The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 20, 1890, Image 1

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(Htrictly in advance.
Two Dollar! jer year ; Ono dollar for
mix months ; Fifty Cents for three
mouths. Single copiei Fivu Cenli.
-NO. to.
Till', TJitlGT
Uk m-li known mi vi.lli-iitloti,
l.tviii. Ap-II .SIV'i 1'i lrt liiifilloii. itul
da t lin'tt tut ?'ta ulMU'mii-iil lu.irtU.u. Tvoulu fui-
"4lUHt !
5'M twi 'fl'
.. t! 4
is i ! u t. i c i
riUAi.iiimx.uki i
i; ;r i iv-.i &
t" 4 rti I
;ou-i'i-i II I
Rlf i-;lV i' S
V ft- li, 0 jy
Art. 14.
-i-i-- i-m
Ji ewet
(ti ocU' ii i
' flt 'fif .'4
I t r rim
U IV'l:!'".-.
11 m.:KH t
41 v n n at tv
n.u-tt-u iMif
L-- ''iuk-
- , ' t V 1
t tu A' .Y ji'. t
$ !q 4 T
uy i I U
;.,4ll it 11
j ft i' w w a
Oros I "'l-'f. I. 0. O. F. N 1
Hulnixiiiaa l iiiUc i.. I, A. I'. A. 31.
..U'l'l.i; r'' nn il. .1 L. slu ill
I A i kl.tiM VN
fLir' 1'iiit .i. i. (i. A 1!
lurlit of (Mt'i;nii.
IK jiurl
ValN l l.y l oilitf oT I.
M.-i''. "..r( 'ii-l I'- in
0. I . ,
j. 1 1 rn i;y. M
Kll.-1 i .' in 1 1 1. 1 .. V I li 'S O rill l;
II H II. i. r wn i. ti n
; ii r ""in I ii I"'" " '''
iii'i-, l'iir mi.-::!! w-.lni.tii i
J i' .. . ....' IT.wr wrrtx.i ' Hi
.. riir.m:i :t l-v.. i'..--ri,
;.i:.i it ' " I'f-i r.'t
UK- V II t'l I - I I'll I I.' !l
!'.,.;. .r M. tn.i.i
. i.. ,! m I.' l I ".-. " '
prs- r iiiff'anit II .In. - l ...
I ... .iKiit Mi . i. . : ..l Wr
prviv llli lllo !!:l li '. '
CM.-Ul Xi H. V 11. ill. '11 I'' A.-
s r i. 'UN -1 i'ii
I'.. il. i U .1 "I i
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1 Hi H I "! "
111." ll'l 1
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.ni i.
il l.r.T
(III 1. '
I i a .-
', 1 1 ' ' I I - '. I li-'
-ti:-r I' i.t -Mil il Xs ' 1:1 ''
Professional Car'.ts.
r t ii 1 .'
V. r...-. '..I l' : I. ' I --'
. I
Aii',::.iiA:iDC!j;;:; 'i.L'i:!u at lava
mi. -1 ii
r .fi.-'i
N (III, 'llH.'.".''
I . ', .on .-i. I
I .on
l mi r I
iTTWiy AT LAV,' AND :.'CTA?.Y PaiiLiC
Oroon, City. Orcein.
fo. McCOWN,
Attorney at Lavv.
Or.-.n City, Orc-nii.
L.tri'l lit.ii.ini'ss a Sii-ei.ilty
T, A. V., f V. l'l:t -t-fi:. .
Attorneys at Lav.
.!.., ir r.lni k,Oi-,:iti I .1)', r.
Civil EriK' no or and Surveyor
iHtae oiin:-ile ( "Hit I' ''I"''.
Of.l.i.'.Mll'V, olil'.HiiN.
Work I'ifiniplly Allcioleil lo
H. E. FERR1N, M. D.,
OroKon City, Oregon.
n i e li up l"lr In I. 'ink W
k In nt nl lln-
Kn i .'.i-K oi . n t.
ihysician and Sur-joon.
' t)'n e III ( Inn nwii
.'.ilM.iiON (TI'V.
lr;.' ;-lore
A. ('. Tmv.hi. '. II. ' -i-t x i.i .
. h'i ii 'Is of linih'lhrj.s.
tH t ' MTf'Fj
"i 1 tUiitt a ..! I at
i .' i':iawi
i'Jwi. Mi'wirwi-j..
ivy .l-WtOM ' ,
.suaky mtuT
."'I If 4 I' I'1 t ; 1 " ' ''"
; mm h . !-" 11 s' ; '
MKvM tt.'ltMMtt
-r-r i 'Tl 1 J 4 V. n
;;!' imlfl. l'.'"l
.-v-il-a ' "' 4
f..rl' ,. .(..;..
AT Till'
14th & MAIN STS.
'-wini a -
New Stock!
New Stock!
' li Kiiiiii, ttliiYli nill
I." "l.
