The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 15, 1890, Image 3

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    J. .
I "1
writ' '" '
10 oz. overalls at .65; 10 oz. Blouses and Jumpers,
.65; Engineer Overalls, .75; Painter Suits, $1.00; Bal
briggan Underwaro, per suit $1.50; Silk Negligee
Shirts, $4.00; Silk and Wool Negligee Shirts, $3.00;
Wool Negligee Shirts, $2.00; Straw Hats, .10 to
$1.50; Gents' Felt Hats, 75 cents to $4.oo. And
everything else in the same proportion.
Gents Furnishing Goods.
I havo just opened a new strictly first class Gents'
Furnishing Goods Establishment whoro may bo
found a Full Lino of Choice Goods embracing all the
Latest and Nobbiest Styles in my line. Call and
See for yourself. I can suit you.
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Homo Hupponinvjs.
IV m is IVpnUr l'lViimt) ,
Mis Kd Kolki; tus (join to Colfax
;sil relative
1'i.uik SluHo, ( lin k iUiiui, wai iit
i ii on Mniitl.iy.
. J. 1 II Cuinin, win lis Iteen
U k fur ft wk asl. Union y leiioiitinn
I ilie i'll t oniu il met to eleii' up 1111-ni.-.lii'.l' (Uijlit .ii. tlu new
(t. ,!i,th!y uiul tri titiv,
J Vt Irani tlmt the fmitily of Y. V.
pirii-k in whs lutineit out tlio oilier tl.ty,
jut lmvo no urtioulri.
j Tlio Kami boy Imve oiijjiiK'1'1' ''o
ili :imor lionitu to tmiltO, tlio round trip to
.vilem on tlie ;!0tli of May.
F. U. Cliaruun lun piirehuseil two
lois ut Juliu I.oijit near It Coeliriiii'a
nn.l will buil.l thorooii tit onee.
I K I.. KiMtlimn mul wife nturttoil )
'from V.ilU on Tiu-n.luy. Mr.!um InoUetl mii. li tin. th worso lor
iiis iliiiO!..
,, ..,,,. t i. .1 i
Mr 1. 1. Mi'donun, of loitliiiul,
Mo., tlio rcprevntutivti of th Ilonton i
I 1101, w .l" 111 lilt l liv Ulitl l lllltmi.ti im
lu wav to IVrtUnJ. T.illort, of l'liickiimtt, wu in j
low n Saturil iy mul cullfil ut this oIIkk
11i U rViiiii j tu'ViMi n.'ren of pe.iii for the
c i"ii rv un.l that tain in uim li ,lu, (.itv ,.ol,,u-il. miitable rec.iiiiiieii.ln
n.v.lcl (or fcrowiiic crv.pit j till1!t (l,r ti, ctahlishuifiit ..( the limit
Ihivi.l Wilson. o( I'.euver Creek, wan : within ull the blot'kN loljiMliiun Main St.
Imnif.l out nt-eiitlx, the lire catchim; j from the butin to KU ienth stin t at the
:ioiu liurniiii; ruhh sh in the lire phu-e, ('onreiti.iiial i liiurh. J.ti. I'iUbury
the kit fallini; upon lx roof ,in.l ih't- ; unit T. I., t'liiiniiau were appuinte.l t"
t;ii ti r o thereto ill neural pl.ires.
Mr. an. I Mm. J. I'ri.leaux tfavo a very
plf.i" nit an l nehvt party, May i'lli, in
li.m ir ..I tlu ir J uuliter Mis' l.illie II
I'n.l.M'U'n twentieth hirtli.lay ut their
nilmikin lesi.len. e near Milw uikie
Mi.t Flora r..iton, the eolore.l
Jenny l.niil, who is to sin in this t it y
the first of next month, is l ih'.y etilo
'ii.' l !iy those who have hear. I her. The
Chronicle nays of her "a clnrmiu,' an. I
triftcl Hinder."
I'LEisisr 11:1, t.. 1'his is i the latest
u.l liti.ui which has Is'ou tile.) toOren"!!
Citv bv Julius I..j'iis. lilies at the top
of the hill on the liiulilainl rmel, umt is :
Is'itntifiilly Oxer half ..f the
1. its have U'en Swalloril ate ti rout
an" han.lliiii.' the tract.
LiBt.K Ast'iKii.i s Sin km. K. tila."
pisil brought to this ollice some of the
largest nspuragiiM that we have ever
Usui The stalks were some of them
nearly three inches in circuiiiferunce,
:ii! th. inch they were short it only t.s.k
twelve of them to wt ii;h a pouml.
His Fuisr liii.K. In thee ilays of
steam, electric an. I cable cars it is haul
to lin.l r man lifty years of age who has
n.t ril.len many time on these
means of conveyance. Vet Clackamas
county has a we'.l known intelligent uml '
rciiieici cnuen w no up o. io we. s
ago ha.l never r.le on a railroao. iliat
:rs..n is Joseph I'oring of I'auiascus,
who at the nut- of fifty-six years br.ike
his reeorl by taking a trip to Salem ami
return bv rail I "riving to Cluckainus
he was successfully startcl in the right
.lirectioii by .Mr. I'anlels ami Mr. liorini;
-;icice.le.l in making the entire trip
without mirliap of any kiinl, ami is now
entcrd uijn a new era.
