I Homo lUxppcmmgs. l(Wlav w.i tine. The vouuly coin' t U i aoaaum. tli IVithtml opened hm Mon- j. flvira. I'M. 1' 'u 'yidinUl fever Company' tlag 'b' ! j'v Mm- . yf ftUM. iliapOV.tioM . il'lm 'Toraoeiilel Imlchuiun" t ,,' Hull this miming. -tli two JumlKi orvxtoovl tliu btldg.i Wv wrthotil tn'tutm -FnrnMiod M.m foi' rout on tit hill, onlv two h.vk from Sovonth at root j !pjmt. ImluilM oi ranhler of tlmCum- ItlelYial HilllK. Snn.ly Uutvluy la still ailU'eilng with Mill'l;IK, IiIn limha being badly awollen beaidoa which aevutul uleera troubled hint wiI'iunIv, F. M, M.t.thieiu of Untie Ciwk Win in townhit tittliirday and Sunday IKv called licit, out of reaped to lh ttieuiiiiy l Mm, Nuivluy, lion, V, C, Juhnon waa ubht to go li FortUud on Monday. ll wun no doubt welcomed tlnne, upon tin Ilia lira! visit nincu hia aleknoaa. W. N. I'Vrriii, prolennor of inatW- A.itori.i ! nttktit-M m lln rni'iilo I tuvvraliy ut For est Urvivii, paid hia tirotliiir, tin. doctor, living viit the lust of tho wefk. Sim-n lo return homo T. A. MoHriiln haa heisi i-onlined to tho liouaowlth seven, attack o th gtippo aupeivedml by m Id hf murage o( the. lungs. Mis- C. H. I.. Unrinoiitor has ft huge Assortment of clocka, which 1 10 hu just received duvet from Hi eastern Mi'ga. For s.ilu cheap and waiiunled, too, Tin) that o, Hio w,ek Jiii Hoako Cut out f the iivr two r,ij pickers and lot ul shafting liMouguij to 'hit excelsior cimtp.r'.y. l'hey wore, down ly Hi brick vard. Tho ulisitnre of the. Clackamas bridge io cause of much i neon von le net to the eilimoia of that part l lint comity. Its abneniVnhoiild bcnoiicoahlo no Ion ( er tlmn (i.mili.i. -tn Stiiul.iy IliHoivor H Y. lUuvh r U'lMUxl toli'ttium from Wtthiiitf'on lit' j hu lint tli ili'i'ai'moht li'l ullowoil tli Uiilii'x I. .in n n.lilitiiiii.il cliok Tlio tt.n.linifmiwi( tt,llllMlW,.,.mo , Mr. litinlt ai i t'tt- f, ovorlioiil on Mouthy ili.l not wj tlttotitflt V. M. ilr. Itoinv H "iisv liiilt, ol Jl'uslon tin' ' "I ll vk. tKl'tl,'n'iUI ,1'v,'lll'",, i'KU llVrtUiml nfxt Vvliit.a.iy. T. A. MtUiitlf uivivotl to l.itt on juiimt on tli It'll I"' MonUy, f J.vmi. WilkiiHon living for l'.v.' 4 Stntlli' I'i'"' Mvinjr onsino. H. Wltil ol lUilUt Oivi-k li b IMK1' ''Oliiy I'tililif. : tlt "W'lt' f'f iitl i'l Ih ((iwn ( H.tll, on I'ritl iy HtolSllt, V i ll oi .v ih'. in iit 1 A. U. Fiv- H ' 'l to ' w.''. l.otU tt iitvr. Noilii'ti! w.n 'lonw li lty M.'it.l.tv ottl't mo.iiiK tlio liolcl Wjiftutt. Mr I'.. I. t'ru,iit n tut MittiT-ln-Uw , lr loly. wi " l"n on KriiUy. Witt ti.tti xti: i' mitt iloti Irom Si lrm o'i S it i l.iy m I rotor i M m l.y. Yvkti'itUy Stlr.l !k titout foUl it turtn oi liW rtcivtt, in t'owlitu County, l5rry J.iooln xtnl A l. I'titrow ro turmvl front S,ttt FranoKvltutt S.ttnnt y. Itcv , W, Uiltony U ,M r , -r.oi it,... i . n;m..ol now 'n,' IViitliiitil linn, ttliivli IntoniU to niuk H. I.. K-lly il'vi.trf,i tom. ll!Ulti,tlt.jVlI(,rrVlll)l,1vUUv T,.r rtt',l urotiml liin lot on Wu-htntoii j ,uui i(,ri. ,,,,. ,,,,,1 ,0 IAn,U, vVm.t inft. i,r B11 KW .Xvt'iin( to .Urtif lli Tito Itotfl Wyij itit o.t iiM'tl A prom- j ,,ail, ,t 4 titl lo. lnnt I'lui i rt S.-ventli rtnvt ov.'ri Mr. I'.mhh in tKin up flito ror Sunhy jtyitixt at tlt. (o-tt of town on tint IliU- Miw) Stt'll.i at.tl Kloroitfe U,t kott ; ,,m r..i l. A no.vt roll i,it with tin r vimtiitf litomU in town on the ' u.rr.uM.I grouti I i g inn to iri'it Sbhalh. j lino ai.rur w iu'u co,uptot'.l mill Kotttn .V Fu.-lis tll I ox'ii lor lot". : iirown witli two jir.K. titiim-!.n in thiir new ntnr li-l.iv. full : "Sovontoon" So i.tt t'luh Imvo on ti.ctn. I p...tiin I tln'ir rt'iJtil.ir -i.tl of Kri.luy i ...... 'W I,.. Ih.,i I.i.I oitlAi.til lltlt until Apnl IMIt wli.'tlth futt strvft from tin l'n t .mariU thfil-i-t "'""'I "f ',"oi. Unit . , ..... ... - ; It i .t . ..I U-..r rout. ' ijivri, ny mom, nu. i tiltM'lt' 1'UHMIHillNlt ttOOlm.