- - -. . -1
jCSTAM kixhU ili'livcu'il (ivo.
i iii n ;iv Si'V I
N HI N j
J. H. WAY,
I'im luc HNtt OUtiN nun Will
rt H oil if . I iit nnnrlit
i: ni si iiim..
I loll i ic. !
tl tll A II I'll IV
. II. II sl .
III I. It.
SiMl.rCA.v-!:r:!i; i:i:7.U.l.v.i::irn.O.'
A I In-.- .a OrtV'in City, (no.
in.- W.
' I I
Kl I-.
Silo, Carpenter's Work'
.1! -'i l.' I I v ' . il Me
Doors, Windows .ind Blinds
to oiujl:!;.
O. II.. lil'iHTOW,
gigi f I 'i'- i "i ,-i-v t n 1 1
Spring ml Summer,'
Wo arc Showing this
week tho Latest Novel-
. , , , ft
.' Sin Qnitnnc llrntc
IlUb U CaillJtiO, UI UwJ
Goods and WluteGccdc,;
also in Embroideries.
Tliel.rciil Kits! em
: store,
' & Ackcrman, Props
W.xi iimi A Jai.i-. ii, I'r.'I'S .
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Grapa Vines, Small
Fruits, Etc.
Nursery lour miles ln-ln On-goti t 'ity .
on ll.ii OhiM'Uii riiifl.
fiiliilnmie in.nVil fiee in. iti'i'llialiiiii,
A'l'ln.'ss nil nrilern tn
i.-ti. Orcnoii.
K I'. W ill i K.
w.A xx ill 1 1:.
I'rurliciil Jirhih rls ,J' Uu Hilars.
Will i,ri'.nli. Ilium. .'l.'V.ill' ii", ""ri Inif 'I'"
I Mil-, mnl mii-rllli'iii ("i "II I""1!" " 1,1111,1 -
; in,, M....-LI i.iu el.;'" 'i""''"''"'!
Ul' .lliiiiil.'ii firui"li."l "li .'IIi-IIiii
i :,.ll ..1. or XX HI I K imi.M .
I orr.iii t : 1 1 v . Oku
mo or oi
A l!ur;;ulii,
I'm rule, ut flu per Here, Km it ere m of
timlicr l.nnl ; "a h. imh .nil,
i mill- I'liin I.'. I.' i-'.i'i"!!, '-' ini'e
ft.eii M.iw null mi lt''k I 'reek ; leinl..l
I mil ind till. her ; luvi'l , l.'i ins eiifV.
Auk McljinvN A Hun.
Paid op Capital SCCUXK).
I'hi.iiiim' TIH.S ell Al! MAN
Camiiuu i ll S, II, CAI t ll.l.l'.
M vn v.ti ii... K. I.. KASTIIAM.
iolu I'f.vlir.l iti'i ( In I'hii'V.
Vlii.'vr.t liktln mhl ni'ii'4 .l..iniMlvil
l ii itl v hiiiI i'll tiiiti iillii li hil'iI.
I ivuik In uln ml lU.iU'llilt' tM-utlly,
l'..Ui olii.nn (unit1 (ui'ini'iH.
Iii.ilt .Hi. I mi, Hl Kiiiml.iin..rlili'.
li ... ' 1 1 r W . mill nil l'tllirlnil I'lllv. u 11
I VI. vlililllli tllimiljl 'lit nil I'm llllllil, Hill!
I'VuiriM1.!, I'liUnji i unit Aow Yiilk
litres! l'jlit on time Ur.'ssllas Mm:
Kit ( hi m HM'htlti, 4 i'r iM'Ut ccr ntttutu.
F.'t ft iiinlilliv Ci (n-V 'H u I inHntll
l'r I,' tui'titliK. u .vi ctMtt t 'i Hiiiinui,
muni, hut tnUM.xt (..rfviU'il il tinni( l-i'tcit
ou.l t'f tft lit '( itt'l-Ost'.
Tousoria'l Parlors.
hut'i' Ku.ors A- t'li'U'i Towvl.-
I .;:
ulun ami i 'tn. art-Hi iiiutviiuni", ;
i i . i .1 . , . : .
riiilty. '
il ui" inlil latli! lit imv tinu1.
25cts. BATHS 25cts
! Opposite the Post OtTicc.
1 ! ., 1 l . !; In .-'I A H .1 llf- -. S.-i l liu,
Itr.-IV. ..r K.' iiii. .'.4i ;,..--
'iV . .tl!lll.' nil llH' I OH' I;l''.l I I -I ' t ). 1
, mi l M.H-k N i l I!.-. I l l I.' I.' ni l.'
hi-tli.T I mi H Oil In I" V ill lint I I'll
ill li-M il r.lil .'Il 1414' .
Tin: m.ri: fiiont
Harness Shop.
an. i ,-i'i.t i .I iii- i . I. .ii.'-l
Geo S. McCortfs Mill
.m M I l'i.'..-.n.t '-' l.n!' f i!h "f
1 "y"
County Correspondence.
