The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 08, 1890, Image 4

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    . -
ti wm mm
0 TI punt or a
iTeaa Aaootll-)
OR tory move
along J:y or
two. ami
oarrloJ to Nir-
On bluff over
looking a wtiioei
pan of water,
nml well along th
drive, Hand
ooU.irn wliU-b eluov, her might l callid
a mansion, yet aa compftiwd with IU
neighbor it U small
It has many angle. short towor and
high ones; many gable, curiou win
dow, liko ) m, in long sloping roof-
rewssed balcony hero, and wanda
cropping out tlero, In unexpected place,
and a jumble of corner, projection and
angles, yet oil orderly, hartuojiiou and
On th veranda which adjoin th
port coohere, a young lady pawaupand
down with evident impatience The un,
alowly linking into th west, aenil It
rav shooting under the roof of tho ror
aiula and light "P with golden gleaoi
U shining hair of Flora Ashgrove.
Tho house is th summer residence of
Robert Vitluu-spovm, and therefore the
anmmer home of the lady.
Tho roll of carriaio wheel In the dis
tance attracts her attention, and alio lean
over the railing
The carriage turning luto Ight, h
view It with great cipoctancy plainly
manifest on hex beautiful faco.
In a moment more she la enabled to
aauurtnin its occupant, and a she doe o
a smile of relief wreathe itself about her
rosr litis
The carriage draws uji at the steps and
the occupant who alight Is
Harry Fountain.
Bhe greets him with suppressed joy.
Sh hurries hiiu oil in charge of
aorvant, bidding liuu to boston to a meet
ing with her on the veranda a soon a
be caa remove the stains of travel
Then she scats ltcrsclf in on of th
willow chairs which invite repose. Bhe
loans her luvnl upon her hand, her elbow
resting iivn the arm of the chair, and
aho relapses Into a deep study.
Tha thought alio Infliitgo are evident
ly not pleasant, for she frown and her
face is An Ic.
Tims she sits when Fountain, newly
arrayed, rejoins her. Ho says gaylyi
"You perceive how obedient I am.
You command and I am here."
She looks at him gloomily and Suva she
i Is glad to e him.
" "I should only know It," he retorts,
' "by yotir saying so, ma belle."
Sho looks fit him angrily a efcft ru
' plies;
"You can be very gay under all tho
' circumstances. Is tho du-Uuico from New
.York so great that you feel perfectly at
case heri l"
. He looks down upon her somewhat, fr hols standing In front of
her. lie draws a chair closer to her and
, sit down very deliberately,
' "Flora," ho says slowly, but gazing at
her steadily, "your mood are Inexplica
ble For tho piLst three wocks I have
not understood you. When I saw you
last in New York you wure nervousness
person I tied, and you treated me at time
with duul.iin, and sometimes 1 Imagined
positively with aversion. Then come
your Imperative summons to com hith
er, disregarding as nothing my reason
for remaining in Kow York. Now, tell
me, what Is the meaning of your strange
"You have then observed my con
duct?" she returns, with an expression of
contempt us sue took over the water.
"Can you ilnd no season for it?"
"Upon my word I cannot. If you
have fault to find with me speak out,
and don't resort to innuendo."
"Innuendo," she repeats, with fine
scorn in her tone. "Harry Fountain,
aro you a hypocrite, or the coldest
blooded nian who lives?"
"I do not think you are well," he ro
plies. "1 shall ad v Lao your uncle to
consult a physician."
"Don't treat mo as if I were a child,"
he answers, pasaionutuly. "I am en
titled to your confidence if to nothing
elso. D'X'S not your consoienco reproach
you, or have you none?"
"The charge of wit hholding confidence
from you comes with but ill grace,
Flora," he said sternly. "I Jeopardized
tny chances of peace, comfort and happi
ness in this world in order that I might
give you my confidence. You hold every
ocret of my life you know that of me
which no other person in this world
"Except oub except one," she cried
passionately, leaping to her feet and
Itriding up and down the veranda, "Ex
Wiptono, and from the consequence of
that ono 1 would save you at tho risk of
my own life and honor, though it seems
to me I hato you, hate you for it"
(v.nnt'ilt re-inled her with amaze-
tucnt, and hi face grew pale a be mut
tered under hi breath, "I It posslblo
that she can have been informed by some
Ho slopped her as sho paused him, and
forced her to eil down.
"I do not know what you refer to," he
replied. "From tho timo I confessed
my love for you 1 huve concealed noth
Ing from you I considered Important, or
which could or ought to affect our rela
tions, even remotely."
"Oh, Indecdl Havo I had a record of
your dniTy life'"
"No, you have not, nor will I glvo It
you. Tho number of cigar I smoke, tho
glosses of wlno I drink, tho passage of
the daily life of a young man of leisure,
permlsHihle In a bnchalor. if to no con'
demnod In a benedict, I havo not given,
nor will I civo: nor would any broad
minded girl, such ns I havo regarded
vou until tho past throo weeks, demand
"Passages In tho lifo of a young man
of leisure such, for Instance, as strange
dlHtrulscs at I a to hour of night."
Ho flushed a dull red through his dork
"I do not know to what you refer," hi
"You do not know," sho repeated
,. icorufully, and then, lifting her hand
bofore her" face a sho clapped thera so
tiahtlv as to fairly pain her, eho cried In
ftoniwid tone, "I cannot, I cannot bring
tnvsolf to speak of It to him. My God,
can I not liato him? must I go on loving
blra In millo of myself?"
- ne watched her, strongly moved him-
etf , showing anger and alurm. Hu mut
tered, "Somo ono hns discovered it and
betrayed mo to her;" finally ho said with
forced calmness:
.. , . ....,.,v VOU.
"I cannot tell wiia r- wlU
Inform me what It .... vuh-
holding of confidence horn on
charged again" .... lorou."
-When I wm ' , diatu,,
hecontluue-l. "1 hM , wUU,
uaTcwwv.... -- , , h1 when i
made that utscove - -
nearly craa me, I ca. to you
W vUing you
,Be butlnyvMTCd J- iU.
r . .1.1.1. .d av inr vou had
W J Ww.'d light to-
rThese are the ptt event my
life, I th aversion with which you
have ward mo nve.ulydue
tomyUlegltlma,y? If U k H n T.
M 1 once said to you cm! !
fmv I am tix proud iu uiy degruiiation
to hold you against your iuot illKhtly
e,pre.Hl wlh, though it broke my h.-art
o rehviNO VOU."
Bhe ihtxik her head, murmuringi
"It 1 not that; it is not that.
L it " h nuwueil, "that we aro both
boot, and you havo finally concluiled you
cannot face poverty with nief
"It 1 not that; It t not '. sue re
. - ... it , 11 ... I, .......
"jio, couki naraiy oeueve n w,
tliey are to both of u now oM toru,
and we have grown accustomed to them.
Tiling are uot worse for mo, they are
better. l"roviiicnee ua rvmoveu um
pleton from my path"
Bhe leaped to her feet, crying aloud i
"My Udl can he refer to It like that?
Jj it possible that such a man can live?"
Bhe swept up th veranda, so charged
with emotion and pailon that sho could
not remain still.
He followed her, saylngi
"Well, I have begun the effort, but 1
will abandon It if you wish. 1 have
taken tlw first step. I have even gono
so fur a to impure for cortain ihiiht.
id have
wo called on a lawyer, Henry not-
Bh whirhsl upon him, her face pictur
ing the greateot alarm.
'On lUuiry llolbrook? Are you mad?
That man would hang you if ho could.
Ureat heavensl It was to take you from
the poeaibility of miHting that mail that
I called you here. IK you know that
Uolbrook saw the murderer of Templo
ton eK-ai into the park?"
She had grasped him bv tho shoulder
and pulled him squarely In front of lur.
Ik-fore Fouutain could reply, a hearty
laiiirti mnff nut uiMin the ulr.
, ha, hat tioodl goihll I applaud!
tncorei cncorei i no auvne m rum. iou
sliotild go to the front veranda to rehearse,
and you would get, immediately, a
ionablo audience."
They saw a friend of the house ap
nroachlnrf bv a path some distance oil.
The next moment he was hid behind
shrubbery, long enough to enable them
both to recover themselvr. v lien next
he appeared ho wo near the veranda.
