The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, April 10, 1890, Image 2

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!i a .a 111 ...tL .in . i1-". ii u..L,:r-'.
;;' THURSDAY, Al'KtL 10, 1890.
l'U for a Keimbltenn Staff feate allot)
A Havtililtcau 0i(ntl.m tcr th Hut nt
i e iim t.i iiint i Ua oily of P.wiiaud
WMiinttay (li tt'th day i( April, two, ml II
ttVlm-k A. M lor tlie riiriiai of u.mtlnalliia
eti.tLlatia tor tha oraV of Cimaraaaman,
rttor, Sitirm JmU. ftaeraiarviilaialv. trtaa-
liter, Kiiperlnloiidanl nt Pulilli ItiatrtirHlttn,
Kiaia Printer, ami IMntrtci nitn'ora. ami lo traua
act a.teh otltar bttatnaaa may pmpvrly eoma
liafora the roiivvull.m. 1'ha Miivttillii will,
muitlal ol Jls .li-tanata rtl)i.l among Hit
vrrl o,Htnll a toll.iwa:
Maker, ll.'iiloo it, Clat'katttaa , Clatmp 7. Ot
liimlita 4,i'a , Crock Slurry s lhmslm a.
UMiam , tirant ft, ttarnay 4, Jarkaot) J, Joae-
rhlne 4. Klamath , Una V Umi 10. Malheur
Marlon U Morrow 4, Multnomah !t polk
Tillamook S, I matllla tiM'al.m It, Wallowa 4
Wane. .4, Sherman K WMhlnnum I, Yamhill
Tit itmc tialiit on itolrnald al Inn from
ach county, ami on .tvleaate lr every t?
Totee, anu on tor every traction over one nail
therof mii for rout n-atuikii at Hi Jtineeleeilon
nt mm. Th rommiii recommend that Ih
Primaries a hei.l on Arll Mh. ami Ih ooiitiiy
eonveiiiloiia on April wb tittlem other l.e or
dered by theprooereoiitily com rattle. AUvotera
who favor Ik Kepuoltceu polloy of Amrrloii
market! for Iti producta of America labor.
liberal aupporl ol our common echoole and Ih
protection of every tour In ih nation. Hi hli
rl(hl lit rant a free bultol and hair II falrlf
eouuied are eordlally InrlltHl lo unit In III
eeleotlon of delegatea lo Ih Kemtultcau stiaia
loiivenuou. u t. MAHia, i Bairman
Kepiiblteatt paper plea copy.
MarrUMh. lJk
FROrilE!.UTOWN, Ulinoid, WH8 tW
t roved by a eyi'lono on Monday.
Deleoatks to to-dav's invention
will find this the golden opportuni
ty to drop in and sulworibo for Tiik
Tiik large number of friend
gathered to pay the last sad tribute
to the memory of Mr. Julius Logu
yesterday, boro eloquent testimony
to the silent intluenee of a true and
unostentatious life.
Qi-itk a trade, is cut off bv the
absenee of the Clackamas bridge
The inhabitants of that section of
the county which is tributary tothis
city naturally do not like to pay
taxes for building bridges and toll
for croswing by ferry where the
bridge ought to be.
Th k duty of the con vent ion today
is to nominate men for all the ofli
ces that are representative repub
licans, mm that the party respects
ami honors and men that can lie
elected. U-t fie deliberations 1
wise, harmonious and for the gixnl
of the party.
Tiik delegates chosen to express
the will of the republicans in con
vention to-day are, so far as the
writer can judge, men abundantly
able to represent the party that
elected them. They are nR-n of
judgement, honest convictions and
we beliere that their deliberations
and votes will result in placing be
fore the people a representative re
publican ticket of more than usual
The Entkkpuise devotes con
siderable space to railroad news
which it gleans largely from the
Oregon ian. It is the first time
that it could give any other than
mere rumors, and believing that its
readers would not care to have mere
reports dished out as news it has
refrained from publishing. It is
true the editor of The Enterprise
was aware some we ks ago an
important railroad move was on
foot, which if prosecuted to a suc
..i i . . . ,
eesfiui termination would mean
much for the eastern parts of Clack
amas county, but his knowledge
was received in confidence and as
such was entitled to duo respect
That this county is to be crossed by
another transcontinental route
seems now almost an assured fact,
It is to be hoped that there will be
no failure to connect.
Of tho Narrow Gauge which rc
cently passetl into tho handij of
the Southern Pacific, the Oregonian
sayt: It is grutifying to note that
the transportation failure known
as tho "narrow gauge railway," has
at last fallen into hands that
are able and willing to make of it
railroad worthy of tie namo and
adequate ty the transportation in
terests of the wide section of coun
try through which tho lines pass.
Poorly constructed and miserably
equipped, this road has been for
years a transportation sham, which
the people of the farming districts
have waited in tho vain hope that
next year, or tho next at farthest,
the road bed would be ballasted and
the bare, filthy, ill-ventilated
coacheB cleaned up. The day of
this change seems at last to have
dawned, and tho prospect is now
good that the lines wilt bo turned
into standard gaugo, improved by
re-surveys and reconstruction and
equipiiod with first-class rolling
stock. Farmers who feel a sort of
propitiatory interest in tho road
may now be assured of a change as
marked as that of an earlier trans
portation era wherein the dilapidat
ed wagon, tho wheels of which wcro
tired with rawhide and drawn by
oxen that had trudged across tho
plains was succeed by tho lively,
well-trained team of horses and the
rolling "Studebaker" or "Mitchell"
gorgeous in grcon, red and yellow
Why don't you Insure In the Columbia
Fire and Marine Insurance Co?
tf T, L. Ciiahman, Agent.
1 lie State 1'iiloit (Vtiveulluii.
