The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, April 03, 1890, Image 2

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    WL t
I'ktl for a Republican Slot Convention
A Republican f nnvtnllon lor 111 State l
omtttt. i amtieai in masri m is eiif ai i-nriiaini
WtJiiMtUy th Hh tUr ( April, ihml ai II
o'eloa-k A. M . (or tha iurw of mimltiatluii
MuilliUlv tor Ib iim l i'inrmi, tanv
ruur, Suv-rem Judge, SiHrtry at iie, Tr-
urer, aiir.aritumiiit el i-iu.tio ititrui,iiun,
Slat Primer, and I'Ulrlci nrlievr, mid l tr
act uch ether tnininwa aa msr pi-.arly wni
belor III aiivnttu. Vli will,
Cviuitat ol IIS iUIm oirlluud aaiuii lli
several cmitte s toiio:
Bkr . lirnton S. CWu-ksnu . Clatmn 7. I'rt-
liimt.ta . aoai . Creek a, I'urry , IKuU S,
lallllan . Grant V IWrii 4. Jackson T. J.-
phlne. Klamalh . U III. l.lmi l, Malhmir
J, Marten 11 M..rrow 4. SA, i',ilk
Tlllaiaoek a. t'mattll 10. I'al.iu la. Wallow 4
W Mo , Sherman S, Washington lit YaailllU
Tli urn bavin on delrtat ai Urn from
each oouiity. n.f on itelr.t lor eierr 7.
vol, and on lor erery tract Ion over on hlt
throl cl loroonrmii l Hi Jtmrltliu
nl isia. Tli eomntlil rrcminirnd Hint Hi
rrlinnrlr b hl.l on April tori. iul th county
ewntenttnit on April Mh unlr aiilirl or
drd by th proper iNMinly committee. All
woo iHTor tK kui.iii'u poticy ail aaienvau
ntrkt lor th uroducu ol America Ulor,
llbrl mpport ol our common Khool end Ih
proteotleu ol every tour lu th nation. In hi
rllil lo CMI lre hullo! end have it llrW
couutod r is.r.llsUv Invited to unit la Ih
Mltollou ol del!- lo th Kepubllr-au ite
Convention. I.T DARIN, Claatrnu,
Kpubllc-n paper pleavaecopgr.
March Mh, livo.
Republtra Count CoaTfdtlou.
The Republican Couuty Cunrvntion
to i the iurHi ut nomliitincnJiJlr
for Uia vriou county ollieen, iul clucl
Ing lUlpates to tlir) RrpuMieiin stain
convention, will bo lieKI at 1' hall
la Ort non City on the 10th iluy ol April,
1SW, at 10 o'clock A. M.
The prituarie (or electing ilolcnatoa to
the county convention will t held at the
uaual place of voting on Saturday, April
5, on? o'clock I'. M., except at Or
egon City and Oswego, where the prima
lies will be by ballot, (roni 11 o'clock A
M. till o'cloc k 1'. M. at the usual place
o( voting. C. O. T. Williams nd W
T. Whitloi-k will ct a judges at the Or
egon City primary aid O V, Troswr
and Alliert Walling at the Oswego pri
Kach precinct will be entitled tonne
delegate at largf and one delegate (or ev
ery S3 votes or fraction over one
half thereof, cant for Hon. ltingvr Her
man at the last state election. The ap
portionment of delegates in as follows:
Trecinct .
Pleasant Hill
Oregon Cily
Soita Springs
Upper Molalla
Kagle Creek .
New Kra
Canyon Creek
Reaver Creek
Ixwer Molalla
, 3
All republicans are requested to attend
the primaries in the various precincts
Hy order of the Republican County
committee. I.. T. Basis,
E. M. Rands, Chairman.
, The rapid increase in the vol-
a Vuie f business of The Evtkk
t ,,,TJti8B otKce has rendered the com
c . Lined business inanagement nd ed
itorial duties too lalmriotig fur one
person hence an arrangement has
been entered into by w hich C. A.
Rands will assume control of the
business department while editor
ial and local work will k con
ducted as heretofore. The rapid
grow th of Oregon City and the at
tendant enterprise under way
make it possible to secure much
more hwal news than has hereto
fore been possible and it is our pur
pose to make this a special feat
ure of Tub K.vfkkpkihk. The new
arrangement will enable one man
to give his attention to local and
editorial duties, which will give the
readers of this paper a large
amount of local news.
By thin new arrangement all
subscriptions up to Jan. 1 181)0
are due the former management
and should be paid at once.
Somk one rose at the union con
vention to move that all present
be elected delegates to tho st.ite
convention. As there wero not as
many participants in the conven
tion as the state delegates should
number the proposition was ruled
out of order.
Govkknou Pennoyku Hoems to
have tho insido track for the Ore
gon gubernatorial nomination.
Let a democrat once be elected to
an olTice and his party always
thinks he can lie again, only to
find, in nine casus out of ten, that
he is not wanted by the people.
Palouse Gazette.
A good service was rendered in
the removal of tho White it
Barlow's sign board from between
the towers of tho bridge by ' the
city authorities. As if it were not
bad enough to put a decent sign
there, they with tho characteristic
lack of honor or sense of shame
were placing a most indecent and
disreputable sign which aroused
the just indignation of all our citi
zens. Its removal was a good and
commendable act on the part, of
the city authorities, and is unan
imously indorsed by tho public.
Umatilla union luutvltos lro- th
claim in favor of tin voprul of nm.v
mortmuro tux law. In this oiitxulo of Unit . oxi.j.t on murium
Ctnmly tlm canio jmrty fuvoiH the uflooiil iutfivit, lo iHmU' iy un
ThkIow h-Kinliiturf U consiil- govoniniont.
cring ft bill to rcvluc tho lial ruto
intercut from 10 to 8 jht cent
It wouMbo A inont . cxccllgnt law if
it would bo observed: but when
men arc anxioun to obtain money,
they will pay higher than tho legal
rate and, too, men with money to
loan, if they can get letter intercut
elnewhere, will go to the Knt mar
Ik the nHrt are true that the
MissiKsinjii river below New Or
leant! i choked up with alluvium
and dehriri from the IUhhI of a few
weeks ago, then that eity'n danger
in cao of Another tlood an predict
il, in great. New Orleans if eonsid
rably lower than the Mississippi
and is protected from the river by
high levees. Should the water risi
above these levees, it is dilHeult to
se how New Orleans can escape
total destruction. Once tho water
breaks over it, will sweep down in
to the city with terrible force, and
likelv carry everything hcl'oie it
If the case is as bad as stated, tin
citvofNew Orleans as well as th
entire lower Mississippi valley is
in great jeril. Telegram,
The preparations for the great
work of taking thecensus next
June are now practically
eotmileted. The actual work
of enumeration will cover aluut om
month, when the returns will Ih
sent in to the census bureau from
all parts of the I'liiou, and tin
work of classification and combina
tion will begin. The entire coun
try has Ut-n divided into 17o su
jiervisors' districts, and under each
one of these supervisors there will
be from ITS') to 'JtiOor more enuni
erators, aild each of these cllUUier-
atom Will have his UiUlldaries of
work fixed and bis work classified
as closely as possible. No super
visor will have over I.O" sople to
liKik after.
