THK KNTKIMMHSE, rt in isiikd EVERY THURSDAY At OH EC. ON CITY, OH. TIU USUAY, MAIUTI, :V. IS'.HK Csll for it IvopiililtcHH Mate Couiontlun ,V ltii"iMU"!i 'oiviiilon fur the state ot Oros.-u Im-iiU-.I tomm-i m laooltyot ruituiul ,-.!ii,-iti tlit lull ilny o( Artl, !-.. l 11 i'i'l'VH.l dF lln" lurpoi ot itoittittnlliiii eaiLli.Uw'-t for !lu- otUoo ol t'oii,iro-o.m,oi, lie) erii.-r, sneis-mo Sver.'t-iri el miiio. i'roin iirar, Sii.,-rlntMtNnt ot 1'iitillo lit.irttrtlon, Stsio 1'nutoi-. mi.l lUtrli-t iilfu-i-r, an. I lo Irsim- a.'t im-lt ,i(li,-i' I'li-Onon a may iio,erly renm oieuro mo t-oit't'iuion. i ne i-oiii-iitteit un., O0tlM. o( tti'tri HCt'iirll.ll)l-il Hmnlt lln- M-ver,il t-,'ii'tti-,i i (..tltois Haters, limn. -it s. CUt-lninus a. CUi-me T. Co liiml'M 4. iVi d. Creek .'I, Curry S, homilim s, tlilltmu p. tiroii A, iUrm-) 4. .Im'k.i'tt 7, Jo.i-e-IOin' 4. Kt'tiuuli :i. 1 sit,, 'la l.liei lo Mnlln-itr Marion 1.'. Morten 4. Mullueimih s !'( k il Tillamook S. I lieitHIil 10. 1'nlon Willows 4 siii-mimi S, nltliiiioii 1, Yamhill' 1 ske 'VUo vim l-otiii; ono .li-li-nntn hi larijp from el'll iviiutv. ntwi kiii ili-locno tor very l?s vet,-., moo em- f.r i-v,-i-v lin.'ilet) over one lull llierel eiist (ert'eiicrvvMumi at llio Jiitiei-leetli'il ( Inw Hie i-.'mmllti-o rt-i'einnu-ii.l Hint ttu-IVim-tri". In IteM mi At-rll .Mil. an. I the i-euttiy i-euvi-mlen on ill lull luiU-sii ulltem l-.r or a.-re.l !' l!n-t'roturioiuit iS'intnltler.. Alleti-r h. lnviTilif tO'i'iiWi.-m t-eltey o( A mot i.' hi lnsilo'( (.-r thi i. Ami'nc hi lulvr. liN-Mi Mipp.iri ot aeliool mi. I 111 iir.'livEi.m iM i-M'rv v.'ti'r (n llu OHtl.Hl. In hU rk-lo i.i mi h liw I'llli'l iiii.I H (ulrlv t' Mui!' 1 i'M'..rvli;il! ht itr.l to uimo (u llu jo'looii.oi hi .h.itvAit'o t' 'Op l'iutUon Siuu t'.ow.oilloo 1. I' II WUN. t'lmlrnmii K.vt!.u' in pin'rs i'Uvtcv'ii . Mitvli .'ill, 11. Iti'iMiIillcau Count)' ( oinoitlloii, Tim lioinili'.ioaii Ooiinly (iiivontiim fci t!u (iiirpiiso of nimiii:iliiii; ciiiHliiliili's lor tilt' vuiiotii I'omily ull'uvs, niul t'loot IiiC tlt'li'K.ttrK to tin' lit'iililii'iu shilo coitvi'iition, w il; lo lioUl ut Vopo'd hull in Oiorfun Tily on tlie loili il.iy of Apiil, IS ", at 10 oVKvk A. M. Tho prininrirs for I'liVtilijJ iloliMtoH to tlit vtoiiiiy I'Kiivi'iition will ln Ih'IiI ut tlif phiii' of Voliii( on Siitiinliiy, April .'), l-.Hl,:it unvo'i loi k 1'. M.,i'iv't t tr i'i;o!i t,'i'y uiul Osvi'i;ii, vilu-ro tlio (ninui rios will l-o I'V l':il!ot, from 11 o'l'livk A. M. t;!l o'l-Kvk 1. M. ut tlio usnul il:ni' of voting. I' t. T. Williiimn hii.1 V, T. liiiiiK k will M-t us jtiilos at tlio Or-i-jjoii t'lty I't imary ax.l li W. rronwr uinl A'.l'i it WuMitit; ut tlio Dswoo r i mnrv. MiU-li pit-i iiu t will lo i-ntitloil to olio ilo!t i;:lU' ut l.iro iillil ono ili'li'iJJto for 0V ory '2. v.'ti-i or fi.tion ovor one h;i't tlioroot, i-.i-t for lion, limor lli-r-man Mt tli ' l.-t i-U-i tion. "ltio hi I'ortiui'.iin iit of ilo'os.itt-n is us follows: 1'roiiiu t 1'. oloiitos. VIonMiit lhil ;l t'.inoiiiuli 2 rog .ii l uy i Mill ilUllll;- 4 Spi'ii-.iwator '.' So.l.i t tnH ,. ;;o , ." N-iy , Milk 1'io.k ( '.isojdos . . . 4 i. !.i :i I l'1'i-r .M"!.i!la. ... ;! t 1.0 !..lll!;is ,. 4 I '.tinasftls 4's ;i I I ;.:.!! l . . ;: in . ;i l:.ii;'o t rook .... tiMii-.M ;, I'tiion .... -j Now l!r ;i t 'anion i 'rook ... 2 !i.'.ivi-i 1 'n-oli . 4 I'nihy , 4 Sti.vors 2 li.-or-.'o . t'l.erryvillo , 1 l.owor MolalUi 2 liitllirl.l 2 All ri-j.iiMif.ois uro ri-.pioti-d tonllou.l Un' 'I i Hi. u . os ip tl.o Various prooiiii ts ty oidt-r of tho lo-piihln-an I'uiiiity coiiimittoo I.. T. Huns, K. M It isi s, ('ti.iiriii.ui S.-orolarv. W.iv ! .n't that huil, lin' nml If III -"t II 1 1 1 1 . ro port? A 1'or;' iii'l p'llii-o oilifi-r has act ually slfl :i:ol wii-.-fl a man hut tli.-u it was nut an rsoapiii); crimi nal. Thk I'ai.ui ; zk r r k says that if ( 'Ii'Vi l.iii'l is tho "fuming man" lo- ri.'lit alsmt fi.-u pretty sii.lil.-iily, nt pr. g.'iit lp- is tin jroiti'.' man. Sr viK ollic- rs Mi-llri.l-, Mi-Klrny an. I 1 .iiki r have proven exec-limit servants ami a reiioiuiuat ion hy no i , i- ii ii . ciamaiioii, 1'iiioweii hy u rousing majority in June will he their ft- war.l for ono.) ami faithful si-rvici II. P.. Mii nf Jos, -phine niul ii' ii i-ii- tt u. u. i-.ins hi .Morrow art) enn- jre ional aspirants, hut will hard ly Huccei'd in ili.-turhiii): Mr. Her- matin, as our present represmita th- is dniii' (,'iuineiitly Hatisfnctnry work nt 'a.-hiii(.'ton. W'k nro olad In i-urn that tin ladies nf St. Paul" (iuild havt taken tin- initiatory steps towards having a "rand Fourth of July eel i-hratmn in ()rej,"in City. The move is a most exet llent one and W(- wish the ladies every success U'll.i. the papers that have heen hlowiiig ahoiit tint hioh price paid for tomatoes ,y t Ji Salem can nery, ph a-e note that the Oreoon City J'uekinf? cinnpauy is contract- in' at t-n dollars instead of m-ven a tli ll'i reiice of a littlo more than 10 orceiit. in favor of Oregon City farmers. Tiikih: is some opposition in Ma rion county to the rehuilding of the linden across the Wil lamette at Salem. The maintain ing of a hrid;.'i) ut that point ran not he otlu-r than a good invest ment to all in the county as it must brintf business to tho capital city. More Ilia n this, it will undoubt edly attract outside capital nml industries Hiillicierit to more than repay the cost in increased valua tion and HiilHoiiient taxen. No man in M.ij'inn county can afford to throw cold water on the plans to rebuild, i ' u iulc-rvst was inanilV-d. ly tlio ti'mlilioiui oontnil t'uniinitli-o- ni Mi nt tlu-ir moot inn on Momlny. 