The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 15, 1890, Image 2

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, ir, '
I'kxnovkk is s:ulto patronito tho
lujuor trust, to Mong to tho lum
ber trust, while he curses all tho
trusts. 0 consistency, thy muno is
,u,( lu) 1U( lYnnoyer.
Tiik voters of 1SW oim not af
ford to elect relies of IT'.H) to of
fice, "Let the tloittl jiast bury its
ileail," and let the voters of tS'dO
lay the Kij Van Winkle candi
date gently away to iuiet oblivion.
(iovKKSoH I'knxovku was unite
willing that Tho Palles and Baker
City should have untaxed water
bonds but ether cities, 0 dear, no!
'twould lo u press injustice and ft
cryiujt evil to permit them the
the same pri ileiie. Why this un
just discrimination, liovernor?
Tiikuk is no issue relative to the of the In ks. That straw
was threshed all around the county
two years a:zo till not n kernel was
left to sprout this year. The truth is ;v bugaboo which exists
only in the imagination of W.
Myers and a denun,'"i:ne named
Tuk part of the domoeratie plat
form "arraiirnini: the republican
party for bavins; fastened tho con
vict lalnT system upon the state to
the detriment of our honest lalior"
is a hi:; Uiomorani;. They ''ar
raigned" the wronn gans;. While
they were in t he "arraisrninj;" busi
ness what was the matter with the
whole record of the democratic
parly, from the time it was born?
A Astoria paper cays: Mr. A.
Lelloy, the baptist minister who is
the nominee on tho democratic
ticket for superintendent of public
instruction, was for some time a
resident of this city. Two years
ai;o he was a candidate for county
school superintendent on the pro
hibition ticket, lie ;nt S."i votes.
Now he is aain running in oppo
sition t the republican candidate.
Kx-I'mti ii Srm:s Makshai.
John Mvkiis takes the field for the
democratic state ticket. If he ifl
not more successful in beating -he
biiah for Miller than bo as for
. himself several years ago, m clTorti
yslll bo catalogued s ''iove'a labor
lost." Ho is tcof mil J to defeat,
however, which is probably the
reason why the 'mmnne gentlemen
of the democratic state committee
scit Liui out as a target.
I'tM'X-tiATio and I'nion party
orators quoted freely from the Or-
ejoiiianat the sp. akinu' on Monday,
seemimr to find much food to com
fort their weary souls from certain
well conned pa.-sages therein con
tained. 'Tis well they arc easily
sali-fied, and their audience, most
f whom read the Oregunian care
fully would doiibtleri respect them
as highly if they quoted the pas
sages in full instead of to suit.
SKellKTAIiV O. 1'. Mll.I.KH S.'iyS
that Mr. Thompson's, most san
guine friends will be surprised aft
er all the votes are counted at the
big run he has made ami added:
'I was engaged at headquarters dur
ing the campaigns of June and No
vember, IMS, and the result showed
that our correspondents were very
close calculators. We are in cor
respondence with tho same men
now, and find the situation to be
more favorable for an astounding
majority than it was ten days ago.
If our friends figure us well now ag
tiny did two yours since, (Jovernor
I'enimyer will lind his Wellington
in Mr. Thompson.
Tins is what the democratic pol
icy of free trade b ads to. Tho Pull
Mall (iazetto sent a special corres
pondent to visit the chain makers.
He made impiirieH of "the best
man, physically, in tho group,"
with the following results: The
man had, he said, to work from 7
a. m. to 7 p. m; for five days a week
and to 5 p. m. on Saturdays, a to
tal of 07 hours a week; and his
gross earnings were $.'.75. lie
had to pay 7" cents for a blower,
and 12 cuts dues to tho Union.
I lis house rent was !)2 cents a
week. ThiH left him $1.80 a week,
on which to feed, clothe, and
educate Iuh family. Ho hud
worked for three days together on
dry bread and two small herrings
each day. If bread and potatoes
were not cheap, he would not be
able to live. That is the condition
of woikingmii under free trade,
and that is tho condition which
would confront them hero if I'eo-
II oyer und his fellow democrats had
their way,' It would not make
much diTerenco 'whether Oregon
City is a factory town or u hole in
Uiq ground at Hitch wages.
Til k Courier nctunlly devotes n
lot oftlamiug headlines and over
half a column of its exceedingly
valuable spneo to a celebration
of what it tsrtu th overthrow
of "a tmoo?er"ut the late city elec
tion. We appreciate the honor
of being the exalted recipient of
so much of a great editor's space
but conclude that his judgment
is at fault in devoting so much
space to a "light weight." The
editor of the Courier is to be pit
ied for his lack of discrimination
in accepting matter for publica
tion. Tiik Board of Trade, in their ap
pointment of n committee to obtain
the passing of suitable ordinances
for the establishment of lire limits
within tho main business portion
of this city, are doing for tho cit
izens what tho large conflagrations
of Seattle, Spokane Falls and Kl
lensburgh compelled those cities to
adopt. Whv should this matter
be delayed longer? Are there not
enough wood buildings already to
satisfy the demand for cheap rents?