XIII II kll .
Thi.. 1
.'.il- la-t
Iter ri arh
ui t.
, i ,
rinan M. K. I. ili larv So '
i ;
ty. an auxiliary of tin' lo-rmaii '
F, i loin h. In t la-t Fi idav .M il- j
II,.' at I he el. '11 eh and i !' I. -I olli ;
i'i t. l'..r (he ' in-1 m ' t' rin. in I. 'I In" i : I
In I'.ott. Iliilil. !' ft. ii.!' I I , llelil v !
I 'l 1
II. fin :i,. in. fi- lit . Satniirl
I'.ehi nai t. m i tary , and K v. II
II. it:-i n. i i iif 'I le mh I. ty Ii.ih a I
Uieliil'i I -1 1 1 j nf ii! .'ft and tin
e e .''Hi h are ' ' 1 1 1 1 f ' 1 1 ' I in lie' i i. r- '
ma i. I 1 1 1 ' ' la v'e
The if iial Sal.. id. iy eti lill
iii - j
rti,- In Id lit Mill, i'i ha
ami i'oii-
ni'lel in'' I In' inch l.n l.ev of
.. . ,i, . . .1 ,. .. .... I ...i..,,, I
" A ' l l I ' i - i. :'" ii i o ,o..
i t,l ;i t'liH-aiit time. Paiu'im.' w.n
in otih r, iiinl an el.'giii.t repint v.o
... i ti ;.. .. .,u 1,.1
l-4ll'I. Ill' iii.i-.i. iiiir niii'oi..-.
j 1 . v If .In.' t-ili lit and did Milwaukie
! --' 1 1 1 .
I'hc tax collector win here on
nid. iv ami took away quite a h t
! of ii. on. 'V. lie iiIho had lo Maud
lots of grow ling.
Jami H ,aw relief and fuinily of
Scotland ,'irriMil here on Tuesday
and are the gui Ms of t ieo. W. I low
i ll. They ex peel to locate here
UailroS'l excileincnt has largi-ly
obscured oilier topic.-! the pant week.
It hi'ciiih that (he viewer tireni'aiu
ill the Held Innkillg lli It fliVoliilih'
route from Silverton to 1'ortliud.
They were looking at th" Chicka
joiih j.ifl above the F. S. hatchery
I'm' a crossing, snd last Thursday
were i limped in the ncighhoi hooil of
Since the few pleasant days fann
er have been busy plowing and
sowing, though in many placet the
ground is still very wet.
An ciilci (aiiiiiicht at the 'null is
among the thing talked of. If it
iniiteriiilizeH it will conn: oil' the
first, of next iniiiil h.
The literary socii ty hit elected
new ollieer. They lire, I). N. Trul
linger, president; K. .1. Maple, vice
president; Annie lligiiibolluiiii, sec
retary, and Fmiiia I laydi'ii, ti'citmi
i er.
At. a r ut, mei'ling the subject,
I'l Hi lvi.'d, That women should en-
joy iMjuiil kuM !Uk,v witii nu n, w
(UhcumhciI, iiihI ilrfnli il in ruvuf hi
I lu atFi rtiittt tv.
At tin' iuiiiumI Mi'liiiul nit'i'linjl
Cull I'l'iflhlrr WHH t'li'i'lml ilili'i'tul'
iiml (', i. Sliuii' I'lrik. Tin1 iliii'i t
urn wore mil hul l ,'.i'il liiJIiHir.aiu fur tt
HilO fill' U lll'IV Krlliml lltMIMI" llllil I')
I'tuifi-r willi ii nii'i liuiiii' ii" ti I'lului'
lili- ri'ft of ii ni'W lniililiii(f Miitiil Id
tlio i'iiw in i', ni'i'il il" tin' i niiiniiiiii'
t, Il ih cut in ntl,v In In' linpi il llntt
mir 'u'li' w ill nut bli'p lii'ii', uinl
Hint a Mllllirii'lil tux will fiiim 1m vo
li il tn luiilil II Ili'W hi'llmil IliHlhf
tlmt ill In' u cmlil Iii tin' tnwn.
Miiiti. Anon,
ni AM it (i;i:ik.
-U lUmtly t'liiHtnl u niK'itM(if.l
lorni of M'liniil in thin dint riot Irtnt
Fri'lity, iiml Saltirilny ovininn hor
niiiln cave i lim1 ( liihitiiui in tho
HI'lllMll IlllllMl'. Till' IlllllHI' wiih full,
ttiul an inti'iiHtiii: irnrmi wiih
innrnl' 'l
j A ciii'iul iluiH'i' win at
i tlio r. xi'li in'i' i'f Frank .laar Inxl
' wfok h'i 'I'll' l.ty I'Voniiijv Si'Vi'ral
j i niiii"i fmiii yo'itr fit v wcii' jin-Hi'iit.