"When I heard that Fountain was
duo here," ho said, n he stopped beneath
to talk, "I said to .Mamie, 'iSow we will
haveiome private theatrical.' And at
the first pop 1 catch you at reheat sal. 1
congratulate you, Flora. 1 wan too far
o(f to hear the sentiment, but the acting
wa realiolie.
Glad you liko It," replied Mora. "1 11
give you a secret will you keep it.'"
"A niv wo.
"Then it is a scene of my o n coihk-
Itlon." XVIII.
ion nrtri.AYS tub pumonp bitiuns. ,
a 0UNTA1N found ;
excuke to leave
tho venuula, and
go on to the
"What infernal !
sooumlrol can
have told her?"
he niutten-.l to
himself. "I low
muld she have
found out? And
tho di'gube, lot?
Hut who could
have supjKised
he would have
shown such pas
sion, such resent
ment? Yet It is
on of those
thing a woman
doe not forgive. Dut whut could she
mean about llolbrnok? What doe he
know about It? Or how can It concern
him? I will return to New York and"
A turn In the path brought him face
to face with a man who was trimming
the shrubbery.
"Hollo, said Fountain, "you ro new
about hero. Ilaa Mr. Withcripooii
changed Ids gardener?"
"Yea, air, replied the man, still con
tinuing his work.
"How long ago
"About Hi re weeks now, sir." The
man spoke with a strong Scotch accent
"I had not heard of It, said fountain.
Indifferently, as he turned away.
No, ir, replied tho man, bonding
down over a bush.
As Fountain turned Into another path
the gardener watched him disapM-:ir
from view, then tossed his pruning
shears into tha bush, and saying, "I've
heard all I want to know," lied rapidly
In the opposite direction.
Fountain did not ilnd another chain s
for confidential conversation with Flora
that night again.
Late In the evening he did find an op
portunity to say to her:
"If you will formulate your charge
against mo, J will try to meet them to
your satisfaction. You have lioen mis
informed about something, evidently."
"No," she replied in a low tone,
placing great restraint upon herself,
"never shall 1 rovert to tho matter
again; I havo thought It over, and ac
cept the consequence. I lovo you too
deeply, though I hate myself for It. but
I'm yours, and I cnt all consideration
to tho winds. Ict it pass."
"Shall I lx able to seo you alouo to
morrow? I must go hack to Now Y'ork
to-morrow night."
"To-morrow night," she said In alarm
"Yes, I muni. It Is very Important.'
"Is It that enterpriso w talked of?"
"No It Is not that which call me
Lack sorno note to meet tomo money
to raise." .
"PromlHO mo you will keep out of the
sight of Uolbrook. Promise uio you will
ovoid him In every way."
"Wo have not been in tho habit ol
"But promise mo faithfully you will
seek every way rather than meet him
lio I dungerou to you."
"I do not understand you, neither do
I fear him, but I will promise you."
Upon this they parted, sho retiring for
the night.
Dick Withcrspoon persuaded Fountain
to walk out for a inoko,and they shortly
found themsolve at a resort much fro
rfucntcd hy the young men of that ex
clusive watering place.
A little pluy wa going forward. In a
far corner of the room a number wore
sitting at a table.
"IJ(illol"gald Dick WlthorHpoon, "there
Is Tom Bryanj what under the sun brings
him horo'"
"Who Is Tom Bryan?" asked Foun
"Tho keenest nowspapor man In Now
York, and tho best of fellows, as well ni
one ot the most amusing."
The two Joined tho party nnd wer
while l-'i mVUIn was
roHCiited lo
ii ... .... . i
.. ',,., l ttUicn figured person Limwo
lo flme;n"'lhieH a, ,-lieitlng much
lhlvi'iu it" 1 u"' !'lt,i''!,' lu,,, 1'
IvWsupMt K'O (a-lo, holding l.U hand ill.lrnlrt mw win! In Mi
a uvdote. H "111" t,ia ,,,orT
l,.ttn(nltt Hilt' did not fail to notice that
... ... .. .. 1 . 1 ll'i. . ' ' ...... .
Fountain looked curiously at Ihebultoni
Tom wore in hi culls.
J'hev ere the ones llolhroob liad given
him. '
To hi.i aitenllon (o thorn wi(
Tom's purpoio.
hen the tab' W an ended and tltO talk
thiH' d fol a tnoiueul. Fountain leaned
fol wavil and cil'l'.
"1 beg vomi' pardon, Mr. Hi .ran, lam
;;ot often i;i"lt of theenoi mily il direct-Ingntl.-mlou
'' :' cur of geutleiueii,
but ihel.vitoii-i.vou have nro curiou
ihal I 'i..ul I like i- ma!.J S" Uhiulry." u i'.i anle.l, br 1 am rntlior
fend or iIi.'m. ImtioiM, They nre rare,
and a- P'"V 'l''x ll " newHpaper man
dtweu'l otten la.nint valuable Jewelry, I
II III vl'-tllV" ''he-l m""g my fellows tor
them." ,
"I ii--v. I' ; avi but one pair Hue theiil,
continued Fountain, "and they were ill
the n it of an le'iiloom. Th.wu hut-
oni en ef I in-nllne maiiiifaetuhi
my (ii- n l h ..I ': h i.l a diamond lin-i-it-P.l
in ih. in lii. h,i l belonged to his
griindl'alb'-f, who leeelied them ns a
(Hi ul fu-in an ll.iliiiil. co he told Hie."
" Yes?" wid Tom, iliiinfounded by Ih
cooIn. -i.-i .li-. played by Fountain. "These
bill tons wen- iuii nip by a genllemiut
a ft lend for whom on.-e It lay In my now?
to do a M t y great fatur,"
"It w iw p.-- ihly the Mime M'," snhl
"JW-ibh," replied Tom.
Tom ba l evpoeted to dlsiMUCert Foun
tain by dihplaviiiK them, and wa taken
gkick by tho fa. t that loniitaln had ill attention to tlit-ui.
He thought that either Fountain was
man of tho e.Kii-.t nerve, or that th but
tons did not iH-loiig to him. He wa
livith h tun it lip ", and consetiueiitly
hu dextei.u-ly tinned tho conversation
to New York matters, and then watch
ing Fountain so that ho Could olwerr
every shade of expression, he suddenly
"1 havo been given a hint from head
quartern that tin y tire on (hu triti'k of
Tenipleton's mtii.lei. r."
Fountain's fae.i never llluched, and an
cxprcs-don -f mil l curiiwity only arose
upon it.
"In. lee, I. 1 h, (mi they may catch tlx
rascal; it iw a il.i-.taitlly ditnl."
As rilneiit!ii,arvas was the command
terei e.i over Ills feature ! all
timeii, It U 1 1 l e feared that astonUh
inelit, If imt il.-.ii'iietntineiit, wn visibl
for a moment. 11., never. Fountain md
turned t tho eihers as be pronounced
these woitli, uiul tlhl not notice the IliH't
ing e pi . ..'ion on Tom's face.
"How I. r. do you stay, Founlalnr
' iniplire-l (-iniiit una at the table.
"1 rtiniii to mm row night, a the
"And I t.i m, in tv mottling," Inter-
posed Tom hi ily "Ant as I have to get
oil at an line. curly hour, I
I shall I. to., f
Of Vice, Ih e I'
; tluetne f - i
I Once on i
j cane on the . i
i ". II, le- I
Ktlll Self
j him I v a coup
bvJi.te! il"
, i'Ver, my 1 1 'p.
in this i hi -hunting scene
. of your so
il"! ...iv j;itl night."
i lew itlk, be struck hi
i. , .in I t.ti l iiloinl;
ii , i hu il,. k for coi'liii
. ion. I en peeled to carry
e l. t; i. tee, but itttatremor,
H ,i iu in (f nerve. Ilow
', , iii'n h by good lin k a
i. t In- ii nnd uilfnl. One
i n ih i f Iho coil mid I've
i "i, r a moment's silence:
i , ii." in,; fiihhtfully kt u
(i. n eh" t,f common SellMI
. ii'li.i it vt as ho ti nod
1 1 i1. in wii.i a convenient
. I , I nit In v head llK'lliint
I . i (ni tied fc-'ft. However,
,i h to Imi ready by
i I t l. to New York, nnd
' e i I, nlilit ation. ily Kt,
v .1 ,. ,,. i , ran If out bo
i b) l.n t, I
I or two ii. i
Col him.
