The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, April 17, 1890, Image 1

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Strictly in advance.
Two Dollar per your One Dollar for
six rnontbM ; Fifty Cent for 1 1. rve
month. Single copied Five 'c iilx.
0KKC10N CITY, ORKOON, THURSDAY, A lit I L 17, 18'J(.
i Kl- mml fcnomhoU .I'l'IlP ittun.
An. -41 i''h lf "! Uix'rtl.m. ami ,,1
(. irluoh tot (art tuiiii.'mittil lu.frtloti. tMtt hir-
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iuvry Tlmr.l 'i !' " !"
m ih OvM lli lUil. Mint irl
(lulx1" ( th' ol,rr muii.l.
j UcJor l J J N. l.
,'tllttuiiiuft I.Otlitf, . I, A. K. & A. M,
H.'t.U Ha wmiUr eiimimuitt'aOiuia an 6rat
d ikiid Samr.Uv. nl wick m.mOi i 1 Ji r M :
irtlliwu UiiH.Ilali.t l.l rr IUMU'.ltumllvj i
I. AOKKKMAN. SHH'iury . .
al lKiairUia nu,i'ii-"'f
Mid Aierv ariMliil H'l
(. nrlh FrUl i"
i... ..1.1.1 Vil..i tmil.luif Mi ..j."iniiim
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fli:rUONORKuXl!oS.VL lH Ki H.-Kv
) , , .,n, ,v si. n.-.l ui.r m .iuni r
1,. P,,.r IIMIHI .lll..l v.liun al
It i fnj.r uiOim "I V.m IV.. ..
fja-li-ir of Chri.lian fcu.l.r r.rrv 1 in H)
Ititmut at xiprampl.
flltsi HM'lwr l III Ki ll -Ukv J t l:r.i
J,"',lal Ub, k.iuni irnlr. ). h.-aiH
r.,fr iuiiii ..niiiK Jil mUli
'uV.u.iu M..uu v,li)- ...iui.j
prav.iii l'i "rl' l " A
coruial n.viiatl..u M all
r JOHN S l UI UCll l'.VHI"UV - l P..:..r. Oil S i" I iu" ' ";
I jiuliy In nil iiu.iiOi i ;.!" k
I ktucliclliiu al -W P. K- I
ItT PAIL4I1. K fill K.-H -K J i ('". Krrtor. -f v Lh mrry .ii'.Hy al 1 1 '
tuJ l u il.K-k ami lliura.K) aim
1 .1
I'. il a
', t'hall. l ai.'-linll n.-rilre IhIutiiIi'
. 1I al t uuu nik.
.. . r jr i iM-rni' U. i III lu ll-l:i
r.i.. .I...III
.lraiiT curiluil) iultcJ.
T1KST I'KKM.AkHIVN I'ltl UI ii iui-
ml 1
. . u.i.L.ih Si-Ihm'I at In a
Y'.uiiff I
:.:.i,i.ura,rri,.ii"i:'' .v.;
..... j I .vrli IK al na.lliwia) j
Cl.lllUI lr" llirv.....
Professional Cards.
i. r ;-oi!.i r- '''
All io t'iii'- l tn'" ":'",r'
.jkEao.s ctrY
.MAIM HTHKfT, OHKl rITY, liKKHiiM. ul TH-. 1-0 ' "."'' F."r''
flnM Kuril in. ' iru- Hl n"'-'l
l.iw llii-lncu.
OreKon, City. Oroaon.
OiliM up at ilrt IM if Court lln'l-
Attorney at Law.
Oregon City, Onoti.
Land Business a Specialty.
""Jl '-
T. A. McIIKIUH. A. lillKMEIl.
Attorneys at Law.
Oflke in I'.lotk, Ori'iKin City, Or.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Oll'ne nraflv oimmiIii Court U"ti!.
Work rromplly Allcinlcd io
Physician and Surgeon.
(Jinca at Cliarioan & Vh Itrng Klori
A. T'.WKK. W. B. Zl'MlVAl.T.
All Kind of Buililiinjs.
S;.:"HShiShop Carpenter's Work
-7 UU rr.i.r 1 im, liinr..l-ii-'t.i. m
Notick In loinliy given, Mint tint (Inn
, oil Irs. Ilirkimin .V Rulier Ik. I'liyHieinti
ami l)rngiit, at Clurkiunim, Oreuon, n
Imreliv iliNrtulvD'l by iiiutilul eieiHetit.
Ur. HdImt'Ih retirln. " Tim hunineiH
-willtm conlininl hy Dr. Ilii km in, who
will pay all iluhta Hjfultmt iiinl colluel nil
IjillHilnetliiitn. . J. II. IIii'KiiAM
. ' . W. t,. ltOIIKIIKM.