II.. I 1. .. . .... . 1 1 . 1 ...... . .1 I I .... 1 1 it I . I nil. I'
i ni' "'. ' i i
I tn In' luinllv tin' IH't llcil'lilllK''
linprr.-iiniiH 1' ft mi 'In' Hiirdii'i' i't
!,.. mml ii..ii. :il.' tlmt Hilly w.nilil ; N' irly nil i.fth.' court .l... k.'twn
Ikim- t.. tl.c tin lor I 'f..r.''1 H'I M" k' 1,ul '" f"
u,,,.;),, .- iLuii.'. l"ii.K onli rttaH to.. nf for
.lam. .. War.' I,.i r. nt. il l.i farm j 1mM ''' k'H '"''' "f
l'..r m ai.'ii t" Win, Miller, .t i i.i j 're not ,h.., lipnli till ,h.
I . i lit
n 1 1
li.iv.' i... t'umily .ni tic
: 5
lull" lu
v., ,t fooii t.latt lorn
ii.ilin- ul'lii-. i lol.ili.ii n.
null.' ni- I .; i n i lor nut ii;
i I .'
crop. I' in I'i'-i - an' ai.iini in -i
i-r.'i'.n in ill ' f'ouii.l ail! i - 1 1 1 1 i '
1.4 1
Saw mill- in t liik icinily are tv
p.. rin.: I.. I in n ..ut an in. I. in it 1 1 c'lp
ply of lllf. 1m I 1.1 "loll if tin' I nfill
ill m it..-! tin iii to haul
Mr- M.i.y.' iii.ri.i Kt ill
in ri in
aH' ml. i
in I'.. 1 1 :
at t).'
II M in I
( l.vl.nelii
'.' that tin
l ! il l.k " ha
t in ii. or p. i
n iuk -
!.! ,.r 1,1 1:414 l '11 11
I. a. I'i eh till nil'i; tl"' i l imk, for
p. ntv hi lol e taritif (nir
I in I hi I : ' .
A new fuiiiilv,
w If falif Volir
f.lfi '1 I . '.. a!li. 1.
If -I oli.l.'lit l..t
tni.i4 to t"u.
il. II l:n'.'
-t.i:t hi' mill
er. ek in a fi t
.ii ai; wn
tin- n,
at -
Uth nf 1 .- i
The daily in ail I'i Fat I'm t -
and ou' ot'T lh." Inn' - .fl'e nil
ii, not i.tioi. tor
eiti.-i ii" v ry mm I
. r. li'.i."' i
e. --fi.l term of '
A Xt I it.llg ' lion
gii-- her - .ind. r
ami oi.e t In.
. appr.'i iali'
a VelV file-
a xx. i k agn.j
i. i.i.w hi pro -
the di rret mi. of;
prof r. a. I'..,
ii,. hit.- fi-
a Mirpii-e lo
is In ni ii injn. '
a. inexx-iiat ol
-t "f "". ""'I ''il I
d M lni-tx hut hy the
Farm, i -i at.- g. Iling mix iotik for
rood .Ma'iicr in they haxebeeli un
til. le In il" much I'm iii xtoik mure
w. II
I'.ill, ami the tu it-ol. n getting
li'lvai.i cd. l'mk
Uln ill. i .Mi.
j Mr SS.ry will
i...... . f .1 1 .,,
a siii i-4 sfnl
ili.-llict the
niiii oi r- . i' - - o .
, '.'lit of Mulch.
I ('hu'l. Knke, while cutting
'wood one day last week, had the
; mi .fm t nun incut his foot quite se-
Vi'l'i IV.
Feed ii l lining Hi'.'irce in this
scctii'ti of the count ry on iiccnui. luf
I he unusually long vv inter. Many
fanners are coiiipelh l to buy at
high price.
Mrs, Iblen Taylor, u former
teacher al Highland, has been em
ployed to leach the school at Har
mony. A new More ih soon to be estab
lished hcic by I,. Stout and Itub.-rt
Itingo, two dwscrviiig voting men.
They will Iiml themselves encour
aged in their business by the com
munity which has lung fell the Heed
of a store at I his point.
Snow has nboiit all disappeared,
and fiiriti.TH are anxious that the
present indical ions of good weather
may he I'ullillcd, so that the long
(Iclaycil win K ui pulling in spring
grain may be resumed.
I'iio I'.oNo Pi iii, n o.
Si'iMMil lti'iur!.
The following named scholai'H be
longing lo dislrict No. 7. have been
neither lardy nor absent during the
iiioulh ending March 7, lS'.K): Amy
Mini ti, Amy Wade, Flliu Shank
liiuil, Francis ('urrin, Ji Hsie Currin,
Agnes ('urrin, Nora Hale, Fdwin
Cams, 1 1 ugh Cm rin, Jiuiii'S Math
ews. U.S. (iiiisiiN, Teacher.
MOI.VI I.V Itt "SIM SS Illici t I Ott V.