Oiikoos t'lTY, Oh., April t, IS!),
The I'niim state convention iik ealleil
toonlerby Pr. J. Y, HetiiliU, clinti'iimn
ot the state control committee. U. (
Knitlng, nt Pmiliuiil, was rloetoil tempo.
rary chairman, ami being iiitriulticeil,
tpoV luietly o( the Usne hejoiv the
Jrty. Tennxmiiy orgauiautlmi wan
coinpletisl bv the eleetinu tf J. 11. Mia
rU, ot Jhi-Ihoii (Munty, ami J. M. Miller,
of MnHnonmh eounly, as seeit'tiiiies.
A eommltte n( thn-e eoiiHistliig ot J . A.
rowrm, ot Multnonmli county, U. V,
Plinlek.ol Marlon county, anil X. I'leiii,
ut I'mstilla county nmis iippuintiit hy Hie
elmlr lit ervilentlals. The follow Iiikcoiii
iiutU of the was apmlntel on onler ut
liuainens: (1,1!, II. Miller, of I'luckii
mK! Z. T. WriKht, of Multnmuah; lr.
Otteim AUuir, o( t'lntsop; Major Hruee,
of Iteuton anil U. P, Hootl of Wnm'o,
The etiiniiiittee on orler ot liiisinesH
rtHrtevl in favor ot the following ortler
if IniHlnecs :
1. Keport of committee tut eitilen
tials. 2. Kenirt ot i,ginmittet on uruiiuUa
tioil. 3. Appointineiit of a ctuuinitiefol
one f mtii eaeh county mi platfunu,
4. Appointment of 3 mi party organ
iutioit. ft. Apptiintiiiiint ot 3 mi lluaiiee,
tl. lieuenU huitiiioaa.
7. Nomination of eMvutive euitmiit
te of ft.
8. Nomination Ifninniiii; null
lVleatea were ii'juuteil eutitltHt to
eata frmn the ttiuutiea um fol
low :
KaMtei nervitv eie hehl hv the men .
her uf llio Slltl.tii V rt hool of the Si
John's M. K. church on Sun,t.iv. Cn
tier the nkillful luoulu of the youutt ;.t
tlie, the church ht uiitifuily ilnoi it
ed aint their effort were MicctHhfnlt
the church never hmdi'il so l'autiful
At thret) o'clock thochnttli tins cfo,lr,l
to its Utmost capacity The sei vus'S
Wtrt coinlucteil by Tlius. li A .Soil-
" ""leu mo loiiownij was icli-
tlereil by the Humlay s, IhhiI : llvmn,
"Ile Anwe," Choir
i ...t ..ii .,
" tn-i. 1 ui, i
Injah, He is Kisen," clioii : A ven. ral
confession; Carol "Si:i, Sun;, vn
Chihlrvn Mni!." ehoir j llihlc leriu t.
Luke; Carol ",i ih linen, lie is
Uistlll," iliss KUiva Milieu; ApoMle's
erwsl; Cantl " I'let KirM Hnuht lla-tcr
Pay," Miss llattie ll.trn t ; 1'iave s,
Uosp. Hymn No, Ml; .iLhes-ev.
Thoa. K. A Sellw.xsl, v'arol "J.miis
Christ, our Saviour," Miss, s Sail e 1'ilt
hie, May Muller, ami Mahle Miller;
Faster oiTerin for home an, I fonoun
missions were then osn an. I nil eoutril
etl liberally lo that i;.sm pursise
lUniel ll irvey Inis oh Ins place hi K.
II. I'ak'e, of I', an I has hoiii;lil
hW acres at Newls'rij wln're hewill'e-
The KepilhhcHii rriin.iiy w ta hell ut j ni'1 M"u' til lire.n Mm. Itinhiv re
theachool hotiso Sutunlav afternsin. at si.le.l al V.tnc nivet Willi hei hliliaiul
.'oclock. Hie follow iiirf were rlrt le,l
tlele'atea for the enmity convention : '"'v. Tim city has h.-on ,r home evvr 'nlrally hn'ttte,!. for rent at reason
Itichanl, U II. McLiiiinhiiii, II. n- ' "''ice. In Is;.: M.e was calle.l t oi.,w i ,m! rate. Must apply aton.
ry lloenly, I', J. avis, J . Iiuk,
S. W. l.akin, was iionnnalcl juMice of
tUe lieaiv, ami J. C 1 1. in. erfoi.l. eon-
Mr. Krt'il U'liinau has re'uiiieil Irom
Spokane Kalis
Kev. John has (foiie lo Cham.
jstcg. lie will return In a lew ilavs.
'Motor linti" is the topic nf I he l,i
S ,i hi.
Letter Mst.
The (ollowiiiK i li-t of letters re-
iiiainlitif in the postottict. at Hi.n Ciiy,
April 10, 1M:
A. lams, I, I'.ann, U Ii
Hrewer. J Hei ker. J,,s
Curtis, J K Carev, C ( p
Clavson, Charles Culms, T C
CotlitntH, J Comivar. K V
Coleman, I, Chapman, A
Cruiii, K K Cook, T M
UooJwin, Thos (iruamijUer. i I'
weiar, l-evi llolmau, Helena
Haiwell.JT Hoilkfm.ii, K A
'fill, K A J.jiifH, Annie If
Jones, J 1, Jonoa, Hev
Ke. kart.Jas M Kimball, I!ih V.
Kelly, K L Mrs !a-itinl, i M
Moore, Clara Mrs Mi.bllemia, IV 8
Morris, K K Mav, Harvey
Mosimanoo, Krcl Mathieii, M.fith
May, Carrie K .Millhnno, John
NoUtr, J '.V l'owell. J Newton
Price, J A ltieliholl", M II
Hint, I.ucy Sniilic,., ( iin"
Shilltl, Carolina Seferaou, A.lnlph
Wrijiht, Anna Mr William, Jaku
Killingsworth, Nannie
hlchetibiTKor, Hmlnlpli
i aiaer, air c tru ot il . illiams
When calletl for please ay when nil
vertiseil. J, M. Iluenti, P. M.
The Verdict I uaiilinotis.
W. D. Suit, Dniififiitt, llippus, Im.
testifies: "1 enn reenmin I I.lectric
liitters ns the very hi'Ht roineily. Ivvery
bottlohl hits uiten relief in u'very ciisu.