Kvery wood building erected jeo its neighbor and increases
the lire risk. Whv wait for a con
flagration to spur us to do that
which will savf thousands of dol
lars if done now? The prosper
ity of a city is evinced by its ul-
stantial buildings, every one of
which adds that much to the per
manent value ol t In whole prop
crty of its citiens.
Ti ksoay night we stood at this
end of the suscnsion bridge and
counted over I'-'o men coining
across from their day's labor on
the other side. Kvery morning
and every night this occurs, only
at times the iuiiuIm t is over '.'(HI in
stead of less. At toll rates this
represents a saving of a good many
dollars every day to the day la
borers who use it. W, W, Myers
opposed building the bridge and
yet nim'S as the candidate entitled
to receive the votes of the laboring
men. Mr. Myers say K. L.
Kasthum is to blame for the
building of the bridge. Very good.
For which of these twaiu will the
-00 lalmrers vote on June 2nd.
IladW. W. Myirs'a policy been
followed there would now have
Iwen neither bridg", mills on the
other side or laborers to work on
the ini'.Is or cross the bridge.
1'tRMlT us to call the attention
ot-Axt readers to the fact that near
ly all of classes of realty in Clack
amas county have greatly en
hanced in value during the past
two years, while the opjiortunity
to sell is as 10 to 1 compared to
two years ago. These conditions
can in the main be uttrihutcd to
j Uie improvements going on in and
! around this city. There is scarce
ly a man to be found in Oregon
City who does not own and pub
jlicly acknowledge that K. I,. Kast-
hatn has done vastly more than any
other one man to bring about this
very satisfactory state of affairs.
This is un age of progress, and M r.
I'.asUiam has diowii limiseit a
man of tho times. We may say
truthfully that mills, factories,
dwellings, business blocks, busi
ness houses, roads, and the great
susjs'nsion bridge have sprung in
to beingas the direct result of his
acts. Are not these monuments to
his fitness to ably represent the
county in the state senate? Is not
this much a pledge that ho is ablo
and willing to do more for the city
and county than lie has yet done?
We believe that the voters, not on
ly of this precinct, but of the entire
county, will recognize this and vote
for the man who can do them the
most good.
The Corvallis Times says: The
ticket nominated in Portland at
the Republican State Convention is
undoubtedly the strongest that has
been presented by the party in Or
egon for years ami we candidly lio
licve that the entire- ticket will be
elected. Of course there urn some
objections made in a few instances
but tho ticket as a whole gives
more than ordinary satisfaction.
K. S. P.eau received nomination for
Supremo Judge und wo consider
him tho strongest man on tho
ticket. He will receive a good sup
port from the Democrats of the
second judicial district and wo will
Blake our judgment against a jug
of juico that ho leads in the race
next June. H. S. tteaii is a worthy
candidate, u muu among men and
a judge abovo reproach. His elec
tion is unquestionable,
J). P. Thompson has literally
forged his way to tho front with
hammer and tongs. The greater
part of his life has boon spent in
tho workshop und ho to-day knows
its needs better than tho average
man in politics. Capitol Journal.
1). V. Thompson is no
gogue, and is not full of absurd
promises or blarney. If elected
(Jovernor ho will represent Oregon's
whole interests. Ho has made his
own business u success, and w a
safe man. Silverton Appeal.
Hon, 1), I Thompson, tho re
publican candidate for governor,
U one of tho pioneer of tho
iUt. II is a man of marked per
loualchnracUr. Ho has great und
practical business capacity, a de
termined will, indefatigable ener
gy, and uncompromising integrity,
Ho lias occupied several public
stations and has always rendered
the public faithful service, lie
will, upon his election, remove with
his family to Salem, and give his
full time to the state, Like alt en
ergetic successful men, Mr. Thomp
son has made some enemies. In
his case his enemies seem princi
pally confined to a few dainty,
kid-gloved, sweet lv-perfumed of
This ungloved son of toil, this
former blacksmith, this old time
surveyor, with the smell of the forge
and the perfume of the mountain
about liim, brushing them out of
his way and advancing by them to
Icailiug positions in business and
politics, does not please them. But
they are not of tho people. And n
leading democrat of Portland is au
thority for the statement that their
known op'HiMtion will bring him
strength. They tire "afraid Mr.
Thompson will bo arbitrary." This
means they fear they cannot control
him. The eople of tho state do
not want a governor who will lo
controlled bv the dudish rich of
Tort land. Hillsltoro Independent.
I'mouit'M imonmstux v.
Froin last Saturday' Oregonian
we take the following, showing
plainly liovernor I'ennoycr'n incon
sistency. It says:
Wo II lut In tho acwiion lumi l&s tiw
instance there limy ln 111010 iu Vthlch
(.Soverunr IV nnuyer ainmu'ed mU Uiat
exempt muiiiol ul bond from taxation.