--l''of tin' pllttt Vlt't'k .1. V. tl't'ollllt'll llH ll'H'U litixy flriinliin out mill ovtMliiiitlitiK tho iittiit nwittly viu-iitt'il lty KouIh iV t ut'lm wtul IWlit It for it tlidt i'Iiihh itontii' fur- iiImIiIiiH kihiiU Hlont. lltt will liitvn IiIh HtiM'k Itt'iit llio, lt of Hi wi't'k itntl ill lirtvo It lu pliii'H for tlto tiH'iiliitf on Molt- iltty iitxt. Wll.l. l'Nt.MIK. J, 1'. HllrtW U III'- mnulnn to mill itnolltor nloiy to tlio l.lv- I'l'lllllllt liotol in noon u Hi WOlllllt'l' will in'rnilt tit lit'lii nlf ol lint ol.l root without t'ltilsumt'i'lnit tint mw Ih Iow from tit ritlu kilmi t'lmtiln nliovo. Tli tmlUlinit l '.'Kx K, ntl lhxtratory w ill kIv unit nuttiliiT inor room, ml room itr In iloiniiinl thou tiny. Criv A. tl. Wiiitk. Tli of city vh A, tl. Whit for vIoliitiitK on of lit t-tt v onllniini'i'ii lu ttrwtinn ud uittlu- linlnu rt nigu on lit miHH'imlou In liln witliin tit t'itv llutitH, ttim I'lilUM on Vtu'wliiyitt tn oVliK'k ttinl Hinlptniil till on r, M. lor in ui'it'iHiitni io piu. At on oYlork It ntril th plfit of. not uuilty mill Hi m wim jHwiHHttl till Frlility for trliil. OtiKtiox City rnixitv, Tit repulill- i-ttn priinmy (or thii pnvlm t tm Itfl'l Umt Sitturtlity, Tlir Ik-Iiik hut on tUkt it) tli llt'ltl Hi vot wiw h lllit on Follow lit U tit ll"t of ilt'lt'K'iil" t hi.n: J T Apprott, V It Smith, J I, Hunltortl, JiiHuk Ltttitm, K M ltiiuiln. J U I'ottor, C t T Wlllimim, I.T Itmin, T A l'oHt, IVlor I'miut't. II Y. Cro, T A Mt-ltrtil, M A Utrtitton, T W Fmiln. A Fiuni'ii F.AnrKM CmroM. Mr. Mr riiiw mill f.niiily w ttpplntl ti'inHii- rily with W, A. Whito'it mnl on F.ir tnorniiiK tltoy littfotlinvit a I'lt'itih i-tiatuio to iiit.'tvut th cltililn-u. Si'inl- tnu th yoiiitd fulkit hII nwtiy, thy Itiil tttn il.iji'it ln'iiulilully t'olort'il in v rioim plmt'n iiIhiuI III ynrl, llion nvuFcil Hi fltil.hvn who iiK'ui;t'l in vttfiiiw k'ttrtlt for th IrwiHiir, It look n kkI touit liunt U-for in of Hii'in woru ItrotiKliI In. HlNXIMI AN -' t.MN.-CltM My- t-rx Itim tin int'ithutor t work, I')' th uo of which hu purpowK ImU'hiiin out fhiokons hy wholf.il. Th liiui'hiliw willnrtou ltW iw ul rliiltt-r Th only trottlil with it in thut it wilt nt li'ttltk to itJi own I'hirkrim kllil hrotnl ma , ngini, am r 7 4i 'TlVAIt A llovx. Khiiii ( into ulllt' "Hill PiIhoiiuin itnt itpi"! f't n Cht'lmlln jiill.Minl IumI work tli uli.'iilf li'h'Hi'ii'liit Hlift'lir SiiniMou Uml liny wcif Ht't'll piiKHlnu through llull t'ltok John Morrl wont out. lo Molnllu t'oi'iinr mnl found thut I'hll Mtii'iniiiii I'H'I followi'tl thm thut fur, Hinl liflil tWm up, only lo Hnil Unit thoy wi'in not Hi pitrllM wiiuli'iliil Hit. Hl lllNUIS'tlUl T CVH II I.IMKM. A I'oit- liiiul roiil tnt Unit lulrltMl InOtvuon City proporiy luiv put out it poHtor mm tnlnliid th follow It. t'ltti'h Iliti'H! t,itunt'hof I'ttliii Cut' Slt'iiimir will nun k it now t'l'it for-Ortnoii Clty-Th t). C. T, Co. will lty Jim 1"' tloipitli'li hoittit From Taylor ulrwl, t'tntliimli FIkIiHi ulroi'l, tlit'Kon Clty-Ahoitl viy two tlotll'M;- I'.UHl lltl WfHl Kill uiolor llll m now in Imiiil of fiipitullHlH; tloth will ho Itullt fiitly ;-.Tlto iii'tt'tiiuioilutlou for ti'itvlrn will ho tiint to Hi lH't mtvwhor ; - liniiiil now lull proJiH'tiHl j -UKtO will ho ul work lu 1KI-Iii.tw- Ktn CilyV Ktvitt iiiIIIh; A pron-mov in'opln Imvo I'inll itntl w ill-ilotoml tnolr fro Iniilnts-W"" in itpplylnit itl H Slink Htiwt mnl !!' Itink mriH-t, I'oriliinil,-- For loin of ar nt Will nmt'llo FiiIIh;- A i lly of .tUXKUlll I luiill ; W wiiut no liooiu. Kt on MoMiot iit IUsk. Sout tl nitliiliHt porrou.wi.vH lit Pnllim Ol'rvr, nimtoil lit n'poit ut Monmouth limtFrl- tiny iiiori'.liiK thut tint hrnik ttir ttUmt to miKpoinl itii'l WMKotily piiylntifiO Hr font, on It thoikn. Tm wmlt u llmt whon Hi iloom of Ihu bunk tiiHl Mil nnxloin tlih'im of ini'it mnl women tillod lb bunk, oat h mtxlou to Ki t hU money llil, Th ntliler biul pnyiiiK N fuxt rot be eoul.leottut money mill I'Mti eel ibl., but it" tb rumor upteuil other oil in frfutt KreiUor llititnf, no Hint ( tbti'tt hoiirn lit rtih lm wiltt. Then, when liny foillul Ihltl nil riiil their money promptly iiml in full, mnl there ei'tml no ul to Hi l.nnk'H ftit'i'lv of money, new mukfulU U'iitil broiinht out of th mife u Ihh-Io-I to iiiuvt the itiipply. tho rttult !