The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 08, 1890, Image 2

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I !
Y, MAY 8, 1SW.
Tor l'oitiivssmttn,
111NUKU 1 1 KU MANN,
ot lVngliu county,
l'or Governor,
of MnHnoimih county.
Tor f eervhuv of Statf,
r,v:ouui: w. Mcuuim,
ot t'otiiml'U county.
ler Tivitsurer,
ol Grunt county,
l'or Supreme .ttid(,t
H. S. V.KAN,
ot l.ntto county.
U. Mot'lUOY,
ot Kenton county,
tor State l'i inter,
Hi ASK V. UAKl-.U,
tl Multnomah comity.
For IVo-sectHi.. Attorney Mil OMt
T. A. McV.UlPK.
o ClucUmas county,
For Joint Senator. l:Uh Sen. lit.
11 VUYl'Y K. I'UOSS.
(Ol'M'V TU'KF.T.
l'or State Senator,
l'or ItcpreseitUitivcH,
r KIT. II l'AQl'KT,
l'or County Judge,
Clerk of Courts,
l'or Kecordcr of Conveyance,
w.t. wmri.iKK,
lor Commissioner,
For Treasurer,
S. U. C.U.1FF.
l'or A!io.H.or,
For School SuiH'iintenilent,
For Surveyor,
. l'or Coroner,
C. T. Sl'Ll.lYAN.
Jii;k Taylor has shown much
wisdom, as well as excellent exec
utive and judicial ability in his dis
charge of the work of the term just
closed, lie is the right man in the
right place.
TiiR republican party represents
tho upright progressive spirit of the
time?. Since its organizrtion near
ly four decades ago it has upheld
those principles of liberty ami jus
tico which have worked out good
for the entire eople, and to-day the
party is pledged to the support of
those principles which will best ad
vance the gnml of tilt! wllole JieOplo,
irre-'ctive of class.
GoVF.iiS'iu Pknmykk was adver
tised to sK-ak in Molalla yester
day, it U ing th" occasion of liis
opening the campaign for free trade
and Peunoyt r. The democracy of
that section art: claiming that they
will have would be Congressman
Miller out there to Bjieak bo
fore election. This looks very
much as though tho democrat
ic party was becoming greatly
alarmed. Such strenuous" efforts
in tho party's strong hold would
hardly be made if they were not
badly scared.
The appropriation bill os it now
stands makes very liberal appropri
ation for public improvements in
Oregon. It has always been tho
policy of tin; republican party, for
tho general government to make
liberal appropriations to assist tho
new stales in developing their re
sources, while tho democratic idea
has been opposed to public improve
monts, and for years fought bitttcr-
ly in congress to prevent appropri
atious of this class. Tho demo
cratic idea carried out would leave
Oregon's forests a wilderness, her
liarltors sand bars or mud flats anil
her rivers uniuivigablo except as
the people, within the state found
means to develop the resources
within themselves.
The issue of this campaign should
Ikj clearly understood. It is pro
tection versus froo trade; homo in
dustries and factories rather than
heavy importation!) from foreign
countries. Tho republican party
favors a policy which has and will
cot i tin no to build up factories and
mills, which will give employment
to hundreds and thousands of oper
ators right hero at tho Falls of the
Willamette, while tho democratic
platform carried out would tend to
close those already established and
prevent nioro from building. Tho
prospects aro loo good for this city's
becoming a great manufacturing
city for voters to hesitate in their
choice of parties. The republican
policy has proven successful, con
Heqiiently that party is entitled to
'.. -r-
Tit K battle in Oregon !n nunthorj
skirmish privetling the next ivm
dentinl eiuupuign. Tim iumtcM iivo
the Httttto im two venrx ujto, itml it
devolves upon tlto renuldiefin b'iik-
er to show why Oregon City nnl
Clncknmns cotintv tiro intoretdeil in
ilvo success of the reituMioiui parly
tit tho poll.
1'nviul in this vast country Itself
tho republican party hits no oceu
hUui ti ho iislutntoil of Hi roconl.