The army of enumerators, smne
3",X 0 strong, w ill Is gin their work
simultaneously on the I'd of June,
and must complete their IiiIhos
within a month. In cities over
100,(K)0 imputation the canvass
must be finished within two weeks.
The numerators must Ih residents
of their respective fields of oju-ra
Hon, and are cxH'cte.i to is- cr-
sonally familiar with a good share
of the js'ople whom they visit
TiiB Oregon City corresHinilent
to the Portland World suys:
"What Oregon City really is in
need of, is a first das hotel. We
do not mean to say such an im
mense hostlery as the "Portland,"
but a good everyday house, one
that will acconiiiiisliitu the weary
and hungry hundreds that are now
sleeping on tables, chairs and any
thing else thev havfc tho good for
tune i find. The so-called hotels
that are here now are so overcrow d
ed that such a thing as a decent room
and bed, all by one's self, is not to
be had for love or money. If some
live, energetic landlord, will come
here and mien tip a hotel of, say
a hundred rooms, and conduct it
UHn well, we would Hot advise
the European plan for we think
the ones here are run on that or
the Asiatic plan, but the whole
souled American style. Now, if
someone will look over our needs
in the hotel line and take action
and do the needful, he will have
barrels of money and would make
the discoverer of King Solomon's
mine green with envy.
Tun individuals of a parly can
not all hope to have their exact no
tions ineorMirated in the party
platform as that enunciation of
principles can only set forth the
wishes of a majority of tho mem
bers of the party. It is true that
all may agree on some cardinal
point which constitutes thu central
bond of union, but aside from that
many individuals will lind incorpo
rated in tho platform of his party
Btateinonts which he can not en
dorse, but as a trim menils r of his
party ho should submit to the will
of the majority. When a man
assorts before convention that he
will not vote for legislative can
didates unleHH they will pledge
themselves to support certain
enumerated measures, by that
act places himself in a position
from which ho is liable to have
to retract or perchance desert
the party for another that suits
still less. For instanco Dr. Coast
as one republican uskn a member
of tho legislature to pledge himself
to half a dozen measures. His
neighbor lias an other lot of
pet measures, ami so on to the
end of tho more than HiOO
republican voters in' the county.
It is readily seen that tho pledges
would conflict in every conceivable
direction. There is but one course
open to tho nominees for the legis
lature, and that it is to stand on
lHily I'liitl'oriu wlmli'Viv it
l-c inl to inK.' no (.imiium h
ol tln nmjiirily im JiihI iih p
iloi'trino in jmrly nlVuiiK nx in
rut: Moiuuvtii: tax law
The county assessors itml in
Port land last week for the purpose
perfection some system by
which the assessments, in all the
counties might le nuulo eti:ii.
While this was not accomplished.
thc recommended the repeal of
ih, i iiioitL'iii'e tax law, This law
was lirst made at the ilmnaiids of
fanners, its object heiue; to make
capital l'iii' its shave of (lie burden
of taxation, but for all practical
purposes it is a dead letter, except
in cases where the taxes are paid
the borrower and not the lender,
pays them. Tlie farmers demnned
it but a lawyers draflcd the lull
and he did an artistic job of it too,
We have been told that Hitveu
put the finishing louehes to it by
inserting in th" bill a chine mak
ing the tax "a lien on the debt.
It w ill lo seen that this is an im
pngsihility. Suppose the tax is a
lien on the debt and the debt s a
note of hand; when t In taxes be-
Come iICIHI lU'll III' siien.i j;ie
, , . . i i : .. .
.1,1 ',, II ' 1 4 f
notice I I.' WH sen s.un in I" in.
hand to satisfy lite tax In'ii. ho is
going to buy it? The nheritf can
not deliver the goods. IhciiUsc he
has them not. The assessors me
nractical men whose bo-incs it is ,
, 1,1 . 1 . 1
III 1 I t .1 I 1 " 11 'r 1 11 I Ol, 1
h '
ami inev unanimously pronoun..-,.
it a delusion mnl a tr.tud. this is
the highest evidence po-sible t lint
the hiw was a failure ii.,,1 .h.oil.l ,
Milled. Hood Uiver til, icief,
One Ycur of llai i -Nn.
Commenting on the
lie Mlblei't
the I'lnla lepln.t l'ie-s
.-i 1 1 V n tli it
I'resi lent ,n's
,, .:
, , , , a . . ,
Im he I no '.in I. ili. No iielioii hill1
neen proved or;.' I u.iin.l its ii-
P"Uileis, ltm tin ei' I l.on n
eipMiirc h ik i.,'i iiiii', in .i "in,;!,, dep n I-
meiit. t'oii-icss h.i ii., loud no cr.Mt Thole on.-s in nr..-
L.r,.s - iiVl.
e il i;,-, . I I'lim is n n h
It is u ,1 ut nil I'le'i lent II ii i'a
4dininiHtr.ili,.ii Ii.ih mi i:lu in.itive re. .d
ol work d nie nlii. h .il:, il miiiih, I
I'rcsi lent I level.oid's rei .iid ..r , in
vctri.. I lie I41I i. .i.l'niiw'i ,0 :,,ii
I'll I'l.'l V (.ilt'lgll ,'li ".'loll IIS ,1 (..Olid it
I unsettled, nave us il 4- it .nuted
hv ,.l.!,iiii an, I Ki'.ikiie- 1'ie.ideiit
ll.iriioiit bus en, l-l i!n- S.uii iiii ,.