F.iTii. Ai i iiikxt. Last Satunlay as
Win. Wissls anil Mr. llettniaii were
leiiring away block from the lower si.le
(the pulp mill one of the men working
within the buil'ling lunl occasion to
throw out a heavy chunk. I,isiking out
lie inpiire.l of Mr. lli ttinan, w ho was in
'siiiht. if the coast was clear. The latter
ll.sikeil aiel shouteil, yes, ami the chunk
llell. Ju-t us it fell, Mr. Wowls Hteppeil
.ut from miller the buililing anil the
hunk struck him a glancing blow on the
liei, cutting a gash alsne ami buck ol
'lie ear several inches in length. He
Aas taken up unconscious ami removed
lo his Inline. Dr. Norris lunl ben im
Hieiliately siiinmone'l ami reache'l him
while they were w nil ing for a hack to
i trry him homo. lie couM ilo little or
nothing fur him ami Sunday morning ut
ix o'clock, heilicl, having been iincon-
iiis, or nearly ho all of the time after
was hurt. He was buried on Moil-
,'. This seeniH to have been one of
. -iii :
lost! uiiiorescen ami unuvoiiiuiuo in ci-
nls fur which no one was to blame.
la tter 1. 1st.
Tlie following U a lint of letters re
iiriiiig In tho postollico at Oregon City,
iy I, ln:i():
niton, Kdwai'l
lowers, M I,
Inker, John
'X, lluhert
Iresser, Frank
I'Spain. N'J
I'inalil, bla Mrs.
Bnglisli, Tlioiiias
Sregory, Harry
Grilliili's. Dan
Jones, ) V
Jones Henrietta
Kerron, Jul.
Mann, Chat
Mi nkea, Chan . A ,
MeKinley, Allan
Medley, J K
M trgaii, John
Mooro, Jas I, Mrs
Moom W S
p I'.ig.iHon, Joieph M.irtin, Sally
i'rilliihs, Mar'in, Annie
II minion. I, It I Porter, I. MisH
llollowav. II H, J II
1 1 volt, Mary K Mra Kooney, J J
He iton, A Mrs Kultur, II H
Herring, R (', Sanhurn, J I! Mrs
Jones, J Hhiel'ls, (!rawford
Joli uiria, Mihh Itingo & Hlout,
Jones liosanna Thomas, K II
Inlinsori, W II Wright, Anna M
When called for please, nay when ad
vertised. J. M. Ilaeon, 1'. M.
Money to I.enil.
My money lending biiHines will bo
carried on as usual. Parties desirous of
being accommodated will please call at
my ullico. I huvo $11)0,000 available.
till Mill OF l it wh:.
Oiikhon Cm, On., Maivli III, ItllKi
Tlu Uoiirvl met puriint to iitljourn
went, It bciK tho regular monthly meet
iii)!. In the ul'H'itee ( tlio piosiiloul mul
iHvrctiity, Cteo, A. lluriliiiji wait elionou
an temporary eltatniuiit, iitel I.. T. Clmi
man ai neervury pro teni.
Tlio followiiijt nieiiil'tid ueiv pie-tent
vis; C. O. T. William, G. A. Uanlim;,
.1.15. PiMniry, I'M-. WliiU. lr. 11. 1.
I'enin, Jitine, Shaw, li, l, Vilnoti, mul
T. I.. mul l. V.. 11 ut mi 11 1 .
Tliw tteeretaiy' iHiok not boiiiu pro
out, (lie regular oi.lrr i( litiNineni nun
dUHH!tol with.
K. K. Cliitnnaii priwi'.l the '(olUiwiuc
iiiinii'.l purlieu (or iiionitK'riliip : K, K.
WilUmiin, A. H, liriiliaut, liilhert K.
Smith mul l.niae Aikoiiiiiin.
thl motion tli.. rulM o.v nispMi.r.(
taint uiv prvii i;iii nipt I lit lull in t llH tlie
ItiUot lor above titontiom-.l partie. who
Wt,r" lli'y ff' ti KuM.n.riw.
In the nwilt.-r o tlio tT.'oiii!ii.'ii.liit ions
"' ,Ul!' l",,r,l a "x' '":"'ii.-r ot iin-
J'MVini; tho nlnvt.1 un.l wwi'iuo ol lr'-
H'ii win tho wntiiiu'iit of the
v, . '
liimr.l tit. I w.....l.u-t. lir..Mt.l.t tli.i.i
fon their next rt'iiulur iiit'otiiix. On mo-
tiotl it 1MIH Ol'll'll.l thllt H tolllllliltl'O of
.i..,.,, n1.i,..1.,l ,v ti,., .1,,,,,. ,i,. lf
to tho cliitiniKin t.f thut ooiuiiiiltoo, to
confer with the filUcn mi. I present to
act on the iviiitnittc.
in;;, I'hairiiuiii.