If any member of tho party of Lin
coln mul Summer, of (iiituelil ami
Ultimo, and tlunwiutlii of otlior ctn
inent men of tho pact o ycur tiro
tempted to listen to tho plena of
ilonioorsitio orators for a oh anno of
policy let them examine tho record
fully, ami they will have no occa
sion to wi.-di to change.
TitK imlcitteiliies.i clause which
disgraces Oregon'. xtatutcs has (tot
to go. Cmler it wine, those m
disposed can escape all tavaiion
which piles the hunli n upon the
honest. IfthoMMvho havo hereto-
foro provi ntcd tho repeal f IIum
part of tlto law should persi-t in I
ignoring tho demands of tho p j
pie, citizens without rej-ard to par-j
ty or iH'Ctlpiit ion flnuiM for one j
year fix themselves to pay no ta-
ea. Oin year would fix theli-ii-i
ness, so that there would If no I
tnoro kickini; ahottt exemption of
Wk want t nrgo upon n ptihli
cans all over the county tho impor
tance of earnest steadfast work from
now till tho day of election. Mon
itors of the party in every precinct
nhould organize an aut'tossivo cam
paign for tho purpose of neouring a
largo n vote and as great n majority
as jHissiblo, It is to tho Ut inter
est of tho count y and state to have
a republican government, and noth
ing will iteeuro this except republi
can votes. With every republican
in t'laekaina.i county fully alive to
the importance of tin
there will be no stay at hnio vot
crs, and tho lrnjority for tho ticket
will be greater than two vears ago.
' i
tio KliNoll l'KNXoVKIt's party de-I
clares emnhnticallv in favor of five I
trade. Let us illustrate: Since
tho third of February the woolen
mill has not been in oratiou and w, w, vv. Mo is
its 2,0 employees have to a great; lor mil cllector, S, It.
extent been thrown out of eiunluv- Mir.u :'hi,
ment; The effect is noticeable-;
o i .)
' ' i
selves who are out of employ- j
nient; second, to the merchants:
who have depended ii"ii the trade
.,f tl. finni;.,- ,,f ll. ,,,.,!.,e. !
ees for their sllpH,rt; third, to
ii i . i
l,W.- i,,rr... .,, .......
pations ami w ho have hereto-
fore found Work in the employ of
(V, r.,..t.,ri. .,..r.ii 'II. i. '
,i.i, , 1.1
stringency in trade circles beie in
spite of the fact that the building
mills have employed lots of bauds.
Carry the cainparisou one step fur
ther and the analogy is complete.
I't us send abroad for such fa
brics as are mndc and worn here,
thus giving employment to foreign
ers and depleting our resources to
pay them and we have the free
trade theory applied t j" rfectimi.
Oregon City is too much of a man
ufacturing city, and Clackamas
COUtlty too much llilelesle,! in the
grow th of her manufacturing ill-
dustrics for the city and county to
support l'ennoyer at the jsills and
at tho same time vote for their own
interests and ltest good.
Tub Oregon democrats take a
peculiar delight in repudiating
their party platform and holding it
up to tho public contempt, (iuv
ernor l'ennoyer set the evil exam
ple when ho refused to enforce the
eight hour rule in bis saw mill.
Chairman (ioldsmith, of the demo
cratic central committee follows it
when it declares that "there is
nothing of the free trade (in the
platform) except in tho charges
of the republicans. This is an as
tounding statement, in view of the
plain declaration of the platform
in favor of tari II' for revenue only.
If this isn't free trade wo don't
know the thing when we see it. It
is literally and exactly the revenue
policy of Great I'ritain. Hither
Mr. Goldsmith has not read the
democratic platform, he does not
comprehend it, or ho has deter
mined to ignore it. All this goes
to confirm tho impression that has
somehow gone abroad in the state
that thero is nothing in tho demo
cratic campaign this year but l'cn
noyorism. Governor l'ennoyer is
n't a free trader, and tho resolu
tion ho wrote on tho subject and
which tho democratic convention
rejected, dodged tho quest ion very
neatly- a good deal more neatly
than Chairman Goldsmith dodges
tho pain reading of tho free trade
resolution the convention did adopt.
Mr. Goldsmith's performance is
clumsy. Orcgoniaii.
Turk 1'laco Is Popular I'ropoity.