tlovemv ell t.'llin .leoiue I li.m il
bv ull H.iv.i tli,,i- , i il vtlio - rr,) (or miIioi .Ka',. ,,ity
yens of i v mer extunhii n
a'11' Kngl-md so- wi-l.-d
'.y a lie-itv
re.lil il.le lo l,lli ii.itimia Tli,. dre.iin
ahieli A'l.tini . IiciihIi,. an 1 C'av ap
proved, of an Allien, an I'oiircas nliiih
should lay tl... ..iiii .ili,.ii ,,( an Inter
national polity mi, I'.li,; Cm W.Metli
ll.'Ull,let, in At i-d arroil.'.l-li -d
Its Ural reaitltaar.. n, .it as "n
third K"'at diplomatic ol the
il.liiiilii-ttl.tll.iii, an a liieieineiit wliiih
('resident t L i, in, I am I hut sweretary
larked llic aUiilt lo I'lau r the ner'f"
toeiecu'e l.ui ,' gvu the
tt1tim!yi ' a eeas of theadmin
lfctf..fWabrfti4, which ' a Iviiii.ed
oian.morol llie ns!!,in an I naa.i.e I 'lie
aafe ty mi I i l;1iI m ..f ils i ii;.,'i,. I, ,n ta'cn
aei i, ini.,,1 l,i i,,i,,ial mi Hie Senate,
which h.ia tfivon a In cicry
treaty. Not on., ha. been rei,., te,, l -
lb..iljli ,-iieh necd'-d denioeialic
tioiuiualioiis has bee-i broken only by in-
stance which public iitii. hi b.i hel l lo
relleel di-ere-ld ,,n lli S. ti ili. than
on the Piesideiit The U" i in n .tl
I linaliolis, hv shi.-li every a I, inn-
islrulion tn lint be judged, have comman
ded public cieilldeil.e i:.,c!i judicial
appointment hat Hon praise from both
parties. Tin. Il ieu.N of the great ledu ms
in our Indian policy mi l in Hie u il service
huve never been iiioid fully tcciviiUcd
than in Ibe mi-Ic tioni of t'n. Indian
('iiinini-sioiii-r and the l'i.iniiiisioiiei of
the Civil Service, The pteMOil Pension
Coiniuissii. tier has heeti einul Ion more
ritiid discharge of his ditlies than any
of his iiredecessors, and teoivi soldiers
ilpioiutilietils have I, pen mil In ill Wash
ingtoii Hi, in for six years previous. The
admission of new si -ilea has been accom
panied by the opening of Iniiils hilheito
reserved, tin. I the prc-cucc of ourcriiisni v
in lluiopcn w.tleis by proposals for llm
constniclion of win sliipn ut luiiiiu. Tim
defense of thn private soldier bus already
shown the vigilaiii-n of Hut recn-lai y of
War, and thu i-iungy of tin, AUorncy
(ietimul hits been din-del to the. pro
tection of volers ut tin. South.
I'lill I'ost-olllce il, lilt 1 1 1 1 e i , t ban lieeu le-
oigani.i d uu. I fined ol unlit putlisitn ap
P'.inlments, and ils .ipi-iutioiis show in
every quarter the i-U'ect of sound business
ildiiiiiiiHtialion, CniigK-ss, now thai
tho majority of llm II, nine h.iH uhniiuiciI
contiol of il Is nl, out to curry out ils share
of tho work of meeting the pledges of
the rcpuhlVun parly.
Thu Housoof Itepresiinbitives has In
dulged in w hat will bu known in hislot v
us the great iploruinpus Huston Herald,
The London llobpilal pities Iho chil
of thu future. It seems Hint eoncoring
Iho mircrolms, thu only way to avoid
tliuiii in u virulent form is to huvir tlmtii
in an arlillcial oriilleiitiatnd form. The
children of the future will not tun lliruiih
thu present gamut of infantile disease,
hut they will probably bu subjected to in
oculation Willi various microbes every
few mouths. Kirst, limy will bu vac
cinated for small-pox ; when they have
recovered from llml, they will bu taken
toil I'liHlenr liiBiiluliilohnvi. u mild form
ol rubles. Nuxt, they will be given u
doso of thu comma bacilli to proven!
cholera, and so on through all Hit, evm
growing series of disease microbes. Oh I
luckless child of Iho future! you will
never bu ill and iii-vet bo well; your
health will be awfully nioiiolnnnus ; you
will never know thu weariness of the
llrst night of thu measles, whi n It wus
xn ttU't- to 1 ''I liiiillmi-'n In pun,) f,.tt b Pr
t-tint tino-t u. t '" t'Hohpud j ytill
nnviir know t'ni Jn.VH nl t'nri valfttnt nit.(
wlinit oiionji'K iniimirniiii unit 'every
niic u kliiil l'imi Im'itiiM yr, Wliln
nut wnll j Hint j'-mireud will I mi ti illn u(
ilolillliy, How itlml wir tli t wo live
III llio ereaput.
W lisrcY (lis Cyril) pe lut
tiiovni Cleveland, dilruig his tuief and
plipuomhiul political careor, Im. mailn
h giin.l t.l o( i'Miitnl by the iwhmutlomi
nUeiaiieii of I'liiniiiim triilsins, if he
keeps i n ho will yet ummiun to pitNi elf
the Ten ('niiinmndiiinnls us the result
of one ol his enti'iiniillmiry iiiitntitl and
iiioiuI elniliUoiiH, Petivpr Times,
loe Kml fur I.iiiiKlittr.
It it USUI lint nih il pitiful Mnd foully
farm, it wouhl ho aiuimltig tu witneas
thu woes nl the gni Ktoit who were a
yeio ii-o, mnl lutur mid leu, lei hint spring
limn, n, Milling Hint tin, Htmiiu'ratlu
IMilywiu tn Im triiid us uu uuoucy (
reform, I'liiciaimtl ('oinnierclnl lia
nette. A rough .lob, but They will try.
lit! it rich pri,leetloiitilfl will be ea aea
hms furlhit dilfiiainn of reliiihle siutixlii'S
us the rich dun Irudois urn In the dii
eiiiiu.ilioii of fiiUe tlgnrnn, the American
(miner will ku iw certain things lo be
inn. before ho votes ut lliMieit I'huidwn
li.rT I'lni tioii Chicago liitur-OcvMii,
Where Hid Itrmiil; lie.,-
The ililllciilty which the weslern Unn-
imk mo enperinnrlin it toiiipiiury only.
i - .... i .
i ren iiieie noiini Uligisvuie rsllier limn
l..,ll. il Tl... ..I.. 11 ... .,.....
i "i uinr
ItliMli'iiiol cii)ud a uinieciirnlul study
oliiimket eoiidilioii, Uodtoii Journsl.
Our ullunsl Cnre
I he giouloit i' n i xn of American life
""i'c1,muev,ln,ln., u, gt
..,. j iuhkiip , lll'll-
.ti,..M,t,i f..r i. .ll.O... Ia.i.1. 1 .1 .1.
, , I , , . , . ,
to iimke a ( by stroke of chance
...... ,i I , ..... .,ii,i,. ti. i
k;imiii culled upecuUtlnn ha a Ihous
("ll'iwcrs here lolterioa and i'r,l
,,nvo ,J,U'- A thousand wen gu down 1
, poverty mnl crime through aeculat!n
: alieie one (till through the lottery or th
duo table. Allaiilst'oiiKlilutioir
Ul IMur In Kuglawl.
