The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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'I a lb UK'oT fj
a rwir i;tic i wr. MrmiiM 15
Htriclly in advance.
Two Hollars jr year; One Dollar for
nix inontliH ; Fifty Cents for three
months. Mingle copies Five Cents.
j EH
l 1. tl - I I 'r luctl fur !', (H,-lt'.e!l, nmt U 13
,.( ht i' h lron-h iewqrtl WwtM, I ve. (, (.,,
r-re ji,-,, fd
NO. !l,
- - -fjj S
13 Oil
1 ""jAMlW
SMI T F S ll W,8 H V t V Hi
,' !. I V I ,', I I
';! 5k!" H ! ',. x fi i v l-'.it
1 i o l 1 '" ' ' I' i i i
, , , , . it I I '
. '"''1 ! in ia'"m.'
i"V"irtIiKv" .viukv n,.t!iuitY
' : vr ' '' ' c '' '' 1 '- '' ' '" ".-'-J
.Tl II 'I i ' " " ' -1
f J ? , I H I" I ' tl . 1 I
f -. a- ..1 -'," -v". ' ''- - !: -'- . .
""i7i"c' "" ootviun ai'imi.
r.- l-TT 'U 'H M (I
' - 1 1 ; - ' 1 in T. I'i '.' - Il .- it- ; ,
' ' ' r
W i u .v i'i ' ' : '
, , , r ; i .'t .' . i, i i,
,,, ) . A i ' ' ' v I
, .I" "I .
,j .i i t-- ,'..i.i." 1
t- rn i r i i t 'Tr r"t
,( hjm MMMii 1 It II
lall 1 ' ''' " IV'.i I lMf.i. '
i . in .St '' ' J U.
3ACK AGAIN ! ; mt i nr.o.wo.
- l Sit!
L'TAND, C()l.
"i ,i MAIN UTo
-Willi -
( I mi mm sr
l ii 1 1 i . .
,M IN All I li
.( II S II l Al l ii;i l,
I', i.. i:rii.i
A 1
I .in
(In ivrirr.'.'l
. Hi'. I !H.I.'
(V IK t;(V V lllrttH'.
m hi., .in in tit
:'. ii ili. pi
1. 1 ..i r.irlU.i..!. x
.Nt'lV nit., nil. I .lil I't
mi I-1 iniUr. j lilt"
ii.'l.ti I'lUt i.l t.u
vi iiiuir 0i.
M.I.I n n I'iiiiI ni. I, Hun
tVrl tiul
l ilu!
mi m
I, ...
,..( II II II II U".
Hi li'li.
Smi will ri'tui'ii hoi m to lu'i' in'liiiul , MowiiiK wln'ii tliii wi'iitlH'r in fiivurn
in'iif luwlnu'i', Iiiu'Imhi oontit v. ! I'll'.
... ml fe I I I tl. I 1. II t .1 .1
llii iMihhih Mo Million iiavn ii'-1 .nr. J. ,. intri'iiiKloit, tlm whIim
lunu'il to lln'iv liniiir in 1 1 In I in on I it w like re jMililii'iui I'mii mil leo iiitin f ' " ' "
in toil n' llu' ill III',' 'H of t'mir M mill - I 1 1 inliluiul. will ;;i':iIihimI V (.Mini' I tin I 1 1 1
ci'. 'I hey (iif ininNi'il iVoiu llic ni'" j ioli'i'i'ttt n' ili jmrly in (Ii'ih iro
iiiul. !'
'I In' new llnp (mil' Ii:ih ln'i'ii 1'i in't j
oil uo tli" Noruiiil Imiliiiiu;, iito! ,
it,iln uuu li lo ilH uoi nl iuii( iiiiioi'i',
, ' . i ('"1. M.ltlil),
Tin' mull' ix IhiiiiIkhiii'1, mm txm i m ii, ,...,,
.'. . T...M '
m u mki:i:t imi'Ikm i;mi;ms.
lii itn t of Miii'lul ( iiiioiiIIIi'c,
lliitiui ok Tiiaiu: ni-Oiu iii.n
1,1 Nl MIA,
I.lsl ul' St'limil Ici ki.
Imiiuhl ly (ho Hoiinl of Triiilo 1W1
llin Kumtl hiiiii of twi'iily ii x ilolluii. I
Wc Will noon Imvo (in rl.vlni' I'lli-1
I i',. Iit luri'ti Moiinionlli noil liuli"'
iH iuli'iu'.', I In' rmiil Iuh Ih'I'h hiu'-I
.1 tin
i). . A. FiCYTAU.
'i I'll'V, - MKKtiuN
I W ill I'O IIIUl'llIT1 !
. ! Nuiio of iiiii'
l.i vim' of I In- I rack
Voiii; jii'lilli'iinil
Oiciiii l.i'
i N.Mii.'i"t
i wi iil " il iii" liunlm;' iHiiont' llu
It. It, ('. iitnonjf
I, llolicrl Slii'jilirril .