Churtmm A, Hon huvu just received a
lot ot elegant wall paper anil patterns,
while they are soiling at greatly reduced
prices. For neat styles of lule designs
call and boo them.
?' ' "f-'-f ' yt'gtf.'jMtlHB'W
iMiliMp; Oil?
. - . ".'k . ' ' ; :' .1 ! ;.,. " ' ' ' I'll
'I't I 1
Hie (li) l.lectl
Tlic clui ti.'ii vi Mniiil.iy usov
otTiitllotly, there .,'ln- prrfeticully no oji
hiiii!Ioii t'i the ti. Let lemiltKlte.l t the
teiMililu .in in v on .il iii.I.i v . Fut-
' . '
l in In tho vote ;
l'or ni.iyvir, Tle'i. I'. l(v.m 1st; A.J.
For uvoi.ter, 1 . 1., t'orter 1st; V. I..
For coinicilineii. C 11. Cililliehl ;H7,
O' - ". Aih. y 1. C .1. I'jtker lfi. W.
II. Cooke :"os, 1 S Wjin-ii I'll, J. U.
Tremh.illi Id, J. W. IfCuiiltell 1V.I,
K. I'. Kellv L'l W. V. Ment I'.. Fie.l
K" l"'Jwm'r 1
It . Cli.tiiii.iti lti ; C.
y, S Iiie.r ITii;
K. Kiiiiet l'i , Joint
I or eitv uttm n
l'r tnumtnii.
Kelly I't.
The letll, litie ti.'kel llC4 l.- l l.y A. J.
i Cii.-on is n piiili.ile I ! -Ihu ilemocraey ,
, , .jt. , i . a
I oie le.oierw ui ti ii,, ii hi, iiihii mh.v jnii v hi
,r,...,nj.t u,,,.,oi,in ;ihel,l. N'V
,.r., of Ihu ..vrt) I, a, leis el.oin Hint it was
prepare,! hy 1'r. II. l . l;.-s uii'l the eil
itor ol th loiuiei . The o!liieli it re
coivc'l imli-atf. I plainly that itoio iel
satflaclui v to the
It is ilue Mr. :
his 1 k 1 1 1 v upsan
,l.ite for .linnet
,1, mo, i .icy.
-. I to say that
, tlu'leoli lis u Cllll'li'
nlloincv uilhont his
know Id,.,, or sanction. II
he H.'iiM Hot he a i .ill
i ireuiie-tance.
' nays that
mi l. r tiny
Ihclilc 1,'allwats
While we me iDiishleriiiil Hut ipnn
lion locally of hii.l lin nil electric mo
tor line, the (olio in,; general statement
in r'vai'l to elect lie railways, taken
from tho Oregon vi, will he ospci hilly
interesliiin ;
The lit st en electric railway
Wll (,,a.,., r tiallic was that op
j erate-l hy Nit-iens mi l llalsku at the
I'eilin exposition of 1S7'.I. 'lo-tlay elec
tric railways in iv he ihvi,!e,l Into three
classes, vi. :
1. Tie "uveiheiel system," us it is
ciilleil, in which the current is led from
the xeiii'titltii machine at tho si at ion
tu Ihu cur thr jiiha wiro placeil uhove
the kjroiinil
The "mi ler gtonml system," or that
in which lite supply coinlnctois are
lacc'l helnw 1 1 to k i on ol .
3. The "sloraon hattery rvhUiii"
in which the current is fiirnishoil hy
storage hatleries i airic.1 mi tin) car,
which have hecn previously clincl
with the reiptiie I eniient.