One man took six bottles, ami wuscureil
of KheiimuliHiii of 10 years' stamliinr;,"
Ahrnhiiin Hare, ilruii(fist, Hellville, Ohio
allirms: "The best soling meilicintt I
have ever han.lleil in mv L'O years' ex
P'triunce, Ih KIH:lric Hitlers." TttmiM
anils of others have ichhi.l their testimo.
ny, so that tho verdict is unanimous that
Klectric Hitters ilo cure all (liseaies of the
Liver, Kitlney or llhsul. Onlv hif
dollnr a rfotllo at 0. A.'s I i nu
I hnvo resiifne.l the uui-nev f,,rSi,.i..f
4 Walker's maebinery nml huve relurne.l
all their (j.sttlH. Uuiikii,- Wiihon,
Tomatoes! Tomatofm. The O, C.
Packing Com puny wauls tn i tr;;cl ho
20 aeios of tomatoes thi senHon. Kce
nutico to Farmers In luminous locals.
Piiy l p.
All perhon Indehtur tn (he dim
Oreen Itros. urn requested to call ut
once ami settlu their utvoiintu or Hie
same will be placed in tint hands of u
Collector. OlIKIfN linns.
Pay Your Taxes.
I am now prepared to receive the
money for tlie luxes of .lHSfi, nt my ollire
in Oregon City, Oregon.
W, W. II.Kamsox.
WiorifT of Clackamas Co., 0n,
In paslng by the HHI) Vitus r fir.
eery and Crockery House, we noticed a
line display of Clocks, and on inqnirim,
mo Keiitieinuiiiy proprietor inioriiinil ns
they Iih'I just receivetl a shipment of
those Indispensible hoiiHiihold article
direct from the oastorn factories, cm
braeiiiK In variety all kindit of Clocks,
from a nickel plate alarm to a lino metal
flight day clock. Their iilsrm clocks
they warrant anil sell fur ft M u,,i,i
elsewhere at 2,50. Their entire linn of
clocks they sell lower than can he had
anywhere elso in the city. .
l.Otlt'S At her loniileiiee In Hiim city
on S, in, I iy, A p il t'-t'i at ;i u'elti.'l-, l',
M. Ant Mint, vtifeot Julius Uoiiuiagcii
4H ycat, ,7 nenillis mnl ''i tlavs,
Mm, l.oiiis cniua with bee mother
(mnl Ueiuniuy in I.HAU, all J h! years
Irtlerthey tduveil to Ort'tion, w line In
ISTOslie was uiaiiitHl to Jilliut l.oiis,
ller hoiiin slu (lieu has been III tl
enont'ity, wheiu hy her plead.iut iU-
meanor ami kunlly fee!ii ai tsrhu Iium
maile. many warm fiiemU, liti Ihih not
heeu for veins veiy stunitt.uiiil u little
ovci it car ao while at lliu sea coast
she suH'eivil a m'Vuiu illliet. hieh il
was fearc'l wi'iil.) prove fatal, Hut from
this she hK'aIv i.iIIki.I uiul (or al.uiK
time her health wac veiy fair till alantt
a week previous to her death when she
was UK iMi . 1 1 1 , i sirk, hut lei danger Win
appieheinleil till a short lime previoua
lo her ihsttli win u her I'neiiiU hvtiuuii
aUrineil iiit'l soon niter llieir woist feais
were reahfetl in liei suililnii th'iith,
Mis. I-ohus h'ttvea a loi4tianil mnl
thou chihhvn, Atinutta, l-optiU uuit
Willie o iiwuiu lluni ci l Itisa.
l'h luiieiat W.t" hekl At, the resilience
YcMool.iv at twelve o'clock ami the rr-
j mains were tak nt hv the notin h t ac
I iHiinpalneil l liien.h, In he lalil to rsal
j ill the I. Hli' t li ceiiietniy ImisIiIo thoae of
I her uiot ier who was .i)h, there some
Veais no.
I Mis. l.oua was a kiidl, pleaalit ailil
liel.l'ul (lien I ami lioiuhhor. an utree
I tion.ito ile an, I motlit r, mot un exeiii'
ipluiv I She is motirucil liy
; a l.o'j; ' tiule ol liU'rels tuilsnlii uf hei
i own hotiv'h'Ul, li.'.auou her 1 1 lo hail
! lie.MI Slletl at to I'IMiE t tllO cMctMtl ttllll
' o0 Ol " ho klirlt dor.
nun tin
' M.oi.t I' ii, 1 1. who I Aeiil i,
' 1s t i, at i ire.on I ,;v,.w i the w ife of I'r.
l''i rU s II in l.-i t , .,!n of tii.i e n he it plo.
Iiecis o( tint i.or(liwol leuitoev, Slid
was a so, late.l w.ili iii.l u,'ioe, to make
' 'he hiiim oi Iho lerntoiy, winch wis
' 'he a.le te l h mi oi her p uects w hen
"he w ,ih hut , , hit I She sif. the , iiiIi-
" ' .mo t .un ome t auo. ion ami i
! "as horn in 'r,i! h t'nhiuihia in Is.'il,)
II.., I r w . i, t ,., ...
Iter father tt t i lieiitett tut 111 the Calia-
ili tn army in l-ilJaml ,ta aheiwanla!
chi. I,., in ; H iiNon Pay 'ompaiiY's !
Plot. In I i', he, Willi Ins fauniv, j
e.iioe 1. 1 II. o . I . ,,li... ...I.
I. Is.l'o.t!.i WalU.ol whi, h
I" -t he coiiliioie l in chaii;e HII,
when (in was ki!le, hy a fait, ami the
l.tniily move I l i S Miii'nuvor. Iiinuij
her ine al I 01 1 Waila Wall I she waa iu
tiinatiiv it. .U lintel with all the mia
si.m.t'i. s o! ,l,.no;nin.t!ion that via-
ite.l this i i ,t, in (Ii,.y were all elilet
tiiilifl by her lather.