'I'lio Kt'iitinioiit wiim isi-iii'iiil tlint nn itti'ri'iisctl ropi'i'si-nt-ition in llio i-ouvontion woiilil W nioi'o Mt't't-iitii-blt'. As it itnlt ol'tlioii' notion tlio coming ronvt-ntioti w ill ho tho liU'jtost ovor Itolil in tlio ooiiiitv. A joint M'tinltir U In In' olinscn liy rhti'kntnit niul Mnrion ooun t tfs nt tlio county olivtioti. Inn,--imti'U ns tlio ii-niliit'nns of Mnrion ooiinty Itnvo nlfoitily Int'l tlio joint st'imlor for two yonrx, tiioy will in till rolnlility with iMiimiion t'our tt'sy poiiuit tlio riolivtimt of tin' iio.vt st-nntor front I'litoknuui- niul lit-lp to I'liooMt' Itini. Ttte; your that soi-s this tow n tvn mvtt'il with I'oilLuiil hy motor or otlu r nuii'k nii'l shli-nuiito ntontih of trnnsportnlion w ill sot' ti woiult-r-fill iiH'i'i-nsi' in population. No pit-ttior spots run ho fotiiul for r.-s- nls-in-t's thnn iikHttuI Hi niul nlmul this oily, When tin- hus'mts iiii-n of Toi'tlnni! t-iui oi-t to niul from (heir husinoss without foil suminj; too ititnli timo ninny of of thoni w ill he glnil to livo lu-ro. 'm, It. Au isoS, low .Vs h1U iill ' woll-knoivu s-nntor hns Won re- flt-otfil to survo nnotlif r tonu from j Muroh I, 1SM1. I Ins is most hu t unnto niul gratifying ti tho rt-puh-lionus of his own stnto niul tho party nt l;iip ns Allison is one of tho stltli;jfst turn ill tlio to piihlifitii pnrty. Tho I ross snys of linn: "Uo hns s. rvfil his oountrv in tho I,uho of Uo pro-! sent -itivi'S oioht vo-u s uiul in t ho Sonato st-Vfiitofii wars, miktio; in KVKUV foot of 1,111 il limit r tho l.kiin.sor will wry s,.,ni Im m 'lf 1 for hllsillfss or liiaulll'.iftlllili pur- (sis.'s. Wo think thi-ro l" rc that it is a mtstako t" i I. rt a fhuiili ut this timo on tho iimi-I tv ow in il ,v . , ,. . ,i ' i ' tin- M. 1 .. Nn-if t v. I hliivlif" haf tin-ir Ifptitnatf pirn- tin- """ UlUltity, hut f luilfh siti s in a hits- iiii-ss ivnto r lar in lai'iri a 1'iisiiifss liavo iifVi-r Is-t-u p-'pu-pl.if.s. V ifn nl front staii'l point f.Mt a fhuroh iUl'oiil to iH-fiipy a whifh rtlanls hiisiiif-s pruff.--. id Tin: i roitiou of that lull's hill aril U-tiit-t-n tli'- hri'U'f towt rs j f.uisf s i'rii'-ra! niul jut iioh'iiat ion. j'i'ho fiiiiuty f.'iirt lf hy Jul,'i ! W" hit" ti'Jii-'-t lul' .1 its .nnh'-mv w lio n It iraiit- il an a.lvi i'ti-iiu tr.iu-cliisi- worth liuiiilri 'N of p. r annum to tho Ju L'- 's ,-ou .nol tin Ju Ijf's iii plo'w for tli.- palirv un of "ii t yt-ar or any otln-r sum. Tlf otoirt was as tho truanliaii of .,., y,-, plll'Ii to uraiii th- rit'lit 'i! it a, i- l. :ii" III llll'i't's nf till' Tli- court uii'hl :: ty h a-- th-iu ciiiirt hot!-"- I'-!' It" il.-f.ift r ,1. -,, ; .lone i y th.-s-. fami ly. .J.i'L'. witli f.pial pr.'i walls of th- th. hko piirp'-", front nf th- o i H-!.!!iir.!. l" or tli- th- walk in irt h.i-is f,,r -t r -, t - ar.v ou- I. li' w that fith-r of t) lis- t"l' i - Wull a ted? Th-re is fort uu.iie ly ellfCtive llll'l Mlllpl- I-irt 1 ' i-dy whifh do. - ii. i! d. p ti. it p. in the patriarch of this i iv..ri d f.iinilv for it-- e iif.iici nn nt and th city cotllifil has wis-ly (aki n th- nec-e.-iary -t-jis f,, apply this r-uiedv so far a4 their jurisdiction (dull extend. The ordnaiice which is printed in this i-io covers th liround and tin- hiid.' to the city limits. Tin- enforcement of this ordnance w ill ivinoVf that un sightly tiling from Is-twet-u the towers, after which ,th.- all.-;'e. licetis,e should ),,- arrested and punish.-d for cutting' into and d-fae- illfi the tillihers of the bridge. l'KNNoVKII with all his e-oti-tio idosyneia.-i.'S and omnia present doinapijiiery n a sweet iiiorseleoni-pan-d with a niireini urt that tljiholds fight lH like brutes, to pi e,-Si-rve courage; mid which declares that the parly injured is not a competent w itness in a ease of in cest. Verily the supreme court of Oregon is capable of iloino any thing right only excepted. A CLASSICAL li'M'OKT, The silirelne eiiitrl, nf this t-. t : 1 1 has nt Inst covered itself with k'lnry. At least one of its inein hers, Jiid),"' Thnver has, and his re ports, will he known lor .'ill time as the only ones worthy of a plaee ainoiie; the flimsies. lie should lose no time in hiking out u copy right ns il will he in universal de liuuid ho that the sales will make him immensely r'n-h so rich in fact that he can iill'onl to crawl in to his hole and then pull th'hule in after him. Here is samplo of his (j;reat erudition, It is from his op inion in tho Cody ityhein case, It was a iniili'sl fur in artery lu whiih I'lloh nf the l oliihlihllils relied upon his nu ll I'OiiniKo, skill and pruwoss. 1 1 was mil cnnihioled In iiooor.lani o witli Iho i-onvini-linnal rules reo.iKiii.oil hy Hie populnr pil ullisls of Iho day, hill. In it primitive style, a milliner whieli western ponplii viilKillnr ly term a ground spiahhlu, whorolu Ihn parties do not slum! upon liny liloe p .i:t nf honor in to Iho uioilo of leiitiug oaoh iilli'T. Hiieli ni'i'iirroiieos are mil r.'.'iiioola hio, hut urn I i isi; ruref 1 1 1 mi l ilrmonilizlni;. V nt It Is hetlor Unit. Ihoy ho linhiljfinl nrnisioniilly tliiin Iliul. men lose thoir grit ami h.-. nine dudes iiii.I p.,lir,,H. 1 nil it iitinrtei of a tviilMrjr tf I'ailli- fill work lliou;-,h Mr. Allisnn is Init til vfius of iim', Thus when his t'oininn; (fiiii ospii't'.