The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 15, 1890, Image 1

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- P , r- - .HHauf
!.)! im I.- .0,.'ilMr.rr . jn f(ov.l vliit'U'.;. ''jp '---j .4 i " , , , . .'J
' I., ,.,.-,,(T - U ,,H ir.vo !., ..will.l S.imHinoSUB'SCRIPTION:
XX f M JiC -Jw , -- , M9k..JUL JL W 4,,, Oi .,t!!iv,i, I .iVtootitbiit; Single cojim'F1vo Urns'.
,, -.!! i .t.iov .-. '!" (t'in i).i ' : ( ' 1 '
I, ...... . i i m ii i i i ii i mmmmm i' imli.. -i -Jg
OUKCiON CITY, OHKUON, THURSDAY, MAY Ifi, 181)0. ',,,, ,,,,!,,. h a, )!:! wj,,,,, ,;,, j.jVJtlCK 5 CENTS.
rTIiU-l 3 .3 .EST
(Ut meU e u appUe ut.
i v-!.. H-t htt-U t.'f nut Ittifrtlmi. and ;,
t la. fvrt nt-i.iii'iit invert Mi. I'rwi! fvr-
llUtllsl J :j
)1. J?-NO
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VftrviMii, ii
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ix i uum
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tlll ?"'!
HI Ull IT' ' ''
IS lM' 1 I " J e
. -' x .
-v a, .... . I
,.i. ..i ,...
si t.'ll l
is i.. 11 I'
ri,-., ;.
(Iri-cim, t. O. t. I". '
- MihM I'lt'rs Vhur- 1 iv ovn .. . i vl,
r m ik iW r.'ll.ivi. II ill. Mini 'n
? jiioinVrs ol llu' oiaI.t rt In iir I t niu-n.l
iT't.'r nl J J 1'iM'i.. N ii
Hullii'iiii-iH t.oilvro, Ni.. I. A. V. A. M.
H.iI.Ih Uh r.'wMtlAr O'luiin'iuU'.iU"! ihi tlrl
n.l Ihil'l Stmril o "I ''ii lii"iiili i ' 'f x
frflliri'u ui nii'l'j " iiivui'.l .UU'ii.l
A. K li VV 1-. VV M .
I av'KKKM VS. .v!.
Mc.l l-t i. i. A I!
un lit of Orvjtoii.
Ml Hft VV,-l:l
r H t ll..llrll.'
tt ui, lrt'i;iu t it)
l .'UU't t'tv'
ValNCHj Totljro of i. 0. I . H.
JktlS'l1 tVlT Itl.l ft'ltllt KltsU
tn in iMl tV;i'w tntil-htic Ail
M X.
fIV.sf liuSi.KKii VI Ii iN VI. i 111 Ki
O VV. 1. 1 i i. rl..r Mlia" ni II
T W r M P'111,1 iv S. !i.,, l ,.i!l,T in ,r
VtiV. I'l IVtff HH'.'iuitf VV ..Iii.'h.I , r
7 ,tti .n'ltwik l'rrt iin'.'lu.rf ,,l V - , ii' ;
S.'t,'l .'I I lini lii .ll,f,l T rs.'ij
niiii m li i riinl.
h'lHsr Hvi'ii-ri iu la ii - i.iv ,i i .i jv
r.l,r M.truiuj; !.Tsi' l 11'' .ul, t u l-.n'iiui.; i i.-f i, ". !;; i.
iriiT mri'llli4 VV.,,liu ,l i I'l. lui M- i.i'ii
l ov'i'innt Mi'.'llli! .',r VV lu.'- I .V nrnin
)r'', Inn tllv "l-I - iiili) in I'"' in i l i
C'Tiitrtl lusiutti'ii t all
sr ioiin st cm m ii i ' vi iini ii'
lllLl.eilK.lMI. I'J T nil .1 HI I i' " '
lil.HI A. HI IfiTillill nTlil,'!! IH-t '
J,lll-I' III '.'U'!l ill"lllU . "' '
Ji Hl'Uv S.'h.h.l nt J I' V .
bruniii'imil (I OH
, I II, ir I
k ill-
r r.VI 1. 'i P K fill H II !: 1 M l-i
',,l,,ll. Kivlur mtiIiv. 1-I.T.i Kill llV il II
aii'l T m ii fli'i'k ii I vv i-.linl . i. . i , .- x .
oci-K-k, Huiiil-iy i "i,l fit I" IH1 lil
4 h-l, 1411111111 MTimi rii li il'i'i.iii' - i
Uv l I W " i'i, k
mk riiui'isr Kri-roi'vi, ' iii 1. 1 ii
J. ills f tnu-Si. I'li.r M.,rnu .' ' w '
iii.Ay M'limil t I: I'. I i' "Hi" -r. '
Yn.itiit m.-i'iii,-' l'i,.l, .'.' i,i
7 iw. ITavit M'-.'lil'K I niir- I ii i-ii'ini.,! t
tralU'T i',ir,l.iU ins i'i"'t
viK-T ri;K-nviKi;i vn i i:i I.
.,ni:s. l'Ait,,r .-r-. l""- .'
T IU r H. rll,l'ltll I''
pi-n-un A..-i ty "I i m r l 1 1 ,i 1 1 ,u
vrry Silli'lay i'i.'IiIiii: m ' ''
tpvi'ii'luif 'f ivi-r in. '.-iiiis' lit , l' "
r,i.ri'Uuii, ukrii.
I. i
. V
hi I
VI , .il,
Ml- irv
Professional Cards.
t. r :'nis,j. i ii f tf"
All fllM I.el'Tl' I'1H.', Til''" Illl l I. III.'.'-
C. D. &. D. C. LATOU nUTTE,
F-iruih Attr iph "fin;'. I.ntn Mm.,.,, K.r
ilnrfir ui'i. rt'i't imti-.i'i '.tii-r..!
i,t Ull-lli'-iV
c. E. HAYES,
Oreuon, City. Orotjon.
l!ii p up t iir ut ii " 'it H",J'"
Attorney nt Law.
dri-'.'on City, On t'oii.
Land Business a Spi'(.i.ilty.
T. A. Mi-lllllliK A. B. Hl:l s
-.ri:. I
; Attorneys at Law.
