i'.lld "I 111",'
iess-i a!" hut i y,
cvi'l.tbl an I thai
ha ter w riter.
o l Tom, "I am in a
and if I do not wait to
vou for litem you will
e"U o III", I l.lioa-.
l beti he went to the clothing store lllld
found the , lell,
"What kin. I of tiiini did you have ou
jour i I uu!- il.e"
"F an ; up," sai l Tom 'Sim hero, you
i..,,li,, my a.kin: you if you could
Id entity the in ui wholsiuht that suit
the in in , u' i lo of C S. T.'s?"
111 Ol
th" photograph and
nu a, amy ot biipn-U-almg
with micli
Ml.dit (ho clerk must
I !
II. .ol
lie In
I. li. Slid
positive that Is lbs
loin 'He'll lind bl
hoi.- 1 .. 1 o ii.-d upon him. Thank you
lb; .1 i ..a ol abnul it nhortly I'llcoim
(: 1 1 i- tl ! I'T our kindnes.1 "
It" . 'Miii I out of the store
"T'lecd n.bnalh- uounil ulnitit hint.
I'ooi:! on, h .v. there in n siirpriso ill
'.ii 'l ii i.iu In two ilivV tune, mjr
Ceiiile lei. lout n.iiue will he tho best
lilion n 01 New York lo II."
lie Iiiii 1 ii I i; to meet llolbriHik.
1 .1 I e cel. tinned.
Iimii'I I. a nif lli-fiirt Va iirs Ui'sily,
pnrtn 11, .uiy "ii 1 l"iiK Journey, lie fully pr-
l ! I 1 1, l"l 11 II IK 11 I"'. n I lll'l. Il I" U UU-
, ,.1i,u inn . . ,niii lined Willi tlio trumlor'
roid tiniii I'i 1'inhi jiicciiiri, HiMloUr,
Mi. nut. Il latter.. Ill 1 I H--lil.ll nf iifim-rs,
111 eiuieilio 11 10, 'I liroliinl.irs ul ilnri-.lK'li,
Au-ioii L ..a iii kiiei.., malum!, rrniiii Slid
l-., 11, . Ileoanal id I., idly i'u"l.ei or liiiwhiila.
k f I mid In n kl li wiiler, niirvnu.usm.
Ilii-i'i'.'t.ed )' Inoel, I'lirolllil tillliill.lll'.S Slid
1 1 , 1 . ii 1 ,11, Hie liitlem I. n iin'nun prn.
Vellllve. It IIMIeUIH II re!l"tl fur fnml Silo
lielher le y.'iii' ln-le, luid pri'vi'iilN tl troin ilis
njie. iii nun yen. Sever wilt llinrn nurll
i-noll il lliliiit llin icifiil-liltnlto ilv."''tirt
w hu . Hindu III dli'iid of Hie tiil rnnkeil llii'itl.
-.,Hiee lee 'rennle i'ail-ei liv III iniinri-il
vl neb aoi'Mot .In 1 1. on hteiiinlnuttH, Slid mllinis
ha Illy linlli'd nl raibvliy rc'lmirilllU, It iikiii
,,,,,,,..),, .1 1,; tin- hillcr., wlni ii Kite. iiili'lil
ui 1!,. ai ni, kidney Iruublii suil lu-
SI. ii-;', "f Merry l.lnd.illd, des
In, ye. I the bu ry ilnujon, hut Ihe Ailieri
can champion i ai Inductive cunipiers St.
Anthony's I'ue. chilblains, fiust bites,
eiiN, Mound.; and ib hihi? nnd irritating
.li i .i i. Sold by I-:, li, Ciiiificld.
I blot I'.. I' Killing' r, nl tletlyshurK,
I'i ni! o Iv 11. ia, NtVM hu hud been HUll'erillK
lib -a cold and eolith, iiIho his wife, thill
Ihev look lo 11 "iuu t'hiinihei'lilin' CiiiikIi
l!ei Iv ninl len-ived rndil, beni'lit from
Yel he Han, "It Was
iv a
Ji W 1
td HA .Jt
ccuzk t;ou,
111- unit 'lii'if'" te'o'i'i Hit' 7'll-.'ll( rrnil
1itti'tn lira .ibiiei, Ii blmnith or
jVi ri'e -ore. I-, ,'! .; ..TIl I.' foljtlNst (lllll
'unit (.jf
Willi l!yp'.)jli08i)l)ll'J3.
psirui.(. a a Milk.
jt U- Jut' A. !" t'lmilnlnn, mid lit na
t rfilmiiiiiiin ni' fil'n Hnliun hiiimo you ta
uiri-ft 11 iiuli'illlnlit.
tinhl h i tilf Prtt'HilHtt),
CCCTT fl OTHK, Ghomlsta, H. T.
nl-ritt nnft, 1J.ifi(nli'iirnf(1
: 'iiiif. TiMldni'ttillllH f r 'in All
t ') i'l'ih". J'rMiimiit,Hii j'DM'C
r b mi I'tihlirnUoii tn l'rof,
H-iUis a'.V li'iiiU Av, Now yu'i.
AT Till', (iliFFNIIOtUd': Or' TUB
The following Film HuluctUin ol
t'lmlce I'otted mid Cut Flowers
Chrysanthemums, Hollyhocks, t'mine
thuis, I'etuniits, lioses, N'm helms, Vlo
lelH.Hvveet WUlluins, Forget. inn-not,
I'tqiples, Heliotropes, I Misly Mil
ler, Salvias, Ceittavtea, Huhllas,
(ioruiiltims, t 'amum, and a
lienei al Collection of all
other I'lanls,
Cabliugo I best Market Kinds iH), Ml
Caidlllowor, per 100 I.Oo
Tomiiloes i best Kindt, per bt), ,7ft
M, II, Fhimiktuu.
li. A, Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
KKH'S ON II AND Til K liKST SKI f t, Tt01
el VVIm , l,tiiinta. Sic, Hi r, Ad , In lit
liiiiinl In lliu Siata, In Login K0iaui lllurl
Ulvs nit s dull,
is tliviileil illdl 70, lVO Hint tlllt'-lllllf,
iiinl live aero tracts. It is luculeu
on tlio lieiuhU tiverluuking the
I'liickaiiiits; lieiico its 'inline, it is
aliiitll thu- inilii I'rniu Court House
mill One half mile from the oily
limits, The County roml crosses
which makes it rusy of access, Wing
ni suit twenty minutes walk; from
tlio (Vidro of Oregon fit y.
lies in Oregon City School tliidrict,
timl iiirchascrs can have the advan
tage of sending their children to a
good, gradeil public school, j no
Soil is gootl, tlio Location very
hcaltliliil, nil rruits and cgi tables
vichl alniniliintlv. Terms one lhinl
down, ami lialuncc in one year at
eight t cent, Fiir further partic
ulars inquire of
City I'ttig Store.