(" lo liitbten tin.l In H botiK tool entirely ivl, leiivlnrf tbi olllfrrn of the I mik prottil mimlern ol lb nitittttioit. Av F.ir.owr lUnrMH. I-imt Tlnirwbiv we n:iw the i'levtl"H of F. I tf9 thein. To provide fur till Mr. Myers , i,-,.h..,, nm.h.ii, wbli h b will l.tdld on lb bluT t.torliK.klnu lbc-ily, niel uit'ii the p!elitiiii:iry work of w lib h IS IT TIMH Spring Painting, AND LG.Caufield&Co's IS Tltli 1'l.ACK 71) miY YOt-U I'AINTM. A Fl'l.l, vioi k lil, lUiiltnl ami Hatv Oil, TiiiiiiUuo, 'tNilorn nnd UniHlii', AO K NTH f..r tho Klifrwin WillliiiiiN ami (''nry lit Mixml J'ulnU. A Sl'MCIAlrV I'lirr (IikiiIh Pi'0, inailo of niul Low o HOUSE MOVING. Rcnnor & Davis, Till'. Practical Houao Movers, ' will tlo nil work In their lino promptly mnl mitUfiu'torllv, AddroHn, Kl'.NNF.Il A PAVH, Oregon City, Unnn. will I will tiiVc pl.tre. Thou l . . . . i . i . i : .. ..... .n f..,.. U,k-a,l,. I i .iir..rm ll.e '"" :.""'hv i.w.. . W(Vk 'lniliari4t vt.r. Uo i rKviv :tt'..:itioii, i( i,(Het)t. intf t.i.loubl th .iipBtily of their pulp : unU. fly r. mih. u.h it would ordl- l-ii.r.iin Mr. F. V. M. K. biti of l'rtti-h 1 ,il, mid Mr. Sulliiin lm Iwii untkiiiK' ' tmrily be leitne.l line. bit In tho-bio-e-orurr jji .. ... .. . ,, , .. I . i .. i ,r it... ... i . . i ... i ,i... ,. ... C Miluili il H hpi'llmj! J' l UMoni tor ti! neivwitry piiini. mt.i ii..oikh ; mi'iil tin re win iv i.uir.i .in- i...v .... i . i i I. i i....... .1 ii .. i i I ....tl,.. Tl... I. ....... M4'kllitw!.Mi. ' 1"" 'I'"" ' MH'IIIOO il i..im wora. rp.,inei" iih.i' -n "- ; iiotlNe, LoiiKov o,i i.ti..., ' train ilfp.it. iter for th Cnndun Piti'ille ! i fminliirf lb lliulier and tb iih-..- ' ill front the publie p.tik mid will I luiiitij ils iutiMiiiilion ati.l ay llti ! ry lnilliUnt,". will tup. itl mu'.hm. nii p.nii. ol.tr ri i. reii.e o. tn purHw.' Lull. ling an arillli'Uii motiirr or .riHter. Charley think that tbi arraitenuienl will Wat HU oiu aetiing mm : wor(,,,n all hollo. tttimlory, 1U li in vi IIiookh. For even w.'k ',.,, tititiiti the W. F. I'. A I. Co. Iia been arralik'- lit adilili. lire now looy. It i to I a iiitl and hitM iiieiit atruetiir, nlitviii Mooi. fleleil hNiin. II lo (hi there will U ill the V. S. Uider a ill town on lv. Tub Fstkbi-hi!! ple.inl el!. Suriit.iv tiittht' r.iin w.m r uUr Jow in)iir, whilo tbi wind weie in no wtiw raliii an.l iptiet. Co:niany F'i etilrtaiiiin.'nt at Tri ball 1 Comiany F' ilramaiii' roip ueit MonJav. A. W. Frine and Jjviplt Jon. and on Hi-nrr, retarn! from tli ColtitnMn lant Friday. ( lm i a tanner I ll ltli'rt. (JihI i.p.-eiiiitn oi a ift.k and New To-day, Sulle. Wltuioaa luy wilti, liuia Slulku, It left mv l"l and board without jual pro otalion I httteliy (lv nutlet) that I will pay no debit of her roiiti-linij after thl dm. T. Sti'I.kk, nalett.Oi.'ij.iiiCity.Oiegiiti, April 4th, lS'.Hl. 4t. I.U ami l.ii 1.1 1 r. A reiHHt linvlti Iwn put In circulation, Ibrotih a iiilniiiiilrrlitnillng no ibiiiht, that I have duo oulliiiird ii makinn, thU I Im .ty (hat I am (Hill in tho lnii ni. ut my ifhli'iut. un tho Molalla road oliu lull and a half (loin M ail) hi. 1 U'liew llieio U wurk tuoiiiili for all, and Wili Hi Mine iUi'iiim for ollinr that t mm' If for infelf. liiali-full) tluukiiu th.wo who hav ivi-n in thtur li.ilroli.iKo, I iMtietitlly aulk'it a o-1 tiniuiti of Hi niiiii', a w.:ll ii Wuik 111, ! lll'W i't lu ion Mini. I.oi, 1,. WiaMkir. Ap il '., IS . ' iM GentsFurnisliing Goods- Fonts & Fncli's 'old sfiunlncar Gents Furnishing Goods. On Wednesday next I will open at Cliarniiui'N new block, wilh a full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS wliich will he to your interest to see, I shall have , and will keep all Ihe standard styles and nohhiest novelties jn my line. ' (Jail and seo me J. W. O'CONNKfX. WE WANT YOU TO CALL and Examine Our Stock of Browns villo Woolon Goods in Suits, Undorwaro of all descriptions and sizes, Silk Handkerchiefs, Notions, Etc. We also carry a full line of staple and fancy groceries It will pay you well to call on us before buying. ' IVTOEIjETT. Livery, J"Ypil mnl Halt- Stul.lo ORCCON CITY. UH'AIKU IIKIWI.FN IIIK HllllMiK UKI't)T Ihiullu in ul Hiuglo KiH, mnl mnl tlio liitrneH glwayK on luiiul nt tin lowenl juit'iH. A o.itrrull cntini.'ctotl with the burn fur lonno htnek. Iiiforiunlion reitariliiur any kind ul atiH-k roniitly Mttendetl to by i ron ut loiter . horsos Dought and Sold. E. S. WARKEN, UNDERTAKER, Also rtrriPB a full line of HARDWARE Hti.llLAM)' tl.l'UIli.tHo. llililt- j btinl ix repre-eitle.l ill th