I Olliii'iti ,l,w.-tr l:l. k, ( ity, dr.
i Civil EnKineor and Surveyor ;
..: . !
Dlfiee nearly oppottittj Cnurt IIdiiiu. j
OI(i;i().N( ITV, OUKiiON. j
Work Prom 11y AIIiikNiI Ini
J. W. POWELL, M. D ,
Physician and Surgeon
OHii-o at Charman A Co'h lru Store
oiti'.iioN crrv, oui:;on.
: r. r. WHITE.
VV. A. Wl
rrnctiml J rah He-el $ lUuhkrH.
Will pri'piir. tilnrm, flmntluim, worl.-lnx
tulli, ninl auKnlflcniliiii fur nil kliul "I Innl'l
Invi Sjii'cliil atli"Mliiii xlvi'ti In lii'.'li-rn i"t-Uir'i-i.
Kmlinnb-a f n r ri 1 kIi -'l nn iiti.lli''itluii
trKun City, OK"
A llni'ifiilil.
Forsitlo, at $10 per acre, UV) acres of
timber latnlj about "5 acrns hhIi tiinbur,
414 miles from K. K. station, 2 milen
from saw mill on Rook Creek ; HpleinlUI
land and timber; level; terms easy.
Ask McCowm & Hon,
0. E. A. Freytag,
VV I ,l VI W YS K I'l'Tf
A Full Assorlineni.
'i.nlui'o uf till kimls, of llu'
lust. li.Hl'.'lit ninl Solil.
tSutta Kin. I Jt'qc ..Wanted.
I OUKiiilN I'U'V, t)UKUtN
Piano of Orpi;
i in s vv iiv ,sor
szsxjir mow,
- VV III N .
J. H. WAY,
I'u,' i in- ri v and oini n Hum ill
I'll Villi tl'l ll'.llllllll'llt
til Ia hi mt ..
I loll I .
It l ilt A I'OMI.
II A II Pll.l,
i. ii. ii -r.
i i t i it.
1 1 . " ,ii OroKOn City. Oro.
A IT 13--
.I.'h'h'hh; Wi
Ii i l... I'.r.i
m l I'ui nir.
ki l.A, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
W.ll Iv Mlll.' l I'V ClldillUUII Ml'.
Doors, Windows anil Blinds
gffi ),i. tin' I'liiiri'.itiiiliul Clniii'li.
Spring ami 81111111101',
We are Showing this
week the Latest "Novel
ties in Satines, Dress
Goods and White Goods,
also in Embroideries.
jTIiodirenl Kiis.ern
j Storci
I Mayer & Ackcrman, Props.
Wai.i imi k I himi'II , l'roi.,
I -IN-
Fruit anil Ornamental Trees,
I Grape Vines, Small
Fruits, Etc.
Nnrcerv fmir liiilea helow Ori'KOIl t'ilj'i
I nil tie) (HW'1.' rniul.
('ulalinriicH tiiaileil fieo on u pi ! irat i n ,
A'l.lrfHH all urilerH to
Okhi'ICI'. lr'on.
House and Sign Painter.
Papor Hanging a Spocllty.
Painting 'I'ii1" in all its hrani lies,
l.eavti onloi'M at the puHt-ullli:
Simp al. llm rear of llio iohI,-oIIIco.
Notick is Icireby given, that 'llm firm
of lira. Hickman A Koberils, I'liyweian
and Dnwis't, at (Jlackainas, Oruiwii, la
beinbv ilissnlved by mill mil consent.
Dr. Kobenls retirinif. Tho biiHincsii
will Im coiitined by Dr. Hickman, who
will pay all debts against and collttct all
liillHdiiuthem, J. II. Hickmak
H. I., Roiikhiii.
P.iUI up Capital SPO.OCtO.
Caniiikn, ,
.(11 AS. II. ' A I t M . I I .
Is, l I'. A oi'l'll M
Al'I'rm-tM uit'l ncion .tNi-.tiitntuI
ruUtu'tloiiN tnmto )ii(iiiMl
tim Mold nit I'.tMlmi.l, Situ rinitoUi'.i 'lilM'
It.t, Now Vurk, Aiot nil irttiotiuit iMlhk uf I- it
Tt-U'ttiHiiltlo in'liiuiii' n-'I'l fH I'Mttlmnl. Mnti
Vi'tUU'lM'is t'hli n t Mini Ai'tt ik.
laicrest Fall on lime toiUs iullnws ;
Kf Ihrcr tiuiiittin, t"''' ''l1 t",,r nnutH.
'it (l ittiiittltH, ,"i t'rtti 'it titimtm
Kr U tti'iiiLltK, t ( cr t't't nitttttiu,
lit'tixl, ltt htU'ri"i fnrfitd-t l( litl liWui
Tonsorial Farlors.
Sharp Haors ('Iran Towvl."
I.mlii'N' mid cliililri'im' luiiri iittini;
u H'viulty.
Hot or colli luttli at any linn'.
25cts. BATHS 2Dcts.
Opposito the Post Office.
If V illi Illll 111 IH'I '1 I'f It I I II IH -.1, Sil l lll',
I'.riilli', nr lii'1'iiiin, vuii . .in -aw inuiirv
ijf i-iilliliii mi lin. I inv 1 i ' v V llariu -iA-oh
mid Slin k S.i l lli't in l it' In iinlrr
WlirtliiT jfnii vv ml i liny nr iml l i n
In Invv n r ill mi mi'.
Harness Shop.
AUn Atti'iil (ir 1 1 1 I'.'li liiitlo.l
Geo. S McCord's Mill
on Mt. I'li'itsant - mil'" fi'ith
I ) repni I 'ity.
Ty.TiVrir,T71TCr 1
Painter, Kalsomincr,
and Decorator,
Is prepared to alti inl promptly t-'
work i iilni-tcl to him.
I'atronap' ii s-pn tl'iillv colicited.
Renner & Davis,
Practical Houso Mo.vois,
will il" ull wuik in Hii ir llm' i imiii'ily
ninl hiIi-Iiu IiimIv. Ai.ieH,
K LNNKIt it I'.WTs,
I n'i;iiii City, 111171.11.
The Commercial Bank,
HI'' oltl'.i.tiN ( ITY
Tramacti a General Uanklng liiisiiicsi.
l.oiiiiH mailo. I'.ill- dim-, .tit tl.'.l .