There u to in os raiioti in litis country,
mi, I in course, of construction ut the
pirsent lime, no h ss thitil 17'. electric
railways, nperiiliii over IHHI curs, w ith
lJii'l miles of track; an I tlto number
is lupiilly inere.ising. In llusloli 11 H
curs me now hi operation, mi'l theli
nninher will so-ni he increase. I to near
ly I. linn A lining the cities which have
ulreaily electiii: I ail ways, hesiiles Port-
lainl, SiMlllo an-1 'I'm ta, are Cluvo-
html, O, ; llariishiir,?, I'a; Kansas City,
Mo, ; llaitforil, Conn. ; New York City,
lliiuiliii, Neh.; I'lllslmrg, I'u.: hultr
Cily, I'tah: San .lose, Cat. Scrunton,
I'u.: St. Funis, Mo.: WiliniiiKton, lcl,
an-1 a loiit lint of olhers,
St. 1-uuis is now eiuipiiii seven lines
of street car railways tin, I iiintity-twt)
miles of truck Willi elentrii! powtn', at un
expenso of f l,r!M uiKl, ami hy the close
of the prcHimt year thettl will not ha u
horsu luilriKid in opt ration In that eily,
All cms will he inoveil eilher hy olttctric
forco or hy cuhles, itml the latter molois
aid rupiilly givinx way to uloctricity,
Tho electric motor for street curs "has
comti tu slay." It ruiiiiruH no ihtvlcu
for tho suppression of ilirl, dust or
smoke, In thti streets incidents mseper
ithlo forsteuni loconiolion, ami it is
sale tu say finlher thitt htirso railwuvs
will ho us (-hsoleti! in ten years us sIiikc
couches urn to-day.
Park Place, is Popular Propeity.
Money to l.einl.
My money lending htislinms will bo
carried on us usual. Parlies desirous of
helng iiccommodiitcd will plwiHO call at
my ollico. I liavii 1 100,(1111) nvuiliihlo.
yillf W, Casky Johnson.
i nt aiittvo h u pMiti cut til llii! stuiluiit, wiiieii win liiiiKo hum scnstui m t lackaiua-t cuiiiity. IIh a'iiiofoi' in iw
iull.tws: Prince Of Snowdon,l!;tv; foalc-I 1SS,".: l.rcil Ity Andtow l'li'iitinj.', ('alia, t'ainwatfi, Sciitlatnl; imMirt'l
1; weight IMC,:, lbs,; niro Kiiilif of Sin.w.b.ti ('J'.M'J); ilam Puchfss (HIT) l.y l'liiioo i.f K ill Ttito (C.(iU); j;raiil
ilam Mai (:;:!7) by yittin' Cainisif t'.)'.".l). Kni-lit of Simwil.tit C,,jrj): Yirn Fanin r fJSC, ); ,aia Urik (l"l)ly
LatitlsiiT. KanniT 'JSti. rniuv of Killir'nlo fiii(); sir l,tr Jock lll;lam Manliiotif of Inline 1 y Iofty
on I -ir.'.i. .ars Jock Yiitiii' Cainpsii' '.L".i; i-iro ( 'ampaio 1K; ilam lv I hat h.r .lock :;7" fv John
Alitlt l'soii My Jo Ul'.).
Tor 1 'art tenia r. fall on or AiMivss,
LAZEIjIjE cte: MoCORD, Oregon City.
, .1 , II. I I Ml I
IIAUIiK-I'Y At Imt iei,eii,e III thin
eily, ol ciiroouplioii, .May .'ilh, Iv.m,
('vnllii A. Il.irilenty, ttiicl 111 yuarit
mul S tutitilliH.
l'oceane,! a li.un in lieL.oi.i in ls'iS,
u,l luovu.l lo t'uialilhi county, Oregon,
It itli her p.iiem.i, when nlni wax nine
veunotttje. In IS',' I nlni iii.ii rie I T I, lenly. They i oiitinuu l to leaele ill
K,oteril Oti oti till flto yc.ut a'i when j
the v niine l l Neeilv. A Near an I it !
hull iiii they heeame icti'leiilii of Ore- j
go II Ctli. l'or it Ion,; time. Mix.
ilety ha 1 heett k nil 1 it ha I Ixvil evi- j
lent for Mine time thai lm I'oilll lnt re- I
. ..