Hie (o'lowin j,..ii Ins il.niililer, llion
I yet mV. ie hi, of ae, Was nt.t. noil
to i.., t.ii l'oi!., I'. ir, lat , who was af
lerw.inN, i..'itlv I.K-iitilicl Willi ll.
hl-h il v of I 'rei'-m Citv
i- an I the lenltoiy
' till lsl w in n Hi, v uiove.l to I IroL'oii
' '"'r hi. -Kan. I t . the pi ive, where bei le
him mi Sun l iv next her f itiu I,h. will le I
'''! to rci ,t b.vni fiiwi ,s
! .Mis. 1 ii i.i', tt a i a Woins't ofhlnme
. f"U-:itiili..n an t m.i- in bo.tlili up
' to a h n, U pievi ms to 1,,-r
, hen h,. tv n atta.-ke, w ,tii u .eit
cohl tr im ttlm h Mie sutr.'i., errut
!" V t. w . s befmi. her ilealli
I the was 'd with a mii.l u(.
I tuck .( o Inn i of .', n, but hj
J w .1.. (,-lt till u h.iiiis prior In
' .loath when Ihe sympt.inn ;iew npi.llv
' lltill lliill ' n,..l it ,.'..t. . I. 'I....
I... . , ii. 1
,l,ty lie .turn.; ,h,. r,,, traii..t. I
I lutein, Sh w i- the mother nf
clnl hvn,
mourn he
I'lanci-, o
' of whom nie
'i Til -y arc, I'
Alex in l,.r. K ttie
living to
t"t of
an I Mrs
Haltlti Pratt, it' In. me; tin I Charles ut
sea. I no, l,.!,u an I F.lwur.l ur.t ds
ctMsf.l. Sho leavt's two riMters,
Mrs. Col, ..( Portland, ami
Mrs I.. W. Ilaiij,.,, ,,f ( behalem,
tv iiaiitnytoti, an t lour hrolhcrs in Fast
em l in-con an I Mnnlan.i,
.Mis. I.arelav ius woman nf trnng
win an. I s'ciKnu icl.'ifrilv, atvoi.ip.iiiiu.l
with a kin I di-p ,,i, luvinu
hear'. Awn., , iiilmialelf with (hp
people who lite, the ,i,,,rv ,, (),,.
as a teriilorv uml a ynllin state, ami
pn.scssr.1 of a msmnry stored
w ith the l.icls an I uHocialiimsuf pioner
hie, she co il, I t ilk by the hour of those
early times Many facts o interest cull-
liecle.l with tha e.ulv pmueer histnry
am nntv .-t because they were only
chronicled on ineinmry' wall by
a few, an. I Mm the last, of tint few.
Aiming the eaihsMl pionucrs, h -hnie.l
.eah.utly. iloin.; far , H10
was utile the part ullotlcil lu.r in life,
O'1" hv t sho iaw her cnmpaiilons
pahs lo the en at I ilkllow li, till of h
associate of th.He tMi y pioneer thi),
when pionuer life meant an much trouble
ami so little icwutil, not one remain
to minister In her in death, us aim had ho
oft lone for many who have iin.e,.,h.,l
her Sins leave hone but friends who
will hill;; remember her luiiiiy excellent ami kind ucts,
Watnre In Convnlalon A
Is terrific Vulcanin ortiialoua, eTt)tone,
eorthiititltoi aro awfully anil tramonduutly
plcliirtisnun, hut a.-nrtwly tlonlrnlilo toomulato
Inaction and olfoct by tha fvlroliilalratloa ot
Mmoilloa which produi oouvuliloa and
nKonyliitlioalmoriiiiiliortlonijf llio liumaa
1 ratria. Hucli h the effect ol the old fashioned
viulnnt piuKiillvoa liapiilly falM'ig mora and
mnro Into .IHimo nmt til which Hosteller!
htoinocii liiu.nn la Ilia wholosmno, plaasaiit
and far mnro nSecllva siircuiliiiiiiumV 'i hav
waakuntjit Umi ! IlllUtrs IrtTlmir'
uu. tl... in. 'i h,,. , ft ilu i,WO, MR,ifivo.
Im.-,aii. lii.'itpaelliitu.t br liimulnf fnahl.nnaa,
ilia llitltira, on tho finilrary, ami honsusa It
Jinaiilna. not forces, llioin tn act a vsat and
tlVltV Hull r.lllli.rllir in... I,U.,M 1.
....,.. ,,,,, ,,ni., ii.rx.iiiHiiia thulr
flnlally atimuluU'd, its tint khlnuya also oro. Ii
tlila mo.ll.iliia, which iianhy coniiiinra, alau.
malaria, uurvousnesa and I'litiuiuutliia,
IhiolHi Mlnies.
ink M.llcr hits rucmveil .,,,,ii...r
hi slmli of buotM uml nhous Finiicli
kid kmiKiiroo uml all oilie r kiniia for la
dies mid RfiilH nt I.LTi and iipwurd.
Wo nil know that Flunk keeps the best
q lulily nf bonis uml shoes at the h,w,ta
prices ,
Money to la inl.'
My money lcmliii business will be,
carried on ns usual. Purlieu dehlrou of
h tin nccoi ulateil will pleiiHe call at
my ollicn. I huve l()O,00f) available.
;)ilf " W, CAiikv Johnson.
Fur Siile.
Three pew mill. ,.(,wa. Tn.
piiiu of Tims, tJluirinat or
iiwgn Win ner
Money to Loan.
In sums of '.00,0(1 to t.'itl.uot),
Jts r, Hiuw,
Heal Kslatti mnl l''lnsnelaUjrent,Oreuoil
I Ity, oppoalto Ptwlulllco,
Kifcll Ktitif.
To Whom It mav Cmn'ern :
flu flowing tiiemseiva Imlohtetl to
lisitni respeelfully reiiiele, t,i aettle
Ihelr aectiunUi V noeil muney anil
must collect ami wont to I hit wise is
stillh'lent. W Jo not wish Ui place
our account: In the Iminls of a eollaotur.