One of these acl was ai',l for the city
of The Italics, "For th puria-ao of
eurrvinn this act Into effect," o ijimlo
from the aeanlon lamnf IKS7 " tho com-
liiliwlum-rs are Uthoriod to laauo and
ili-iHwe of the IkiiuIh of the city of tin
denomination of from (100 tu looo n
the purchaser may deairo, with intcreat
Ctrtipnii uttu. he.l therein;
provided further that the bond herein-In-tore
provided for siui l, HI Sos-tv-PI
rokMATK, tol'XrT, AMI MIMlll-tl.
ft NiMxki, and shall nut lie diwd of
for leu (hull theirpar value," Thin ttiin
approves! bv liovernor Peiinnyer l ebrii
ary Id, JMM7. S,-e luns of lvsT, pnn
i.'7;l and :M.
Aiiin, therein an act on lhenlulutr
book, mi "S.'i, ltt) . 1S7, approved
by tiovernor IVinmver February 17 u(
that year, which authoritm Puker City
to iimnii 1hiiuI "for sjuvilltsl city pur
jmiwa," and this act declares that " asv
AMI ALL Bo Mm lt Kll l V SVIll I TV
mun. nx utMrr rsevi touh r ' 11
BT.rK, ciicxrv.oa m xieir kl ri-nrosaa ."
The Democratic State Conven
tion, through its platform, pays tho
republican party the highest enco
mium that it has ever received..
We ipioto from tjie Courier of May
'2nd. Notice carefully the last
"First W coii)(rtalate tho demo
cratic party in thin and other stale iihiii
the signal vietoriea achieved in the hint
general election in lowa.Ohioaud llhoili
Isliui.l, mi'I In the municipal elections
held recently throughout the I'nion ; and
no hail their result aa the certain har
binger nf the dininteRiutinn of that party
which, ehampioiiiiiij the cause of special
interest and privileged chowc, is bound
together only by the cuheiii venous nf pub
lic plunder, ami or tiik norniMKVT or
that allien has ivui sroon re it iiik
Kniiii the lVrlluiid Timet.
If any citizen of Oregon has
doubts as to Sylvester Pennoycr
being a demagogue of the broadest
und most magnificent stripe, he has
only to post himself us to the tal
ented gentlemun's maneuvers, (Mis
souri bushwhacker style), during
the past two weeks. With one
sweep of his hand he talks about
morality, and then shows his esti
mate of the American citizen by
walking into a lager beer saloon
where a private apartment for "par
ties" is kept in tho rear) and en
deavoring to "whoop it up." One
minute ho la-moans the fate of the
poor man and prates of the uncon
stitutionality of a single citizen
owning more than a specified
amount of land, und the next min
ute he selects I'lirney Ooldsmith
with his liulch heir claim to act as
his guiding star to pilot him into
tho chair of Governor of Oregon.
Consistency is clearly not one of
tho jewels that Sylvester Pennoycr
wears in his shirt front. From the
day when, accepting the free land
and protection given him by this
government, ho angered not ut tho
assassination of President Lincoln,
ho has not changed. It was tho
sumo principle that prompted him
to raise tho prico of lumlier in Ore
gon when lumber was searco and
tho laboring 111011 were struggling
to build homes. It was tho samo
feeling that promptod him to bo
nioun tho time when a "dirty nigger"
would over cast a free ballot, and
afterward to trust ono of them for
lumber enough to build a house and
dare to influence his vote on thutao
count. It was tho sumo feeling that
prompted him to talk anti-Chincso,
und then drop the issue after being
elected on that platform and (hut
liloiio, It was Ihe same feeling that
prompted him to muko solemn
pledges before the election, which
lie .never kept afterwards.' ft wus
tin nuiiitf feeling that prompted
him to pander to petty animosities
in local communities, in order that
ho might aggrandi.o himself oven
at the cost of the cnliro Interests of
thoalatoiisustnto, Without one pal
liating circumstance, he is to-day,
by all odds, the greatest demagogue
that ever walked the streets of Portland.
Once upon a time a muMtiU'und a
whiffet, traveling in opposite di
rections, met in the public high
way. The whiffet, after attempt
ing the usual ceremony required
by dog etinuetto, said to the tuiistilf,
Will you please bite 100?" "And
why should I bit you?" asked the
mast iff. " Hivause," replied the
whilfct, " 1 am but a little dg, al
most unnoticed in Dogdoin, and if
you would only tear my hide u lit
tlejust enough to show blood it
might bring me into notice, and load
bigger dogs to think I belong (o n
breed of higher degree than the
1 .1 , ,1 1 , , . 1 .
common n n net. m i 110 iounii n
whose name was "(in k A r Daii.v,"
disdained to bile tho ssir little
weakling, but with head proudly
erect, and tail in the air, be kept j
on his daily rounds, penetrating !