Ali'xiuuliT M. I'hyiciiin uinl
A'lainH W. !,, Wiion MukiT uinl
(Nun wall A.,l'n'liiiiiHti'raiiil 1 rof-
Uuiinun, F. II., JiiMlico nf tho
I't'Ui'i', Ji'Wi'li'r uinl Itmlici',
lli'llavi'ii r.rnllirrn, MiiHii'iiniH.
l'liif-'li' Suiu'l, Schiiiil Clork.
Ilunli'sty S. '., MiTcliiuit.
IIurlinn, ,1. V., 10 1 1 if i ! r.
MrDnimlil M., r.larkniiiith.
Mmnly N'., Suli'Kiiiaii ami Innur
nunc Ai'iil.
Munkicll Win,, llai'niHHiniiki'r
ami CiuriiiKi' Trimmer.
Mount It. J,, Itiiinl Siiii rvisur.
Pel ry F. (!., Hulnnn k'oi M.r uinl
Iivcry Slahlt).
Stuhlm J. A., Ilniir.1 iiml LiMlin.
SluliliH Jnhn, Ti aiiiHtcr.
Sawtcll, A. J., Tt'iiKul ( imwer.
Sitmlriii Ana, lUiryiumi.
ThiiinaH J. W,, lli'iilidl, Ai'iit
Stuttt liiMMnuirii Co. ami II.iII'h
Tn at mi'iit fur llrallh ami I.odkcv
ity witliuiit ini'iticiiip.
I'vwxy.t arc fiiiiu rt, trailcHinfii
ami liiiiilirrinrn.
(KIM . ( HT.
I n "inn "l liliy .loii.iM wai..-
il'oili.Mi"lto U-iMft inreairiiiKlhe
K iik I'ri'ik hi iilk'!', mi to 1
ilra.Mi in favor of tin Niiperx inor
of roiel il;lriit No. IS wlini (he
work it 1 1 'i . 1 1 'I i 't i' 1 1 .
mi i h ai 1 1 iw i n.
( il el. I'.I.'H , p Itlp. r e X prllf
I ' I''" I Peter rimer, lillnt'el',
M. Leon, .l.llf.lieiy.
I'tin- ill II John,...).. Iiei;lit,
fiiie-n, IP II. I'.l.uikiii!iip. rmi. I w.n
.1. ha Tr.iex , Hr.ilp l oiiiity,
i A Je x . Thoiim.iii, ho..l ilntn
ill. Tllii c-i-ll, ri:t I IV peliHi-H,
i W. i ll .V Marlm, lun,l l'.
' ""'''mo (i 1 14 ..v. jury lit,
t -J-.j
k.lii .vt;
:i on!
1 1 X I IKI
.". I 1 1
J (HI!
'.' Ol I 1
0 I l
'J tt:
'.' Ol I
I ". on
II '.'i;:
r. i -o!
I .".'.' on!
J7 i" 1
,'l (Ml
::: .".i ,
,'i ii
1 HOj
I I I ".
J W. ltil ii i ii t .-. r,
J C. Traev,
F. S. 4 Itkl',
Adolph Oi-eholV, "
F, Sii'M-r", "
y (,'llHTl'X
!(;,,, Sauin, lumh. r,
W. II Miiltoon, hridge exi
L-. It, , ., .... L l.ri.l, ,,,
'"- r - ... I
i Al. Thi'liiK'.li. ti fXi heru'eV
, ,' ; M.idiMoii. pauper i-p
I . ( 'iUI, ,,M.1. .n,!g.' . i
I Slover, pa u p. r i xp
llei.rv M.I.'V
road t ji.
! W U',,11 ,,,.,., r i i,
I I ' i
w. ,. hitc, hridge . p.
:o ,. ,,- j
mith Urn. A' t'o..tnolat
ill II John.. ii, Co. clerk,
, i- ..- it Saniimoii. let ill.
j J y ('.li nn A Son. Matloti-
! I'avii A Amhler, luinhi r,
Wit1 r I'.lo , lifidgoexp.
Ileiiry Kraiih,,
.1. K. r.ingiiian. not ulluxx . .1
F. M. Il.irtinaii. r4iad ep.
I 00
1 00
.1. W. Norri. pauper ep.
Lit oo
J. Hedges, Abern.'thy bridge, 1 l'.l o"i inaliiiig vip an estimation from his
I'.arnard A Co., supplies. lint 70 personal observation and from in
A. (!. White, lettering boxi's, 1!0 (Kl formation which was furnished hint,
li. W. McCoy, printing, IS 00 nun -hided that there were fewer
.1. II. Weaver, lumber, Hi 00 than three hundred butl'aloe within
T. M. Miller, bridge ex p. S IK) the Yt llowMone Park, and not more
Pavi A Ambler, lumber, I Itlthan three hundred in the whole
I'nioii Iron Works, repairs, 1M '.(;
I. I.e Mahiet, pnntiii-;
I i. A. II anting, pauper eX
I leo. Sim m, lumber,
Slate of Ore. vs. A. i. White, '2" KI
" " .Inn. Fitulsey, l '.l.'i
" " J. Cuiuiuings,l ') "i
I inn. I)..,. I,..- ,, eolirt. 1.' 'JO
I ...vl.l Willi i ttiul L'.T j",
c... . .'ii I,' v..n..,.,,., "? mi!
