I Home Happenings. f.j.uil court convene next Monday. j0Toml nights of liwl Um Hist of fk. ' i.proieul ' the 22J lit Ar- VWeicht to-inom l si' hU Vrof. Ki(;l,f leturited ta Salem fomUy mormntf. new hiitMing i started just north Ohm W house. -Tain' your Ih ylrl to the weight so I l0.nl,trrow nitfiit. !(', M. tdleman w the city ' 1( on K-iiul luisiness. l excavatii'K U Win done (or lm A l.tm's mid Mil street. I Pure Wiandotio eg for hutching K. W. 1'oiter's. Cauciiuft. , P. Vease i tlttiiitf up nice prop erty on Tth and Jackson rttwin, Tin' I' - l oitlexi w is moved to OluriHiin Uro.' Iilixk on Friday last, Ileo Hoodoll lots moved Into M. V. VilKn!' " house ohihvIi IW. liig- i H. McMuhun, ( the Wnndhurn hii.iiiHnilini. i ci'y hist Krul it y. Mr. K. S. Warren went to Tlio l:tlU! Tlirly to he absent two week. ;',ileh IV'S l i l I his tlni' (arm ll lllill"" I'oul Snlv to I.CWisti kkI lor H. Chas Meeerve, of Tlio Mist, t. Helens. i" 'l.v Tuesday, m Imsine Trot J. V. Hnnliam ami wile, of Vortlund, were the iruesla of l'rif. Kitilsr on Sunday. Momlav murniint J. W. Maxwell at. IK. K Hayn of Tillamook county were in this city. The Clackamas lridr In to lo re plait'J within IW Java ly the I'aciilc briJ,.- company M. K. Willoi;lily is adding a new picket fence alwut tin lo'a ".d otherwint impioviiij; In property. Mr. and Mrs. 1'urtloiu made a rly iii(! visit to Albany on Saturjjy an, I re tutncil Monday morning The Clackamas county creamery oM a p irt of their inachincry tia Wash iaft.m man one day lat week -Ir. li. K. Tucker and family, who had l-oen visitiint friends in this city re turned to their home- at The Halle lust f riday. Tli cliol hoard will ail aa a hoard dI iiuliialion Thursday and Krol.iv felling of thin week at the council chamtvr - Kev J V. Mdlik'an, Kv. K. S Con. lit and Rider Tlio. IUimN 'Xtct aoon to g to Viola to or j;.vuie a pr.'ihi terian rliurvli B. I". I.ei Wii in loan Moiid.iy. U ty that for two mouth he In been clonely couUned at liomtf hy i- k nes'i in the family. Minday . very pieat.uit, ami a tm many pcmoim who are intfn lin lo(jur. Ua-w lot for home ok octMion to look over yarioua choice 'rai t. An entirely new arvortment of mu sic will la iireaented to the audience on Tuesday niht at tija Armory hall Ad-j niii-sion Jo cents ; clulilrm iu cents. Andy Kocher, of Candy, brought an ea to thi office the other day wliicli weighed just a ipiarter of a iNiund. (iiHd kind that, to buy by the? dosen, or sell bv the pound. It is expected that the dedicatory aervii csul the new l ixigreatioiuii i tiiircn will take place on June '.'Ttti and bo f"l- loae l by a series of revival meeting Further particulars next week . Iter Hylvanus from SumiDcrville, I'niuii county, will preach at the Hea rer Creek l'resb) terian ilmrch next Kiln,) ,v mnriiini unit al the I'orners ill il..-f-;nJ II.. .ill I.hlv live ut - - 1 1 Hprinnwater. A Fizzt.it. The caw id the city vs A. U.White ahicli aas MstMnfd to lu-t : Friday mas tried Is-fore Ilecurder Will iams. It was ascrrtailied during the trial that the coin plaint as not troarly drawn up, hence prcs-eedinits had to Is1 abandoneil. N'rKi!ii .UrriNo t the annual msctiinj f St. Taul's I'arish held on Faster Tuesday, tlm following iminnd Kntlemsn aere pilo ted ineuiU'rs of the Vestry for ensuing year, to-writ : (i. A. Ilirdin, U. L. Kelly, Hiclmrd (ilass Ik;, I'ercy Williams, T. K. Cow:ni. To IIeatv roB tiik I'miKiK The bridges through the country ure not nil adapted for the w of elephants, and these animals should speak well for any that carry them saftdy over Mr II. H. Curler, a son of a road suM'rvisor of Clackamas county, was in the city yesterday looking- for McMalion'i circus, lie states that two elephant and cili- iteen horses lielonKitiK to that circus, in jrrossinjr, a bridge over arreck near Ford's place in that a county, daniaKcd the tructure