The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, April 10, 1890, Image 4

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(CVpyriisht.!, Ir, hy 0. M tnmhsni ftibllsiusl
ivlal srrttriiiit UirottsU Tlis Anwrtau
tnm AasooUttlou.)
' IIS youuiiwr of
two eulorsd first.
"It senttKi, said
Holhrook m li (Irs
chairs toward his Jest
(or them to occur.?.
"In what way can I
servo you?"
As ho asked till
question lli yoiinipr
of tli two throw baok her heavy crai
Uolhrcck was struck with th marvol
ou beauty of thu fa?e thus uneoversd
before lum face almost eghirless, of
marblo whiteness, extiulsit lu form and
feature., delicate, roll nod and ttnsitlv;
two Inrgo, soft brown eyes looked upon
him npsiHn;ly, soft brown hair crown
ed the beautiful faoo; sh win slight and
petite hi lluro.
In low, sweet vole titio said:
"My niiiuo Is Templeton Annlo Tern
plotou. This Is my mother."
Tim lady referred to throw baok her
wil to at'ktmwhkli'tf tho bow of Mr. Huh
Sin; was ut least CO years of ago, prob
ably older, with silver hair; truly th
mother of her daughter, having thesiun
refinement mid sensitiveness of fentur
ami expression, the name brown ryot.
though dimmed a tad far
and worn not a fneo to battle with th
world. Quito evidently alio was on of
throe who nro led, who do not load.
The young lady continued:
"V are tho mother and sUtor of th
Mr. Templeton who was foully murdered
In I nion oiuaro.
"I presumed so when I heard your
names. " auld llolbrook, fiir th sake of
layiiij sonicthiiii;.
"I hardly know what wo want to say
to you, Mr. llolbrook hardly know what
we want to do. e have boon ao ilmap-
pointod. The coroner seems to have
washed ti is hands of tho whole matter,
and the police givo ui no satUfuction or
hoia We have no friends in the city
we are quito alone. Hut we thought
that as you bad been a witness of the
terrible deed we would call upon you
and ask If there wa anything you saw
that has nut been made public
The helplessness and the Innocence of
tho two women, Impelled by lov for a
son and brother to an enterprise for
which they were wholly unfitted, touch
ed llolbrook: bo felt a boundless pity for
them, ami lie was surprised at It, for his
sympathies wero not particularly quick.
There wero mute appeals for help In
the brown ores of both, clouded with
tears as they looked upon him.
II fell a choking sensation In his
throat and could hardly realize it.
"I believe, madam, all that Is known
ui me sad nllair has been made public.
I am awnrc the police authorities ar
completely invalided, and now have the
theory that Mr. Templeton wa attack
ed under tho impression ho was some on
"That is w hat tho detectives told us,
said tho mother; "but is It notawful that
In a crowded city a man can be so killed
without reason?"
"The case has been surrounded with
mystery from the beginning," replied
llolbrook, gravely. "Mr. Templeton's
life In tho city has been carefully in
quired into, and nothing elicited to sug
gest an enmity that could end in mur
der '.lis lifo was thoroughly reputable,
honorable, upright and virtuous."
The eyes of the two women blessed
him for his words. II continued:
"Perhaps you would permit me to auk
you some questions
"Oh, please do," cried the sister. V
don't know what to say or tell and no
on has helped us.
llolbrook thought if she would but
oontinu to look upon him In thai ap
pealing manner h? would ueverwant to
stop trying to help her.
"In tho tint place, Mr. Templeton's
father is (lend, I apprehend?
"Ye, bo died fifteen years ago."
"You do not live in this city'" '
"No, wo liavo always lived near Plain
field, Now Jersoy."
"Have you any relatives?"
"None that wo know of. My husband
was an English gentleman, who came to
this country when quite young man
with liln undo, l no uncle died a year
after, and .Mr. Templeton, who had corn
to Pluiiillcld, married me. Ho bought ths
place where we now live.
"What business did he follow?'
"Nona lie was a student and expert'
men ted in chemistry. Ho died from in
juries received wuuo conducting an
experiment. '
"On your sldo have you no relatives?"
"No," replied Mrs. Templeton. "My
niotliei died in giving me birth; shortly
after my futher, whoHo nn me was Carroll
Preston, went to Philadelphia, leaving
mo to the care of my mother s sister
my mint After living there a year or
two lie went abroad on business and died
there. Homo years after my uncle, with
whom 1 lived, heard Hint lie hod married
again in Philadelphia, but that was never
verified IWtli my aunt and uncle nre
dead: they hud no children."
"What disposition was made of his
"Ho had none to dispose of except his
personal effects, nnd whllo uncle was
satisfied as to bis death, so much diffi
culty surrounded the obtaining of In
formation that he made no effort to se
cure It it amounted to so little,"
"Had lie no relutlves?'
"Yes, n brother who left liomo young
and died before ho was'of ago; and a sis
ter a mnldon lady who died in Plain
fluid ten years ago, Blio left a small
property to Annie here."
"Her grund niece?"
"Yes, sho was very fond of her."
"Wos her property Inherited?"
"Yes, from her father." "
"Why then did not your father have
"Ho did; but ha lost It In speculation."
"Ohl Did your son leave prowrty?'
"He must have left some, for during
the very last conversation I hud with
him he todl me he hud been fortunate
in business during the past throe y oars,
and bad mado some i in if i Utile invest
ments. "
"Wo ha -. not ttxtaM csf lb," brok
in the sister, "only of thttf l-rtriU mur
der nnd how to ilrer up IU nmt( '
"Iloncjit to be lliOttht W, t"ngli.''
replied I lollirnok gnu " ?tk .vny to b
solving of the mystery may be through
! aw
it is r i n . i i
A $
an of hM limine iilTiilrs.
Pardon tm, wore you nnd Mrs. Temple
ton dependent on your brother?
'No; when wo beoiimo of ago he re
fused to (alio his share of I ho provi ty
but settled nil on mother.
'It was not much when divided, lil
said," brok in tho mother, "but when
Iwft a a whole it was mom than enough
for Aiinl and myself,'
"11 studied law and was admitted to
ths bar," said th slstvi , "but, failing to
get practice, he went into (ho real vituto
"Had your son no very Intlnmltt
"Yes, ono; but bo is lu China now nnd
hit boon for a year,"
"Was your son ongagod to any young
lady or attentive to nuv one?'
"Non (hat 1 know ui orover beaiil of."
Th sinter oontinu. I this stntemeiit
eagerly. It wiu evident that Imth wer
jealous of th supHwililious young lady.
Tho young lawyer mused a moment.,
Kiunlly lioiwked: ",ro you acquainted
with a Mr. Wilhorsisam?'
"WithersiHHUi? I never hoard tho
usnio bfoie," replied lh mother "Did
you, Annie?'
"No, I uovor diil." '
"Nor a person by tho name of Ah
grovo?1 ctMiiimiod tho lawyer.
"Ni," said Imth togolher,
"Never know or hoard of a young lady
named Flora Ashgrtn e?"
"Never," said the mollier.
"Tho name ho a familiar sound, " said
th girl woiidorlugly "Is sho not a
fashionable young lady of this city whoso
name is in tho tmpcrs frequently?'
Th Ittwyvr smiled and answered,
"Stop!" cited the girl suddenly. "I
recollect onco when my brother was at
homo I lifted a coat bo bad thrown uMn
achair.and a letttT fell from tho ps ket
signed 'Klora Ashgiwo.' I handed It to
him and h said: 'An Invitation lo a
dinner I went to last v. eel from ouo of
uiy customers.' 'I you liavo liulies for
customers.''' asked, and ho said: 'tjiilto
frequently, but this lady write for her
undo, who Iota been ono of my best cus
tomers."' "Has boon?" queried tho law yer,
"That is tho way ho spoke. 1 remem
ber, for It couveyeditho Idea lo nu ho
was so no longer llul hy do you ak
thettn quesllons.''
"Thoro hi nothing significant in tlieiu."
said the lawyer, seeing the interest he
bad aroused. "I cathnl at llui bouse of
Mr. WitliorsptKiii, who li doubtless the
undo referretl to by your brother, on the
day following the murder. Mivt A h
grovo seemed to ls much sluvked at llio
murvler, and uiid alio was acquainted
with Mr. Templeton In lotiklug at this
mattor and lu trying to help you, I nni
graspin.i at straws in every direction
There is no moro signiticanco in Hie
question concerning her than in the
"Hut," he continued, "I li.ivo olio
piece of advlcn to glvo you and which I
must urgently and respectfully press,
and that is that you take immediate
step with regard to your sou's busim
and proM-rly. In that war you mar
come upon ivvelations you little dreiiiu
of now. '
"What should wo do?" asked the sldi r.
"You should consult a reputable law.
yer, place the matter in his hands, uud
bo guided by him."
"Are you nut a lawyer?"
" Yom, I am a law yer," h replied, "and
should le most happy to undertake your
"Plin80 do," pleaded llio sister. "Wo
should have such coiiildcneoiii you You
are the only ouo w ho has Isen kind lo
us In this sad busiiu ss."
