The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 13, 1890, Image 1

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Htrielly in advance.
Two Dollars jkt year ; Ono Dollar for
nix mouth ; Fifty Cent for three
mouth. Mingle copies Five Cent.
vol w-no. :..
t)i:i:t;oN city, oumson, thuksdav, maucii 1:1, ibuo.
Will Commencu In this Paper
Next Week.
ji I I H
-XL. JtL JuL ,L .. . ji
4 (- isll 11
Fit tl'i
J li s s!
if IM-Vll
14 '.illflvl!
T. - jn
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tl'f tc
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V i- v r'ti
v.u ,s n- ,.
V v, fev .
N t
.. .4.
Al Hit
- 1 T1
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net :!
u it rv. i y
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111. If
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,1.1 ,1.
Kill !(! I
txl '
Orfjfon tuiltfts t. 0. 0. F. No 1
p tn iU Kciiowi' lUU, M tin
lie mtwr .( tho ttrler r tut itvl (it mtfiul,
Hy tKIcr o( JI, i i k, U.
ttt'l It ri't iUr rommtinU'Mti'iti i ftt-i
uti.l UiUI Mim.U 'l h ui 'i.iti n I .0 i- u.
p:ftltr u u ittkl i nt 1 e Arv Ht iirl lo, ntuuul
A. K KWK W. M .
I AC k hi; M AN. f. rn.vry
mriit ft Oroni,
M.-it rtrt WV-l'iv-liy o(rv t nth UT W
f m ttt uaihv.aiii M U, ifitu l tt i
v out n iti'U r
t'tilNCItj IM9 f V. 0. V, H,
Jiivl rM'r v nl 4iiI I urtb KrUU ftt :
ins tn ut I f'iu h.ili'fUm Vit t Jo,(ruim ;
brcUirvtt t- tt tU) luuiP-l I" rt't.-ti-l
j. li inuMtt uv. m w
K l K r i N . K A 1 1 N A I ' I M til tt U v
O VS lit, I'l't.'f SffHn Ml tt M, 41tl
T .at r t tti'U S.'.ti (t r Ln-rmt m, r 1
flivif nietfiun W rlnrU i if Hi
T ut tM'l l'rrr uirtMtt m( IVn-ti
o( I' Itr ni.un hintr4vr cm'I "Mitt-i )
vt-tilti l (i "J ','Ti:n.t,
V1KT H M'l wr fill I;i'U -Ur J i l!kti Mortitu Ln-rif.t t II ' Ufl-.)
ik -tiMtl t t.M, Ktruine Tlt ' i li-j i : r
iriyi-r Htet tluif V. f'tin-" Uj ul ii a M mitit
t tfl.iAlil Mcrltut terf p-liM'tt f (xc'ili'l
pm-tMtiiit tn rt."-t rt unU in the in m:i A
eofiit! u. it itluii to .t
4 T lollS I'Hl Kv. tt. I' At t" iUv A
It .U.KtiH t M. r im jtuh 1 It fi 4t
1 .V) A. M. Ktri Svio.y ( ri'li nw li.h
ma i st,vti-l UMl tv tl ii iti'HiMi
r m (.', -it .mt rn u t r m
I'Vi I ' K i; " H -Iv J M I'
ii.l. n tifti-r frtr rffi nt-n wt l
tii-MV.n'fi-fc Mil l uuir-lt fwiw.g i
n (.. k, 'tinUy m fi-.l i. I''!
I littM'l rtifin!i .""-ruff r iit-.i Airr.tit'.r
tlt 4t t U." .. .t"
MKUI-'II-r KTI-i VI. t f I l,t tl li t v
J.n!i ft-v. . I'ltr Mit n-ii r 1 1 i I H
.it'.i) iw. it t I J i ' ! ti'iHij - r iff i .it
Y tiii( f' l',r i"r'1 l'it.t ft-titim
7 t r rr Mft-tmif I!iitft .it ; t-
;ri:,n'r f r It.-iiy u 11
kiit t'KK-inv i kj I s ki urn V.k U
W iiin iNKt. t'4t.r. fftvit-ri Ht 11 4 M t'l
T tu r M .tti'i'ttii t 1"
V.i.: Mtrtf t'f Nri'Jll Ku tft..r mi-t
tn-rv ! iit-Uv r frmiif Kt .)
c m-ji i n ( Jf t v-f llu riiUS ! 7 - it Ift-r. i
c ..iff Unlit l thru.