to the exttjiit of $16 or liiclt he exp'cts the circus man to !uy (he can be found. (JreKonian. TllAVKI.INO Col'NTCkrKITKHS. Ijlst aturday morning W. S. Kidor and H. J. CuUwcr brouht word to this olllce thut icoujilo of traveling counterfeiter were working the county with a silver dollar, liey had a few day previous visited if place of J, f. Cuteaer three miles ove Orcifon City and asked for soine ilng to eat, procuring which, a dollar M tendered and 85 cents returned in ne. Hoon after Mr. Cutescr accident b t the dollar drop and tlio sound in icated that It was counterfeit. He iin liutely followed thu two men, over in led them and made them irjve back i change. He supposed for tlio lime iii'K that the passing of the conn rfi'its dollar was a mistake, but a day ftwo later while piling IuiiiImt at the Jider and (ircgory mill he found where bey had built up the lumber to screen hem from view while the money ras coined. Koine of the metal was 'pilled and upon one of the boards was She murks of the die where it had been laid down while hot. The one who Vuil for the food was a low heavy built man of Kcolch descent. The rmirare evi dently going up the valley and working m their spurious coin in country places. Tliey can make a ttrettv fair sum each and by avoiding towns stand little Sanger of arrest, Nkw I'vHMTi'ms Smiir, Mr. Haiker lias leased tlio Wygant building Hint will at once, pu In H stock of furniture., ear-H-ts and wall paper. The Imlldlug will bo llttod up with a new front, To Mark Kxcki.siuk, Tlio Kxivlslor iMiiinmy luis wiiml tlio creamery en gine mid will iiw it ti run some of llielr machinery till they can get up bulldiiiKS with their machinery rvudy for linsiness. Ity using (hose they can supply toniHir iirily the demmid, TMK Ksl'KI,l, AMI KlNll 8OI.0M0N, The two mines by this name miv sitna titl on north Knglo Civck and are owned by iHirties In this town. The former is owned by S. U. tStvou, John (irwii V, V, Myers ami othora while the. latter is owned by Jih runloni. S, K. tlreen hud three spocimona ( nn-k from the Kstclla nsaaytM and the showy was excellent, the Hrst yielding l.'xVtW gold and silver per ton, the second I'.'IWS.St er ton, mid the third TM.m per ton The mine is so situated that a giiod Mad ran W bnilt to it lor UKH. 8, K, (iriHMl and Jis I'mlom returned from their (Hisscsnion last I'rlday . They hava a force of men busy sinking a shalt Into one and running a tunnel into the other. Osc.ui Svw Snakks, On evening last week W. U. llixsiiu, who lives two miles south of town, was amused about X ;!Ht bv a noise in his vard. t letting a lanteni he luistemsl out to investignts, and itirf. oveird a man lying at full length on the ground and apparently nearly lead, tie raised him up, hut the form aas rigid. He dually succeeded in getting him into the house, and after several hours hard work over him he revived enough to give his name and those of bis friends. Mr, lUckstui was convinced that the man bad delir ium tremens, and so stated, whldi aroused the indignation of the patient. Ir. Powell was sent fur without the man's know ledge, but Is'lore the doctor came be desired to will his prorty, so Mr. lin drew tipliis will W'tucuthiug to a sister in Seattle uUmt il.VKH), which be said was deposited In a I'orl land bank. He also cluimcd to have pnH'rty in KIuhIii Island. After the doctor got there the man had another seisin and the doctor said "Hullo, see smikes, d.i you?" but to this no answer a as vouchsafed. The man 'inally recov ered enough lo get about and iid that when he got if the train he couldn't me iinv town, so be went up the hill lo look f r a hotel. He seems to have found instead his bsts." a bad cax' of "snakes 111 Ht lght Suclitl. The young 'ople' s s iety of the I'res bvterian church will give an entertain ment at Tope's ball on (he evening ol Friday the lrtli. I'NOlltt wax, Opening antlicui,"ti'l be Meivilul" Company. 