The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, April 03, 1890, Image 4

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    THE DUMP m
mia tiik imiiv of i.vwu.ii anutiik
tCViVftelil'. . T Oi M i' l'iiWil.t
t sihvIsI armiictuuoitt I'lie .Vu.'ii.iiti
lYraa Aaanvniijoiil
cu vrrriv v.
Tilt VOl' St)
l AUYV.'lt IM MM
! vi
IS !i..Miu"him'ul w.ts ex
cited Ivcamo t ln I a .! y
should Concent horse Ii' in n
vulvar murder, iiml ln wn
JisuiHint l tvomiM) ho
thoticht mere ttiiioiitv
hJ ntiulo horthoit,t;litli' MimMcn luiu
to lior.
Thttoshoiiiow crcd his lendinc, iju '.lu ll.
"Yes, I wttnlcd to w you Kelly. I
rwtil hii account of llmt sluvuiiif; murder
in I'liion stpmto l..t ni,-',!it, i.u.l I nl n
fd thai you Wi i-.' unv of the- v Ik w
the frightful ltd II.
"Yes," lio replied fIiumIv, ii!).1 ll ikIi
luuoyevl mul titotii.he.l h .hd not l.ul
to appreciate tlu.t ivio ;: . '.!" :i-
Ultotl Mid sivllli'd I.I ua'..e ell. ill 1,1 r,, If
"1 Lni'W the tiuuil.'tcd man," , he Con
tinued. "lmliH'ii hit was somen hut of n
relative; I wail much Bli.tkod."
"Very tmturallv."
"Whocoimiiitted tho murder "
"Oh, U wr:ipH-il in mystery. The
uthoriticsuru nt a complete standstill;
they liavonot ti single oletv of any value."
"Hut you satv tho man, iiecor.liii;; to
the newspaper ucivunt."
"Yw, nt atlUtaitco. Indeed, I miv lilin
closely, but did not tin ii observo- liim
with uttontiou. 1 wan I.Mkiiii; from my
window, mul was dimly const ioii-i of a
tuan staivliiii; on tlio pawtnout Ivn.aili,
aiul of his uti ppiii mf tho curl t.iu' to
walk across tlio tnvt I u nwaki-niHl
to full coiisi'i.msii. 'a of UU i'i:. iti o In
Kxung iii in . i.otlu man ln im l hy tlm
arm, ami thou lrikiiii; him ilown; tlm
next moiiii nt ho through tlio fark.
t waa nut awaro mur.lrr w.n il.i.m until
I heard the cry from a iliii'd."
"Was tho third nun i,muvt.l w iili
the attack? I saw ln wan arnv-l-'d."
"I think not. lio sravo a c! -ar luvoimt
of hiumlf, mill hU stai.'in. nu iao lt-n
Wifled by tho uiii.v; ho w.1.1 n K .iM'd
thi morning."
A shailiiuf vexation a4,J vi r tlio
face of chariniii companion, ami
Holbrook's n-.toni..hnn i,t wan further in
MVast'd by tho fact
"Were not tho millionth f.k.h'.h in
letting him pi.'" i,ho a-l..-d, after n brief
oioiiunt of silence " I !e may In.vo br. n
Uie murdervr."
'j "Iuipusriihlo," said UulhriK'k. "I b-nv
the man strike hU victim and then run
. into the ir!.. art-1 saw tho other twenty
, feet away cry ins murder."
"You w ill bo a w itue., tin n. In his
; An untry tlndi pi,.i,l ov.r l l .ia
face, and lur ray cvch flittered.
"'V-rtainly, if ho bo nt c-n d," rt plie.l
tfolbroot, amazed at t'm question.. "Hut
ther U little fear of that" -
"If an acru -r be nHled, lie may hud
aoa in nu", , ,
HolLrook win utterly coiifoiin led
"Do you know tho man? 1K you
know aiiythin of thin mur.ler;"
The lady showed that hho felt she had
Jiacovered more emotion than the situa
tion warranted, and, by an eil,,it. ro
lutned Control of h. isc If,
"You a.ik.twu ijiie-iiont. I do not
know the man. I nover heard of him
before. What ii bi t name"
"Ycf, WiN,.in.. lio know iinMhiii;;
about thU miir.h i.' Nothing except
What I havo read and what you havo
told me. Hut how h.ipHin it that ho
vaa there ut that hour in tho morning
to opportunely lorry '.Murder" rind mis
lead others by nttraelinj? atluilion to
himself? Were you not mi .laLen,
awakened, u.i you coiifesa, from a sort
of BtUor, and did i mi not ima .'inn you
saw a man running awa"
She had Kiiin be.t rout ml of lu nelf,
and she wansB .ikin; w ith t reat camel
ness and with le i. hteue l color. Hob
brook wondered nt it nil, but he replied
"No, JIl.-s .Uhiove, 1 Win not mix
taken. If you weni toin cu ji tliMyoiin
gentleman you would bo doin ; a ki iev
ous wroni;, and, un we, yn, j,, ur
leJf in a fills.; podlioii. You foigil lliiit
f law tho man i iiii away after tho blow,
throwiiiK olf hi i co:tt as ho ran. Subse
quently tho coat and other article used
for this dis;iiij wero found."
Flora tossed her head incredulously.
Holhrook continued:
"Tho bitterness you manifest sin prises
The lady hhot un iinry t.huii o at him.
"It is you who forget now. J told you
that Sir. Templetoii waa n fiii nd and a
relatlvelhoiH.;h n remoto one. Why
should 1 not fei l mi interei.t in hi mur
der? Is there anything urpn.',iiij,'lii my
desire fur justicound vengeance? lean
tell you I havn lit lio faith in your Kdic(i.
fie i an unuxual ntupiil who
cannot ewapo your detective, mill, I
may bo entirely mistaken. You may
have been fully conscious that you saw
three men, not dimly."
The sneer conveyed lu tlie-o word
wan uninislalvablo. lief ore Holhrook
could recover himself from tin Inditf
uant rush of word, him spoke again in
Strangely altered tone:
"After all, 1 suppose you mo rlht,
and I am silly to act tip my judgment
against those, w ho wero present."
Holhrook noticed that i;hu wan making
a violent effort to composn herself, and
he Ifavo her timu by riot replying- wlmn
iho spoke again, it win with Un obvious
attempt to speak lightly,
"See what sympathetic) creatures we
of the weaker Hex urej hero am I work
ing myself Into (juilo a fever over poor
Templeton's death, even disputing with
you as to what you did or did not see.
But the man who ran uway? Was he a
tall ninn?"
"Yes, I thlnlslm wa."
Alarm quickly paused over her face,
but not no quickly that Holhrook, whose
lenses were now nil alive, did not ob
serve it.
"And slight In figure?"
Whether tho flying man wn hllht or
not Jlolhrook did not remember, but ho
quickly determined to follow the lead
he wan giving him,
"Decidedly slight ami tall."
She had greater command over fea
tures mid manlier now, but vi r voice he
troyod Intense interest tin aim I'iiiib
"Yes, I suppo.'o , iiince hu rail so last
as to get away before any one could seize
him. Hu i)iii:l havo been a young man?"
Hhe lookeil at him uiout inquiringly
Holhrook replied:
"Clique tiollithly,"
I "Wind vv,..s hi complexion, did you
i notice?" ,
MoUiivml; did not fail to ivalUo how
. u ' m . I it w in to ask, or to amunm to
; 1. 1 low, t lie complexion of a man, rutminn
t i't a tb.-taiuv of at least SJOO feel, In th
j moo.ilinUi, to an olwerver liHikinj; dow n
ill, i. n it height of 40 fi'et, but hl mind
, whs woikinn uctively, and ho recollected
; lie w its fair.
j "t,'niiiestion:ihiy dark, with a hand
i some piolile a iitriiiglit nose,"
i Win liho prcpaiiHl fvir the answer, that
j hcv fitee epicMcd nothluu; but curiosity her color remained steadfast?
. And was ho certain that she sivmed to
eiiilrh at her heart with her left hand
i'Iicio w an a lliioo Mweeu them for
a little tlmo-l lora deeply ulworbed In
thought, and lie watchful and keen,
Suddenly ho was os.seed of an ldia.
He tremble,! at its udaolly
Itut he was n mini of nerve.
lie drew Ida purse from Ids HM'ket,
and ts'!v tiom It the diamoiitl Imttoii.
"See," ho said abruptly, "I found
Souiethini; valuable at tlm place of mur
der "
There w us no mistaking now. Her
face tin-died red and then grow ghastly
pale, w hile alarm wa plainly visible.
"It is a culf button "
She stretched both n trembling hand
to take It
Tb moment she pieod It she x
amiiied it ciuotly.
lie studied her lace and wa per
plexed Ho read recognition, relief, surpiise
mul strangely blended
"Have yen Its mater" she asked
"No. I found but liii one "
'At the place of murder. Afterwmd."