1 ll.ii'.'; it.
Ii.i.l. V. h
iii.ln'1 I .i
1 th.
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; dlnle- "
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; ii
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1. it. )eil a
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"I I
. ,!., t'.rr ,', iiii'.h,.k.
,, i i. -.1 trm. rraiiipa st.4
I't -. .! r uimh.ile.
,, ,il V .iter, llnfiHIiUSaa.
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1 1, :.-li I t l -. l ii-.I sine
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. hi ..A l.y III irnenrd
ii I.- (tiil.'.itta. nti.lrnu..ns
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tiuu, IruuUi'S su-1 lu
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I, -I .11 i
Liver Disorders
H..011 eaiiiei the bl I to beeonie I'lintlim-
Inn!. '.I ami riilie prompt tri'Utuii-lit,
The mnit iietil.i'i! Nytiiploms nre luas of
lippet ite, h. ailm lie, p.ilns 111 tlis hstK
or Hiile, iiitn.iii, uml reliKHtlnti ot tha
h... Is. Ayer'a I 'il I m iiHul.t mil urn In
expel the ii. raliiiinlaul lille uml thin
restore the pnniy of Ihi. bhiotl. lining
piirely ve'etiihln iitiil anar-eoiiteil, they
nre pi. .eeiiil t.i l-il.e. mild In ojii'rutloti,
uml iviiln ml ill elle. la.
"After many learn' exierl.-li.' with
Ayer's l'illi in n I'. for thn hir((ii
in i.i 1 ,,-r of ailini-iiM i'iiii-.e.l by ih-rniiKi-lueiiia
of tli.i lii.-r, p.-eiiliur to liiiilnriiil
loeuhtii-s, nliiiile Ju-iien proiiipta inn to
express lo Mm my lii'h H.preeliitl.n of
tint m.-rllsiif Ihu mi , iiein.i for tlin class
of ilisi.nleiK I lime named." H, 1..
J,oii(;hii.lje, I'.i'.viui, Texan.
"I liinl iiverytlilnu for
ihroiile liv.r eninplaliit. Imt r. Ived
lio relief imlil I used Aver'a I'llls. I
fin. I Ihem Inviihiahle." W. K. WalMiii,
77 Katt lliili.iln l , I hlrano, 111.
Ayer's Pills,
llll.l'IIIKII 11 V
Dr. J. C. Ayer At Co. Lowell, Mais.
t.,l,l l,y nil Iiiii k!iUiiii flrulna ll. Mt'illclna.
I now lutvo a Full Lino of
Ilanlwnrtuiii'l Stoves. Holo Agent
for Suiioi'ior Sloven nnd RangcB
Tlii:Olivei (.'liill''d I'lnwH at U an in(
Wi liavc coiini i'li'il wilh tho limine
a Firnl (,'liin I'luinlxT and Tinner
and work in thin linn will lo
Promptly done and itH Chf-np an any
could di'Hire.
U. D. Wilson.
Oj10HitU l'OHl OU'lCl).
at the uui-;i-:Niuu'.Mi-:tif
Tho fill low Ir
i -i .i . "K '' ,"n Selection
Chrv'1' '"lled nnd Cut limieiH;
' .tlieiiuuns, llollylioik, Ciuiiu
0 I'elunliis, Uomi'h, 'iiibeiiiis,'in.
im, roeel Williams, -nn;o me not,
l'opples, HeliolropeH, PiihIv Mil
ler, Salvias, Ontiivreii, liulihiiN,
tieranliinis, ('annus, and a
(ienerul t'olleetloii nl nil
wilier l'liiiilH,
( abhage i best Mmket Kln.lx on
Cai'llllower, per 10i)
Tointoe4 bent Kinds, per Ji II,
I no
M. II. I'huiiik'in.
II, ,. Ililt, ;
Flananan & Hi!!
-- - - - - -
M '
nl Wines, l, M. A.-., i.. t.i
I.. tout III Hi" Hmu
utv ni" un.
III l,(llV 1 l.l llnl. I'll'.
la (liviiletl into 70, two Hid mic lui'l',
mul live Horn ItitcU. It in locate. I :
. . .... ..i i . i .
on Uie lieiguiM overtiHiKiu;: i"
I'lucktiinus; liciux' its tutiiie, it U
1nit Oiu inilo from t'lHirl lli'U--e
Bil Oiio lmlf inilo from ll' city
limit. The Cotinty nnnl cin-ni
wliivli iimkc it t'usy of in-u s, la ihi;
lllmtlt twenty niilillles wall, Ir.nil
tho centre of Oregon City.
lien in Oregon City School tlttu l,
ami jiurt'liiiscrs can hnve the ioImui'
tngo iif sending (heir clul.lii u t. n
, , , . i t -el
go hi, griutcii .iiihui scuooi. uie
S,.il is goo.. the Location x.-ry
lienlthfiil. all Fruits ami V.c t.ll.H
yii-hl uhiiiulaittly. Ti ruin on.' tlnnl
ilown, ami hiiliiiico in one at
right jkt cent. For furl In r pari!,'
tilarn inquire of
City liuu- Si..f
Farmers Store!
(IU l . ,.' Ml
Qoods old at Portland
IIKilll'.ST PKUT. I'AlIt l(U ( il N -THY
ii ay ank n:i:i A Sli't'l A I, IV.
lLjV4((MrTJ.l i I
nib.), i ..
Old V .
m-l. l.kU BiiUIMIU faillt llMr4.
iniiiiin"'i I uiiui.rt uum.iHi r !
lMiilr Nlrio NiH IMHII'l i- a -ttaMHy!
st.lliMtlaiiJ prrmalt..f''l-d '
lift RltUlbAb VU.f PWrrMWU, n
r lh" put nu ly
Mlt1 III L !((
flctiimn in i' woil'i.
lUifiillr Hl( iCtlptlvt
luna-io will I." ..i..'l- 'l l- KKK in all
ailill' anta, an.l to l4.t mumiii'i t n.
Itinian, It la Iwnrt than t-. r v
try I'-rum ..-Intf Oardrn, Flnwar
Vield SKKI'H .h..ul.l.-n.i I. i il.
Tornm rmtlrrnraa Ilia nir.lleliii. iioi.t
Im lltura tlmiia iilrilllvu. 'lul.e pel iint
nrnt It mini
Tonic, Alterative nnd
Cathartic Properties.
Tutt'a I'llla puaaraa llutaa iuiillllea Oi
an auilnanl degree, ami
Speedily Restore
to tha tiowril thrlr natural pri-Mull le
motion, au raaaullal lo ri'Hiilio ily.
Office, 39 & 41 Parle Flaco, N. Y.
WASTING of FLl-ft 1,
Or orif IHnrniMi ir-har . Thrvt r-1
Jmihii nm liiflumnl, ,' 0 Mr 'ii'i'l- '.
JVrTWi J'eieer, you can tie nlUnil r.-i.f
Curei by
With Hypophosphitc:..
PiTan as Mil.
Aik he 6kW' Kmuhltm, Hint fee on
apfonaflon or (nffelfu'lort Cuiuu f 't '0
eerjil a mindful".
Sold by all Drwfflnt.i.
SCOTT & BOW, Miits, H.Y,
Rrnnerv Store.
. .... r ,,
m mm
Of AiIiiiIiiIk.
1 1 In rel.v ):l(-n Unit tho nailer
' 'tni. hv 1 1 iu tlntniriilihi Contilv
ll el eh.
I' it in in eoiinly . htittti ol'Oreimii.
unit ii I iiutiiMt iHilor of tlip entnl
nl I'lo I'ei.'i -on, il.-i 'I'hvrufiirv all
i .ei . in. hut Ihk i luiiiKiiuiiiinl mitt (itHienr
in n lit tun ne ii in pri-nent Hie snine. propel ly
niilii'l.l'i lie-, at it. v nlilene, two in I Ion
I'lem r-initlv in phi i. t enmity, ftithlii mi
let. nl In in, ni the ilnle ol ilili. 'mil Ice, and nil
nun", hull l.le.l iii nM eiliittunt' lit'rehy no
lilii'.l In :elle ill mill.,
A .li.iliiMnilor id Ihu I'Miile ol tllu '.
ll I in HI, ih t eli B'il.