No further l.usiiii
Mlh ii. A. ll.u.l
, oil lll..fioll the
hoar.l a.ljoui mil. Attest,
T. I.. ClIlKMlV. Sec'v I'r.i Trill.
Among the marks of prosperity
in Oregon t'ity arc iiute.l the iut
provemeiits that arc being inaile
in the Imiliiings hrloiiging to tlie
Congregational ami Metlwilist
I'hurehci in that place. Them'
(itructltrcsl hail lieen, to all a
I ances, without even a
... . i , t .1 ,i iHiwer. n is ne o y i e.iiciuis in wiocii
pamt for u ilcade until within tic
1 i i i 'canlr.ilv be s nd ' bl I'osea One Pol-
past few im.i.Uis. wliei, tin- 'il""liir ..u,i:l,ll1.,,ktlccor.lingtodi
of iniprovi'liient that is aliroa.l in r,.,.i,, ,n uverage t o lust a month,
the pioin er city tuiichcil them. A'
a result, the titnc-ivorii huililing'
havo taken ntul are likely to take
on an appearance ipiite in keeping
with tho Miirit of the times. The
Congregational church, foiiiuh il 1'V
Ir. Atkinson so many years ago in
that city, has lum rebuilt, n fur
nishe.l ami re.l ilicale.l. ami the re-
Sn!t is the ' Atkins.. n
ti ,
rlulK.) , U.a H ,.,a,rv
way a
cr jtlit to tho city. The Mi thoilist
society has caught the infection
ami tho tlingy huililing that has fur
years Hooineil in sih tit, stoliil syui
pathy with the punt anil (ledii-att d
to its memoir, is mum to give place
to ti Htructure suitable for the pub
lic of to day, ax the M one was fur
that of a Jiast generation. Tlnrc is
no other nlaco in the state mound i
which pioneer im morion cling no
fomllv, urouiul itr early capital ami
trailing poet, the home of Dr. Mi'" I
Ltughlin, of Oovcriior Al rnclhy, I
of oil. A. L. I.ovejoy, of Kev. i.
II. Atkinson, of Dr. Forbes I'.arclay,
of Captain A. V. Iloilgea, of S. K.
Harlow, mul of othorn who have
pa.-sml on to join the ranks of the
great ir.-ijorily. The landmark
of their tlay lingered long, hut are
now fust disappearing Is-foro jiro
resH of an era that reverently rel
egates the memory ofthene to the
record of montiineiits in remoter
ieH, mid pushes the work of their
hands, umple for the requirement
of those priinilivo ti , iihuIo for
those more in tieenrd with the needs
of the ureHcnt. It is thus that
moHs-grown hhingle havo heen su
perseded hy new roofs, bright with
fresh paint; tiinu-atuined "wetither
hoardiug" to smart "rustie:" low
ceiling with their discolored paper
to high ones, daintily froHeoed;
"hatten doors, sagging on their
hinges to heavy panels in which (he
grain of the wood is brought out hy
careful polish; crumped windows
with their mult il ude of narrow pane
to wido Hashes filled with (tingle
sheets of glans, and narrow porohoH
to wide piaazas, Hiiggestivo of pleas
ant HUininer evenings, to tho enjoy
ment of which niituro contributes
royally in tho presentation of land
scapes that no artist can repro
duce. Oregon City is to ho congratu
lated upon them improvement:, as
well as upon others of a hiiHincHS
nature which have sprung up in
responso to the opportunity oU'ered
by its magnificent water power.
It is to bo congratulated upon the
iniiiiivfnii'iit in it rlturolt mul
xi'htiol ImiUliugii mul iit iU iu'inuHi
tiott iif thrifty hottio-lnilUlor whuno
cottiijioi ilut the high blurt' that
forniod u Inu'kgroiuiil to tht city
of jiiniitM-r ilitVH, It into In I'un
Kriituliitt'il that it hn Hhukt'ii oil'
tlio luultl mul Hiloiioo thut U'lotin
to tho piist Httil H I'titt'rtnn with
o,st im tlu ojivortviuititMi of the
i"tivi', livinn jin'm-iit. To the agtJ
jiionoof who liugon. upon tho ntugi
ftor tho tlraina in which ho whu
onllo.l to lift u ovor, tho i-hnnge
timv ho u iHiiuful iiiit, hut it him
its i,iviiiiioiiM oven to hitn in tho
iiihti'd ooiivftut'tH'o whioh wait
U,)0( f,, j,, i,,,,,,.,.,!,,,,
growth in civiliitum mul itultiHtry
which i nowlioro tiioro utrongly
iimrkoil than in ivntorH urouiul
which early Hotth-rs gatlierotl in tho
ht iltltifal wililornccH of fitly your
ago. Orcgonian.