0. E, A. Freytag,
A Full Assort mnit .
Pi'.hliH'o if nil kiml., of tin1 vorv
Ix sl, I ti:lit hihI ijold. .
Duttcr nnd Eccs WnntotJ.
jfDAII li iIo1ivihh ttvv.
our.uoN i'U'Y,
why mm
Vnil ar Inlfiiiitliiii In I'lirflim
suy wrow,
J. H. WAY,
Tm l ive l'lVNOan.l OKiiAN iun will
ai'II Mill T Itmlruiwnt
ll 4 Ki ll Illl4i..
I llll ll.
m:u a imoih.
. II. 4 II
r.i: i n.
A I ln-a at Oroion City, Oro.
il.'jiion: W'ihi.1 Turning,
I ii,., llrm ki ln, r
Will ! Suili-I I'V I ullnik' o'l Mi.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
JTiii. tin' Coiii;ri't;iiti"iiul ('litm-li.
Spring ami Summer,
We arc Showing this
week the Latest Novel
ties in Satines, Dress
Goods and White Goods,
also in Embroideries.
Mayer & Ackcrman, Props
WaI.MNII A jAHIHl fl, IVotlH. ,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Crape Vinc3, Small
Fruits, Etc.
Nitrxery four inilea helow Ori'ijiiii City,
011 III"! OlOM'L"! rniiil.
Caliilotfiiea imiileil flee on uiiliriition,
All'llflH till IH'llTM lo
Okwtorit, Or'K
W. A. Will I K.
WHITE BROTHERS, Ji chit eel 5' lStdUera
Will tirniinra I'Iiiii", elnvatlmia, worklni
tnlla, aikI ieiilti"lli.i.a lrll Mmta nt ImlM-
...... liiriilaVii'il on nlil'lli'atliill
Hlii-i'lal ntle'lll' ll II'
IVKU I" lll."l.'l'l '
e.ii .Mr,... Will i K HltOH
Orrxmi City, Oku
mo iir ui
A lliiralii.
Koraule, at fill per Here, Kid aerea o(
tiiiilmr l.iiul ; ulmnt 25 aeri'H bmIi timlmr,
4'a milea (roin It. K. aUtlon, 2 nillea
from hhw mill on Hock Creek ; splendid
Liml ninl; level; teniiH eaay.
Ak MoCown A buN.
Paid up Capital 8S0.000.
. . .., -
rHKMtiKNT.,,'. ..nioMAs n mi man.
I'AKiitKH ( HAS. ll.l'.U'UKI.H.
Ipiiulm riiMtvfil mitijroi tn lli'i'h.
Apiirovpil lilIU nihl iinhi illx-iMtittv!,
rmimy ntiil oily wmfiiu IxhihUi.
Ijiiih iiimU nn vIUIil ni'inirlly.
l utltnlnitN miW titntiiiily b
I ira II nlil on 1'ii-TliMil. Krmiol.rii ,1'lilcii
an, New York, mul nil rtiit'll I'llli'i ul Ku
liiliftiiilili' t'hHH tnlil im I'm luliit, Man
KMiii'lat'ii, l'hli'.i hihI Y"tk.
Interest Pali! od time deposit as follows ;
rr Ihio ninuilu, 4 v,r p,"i V' oiiuui,
Fr nionOia. i ir i i'in, n i auiiiitii
For II ini'iuln. i twr rvm. i rr aniium.
itiiiht, Itul Inline! (urli'livil U ilrawii kvturf
nil n( (vrut ul UKwi'.
Tonsorial larIois.
. ... . x
Sharp Razor t'louu Tivtls
I.nilu'tt' mul i lii'.Jrfiiri' Iminutting
Ilol or colit luitliH ut ntiy liino.
25cts. BATHS 25cts.
Opposite the Post Office.
II villi ttni ill iiim'iI ul lUrni'aa, Si Mir,
Hri.lli', iir Uiiita, x tin rmiauvn moiify
iv l ulling mi uio. Kinf Huiiiiv llurimmi
h Mint Stm'k y4il lli ill ilo lo orilrr.
Wln'iluT j. ui In liny or nut wl vn
in tout ii t all nn in'.
tin: front
Harness Shop.
Alan Aiiiil lir llin (YU'liiatitl
Geo. S. McCord's Mill
oil Mt. l'li iiauiit '1 lliili'k mritll of
Orfjnii t'ily.
Republican County Convention.
Precints Well Reprosontml
lliirnioiiloiia Pr rrdliifa ami linud
iiol SMtlafurturr Tlrki l Nuiiilnulrd.