Kolii, AilmiiM
(. T, II, Kroni'i',
7. W. II. Wail...
S, Win, N. (iith.-iiH,
.1, W, ll. iin.'lt.
lit .Kiil
I'ti't Ollli'K,
, M ihviuiluo.
. . .Ilnl.lnti'il.
Oi'i'non City.
I'.nUi' Cri'i'k.
.... I.OIIII,
, t'liiikiuniiH,
(. :.;"ii..t loii.tmn.v. At u 1..U' u , ,. , ,lrk iH . M.,ulow Uionk
I.', I1. 11. I. inn ('nrriiiMilli'
t'iiini'. mm inn
in, tin s' in nl'. tlinr
II I- '
, t
nil t..
v.. : -WHY MOT?-
... Piano tif Bra;
!TA!a ('!: : flH.'.!iV
Ka'.Nl I. l.i
I III S l ii Nol
.a- WW f
- ttill'S
i'a.- I I't W- .rt.l : i will
-.iai'1' u.iiiri v v ii'.iu i iiwcis j
lii.rui'iis liiiiri iituiig i
l,.ui;r.'. iiiul i
.1 f.ii'ii::i!v.
I ioi or colli !
lltllS lit HMV tillll'.
nun' Hliiitnur I'iii'k tin' wuv tlirv
. .. .. .. . . . .
IIU'lll'lll'l VM.MK.'., ... M.l,,,..,,.
"I" ii..iikIi! ii (Mi .SI..H,.', A Nil him. j- ttnuiH . ,
lti, K, M. Iliirlmuii
! 17, .hio, Van Cuicii
wo Ki'l lu'i' is, .In,,, M Tic
in lii'iuc, i'.i, l.i. ,ioii-.nii 0
i" "H'it.iiii) it ! 'Jli, .1. W. JmiiiIii, . ,
It Ii" H'l Hinl : 'J. it o. Hih cm
1 M. Itolihii.H . ,
io tun i j;;, ;. y. Short . . ,
t r.iu.
ll'l.i I'ollH
M.r.i M.ny Kui 'lit
few il.iyi hcic, v i
lti'1 t'o
25cls. BATHS !25cts.
Opposite the Post Cttlcc.
1 H i in
I'I A u Ci.::
ti: ii u mio
HMD li.
n e is . I'lms,
O i v .. i A .ti i : .
II tf A ! ' . I .
. I!. It .
I I I I it.
ftiTQii mi i n 'liini' t ''
In oi k .
Wc wclc .i':ici tt ith tin1 il-'cid'
ion of the , i.imty court in IV',::ir. t"
t he n-oi,,M-il motor Iraiu loM'.
,1. Knii'ht itinl stun lo'V have Imvii
ijinle Ul, hut are nov i on ah ci hi.
'I In ttulk of leji.iitill tin- Molal
1 1 l.'v li in,.- t low !;, .
. , Piuiily.
, . . .Viola,
., Mh.k
Itiitt.- rivik,
llli:le t'l'ei k,
, .Sititily,
, M a.k hI'U r;4.
t ri':on City.
, .Nccly.
I IllllllHCUM.
.i i s
ii. -r b vr;
it M
il r
i! I'll t v Ml Cl
Ot i
a 14 ;
v.... 1
V c ill.ll. tl t .11 !'r, , V I l.i' I-i- i
.III I M. . i, .-.I I l . i III I I'' I'. Ol.l.-I
t Ii. i . i i -i t ... i,. t ! , ii
1 1 1 I n e . .': n .-
Till- HI. I'M FliONT
Harness Shop.
:-i . -ii i i ii... i i .t i , . i
SiMGF.R szv;:jr. MACHINE.
CO 10
Cro. S. lcCcrtl's Mil!
Uille I 1. ek
lolth W .
Will, klli'.'hl i- It
, , t a I.l". e lillll'hl
ton ii.
Mi Ahull la.'
leiine t ii k,
N. loi.l.e!, l' I
isitil.j; 1' la' i' !'. I"
Uu.'o- a una. her
.w e I'h'.i ,n" an 1 'i' -ii !ii;'
An i ni, i la',i,i,ii r,l . c.iii.
W II hum '.i" !' . nti
the M -il,...lf,e 1 h .ii-.
A lai i'i- ami a'.'., tr iii' i
1,. I, h .telle, I to the , ,
Jl. W. .1, l.ewellii,,;
'.'a, S. M Ihimhy
I', M. i ifhoin..
.'7. T, It, lliinkiiiH
js. Jno. WlAiy
:". I- rank .l.u'ar ,
,'U. Vi'Imiii Met'niniell .Smut , V ill.',
I 'aiinii'tiH,
I r. H'Mi l ily.
i' nl h'lni'ii We, your coiiniiittci'
lo ttliniil Will Ii' ferret I I he llllltler ol
ii't'iiiiiiiii'inlmtj; ii ilnn for tint icr
mani'iil iiiiH'o eiiient of Main M rci l
in lliiMcity, lii'n li'ii vii lo ri'jioi'l it m
)-emiitH it t x j u 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 that the
City council hhollhl he lolviMi'il ill
the I'l'eiiiiHi'H, hineii the unit ti r will
ciimc ht'fori' tlicm for litml iiction, wi
invitcil them to nii"iiit ii cninniit
Mali. lli'inociHlli' iyi.itlou.