I'onvrutlioH t-f j .luy by J.e IbtrriiiK'toii, Henry JaWelt lower ' ami K.l llariiiiiitou ! '.: i i;ii('urr.K I'. i f..r a.lvAii..! j Tli. fotin.bitb.n wall for tbU bulM0 x i.m to U"ib'iti'ii"l by o.olo..kii tlm ! lHMtiuu, vin b ..tr.luM wuk i.,,iiiriu'tl nt tin- uuie liote n ll.ii ,.lty n, ,M,r. t',u fouiebitl ui n lo Iw j Mra. I' II, l Hut mrUter'a waleli i fotinibitioiia. j of t ut atone aiel tle i.iirrtrui ture of , , lnli , fully huUiiii', tlio ri U:in linilie l In tlio newt itir.nt'"i ;ol H .a(riiia who lavs all tieen 111010 Furniture, Window Shades, Mattings. Etc. W Inch lm otter at VEEY LOW PRICES, Kitbor CASH or on tho INSTALLMENT PLAN. 1 if You cannot tlo iK'ttcr than to call an.l examine JF 1 Liirio. Tbe Ueu- 1 the einveiiti..ll :r..t.i Smith an.l II A. It in ta ar-i vur I'n ek ileleitntlon t. ruing for the .b..l boil-., in al.me ! i-oula ,.f flm. Mo.bnke, K.I Horn. llllllll. tTMi JiHVHruM" " "' -On rtielay l .in Htni-t. e-tubli-bi.nl the uni'U) fori 1 the .oit. in.l:ile. Ktreet liii.roeliielit. Niw l-.iTv I'm nation. Ni-w llru leuine to the front wiill a aerie of re- I. ...irii.l 1 iw.'.l lltll-liel l'"" -I I . , n; 1 M II Ml I.. I ...I .l..v....HInllwrnl.V.rii..wi.-alWrl''"- , ' ,'"" rival ...rt. w,.w-l for nut.tery w ill, j thro,,!,..,,. ,t I, .-I ..Ir. .... a I u,..l,,n Win. Kni.ht in the ehuir. The lirt ; II'".'" j.r.nlile.1 In ttt.ur, I ..,11,, I a a ilntiirv fur tbu ImrlV 01 ,mhI to tin. i lnilrmaii, llirnv of llmir j I r, n" eoinloit U...I I'oiiveni. iire . A. Inle 1 1 11 l; the 'l:iiin In unit the b a- U il retlilbir janitor. ti u- . i.. il... . in- i.i, ' l'.rvni hiiivi lia M lW'u- . ... - Tuala. llHmH-are.toU.b.kii.iiii.- niornlnuMlmy Su.yth l-uii o.k Ji-r hin mnviiiK Imu l. M ij..r J II Itroekiiubroiij-h an I K. M. Alkinwm will orti.-e tocher in t'b.ir man Broa. new bloek . .leWah-aMiifc- .'lt.-en. Tl n..t UMt I" "I " remil.e.1 favoruhlv for the oilier .hie. It... ,- ,,,r '" W .1,,., ,,,,,. I..'nni ehown. Theilel. irution "l"' I"1'' hutioiia wlii. li "be wiiut ...tel. tier irl.KHt. "ir. r.A'. M.i.l.b k. I'avi.1 Me- Arlhiir, hu 1 J, Citlo, INwkio tn.r..UTi... At the (("we.. nriiinirii-a ieo. Vr -'r, t.. M .t re.Kit.'n, The KrAiik Koter birm whielimaa ol'l on Sjtuf'l iy Wiii wi ure.l by I'r. Kom for aW.ut (llt. We, I ilei't f.rt that lUny Muper ili '.irek yum rolra haf( an.l m.ike KiK. ru'lnteri out of lliaui. .nv V 1. I A lu.wl I M1II...I tlll'll' fl . . . . ... 1 .1 .- t. I " n"nt ' M,.Iiy ,;lM1,Ther.,a.l-have never 1.1, 1, will U, neil .Mombiy. 1 .n (.n,,li,)11 ,,, , 0,.... U IViIiiihii of I'.i.-thm I in 1 b1iiu ,,ll,v lln. MW,y M (.tii.l nut itmke l'in-iiT last I rlJiv. run Muski-kihk tiuiilii: Win. Kuiu'ht, l. W. Ilowiinl, I,. ). Muiiik an.l Amly Kmber. ClMM.a I'mT llnu . Tbe in I'rvu.wl t .ti ti n m n( tha uominiiiijly luia iiiii'U. it iiix'twanry t a-M a l"t moru l k Imixo at lint (Ht nlli.n. To umk r.ni for them the Im.i. liavn Uvn mi In a new form with the .lellverv wlielow In the front 1 " t I T or IIIK SlIIH.ll.K SiH'IAIIIK, Umt Tliiir..iy a 11 re.rler wuaburrv iiiK boiiie with a toiit;h Hteuk lliub r bin arm. N. II. I!.'.rter alwa.V" buy thai kjn.1, t tbi'Wl KttMr-he N,inlr.l nut to a Hliiiiiinn un a r,itill e).'l"4.. .llil. The Mninjer loi"l bint to ill' ijiiln. if b knew of any laro btiil.liiitt 1 lit- hi ilxl't In til Ih'it "o than ieuiieil will, tlit-ir pun Innwn throiili ila aiielny. Ho fut.tnaful baa il Ih-i-ii that a new il.il will bo orgalilM'J in wliit li a wal. h ran lw ublaiuivl u( any value by 'iiinu only fl 00 t r wrk. r or I'ttlii ii'.m, t all or. or Ail.lh aa, Man. (' II. I,, fit urn iii 11, Orej;oii City, Or, A.3STD ANTITRUST TINWARF. I now have a Full Lino of llur.ltvare mnl Stiivea. Pule Ap-nl fur Stijteri.ir Stovi-fi timl Uuneii. j The Oliver Cliilleil I'ltiw a nt II un in. ! Vi have ruiiiiirt"! witli tho limine 1 1 it r ir.l 1 tuna nu111l.1T uml linm r, anil work in thia line will In. un rninitly lti itntl n Clieuti us nny oouM ilt alre. R. D. Wilson. iilu 1'imt Olll .0. (aJi'TMii.ntiu) ) CLOCKS, J EWK LUY. Sl'KCTACLES, SILVER WAKE WATCHES, ETC. All ri'niiriiin Joiic in. wnrritntt'il. (CUt'VKlUUIKU.) Mrs. C. H. L BURMEISTER. ilnrk. Tb tiitni ami money or.ler 1 l riuik l or.l, K. I'.. I'arler ami 1'. Jarlll j werr elnweil t.. r. .r. w iit tlif .n'finei ai wl,m. w ,IU W)M1H , vf,,rf.. liU'oili.ty eoiiveiitioii. j .,.,.. ...,. li..i .a.thKt .. 