Then she blushed a rusy red, thinking
porhaps she bad said too much, uiid
llolbrook uctually l.hidie.l lsuiiso slit'
He began lo think the w lioto interview
was very unprofessional So after Lik
ing some memoranda und promising to
call upon them lit the hotel where lliey
wero stopping, the next evening, to to
port program, be uccoinKinied llietu lo
the elevator.
As they passed In, Tom Iti j an twi
"Hello, HolhriHik, I as coming tos. e
you," ho cried, hut si nig Holhrook Willi
the ladies lie lj,ed Ids pardon Bin.'
stepM-d aside
"A deutttl pretty theiit, llollirook,'
said Tom ini.,cliievouly, us thu l.iwyei
turned to him
"Hush," warned Holhroo': Ihiil is
Templeton's sisu r."
"Nv bat, the man "ho was iniirdeted
In I'nion square' Tin ii he sprung lo the
elevator nnd pres ed the tuition hurried
ly several tiuu-s. calling out: "Here, stop
stop thai t levator!
laro.1 l,li
$ - "Her, you lu-
natlo, wli:d are
you up toT
"I want lo stop
her. I wuiit loin
lurvlow her. Klop
that elevator."
"That you
"Who'll pro
lent me?"
"I will. I nm
her counsel, and
she will not be Interviewed figaiust mv
idvlco. Coiuu In. If you want to Inter-
sicw anvliisly, Interview mo,"
Toiji liKiLed at him roguishly und said:
"Do you recollect what the reply of
the king w as lo Itichclieu, when I he car-
d.nal told him If he must love nnylssly.
to love him?'
"Ho said, A very pisir subsiltuto, your
eminence, for u fresh young dcmoU-llo.
So say I."
Holhrook led llio way into Ids private
ofilco, closing the d.sir Is-hind them.
"Hiunl " s-'iiil lie to Tom "and take a
cigar "
Tom threw himself on the loiiugo nl
full length and as lu lit Ids el ;ur, said:
"P.y Jove-pulf-pull -It's u deuced
pulT strauga thin?; -pulf- pull - pulT
that I should pull -liavo run up puff
pull against Templeton's sister hero.1'
'ltcnuso It whs precisely that murder
which led mo hero What hiivo you got
now ubnul il?"
'And you her counsel?
''es. since ten minutes ngo."
"Hasn't she got n suspicion of any
kind of a woman, or a quarrel, etc?"
"Not a suspicion Hut let lne put you
on the right truck I am retained to
look after the dead brother's property
and seo to closing up Ids buslnesii."
"Oh, well, I haven't dropped that
murder yet."
"What do you know more iilinut II?'
"Not much, If anything The old man
has hocomo very much Interested In tho
casn, and has discharged mo."
The "old man" wns tho editor In-chlof
of tho paier Tom wtui employed on.
"I'lsclmrgod you?"
"Yes, at my suggestion."
"I don't understand you."
"No? Well, then, I am detailed to
work tho matter to thu end. As a first
movo I liavo gotten isiyself discharged,
sons to throw the other boys olf tho
scent? Do you see?'
"I have been working for tlireo days,
and I want help Those confounded (lu
tcctlvos ar Jealous of mo ever sinco 1
rooted out that nost of burglars up tho
country you remumbor and watch ma
like a hawk."
"How can I help you?'
"Very easily, and nil (Im uioii" stue
you are now counsel for (lie sUler I
want mi eMicl description of llmt suit,
(if clothes the man wore who knifed
Templeton 'f course If I asked to see
it I could easy enough, but I'd hnvii hu
whole lot ol them on my heels,"
"And you ant mo to gel tho suit (or
"No, but I want yon to Uvome thor
oughly acquainted Willi It."
"To what end?'
"I want to buy a suit just like It,"
"You think I nni bsilimi?'
'1 don't think It. I know It."
"Holhrisili, you pass lu this city for
hoing one of tho uhlest of the young
lawyers, but you can I o nn awful stupid
fisil III limes."
"Thank you,"
"I in. -an it .'an t you see what I'm
driving at?
"No, I'm Mint 'f 1 can."
"Well, I'll let you lu n lit t Us way. Th
iniin w ho knifed Templeton wore a cheap
suit of clothes which bo bad Just purchased-
wore It for tho purpiMo of a dis
guise," "Yes, doiihtlcM."
"After thecuttinglmran away, (blow
ing otr bis coal,"
"Then he threw oil bis mutalsuis and
Tlicso wero found, but no vest."
"All of these chestnuts aru pro'r In
foi in and solid In substauco."
Tom paid no at tent ion (o (ho sarcasm,
but pulled steadily on his cigar, tho lire
of w iiich had Heal ly died out. Kesloring
It, ho colililiucdi
"SnpiOBi I should tlud aclotbes dealer
who told a similar suit Iimi large for the
mail who IhhikIiI il, and didn't euro for
tho vest, on llio day, or (he day pro'l-
una to ilie minder, or Iht'ioalsiuU?
" Tom, I U-gyuiir purdoii."
'i'vu iis l 'l'hiieaiiift way to llnd such
s man and ich a suit is to go and buy
j "l s.v,"
i "If I bad a piece of the cloth 1 would
j lie happy."
j "I II i;vt Ii for you,"
! 'You can't, (bey won't let you cut It."
! "Ub. ye, thev w ill."
j "That Imi'I nil.'
j "What l.cM,"
J "I want a jeweler's description of that
j iliaiiiond button you found."
S "1 11 k' I that for you."
' ou're ii jewel jourm lf When will
j you do it'
j "Coinoand see mo llio day after to
' moiiow , in the morning."
! "Ail light I'liioir."
'.Mop a mliiiite, I want to talk How."
What l il? I'm In a bury."
'1 want lo (nlk of the Templeton miir-
"ii im- ahead.'
Sit down What I have to say to you
is iiit-iC i iii i - ii tani limn anything you
nre after
Tom sat dow n
'Have you ever lieaid of syoungludy
named Mm a Asbgrove?'
"Yes, and have seen tier, too."
"lii M il know- tho set she goes with?'
"Yes '
' I o i on know- the men.''
All 'of lli.-m '
'"Who aio they?
Kiisl. there's Henry llolhrimk."
'No, he's l.i-.t, i;o on."
'( h. ( li atlie (ii av, Henry I s I no, I red
Itliiiu halt. Jack Hardy, K.lmoio llrmnlt,
Sine l.llengwisHl nnd that set."
"I 'an o.i fall in with them?'
"I i-ilv inoiir-li, in ono placo or an
other "
"Well, mi mil. h on that head Now,
Ii I s I dk iiU.ul the inurder."
"Mv dear I . e. if you want to play w III
ine, play nn o n hand, no half eonll
ilen. , . Y"ii i oi l siv itch lne olf in ha)
wav '
II ilhl oolx h i,7i aaliii; ed.
"Tom. i on too ahrowd for mo. I
can t sav uu in-ie lo.iav on lu:u wont
i'.ut I v ant to -av lliis I nm very nnx-
lolls to get ill the Isitlom of this llUllcf
Half an h ni Is fotc you came in I had
determine. I to luint vou up You ntenl
rndy eni;ed on llm nifair I proH
I to retain Von in the matter additionally
; and give vou i 1 1 io iis-i laui'e II won 'I
: Is- long either Ufore I nn glvo it to you
bill not IikI.iv When vou come lo nn
' day aflei to uioiro-.v I will play nn oien
I hand '
'IoshI I 111 olf."
i "No, hold on What are you going ic
do to nif til '
"Nothing "
'Hine w i'.h me nl 0 and afterward lot
j us co to (ha Casino." .,
ah rigiit, i ii oo mat. .' ' ii
"Meet in at 8 sharp al 'Dot's' car, ,
"(hxsi. Now I anion My-by."
A wit Trim f'ft th room,' llolbrook
Went to the window and looked out '
The scene ln-foro liim however, wai
not w hat Intcivtcil linn His thoughts
had gone hack iin to thai singular In
terview with Flora A -4;roo.
"Why shouldn't I tell i'om of that
conversation?" ho asked himself aloud
"Ho is truMw-oi'thy and shrewd II u
not lilm talking to a public ofllcial, and
ho will reHs t (-onlldeuco. Hiiiso th
girl Is implicated: W hat then? No ob
ligation rests on inn lo proliml tier from
her evil deeds, if evil deeds they aro? II
they nro not, uud she Is nut compromised,
then no harm Is done Yes, I'll tell bliu.
and to-night."
Hu laughed.
"I promised myself lo keep out of thli
nfT.ilr, nnd hero i am going in full
length Ko much lor tho Inlluonco of s
pair of soft brown eyes. - Ily (loorgo.sht
is a beautiful girl, Annlo Templeton1 A
fellow could be very liiipny in tho lov ol
such n cre.ttlini."
Then be drummed on the window, lost
in plea aailt i a . tie building.