Farmers' Store!
, Si h is lei
Goods sold at Portland
llltilir.sT I'Klt'K 1 A 1 1 Ittll t'ttl'N-
TitY riitmrt i'.
hay ash n:rn a stkat ai.ty.
For Lut.rt.77A.UH. IANU0OUI
t..r.l kBdUKKVUUI hlUll ITV
t Krrvrsor Kimm m O.dor Tount.
K . 4 II INI 1) fNlIf Hl-rl. hw U Blafla
airMflihMifiiti.,1 iuti,
oiiiii( titiralHof Hull mml T -Hii 4js
Mm iMllff ttm kit mlMtt tmrmtwm mmWI Wril ihm
IhuMrlklli HMib. fiklaaail m4 prf Biall4 ImM i Cr
sssmt RI rtllOICAk CO., BUffALO,.. V.
Liver Disorders
Boon euiloi the blood to Imh oiiii' eniiliiiu
hulled Slid ri'ipilrn prnuipt treiiliiieut.
The IiiimI nmrked syiuptoius uro Ion nf
iippetitii, lieuihu hii, puins til ths hm V
er shin, iiiuik'4, sad reUmitlnn of ths
how el, Ayer's I'llls ss.l.t uaturs tn
XM'I tint superahiiiiilaiit tale ami thus
r eiib ire the putlly nf the blued, Ili'llig
purely vi'Kutahls slid siiKHr-ciuiti'd, they
urn pleasant tn take, mild in eperutlua,
uud without ill effects.
"After many years' oxperlencn with
Ayer's 11 1 In lis a remedy lor tlin Ihihb
piuiilH'rof uiluii'iits cuiiwed hy tlersiiKi'
luuuls nf tlin liver, peeullur tn mulsrliil
liieiilltlcs, slmpln Juntleo proiiipls me lo
rxpras In you my !iii!i upprnelutUni uf
(lis insrlts nf this medlciiis lor the i'Iii.s
nl dlKorders I have nuniud." 8, Ij.
l.oii((lirlilne, Itrysn, Texas.
" 1 lisd tried almnst everytliliiK fo(
ihrouln liver cninphilnt, tint recHlvnl
no ri'linf until 1 used AVer's Plllt. I
find Ilium Invshiubln." V. K. Watson,
77 Kust llliiioit St., t'hleiiKO, 111,
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. i. C. Ayer & Co. Lowtll, Man,
Kulil by ill Imigtfltutuil fivslcrs Iu Modlolut.
now luivo a Full Lino of
Jfiirtjwiu'o ninl Htiivt'H. Bplo Agont,
for Hmmrior HIovoh and ltanns,
Tlin Oliver Chillml I'Iowh ut $1 an in
Wo havo (loniiotitod with tho hoimo
fi, FirntClitHH Plumber and Tinner
and work it) thin Jjiip wjlj bl
Promptly done and an Cheitp an any
could duHiro.
Opponito ToHt Office.
Grocery Store.
l...l. Hull
- i" "Jy
rut a
W in mn ili 1 hi (,;
Uvf UttiPlt Ht r wollj,
I' ,i r.i. utn
h'tttHifiHly ItHi.i. in.) W'tfitlW
let liiit n i I....I'.! i' k r t mi
ftl'l'li' .tnU, ninl tu I,k,i ui in,-it t nn
iDIMVtk, )t ti TTfl'l (tun rvt-r I V-
ty (.n-viHi tisl-vr ('.,i5( ritwr
W H.'lilMlbr-l'VlH,
O, M.H'illHY A CO.
TO Clnsj ltllloii.iioin, Sick litis, Iru-im, CiiuatU
pulliill, Mnlsiis, blu r I iiiMilnluU, luka
Hi ssfu sml i'1'i-uiii rouioily,
ts h nn i.i. hu (4niitii iisnii io id
bvltlxb linr Aim rim sun convsnikki'.
M l mI .1 f , - t 1 1 y .
Prlrw or Hilif r me, ut,.. .r io.iiU.
KISiSIFJ G"7""-70
IIIVUIIIH s.iiirf i t o, o.-o-.o .I.H.1.1.
l,I.IMIIS4((l.i.i.oi H.mis, IT.IOUH Mt,
i() TO
WtwMt lit tKnnw Uo fitih(f U C-aMuft.
W-UcR K lift-1 1 UtUtutit. tU.r gAtr llrf ui Outttrti
Medical and Surgical Dispensary,
A, v
"k. S!-M.
e . .
v j 'i;
205 Sicono
P., Mnnnnrr.
Ntsn Tsnoa,
l'. iK I I. A S 1 1, Ol. I i
Hi I in: lin-1 1 1 '-'
Tlic Hi. i.i oaivrio. ntlv
No .. i ci . o i v I I M n
Hi i.eii i I ei. i- In Itit
iOm. in i, n!!
I'ltlYATi: IHnI'.AsI'.S.
Tltr !K junntili r ti i nu hiiv r.iM' nf ' tl
rnliriM. Hi- k 1 1 it 1 1 n 1 n nu 1 mn item AM
im'iim- ut W ' mil u taifV -!n ii - 1 1 1- i 1 M r
iLti aiiiri o run miv itni.:'i. Imr I ?..!- if
VhimI iiM-4sr rui iMr ) li it t lnnt l .;tt
(UK 'I tit thnll tutu .
Tlif ttix-tnr-i ninl .inl'f lnvtur itin Cir nf h
lia, tidtlult In ,1 l'f t.Si'l SitU'tl tntr-l lui
ilirtrtriue b-w I nv; t .ndinc h,w i in ti n i In ,i ,
,(.at MniiliiM oi Ni.'h'U' ) inmb n riifnt ) t
itiuuriiily, The'.i nl'sill i.u-r -r Mttlur
)i4lint rfltttu.illv ("till In K lt"H It'll'' ( t
twtrtM, I i mn t pnilsm mi-t nit il
I'C'moic, i:ns,
A it'l tH V imU of if iMwtlu rrn'ur-l (! niiv ( ift
ul (lir l'"-l , l" l ii ii im r i..w l-ti'K lwii'tiiij!, ot
li t'' I'i' v I'liiv t "'
Tlin.- U omi. - l xli the M . l .'t Mi en l
lHl l S4,N til-' I" hH!l' 1 L'U iM Hie
!' if)' 1 . I
VOlMi !.!)U,
1 'till1 1 H i tinii't mn ) nit;" I w illt tin ir Hi- U lt
riitlt-liK t' li' Vlci i"l 'm Ihi-s. ninl Hut
mi itMuiliil tii'l t ji'in Yf lull "t
till. Uf lc h.-r ilr.t w I II. .un ntt) i'i'
jji f l un I: nil iliil i''-itt I- uiu
4rf'Tlir Is to) ti. i in n the uu .!u iiif it ml i :
lnii t f'n. I ty It n Mr. i "II'.uIIhIm.ii I in
Ol tui lIi'iH-t i'iA M I t t . M , Hii'l i to i) I M
I' f. 1 1 c ; t " it ti p sh I i - "in i it I v fill mi:'
-w u-t n ..i f i ti 'I. I -!U c i i-M I' i:;.