1 ... .,. ,. . . . i 1 ( U"ini i .......... ,....,,.. . -"-r-r,....,r ,iu, Il,, Wlm.lnn lh the am.nk.eIUent, Thia arruiinement w !ll U-. i((U, -nil rmUi Mf Tll.ll 11 lliniv ii'ii n-nu-iii i.ii 1. 1. ........ rkiiow le.li;ei a I'leapsmt cull John M. Kuy b in b'en down patt "k with Ihe M.il;iriil fever. it reeoi-aiiiiii at itreivril i thei Moii.lav H.ibl Unit on the i' bei'oul.l t'"t' ' cee hit In l I -art ol the time they wer-J " invisible. I Tut I'n.r Itiuvi-aMovan Uat Fri.lay -lti,rewrl. that arr.mill Jnu ar IVter l'a.uet'a pile .lriver"wa takaa il.. Me-l.-iornlown to OleWone where Mr. 'auet plant will Ik- aKeiil reilaee.. .r ,f the Ml. rieiiaunt n hiMil illnlrl. t lylnw inlju.fiit In the Molullu niul I'eiuelery Mail are rtiiilt-ini.lntiiiK either the vur- A mull in fr the euiilltry ' , m.w ,lilrii t or H.ilyiiiK to l..t IieaMirer'a ollir. I bava now in my hainU (umU a;..li ablu lo tho '.aViuiil ul all warrauta en ilorwil piior lo Sept. B, 1VH. nlirel will itgM frum Ultt uf Ihia nntii-e Oreon fllv, April 10, 1 sM . i luy-u-tf S. II. Curr, Trti.in'iriir lift lu k.unia Co , Or. The aeeuml atury of tlio hit rannery ira beinn ruine.! y.-Htenbiy. They are (ruablnj about Keltin luuilier. All the i hiir. bes cu'ept the I'realty Urian wera liAii'laoiiiely .lei'oratr.l for tb Kaater aervkea l.it r'uhbitth. Wonl romea Innii V O. M. l'own ul WiiUtiurf that he ia iiii.roviii( rapi'llv. He ia expeeltel homo m-xt week . The liiilatutlmauiatiatritcture totba woolen mill are lo be oiieneil to-ibiy ami lh contract will douhtli na ha let On uf th lineinnn on I ha I'o-t.il telegraph euinpuny wan fincil on Mon.Ui lor Htrikin W T PaviiNon. Tho north Kularn part of Onu'm City a.:lnjil .littri.'t ia pulitiouin to bu pirat-id from the runt of tin) diatriet. The coimriiinity wan atartted Sunday afUrrnwiii by thtj niniouiii'ementa of the of the Hidden diuth of Mra. JuIiuh I,o '". Mr. Charley Williaina hat botixht a fine bred ro.tdstar, and hua put bur in Harry Hloper'a lianda (or breaking and training. By a notion in another. -i n'mn ft will be obnflrvedthutthn firm (it Hickman A H'jhenlfl ol Clai kaman, baadiaaidve l bif partnership. Cbsnnral Win. Kip'ta'ttud Limit.' J.iiihii were up from l'ortland Momlny, and iiixpfi ted Cmiipuny K. .'W nuinhera being prttm.-nt. Tim t;. S. bind olli. e will bo moved to Cliarriian'a bloek tho hint of tho week. They aro to Imvo the four rooina north of tho ulairway. Juit recoivwl a fine lot ol wntthea, "il vur, gold, gold-lilled, uml nieklii, of Walllmiii ami Klgiu muko, at Mra. C. II, I., liiiriiiiiihtor'a. The M. K. elmr.ih have iiiudn u five Jear'alcHi) of Krotind oil 7th Mtreet lid Joining br, Welch'a building to J. 1'. Hltaw at (HI pur month. . Nothing luu) boi;ii done yat towurda replacing the nidowalk on Main (itri.'ct heluw Kleventb, und ttvnryhody tikca the street fur It, mud or 110 mud. Whut'a the Manor wilh having It fixed? bast flitiriday a gBiitldinan from u the C'owllt 1n WHithingtort wiih In the lily looking for u building, which hit bad heard waa to be entctud, reiiuirlng ot Icbn tlun 400 tlioiiHuud HbiiiKle to cover It. i!lu' it In driving alotit tm pilea for Ihu (Jluil-tone company' big wiw null The job at (hi' rannery waa llninbed hint Tlnircliiy, IIkoin ro Miow. I'or a long time ..rk at Ihe O. C. 1'iicking ('..inpany'a ,. .,1. ,,l t.n liiiiliiurv niiluri. uud did not hIiow, but now it i rapelly aa mmiintf form mid proM.rtioriH and by Saturday the inuiit building will la' reaily for ihe Hbingle. Ci.u k ia Iki.ki. vrios. TbeChu ka huh di.l..il)on to to-day'a eoiiveiitioii ciiiHtHof Ihe following mimed gentle nn n: lr. .1. II. llirknmn, lr. K. C. lledniaii, A. Mather and C. 1'. Chirk. Thiii ia Mr. Miilber'H lirnt parlirlpiitlon hi a republn an urgaiu.au l'aoitKSAK Cosi KiiT. Thii Willamette band will give n Proiiirnuiht concert oil Tue.lay the Wud, nt Armory Hull, An entiru program of new immio baa been Hiderled. li. fre.