Suddenly he started with tho excluina
"Dreaming Is U-J work."
lie looked It his watch.
"Half past .tucfl, I hiivo two hours and
a half before me.'
Ho can;;ht Ids hat mid hurried out.
NC'E In the street,
he hurried to Mill
den lano and en
tered tho Btori) nl
n miuiufacturlnf
A moment latin
ho Issued with I
companion, and
at tho corner ol
llioadway wait
ed for a cab
Ono was sixin
hailed, and tin
two colored and
woro driven tc
polico licadquar
Ho had not
botlHted. After I
Di'ivato Interview
with a high olllcl.'il tho garments won
brought to him nnd tho diamond button
as well,
Tho high official was present.
The bulton was shown to his com pan
Ion, who was tho foreman of the manu
facturing jeweler.
"I waul such a description written ol
that button ns you would glvo anolhoi
jeweler," hi i i I Holhrook,
Tho mini looked tit It curiously.
mKti'twi'ftm''Wwwww'm immw
"That was never mild In this conn
"How do you know dial?"
"How do you kiioiv that a copy of ths
II rst edition of Utile ion was nut prliilod
In mis country?'
"llecaiiHU It was printed before (111)
country was liistltuh'd."
"Prst'lsvlyi this button was made t
for (hi country was dlscoteiod, Ths
diamond has boon Inserted recently. Tc
know this Is a part of my tradit. It li
not In th work, In what you might call
the oriiamontallouno, It is In the way
the button has hevn'put together that 1
toll, Th work on It has boon Imltntvd
for tunny years. I)o you want a techni
cal deacilptloiiT It would U valunblt
only to another Jeweler,"
llolbrook modilMtud.
Th high olllclal looked on with Inter
est l-'lnully llolbrook sKke,
"Can you uiako me an Imitation nl
that button?'
"Oh yes, pretty noari so near that only
a jeweler would discover the dllfurenco,"
"Hton and all?'
"The stone Is the easiest part."
"Make me two then a pair,"
Tho high oflk-lsl spoke I
"llul Hi bulton cannot leave her."
"I don't want it, except togottheeolot
of thu Imitation metal, and th color I
can put oil hor,M replied th Jeweler,
"That can be arranged," said III oOb
"Then I want to so it one to match
Iho stones "
"That also can be arranged,"
While the Jeweler wa making note
of the button, llolbrook began a close
eiainlnailou of the luak aud stylo of
the clothe Having sutislled himself as
to that, bo turned th trousers wrong
side on'., and found a place hero I lie
cloth bad boon w idely turned over at
sen in It gar a complete idea of th
uitlei ii of Hie cloth.
"1 want lo cut so much off."
Tho otllcial hesltatod and looked
Tho two retired to a corner mid con
versed earnestly. llolbrook wa kmt
sl.tent and vnergello. The ofllcial
A pair of shears from the high olllclal'l
desk did tho Wolk.
When the jeweler Intliualvd that Its
hud Mulshed Ida work of examination,
llollirook looked at his watch; it was 0
o'ch s-k.
"What will lw the iost of thus) but'
'iho jeweler luiuied what 11 thiMlgbt
would bo the sum.
"I will give you four times that amount
if you will deliver them at uiy olllce at
'0 o'clock, day after lo-utofrow."
'I shall have to work night and day
"That's why 1 offer you four time (hs
tuui you iiuinu Hi atTair Is urgent"
"They will lie dona."
Holhrook then went to Dsluiouioo',
here ho found Hrysn aw siting him.
U t us gel somewhere where we can
! talk w ithoul being heard," Said llulhns.k
They took llio corner uf Twenty-sixth
I itris-l and Hroadway.
Tom tiKik Iho seat with his Uck U) the
Thus be was ruablod to survey lb
' whole room ami could not who Hi
After tliry had given their orders, llul
1 iinx'k handisl Tom the slip of cloth
"What Is that?"
'A plwe of the suit worn by the mur
i Jorvr."
" You sir prompt Are you sure It Is
:ho same?"
"Sure I cut (I off myself."
MiiNkl Have you a description of the
! OUttoll?'
"No I have done brttrr."
j 'I shall have, day after to-morrow, a
pair of them a complete Imitation of
'.Im buttons, so close you could not tell
i 'tolher from which.'"
"You are an angel. Good, this Is get-
:lng on with a vunguanc. II quiel-
j Vie comes the waiter with our soup."
While they were dining llolbrook told
loin of Ids singular Interview w ith Flora
Tom was deeply liiterestotL
Ho listened w ithout interjecting a re
nun k, only to caution llolbrook to sus
pciid bis narrative when the waiter or
siuio on else approached too closely.
When it wa lllilslied It was thought
ful. Finally he soldi
"You should bav told this to th cor
nier. Hut I am glad you did Dot. You
night to tell this to your high ofllcial,
but I ho you won't."
"What do you think of It alir asked
UolUouk. .
"It la a queer mesa, aud 1 tlV'dt it
eeper than vvr. There's a grs story
behinJ thai murder. . Vtal Xlmd irl
:htnks aha knows wbo did it, and aba is
ifriild for the man. Quostlrmlns; her
would do no good now; nor would It
have dons when you saw hor, although
iho was then more on her guard than
the will lw again. After all, sh said
nothing; as you say, It wa all In her
miincr. I don't think as much of the
button as I did."
"llocauso alio recognised It, and saw It
Jlilu't belong to tho man sho thinks did
the deed. Hho thought until she saw It
that you had something that could lie
traced to the mini she wants to screen,
She thinks now that you are on a false
trull. You must throw yourself lu her
way ngain as soon as you can, Hhe will
Is) anxious to know how your suspicions
tro landing. Don't show her that you
havo un Idea that she knows or suspects
any one." Ho thought a moment and
aid, "I suptoseshe Is in love with th
llolbrook bad not reasoned so closely,
hut ho was struck with the cogency of
Uryan's argument.
"Tho buttons, then, aro of no value,"
ho said, and he laughed as ho added, "1
oniiscd four times the value to have
them done quickly."
"They nre of value," quickly respond
ed liryan, "groat value; all the same,
they nsuy truck the murderer. It is by
no means certain that Miss Ashgrove s
iiisplclons nro correct. Slio may be ou
a fulso scout Hut, after all, she would
not susiect any ono of committing the
deed unless tlioro was a reason existing
for doing it. Now what Is that reason?
That Is what we must try to find out."
"Hut how? Tho way is dark."
"Oh, 1 have soon more tangled skolus
than this unraveled. The great point Is
to mako tho first step. Af tor that things
go easy,"
Holhrook' tale of the Interview w ith
Flora had ocotiplod the time of the din
ner, and Tom's comment upon it had
been made ovor their cigars.
Having exhausted speculation as web
tis argument upon il, llolbrook lookod at
his watch and pronounced it time to let
out for ths Cnsi
To bo continued.
Wlmn flsliy wss sluk, ws g svs hsr distorts.
Whim sh wss s OhJld, sh or(l for Osstorla,
Whnn sh bsesm Hiss, sh olunf to Cssloria.
trVuvn sh had Children, sks gavs litem Osstorla,
Bin 1
1UH llUfcl.huH 1(111. U 1IOII TlUUtD lM
Vouts. siulutu lo li se,
1.0. U lIllHTI.SV,
Ask vnur dealer (or Kit, I., Ilunt..y a Co.'s
It mo stuiils sis nut In His liainls ol nuns
S lolil'li I M'l.l( In your snrilnu, you rnn I'lui.
I'l'MK llll,M loilii His lil.hl' KNOWN suit
Isiie-il mll.-(Uusii Wlioiiiuli('l.ii-riitN,i II11111.S
III ll siirl.l. si ptlis. Unit will MA MC Vllllll
eoiN iimii suit li I'M' Vol) niirni.tiii Imw weottii
siluiil li) In 1 I I. If rem M AI.V u .Lw. t
k-"'lllir llisnta. Hilel In in sunt ws Wit. I, lur-ni-li
yoit a Hull er Oveieofti, imiiots ur nisil
islil, en rvilil et prlisi. Ws will sin inl mi,
vettr imlriiusKi If )eu tiyus with sit iuilrl Ws
Imvs Im 1 1 1 lli tiiin linliit'listt plimntiitM iiy our
lAlNhlAMSlI mi Ihula. sail ly - lolilg b) ma
sis as ss sinilil Ihi ilimn tic.
:n, I,. IIcii,k A ('"., Hlyls talliisUirs,
f J-T '" "r1'"1'" Hulls r Ovorennis nlissrv
tJ' slili'lly leltinilna rulvs fur imissurs
lt.iai Poinst niisui-s, nver vast, i lnss up un
dw anni. w sisl ns's.iiirs, ovsr iiU. IiibJUs
Is'it uiiDfliire, Iimii t'lnti It In duel,
Poforimpo -l'irt'ii"l Hsukiif 'itu
pbii.', ei.i'i'ul . ,ii,iui, I'uiiiliuiiiisJ Nstlolisi
luiik vl I'lilisiii.-, ii'lll SJ.u,uui.