-i tho Hotiutor from I own will hnvo spout ovor thirty your in tho tint ionV norv loo. Iloisoiit) of tho must u no fill uiul vnhtoil tiifii in tho SoiinU', It wits Int'Holy through his olVorts Unit whnl is know n ns tlio "Sounto Tnr ill' hill" wns fi'iuuoil nml pnsHotl in 1SSS. This hill, ns will ho ro-iiH-nihoroil, wits thoroughly protoo tivo nii nt tho hkiiio timo ouiihlftl tho ri puhlioitn pnrty to R" Is for'' tho ooimtiy with n proposition in rog.inl to tho tniill', nml upon thnt proposition tho floolion wns cur-ri.-il. Ciiiniiiiiiilriititl. Tlio (ollortiin; li'ltcr w htiidoil In hy Jiiil;o VYlilto otoiiliiv. roiiiiiiont In rost'i voil till- not work. I'.'litor of Thk ':m'm;i-mixk: I Vur Sit : In tlio ln-1 ttockit Km'kmi'Iikk, tl o.lilor Ukoii invasion to i-iitli is, In u iii.iHl liiitor on, I iiiilisiin 'iiii', ntv olli- ciiil in ts, rolalivo to ill, i " Motor Si-lioint'" OH. I I vUNll t'l fOtnlcsi'i'll'l t . in u W o il I'lii-f rp,I v, hcniMo tlio snlijoi-t nuiltor is of it I'llMio liiilnio, nn. I III" Intoiiiloil ollo t iiimiistli.(lily ioitiiiil IViin ullv, 1 fool no p:iitii nUr t'oiii oMi, in ntv ollli roi-or I is iiliiitoiiii'liiiil upon tlio ri-.a if tl.o i-ititit j.iiiriiitls .liu In (lie .-lit o.iis llial I luivo Iiii.I tlin lionor to fi-i.'n-iit tin' -r.iiln of t ImkuHiul fitiiily, iiiol I urn willing tu lot tlnit roi- irl mr:ik I'oit I umluo Ihcio is tin I .ipl'i" iriiin,; i'i", I'i'ii hi iminl, nol it is uiv diny, to iii.lfns w,.l ns to thoso to n li.'iu 1 inn i;itol'ul for tho of. tl. o, tlnit tlio l.n-ls dioiil.1 Ih known. i In tho tlrst I'l.o o tlio t'uiiiitv I'oilit hits ulmos roi iij.Miino.1, mid rospooloil llio riht ol prtiiiouois, or miuII. Ii ''" t'olioy ol tins imiit in orant , "'"I"'1 ""I Ih siiihj to nny who i rniio I 1'i-l'no it for rt'liof In f iiloilsiiiiiii- ihoilnnn Montn uppromhcil Mr, Aluky i-itiisi- of tlm " Motor S, homo" iho t-niitt ol!oi'd us n pu-i t'd"nts to thoir i-iiso. id .....i .ii iii .. i 1 ,,, j( a.,,M, u,' nA (-o.,. L,.rm., t,,, Hio -.iuo ho pitHino. till I tho not tonn whii h was in-iMrdincly j !dmo. At tho m-it tonn ( I'ohril.iry ) on ' i41',',"i"1 "' ll "' llhoiti was no out ' pion-iil sod tli t-aso w its aiiain lt ! . , ,, , .... . pom d for tint tonn At tho Mari Ii loiiii tho m.itt;i i tins up in i rt-gular ,,,,r ,, tho Innl day ( Wolims.Uy i and j tho ooiiit h.n ink' roi oiiod a t'oiiiiniiuii a. torn from tho pi'titionors, nho ,'ro alt- j ion! fioiu tho st.ii.', imkiiii; that tli i ao ho postponed unlit fhoir loliirn, out ol I'oiirti-KV, did ronlarly mid pioporly ' litmita tlio onto (ill tlm April Isrin. 1 Now, whon tint last poslooiiotiiont was ' mill", it a-ionti'd to hy t'oiiiiinsn- luii'-r l'..or :Mr. M s uko hoin whsoMt) an I tin- ot lor i . r . ; . 1 1 t-iiti-ird, wkilo Iho i -uiul m ,i iii log'iUr Thnt ' of i .'iiro p'it llio ra. nn N-tohl ro-! i ill. s i .is (ho run r( was l om oi nod, . mi!i'" nil p ut "s iii..,-h, , nhoiild inn- tuillv .i,-ii-r li liruu It hark ,lito thai 1 " " H" i"-kt 'lay a motlry ' rmwl, rop:oi-ii!iiig tho rruiunttratora ' ; mi l olh.'r in linos'- oauio into tho ! ivu.t nut 'houaah'l ol Iho rum! that' tho i itso ho t"i'.i!lo I and loiiu,-od toil uf ri. nt un. i iomoiiioiivli niid Million! do- at tho iillli oiif Soi irtary uf Sluto Mi Uiido !av. This pio,, iin hi vtus l.s ks I up in to Isatn I urthor partu-ita'( rranoi tinu hy Hi" i -. "ii ! ai i !1. -al as w. -II .is unjust ; th rlaima of tht stats ol t li agon for ri lo th" n,"his of lha pi l .tioin i s, m l pons"i of tho war of tlm ri-ttollion, a bill uii'l-'i-t i . I '.'i tt too" ln'on put l',r ri-paynii-nt of whii h was rolorrod to oii-r for th (.-in) Hit I'm noa w is . in th" Matoiiaan'a lispalohoa a few days s i p.-rn-l 'ii! an I hi lUnl ttn' tlioy il amoo TIid rrportor aa show n a print n.illv ": ill-!1 ,'iJ tho nt ijorily of tho d loltor from Sooralary of War I'nx tor, i-o'lit inl.i th ii i'i 'ii t'ut ii !i an im-g. whii h tnakoa vuluuio ,'liiii pasa, t-un-ul ir t liti - i.i' no .,,'v hii dins. Imt , taming a roisirl on this t'laitn, aa wall aa 1 1 1 -il i! w.'ii: I I." pr , i !, or .. on hko i-l.tims of t 'alifoi nui and Nnt ad. llo-ioirt lli"i,-Ut Ihut Iho h'-st w.iv In; Orrg ill's war flaiin wns proscM-d in " ' "' ' Ml" "umltiii thai Hi.- ai'ti'Hi "i Hi- w,ts illog-d ut well i .is inij'i st . It uifiio than that, a ' groH, , s u-sy t i Hi" p.irliss and a HI Hi ight of pi-l.tioii. st'-n-1 linn) honnroil that uiv position was i-.iir. i l, I i tu r ivo hy miy ili;nti-n-l-; war t laini oxatniiiora t-oiiMsling tu Ihroo o. lawyer in Iho". ' olliiora of tho I'liitod Mnlos army. Una s In tho in.iiii'r ol my o inioii as to ' hoard inmlo a critical and thorough - tho insiits f tin. srlu-in- I h.ita only In i aiuinatinn of tho i l.iiui .iv lint I hii nut urn. h gifrn tn Iho, Somo idea of tlio amount of good work axpipisn ii of Hpiuioiia in ,iutiois i-.iin- dono in tho sot-rotary of tlm st.ito'a ollioo ing l.rfnio ma in an olln-ial cipai-ilv, ! in sn,iinrt of this i-l.iini may ho gathorod and as to this I di fy my ai i-iin-r to pro- ! t Hi" '.'t that Iho papora and vouch dui a anv w itn. ss thai I ovoi pxprossp.l ' "''"I Washington lis oviih-ni o an fipuiion in tho rise tin '.s rut- I weigh alt. igt-thor more than ;100 isitinils. i-iim. aiirunsn that, huoausa one of tha (s'tsona in the f.iiu.iny w.i i my nophow hy inarri au'e, that I would Uv inula my sense of duty in ordur to do his t-niniiany a good turn. I' i 