At lu .'W Cliiiirtiiiui I.. T. Hiirin
Cilllril tilt1 CollVflltioli to nnltT Hlul
liricllv coiiiirU'li'il ciiri", ili lilMTiitiiiii,
1 1 ii n i ii i iy nii'I i"iliitn in all ri-
L. M. Kuii'ls iiiovt il that C. K.
Clark , of Cliii kiiiniiH, krt iih trinio-
rary cliiiiruiati of thf rruivi'iitioii.
Tin- iiiotinii wiih iil ipt'l tiiliuii-
tnoiHly, nml Mr." Cl;rk wm duly
ilit'lari'il clii'tiit chairinnii. lit'
Lrii lly tliuiiki'd tin-convi iition for
tin- honor coiifi'rrt'il, aft r wiiirh K.
M. UuihIh ninl 11. K. I'roHH wt rt
clpctuil ti'inMirury rHrMiirii'H.
Mr. I'liijiict inovcil that a ooin-
niitti'e on i-ri'tli'iitinlrt of five inciii
Uth hf n 1 1 j h ii 1 1 ttn 1 by tin' clmir. The
motion rt'vailiil, ami tint chairman
nnmi'il tin' following I'oiniiiitti'c:
IVUt't, Dr. K. V. Dcilinan, I'.
T. DaviH, Lymiin llrrritk ami Dr.
J. CllHtl).
It wiih iimvi'il that a committor of
five iih'IiiImtb Ik; appointed on IVr
mani'iit Orgniii.atioii and Order of
liilHilieHH. The eiiinlnitteo wilR
nomi'd iih followH: (!. 0. T. Wil
liiuiiH, A. H. Muniiiiiii, A. Mather,
K.Heott, J. N. Harrington,
At 1 1 1 i :4 Kiint the eonveiition in
dulled in eotiHiderulile good natiired
excitement over nevcral inotiotiH to
adjourn, and finally voted to ad
journ to meet iiK'nin at 12:i!l.
The convention bring called tour
lertht'i'hiiirmanol'lhe coin mittue on
credentialH announced (hut tlieuom-
tnitteo wiih ready to report, anil the
aecretury was iiiHtrncled to read the
rciirt, which wiih an follows:
OkkoonCity, April 10, lH'.K),
To tho Cliuirniiin and DelegiilcH of
the ClaekamiiH (Joitnly Itepuhli
can (!oiivention:
Your Committee on Credcntiiiln
find that the following named per-
noun have lieen elected as delegates
to the ropuhliean county convert'
tion, and are entitled to schIm there
I 11 1 ' 1 A 1
in. Kespoctiuiiy suiiiniiieii.
Pktkii I'acjI'KT, Ch'n.
I)AVKK Oiikhk. ('linn. Mut'iikc, Mllo (lard,
F,i. W, IIoi'iihi'IiiiuIi, l'rinik JiixKur,
Iahkmaii. 1 lull ry HleaeiiH, J. O. Wllhurell,
reAiu ..--J.tjt', limine, if, ii. iikw, ll, j
ii.,i.,a,,i,ii,v,..-r . , I
ANVllH C'MRKK. III. ll.ituiry,
'i.AiKAAk.- f, I', t'liuk, J. II, lllik 'mii, i
K. t', liiilm.iiii ATMtillii'r,
I'lNitv, I.. 1 1. Hlnu'ik, W in. KhIhIiI, l. '.
Ilnwiinl, Amly Kiirlirir.
I'lltNIIVVll.l . -
HM i , lllllll'. W.llallll, V. lll'llll'l', i. B.
Mmdiii, K, II. HiinHmnll.
Kllll k llUIHN. I, tllllililll, II, tilllailll,
ilmuniK. - II, pkiilarn.
tlAkrim ii,- Jnliii Try, AIImtI Jm .
H iHiiisi ,- V, tliila r, . I.' rniU raiin, K U.
Tmni. . ,
llliiiu.iNii, ,1, N, lliirrlniiliin, K I llnnlli
lull, lli'ur.v JcM't-ll.
lmtN Mm ili i. J, It, Ni'I-iiii, H. Murk..
Mmi Aiia, A. II, Mnniu.iiii. K. M. lUrt
iiitin, lli'ti, IHitihuy, Jiilm n I i K .
Mll.wil'KIK, . II, Hintt, II. ll.iUlf.V. I'. T.
I'flvln, J It, lln.k, It. H, Mi'Lnutthliii.