,pnl'.'llh, l-.;i. 4U 5 Wi"t l!-ll.
f-m u i A A ?V C jajf-43t
Tti imrti IiiIIiiii.iium, Mlek ltnsilseh, Constl
piitiiiti, Malm lit, Liter ( IUilsliiU, Uk
til" sufii Hint ecrlain rouiotly,
S t nrnpio
utLt D
1'arllieNM ti l
NU (imiIWaiiit.Mti
Ijullli V l I ID' All
M , 1 1 I I
I'rti-n ol eltln-1
lui i Aim iiih Moxr uoiivaMiaT
. 1 1 , I I I, Aim,
l Ii - nl riilier lae, n. rjleltte.
St .1. IM.I-flfl ..b. L
I.I.SMITH SL6Q.Hk.,.l n.iiiu,'' 11, 1811 Ml,
t;o TO
- .. rni
U t HA KM I Nil
M. I . linilUlllUi
-W If , .11
t .an iw. bw ...h
,l e. i , .:y ta thn MikkI, wlileh, se
,; 1 1 ii-.,. (tu..!. nt tha nerk, pru
.!, i.y he' i' er orrtllnast ulili'h
1 r r n i.K in s en th amis,
I, itl ,. Ii tl, UIeH-l Ulrrta til 111
.1 ii..:.-, .ll.ii r jiiilnu tilli. iliif.l ur
, 1 ii Ii I. the nllt-ln ul I'llllplf , HU-
-ni .. er tli" iii.tnjr oilier nunitrsta
..". ..-:lt..a 1.1 "liuuiuia;" lilftl.
i f n, - ii U, is luny,' Win .iiiiii.tlnB
,. I e ll.o lii.t Sllflrlll, II I. Ill
i I . ( , I ii. .-.. s er affi-i-tli'in. f"f
., . i- i.t ma rnureljf (re trmn IU
, : II.h.,I rt.irmrlll, lllfh, hf
. . U .1 ..I riiirs It IiaS K-eiiil'llliJ.
I ii 1 1 ... i- ni. ilk -Inns hsva tnllnt, hu
ii I 1 1 lm s p.iinit aii4 cullar
f ,r iMs iliene. 8.ini ol tbss
. .. ,p) n .inli'itnl. If jnuiuftrf frurfl
I ,
. tn try lliasl'i Sir.;tvrlll.
! . r M try a nftllrlrd with afrof
k li. it, llir tlir.f iliPWa.Dmolilhl
. . .Hi e n yrirsolsgs. Lumps
r in ami en ot lhm after
, ef a Iferm'l , tiua
terthrrr years. 1V
. I ...iitin, hr Id lump siut
1 1 , refill riitlrcljr dls
. ' .- .i i-iiii to t a hrallli
- i ii r . Niiuitiitit, J. J.
I i ;- I ellljf
! , tit f.irfJ. l'rrra4olF
. t,..i .... .!, twalt, !
. j Ono Dollar
When rna al. k, wn gsv bar Caalorla.
V. h.'ii .he na a fl.llil, ilir crtrd for CaatorU.
In n .1,.- I. ea...r lliui, alia clung to CaalorlaN
tMi. n ahe hod I'hll.lron, alic jura Ibom CsaUarl.
1 r,:.J Siirical Dispensary,
l AA-aMa-ii'X
, ii-'.y
- ."' '
i 1', M. n Ibnancr.
r, rnitr, Ncaii Tavioh
- -. ., I'Kl 1. I N.
1 1 . .. No -.1 on I Tit CI.IMH.
. ,,1 1 1 1 1 v n 1 t.i 11 ui 1 1 ellkr le llir
, tl , t...','i.ii "il ul nil
AT'i'i ,:Ni:Asr.M.
, ,1 oili i- 1,1 run- uf Nete
. ,.l t!i - ii'i'l Ithi'Uiu tll.nt. AH
,1.1 11 n'i 't i.l'ullv tirnlrl. Wf
11, ,i,,v il.iit'ii. I.uiia I'r.-uhtr 01
. 'i. i.'r. n n-1i.ii!:e fiutu Cnra
,,. ,1 ,' ,1 1 lint Innr.
,0 1.11, c 1 . t-uiT nnv rnac uf I'-vpti
,,t t.i.,t. Htiii.tiiit'a ciui-.i.
'., tn; ; iiiilhiK. Hpr-r mtttiii 1 ticn
01 ;. i.'.i'.lv 'itlaiiteti ,-iiiri Tii
, .', t . I i.t !l Aliu-r er Mfialnt
ll.. . .1 In n nine. !
on . lill.l Slt'll lii.rnat-actut'tl
,,it;i.'-. ; i;m,
el I
I ,...,tvlli rrtunveil ll.illl nn v pun
. . n il 111'.- Ili'lV I'lllll alMll.llllK. nl
1 ,' r,n v 1110 v In.
1 v'iili ihr Kr. l.oeei Mi.tut' il
1: Ii .1 f'lim.i I hUMI mi the
I " lie ( , .1
11 ),.ii:;.
I 1 nv li.inn 1 with III.'-1" S'-tirs,
I : I.i,.. ell volir lli.ea, 1111.1 liuu
'. t: in iie,l 1 vein I'.vea. full 01
' 1 1. 1,1 at l!i ii ih'i 111. ne nil. 1
tl 1 I'. Mil I .1 t'oinpl! iell.
, 11.. ... it Hie nn .lieinr nlul e
, :v ; i, It l'iMiHi.l,..tlit,n Frte.
1, A M I" 11 M.. anil 1 t'i !' M
' . 1 .11..' i' 1 1, ..'.iipllv. full anil
... ; , : 1 !! c 1 an
1 : .1 . 1 ni.v.
I A . li i ilt Allli MAl.H ItASVY
iittlni of
1 t ' - i'
r,. '..''"''
I. 1 -- M
.... -V . An. .'....,
NOTini; I- In-i-ehy Kven ll,l the (-,,
-.1 ,11.111 ll I III! Kll IIIIIH I MiilOV I
poiiiiini inn ni, (in, mil,, li.h.ti,, I,,, ,
I till' t'-
toin ni .11 in. a Jrv,,,!.. ,,.,,. in,
oin lmvlnifi lulnn iikuIikI Mild eMail, urn
heiti hy imlilieil In 1 1. i.t them iinnnrlv
y-nlled to iim nt the lim nlli, r I t n I
I'. I . I.Hfoiireile, I,, ntei-.i,, ( In , ( I,,,,,,,,,
wllhltl l moiitlii, Iiimh ,e iliileln.f,.,,!
Puli'il lli! tlh tiny nl' April ie,
.... ,11 II, JnllVHiiV ol (hi. Ivaule ,.l .lull,, a!
MeNury, ili'i riifetl, ;t ,i .,(. ;
PsiTHIl HTA I t" I. INI. Ill I i V I
(iHi.oi.s t'ny, nr., April I
Notli'K U herein' el, en i!, ,,i ii, r..ii....
imnieil x-ltli r h. lili il I... at i.e. ......
(Ion Iii mult lb nl t,,,, i h. , i.
ehiliil, mill I luil ,,,,f ., iii i, . ...
fnre Ihi. ri.,,1.1. r it , ,.-,, u ,. i H
(ami iinlei- hi On -.., in. , i. ,j
iliu-.jiinini, lM.i,ii- M't ,. iii,.',,,,,,,,,,,.
Koiiie-leail r' n-v No, ; ,,t . I,,, i ,, i
lai'iNs'iil ,N'V i; .i mi t.i ,,i ,.. .. -i
X, It -1 K. lie let , ll. ..II., I .. '.. i,
l,r-.e to pi.ivu , ,, , ,, .J J,,,,,
iipon iiij.I Mililtmi ,u, i,,.,, Ut.
. . Wllfl. ! Mine!.,. I M. ... .1
(I, A rn.i, all ni 'i.,lli en,, r'
t-OUIllV, (ll'lllliii. .1.1 I I ! l-K,,
onri: Km ii iii.m t i iov
I'xill'li ). ami ' , I
cmi.i.nx t in, in, April 1", l-'i.(
Noti.e In hi'i.-hv elveii Hint thr. I,.,..