'hii ni-eusiitioii I dn lioti Ateto p!ei I, us I helievo u man's repuliitioii is airongar than his hara slaleiiii'iit. lteipoiihilly Yours V. I. Wuiii:, County .ludgo. (1)1 M IL PIKM KLTINi;s. HI'Kl'IAI. MSION. Tha oily I'ouiioil mot in ssi'ial sos si'in Inst I ridiiy night mid passed an nr dinanee vaonting Water street in front of lots 7 and M in hi.,, k II. The folloti ing ordination was ulso read 1 1 ii' -f i rat lime ; OIIIUV IM'K NO All ordinal!. !) to pn-vi-nt (lofai ingpuli lie pi'.iporty ami puhlio prenfises in Ore gon Cilv : (llegon ( 'ity does iinlaiii ua fnllun a Ski , I. Il shall he unlawful for any person to jm i nt upon, nr plaeo upon, nr nt 1 in li or ii in in I ui ii upon nny rook, tree, stairway, luidgo or any puhlie slriu turo whatever, situate on any alreet, puhlio sipiare or pulilie gioundH in Oregon City, any advertising sign or ilevieo what- Si ll'VI-r. Ski . 2. It, shall 1st unlawful for anv person to paint upon, or plnou upon, nr atlaeh to, or w rite or lutiinlain upon the suspension hridge In (Iregnn City any sign ur iidvtirlisi'ineiil ur devioo what ever, or w rite upon, mark, cut ur nther wise ilefai e any part nf siiid hriilfo in nny inaniiei'. Si;c . ;i. Any peiHon found guilty lm fni'ii the recorder of Oregon City uf vio lating any of tho provisions nf this nrdi iiiinoo ahull lm punished hy a lino uf not less limn ten, nor niurit than ono hun dred dollars, nr hy imprisonment nut x cofillng thirty days or hy hoth, mii.wai mi: To A i.i, Whom it AIav Conckiin: If any company or companies will Iniild, ( in i 1 1 ami iiiot'atii dining this year a raihvuv, f rum tlm sotuh Hint of Sollwuiidtiithnsoutli linuof laeit Portland IhiinoB un I'ifth Klii'itl lo N. Nlmul on N. Street mid over ll, li, -' to tlm I. nit u( Morrlsiiii .Mtiwl I'oi tlnnd, uiul i luiUJo llio iclii-iiU of Ni'llwoml no liiijlior IIimii fivit ooiils h lili I will iliiiints on dm lust iluviif this your, oim tlioiimuiil ilolliim tojKulil C'oininin.v or (iiiiiniiiM, IVnviiliot tho run 1 1 is In iiirrntiuii on 0 liolom tlin I'losn of tills ytir, tliu i-urs rlinsiiiiU wltii tMPiirt sn voi ul tlinti ttlitv, Also (nrtlinf, l( mill rnllwnv hu t'Nton- oilinl (rum SolUimil to MUvvtnkln nml iliiuiUjli MilttiiuUit on mllu-r nun tl lu Irei'tn wlili-li hss itliovo Hid Into wiitor, tluiiii-tm.iitwii tlio iioinl, Mini ilmnm oinowlii)! tit'iir lint ulil i-oiintry roml loii'lliiK (miii tlin Nimiiluiil Mills (,) tlio otitli lltin o( Hit) Ciiit'iilitoii i-lniin ; nml will i-luunrnn lillior fur In tlio rosldni'i oltlioliinil wlnoli lluvit uwiitnl fur miv yours to 1'orllitinl tliun ton n-iils utrlp, on tint sums tonus nml i-iiiiilitloiiit ns lliostt lioforo llii'lilloiir.l, U1 ilulinlo to sulil i'inniny or t'liinpitnio h (urilior sum u! nun UioiisimiiI tlollurs, (ihinoil, John Niii.i woiiii, l'oi!oil from tint mlglmil. Kent KkIiiId Snlmllliiir. Tim I'ttrlllt' I'liinior rolntos tho (iilluw inn: Wlioii siiiiio siviii'lh-r i-id hos un nn-siiHi-liiiij (aiiiiit m rol'i him out of his Imnl out no. I i-.iin, t in y iii,illiu,iiin nuwppors wrili) pit) Inti pmiiitrspliM, nml tionorttll) wltiil up with mi intiniulioti thill ho "ii,'lit to lmo knnwn liottor lluin to tllow his I'ttpiilily to toinpt hllil to try In tnko nn Ailviintuiit) wliii li lm thuinjlil ho saw iloit'l in tho iloor. Iliil il in not it I ways tin) mmoplilsili'tltnl who is tiikrti in, soiiivliiiio It Is Him korii, shrow.l sp.'i tiltilor ho iipIr liitiifovl, niul whon lio iIih's lm iiii'sls ith oiy llttl synipiithy, lhoii)th tho sHlmllrr is itssplsml ll tho smno Tho f nf AlUky who plm-oil vsliiiihlo rsnl ostuto on Third stiaot in Hit) IimiiiU of Charlos llitsiol a ronl osIkIo tk'xnt, for snlo uiiiler ths suroi-ini'iit llutt ho shtinlil liui nil Ini i-ouhl noli it fur sl.oyo ll.'sl.thK) Is dinvllv In point. Itirsttl imvinn Irio.l fur s.-vi-rsl works to sell without mit-ioss, nlwni asking I.HI,. iski (or il. Sn .ttntior stomt fur omw wookl until on tin day A (onlloniiin mid I mitorod him for tho pri)swty, suying that hi) pioforrvd to liitnstt-l liimintss ,1 ,ii. ii... I ii. il.,. ii.. i (IT.'-.tHio. whi.-l, wis -,opto.i l,y Ahsky' s thousand dnllsis ht-ing paid ovor to I'iud tlm Ihiukiu Thou Ahsky U-i;iin t oonlrivo to t (ho pruH'ity out of tho ronl t,ito agonl's hand, whiih whon ho found ho t-tnild not tin, (old the aiiotit (list i.. i . i . i i i. t .... ii . i ii. i h hud sold It hinisolf ami askt-d to It- "'f ; this tho agont rofost-d tu do and tlo- niandi d tho 2i.mi0, whuli wss llnally foniproiiiiisd hy Alisky paling lr.,,VH Ahsky m happy until tho timo lor In Monlana man to it-turn and pay tlio la i'1"' ol lha punhslo pro and lako Ins drd. Tho Montana man nt-tirr ahowad np; tlio iiihm w,u loilntal, It is trim. h'lt than Alinky still has tho pniorty and isoilt tho snug htllo Sinn uf $'i,.VHI mi tho trani-lnm. An unaophiatifuti-d fannor would hardly havo Ims'Ii rmglit on nu ll I'i'1 l''k. Moii of llirstt-l'i Ilk think !' waa a ahrowd liuiiii'sa liansai tion on lot part, w lulu Ali-ky thinks it was o.pial to a binii-o aino. (lor liO,tHli Wnr KkponsK I'u, hy tirrgiiti a'mnt to be tutlia Stair. A Statoiinan ropurtor rallod yostonln sS.I, lull was llnally roj. ts. hy S,-is tary of Troasury I airolnld in sss. H wua again proasiil.