towns and forests in pursuit ofl
beasts of prey, and destroying the
vermin that clung to the body poli
tic. And it came to pax that the
whilfct, which aforetime had in
vited tho !iouo cat to scratch hint,
tho tunic to kick him, and lastly the
tnastilf to bite him, and could not
get so much as a scratch, kick, or
bite, was so cast down w ith grief
.. , I , , 1 i"H'i 'i in"i niu.l, 11 mil n, , 01 me '
that lie juned away to a slid, ton j hn.-n-M olall bo,, .,,., enc.vndly th j
la'coiniu( too feeble to live and noil"'1" need any n.n,.,-r.ililo anioiint
. 1 . 1 . 1 , ell an buiu' lime lemin, 1,1 bniinw m bnol :
Stroll' enolieh to die. And US he lm,,.y. Mn al.n,,,lt v the clM.e.t !
lav thus, certain unclean birds iiath- """')' I'.el s -r i-m ami m con,- i
' I ,,. 1 , l,inieim ulter Ilie liit (Hit on'
ercd around him and ith voracious c. p. i.m.iuieMe. Aiterney lor tbe l.outd. i
U-aks heln'd him to draw his lat:
breath. IliHottners buried his re-' I'aik I'hiro is I'opulur l'iouiy. I
mains, tisiii) it herring lo for a, Nutlce
collin, with a hiii-i j.l.ile thereon, I My enlun Um and nnmey IiihIiim
encircled w ith 11 w leath reiresent- j lniiiie ill be eati u-d 011 ,i iimi.iI dm- j
iiiX a chain of Hologmt sausage, nml , '"' -''" '""' '! Mr- A. j
iiiHcriU-d with the words, Here
rest the bones of the d"jj l'(o)l ll
ier, hIiokc death was caused by the
diteaso known u ileimH-raticus
luaiitiv-ctlns." .l'!-o'.
I ortlaud leleerain: Uri-.n ( ity
wants a line hotel and w ill iiroha -
. . . .
bly (let it. Nn city can exwctto
attract attention from inimirauta
unless it can furnish excellent no
coininoihitions for its visitors.
Wil l, (lover Imr l'l-iiiinycr please
ex . lain his connection with tho
I'ortland luinlM-r trust, orauied
to keei Ui the price of the poor
man's llliiibi r.Stalcinau.
Siccial Notice.
To Whom it 1 1 1 it v t'liin-eiti :
All knowing tlielllM'hes In. lei. led to
us aro reoct(ully retuenled to sellle
their accounls Wo need money and
mint collect u,l nnl to I lie wire Is
siilllcicnt. SVn do imt wibI, to I'lace
ouraccuuiils in the hands of a eolleclur.
ll in extremely uiilcaaul (or us In du
so Iherelnro wo (jive lhi notice and say
to all come and m ltle.
March A, lS'Hl. Tuna, ('11 ui n A S'N.
( heap 1 .11 ml Km- Sale.
Choice (ariniliu laud, three miles from
Oil-unit City in from 1(1 to Ino-ucr tracts
at '.'."i.Oll to ;li).im Mr acre. Call on or
address, Ityau tt or
.1. I It 1 si a, t Iretfoii City.
Tnu.vfni.s! Tovi.viors. Tho I). C.
racking t'oiniiiiiy wauls to contract for
L'O iicich of toinatoi'H this season. See
notice tn farmers in hindncs locals.
A IIaiiii vix ! I'orly acres live mile,,
from Oregon City; soil, black I..11111; ITi
acres in cultivation ; kixhI new houae;
riiuuiiiK water; a lKrfect lillle farm. In
quire of Mi Cown it Co.
Woui, V.n iKii. Parties haviim wool
to iliinso of can obtain Ilie liinlieil
pricu hycillinrfatlheslnreof I. Si:i.i.inii.
Take a ride nil the neiv hack lino In
Suulli (irrguti Clly ami liny it lot of Cajit.
haw. Olllco at dm Und lVoiit, oimi
aito th I'oft Olllco.
I have a husiueis rouui with shelving
etc., centrally located, (or rent at reasnn
able rale Musi apply won .
J.vs. I'. Shaw,
Ollice, lied lioiit (irucary and Crock
ery Ibiuso.
Tliaimiiltilatiiryiif Htauli.jr'a r-o..i,t thrllllna
atlvniitiiri ami tha illwilnaina nf I.U li,ii,,rti,ni, ll,i.r for th llruli tlmu III tlin
T'. WrIUwi l.y lilmiwlf, uotlt.l.i "III lluiknat
Afrla ll.i nnfe t,o i1i.ih.IvimI liy any nf tha ai.
rallfil "Sttuility lHiiil"liiHr Iii'Ihk a. 'Vmii.
iiluo"riiiil "aulhniiUa" Tu uu ono ut lliuaa liw
blaulny ci'lltrlliiti.,l a llnu.
'HhKnil a 11 n iimiatliMi nlumt thla alatimumt Iwlni
eommtln iivnry nartluiilnr. Wn auarauUw It, anil
will it I vn )'irllrii,,ra on aniillratlmi.