1! rt'N i:it In 1' iesiio, t'liliferniti. My
I I, ol eoiisuinilioii, Mis. Jolill Hittner,
o( this city.
Mr. un.l Mis. Hittner eanin to thin t ity
to hie just niter their nun i iaije ! than
leai ko. They iinmhutely tisk
clmrge ol the Clill' liousn wheto Mm
Hittner presi.le.l us h istess us long
us her health woiil.l permit. A few elaime.t her
mi. I iiho rapiilly pusse.l into ileclin.
llopitii that cliaiik-e of t liuiate woliM
b'Mielit her. she went to Fresno, Cali
fornia, to w hiih place her hushuinl was
ca le I two weeks since by the upparelit
upproaih of the eii.l l'lifSilay I", M. Uvan ieceive.1 u telegram uli
li. nine iv her ib-ath un.l reipiestmu that
lirepariiti..!! be nuoleut MilwauHie fur her ut that place. The luneral is ex
pect! ,1 to be to liioi row ,
.iat II tests
Must I... carefully eoni.leie. by lh
(.rent majority of pie in buyinil even
necessities o life.'s SarsaparilU
i itself with force to till
.'o il mi Mlit classes, because ' ombineii
fro-h coat tif'pesitiv Miomv with great medicinal
. .. . I 1. 1 .1.
New To day,
I'.nk Place is Popular Property.
Noll e nf s,ule.
N iti ! i s hereby given that the ll'in of
p,.,i.,,. k Moore in this city dissolved
bv consent. I'liose owing umtl
linn will please call and settle ut the
-L ie uml t!'ose h iving ehiims should
lit tbeui .it once. Thanking my
. . ... . . i
ir.s'i.H tor in, ir past imerai pairoiun:e, i
woiil I Is -peak lor my successor, J A.
Moore, a ciiiilinoant'C lor the same.
Cm is. H iiiciH k .
Tuke Notice.
As I ii in obliged to be away most of tho
tiiuo this summer, collections will here
after be ina.le by Winter A llais'rfor
the Knehler A Chase music house.
J. II. Wai , ugent,
Wool, Wan mi. rim highest market
price paid ut Maver .k Ackerinan'a, the Kasikhn SroKK.
The llesl ( lullilng
. , . , ,
I have been appoi. I sole agent for
ci,,,.!,.,,,, eountv for the celebrated Sa
lent Woolen mill goods, a full assortment
of which t havo now in stuck . Parlies
desiring tint best clothing for the least
money an 1 all other of this mill's
miimifactuii on the sauid terms, will do
well to call ami sen lilt!.
F. T. Hahiow , Agent,
Oregon City, Or.
Pain Place is Popular Properly.
For Sale ( lit'iip.
One Spring wagon with top, in good
repair, and one set single hainess.
1',. K. Williams,
lirocery next to Post Olllco
,'. I hie Farm.
Sioi1! If you urn wauling a Hue farm,
hem is your chance. 100 acres, three
miles from Oregon City, ono milt) from
Clackamas Heights, where town lola
are wllinK for i70 each. (iood
house, barn, woodshed, loot house; III)
acres cleared, (loud timber, near Haw
mill: well ami springs never dry. Will
sell farm, or farm and slock. For par
ticulars cull at this nlllen.
I die Fa rni! Fine TIiiiImt!
Any party desiring a bargain in acre
propuily should impurit at once at this
ollice for particulars. This a (Inn chance
for somn ono with a lew thousand who
wihhes Id invest, It where ho la imre of
ipiick and Hiiro prollls. Tho tract be
sides beinu convenient to Oregon City has
largo body of fine timber convenient
lo paw mill. Thu land In mostly level
and rolling, is very roli and will make
fine fruit farms, WffTi bo not ovor 0 min
ute walk from nnilor lino bullilinij.
i f
Chiirinan A Hon ha8 Just received a
Iut o elegant, wall paper and patients,
while they aro selling at greatly reduced
prices. For neat' stylos of lalo ilnsijjn
call and sen thorn.
Lost, Near Oregon City, on Molalla
road, family record, an oil painting (Our
Father) lind a motto. Finder leave at
this ollice,
Th OrtPN! Colortnl NltiRtT lu
the orhl, himI othtT Tup
ultir Talent at tlif
con(5KK(;ational ciiukch.
Mondny and Tiusday eve
nirit;j, June 2d nnd 3d.
I'NhKIl AI'Hl'li KS I.AIlK(f All HtH'IfW.
Tli IVerlesH Meo Soniui). New
York Sun,
The Coloreil Jenny Mini. New Nork
A iiii'Mo-tiopriiiio of woiiilerfill riiiiKti.
Sun Kriiin ii'i K.xiimiuer,
A churuilnu uml nifteil Mlnner.- Sun
Fruneiwo t'hronlile.