Professional Cards.
I c .'.i.i.i K II '.ixi
rM . iMil. r j I ultfl r! ui' I h..I uO
l.kK'Ji t l I V. llliK..('N
Mtl.V KIMI.Kr, olO'll'iX I'llV, flU.'.O'.
l,.riin i, I 't'e. I null M -!e- . V -re
l M-rl i;'.- mil iriui-ticl e-oil
Lev l',ii,jeM.
Oreeon, City. Oregon. 1
liilift hi. llr li.' ir I iirl II " on
fo. McCOWN, :
Miornoy cti unw.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Land LJusinrss n Spec i-ilty.
T. )!fhi!inK. a h. uli-h-ifi:.
Attorneys at Law.
Olliee in iijmr Hlnek, Oiivmi l ily, Or.
Civil Englneor and Surveyor
iMliei! oipnnit Court H-oom.
OHK.'iON ( TI'Y, Oltr.iiOSi.
Hoik JVonipHy Allcnilid lo
H. E. KERR IN, M. D.,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Offit k up ntulrti In lunik lllix k fi. nl nfllii'
Y, NYKiii-KinK orm n
J. V. POWELL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Otfien t CIlltllllHIl
oitr.iios crrv,
Co'n I'ru Hlore
A. ('. T'iWkii. W. II. iIiicmai.t,
Jill Ik'ukIh of Hit 111 in fix.
1 4th & MAIN
-Wtl'II A
New Stock!
New Stock!
i Of lidtrrrlft, Nation. Vril hii.I
lrt loltllK, MtlU'll will
Im Mold
You rt lt!t?ulltti; t.i rt-artto a
w flni
l (111 i
J !
THI N tt i Nal'
- U II b N
.J. H. WAY,
Tuc l.ivn I I N' mi.l Oldi tN nun .ll
Mil It'l lllll UHIi'Ht
, riA.HC!:3:
tii.t iii i n imo-v..
I v( II.
It foti).
i ! a ii tm.iv
i. n. it t:.
s:!l f ;r cash :r ci :;ii:;;r.u LOT plan.'
A. I In tut Oro,on City, Ore.
- - .A. 2ST 13 -
I . r; i . ,
k. t
Shop Carpenter's VVcrk
W.ll !h Suit,-1 l.v l '.i'iif o'i .'.! .
Doors, Windows and Blinds
to or.Dcu.
M'l'- i'""iT'v-iti (liiioli.
Sjinni: si ml Summer,
. , j
VVC SrG ShOWliiy IniS j
week ihe Latest PJove!-
ties in tSatinco. Dress
GOOlJS dlLS WllilO SCOii '
aJS0 jn QlrkZ.
rill I ' 1 It J
. ,
Kaycr & Ackcrman,
Wai i.isn .. Jaiiihi.-ii, I'loi n,,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Grape Vines, Small
Fruitc, Etc.
Nnri-ery (mil inilen lielnw I tie.n Cily,
mi the I Ihwcci) roml.
Cutiiloililen liniileil del) on niilieiilinii,
Ail'lrenn nil (inlern to
K. f. WIII'IK. w. A. win II'.
I'rtictlcnl JrrhilcrlH J' iluHlcvH
Will iriii.n'i- i.lntin, nlnvull'ini, wurtlni ,1,'
I ill., nuil .i"-llii-elel, lnr nil Intnl. ul liinlil-lllk-
niii-i'1.1 ntli-'illi li iclvrii In imiili-ril cut-l.ik'-.
K-( I in , I mi iipi Hi'i'luu
Cull nil HI niMri'M . Will i K IUIOH .
ori-niiii I'll v, 0in
A ii';'iilii.