, Tin. i. uil dinner virtlr of Kngland
tie ino unwi ii.riimi ana iminn in in
, i , . , .1 111 lla'i' l.l,li.r IIimW IMltltllA A
rri,;l,iful or.U-nl. uikI tliov rarely at the
,-t. cm tell wlml the mml oonaUtoJ of
to el, I nttiers Ihcy are a frightful bora.
Iho in. in. are en iH-ile.1 to arrive early
o U' pteJ by Sir Henry ronsuuby
in conn etiquette. The queen uaually
ri eiea her itui-ai for afternoon lata In
her nii til utii; room, and remain
hurl time with them chatting ou light
miI.j.i'U, then tiny are armitld to
nun.ler over the cunlle or nay in their
Monti till dinner tunu, m bidi la at t.
SI,.- ai ik few word'i to each frueut as
i ie a nl. r the dining room, and then
la-ad llie .iv to tho til. l... It always
.-ilea . ,li-'i,in te.nn for no one to stop
up im,! oiler tin-old lady hi aria, but it
.,,!, I re.iiitu an i-,iial in rank la do ao,
no, I i-l,e ent.-r ninl leavawtliorisuu alone.
Tin-re ii very lit t lo cotivaiiaitlion at the
t.i1 I,. Co It gucnt Ii nuked one (jueattoa
I, 1 the ij.i.-eo and can make one reply,
'the ato. UtMivii are dreadful, and
the lo.-. h.oilcal iwirccllng out of quee
n .ia iind annwiii mult. It eeeiu aa 1
lie- . . i. ii wcie . lilting a I hide clans
I I . i . oi ' . i'.a. ctttcchimn Fsu-h one wait
f,,r In. lurti In come inn I, and In the
euibai ra.ineiil llie "auawcra" are often
.r thu tinwl .i li i i.l kind. New York :,
. , j, .
lie Naat a tin.
A riideniof tid. i-ttf bad a com cm
Uae nn.l.lle t.- of Mia Udt foo4alf h had
bothered him mitly fr tuiiiiy yeurs
oil" morning he i. ml, I la'ar It no longer
mi I itdie.ta'd a unl,iii. ninl sudden niulhod
.f celling rid of II
II,, nl,,.,,,,,,,! . ritl. and f,.i...l li
' lii ink. mii.le don nunrd, on a board aet
f..r the ,iirt.. Then ho laid a board
11 under it and llrcd It twice. The
I " nl"rl" the InNird at eiuctly the
H.tine (mint erteh timecotivincaxl blin tlint
tln rule wna llrmly lliaxl and pros-rly
ad ill!, d. ninl lii m il move wna to nlu-a
I , Uire ft on the Umrd ao that the
corn nil his too enmo directly over the
1 bullet hole.
i Thia timiler Isdng atruiiged to his sat-
i .faction, he got a friend, who was prcev
ent duiiiig tho preliniluiiry oH'rations, to
pull the trigger. Tlmreaull fully equaled
if it did not excas-d Ida eiMS-tntlona
I'lii. bullet went through his las) and car
ried ilm corn with It, leaving a large
rued hole, w hich will be quite likely
to give him aa much trouble aa did the
Col II.
Ill) refuted to have a physician and
ki.vs a bullet hole la bettor than a com
any day. Concord Monitor.
l'lr ami Faataar.
Unrest, hurry, la a bad characteristic
of thes times. We do everything by tel
egraph. Wo live as well as travel by the
lightning expreaa. The lute Sir Henry
Holland, a polyglot man, In a charming
Issik of personal recollections covering
Hlxty years of tho Nineteenth century,
any mi "i'coplu walk ftiatair In London
afreets than they did when I first knew
them And this augmented speed of
locomotion la curried Into every depart
ment of lifo politics, art, literature,
couiiuei'co and social existence. The
clmrin of tranquil leisure la leas and lorn
sought after."
This, which Is true the world over, Ii
truest of all In our country. Like the
old iMIsrilsslppI alciiuibouts, we are built
on tho high pressure principle; and, like
them, wo are liable to blow up, Thli
hurry makes business hurruuiing and
wearing. Our merchants dlo at tho top
In imiuno retreats. It ruins homo lifo
for that dnmtiuds repose. Tho hoinf
should bo n breathing ssit, a place tin
Invaded by fret mid sacred to peace. Ut
slow You will get tlinro just tho aauir
.tiiil suvu your health and prolong your
lll'e in thn bargain. Hi. x,ui Itcpuhllo
There are fl.OIKI.OOO ImmIicIh nf wheat
t.i Minttcsiitu and IliUtu ihla year
l;;ainsl not quite 4,nil'l,lllll) last year nt
I'ae Manic scusnii In Duliola the farmers
were many of them list busy thri-shlug
lo go to the polls to vole, even though il
was the llml slate elis tlon Wheat Is
bettor th in poll! lea
Met II Witts.
Wudoslro to'suy to our eltlsens, that
for years we luivo been selling Or. King's
New lMscovery for Consumption, lr.
King's Now l.ilo Tills, llucklcn's Arni
ca Nil vn and Kleclric Hitlers' and have
never handled remedies thut null as well,
or that have given such Universal satis
faction. We do not husltiile to guaran
tee them every time, and we stand ready
lu refund thu puicluiso price, if autislau-
tory results do not lollow their use,
TlmHi) reltibdies have won their great
it,, mil,. -ll u r,t. pitl v .,, Il.idv .ktj.t-tatf
I ulu ut (I, A, Harding's Drug Bloro.
An exehuiigu snys : a new fountain pun
esHclully ailaplml to tho needs of the
sharper has bmia Invented, Having
suloeted his victim and mude ull prelim
inary arnitigiiliiniiiniits, Mr. Khurper
wrllus out a very Innocent looking sgren
inniit with sn Ink thut fuh-s readily,
Then by simple and imiamiplihlr mo
tion he turns on another kind of writing
lliild and hands It to the victim mnl gnts
hit slgnuture In permanent Ink. When
llm sgrnemniit hides nut, a prniiilnsory
nolo la written la and the Job Ik done.
Kor a thtia this pen will luivo us mni h
work to do In thu i lly uu In the country.
l'y I'p.
All K-rk'iiis lud.'hled le the firm of
Green Urns, urn reipiestud to cull at
once and sell In their accounts or I ho
same, will be placed in thu limn! of a
collmdor, Huhvh Hans,
For (air dealing and low prices the
Red Front (lus'srv A Cioi kery House
Oii'goil Clly Is the place lo go. They
have lumps, chimneys mid wicks of
all sUca and prices. In dishes veil can
get a dinner set of ;ill plocou ol the Cele
brated F.nglish decorated wsni lor 5 tSI
loll will llml llm Urgent stock In the
itv lo aelevt from and prices lower than
anv ol her linnm'.