Milken i-iillrrliiiiiA I'.nya ninl lln ex all p.iintHin Hi" t nili'i) Mule
mi l -;iii.)iii anil mi llmiir. Kmik'. I'e
MiHitH reifivi'il Hillijeel In. li.'.'k. Inler
i'M at iiK.ial raleti ullnweil mi lime ili-pim-it.
Hunk iiiun fimii il A. M. In I I'. M. ;
Sutur.luy uveniiiK limn .f till 7 I', .M.
I). ('. I-.VTnl'lK'ITK.
I', li. li()NAI.lSI),
I'LOUK, I'll 111), CKAIN
AidiitH for ('liU'kaiiiiM ami ( )r
cgoii City I'm1 I In1 ( 'ol
uniliia Flour.
Ki'i') on liiinil
KiiKtio Fixiriiij, Ceil
ing atnl all liimls of JMiiinli
iiij liiitiilicr, Di'cssml
l'iicn l'ii'la'ts of
nil sizes.
Columbia Ce-hing-les.
Morcliiuiis Kxchnii.
Mala Ulri'ct, Or.'Kiin l!liy Ori'K'iii.
lien brainl of l,liiiiim, WIiii.a mul OlKiim
I n I Ii o (Ml y. Mli'iiln ninl try lliu nnw llillltiril
I'ablo. AlralniiiurliMl. Vlllwiiuki'i', Clilenan and
Bout Beer. J, TUKMMAT H
ii -mi rv -ii, r
lilTI MM AN fU'lHIItM.
Tin' ri'nilill"il I'm I f "I Onw'iti I" "'t1 "''
V ai m tent finliliiil, I'riiml ol ll (urmtl tnl
I'ilI Il iliivntltiit I" lli iliii'lil "I
liiiiiuin U tnt 1 y Ami Iiiiihaii rllii. lll'Al ml
liiiiiirilil'li' niiiti, wlili'h linl ltit n'til
Uliii-y In llu' Aiiii'ili'.m imlli'ii nt limn mi'l
nun, uu iini iiiilli'tn nt lli ou'lli. mul nt
1 nun mi ni 11. I'liiiiluiHil B-U'llty 1" Hi uf!
.iliii l. r wlilt h II lm I'linli'iiil'il In Hi
iwl Hi urn "ml until til iuli. 'In' lirli
iiiaVo mul Aitiiiu lli (iillnlii ilm'UtAtliiii ul
llu ,'liii'l'l'.;
I'li.l IIiai vv lnvnr lnitml. I'llli'li'Hl "ml
in-ill lll'Al Blllllllll.lllllllill ul VlitY lll'1'Atl
mi ni .il iiiin'ilinii'iu, lii'lll ll nil iiAltminl
Mii iiii.l Tlil tin,iril Hi liimA,
ii'ih I'tmii lut ba Hi nri'lfcl rm ml nlil
nt Hip ri'l'iil'll' A'i !'" I" ' I'lmrUlinl nil
n ilii- liulwiirki ul tin" lllwtlti'A "I Hi pi'il.
II1I1. 1 lint wln'tMA Hi rrim y
lin.'.iiili'inli"l l"r .ur U'i' )
trm. In .iiriiiii ul till" I'Ulti'f Uvurlli
ti .l,iu u( lh AiiAimltw Ulliit ylin
I A''U'!.i', Ainl wn iili'iln Hi rtitMililli'mi iwr-
I) InrlllliM tlll'll A lllH t III II" l "."lull III Ul
l,'l.l,.!,ir... iil.AiAiillnlly Uiuii III IIii'aii. ul
II111 I'liiimi'ii.r ul lli nrl dmlli t. jf th l
Im Unli.nmiUiri.iilt. AiiUiia I
i'l.nrlli 'I ini tn Mitililli'n ol Ornmi ni
litmlllii aIhI utifiM4AUentt llil t!';
,.' Mnl'.'n tr IiaiIiik liiruUlii'il 'lliimiAl H
lU'vl. All ll,'UA-l a nil imtirail'llUA tUIUIIIAII,
Im ui ).rnlir "I III Iiiiiia ul riri.U"i,
liA. .lu'iifi"! Iiir Hi ri..ri,iiiilIHi' ill Hi iu-,-
llm rlehl ul Hi liiA)nrlli In K'iihii, a ml w
lltlllillllil. llm IlltltHI li Mllll'H Ill-IIIIHTAII
uu ml" it ul i', nt Alliint't Iii ly llm IaiII'
nli'Al iIvIi-aI ul Hi .., .U' aiiiI Hi HiAjurlly ul
tln tr im 11 l.i"t ,y ti.lutlMK Itiviti, IIh.iiiIi Im
(ai I I'rr.i'Hl Ali'l III iini) I... Hint III llu 'l
I Irtll".'.
rn,,i, timi 1 i nn 11.
I1I1I1 1 1,,. I lF),,i r In llm Iai'I thai In III
In. I iflilrlilll flul'll..!! Hie Allirrll'AII .(tl'l i Iii til. Illll Ml, I ll,lil. lllA rilllilli'AII
it,.!'! t tin' I I I'Tulrt'llutl Hllii'tl lll OrMtiK'tAtlC
pAiiy ,ri..i. 1.1 ili itfi.y j ,Iaii, aiiJ t
Att In lv..r ul tlir rmilliiiiaiii' ul HiaI lyilfui
,, ,l,,,'ii,'ll i lili'll ll. ill.Vlti'". III IIIAIIll
I, .'lilting ii, I At'ili'iiUurl Iiiikik.ia ul our
I'.uiiilrv Ati'l irt.tpi-lf.t AumrlOAli Uli Tllif mvll
In. ut iii;i. Ilii i.'ii. fi-t It l.'ii Willi Hi' .Aiiir
In,) ah. I ..nerl) .lilikill IaImt ul III III. I
Wml'l a,,luii.r!. aii. I lu llu. i'ii. I ln,,ir.f
1 lie .i,. .i,, in i, llir I, III kii.iii 11 Hi Mi kin
I) lAtlll lilll. II" I'rliillllg brlur 1'i.ligim. Ali'l
..11 I, el, ill .'I llu- n "i. I t"i'tt Ali'l ulli.r llului
tin-. .1 llif I'a. inr Ni.ilhnril ull ulir
ri'i'trti'iit.illsi'. Ill rt'lik'tt... In tin hII III lliflr
1,1 .I'.'.ll till lillty A..AHn ul till! I. Ill
I ( V .Uil-. I
11 vili r.-.'"riiiii, ini iai'i nut in
I till.. I htulr. t. Ilui grtsAtcl iltvvr iriHtueliif
I'.. Illllty III lllH Hull. I A li' I Illll I", Hi I'll' I Ml, I
tliltT llftli rijlintl) llm MII'SIV I'l III Pult.lllll
11., ,1 Irimi III l-i'u t ii ! i d i'l Hi i.ul.llr unlll
ilin h,, .uli' li'iiKlAiluii acaIhiI nlr. wliii'li mi
.t il) iviiua. n il Hi rlti-iilAllliii inrillilin ill Hit tir. lllln( lint III ril llilrr
t .i. ul Hi iTi.t lr .I. iii.ii, I umr miiiiry fur in
Iii tin- i-iuiiiii.-i. ul OA. I ainl cuiimirr. tlir
, r,'. m- ,lri Im i.ur.rliri lit tasur nl III If
ah, I niilltiillr l ii lliat ut lilvrr. All, I iltiuunr
ah y a i if in i't 1.1 iloi-rliiiltiAi aniilml illvr t
uu., it.. ai.'I uiiul. IAI'I'Iau.