Illlllll'.l .tllltr litia lill.l lnili,D.,f l.ll. i..,;.
Hon 111 timkv llnlil pnu.l in tn,.,ri ,, ,,
elulin, niel llu.l n.M . . .... I ji;i l,
tore the ItegUtrr iin.l III . ..t t i nt l", H lntnl
nHI St nr.yoii I Ity, 1' en M.nuluv.
nli, '.Hi. ,it T l-iT.,1.,1, . ii.
teii.l Knlry, No, f. i ,,r tin. N ij , HU'
ol tti'i-tloii n, T'inliii. 2 Hoinh. 11 S
Kind, lit iittin (lie ftilli.tvliiK willing.... It.
prove l.ia eoiiiiiiinii riil.iien tiiin mul
euHivsKon of, hIi land. vU ; .(, Illihi-v.
K riml, II. Il.-i.kli.. uiul J. Wei, h, nil nf
1'milUl.ellK, I lie llntnin r, ,iit. -
T. Al'MlilMiM,
tt 0 f,l - t ti in,
TIM itr.K l..M, At IMt NK t. I-7".
oi i i:i oit ii in u t i io.
I'sirr i. Ht ti irr n k, i
(Kiti..s tin, nr., l ei.. Hi,i
NilTK'K N In n hv clu-n ll in e.iinpli.
an.-e with II. n pn.t l-m,,. ..I the u. I , .1 1 en
itrr of June )t. nihil, il " n in I ti.r
tin. Kiileot lllnU r himU III the i1om of t'n.
iformn, Oii-.,ii, N. tit,l(t, iimt S ii.him't..u
Territiiry." ( hie. I. . !...( r ..f pi.iihm.l,
('..limy of Miiltii.iniiil., Mnn-. , i m-u-ui, Inn.
th iUv llli.l In ml- oil,, c In. iiwi.rii
innit No. Ihi?, ur 1 1 . p.m hit-.' i.l thf l-K ij
of tk-vlloii N't.. U, in r.mii-hlp No, 'i h,
limine So. ) ',. uini ill .t i r pi.aif in iIh.w
hut the hin.t ,eit.'l,l . u.i t nlti tl,. fur ll.
InnU ror uttme iI.hii l. r u,.-tii n'ttiu.l inir-hiik-,
tent f.uMl h In. . !,.iiii I.. -.i.l Uml the ll. ni-li r nnd I;. . . It . r of
ultlio nl or,L'oi, toi, in , i. i I'lidny, th
lllll .Iny of July, (-., II. i.,inr n- l.
Hew., J.i. A I tn ,li.n All, u hu. I Win.
lUi'W of i-illn.l. Mitiliiol....!.
1'tf.tlll Joiill Mi lull le .'I jO,,t, or. !
t in. nanina i
tt.nitiy, ore)-. ni,
Ai,v inel ,il pm..,!!. .tilu, Inf nlvi-i--M-lv
the hIkii e-iie-.'i IU .1 hun;. nre re.pie-li'.l to
tile ll.i lr i-l.tin, in t'.i. .all. e t.u or U'ture
anl.l Mill ih.v ol Jul., I-
J. T. Al t ' UN'iV.
il 10 .V. I .1 i:.'KlU-r.
I IIMIIKI! I.ANH. A. T JI Nl. t. tv.i.
xiiu i: I'Olt 11 III.IC k'l l.
I I imii'Mtnil nnnni'r, I
Onmi.'N lill.l ir., M..O h 1 1, Is ..i
Xll'l ll Y. I. In n I'V fin I, ll.i.l In eotiipii-
ani'- with inr pi.u i . . f il,.- ii. I o t .no
1,-resa of Jinn- a, Is.'., eiiia;. ( "An a t tor
tl.e anle o( liniU r hini'- t.i il.e .-;.iu-- ol t nt
Ifornlii. Or. riiii, Nt t nl .. mi l n-liinrloii
Ti'Tr a ur i ,'' I htiih I oil. i. ..I il lull . Iinin.
IV of l.l lolliia-, -lull' of I.M.-oll lllls
djy hint In this ulliie l,i- -n e n .!,n. ii.i-iil
So. l'C.s lor the pill' I., it ot Ihe I. ol ,sV
mi'l lot- .i n'l-l 4 ol ."- ti'iii No. Is, in i
Town. hip No. J S..11I1, N.. 7 I a-t I
unit III oll. r pr., n. hou itoit ll, Iniul 1
ao.if.'hl la more,le tm- u. un.l.ror' than lor .-u:u tillunl pet p.,-f, nn.t lo
I'.lltl.ll.ll bta ehiiii. lo -..el i.n.d is lore II. f ,
Iti'dlatrr n.l Ketetv. r ..I Hu. oili.i' nt op. ,
i.ii lity. orefnti, on i ii..-"ljti, the "lit ;
Uy of Aiiun-l, l- i, ll. im.. ns u-
Ill-area! J, A. of.t. I.. Minl.r, mill I.
C. O 1 Kan tl of I',. 111.. le I. M..t.,..ii.ith Co.,
On-Koii, J. Mi li t. re. ol a .'It , (' kamna
I'oinitv, I ire.-oii.
Anv and nil prraoiia el.iiniin.: lelver-elv
tha (ilsur .leHtnU-.l lilel - lire l. .ll. t. .1 to
Hie their I'htlina In tht. oil', e or Is lore aitlil
Mil il l) of Alln-I, I
,1 I M i l II.IN,
4. in ,v. -1 .'i 'i.. i:
TIM 11 Kit I.AM' ACT. Jl"NK
liatiii.Sitiii. t.tNi't'iiii I', I
Ohsi.on Cm ,
M.o. h f., l-'ai.t
n thiit in ti.tiipli-
NOTK'K la her, h
aui-a Vllth the prot i.ion. of Ibe
frvaa of June It, l-7-, eliltlli'-l,
the aule of liiulier l.m.! in tin-
net ol I'tui
"An a. I lor
iittt a of t ub
N it-biniMon
ifurniii, Oreeon, Ni-Mi'hi mi'l
Trrrltorv," Tho. M..'k'un,
ol ritioniu,
lillietoll, hna
bl- Mtorn
. bit-e of the
, ot Nitioli
Coiintv of 1'i. r.e, Sl ile ol W
hia dnv hi. -I in tin- """
Htnlenieiil No. t'Ci'i. lor ti e e
N U. N K U and N NU
No. i?, In r.inhl. No, I .'otiih. limine
No. S Kut, nnd will oiler proof to nh.ov
thai thn hind a..n'll ia more lor
Ita timln-r or alone thun lm iii-tu nlliniilpiir-
Hiaea, and to e-l.thli-h lo. el.iiiu lo n.l
ami Iw-fore the lleei-tei mul lie.ilier ol
thla oMhe ut or. ('ol. I Hv. uin'im, on
Tliiinuliiv , the 7th il.iv ol Vei'ii-1., He
mitni-a na 111111.'--.'-: W. A. ( itlu'in, unit
N. J. Web h. of l'oilliin.l Miilli.i.nnih Co.,
Or.i K. t'lelnrlit-, ol 1 10 1 I It I', I htt-kft-
maa ( o. Or. ; J. . 1 .01, ol I n. otnii, Yi uali
liih'ton. Anv suit 11 oerMina 111111111111' iviverniv
the slmve tlet 1 iU-. Iniul- lire te.pinled to
file their eluinia iu tlna olllie on or In fore
aid "Hi dnv of Au ;ii-i. 1" .
J. I. AI TI'liSON,
4 .1 IH I'.' 10 iVJ. liegialer
tim ur.n i.anp. act .ii'Ni: :t, i-ts.
,"Jollec Inr 1'iiMlciilloii.
I'nitkii Sriil a l.M 01 Her. (
Oiimii.ii City, or., I eh. 17, ism.)
NOTK'K a herehv nlven tluil III e.nnpli-
aneo vtith the proM-ion. of tin- net of Con-
Knaa 01 June .1. n.s, enillleii nil 11.1 lor tue
anlu of limber liunl in the Mules of Califor
nia, Ori'iron, NeMnhi, liinl 11 -IiiiimIoii ler
ritorv." Win. T. Iliirnev of on-iron Citv,
Count V of ClrK-kiiii.a-, Slnle of Ort ijiin, hu.