PAIITiriM m," " til l inlalml, ats
lnUIIUIl that tha buuk Iwi tha Im.
print nf v
And that tha oanvaailiia- okaiiI oarrltn a oartllloatfl
ut atiHiiiiy f rum un,
Otnornl Agentt for the Paclflo Coast.
V. TARNKOl'F, Atpnl,
Oregon City, Oregon.
rain!! hunt!! I'iiinl!!.
Columbia, ((lii
fill... I ..J ... A Lit I
IV Till) MAliK FT,
Sul.n SY
Money to Loan.
In KiiiiiH of if iiii,oo io 'iO.iuki,
.1 AH I'. UllAW,
litiul l,latu ami 1 innnciul audit, I Iickoii
I'lly, oppodile PodI Hill,-,.
II1111U, Si;ne
,'. (bianW M.llrr has rei ivnil' another
j ' T MM,U -'""- '
ki.l L ii.mi ,11.. I ..II .1 I.... 1 :.. I.. -.!.
bhiih-iiuw Milt it It IHM.'I ftlll 'I t-
ilios and hi-iiIh at H.'.'j and icittuid
all know Unit l keepx I'm, bent
'inhly of boot and bIio at ilie o. m
Treasurer's .Nutiie,
I have mm iu my li.ueU lutein applic
able 1,1 U, p.ninent ol all waihtiitii eu-dorw-d
piior lo Sept. siH, luteii-M
Mill ceane fieni dale ol tliit imticc
Oregon l ilv, Aptd 10, Is'M
-IO-'M-'l-l7 S. II. Caiiu-,
Tleilhlller of I'l.tekiOn;! I'll ,
Seliind Money. j
Tbcie In j 1 0 1 1 1 V of money nil Imml In i
1 1 - .1... 1 ..." , .
n. eirni'i win nave ciiioe ol it. .
W . I ' H JilllVHiKf. j
HlSMllllllllll NolllC
I Tho arliicridii
Inllicrlii i-im,iiu '
l'teeii It. i;,.k, 101I I'lnllippa I
i ltr, Ii , .I.....U...I tl.iu .1 ... I....I
!'.':ird. lM.1, l.y mutual content . .Ml!
d. l.udui. will l-e ,-,,,M,-d l.y Ii. ilu.
' 'l onlv. K. ,,ii.i,,i
Mill I II" .,,a.
t.'ita lor Had lilne,
I'uro Wvaudnlt r;i Inr lialeliinii,
U. W. 1'nrler, I'alieiuali Leave or
der at the Oiemi t ilv M.ukct.
47lo J N lillMUM
otlce In I ai iio r.
Tho uudeisiiied will he in Hicl-oii !
j t "it ' at Harvey t'io,h' oili, -o every Tin a- '
day and aluidav ol each week until
j fuither notice, i-oiuinein inj; ,n Tucndiiy,
I'eh. n'i, lor Ihe uiri.e ol culill uetili i
(or veuctahlcH and fiuiln ol all kiinl lor
the canning couipuiiv . '
tlie(!nii l ily, l!i h. M, Is'ki, 1
A II I'.Ofllltt, j
Sectelary el Un-Koii ( ilv I'sckiimt'o
A ill he To 1 ol lots
.MK. W INSUm'S NmiTHINU hvacf, (or '
chl.lrent Iinitf, is Ihe tueacriolioii of i
onoof tl,o l,e-l icniah. nur-es ami phyai- j
clans 111 the I uite.i Mali-a, and haa I n
Man, WiNai.uw Soot iiimi Svin e. (or
uaeil for lortv ve:ir will, mo i.r.l.iilu,,, ;
success liy millions of inulheis for (heir
children. Iiiiring the proceaH nf teetli
I M K ils value IX niealciiluhle It lehevea
tho child finm pain, cures dyaenlery and
iliiirrhoa, griping in the l.iovcla, and
nilid-colic. I'.v giving health In the
child it reals tin) mother
NcM llcpiiiluce.
Wo have taken a new dcp nluin this
spring in i he styles of goods that ho
curry. In order to meet the demands of
our largo and growing trade ho have
added a Hue hue of ingiain carpels
which wo will sell lower than Tertland
price. That new line of ruga Is also
very lino and will repay von for examin
ing very carefully. You will certainly
want one. In clothing, dry goods, no
tions, hats, and foot wear you will llml
tho heal assirtnietil at our sluri". Cull
and inspect before Imvinn.
ClIAHMAN iV, Son'.
lli'iillli anil l.oiigetil).
I'r. A. Wlllnrd Hall's llyaicnie
Treatment for tho permanent euro ufdis
o.iBes without eillM-r medicine, eleclricity
or cosily aiiplianees. Works in perfect
harmony willi the laws of milino.
Seo Miciociwm "extra" which
gives tho history of tho physiological
discovery. Head (or circulars at my ex
pense. I'rico ul Health I'aniphlol ft ,00.