i t Ntiiis. r.a Tim t it,aA.
viitli I Iml lit irAtllu.l uf III balluli In
I hi.'r. t.l III Till. ll I luaiurtl
,l )tl TI'Al Ul lrjl.lAlll'11 uf uim.i
tli.nil'l 1 tut 111 lu III .lnlra lua.l l.y a Inyll
,r,-t.;r. At,, I lr u rli liu liril alut llt' ai lo
j.,,,, i lr .,'iiu-l tli H.t.iliiHy HiaI any man
itti,. li,,ii,.rAl'l) Ui,ft. llir K.lrral untf.'tni iliall
I., .inn an liititAl ul au aim. turn nr illltl
nil lil'i ll .!lii.t r li af II y I Al'I'lautA )
y,iiiih- IIiaI ai Iii lAturuf a IiIiaihI
,ii.t ili.lrltititlull ul laiAlluli. an.! M tit-Havf
IU. I H r. iil)' iml nuw r in l by la
li,,ii;, ,1, nun, hi II. ilua .n ii.rtlutt In pay
iiirtic uf 1I1 lint rfniAie ul 1I1 (uivrn
in rut 1 lial H a I 111 lalur ti( 111 ail.. 11 lull ul
11 li Ainrii'ti. u-hl lu ai..inriii lawa a.
nill.i'.Htr II... r.UAlal,.l ),ltl At..nii'iil Alii
l,iy.ill,,i ul All 1 r..,rrl) al Hi iru aln.
Mi, Hi I IiaI .Iriii.ii'l tli IiiiiiimIiai fur
I Iriluj liv ri-tiirit-.i uf fit lall'l gfanl ul 111
IviMlu-iii C.iil.- tAilruA'l (r..iit Wallnla lu
1 1' iiilinil
I111II1 - Hi it ar lia.tll!) Ill favnr ul III
i ...iiii,i iini. nidi .-..tuti-.i i. tu tail l'Myiiiii.(
M, rlii-r. uhli-li hAi l-i-ii iiA.if.1 lu III iriial
l llu rllurl. jl si'iiaMri Mlll lirl all-l l'"l'li,
lli.l Iwlirv Il I" l. Hi m.iil prarllcalil
,n l..r Hi ri'llvl nl llm .r.Hui rri ami Im llm
i,i.iniil uf Uiai ta.l tarrllury ufcuiiiilry
irllintAfy lu ill nrvai I ulumlila rlr.
iiMrnili-IhaI t l.iur li llAlllllOlll ul I
Inw In Hi Inli'ii'tl ul llm aj rarnlim t'lai.ri
III Iiuiurlr., inlnri, w . ir h - tl. all.) Jill 111 Ic
uuikt Hiliia alitlil Untuiai ilay a wurk, ami
! tt ilriiutin.' llm nun. Ii'l rulilrAi.t latitir i)illll
vi iinjii.i in tin-liuiii-il lahur ut mir itaia. ami
I., lii-ir ill il all lnw rrnug uUlii ninli lyilaiu
I. rii'ili'l. tlini w ar uM.itNl to lh ltr
ihrr ul I liln laliurrra lo Ilia
t iiilr l siAir., ami h ili-iiiaiul mm ilrliiiinit
ni, I i ilti ihr iiii-A.iiifi lur rarrylni lino , ran
in nl i.,i-rail..u Hi rii.i'linriili ul runiniH ii
i linllnit Hi l liliii" Inli.iriT. frmn Aiiicrlenii
lull. I AiiAIIP. I
ai i kui-ki itiusi ru mi-aiivrnasTi.
T itr lltli- 1 lint we ii lti-ralii unr a.imval ul
l!i I'i'lli'V nl lll.i ml ai i riiatluiii lur ttilrrual, .pii'lAlly fur our rlvra ami
luirl.uri, iIih: h (iivnr 111 ruiiiliinntUiti nt 111
i.i!n t uf ii'lint Hi iilillo nimii.y fur tit ik
Ilr wrllttlit, l.rllri lug Hint the llliruveilirllt nf wn. ru)i will ri'.iilt In a iiinli'rial rnlnr
linn nf III riili'. nf trAii.iurtnllnii; llial w
linlil nil C'ir"irnlliiin itrli-lly riinnillil lu
lln lr llalilliilr, tiii.lrr Hi law, ami rvcaiulie
Ihr rUlit ul llir li'Klilnlnr lu mart all ritaiuiia
tilv lliiiliAllniii uu i-urpuriite puvvvr.