-bnieiit w ill 1 aervod . Admiaaioii 'i' mtl, rbildren 10 retili. Further particular)! next week. Two .Ii miioh, On Monday McMiibon'a i.i...l..i,hiinla toiteiliiir with i:i trained liorwrtwereluoucbt d-wn fro.11Wo.M bnrit, by wny "f the (iood bridge. They Were (dulled over night U'l lart ,,( TuU ' A 1 , ,mrn wlmra thi'V littraeled 11 ft'KHl (leal of ut- tuiition, It wiw tt unit of free circuit. Favoiihu lliiiiii.ANii.-Jtat lliirrini;ton wok In town on Monday on bin way to I'orllnii.l'in biHiniHa. lie auya Hint they and tlm Highland llidgo are qiiilii fortu nate in luivlng been uble to bW tbia apring, ho Unit a good ileal of KMin " now 11 with them, while nuiny lo.'Hti-uiH liuvi) not licnn ubl to how a kernel yet. CllSVKNIMNt TlMK CAIIIL-Wliell the 0 C T. (Va new bout i" eom'h'ted tint company inland to atnrt out. with a new tl.rmcat'dcombli.lnt? lbs tr.illl of both Uieold uml new bouU hoh toallord to tmvt''ri thn iH'ar poHaiblo oceou.modu. tioiiH. The new bout tvIU "titrt from Portland each morning at 7 130 reurl.lng o,eon Citv at 8:40. On Iter a.M.nd trip mi the now bout will aturt nt noon umll.nni.illatfly on bur diii-firttire wil iliiinur for iHiMWiiutUH. Ilio I'"! bout down in tho morning will lujwo t H:H0 and tho hint bout down ut night will leave about live o'clock. Willi live trip uel. wuv ilailv tho Isolde of Oregon City ought to bo l-rotty well .iccoinn.- o luted. Into Or'g-)ll Citv. If the hitter they want the city to agrutt t build their new ' bnum' on a aile atiite.1 to their neiida, aay near C, T. Hickman, or if they organlne at'tiarotu dixtrict they will build near thaiwnef UWll.r'J liouia) U Curt aK.ul liooo, ', Caihi,i J ivii:. Ialt Natunlnv J'urt liind wiliii'HM'tl a anngulnri lielween tba giaitta .Mm and .ba., wherein the former won Ihe victory on the lirnt round. 1',., lb bilan and Hi 1 hud orpini."! thuroiigbty and every Inch of ground wna hotly iotilcitcd, there being 7000 voleii cunt, When the bullola were counted, !kl lyiititll men were found wjlh oil in their lump, while but lllMun.ii. ilea were found uinong the cboiien oiiea. Outi.le the city the ratio of repreHentil- ti.m wiih fully maintained by tint I1I1111 f.irccH. HKrcaKiiFiioMTiiixKAHr.- Mr. I'. II. Cnigin returned from the F.ant the mid dle of bint wack accompanied by hia brother Pctcr'e wife and two children, from liiingor, Miiine, and lilt own boy. Mm. I'. H. Cnigin and little tlangbler we.D obliged to ri'luuin a few weik'a longer in thn Kant, aa the latter lutd Ih'cii very nick and wan iinublii to truvid, Mr. Crugin wna rejoiced a day or two af ter bin arrival bent to receive a telegram announcing (hut bia daughter would be able to alurt on Monday hint. While in tint Kant Mr. Cnigin wiih very buiy go ing from place to plitcn looking ufler the IntercHta of tho Crown l'iitor Co. He arrived in l.miiKvilln jtiHt n few bourn be hind Ibu dreudftll cycloiiH which dovfla tate.1 the city uml aaw the-mnl luivia-wrought. IloAiinor Tiiadk. In tho ubHenru of the preaident, J. (1. I'Mnhury wiih elected to fill tho ehuir. Thn report of the II- niinco coniinilleit pertaining to tbu bill of J-;. K. (liariiiart for :'rj for gruvtling Moh hill road waa reiul, adopted, and it wurrant ilruwu in fuvor K. K. (.'liiirniun for $'25. Coinmiinicallona from the real cHlula exchangi) of Portland relalivo to the repeal of the inortguge tux law ro furrod to the leglalutivo coniinittco. Comiiiunication from tho alate iixehiingo of HiiUtin pertaining to an effort now ! ing made to aecuro from tlio Hoiilhern IVlflc'i onnt'OHMlonH whitroby they ulinll allow 31 hotira Htopovur prlvllegea at iiny point in tho Hluto on all cIuhhch of tlckola rend, and reaolutlona itdopted urging tho Huutlmrn I'aoilli) to grunt Much roiiieHt, E. M. HuiiiIhwiih nppoinld to.repuro undclrculule a petlllon nmongHt tbebua IncHH men UHklng tho Hotitberu I'hcIIIij to placo aiicli tiekota on Mile. There being no further IuihIiichh tbu meeting d-journed. Methodic chuii h. Thia did not .em to relieve the gentleman much, thi n be explained thai Hoiue one hud told him lint a building wast.) Ir erected hfrr. to i"iii"iilii" Ma),iN). rhliiglua 11 lid b Mttnlcl lo bid on mipplting I be lot. Tbia atuggeri-il the rejurti'r but b brac.nl up unlit. 