Tim ilcinoonitio cciitrsl coininit
ten for tho Hluteof rr,p)ii, uhhciii
hlcil ut Siilfin on tli 3'Hh day of
March, I Mill, and uioiiritcl I'orU
html a h Mm i.liii'i', Mini Tliurmltty,
tin- I'otli lay of April, 1.M0, at tho
hour of II o'clock in the forunoon,
ioi tlit tin io for lioMinf? a xjdiivcii
lion for tin- ilcniocriUio jmrty uf.tlm
Mliitu of Oregon, for tlio purjipviw of
noioiiiuliiiK cuinliiliiti'i forUM!ni
ci'H of coiiptrcKMiiicn, no'',rnor,jii4f
of llu- Hiiiirfinu court, wcrvtary of
,'Htiitc, trciiKMrcr, miiM-rintwuli'Tit of
,, ,,l,l!,, ,,,ui f.ii,,ii,iti ytt.ii t.rititi.r.
(. (. (o co-oiieriit" with on, which wim , ,. . . . ... , , , i r..
. ...... . I l lu! ilmtrn t olhci'iK to ho vo(xJ for
iloiic itn.l tin1 lollnwiiijj nitmi'il l'cii- i , .. . , ..
. i 7 i . ut tli" iiiiroachini? JuiiiM'Iix-tion,
tlcmcii ti'cio ili'hiiiniitcil iih fiic l ' ., ' . , ., i
h, . fan.l to InuiHiict hiicIi further Jjuhi-
coiumitt'ii', tu wit: ,1. 1 1. riliithiiry, 1 , .
o .. j .., ... , , iii'hh iih inny iroj,crly conm lc-
N It, (iicen, itml . I . hitloik. I, . ., ,,,,
lore llii ciinvi'iiuon. inn u-jiu-ni'iitiilioit
will coimiHt of 1112 licliy
putcH, iiiirtiiiiiiit iiinonn tins
ritl count ii-M of tho Htntc iih folliwt.
The j.iinl ciiii'illiit tec hll (.'ivcii t he
imiller thorough ctiiiMiilcnition, nml
now make the following rccoui
IliiiuhlllnliH: l'iif.t Your coiniiiitti'i' think it
inlviaahlc ihnt il cniilc he -pt lib
lii lidl on Main Mreet from the hu
fin !o the iioithcrly line of the city,
ami on the ci'iimh htrcetm hettveen
fiiiil p lintH hefore liny iM iiminent
ttoi k in .lone.
Sccoml llefoie lilllkillj,' Il KT-
iiiam iit I'oiiiltvay wo think ihnt u
nycti-m ol'Heticraea' tthoiihl he itilot
cil, itiel the iniiiim laid ho that the
Mncts will not have to he turn ti
i 'hickiimaH .
linker. . . . .'
Cohimhiu .
'rook '
iruiit , . .
Khtuiath . .
Morrow . .
KiHctitoii ....
,'t;i;ooH i
Il'iCnrry 1
,r(iilliain 4
7Ilariify 2
I JoHcihine 4
hi Lake 3
:; I, inn . . 11
,l,Murioii 10
;iMultnoinali . . , 'lh
(IShermun 2
CjCuiatilla .... .10
'-'iWullntvn 4
1 1. i ',.
h . ' 'for that IiUlixe herciifter. The ) 'httrtop
city i v. iy much in need of ncwcrf The Hitine liin ileli'gnto at
in the Inn-nt'the iiroiHiHeii imtirovc-flari'e from ciu'h comity, and ono
mi nt. uihI an the iicc. PMty in (jrotv-jtlcleeute fur overy 1 7 voted, and
I in); greater i verv ilav, ami the con- 'one for evert; fraction .ilnrcoi cx-
i i , . . . . -
ut i net ton of coiiu at h-iot ciiniint he ( cccihiijj; half, cant for (tuvcrrior
delayed imieli lonecr. We think it. lViinoyer at the Juno Htfbctiou of
inlvifiihle that u general nvitciii IkjInSH, The committee re poaeiienucd
;u. s. c. Y'.uhj.'
I ......ii hiiihl a ;;. I.ueein,. 't,.iit
."..',. Win. lUvi
. iiiteieliii to':; j, "il,,, t Miin-ou
. n hi- I-'ts in ; ;;.V Sam Knule
I .".i'e Kellhcii WriJ'ht
ly in;; it' lo r f, f, Upland. .
; ",S. S ,1 II 'ei.hv. Auioia
;'. J li.ihlv
' hi. It W. Zimmerman Needy.