Address, J . W , Thomas,
Molidln. Or,
Tn Whin n II May ( iniecin.
I have resumed hnsinoMs at my ulli co
in Oregon Cily. V. O. McCuwn.
Altentloii llreedci'N.
A haniltoiiio impoited Clyilo slnllion
wiih on the street yesterday, lie wiih
Imported bv (lalbrailli liius. Itreeders
hIidiiIiI sou I ii hi ,
I.aki.i. ilt McCoiti),
The llesi KcniiII.
All ingredionlH employed in pioilucing
IIood'sSaiHiiiiinllii mo sti icily luno ami
are Iho besl ol tho kind it is poHslhlo to buy.
All tho roots ami ami horns are carefully
selected, personally examined, ami only
tho best retained. Su that front the limn
of piireluisu iinlil Hood's arsiip.nilla is
prepared, ovwylhing is carefully watched
Willi a view to attaining the
why don't you try it?
Would You lie lilclif
Everyone wanlH to boeomo rich, and
in order that yuii may make suro prog this .direction you should nut fail
to buy your groceries of A, II, Kry, tho
cash grocer, as he has it very lino seine.
lion of tho linchl, groceries l ) ho found in
market. Ho is hound to please his cus
tomers and Is constantly wutchlng tho
market for ImruaiuH so as to buy chenii
and Min k his gnods down to his custom
ers. Call at 1'iy'H Cash (Irocery House,
Oregon City, Oregon.
m iik k r bicruii'i.
Wheat, j' mie,
"lllM, !' bit ..J
I'linir, IkI ri,(,i, i l ull, und. ;i.7'i
I'ltODIt ::
Hollur, i) toM.'-lM,
V-IV, 15 to Piebl.
ITiiekena, ilfewMl,lV ilos, (it f to 13
t 'liickeiiH, spiiii i.'.OO ,V ,'l. Ml
Chicki'liN, live, (ii ft I0 loi.1,00
Tin keys,
I'olaloes, p lot $ r, n jl.'jo
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 i bll J bill.
Apples .l hoi, ('.MI'I
Hlmits, I '.'I nil
Ml'llll, IIS fill
llav.limnlliy baled, (IS In f:'n.
Hay timothy loom, !,
Clovnr, baled 117 lo ;'0
I'-eef, live, II1,, In ,.,
Ileef dreiiKrd," In Se,
Veal, dieiined, 7 e.
Ibis, hve, fie.
I Ioh, ilreMHc'd, (it 7e.
Slii'i'li, V lieu. I, :i,!iOnnd f -I .(Ut.
Wool,li;i., pj -,,u,
I aid, coiuiliy bulk, lie.
I. aid, buckelH, III'.,!-,
Ilaiiia, ''Ii., I,, y,
H.des, ";'ll., III,..
Hhouldwis, V"1, 7, Se,
mcu:i ritt'iTM,
All kimls very dull.
Apples, sun dried, .'I and 4e.
I'Iuiiin, sun diii'd, 2 ami ,'ic,
I'ruiM'S, nuii di led, i anil lie.
IV. on, nun illicit, 11 ami Sc.
Apple, iniichinti dried, blenched 8 A 7r
I'luinn, lien lone di led, II Id 7c
I'.Min, inai'liine lined, It andre.
I'linn-n, nuu bine dned, 5tuin) 8e,
It U Impiiilty la t',o blmHt, wbU-h, ae
Cunmhillna In tho chm.'.t ef tlia limk, ,..
ilii. c t u 1 1 1 n T 1 1 1 y 1 11 11 1 1 - t.r attrlllni;iti which
ratixi .-it 1 1 F 1 1 1 ruiiitlou 1,-0 en II. a nm,
l-i:, it I. . ,; wliii Ii il.n -i- iiiri-m In tha
-J -, r;iM, el lie,., nltrll cuiuliii; lillnilliClt of
(ltv4tlit-i,ni w hu ll Is th etljrln nf 'lui li-, cin-i-cront
urunlha, er !h nt.,i.y ntin i lu.uufrt!
IUiiih lou:il!)f ttM-Otu-il ., " WhU'll,
(Aliening nn Ihe lmn;, c:m i-,iiiMiiu:..n
anil 1I0. nil. ll.-lnj; tha n.e.l i.ii -ut, It ! tha
UukI ei ut ull lUclr nf ITi-f lloraii, fur
Voiy Inw i-iiih rnu cnllfvijf lou Inun IL
How Can
It Do
!iy taking ll.wj't S .irn.ii.irtl!, which, by
tho Io CIIK'I II li.i. acrilllllll'l,
dltrn win 11 .'Hit nn -illi Ini-a Imm Ullrtl, till
preti-n Hi. It i I o . ci'.. m Bint pwulliir
Ibeillrlan e IliU ill.i-nw, Helli il tlli'M
are ate feally ft.Hsl iful. It Jr.nnuHnrtnim
acretuLi, te mil' l.i try llnoil't 4raarllU.