"IKh s it Is long to the murderei?"
' That is for the silico to Hud out I
shall luiu it over to the authorities."
She handed it back to him and said
'"1 have s.s'n"
Tho door ojH'ned and her uncle. Mr
Withcrsp.s'ii, entered.
tlir or HKTKOSI'KvTtON,
in: is rapid
New York.
Kvents of yester
day are ancient
After a wook
tho tragedy of
forgotten. The j
coroner hail held !
tho inquest and I
had established ;
Tho strictest iu !
qulry had failed
to discover a mo
tive for llioslced
H r. Templeton's j
life was an nvn ,
ouo and rather 1
comnionpluco In !
it exactness and regularity. Iloattend '
ed -t i icily to business during buMiic
h, uis. and stoo.1 well In commercial
circle. He took hi pleasures soberly in
bis hours of relaxation, lio had novice i
and no entangling alliance.
Neither tho clothe cast oil by he
murderer In bis llight, nor the diamond
button found by Holhrook, nor lh
k u Me left ill tho Usly of tho dead mail, ,
had prove I to bo clew s of value to the
The t erdi, t of the coroner's Jury had
lieou: "Canio to hi death by Udlq;
stabUd with a knife, in the hands of a
h roti IlllkllOtt ll."
The isilico a.lopU,J the tluvry that the '
mail had beeo struck in mistake, and i
that another victim had been intended.
, Wh.t? TUt was a secret t hoy guarded,
nnd they worVI f". V.H liSii. , - I
A huge reward for thodetectlonof the I
criminal wa offered by tho aittlioriti.s. '
Ann i no aii.ur ijoni ironi tho uetvs-
Tho funeral had been a quiet one.
There were but two mourners present
an el b rly lady and ajoiingeroneclow ly
veiled, both ev Incing great grief. There
were but few attendant from curiosity.
.Neither Mr. VYitlicrNii lior Flora
Ashgrote were pre uL
llolbnxik, who was, noted this fact,
and eoiitr.ifhd her intense nieret in
tlio murdered man tho day after tho
minder, w iih lu r iiIkh iico from the fu
Her ll ci relllollle.
A few of Templeton's business no-
qiiaiutauceii, iiiid tho friend with whom
he H iit tho List hour of his lifo made
up the rest.
Apparently the tragedy waiof ono act.
ami tie' drop curtain was down,
Holhrook' law ofllce w as on tha sev
i iilh story of one of those tall buildings
which In recent year have become
i on picuoii feature of lower New York.
lln private oflleo was a corner room,
and from tlm window liiseyocotild roam
out tlei ro.ifs of adjacent buildings,
acr s.s the Hudson river and beyond Hut
hoime on tlm Jersey shore to the green
hill back of them.
One afternoon, two weeks after tha
murder, ho was resting himself from his
hilars mi l enjoying the extensive view
spread out before him.
lu fact, he was reviewing that strange
Interview w ith Flora Ashgrove the day
after l ho murder.
Her manner, her emotion, her eager
lies -., I:, r anger, all dwelt vividly in his
mind, but hi. perplexity was ns great as
on too day be li lt her presence.
U'h it connection, if any, had she with
Ih minder What did she know, If
iini Inn-? What relation had exinled
between her-elf and the dead man? Why
d:d .lie want to know so particularly the
npi .ir.iueeof themurdereri' What was at
toe bottom of the iiiteUHcntixiotyshodis-
p! it ' d' And for w I was thin anxiety
doc. luted'' She tt a tall mid slim, ot
would lie ll dressed In men's elothe
eoui.l il p.n.ihly hate Ii eu herself? Wo
she l!ic I md of a woman whom jealousy
would impel o such a crime!'
Th.,e were the question he h ul le.l.ed
linn ;c 11 ii.'.iin and again, and never had
found h:iI r.laolorv aii .tvi rii to them
rhei liaiinled him like a nlglilniaie
in I nt eveiy leisure moment returned Ui
luiu. until he plunge I dei pit into
vorli to i-,ciiK' Ihem
1)1 Hit, however, he tttl con,,ciotl-lo-
1. 1 hugs toward Flora had undergone
i vu. change A beautiful a she un
d.'iii.ibly teas, he prclerrinl that he
'iliould be some one elae's wife In her
int' i t ietv with him she had uncoicioi! u
Ii p ; it inn he did not like, mid the lor
no M in ijiiiisl inn that would como un-'li'W-ii
had dually bred in him a fear of
!u r :.iid bo had I'll. on alarm
As ho was thus iiiiiidng, a clerk In-
en iiieii in i ii ru n iwo iiiiiioHiieNlreil to see
W' urn their luiincn!'' ho ii;i,
1 .1 ivoulil mil ;it,. t',i m, il,,
in ', t.oiil.l convey lio ioloi'linitioli
1 fiid
Hin .InsHiil In deep
Voting, i.iiii old."
"'erne 1 1 In "
To lio cm.liiiiio.l.
mourning- 01m
lur Suit'.
Three new milk ikiwh, In
'iiiiH of Thus, ( hurimiii or
(Jour.'a Wiirnnr
I Jiiivu rortiKiK' I tlio iiioncy for Hluver
A U'nlkcr'H 11,111 l.i lit rv uti. 1 1 in vo returned
nil their goods, Koiikht Wii.hon.
ftialnrc In ConvuUtuU
ts trtrvliK Vi lesiitu nuiliu, eyrlnnns,
eaitliqiiiikes sra svtully mid trtmenilmisly
plolutwiiim, tiutnesienly ililrhl loemiilnta
llisellna and i'lhol I')' tltM sdiiilnlntiliUoil uf
rsmodlt'S vvlileli pHHlui eoiivtil'lon l
Sjeaiy In itie fttotoriiin! poi'llnti of tlio luiums
h smo, Hueti t tlio elleet t tit" old fnltliinmt
Klolfiit tmmiiitvKS lisi'i'tly fiiltlag mora suit
mora Into iliit. ami nt wiileti lhitiliia
Momsell llllleln ! ttiO IN 'U'ti'eemo, iensilt
sml tsr llioro lteellm SHoetshuielliil, llisjr
weskomst the liiloliiin llie Unlets luvlieir
SIlHI llll'lll. Their left llnl liewels llisell,
losiii liteai'sellstml hr nnmlim teslilsaoas.
His IliUern, on tlio I'oiilrai v, sml Imoniwi It
eusbliM, net haves, tlieni to sei.- vnl sml
tiMlnuuis ,luleisiie-iieii"Uiniie lliulr
tlvliv siid lenuliirllv. tlm liver t Iwim
Itelsllv minilali ., n th kldiiev nlure. tiy
thin liioitlolitn, wliteti el,v eon.ioel, llloo,
nislni is, not 'wniaiie s ami i heiiiiiiilUia,
Liver Disorders
Hoon eilllsii tho blood to tieeome eeiitniii.
Iimleil and requlie prooipt tieulinein.
The most utui kod sviuploiu me Ins of
appetite, headache, pnlii In the hie K
or side, mmscit, and lehiiillou e( tlm
bowel. Ayei's 1'ltls assist mitnin to
esd tlm siipeiiihmiihiut bile and thus
restore tho purity ef tlio blood, being
purely vegetable and leigni-coatcd, they
are pleasant to lake, mild In epeouieii,
and without III rlleets,
"After inituy leatV evpeilenee with
Ayei's I'lll us It leined.V lor the lltlgn
liiuntier ef ailineiilH citiised h.v di'tituni
liients el the liver, peenliar l.i inulniial
I.M'Ulttles, simple Justice prompt lee to
rxpressto you my luish uppre, iitiiun of
the HI, oils of thtii liie.tlellie lor the . tin
t( illsoldel'M t lule llillin'tl " K. I,,
helihl l,le, li van, Tonus.
"I hud tried III lie s( e ,'l lliini; for
throllie liter coiiiphilnt, hut te.eived
no relief until I ime Am i l itis. I
lllld llll'lll lll illliuhhv" W K Wittsoli,
; bast Illinois si , I'lilciign, III
Aycr's Pills,
l-imruuM ti v
Pr, J. C. Ayer k Co. Lowsll, Wan,
SvlJ by sll tl.l(,-ll,n,l l'l,i. in Vl,sllclus
l. V. MAY, J J. i ookf, ;
Ih'iilri's in (.i ttt eric ,, li 'ninn', i
I'HU'Ai.ii IMl; F.
OroKon City, t)t c i. n.
,1. ). HA (UN A SON.
l-i VI I r-; IN -
Hnoks and Slnlidiirrv
oi;i:i;tN t'l rv. oUHii'S.