I.iiin.-r ' II II K l.,vi-i Stalh.iil
to make f ;. ' ,i v Cherryville 1
i I.!. W, H, Stailord i m j.-1'ii ('ily,
uit..lhy . ,li,,, Ui.hey... !aii.n-ctin i
i held el -!".. II M '-letiuein . Sillelv.;
ii . it II lo veiiiie Saiuly. ,
"it,;'' ,;a 17. .1. r. ll.uiii h (-n'o I
to 'ni,' '! , I Henry N achainl I li'iymi Cil y,
,il .v 1'aih.i Malh. it, at I'.i. I! S. Mel.ntiu'ltliii.Or.p.i. Cily.
I', ehiii-h, ho-l 'iii'lay t. o-; ,Vl 1 1 . S, I . ihum Ka'le Cc. k,
'".I. I,. I ,Mn!liH. Iter, tlrteon Cily,
i. ji..
m'V'h t ' 'M ' l'"'t ' '',V " I t'"' I'r,''",'t priimuio f! held
' i ii.)! between the 1'lutl' nml the river, on the tenth dav of April irl the
' ".-.,,; , . , , ' ...
HUM i S I I' ( t I l, 1 I ' ' I t 1 1" I'HIII U" i ItUIIMI.'1 V IMIIIt 1 IMtl IIVH'MP m
llh v. nth M ru t. J liith dav of April, uiiIchh tlu- einin-
Third M mber uf vour cmu-ftv committees iletenniiu. diff'T-
I ii ! lot I'Miirr.
mittee hitvc (.I'l-nt connith raliU' i cntly.
time inctipitiii) ami conditltin
tilth culitractoiH Hlti1 i t hern an t.
the hel mi. t. rial to Im' toe.l in !a!!nt j-hjmt U hereafter to lJ
imjiiot iuj; o,tr ctieitf, and imtv furni.-ihed hy the County Clerk,
phi'i- tin- lemll l fore you. Here in tin' law ait piiKfed in IJSH',1:
From the h. t information we: Sk. '.'".OT. At everv U',FiM
ican (ict tve h ive concluded that tlu cinl or intiiii 'iial election hert'aftfr
i mati rial should he iloiie, cither iii In hi in tliia htaU- in purimiM'e of
tin- shajH- of I'.t 1iait Mock or in 'law, eae'i elector t hull, in full view, We liiid tli, it for -r-1 deliver to the chairman of the
General Miscellany.
Crop liiilli tlii.
Winter whmit in gunerully re
jKirted in good condition. A few
HoetionH report proviouH thiiwing
and frceziiiK wt-nthcr which had in-
juriouH (ill'ectg, but thcHit report ure
(unfilled to a limited area.
Tho ground in (fftierally too wet
for plowing, though in om hcc
tioiiR plowing in in progrefw. The
iinow Iihh gunerally left, leaving thu
whuat in gool condition, and fair
jM'aKH for Htwk, A few Howem are
Uoouiing. Fruit and other trees
ar irmiilly approaching the bud
ding HeuHon. Home fcarn aro enter
taimd that the fruit trees may have
biien liphtly injured by the cold
On March JOth, flowers,
jM iich, cherry, apple and plum trues
were in full bloom, in most parts of
jjthi) .State. This ym, 1800, is about
three weeks later in the opening of
faring. H. B. .Paoxk,
OhHorvcr, U. S. HignaJ Service.
Ml ' '
1, N I'
Shop Carpenter's Work
Dojrs. V.:'.'.!r..a a;:.
Cjiniiy Corrcsponilcncc
i ,m-t,i I no r I'.ii'i''. I'.i. III. iii.
, i : I,
I !t lilt
.,1 , , I li
lt I'.'.;
lelllf I t . II
G-. i-i;. :.--tow,
fjt j j !'.. ' ..-..'f tie " l, I Ml!.. '
Pi-ofcjc'.onul Curc'.s.
r. II I
t ", I-
Sprin:; ;mtl Samnir
S.t' I I
oil, li. 11
fram 'hi
- t v
" At i
I t i :
: Is I
t .i"f
I,, 111 i.'!
.I in !..-
.hi. Mai
';i -I' '
1 1 1 1 1 1 . -
i-; a
ttc k' I'
ill .lild:
!- I i'.im- t
h y I'
" I", unit In--I
. lo cmieet
1. ..'ii! pt which
li - ot I lie
he ll.i'l'.r
iitL' at '.' n't '.i. l., and ain"l In Chi
e.i,; i I'l id ay al'tet imi'ii .it I ..'dork.
In cmin thi'oiich tic I '. i ' i . Modi-tain-
tte l"-t time h. ii tie ur
r 1 1 . 1 1 at C 1 1 en l it. r e i r' t .to
h.n:! ! hind Ai'let h at m ".' llien
tic ili-a j').. ah d I ill. in t it i'
ant lit'ii'i' itiittl tte i . i, ne in I'ncH the
i.i i.
l! !.
d nl .had l'-l.