i 'MK(.l I !' I i ! 1 'iiiMHU
Yw '.ii.M'. ,ui. si.m: I s'
TAnirF l;7c,;i,tu;o- ron all
The A mi: ii tc a n Piii ei i a ivrr,iiccl ciau-i
In lllbll.llllr II most valuable -erie-l ot I in ut
document i, 'I lie.e are rie.itn it Willi n t,.m
In nl tile I lie fnclf nnd ici ulmnl. tm' I'roleis
lion, w lll'l hot- III Hie uneo il ol titi'lia-l'K,
'titiorrrs, iiiereliniiiH er ii'iieai i!.. men.
laieli iwoni of I lie' in rleM n ei ii ioh to t ini-e ou
lOlircil In Ki'inrilte lliilli . 1 1 li iiii.l il'e.,i .fil r, In
lll.lllltllllle iilel. l-l nil ill'lr,i .11-4 ol' li II e'i,eol,
nf llviiiir, mid oilier lUKiniieiib, slioiMait llm
lieliellN of I'roteet Ion.
Any Hnnln one III be n'ld nu reeedd of I!
CelllN III .lilllli. " iiSh, l,l tnr Hllll
'I ml If," whle ti will be Henl for I cents,
' lie wlmln li-l , III he . nl Inr itneiiiilnnr
any iweivu lor '.ii ceiii., m- mty ilvn tm- HI
(.'elllU, potllllMe illld. li.(M li) lllllllbi r.
I ." Wii.'N, I.IvIiik ninl T.l 'IT." I' A. lUin i.
HellN 1(14
fl-"Tli(' Ailviinliiiii iinf u I'nileeltvi. Tin III' In
llm l.iiln.r mid liiilli'illli N ur llm t nl'nl
Mllle. " h II .I I'll.,, I..M.IV, IhHi , ( li.tll'.
rum. Ii. IImmnii . ng
J " Iliilllli I'lii'llli'lliill lllill-ii llnlllile In II Mil
lily. Ill bow I'lli'i"., nl l)li .MmiiiiI'iii-UU'i ,t
i run mil', ri'ipiiri'ii rr Hie ivniiii' nf
tin (iiilinl st'iii H, ninl iiiiiin-linui.
I'oiiltli'ltiiii uf iIh-hii i'iiiiuiiimi.i. Inip,,..
.Kiln wllliiitil ll I'liilei'ine'l'intll." llrHt
I'rlss b.miv, l-iss. (!. li. bnni a
-"M tint lire liiov Slul ertti Ih ? lnilil I'lvr llniv
Miilei'l'il. lie Ail.iinliiKri'ilH tu Hie l.nlior
finl ifiiiuriirii'ii uf.iiii' biiiivil i-uiitoH,"
ll.l 1'i'K.i'J'litmiv, lMl. Iliiliiaip 1'iiiki.l Ht
(-"rsllm-li's f I'li'u Triiilii." R r. Mn.i.iiii.,. ui
0 ' Moioo View, un Mill lull IT by HU I'M llllnl-
iiiMM Slim " (inn. lnui iii Ol)
j''Tln' I'l'iili'i'llvnTiil'lir: III AilvsllttKU for
ttln-Miiltll." (I, 1,. HtWAIInH ., ,1T
H ."Tim Wind lllllM',.1." Jll'lui' Wll, l.tWlltlNell 114
y-1' I'riiti'i'tlnll en. Kren '1'riiilt'." A lil.lurli'iil
II) -"Tin' Hm r mid Uiu I mill " Cut. Tiiomis
ii. in in i in
I'liili i ll.'ii U I'ulillu I'lilley." (JltiimiltH.
Il'iirwoll 1
U--"Iti'ily Ui III. I'l'inlilelll'ii Kinti 'l'i'iiilu liha-
Hllllii." II. I', Ce until II
I'I- "Win klnutii.'n ninl lii' I nrlir 'i ... t
J. "' lie VII liViiiLllnlil tili.illAl Ii'ilti tli'lllit-
till', tin Ai'iunlyiii.'il iiml Aiiimiiiitu Mm-.
io'(ssurrtiiiuii'i.i t. .
lS-hillll. ill (li'l'lllllll,
Willi Ai'l'iil'l'l'i'iiV.'.
1.1 'I h. i'l-uiiritM. nf Olltl llllllill'tiil ciirii."
ll.ilU'K'r I' rmtTrii S
17 'Prntiiellotl fur Anii'lleiin Mliliitnu." S
IS -"1 li. I m 111 I. ut. ft 'bu." lluMlai II liima.I,., S
111-" S hv tllNtitni'li Hlmtilil In- I'mliTlliitil.tM." 8
til "1 rolect lull." I'.. II, Ahmiiiumi.,
Ml-" Vl hat In a liii'ltT " Aimivi-rHtuu Vurldiii-
iniiirn (.M li -1.1 liill 4
"Tim A mm Ii nil W nul liulii.tiy,'1 K. II , All
ium, : s
S " W-i iiml Cnil n( l.lviiiit" ,1, n. Wkkh, 4
U-"Nintlli"l'll I'.'il'lnlliu In. Ii, no Iiiii," 4
VI, "A Mliml TulH In Viilloiii;iiii i,"
SS " ri'iiU'i'ltun mill IheJiiiriiH'l'," . l.-ruitor H. M.
. Cui liiu IU
Th. AsiSitH'AS KeetdifilllT, wi.nldv.ili.vntnil to tlm
dliK'iliiHl'in uf id' liluli'iiiil'llie'l'iuTir tili.tlull. 911
f ; venr. Kiiiiiilii I'ni'li'K f i'im'. Ailiti'i'H. Ai Ii'itii I'm-
VdUv. 'lurllt bctmuii, Hit W. JJil Nl,, .Ninv Yul'S-
II III. fcr-. ..I
a mm
'.' r 'MX'- '
BilcllW Rcaicn Will Hollco Tbat
Msh s
re mil wsrritiilaxl litrilr all i lmart uf
ili.r, loil only iivh mull Iruui
iiiauriieivu uvar, vim
Vortlflo, Hoadacho, Dyspepsia,
Fevori, Costivonoss, Bilious
Colic, Flatulonco, etc.