Seu Mlenwosm "extra" which
gives the hiutory ol the physiological
discovery. Head for circulate at my ex-
'iie. Price of ll.mllh l'umpblot ;l.tK).
Address, J V, Tiiohas,
Mohilla, Or.
ProffMor Jons Henry Cumtk ii, the
eminent uultirulUt, Uglna In the New
York Ledger of . March I, axon, of sis
articles on the study of Itmects, in which
liedem-i, not only tlne Inaocts which
are iim.ful to thu (armor, hut also tle.w.
which ilnatroy value fields of grain, cot
toll and rice, mid ravage or.-hards gardens
and vineyards. He ilcmnimtrates how il
was acieutilli-ally detoruiltied thut an av
enge annual Ions ol ai).tssi,ti00 hua iH-ett
oceanioned In the South by Ilia cotton-
wort.i alone; and that an average losa
xr year, ol nearly .',4n(l,IKMl, h bren
brought almnl in the apple i-Mput Illinois
l.v II... r,.v il,.;., ... .it.
uy tlie ravages of Hie cihIIiii tni.lli. The
aerlea IS protUM.Iy llliitiate,.
!l your cough keep yuii aauko and
retli, by night, take Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral and obtain immediate relief
Ibis n-medy alluv inllammaliou, heals
the piilmonarv orguna, ludiicea uleep, and
rentore health, the sooner von U'gin
the better.
"When the s.ring liiiin comes," we
uaally Hud omi.droMv audexliainit
ed, owing lo the impuin and sluggish
late ol inn iii.ahl. lo Una
Irfttlltlat lukrt ll'.it'a Wra ...ll' ll.u
.meal jslwcrlul, yet aa'e ami enomi, ll,
bbasl-puriller in existence.
. ,. i , , ,
,ollee r lllsaiiliilloa ef Parluemlilp.
SuTli'K I. I rl.,- ....... .1
nenililp timing lH tHi-., H II. 1'nlilt, l . II.
l'aiicli.v and I l.arlea l ahrf the tit i it
naii.e ..ftl.r lii,,n ( uy h.i and lKir l o.
I lirrrl.y illtli.llrd by llilllilul ronn-iit, I '.
II. liau.liv retiring 'The l.iiini- mil U
iiirna-d on by H. II. I'alltt and l'!,arle I'alttr
uii.lrr th tain linn nam. I ln-v will l ay
all ilrl.l anainal Ih itiiin-miv and i.,ll.-. i
all bid. d... tin-in. H II 1 Alll-K
r II iU rllV,
4 3 -47. I'llAs. CALI I- K. ulor' Kutlcr,
N'tlTtl'K it In-reliv Kitru llie I'oim
ty Court of l. kaina Cunty ha ap-
Kiiiitrd me a tl, adiniiiKlrntor of tl. a ,
iale of Julia A. M. Narv, detraM-d. All i-a r
mi having eUliii K-aint nn i . I rut-oi
litrvliy notilird to pirwnt llirm 4.r..wrlr
vrrtllrd In to at th law oltl.-at ol U I), and
l I'. I jaloiirfttr, in irir.u I'ilv. Ora-iron,
within an niuiiO. fhu u.e dnta I'.eteof.
. J.aSaMtUii tUdv of April, IS-H
j a i ii. ii. jniti!o'r
Adnduitinttur ( Ika Kutate id Julia A.
Ma-Natry, ajjawant,, 4 J I' t'J ft 4S.
Oriafi: tOH 11 III.H'l nov
t'siTKt. Statu base llrrn a. I
IIki-ios I'itv, nr., Man-h I.'., I'tm.i
NilTlt'K I hereby given that in i t .11.
n.e iih the er..i i.ion. of tl,,. act ol ( on-
Itrrs of June J, s7s, rnllll.-d, "An ait for
lb ale ol Umber land in Uu- iiiti-a ol Cal
ifornia, lin-g..ii, Nevada and Wa-liiinrtun
rrmtorv," llion. Mueirinre. nf Taenia.
Cnuiilv of Piene, Htale of Waihmglon, liu
In day tiled In thin ..line In inaoru
'tuleii.eiil No. IIWI for the pun liai-of th
N , Nh i. and N '., N VS I, of Seelioti
No. In No, 4 Soiitli, Kanxr
No, 6 Kiot, and will olli-r proof to h.,
Dial the land .,ui;l,l i mora. nl uial dt- for
It tinnier or stone than for aKricultiirul pur
l,a, and to eitubliHli hi i-Uiiii to ni,l
land la-fore th Iti'ia-nder and Kn-eiti-r ol
lid oltli-e at nn-goii Cm, lirrgnn, on
TliurMlay, the 7th duv of A nco-t. tstai. He
names as w it ut'Rwn : V. A. CnUirn, mid
N. J, Welch, of Portland .Miiltnoiiuili Co.,
nr.; K. Cleinenl, of tiregoii City, Clucka
ma Co. dr.; J. . Tail, ol lacoiiia,
Anv and all H-nuin a liilmiiiir ailvena-lv
Ihe di, rlk-d lands are rvquestd li
tile tlieir claliii In tin oltlce ou or Is-i'ore
aid .th day of Align), ls i.
4 3 UO42 111 M. Itrgialcr
I'sitkii Statu I.asu Drrtca, I
Osaooa Citv, nr., Mara-h lii, Isrn.)
NOTICK I hereby given thai in couipli-
near with the ,n.ilion of the act ef Con
gress of June .'l, ls7s, enlitle.l "An net forllit
al of linilM-r lauds in the State ol 'Califor
nia, lira-gnu, Nevada, mid Waidilnglou Ter
ritory," John W, Tail, of Taconiu. County
of I lerec, State ol aihingtou, Iih this
day Hied lu lhl olllce his nvorii state
ineiit No, IIUI, for th of the H ,
NW W ninl H laj, NKi; of SiH-llon No.
in Tuwnnhip No. 4 South, liungc No. ft
Kail, and will ulli-r , root lo show Unit llie
land nought is Inure valuable for Its tlnilK-r
or stotiu than for agricultural purii-,
and lo eilubliiali hl cliilui to said land Ih'.
(ore Iha HegiNtcr and Iteceiver nf this olllav
tttsiregon City, nr.on Thurwlav the "Ih
day of August. I sun. Ho naine's a wit.
nesnes; Thus. Nliicguire, of Tiiconui, Wash.;
K, Clement, of Ongon Citv, nr.; VV. A.Ca
Ihitii iiiii! N, J. Welch, of iS.itlaiul, dr.;
Any Hiidiill .'siinsclalmingndversi.y the
alsivi.-di.scrilH'il lands are requested to llie
their claims in tliisolllce on or befnre sulil
7th day of August, lsiitl.
4-3 IK- 42 10 M. Itegisler.