Farmers Store!
' I'll
Qood3 Sold at P'Ttland,1'
,.. Pricca.
ill'.llil' l'i;K i: I - vii i ui; i .iiN
TUV I bi'ld i l'.
Money to Loan.
In nun of ,'H,o.i ,
i . ill 1 h J I
.1 t. I'. ;
1.1I ii.'cnt ,
11 1 it ,
tt:. I'
Ileal C-tiite itli.l 1,1,
( It V, i......,te I'., t 1
I ll.
' I
to .lt lily
( icier 1 11 !
1: I Iii 11. her on
. S. Mi t'o Mi,
I ,,le e kept open .
et l. ,'oo,
lo il C'l.t extm I
Tlie Ve nn i I Imp
till it nu ll Id .oil.
Illl.le lllul .II I ll"t I I:
I'll ll.
- We I.-.
. nil km I-. o!
li OIH ett ll I In
I ii un of .ill
I III -1
let I .III I lllilko
ip, t'l. ll, .1111 .111' I
kill. I ttilllt.',
. A Ill 11.,
corn uif:
t 'l.iokiim it. I iie,'ini
( In 1. l I. mil I or S.tle.
Choi. t' f.irmitiit I. m l, dice mile, fn.ui
li';iill I 'ily in from U lo l' ;l .icie Icicl
lit l.'.'l (M to 4 il' t (SI per iieie. t 'nil on 1. 1
.uMrc, K;, no ll.nui.ill or
.1. I 111 Mi 11, I In on I ily.
Nit'cltil .Niillic,
To Wholit it imiv t'oiicein :
All klmwinu Ihelii .ell. a iml. 'bled o
us urn leupeclfully i . j n.--1 . I (. Mellle
Iheir iieeniinla We nee. I inoney and
must collect iin.l Moid In Iho wire 's Wo do not wish to
our niT.iuiil In Iho liiind of 11 colleiTor.
It is extremely uiiplcasiiiit for n In do
so theisloiit we ijivo this iml ice mul s.iy
to nil como nnd si tile.
Miirch H, ,H! ill. T110H, ( '11 uim in .tt Son.
Dissolution Notice
N'OTK'F. i beiehy r'iven, thill Hut
llrm of HeutlviV Willi. un
solved bv 111 tit 1 ; 1 1 consent. F, '!. Wib
limn will comlucl the biiniuet ill the
old si nnd, mid will pay all del.lH and col
lect nil iiec. miits.
F. F, Wl 1,1,1 A MS.
Oregon t 'ily. Mutch I , Is'KI
Niillee In Stockliiibler.
The ii'iiiilnr iiniimil meelim.' of Ihe Or
I'Kon City Fruit l'!viipiirulor Mf. ( i, ,
will bo hi'l'l lit tint lesid of 1',
Itesluw, Dromon ( it", on ThurHibiy
April a4, ul mm o'clock I'. M. lly or-
norm um iTcsiiiciii,
(1. II. Iliisroiv, II. It, M.iv,
Hiicictury .
Not leu in Itiitiii i'h.
Tlm uiulorsiKiioil will ho In tlienon
(.'ily lit Harvey dross' ollice every Tuos-
tluy uml Hitttiribiy of iiacli week unlil
further nnti.'c, commom'iiio. on Tuesday,
Feb. for tlm pnipi.NO of coiili'iieliiin
for vi'ireliihleH uml fruit h of nil kln.lsfur
llm ciiiiiiinu ciitiipaiiy .
Ori'tton (ily, l!i b. IS, I mil).
A ll. Iloscmv,
Hecrelaij of (lie;oii ( lly I'ackinij Co.
Hclimil tl.i.K '.
Thelitis plenty of money on hand lo
loan of school funds, in.. I it will bit to the
iiileii'Hl of ail horriiu er,eMiei'iiilly tliohii
who need uny cmHdemblo iiinoiinl us
well us Iniin tune Ion iih, to borrow si'lmul
money, This it Hhsolnloly Ihe clieiipeht
money to bit hud H per emit nnd no com
inissiutiH iillci tlm Iii Hi vi'iir. Cull on
C. I), l.uluurelto, Altiriioy furtliu board.
Grocery Store,
'vcry, lmi s.iloSlnlil,,
" N Villi; hhllniK AMI
l wiW.Min.1 fiingl,, iU.nml mul
vlto It mm nlvt ay on huinl t u,,,
lowoh i hu'c. , ,.iri, p,,,,,,,,,,!,,,)
with t Jirt Imr.i fr l(i(lH(, iKit
Inii nmilion regarding miiv kind ul
stock iMwniitly attended to bv person or
ho rienElouhtand3old.
ii:ai,i:i;s in
Field, Vegetable and
Flower Seeds,
ai'iauv.v I'onntYsri'i'i.iKM.
t;.t;iKN Ttt)i.s, i ',:utii.i-
itli) Sieiiml Mive!, Ilel. Salman mul
Tit) lor, bui'l uid, Or.
gtff"tinu for CiitHlomio. .2.'A
1 Hlv tmieiii. Iletrtr S4
, IOiou ,0 i,,.t,,n . ll.ory
I .NoiMlllii. ,, l,'iHf,a,
j M. , Ii. to lvii iniivnl le
'! rs.S'lnt. I nltteriil
ttti,rt tin. louliii... W
I he liuuniiiid l lowrr
i' ml Meed More,
('. It, Hot sv, M.u..r,
i:ul I'ssuileiiM, (si.
(Tni, lur eoiniilrl
j gj
.Mcrchiuils Kxcliani1.
M.lii MrfiH. lirf suit I lly l)irsn.
KHvl' iiiNr.NIIY "N HASH till
Ih l linnet ut l.ltplet.. W lliti. nuil t't.ftrt
iiiiustaiy siri Hi iel uy ins new millsul
tslile A fuiiiiii,
,tlr,i xiilwsuki'ii. i lile.tu auiI
J, IKr.kll'AI II
hi4-i ll,.,'.
Painter, KaUcmincr,
and Decorator,
I, .ioji,ue,l ,i nttciiil j i r i n i f . 1 1 y t'1
ttoik i ntrusivil to liim.
I'.ilioitago ri'Sii'rlftiy Holicitcil,
M. I! Hiiii-iii
It. . Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
i ' r i ! i.n h ash i tiK iirsr nki kithis
I ul Wiiu . I I'ini.f.
At. Iirsr. At . to t
in. r .nh.ui iiitxi
. ,un,l III On. Hl.u
Hi , r in a rill,
II MY AM' It A I Ft'S I'lt.W'tillT.
, .
is divided iiiln 7l, two uml ono-iuilf,
iiiid live iieie Ititits. It i liieutctl
mi the heioliU (ivi'rliiiiking tlm
( ItickiiniiiN; lienee ils imnin, it
ilium! One mile from Court lluuno
iind Oiie-lnilf iniln from tlio city
liniil. Tliti County road eriirwen
ivliieli iiiiikc it euy of kci'chh, being
HiMMti twenty iniiniteH walk from
the eentre of Oretron City.
lies in Orepui City School district.
lllul nircliiiHers can havn tho tidviin
tnni! of Hemline their children to i
I 1.1 ...It' I 1 nt.'il, KIIUICU JltllllK! HCIIOOI. 1 0
Nnl is nood, the Location very
henlllil'iil, all Fruits and VenetalileH
yield aliiiiulaiitly, 1 ernm ono-thini
down, ami Imhmro m U) y()lr at
eiuitt per ceii!,. t'or Iiirtlter jutrtio-
iiiiir intiiii'o ot
City Drug Store
Commercial Bank.
of oitF.tioN err.'.
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts oonornl Blinking Buslneti.
l.nilllS llltlillt. Hills lIlHCUIllltotl,
Makes ciillei'iion. Iluys uml sells ex
chaiiKoou all points In tho United Hiatus
mul Ktiropit uml on Iltuuf Koiik, lu
liiiHitH recuivml Nllbiuct tu check.
imt nt iiHiial rules ullowuil on timu depoii.
Ihink npitn from tj A, M. to 4 P. M. ;
Hiilunliiy ovenliiK from 6 till 7 I'. M.
TM TIIIKI.KSI lOH Kll Ken tlUliSl"
J VUs'f.V J
'jVs. ';. - ,:,f M
1 l - 11
. . . --!
Yuurl, smloiin to iiinue.
Un. 1.. Ilusri.rir,
A.k ninrdisilvr for Kit 1,, lhmt,.y a cm -4
'I'llK HU M loin, ih.' ,Nvvs hii.I
IslSi'Hl MaO IIIUHII WIli.leTOlliCu.llllN,, ,,i" ,.