Fur Dim llinf m nirt wsrrsiitml infill,
tlble, hut Ht n-mif mi II Ii imnhIIiI
li milk raiuaily, I'rli n, SH conla,
OHloo.39 & 4irrk Place, N. Y,
.Notice of Appointment of Adminis
trator. Notice l hereby yhmi that llm iinder
kIkUi iI, lina Im ou, hv I he Honorable ( mini)'
Court ol I'luck n ii in. county, Hindi oil lri'oii,
dul v nipobitei n I in i nix) i nlur of u-eiinie
lit lllll I'ell'laoll, lie, lei-c l. Tllll'efol'i all
I htm iti luivlnu i hilum aiiaui.l anld elnle sis
herein untitled o prm-eiil I he Mini-, properlv
M filled, o me. Ill Ml V I l'idllll e, I o III il.-a
fioin No i ill in !ud . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v , within ni
hioulliy ll'i.lil Ihi, ilm,, i, I thin 'liuliee, nil. I nil
piiille ludebleil lo Mild rlnle lire heii'hv no-
llllell lo elle HI otlie.
nl. I'. Ml K K KI,miiN,
Aihiiliili-linlor ol ihn ('Mate ol ue 1
ll'Mull, tleeejo,,,,
April I'lth, Imsi. PI f .Hi"l St-ts.
wi it i: i n it i'i iii h t noi,
I Mn iiNtvim I,asii nrricr, I
l no hum t in, or, April 1 lust.!
Nuliin l hereby ilvi-i that the follunlnx
lillllieil aelller lull tiled untied of Ins Intra
lion to uuiUe 1 1 iu, I irouf In nl'),orl ol Id.
i-ltt I in , u 1 1' 1 1 1 1 ui ld proof k lil In-uinde l
fore the lleel.u-r nnd lleeelvi-r ol I', S, hind
i dlli e nl i icioii Cu v, I in pin, un M oi i tin V,
JnniiU, Ishi.vI.: :llotl f. I'n-nton, II e-
lend Knt i y , So. M t lor the N 'i ol h V i;
ut Pcciinii , 'I'.iu iikIhi 3 Houili, .1
biet. lie luooe the ollolli; ltiji-e1 to
(rovii hti i ofitiiitioiin 11-i.ldiice iijuui mid
niltiMilloii ol, mm id liiiul. vl: J. Itirliev,
' I'mil. II. Men' I,-. mill .1, Welch, all of
'amu-eii., I In, kionii-loiiiay, llree.ili,
J, T. Ai-ruos,
I.', il M ;' in. lii'Klntrr.
Vl l ll i: I IMI IM III.M TIO..
I ni 1 1 ii Stui l.sii ( urn S. I
tisroo ( itv, dr., t i'h, l".', Is "i.i
Ni I TU I', Is hirel.y "bin thut in coiiiph-
! Bin e Willi Ihr tiill-lnii of I lie ml ol I ell
i un i.f Jtinn ,t, l-i.s, i iititli d "An sel lor
Ihe llleol tiniber hind- In III'' MlCe. ul I lib
itoruiu, Uii'on, NeNiidii, suit U ii.liliiKlon
I'. ri il. ii y ." I hm I-:. Winter nf I'ortland,
( on ui v of M ult iioiiuih. Miilc ol tin iioii. hu.
: tin. iluv'tileit in thi. ultliti Id. .worn .titti--
ineiit So, 1'nT, lor the pmelin-i- ol (hp MC 'j
ol Sita.ii S,.. IJ ui lonn.iii No, i H,
j Itui. re No. (i I;, nnd w ill oih r proof lo .how
I ttiat the hind .oucht in tiioiii n I mil di- lor it.
i luiilier or .totii. than (,.r in-ru u'liuid pur
! l-o-M'.. mid to l-.tulilinlt In. ebiltii lo miid llilid
j Iii line tlir lbui.ter nnd liiei uer of llil.
1 oilier III HrenUI I ill, IO, Oil I ridllV, llil'
Ittll dnv ol July. vi. II, iuu, ,e. u.Wlt
liiee., Jn. A. I i, . J i .1, ii Alien mid W iii.
I Kleld of I'olllrnid, Mlllthntiuih eounly, dr.
i''hi: John Metotvri'ol .Nullity, I lili'kulllHM
' I .unity, i in con
i Ai. iiml nil ..i-.on. thihiiiiii; di'rcly
i the nLni-'dceriU'd laieU urv ri"iu-u-il lo
I lile their t'lsitll. Ill thi. otlli f tm or U-lorc
I -aid lllh duv nl July , I-'"'.
! ' J T. Al'l KltSiiN,
I I'i I'I .V. - I '.' Il lieei.ter.
! TIM HKIt I. AM'. Al l' JI NK .1, l-'i.
Mll lt i: I OH ' 111.14' t I 111.
I I si 1 1 n Sr rr I sn ( u in r. I
I I in ran is l ill. ( u., Muri h II, si,l
' Nl'T'll K i. Il' n hv eui'll thut ill COIIipli.
Ola e W llh thi- ptou.ion. of tin- tn t of I ol I-
itre-. ol Jin. r .1, s;, fiiiiilid "Aii ! for
i Ibv .ale ill IllliU t Ill the Slulr. ol ( ul-
lloriiui. (U'i-U, Nelrtihl, Ulld y tt-ilil'lttoii
I ten ilor ," I Ion h. ( niter, ol h.tnlv, ' oun
tv nl I hi. kiiioit., Muti ol ( ih i.'on. hu. till.
day fdt-it III tloa othei In. .uiiin .tuli-liu -il
N.i I'i'i-i. lor the purehuM- ol thr K t ol !W
', sinl h.t. 3 sod 4 of Ni lion Nu. s. in
',on-lo. No. 'i Nuith, ltnn,-i- No. 7 Ku.l,
and ill oiler I lo .Imu thul the laud
.oiiidd i. inore ol n ii bio lor ll timlr or
.tour thnn lor nitiii ulttiriil purri..e., rttut Iii
r.lubli.h hi. i liniii lo .tint hunt l. tori' Ihe
Iti'itl-li r Slid liei ein r ul Ihi. iittleit hi Ur.-k-on
I llv. Civi-on, mi V l-dlli .duv, the nth
dnv of Aiitol, I .-''. lie luiiiii-. n wit
in .ee. J A. Km, C. K. Muiler, nd T.
( . (i Ikiiiiiell of Portland, Mitlliioti, iih Co.,
' irreiui ; J. Melniv re, ol Nindy, I lm kanui.
loiiuty, llli'i'iin.
An Hud till pi-t-on. i laiiuini.' ndier-cly
ihr iihoM-ili--.iTihi'(t land, un-riiiie. led In
hie their ehiini. in tht. otllev or Ih'tort r-md
i th d.iv of Ausu-l, i"i
J. T. AI'I't l'SiiN,
t.'i in V 4 :'l !. Id ei.ti r. I.AM) AI T, JI NK II, 1S7S
miiht: i on ri iii.h' n io.