Notice for Publication.
On.gon Clly, drcgon, Jlurch 1.1, lS'.m,
Notice is hereby given that in coiupll
snco with the provision of the net uf Con
gress of June 3, IS7S. enllllrd "An set for
Hit. sale uf timber lauds lu the States of Oil
Ifuriiiit, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," Perry stiver of Itoss, County
uf King, Klatl of Washington, bus
llils day (lied In this olllco his sworn
statement No, lllfttl, for Iho purchase: of the
NW H of Section No. 2. in Township No.
2 South, Itiingu No, tl I'.usl, iiud will oiler
proof to ahow Unit Hie land sought Is more
viilouhlti for ils Umber or stone lliiiu lor tig
rieiillural purposes, and to establish his
cliilni to siiul laud beliire Ilia Itegisler and
Iteceiver of llils olllce al Oregon City, Ure
gnn, on Tuesday, the fit It day of August,
lsmi, lie iiaiues us witnesses: N, J,
Welch, of I'orlland, Miiltnoniuli Co,, Dr.;
Fi-ed Heaver, of Hiiiuly, Clackanuis County,
Oregon; J. Sliinsherg. of ltoss, King Coun
ty. Washington: ninl N, jMyers, nl llnllicli,
king County; Witshiugtnn,
Any and ull persons claiming ad
versely the shove desurllii'd lauds are re
quested In llie tht-lr cliilni in this olllce on
or before said Ath day of Auftust, ls:m,
J. T. AI'I'lOltHON.
4-.1-IW-42-10A2, lleglatur
Office Is the Best. Try it.
Wheut, Tf (Hk;
Ouls, V bil ,W
Flour, 1st grade, I o. I'ml. ;l.70
Kgg. 17 ids.
Chiekeiia, driiaiieil,,' W 14 to K)
Chlcknns, spring i'.MKI A t.'l.f.ll
Chii kens, live, UK f -1 .00 tof.'i.lKI
Tin keys,
l'otalous, 1)1 bil $1.00 to l.l'i
Onions, i bu i;,l).
Apples V box, 0
Khoits, r,o
Hr.iii, H, 'ill
H.iv, timothy baled, IH lo t'A).
Hay llmoihy loose, lfi,
Clover, haled 117 lo 1!0
H. .e(, live, .'I .i:iu (.,
licet diesBi-d, II to7c.
Veul, diKssed, 7 e,
Huge, live, 4c.
Hogs, ilreaand, ( 7c.
Kli.oii V head, 4.HSI ninl (.1 Ml.
WiHif,, itKuJl
I, an I, loiinliy InilU, Ho,
l.lird, bucket, lll'c.
Hums, '!!,, II to uv.
Hides, yd,, III,..
Shoulders, ytl., 7, Htf.
All kin Is very dull,
Apple, sun dried, 3 and 4c,
Plums, aun dried, 1! and lie.
I runes, sun dried, 4 and tie.
Pears, aun dried, A and He.
Annies, machine dried, bleached i A 7e
I'ltuim, uiachint. dried, A to 7e.
Pears, machine dried, 8 iul7c.
Pruin-a, tuachliis dried, 6 and He,
TIMllKIt I, A Ml. ACT Jl'Nh.1. 1ST.
otM'K'K l oll I'l 111,14 I IO XI.
I' situ. HrArti l.tsi. nrrn s. I
liuin.i.a ( itv, nr., Man-h 17, lsiv(
Noll.w l lirr. l.v Kivr-ii Hint I iii.liiiee
wild tli. (.Mviaiuii of . 0, t i.fl on((r'.il
juiu.,1, riuitinl, "An aet tin- le
of lunU r Inn, I. in u,r hinte of I'allforina,
""K, and Waahington Tern
lory,' lleiilmnlii Towimlirml, of Tai'.m.u.
County of f'i..n. Mi ate of Winl.niirl.m, lias
Una ilny In tl,i olll.e lil aoru lute
iiieiil S'o. Ittil, lor th.- pnrcha I Hie I..U
n ami , mnl M i,, i, illation .No.
ill Towimbiti No. H. l. Il UIIL',' X... I
Knl, and Milliliter t.r.a.l to !. tlint tlir
laml ..ii,'lil n. mmt, valnul.le Inr itiiinl'r
j "r "'one for ari. tilimnl t.ur.M , un.t lo eliiiiu to in, I Inn. I Injure
; i,i. Ii. ui,i.r .,,,1 n..,.i.. r ,,r n.,.,,iii. ,.,
I, Citv. Or., mi I hurndny, Ih '."tli day
of AukhI, isjii, Me i,ii,ii... in witm-M-n:
. A. CaUiru and N.J, .1, Ii, of l'.,rt
land, nr.; Knd laii-r, of Samlv, Claeka r.niMf, iif; m,,! S(,H Xv,,,, ,,f
Hollii ll, Kum Coiiniv, Waoliltigioii.'
Any and all w r.i, i luunluk' n,l. raely
th. nia.i .!.. rilal u. ula itrr. ri-tieatel to
tile tl.rir . Iiii, in II, i. ,. n ur la for,,
ml, I 7tli ilny of A.igi.t I",.
4 .1 li- U In W. Ii. Ki-ter.
! 1 " K VO ,'",, '"-
i t'sirm Statu I.asn drni . i
"" I'tti, ir,, Mar. Ii I I, lri.i
Noli. e i hi-ra-liv giieti Hint in i iph-
am- uii tl, pn.viion of th,. u.-t ,,i i ,.i,-
-lira-.., June ,1. K.s. a-ntitlrd "An a.-l lor
tl.a-sale ol timU-r Ihh.Ih tu the Stales , t Cal
ilornia, nr.-goii. Nevada, and Washington
Irrntory." Nathini Mvi-r ol llol,l,
Coll. .lv of Kilitf. Slate ..f Wuhii,gt..n, has
lln duv til. -I in Oils oilier In sworn lute
inriil N'o. pift, l,.r the i-iirvbiisa- of the
N K ol Section So. 'J, In l ouiiahip No. J
Snilli, Itaiiua- No i total, and w ill otter i r,.f
lo ahoa thill lb blllllaiiliL'l.l la l.tolr 1 uIomI.I.. t
for ll.a lunlier or stonr tliiin lor K,n, uloiod and to raial. h,a , hiiin lo anid
land U-fon- lb Itrgista-r and lle.iner of
tlna olll.T at a.n-gnii City, Or., on I iirxhiv,
Ibe Mb day nl Augual, l"5"i. He names a
a lllira-x : N.J. Wi-b b of I'orthoi.l Or. ;
Perry Sliver, of llie.s, King Coimlv, Wnali
Ingtmi; Y rasl Sa-aver ol Sandy, t lucknt. ,
Counlv, Or. ; and J. SlenaU-rg of Itoaa, King
Count), W aaliincdon.