cover. Mie leavet n IniMian I runi hu I
ehil.heli to mo-.if ii her ,lee 11 tine, the i
ol. lest rh'hl Im-iii h it thilteeli, nll.t th I
y.iiinesl not yel three Die liiue. al i I
ciiire.l Iron', the houmt on l'ae..iv. j
I.AZPl.t.l:. A l tint rese'ence of her
ilauchtcr, Mrs I'.utclav of Oieon C'ly,
May ,'i, ls'l, M iry J. handle, tted j i
years, hi months, nn-l "J -lays,
l'eceased was horn in Siuar limye,
Witrieii county, 1'ciiii., June I.I, 1H:,I
Was limine. 1 1 eh. '.M, K,l lo M.tishttll
Lunelle, uiid removed the s.iu.e year to
Mulligan where she made her home (or
lie.uly eihl Iurilithe uututnli
of Is'.ii !, with her huxhatid mid fam
ily removed to low a, w here two years la
te! she was 'dt widow hy the death of
hei hiishun l Maishall I. .utile, u Vol
unteer in lie Cm, ui cause of the civil
war, Shu continued residitiK ill Iowa li'l
Septemhur of ls7t, when she removed to
Oregon where she has since continued
to reside, l'or the two past years she
hot hcen nu Invalid, siitl'etuiu- Irom A st li
mit , which I'm, illy hr,.ue,hl o.i u stroke of
paralysis lioin the elicits of which she
in ter recovend. Mm was the mother
of three chil-heli ; it son, t ieome l.ilelle,
mi l it daughter, I la I'.atclay, ol this eitv ;
uti-l u daitahler, L I it It Clottse, of Port
land, Shu -lied at 2 u'clock Sahh.ttlt ii'hI'I
last and was laid to test Tuesday iiioin
iitll at ! o'clock.
Allllll l.
SIIKi:.IAN-l.VIS-At the residence
of tho hole's parents, Mr J. I lank
yiieiiniin und Miss Kulli A, iitvisull
ol Wilhoit, Oicijon, licv. Isaiah M,
lloyh'S olll-'i,lllll(,'.
1 will travel all over the state, nut so
much to nuke it cunt usit us to set) the
s'ople mid talk with them. 1 will tnake
it perso'iiil cum ass, 1 will make no
speeches us 1 urn nut u speech-liiuker.
My education was neglected in this re
spect, us I had soinethinn idstt to do
when a boy, itml I loti since leuiued
llutt sis'ech-lnukiliu has u very little hi
do with tho llll'lirs of stale. 1 iulclid
to stm t on my trip not later than May I .
1 have nut decided upon tho details of
my tiip, hut think I will o llrst tu
Kitilcrn Oreeun. I) I', Tiiomcson, hi
tho I ie'oni,in.
Tile New Dlscotcrr
You have heiird vour friends mid
lieiuhhoiH talking uhniit it. Vuu limy
yuiiiself he nlni of the iiimiy whu know
ti out persniisl expei ienco jiint how no-i-l
u thing it is, If vou hitvo ever tried it,
j, ill urn one of Its stuiincli friends he
cause lint wonderful tiling iihoiit it is,
Unit whim iiiicti given a tiiul, I r . Kind's
New ItiscDvery ever iiller holds u place
in tho house. If you have never used it
mid should he ulllicled with a coiixh,
cold or iiiiv I In i nil , lung or chest trotihle
secure a hotllo at once itml give it a fair
tiiul. It is uiiurunleed every time, or
money refutided. Trial hnttlo free lit
(I, A, Harding's lirtig Slote.
A Sound Lciiiil (Iplnloii.
1''. Itaitilit i-tv'o Miiuduy 1 ij . , Cotinly
Ally., Cluv Co. Tex., sityu : "Have used
Llectric Hitlers with most happy results.
My hrother also was very low with Ala
liirial hover and Jiiundicn, hut was cured
hy timely into of this luoiliciuo. Am sat
islied I'ilecti ic ltitters suvi il his life."
Mr. X. 1, Wilcuxsonof IhtiseCiive, Ky.
adds a liko testimony saying: He posi
tively heheves ho would have died hud
it not hecn for Klcclric Hitters.
This great remedy w ill ward of us well
us euro all Malarial Discuses, and for all
Kidney, Liver mul Htomiicli Disorders
stands unoipialled. Price Till cents mill
f 1 ut 0. A. llanlin's Drug Store,
Attention llrcnliTs.
A hiinilsuinn iliiported Clydu slalliun
Was on tho street yesterday. Ilowus
Imported hv (hilhralth ltius. Drcodors
should see him.
Lazuix & McC'olil).