Ill Ilia toil lil, HI oil,,,. l, m ynl'l,
.yes I1K. ,l fc hM. Villi iw.,,1,, ,w ,, 111 HO IT. It yuiir HI. m il ,(, u
kn-puiir S'"l. m.i,. i,i M. , oW,l, do.
till II yell ft Null er Hvenvwl, n,r... er cull
wlil, im mlil of luleo, v on) iuiiiI li,,l,
vulit rlr,,i,n,o ( i try ii. llli. i, ,,i,,.r vs
Irntu (mi ut Ui ilii. Iiuiio'iiui liu.iiio.. ,y eur
TA 1 NM A h 1 Sll liulli,,,!. ftiul l.y.lelnw ,y w..
Ul. M oeillil lui alia I. y.
loi. U A Co., Myts(ii,naurs,
TiCiT" 1,1 "", ""'i'"sle eliM-rM
U lly mi,,, p ,.,Ua.
II, till lfV4a i'ft.u,-e, UVur V.iut, i I.,.,, ,
U.u Sim. t .tut i,,-uir.i, utof n.iiU. Iu4
I' s Iti.uiilti, Ii, in imiuli lu l.'l
IJoftirortClOII-l ir.l N.U.uml nl t'lil.
rt, .i, ieij m,hi,hii; i ,.i,ni.ti ftu,J
iiuik ut ' lilt'.uo, tui'it,.! '.u,ki,
4W L HUNTLEY A Ca. M.nni.i:?. an tJ Wholcnale Dculors in CldtMrni
mi nun, uurs .11111 winurcn, CC Oltll I
M trktl 5L , Cl.ijouo, III. P. 0. Dox C07.
It ts lliiit liiiniilty hi t'.. ,1,mh1, yrlilrh,
CUtuuUtliiK In Um r.tioi.1. ef II. n n., k, pi
Owes Uti.lulilly line i er swelling; whirh
ratiH'S iMlntul ruiiiilu,! k..i,- en n.rt sti
kt, er le t; ttta. li .1, ,.'., Ur,
f. rsi. or lice, oil. ii eu,i,g tiUmlurM er
llntliu-.., wtili Ii l Hid eilflu ut ,lni, , r.
cin.u.reil..,ur llm nuuy i,i r iiumt.-.i.
tlolit u.uiiltji s.rilS.I l.uu,,,,,; - niii.h,
tsilciilnt iiin tlis luuti, rmi.ei c.,uioi,,tiq
Slid ilo.nli. i,-li,B u, 0 iii,.,i on, 1,'nt, , u
Hiixt teni ral et u'l tli.eii.e 4 r tfleeUuns, fur
rry lew i.,.ii am emireiy trtw touii IL
llf taking lt.-Hl'iii, whlrh, hf
tllS rrlll.llk.ll'1 UltrS In. lU-ouinl.ll.hiHl,
ellrn wliiui i ilu-r innlleliiF Int. I.u.,l, li
iiieii t..Sf In 14 a 1','lout riuI itcullar
miHlli-lns fur tins ttlr,i.o. Hunts u( tlics
mre st- irnlly wuiuli Hut. t.nisuaerfrum
XT fol,., lie sun. l.i iy II l Ktiuisrlll.
" My iljeiil.ti-r Msty wn sRIIriril with wriit
uh ii. or ll--. ktt' iiillinliti p.!ipt,t.-.-jinuiin
! till hr I.T.ii s ill years uf if. I.timi-a
lot tt t) III I i lu . k. Mitt 0.10 el thrill after
I'' " I" t' i' i in i f A I h-i-utt's fi (, bentHi
trm .1. l.' r et. l ll.l. syrsr.. W o t ,
l:n II . .c S i. j o,:u. i ii ,t lump did
sll lu'tii ..i ui ,-( .ii,.ti,! riiliiely ills
si i"- iu 'I. su.'i i. -v . J . ii, l.t ( lu-aJU'J
'" " J ' it: i Mr J-iii! jht,
K- K I t' I;' .i ,i'l mi!y
fJ:vS'3 Crrsnpcrilla
, ' ' ' r.i.itfi'.n irir4Mir
' I ".'. . ... ..ll. Mms.
n I:.-.- t Oro Dollar
"WsaVt .'Sa.VSLTT-TfTiV.'S
o 1 .
1 m
KsilicalcsiSaru! Cispcnsary.
la-. A 1..
tC 4,.... ,i .a,lr
I. HrNU KC.UCn. M. H
205 f.r'nri-) Ftnmt, N;
f.n Tsutm
" l l l i i : o i i ,, ,a
Thr in ,.t i .ii v, 'in. nil.
I .1 li
i I . I nil
' i: e rn .' e '..' .
t Ii'' un .'. ii
i ,'y I..I . . 1
tr'i 'l.otl. a
Ihr ti.
I .l .t.
it... ....
.' "I Nell
. ii .m:
0..I Wi
1 1 .1 1, .
fl'i.ll I !
t. hi k ll i t i'. ,
i . i f i ... n .i
-i it;.
oilif r'.v Inn
h I
I ll.
lir.Ml lni-ai'r r' I
tio' I In a .In
rtit l.tKiur if
e I .
r ..I
ll, ..llMtllltll at nl 1.1l i
(liifi-irmr tt w - ti fcf ,n
l.-.-t itiiu. ur .
nt inruLly Ihr ) ,l it."
tnhnti riTMiti.tlly iii.t
tViirv, CU rt a. i ttih i 1 1 un
'I I'.MtMkS,
Ait.t i'l Vt-nNi.f j-i.iwlh
ul tin Ui I) , ti i ll' ' ' in c
tun I in
i I ..le ,i
,. -il p. .
r M.t.o.i
S. ,1 Al.
'I ilria
I M 111 I 'Ih,
m'. rn. i .1
M I'.NS.
etn i.'. I le Ill il 1 1 v ,,
li..-. ..iu; .inn .tin,:,
It v ' , th
I luv rr
mere I. e ..... '
I e il ll tnr e l . i-t Mt un . i
I ' -i.l mi Hu
lu.l'l SaAII. II,
In t I'.oi;!
I' l. III.' I .
YOl'Nt. I.AIUI'..v
llull't K" SI, i n.. I nnv li'luo'l uh ll ..r III.. I. he.
I'uitili nu t u.i Lie. au, tl
(a.'i.'.lulu.l iol lli.uj uml' i n.i.r I vi. t ,il i ,
wiltr. We Mill , ni,.tr sit. f e on mull,
r e t.'il it l lllul l .,i,i,t, m ,.,
rf-TIn- . ... !.. - l.u iti.h llir in. -li, li, e wlul . .
Hi ii tu.' I lly em,. le. I ' -n I'n i
Ol i'.i til. q AM t . ii M . nut j ten I' t
I. H All Ir". Bli'V I p',tn.'1v t ,01 nil
re ti., ion tin I. I, ..(.'. il I tun;;
Itl'MiUl.lei Till I ; 'I I .' ;.'l 1,1 V
I' v ur . I -t ami; m tin: :.r
v.?wv JU UniUN ttqUflHE.N.Y.- D ALL AS,
'-t. ATI U tJ T A fl "If.
aiJiii,.f:.!5 igmTiTri Ja'-aigascafiitJ
Oregon City, Or.
llviin nntl Nlun liilnllnir, Kill-
mom I n I uk. ru I ii I ii u, iiier
IIUIIglllK HIMl la'llixlllg'.
All work sntlnfselorv. Chnrui.. i.,,,,l.J.
Ortlsrt may l lull at K. (I. I'sullshl's, Un-ii
jt- L V . .v ! ft
I "V- " V If - ar 1
mx iU .if. A-
Mrrn i: i on ii iii.k'a not.
I'm rKH Hritr. Mmidri ii , l
tlhsuuH (11 y. Or., "V,, WS
N'Ol j' 'K l Imiehy lvii, t cmil,IUiies
sllll tin. pint I. leu. ulllo, ,i , (,,
Jims 9, ? eulllleil "All sel lur (lit. l. ul Mill
li' I'llllUls III 11. e Ml, I t HlllurulK, (in .uii,
i, ,, !' "'"'luiKlmi lerrlioiy," lliuoy
lil tt i i , """U)' 'it Kins, sum
e llitllll,(loli le,. Un, ,y fl,,,( " ,a
. .... ., . , ihi in no, in ii iur i if mtr.
' cue ul 1 1,, SK I ( sei'liul, ,. , , T,V,;.
;lup S i, auiuli, lii, g n, i (,.., ,( ttii
er , ru ui ii, ,i,tt lint Intel w,i,B,i , ,
,1.11 "i'11""' i" luim ll, ,oi ur sg
.. ,,, , ,,,U,,,, el. in.
, i !i "'" " iflt''r so'l Heenlvsf
.u V i . "''" 1 lly. "reioii, un runs.