I'nr nuln, ut ttO per neie, iieren nl
timtier limit; iilinnt "5 nerun null tiiiilinr,
-l'u Inilen ni'il It. K el ul inn, 'I inilen
iriiin miw mill mi It'iek ( 'l eek l niili'iitlul
liiinl und thnlmr; liivel ; tioinn cany.
Ank ' MotJow & (in.
uiniin mi flnnrmi
riduu u u
PrtUI up Capital $50,000.
I'm hiin sr
(' MUt:K ,
M AliKH ,
, .('II AS, ll.l'U MKI,I.
, i'.. i i:sru.vM,
lt'.otllM it-ri'tvtnl nul'JtH't t.t (ilut'k
V(tr vr. ltlt4 Htil it-'ir ilititittvt,
t'l'llllty Mtt't tMt V WHOiUlU h.Hlitltt,
ltnii ntml tut HVrttl'il'lti tn'in(t),
t'lilUMMtult tUI'tt (t'lUMpllv,
Untfl '!.( i'ii I'oithth'l, N'tit Kr,tlifii'o .t'hh'n
Kv Now V-tik, mt'l nil (Tliif twl intlr i( fcu
Tolf nnihli' im'tUlitT ittttil utt IVuttuh-l, iidti
I Kt'Jinrtti'tt, i hlt'iva.i Hint Avt Yttk.
Interest ratil on tires i-nmsinsfallm;
Kur tt mtutitiv i r-i-r tnt, ivt tttinmu.
t'fr l'i tu.MiiU. 4 i-i't t'wut 'tr iiittuw
Tlm t'f rtlfloatrn .tf Ortnnlir it n 14 ut
tiMitit, Ittit Intftittiit fittii'ltt'tl It titrtii Wo tor
ytitltif totm til tittMti'.
Ttmsorial Parlors.
'UU iUO,'s 1 'an 'uw" '
i ! i . i i i , i ..:...!
, , , , , . ...
anil t lu.ilrciiH li.iireuuitijj
:l iipi'i'iiilty.
I lot or I'ol.l l.itl at iinv time,
! ' . tlio iintioii in lili :i(.tit to ii fn'i
25Ct5. BATHS SQctS.'hiiilot met ii f.iiily eouiii.,1,
Opposito tha Post Cfrlcc.
V .-.!! ii
i'i .oi I
i' in Ii '
r.i ii, ,
.1 1 1 .o 'h'-., ,
mi :in n.v t ;ti"ttr v
l ",'fc I liO III".-
-!", I. S i I I1.", m Ii' 1. 1 i.ol.-r
V"!l w .u.l I I I i'V oi :.t w I ' II
OI l"tt II 1 .1" i ll 111"
TIIK ni.t'M rilONT
Haniu33 Shop.
A!-i A I-hi ! I l!." t rl.l.'at.vl
G:o. S. HcCoril's rii'.l
on M'.. ric.i.i!,t 'J j in'.',' : i" l!h of
I "I. o.n l ilv.
t ot m ii, n.ix ki:iim;s.
fl'K' 1AI. !,M!"V,
V ri v v. Mnreli ,Y i
The ii i :ilt t of hn v in u pump tviiii j
referred to the coininittee on fire and
water and to chief engi'ieir to con-
nid' T and report.
v.i -atiiig alley throiu'li
hlo' k No. I w :m pa-ned.
I '.-ilmanei' vai aln.g liter ntreet
in front of hlnek 7, N and H. read
(imt tune and referred to couiinilti-i'
on ntiee'.H and icihlie iiroiM-rtv.
Ih-jiort of conitiiotei.' lixini; rale i
.f water rut for r.apt;t ch.tnli Al.
oil !( -ntn p- r inontli w.i tolopte-l. Itieanury I e eiptn lo t hone m tual et
The return of fireiii"u'n i-li-etion peinlilur'n n'lii, h a rigid icoiiomy
were can ,'ii,-M-,!, and l.anec ( lard- alone will ju-t ify. Hut it ihilare
,..,r ,i. i.,r,i ,.i,;..r ; 1 ..u.. ; ,ik. .,-,,, ,t i..n......
and Cim. V. Kinnev a.-iHaiit chief.
nil l.n Al I "V, i n.