Mll.k ('mom, ll,J. Trillitifvr, It. tiuuclirr,
SkKHV.-C, i. Iluyiiliiii, WlllUiu Tliiiiul.
ami, I. nl, llurl.-u, .1. ll. Ilillrr,
OawMi ti, W, I'hi'wr, K. V. rrielilmi.
Kmnk Kuril, K, II. CmttT, P. Jtrlw h.
IlKK'HlK i'llY.J. T. AiiwrKMi, V. II.
Smilli, J, I., Julhia l.nnu, K.
M liiimK J. ll, I', (,'. . T. WillUnia,
I.. T. lUiin, T. A. I'm, IVIer I'miiirt, It.
K.CniM.T. A. t Mil lr, M. A, HtmttiMi, T.
V, fntl.
Niw I'm. MmliliHk, J. I Vln, Hntkl
1'irimnr lliu.,- It. V, Oliini, J, , Mrl'im-
m il, Willlmit
SfkiHuk um. M .1 (-iiiyili'r.Wllllani Kait-
Hun .Hi'iil....- f.i'll ( nri.f . M. IW))lr
Win. Aii'ti-n.
Hi;v;k, A A litr, llrrrlik.
I'l Ai.iTiit . V M. KniM', II. 1111. t Kul
t irn Mul.iti i. H. Uamiliy, A. N.
Miaalr, t'lm. Hiilll'tMI.
i Hiek -Jmuli Mili'Y, T. W, JllK liii-y.
Vein - William MuIIikhi, l. N, TnilllnK
tr, U, I', lln Imriliiiii.
The report wax adnpted.
J. T. Appermin moved that miy
reitihlii';iiiM preaeitt from Canyon
Creek or Cherryville ir"eincln lie
invited to partieipatn in the delih-
erutiniiH of the convention.
The motion prevailed.
The commitli'e on permanent or
(iinitatioii and order of litiMitenn re
jmrled ax fiillotta:
We, your cotiiinittie ifti jHTtiia.
netit of(jiiiiiAiition and order f lniri
nean, W leave to r-Hrt, and rec
ommend the temporary oll'icerx
bo divlarfd the permanent ollieera
of the iMiiveiition. We reiMintiiend
the following nrder of liunineiix:
I. Nomination of t'lttididiile for
st nte "I'lKit'ir.
'2. Three candidutii for repre
seiit.itives in ntate lenislature.
3. Nine delegate to atale conven
ti"ii. . Oneeounty judge.
. ( )ne county clerk.
Ii. dui' aheritr.
7. (Ino county eoiiiuiirisioiier.
S, One recorder of conveyance",
H. One treasurer.
10. One nHscKsor,
11. One nchiMil HUH-riuteiident.
1'2. hie aiirvcyor.
()ne coroner.
We almi recotiitneiid that all rea-
oliitiotiH iutriMlii I Im- referred to a
cotuiiiittee of five.
15. Select ion of till lulierN of couii-
tv central eoiiimittee hy precincla.
C. O. T. Wii.mamu, Ch'n.
The rejMirt w
in 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 i 1 1 1 n i h 1 v
J..K. MiCoiinell moved that a
cotnniitlwi i if five lie npMiiuted on
The motion prevailed, and the
chair apHiinted J. T. Apperunn, K.
K. Kruse,.!. II. Hickman, J. K. Me-
Connell and as iiiemhera
of that committee.
L T. Harin moved that voting he
hy hallot, and that it require a ma
jority of all voteH cast to nominate,
with the exception that when there
is hut olio candidate named the
chairman may take the vote hy ac
clamation. The motion prevailed.
The chair appointed as tellers Eli
MaddiK'k, A. Mather and Frank
The ehnir announced that nomi
nations for ntiite senator were in or
der. II. K. Crn.iH nominated E, I..
End ham. There heing no othor
nomination, E. I.. Easthaui was
elected candidate for statu senator
hy unanimous acclamation.
Mr. Easthiini was culled for, am
thanked the convention for thehou
or conferred. I Io then spoke briefly
of the real issues that were of per
sonal interest to the voters of this
Nominations for three represent
atives licing in order, the following
were, named: Joel I'. (leer, of
Pleasant Hill; Peter Paipiet, of Or
egon City; E. M. Ilartnian, of Mar
(plums; J. M. Tracy, of Huntings
Heiihen Wright, of Union Mills; (1
W. Prosper, of Oswego; H. A, D
Hurley, of Canby, and II, Ilnnm, o;
Mr. (Itiiley and Mr. Hruns but
declined the honor of a nomination
and retpiested the convention not
to vote for them
Tho vote heing taken resulted as
follows: Tracy 74, Puquet 02, Ilart
mini -111, rrokHerll'JI, leer 2, Wright
K" Hi-attering 7.