V, ''. uiiy in .liny ii, n lulm
l . . . .V J ' "'"" 'OKI M. r. lur
' "' ":,'"' kliiiMuiumv, iv,t.iiu,i,,ii; it, t,
Sllll 111 ul ni'uliui, I'Iitiio I.I.IIIUV tt ...I, I,
imii'liul I'lirilmel. .Miiiiiumuiii :,, or-
Aiiyitml nil per' rl.ilinliiK ilti rely Itn
lint.' .le.. rll.e.l liiiul, , i, ,, i.,, , ' e
I ii., "O" ""U'l' "II or Imluir a i I , I I .III
.J. ' I A I I'KltSUN,
.1 "t.Mini.1. i.i:
'I IMIIF.It I. AMI, Al l' JFM;;i, N,
ll-. lor I'nbllciiHun,
1'SITHi Hi ATI s I.ASII I It Hi K, I
iiiruo t iiy, Ii,., h-h, i;, iwsi.j
NllTH'l; I. herehv I'Uj'll Hint hi, 11. ttllh the .r..l ., iff. ,. ll f cml.
Ki.ol June.'!. t?s, i (III, .1 , i ,,r ,,
ule ol IliuU'r hu.. I. m ll, (. ,s,i,. ,,f rnr.
Hill, Hiecoii, Net 11,1,1, il, i, H.I,. ',.r,
rilt.rv, Wm. T. lluiiief ol ( m.u.. i'.i..
I'olllilV nl t hu kiilnii., hliile of lliigon, Imi
"" "i nuinee ma aworii.lule-
llll'lll No. I Sol l,,r ll ,.. !, 1,1... I.' i . r
M'. li ami bit- N,,f .1 i k.'.J? ,..
Ttiniiahlii No, a piuii, i,,,,,.,, v.. Ji, I. ' ,
sml will oih r proof i ,,',v ,i,Mj th. laml
xuiiflil a mo,,. iii,,,. i,,r , ,i.i.,, ,
lli'lll'thllll r ..,!, u, l,u,,B,. n, .,, hi. el I.. .,o,l 1.....I i ...
I, . , , '" '" U'l." IIIV
It.-Ki-t. r mul KeeeUerul Hu. mil. .. . iim.
Kin. ( lly, nvi! on I illiiv Hie .1.11, ,v
i. Jin,.. ;s.. II,. ii,,,,,,',,, wllneaa,'.';
t III!.. I lllllllL'lllul i: 11 I I,. I
Cjty. 'r ; i. Kino, ,! .-, hdt.rsol
t hen, vi Ule, Oieaou.
Any is K.I nil lM-raous eluiiuimi n,lterM-lv
uie malt e
h .eiil., limit, un- reime.teil In
me ll.eir . lulm. ,,, ,, ,,11, '.nt 1 1 tin v o J.itii. i.
e on or la lore
J' 1
. :T li .'t in
I!. Kl.ler.
Is tn Cis. i it I'm nt ur rut
uus, hi. i l.i, s I'.ii-krt,
Nt.ts ur dss-
V O, llar.ling I'laluiiit
Ilt'i.ry i inn s nn,
liua lliuv). .. , muni,
To llisy ntiau 4i.
.o ki. sr.
Urn (m.ii, tiis mi.
Ill Die name u( Ilia Sl.le ul llre(.,n yu ,,)
" .V" iifl nu.l re.ii,.. m an
" ''V1";" illllle.l t eurl Ul, .l.,.,0
ji.i J "" lu Apill wlilrli will Ullie
ii...l,,li.l nlt.i iii il,...l...m,r, , r
, -..... ..,...-,,, ,,!,, Wl l Sl.lll) III m
!"!", '"' ' '';( .1 lr.i m .L- e,,,n
ll'l.lnl Ni. ii r.'ii,' e,,,,.,.,. , . ,,
: Oes ..r lwt.Ho ll..i.,lir.Hm. l ,,, ,.,
Sllli . nl h n
lliot, .I,,.... , ,y , Align. l, l-V.,,.1
, ni. luiul.l a, ,, ,fc,M Alp,.r ',
III 11,1. tux r,.. ,,,.,ir.,'npB1
, aiul I,,t . ilra rt-. a ilii, II, e .. ,,.rM,
iw ."'' """''' t"Ui- I'l lilllV.'li III.
r... v.". v 1 ;" m 1 ""stiw "."ii
lau. in u. k .ma. ri.i.iuy, t.oa.'ii h ,.,.
, i t
.... I. rrr..,i,., ,. p,., u u, .., ... ,
I 1. 1 Ilia ree..f,l ,, ii,,ti., . o, i i
ma. I uiility tireauu ami Ul.e.i,,. ..... i..., ...
I.. ...I
.1 l-.l Ilia i,iir.M,.e J ...n... u. .
In. lit. " - "' "' '
11.1. ..imnu.n. 1. ii.iUi.i.i-,1 pur.,,,,,, 1
. .. ' " " 'tt J 1
'null ell iM-vlul,er 1 1. .'1
).uIk. ul
111 KSI.V A HAIilS'.
All.,ru). .. I'LliilliT
; "it Cist pit C..i st t.r ynt
Omims run mt ('..( xyv ur t T v
rrtTs t.r
t w t.
Pl'iris Fuliyy y Hii,ia . 11
1 ..! r.
John (lillsti.
1 Ai'l'le Fllmire (iiltrll,
I I'lTsielnnl.
To A
is Ki.mikt liiij rr, Sue Iii i.m.-
lii the imme of l In- Sum- ,,r (i,v,-oi, v
nr. I.e.ebv r.'.;t,re. to ,, ,',.,
tit aawtplMin: lile.1 nu ui tu , ,.
Ihiv. ri.lill. aim r ! (,,, . :.,, l(liv
of April, Ksl, Ihe .,, l d',K n. , lhiv
.sf (J.s HrT? ; r-'.'iir larm .u" .!.: . ...I
j lowiiu; Ili ft pirmion ..( II, e iin.i pre-, ril-1
. in H e oruer r .r the pul,ie,.iin i. .,.
I mult., niul ir t..,i r,,d , , np'iir mul un.
i tiiii liiiul. plulnnil ,n .,.,v ,
.the Court lor the rrliel .leii.nn.le.l in'tl,,.
t.iiiii Imul. ...i, f,,r n. ,,.,llU,, r ,.
; lail'il. Ill inutrtlili.lit in. tl i'.i. on. I-
phiintilt ioi.I .h lenihinl hen in ,,,,,1 ,,r the
r HiiiKiU'.hiiii nl . t unv . ,,r Inlen . thai
.I.Ti'iuhml mnv bnve In ur m i...i ...
Ihe fouo,lni..t .lev riU-.l.
riihllOif.l l.v oith r of Honorable Finnk
J Tol"r. )ii.l,-eot .m. r,,n ,v ,!,
the pith tluy t.t I t hriinrv, I i.
. H ' IT
'.".'7 no.l T II Atlnrnev for Thtmn'il.
X ill li-f of
I rut or.
of lilmliil..
lice I. hereby elten Unit . , i,,,,!,.,.' Ik,.,,, ,(, H,,,,,,,,,!,!,., uiiIV
oiilt nl ( hi. kitiiiH. coimtv. Mat,, oiurt Kiin
tllllv ii..iu(e.! ii'lniii,ii,,r ( il,,. ,,,,',
'"'!' -MlulTht, .le. en.e.1. Then fore nil
rni. luitliiK chmii. ntimi.l a, ,..!.
in liotille.l to preaeiit the .nine, pronerlf
lerilieil, to the oil), e of Hi. kimiu k
Itolwrta, ni ( hickanins ttnhh, , ,
ironi tlie ilnietit Una imtiee, mul nil puni, .
mil. l.litl t.t am.l etnle sre herein- m.tiiie.l I..
M'lllc at tune.
Ktnie nt i i,.,, i j.P
Adinhil-triittir of Ihe
All.nKl,i, .1, eeil.e.l.
L'lt h, ttm.
!s"i;ik 5-o
M27 ZilDZ
f tlt put Up lf
V. ho ara ll,. Largaat
Brttlaman in lii. wialj.
K M KsnsTIICn's
Be.iltih.llir llli.tii.inl iHnrrlpllr
an I Sgu ,11 lia u,.,.., C M fc It lu all
I'l'li' nl, ami lit lau .raatin'i in..
Sun.... 1. Iienr. than aver. ..
try i.r.un Usrdan. Plnuwae
or rirM 8KKD!l.lini,U,.i),orl.
rtluin Bshr waa sick, wo par her Caatorla.
When ah was a llilld, aha orltsl fur Oistttrla,
When ih becaiiM Miss, lha rliini to Caalurla.