Itravvi.iLMiirv. Milk Creek. ' 7 (to
Justice fees.O. C. prefinct, ." 7
Slate of Ore. vs. Chas. Hart, '-'- S.'t
" " Hick Turpin, .'17 tio
" " Jno. Nohlelt, 'JS 20
Jury list, O. C. precinct,
" Chickaina,
State of Ore. vs. Moore, ,VJ 7.'t
" " J. W.Ciaham,! I I'.O
The following bills were laid over:
Smith Pirns, .v. Co., lumber, 1 fx'i
T. II. M. linker, pauper exp. HO
0. W. Itisly, bridge exp, fi Till
...... . . -
Uiogcnc on being asked, "Of
which beast is the biting tho most
dangerous?" itiisvvered, " If you
menu wild beasts, 'tis the slanderer;
if tame ones, tho (bitterer."
It is a poor, disgraceful thing not
to be nhlo to reply wilh Hometlegrce
of certainly to the simple questions:
What will you be? What will you
General Miscellany.
lint 1.1111c JokeiN.
Tim New York Wurhl In riht
noiiHly iiiilinnunt over the recmit
ileinuiTiitic fruinlri in the .lewy
( 'ity cli'i'tiiniH, ami mux h few people
fully appreciate the inaKiiitiulo of
nftiil fniniln. New Jerw-y unch it
palenl voto receiver thut ntniniH ev
ery hallot uk it puiim'M through the
Mint, No hallot In Hllppi.ficil to ho
c.iiinteil nnh'HH it i. nliunpi'il. The
llmliiijt nf iinKtampi'il hallotit in the
ho.Xi'H, which hail hecn cnuiileil
woiihl he 1 ri 1 mi facie cviileneo of
fntiiil. The worhl Hay:
"The 1 1 uiIhoii coiinty iirufecHimi
uln (ivcrcannt thin dillicnlty in uu
iiiRf iiiuiiH wiiy. They hml a large
nuinher of Imtlot k nnc-lmlf the null
al nizi.t, which they eitlleil 'joker.'
TIli'He were HO Hlllfll 1 that several
conlil Imj fohUil inniile u regular hal
lot without attracting attention.
On tint night hefnre -li'ction they
Heciii'i il a hallot liox mnl Mtainpeil
the 'jokei'iT hy runniiig them thro'
the slot. ' Themi were given tn re-
pouter, ami the recount Miowk that
thoiipamlii were cant uinl coiinteil.
lint, unfortunately for the coiiHpiru
torn, the ntamp on the hut which
they ii'i'tl wk ilill'erent fioiu tlmixe
on the other., nml the imprint on
tint 'jokerw' wiih wholly unlike that
on thf regular hallot.. .So the
fraifl xxitH a. y ileli-ctcil an if
no Kt.'imp hu'l hi-en Unci! at all.
" llk l 'joker.' hi-en foilinl ill hilt
one or two pri-ein.'tH thf offetille
might have Iwen chitre.l to n few
iliMejiatahli' ln-i-lotn. Hut their use
win general. Nearly every Uu
opened ha revealeil front to 'J(K),
jTltH lo!en Were itull'eil yteiiati-
icillr, aid the Hi'iiuinlrel. who li-
1 Ml i r. 4-tii thi' w.irk aru even more ctil
'' s- i pahle than thm' who performed it.
1" I11! II' HfA ..t.itl.- ,.f till. Itt.iUt In. it... Illl
-. . .- ...... ... ! I,.
ollfiine nguiut fri inxtitutii.iii. A
crime uu'iiiiift the hallot i. a crime
ni;-,; nut hl.i-rty and free govern
ment. Ia t us In i N' them- f..-ouiiireln
iii ,lerpy City will Iw- it.leipmt. ly
puuifhi d. 1 y th w ay, w hat i tin
Iludioii county grand jury doing?"
A " ci ime against the hallot in a
crime ugaiiiHt lihi i ty and free gov
ernment," ay the World. That
i.iiiiid like Hiit'xtrawt from a re-puhlii'.-xn
paper, lint it in ii.4-nin.-n-tent
tx'nh tht" World' lUi'laratioii
that tlio.' dnniM-rnt. holding Heat
hy fraud I'rotu Sunt hern t-tate were
"fairly and honetly ch-i ti d," in the
face . if proof to the contrary.
. -
I lir Xiiicrli iiii II inn.
Mr. I'luinb, of Kansas, in the
Senate, and Mr. l'cters, of th.' name
'J ."lit ; Mate, in the lloiiie, have introduced
'J !' measure sitliugapart a tract in No
Ci'i .".7 Mini' Land for the propagation of
l MiS t',1 i lnillnloi'1. Mr. I'luinb goes to the
."'JO T 1 1 t i-t it nf proponing to reerve for
that purpose during twenty year
1'.' SiHitll the land in the so called neutral
o'.t Mi ! ftrip, on the border of Texas, by
II l't j leafing it to Mr. C. J. Joins. of Kau
l'i Oil Has, who ha already il herd of hi-
-nuns and eross-breeds, and xroiilil
put it on the reservation.