I Ml I'll ST Ml Its i I liner-,
iiusuos i'ivv, nr., Mun h la, lm i
Ni i I'll K I. hen by isivi'ii lluil in eoniplb
iiiuc with Ihe provi. ion. ol Hu- m l nl ( on.
irn .. ol Juiii' :t, Is;i, i-iititled, "An set lor
the .nli' ol" linilH-r hind, in the . title ot I'nl
tloriiis, (ira.'ott, Ncindn and Wii.liiiiirtnu
lenitorv," 1 Tm.. Miii'iriiin, el Tseoinu,
i I'nillitv of l'ier-. (', Slslc of Wu.hilietou, lis.
i hi. da llled In Ihi. nihil- hi. sworn
! Stiiti'ineiii No. pc.'i, for the tain lui.s of Hip
jN i,, M; i, and N !,. NU ', of Seeiion
I N. hi lown.hln No. I Smith, liiinei'
i No. 5 l'.ut, mid will niter proof to .how
! thut the hind .otiehi . inori' itluuble lor
; it. tinilier or .tone I hull for iiitrieulliirnl ptir
! hi-i i, timl lo hi. I'lnini to mini
! Innd hetot-i- tin llei'i.ter tllld Iteceilcr nt
thin ollleo nl nriTon t'ity. nrc.-on, on
i , the 7th diiy of Aiinu-t, l-'.i. lie
I inline, si witiii'".! ..: W. A. ( iiliorii, ninl
! N, .1. Weleh, of I'oilhiiiil Miiltiionuih t o.,
Hr.; K. t'leiiiciil-i, of (iit'i'oti City, (Tueku-
tun. Co. dr. ; J. W. Tuit, ol Tikoiiiii, Wiish
ihiKlon. Anv mid till perniiis i !. limine mlvcr-iely
I the tihovp de.erilied hind, sir reipie.ted to
j tile their elniu,. iii thin nlllco mi or iHT'ore
I mid tlh ilny of Aueu.t, IS i.
J. i. AI'l'KHStlN,
I It tsi4:' in K. Hi'itistcr
A illicit lor I'ubllciil Ion.
I'mthi Stiti'S I.asii ()irt( s,
dsnio.-i City, nr., 1'ch, it, IS'.w.i
NiiTICK 1 hert hy "iven thut In conipli
niiie with the provision, of the net of boo
KI'e.K uf .llllll' ,'t. IsTM l litiUed nil set lor tho
nle of timber lind. In the Suites of Culifor
iiiii, lireeou, Neiuthi, mid Wii.hinlon Ter
ritory," Win. T. llurney of lireeou City,
t'oniity nf t' I in. k u n i n i, Stnlcof Urcfruu, hii.
this iluy tiled In this ulllee his sworn Unle
nii'iit No. lsu-l, for Ihp puriliii.enfthe E tnf
SK l; nnd lots No 3 mid 4, of section NdL'n, in
Tow in-lit i Nu. .1 South, Han no No. 1( Kurd,
nuil w ill oiler proof tu show that th. Uuil
mniKlit Is iiioid viilunliU for, its timber or
Kioiie tliun fur nriciiltuiiil nui'po.e-i, hihI tu
e.lilhlish his ehiini In said hind heluii) the
Iti'Klstcr ninl licceiver of this nltlcc tit tire
run City, drcniiii, on Krldity thi''.iili thty
of June, Is'.m. lie iinnii'S us':
I Tins, ruitiiiguml K, U. tTeiiientsiif nivalin
t'ity, dr.; K. D. Heivers sml K, Hclvcrs of
ITietryvllle, tlrci-iui.
A ii v mid nil person I'lithnlitK uilvprcly
Ihe iilinvii litnds tiro reipicstcd to
llle I heir lui nm In thin olllce nu ur lieforc
suid '.'nth iluv of June, IS'.si.
-IH -.18 Id Itenister.
Offlco Is the Best. Try It.
C'luaiTiatooinj,! More Powor,
VVuLciP than any olhor
IViniol. and l.ho niilv Tlh-- tt'
oinp that
work hue
1111 lm- vn
will flD? M U . s
, t ii. ii'Miiii,' t ij
under Ileadd nmn fTr.'' r -
3 10 300 FEET. .1 : . j LAND, ACT JI NK I, IS7,
iiHK ii yon n m it tn.
I'fuii n Futrs 1 ami On n r. I
fii.n.ns ( it , nr., Mun li l IH "b(
NmTIiT; Iii lieieby i'.Iwii Unit iu ruiiiplb
itiiee w l!h the I'lio i-ioiii of Hie m l oi ron ol .lutie a, li's, nil II led "All ail lor the
le nl lltnbi-l liiudu Iu the Htiiten of fiilllor
lllll, Hfifon, .Nvvndii, slid W tnldtiKlou lr
ritorv," John W. 'I it , nl IiicoiiiM. I'oiinty
ol 1'loien, ctnli' ol Wii'hliiKloii, lino tli n
dnv Hied hi thl oflho his sworn tat
inent Nu. Ill H, lor the puri lin-e of the H
SW I,' ninl M,W, .NK , nl m-eiinn V. W.
In lownship No. i Mouth, Itiince No. t
I'iiiM, nnd ulll oiler prool to i-Iiom thut the
land sought Is inure mhuil'le for il limber
or Mnnu limn lor iitirleiillurnl pnrpoc,
nnd In i'Nliihlih Id. i hilm to nsld hind be
fore the i!yiler nnd IteeeUer ol thi oltlcp
ut (liiyon rltv, or, mi Tliurhiv the Tlh
diiy of AmniM, istsi. II" imuu s u wit-iii'iM-s!
'Iiiuu, Miieinhe, id lueoinii. Wich,;
I if lll.'lt I H, ut (n-iyoll I ilv.Ur,; W, A.t'a
bom mid S, ,1, IVi'leli, ol I'oitliiitd, nr.;
Any inol oil .r-i ihm i liii llil iik mn -rt-l nu-1
bIsivi- dcwl Ibi'd lilllil" lire reoiii "led lo tile
their 1 1 ui i ih in lhl oltli e ou or In hue uid
Tlh diivol Aii,tul, t-'i,
I. T AITHihiiN.
4 ;i in ):! In W, i:.- -.-.u-r.
TIMUK't I.AM', Ai T Jl KKJ, Ms.
Notice for Publication.
I snr.liSf.trii l.sii oriu t
(lletiou I ii v, (mion, M uch I ', Jn'SI.