Ililrli'i'ii-'nint wn favnr IrglilaUv enart
infill ti y tliirii H)n ' II fuiM"t t !'
piiltil'-il a ami li.ri' of Millila anil iitaaa-iiri-i,
ami almi fiour ainrmliiieiitN to rninilclpal
i hiirirri slil' li lll r'iilre the appoint mrnt ol
InilliliiiK ami miiillnry lnpi.i-tnri In all rllli'i ol
iru Ihnu.iiml or mure liitiiit.ltanln,
K'Hirlii'ii-Thut i arc III favnr nf an early
iiirvi-y nf iiiiinrvi')i'il pirlill. lamta In thli
mn In, I Iml III imim limy lie rlnlinril ami ocou
l-lnl ami llllnr. ipt tMllly irii'iiri liy hull fl'll)
ii'llliim, iimlri llm Inw ul III I'lilli'l Mlnlei.
Vi r ili'iiiimil lllii'rnl appruprlnllona hy rnmtron
tu .iiriiir thut .'ml,
I'llli i'ii - 1 1 l tvlilli' ilUi lnliiilnit Hi rllllil In
Inli'il.iii with llio iliiiliiltraliiii nf liilnrnul
iillnlia of Ion iko iniiiuin, wn aliinernly p-
provo llio olVurli ut Irlih ami Kintllih. italei
ini'ii In Hi'i'itr hy ii'nunliil lui'llimli the Aillt'rl
i'iii. prltn lp il ol hmii nil for Irnlaml, (Ap-
Sljii'i'ii-'lit h I we , I .' n u it cc. all Irnila ami
I'Miiililiiiilli.iii. that linv fur tlit'lrolJot the cull
Imlllnii of the iiintlo t mlno of the tieneiaiiirlea
ol Illn mul Unit w i' ii rr In favor of lawn ri'ilriiln
lug ami iihull.liliiK the aanic.
inn nn ns a AiiiiiNikTiuTins
s(.'rl,li.i'ii1 Iml we eoiiKi'iiliilHlr Hie (itiuiitry
upuii the niir-rena ami the pronpurtty that have
iiiuiki',1 lh Mint year ol lTimlik'nl Itarrlion'a
nilinliil.lriillmi; Hint vv ri'Jolise III the rt'ilora
iluii nl illitiilly, vlKor mul aliitenninliahlp In the
I'liniliirl ul (nrrluii alliilra, whlnli have antlletl
Kriivi! Iiili'riiallomil cum il lent lime) iipnn a lia
nil w Ii It'll ni'iMirna every A, iiinrliinn right, alp)
frlt'iully n il v ii iicen mul hoaplaly, linv
Kin' nm liiini'il thu won I. uf aytnpathy ami Inter
rl which Join im loth repnhlloi nf the Aniitrl
mill I'tiiilliicnt, iiiivIiik III way In polltiy of
I'i'iii'i), of iixii'inli'il (loiiiuiiiire, ami nf anilly
nn.'iiiK all llio n nt 1 1 in of the New Worlil, (up
i iiiiKi.' j timi w() noiniiiDml the proailut liutlntial
HilinliilKlriiUoii fur npplyliiK the anrplua fnmla
to llm payment of liileritat-pnylnif liomli, aa
I'lililnnilc'l wllh t It 0 ilnnnornth! polltiy nf lend
lux the anrplua to hniilta whlnli retained their
lunula ninl onlliiiitt'il Interval therenn while
lining the ptiopln'a money, whli'h ihniild have
Ih'imi n 1 1 1 t !' to the pnyinont ol aald bonili.
A ipl n
(iiiiis ninl tvil vorH rtipiilroil hy Frank
Nnld.m, t C, VV. I'ortur'i uliup. All
work warrantuil tugivo lalUfaction.
County Correspondence
. . ... i i -i i.i,....,
Mit.HAt hii:.
Tin friomlH of Mrn, I'iiii I I'ii nv
will Im iiu lo lii'iir of Iht ii'i ovi'iy
fi'oin llu' im umIch.
'I'l hi Milwiuikin lii'itHN liiinil, tm
tliT tin' tlil'i'rtioii (if Prof. I'.iiHH, dirt
(ourni'H Hwi'i't iiiuxie to th iiiilivm
on Moinlay mul Thursday i'Vfiiinn.
TI10 t'hnriil t'nion I'li't'lcil llin fol
lowing nlllfiMH IiikI Tui'H.lny for tin
I'lmtiing ti'iin: Prcssitli'iit, .loliu ('.
lIunK'rfonl; Viit I'lciili'iit, Mirim
I.illiu Piiilufin; Si'i'ii'tiuy, Arthur
Itloi'k; Trt-iirutrvr, Mis lluttic I ton
hftt; Orniiiiinl, Mi-n Aniiin Alifr
nutliy; liihlnictor, Joliu rriili-nu.
" Minthorn," tln m-w town, U
liooiniun. It wiih juit on llu? umr-
Jjiti't hint Wi'Jui'Miluy. It in ri i-tl
on" gooil'intliorily thut ill") lotx
Imvola'iiii iiolil nlri'inly.
Ufv, Jolin Si'llvvootl liiisi yum- to
C'hitiiiptM'K for ti ft-vv tin vs.
Mr. John (!. r.iuiiii lt him rtnlil
two urrt'i of Iuh jilarc. 1'niz.
Mill. A.
K. Mil I'll' llllM r!"1"' I", Oll'l'llll
City. ' , i-: ' '
F. A. Miittooti Iimsi (riifift JoWn on
thu I'olllinhiil. : 1 :
Mr. Loin. W'nlltt r, of Wou'ilbara,
in visiting hiit hrothtT. !
Tlll MirlHfN Kl'lllll, nf IH( IliiiWll',
lovvu, nn- tin1 j;tii'ilH of Mm. J. It,
Silnml oiriifil hint Miiinhiv, Mini
K ul Ki'lini, formerly nini iial of
till' ( Htllliiwu hijih nrlimil, iia ti'Sfhi-r.
Tin inirvi-yiirH (iiih-i'iI thrniiuh
tin country I ant wi'rk, tuUlly ig
iiorinu our lillli' town, ami likf
wixc tho mlviif whit h wo wimi' n-r-ftt-tly
. tlltiti tu pvo thi-ui gratis,
tniirruin a railruail, ninl ran
thi'ir Iini' Ui tin' li ft hank of ti 1 1 1
Clrwr iTri k. iiiK us iiIhuiI our
half mill' mi tin- i :i-l niilit. Th'y
wcro cliinhinn tin' j;ra'l at thi
rate of fifty fn t to tin' inih', aii'l
wrro nlniut richly fri-t alMivi'
tin' li'Vrl of tin- I'ntk i''io,-i!i
Viola. Wrll. if wo p t a railrmiil I
that i'ltit we w ill Im' mm fui tuiiati'
than fnini' of our m-ihlioni u ml
think wi' aru i'Mi-iallv favored.