. "
. MwriKrn, Tracy, I'uijuet nnd Hart-
nian having received nmre than n
majority of the votes cast, were tie
4dared the nominees for represent a
dive. Nominal ion for nine delcgat to
tlu state convent ion were next in or
4er, nnd 21 persons were placed in
nuni nation. Twenty two others
ww voted for by the convention,
iiVing list of -IU to tally for, T.
A- Mcltride declared his inability to
tjerve. M delegate, and requested
Uie rou vrut inn not to vote for him.
The vwUi being taken resulted as
Pdlow: K. M. Uands5H, Eli MmP
dock 63, 1.. T. Httrii.,r.l,J.C. Hrad
lev.'tO, C. V. Olurk 4, E. 1. East
ham UK M. J. Uroderlck 3., II. Kt
Cmhs IIS, A. fl. Murqumn 3H, H.
St-ott 37, Charb Holinan 33, J,
T. Apperson 23, F. M. Krttse 2H. J.
(1. Pillshiiry 21, J. N. Harrington
22, Peter Paiuct 18, Joel P. (leer 17,
It, V. Short 15, Win. Mattoon 14, 1..
II. Calkins 12, John Kruse 12, (l.J.
Tullinger 11, J.O. Witherelll2..
Twenty twootlu r were voteilfor,
receiving from H down to one vote.
On motion, t he nine receiving the
highest numls r of votes wci duly
elected delegates to 1 10 state con
vention. These wero the first nine
named in nlsive list.
John W. Meldrum and J.U. Pills
hurv were nominated for county
judge, The vote resulted, Meldrum
uN, Pillshiiry 24, scattering 1. J.
W. Meldrum was made the unani
mous, choice of tin1 convention.
II. II. Johnson was nominate!
for county clerk by acclamation.
W. W. II. Samson was the only
candidate named for sheriff, and his
nomination was unanimous by ac
clamation. For coiiiinisHiiiticr. C. Hair, of
Seedy, S. H. Carter, of Oswego, D.
N. Triilliuger, of Viola, F. M. (
Imrne, of Damascus, (ieorgs Han
dall, of New Era, and ('has. Hoi
man, of Meadow ISrook were nomi
nated. Mr. Holuiatt stated that he
was not a candidate under any cir
cumstances. The vote being taken
stood, Pair 54, Carter ID, Trullin
i!cr ID, Oidiornc 10, Uiindull 1, llol
iiiaii 1.
Tlietiomitialioti ofCornelius Hair
was made unanimous.
For county recorder F. M. Krnse,
of Tualatin. W. T. Whiths k, of Or
egon City, Heorge Hortoii of Needy,
and S. M.Uainsbyof Molullu.were
iioiuinatcd. The vote Wing taken
Htooi I, Wliitl.s'k 51. Kumsby IS.
Krttse 15, Ilortuti 7. W.T. Whit
.M'k' nomination wits then made
unanimous by acclamation.
S. H. Oil iff was renominated for
treasurer by acclamation.
For assessor, J. W. Noble and W.
P. Austen were nominated. The
vote atood, Noble OS. Austen 14. J.
W. Noble tiis declared the nominee
f the con ntion,
For school superintendent Alex.
Thomson received 70 votes, amlJ.
U. Nelson 7. Mr. Thomson's nom
ination w as made unuuinmtis.
Sidney Smyth was nominated for
surveyor without opsisition and
by acclamation.
For coroner Dr. (lonelier received
25 votes, C. P. Sullivan, of Oswego,
i5, nnd E. S. Warren H votes. Dr.
Sullivan was declared tho nominee,
The mil of precincts was called,
and each precinct nitincd its mem
ber of tho county central commit
tee, as follow:
Heaver Creek Frank Juggur.
Caiiemah J. O. Witherell.
Cascades II. Hruns,
Cluckttinns A. Mather.
Canyon Creek Win. Honney.
Canby Win. Knjgltt.
Dnniascus James Wilson. ,
Eagle Creek II. (libson.
(leorge H. Paulsen.
(Inrfield John Tracy.
Harding S. H. Toon.
Highland J. N. Harrington.
Lower Molalla S, Murks.
Murqunnis A. H. Miuqiiam.
Milwaukio H. Soott.
Milk' Creek (1. J. Trullinger.
Needy Henry Wolfcr.
Oswego P. .1 arisen.
Oregon City E. M. Hands.
New Em Eli Matldook.
Pleasant Hill Win. Scott.
Springwnter A. M. Shibley.
Soda HprlngH Hcott Carter.
Siever L. Herrick,
Tualatin V. Kielomeier.