:.. jf-.
i 1 . ,t
tVutili ( lull. j
Mrs. C II. I.. l',nnueiter's ulih
chlh hat fully nuMm,, .1 Ihu expectation ;
ill lis pal loin who have 111! h, ell llioie
thiol I ' 1 , a -1 1 Will, their ptll i luirten :
through It iiP:cney. t-'i dim ciml has it ,
hcen that a new i luh will , oianucl
in w he h a w ad h can he oM.uiicI of any
vahni l.y p:itn only I no per wn-k.
For parliculats, call oil or u.lihess,
Mils, C II. I . I'.l I.NI lll II,
t invoii Citv, I T
'" "
My c.itiie la an. I Ii y It K
Imimiii-h Will l-e e.n to I oil a n-tnil aut-
:. 1..... i i... M. i
'"n "'"'' .-..
t,"'-er 1:1 have charge o( it,
U ' '" JolO--.
Dissolution Nulill'
i .... ... , -...(. , ... ,
helween U. i iiapuot an I Phdhpps
Pros has heen dissolved this day, i
;';;rd, ls sl, ,y .oiiseiit All
dehls due w ill I e colic, led hy I!. (,!a-s-
pi, Hill) . 11 . til A M '-! , I
I'llll 1 H I'S I'll is.
I n,' 1,0' ll.lll IlillV.
I'llle W J .111, I 't I c,.;s (or h.lli llin;.
li. W. l'oflcl, C.ltlcln.lll leave Ki
llers ut the I li, oii t lly'.M.llkcl.
-( 7 I ; '. J N lliiiiiei
ntlce lu I in iiicl's.
The lliidci signed will he in Oie'on
City ut llatvey Cn-s' mlice every Tues
day ulid Satiltdav of each neck unlit
fit 1 1 In' r notice, commencing oh Tuesday,
I'oh. '' for the pinp sie of conliucliii
for v.vel.ihles and (mils of nil kinds fur
the c, inning eoinp iny .
Oieoii t ity, l:, h. is, l.s'i t.
A , 11 I'.osi mi ,
Secretary of Oic,;on Cily Packing Co
lleiillli ami Lou .-i i It) ,
I'r A. Willord Hall's Hygienic
Tieitlnielit for the pel in. lie nl cure nf dis
eases w it li oit eillici medicine, electricity
or cosily appliances W-nks insifcct
hiuniiiiiy with the laws of mittiie.
4SBFSeo Micrucnsin "extra" which
gives the history nf the physiological
disj uvery. Send (or oiieuluis t my cx-pcli-e.
I'lice of Health Pamphlet tl oil.
Address, .1 V . TlluM s,
M-ilalla. Or.
1 have a htis',ucs nsun with shelving
etc., initially loeutcd. fur rent al rciison
able rale. Must apply si on,
,1 is, P. Sii iw ,
(Mlice, lied I'ronl liroicry mid Crnck
ery Mouse,
hicciul Niillre.
To Whom it inuv Concern :
All knowing theinsclvcs itnlehted to
its uro respcelfuliy requested to scltle
Iheir Hcooiinls Wo need inoiiey and
UillHt collect and wool In he wire is
stilllcioiit. Wo do not wish to place
our iiccouuls in the hands n( a colloclor,
It is extremely unpleasant for us lo do
so therefore we give lliis m it ice uiid suy
to nil cntiiit it 1 1 1 1 scllle,
Murch IS, ism), Tims, Cn miman ,v. Son.
Tomvtoi.hI Tom t iocs. The (). C.
Pin king Coiupuny wuiits to contract for
L'l) Holes of tomatoes this season, See
notice tu I ,11'inciH in hnsiiioss IhciiIm,
Sclioid Money.
There is plenty of money on liitnd to
loan of school (uuds, nt.d it will bo lot ho
interest of nil horrowers, especially llmso
who need anv considoruhlo iiiiiiuint as
well as long time loans, tu borrow Hchnnl
money. This i uhsnlulely llif cheiipeHt
money to ho hud S per cent mul no com
missions alter tho Hist your, Cull on
C, t, Lttloiirelte, Allerney fur tho hourd.