Anv and all -rw.ii cluiniing'ly
Ihr rils,l laud an- ra-.ii--(a-1 to
ttlv (l.aiur viauinain tba onto en or tWaTa.e
said Mb day tut Auaut, Itai.
). T. AmiiHoN,
4V4-t-4J-lft-M KegltsVit.
Notice for Publication.
I sitd srr. Lasi. orri. a.
On-con City, On gmi, Miin-b 1.1, s-.i.
SO'lTl'K is bin-by given that Is i-oinrrii
auce itb the pn.v laions of the act ol Con
gra-a of June .'i, IS7S, a-nliib-d "An act lor
the side ol tinils-r hinds in the Si ale. nf Cal
il'.min, Ongon, Nevada, and Washington
lerrilnrv," Juiiii. siensln-rk' of ltoss, Coun.
lv of Kiiik'. Slate of W aahingtnn, bus
ibis day tiled in Ibis oilu-e Ins sworn
tatemi iil No. I'M, ,.r the pur hnsc of th
lots I and and S l,, N K I, ol Sa- tinn No.
4, in Tonabii No. It South, Itange No. Il
Cast, and villi otler proof In shnw that the
bin. I nought is more valiiuhli fur its liinU-r
or sloi.e than for agricultural, and
In eatubllKli Ins a lulni In said laud Is lnrv
the Itegisler ami Iteceiver a. I Ibis otliee ut
Oregon City, On gon, on Tuesday, llie Mb
day of August, sji. lie uuiui-s as wit-neasa-s:
N.J. Welch, of Porliioid, Or. ; V.
Stiver, of Itoss. King 'unlit v. Wahiiiton ;
N. Myers, of llnlhell, King I'ounly, Wash
ington; and Kn-al Sa-uver, of Sandy, Clack
ainas County. Or.
Any and all person cluiniing adversa-lv
the alovc-dci rils-d lands are rv.iiele.l In
Die their claim In tliisolllce on or before
said ftnl duv uf August, s-m,
4-.1 ISV-4M0 M. Itegisler.
I'mf. lAiisctt'a Memory System I Cre
ating greater Interest 1 1 1 it it ever in all
parts of the country, and s-rs..ns wish
ing to Improve their memory should
send for his prosH.ctus free n adver
tised In another column. 4t
This Space
"sMI II ' W'iV'n -tS-"'aVI rimt lt'fi:.Tf.u.1(. V--a
s "v.t,, .-i ."r-ilter
0. r, WINKSRT.
"W"I1T"E1SET &c
Undertakers and BlackamithB.
- ........wy w. vowi i vi.j. VIVKUIlt
(Jood HoarsoH, Tnmnicd coHins nuu Pnulrata uAH oi.
The following Fine Heleetlon of
Choice Potted and Cut Flowers;
Chrysanthemums, Hollyhocks, Carna-
lions, Petunlus, Hoses, Vurlrcnas, Vio
lets, Hweet William, Forge'.-ine-not,
Popples, Heliotropes, Husty Mil
ler, Salvias, Cenluvrea, Dahlias,
Ueruulums, ('annus, and a
0 (leimrul Collection of all
other Plants,
Cahlmgn 4 best Market Kinds 100, $150
Cauliflower, per 100. 1.00
Tomatoes 4 best Kinds, ner Kit), .75
A Woman's IMscovrry,
Another wondiiifnl discovery ha linen
maun and that lis) by a lady In this coun
try, Discasti fastened lis clutches lition
her and for seven years she withstood its
severest U-sts, but her vital organ were
undermined and death seemed imminent,
r'or three months she coughed Ineeanant
ly and could not slts-p. She Irought of us
a laittleol llr, King's New l)a.-overy for and was ao much relieved
on tailing lirsl dose that alio slept all
night and with one t,lH baa I wen rnir Her name Is Mrs. Lu
ther l.uls." Thus writes W, C. llainrii k
V Co., of rihclbv, N. C liatt a free trial
botllu at U. A. llaidiiiglrug Store.
The Spring Medicine.
The spularilr which Hood' Kareapa
rllla has gained a a spring medicine, la
won.lcrbil, h ssam iaH-a fust thoae ele
menta of lieallh-givin (, bbsid-purifying
and apis'tite-realnring wblcb evetvboily
aas-iiia to need at tin aeasoti. Io not
continue In a dull, tired, unsatisfactory
a-nudilion w hen voii may be so milch ben
ell'ed by llo-sl's Harsnparil'a. It puri
ties Hut I. but I und makea the weak
Ilui kh ii't A t tiit-M Salve.
The Host Salve In the world for Cuts,
Urtiines, Sores, Cleers, Salt Kheuiii, Ke
ver Korea, Tella-r, Chans-d banns. Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Ktuptiotis,
and fHiti vt-ly cures 1'iles, or no pay rt
ipnred. It ia guaraiitisi'd to give perfect
aatisfaclion, or luoiicy refunded. Trice
'.'! a-a.nls M-r IsiX,
Tor aale bv (i. A. Harding
Castoria la recommended bv phyaic
iana for children t. -tiling. It ia a purely
vegetable preparation, it ingredient aril
put, li!,, I aro ind each Is.ttle. It ia plea
sant to the taste and absolutely harm-
leaa. It relieve coi.slipatu.n, regulated
.lie Uiwelia, iitnel pain, cuie diarrhea
and wind colic, allays lever ihnr, ale
atroya aortua, and prevents convulsion.
aiMitbrs the child and gives il ra-frt-aliing
ami naliiial aleep. Calrrta ia the cliil
rln-n panacea the u otber's friend. Si
ilmai-s, II., caoils.
They know bow to cure rbetimtism
in I'cniiselviinia! Mr J. F. Meighatn,
a riltsburgh cigai dealer, awoke one
illuming with an attack of rheumatism
in his right arm Working around the
a ore during the lorcinsin made it worse.
Uy noon the pain was an severe that he
could not raise hi band to bis bead and
bad to carrv his arm in a sling. ( Inn of
bia customers, on learning t'.ie fads
wenl across the street lo K. K. Heck's
drug store, and at bis own exNuae pro
cured a boltle of ChamlH-rlain's I'ain
llalm and pc rsu ide.l the ojar ,iVarr to
try it. It rased the pain, re.lua-ed the
swelling ao tl. at ley llie next morning he
could use his arm, and by Ibe san-oiid
morning was entirely well, " This is onlv
li- el the many aevre eases of rheum- have ta-en cured bv this
trainable remedy, ,'sl rent bottles for
"ale bv ti. A Harding.