Ihlnilnv filed in this olllie hla awoni .Into.
iiietit No. sol, for Ihe pni-ehi.-ei.l'the K hjof
MK !' and lots NoMiinil I, ol aet tion No Jn, ill
Township No. .H South, limi;e No. h' I'.nat.
anil v.111 oiler proof lo -liuu (hut Ilia html
Mitiitht ia mme vnbinhle lor ilx limlier or
atonr than lor iiui ii-uii mul luiriioM-s, nun to
eatnblinh hia elnini lo Kiiid luml beloiv thn
Ktlsler and lleeelter of thla olllee nt Ore-
Kon City, oii'Koii, on i rt iiiv iiit' .i'in nay
of June. IMS', lie inline n.a wiluesaea:
Clina. Ctitliiin'uml K. II. I leinentaol 'Oreiroii
t ily, dr.: I'.. I', r-elverii uml r. 'iveraol
l'liirryville, ()ii'i;itii.
Anv uml nil hernons eiuininiir aiiverseiy
(hu tiliove ilewriheil hln.U lire re.iieai'il to
tllu their ehiium III this olllee 1
2i..yof. r,Ai
rarrur rMTrncn
on or belore
lit (lialer.
Office Is tho nest. Try It.
JAS. 0
i .r :
- s (
u 1. 1
Water lli.v-1
ai:y other
, only Tar-
bicj tii at w
work tsU3-;::r.;',fully
under Hiyh Kcad't,
undor Head,-.) iVcv.i
3 TO Snfl FEE'f . .
A I m I ii Jt 1 1 ii I oi
n h i: i on ii iii.k '
l?iTrn HrtM f, Orner,
(iiitnos fur, dr., Miireh h, im.)
NdTH'J: Is lien by xlven thst in eoinpll
iine.iullh uil of Cole
it I'm of June II, H7i, siillllct "Alisi't r.-r Ilitt
ale of iIiiiIht Inn. I. In thr Hlittwt ot (.'hIII'is
nin, on-itnii, Nevie'ii, ami Vihliittou 'l'er
rilorv," Joint v, TuK. of Taeouia, C'uiKity
of I'lenx, wtiilii of VVhlnirtU!i, hu this
"fa.V tiled In thin utile hi sworn slate
in. 'nt No, Hun, fur ha piiri liHM. of the 8 W,
NW Hint Ht, NTiW of Hw lloli Ki. S.
In TiiAishii ttu. 4 hontli, l(iiiita Mo, 0
Kn-l, and will oiler proof In xhow thul th
hind oiir,l U mnrti vnliuihle for Its tiiiiher
or dIiiiiu it. nt. lor uml. nliiiiut i.iiri,M .
mul to eitiihllili hl i liiilii to Mll laud
torn (he Keul.ier inel Kienlvw nf thin litlln
it tin iioii 'il y. Or, mi 'I t.vrwUv Ihs 7lli
ilsy of Aumil kii, It name im lt-
iiim: ThiM, MiHKiiiri! 4Ti'oiiiti, WskIi.;
ll, Cleineiili.,ofOiia(on iHtv, Or.) VV. A. Ca
h.. in uml N, J, U oieh, o I'ortlun.l, Or.
Any uml nil prrw.iikeliiiiujiiK u.lverM'ly thr
iihiivi "ili eil,e. himU mi. i-MpiiKti-.l o (lie
il.eir I Ininn In ihi. i, Hi, mi ,,r Ih lull; mud
i'Hi Hits nl Aui'iinl, IKIKI. .
I II Ui IJ Ut tt'J. Iti KiHli r,
1 1 M l.l.!4 t.ANII, AI T JI NK J. In'.A
Notlco for Publlcotlon.
IINiTKiSr4i I.. hi. Oirn s
On p. ii ( Ity, liri'Knii, March 1.1, ls:m,
Nolli e . hi-ri by kIhiii Unit In rompll
inn e ll h t'lr pn.t l.lon I.l t hu net ol'l'oii-t-'i
ni of J inn' ,'l, IHin siillllr.l "An set for
the Rule of timber Uiiili iii the Hlnli of Cul
Ifurinii, ihi'i'i.ti,, uml WnahliiK"i
I'liliory," i'l-rry Knvt-r of itox, Cnuniy
nl hliiK, Hi of Wnihlnetoii, l.n
Ilili (luy file. I iu this oltle lii sworn
-till, -ii, tin No. VKM, for the pnreloun of the
NV Ut. Set I Ion So. a iu To nhli .No.
.' Si.iilh, l!ni,i;.i N.i. 0 Kusl, slid will oiler
pro. I to .how that thr laud wiiifiht l more
i nlmihlr lor Iu timber or atone limn lor hu
id nllnritl pnrimM-H, mill lo i-alubliaJi hU
elnini to aaiil laiel in'lorv the HenmU r mid
ll.ix'tver ol ihianlllee nt On ifoii City, Ore
lf.ii, on Tuewlny, Ih Alii duy of Annual,
l"i. lie imini-a sa tvltnem-a: .S. J.
Welch, uf Porlliuid, .M iillnoinsli Co,, Or.;
Fred Heuvi-r, of Kninly, Clm ksnno.,
Oreiioui J. (iturnU-rK, of Knu, klu Ohiii
ly, Wnnhlnirloii ; nntl N. Myra, of Itothvll,
King t i.nnly; Wa-biiiKlon,
Any mul all perwma i-laludiiK sd
verx ly the tui dim riU-.l Imiita sre m
ipii ntetl In lllr their i Ulma In lliia nllite on
.r la-tntv Mi.! rah iluv of Animal, 1i.
j. T. AI'i'KHHoN.
4 .1 !!- tJ 1" tit. Ib-Klater l.ASI, ACT JI'NK 3, M.
VI'I H K Mill ll II.K'i l lO'V.
CsiTrti 8rTrs I, tun Orrirs, I
Us., us Citv, Dr., Mureh 17, 1-Ul.f
Nolle.- ia hrrel.y (ivrii Hint In fomphsnc.
Willi 1 1, v prt ialiii.a of Ih net of I onri'.a of
June I, 1-V, eiillllr.1, "An net for the mis
.f llmlarr lui.ila in lh Klalel of Cslifornia,
nniiiiii. N.'tnli. anil Wahiiirtoii Trrri
t"iv, ' lleiijitinlii 'lienhi-iiil, of Tsiixiia,
t't.iiniy ot I'H-ree, hislr of WnahiiiKlon, hss
Una tl.iv llli .1 tn tl'l" otllee Ida worn ainli
nn-iit So. l''l, for thr pnrel.iiiM- of (hr lots
:t ami 4, suit H S .' of rWrtion No. 4,
n lotin-lni. No. 2 Mouth. Kan ire No. U
Kn.l, nnd will oiler i.nml Ui aluiw that the
Inn. I aoiii'lil la more vahiablu for it llmln-r
or atone 1 1. n ii lur aj;rl. nliiiinl inrtari., and
lo hia elnini Ui said html Ufiu
I hv ltiiiior and Iti-is-ivrr of tin. nlti. at
On i"ii City, or, on I'liurmlay. th 7lti duy
of Aiiu-I. Is'"., ik- namra at wllni-awa:
W. A. t'ala.rii. and N.J. Wt-lt li, of Tort
hind, or.; KnJ traver, "f Kandv Clai ka
li, it. Cotijity, or; and Nathan Myers of
I'oll.rll. Kini; County, W-liHrton.'
Any ami all is nrnia nimtnn advi-nu-ly
Itn-uIh.iv il,-a.-riiKsJ Inii.ia are rv.pieatetl lo
llli- their elu.liia ill Ihiaoltlee oil llT before
m ! I Till tlv of Anfiit, Iwai.
4 .1 '. 4:' 10 W, Hi-gisti-r.
4 l 14 i: I'lllt I'l 111.14'A'I lO.