0suiiiig address K. M. Hand. Instrumental soloMrs lilUuiey Tableau "Mischief in School." Iteciatioii "An Order (or a Picture." Miss Aggie Jleattic. Song "The Cows 11 rr in the Corn H. O. Iiiskcep. Jirumutif luitifouati..n, "Ituiu'a Sa lilac"--I'rof. J. 11. Iteallie. Tableau "The .Musicians." Soloand Chorus, "Save my Mother's IV tun- from the Sale." J. 1'richard. The Hubbard Sermi u l'r.f. J. II 11, attic. Huartetle, "llattie IU-U" Company I'antouiiuiu, "The Tlint1 I jivers" Com ian. 'l'lie wclbiujj and siia'r. Vote f..r the most pojiular younn lady in the riKtm. Handsome present for the a inner. I Itrolullotis nf lteirrt. ! Tlm d'lloaiiirf preamble and rssolu- lions were passed by a risiiuj volu at j the annual iiixctiiiK o( Si I'aul's Parish j held on Kaster Monday. tViii KKits, Our lleavvlily Father lias called home the ltev. John W. Sellsrmsl, our former pastor and friend, therefore Ik. it ItiHoi.vni, That ae the member of hi lirst parish, Join Willi St. lUvid'l, his second and last parish, in paying tribute to bis memory. And to this cud w? say that be was xcalous and un tiring in all thu diitie of I'astor and 1'ricxt, and his personal relation with his fl'sk are U-sl described by saying thut "He knew bis sheep and called Iheiu sll by name," i l i i'! 1 ir, hi uwjr (irtt whose message be bore, nor the dignity of hi olllce. As friend, he was always loyal and true. As pailor, and citizen, his iiilbieuce for good in the community run not be measured in time, but will add to the brightness of bis crown in Heav en. And now we extend lo the member of St. Itavids, our deepest sympathy, lor well wo know the extent of their loss. Men may come and men may go, but lbs pastorale 0 John W. Hcllwood will maik mi epoch in their history, that Ihey will be proud to remember. To Mrs Sellwood, the faithful wifu of a faithful mini, wo say, "od bluss you." and wo assure you that you hold a warm place in the hearts of the people of Si. rani's. Uusolved Ihat a copy of the above be sent to the local pa;ter, and th i', a copy be engrossed ami given lo Mrs. Hell wood H I- Kelly, Sec. of Vestry. Letter Idst. The following is a list of letter re maining in the postolth o at Oregon City, April 17, 181K): Aldridge, Annie Culling, Jennie Mr Carr, Caroline Mrs Dodson, 10 H Mrs Dalke, Una Davis, V K Kitviiur. Marv Mr Fleming, K r?ord. Cbarlea (iiintiicr, Minn-si I lonelier, I'r K Hopkins, C W Knott, Mrs Keany, James Meitratv, John M 2 May, Narci Mr MuldrlekAOverhart Kichard, lsuk Tlioma, Jane Mr Smith, Judge J A Vermilgen, C Mrs Wanamaker, Alex fining. Win dullard, Mr Kcfol K lloruscliuch I liimther, Abel Hil'gius. K II Irving, Wn Kuhle, li Moor, Tom Misiro, r A Moore, V 8 I'tillev, Rev J W Hamliill, Ira Mr Smith, Charley Trullinger, T It 2 Welch, Charle Young, W H Welch, CIihs When called for please nay when ad vertised. J. M. Bacon, P.M. 1)1 FI). At his home near Handy on Hiinday, April 1.1, of pneumonia, H. II. Ilalch. cot it r IIH'KKT. CHIMIN Al, CASKS, sililT. Stale ol Oregon vs Chan, Motlea, l''roui last term, Suspension of sentence, 4(10.1 Htali) v, John Sam. T. A. McllrldeforXtate, J, It. Hhhkeiihrough for defendant. 1. AW. 4i (. II. M. l.oomy vs M. II, It ink In lor continuation of execution. Mc llrldo A lell (or plhintltr. 4X1) Asuigumnut of I?, V, I lamia., for report of assignee m) Olds va Wittenberg. Suit on uota (or Ml, Ntid Interest. Mcl.ain and liar ley for plaiutllV. 4 t'.H K K Jliannau vs. Maxwutl Uamshy, contiiiuod for sorvlco, John son, Mct'own A Idleinan (or plalulilf. 4.MH Joseph Tompkins va Manwell liamshy. Continued (or service, I7JI tnu, llroughlon et al va Oregon City Krult Kvaporator Mfg. Co. Hull fur settlement. W I, Nutting for plain titT. ItarinA Hayes for defendant. 4lil I Assignment of 8eth Austin fur report of H. K. Cross, assignee. 