Fust spring Mr. SatUrthwaite,
Fuited Slab s outside of that trad
Correct or not, thi is detailed
counting, and, at all events, no one
L'S OOioucMioiis that only a remnant of
the millions of this fine race nf am
n ai i left. Hide hunters and
sportsmen have been fatal lo it,
" "' " u" " " "
a .i i...:.,. ,i.:..t. :i r...
iiished for uncounted generation of
the Indians of the continent left its
c.iomious nnn.bers not materially
iinpsireil, 'I'hc extent to which the
aborigines were tlupeiulent on (he
hiill'alo and a few other animal for
their supply of food was shown by
(leiieial Sherman's proposal, in tin
days when the idea xvas current of
oo an impending conllict between the
' . t i it i.:... . . i..:.... it...
00 reu tiieit il i u l ineiiiiiii , in ininiin-
foi'inerto (ernis by niaking war on
a grand scale upon (be bullalo and
exterminating it, It was (ihi soon
evident that this xugani.'.ed attack
would hnvn been superlluoiis. The
wanton slaughter of buffalo, elk,
ami antelope throughout the West
speedily reduced many Indian
hands almost to starvatioit. and
they bei'iuue mendicant, supported
on the government reservation.
Col. ltodgti once declared that in
the year 1S72, 187."., and alone
"more than live millions of bulla
loes were slaughtered for their
hiilts." This statement liiuy be
dillicult to believe; but it is cer
tain that during ten years after tho
clomt of thooivil war a prodigioim
slaughter of the atilinalHoctMirrttd.
Huntora for kiu to aoll were
Imlped in their work of tletruc
lion hy l!ritih tourit and othwr
who inrrely ought to kill a many
a poihle without even taking
away their hide. Yet more thun
half a century ago Congres pro
hihitnd hy law the reck leu laugh
ter of gaini) in tho territoriei; mnl
tho cxturmiuutioii of the huflalohai
hecn earriod on in violation of that
Matutc. The animal wa dcHtined,
of couiHtt, U) gnnlually retreat and
disappear UToro tho march of set
tlement, hut iiidicriiniuate and
wanton dcHtruetion Hi'ttlod ita fate
generations too loon.
(rltlcliiii an tirady.
1'eoply who rrad the hrilliantdin-ner-tahli!
M'ech of Ht.'itry V. (.ra
lly, in Hmton, a ahort time ltfore
hi death, will Iw txjually intereittel
in the 1'niiimentn paHi'd ti jxtt it hy
Itev.JoHcph ('(Kik, in a recent review
of the Houthern .piiention.
Say Mr, Cook: "An oltit'iit
southern orator, in a niiHleading ami
alinimt treaonahlo eech, recently
carrieil a lionton audienco off it
feet, though hit acrtcd that if you
fill every election district with fede
ral soldier the South will yet find
mean to nullify tho fourteenth and
fifteenth amendment. For one I
think ItoHtoii ought not to cheer
treason, ((.rent itpplaus.
"Mr. (irady was a man of genius,
ami he in in his grave do mortuis
nil nisi honum hut his principles
are imt in their graves, and therefore
1 take (H'canioii to say that since a
Southern senator threatened to call
the roll of hi slave on Hunker Hill
nothing ha hecn said much more
atroci.jtiHly insulting to Northern
Hciitinit'iit than the alliriualion of a
Southern orator before a Huston au
dience that, even if the nation were
to put forth it whole military kiw
er, the South would yet trample on
the newent paragraph of the consti
tution. Applause.
"It i culling the roll of slaves
on the loftiest ctninciicv of our o
litical liUtory, on the heights of the
ci'iif-titution itclf', and the slaves
are those who cheer such treasona
ble sentiments." (.real applause.
Di'iMuiiiU of lima knlitlil.
At a session of the Knight of La
Ur at Marshalltown, Iovta, on the
l.'tth of February, a numlier of res
olutions were introduced and adopt
ed, among which were several ask
ing that foreign insurance compa
nies doing business in Iowa be
coii.ell.'il to dejK.sit their securi
ties in this state to be taxed as
other property; requesting the en
actment of a law taxing mortgages
and exempting mortgaged proper
ty to the amount of the debt so
covered; calling for a lavv making
the formation of trusts in this state
a crime; condemning the lVitto
crats of Ohio for tho election of
Calvin S. Hrict thxx millionaire, to
the I'nited Statea Senate, and ac-
using the Utter x.f using money to
secure Vis election.