W.D, I. HUNTLEY & Ca, Manufnot-
nni Wlin nun u leu Inrs n T nl 1 nn
UI V aallW 'M. .i'sj WVUIV B llf VIVtMIIIU
far Mm. fiovs anil Children, 122 and 124
M'lii'.it'!. P. 0. Box C07.
It Is Impurity la ll.n I IiskI, which, so.
tumuUllns In Hid i:l nn!t id llm neck, pru-dui-rs
llal;;l'i:y I ui.' ; s i r r v t-lt In us ; wliii'h
CSIKrl I'.lll'tul llihi'ii j , ell (1.0 sous,
Iri;, ur fil l, nil .h ll. lri. ;t s lit. ets 111 III
eyss, s4, er nee, ntn-ii i-iuicui. i!iiiiiiiii r
denfltritiii Willi ti Iv l!.e el l.;!u i,( lni'tiit, vale
esruus liiewtbs, el lt.,i lu.ii.) t.!.. l i,4lil(ril
tlisis UiuiiKy ttii-iltiiil 1,1 "l.uiti.'i.," wtiuli,
fS7tlrtllll( tltM'll tin) liltlj;!, Ci,nqIll.(ea
Stnl ilr.illi. 1'i lnj !,s li , -I (in, li-iil, 11 (lis
Itlost i f . .1 .ll.eni, i r allectleas, lo
Vfiy lew .el.,n UK) cnllli ly fieo llulll IU
Ily taking lbs'il's Hit-.,) ullU, wlilrh, tJ
tlis relii.ttk.ltOo ruir. II It.ts S'-eetnplUllMt.
fflrll Wlli'lt e'l.rr IIH'.tli Im hits Lilled. Itss
prnvrit l.i-!f i.i ts s Hit. iil snd isK-tillsr
pii-J.i nm ler I'. is ihi lis. S' lnii u llirse
SUlf SM' le.i'li wiiii.t.-iiul. l (nn .iiftm Hum
Stlletlll.t. ! S'-H) t-l l) lie-. I l . lSlls, .iii,: , -1 .,t y w,t..,mii !.-,! wllln.-ntf.
Itlu-l,, .,.-.;..-W.iJIIel!IH
'() LIS I I 71, S. .tll'l
k. i i. l e 0 i f ll.rm sllsr
f 1 1 "it's rpg, tH-ain
i I .:. t rjt t. Ws (,-atr
-i. ' . v ! ,t I) o tttiiit snd
oM 11 1
f"t i il
,.l l .. .
In I
, I" I. .
a r ii nl
lirr II i
if. , I
..!' h .1
sll li.'li.'l:- s
cliCd " J ' '
Jt.ll. 1. '
toU' y s'.l-l) ', iu
i)t ri.ltirly (lis
I-- I s a In jUIij
I- Nn
SjC- I I'O. 1 I . A;
... .... l-us.U. Mass.
Ciu Dollar
Medical and Surgical Dispcnsnry
' fc .(TV '
Ik r ' j ,:
: -.V
j HTNRt Knr.icn. M. P., f.V..v
203 SrxoNO r.THtcr, Ntah Tmi.-.w
it'iiii,', . . .
IH til.! Mur I. - ut V 1 1 . f 1 I 1
Tit III t-'!,1 I' ' '1' i .1 t H- iin
4 tt I at lit t ! ' I . I ,!l
vui at:; ir i sr s.
Tlir vv."sj k i,i ui'. I.i t 11.- ii- 1 isr uf " . u
rnlk'ij M- V II' 1 5 . : i I 1 t ' "i ' v
UtM f W.itiisjd wriTniv Tfsttt4fk. " Wi
fiitirBntr lrtit itt l H, I uij I r i
fuarantvs laeuis ssv tiw. n. I ni'l I r .1 1: - pt
!h,T,,.r etiral.ts, 1,..,
cim -l tu a t;i.)ii h
T tlnrtcif ir iat niii t cr.f iv . f ; h
lift, i4rvrHrtrht4 O UitVt. Hi U.r m J 14
lilll I H 1 ll 'i.' I I If l 1 .. ; f
MnUlHJ""l 4it ;.n','t .cssi is- itN p t
titiitiritttv 1 hf It.. I .t i f .. i . Mas!
h1tll rflc-tu.illv Ctfit'1 i l n ft I ' I il' f I I
(kirr, I Unsj i n "' i hii I kln l-l-t - n t t.l-.
Tl'MtHi . i:s,
A ltd nil V lii'l 4l B"ntih r iiiivt hi'iu n(t pi
Ol Ihr Inn!)', t-i il.ti ii Iff l',,v ttitli! ; i
I i rH. v in i '.i
The ftP i Hi i ' .I nllll Cie 1 I tit is Ml lut il
I'lftl'KNRAMt tlir .i I t-U-U.l Hkijl .'11 '.('
1'r.c htf 1 . -t
l)4i1t (JO T'lll. (IIIV l"HKr ill) 1 1t "M r.t ( 'i
ft 111) i. nitil I ic. t.1r ml Voiif It. "ft Nii tlii
(M-tlltlOtMl 1'fttst Klli tltltl' t iMII I .id t'.!l '
Witlr, Uc wilt riitir tlt u i nutut nl'v
(jl tl lr si'lif 'I T 1- ...Hi
sf r-Thr l ttn im s- (mm-It the iii lii'inr mtl
llniwi .' i Ii ity in ! ill. "i.-tiltntii ti I'm i
On ik it iii . it u A f I 1 1 1 M , i ii 1 1 tu-. I
tlniiiiHtft thu tor pltl llvrr, t rrttyf Itrn
Ihi illKNlltitur-Ltiiiist, ri'tciilulo tli biivt)li
mtU ttm iiiit'tiiiuliMl m mii
In nmlitrlal tlUI 1 1 t4 thrlr vlrthfa nt
wMisly rrvt u iil.i'il. Hs Ili4'v hm )(, tarii
llnr Hi-H'i'. mii. hi lii'i'lni; I lie styMtiin Iiimii
flint i4iliiii I.liuiitti ly MMUKr-'tHtm.
1umi nmli. rrli-o, inuilis) n r Imi,
holi j:m:uywhi:u!c,
Offlce, 30 & 41 Park Place, N. Y.
To Cin-8 lllllniisncss, Rick llenilnt'tio, Conitl.
)allnn, Mslinlii, I.lvur l'oitiiitliits, tsks
Ul ssfo stnl certain remedy,
I'ss th Nfll a I.l, Hire (10 llttln tlonns In tit
bvllld). '1 1IKV A II 19 TUB Most' OONVKNIKNI.
Mi. Iim 1 la Mll J
Pries of ellher Hlse, line. ter llulll.
niVUIIlU Mallnl for 4 ell. (-Miit-ri or aUmisk
).rjMlTH4D0.Mhmoriiil,KiiKANi.'T,l0lJlt MO
Mliiil iMt7rtrltis snrvrl. Ilmtka l.amaS
In ni, rii.niiis, T.,atl,tii.l. Irniti all
nnr.,1 nf II, u 11 nil,.. I'mHitHiilii.
VIIKS, ft).b nil aittilloAtloit tu Vr,tf.
A, 1, ,l...ll,., mi I'lltli A.s. Nas Vuik,
jrr &
I v 11,1 , l " y
".a. 1 .1 .
u.:h ' 1
lIl'NIlliri.'. 1 :r; v;; i , i;-. "
I V, .,1 '.is ii;1; r, Ho. 1 v v
aSBIS JSlt t
sti sssr,
AiIiiiIiiIhIimIiii's NiiIIcc.
NiyriCK Is limidiv given tlmt Ilie Conn
ty loiirl of rUiiiiinns (' ily tins np- n ir- as llui inlinliiWr-Hlnr of llm es
liile of IiiIni A, Mi Nnry.iliMeii.i-d, Allpcr
sons havliiK elalnis iittiilusl said enisle i
lierehy niitilli-il lo pnwiil tliein proiKrlv
yerllled to me nl the law nltlce of , II, and
l. ('. laloiirdle, In iinyon 4." if v . Oregon,
within ! inonlhs fnuii lne iIiiii. (nreof.
Haled thin llh ilnv uf April, IHKi,
. , , , II. II. JnllNHON,
Ailiiibilslriitor of the Kaiiiie or J ii I Its A.
Mi Niir.v, ili ei ; i- a 0 4.