'leitlly to refer blm lo a bank cunhier an the bent Hted 11 111 II on building platiH, thin be burriml on At laid, when ulna It wiih I. hi lute to ace the mninu- r Ihp tl Jlhl 'Mini' like a llin.li that the fittne of our abitglt a.i a bk bad got abroad In tho land aiM IV waa believed I but tbu whole town wal to layahinglod nvrr, . bao.ii Ilia l.rn,- 1'roin John Morrj, deputy Hberlll, wo luii.n lluil J. It, Ah bolt, of Macknbiirg, bud the minfortune lo break bin h g bint week, Tlli'dav. He wna in ton u on Monday and remained overnight. On Tueluy he aliirted fur Inline, uml wiih loading bin burnt', a hunch 'granatin! partly broke, down the McCord bill uud when near lint lx.tt.itii be cuiiik to a muddy plant iirroni which lie thought be would ride, Ho iitttimptud to mount without putting tho blludaou bin borne iih iihuuI, und bin overcoat caught. The borne la gan bucking furl ntmly before be could get bin neat and he wan thrown to Ihe ground. The borne Hteiined on bin leg between Ihe ankle uud tint kiica and broke both Iioiich, but hu held on lo llio bornu nnd uuiotcd him ufler wlildi lie tore up hia baii'lkon biuf, act and nplintcd bia leg. A her doing thin be vritwlud a hall mile, leading Ilia hornu, When Hour enough to a bonne to imikc Ibeiii hear be culled for help und wiih carried to M r. Kaueh'a, who carried hi. 11 along to bia hrolher-in-luwa, F. C. Mack. Or. lioiiihcr wiih atiuiiiiuued, hut owing to the atvollen condition of the limb, be waa unable to tlo anything morn for the break than bud already been done. Mr. Abbott ia tiiiforluniite, thin helm thn third tiuio that be lutH had Ida lega hurt, and the hccoii.I tlino that they have been broken. rt lb pal lin e. Wu haw taken a Hew deparluiu tliit apting ill Hot alylea of gouU that wo carry lu wider lo uu-.-l lhatteiii.iii.la of our bug and g.owlng radii b.ve if Moil a tins ltiu tif Iniiriiin rurpcla which w will aril lower than 1'urlliiud pri.ea. That new line of ruga ia l.u re.y fin" ami will rupay y.ni for examiu ing very ruefully, You will certainly wan! one. In c. idling, dry gooila, 110 tiona, lula, uiid I'lol wear you will llnd thn bet ana.irltneiit At our .tore. Call un I iiwfwH honwe buying. ' ' .' ViUKkux a eux. Spring and Summer STOCK. To the bdies and (iont lemon of Oregon City. LADIES, MISSES AND GENTS We havo Just received the NEATEST.NATTIEST MOST "CHICK" Line of Tllia et.M'k Holeeteil with ajaviill refervlii'e to tin' tru.le of thia l.tenl- itr will .r,.i..il,ly:'nut.lv. all i Shoes that ever was shown 1 111 iity 11 tin) rxU'imivt' every line of tMntla wliloli Tim lxat jilare to buy ynnr br.verlea A whore yon ran get the beat nnd frcttli- eat oihIh, iiu tie mut fur your money. It ia alio Important that you deal wilh men hunt whom too know lo Ut ".inure . all bit dealing. Jual aiult a place ill you ami at A. II. Fry, euah grm-ery hotiao. Mr. Fry pridea hi.narlf on Ida lean, pure and neat atock and tukna pleitHure In allowing bll cuntomcra what he bua. It will pay you to rail to-day nl are hiii To Tat I'.i) f ra of Nclmi.1 Hint. No. tli, Not Iro In hereby given that tint Wrd of dlrccltira of Hi'hool diatrict No. tl'.' will art ua board of e.Uall.atioii on Thura- lay and Friday nveniuga, April 17 ami 1H. from 7;U0 o'llivk. Any who wiali to abow ratine fur change In uaaeaaineiit aliould apH)ur at that time. W.T. Wiiinot Pi, I'rr-a, llourd of liruetou. Ily II. L. Kolly, Clerk, . A Wiiiiiun'a IMsruteri', Another wnmlerfnl dincovory him been ma. hi nnd that too hv a la.lv in thia noun Irv. Dlacunu faalitned ita cliilehna lipoil i.nriuid for neven yvai'H aim williHtood Ila anverent tcaln, bni her vital organ went uiiihtrn.lned und dealli aeeinuil imminent I'or lh.ee moulliH nho coimhed InceHiiiint ly und could not (deep, hhe bought ol ua a botllo of l)r, King'a New lhacovery fur CoiiHiunpiion uud wna an much relieved on taking Hint dime that nho aiupt all night and wiih mio botllo Iiiih mum :nlr uciiIoiikIv riiied. Her nauui la Alia. J.u iher l.utr,." TI11111 writea W. C. Hainrlc ,k Co., of Shelby, N. I!. (lot a freu trial holllu at II. A, llarilliigH Drug isioro, Don't Feel Widl. Ami vet vou aro not nl. k unoiiuli U con mill il iloctoi . or vou refrain from ao dO' 1 111 for feur vntt will iihtrni youiHelf 11 ml filetulH wu'will loll you hint what you need. It In llood'a HurKUlMirilltt. which will lift you out of Unit uncertain, t.urnni fortali e. iliinuitriuia roiKlillon, into Hlatit of ito.id