Upper Molalla A. N, Moody,
Union A. A, J. Hriuly.
Viola William Mattoon.
The convention tendered ti vote
of thanks to tho president nnd ueo
retaries of tho convention for their
courteous and cllicient services, aft
er which throo rousing cheoru were
given for tho candidates. The con
vention then adjourned.
The liieiubers of the county cen
tral eoiniuittee met iiuu edialely
after the adjournment and ell'ected
a temporary orgaiiiiiitioti by elect
ing It. Scott chairman, and E. M.
Hands secretary, Perinunent or
gitni.ation wus completed by elect
ing E. M. Hands chairman nnd 11.
E, Cross secretary,
1in I it Ion Purlj.
Tho Union party convention was
yet in session when this pajsT went
to press last week, so that a full re
srt could not b given. Theeoiu
mittooon eredentiuls ri'jiorted deb
gates entitled to seats as follows:
Benton 13, Clacknmns 13, Ctsm 3,
Columbia 2, Clatsop 10, Douglia
Josephine by jiroxy, Jackson II, Linn
11, Lane 5, Marion 42, Multnomah
50, Polk 7, rmntillu H, Wasco 7.
Washington 7, Yamhill 5.
Counties not listed had no repre
sentation. The counties represent
ed had delegates present number
ing between N2 and 100. . ,
The follow ing committee was np
Miiuted on platform:
teuton, C. V. Hogue; Clackaiiias,
W. W. Myers; Coos, William Pol
len; Columbia, F, W. McKinstor;
Clatsop, S. H, Smith; Douglas, Jus.
Hymn; Joaephine, (!. M. Miller, by
proxy; Jackson, C. H. Wallace;
l.inn, J. T. Knox; Lane, A J. Zuin
wait; Marion, J. 1', HobertHon;
Multnomah, M. A. Power; Polk, A.
W. I .tn-ns ; I'miitilla, i. N. Hichard-
son; Wasco, Ieslio Hutler; Wash
ington, M. E. Johnson; Yamhill, J.
The committee on party organ re
commended that the sum of 5m)
lie raised to ussiat in circulating the
Pucilie E xpress till after the cam
paign. The report wus adopted. A
motion also prevailed nuthori.iug
theexeciltive commitlwe to ex Jx inl
f SMI in eirculuting Public Oiiiiion.
on tho vuuie terms as are made ulth
the Pacific Express.
Pledges of funds were made by
counties ns follows: Hcnton f list,
Cluckumas 1115, Coos 450, Cliitmip
I'S), Douglas 10, Jackson $25,
l.mir '.', M urioii Im), Mul(n...ali
152 .M, I'olk I0, rmntillu lioo.
Wasco 151, Washington 125, Yam
hill JlH. Hy Nubucriptions to Ex
press an 1 Opinion, !3, Total.
1 02 1 50.
The coiiiiiiitteeon I'muncr rejKirt-
ed in favor of each individual co-
oK'ruting with the general commit
tee in securing funds to carry on i
the campaign; adopted.
M V. Uork was employed to con
tinue as state organizer till after (lie
An assessment of one dollar mt
capita was levied to defray Profes
sor Hork'a excuses, and a lively
scene followed as the deleg'itea
threw the dollars on tho titbit. The
sum of fiiO 25 was raised in this
The committee on platform then
roKirted, and the rejMirt w as unan
imously adopted.
Tho following ticket wus nomina
ted. Congress Major J. A. ltruce,
of Hcnton county,
(iovernor Left in bands of exec
utive. Secretary of Stilt' Nat. Pierce,
of Umatilla county.
State Treasurer E. F. Walker,
of Jackson county.
Sii'ierintondcnt of Public Instruc
tion T. C. Jury, of Marion county.
State Printer J. A. Power, of
Multnomah county.
Supreme Judge Left in bunds of
executive committee.
In 1SS0 tho valuation of the
woolen mill property in Maine waft
11,2112,000; it is now j2,O70,(105.
There is no particular evidence bore
of that widespreud destruction of
tho woolen industry which our free
trado contemporaries are so fond of
telling us about. Free trade didn't
ninko that increast In values.
Ho could write u comic article
that would mako vour faith roar,
and his after dinner sH'eches wen
with humor brimming o'er; but
when left to mind the baby his ic-
sources flatly failed, and the funnier
ho tried to bo the more the baby
Wibble What a sordid, unsatis
fying thing it la for a man to de
vote his whole life to tho mere pur
suit of wealth. Wabble Especial
ly if ho does n't get it..
A dairyman was drowned recently
while watering his cnttl. If ho hud
been watering his milk, what nn
exnmpln of retributive justice it
would have been.