It Is extroumly linpleaaiuit r us to ilo
so therefore we glvo thin not h it ami any
to all coniti ami arttlu,
March l, Irtti,), Tinm, Cimiimam A Htnn.
llissuliilloit Notice,
NOl'lt'K Is Iteiehy itlven, that the
llilu of lleiillvt Williams has hern ilia
snivel liv mutual conaenl, Y K, Wlh
linuis will t'oiuluet tint liuslnens al the
ohl autiil, ami will pay all ilehts aiiilt'ol
led nil aecouuts,
Oregon I'lty, Match , IstHl.
I have plenty ut
haml (luler e.tilv.
Komi hi in her on
II. H, Mi Cos n,
The Vienna Chop llonsn kept open
till It was lliMxIml out, let Its usual K'ksI
tiihlu ami tliil not clmiito a cent extra,
Trv II,
Vn keep all kliuU ol lee.l ami make
t Kiee!lly uf our own chop, vrahain ami
corn meal Drain of all klmla wanttnl.
1.1V KatA tf A HilCTS,
riackamas, Oremm
Xcllnul .Money.
Them is plenty J money mi haml to
loan of school (uiiila, ami it will ho to the
interest of mM Imh lowers, e(ieclally those
who nee.l miy coitsiilerahle tuniliul tt
well as luttii lime loans, to hot row achool
money, I'liin It ahsolutely th(t cheapest
money to 1st huil S ier cetit ami no cmn.
niisatoiia alter Hut Hist year, ( all on
I'. I. l.'ilotiM'tto, Atloruey lur the htmr.l.
( lirsp lsiuil lor .Sale.
t'holcrt (arioiim laid, thleo niilt'S frttlll
tfivn nty In (rout 10 to 100 acre Iracta
I at f -'.l OO In I'll) Oil ,-,r ..... I ' .II
4l M,i ytu anilal or
' , ,. ,,
' ' '"r"" 1 "
.Notice to Slot khnltlrrs,
The uvular annual unvlinn of the Or-
'''"," "v K'aforal Mf. Co .
Will lit, ll.,l.l .1 ll.M .....1 t II I
1 ' " .....-,. .on i
ltetow, tlnviu I'it. un Thilntilay
j Apiil :1, at one o'clisk I
.il. ny or
II. It. Mtv,
! h'i of the I'real.leiil,
II. lU.xn.w,
Nn'retary ,
St etl 1'llt.ll ,.
Pun) lleituty of Hebron, for sale by
I. Mcliis'haii, near I'lt'a btnm,
KifK For llatrliliitr.
White W'van. lolts ami Hiown l.,-g-horna.
My strains for in prodiiclitm
ami alamlat.l requirement are iinaur
panne,!, :k.a i ,M.r ;. ...I j.. i..
j kets for shipping. iJpfrU.
KinkM Puos. Oreiin Citv, Or.
oV' a liUaiiiesa ttsmi with ahelviinr
Ja. I'. Hllw,
"'hce, lie, Ffnlit tiruccrv ami Crts k-
Xutlee Iti lainirrs.
The umletaittneil will U in Oregon
City at Harvey Cum.' ullii v every Tue
Uy uml Satuitlav ol each week until
(uither nnflce, commcm iim u Tilna.lay,
Feb. -.' lor the .tirjM,. ( t.ijniractiiin
fur Vt'K'eiahK) ami fruits nf all for
the cauniim company,
ick"ii City, Kt b. IS, Ism).
A II . Iloai'otv.
fecrelitiy ol lln-ipm t'lly Packing Co
' v 0
Parties wishinif hi raistt the lftt hi, It
cm. In the world can do so by uelliin;
..lit. selling- of lull blrssl brown l.t'ihnru
rKijs. r.nipuieiii re.eive.l oik, a weelt
tiuaraiitee.l lo be full hl.ssls; also ifuar
M..I.....I I.. I. I.' . n
u (,, ,i r.iiiiure ot
H. 8 Mom.Ka
tir leave ouhr at l.ovejoy'a linsery
Prof, l.isctl'a Memory Svatom i I're.
stinx ureater Interest than ever in all
part of the country, ami la-ranii wish
in! to Improve their memory should
acini tor In pn.ssctus fne a adver
tise I in uiiiilhcr coluinn. it
In piirt hasitii; medicine, don't try cx
is'iimeiii; in.. II rat and only considera
lion should Ihj ifenillll a. !..,'
Sitiauparilla ha st.ssl tho teat of f..riv
yeara, and lo titty it ia (fifater demand
man ever ft Uluuipliaiil prun( 0 ipu
it ii r v ui .
Health and I.tnitcrvlty.
i'r A. nniurtl llull'a Hyciimic
l teatiiiei.t no Ihtf Hirmanunt cure of tli
ease without either inedicine, electricity
or costly appliances. Works in irfecl
Harmony with tho laws of nature.
aVW .tee AticriM'tisui "extra" which
tiivej tho history of tho phyainloninil
.tiacoviiry. ncnii lor circulars at my ex-
pensii. rrice ol Health Pamphlut t.oo,
A'l.lres. J . W. Thomas,
Molalla, Or,
"Ayur" Hair VIor Is a most excellent
preparation for tho hair I
...n Kiowtit tn new nair, ami mukua it
i. . . , . .
R...""; ......, in viniir i Hiire
cure tor iiauiliiill.' J y, Hnwen, Fdi
un enquirer, M tArlliur, Ohio,
llilcklcn's Arnica Salve.
The lies! Salve In the world fur Cuts
limine, SontH, Uloors, Halt Ithmun, Fe'
ver Kmc, Teller, Clmi.ped hantls, Chl.
on, nr., . m ils, IIIMI all Mtlll Krilpl illllS,
and posiiively cure Piles, or no pay re
quired. It I Kunrantctjil to Kivn iM'iftiet
satisiactlnn, or money ruftiiidud. Price
,'n I'tiius pur nox.