Miorit ii i on ii iii.m ,vno-.
l stTi.ii Hrsirs I.ANH firrn s, I
iiiouos Tnr, nr., l i l. n, isiw.j
Nolle I" I hy pit-on tlml llio fiilliiwlng.
luiuied sell h r tins Hied iiniii e of Ills Ii, leu
Hon lu iiiukii Hunt i nm In miiiimrt of tils
eliillii, stnl Unit nM niool will Isi msle he-
tine the h Kl.h r nd I Ivor of His I!, H,
hunt ollleii ui (iieiiun I'll v. On non, nn -(.
day. Mav ;', lm, ut; Om.-e H, Oulesby,
llomnleiid l- lin v, Nn. ,'i.',,l, ,,r llinN u nl
bi; und N V, .t nl HIV i l sm-iiun U, T8 N,
It i I'.. II lues Hie lolliiHinx Wllnesses
lo prove his r,.i,ln,iinn. resldeiaw ui mi nnd nl, ,, 11M, ,u, w ' y ..
nuiieer. Il, A. l im, .Itiltii ('. Tru. v, end
.1. . I 'iihiiiili'er, nil i, ('iiiiliisvllle, ('lin ks
IUMsiouiily,IHei;i..,, J, '', AI'I'lillSON,
i im :'s I, H.-Klier.
.-MM H i: Kin l' III.H t UO,
I'sithi sttAtrs I. mi) Unin, I
iIiis hik Cirv, dr., .March In, Isnn.j
Nii'l'll'K Is hen-hy given Unit In conipll
Biiee wllh the nroviiiions iifilm set oft'oii-
gressnf June '( C tilled, "An B.- r
llir side n UihIm r lands In Ihc slules of Cu.
iloriiiH, iir. n, Sevudii ami uliiiiiion
In rlliii v," ll,i., Mmuiilir, ,,r I m inns,
l ouill v uf I'ien e, IHIille ol l ii.hliiKtoli, hin
this day Hied In II, p. ,,ii,,, la.
v,'.,"7!;,ls"' '''v', r..r the ,.,m.... f ii,
v 1 . V . :'. " " ' "" "
, f
i n. t
in I msii.IiIii No. i
Ninth, lluiice
l'-it-l . iimi mil oiler
'IS, lo rIiiiw
Hull tin- lit i nl . . 1 1 1 1 1 I. ii, ore Ulliuilile for
Ms lliulier orsltiiiv Hunt lor ttyiv tillioiil pur-lost-.,
nn, I to ctiil,'.t ,, , Iniin iii .ml
laud Isfnre Hit. Keulsler und Iti-nln-r ol
Ibis olllee III fli.ill lilt. (Ilt-unn, nn
I hur.'lliv, the "III ilnv I, I A, ,'iii., I ll. lie
luiiees us ti liiii-hM . ; , , ( ,tU,rn, ttlid
N . ,1, Wi l, Ii, n piitihtiid Mulii il, ( ,,,,
nr.: !'.. I'll n.ei,i, .li n ,,t, Ciiv.Cbiel.ii
inn. I n, nr. J. . Tail, ol l inonm. a
Anv und nil eroii. i l.ilieint- n Im i.i lv
the ithiite : i-h, , , I ., , l.iii.l, uie le'ine-li'd lii
Ilie Un Ir i litnii. in ibi. i.ibie nn or U loir
Stliil till cut
nf .Mi,;;
'i f ii-t i ixi v
'' 1 'j:'
'''i""" r
4 1 1
I.' u i.l,
Mfi-ltr's Sale
SI M K I,'.' oi l i.o-V
Cot sr er ( i.o Htm.
Kt)lt K Is ilk Hi i V IIIVKN. lit it l.y tlrlur
in .it rtieiitiMii t,. ,,,,i,i , t ....... i ,,)
ut sii-l nintrr Ids .eil ..I llir ( in nil f..,irl ,.l
On' r. ,u, ,, oi.b I. , l,i, ,, ufl l ii kt
1 I
I BUS ibill.l llii,,lt ,Ly "I li-l.cei,) , ll, ,i i
; Inn . ,rn.l .l. iu,.,. , . She, III i( a. I.l j
ri.ioil) .itf.ii.tit tu s .1 , r.-e ei,lllu, In .nt.j I
ll'-.'l'l III s .Mil ..I ,Hlly !,.., . ,,t,, i
! I. I'liiunn ,.,,,i un, i. i-.,.,,, ii,,.
Iitles N K.i-I.r. will,, t K K,t,r. Arlleir I. I
I K".tr,, Ann, ..nv tt l-V.n-r, iV'r .nk M '...l-r. I
'Vts.n-r ' M ry V ,..,,-, i.i.o., '
C K... n r. VI, h i nl K...trr -ii. I klti.-l A ..(, ,,
sr .1,-lMi.l oil, e.. i,i ,i,,!ii8 Uli l!l Ititfiiiiusl
I et 11117 e I l ,,,, .i,'.. ,,1,,, !
'tills i. Mis l.ict. .ii.) lntiM,.i-t lirrt'llt itl,-r
i il.'.eilU.I, I,, , ,,.,., link,,!!,, ,,,,( j
: stel llllefe.t .1 II t- r "IS e Irll T Pvnl i f Sll j
; tin III slues Nio.-s.l.. r . sat. u,. I,. ., i , :
sll.intri li-i'. an.) Ibe I.,,l,i , .in,, ,, .
j si efisil ii.l., .ii. .,! a, i,.i,,i, i,,, i,,i '
V'Wr llii r-b r ssll.fy .o.l .iiiii. .. iii-v, .
I sin. el, s .no. l.y. tin- .III il , ,, Ae,, I is ,
I I I . I-I I k A VI , nl tl,.i i , , i
......... ,U", I -! .', ,
Hie lil.-lii .t l,i.vr. I.,, e4.1t 111 l,.o,.l 11, v i..h..
lt,,le.i-,il,l i,aei ..I 1.11,1. ,1111,14,1 m (
11 "o-v'-'i i" ii
I'lSltiuil,; a l ,l, , ., ,.,., ,. ,.,.
irae! II, . I .u.;i!v...,ri( ,'l'eV,...,, TJlLl.
Ih-itrv al s 1st la .!.. , nmli,, ,., .,y n,,.
Ilnv ..( a ,,t 1 ,1,, 1 ,.,ii,v,ii ,,Mi,r. i.t I. It
I 11 .r.lli.f llii'i.rv lu., II
,lt al. nn . .,,1 in ,v ,.i
aui ii.tniiic ti .ri ut tan 1 m ,,.,1. ,, ,,. ,
j 1,-.. 1.1 I, i IbirUiuc. ,e , tit hi-. 1 e .fitv,
I lltv 11,-v It, an,u ilitri-ll.-tt t.. ii,q l,.i,t
I sv.l r..,u,., el af.,-1.1 J,.,,. ( ., 11,1 , 1, i .1
jtlM'li) A Int'lll-'l. t1., 11.,. .nil.i I , tliv
I Mlllt am i..i-,,., ..I ., , I ,r,, ,.,ii.,iv ,.i,v I
) a.i. 1 tiej e 1,1, i.ti lit, r,-t. iiirii,,,.,,
1, a lliv III,,,, I l.nry A liuriiril
tllr I.i. i s t.l t-w lllllltis e..,.t.llt a l,al
sire. Ihv.oiiv In-lna: a lis, I ..I I'm ' lu I ,,.1,, a
III ( Mekiilita. i-Miuilv. tllr,.i
s'tptirr .,1 (ink in,-,.
ni""ii f lit ori-i!. ii, M .,. t; . it,.
a-, ,- ia '
Sii .u minis.
Is inr ns. i' it I'm sr er Tin Krni ,
U.'S. fa t 1. 4, nail li'l SM,
V () llar.lini riaintitl
Itwitrw otiti-tf ate!
l.lttra (,it7. .1, b-li.t tula
I.i ll.var Usui asn t i, a,, i f( ,,,,,
Ill llir ul llis Si or ul i in 17. ti ) .11
0 iclt ( y- art' .11 u,l,i'. ah, I rr.uii. lu ,i..
't In II, v BI..IS rlilll,i-.l ( ,i, ,, ,,, l.l.,,v
ll.v llilol M. ,.l ,v iM
il.l ,. ,,rll. A l. Is
1. H lileli w ill U. lbs
lwl, an. I ait.svr lliv
iiii.i. 1111 n, i 111 u,v , vttiiiii .l ,,, ,r
waul tli,-,i'..t, tliv rloi.ilil iii .,,u ,, IV
( "nn l. r tliv rrlivl ,lri,,n,,., n, (,( P,,m
tlalltl piut-li r.-llrl r.,11.1.1. In a ,lt':at.i ,.,
s ilr.-,,'v nnln.l a.1,1 Henri I ,,,,.-,' n ,,.
oteri lr I si'lvv l.etl ira. lu s ilile.uu.
w lilt l,,l.-ri'M al lliv rals nf Im .er eviil t vr an.
HUH, (lues llir ."III ilsv ,. AuuI. vu,, .,,,1
His ll,,ilr,. alul "Illy t.,ll.,a ll.t,v) a lev
Is llil. au'.i, al.u l,,r r.ia ,111,1 ,li.l, ir.i'inviii.,
sun aiait lu, s ,1,-i-rrv aailll.l lt,v a-0,1 .lvt...l
anta InrrelK.llia s nturisaav alvi.ii l.v I lM.