A HpnrklliiK iliumoinl in tlm K"llen
realm of muiij. Sun Johc (t'nl.)Men'iiry,
Her voeul ninler Iium k woii.leiful
weep, fnnii lowest eoiitrulto noteit to mi
! )rttm) lioihti. Im Aiioli-n tt'l.) Kvr-
I) ttlt F.xpres.
II ax enrneil the fume of beintt the
tiieuteiit ctilon..l iiik'er III the worM.
VicksburK (Misn.) I'ost.
All her iiumlM-rB were wlthotil
effort- the hints siiiif Mobile (Alu.)
Puily llejilster.
The sweetest xolce that ever fhurine.l
tt ViittlnU nutlieitce I ynchluiru (Vu j
Iuily Ailvunce.
A lilnhly cultivute.l ine.i-sopium), of
Kreut weetneiui, siwer, un.l eoiiiHis,
mul of ilruiuttic ipmhty. Clmrlestoii
i.S. C.) Ne mul Courier.
The rantte of her Voice Is mich she eus'
lly chuniitsl from the pn-sent sopruliu to
ua line a buriloiie nti uuy mule niniter run
prisluce - t'liluiiibmt C.) I'ttily lien
inter. A Is-tter pleusi. mlilience never flleil
oiU ot the theatre tluiii that which lis
teiieil to her lust evening la Anneln
Her lllculutioli is so s't(ecl her ren-
ilitiniis seem like recitutloiis wt tamusit'.
KuimasCity t'ispulch.
Never Is-fore wu .i -liM t,o iriticul
an an. hence, more inovisl, more enchant-t-.l,
mi. re elts trille.1, limn by thin ureal
colonsl mistress of wing The Sun Hie
gau (Cul.)
The marvelous swei'tnesii, purity and
conipasi o( tier voir, roll-ring ill ita
range nearly three is tuves, in the won
der and admiration of musical critics
San licgo (Cul) Sun.
Possessing a voice of rure richness and
wonderful range, she is undeniably the
greatest singer among the 8,000,000 col
ored sople in the world. Her progresn
through the country bus Ist-n one contin
uous triumph. IVtivcr I!. sky Mountain
Tickets ;0 rent a ; children ?fi cents :
Itestirved seals w ill be on sale, without
mint cut, ut P"t Olhce, on and after
Mav .Hth.
No lingua Slock.
Fvery one knows that thera are sever
al grades of alnuml all classes of gissls,
and Unit it is very easy for a merchant if
h so disposed to shove off an Inferior
gradit. Parties who desire to secure
just what the -(issls are represented to
to be should trade at the COlh CrO
COry StOrO. whom the proprietor
prides himself on the quality of his
gooila ami sells them for what they are.
Try it and von will be convinced that
you are ge.ting your moiiey'a worth
The best place to buy your groceries
is where you can get the best and Iresh
est goods, h ml the most for your money.
It Is also Important that you deal with a
merchant whom voil know to bo square
In all his dealing. Just such a place
will you and at A . II. Fry, cash grocery
I se. Mr Fry prides himself on his
clean, pure and neat stock and takes
pleasure in sbowinu his customers what
huhas, It will pay you to call to-day
and see him
1 'in k Place Is Popular Property.
The Host Cniiiiiiiiy .
Pitrliea desiring to Insure their prop
erly should always select a safo and re
liable company with which to place their
risks. Oregon is extremely fortunate In
huving such a company owned and op
eraleil by homo capital and homo men,
It is wiso uml safer to encourugo home
institutions. Those who insiiro In the
Columbia Firo Insiiranco company
will he safe, will biiHiiru of fair treat
ment and full pay In case of loss. For
particulars Inipiiro off. I. Cliariiiim,
Park Place Is Popular Properly.
Treasurer's Notice.
I have now in my hands funds appli
cable to the pavmoiit of all warrants en
dorsed prior to Oct. .'1, 1SSH. Interest will
coaiie from date of this olllco.
Dated this Htli day of May, 1HIHI.
. 8. H. CAi.iKr.
Treasurer of Clackamas. , Or .
Wool VtnU4. :
On and after May l()lh the Oiegon City
Woolen mill will ho prepared to buy
wool for which they pay the highest
market price, lly order of the
O. 0. M.Co.
IliihlnesH N ill Ice. ',
Having accepted a position with the
0. H. A N. Co., I havo this day closed
the Oregon City market, Thanking; my
frlonda for patronage conferred, I remahv,
U sj,
Spring Iaint in ;
TO lil'Y Yorit PAINTS.