Sullen ! hi'ichv linen lluil in c I'll- With the prml-ion. ol I lit net ol (ou
ere of June ,'l, ls; cutillril "An tu'l lor
the mil' ol limber lund III I In- ftiitci ol I a I
llornlii, llreijoii, Neiiuhi, mid Wii.hlufcton
T rrltorv," Penv Siinr ol llo 1 ounly
of Klntt, Hliiln of WtndiliiiMon. Iui
thi. liny tiled Iu Ihi" ollbe hi. .worn
.iiileiiient No, IH'si, for the perebe '. thi
N W i, nl Nci lion No, 'J. In Town. hip No.
f.. lllll, lOilIKe No. (I f. H.I. lllld Ulll idler
prool to .how thut llil hind .oui'ht . toon'
iiilunhlelor ll Umber or .tonptioni for nil
rietiltiiriil purio--e., nnd to In.
iliil tu in mild Innd I. Ion- the lieei.ii r snd
Itiieiict o ilil oilier nl dri-iiou (uv.dre
"on, on Tue.duy, Hie Wh duy of Au"u.l,
Is'.i, lie luiiee. u w line..!-. : N, J.
Welch, of Portlund, Multiioiiuih l'"., dr.;
Kri-d Sealer, ol Siind , ( hiekninu. I ounly,
tirn'on; J i, of Itn... kinit i oim
Iv, W iihini.'loii : soil N. .M.ver., ol Ibithell,
Kini County; Ws-hini,'loti.
Anv nnd nil ki,ui. iluiiidnir ml
veriM-lv the hImivp di-.i-rlU-d hind, sre re
Ipie.ted to llle their ehillli. ill I Id" ulllee oil
or Udorc Mud .'ith dnv of Aueai.t. h i,
J. T . AI'I'I'.KSiiN.
4 3 lll-t! Pi W, Peei.trr
TIMlll'.lt I.ANH, ACT JI NK .1, l-TS.
,I I I4 I'. Kill IM 111.14 A I KM.
Is inn Statis I. (sti in rur l
di,'.os ( ti v, dr., .Miin li IT, l-t).i
Notlee i. hereby jrileti thut ill enlilpluiliec
w till Ihe provi. ion. of hi- net o( 'ointre-.. of
June .1, .;s, entitled, "An set lor tint nnle
ol timber hind, in the Slate, ol Calllortilti,
dn-Koii, Nesd.i, iiml W it. hint-ton Terri
lory, ' Itetijuiiiiii T ow u.liend, o Tneiiiun,
I ounly of t'lerec, Slnte of u.hintoii, m
thi. dnv lib d III Ihi. ollii p lil. ttuorn iiiie
llll'llt N'o. IIS. I, fur Ihe plireliOM' o the lot.
It iiiid 4, sod S 1, Ml i; ul Ni tioii No. 4,
in Towtohio No. 'J South, liiinei No. n
1 11. t, nnd w ill titter prool lo show that Ihe
hind mitivibt i. more vahiuhle r it. tiniU-r
or stone thin, lor sj-Tti nltiiial piii.i.e., nnd
lo (-" hi. tlroiii to .iitd laud Ixdori
Ihe Iti-Ki.ler Slid Itei-eUer of Ihl.ottlep at
( in-null I itv. nr., on T liiirMlny, the Ttli duy
of AiiKii.t, s.i. lie inline, a. w':
W, A. I iil.irn. mid S.J. Wrh h, of Port -hind,
dr.; 1'nd Mnwr, of Snudv. Clni kn
tiiini Coutily, ur; nnd Nulhnii Myers of
Itothell, Kini! County, W u-li i 1 1 nl. m.
Any mid nil persons elnimiiu' ndii-r-M'lv
the Hl'-ioe di nlx d hoi.l. me n.iie.tiil to
lile their i lniiii. tu tin. nth. e ou or I. fore
; saiil Ttli dnv o Auiru.t, si.
I I I I I'l'l llw.iV
4 .1 HI iJ lllW. ' r.
T I M I.ANP, ACTJI Ni::t. .;.
oi m i: ron ri iii. ii' 1 1 io .
I SITI II StATI. I.VMl urin s I
uss'.os ( itv, dr., Man h I t, Imsi.i
Noliep i. hinhy irivpii Hod in inmpl).
sin e with Ihe proi'i.ioiis ol the ru t ot hu,.
Iin-.. of June ,T, .;s, eniiiled "An set l.,r
Ihesiile of tutiU-r hind, iu Ihe State, ol C.
itornin, dnuon, Newebi, and l n-hitik'ton
lerrilory," Nnthnn Mer. ol Itothell,
Coiiuty of Kiinf, Slide ol Wn.hiiii.-tou, hu.
tins duy tiled in tin. oHii-p In. sworn stiue
Inent So. I'lVi, for the pun Tin-.- of !ie
N K o N-elioii No. 1', In l ow ii. hip No. 2
South, Hiinee No (1 Kal, and will niter proof
In show Hint the Intnl. ullehl i liior,' 1 nluable
lor it. Iunler or .lone thnn lor Hciicultiiiul
jiuri-o.1., nnd to hi. claim lo .aid
hind Ik lore lh H.'Ki-Ii-r and Itci-iM-r of
Ihi. ulllee at i m Hon Citv, dr., ou I'm d ,
the .Mh day of Aui'ii.t, l-cii. He nnine. n.
wiiiii.m-.; N.J. Weleh of portlund. ur. ;
Perry Stiver, ol Itn-s, Klllli Couiitv, W uh
billion; Kred Nnver ol Nuulv, I luekiiiiiu.
County, Or. ; nnd J. Mur-daT of K...., kinir
County, n-loiietoii.
Anv mid nil .T.on i lainoiie inlver-. lv
the nl.ivc lie- ril.-d Innd. nm nipu-.tii lit
lile their ( Initii. in Ihi. nlliep on or l. lo.e
-nul Mil dnv of Alien. I, Hi. i.
4 ,'t 1) - 4.' in W lie,.', .n r.
Notlco for Publication.
CsiTsti Siatk. l.ASii orrnn.
drieon City, (ireeon, Mait h I.I, 1-esi,
SoTji'K 1. Inrehv uiiin I but in
linee w lib the pro i.ion. of the in ( ol ( 011
liri'... of June .(, IT.. eiiiiih , ".ti in i f,,r
the .nli ol litnl. r Innd. iu ihe Slates of Cal
ifornui, OreKon, Neindu, nnd Wu.hini.-toit
Territory ' Juhu. Mur.l. iK of Kn... 1 nun.
v of Klii).', Suite of Wii.hiiiirtoii, hn.
this dnv lili.l iu 1I11- oilhe hi, .worn
dsteitipiil No. Iitd, r... ii,,. I'tirvhiise of the
lots 1 slid S ninl S i, N K A nl Section No
4. in i'own.hip No. '.' Sontli, Itnin-e So. l!
l.nsl, nnd will oiler proof lo .how thut the
hind souehl 1. inore Miliuiblp for its lituU r
or stone iiiuu fur nxriculi timl purHi.e., nnd
lo clnbliidi lua i hiini to mid hind before
the Hia.-i.ler nnd Heceiver of this olllce nt
dri'Kon lily, drecon, on Tiie.dnv. the ,'ih
rii(,u.i, imsi, ue linnie. uh wit
iii'sm's: ... J. Witleh, of Portlund. dr.: p.