Muni: Anon.
Mill AH A
(lov, l'ciinoyer did our hurn up
a la democracy "n Wednesday of
last week, lie gave us ''tally cold"
ami "tally h"t" from the same m
litieal sit, Said he eaiue to Mohil
la first ill or.ler to get i-iithu.-edj Tin Seniors are progressing nice
w ith genuine spirit. His excellency i ly with their exainiiiatinns. l'tof
tun, vcjed the iinpres-ioii that his I
old friend. '. II. N'auchn, would
he junt the ritiht inan to knock the
lin krt nn.l nil the inilln and fact. irien
in the head nt On (-mi City. He
cltifeil the tUie ciil" of the iUeil imi
Hiniilnl applause Tzim.
Dikd At Mohilla, April .".nth, of
neuralgia of the heart. A10 11111 vi.ii
II. l'.HI.
PceeiiKi'il wiih horn in Lexington,
Kentucky, April 'JSth, IS 1 1. Was
married to 11 MisH Hakcr in l'll,
who died in lHol. He came to Or
egon in romaininx at l'liillaud
deveral years. Wiih in the dru;
bimineM -II yearn in tireon City
und Albany under the linn name of
.1. i.,,i,,.r 11.. .l. .iri...l tl,;,i
ia 11 vi 1 am' 1. 'i' I'lin' 'i mo' j
life ashii had lived-a 1'nnsistetit I
Christian. Ho left live living chil
dren two in Oregon, two in Wash-!
itigton, and one in Montana.
.1, vv. T.
Married, at tin residence of the
bride's father, Miss Anna (irillinto
Mr. Janice Gregory. They moved
to Oregon ('ity where they intend
to reside.
Married, nt the residence of
ThonuiH Holinn, Miss Eunice (is-
burn to Mr. Sum.
The literary Bociely hits ad
journed until tho llrst Saturday in
Mr, 0, Klnbly is quite sick.
A. M. Lovelace was thrown from
a home, bruising hi leg severely.
Tho hiiHo ball club wus organized
last Sunday.
There iH a good prospect for fruit
this ytmr. Chank.
m;w t:it .
M. F. Moore, of Portland, is build
ing a duo cottage. Messrs. John
son and Clmpiiinn uro the nrchi
tects ami builders.
Hov. Mr. Watrey is building a
fine dwelling bouse, Messrs. Itfixv
man and Kief are the workmen.
Messrs. Rogers and lievan have
concluded to erect their steam biiw
mill and fixtures at thiH place,
thereby availing themselves of the
excellent shipping facilities this
place afl'orda by river ami rail.
A oniupany is about to establish a
steamboat. lino from Newburg in
Vanihill county to thin pluci'. to
run in coiineclioti with tin train
holh iii ainl down tin river u pay
ill lnmilieHN.
Sonm real cHlntf han flui ii-(l
hamla lutely in thia ihiee ninl vi
cinity, ninl tiling nr lookinK lrij?lit
for the future.
Mitm Kate Canto in teiiehin
Hfhool In the (liKlrict,
Mom: Anon.
Hrliniil l!.ii'l.
IU'jioit ofHi'hool taulit at Muli
no dintrict No, HI, for the month
midiiiK May 2d, 1 Hi 1(1.
Numhorof day hcIiooI kept ojmn,
'-'ii; uuiiiher of day jircNeiit, ;!'.( J:
nuirilmrof days ahnviit, '!'.'; mini-
hcrofboyn I'lirollud, !); numU r of
(till enrolled, 17; total itiimher en
rolled, L'lJ; uveragu daily atteml
ant'n, HI; avfiraga nuinher hclongiiiK,
21; niiinlK'r vam-n of tardim-HM, 7;
iiiiiiiImt neither ahueiit nor tartly. -I
Iti'Msie ami Ilflhi J.opin, Carrio
Kuotta and Mahel llohhit.
Vinitorri, MeMr. J. I', Lorim, J.
J. Mallatt and W. V. May, direct
om; Mim. linker, l)acr May, Lie
Joiien, H. A. lloundsi ami V. II. Mum. S. A. Hhiiikh,
EDirou Knikki'iiimk: I leave
to trend Dii a report of my m-lmol
for puWitiation.
Follow iuq U ii"t of the minion
of 'ii pi U in, Jintriot No. .'IJ nho
have neithof bmsn b'iil nor lardy,
and are entitlinj to bt plaeeiion the
roll of honor for IW month ending
May il, lS'.Mi; "' .) t
Katie Click, Kmtini Wahlern,
(iiorj-e Clark, John (lar.f, Vinn
ll ird, Kdiia Jewell, Matilda KTko-r,
Itert I'tiiiKo, Henry Kliimmiilh.
Jack Kinn'i, Frank Uiuo, l'nd
North, law ley North, IIokcii Hou
ern, Amamla Tinneratct, Harry,
Irene, Adulph KInier, Almio
Meyer, llalph Meyer, Hello Kvaus,
Frank Miller, Johnny Miller, Wil
lie Mill. r. IIki i n M. Tavi.hi,
.w. . .
lluiitiiigtnii waN nu t hy a coui
mittce from the Imard of trade, an
he pit-Mil thrniih the town Sun
day. Six hundred dollam have Ik-cii
! HiihcrilH'il for the erection of a
MethodiNt church here.
Monmouth cun now hoat of a lire
company, Wan organized 1 1 1 i -
Campbell luingH them a bnu.Uet
ol fros-h llowera oecasioiiallv Im
cheer theiil Up and reliiiml 1 lit-lii
"That joy cometli in the uiotniii(."
Hut there have been no tears yet.
The class iiiuiilwi , twenty-onci
eleven ladies, tell jfentliiiieii. Tell
counties and W'Hshinton are rep
resented. Three come from Clack
amas: the Misses McArthur ami
their brother tii-oiyo F. McArthur.
The nw Normal building will
Is' dedicated May '.'.'I, Kxerciscs
will I' held in the grove, on the
1 folli ji" ground. The governor of
the state in e.ieetod to deliver an
address. Also several of the State
Hoard ef Kducation. The students
mi ve a iiierary program. .Miss
l'"'li'll' the elocutioniHt, will recite.