Wlwa sh hail Ctilltinra, iho (aro Unmi Castorla,
.'Vi, t',
Mlnrt w.iaj.rliininat. ll,.,v.
A "r XTfuL '" e'!!;'".!r'. 2H, t:i l.-mhAw. N.
r., w un , i, ,
t.i I'u.l
Guaranteeing More Power,
Water than any other
Whuel, and the only Tur
blaa that will
work successfully
uucbr High Heads,
ander Iloadj from
3 TO 300 FEET,
- - - - -
tr: 1 (... ,'-,-wt iv
Kollcn lu llilililiiill(lrrs.
Kenliil .r)iiiii! will 1st reeelveil by lbs
t ounly I mill nt ( liu kiiiiuiai omilv, Oii'Kou,
mini n siinewiiiy, i.rii mil. is-si, nl mm
o'cloi k I', M , nt ihn Court lloine lii Ore
unit I lly, llrijf.u lur the reil.ii.K of the
I run ru.s llrl'lce mul m
prim, hi s lo i liirmer sib' mi the Ustteim
hii.I uncoil ( lly fuel, nt the mmilh of
Htifkitr ereeU lu rouil ih.trlct No. Ut, .lers to
lie ittn net uirner (iisn ine lorini r ners.
iilao at the sums time iiu.l nhue, n uleil
i.hiiis, ap.'i llti'iiiloii., .iiiiln tllsKrnms mul
l.i. I. for Die annul it ill he l reeelveil for
I rmA ut auiil pirn .., .nl, I lirlih'e to le
ttto feel hll'her tllilli tint lorilier hrl.les.
I!ii. h bl.hler will lw ri,iilr.l toilewil with
his l.ul live per eenl, ol the sniount of such
I, I I lor .ul, I work,
The Ciiunty Court ressrvltiK the rljht to
reject imy mul nil
lly nnleriif County Court.
Willisana my hull. I mul sent of County
Court this 11 h tlsy of Muri h, A. I'., IM'l.
W. T. Will I'LOCK, C.imiiy Clerk.
.Sullen lu lliblifelmllilers.
Heiile I J.ropo.sla will !' by tfis
County t oiirl nl t'U. kiiiiin.Couiiiv, Oregon,
iimil Die uih iluv of, lo. nl one
o'clock I', M. for the repUeiiijf of ihet'lu. k
Simla briilve mul nir,.u. to it. former sue.
(which lu.w Ilea in I'. M. Iliiieurami'a or.
chunl iilii.ul one mile la low the briilve):
ul.o (or ' l,e replnciiiu ul Inn i.ier on the
in uih . I.le ul ( Imkuiuu rit. r mul iilw. for
llm niiuliif! of (.lor mi hotli mlea ot ll.e
riter, ai let I hiitlier Hum tlie height of the
oriiilnul oil ra. uii'l ul.o lor the lillimr
of .mil Jiiera with t'l lin t of alone from thr
ix'ltom ul sun I piers, Hie loner rliottl. to lay
bullet! to ton of iii. rs nt men comer.
AiuIuIm. nl iho xitfiif limp senleil pluns,
lacilieiiilotia, atmiii illuk-riini. nu.l l.i'l. will
! ri'eelve.l lor the eoti.i ni. lion of nu rnllN
new n. ro.a the (' Ititir nl
the site of the former luelxe, uch bnlib r
ahllll tleioll mil, hi. 1,1, 1 i,,. ji t cent, of
tlie mtiiilllit ol .in Ii , ill.
ih (i-untv ( ourl retive the rinl.t to
reject niiy h ll-1 nil i'i'l.,
Mllne.a in v liuiul nu I nl of ('utility
Court this Itth tiny of Murch. J i.
iki-l II. II. Ji'ilNSoS,
Is nity,
I'lllilV ( )erk
SiWilT's Sale.
Ml AT K r (lllMiHN,
t ut sr . or 11.. 1 ii.o, --
MHIi I UT lil nv illVKN. That by virtus
nl an en-i iiilun ami i ol tale. U.iird uul
nl ami i.n.lrr Ilia .e.l nl the t ln uli t uurl u(
the Sl.le u llreauli. lur Ilia emimy uf Clack
;.;r;.;,.,,v.mi ....IK :;xv.
ri'.iiuy, piir.tiaiil 1,. a .1 ri e eol 1 1 1. , m .at, I
Cutirl In a .till .,imy. wl.erelit Anna II
hl(.'k I. plaintiff ami II. ty . TiH.-r Iter
iil.e S Tu.ier, ttllh. ui h Tu.ur, Ariluir I.
(....rr. Anil y o l-u.ler, Trans M T.ler.
Mailer W lu.ier Mry V Tn.ier, (outer
1 , Tu.ler, Vllietlit Ki..ler -Inl 1. 1 lie) A. I.lrr
are .telen.lnlil., eeliiuiatutlni. inn In Ihe n.ine
ul Ilia ante ..( lirey..ii l .ale a. eur.l ln
Inlaw n( Hit I.n I. an, I prriui.e. h.-r.-l n a lur
ti M rliH-.l. in eoier 1.1 i.i.a.. il,. .inn ,, 1 :.i
an. I Ion r.-.l al Uie rule ul In. per rent per an
ninn .Hire KmentiH-r ami (ur ..i Hi a.
allnniev Ire., ami ll.e lurlhi r .um nl II" Hi
a. i'riii.1 r...i. ami mm ami ili.l.ur.riiietil. -New.
In r.l. r lu .all.fy aul .iiiii. nl ne.l.ey
I will. ui ll.e '.III il,i April. I si.
"l 1"' r u( III e el. i k A M . al Uie eu.llt
le.u.e .1, a.r In lir. iti.lit lly.l la. kaiua) eutimy.
or.-r-.ll .r.iel In .ell al piil.ll.. ft.ielluu. lu
ll.e lilnhe.l l.neler, ..r ra.t, In haiul, ,a ..l,,'.rrll.. Iraii ul l.n l, .llilalrii III ( lat'ka
w . .. .111.1, nrrai u. lu w 1
IU-.U, ..1...' o.-i i.-.. . .
i....l.. . Im.. . .,, 1.
no..: tneiiru Ihr una ..I i t..
i.i.h. i ... - -
'tcl i a niitiii iri)' .li-,., in, ,, -u ri,
llleiir al r i K III analr. runim. vraterlr lo Itir
II .e nl a iraiT nl Ian. I lurmril) ul.r, lo .
lyil'is llienee liurlherlr al..i .o, In,. ,,l
..lit Haul Ilia . tr ael ul lalul 7.. r..l. In. le ur
en l.i . 1. Il.r.lln, . m.rlli ttex euruer
the be. lu an aa.lerl) illierliuu Ih. nurOe
e. turner ol a irariul laml .,rii.rl) nan., I
Ii l ui ). A ll.iriull. tliiiiie ...iiilierl) .. u.
. ..ilh kf.i euru. r ul ..,,,1 It.el I,, in, ell, . ,,e
li? aal.l l ur, ll.irii.'H llllr-al.. Ilirltr.ra.l
rrlr al.u.f ll.e lliu.,, ., .,,ev A Hitmen a
lutllu tlirpiaee ul lirvliiullia r.,,uilti,. li.i
. re.. 0,e .,ie la-li. a nail ul I' ,i,.r ,
I l.i. ill t. Uekalua. rulililt . t Ireful.
Hlirrlflnl (Ta Ii.iim. r.,init, oresnn
Ore,, ,ii t in tu.,,.,,, M.-, .al
S ,.iSi'':r .'. 4i
1IMI Kit I.ANH. ACT JI NK J, a:s.
llrt tnr I'MtillrnlluM.
I sur e Surr. I..i. tin i. r I
uss.eia Trv. nr., I. I.. o. yu 1
NillTl r I. I.rr. l.y lu'ii II, .1 r..mi,.r.
. lilt ll.e r..t I.I. I.. ul the act .1 l t... ,.
June .1 a;a. eullii.l " An ., I lr ll.e . .1. ..( i,
la-r ll.i. ill III. Hlate. ,, I'.UI,,,,,,. .i,,.,,,,, ami tl a.hlinrt. n lerrm.rt." !l a c
lt..l-ri.. H... , .,, , klk. suu, i( ia. Oil. ,y nie.l In .la uMirr
hi. .,,.,. .i.ieni. ,,1 N. Hi. Ir.ll,r ,.ur. l.,.e
"I I. 'I. I a ml J, .,,,1 .1 ... NK ., ( N4 ,
l..n.l.i. Nu ; s f,. ICanuaN,, 7 t., .,,
ta ill niT.-r .r.. in .lino lli.i Uie laml ..,uKlu i,
Hu.fe tali.ahlr tor II. ur .l..iie l,,r
ajtrleiillural euri.,-.. ami lu r.t.l.., ,,
' ''0 1 ""I'l I". .1 lit ter. Ihe r.-umer ami re
ener nt On. .. Hire al tireji.ii rii), urn,,,,, ,,
....-.), tlie i.iil .ut ul Julv. lyai li.