U hi!,
rail i'i
C. D. . D.
Hill Mill I I
... - - , i i 'ii 1 . VI-'
. I..
M ,
0. L. HAVES,
ATiuuNTf AT U:!i t.Z aJ.AllY FUi'-UC
Orccron, City. 0: j' ti.
Ve are Showing this
week liie Latest Hovel
tics in Saiinc'i, Dress
Goods an5 White Gcodc,
aisa in
( lr
Attorney at L::v.'.
I ll'e"OI
- The (r rr:il IsiiTii
r.bvtir St Ack:rr.;an. Prc;;s.
!,e M.i'-c;i ! rin (in- maMer
.-.iii.e i! j. in it r '. '-iai' oi .I, r u t he
til -' i! iy ( W i-1 in lay I. and I he
I '..i;i ', lt:, mi' r- e. -in il a .'.loiiuuiii
t it ioll 11 olll t lie 1 i! ti'lteli, ho
v, e: e ii-ei,t fioin t ! n . 1 al e , iiKkintr
I II it t.e' C.t,' ! " n it io!e,
t hi-:r I'. turn, out ol e..url
i'e;.nl ' 'if and
ci-.- tlil the
when linn hi'
i ,a e, ,t ',i a- u -ii-,
f-" h.tir M
- nl I, ami III"
I' ll d lole tin -'
. Wh ihirthe
(hit- i, .a
,l,';l llu.
IlllllnU It'll'. 'I hull
call le ai" h ini.' a'oi
.-how 'a--' il .!' a h.iid tt il.t. r for , '''i,
tin Hi. I twin talking tut h a i'ii! th ;
man on the tn. in ut Cheyenne, ninl
le .t i! th" ram In i l"' t tt-l i ihly
dcrintr the winter. Some het one
half their cattle.
I h uve at o l'l thii. a I'tcri U for
Ulttll I ,, ,. ...... i
, , ; I in n lull, ,ctv ton,, linn ciieei
il'l i
lv p.".!...iie the i to (!' t home Siiiitlay iiij'M. Mom
term. Now, i tin re I tt ill tiy to ttnic y
M:' Ki-lseekcr "
.InSt ill Ke. H
A. It. hank
Frank Sawtcll
ii s. r.-.xic;.
1 1 Hi I'l.siUell
t'.S Ilainmit.
I Mill. I
A. A. .1 I'.ra ly
T, C, . ay
II I. K. lly. . .
W, V.. .Ii hnoii
II. A. h dinan
. ' Sii.nly.
lieor;;. .
I III eon Cily.
I ircenn Cily.
.New liri.
judged tf election a tingle Itullot or
piece of pajter, on which shall be
written or printed tho niitnen of the
main nee and durability I'.clgiau
Jhhw kl have no HUpi rior, hcini; prue
jtictlly iinlt'Htructihle, and if the
! malt-, r of durability ntdv wn to he ! tiernnnM vot-etl for, w ith proinT de
entii.iilcretl tte would tiulieritnliugly Kignaiinn of the ollice which he or
tu nut ml llu in for iin-here; but ! they may bo intended to fill. No
.unfortunately the ipiotitui of coht ballot, chall U'tir upon the outside
; has to he coiiidi -red iim well in the thereof any impression, tlovieo, col
i miitier of permanence. An near iik j or, or thing Ji-signed t diittinguinh
jit. tan a .certain a block pavement joich ballot, from other .legal ballots
! the width of our Htni t would cost wherebv th'i Rjtme mav be knownor
li"., llcrgc l. Carder. ItiilteCrcek.
o-1 pom tin-lit wa.i
n'i .1 to by I 'oiiiniii- '
. M i uke l-i'iii'.' ah-;
older p '"p. i ly . a-'
( 'ourt wan in ft u'l- I
Yoiirt truly, I'.
( hieii'o, March 1 I.
il lU'.iai.
i: I'.iv '
i i'.i
7i. .In..
71. S. I
.1 llll'.'i' fol-eel fill in
r I d i not pi'et. nil to Mty ;
L how . and can plot e, thai
Le I t l ' 1 IJ U
T A.
A IHH.--I I.'.
McCiMDI.: i Ui-iLSSER.
Attorneys .it Lav.
Dili ,- in .1,,
.a Cily, t'r.
Civil Enninrsur nncl Surveyor
;',",..- ni-,i,!y ..n.i.-ili! Court tl .!
Ollli'.'iN I I I Y, OiiK'.ON.
Work I'rnnip'ly Allenibd In
I he Unit I'T ill I I'ot ' "lite tip I'i -L'Ular-lv
tin ei! in da v, iih in Ma led. Nei
ther it a unv eiiliiinliliii'alioli I !'.'-
M iit.-d to the Court from any one
OSWEGO MUHSEPllES, pi'mr t" Il pei.iu;: -f the mooii
lra'icc on Mi-ihIiiv of tin' Hccoinl
Vii,-,i,'..tti.c.t',l'I..i', u,.,k. ,,'urthcr 'than thin Mr.