...... a , .1,., I..,,, , ,i,
11-tf t.'l he ul aMtflS n it..
sw ., ..I S. 0 .". I ii s. K I . Wm.ut, lis mvrl.l
Ian. In I'l.rkastassaHiuiir. luasen rlnr.ii ruort-
i.j -ff , ,1,. ., ,l , S ' ." " 7 . ,
Ml. 1, vsii nn parts .,-) M ami r t Ill
ll.v T Pi iha M,,.tni uf Iii 1 1., k
.lu I'S- tlis luiris-ae ui Htsknaa 11.
.1... .1.. ..1......J-.. . ... -
lie l.ey
o.v i.ii,ii.nii aim saeri..,!-,
TSIs sus siuas l , .,1,11. 1, v,l ,,ir.ii tn 1,, ,,
nnlsr ssstfr l,y iiuii ) I ,t let. Iii.Iks ul
sslt ( ,.iirt un I'ri'i-liili.-r ..
Atluri.rya .,r I'lslnllrT
Is; ths Ciiiii it Ci'iiT or tiik Stivk or i
l llil iiiiii ms tiis ( ol Nl v ol t'l 4, k.lMvs.
John (lllltut, I'liiiniliT
Alible Klluiire (illicit,
lit feiiihuil.
To Ki 1 Mikk (In 1 utt. Km 11 IliMNti
ast: III the llaini'uf Hie Slnte ol On roll you
lire hereby re.jtiired lo ii s-nr nud answer
(hu ctini. limit uuiii.i vou in tlie
nlsive enlilled suit on or Is liire'llie '.'ll duv
ol A.iil, s-m, Hie saine beli.u the lira) ,'v
of the next reculur term ul suji eoini f.
lowtnn His H,iiition of tho tltnii i.ieserlhc I
In the oritur lor lite puhliuiitiiui ol this sunt
miiiis, und if ,ni Im! .,1 1,1 it.a'iir und 11 n
sviersiililttini.iiiil, ,htlill will it 1 1 1 -1 v lo
the Court Inr Hie reliel tleiiiniuled In' the
eoiui luliil, lo-wlt, lor the ilissohuiim uf tltt
ho'id.ol li.iilrilni.nv now existinn belvveen
I'liiintill Mini del itiitt liereiii ,,,! I,,r 1 1,..
extlii:iii.liiiient oliiiivchiini or Interest Hint
tieieniiitiil limy have III or lu certain hind in
the eiiini.liiiiit ileaei ibeil.
I'llllli-llll-il In- Older uf ll,..,il.l.. i.v.,,,1.
J. Tuvlnr. Im t m of said rotirt ilulv mii.le ,m
the Huh duv o 1'ehriiitrv, IH'I, '
'.".'7 IK):;i., u Atlnrni'V for I'luliitiir,
Office Is tha Dost. Try It.
Quaranteqinj Moro Powor, using Losa
wator tlian any other
Wheel, and thn onlv Tur- P
bina that will
701'k 0UCCC83fully
und$r Hoadd from
3 TO 300 FEET, ii!Sy
Notion of Dissolution f Partnership,
KOTK.'K Is lisrshy given Hist the
lierslilp existing hr lwcsn H. II. Cslllf, (-. II.
Iiaui hy snd 1,'narles ( allff under Hie linn
inline iil'lhn Uri'ison I Ily Hush and Hour Co,
Is hereliy dissolved hy iiiiiliuil loiiseul, (',
II. Hsiiehv, retiring. Ths business will I
curried nn hy H, 11, Clillll illld harles Cslllf
under the su'ius hrin hiuiis, '1 hey will pay
Nil debts Ssiusl the (uliipiiliV and collect
all 1.1,1s ilili-tin-Ill. rl. 11. (Al ll-K,
C. II, UAl'CH V,
4 9 ls i2 17. i HAM.CAblH'.
Hat II Ml UNIl, Al'T Jt'NK , S7S,
.noi m ii i on ri in n t-noH.
I'sitsii rirATfs I, ash iirm s, j
(line. i.s l itt, dr., Mao h l.'i, s:i.(
NDTIf'K Is hereby xlveii Hist III lompll'
ttiice w llh the prm Isioiis of Hie set of Con
Kress of June !(, s's, rut Hied "An act for tho
it I v of liinls r lands lu Iho Hlales ol I slifor
Ida, iip-uini, Nevada, and W ssldiigton Tsr
rllorv," John W, Tail, of 'I 'aroma, Counly
of I'lerte, Hlute ol wnslilugliiu, bus this
day tiled lu lids ollles Ids sworn slnte
liienl No, III Hi, lor His nun luic of the H
S VV li uud H ti, NK W ut siei lion No. ,
Ill Tosllalllp No. 4 Hotllll, l(illlle No. li
Kusl, uud will niter ptool lo show lliut tbe
hind soiiilil s mure viiluiil.le for lis llnils r
or stone Hum for siri. nliurul pnrsses,
nun in i-siiniiisii ins eiioni in sino inno is -
i..... n, ii..i... ,,,! 1 1,., ...1 ,',,. ,.r (i.l. niiii ,
ut imuoii suv, iir.oii i niirsiisv urn i n
day of Aiiiii. Ism, e numes hs wit- TI,,,,. .WaiKulrcolTiMoinii, Wii.b ;
H. l ie ts,ol('r.oi, ,tv, dr.; tV. A.Cu
horn Hief N, J. Welch, ol Poilliind, (it. ;
A l,e 111,,! nil iS'i-MiiiiHi'liilliilltu ml V elsi-ll ll s
sliove i e rils-d lum nni rvoiiesleil lo Ire
llu-lr eliiiins In Ibis ollii n on or Is-lore said
74 It dm of AiikusI, l .
I, T. Al'I'r MHDN,
4 (- IJ IU !'. Iti-Ki.lcr.
Notice for Publication.
I simiisr irr., o, n k
(Inn,, n ( Iiy, ! i, March 11, lst.
Notice . beteliy tien Hint in tt,li,j.l t. lilt the no ol...,. of Die ii. I ol I .,,
(.reus of .litiif 'l, IH.s, eiiiulrd "All ni l .,
tbe suit- nl llnils r lilll'ls In the Mutes i,l ( ill
iloriiiu. i'ri'on, Set itda, und i ii.biiii..M
leirttorv," I'. rrv hiiver of l(os, ( onniv
ol Kli'K. Hllltf ol W tt.liliii.-tol,, Itu.
lids Ull) lllt'l ill I li is oil!, t Ion swore
.( ili-n eiil So, IH., lor the 1'iiri Iiiim- of H.c
Ml ol H,i iin i, N. 'J. in .on.lil, No.
J Ninth, Iin,, i;,- No, li l.ii-l. uud will oi:er
.rtMt to lw il,,ii Ibe bind so ,cl,t I. it,nre
viilinil.le tor it- Int.lier or sloi.c emu for ti
rii till nnd I'lir, om-h, m,. i,, , Hf:il.i,. ,t.
I, ion Iii .aid bind Is-lorv ibe r lllt'l
lieeetver ol lbl ulll, e lit line,, ti I II V, I Ire
! It "I 'I lli'sditv, the .'till iluV III Xiigu-I,
J !... II.. ...... .. V I
. ---. ii. i.. ii- , tt i ir-vr. . . j.
"ihli.ol J'liiilitiid, Mulii.oiiciii Co., nr.,
! 1'ir.l sp.nt r, o Mneh, I In, ki. it. I onniv,
; tin in I, hie,,U ri. ..I !(.., hn it Conn
li, VYuahiiixliiii ; in.d N. .Mver. i.l llollull.
kliK ( ; WudiiiiKton.
A.iV und nil ersi,ii cluiitdctf ud
Virxly Hie iii i.t ,tl. l.tlnls are re
'pit .ed In lne tin ir cLiiina lit titiM litbc on
or Is'lore said ."'III d.lV ol AliK T.I s l.
I. API T.K-ni.V
Ki'iilalt r
I l- 'i I.' I"
'1 I M It I : It I.VMi AIT I I'M- -I i.ts
Vil ll i: I'lllt l"l III.W a I llkVi.
.. o . ,
(itu ...s I, n nr., Mutt h 17, Itu i
Nol. la lieivlo fc-iie., ll,l In , I:..i,.e
, ,i',. i,oii''iiui, , i
vi Hit I ,e niiniii ol l,e m l i.l I o: t-'re. i,f
.'.tte i, i , enitiu-.i, aii inn ,4r l ie .-ale
..I luitU-r l,iiel i:: 11, e uf ( nhlonda
"ri-K-oii, Ne tela, n id W u .l.iii(;to,, lent-
buy,' Ilie l.celo I o-.v n-l.i i..l. i.l Tit, l:i.
( ou.iiy of liens-. Kn,e ,. M j-hi,ii;i,.i,. I as
In i. li.iv lib I in in . i, ill,,. In. .it.irn -late
ii ei t No. n. , ;-,r tbe .nr, I ice ,.f lb.- I. l.
: n.,.t i a. .1 u ,. vn i ..i........... . . .