, 11 n in.
Ul " II T Mnrel, ...... ....i
lii'itrt llaiireii
I 'll ll I Mnlllt (
. nu... niiin in,, u.
I Wa.lom.,,ii; S. J, w,.
I ', llri'imu
tl'".n.. I'l.-n-e rnlllily,
I. 1'iirtl.iliil. alilltunliiall
' Auv ami ail e.r.,n. el. I, ..I ... .
l...te ...., nl.,., . , ,,,,.,,, .
Ill.'lr el illll. In till. nlll.',. nil ur lw,,r,. M,, ,,
il l I '..t- W ni ci
T AI'I'HiSti.N.
Itt-S later.
ori i: i ok vt in.. t no v
I'sirii. Srtria I um ,
HIU....N ('in, (ir, Mnr. li 1 1, Iski.!
Notice ts hereby elt. n Unit i,e I. Inn-.
i.niiif.l a, nl, r n. ,U, i.oiue ul ,i. inten
lion lo imike I,,,,,! piia.i j ,i , c( l,i
claim, mi I that i.i,, . n... tt ,11 l. n.n.l.. 1...
lore the Lcei-mr imd K. .. iver ol the !'. S I tmi. e ill II. I pot. t 'tv
Tiie.lny, mj ,;.
lii.vle.. lloiiiiM,. u Ki .it t No
1 'it'P'li, nu
Mm tin It.
7'. I. lor ll.e
" S ft N ',. NK ', .,(
ol NK I, o I .eel ion ', ,
NW i, uml N W
tt n-hip li Sniili,
loiiikf V l.ut. II
I il. re. II,.- I. ,11,,,. .....
it iiiie-.t
til irotC hi. foul. I, e...i.l
upon and t nliitiiiion ot, v i,,,,,! vj,.
srter, I Unv,., .1. ui, B1U1 ;
Mtlson, nil t.t V ill',,,,. (.'!, knimia eniintv
,l''!,," J- I. AI'I'I' IISON'
Notice for Publication.
IMrsnSrvTis l.iMitii,-,, K ,
(iMitioN City ur., Kch, I... is'm.i
Nolic ia heii'hv eitcll II... I..II. .........
linn.,..! ...ol.. I...' l.i. i .... .. .
: ' "" ' t.u .i ooiiie tu im. mn ,.
'" uim nnni root in .import of his
; ' "el I'rool will Ih' iniiile be-
... ..miter iinii receiver ol Ihe I nlted
Sliil. a l.uii'l I ihc i, urei!iin Citv, (in-irtin
.;i. l "e.l...v Airio.,,s,niNir: i.,iirk Jllp:
um, llioii. -.ten l I'.iiirv, No. for the N W
..',,;,, T ", . 1 '' o ' He mime,
the lUlloit nu wit,,,.,,,., , ,,.,, ,.,,.
... . n iv-meiu e tiptm ,i, -lVItH f
Mild Uml v,: l Wilhehn, W. ,. j,.
( . i'i V ' "" " ' h' ,iri,llli". nil of
- . - i"' iiiuiia coiiiiiv, t ireeon
.," J. T. AI'I'KltStiN
No.lf, for rubllcuiloii,
I'MTI II STATI a t.ANIi (I.t0r- ,
Chuiom (Try, Or., Kelt. If.,'m.f
Notice a hereby Ven thill the followim;.
illlnetl sell er bus tiled untie,. ,.
homo imike Unit! proof h, snpitort f his
claim nu.l that aaitl proof will be',,,,,,!,.
ore I he county ju lve, r Iti i.l,M.,ce be.
lore heconnly t ick of Mullnomnh C. ,,,
oithmil. Uiteon, on .Moiuhtv, Atuil
1;-1M vis: William A. .1. .1, n,,'.,, , 1 ,;,!'
"m' I s'IT.''' nl:'' fi""?W .Vr"m.
-., I I S, It ft I i' ,,,,,, ,, n(wh
(illnesses to prove Ins cttutim,,,,,,, maide v
uim n.itiitl ciilnvnimn of, Mii, i,. tv ,
iitler, C, iickson, VA'.' Il,,r,l , ln V
llarilmn, n ' Aimes, t'liit loiuuil ' iw.'
K"".. . ,I.T. Al'l'l' im'.'.v"
2 20 IK1-.17-II
using Less
' ' r .. . . ,;
. :J . vjI
' (
jt i j uk
JT!in - .oailDMlTIT
al hi . X NEVV Y0HK.
ae I .'-' I ft.
jr. mil X
noii 1: lOlt f HI,H AM,,,
I snrii ir trs. I,ii, f,rn, , .
' s C; 1 y, Ul., Kali tt, m
KDTIi.K I. Ii.'f. l.y (l.iu i,a i r.,mt,i,,M
sill, il,- j.r .H.i.,!.. .1 il,. ,
J ,i. , I; U, iil'llr.l ' An s 1 .,r il,.,
t-r l-uil I..' mm. ul ('.iit,i, ,,,,,
Knva.l, siel It ,i.;i:i.fctull 'art(,r" 11 2'
llnleliuii..., of, C.iitily ul K.l, Si-i. L
VYs.tiiiiy.iuii, I, , ml. u .f (lle,l u ui, ,1
Ilia swuni .liiteue 1.1 So, vm, lur il.a p.b JT
nl Hip Mr 01 1. cilnn o IU, lu luwii.klt Ts?
' Huiuh. IIiiiius Nu 7 I ..i ...el ., J
In aliuw U.u llm Mul . iiikM I. ,, "J
fur ll. Iliii."r .r .lone nm l.,r .rlei,i,,,.i
l.llfi.n..... Slot (. a." 0.11. Ii III. t,w p,
Ian.) brleff Hie I . !(. ,u ll elef ( i,V!
lillle at dreg. 11 C.I.. I. l.-y en PrUl.y u.
Ilili .lay ul I iif Uu He I,. rue, iu.
'""; S 1.. e.lii.iet ll.nry Hii.i!5
It...., Kins fi. . tV.liii,i.,ii; h. I smith til
Liemiia, I'e r. a 1 i- n nn'tlnsrion . Hi,. 1. I'. ,10 11, I kl' 1 .,,,1,1, ''
Any ami 1.1 1 r. Ii. .'i ou,!,,. ,,, .,;..'.
Ii,,. a ..l..."rli. , 1. 11, 1, ai.. r...m.u,. p, Z
ineir I'l'.lin. 11. li.i.'.n 1 . ,,1, , , i,era ..,,) ...T
tlayuf July, lv ; Afl'r.Hi,
IJ-'dl-SHU-iJ KeglKar
TIM UK It j.AM, ,lt'i JCNKJ, s;"
r.o'i'K'i: rr,u :aC't!i.('A'iio
''MTrli Si .l.a I .at, III 1,1 1
1. ut .. t.iry, or , 1 at,, u j
S..II. S I. letel.y ,lt. 1 1 I 11, e.,mi,ll.i,.
Willi Hie pr-.t l.i. II. in li,.' ail ,,( J
en II I "A., le i lur Ilia aa.a ul aj.
I 1 I 1 I' "t. ol I 1 ill. nil . 1
Se.,i, toil V. "lou.i.'ii lelrm.rv." 1 ,.ii
I . Slllllll I'l 1,1' 'II (..tint. ,,l l'ie a...-
1. 1 tt.,l,ll i'l, 11, ll . l!,;.,'i) f,,, ill,l.a,
III. IH.,1., 1 ,1.',
I . I . ', Ii.l II., p ,re(,
-r il. .1 .... i,-, i,(W(
III I. II ' S I tt.u
ul ilia Mt 1,
iil. S" . 1
an. I e. il 1 .:. r 1 ,, . : p. ,',, ii,,,
Ian, I . . 1,111 I- 1, .1 o . , I,: 1- , r ll. llmly
Hunr I 1 11 ( r ,.', e t'l 1 1,1'tr. i, I tun.
1 ii.ii.ii m. ci it a 1 1 It 1 ...1 !,..;.,
l.i. r :iel 1 c. 1.1. . rr it ore,., 1, urn
l.r.'K.'l. Ill ll'.l ; !.(. lie, ,l,y u Ju,J'
Jutui I
Hi 'ii 1 ! J . 1 i ol,.,rne ..I i,ci
" ' " It V. .'.ll i'l,. 1, I B.lel, J
KM. I'l. -ft.' . - .,,
T. ill oul He, 11,.
An) 1. nil 1.1 1
111.... I at... . :'. . -I
Hieir .'l .lin. i'i 1
Un) ul Jlll. I 1.
il-l.l- U. ..J
. 1 i.ic j on I,
I . 1 I 111,11 ,1 a.lteru-ly lh
,,. re I". .u .li, n, I f
.i t. tN-furr ..1.1 ts
J I AI'I'KlisliX,
t Oii 3'l ill. 14' t'l lot.