A Stchkn i'.
Kmni SiiU'in Malr-llinii
K liniiliiini k.
The Methodist church building j
at Oregon City has just loen re-j
moved to the rear end of the lot i
upon which it stands, to makei
room fr tho new building for wor
ship which tho society is preparing
to erect as soon as the plans arc
completed and the contract let.
This old church building has a his
tory that should interest all evan
gelical Christians, of whatever de
nomination they may be members.
It whs the first Protestant church
erected and dedicated on the Pacific
coast from Hohring Straits to Cape
Horn, aud the denomination to
which il belongs should sacredly
preserve tho old structure while the
timbers hold together. It was built
nearly half a century ago, and
stood, facing Main street, upon the
third block above its present liga
tion, whence it was removed in
lS,r7 to i(s late situation, The re
moval was made under the superin
lendenco of " Deaeon" P. H Hatch,
now of Salem, who, halo and hearty,
is still engaged in the house-moving
business, is never wearied in well
doing, nnd who has, since then, re
moved and set upon a firm founda
tion more, than one church in this
state, (l(o and his son performed
tho job of removing the building to
Its third location.) Tho walls of
tho old building resounded to tho
preaching of nearly every proini-
. . 1 . ' I ..h.'i,, I
neiit miiiiH r of thu HetliOUiBt tlo
iioinimitiofi mi the northwIiHt colirtl
in former days; Heveral nesKliWrt '6f
(he annual conference have been
held mid much church legislation
transacted therein, to nay nothing
of the "revivals" that have, flour
ished there. During Indian wars,
meetings for raining volunteers, and
furnishing supplied for tho little
iirmy in tho wildorncHH, were held
with'ii its precincts. It wan from
lu re that it i 1 proceeded to nustaln
and comfort tho volunteer! in the
Cay use wur, and to raise reeruitH
fur the defense of the scanty ottle
tiH'iitH. It was on Sunday, October
I lib, IS.Vj, that Captain Klly'B
compaiiy of volunteers waa formed
und ollicers elected, lo proceed with
out delay against the savages, at
the outbreak of the Nez I'erces war.
The mustering of the company ami
the election of officers took plaeein
the street, in front of the church,
during divine service. The brave
ami enthusiastic youth of Claeka-,
mas had gathered together, breath
ing vengeance, and demanding to
be led against the treacherous foe
that was threatening the slaughter
of women and children, nnd on the
election of every officer three rous
ing cheers were given, a little gjiefch
made by the successful candidate,
in which the wily foe was du-
iioun I, nnd then followed more
cheers, nnd so on, until the ejection
was completed, when the process of
mustering in was begun, and every
thing put in readiness for proceed
ing immediately (( the scene of
hostilities. The need of a largr
and more modern edifice now re
quire that the pioneer in church
buildings, as in everything else,
sh"uld giv m ay, and la) relegated
to (ho liininis of antiquated things.
In the risf, decs, and fall of gene
ra! inns of twin, then- are probably
few (mtsiiih in Oregon City who
know the history of th old build
ing, and hlmrtly It may b juit to
some ignoble use, aud finally go the
way of all earthly structures. '
The l'aeilic Farmer hits the nail
mi the head with the following par
agraph: The lViuocratic platform favors
eight hours labor constituting a
dav's work, (iovernor IVnnoyer
accepted the nomination under that
platform, and yet his jsjor labor-
rjs employed at his mill are com-
M'lled to put in ten hours every
day. There seems to be something
rotten alHitit that plank, but then
it may Is- ns expressed by a Demo
cratic ward jsilitician nn the day
the thing was promulgated: 'That's
only ti blind to catch the labor
vote with. Of course nobody is fisil
em nigh to expect the Democrats
would make eight hours a day's
win k. Why, hasn't IVnnoyer been
(Iovernor for the last four years, and
did he ever allude to such a thing
in any of bis messages?" That pol
itician was talking to a contractor.
I'ulltlral (sinatj,.
Tlie follow in( program for joint can
viet bus been agreed upon . Thero will
ho a joint canvas Uitween the reput li
1'itti, democratic ami union candidates,'h party to havnonu third of the time
.injectl iini for the Sa'ukinn oat h day,
llm tune to he used hy the candidates in
oat h piuly as lluiy may agree among
ihl'IIIHlllVt'H .
Following are the places ami date) of
public si-caking :
Thursday, May Id, (iarflehl; Mount
ion school houso
Friday, May 111, Spriiigwaler; SliiUoy
si hiiol houso .
Saturday, May 17, Yiola; Uraiii;o
Monday, May 111, Heaver Creek;
Tuesday, May !M, Highland, K. of L.
Wednesday, SM, Mulalla Corners,
Thursday, May --, Murqtiams.
Friday, May ill, Needy; school-house.
Saturday May "4, Candy.
Monday, May '.'(!, New Fuj Camp
Tuesday, May l!7, Wilsonvillo,
Wednesday, May "H, evening, Oswe
L'O. Thursday, May Sit, evening, Milwau-
Friday, May ? evening, Clackamas.
Saturday, p. in. Oregon ('ity; Pope's
Tho speaking will ta'tjin at one o'clock
p. in. at each place except at Oswego
Milvvaukie, and Clackamas whore it
will hen in at 7;30 p. in.
1. Petition of Martin Thoniaset al, for
county roatl granted. Viewers J B
Sliovvhrldgii, H U Coleman and Herman
Hriuis to meet nt P Harrison's May 20,
Willi county surveyor.
2. Sumo petitions as above, and same
viewers to moot same day at C II Sweets,
a. Petition of W A Jackson et al, for
county load grunted. Viewers Kd
Vandiirvvord, John Everhart and T 1'
Soiilcs to meet at V A Jackson's with
county surveyor, May 27th.
4. Petition of Oeo Hiirkhart etal, for
county road withdrawn.
H D. ! iK oport rn little Clear r.rk rosd
read , rd approved and road ordered,
lilll of costs, 7 1.. ,,
0, In the nial tor of. the .'('. HaiMf road
claim hy John H Olson for I0 damanes.