"'' ' '' l "-"" sl'uw h... the
; hmd soiichl l n y,iliil,li- ,.r it- I:,nl.-r
I or .lone l,..n l'i,r s. ii. nlitiinl .,;r..-4- i, ..!
t, I,,. 1 l,o.,i lo .,ti I .u u-i,,,,.
,,,. (, CMr , I;,.,.,.,,, ,. ,,r ,;, ,
"' up,-. , M '. lie ,.,.. ,...;
I A- .i''rn, met N.J. l i Ii b, i,( ',.ri -
I, t U ; In 1 e.11. r. of s.. 1 l. L.
! n.if ( 01 , li , t 'r , snd S,.i;.,i,i ,.r
lioiiell. km,- t ,,i,i, 11 , WitsliiiH-ion.'
Any ami il it-r.oiis cliitii, i .e n,h, -relv
I bo,,;, tins n- , 1 n--1 e l lu
Hie Heir 11, nn 1. m C11. 1, tlm .,!, ,,r I. I,.rt
Mil. I '.11, 1l.1l ,, Ahjiii.I, s ,,.
J. T. AI'I'l lisuN,
4 .1 ) I'.' in v.. Itel.ier.
llMltl l! I. VMi, .M l' Jl'SK:i. s:s.
yri 14 1: i on ii in k t i io,
I'Mitl n r (1 1 a I vm, l to K ,
(isr...o I'm, 1 ir,, Mun It I i, It'ii. 1
Noli, v i 1, i-ii,l, v- uli, , 1 ll, ul in
liner lull, t!. l.n.v.-ioua ol li.euel i, (',,.
mas i.f .liii.e S, I -V : it 1 1 U-. I "An act for
li.eile ol Innla-r I. ui.,. in tin' Mud . ,. i'm;
ilornia, 'ni..n. Nevada, an I V 1. .-,',. 1,
lernlory." N.ilbin. Me,. ,., H.n H,
I i.UhIv of Klin.'. M ile i.i Wii.bil.k'loii, ,,
tin- d.iv lib .1 1,1 , 1. iitlin. ,i ..vorii .luie
lne-,1 Nn, 'i ,1, ..r t!,,- ( iirtiii.M' id :,e
M. I ol s, i In 1 1 No.'.', in l,.,M,.i,i, s,,.
.-oiiiii, K.tete ,, . Ku-i, und vull 01.,-r n-'l
lo.U.n. 1. .at tin- i.t,:.,.ii-,t j, ,, ,.r,. w,, ,!,;,.
lor ll- innla-r or -I e I- Ibii-i ,, 1 n-.-j ,i,,,,
I'Urpi.e.. I 1 i,,i,n hi. , I;, 1 ,,, ,a,,
I. ui, I U l.. re Un, l!i-.i-ii r uud lie. , 11 , r ,,1
tin. oil), e si t .r, viiii ( nv , Ur.. .ui I ii,-. ,,n
Ibe ..lit , liiv of AiiLii-i, .'i. lie uanii-a ii
wiiiu-..,-.; N.J. VV,., -I, ,,f I',,,,!,,,,,! (lr
I'erry Mil er. ol lio... Kinn Cniilv, a.h-
iik-nei. r r. 1 .N. 'uter 1,1 ;v. i u, t
I'r. I ,
Coui.ti . Hi sc. I .1
I I!.,... Kiini .-. Y .-!. it i.e,
Any ami mi , , ,- .
,l..i i
.. nre
'4 udv-l'vlv
rt'',lll"-le,l lo ,
on or Is'lo.e j
Hbs slaivv .'nasi.
I., ,
1. I
lile their 1 llilnis
said ftllt thy, is( JtU
4J- k.' lsVsS.'
A l'ii:usi .N.
TIM HIM: l.t.M', A( 1 JINK j,,.
Notice for Tublicatlon.
Csirsit Sunt. I.isn tirrn ,
(Ireiem l ily, (lv.,,n, M.iii l, 'ti W1
Ni'TII t: I- hcrvhv civeit Il1.11 iH '..titidj
mice nub the Mi i-i,,,.. ,, u. ,., , , '
Kivv.,,1 J,,,.,' ls,s.e,..,il,, "An ,-, ,r
the sale ul IiiiiIkt l:n,,l. ji, H. S, , ,.(
il'.riii,.. Urt-ijoii, Netitdn, and Wu.liii,,:!,,,,
leintorv, .liihii.M.ii.Ui-ij,, ;,,.. 1 ' ,..
tv ol hii,t:Mle ,.' Wiubjne,,;,,,
I us day ,,,! , ,! Uis J
.tiiti'inei, Nn. ..,, ,,tl, ,....,m' olil,,.
lots 1 itint J , s . N.: i,s,, iio N.
J, in liiwiishlii No. l' snub, ;K,. Nll ,.
l u. . und will ler ,nil' b. .1,,,,, tbm ,.
laud soneht ia inmv valuable lor ils IiihIht
or M.n.e lb,.,, I'r a,-,!, nllr;,l i,n. a..s, ,. ,
o,, ,is ch.1,,1 10 ...tin. . K.,,t,
be lte(7i., r uud licfeitcr 01 this ,r ,
OiVKon City, iir,4!on, Tuesdav, the Mh
.liiv o AueiH , Kji. ,,;',,, w !
tie.cs: J, elel,, ,, ',ila,l, dr., -
Hiver, ol Hess,
Kieir Coiiuly, Wasltiniini,
N, Myi is, o liuihi ll, Kinir l ouiitv 1
liiHt.iu; und I led Scaur, of .v,u- ,'i ,,,1,
uiniis ( 'utility, Or. ' 1 all .etsoi,s eluiuiliiir atlversctv
lie ahnve desclMd a,v,sl lo
iiest tiiio, iModuMnn.
Cures tv mrtt ul f, u
A r -.ft iVsssjasBaJkl5i a,
s-aCtf,''- ,CS ' f,'.',ft a iSW'aavrtJ, 1
dudrMirJz.' '.v.V Vlr. ii
r-.,- vi-a. Vp. m.V. .'.w. .. -, .. -- r iT.-.i:,;,.;,
.HO 1 14 i: l Oll 111.14 ai ,w,, rfU, '
ossii-iTv,Kr.,ssi. u
Not If r, is li-oi.) l..i, Mmi , !,.'
wlili Un. iiriiti.i.'h.,. ., ,! j',
Jims Is'.S SI.IIII.-.I 'All .(.f i, '. "I
hr Isn.U fn II,.. sti.ra I .lil,u ,,;'"
Kv.i,l,t. slid Wnaliliiviiifi 1srrll. "
Mfl,mie ef h, . tu-oii nl g ,' ,". ' im. Us fli.,1 iu ,V,. "i X
Ills SH-elll .l.lel-e-i l ,H, Ijiisj, lf """"
KSeiMIt, lli,,. K ; r... -l . ".,''"
In .le.S Hi il l'i .i,i, .1,1 l. ....... .'.H.!
f,.r It. I'u.l.i-r er .i.-i.. ili.r, r ,,,''"'
1,,IIIM..M., Mel I., l-.MI.IUh ,t, ,f, I "'
I s I,1 jfitstl.s 'is.. r .let K-l.r,J
eSies si On, ii ( l. Iiiik,.i,, ,,"
IHI. U, ..I Jul,, U II.. ,, , ''h'
(is... John l )iiw.,i.. r (,;
t,,., ;;;V' ,;, ,r: 1.',.. ?.'.. .h
(. K M'.iHl, Mull,,, i.i, ,..",."'
Alijr ,..l, i sil '.,
hih'vs ,,.'.eri'"i
ihsir rlsoi,. ii, 0,;-
ri.,,.1 ,i.,. mis rv.nw.mi ..'I
o. .-ii i,f ,, 14
il.t nl July, i
r. -IJ-W- sii n.-;j n
TMir.l'K I. A Ml, fn .wsv.n is-x
H4MT4 II I IMI IM fTl.JI A l loy
1-ss.ei cur, i,r . p!,.
n. m,
llSfl'l, give,, In,
uioi i .,..ii., ,i I,,. , , ' """T
i ..,i- .i i iiii.i a,, .-i Uir ii,,. ,,r,.i7,
- j j.,,, .i i o-, en un u 'an .-i r,,r n. ,,'
j i,ir l in,l i i. ,s ii ii I i .,,......" "
l.r 1 net
, v L - " ""'" i-'iu..ff,-' h,.iu
' t'"'",," ' " ,' "' ' ,,' 1 ."' W.. ,.;
1 '' I'V ,"' '
i , Z V '.V '.t ,.'.; '..'." " ""''-
i .lot, S., V s ,t , n .'., ;, v
i and Ulll el er l.f. i.l ,,. .... s.
i "s-u i i on I,
" " ' "'' -M l'..... .....l 0
'' ... iinr t
' " ' - ra (ill Km
I.l.-, .ili.l il.i-Hlf , I'll.ell.e,., CT,'
"' " ' ; ..I
1 .-A. lie teiliii-. a. w Itu, ,i ft,--. lit''
Jellil A In IM-,... I .. t ... I,. 1 1, . . ., iTl
IliS ISi-lr
It ii 1. ,, k I U.l,.
r..ii!iini ,.,,.. li, ui , ,
Al.y n,, I nl, .i , ,,. .1, ., , ii.-. ,
Hum, el n,,. . , t,., ,.