Clienp Lund l'or Sale,
Choice funning luiul, llireo miles from
Oregon City in fiotu tl) to hlll acre tracts
ut '5t.0D to C.ltl Dt) per acre. Call on or
ii.lilroHS, ltyuti k liundiill or
J. D lii'.NNiat, Oreunii Cily,
Lgg's l'or llalcliliig.
White Wy.illdolls mid 1'iowii Leg
horns. My strains for egg prndtiolinii
und stiindurd rciuiremeiils uro iinsiir
pussetl. Kugs t per LI; puikeil in Ims
kels for shipping, t- per LI.
Ki.mhu 1'ixuN, Oregon City, Or.
Purk Place Is popular Propoi ty,
Painl! Paint !! Paint!!!
(Viluiubiii Cottage
The Lai est Shades
- (i'-
sol 1 It Y
Money to Loan.
In sums nt $'iim,!H to .'itl,0(M).
J is P. Siuw,
Leal I -I. il-' an-1 1 lii.incial ugeiil, Oregon
City, opp,,,.iti. Post ollico.
All simiiis indelited to the firm o
tinell Lies. Hie reiiiested to call t
on. c und seitlii their accounts or tho
Mooewlll he pi n ed in the hands of t
collect. ir (iHKIkN ItHoi.
lb, uls, Si: nes
I Link M.llcr has rei .iviv toother
big stoi k of hunts mul slices French
kid kunuiiK) und all other kin 's fur la
ities und gents ut l, 1!.) and upward.
We nil know that t runk keeps l!i host
pi. lilt V nf bonis und sleH'S ut till) luW .s(
Trciisiiier's Nutlco.
1 have now in my hands funds tpph
uhlo tu the puvmenl of all wuri tints en
doised piinr to Sept. fi, 1S!8. Interest
will cca-e finni date of thin not ice,
Oregon ( it), April ID, 1S!K).
.10-'.iii.-i; s. Il.CAi.irr,
Tieusiiier ot Cl.ickiimus Co. , Or.
St. (ieorijo, of Merry Knglilllil, dos
tioye,l the Ihery dragon, hut thu Ameri
can champion carholisulvo coinpiert St.
Anthony's lire, chilhluins, frost hit,
cuts, wkiiiiiI.i und itchilig and Irriluting
diseases. Sold hy l' (i, Catlfleld.
A ilt h e To Miitliei'M.
Miis, WiNsi.ow 's SoiniiiMt Syhcp, for
chldien teethiiu'. Is the nrcsc rintiun nl
one of the host lemulo nurses and physi
cians in the i mtcii Mutes, unit Itus Imioii
used for duty years Willi never-failing
success hy inilhoiis of inulhers for their
eliildn n Jiiiiing the process of teeth
ing ils value is incalculable. It relieves
the child fnun pain, cures dysentery and
diarihit ii, griping in the bowels, mul
w ind-colie. Ity giving health to the
child it revts tho mul her.
I'lder 11, I'-. Kitli'nger, of Cioltyshurf,
Pi miNylv-iniu, suys ho hud boon inilloring
wilh u cold und cough, ulso his wife, thut
they Inuk tu using Chninherluin's Cough
lieinedy mid received great bonelll from
it. Vol he says, "It was so pleasant
lo take." l'or culo hy U. A. llmding
Won hi You He lilclil
l'.veryone wuiiIm lu hecoino licli, ami
in order I lint you iiiuy liiitko sure prog
ress in this ihiivlinn you should not fail
to buy your groceries of A. II. Kry, tha
cash grocer, us ho has a very lino seloc
tiou of the lines! groceries ti ho found in
niaikcl. lie is hound lo plouso Ids ens
loineismid is consluntly wutching the
market (or bargains so us to buy cheap
ami hunk his goods down to his custom
ers. Cull ut Pry's Cash ( tracery House,
Oregon Cily, Oiegon.
The Itesl ltcsiilt.
All iiiin'cdicnls employed lu producing
I hunt's Suisiipurillu mo strictly pure and
m e l ho host u( I bo kind it is possible to liny,
All tho roolii mul and herbs inn curefully
selected, porsnnully exiiniinod, n ii 1 1 only
tho host retained. So thut from the time
of pitrcluiso cnlil II nod's hursuparilla is
prepared, o very thing is carefully wutchod
with n view tu attaining tlto bestrest,ul
w hy don't you try It?
market nurouT.