I'lii the KsTKMI'MISK.
"Sorlul anil P.illlliul lllghlti."
The following aip' arod as tin ed
itorial in the Oregon City Courier
of the 11th instant;
Tim reiti!'!lena do not weary of dilut
iliK on the aiiiireNHion uf the aneiul liml
Millllciil rllils of tlni myroea of the
Noiilliern slutea liy their wliito iimgii
Uira, New ImikIiiihI is liar exeellenie
Hie Ihuiiii of IIioh who love the ihkm
U'Ht, love liim um a lirniliar or a sister.
It Ik a iimller of mirpi'luc, llierefuri'. lluit
tin lliwluii 'rnoiHcript lins the Hintaeily
lo ii'lmil tlmt while wliito ami liei;ro
eliililien gn to the sione ai'li'Kils in New
KukIiuhI they ilu Hut iisiioeliite totretlierj
(hut while a ni'itro atuiletit limy I elii't
el to a HiH'iiker'a phu'ti in llurvunl, lie
il'H'M nut iiihliute a'M'hilly with the other
HlmleiilH. To this it H'I'U, ill a sort of
tliiltiiiiuiit wny.lhiit thvif are mi lii'Kn;
lunik elerka, hihI no tnyrm'S in any line
of liiiaiueaawlivrFthey are likely to come
in eniiietitiiin with white men. This
CollffuMiiill of llu honest IIuhIiiii editnr is
eoniuietiilrst to the roiiaiileratloii i! the
eoiiiMMiiii i4 iliililleity whieh wrileatlii'
lilomly-olilrt e'iltoriiils la I'ortlarul'i
," K'i daily, ' " rrf.
IT the central idea advanced in
the above was common only to the
" Courier'' it would not be worth no
ticing; but as it is held and Uttered
ulinoat universally by dcimrrnla of
every grade tt few comments on it
inav Hot be out of place.
Winn dealing with the negro
iietion dciniKTuta can see no dis
tinction Is'tween social and jsditi
eiil rights. With them the terms
are synonymous ns applied to the
" nigger." " Would you la; willing
your daughter should marry a nig
ger?" is a nut ation which has lscn
asked the writer a hundred times
during the many years be has ud
vocated the right of the colored
slave to his lilierty and his advance
ment to equal jsilitienl privileges
with all other citizen.
The truth is, social equality and
political rights are as distinct ques
tions as tire religion and mnthenust
iei. The ttrst is a sentiment, regu
lated wholly by the tastes, prejudi
ces, and ambitions of those who
make up what is culled human so
ciety, ami there is not, nor can
there la-, any civil law in a free
government to regulate it. It leaves
every man the right to sny w ho may
sit at his table, or who may sleep
under his nx,f
Political rights are those which
ieitain to civil government, based
on tliecotiHcntof the governed. The
iiiiatiu imiiK.Hi il. iiriaeiiile of
"equal and exact justice to All.
mia," as enunciated by Thomas
Jell'erson, and advocated by the wis
est and li st men of every silitical
name in this country for a hundred
years. That this principle has
failed to attain its full fruition we
all know. And we further know
the underlying cause of this fail
tire is thnt the professed disciples
of .Jell'erson couiiosing the greut
democratic party have stood dur
ing tin lust halfivntury right across
the pathway of silitical progress.
The central idea of the republi
can parly is civil lilierty and equal
ity for all liefure the law. The quo
tation," Lilsrty and I.nw La wand
Lilierty one and Indivisible," cov
ers the entire foundation on which
the party rests. All questions of
policy which the jmrty advocates
are correlatives of this.
The republican party does not
seek to legislate on the social prob
lem. It would remove all obstacles
which the oppressor has placed in
the pathway of the negro, and then
leave him, as it leaves all others, to
find his own level to rise or fall
in the social scale as his genius,
ambition, and moral and mentnl
attributes, or the luck of these.may
lead him. This is all tho negro
nsks for himself socially, nnd if loft
to himself he would never be found
seeking the society of the author of
the article ulaivo quoted, or asking
to lodgn in tho sunn bunk with him
Hut how is it with the democratic
party? It favors neither lilierty or
equal laws. For twenty-nintyears,
or since (he outbreak of tho reliel
lion, it has boon mainly n party of
negation. With tho old slave
holding element nt its bead, it has
steadily and unitedly opposed ev
ery effort to advance tho interests of
the country in nnv direction. If it
has taken n strong nrlirnintivo posi
tion on anything it has boon on the
negro question. And that nllir'tiia
tion is that the lute hondmnn, law
or no law, shall have neither po
litical or social rightB. Not content
with depriving hint, by brutal force,
of his right tocitizonship, tho party
by its action says that the colored
man of t ho South shall not rise in the
social settle. It does not leave him,
as does the republican party, to
work out bis own dertiny in this di
rection, but every state in the South
legislates in every possiblo way to
crush down his manhood, nnd the
democratic party everywhere n p.