His tin. ortaiti whether Chicago or
.ew 1 ork neeines the liieat reposition,
but it is a sttive fact that Itludbilder
is the infallible remedy for all hlonti die-
eases, and is a safe, sure and reliable
ionic. Nil. I by h, ti. I aiillel.l
Flder 11. K. Kitlinger, of (iettysbttr;
I'i nnsylv inia, snya he had la-en siifTeiing
w ith a cold and cough, also his wife, that
they tis.k to using Chumbcrlaiu's Cough and received great benellt from
it. Yet Ik. says, "It was so pleasant
to take." For sale by (i A. Harding
SI, (ieorge, of M -riy Kngland, des
t toyed lha Hi itv dra.'ou, but thn Ameri
can champion i ailsilisalvo conquers St.
Anthony' fire, chilblains, froat liite.
cuts, and itclnbg and irritating
disease. Sold by l' (i. Cuutleld.
Adtlce To Motlters.
Mtts. WiNst.ow'a Simitiiinu SvMer, for
chldreti teething, lathe prescription of
one of the best letuiile nurses and physi
cians in tho I'nited Stales, and baa lieen
used for forty yeura witii never-failing
success by millions of mothers (or their
children, lbiring the .r.s-css of tat-th-ing
its viilne is incalculable It relieves
the child Irotn pain, cures dvscnlery and
diarrliii-a, griping in the bowels,' and
wind-colic, lly giving heallb to the
child it reals the mother.
is reserved for
Transportation Lln
Oregon City ,t m
LKA VKOr li l.'iit- , 7aijiti
" -rorlii, ,l,T,rf
trPtdrk ., Iiiio..,
SI M'AV llllpa,
blIV--Ori.ii l.ltf . S4,(
" Paarllaiial . , 10 . K ,
LA M)l. is.
Jeiniin.;, htuuU, Hb,,
Wa-jo, Milwunkie, Liuntx rt.
Overland to Culif.
Konllirrn I'nrlfte
......v . .'..l,Uljl
The Wcunt SUsta Eol
lln Ulaer Orjo;i :iy , ttllA
ts hniira.
tii.iroasu iiriir ii,ni,,tlt!
i u r'u" G rinTisiei mi
tut r. u, I l.r ,i,i. i. i. I'
7 a 1 Ar S trabi-lat'o l.r
l.orl raaarliffr TralC. tlal'y, fCleayi'j
i uu. M, I
II. a.
a tu r. a 1
i UU. M, I l v P',rt!ar.4 At
Lv Irrepinl. Iijr .a
Ar K.sra-iH-
Dollmfln foil" 1 Ol..
i utiiiiuii ivvo i i g I Ccp,t
for re..lniiil ,ll,.n ..(-, u, (ia..,,
aiu.iii-.l in h,rr. 7 ra. aa.
Th 8 P. ('. rrry
all Ih r,ilar trahu ,,u th Kat auu i,
rem I.hiI ( F ilrfi-t, PurUintl.
Wr-at Si4 Dlriilr.o,
Mall Trlu, l.illjr !l4pt SubaU..,
Vl.lbr. m.
Al Albany and t:..rrlli eonuax-t i
ol ura-gim f'acinc Kallroad.
Eira-M Trstn Ill (Etr,t 8,,,
4 Mir
i uur a
F'.rtl.n.t ,tr
MrMiuuvlU Lv
r.,r full Infnrmall ... u. ..
to. rail on Company a.i,i al ora
aoriurM. , S FHooris
lo A.illJ f. auatha.
Northern Pacific R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicjji
Anal all polau East. Ti
The Northers rarlfle B. 1
1 III awl llu ruDBlaf
1'asiH-ncer Trin
SiH-oti.M lass Slaprra (frro( da
i.uxurioiia iay i oaciiea,
1'ulinall I'aUi-a Slivn.rnr C
aiace inning I am (meali;
From I'ortlaad U the tti
Hiu llist your ticket read rut!.
.Northern 1'auflc K li atal
avoid change of rant.
Uv I'ortUii.t ai 7 ts A. M. Dtt M I
ddr arrive at or at nul
Pcirtc llvinH.-Trl Uv Smaiu
tra-l d.llT at II 44 A M. and III T M 4
I 1cinal 7 luf M and 6 1 A. M .tirrn
ill. a.. A. M aud t lit v. M.
I'hrnu b I'll 11 man Palar ! Can
(ant dav carhra. Sural 4ir Jlninf -.(
iwrrn I'l.rtlaud, lacuai and Sa-ttil li
oally aarvlrr A l. t llAKlti
Aaai iirn'1 l-. Afrnl, 131 rirt bi.,c
Hurl. ,li St. I'. .rllan.l Hmu.
i aW I v catrutr Eiralaud 0 Simla
Oregon Pacific Railroi
Slfstmrr Sailing Itra.
Froi Ysnulua - Stawairr W .
lrr- HaiuraU. March ; Suadaal. Mart
lurnlajr, Mrrh , '
r mm San - tnn WIIU'
'''Z.r 'lnaU, Mreh 11, TkiiM
aa.ra-n w; oiiniaj, Mart-li m
The.iniMau)r rasirrv th rUhl to eka
lalllni Oale wilhout uollr.
Train mnnrel with h o, at C. R. auatl
Diwuaii:irvlliud 411.,.
The Oivnon IVcifio sd'aiuboailioil
"i. river Uivtsion wiil ir
l orlUiid, soul-bound, Monday, Wisli
dav, ai d Friday at A M. Arrin
Corvailis Tueaalay, Thtirday and it1
dav t 3:30 V. M, Leave l orn
north-hound. Mondnv. Viilniadav 1
Friday at It A. M. Airive at I'o.lUi
t ua'suuy, lliurmluy aud SaturdaT t-'
I . M. on Monday, Wedncsdiiv and i
1I1IV. Iiaitlk (inral. ....I u I. I...'.... a k.
. n,, ni,a,,,Hl,llu '-'
he over nixbt ut rialcm, i'avim herr
.. , ....
'"UM ami TU-kt-t Offle. Salm,,n tra.'l
C. II. I1ASW KI I I, n.n...i r 11
- ....v.. a, an 1 u, r. a r. A. u r.
Ti sins for the Easl lrve IVtland,
A M ailol O .11,1 1,4, 1
TICKETS ! k.'" i"" rrtnii 1
I IVIXS. I 3 U l alla-.l atta, V
f lestnt hep Oh ing Palace Cur:
I'mnian 1'alucr Sleepers.
run ThroiiKh un Kxpress Train.
& St. LOl
Clos oimurctloii at t'ttrtlnil fur 8a
ettio and Puijol Sound polnia
For further particular luqnlr of J
of th C'oinpnny or
T. W
. I". & T. A
t'orthuial. Ore
O. H. M l-.-v.
a.111 ai atilimiiiiiaiiiiiiiila ,ia l 'Vaaw.