For sale by (J. A. IIanlliiK
Fhler It. F. KltlfiiKer, of (hittysbiirir.
Pi nnsylv inia, says he had been suffering
" ''"to ami uouith, a I ho his wife, that
they look lo iisin Chamberlain's Cough
Uemedy uml received (treat hmiellt from
It. telbesays, "It was so pleasant
In li.Ln I.',.. 1... ., .
... .i.., . oi mm ny u, , Hurtling
Kt..(leorge, of Merry Uiiglaml, dim
tioyod the llrery ilragon, hut (he Ameri
can champion curboliHulvn conuiioiaSt
Anthony's fire, chilblains, f,gt bllrs
cuts, woiiiida ami llchilm and lmi,iili,
iiincuse. rtoni ny !',.(, Cuullel.l.
Ailrlce To Mothers.
Ma, Winsloh 's HooTiiiNo HvHtie, f.n
chldren tent hiiitr. I th ,..,.-..,i..n.' ...
hldren teethiuir. I the i,r..,.ri,,n,.. ...
one of the himt leniale nurses anil physi
cians in tho United State, nnd has been
used for forty years with nover-fuiliinr
success hy million 0f mothers for their
children. During the prot; 0f teeth
ng Its vn no is Inealculahle. It relieves
un. ciiim troin mill, mires dysentery and
diarrhmn, griping n the bowels, and
win. -colie. Ity Kivlnf? htmlth (o the
child It rests the mother.
Whtial, )f tut,.,
Oats, Tl' hu
Flour, Int gra.lo, 11.00. "ml. :i,75
Ilutler, 'M to I'.Vts.
F,K". I? i t.
Chickeim, iliesseilV ilos, ( M to 15
Chickens, sprliiu S'.'.OO ,k :.f,o
Chickens, live, M (1 1,110 ttll.'V.Oll
I'olaltitis. y hit fl.oo i
Onions, V bu flfiil,
Apple Tf) bo,, t:,(i(
Hhorts, f.'l Ml
Hriin, IS ,1u
llav, timothy baleil, S I H Ii, :'H,
Hay tlniothy h losti, $15,
Clover, Imletl $17 In 'jo
Heef, live, II to ,'1 e,
lleet ilrt'sseil, tl tt.
Veal, ttiessoi!, 7 e,
lion, live, sic.
lilies, tlresaeil, df 7e.
Hheep Vhea.l, (Kl uml $:l,fti.
' Wool, i yinf-lM V Ih
l.anl, country bulk, Ilo,
I .n til , buckets, lll'jc.
Hani, ., It In cv,
Hi.lea, ' tt. . n,.,
Hhouhlor, Ih, 7, He,
1IUK1 iTt'l lTS;-.
Atl kiic Is very .lull.
Apples, ami ilrleil, 3 ami 4c.
Hums, iti'ii, s ami .1c,
Prunes, inn ilrie.l, 4 ami (le.
I'ears, sun tlrie.l, H ami He.
Apples, mac bin iIiiimI, hleache.l A 7o
i nuns, machine iti icii, n to 7c,
I'eara, uiachlnu tlrie.l, ft aml7e,
1'riitie. uiai hina di ie.l, ft ami He,
Liver Disorders
H. sin rausti the t.liHitl In tmcniiiA mutant.
Iitale.l ami re.iuirtt prompt treat iiient.
Tlie iiinat murk...! syiiipluiui am h. f
appetite, lieailut lie, pallia In Ihn ha. IT
or alilo, imu. a, ami relaiallou of tha
txiwela. Ajfpr'a I'llla aulat tmlura to
s. the auwittiiiiiiitt hile ami lima
resliim tint pnrlly ol llio blood. Il,,ig
purely vieli.l.h. ami iikMii ale.l. they
ar pleaaatil to fake, iinl.t In i.wial.iti,
auU without III etlei la.
"After malty yi-ats' exw.rlertrii wild
Ayer'a I'llla as a nunmltr for tint larun
nuiiittor ot niluieiiis . u...l hy .lritnu...
insula n( I ho liver, fwuMar lo muluiul
I. Kalllloa, aliiiplo Jn,ii,o inumpta me lo
prra to yon my liiuli appte. lalloii u
Hi mania t Ihla meiiicliin for llm das
nl tlUontr,ia I have immml " - ft. I
IsuiiiliriitKn, llryati, Trias.
"I ha.l tiled ahit.t rvervthliiK (or
ilirniile liver coiuplaiiit, l.ui received
no relief mil II ur, Aver'a Pills, I
tltid tin-in Intiihiahle " - W. K Walaon,
ii rmti iiiiiitna si , i nirai;.!, III.
Aycr's Pills,
mriHu kv
Or. J. C. Ayar It Co. Lowell, Man,
UvlJ tjl all liniLmuJ i..Ur la Mlkloa,
II on sr. ma, I SHH I'Hlattlua, Ual
aomlailttc, Jruluiii, I'aprr
llaxkins; mu4 4JlttalnK.
All ttnrl i,tl.(et.irr I'h.rv... u.u1,.ia
OMari mar ! lull al tl I'aiillrlit'a IV
Merchants Kxclianv.
MsluMrnl. tn.-g nit ur In.-, on.
f J-KKI'S ciiNi
IV U.l l.ran.l .
imlieciiv si,
tNsrAMI.V US llAMi Till
f l.l.u..ri. Wtnt an,! t'lart
ni an. I l. T tl.a nrw in UaH
r.l luilltl I, trail., and
a.a-a II
J. I Kt Mil l II
House anil S'iqh hi'inters
Paper Hanging n Specilty.
Painting dupe in all it branches.
I.cavo nr.ler at the swt-nlllca
Shop at the reur nf the sit-olllco.
V. MAV. J.J. itSiKK,
Dealers In (JrocpnYs A. I'roiliict
OroRoii City, OroKon
-li:.M.F.HH 1N-
Hooks anil Stafionorv
Painter, Kalsomincr,
and Decorator,
Is iiii:ireil to attcinl iironijitly tc
work eiitrusivil to liitn.
riitrttiittf rt'Hurtliilly solicitetl.