A U l l, Slut K
I ''iii led and Kaw Oil,
Colors and
AtiKSTS fur the Shorn in
Williams and Cary tig
ilott Mixed Pa iut,'
A SPECIALTY made .if
l'lll'C IhihI-i and l.nV
In m r i m. i if )m wt m rut Miuk
tfilN, f L H till K NT. Ut t t klMt)
I'lnuK.-rr 1
ilrilrl K. I'tfttU',
t li.rlr. t V.rh . 1
v iut ut M, ;
Ji-lm K rtuu, j
' .Virion. j
..I lit It M.. M. .it,
r Y K NmMhi. I
i'ttfrit'lniit I
To lUrrlrt K I iniHCt (
i 'hmlvi II N-n.'ii. tl .S-rt..c, Ji-hi, u
S.-rVitt, i 'tiun, Kliiii K ,S ii(..n. mt.1
f.llliib K H NurtiMi, ilif nitiitK timr- d
Id (lit naiuu( lltf Htatit nf iiniii v'l ft
Uriel.) fii.titiii.rii inl l..jniiv, in ,jitiaf tu
th Un t rlitll If i t'fiiH it.t hMr thct-Mtn
iiltl uf lilt .Ultillf( hint njiMi( ).mi IM
t tiuil ti t rtik til the inht-r n iti i mill ttl iUv
I'lrruli I Mini ol Hie it t imi-i;'ii I, r Hi
CoMiity l l UrhiMiirt i ir .rv tui- fttl ilat
d Hid Uit rititimr Iftlil vl l.u. a I., n c in I ti icl
I I'Ull. t. M It
I'll M tiiUjr, the .l(. 4r ut ,S , i ihIht
A l li Hitl t Are lirir') li 'titit t (iitl ti
1ml " t' "I'l''W nimI turner itl ..
1-tMltit i in- iiUtiithi Mtit "i i i I" in otni f . r
III tellcl ti-fU4li )r. In MHi-t r--iii'Ultil u Mil
A ilr i f n Mulliit .-i tt .jlt' tin- lllle ! tin
(laintiit tn mul t.i the' ii .1... ni..-.
iift'lltiara allu.l,M ,,t -lt, amii.l
l t lr"K"ll. I" I l
1 It. ttr.lnrti liall ul ll,a liuintllnli I hi1 i'UItu
t, I .N. ill. -II ana t ntti,,. N.-n.-il lit mii.
,N(,lft,-tl. 'II N .'lift I ft.. II., 4l'l ll.'ll
II, u IjiihI r Uliu ti'iitM ru ul .n-lli'li. )n. II.
J. If, II .nil l'i. lit I i.w h.hl, 4 f'H Hi. "I ll.l-HF
s l 11 liUiumli. itt. rtiluti .inl Ik'uikI.)
.11.1 .lr.rnlio.1 Iii.Ii.h l.twll ll.'wUilillil .1
. ..itnl V i-ll. III. ..null .ml t .tl rtiNkli. t,'.t ul
Hip I t III.... I fiifln-r il til .rrl,.
l'i. tli.liin .n.t Mi rltieli., tli.litt' .iiillli .11
,'ll. III., r.. '41 4irl,ll. tlirlii-.' linrlli
'.i rli.lli. IIi.'Imn. w.t In.' l t'll.lll. I tit 1,10
.i-tllll .'.' '41 rllHIIi. In llir till.''' .'I lrllitlilt.
C.iIIKllllllt t'.t." .J mvtr. I. .'t'i. r Willi .it ll
allien!. r. 111. IrlH'llirilla, It.'lt'.lllAllirt.l.. m,.
MiMilttliiit--ii thfi.-li. I.'ii.tiil.f ut In rii)
Mlftf. .lfprt.llilliK I .Sotiiiti wh. III.'
r.l tmlirr ul .al'l .i,ii,.n itt tliu tlm.
ul llir la.illtlK lilt, rifl'illl.'ll Hi III,' Unit' i-l III?
..Ir atliil Hit' C"lit).ii''t l ant'l kl 'lut..' l
Ilia, .hrrtll In t' I 111 irr N . Iiii'nl mli. I III
pl.llitlll . fntiiiUlllt am 1 1 . t IlLI I limira M Vt
tiill .t tlir atlu.' I'.'l li'il lipl.l a H.l .rrini"f In
ar.-l.t .tl'l li.ii'liilrhl lin.l lnr . t S..f t. -ta
thai III ilallilill III) a.ljinU. il In If t In
It'R-al iim lit r ul i.l'l liM'lili.t'. Iliul Ihii I'.ilitrt
a II, ! I r C .Nullnll In It I 1. i. liMiinit 'lli.l
Hip rnnialirt' Imlll It I' l.m kH I In t II tti.-a
M Nnrlnli. a. rt Infill III .liilill . llililllll
lifffln ma) I'f il.'.-n-r.l In l.f Ii ainl'ili ul mil
Vnlil. auil nl lm Int..' HII'I rtlirl dial til,'
alMitt tiainril ui l.'inlaiil. limy I.' '! i r I In
inak. ri.'iit ami iit'iitrr in ti,.. tiiniutifi a
Irf.l ut pniiti'tiinri. nl all (In lr tilit. llliu
and tlllt'rt'.l III .itl'l ft'illl.i'i. iir llml ."in l'. r.
nil utay bv aliinlnl,'. l.y tin. II nnlil.'
t'ntirt lo iln II !nt lllriil. anil that lilt' tiUlnlllt
may liav biii'Ii Itiflln'r nnl uiiir f.'ii.l ,ia Hi
lialtlt nl till, t'alt. lna rrt'il"' alnl I .r Hit
I' ami'tll. ! tlll.ailll
'llil. imtiliraltiiit nl .ilinui"i,. i. nnnl,. uinlir
ami nifiiitnl lo an nfili r ul Hon f. J lay, nr.