Mjr il.uiKhii r V4iy i .-(!!! I-J wiih rel-Ulolimi(UiOit-i-k
fl'ilt On- llliii-ftlit'W us'Jmelilhi
oM till the tn-ittn !& ycara ef ,icn. l.umpa
etnl In lirr m i k, mill ono el thrm after
groWaj to Ihe aire ef a .li:rvu'a f en, traui
a ruiiiiini . ir . r nui thicpyiau. W
lirr II-kmI'ii S io..i'.iiIIU, when tha lump aint
all lh.ll. .ill i. nf r"!i:'..i t nUo-ly ill.
ai'IM-Mcl, at,, I new !: ,-rii) t. hi' a lu-allliy
rlilhl " J S l iio 0 r. Sjiuitht, S. J.
N. II. lie am 1.. p.-t i.'ily
Hood's Scrscporilla
7l I. lltKIl' IV! , Atl'ftAHDt, UNtU, BUI.
100 Doses Ono Dollar
I'" Hill I.KIHI1S TIIK M.lltoK AM
Iioublc and Siiij-le Hies, and sad-
idlehoi-ii ulwavs on hand at the
lowest pi ices. A coriall connected
with the barn for loos.- slock. ri'UHKliiiir any kind ol
hIim k 'i",n,, alien. led to hv t-riiu ut
horses Doufht nnd Sold.
if Mill
Fa sYiew Aililitioiito (lrfiunn Citf
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In (lie lust sixtv (lavs. lOxainitit' tln i.mnl
I ,. . , 1 " ' 1 ' .i-iii-
'.v ililjuilis till' lit'.-t lllli'lVl'lI pUft (if (ciWii; also t'l ill Vt'll irl I
to the HUmifiM'timi)'' part. Don't fail to look at it Ind'oro
, ,,. r 1 K '" 11 11111)11
I no t'IKISl 11 LT
I t'l'ins very easy.
Oll'uv near Tost OU'wi
' in 'id all over.
I.a-t week 1 boil Hit two lots ol
Sh Al l ium oiioi r and vesterda)
they sold ll.cin again and Helled
mo . 'J,ill,(Ml.
This old reliable
in stock a
hi, M aii HH
Mwe, Tiiim, etc.
IMiiniininil, Gas Fittins: & Jobbing
Aticiuled to
I), r. WAV, J. i. 1 00k I,
Deiilers In roii'iics V rimluee,
Oregon City,
TU fllJMf,!) tt t Y J
HtctM nl :. (on, tin 1 1 c - ' y
Nnit.r!'- -( 1,,
MiH., (l'U htU II IIM.M'i to
fc'Ut, ( t
wlirrt- tttn tniu. An) v
I'l.fMliM'i urn
Miii Kii)iKiNnl Montr
U llavi v, Mmi.-r,
y.llki J'littiltl.'tu, I'mI,
fr"Ht'li'l ft ri.tHpirt
( m(! ".;iH'.
Field, Vegctabio
Flower Seeds.
' "' "
AI'JAK V Al'OI' Jl KV S III ' 1 , 1 1 ;
ISA If DleV T( l( ll M l-l.t'Tl I 1.
zkiis, tkkks, KTt', I ls yrvzii, j .
I'OII Serimit Mrn-t.' IM. NmIiiojii and I "' '"''i'-' 'I l'iv. ! K mVuT
Taylor, I'lirtlaml, !' 1 I i e. oi;,,i Ar TT--
gtrtui forcutuione. u..;wr.:Y'?r ; l'l
witaSe "iie-feiiirrS
! K' (T(.!lIU'K(ltvf of l--(,ll. ( lit. f.k
Suspension Itridc
ON' Til !; WKHT SlIiK.
A Fine Chance to Invest!
A rwr Tt.w.i-w
xxuiu x luuurtv.
Inquire of
: ! t,- , . .;.,-.'
I 4 4 , ' ., f , (,!
iliiTrT . 'a
Pf 'v nrrrSt ' '::i
'. tvt cut or o:-n:.-. I
t' 'Hits nb rVwf,..t. '.'..1 I !' ',
nr cr-ifi f n'o.-iiT - t 11 -
I I - ) UN ,.''.
I '' ;, j; jii' ''-'' '
" kt-i4,
M (1 WipltPV
' ' ' v ',
1'1'V Slulll-
o j
firm always keep
full line of
& CO.
Tk r. -rcrtat.'t,. i'rxti
Origin City &. Portland
I If 1 L' U . I ,. i .. -
' "'A M Upl
" - l.r!l hi 1, i n , (,r
i .M,y imi'M
l-KAVr; -on -e .a i ii? 'm a Ml;
" - 1'ertl.oMt to A M atx
Jciiiiirgs, Hauba. Kislej-g
w.-t;o, Milwaukie, I.moUru.