CROWCHS AUD fJCALCfi-3 , M.llk(. was i,l i,,. ,,t from attend--is--
! nnee im court during liny part
Fruit and Cmanien'cil Trees,',"1 Vc.i.,.-..iay...s i-tai-d; c,,.,m-
j 1 1 -1 1 1 ly 1 ttolilii 1 1 1 I he III ,ti,.il loll
I to iii'l i iih the Jt:d;!e nlone, When
lor by whom the older laying the
j n atter over (Vol 1 1 the March term
iiv, ; tt.H iiiii'le I am unable In hiiv; hut
I it wan done without toy k iinivh'il;;e
mi aiij'iir.iiiiiii, j ,, coiiM'iit. Ctiir, i-.i. 1 1 x I ii,
Crap2 Vtner,
Fruits, E'c.
NniM't v ( mill". In low ' '
on I lie I ., i".". mail.
'-" ' ( ill ..! '' ll'H lil.liil'll ill'
II. I-:. l ulittlN, M. D
liu!.1EiJ,ATi!iC rilYiIClANAliil Ill'ICiol.
Orojron City, - Orf;;:on.
ot i n .: u. n-ili. In I " i. li I-I. 1 1, ft'. nl i f llu'
I , .-. 1 1 i-.t i'.i -ii ni t it i.
J. W. POWELL, M. V ,
Physician arid Sun;oun.
AiflreMi nil tinier - In
WALLING & JARISCH, , ; i. On i.i. n.
( 'nlilit V 'i
v i', tvun k.
W. A. It i.l I'I''.
l!ii'i.. nl. ( Iiiii inaii
t 'n'i 1 It (to; Mule
A. ('. 'relllll, VV. II. Zt'M'VM.T.
All k'iudx of lUiihliirJs.
I I'i ik lira hili via .)' llu idler
I Will iM', irt' ,iiii. fii'Viiii.'if win! In-,' 'I'- !
i l:il.. Hie I -lil'i'llil llll.'ll" I"" 'ill nl ii'lll'l- I
j InifK iilli"iil'.t. itlM'M in iti'i'lerti i", I
ili'l'l I' 11 1 lit 1 1 I. I'll 1,1-,,',
C tll till nl n.l'llI'M IVIII'I K IIHOK ,
Oif..l Cily, Dun
,........ .
A ll'iciiilii.
1''nr Huh', nl IO t"'r iieif, 1(10 uereH nl
liinlier I, in. I ; nl, mil "a iici-ch hmIi tiiiilii'r,
I'., miles In. in ii. It Minimi, 'I mile
from k.iw mill on linck ( 'reek ; Hiliii(liil
l.iinl itii'l timber; level', lerniH eiiKV.
Auk MnCtiHN k Sun,
Ntll liS I li'l'l ,MI i)!.H I II.
i'l'i-Hide nl. Sliinli y gave a leclure
111 Ihe Flll'liii'lV I llM itlllc held III
I llilepe lliletll'o I i I i" t Week.
Ih'V. Alhey, of I'lllt'elie, in llnhl-
a prnl nicleil meeting nl thin phtcn,
A 1 1 M I 1 1 ' I" of yollll people Were
COIIVerlcd IiihI Week,
Vii'itorK at. Ihe N'ot'iiuil. An nv
ii'ii;;i' of tis or hcvcii each moruiug
ill, chapil cxercincH this week,
Among 1 1 1 i h nuniher were foiirgriul
uali'H of the chirii IiikI, year.
MihH liclh) Klberl, of tho cIiihh of
IHS7, in viHilingher parenls in town.
It 1 1. II I, l Ml,
Albert Niehoh'oii, of Haiti y,
died of eiiiiHlimpt it'll I. .1-1 wet k.
Mr. M"i';' in leu - il l bin I'arui lo
.lo-epl. My.-.s.
Mr. il.'i:. Miller Lot a t.iluaMc
hnr-e la-t Sunday.
F rank Welch Ii-im impimed the !
appearance of Ii in place by buihling
a mat picket fcii'-e iiioiiiiil Iiim
Slout .V lliii'o nit' buM' 1 1 X i I i i? up
llu ir new Ktori'.
Welch tt Martin arc running
their Kiwmill to it,- I'nllcM cnpiicity,
Mr. Moi'j'an nml fumily it ill
leave for MisHiiuri in a few days,
where they expect to make their fu
ture home. Their many friemlK
tvinh Iheiii a pleasant journey.
Winter ttlcat i? badly damaged
by the freeze. KuriniTH iay that il
n il I n;i! make hull' a cinp.
Highlanders am becoming very
much excited over the proi'pects of
it railroad through their part of the
Portland real cstale linns are
booming tlm Highland country.