I'siup Statu I.tsp Orrii s. i
I) i t itt, or., Man h H, IMm.t
Notke ia herel'V ghuti Hint In comt.h
nine Willi the l'n,Viloiia of tin" act of Con
irreaaof June .1, l-iTi, enllllu.1 "An i-t for
I lie. nil' o( tnnli-r lamia in thr Hlntea of (ul
U'ornla, 'n'Km, Seva-l. and Vl.lnirtoii
I vrrilory," Nntban Mvrra of Itotnrll,
( ounly id Klnit, hinte of Waahlnirtoii, haa
tlila ilnv lilt-1 in tlila other his orn atnle-
iin-nl So. l'v. for Ih puri-haar c( lh
N f. I, of .S-etion .No. 2, In Tovnialiip No. 2
Soiilli, luinue No H Ka-I. and ill niter proof
to ah.. a t toil the Uititaiinitht ia more valuable
lor it timber or atonr than for sitrieiiltnrnl
piirimHen, nnd to i-atnhi.h hia eliiitn lo ttnid
liiii. I l-efi.rv lh It.-iji-ter and Keiviver of
thin otll.r al in-!oii t ny, Or., on 1,
Hie .'.ill tlnv of Aiik-n-t. licai. He nnmea aa
i k line-ai a; N.J. Wileli of I'orilau.l Or. ;
) I'erry Mivt-r, of Itnaa, kitK Coiinlv, Vnh-
itiKlon; Kr-l N-aver ol humly. llm ltaniaa
I ( 'omiti , Or. noil J. Hturl?ru of Itoaa, K in ar
, .im L.r .;. ..I.I...I... a.l...r...
. - i. i.i .. .......
j Ihe ib-HiTiln-.i are re.iirated to
their i liiniiaiu thla othif oil or hefo.c
iii.l Mil dnv of AUKUat, lai.
J. T. Al'I'KltSoN,
4-3 IW- in .'2 Heniater.
Notlco for Publication.
Ck-.tsd Stt LasDOrrira,
On ir.m City, On-rm, Mnreli Ittsi.
So lTCKia lu-n-hv Kiven that in nimpll
nine with the l.n.i i-loli of thr net t.i Con-
Ittvns of June ,H, IM7S, entilliil "An art for
the anle of iiuiln?rhiiiila iu thr Stales of Cal
il'.rniii, Orreim, Neva-ln, mul WaahiiiKlon
ternlorv,' Jiilma Mitp.l-ru of Km., Conn
y of Kiiiir. Sinte of Wsahiiiftton, lias
Ihi.. tlnv Hied in Una olllee Ilia aworn
alitteinenl No. HIM, fur the purrhaar of III
lota 1 nn.t stul J , Nr. V ol seclion No.
1, ill Town-hip No. i Sotiiu, Itanpa No. 6
Kn-t, nntl will oiler pnnif toaliowthnt the
limit Minuhl la more valnnhlr for (tn tinitarr
or stone than for airrieiiltnral .urH.ars, and
lo hi? elnini lo aiijil Uml In-fore
the Iti'iti-ter and He.i-ivrr of this utile at
Oo'lton City, orerjon, on Tuesday, llie Mil
iluv of August, I,, i. He immes aa
ne'awa: N. J. Welt-li, of IVirtlund, tlr.j I'.
"Stiver, of Kima, Kin Connly, aihinnlon:
N. Xlyern, of llothell, Kiiil ( ounly, Wash
ington; and Kn-tl Keaver, of Sandy, (Taek
Hinua County, Or,
At. vand all eerioiia ohtlnilnK atlversely
the itiHive di'aeriln-d Inntls are mmeated to
tile Iheir eluinia In thin olllee on or before
suit) Ant day of Annual, IK1 si.
J. T. APrFltRON.
4-:l lXi-42-IH W. KeBisler.
The New Remedy.
Wlihln only ten tnonlha thla truly remarkable medtelhe hna found ll wny
lntt. Hi very heal faniillea, heeatiaa ll ei'aru Tlis alt . No .liara.r (en pen
rriul to rralal tit w-nmlt-rful allai-lta. It eotti uothttig lo liivmlte. brad
tur Ixaik eoiitaiului full Inlnrtnatton.
w uuTi N MM iioiir. ..
HH Morrlaoa Nt.. Inrllaiid, 4ir.
Ksoluilve Agenli fur Clacktmai Comity, T1I0S. CIIAKM AN A SON,
Urt-Keii l ily, Or.'den.
Ikwt Conirli Mexiicine.
Cores where all else fail.
tiisto. Children take it wi
To-vvor, using Losa
f -hmA
1 ,1 it -J, ... JT' 111; ... ve, - :. mt, , I . ,. !:, , ' . I TTl . tf ... - r a, .. f 1 . . - : L
TIM ll Kit tAKtl ACT, Jt'Kl I. 17.
NOTH Ii lOll 11 III. 14 . TIO.
flniTSfi Htit t,l. )trii .
(asoi.s t iTr, tit , fi., it, i'iO j
NOTICK la rurally lv-ti (hil Ui i".n.(aisi. a
olili Ilia iiir.vll'iita ef ilia ni t el ;.,..(f (., (
Jill. a. I,r,. alillll"'! "All a. I lor tllu a.., el line
t.or UihI III Ilia stain uf I lif.jiiil (;.-,, n,
Mavmla. aiul Maalilinilnii Irrrlioiy," li y
Mi,rhitaa. ef lima, l " ,nly of k n.(. UI i,f
Waalilii(Uiii, ha llila day (Iln1 In tlila iif,.
hi swum .am No. inw, for Hi i.nrd,,,.,
of Ilia .H i, of Haein.n ha. 10, III l.mii.l.ip N
'4 Si. ultl, MaliK Na ' f a-l, a.el Kill oiler ,e.,,
to al.nw that Hie lain! ai.uttl.l la m..r ml, i.l, m
for Ita tlii.lK-r ,r fioi.a tl.aii t.,r a. ie.itior.l
rmri.'HMia, and M. alahllall hla.laim t'l asl'j
ami lMt'.ra ilia llrvl.u r nim! l(reniio,r uf Una
niDoa at Or.-H'ifl I, Ity, lirev'.ii, mi CrlHny lim
lllll Oaf of July, Ihwi fin nii,.. n nil
ImaiuM; Jullll C, lliilmfls and llrniy flaurlt of
lloaa, Kim Co., .lihii,,t, : H t. Ulniili l
1 aeoiiia, I'ii-rea nniNiy, Wa.i.ln.-i'iii . mel j.' j.
Wrleh, of I'lirilaii.l, Miillii'.i'.aii eo.n.fv. nr.
Any ami all f,t-ra.ilia n.lii-riy lli
nln.VH - llr.nrlljril inlela nil' r'.jilel"l le Hi..
Ilirlr elalma in ililanll.ea en ur I.i lure nni no,
ly i.l July. Iwo J. 'I AI'l l l!-i,N,
la-WO o iu W li.'.' r
4ii4 i; ion k't iii.H' i tuy,
I'kitci. nin I.aso Om. r
ijuaie.n Citi. l.r . IVIi li. l-'.u t
Ni.Tli la lirr.-hy nlvr i Hint in i'oiiillinii r
Willi III" .r.ivl.l.,lia ..I ll,ti ml nf I ..Lure.. ,.
Julia il. lava, milli-.l "An . i ler H.n ..,.; uf Dm
brr laiela In fltr lalniea ..f ('.llfrnu, i.i.v.,,,,
va.a. ami Matalttl 'Irrilloly."
I'. Smith nl Tae.m.i, loiinly of flirefr, n. ,tn
of Wftalitnal..ll. hna IIiI.i'm)' rtlnl lu no. ,
hla awi.ri. .tat-iri.-iil N... Ili, lor Hir eorS.
I. l lb NW I, ol ".-lli.ll v, af. h. le,!,
alltl. No. Xelilll, No U Meat,
and lll l-ftrr .lo.,f In alio 1 lint tlm
laui a...iKil la rriorr valnnliir for Ita timiM-r er
toi.atliau f'.r avrtrilllural t,ir.'t.., aiul lo r.
tntillali Ilia elnini t.i ail'l Uiel 1rfi.rM ll.u lii.!r
lalar aliU Ittl-Kiver "f II. ia uil.en nt ure,,i, t uy,
Or.-fuu, in. l-rl.lay. II. lll'l 'lay ol Jul.