heulili, conlldeuco and chcorfulncHH. Yotl'vu no bleu how po tent thia peculiar medicine, In luu cane like youra. it bv ! nirern in we carry. Not It'fiintuiiinlung than tl'.Q gtiiaia will Ut the Astonishing Pric33 nut on tlu'in. Wo will iimitc nnlv 1 n few: (imul riilili'iti'lietl Munlin, lift inrhea witle, 'JO ynrila for$l. Hleaclie.l Mtixlin, s gixnl family outtnn, 14 j'iIh for $1, Turify H"h1 DumivV,-.M) 'infh, gnitrnntt'ci fasl colitra, i" tU'tr 'J J- t'nblenrlif.l l.inrn lltunask, W inch, per yd U" ctn. WhiUtur t'oloretl Murlilitl TnMo .! z"r , w:"Bitf-- mi i rut 'r 11 1 JbkH in Oregon City. COME AND SEE US and be convinced, E. JT. McIilTTRlCIi, OREGON CITY SHOE STORE. Oregon City, Or; l't t ti imt yd. Cnrn't Wtirp, nil ahudes, .r ti.mn. Oil Cloth Cnrin't' Ininclira, l.'.'") l.i MH.'n! I.i'miikh! Iing, abort, thick or thin lumber of all grades aawrdby Chua. Hmilli ut Cunby tltdivnrt'd on rare promptly and cxtraohrap. J. II, Way, Agent, Orog.m City,- . I-'AHMKiia Hkk IUkk, Wo want 0 acreaofcticuinlici-Hfortbli yuara canning. Call und aro ua. TiikO. C, I'ackinu Comcanv, . JraT lUt'KtVKOl-i-A fronh lot of Cub- biigit. (Vlory, Cftiillnowor, Oiungoa, UunoiiH itud Uult-cr. AW Nomo I'.xctd- letit HorrlnK, Murknirl and I'lga Fw.t, at tho Oregon City Markot. Now that briiililer duya have rolurned I can give vou a ntio Cabinet. Alao good vittwa of the fallK.'" R. Ymku. llu'i'TKit, fronli and good : flgga newly laid, und vegclublra, ut Oarar K, A, Freytug'a. corner of Main and Nth, All g.aida (Tellvnruil, . Fun Hai.I!. Hinull work maro (or a-ilo cheap (or cimh. AtldreaaJ. M. Findi.ky, Now Kra, Farm '1 niltoi Pant of Now Km, (iiiiin nnd levolvoiH ropalrod by Frank Nttldon. ut C. W. l'ortur'a alio):. All work warranted to give auliafuctlon. Tiik 1'i.ao to Uuv, lligl) ami ilry, clone topropoaod motor lino, neur nunnery und huw mill, Clackamaa , llolgbta la tholileulbo.ua. l.otn ((HI und70i $10 down; buhu.co weekly ituvmoula of ono dollar each, I'ricea will iidvanco May flint. 4 Uutton. SiMdltinod-titp knl (ilovoH, Htltriird Imrk.iirr luiir, .MV. LnditV rdaok Silk Mtln l.icta jut imir ... 1 MlKKCH llilMI', tall hlilnlitMl Jiir imir, lncK I . , ir. 1. I,.. 1 ... I.!-, I .lena Mill I'liiiorsiuri!. nun Pruwora, 'J.'ictH onoh. Moim' SuiMT Stout Socka, num- li'na, 2 iuir f.r $1.00. .Mens Wool Hutu, '.'0 cts. I'hildi'oim' School Stiita, $l.o0. Menu' Stiff Hutu, n p uunlily, l.r.o. Mena' 11. Culf Sranilfna Shoea, (VniKroHH, Htittou or Hulls, !fl.T.r). Moiih ( anviiM. lntlln, i oU. I.ndiea' Kid Foxod r.iilinoral, l. 00. Ln.lii'H' lVl.l.lolloalSli.H'B,l.'2." . Lmliea' Culf Slna'a. l.2'). l.mlioa' Kit! Opora Sliipcrn, li nrd 1 00. llniitlHOino Dn-RH (iinnhninn, 12 viu-iIh for $1.00, " . . .... . . . . . J. t I u liooti 1 iirviiu, i j yaiiiH ior-Ti.ii', lTiiinratio (lintihaniH, lo v.irda for $1.00. lloavv lUuo or Urown IVtiiim vimla lor ift.m. 27 Inch KonlucUy JeitnH, 15 i'l ikt vard. . .. r . . ... 1 1 , , 1 . r ill) nutli, all Hliatli'B linn ninric urn rietta, 2.r ct Mr ynrd. Honeycomb Hod SprratU 1 oaoh, I'lna 10 ttftiH-rafor 2"totn, ltfookn thread IOhoooU fo-.'2." eta darter olaHtic, all colorH 5ctn in'r vard. ..... . . 1 1 I 1 . 4 A WlUlO tiooilrt, iNllUBooK 11U1UH li yds for $1. Canton Klunnol unhlraclicd, fafriiniilitv 14 vds for $1. Indigo I'riiitri, fast colorn, 14 yds for 1.00. Do yon want a real nenuimi bar cuin? You ran get it. Our now Htock ih lniinonHO. Our gomlB are No. t in duality and wtylo! Our I'ricoB aro lower than tho loweHt. Como and nee our xtook. l'ont yourHt'lvoH on prices. j I. SELLING. Stoves! Stoves! 'j rl fc. iii Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. .f-.-.-.-v A n II 1-n! 4ll Hdalers For parlors, dining omitting room and oftleo line we havo tho linont imnoitment evor brought to the city wliich we oiler at bed rock tricea. You will lone iiioncv if vou don't m ua beloro buying. Cook. Wo win junt auit you in cook Movoa und ruugcH, I'ecuiino we have theverv lnat mado in alyle nnd linihli to unit pur chiiwra. We carry tho llm.nl line in tho city and run anil "our eunto.neis evnv limr. POPE & CO. GREAT HOSE SALE! THIS WEEK, ONLY! Wo liavo tho only mill' valuable Latliort' lloso in tlio Market. Wo want vou to TRY A VA Hi. COME THIS WEEK! CHARIVIAN & SON.