Jinllli' nl tho aim) rhlllli'il rmiil. Mn 1J. I'l
Ml It II 1 1 T. I 'II r i.r I. nun r n in,
Attnrilt') a lor I'lltllltllt
1'mk I'lai'i! i" l'niiilur l'niK'tly.
K. W. I'oilfr, lht nwt inuxtiT nt Kim
('rt't'k, Nt'ti., hiith tlnil lm hut I'l'ii-oiial
kiitiwli'ilijit ul m'Vi'riil t att'H nf iliuiiin i
liMin, 111 Unit Vli'llllly, Unit liuvu ln'i'll
iii'riiiiinriitly I'lirt'il hv t liiiinln'i l.iin i
ruin lluliii, ftiT nlht'r rt uiKilirH a t-i t
lllttlll tH illltllll I't'lll'llt. I II' llllM Btilil il ul
liiHtlniK Pl'iin llirrit fur I'm' imik mul
Kit vh lm iiiivit kiiuw it In lull, Unit any
t'liHliiint'r wliu iinrti n-ra ( 1 1 ,u 1 1 1 f 1 1 .i 1 1 1 " k
I'iiiii Hill in will liuvu liulliiii)! i'Uf in
Htt'uil." lor ttiilf I iy ti. A. Il.inliii),'.
B'I''MU I'llllNt'N lll'irilM"l lllllllll,
Iiii'Ii, in limit, ull'i'i'lM I'viry oriui uml
fiitii'liiin nl llii' Imily. A u ii I. i
(lii'Hii tniiilili'H. ii'illiini; in 1 1 mn i inili
Aynr'H rtitiNiiiiirillit. It viluli.i' Hut
lilii'iil, Mlii'iiulhi'iiK I In' Httiiiiiuli, mul t'tir
rt't lH ull tliminli'iH ul Iim liver uml kiil
iieyn. Ir. II lliimliii, nf l.eiiiiiitt, fitl , hhvh
il few iln.i'ii luillleH nl ('Inimlierliiin'H
CuiikIi lleineilv wlili ll lit1 until Ihentt'tit
utiiil Hiii li ii ili'iiiiiml (nr Iim remeilv Unit
ho I'tuilil nut well et itlm.U w illuuil It. No
unit i n i) (ul If iiirei'iiiln tint mul vuhie
nl thin rnmi'ily until HieV huve nivi'ii il
it trial. Thiihe whit life it Iliul it nii inin li
nii km l, r In any nllier lemeity they luive
ever trieil Hint they let'iiinuii'iul II In
their frit'iulx, mul Iliul in wluit make it
ho niiiil:ir. l or hiiln hy II. A. IIiikIiiiu.
I. S lliiten, .liiMlii'tt n( the reaitt mi l
iiien liant nf ItriHtnl, III., H.iyn he tan
ret'tuiimeiitl St. I'uti ii k'H I'illii. "I have
uhi'iI tliimi," he hhvh, "ami knnw w here
ul I Hpeak " Anyone trtiuhleil Willi con
Hliiutii)ii or hillitiiiHiieHH will Iliul them a
frieml. They urn iininit uml if it inn in
their aft ion uml inoilmo u pli'iiHanl ru
thuitit: I'll'i't't. Kor Ha o hv U. A. Ilur
tliiiU. Never lunl u ireiai'iilinn u inoie np
iiri)prialit iimni! tliun Ayer'n Hair Viitur.
When thu eiiplllary luinU hei'nmit on
feehlml hy iliHeunu, ii'n tir neitlert, thiH
ilii'BMin iinnii'ln rennWTil liln to the
M'ulp, ho Hint the hair iiHHUnn'it iiiiit h ol
Iln youthful fnllni'HH uml heaiity,
1'urk l'liuu Ih l'lipiilur l'nipeiiy.
Mul lee.
It Ih iimerliiin whelher Chli'aito or
New York Hiit'iin'H tho (ireut KxpiiHitinn,
hut It In u iinrtit ivi! fact that lllinlhililer
Ih tlm infaliihle renieily for nil hliinul ilin
eiiHOH, uml Ih ii Hiife, Hiiro uml reliuhle
lfiio.Holil hy l'.,U. i:niillelil.
Ilili kleii'N Al'iiit'H Siilvc.