-d umlor a sonalo ifsolutiuii pnssd .'i'hriiai 27, lss',1, I aiilhoriing tho aot-rolary nf war to lia "li li t liiiin isMiiimd hy tha h.'ni.l nf I'horo writ) ovor 2MN) iHiiinty Isinds and inoro than ,ti'i,(NH) iiitort-st ruiisins, all nf which had to Is' oxaininei! and ohoi kod oir hofora hoing atnt, in order to verify tlm iiocoiiiita aa stated from the treasurer's honks ThonHioro woro,S72rolit'(hunils with several thuusand interest t-llpous, which rc.piirod alinust aa great an amoiiiit of work. Thorn wore also forwarded hy Secretary Meltrido full copies uf largo lusiks called "Itoiiil Registers," ahowiug in li-tail tlin nunihor uf i-aoli hond, to whom iasued, date uf irsuo, amount of horn I, and tlatti and rati) ol redemption. Corresponding to those Uioka worttcortif Icatei from Iho stnto treasurer and socnv tarv nf slate, from the cash hunks, giving the total nmounts paid nut tin Interest nml principal of lintli classes of lunula. Cartillcntes of service pivon to Oregon volimtoeia, upon which warrants worn given entitling holders to hoods, and also tlin warrants fur that purposo worn sent foi ward as n part of tho proofs. In ad dition tu I hose thorn worn sent copies nf all this inuslor rolls of all the Oregon volunteers, sotting forth ciitiro aervico nf each nlllccr and enlisted man, duly cerlillod hy the secretary of alatti. Tlin report nf tlm hoard of war claim examiners rcfurs to all of these proofs, uiul priinouiii'os pnyuieiit of Oregon's claim sttlisfaotory. It would lm ililllcult iiidced to st'ii how tlm report could he otherwise, hh the proioi proparcil with an mm h and such oaroful lahorcoiilaiueil cuinplett) history of the clniiiiH of each individual soldier and of Ms payment, In addition to full copies of tho treasurer's hooka. The total amount uf Oregon's claim is lollJVI ,(11 . And as lull proofs have haon aiihniilteil in ad vance and havti the approval of tlin most critical of all auditors Mm board nf nrmy olllcora who luivii spmit months In ils eiaminatiun. Tlio money can ho draw n hy the statu ns soon its congress makes the iieccssarT iippropiialion, Tho money will go Into the gonornl fund, The outcome of this matter in no Iiish gratifying to Mecrelary Mcllridc, who has lahuroil iinoessliiglv lo bring abuut the result Unit is now iihtainuil, tliun tu tlm citizons uf tint alatti of Oregon, Ank your noiglihor to suhsoriliu. Tho valldilv of u vniy hupnilaiil rulinu ot tho Iniid i.llh n has just I. ""ii iloi'il hy Assisliint Koi iotiii v t'luindlof nf tlm Iniid iillk'ii doparlmvut nt Washington, Tlioums V, llondorson, In aootloii a, town ship I. ratine 10, Hpoaanti Tails ilj.lrli-t, Illod mi out) ipmilur soillnii and Viola Ihivla ll'i'.l nn un inljolniuu uiiaili.r. Thuv huill a housu on tho ilividuig linn, niHiiii'il uiul uiiilorliiok to ninvii un iho tWoliontostonila, Tho laud nlllfit ilopiut- inoiil hns dooldi'd that Ihladona not I'tiniply Willi Iho law, A liushainl and wlfo wlilht ihoy llvii loyothor aa suoli tain liuvti lull oiio losldoni o. Ilonilaison and his wlfi iniiKi il,,. i, '(,,, ,aV(, i,,,,,,, living; oithor on hla or lior i luim. On I'liliy iniisl ho t iinoalad, am! Iho hind union I'avo tho I'oiiplo inn npilon. Thoso U'i'liiili-al trh lis hio usually within Iho roaoh of tiu hnii ul provlslniis, nml iisiully on I as ihlii uliiiiHly fmiln u i,v ,oiirvo. tur laws ii-giiliitiug tint piihliu hinds urn in many rospoi ts vory dafiii-llvo, and aro i-onstaiitly umloignlng lavishm, hut Ihe gi-iiorahtioH doalliig with iho soi iuing of hiiinoiloaila Is sullli'lontly Mplioit lo i lioi k ni.ilrt suhlsifiigos si i ovlilout us tills i-iiso lu Washington uppoma. lioal llhlal" liovlow. Thtno hashoon ,'ousjdoiahlo i-oiiiplaiut foi tho past sovonil voms that tho slato oonstitulluit of (lit-guu ns uiloplnd hy our w iml loiof.illii'i a now iuii'li'ipialo to tlm wants of this glowing stain. Tlin i-oiistiiillnn was a good ono w hon ndni'l od, ami adiiiiiahly ssrvod Ms puiposo, hut tlio stiilo has outgrow n tho ripiirc uioiita of thoi'iiuslituiiiiu, niul il should ho i hangod, or a now ono adopiod ooinuioiiiiialo w ith our pit-sont iioimIs, lloro isnouiogiHid wmk for our in-xt h-gis-latmo, limload of i-onliuilitlly iniiklng in-w diai'tini nls, that mo proiiiiiiui'oil iinooiiNliluiioiial hy tlio siipronin i-oiiit, lot tho noil li-gishilino llrsl adopt a How ooiisiitiitititt, or iiiiino a t'ons'itntioual oouvoiilioii to hti ciilod forihiil piuposo, thou wo may oipoi l somo li-gmhitlnn Unit will not provo a fano. !nino nnhial ohangos nro ui-od.-d (i-nii tho pii-sonl slitto til (lio hy lnws Hull ginoru us. t'hit a.ilaiios of Iho sl.ilo oltioors should lm rtdiiodi-lrd. ami nthor InipoiUiil ohangos mo ha lly noodo-l Mist. Il.'io is an I !" for p i.u it Ho) ti. It. all nvoi ilio l oiiiiliy: I'uslIS i, Lima': Mass, h.i iiiiiuui altd a uioit-uii-iit whoiol.y rilii its aio adlnilts.l to the o.-ial pin i!gi-a ol tl.a p..: hy tha pay mriil nf a yoaily or a lilo f.-a. Alu-tdv loiiy h-adnig iilifli hav Ir. n a luiilli-d and appin utioiis aro t onung in rapidly. Tho loos an" usi d tun llv lur tho i hai ilal'lo funds of tho post I'arlitH wohii.g to hum- 1 1 , - .frlink ons in iho world i nn do so l v gi-ttmg ono ai-llmg of lull hlood linmii l.i-ghorii ogs. Slupuii iit loi'i-iM-d iiii.-o a wi-ok iiiatantoi d to ho full I'lood; also guar aiitred lo liati h Mn.piiro of is Molina, Or h ao oul ri at I on joy's I ins t-iy Stmo. 4''.,l Mi. i ii M I.i t Mai rlt-il. Ilonry M, Iho Afii. an t-.or-or, a vorv I'lihlul in.iii. tot an ai lonl it Imiisr nf ln f ur sot mid olloii falls 111 Loo at hi-l igl, rologiain. Ho slniiild g.