4tl" O V Uihhard vs J A Cox, On stipulation to dismiss, tl K Haves (or plaintill". FOMeCowufor defendant. 4(W0 Deo Story va I I, Clatk. Suit fr wages. Hayes for plalutitl', McCown for defutidant, 4ivM A J Imnl va A T I'ix. On stip ulation to dismiss. Cross for plalulilf Hayes foi defendant. tiWd Jno O'Hileii v Jum-ph and Kl 'eit Itarher. Suit for wages. Oittuer (orplaiu'itr, tileason for defendant. mi Myera vs Mclntlro. Suit for settloinent. I.alourclta lor plaiutilf, Hayes for defendant. 4iWt Assignment of II U McCarver V, V, Myeia asslgnea. 4HS Tlios Chariuan Son vs J W Jones, Suit (or setilniuent. Latum tit In (or plainliir im Assignment o( M l Wliillo k, T. It. Kyan assignee 4iitJ Uonaldsoti va iUpojl, suit (or damages. I.aloiirattn A l.ateurett (or plaintilf, Huel.it, Sours and l)acli (or defendant. 4i'.M Saml Krickson vs Tha tlalvii,. Suit (or damagas Johnson A Idleinan (or plalnt'lT. 4iWj Muilimoie (or damage II K vs llojl.en. null Cross (or plaintilf. Johnson A Idt. iuau lor dufeudauts, ii'AVt J S Crumhery vs O C Transport latum Co. Suit for fHl damages ; eject-! rd (rtun bil. l.alourette (or plaintiff, l I . I t il . if .1 . nriiie, I'resser imvcs lor iieienu- ants. 4l!7 K M H irtiuinvs y d Mar garet Jennings for tittauient of account. 4l'is Tin- Cliaruian A Son v l CartWiight A Son. Suit (of selll.inient ol account. II K Cms (or plaintilf, 4701 Win lllount vs J T Hoiighan. Suit (or damages Mcliilde A Duissnr for plsintitr II F Cross for defendant, 470J Slingby vs Samson. Suit for damages plaintilf Mcltride and Hrester for li F. Hayes for delemlsnl. ttiiH Theo Hnuler vs Henry Na- han. I Suit for damage fur false Imprisonment, i llurlat A Frsier for plaintiff, Cross fof jdefemlant. 4i;il M N Ponahlson vs K Donaldson I Suit (or divorce. Latourette A l.atour- jottedir plainlitf. i 4i'iOtf F.lisa It lKsla.ni 1 I- Uslson Suit for divorce. I slunrel'e 4 l.ntour- I ulte for plaintilf. 47i) Mary KudniK VS Fveretl Judd et al lorui litsiiie of mortgage l.al ourette for plaintilf, I 4?n'i lieu lemon vs Kiuiiu !! I-emoil, suit for divorce. II K Cross for daintiir. i ! 47iMI Ida Harkley vs II II I'.jrklev suit I for divorce, C I) A I) (' Latourette fur' form toi it r I'not FkiiMtiH. Morion road changed as par rexnl of viewers. It, II of exwnse, t (U) J ti I.inser road established is sr report of viewer and ordered open. 11:11 of riense fid U() 3. toruisr and tierlsT road ordered changed a sr report. Ilill nf ex? pense 2D. 4. J U liimgiin road established as er report of veweia and ordered opened, Hill of expense ;ll..'til. V He ort of surveyor on resurvey of I i ray's Mill road spproved Hill of expense, )23..V) II. I'elition of Frit lleiser et al for county road granted ; viewers J It Mor ton, Win I'hlrich, slid Charles I'llliMcr to meet at Carl Heiters April Kith, with county surveyor. 7. Petition for change In H. Ileiple, road denied. 8. I'elition of A II linker et al for county mad granted ; viewers M Moenk,' M Pendleton and (ieo Casady to meet at T P Worsham. II, Petition of Hamii"! I'.reckson for county road giautcd; viewers, Allsot Deardoir, C F .mser and C H II Chris tian, to meet April 1(1 at C Sager'. III. Potitimof Ja Willis fur county road. Nu Istld given or proof (lied. 11. Petition ol John It Albright et al for Little Clear ('reek road granted; viewers, A l.acey, E C Howell and llrani: Tuclinr, to meet April 22, at Win ('01 licit' with county surveyor. 12. Petition of J P Olsen et al for county road granted; viewers, Kd Horn sell lie h, A Micholsand J Uorbet to meet April 24, at W C Iluckman' with county surveyor. 13. Petition of Itbys (Iwyn et al for aid for Clara Camon laid over till May term for further Information. 14. Petition of of I M lloyles el al lor relief for Samuel Portor laid over till Msv term for lurtber information, l.'i. Isimu Miller appointed road kii Hrvisoi in road district No .'1(1, vice Jo seph (iraham resigned. 