Tho HtiMt Halvn In Iho wnrlil fur ChIh,
BririoH, SnntH, UleeiN, Hall llheuin, Kit
vr KoreH, Ttillei', Chuiipeil Iiiiiiuh, Chil
hhihiH, CortiH, uml nil Mtin KiiipllniiH,
mul poHitively ituren 1'ileH, or nn pay ro
imiroil. It Ih mmrunteoil In ulv perfei'l
nut iHrni'tinii, or nioni'V lefiimlntl. l'i ii e
J'i eonlH pur hox.
l''or unlit hy U. A. llartliiiK
and Examine Our Stock of
Brownsvillo Woolon Goods in Suits, Underware of all descriptions and
sizes, Silk Handkcrchiois, Notions, Etc. We also carry a full line ot
staple and fancy groceries. It will pay you well to call on us before
I Imve jniii'liiiHi'il the i ntire Murk
nf HimtH Hinl Sliiii'i. nf Km nk Mil
ler lit "ill ht rent. Ii en than aetiml
rtint, mul will ili,itii.e uf tin' Haine
Biots and Slides
"'""iiit unreal Hiu ril'ire. Vmi run ave
.'ill ht rent, if ynu .tirrliair 1!ihih'
uml SIiiich at ht jrri'itt )
Sacrifice Sale.
Yuil ran liavo tlietn ut next In
li'itliinj:, a the i lilire Mn k iiiu.t le
rl.tHi-.l nut at oiiri'. Ntiw is the! We have just received
tiinrti. Htciir.' IliH.tH ami Sh.-.s at ! the N E AT EST, N ATT I E ST
" 1,,,,fv',ll," 1'M' IMOST "CHICK- Line of
j. m. mm a sox.
-ukai.kus in
Hooks and Stationery
Olir.iioN ( ITY, (iKK.tiON,
Park I'laee in I'lipuliir rrnpeily.
It iim i Kit Si;k IIkuk, We want .0 '
reHoteiii'iiiiilit'rMdirthi. yearn eiiiiuiii)f.
Cull ami nee iih TiikO C I'm kimi
Jmr ItKi Kii kli! A frei"h lot nf Cuh- j
huKe. Celery, t'aiilillower, tlrnnpH,
LeiuniiH uml llulter. AIho Miuiie Kxeel
lent . HerriiitT. Mm ki'l't l Hll'l I'inn I'eet,
at Hie Urenoii City Market.
Now that hriklhter tluyn have rt'tiirneil
I full niv von u fine eahinet. AIho rihiiI
view nf tlio fulU. K. Tinni.
Hi ttkh, fi't-Hh umlifiioil: eitiiH new ly
In it I , ami ve.telahli'H, ut tiwur K. A.
rieytuii'H, corner nl Main ami 1 Uh. AH
(TiioiIh ilelivernt! .
Tun I''k in Hrv. llijih mul thy,
eliiHtt topropoHfil molnrline, neiireiiiilieiy
ami huw mill,-ClatkiiiuiiH Height in
the iileul hniue. I.11U f(W iimUTO; $10
ilnwii; hulaiu'e weekly pavnientH of one
ilnllur I'lieh. I'rieeH will lulvam'e May
Why ilon'tyoii liiHiire in the roliimhiii
Kiru uml Murine liiHiiriineo Co?
If T. I.. ClIAMMAN, At nl
1 have lilenly of iotil Imnher on
haml. Onler early. tl. 8. MrCnitn,
I'nr the HneHl Iliinniei mi l the IU-hI
Clipper riowH, hIho MiinulfH on hnml at
nil tinieB. Inipiiro of ti. W. Cm urn
Foil Sai.ic S11111U work mare for H ilu
eheiipforeaMh. AihlrennJ. M. Kisiilkv,
New Mm,
Kuril) li'ii inileH eiint of New Km,
I oht, In Oi'omiil City Home, pciidinii
papeiH holoiiKiim t) Daniel J. Mover.
Kiniler will leuvo Iheni ut the Post Of
llco uml Kt. nvwiinl.
Ckdak I'ohtm. I luivo lOOOu. mil uoilur
poHlH for Hale. Inquire... this ollleo, ul
Perry Miiltoon'H hlueksmilh nhop or of
the umloiHiuneil. I'-' T, II. Hashish.
Park Plueo Ih Popular Prnporty.
Vm Walk, An extra Komi riilin
)iony. Impiiroof Cahi. Kun.ih, Cuiio
iniili. -I
Alw carries a full lino of
Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc.,
Kilher CASH or mi tlio
.Xt?" Vim cannot .. l'tlor than to call ami examine
All repairing don
ni'l wnrrniitetl.
(l1l-V lltlill TKU.)
Mrs. C.H. L
To Hit' Lathes and (Jentlcnu'ii of Oiviion Citv.
Shoes that ever was shown
(in Oregon City.
COME AND SEE US and be convinced,
Carpels, Oil Cloth and Mattings
Is Complete cinci
st -UvvT t! mi
V., V, WINKKKT " B. Hf Itll'TVltH "
Undertakers and Blacksmiths. Oregon Citv. Croeort.
jOoml lleuropft. Trimmed
hi; oiler at
'Vf j '. .- T. . '. -Taf
collina nnd Cnskots always in Stock
.. i,
r .jz' i . ?r
1 . 1