-t .it r ii". I and thus I'lfoi l a poi oi.iiii-ii! i iiio. I.. Hi Tho folhmitig is r I Ut. a lit of lelh is ro. mauling in tho I ..lili o at I in goii City, Mait h 2'i, is l . illiur, I'.ni.l I'., nil, .ir.ll I How-is, Wilh.tni r.rous.-, Walter I- hi i tn -ii , I i di.i Mi lilhhs, ti t lUpwotih, A T I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1 I. iwo, l W 2 M "no. i hilil Mis Mnrphv, I iio May. Ilonry I'riisM-r, ( i W I'm Wit, ( tuit ion I li.'iuilhir'l, I-tank Marls, Knlo Mis Sin ih, M.nk Williams, J.ik" Whi n lallod lor lllaiii har 1, T I. Hanka, W II ''"O. hili'oil ( aiK iilor, W W ' l inns, H'Miry t i.lllis, S V lien, 11 N l.oml"ii, M I! I aiinhland, Win 2 Mi lnk, Joseph Moin-v, M.uv J M, Mltrholl. .Iiiliu I'rii-o, I : . I u r ijihcl... John 4 li.'l llol., l.oilin Sneillil. Sum SIhiw. I ii 1 1 i it Mrs Spiirgeon, Ainati'la ploj"i iy whon ad- Vorllsed. J M. Iln-on, P. M. Stoilal Nnllre. To Whoiii il niav Coiii-ern : All knowing IIioiiimoKim indohlod to us are respoi -I fully re.piosled to rotUe their aocoiilits Wo need luoliey and must t-olli-i t and word to tho win' ;s suttrionl. Wo do mil wish lo place our iiccouiils in the hands of a colloi tiir. Il is extremely utiploamiut for us to do so therefore wo give this no! ire and say to nil coiiin and st llio. March I, ls-al. Tims. Ciiiiimin ,v, Sim, - -- - - - Dissiiliillini No 1 1 it- NOITCK is hereby given, Hint iho linn of HoiillvA Williams has boon dis solved by niilluiil conseul. K. I'.. Wil hums will couililit Hid biisiuoss at tho old stand, and w ill pay all debts and col loot all aoeoiints. 11. I. I'.rMT.Y, I-:. I-:. WILLI A MS. Oregon City, Match I, I.v.mi .... . . Niiwt (live Alli-iitiiiii To tho pnrillnilioii of your blood, for at lio soiisnu is tho body so Hiisceplihlo hi lilt) benellls to hi) derived finui A good iiiedicino, aa ,iu March, April una' May. Hood's Saisaparilla is tho people's fa vorite spring medicine. It stands un o i 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 fur purifying the blood, curing rcrolula, salt rhoiiin, etc., regulating the kiduejs mid liver, repairing nerve tisanes strengthening and invigorating Iho whole, body, aa well as checking the progress of aonlo and chronic disease, and lostoring tlm allticted parts In a natural, hesJtliy coiulitioii. If you have never tried 1 1 . .n I ' Harsaparillii for your ''spring meilicine," tin so this season. That ihibililaluil louling, so poouliar to Spring, indicates depraved blood, Now il the time to pruvn tlm boiinllclal ell'octs of Ayor'a Siiisapaiilla, It. cloauseH the avstotn, reslnrns physiciil ouorgy, and inftisea new life and vigor into every II lire of tho body . Tho Host Iti'Miilt, All iniodiunts (iiuployod In producing lloiid'sSariiipiinllaiire atrictly pine and aro tho best of the kind it is possible to buy. All Iho roots ami and hoi-ha aiu carefully Boloi'Hd, poisoimlly oxaininod, and only the host riitanittd. So thai from tho timo of purchase until Hood's Naisnparilla la prepared, over, Vlliing is carefully watchnd with a view to aitaiiiing the host rusiili, why don't you try it ? "Ayer'a Mndicinns have boon aatis actory to nui Ihruiighnut, my practicit, espitcially Avin 'sCluii iy Pntttnral, which has boon used hy uiaiiy ol inv pationta. ono ol whom says ho knows it saved his life.," I'M,. Morris, M. I)., lirooklyn, N. Y. MMSKUT ItKI'OKT. Wheat, V (HI,., hill), V lilt l' lonr, 1st hi ado, II. nil. 'HoiUCI,;; lluttor, Ift (o2.ii ta. Kgi;a, 20 ols. ( Iiii-Knils, iIi'ihhoiI, ! tlna, f( 4 to t'l hit kens, spliug 2,(111 A i: Till ( lili koim, live, (o; (I Oil lof'i.liil Turum's, I'olllloi.s, Int f ,(() Onions, V hti ilim. Apples V htm, '.M hi l'f I'd l :- Khoiis, (20 .Ml llraii, (17 on llnv, timothy hnli'il, JIh h, t'.'O, Hay timothy looso, fKi. Clover, haled if 1 7 to 20 M K ATM: - Hoof, live, II to I ii. Ilool tlrossnil, lie, Voill, iliosstn!, 7 to Mo, I logs, live, -lit. Hogs, dressed, (if llh,tt. Ishorii ' head, ; Oil mid (II Ml. Woof,. 2li.' 21 MI, bard, eoiiiilry hulk , 1 lo, l.nrd, Inn Iteis, lilijo. Hams, o II. , i to l.'o, Hides, liMI., llle. Shoulders, V11', 7, He, I'lill'.H l-'lit rr,S: All kinds voiy dull, A pples, sun dried, :l and lo. Hums, nun dried, 2 and .'to, Prunes, sun .Irio.l, 4 ami (lo, I'oars, sun dried. It and He. Apples, ma. 'him dried, hleneliod 11 A 7r I'luitis, nui' him- di i-ii, it to 7c Peats, liiacliiito ill led, (1 iilitlTe. I'riiiioH, luui lilns Ut loll, 6 and So, outlet. In lliilhlors. ISealod pmpossls will hu rofelvodhy the iiinloi lifiied for feming tho plihhr s.pimo situale.l mar tho I'leshytoiiau i hiin li. Plans and spooiliniliwns hu the siiiiio eitn ho neon nt tho olliit) nf !hs On-g iii Cilv Mfg. I'o,, ( lutriiian hhs k, and hids w ill ho opent'd Ihuio at 2o'e!.a k P. M. on Saturday the 22.1 of Mar, h, I Km Tho rinhl h. lojei l miy and all hids w ill ho ii-sei y.-.l, ,M A. Simrt.iN, j 21 I'or Iho t'ointintleo j Manor la l.nan. lu "IlilU III ilKI.I'll to t.'Sl.Otl.l. I J IS P. Sll llt, I It. 'ill l!'hih. mid agent , llrogoli j ('ill , llpNMilt I'mt mlioo VMM V. (II !' I It I Kltstl 1 1. I I liS'S till! lv lllllllr) my I , -1 I W , . 1 ,-K.-r, nun. hi it , minor I In. I.iihli.riik s III l- rurua ut, tin' nartto n( Mi)vr A V kriiiinu ai Mum! 1 In- or, ! Kiotrtti Sl -rs irrif.ili III). IVIi III, Cuo t, -, Itl SIM'SS NOTICK. i 'h'' hilsinoss uf , Selling has Leon ro sullied at Iho old stand and will ho ion , tinned in tho niiuit nf tho ih i oa-i'd pro. ! pilot. ii Parties nwing the tslalo ait Ihoiohv iiotilh-d to li, .lio- seltli'inoul ' forthwith In up I .a nil tnr Sale. I'hoii i' laiuiing land, llneo miles from "itvun I'i'y i'tr.'tu 111 to lisi i ro tracts ; at .'