If they ever get a mortgage tax
law in Iowa as asked for alstve, they
xv ill soon i.e more anxious to get
rid of the fraud and delusion than
they are now Ux liave it. Instead
itf such a Uw compelling the lender
to pay the taxes, it will come buck
like Uxuucrang with double fury
upon the borrower, and no legisla
tion can prevent it. We have tried
it in Oregon and know how it xvorks
here. Such a law will liberate one
third of the property in that state
from taxation, particularly the prop
erly of the rich men, and throw
that sum into the pocket of tho
money lender, w hile the men of on
ly independent means will have to
U'ar an additional tax. The money
lender will make the borrower pay
the tax with a pur cent, added by
way of increaseil interest, commis
sions and other indirect methods,
but the borrower will invariably pay
it, and don't you forget it either.
The Secrets of Mneress.
A successful fruit grower says:
A big pile of manure is the fruit
grower's bank..
To raise at ra wherries successfully
the gftmnd must have rested the
year previously as a summer fallow
Currants will bear fruit twenty
livo years ami not lose their vigor,
An established home market is
worth live foreign ones.
Three or four varieties of grapes
arc better than a large number.
(trapes do not pay as well as
strawberries, but they pay 200 per
cent better than farm crops.
To succeed, a man must know Ilia
trade, bo vigilant and honest, am:
not expect to get violi all at oneo,
New Mjstem f Holler ftlittw In Den
Tho new plan lias the support of
a largo number of dairies, dairy ex
perts, and loading butler experts all
ovor the country. Ill principal fea-
1. A continuous butter ihow at
the expemo of the state during sev
eral months in each year.
2. Here fresh samples of butter
will be received (.-very 11 days, tho
decision of tho judges to be given
on tho butter as received anil its
condition ut the eml of 14 days.
Thus there will be two distinct
testings, not only of quality but
also of weight.
3. The sample arc to be sent itn
tnedisUly on the receipt of a letter
or telegram, so that the diiryinan
will not bo able to make a special
cak for exhibition, and the sam
ples are to bit repeated as often u re
quired. 4. Coiii ting dairies must send
in a return of the feeding and sys
tem generally followed on the farm,
with especial reference to the week
during w hich the samples are tent
in. At present the number of dai
ries sent in is ."CO. Nine judges
have U'en selected, and these net in
groups of three each, each group re
cording an ind'cndent opinion on
each sample, which is cheeked by
those of the other two groups. Kach
group will eotiHUt of two butter mer
chants and one dairy expert. The
exhibitors are paid the usual mar
ket rates for their exhibit. The
shows w ill be held at intervals of a
fortnight during eight months of
the year, and the government grant
during tho current financial year is
l,:'St. As the same dairy will
send in butter several timtts in the
course of the year, great facilities
will be afforded for ascertaining
xrhich are the best managed dairies,
and it will then he seen where the
art of butter making may ltest Iks
learned. The reort conclude! by
reproducing a series of questions in
regard to dairy management put to
the managers of competing dairies.
( ruvl lluilnr.k.
The practice of thrashing the p
iient ox to increase his sjed, or
whacking him across the nose when
he it desired to stop, is certainly
not the characteristic of a gooj
teamster, any more than the habit
of yanking, twitching, and whip
ping tho horse is the indication of
a good driver. If a man addicted
to this method of driving will har
ness himself to a rig, anil with his
eyes blinded, a harsh bit in his
mouth, and a person with the reins
and a rawhide behind him, who,
when he w ishes him to start, gives
him a cut with the rawhide, when
he would have the sjx'cd increased
gives him several additional cuts,
and when he wants him to stop
yanks the reins with force enough
to nearly break hi jaw, he will ap
preciate this style of driving, and
knowing how it is himself will
doubtless correct his method.
There is nothing more unreason
able or wasteful than this stylo of
managing horses. ' (.ood sense re
quires that a horse be started,
urged forward, and stopped by the
voice, and that resort should never
lie hail to the xvhip unless absolute
ly necessary. A h.irse then knows
xvhat is required of liini, and thenn-
noying and dangerous habit of sud
denly starting and jumping is:
avoided. A great majority of tho
spavins, sprains and ringUmcs, not
to speak of tt heaves and numer
ous other horse ailments, are caused
hy this rough and thoughtless driv
ing. Tho Clay Manufacturer!' En
The counsel for Sandy Olds will
submit a motion for a nexv trial
U'fore Judge Stearns this week,
w hich will be denied, and Olds will
be sentenced. His attorneys pur
pose nftttr that to appeal the case to
the supreme court on a bill of ex
ceptions. How long it will require
the higher court to a Ili rin or reverse
th judgment is one of those things
"no man can lind out. Telegram.
Ho who would do some groat
thing in this short life must ap
ply himself to tho work with
such a concentration of his forces
as, to idle spectators who only live
to amuse themselves, looks like
Estimate actions not by their
overt results merely, but by the real
though latent power that is implied
in thm, and the most brilliant
deeds of outward heroism will
lonietimeg fall far short of thoso
quiet victories over self to which tho
Omniscient Eye alone Is witness.