I ,) I Jut) I . e
!.. 4 -.-4 '
1.1,1.,.,,,,, -"-'
-1 91 11. K .,llv.,..y
li-,,,li.ln 1,, g:)
l! er lrt-1. tf tL
J I A-I MlS.,S.
i l .MIH.i: I. AMI. .l T JI NK .1, s7s
ou t: i on ii in. i i not.
t stiKi. Suir-I.asi, (,rn, i
""" f ix. Dr., "tl, ii, imo I
M)1K K la h.irl.y lv,i Ili.l t ll t.,mt.llaufs
sllll llis . ,..!. I. t,a , tl,. ,, l,r.M Z
J.u,a. s7a.,llir. ' An art I,,, t,, , "
Is-r I I. Ill His Slat, . i, (, (.,
Nvv.nU. I Wa.liiliP,,i 'Ivrrltmy" Har,'
I. .,,,.11 t,,, y Kli.j sutj
uf W a. Ill 1., t.. I,,. ,. i.. (ir,), In bu
llir In. .,., .l.liiiiriil N. , si. .,r Ibt pur
rlia. uf lliv sh i, i,f sveiKiti N i i0 lusr.
N" 'i venli. ; ka.i n. I tf.
(,-r (.. .. .,,,, ilit iit Una .,,i,i Ob,,,,,
l.l'. l.,f II. Iliul-r ur tlults Ulan u u
'leiill'llal I i,. ..r. .,,,) 1,1. rlall)
Euatf.lbu.'l la-lerv tits Itutftatrr a,,, v,-vlvr
I llil. u.l!e at oti'sen ( u iirvi,.,ii,i, iUM.
.av llis Mli ,) f Jul, ,. a. f, aM
sill, v.. v. J. loi r li,. r,. ., y Mix.
Ii.iii.v ..I II..... kli.j -,,in,t,., IV .. ,,,,,, u T
Stultrt i.f lar. i'leri r.,,11.1)-. W,,tos
N i Wt-ii-li..! -.rtl., Miiiti,.,i,,4, (,.!.. Or'
Anyainl all r., ,,. e!..i,,,.( silvsrsslf ike ,lt-M-rilM-, Intel, sr.- riMUr-tra In Sis
(livlr rlaltii. iii tills urtier itu t, U lurv aai. t'sq
lay nl Jiilv, lst j i Art.()K
S-lli-ju, -SO-pKO, v-nivm.
.iU- lor I'siblirullssi.
I MTri.f-ttis l.oiiiiiru a, I
.. 1 " "I., 1 t-lt. 17, Is M.f
I " I- heis hy Kitt-n (ba in csmiplf-
-.... -.o .., t,,c set t,i i.uu-
of Jmic X s7s, rnlille.! sit sxl for the
,a"- "' Umls-r Inn. I. in l,v Htutrs isTl'alifur.
I ' ''"' tt''"- atnt V as.ll.'Klon Tef.
' ,'"r " '" ' llurti.v ol i in ..n I
jCoin lvof ( Im kaim Mule of t irnn, I, as
! 'hi" ilsy liit-i In lliis uIIk-v I,i. .,,, ,ui,.
i ii.enl lso4 for il ir.-l.uu...r,t.. i-1 ..v
l"wns .lpN...3N..ill,. Itai.N,,. kSrUrt,
""' '" ",!,'r lM'f lo !iu Ibnl lbs Isrst
-ouf:!,! is iimir vui.iitlJc fur il. timber or
""I t il. un f..r u-rlt iilttirul i.ur)siara. snd lu
! .-.lul.ll.b In. 1 lam, l,t v.ii l li (ii.v, ,e
K.m I U V. I lr.-t.l ., Fri-I.) "th, ."th dsV
! "' Jul r, vsi. ,. tminf, , -.1111,,;
! ' let". Call 11 .-and I'.. II. (, Irlin-iitai.f I In-cti
' i'.v. 'r. : K. l. Seivsrs ti, K. N-itFrsnf
1 berryv ille, (hvwii.
! Any ami all is-rswns lUliiiit a alveiwfv
H e nltni .leM-rt's-.l l.nel. are re.,ii,-,ti-, 1,,
! I.l'- 11., Ir 1 lum, . in ,t. 1
.iticr un .r Ufiirs
i .aid Jot 1, d:iv uf June, I
I ' J.
:i,ls Hi Itcgiusr.
Hal:.K I A Mi. MTJt.NKX.Wr4.
ollr Inr
IMtii. st nr. 1.4M. tirrn s 1
, (issues m, it, , u. ii, n0 I
I SlHIl K la livrvbt slveu th.l In v,,mpu,
1 silli the i ruvl.i, 1 t,v an nl ( i,rru ,4
Jiiiiv s .. il:v I "Ail sel b.r Ihv atlsul llsi-
vt a. 1.. an I
' '" p".r- "I aill.irtlla. tlrv.,a
l..-U,i. ..I I,,
i. rrui.r). Jslis U. ut k,i(. hialv si
-s-itl ,1... h.a llil. ,,j. tlvj lu .this odlv.
Ii....rii.invi.'i,i N.v, , ,.,, lt ,irclla,
ut I. I.l mnl l. au, s Mi w,,'n Hot. la
l'' .1" ",i'i, l..t,.'Nu ; ..,. .ad
will Ncr IT-..I 1" lliua I l.l lliv Istttl a..Uhl IS
m-.rv v i.tiasia .. it. t,tir , ,.,lh,u ,r
" .iir..,e. ,1 , c.t .l.llan kis
4i,lm i mi. I,, ,i i.,,,u , ,Bjr.
vn.r ul 11,1. ullivi- v.r,.,.,,, ,-, 0
Im-'liy. Iv .l, ,.y J,llv'
li.lii.'. . ..r. l, T t,.h...,M. ,M
llvur, .v.i,v ;, .. K,e p..,,I,lv.W..hl,.
I' ll M I awllli 1 1 I ivema, l-lvrw co,ml.
ou:u,r..':'v,u,,J' ttcu" ,v"uuj' ""
.u V"'..",',' .''."elsliulii a.t.vr.vl. (hs
tlivirrltlu.s In Hit. ulticviiut.t saiJlsth
V', 'V 1 T Al l khsuiv" kvsUlst.
V"K K l'4llt IM 111.14 Al lOT.
1 I'mti h SriTrs I ami (in,, r I
Cur, nr., Keh. IT, Issi.i
I Nolle is hereby Fivr ,t 1P f,,l,, jn..
iisins 1 si llier hu. liUsl noiictM.fbisiiitfr,.
1 Hun It. make In a! I.nmf in stii,,H.rt of his
cluiii, and li st suiii .rt,f j ,ylk,W
fore the rrp.tcr and nvrntr nf Hi. f. K
iijnu ottice m (!; ,-j,v, ,.rv,0 on
Minn av. X nv ,v m-ai i.. u-iii:..: '.. r:
It.. . o ..''-" " uiisui Ituscit:
lloin.-.i.A l l.iury, lir ,he t S
;, : ,',,'.r.,"",m 1 -
'"', . s wiim-jm', ,,t i imi his conliii.
..".I.. IV..,,,
e in on Mini eiiiii, .ii.,,, ..I ..
li' : II. Vlit.tieli, l n i.,. .,. ' ,4
Ic, umlC. ttail.-y, all of Sn,lv, claelta'
e-tu ceil'ily, drem.,,. J, T, A IVKKSOX,
- ' '- " Uc.iatsr!
4H I: I OK l III II atio-v.
I'siTn. M ini I i,, i,rit s,
Oiikui.s liiv, Or, Murch 1 1, IMS)
Noiice Is hertby Mii,' ,b, ,;,e ,-,,(,(.
" d sciiler ,.. UM t,tw tnm . ;
"il In make tlnul i.r,H, j s,,,rl r h,
si... .,.,1 t ai , , rvHifwill 'J "ds bi!
T,,...,l,iv t ., .. i -, . .. .. I'nui'n, on
li i."' ii "".', '". vu: .Mai Iin
...... .unit'.. it an SMtrv X
' ... .... . . "
o. Ti-4. for ths
" 'J'".." VM-: '. of NWltttitdNW
w i t e ; U,"' ,l"' following
ni t!!! a I ?'X ""''''" residci.e
Lr? r l V''1"' '"",'". ".l land, vis: 8.
I srter, 1.. Havis, J. ., Tuhhs und 11 lis.
wi" jiaSf
i..,.' 1 T'. "".'.r
""""'uihi uy rtiyHtciimS.
".mom oojocuon. Hy ilruitir isti
.'iVlT tt.,,.
Head of Watnr and tcwer Recuf.Gd,
Jl .......
sAsjssjtai' ''WsV"