10. Application of avid Arthur (or aid. No action. 17. Kepalr ordered made on Oregon City and Canemah road and Joseph Hedge appointed Hiijioriiitcndunt of construction. 18. Iteport 'tf Win Knight on Joslyn bridge repair, approved, and warrant ordered drawn for 284,11. 111. Hamu a 211. 20. Petition for resurvey of a part of tnu Milwaukle and Foster county road. Petition withdrawn. 21. Application of John W. Wood ward for rebate of double assessment. No notion taken. 22. Hid for rebuilding Clackiimas bridge and replacing Hucler Creek bridge at Oswego opened, and contract let to the Pacific Ilrldge Company (or (lUCUT VMIOi saldlnldgos tn 1m completed In aldeof III) day. Uuo l'masnr pHaiilnd to snpuiiulend tlm construction itf (Juckpr Creek bridge '.'II, I'ellllon (or ooustriicllon o( ap proacli to I'uddlng river bridge referred to Commissioner Hair to ieKirt at May lerm. !!4. I'etillon (or Improvem 'lit ti( Alter uethy roud hum Mo. Hill lo Holcomh creek laid over till March lerm Application o( V V l.araeu iui re pairs o( Shipley bridge, No action, lit. No action taken relative to re pairs of Hull Knn creek bridge. 17. In tint matter ut the extension of time for the sli'iilll'lo collect taxes. No acllon, I'M, l'etilion for removal of obstruc tion In Mad district No 1 granted and the Supervisors of road districts No. 1 Had 2 tie ordered to remove ill obstructions where public, travel Is obstructed, as provided by law. '.It, Order of adjournment lo-dny. 30. Allowance for care of Mrs, Flem ing", panpm, discontinued. ill. Application of It A Ihs'son fur al lowance ( ;'U.1 Indebtedness rejected, 3.V Application of Joseph Jackson for rebate of tax rejected lid. Ordered Hat the clerk draw no further warrants In favor of Jos. Flem ing, a pauper. 1(4 Petition (or the Improvement ol Milwaukle andOiego.i City rosd consid ered, and ordered that I tit county will pay UK) provided that the cllUens raise the sum of (.IN), ;l.V Ferry license granted W A Croaa to oisirate ferry across Clackamas river at K It ciosslug. Itsles established : ho, or sheep:",, cents per head ; horses, cattle, mules in asses r." cents: saddle animals iM cents; four wheeled vehicles 01,0 Intistt '.' cent i lour wheel I, t wo horse, 115 cents; round trip !W cent IUI I K AI.I 'IWKII, Saiiison, W W II, sheriir 7"M M Smith llto A Co, luuiber itt 37 O C F.lcctilo I, Co, light Kislry, J F, road supplies tico Slaughler, road sis-rvsor. , DC (irauge A, paupur expense J M llai'on A Sun, slat lonet)' Oregonlaa, prluUng S l Calilf, stale tax rip US lltamliall. lumber 00 n 10 14 (s) H rV 8 ll't IK tr 4 7J 1't :UI .4 S Dresser, altoruiiv a fee li J Trnllingt r, biuiltur . OCSashA l- r Co. lumbwr i pops A Co, mipplles T M Millar, I) C Inldgu uxp Honevmaii, IS ll.ul A . , . Co, 1 iirnige riiHne 41 41 T II M Itak r, p.ioper esns Wallace, p4U-i ep, i) not all'd. F. M Waite, blanks ... J l Wetter, bmp-or CU11 Itiui " II N.ii hand, Ch,, kauiss mad esp It I) Wllsoll, Sllppll, S II V l.lnil, bimhnr , Wiuesct , ciiplu'tt, pair eolilu , Ill US 41 .'Hi ft W i, .Ml i) IM A W Mill, bridge exp .Miller llros, lumber 7 Hi) XI M i:a Mi o ,'s) H is) a f) 10 00 27 01 I'.'i ts) ! '. i U'lias MiM-hnke, bridge eiis'iite j Wilhurn, bridge exsiise I y M.(V, pausr cxs-nse ! C U Vimdetohe, m,c9, ,.. ! stale o( Or vs J K Woilhlngimi , Tiik Kstkni-ki. pilnling ... - Mall ism, bridge expet e . 