.l (HI to $11 INI ,.r Hl.. r j a-l'lrosa, liyan ,V K.tml.ill ur J. I Kt.NM H, (llegun I'ilV. 1 have plenty o( g,,t., Inn, I, or on jhand (ilor riuly. (i. S. M.IVhii. j I'or tho n -.tor.iii.iii nf fa tod and gray hair to its inigmal tol,,r and fieshiu-ss, : Ayer's Hair Vigor it inaim nun valt-.l This is tho mutt popular toilet preparation in tho woild; all who use it aro poth-i'tlv s.iti-tio.l that it n tho IS'SI IhinT led Will, And yet you aio not sii k enough l ion suit a ilm tor, or oii ii-fiain fnun so do ing lor fear turn will ul.uin juiirself and wo will tell you just h hat you iieed li is HiMsPa SarMtpniilla, lm Ii w ill lift you mil nf that uin-i-ruin, uiironi foituble, tlaugeious coiiibiion, into a statu of good heiillh, ooiilhlenco and cheorfulliess. You've no idea how p,,. t-nt this peculiar Inediiino is in ruses like yours. Let nihility, not ipnnililv, ,o tho tost ol ti medicine. Au-r's Sunaparilla is llio concentrated extinct o too host ami pvroit ingiedu-nls. Mi-,li,-,( moll overy whoro reconnneiid il as llio siitost and most ecoiioinii al blond mi-diciiio in tho iiiuikol. St. (iooij;,., t,f Merry Lnglaud, des tioyo.l the (lurry diagoii, hut the Ameri can champion iiirUilisalvii coiupiora St. Anthony's tiro, cbilblaius, frost bites, t ills, wounds and itcluhg and irritating diseusea. Sold by I'.. li. Caiilleld. Thti groat majoiily of so-culled cough cilies do little more than impair tho di gestive function and create bile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on thu contrary, while il cure tho cough, ,,.H' not interfere with the finictiona of either Htoinacli or liver. Atlilce To Mtilhcra. Mas.'a HooruiMi Svmi p, for chhlion toi'thing, Is tlin proscription ol out) of tho best leinale niirsoa itinl physi ciana in thn United States, and has boon lined for forty yeara with never-failing success by millions of inuthora for their children. Puring Ihe process of tooth lug its value la incalculahln It relieves tlio cliilil Irom pit in, iMlreadvsoiiltiry and K"i"'m in mo iHiwtiia, wind-colic. l!y giving health to child it reals tho mother. nml the Itewni-tl. Any persons finding any ribbon or material of nny kind belonging to the Oregon City Manufacturing Cniupniiy will bo Miiitably rewarded accniiling valiiti and condition ,,f material by re turning to thn ;71 OnutioN Ci rv Mam ku'ithisu Co. ,r w-sw.t V',"W-1; ! ) t , ' .1 ' ". "iiV J' 1U,'" V, ( ,ii i -i' W . f,i - l": J. i i .. o,li,taJ -'Uai J '.." ,i"i raw- V',"W-1; I-)':,,' .,'.,. ., V'V."' y.,. rfj.wj. Ktt C.I'.VVINKSKT. 8.UIKI1.I-IUK WINESET fiiBOBIl'TlTRE. Undertakers and Qlacksmlths, Oregon City, Oregon. Good Hoarsen. Trimniort collina and CnskctH al way a in Stock Pay Vtiiir Tmen, I inn inny pre pa it I In leoeivH tho hi. liov for ill" hues of ISSII, Hi ny ollieit in ir.-K'Mi ' i : v , 1 hi en, W, W. II. Kamso, Mii'iilT el ( l.okiniiiis Co., Ogn, l"!V I P All i" n.o''i. liii"l't.-d lo the fir nt of (iroi'ii It, on nr.. ro.pieslttd In tall ut unfit um I selllo thell' lieooiintS or the sumo will lm placed In Iho hum! of a cnllm-tor, (iiu.KN ftnoa. Liver Disorders Hot, ii t u 'Sii Ilia IiI'hhI to Iiim-hiiib i-oulam-hiult'd ami ro.pilrt) prompt tri'iilin.uil, Tlin moat iiiurkml ayinpl'iiiia urn losa of appetite, homliu lm, pains In tlm hie IT in al.lo, nuns, n, and rtdaiiUlnil of Ihn Imiwi.Ib. Ayer's I'llla assist nalurn lo oipi l Iho aiiH.ialuiuihint to le and thua ri.sliiin tint purlly nf llio IiIimmI, lloiug plirnly vegnliililfl and aiigni-cali'd, lliojr Hti) pleusiiiit In titkii, mild lu op.'llllloll, uiul without ill I'lfoi Is. "After many yiins' t'spi-rli-iuo wild Aynr's Pills in a roiumiy for tlm largn liiiuilier of ulhii. -tils i-aiisi'd hy ih-riiugn-Iih-iiK nf Ihn hvi-r, ii'. ullar I.i tiinhirlitl liii iilltlos, slinphi jtiilli-ti piiftiipls mo li oupross lo ynil my high uiiri l.iilon of tho morlls of Oils timl!.'lii I"- thti class nt illnoiitcrs I liayn liainml." H, l. liiighrlilKo, llryioi, Tt-aas, "I had tried aliimsl ovori thing for t liroulo llvor i-iiiiipluiiit, hut roroivml mi relief until I ttsoil Av-r fills. I II ml them Invaluiihli,,"-- W. K. Watatm, 77 Kast Illinois st., ( hi. sou, 111. Ayer's Pills, ruariaan y Dr. J. C. Ayar tt Co. Lowell, Mai. Hold If all Uruml.u anil Ptslori la UsiIUIm. CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS." "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" is divided into 7D, two nml ono-hulf, niul five ncre tracts. It im limited j on the heights overlooking the; Cl.ii kuiiiiis; lii-nco its inline, it is' nlioiit (ne mile from Court Ilotisit j und One linlf mile from the city j limits. T'hi' County mud crosses,; "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" j i which makes it easy of uecesH, Wing j nlsiiit twenty lniiiutt-s walk from the centre of Oregon City. i "CLACKAMAS HEIGHTS" j lies iii Oregon City Sclusil district,' and purchasers can have the ndvan-1 tago of Hcndilid their ( hildreli toft' K'tthl, graded public school. The! Soil is o-immI, the Ias-ation very j healthful, all Fruits mid Vegetables j yield iilniiiilantly, Tt rius ono-third I ilown, mid balaiifc in one year ut ! right kt cent. I-'or further partic ulars in.uirt' of E. E. CHARMAN, City Drug Store The Commercial Bank, ol-' ou::i;oN CITY CAI'ITAL 100,000. Transacts a oenernl Unnking Business. Loans liiii lo. tills ihsi ounl.