Their agents are Hccuriii!.' I'hi'iuh for
Al, the lill linlilliil hcIioo elec
tion .loKcph Myers was ilcclcd di
rector and William I 'avis clerk,
W. W, Myers, of Oregon City,
delivered a political s eh to a.
small audience at the Knights of
Labor Hull, Highland, the 2'Jd of
Farmers are busy plowing and
It. 1. Alexander
II. I.l. -i'
.1. I'.cll
I',. C belaud
I'ntt an .
.InhtiHiin .
7:'. W. K. I'l.mtiy
7 'i, Mall hew liooucy.
7 I. F. M. Matthews
7o. Jerry Youim
7ii. A. Ainh r-on
77. II. Ih ii tbuiipl.
7.H. ( ieo, Itntvdihi h
7'.'. Unbelt I'nilisct . .
Ml. Martin Hill, . , ,
M. W. .1. Itaiich .
VJ. Alison linker
n ". J. l indsh y ...
M. ,1. Knolls
"i. Wm. Haines
Mi. V. I.. Mack
o7. J. li. l'dakiiey . ,
SS. C. A. I'orlcr
V.i. Wm. 11 inkle
!iii. J, T. Funis.
HI. .1. K. Miller . ,
tij. 1 1 1. Yodcr .
it.'!. I'. M. 1 1 raves . . .
Mill Hint
Slalhtnl, j
t 'urriusyile. t
Oregon City. I
from .'fnHit.i t'.i.iHia lineal foot an
amount which in our opinion places
ihi.i kind of pavement out of our
reach at the present time.
designated. For the p nrpose of se
curing a uniform and secret ballot
at all eh i ti'iiiN held in i'Jiis sUti' in
pursuance of law, it is hereby made
Crop Itiilletlu X. II.
MAKCH 22, 18'JO.
The ttru-'perature and sunshine
Lave ma ilielow the average; the
rain about th average. The tem
perature iliiiH generally been above
tho freciting pit. The weather
has been partly loudy to cloudy.
The rainfall lias haen light, but
generally well diHtribut d.
The soil, except on uplands, is
too wet for plowing; instce the
Hpring needing is retarded. Tlie
snowfall and the rains of the paEt
w inter have been such as to moisten
the ground to a greater depth than
has been known for years.
The winter wheat is generally re
ported in good condition, but a few
days of warmth and sunshine are
much needed to give it a good
siart. (irass in grow ing finely, and
(ck in recuperating from theeffectj
of the short feed. Where soil ope-
rnuiuns can be punhed a large spring
ae.Hfi.Tfe in leing prepared.
Fruit and ornamental trees and
nhrubbety are developing their buds;
on the hit-cr leaves are beginning to
tJvoiv. Pwh trees are in blossom
in Lane eouvty. The cold winter
has injured tbc jieach crop to some
extent. Severnl greeks of fair weath
er ami warm nuiwiiine are needed to
allow of spring work, the starting of
the grain and the development of
the buds of trees, c.
( hi March 23d, lSS'J, tach, apple
and cherry trees were in full bloom,
and leaves onornatnental trees were
out. Flowers wore blooming, and
many varieties of vegetables were
in the market in many parts of the
state. 15. S. P.unn,
Observer, 1'. S. Signal Service.
As f..r Mime in the sluie of Mac-, the tlutv of the secretary of sUU' of
ii'liim itc lind that when prt'icrly , the state of Oregon to procure at
laid it makes a first class road, and j the cxpciiee of this state a HuflieiiMit
with little attention it ttill last for tjuantity .f plain w hite wiper to lm
,,e e, . 'u ,,.,1 .live ,.,,,,,1 . t i I oie. .... 1...1I.. ,, 'k.. ...... 1 t
,-iiinn fll.l . . , , , . i . . . . . . .
i iii mic m use. . goon roan oi luicii general, special or municipal
t hi material can be laid at a cost of Election hereafter held in thiH utatit
from ifi in to J.'S.iXi a running foot. :j pursuance of the law. The neiv
Taking into consideration tin- iIu m- i rotary of state shall deposi'l a sufl't-
tions ol ilurah.litv ami cost, we be-, chut .liuintilv of such ua wr with
New Fra.
.Untie Cie. k.
I httuascus.
New Fill.
Fagh' Creek.
.( Ircgon Cily.
. . . lamiiM'iis.
The Wool (irowrr Stttlsflrd.
The wool growers have publii ly
declared themselves satisfied with
the wind schetluleas agreed ujxm by
the Ways and Means committee.
Tiny declare the bill is more satis
factory to the wool grower than tho
Senate bill of 1SS8, and ask funnels
throughout the country to support
li.te that Macadam tt iii .meet our i ,he couulv clerk of each county ofl MnJor ' efforts to se-
ttanUat Ihe preset time, ami welting,,,,, and shall keep in lheirVuro fortius important intewt ailo-
thenforc .'.commend its use, and hands at all times enough to Ripply ll,,u v'"' 1 m) l",rlllu,ar,J
.1.0. NT lUSI'lill IS,
I. .1. h, Clin pimin Selltvonil.
li. John Luke I'leioiiint Home.