1 ir (lon. her ' - j,,,., j., .vi sit. T Y. K. OCCl CITIoX. Wilulil. Silas M0UII.1. farmer Welch, lieo lllKl,lsnd " Krsmiiie, tiu I'lenn.inl Hill ' l.ttliit, Itcubeti Milauuklii " Itisley, J S l.ark.lieo I ireon City e'itati-t Schulpiiis, Max lliividson, I. M Plciitiit Hill Osaego fat iner i Coleman. S I) Cases,. m 11 I llowhttl, V J F.igle Creek " ! IViuglass, S A " ' illrady, A A J I'liion IIuIk-in k, C C Oregon City I.inn, II F I'ngle, C Manpiiiiiis firmer , I iraham, J K. Heaver Creek " j Thomas, JW Ppiier Molalla denlisl May, V H I leaver Creek fauiur F.lliolt, F. P Oregon City laborer Kncliein, Jos H.irdiiigs fsimer Miller, "I Canity tiurlcy, S A ) Canity teacher Smith, JrhnC (luoigit farmer Connor, W It Oilman Clly merchant Scrumbllu, It C Lower Molalla farmer Herring, It C F.agle Cteek " Hates, F I. ' " Jack, P.arloii " lleinitcriillr C'n vt-ut Inn. The Clackiimas county dcuus'ialic con- mention made nominations to-dav as f,,l- lows: Slute senator, W. II. Vaughn; representatives, Chas. Tisile, W. W. Jesse, II. Mcliugin; clerk, John lieve nue; eoimty Judge, II. Straight ; record er, J. J. Cistke; sheriff, Win, Currin; treasurer, Isaac Ackerinan ; assessor, Jas. Hickey; surveyor, Jos. Matthews; commissioner, Jacob Itisley; coroner, W. F.. Carll; delegates lo state conven tion: W. II Vaughn, W. C. tlanong, J. It. lirihble, C. U. Ijitonrelle, W. L. White, Jas. Pickcy, .Inn, Slikcr, K. I). Kelly, A Mound Legal Opinion. K. Hiiiuliridge M inula v Fsip. County Atty., Clav Co. Tex , sav : "Have used Klectric Hitlers with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Ma larial l'uver and Jaundice, but was cured bv ti in i-l y use of this medicine. Am sat isfied Klectric Hitters saved his life." Mr. It. I. Wilcoxsou of Horse Cave, Ky. adds a like icHtiuiouy saying: He posi tively believes be would have died had it not been for P.lcctrin Hitters. This great remedy will ward oil as well as cur all Malarial Hiseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorder stands utieipialled. Price fill cents and tl at (I. A. Harding's Drug Store, Fpoch. The transition from long, lingerl 11 and painlul sickness to robust health mark an epoch In tlio life of the hull' vidiial, Much a reinaikahlo event I treasmed in the memory, and the agen cy whereby the good health has been at tained i gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much Is heard In praise of Kleit trie Hitters. Ho many (eel they owe their maturation to health lo the use of the Oreat, Alterative and Tonic, f yiui aro troubled with any disease of the Kid neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short sliimling, you will surely Hud relief by use ol F.lo.tlrlo Hitters, Sold at otic and tl pur lollln aid, A, Hauling' drug stoic. Why ilou't you lusiuo In the Columbia 1'ire anil Aliiruieliisurmice I o f tf T, 1.. Ciiahman, A Unlit T IT 18 TIM 10 rtiK Spring hunting AM) E.G.Cauficld&CG's is Till': i'lacii: TO IIUV YOUIt TAINTS. A H I, I, MTiM'K I.CIli, ltoill'il Ullil ItllW Oil, Turicnliins Colors uinl HrushcH, AOKNTH for tho Shnrwiu WillinttiH ami Cnry Og den Mixed 1'aiiiln.' A KI'KCIAIrV l'ure (IimhIm ' rriccH. iniulo stlf ami Low o 11 j' tm Oregon City. Orison City is ycnrly coining nearer to Portland 11 ml more nml morn a portion of it, ho fur mu tual interest, are eunet'riii'il. 1W HOHsiiig tlicllncnt ami moid extensive water jatwer mi tlm Pacific coaet, ly itiff within fifteen miles of the Krcnt est rail ami river traiiHHrtation center in tlm entire west, which is iiIho a ilccji water Hliiijiing Hirt, iiiciiiying a Jsislliun wlmro raw imitnrialrt fnnii all direc lions inn lm tuost clienjily uniitn'ii tratcil iip ninniifiictiireil iroltit'tn tha most easily distributed, It hs osse reiniirknlilo lulvHittiigc as a iniiuufncturing city, wltic-li Ipive liis-n widely roonnniictj Hinl urulf,'' Irp? extensively lliijirovcd. Tlio gn nt mills now Imilding there, with U) ik tlinge alrtjady at wurk, will givoein " j filnymeiit to nie thnttsand niie, pi ''W n"'1'' W'H H,"" reeled. ,() l'mbiibly tlio greatest new factor in jit growth this year will la the fa cilities for rapid transit Is-tweeii (hut city and I'mllum! now Is-iug provided. An elegant steamer i now uiper ctinslnu ti'in, and a sirit ni ciiiiiiotni Units will make trips every