Stiver, of ltn.s, Kinir Countv. WnshiiiVioi
iiiuu. t nimty, dr.
Any and ,.r,o, cUlm,
emu ,ini iiuv (II .'Vlttlsl, IN'SI,
4-:t lKi-42 111 !, '. Kc-u-r.
The New Remedy. Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
liibi'lhe ,,v",pvy..l.M n?o!!:' '. " '"" m.dlclnp hs. found II. ws,
"r ul rV.l.t iTw, i .ln.'i o"''J" " ," TMI! "U K- '"""' " P"-
litis HI'S. Mil ItOIII. KII.II.H 4 41..
n-.i.iu.u. 1 , . ,, n',lu !.. srllnnil. 4r.
r.xi nisi). Aseiu. for Clarkamas Coutily, TIKIS I'll A KM AN & SON,
Uri'ituii City, oreson.
--v....i-ai, i'i".'i is iititnoumtu, A ofru ia r -
iiii ism luiii bmii , Jtfc-sisJ)a; mmxmtirrnm ".
It is 1111 Uint.uii
to I Ins tiost rils. 1"
ly liiiul. Aililrofia,
II sap. a
fik IB t I I f iTtt
i,' u - ii ' r i i
i i . . ' . 4 I I . r
TIMIifrf .A!r ACT. IV UK , m
vi i ii i; i ou ll iii.k t rio
I'snra. ti. Lsfi 0iric ,
os'i"S cm, oi ft, Mi
NK'l li y, In herrbrr'" tt't in e'lriiMU,.,
ioi oi" iirov 'ion. la "ii- lea 01 i m.r.,
Juim H, l"ii, i i tl 1. ii I for ih...i, i
l.i'f bilel. In llm m.iii. ol ( .lit. i, o,u,
vmU, stiil Wn.liibyt'.iri 'Jerrltiay," k
Mmihiioumi. ef Him.. tii"(itv of kllltf Sl.l.
WMtllllVtoll, ms. Ihl Ur Hid Iu tin.
lliu wnrli l..nil tin, UtVi, lor III liyria t
of lbs UK ul sullen hu. IK, in luwii.hii,
'Suiilli, HiOikb i V I'.'l, Kiel (till i,nr y
In .In, I lull III l.lel eilKl It I,,,,,. ,, J
tor If timiiiT er .nni linui for arrli'iiaj
uiiri'ii.1'., pun in w.'hiih.ii nit CINlid 1,, A
I.ii.l l,li,r llm llt'vlo, r i,il U...A, ... 1
iiilii'd ill nmiiiiii buy. On ,ii, on friii..
lllll ilr ol Juii insi ll imnii..
Mi-.tim: Jnlili 1.' !t!-rt Ntid Mioiry llnio.
Ho, KltiK ( . W.lillitoii: II. f, mui.
"I neniim, I'li-feii eniiuiir, Hn.tilhKiou , t)(j j
Wttlrh, nt I'urtUii'l, Milltliotntli i'oiinty, (,r,
Any Miel .11 la r. ii cliiiuiO'H t'lvfrii-j ,'
bov (liier(ti-i bilel. my re.o...i'i j,, ;
tlirur eliitm. in Oil. , lliu c tin ut In I'.o. .i,i
iix ut Juiyjuie i. i a I'l'i.r, i
i, m -isi-w iu.w lino
TI MIiid! I. ' '!, .'.i'T .M'.V; i, h;,
O I l II KM'. I'I til, l 1 I li
I'Kirn. Htm.. I,. it, ion,
tinj'ih i in, or . l-id, i.ti.
Norn r In li.-r.-t. ' rtvi- ili.t in r,i,,,,i, i
W illi tin' irn ll'.ll. nl tin- net ., iilmi. J
jiinti ,i i.,.. i-iiotii-ii ",n in'i u.r iii.. , ,,f ,u
t-erillnl. Ill lie- i-l II". Ol I oiurio.. 0,,.
Nvinl. nlel leffU'-ry ." t
I . 1.111UI1 ol 1 ,!(. Ill I, I ..iihty ,, ,.,.. ,
ll In. Ilil.i'iiv l!i, In 0,1,,,,,
III. iwiilli .1 iti'iiu-lil So I ..i-, (,r(ln- , ir.l,
ol tin- f. '. 1.1 itielli.ii .N ;r. In ,J
nli. So n-,iiili, HmiKr i, i,
j Isml ..u!lii l iimri-tsbiniir for It. thin,
win i.i.i-r jiieoi 10 .now o,K,
stiilie tloili lur nfc'rleiiJoir il tuirno... .i,a ,,. .1
latill.ll hl nl.lin 0, .41.1 Uiol l,!,o ti,
ino . i m i. . . in r 'ii on. .i.i.ei' i iin-vmi t;n.
iiri'K'.ii, on riiuiiy. in. ntti ii.,y of i,(i
.yc, lie li.lnr. H. Willie. li- 1 )i.
l.'llll HI I'HI llll'l Jll. I I IIO,ril! ni i m
Hi.. I'U-rre ruiiuty. W ..'ilnitleli ; N J, Vt.;in,i
l.'iimii.i ni'inii'mi-'! '.'oo .iri'iroll.
Any .lot .1) I'-o-en. rliimll.K fie
.bovr .e.i rll. '1 ,.11-lr nrn
their Claim, ill llil. I'ttiei. nil
.In) of Jul. I ll
.1V1-" II it
it heli.rr .ul, Un
J I AriTdihoji
'ii .irii
TIMKI I! I.ANH, A( T JI NK 3, ..
tt lll i: Kill 11 III.M A I (4.l
I sunn HiATr. I.asii (urn t 1
ustuus city, or.. b, mm 1
.-.tllK E is n.ri-iiy ilyi-n Hi. I In rurnMiaim
w ltll Hi. jimvl. Imu ol Hi. .el of ( , ,i,,r.. ,
iiiiird,l-,-rilililP All .ei lor 1 119 i ,, tl.
tier t. lids In Hi. Hlati-s ol (.'sllluriils. (jo-i-jft ami w a.iiiniou Iprrltiny," Hi-ur I ol Iti.i., Lnnliljr ol Kli.f, suu
ol ..lil-ipl'ill lias Hits il.y rUril In om
ontec in. urn .oni-m.iii rim, nr Ui. inr.