Tha fain. ma 1 1 . , v e t KcM
n.,iri.i.i iii.i.t. . ti, aim n.iVHjr
Nnrlrl(- of l'amlirl,la
Maaa , hva hern iiiiivt..! In
rent raaa.lrmt. Callh.rnla
whrrp I 111' lilialm-a will lie
r.iii.ui.Me.l aa
Tlie Itayiuoiiil Planer
uml Need .Store,
0. II. IIuvkv, MmiaKrr,
Fi'.sl Pilsilili'iiil, Cut
faVSt'inl fur romplvla
Field, Vegetable and
Flower Seeds,
iW) Sec, iii.I Mrccl, Itcl. Salmon nml
Taylor, I't rlhiiiil, Or.
g flrHmi(l for Calnlonuj. 42-3
Willamclto Jleidits !
SusiKMision Uridc
A Fine Chance to Invest
Aero Property.
Inquiro of
( ) r-.m
Tim ltillowii(f .,mi Helcctinn of
Choice 1'iille.l um Cut Mowers :
Chrysaulheiniihis, ,,'y, ks, Carna
linns, I'etuiiliis,, Veiheinis.Vlo
hits, riwei t M illiams, I orot nitfiiot,
J iipples, lliiliiilropi-s, liusly Mll-
ler,, Dahliiis,
tii'ianlnins, Cannua, ami a
fieneial Collet t n tt of nil
other I'liinls,
t ahhiiuo 4 b,.at Miliket Minis 100, l.fio
Ciii'lidnwer, per I HI ,00
Toniulis'S I best K luils, per KO, .75
The Commercial Bank,
OF OUKiio.N ( ITY,
CAIITAL 100,000,
Tramactt a Onncral uonklng ouilneti.
latana ma.ln, Hills tliscoiindt.l.
Makes collccllnlis. lint a uml aril on-
cliHiiKt'on all points In tin. Cnlte.l Htatrs
ami 1.iii..k' ami on II.ihk Kong. v
siail rttcttive.l subject tn check. Inter
est at usual rates allow,., I on time depo.
llaukoN'ii from p A. M. to 4 I'. M.j
Katur.tay eveiiinifs fnuu 5 till 7 1'. M.
I , i:. I'uNAI.IiSoN,
M. II. 1 1 1 tt ,i ii .
It. A. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
Kri i's t.N ham) un' m-t. i rif.s
el Wine,, urn.. Ale. lt-i,r .ii- d,
I. .nml In Hi.. MH!,, n l,u it lilutt
(line ma a cull,
II U.F ASH l..v (i.N it.t'(.HT.
Farmers' Store !i
k. i.. m:vto.n.
Goods Sold at P -rtland
IIIiillF.ST PKIt F. PAIIi FDI; ( (il N
TltY PKitl't't F.
tliviilcil into T. two nml oiif-lmlf.
nml live nere ttiifts, It is lm'tiltti
on the hciglils ovcrltitikiii the
I'liickiiinnn; lienre its nuim', it is
nhmit due mile from Court Iltnn-e
ami Ono-hiilf mile from the city
limits. Tlie County mini crosses
which tiiukt'S it eusv nf nccess. licine
iiKitit twenty iiiiiiutes walk from
the centre of Oregon City.
lien in Ort'L'mi City Selniol tlistiict.
ami imrcluiHerH can have the ttilviin-
tuj-e nf ni'mlinKr their chililn n to n
Kootl, ff riultti jiiililtf Hfh.Kil. The
Soil is pniil, the I.tifutinn very
heitlthful, all I'ruitK ami Vt L't tnlili s
yield nlHimluntly. Ternm ont-thir.l )
down, nml liitlauce in one year nt
t-iulit iht cent. For fiirtlier'iuiili.!-
ularH iniiiire of
City Ihuz Store.
This Space is
ft. . .
EritBFi Store
SW1I & UT,
8, HI Itll'Tl'UK
Undertakers and Qlacksmlths, OroRon Cltv. Ortipon.
Good llourses. Trimineil eoljina tnni CnsketM itlwnvHln StncV.
V ' J f-l . lw.f- a i m
uBwiv.,'; J I If i !
.X HI' J 1!
;o to
.ivi - ki
t,'' 0UT0F0RDCR.
i - f " V 'V it .ta. V.. 'IW i I'.lfc ,1't.l 1VLJ
- jj hti.jN I uAi N rl -
f, i ,mt ,,a,
I i.
Oiioii rii,0.
), V. , Alt ll. l.aVfftt
l J ti fft; .men in lit
V li W fT, v o
if TV . :'.t ly I!. ..it4ir,l, lhrai(liT
. : t"i 1 ..4 I-' m ..... l-kl-.K to mil
V a i i i- atu, im to rft ttan'tuis
,T .i...n ii. ii i C.arJrn, Klowar
n. r irl,t 8 fcl. I 'S ,...l lui n,
0. M rtRHViCO,
S4 OfTnoiT, MICH.
m m mm
l -ntr, m,m.A MF.k Vu J.1 Dtt.ll i i V
IM-t krrurttur Sicx-mm i.ior Yen m.
I't-Ml, ltHI( M.f i ). .a. i aU,,t mi A
trifc4saMt,H. ,iVt(4irtniKtii,AI'iMfHi t Utd
4lll.7 n.r.til.a Holl IMMlltM.lMu t t
P 4i"'7 tttm tVtl MalM a4 rt-tfo I mtairi.. It Hlr II .
erl Hasat !"aH 4J fr. , 1 14 I m ! r.
Wondorful nsh Producer
Jinny liav. niiimnl 0110 pound
per tiny l;v its r,M
frVott's I'luuli iou i.s not a r ov
er, t rnui'tly. It coiitaiim tho
Hti.imhitiii I'l'djicitieu of the
llyiilliisihil a nu.l j uio Nor
Vf.'iiiit C'o.l I liver Oil, tho po
Uncy ot buth luiin largely
iiicitnstjil. It is uJ by Vhy
aifiiius all over tbe worltL
HolHyall !)' gyiU.