IniJU, llv liainra na wltmne.: I li. 11. ri.,
Jullll A Km .rim aii.t J... I 1'ell, .ri.i- ,,f iri,
Uia. I'lrrra r.ilimy. Wa.tilintleli: N I. Mvlelinf
I'orilau.l. M iiltiiotniih r...n.iy. nri'iruri.
Any ant Nil l,eraoiia l-li.ili.liK rraeiy llir
abova drwrlirt-.l Iniela are'.tt"! f. n.r
II. air rlalina In Oil. i.rliee In lore ..el Iiih
lay ul July, mm). i.t. AITKHMiN..
-liHSI-4u-IO-4'J, Krialr. . I.AM), ACT JIM: X Uln.
.toTK i: i on i-i iii.m inov.
I'MiTsn HrtTKa I.akii orm s.
Oaauua Citv, Or., "eh. u. IA
KOTICK la lirreliy jlvni thai Iu i .hii.IIih v
lllll Ida ttruvUiol.a uf the ae of ('..iixre, .J
Julia 1. H7 lillllnl "An act ,.r thr anlr i.l Ilia
lM-r latnla In ll.a Htatea nl f'allfornla. On y.,u.
Mrvaila, and Wajiluuatu Inrrlu.ry," lUnry
ilalltrtl of li.nta. ('...Illly uf Kililt, HtiOe
uf (A haa llila ilay file. I in IIhm
oitlea bia aworn aintrnirnt No. IVfti, tor tl.r ur uf tha UK ', ul fcrliim No. 4 In . .an
il. Ip Nil 'Jtfinttl. Ilali( Nil. 7 r.a.l,nltd WIU..I
lr .r..f lu ah.. w that ilia lain! a.... rat I-. morr f..r lia lliiiltr ur aiotia ler a,
rlrlill.tml ptirKmra, and lila rUIni
tu anl.l Ian4 bel. trm tha llaftMrr an. I l;re.'it.r
uf tlila wltlea at Or,'Kna I. ily, llre'-u, .n I tie. -lay
II. a I -111 ilay ul July I -JO IU letti.e.
Wltnraara John C lo.tirrla ami II V Mere,
hoiiae ot Kuaa. king rt.iiultr, vVa.t,iruti,n ; It '1,
Niullh uf 'l aeouta, 1'lrrea roinily. V. m-)u1ik1"I. ,
N. J. tValeliW forilauil. Miiliiinii.ali l ... lr
Any and all prraona clatntnir a.ltrr.rly thr
abuva ilearriln-.l latelit ar l. bit.
Ihalr clalma In thla t.u.ruii ur fw-lorr a4tt 1 ti
day (if Jlilv, l"W J I. AI'I'MI-t.N,
HS-au-ao-lu-lnl, K'ti'in.
llr lor I'ubllralliiH.
t aiTin Hiir I.aM' orrn r I
!.. u i itv, Or., Kcu. si. Ifai i
rtOTICK la brrrt.y lrn Dial In e.mi.lli..r
wllh thr rif.'Vlalftl.a nl llir art al renirrr,. ot
Jutia I. ia7H, rnilir.1 "An aei fur thr lr .1 line
Iwr Ian, I. lu Ilia ML lea uf California, orrc-n,
Navaila, ami Viaahltigton Irrrin.ry," Jnl.n I
hubrrla, ul liuu. loillilT uf Kil!(. "Ulf uf
Maalill.fluu. baa llila .lay Sir, I ll. lln. oil
hla aw..m atairmrrit Nit, lMi. lor thr teirrin....
of lot. I au-l i a ml S NE , uf Heeltun No . lu
Tenlil. Ne J H.iiiih, ll mi r e So 7 fru.l nn.t
villi ofTrr pr.Mtl In ahuw thai Ihu land aourht la
mora naluahla for iu uuilr or amni ihau f..r
aarlcullural tmrpoart, anil lu hu
claim lu aaia land hriure ll.r rrialer aiul r.
rlver ol thlautlira al llrrvou City, iir.-it,,n en
lurxlay, Ih 1,'ah .lay ul Jul), 1-ai lit.
liatut-a a. wllnr..e R T. Murrhoiiar an. I
lirurr ltanartt ut Hr: king f.t.tmy, Wa.htiiK
lull: K. T. Smith ul Tart-ma. I'll r.-r,
VI lilllKlnn; N, J, Urlcb. rurllalnl. W'lllle.lmili
County, Orrguu
Auy and all prraurta rlaimlitg a-tvrraely thr
a' itrartltnM lau,1a are rrtt..-.i.-it tu Sle
thrlr rlaltna In thla udlea on t.r l-lerr .ai.l r.ih
day uf July, l"W J T, AIThliSnN,
-H-lr IO-HM. Kl.ler
. I'sitkii HriTH l.ASU On n r,
ossoos 1 itv, tr., April '.1, i:i.t
Noliee ia hrri-bv rivrn Hint the follouliii!-
naninl aeltler haa tiled In.tier. nf Ins mtt n
lion to iiLikr finiil pna.f in aui.ia.rt ul l,i-
rlaiiu, and that anid pr.a.f will la- iiimle 1.,-
lore llie n-ri!iu-r anil reeeiver ol ti e 1 . 1-.
land olllee ul Oreifon Cily, Orepm, on We.b
nrailnv, June 4, l.a'O, vii : S th K. Join -
Honiralrail Kntrv No. Mn. for the SK
1.; of milion 2, T 2 S, U.I K. lb- liaie. -i
th following witm-iM-M to prove lis
eoiitimioua reanliM.i-t iiniii at tl rul'i-
Vation of, aaid Iniid, 1 : In-.l.-ru k
S-ivrra. K. I). Alrisiulir. nnd J. Kyler.
of Miirmol. Clai kaiuaa e-ninty, Ori ifoe;
anil li. Tavrlli, of Mainly, Clueknintta t . o 1 n -ly,
Oreiron. . T. A I'l'KUM 'N,
4 17-Uta-44 t lt. ni-i. r.
.on 1: l-OK ll III.KMTIO.
rsiTSP Statm l...xnOrrn , 1
Ostuos ClTT, Or, March I t, l-tO. f
Sotlee l hereby pven Ihst the foliowinir
namr.l settler bait lilr.1 noliee ot his inlt-n-lion
to make final proof in anp.rt of hia
claim, and that .aid proof will In- nnnli- la
fore the Kepiater and Kixi'iver of llie l". S
IjiiuI Olllee al Orepon Citv, Oniron, on
Tuerwlsy. -May l.'t, 1H41, vir: Mnrliu U.
Hovlca, (foniratratl Kntrv No. !A, lor the
W "S of NW N K ; of NW ', nn.l NW
v of NK W of aeetion 2. Town.liip HSouih.
Haiifre S Yjiat. He names Ihi- follow m
wilneaaea to pmve his eonlimioua rei let ia
ui-oii sinl ridtivation of, said land, vis: 8.
Carter, L. Iavi( J. 1.. and 11. I'a
vrdaon, all of ilhoil. Cla. knmna eonntv.
Oregon. J. T. AI'l'K.USOS,'
Notice of Dissolution af rnrlnrrhip.
Nt'TICK is hereby iriven Hint the purl,
nrrahip exiatinu between S. ll. Culill, C. II.
Uaui-hy and Churles Ctilill'iiinli'r tin' firm
name of the Orepm City Suah ami hour Co.
la hereby iliaaohctl by 'nnitnal iiin-eiit, C.
II. l'aiichy, retiriii);. The bnsineaa will la'
carried on by S. U. CulilT ami Charles Culill'
miller the mine arm name. Thev will pay
all ilrhts snainat ihu rouipanv uml eollit't
all bitladtieihrm, H. ll. CAI.IVT.
4-3-!m-42 47. CH AS.CA1.IH'.
Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
1. Itooommended by l'hvsteiana. 13
ia. Pleaaant and asrooublo to the P
without objoet ion. By drilKKi,''a. f-r
Ttrwai ii mmr 111
V KIT'.i. l'Ci. A'l'Al.
cno uniRTY sr.,; OS-'ni riO-f' '. '.),
Nr.w vohk. I cxto.
,sa.iw 4k tr
A .'5'
M l
' r i