AHHusaWof dainaiies. F M Hummer, V
Orilllth lifnl tiias : Christian to at
J J( Olson's and make duo return at June
term. Hill of Kfii ;
7. In tho matter of . V Olson road,
Claim of dmiiae filed by Jacob Klmcf
for '(). Asaonsors of ilamatffts, 0 Hob
mini, John (iard nnd Will LIvinKatomi.
Hill ol costs allowed f-ttMC),
H. Petition for change in Milwaukie
and Foster rood, known a the Fit Hec
tor rosd laid over till June term for 11 mil
U. Report of vinwt-M on Nawkercliem
road approved and road onlcroi open.
Hill of costs fIS.CO allowed.
111. Petition tor brido across Handy
rivur granted and cleik atilhotietl to ad
vertise for bids.
11. CI ui in of (iiio Robertson for -"0O
ditinuK" by reason of dangerous place
fn linker's Ferry road laid over (ill June
V' Petition of J I. Scott et ul, for
county road, also lor change in tilockwell
lluikcrt roii.l gnuiled. Viewers Jacob
Kernes, J Cox and J byres to meet at
Mt'nkart's mill.
lit. Aiplicatii.n of Joel I' ieer for al
lowance of f 10, ami lor MOO feci ol
lumber for road district No 30 allowed.
14. Petition of John llugens et al, for
county road ".ranted. Viewers Frank
Ktovens, Chits Christian and I. Y. Wise
tomisit at John Hayes, May "I, 1H'0,
w itli the county surveyor,
I, 1. Clerk ordered (o advertise for the
building of two bridges in road district
No Ul, out' to Im 125 feet and ono 00 foot.
M. Petition of Mrs J S Fleming for aid
from the county allowed, and $10 per
mouth oiderod paid said Mrs Fleming
from an I after May 8th.
17. Application of Curolino Norton
fur reduction ol taxes denied.
IM. Communication for O P Rich, an
Jiervisor of road district No 09 laid by
for more explicit explanation.
111. Application of J F Mitts for lum
ber lor routl district No 47 granted
111. The atiiu of $10 per 3100111 or
dered paid to A V Dav is fur Clara Shan
non. '.'1 Ordered that fii pur month bo al
lowed Samuel Porter and that the war
rant jis drawn in favor of M Hoyles.
"I!. Warrant for ordered drawn
in favor of Joseph Hedges lo be used in
paying hands on Oregon City A Cano
mah road.
2:1 Commissioner Hair authorized (o
contract for the tiuilding of trestle work
fof Pudding liver bridge In district No
4$t nail! contract not to exceed t"WO.
"4. , CUrum'c l'ortcr appointed judo
ul election In Omnon City precinct No. 3
vit'e.Jolin V. Jleltlrum, reiigned. . , .
:''. Jal Pol an allowrd (9 for road work.
Ti. .Report ol C'aisr! Meeak on re
pairs. Upper CUckii.aa Huil Run and
Deep creek brid, iproved and war
rant ordered drawn for f.'lj. 70.
In the matter of the improvements of
Moss Hill and Jutte Mill rotui onierel '
that the suui ol t "be piropritsl.
"H. l'etitma at citixens of Oicjroo City
(or removal of tlaugliter bouse jit .
south of the city limits rejected.
IN. Clerk authorised to draw a war
rant for fsjio for improvonient of Molal
la road.
llll.l.S Al.lOWKl)
W W II Samson, Sheriff fee
F' A .Moling, 1
Chas It lVnl.1, Mad supplies ..
Oregoniitn, pruning
1.172 5S
. 6 0..
. 107 5:
. l! M
Seott lii.w, liimtier
42 IMI
Kiiaiit, Hurre'l & Co roa.l supplies 20 IH1
(i W Pressor, bridjreexponso. .. ,rsl tKl
li M (inilld, lumber Ill (Si
W V II unit, ballot boxes, (I tKl
IC K Hiamhall. lumber TS 4H
"" ' Haulinx 24 50
T A McHiide. Pros. Atty :;r tx
He. kartA Son, luiiiher "A 7't
J M Itacon . Son, stationary.. lit IMI
ll rvaclian, roa 1 1 expense ... ln l.
l'oiie A Co. stiiiplies 27 :tt
Jurv List, Canbv 7 00
too I Harnard & Co. stationary lit:t 30
Witness fees, (irand Jury, ... 120 20
Circuit Court, Jurors fees', fail X0
K I, Newton, supplies 8 to
Smith 1'iros. A Co. lutnlier . 40 ;!t
Salem J: Foster road 7 40
State VsJno (ieno.i 11 10
Stala vs Jas Ytxler, insane 17 KO
Fntleimirlng to Make Friends With
runners anil Prohibitionists In the
.Mohilla ttiimtiT.
iSpeeial Corresponcenee toOregonian.)
Ooveriior Pennoyer and State Treasuer
Webb, eiioke at Molalla Tuesday. The
speaking w as followed hy a largo and en
thusiastic stallion parade, which (he
governor reviewed from a prominent
stump on Main street. He also spoke
at Silverton on Tliuisdav. His crowd
was tMiialt, with a sprinkling of demo
crats and a goodly number of union
patty men. T. W. l)aveiiwrt asked
Webb Bomo questions which the latter
answered to Tim's satisfaction. The
latter is an ardent supporter of l'ennover.
The governor has a reporter along to
give a good report of his speeches.
turnover the governor made a point he
looked directly at tho reporter, who
never failed to stamp his feet vigorously
on receipt of the "lip." His speech was
dovoted mainly to the jurisdiction of
his veto of the Portland water bill,
and covert reflections on Thompson.
Pennoyer is a slick talker and has his
most tolling points well (u hand. Ho
has a good word for tho anti-monopolist,
the granger, tho Union party man, and
lu fact
He tiifftea tliein all ; lie taftTrathein all,
W till political uut, Willi auft aoap and nail.
His most arvtont supporters aro I'nlon .
party men, w hich is but another remind
er that the "third party" never fails to
chime in with the democrats, whenover
there is half achance,' Republicans
here are well united nnd will he heard
from In Juno, in a wavjUiat will maker
tho "allies" sick. Colonel (leorjta B.
Curry will speak here on May 2;'d Th ,
colonel Is a rattling speaker, and reput-':
Means will give Id in a ' rousing Welcome,
"1 .
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