EOOTT & tOWMi;, Oktuwta, N. T.
reserved for
"i .
U it
I C i-t H til k MJ
li. Mi . Il,-.. T:
;ZT .... :JtS ".-.1,1 VI
- a:- 4.
laSI I I II1
Trarnportation Llrtet
On-K-Mi City & l'tirllaik
I.KA VK-Orc; m.itf , 7 3 1 14
" -I'.irli ., i,-l.,r
irwiii. c. lv UlA M at 4 d
HI M'A Y llltra,
i.bavk or.-Kcii ('hr , u J
" -'"ttsi"l ... 10 a M 44!
Jt'Hliii)i;M, MuuU, Ilinleyg
w.-gn, Milwuukir, IjiiuIhtu. '
Overliiihi to Califbrn
Noullifi u rilic Coiiiiiauy'ulil
Tho Meant Shasta Routd
Tlina btlwatn Uri- .n ( It, ,nl Uu ,1
W hnura. '1
i tut.u tim rsAiatsua Baai I
irwr I'tiiuhAS'ii .Kit Hiv ,.-... !
"".ii i
4 ue r, u
r.rtlinl Ar
Oremnt My ,
S r'raiii't.rn .v
ft IH f
1 4.,
Uiral I'a.Miinnr laalo. lall)r.KictH
iia.ii 1 i.v om-euair i.V JS.M
Pullman Duffc 1 55l4t...
' Fv
ri.raici.iinti.Hl.iii n nf H...n.l .M
atl.iclieU Uj I ralua. ,m
Tha H. V. C'a farrvnoliM
all Hit rr,iil,, ,r,, tt lh, r, m W7iiu.
rum f.H.t af r alraot. Cortland. ""I",
Waal Hide Iimi1b.
Wall Tralu. i.,llr ( tuudaf I
1 .104 a
u.;-.r m
. ..,, ami t ..r. aim cnban win, (rlJ
Kil.rr. Train Ilalljr EtP.,,1 gttBayl
4 fair M I
unr I
Hi.rtl.ret Ar
McMtuurllU Lr
K r f. ,,fraiai.,ii r......n.. .....
rxr. rll in t uini,,,,. , ...... -. ,....
Konii.m. r.M;WK,. ''
Mtit. A.. 10. r.auj Faat. A(aa
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all ptilma Eaal, ia
r. fAt'L and myiMArou.
Tbe Sorthero I'aellle B. B.
li tha only tin rtimilnf
l'lta-cinicr Traina,
hot on.l-C I, as Siwjajrt (frueot clittrg)
I.iiliirioiia I lv t oa. Iip,
I'nliiimi l'ala. ti Slwijinn Cr,
rlcc Miiiny I ia (tueali 75c).
Irom rurtlana U Ike tmai.
Se that jutir ti. kcta td via Ui4)
Nortliorn IVilic K. K. and
avuiil cliaiict" o cart.
Uata P.irtlaiHt al 7:44 A. M, and ia p m
.UHv aliuuraltaur 81 rati) at t
!'cirt. nivtn..w.Trl laata Fmat aa4 a
. rr. i.,1.11, ,, .s A II. and lu P. u T ","
al .ri,, j iut. M anO a.lD A M
alii, a, A. 14 a u.1 Ja. f . ."!
Himiiili Pullman Palac Hla.i.ta, Car, al
I'iu HmT'' ''""" r'- dim'il earaa
rau l.trtUu.1. lacullia auri t...,T. a...
ta er
i.iauu, laruma and k. n..
rvtr . i, . u. . .u
t ttfll I I'aai AUL Ut Ptril Hi .. w..'k.
melon hi. l'..rtlali..lln.
f atr-Hrp.4. corner Klrat and 0 Strata.
Oregon PacificRailroad.
Ste inter Siilllnf tBe.,'..Y,'.l",Iu. .- et'itntfr Wlllaaiatta Val-
riif.l iy, M irt h -it,
"iiiir.iay. March K; Munrf.. u.k ia.
..... 0 tha rl.hl to chaiaa
illlii ,'aiva wtlhoiu turtle,, w
Trln.riii,,.,.lwh,hl,0 4C R .
Il.wlail'..rtallian.l AltMtuy.
The Origin I'acillt. atM'mlK)ta on tha
nilliuiiHto rivor tliviaion will Ivar
I ttrtlum . mitit lKiiiiHl, MomUy, Werlnas
.ly,. ,Url(1,v .19 A M. Arrira at
j?i ", 5 ,",e,". "-v'.TI',,r,M'-iy "
nrlli-lHnin. MoiMlay, Ve,l,,M,l.y .B
1 iteHtluy, l liii.Htlay a( Satuiday at 3:S0
I . Al. on Monday, WotlncatUy and Fri
Jluv, lit.lli north and a.mtli.lMjiind boaU
A? r n'Sht ' Sa,"m-u"i"8 '
l'.ml'm,o, T1,'k,,, 0mr' 8ln" wharl
0.1l.llASWKU.,j4.o,naralP A P. Alt
O (" limir w ll""."1m"r 4B,
t 11001 K, ac i O. K. A P. A. O. P. R.,
Oorrallia, Or.
Ti itiiiH tin the Kant leave IV Hand, 7 ;00
A M. nmll):tHI 1'. M.
TICKETS ?r' .,ro,m .p"""ni piu
,J 111 lh t'tilint siaiea, Canada
ami tilni,a
Elegant Now Dihing Palact Cars. .
I'liiiiuiii rahire Sleepem.
rim Tlironuh 011 KxpreititTraiin
Oloao eiintirctliina nt 1'orlland lor Baa Praa.
cimo and fund Hound polnta furtliar partlculara lunnlra nf ... .
of tbe CnmpMij or '
T. W. 1.1:1:,
v . I'. 4t T. A,
I'oiilMud, Orrtxaa.