11 1' hrtna I.Asti (nip r. 1
I' Civ, I'r., l ib. 17, Iwn.i
ll.e ieby uiteii that ll.e folJual,,,.
I, an, nl ariiler bus I1I1-.I iiolno of hit Inti-n.
turn 10 make imul i r.a.l in mii.tairt ufhii
1 lui in, sml Hist .iti.l ir.Mif will la- lurle l
lore Ihe mul rwlver uf the I'. H. iin'Kmi t'iijr, I in (.'on, on i'ri.
hiy, Mity :, lm, vis: i.'rorce k. i i(rl.-.l,y
It. .nit li jut Kntrr. No. ft.'.'(, (or Ihe N U i
fi! nittl N K ' .f Mtt '4 of re- ti,,n It, Tj
iinme (l.e lolluwiui; witiirM
col.lli.ll.iua re.l.lein e m.m ai.A
I r:v,i '" r"''"
cultivuil I, .ni. I hui.l, vi: W. F. I'.I-
ms'rer, It. A. U ih tit, John C. 'Irtuy, am
J. VV. I'ltlimtle. r, nil ol Ciirriu. villi-, t U.i.
ma. county, i m -cm,. J. T. AI'I'KltMjS
-UU.1N Ii
vn it i: I OH IM 111.14 Al lOl
I'siTrtt S.-atis I.mi t'ri i, r
ussii.ili Cnv, nr., Feh. I.'t, Isjai. (
Notice i. herehv Klven thai Um lollnwjug
iinmt il m tiler l.u. Iiletl notue ol In. hum.
lion o imike Iimil proof in mi; ort 1.1 1 ii
. Cat n,. j r.,f will ( ms.le l
but' (he Jiuie, or in hi. ah-i ce l
Ion- the 11 m 1 iv i n ik ol Muttiioiiiali county,
nt I'ortlnnil, tintioii, on Mumlnv, April il)
l"i, lllluin M. Iliinliu, llun,.--lesj
Knliy, No. ,VM. for Cis h t.' nt
I . ' ' ' " "r' neisii.e. meioiiuw.
u'w ...uii 1 r, 1, ,1 r.. 11
, "'.I""'.' o. etmtiimo,,. mi-
1 ii.-ucr in.
It-lie iim. sml rullivutiiHi uf, rani lanH
yi II. I Wuhelin, . A. Johnson. K. S.
l l.iu-, sml ('. Ilnnlin, nil of A in.. ., ('Inrlia
iiuirt ( .... J. T. AITKKSiiS,
1 JO on :t;-ii. liei.ler.
I u i: I UR I'l III.K 4 I loi.
I'siTin Surra .an iirrn s, i
(isstn.s Citt, dr., Feb. 17, lu.i
N'olic I. heri'hy given that thr followu,.
mitiiF.1 s.'ltler hsa Iiletl noiir of ,, dura
tion to innkr linnl i.rta.r in supa.rt ol his
. hum. sml aui.l prtaif will I. ms.le Is?
fore the rt!it.r mi.i retriver of the f. 8
Uud utile m ort-i-tm ( iv, Urtr..n, oii
J '' Mny Mii, if: William IWfa-
lloiue.ti a.1 l-.nirv No. Sim, for the t S ul
M. ut mi -lum ti. T -J 8, It A K. He i.amrs
Ihe folloniiiK witnesaea lo prnt hi. n.iiliii
iioua re.ith ii.T main anil cultivation of aaitl
hili'l, it: II. .M.HiiiKln, T 11. l-hrlpi, i
tole, mule. Iliiilev, all t.r, ( latis
liina i-iiuuty, (irt fim. J. T. AI I KItxiN
J-27-lt-:it.. totrtoerr
oi u i: i on ri iii.M'4 iio.
Csiri.i. Suns I.tsu (inn r i
(initios City, or , Kch. , iscai.i
Notice I. herrl.y jrivett that the foll..iii
miimsi M iller Int. Iil.l tuv ol In. Inlrii
hoii o make linnl proof in aiipiani of liia
i liilm ami that ani.l pnvl ttill (a- nia.le t
ore tl- i.,.,.r ,, re,Tiver til the I' 8.
laml oltlce at Orejon Citv, (ireimn.oii Turs--hiv,
April :V is-. ., ,ii: (imtaiu.i Tnv.lli,
1 ,,. Knirv. No. .V.l.V i,,r the l..i. i
mul 2. and SK t. ,.f Ml i,. , XKW i.fsK
, ol m. lion I. ( 2 s, , (.;, , .., ,ht
lollottmn w !.,.. ,ir,lV). e,,,,,!,,,,,,
It iue uam nnd uiltivalioii f, .,,,,1 land,
mj i ' .',' V 1 - K K- J"nr"- '' rn.
nu.l I . McAdiima, all of, Clacka-mn-ctiniitv.
On-Kuu. J. T. AI'TKHStiN.
i Jo so -.17-... ltruuter:
otm r. Kill I'l III.H A TIO-V.
Csithi Stvtis I.asi. Oritcr. I
Oimms City, or., Keb. l.i, lmsi,
Not it v i hereby Kiv,. ti,,, fnHinR..
lamt tUcI th r luia tiled w r , j,lt,,,..
t ui ii to mak! pnmf i aupimrtof his.
htm, n.l a,n, i.rtstf m V ,M,, 1k..
ore the r. Kl.ler and receiver ,.f tli V. 8.
laml ..ill,,. Oregon Cily, lrtftm, on .Mon
th.). April 2M, in,,, v. i,ti,., Nl,
II..mer eitd I ,l(ry S. Mtn nllllrt, w w J
I ' 1 -f. ' Heiia...e.thfollwTn
itneae In imit hi. rominito,,. rtm.ler-ti
iipoii am eu livatmu f, j vU; w
vr"n ", V"""1' J' WvMi .lvi.II..
' . nil t.f Duma,, ,,., a(-kHnaH ,,,.
""'P'H. I. T. AI'I'KltMlV '
,M,'-' iterTi;.;.,.
MtTU i: I Oil I'l III.M ATIO
1'mtit.Statis Lvmi. Outer, (
tiuiims ( ity, dr., Keh. 1,'t, .3Si.
.,..'." i1' i".l'erf,'.v Kven that the f..ll..ii,K-
I n. L, r.1""'. hM m,,i, '"
t mil to make l,n pH,( , ..,.,, llfli,
Tl1 V"" '" l,r"o' ni mu,le b-
. . ' . "s,,,r ""'l ntftver of tlie IT. 8.
Ottllll! Willie..... I., ........ .1
('nlrv.nnn'an.inin,,,,,,, rt.aj.le. , , nA
- "I jviitmn uf, .Hid Und, vi, . cn"r L
In , n,e,,,;r ,, v, Vll if KU
. , i tlatkiiinns (s.uiitv, Oreuon- IV '
2 ;.!,.,.,, J'T-AITKIiSON
i k !-li Ht'Kialcr.
NOTM'K I Oil I'l ltl.l4'A'l'IO.
nilsii lSTAm LsNUOnics, I
( iiMitim ( ity, Or., Kb. l;t, m
minu i' L,.,"JV'l'y.k;iv.v" "' 'ollowinp.
oiT ink i""."M '.""i,'e ,,f l'iitiW...
. l.....1", 1 "l 1'r.H.I i, Sllt,r ,i
'million li w 'v. V .." V'K"i'y, I re-
tioi ,'tu. T i s 'l i k' i . . ,,,r " lot ,cc
liou.'til fiw i v ..' ,ur '"''otd, an
i uk tu urovo I.I. , .,.i
1.. ii.,... "." "is tlie li.llow
tlenc. ,",l,"'r tMlillmittltsreaK
t" sll t'l ' ','fK "'"""."'ul W. Nobi
t i, H I ol .Vh-.Iv, ( hickiilniiaemiiiif nr.....,,,
mo rt, I'.. II, 1 owiinl of -V. V. ..
'ouiity, i irciton. ' .v "V
'-''U Itertsler.
- A iaKIi
.. o . ,
I AO I r.r.M. i
utt-htL. & CO.
1 OHIO. 1
i., 'I .VAX""
! fS
Inv i.r.1 " "V, t'ri'Koli, on Kn
it . Apt I 2... is:,, vi,: j,ul.. Jr tia,M,
lloi. eaien.l Kmrv N,.. fc,M N s of
. . ...,,, , . . K ..
me loll