Ovorljiiul (0 Culiibrni
S It
Sonflierii I'.u idH oii
The Kot-nt bhabta Fccute,
I ill,.,. l-Hiem u.- ifou cnai.j , ftfl
I 1 11 :i"i;i t n i.t. uim tra ,lt
S ! " w ' I'"'' 1 1 A M' v 'U'.rkAi.c
i, -. - ''via,
I f u I, . .
! "i "'dl" inn,. ,. o,r f ,i ni,.. :'
I r..m l,.i ul r ,1,,-rt. r.muml. "''".
. , i rr.rv I (if, M,fm.
Wrl lu!B
j !iHW:iN I'oUTI.ami AM) corifAU.,!
ruin. I '4 1 1 )r 'r.JrrI y,,,lir ,
7 :"t
j 1 'Jt I' M
I v
.r' U is.I
Con ail i
1. ,i. 1,;. ;v :v",,r',,,'-,",,''ii
j l' Trfcoi I tally I o S-,a,?)
V.',. 1 ,
s or,
!( tt.
To Al l. I'mINt.-i
VIA I AI.IKiKNIa. (ill Inter nime,
"ii o-K.r.ln,, ri- . m.
KoFM-:. y . ,,,,,M,,
a., iu. r ., Af,
: Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
I l Asl TIt MNs IHII.Y!
-N'M ll.V.S(,i;t,. ( AUi'
ShoMcst Line to Chicago
Vie! nil i-.HH, I 'mi, , i,
M I- VI I. A.Mi MISSC.U-ul IS.
Hie .irtliern rarlllc ll. II.
: -,"'"1- i swi-ia (f,vuf ,iUr-..
I.UMiriolln ll. , I
i'lllmuii l'ali,, fl ( ar,,
I'ulace liiiiui tm uiiel- 7ic).
I'riiMt Portland ; tlip J'a.
e that your ti.kcN read via the
Northern Pa, ilie K. K umi
avoid 1 hanv'i of cats.
1 it,
I' M
I,. al 7 1, A M. at I ,l f
:;, Muiu...,,.f si r.iu! al
I .1 iv I,.s.-1 i,.,,,. rrei,t.4a
vo-i. J.m "1 11 ,. A M. u I'. SI un.rt
! . la.-,.,. n.- M ,t..i ,u.v H.,,,ltH.
... ., ... nit., s, -
';'' ' '-,1 I'nHuooi -l,, Si,.npClrt. !
, '.',',","'I"'V I--""1 lOtll.K c-t.l
v' "i".'.' . "
linn. .11 CnUn.l . .iree.-u
l-i-l., -M:,r I iim n, ii Su.-rlv
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
I li I hi UT AM 1-A K 1 :s Tl I K LOW FST
Me liner Sailing I'ates.
t'onn Y,nlna-si,.m,.r V.r,,!l,.n Aieil
win'"""'"' v ""'. May I. K,,alu.,Ma "
I Wiilonio.. W alley. M,, ,,. Karall .u. Ma,'3
'',7v,'','"''r,',l' v"""-
i V; ;. ,,", n V"li''1'- I'.raln.u
"'O 11, Willinm-u V!l,.y, M.iy .v.
's.lOnr'.'",''"'' "F'X I" f IlHIljtP
j llOlls .'m,., h Oil,, HI ,t,.,..
-,,.r.l ,V""",V.' "ON III- O . CV ll. ullJKIVM
" '"t "r Hill!. Hll.l A1I..1I1)-.
The Oregon Meanih,at on the
Willametio river divimon ill ,.,ive hoMiid, Mondnv, Wednes
o.iv, ill d l-rtday at !l A M.' Airivo at
t orvadia Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur
'I'v at :i::i.l I'. M, x: , ,,,,,,11 ,
!, :'," .'lonuny. tteiliiesilav ami
I'odayat 8 A M. Auiveat I'oitland
I ' htnsday ami almdav at ;i:M
j I . SI. mi Monday, Wednesday and l-ri
i'lay, Iioili norlh and soulh-oound boils
il!" "vcr night at S.,'em, leaving hcie at
ricilllU met ' I, kcl intli'
. Sal, i, m hail
e n. n vswki.i...h ,,i,,.r,,: k . p
t'ervallls, or.
Tiiiir.sfoi Iho i:ii.stleavoro'llaiul,7;(X)
A ,M, and !MM I'. M.
TICKETS I'"'," 1 ,fl'"m I'fhiclpil iiotnta.
anil Kilrot)
Icgtiiit Nnv Dit.hig Puhice Cars.
I'll. mini I'ahteo Sleepers.
rim Through on Kxpross Trains
wintocr ciianou.
t'leao I'liUiu'cilniiH nt IVrllaml (or Sim Frau-oU-jo
iiii.l l-uj,,! Soiiml ;iolnta.
Kur furtlier purllciilnra liumlru of uuy agiuil
"I tin) t'oiiimuy or
.. . I". .1 T. A.
l'm-Uinnl, Oregon,
.iit.Jii:ii,ij., ivhiiu..
lacu'l. ninuiii;ur.