holds the heinous crime as a part
of its policy. It take political ac
tion against Hod's poor -to reduce
them to lhj lowest ieiile of social
degradation. f
I could enlarge on this, but
enough has ' been said to show tho
difference between the republican
and democratic parties, Tho one
nsks that all citizens, without regard
to color, party ties, or social posi
tion, shall have the right to vote
and have that voU counted. It
nsks this because it is in the lino
of justice and civil liberty that it
should be so, nnd because it come
under the requirement of our polit
ical constitution.
Tho other deminds, and thus
fur bus enforced its demand, that
the colored citizen shall have no
rights w hich the w bite man is bound
torosM'ct. The strongest principle
in the democratic party, and tho
one tnfwt t,tetMtly AlM!tAAtt ,
that the negro shall be a pariah.
Kiii'h is the radical difference be
tween the two piirti.
It may lc tlmttlieCoiirier man's,
prejudiced are so strong that he
sees no difference between political
and aocinl rights, as I hnvelried to
present it. Hut let him make the
euse hi own for a moment, ami be
will understand the dillcrene.. at
once. Here all parties desire that
he should vote the democrat ft lio
cause they think he is useful to
thetn in a party sense, and there
publicans because it is his right to
vote, provided he has become a nat
uralized citizen, of which there is
doubt in some quarters. Hut let him
presume on social equality with the
families of some of the very men
who have assisted him with louney,
and whose organ ami meiithpiecn
he is, and he would find at once that
la tween him and them th"re is a
grout gulf fixed that while h is
useful to them in a small way us a
slitienl scavenger, socially he is
not one of them, nor can be.
And u it would Is- in thii cast'
so it is through all the ramifications
of human society among blacks,
whites, mongrels, and nil shades of
color. Socially every man. soon or
late, finds his own level. He is
there in obedience to an unwritten
law, and no ivil enactment can
change bis social status. How silly
tli.ii, tit.w It 1 in t.. t, f r
democrats to claim that liecuuse re
publicans contend for the equality
of till men before the law they
must, to la- consistent, take all
men to their hearts ami homes.
Ictthe man w ho is no more refined
or intelligent than thousands of
native Americans with negro blood
in their veins ecus,, to taunt re
publicans with not graining to
others that which he cannot en
joy ninons the better part ot his
own party. Vimo x.
Oregon City, April 14.
Weather-Crop Itiillitiii-.-No. I.
ion w rr.K KM'iMi Ai'iin. 12.
The temperature continue below
tho average for this period of the
venr. Since the first of Jununrv it
ins nverngod nenrly -o dig. daily
clow toe normal. The precipita
tion for the week has lieen below
the average. The sunshine contin
ues below the average. During the
week rain, snow, sleet nnd hail fell
in all parts of the state. Snow in
tho interior valleys the second week
in April is a most unusual occur
rence. From a trace Io one inch
fell in the Willamette valley on the
morning of the 11th, hut uilud us
it fell, or hnd disaps'arej by noon. :
The mountains throughout the state "
received a froth coatinjr tnow.
The 8th and '.Uh were warm, and
bright sunshine prcvtiled.
Tho winter wheat crop continues
in a premising condition, but it lias
little growth. Heporls indicate that
it is forming excellent stools nnd
abundant yields arc expected.
Fruit tree are slowly developing
their blossoms. I'eaclics nro gen
erally well advanced. Cherry nnd
apple trees nro showing their leaves,
also ornamental and forest trees.
The week ha advanced the leaving
and blossoming very little.
Oats and wheat are being sown
in favored localities on uplands.
Tho low hinds continue too wet for
much work to be done on them.
Hardens nro being prepared. Hrnsa
is not growing ns rapidly ns is de
sired. Tho season continues luiekwiml;
warmer weather nnd more sunshii.e
needed. H. S. Paih k,
Observer, V. S. Signal Service.
Asparugu is such a delightful
and healthful dish that there should
bo nn asparagus bed on every farm.
Sow seeds in May in this latitude.
When a year old set out in spring in
a well prepared, well manured bod.
Theiauuro should be well rotted.
Tho after care w ill bo to keep tho
weeds out. Cut and remove the
tops in full to prevent it mat of seed
ling growing, nnd cover four inches
doop with manure every winter.
1 : k