-d. Makes i-ollee lions Ituys and sells ex change on nil points in Iho Cuited Males and l-.uros und nn Hung Kong, lit pomts rm i-ivod nil.ji-i t to i liei k. Inter-0-.1 at iisnul rales allowed on time ilopos ils. Hank open from i A. M. to 4 P. M.; .s-alilrday oienings fituu ,'i lilt 7 p, M, lb C. LATOl ItlU Ti:, ProMilent. I- . K. I h IN A I.I isiin. Cashier. Farmes, Store! K. li. XKWTON. tS( n KnoH TO) STRAIGHT & NEWTON Goods Sold at Portland Prices. HKiUKST 1'KICK PAIP 1-'0K COCN TUY PKOPCCK. HAY AND KKl'.D A SPKCIALTY, Wbaa Baby waa alck, we fare W Caatorta. W kaw aha waa a tVld, aha orlisl for Caslorla. What) she bavanw Ulsa, aha clung to Caaba-la, h'hM aha bad ChUtlrsa, aha gaa thoui Castor la. . Tn, i,,i r-.i.ima-, T..aln'.i,.,i Winks IramaA 1fi-?',',r's "( IIii.i.iIh., I',,, ',i'.ilr..T all Ijl '-VI'IOR. ''HI . , ",l.,l, m a 1' Hill Ala. Nuw I'.nai' -.- Grocery Store. l- J . .' Ml.i.l a.i..!ri... ..! Tranoportatlon Llnee. STEAM KK I iA'rois',1 Oniti 'ity it rorllatnl. l,KAVK -Ori.o, (.v , 7 -SO A M. lk " - l'.,fii t.'.l.lsyler alrastdii-k H ISM Mat "l' HIMiAV 1 J! I I'M. I.KAV!:or."ii rny BU A. M & if J " - 1'i.rilstnl 10 A, M. i l aiiK y !,AM!N;s. Jfilliil!"K, hlullhs, ItisleyK, Or W'eeo, M 1 1 waul, li, faiiiilierto. OvcriiUhi U) ('alilbrnia. S I I Siiilllicni I'ni ioc ( oi:i;;iity'siil( The r.'ouni Sliasta Fwoute. linn li;(Mll On ;..i I Itf m,. mi frail,:!! Ki.nuioiu r.i. iii'.. ilhui a ixii.r, II W - POItllIMl ASP SIS PhANClKCO f-' i i JiiiribT i I ! V. ni..i.. Ar lil(,'."i ft is i. H l.y I r.-if..i if v r i', ,' 7 I..A a. j Ar a-i -n-i"- l.v i Tn,r' IM-iil I'nnt'imi, '. i ill,. l'tll),lK&ffa hmnttj) "ii, a I I . ri.ii;.n.. Ar I v, till a. I,. 1,, i- iHIIy l.y (,,f , t sir I or !..i,'.ii- . j t'ttt.t Pu I ! n.a r.'bu ffct Sleepers Toun;:" '.llltmnc cars, Vur al-ein.ini. 'In i ..'li il S. i' t'oiii I'aisi-iiefi m. n lie I K,r.-i.s 'I ta'.Uk, Th M P. Cn' Krrry mule, pi.titiretlim wlib all His r'tculsr trsliia mi O10 Ktnt hl.lir ) riai,L r.iui (.Hit ! F ilrerl, l'',tlilnl. Writ Self In ri!m. IIKTWI.I.N roKTI.AM) AM) CtiliV.i.u.ia. M.ill 1 mln. h.lly (Kii .i Hi, i 7 HO A l.v P"r'.l.t, 1 A r Ar Oirisllu l.y ! Mr 1 1 ura j At All.sny sii'l i'.ti sill t- 'iiiit-i-t unit irilai ! of Orrgoti l.i,-lln; lullron.l. ! CM-""." train lull) !:-..T't Suieliy) .', i- hv -"i!r.i Ar Ar h Miiiuvlllt, l.v I ' 1 lllil.l. our N THROUGH TICKETS To Al.f. POINT- SOUTH ND EAST, Y!A C.VLltOPMA. For full liirnrniv'lnli r,-.-iir'l!hK r. ' m4, atr. full mii l'iiiiBiiy'i nytnt at or.-; ,ti lily KoKltt.Kl:. l: I' loioKlis. Hinsf AnUi. r lid I'm. Aim Northern Pacific R. R. Great Overland Route. TWO FAST TltAINS iII.Y! NO CHANdK OKCAKSt Shortest Line to Chicago A tot all imtiiii :(, via UT. I'At'I. AM MIN.NKAI'ol.lS. 1 lie Nnrtlirru I'urlflr If. It. In lli enlr Hue riminii I ., . i l assengor Trains, ! N-coii.M lass Slei-s-ra ( free of charge) Luxurious Pay Coaches, Pulinaii Pal.ui! s.ei ping Cars, Piilaii- Pining Cats (meals 7.V). j From I'ortluud : Ihe rst i See that your tickets read via the Northern Put ilic K It uml l avoid change of cars. I'. rllnii.t a! 7 I.i A. M. ami 10 p M iUUv arrive ai Mluin-a., lit , r lit ran) at 6 ill ! P. nn l'ivi.i"S.- lr'.. linTeKrvtitaniltl ' irrrti iUUv ai li .v a M .ti l lu p M arm st I si-miia al ; In I' M la a. M.. arrlv aula ti 5.i A. M sn.l a .Wi I'. t. I 1 liruiifh I'lilltuan I'ulief a,sr.n( ( art. f'.i rsut .!' rosi n,.., rli,i-l 1'iila, f ,,,, I Isri-a I'otllatiil, laiMiiiR an. I Si-aliTc dirnt Pllly smrr A II ( IIAHI.Tii.N. . At liru 1 I'i" Aai-lit. t.'l Kir.l St .ri.r. Malb- l.-w-t-.n si. I'tirUsrt't. or'nuii fT-ls .... curni-r Klrsi an.l u Slm-U. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. OREGON DEYL'LOrOT COS STEAKEES. SHOHT LINK TO CALU'OUMA. KK KKiHT AND KAlU'S THK WW KS Mr.mier Suliliij; Hates. Krutn Yaipilna - Steitnrr Wlllairetie Val- 1'-)- M tri li s, March It.; ItifMlsy. Mnrrh A r,.mS-ti rran,-loo-st(.ini.-r VMIUnirua ;"'', '- ""Inosrlsy, Man-li !.'. Ihurr-ds)', Mart-a-j Sin Ua), Man-li :j Th...iiM,ny ti-nrie Ida ti.iil In clianu allina t'airs atllimii netlrr. Trains ennnooi wild the o. A( I:, ntitl Kiyr,.rvalllsai., Alliatiy. The Oregon Pin iiic sto:iinbals on the W ilhiinelli' river tlivismn will leave Poitland. soiit lnjund. Momlav, Wedncs dav, ai d Friday at !l A M." Arrive at Corvalbs Tuesday, Thiirsdav and Satur day ut :i:;m p. j, ,,ilv',. orvulliH, north-bound, Monday, and rnday nt K A M. Arrive at Portland liiosday, Ihutsdiiy and stuidav at 3::W I . .M. on Monday, WednoHduv and Fri dav, lioth iioril, and sonlh-lniund boats be oy-er night at Salem, leaving here al ti A, ,M. Krelahi mi.l Tlokot Sulium, ,ir,-,.t whsrf I uri. inj. C II. II ASW 1.1.1. Jj .to-tiors! K ,t P. AM . ., , ."''"'iC'iii'-ry St., S. ii Kriiii-n. t. C II Oil I K, act li. r. it V. A O P. It., Cnrvallia, Or. UNION PACIFIC RY. OVEIILANl) 1I0UTE. Tiiiiiis for Iho Fiiht leuvo IVtlmul, 7;IH) A M. iimlnaM P, M. TICKETS !" ' .,r'"" i"'"1''!" i h" U "1U lu lliu t uiii.i Mt,lus, canaila nut K. In i.o Elegant New Palace Cars. I'liniiini I'aluri' Slrcicis. FKKK COLONIST SLF.KPlMi CAKS run Tlirongh on Kxpi ess Trains -T0- 0MA1IA, COUNCIL liLUlTS, KANSAS CITY, CllICA(K), St. LOUIS. Vt'lTUOl T l-!l.lNlll:. , I'loae eiiiiiit'i-tlm,, i fortluiut tnr Hsu Krsu. eU"o ami Vtifvl Sutiinl imlntt, Kor turllier parlleulara luiilra ot taj ignil til the Ciuiiiiany or T. W t.r.v.; s.. V. 'I'. .. Pun In ml, On (roil. O. N. nilli:, Ten llle. Ui'u'l. itlaMiigeri