1 Ph.. of Hi. SK l ol ru-i'lioii ,Sn (. u T(,i,B.
slop No J.uilltl, It.lijt. Nu. 7 K..t. .lei alllrif.
ler .r.a. lo .hilts th.l th. m ,,i,ki,( , ,r,
j v.l'lntil. tor Its tllulM-r or stoli. than for .. !
rtrultiiral nifj.oi-, hiiJ (o lilt eislra
to said laud l-lurn tti. Itetrl.ler Htel Hi-r.iir
... ..... , .,,... . ,. . . .(.-r,,!!, un in...
ear in. i in ii. y oi juiy i-.i 11,. u
wlltie..!-. Juim ( h i, hen. . li, I II f Untr
lo.ll.e ol Hit... klllK eiiuillv, S ..hi rift'ill H T.
Kinltli of I .rum.. I'lerer riattiti . W ii. tilnyoai'
N. J Wrlehul I', nil. lei. Vliilinnm.ii Cn.Or'
Any. lid .11 persona rl.linlfiic mlirrra-ly the
Ibo . .leM-rilrt-d l.ti'l. .r. ri-'iiu-.teil tu si.
tli. Ir claims In till, iiflirr on ur li-f..r. .',t 4I1
day ..f Jiliv, l-rju I I AI'l'Kli.o,
3 13 - -4l - ll-0H Krisw.
TIM Hi: II LANti. ACT Jl SV. J, I:.
poller Inr I'Hltllriif Iob.
I Mtlli HUH. I IM, lllll, f I
(IBH.OS I ITT. Ill , I.ti. it I -Ml j
NOTICE ts ti.nd.y slim mat In tviniilittw
with tli. j.r.n 01.. a. ul tli. an .1 Ci,t,(.. ,4
Jim. S. 1.7., .ntiti-d -An act tor tli. .si. of um
ber I. mis In tti. Stales ill Callloriiia. (irri,,a,
N.t.d., and M ..liliimoii Trrrli'irt," J.lm C.
H"lK-rts, 0 1 llo.s, ( .mm)' of kilif, Slat, of
W ..loinilell. has this day flliil In (Ills nfflp
Ins swum statriupiil Nu. 1 -4 . bn tti. ..irrU.s
ol lot. I ami I. .ti l it I. M l, of -irrtlnu Nui. IR
I'ili.lili No V Sou III. No 7 Ks.t tD4
w 111 ..tier ir.,l in shun that the I. ml suutUi is
mure valuable f,.r 11. miliar or siuii. than f,
..Tleioliiral i,uri.r., .ml U r.Ialiil.h hit
elalm lo ..Id lai d tM-fur. th. r.-;l.ter an rv
rli.r nl tlo.urtic. al (Irifuii ( u, iir-t-,,u ua
lupsdajr. III. I '111 day ol Juiv, Iwi II.
ii.iin-s a. wilii. .w. II V. Murrloi... tail
llelirv llamrtl i,l Kn... klll Coll 111 , W .tiili-
t"ii. It 1 hiiulli of Tacciii.. ricre. ruumr
W .l,llu-l,,n N. i. li, I'urtUli.l. Hulliiuo.aU
Count), lirviruh
Any and .11 er.,in rl.luiln. silvrr.c'f th.
alnoi-(,-.elil.,l Iniiits ar. rr.iiie.leil In fl;.
ilieir culm, in ttu. uitie. uu or ln-(..r. hxh
il.) ill July. .i J T AITI.II.U.V, k.isi.r.
.- : ron 11 iii.h' i 1 io'.
I'sitkh Sttis I.ikii Orricr. (
din.oos Cnv.dr., April U, Imi.i
Noti,e i- kfiven thst tin- followinp
iihiiipiI tu tlh r hu. liled noli, p ol hi. ii,i ri.
Imu In mall' liiial pn.if in ut.mrt nl los
1 luiui. and thut .uul pn.if w ill ma ip tar
fun- tbp ri ktLter and nveivrr nf tbp I". M.
Innd oltiov ul dnvon Cilv, ("reiton.un Wed
niMluy. June 4. . i, vu': N il, K. Jonc;
Iboiu -n ad Kn'.rv No. M'l'i. fi.r tlip K
o wm'Iii.ii t 2 S. U. K. lie luii.e.
tiip follow iiii- witne.sia to proip Ins
coiitititimi. rcidpiu-e it4iti ntul cuhi.
vlition of, said liiml, vis : Prelim II
N-iver.. H. 11. Alnaiider, nnd J. Kvlpr,
of Marmot, ( lm knnui. eiumtv, (in-on;
nnd (1. l avclli, ol.-nndv. Chu knins. ( oiui
ly. Or.-ir.ui. J. T. APPKHSdN,
4 IT ! 411! Ih-nirter.
l 14 i: I'Olt IM III. 14' 110.
t'sniii Srnrs I.inp Orrics. I
dKruos ITrv, dr., April p.i, law.
Notice i hereby civen that the followitiit
I'Siiied iM ttler tin. lilcil nolle, nf hi. ititcii
tionioiniikp proof in suiHirt of his
chum, nnd lliut .aid nns.f will be madp tie-ton-the
register sml receiver of the l'. S.
bind ofticc nt Opi'koii Citv, Oreiron, on Fh
dav.Jinieil, Ki,ui: Mslhru liichsnlMin.
Iliinie-.tead Kutrv So. fu.V., f,,r lb. lots'..
.1 Slid 4 ntul S W I, of SW 1, IT, T S
S, It 3 K. lie inline, the lollowhiK wit
lie..e. to prove hi. coiniuuoii. reMdrtuv
upon and itiltiv.'ttion ot, said land, vit:
W . C. Ward, Kd Morv-nn. K, XI 0.11T, ami
Ii. Ariii.tMiu;, all of Viols. (Ts. kiiiuus
couiitv, On-oii, J. T APPKl'.SiiN
4-IT im-41 ti Hcs.-iM. r-
Ml tlAKV.
AtliiiliilslintiirN Nollic.
M'l ( h 1, berehv itiven Ihnt the rotm-
' .t, . ' '.,, ' n ... . .. . .- )m M I"
! Julia A. McNi.rv, tlmi.M-,1. .Uin-r.
. I..,. ..I..:..... ... . '
, ;' Uw o
venticd to nic ut ihe law oilier of 1', p. nnj
1111 Citv, Oreiron,
II. lllll.. I,.,!...,)
I'ated this 4th duv of April. IKH.
. , . , II. II. JOHNSON',
Adnuni-trstor of tho K-tHtc of Julia A.
McNury, (1occh.ciI,
4 ,H ! IS 5-4S.
.ei., 11, iiui iiii im.m, 11 a -.
Ktit, or winch Htiuii! pnritclo jH n,,i,lr,t tf'.Vj
1'ricn, isv S.ld l,y 11lr,(1(M1,
i. K J . 1 lA.'.i.i.'1'.N k. WVrc-n, lv fcO
JAS. L'iFnEL e , -e.
oii'oui;:.-ttTf.r., r.rF NSnzilK
11 V,' VONK, I ONI',.
' r "
,, , x
. , ;
. t
"It is only such a firm, determined,
v j
&,V" 'jJi