two hours. Motor line are under construction both tlm " lK joast and wwet Hide uf tlio Willam 1.1 "lie, and In a few imuitliH fncilltie w ill be such that one can puss Ito twecti Portland and Oregon City at any hour of the day w ith the great est celerity. A ;rent innnufactur itg oily is ijrin!iig uj) tlicru that will he an Important factor in the future growth of Portland. West ' Shore. ! New To day, j To Whom II "ay (mircra. j I have resumed business at my olllce j in Oregon City . F O Medina. j A action. J. A. SlruW bridge will sell his stock, farm Implements, tools and household luriiilum al am tlo 1,011 ins larm near Logan. I No llogqs Mock, F.very one know that there are sever al grade of almost all classes of goods, and that il is very easy or merchant if he so di"Hiscd to shove off ail Inferior grade. Patties who desire to secure just what the -otsls are represented to lo be should trade t IliO C&th CrO COry Store, "here the proprietor pride himself on the quality of his i giNxis and sells tlieiu for what tbev are. Try it and you will 1st convinced that you are ge.liug your money' worth. The Is'st place to buy your groeeriea is w here yuu can get Ilia best and tresh- est goods, and the most for your money. It is also iuiHirtaiit that you deal with a men hunt whom you know lo lie sipiare in all bis dealing. Just such a place will you and at A . II. Fry, cash gns-ery house. Mr. Fry prides himself on hi clean, pure and neat atock and take pleasure In showing hi customers a hat he has. It aill pay you lo call lo duy and see him To Tat Payers of H hoot IMst. No. tii. Notice is herebv lven Unit the bosril of directers of scIukiI ilistricl No. iVi w ill set as t iMtunl of ciiunlixullon on Tlnirs ihiy nml Filihty evenings, April 17 sml 18. from 7: 110 o'cUk nt the Council Chsiulier, Any who wishes to show cuiiso for chiinite in assessment should iiHur nt that time. V. 1. Win man a, I'res. Itonnl of nirectors Ity II. I.. Kelly, Clerk. Karmkhs Hkk IIkkk, We want '.'0 teres of cnciiinliers for this years cntiiiillf Cull and see us. TiikO C. I'ackinu Comi-anv, Ji sr ItKi'KiVKiil A fresh lot of Cub- bune. Celery, Cuulillower, Orunnes U'iiiiiiis anil Uultcr. Also some Kxccl- leiit llerriiin, M11ckerel1r.1l 1'ln Feet at the OiTgnti City Miirket, Now thut hrluliter days huvo returned I enn nive von a line ciihiuet. Also gmtil views uf the falls, It. 1'iiikk . HiiTTKa, fresh a id iioiul; eniis newly I11I1I, nml veireUliles, at (Iscsr h. A Krevtiiir's, corner of .Main anil Will. All (jooils tleliveruij. (Iiiiih aiul revolvers repiiireil by Frank Nehlon. at V. W. l'orter's shoe. All work warranted tolvo siillsfuctlon. Tiik 1'i.ack to Itirv. Hinh and dry close to proposed motor lino, near cannery and saw mill, Clackamas HcIkIiIh Is the Ideal home. Lots (110 and f 70; $10 down; balance weekly payments of one dollar each, l'rlces w ill advance May first. On Huniluy ovenhiK next Hie liiuht Hevereml Ilishnp Morris will luliiiluis lor tho rite of Confirmation and preacl at St. Paul '1 church. r 1 mm ... uentsmrnishmgGoods. Gents On Vetln(s(Ijiy next I will open at Fouls & t'hannan s new Wwk, with a full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS which will he to jour interest to nee, J shall have ami will keep all the stsindanlst)iesa,n(l nohhiest novelties in my line. Call and see ";.' J. W. OXONNELL WE WANT and Examine Our Stock of Brownsville Woolon Goods in Suits, Underware of all descriptions and sizes, Silk Handkerchiefs, Notions, Etc. We also carry a full line of staplo and fancy , grocories. It will pay you well to call on us before buying. CHEMSEIV BROS, WOBLETT. 