10. F. M. Kruse Wilsonville.
I'.. (I, It. Slevenson Fulton.
I"., O. I'. Hedge Sycamore,
'J.'l. II. Krause iirora,
21. Isaac Hall Tualatin.
:il. (i. It. I'.ristotv Miihllclon.
r.:',. W. M. I'.rninhall Aims.
57. (ieo. Ilerrcn I.uttevillc.
C.J. J.lMlecr Uutteville.
70, I'M win Cole Willshui'g.
is:'., F. L, Itugg (Ircsham.
In Ihe hIioc store: Shoe dealer for
the sake of adding the strength of
,i . it ii
a nol her in vor ante, opinion am, ma
dam, hut thai shoo is simply per
fection upon your foot. James, how
do you think Mrs. Delloof's foot
looks in thin shoe? New clerk (anx
ious not to fall short in his enthu
siasm) luiinense I Harper's l'a-
i zar,
that the street be so improved from jtli,. voters of the respective co-unties
the basin to 1 ourtecuth Mreet. with pup r to be used as ballot pa
Fourth The i'icst ieii "f side and p,,r j ,.!, lawful election to be
crons walks naturally conn s up in j hereafter held. It is hereby made
conjunction with sired improve-j Uu. ,hity of each county clerk in
incuts, and in looking over the j this slate, upon application th rreof,
ground tte arc forcibly reminded i (,, supply the voters of theix re
that uur pn scnt sidewalks are too I HjKvtive counties with such; an
narrow to accommodate the rapidly I amount of ptipcr, furnished b- the
increasing travel, and in view of J secretary of state, as may bo doomed
that fact we would recommend that I necessary to be used for hallois at
all sidewalks should hereafter be iiv ncmlintr election. It is hercbv
made the duty of the voters of the
state of Oregon to proeuro ballot
j paper from their respective county
clerks loretieli election, nnd uo bal
lots left over after any electiiwn shall
hi used as ballots at any subsequent
election. No ticket must be used
at any election or circulated at the
dav of election unless it is written
made not hrs than tell feet wide.
In tin1 matter "f cross walks wc
lind that the present wooden ones
arc very unsatisfactory, as they last
hut a short time, and in addition us
at present, constructed, lorm an oh-
struct ion to travel. We believe that
walks constructed of stone Hhibs or
blocks would be more satisfactory
and certainly much tnoriulurubh, ,,r printed on paper procured from
ami we therefore advise tho use of the county clerk for tho purpose of
stone for that purpose in tho future, , .,.jn,, UMt,,i llt tho said MndLng eleo-
to be mnile Hush with anil to cou-Min. tickets used nt each gene-
r.irm lo the grade of the street. jr,, ehrt ion shall be twelve inches
It is further recommended that in Ug and four inches wide. No ticket
the future no awnings be made with
posts reaching to the sidewalk.
Thomas Chahman,
CiiAiti,i:K II. CAi'i'iil.n,
tluo, A. Haim'Imi,
Mr, Cleveland's exhortation to
his fellow countrymen to read only
good books and pit pern is excellent,
but if carried out il, is painful 'to
think what would heroine of the
democratic party.
not conforming with tho require
ments of this section shall bo re
ceived or counted by tho judges of
any poiu'ral. special or municipal
election authorized by law. which
may hereafter bo held in thiB state.
Approved, February 20, 1881).
(iencral Crook died tho last of tho
week, After lying in state at tho
(iratid l'iieifici hotel In Chicago he
was buried therefrom, tho remains
being interred lit
riiudo ,io me , rosmetive leature or
the nsw schedule, which will have
a tendency to defeat fraud and un
dervaluation, and declare that they
line more satisfactory than any to
lie itf.nd in any previous tarifi bill.
Wool is one of the products enti
tled io tid equate, protection, and we
are glad to find the wool growers ap
preciate ihe generous recognition
they have received at tho hands of
the com nisi toe: New York Press.
The AiiiM-lcaii Wape Earner,
" 1UH for.tha tariff," says the free
trade oracle, "jieople could build
chcuper house1 mud buy their own
libraries." How wuch cheapercan
the English workmaai buy than his
transatlantic cousin? How many
houses does he own? How many
libraries has ho built or Accumula
ted in his home? With what rai
ment does ho clothe himself ;ttnd
with what delicacies docs ho pam
per his stiach? Thcro aro harder
shadows uv the answers to these
questions than iuanything that can
be extracted from the industrial and
economic conditions of America.
Tho American workman cams wa
ges that enables him to live in com
fort. Mr. Singerly should como
down juBtwrice from tho elevation
of his theories and seo tho American
workman as he is, and not as he im
agines him; see him as ho Bits in
tho firelight, not hiding in gloom,
as Mr. uSingerly Iovcb to think of
t- .