Wheal, I' hrta,
Outs, V I'U
Flour, Istgrudc, II t). Zinl. a,7
PutUr, 2i) toi'Oi ts.
Eggi, isclt.
Chickens, dieswtddV dns,'( M to 5
Chlcknns, spring .'O0 A C-f.'s)
Chh kMiis, ilvu, dS .00 lo VO0
PutuW, V L(W I" ''lf'
Onion, hii tloo.
Apples V hox , 12.00
Hhtins, :'! fsi
llruti, flMfiO
Hay, timothy huled. IS lo t-'o.
Hay tiiiiuthy louse, $h'i,
Clover, hsled I7 lo'
Leef, livs, ,'i!7 to 4 c.
Heef dressed, 7 to Si'.
Veal, dii'SHml, 7 e.
Hogs, live, no.
Hog, dri-Msed, (i "e,
Sheeii, H'liead, :i,?S)ml M.0'.
Wool,:'0iii:'I V'1'
I urd, couiilry hulk, 1 Ic., hiickels, it4o.
Hum, H to l.'c
Sidi. Vft, 10c.
Hholilder, V"'. "v.
All k nds vrry dull,
A Hides, sun dried, .'I ui'.d 4e.
Plums, silt, diled, '.' mid :1c,
Prune, sun diled, A und IS'.
Pears, sun diied. 0 and He.
Anples, nuiehine 'Incil, hleiieheil To
l'lunis, linn biiii' di led, li to 7e
1','ais, uiachiiic ,l-ii'., (I al.di'c.
Prunes, iiiui loi.i diied, ') and He,
Saliinlav, May 101 Ii.
Wm. McKanlass'
Direct from the East.
In a rniquo I'rograinnie of Fine
New Songs ami l)ances,
Master Willie iiml his Sister
Patti, the Two Youngest Colored
Children Is fore the jmblio.
Heserved S-ati on sale at the
Post Ollice.
Livery, Fml and SaleStal.lo
LtH'ATEb IlKTWKKN Tint BllirxiE N0
Ioublo and Single Kis, and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the ham for hxtse stock.
Information rctfurdiinr any kind ol
lock promptly uliended to hv Vernon or
'1?I8 eA?0i 8 ?l! 0 n Sold .
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In the last sixty days. Examine tho rccjnl. Wrv siplit
ly, adjoins tlio best iniprovcd part of town; also onvoim'nt
to the iiianufacturing jart. Don't fail to look at it l.efR
jmrchasinji. Tenii! very easy.
Office near Tost Office. Agents
I'm mad all over.
I.wt week I bought two lots ot
HwArroKu A (ihoi t and yesterday
they sold them nyitln and netted
mo J'.'M.Ot).
This old reliable
in stock a
HI, an il M&wt
Mmmn, etc.
Pliiniming, Gas Kiting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Us
tiimites Ftirnislied.
D, V. MAY,
VvnU'n In ioc rlf'N ii I'rodoce
C'HICA'io to:k,
Oregon City, Oregon,
"'" '" "" '"'"ll'CM Will u
I'll- ftioniiii.i n,m
(lllil te,....t L. I 1 I
...... ,-,., niorc,
'' II il"VKtr. Un,,,
Last I'asitili'iis, ((
ii:aij,i;s ix
Field, Vegciafjfe and
Flower Seeds,
:aim:n tiku.s. i i ktiu.
zki:s. ri:!;!:s, nr.
Olill u...
"' -"-"U Ollf't'l. .. illllll U
i i,j ,i,r , i orii nu, (c
lrs d .,r C.tal,
WiiliM'K tr IlcjVhtsj
0N ffLtZ Fi:Ct.1 Tht
Suspension Uridyl
A Fine Chance to Invest
Acre Property.
Inquire of
i I. I i t . !",: -. t
i ' ;' '-J;
:;;, JS. .H'CR'f ' NEVER
It I
-J , - .ii i fi.i.- oiis
i t ' ".T."C.,,,,V J1'
K. S. WAIiliKX,
x I
firm always keep
full line of