1.1 very, Feed and SaluKtahln ORECONCITY. UicAiKo nrrwKKN tiik mtiixiit nu UKI-iiT lhiulilu and Single 'Itigs, and sml die horsiH always on hand at the lowfHt irici', A onrrall connerled with the burn fur loomi Ktrn k, liifuriiialfoii rt'KsrdiiiK auv kind ol slrs k romity attended lo by .eron 0 letter, horsca Dought and Sold. HARDWARE AND ANTI-RUST TINWARE. I now have Full Line of Hardware and Stoves. Sole Agent for SuK'rior Stove and Kaup-s. The Oliver Chilled Plow nt l an in We have connected with the house a First Class Plumber and Tinner, and work in this line will be a Promptly dime and as t'henjt a any tumid desire. R. D. Wilson. OpiHisite Post Olllce. OTJIi NEW Spring and Summer STOCK. This stock selected with Ssrial reference to the trade nfthis IikuiI ity ill probably supply, nil who sec it Ity tho extensive variety it nircrs in every line of psuls w hich wo curry, Not Icssast.uiiwhint; than tlm K'khI will ho the Astonishing Prices jitil mi them. We will iiiite only a few: than! I'tiblcaolied Muslin, ."ti inche wide, '.'0 yard fur !. Pleached Muslin, a uood fuinily cut tun, 11 vda for II. Turkey Red Damask, t0 inch, guaranteed fast colors, 'J.'t ita ht yd. I nbleacheil I.iueii Pamask, inch, jm r yd 25 cts. White nr Colored Marbled Table Oil Cloth, 25 eU tier yd. Caris-t Warp, all shnd .mud hunches, $1.25. 4 ltuttnll, Scolloted-toi kid tiloves, Klitched hack, iter pair, ntV. I.a.lic' Plack SilkMits 15ctsiier pair. Misses Host full finished per pair, 15,Ki. Mens' Knit t'nderhirU and Drawers, 25 cts each. Mens' Siisr Stout Socks, scani w, 12 pair for $1.00. Mens' Wool Hats, 25 cts. Childrens' School StiiU, $.50, Mens' SUIT Hats, a pood uuality, $1.50. Mens' It. Calf Seamless Shoes, Onn);rpHH, llutton or Halls, $1,i5 Mciih CanvasH, halls, 1.1 ota. Ladies' Kid Foxed lwilinoral, $1.00. Ladica' rchhleOoatShoi'S, $1.2; I.ndtcH' Calf Shoes, $1.25. I.udicM' Kid Ojntra SliptcrM, lined, HandHouio Dress (iingliuniH, 12 yards for $ .00. iioiul Cheviot, 12 yanlH lortf.itnt. Doincntio CrinnluunH, 15 yards for $1.(X), Heavy Mile, or ltrown DeniiiH, 8 yardn for $1.(H). j 27 inch Kentiioky Jeans, 15 els jht yard. Ih'tiiich, allshadcH mid black Hen rietta, 25 eta per yard. Honey 01 11 nli lh-d Spreads 75ct each, Pins 10 papers for 25 cts. Hrooks thread 10sm)oIs for 25 cts. (Iitrter elastic, all colors 5cts per yard. Wliito (loodi), Nansonk pi aids 12 yds for$l. Canton Flannel unbleached, a fair quality 11 yds for$l. Jndino Prints, fast colors, I I vds for 1 .IK). Do you want a real ni'iiuim1 bar gain? You can get it.' Our new stuck is immense. Our goods nro lit. 1 in quality and style! Our Prices aro lower than the lowest, Coino and sen our stock. Post yourselves on prices. I SELLING. E. S. WAUUEN, Also carties Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc., Which he VERY LOW PRICES, Kither CASH INSTALLMENT PL A X. ',M' n 11 n t do ImiUct than to ?all ami examine Jy CLOCKS, JKWKLIIY. SrKCTACLK.S, SILVKUWAHi: WATCH KS, KTC. All repairing, dune ml warranted. (coi-VHioHTan j Mrs. C. H. L. a Toilu' Liuhes aiuHiontlemen of ()ivon (1itv. LADIES, MISSES AND GENTS We hava just received the NEATEST, NATTIEST MOST "CHICK" Line of Shoes that ever was shown, in Oregon City. COME AND SEE US and be convinced, 3E2. JT. MoKITTRICK, OREGON CITY SHOE STORE. Oregon City, Or. Stoves! Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. POPE & GREAT HOSE SALE I THIS WEEK, ONLY! We lift vo tho only really .vnluablo Ladies' Hose in the Market. We want you to THY A PAIR.' COME THIS WEEK! CHARMAN & SON. Furnishing Goods. Fueli's old slnnd, near a full line of offer at or on the (lorviiiuiiTKit J BURMEISTER. Stoves! Heaters For parlors, ctiiiina orsitlini: room and ollice use we have the tines! assortment ever drought to the city which u oiler al lied rock prices. You will lose monev if vim don't see ns belore tuiying. Cook. We can just suit you in cook stoves and unices, hocause we luio llieverv best made in style and llnit-li to suit pur cliasern. We carry tlio limsl line in the city and can suit our customers every time. CO. Jty 1 r '