('. V,. Ilurii". night watch.
A. I.. MiiiHey, "
W. II llow. il. i,io,.y adv'd.
(i. S. McCord, liiluher,
('. O. T. Williiimn, recorder,
Pope A' Co., nupplirn,
W. II, Unwell, nuperinleiid
elit water Woi kn,
W, Chun h, ni reel coin'r,
T. F. Ky.tll. lire exien:-e,
John Kelly, niht w iilch,
C. l'.oliln. jail rent,
( i. II. Pet-tow, eleel inn jiul. e,
I '. W, I'orti r, hl'ii'kuiiihiiif,
I''. It. Cliiirmnu, treanurer,
Charmaii it Son, coal nil,
C. N. 1 1 l'i -1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 , fri'ight,
'I i'l i' rrnfen .luiniln
H (!(
I (ill
s HO
:' i (io
1 '10
II o r.
The Fiigene lleginter nay: A
fuw eiilhiihianlie of the
I'nion iaily inovcinent are milking
ntri'iuiotin i fi'orl to hring nhoiit a
hui'iuniiioiiH hh nding of grimgern,
proliihitionintn, kuightN of Iain -e,
and every other element in nociety
that can he persuaded that there in
no honor h,fl in any of the old par
tim, One iioliceahli) fi aturc of the
inovcinent i that it in engineered
hy those V( ho' have heeii knocking
for itdminnion into ollicc; und if thin
new organization fail' to untisfy
In 1 1m t direction,
their amhitioii
they will he ready to try something
tdse. .
Cull liii'rt Hi'iiulilli'itii Sltiti! t'liiivoiilli'ii.
A I't'iiu'ilii'im t'uiivi-iitiun for Ihit
Htlllo of Ol'l'KUU in fllllitll III lllt'l't lit
tin' 'tty of l'crlliunl, Ontiii, mi
WnlncKiluy, tin' dilli iluy of April,
is iii, i U uYUl A. M., for tin
jiiiiiiiHi' of uoiniiuiliiig rauitiiliUcH
for I hf fol!nviiij( ullici, tn n it Kt p
ri'Hi'iitntivo in rot'iin-HN, xovroor,
HUpli'lllP jllili', Ki( I' tuty of htlll
Htati Iri'iiHiilrr, fnip.,'rinti'liili'iit of
pnhlii1 Hint rait mn, nUto piiiitTUinl
ilintrii't ollii'i'i'M, rtii. I to li'iuintn't
ion h otln'r luflii'1 a limy prop"i'y
oonii' I'l'f.iio (lie convention. Tin'
iniivi'iilioii will conniM of i'lHih li'-(ilt-,
iippurtionril iuuoiij; tin' ui'VO-
ttttjJtfMlif, iVdloH ; Tin &w-In-ill
oni'ili'l' i;nti' ut larj,"" from ruch
i-ouiily uml ono ilcli'iiti' for rvi'iy
l?" votes for I'oniiicsKiinoi ut ihe
,1(1111' I'lih tioll for SSS,
'I'lie t'oiiiinitti'i' ri'i'omiiK'inl tlmt
tho plini.'il'ii'i lie ln'l'l oil Siitill'liiy,
April f, tVKI, uti'l the ciiUiit;, eon
vi titioim on April ',, IS'M), it ulf-c
otlii iwiie o'.'lirr l hy the proper
eoniity lit rat eolniiiilt'-t',
1 1
All votem n Im l:ivor t in re t 1 1 1 1 -
nil policy of Aiin'ri' :in limlket i for
1 .i ..f ; . .,, 1 .1 ill..
" 1 "
: i i'iil mippoi t ol our imiiiMkiii ,'lnioH,
I lllol 111'1 Ololri'tioll of I Vol' V W'ti'l' ill
hit t'onit.Liu' nt lu'iivt im.i' ut nit
Hilt.'tinll f t!lt itv .s l'i lllif rtHf
i M'i'. 'M ' 'V it sr.
! I'olttan.l, M itvh !VM,
1 T. I'.i.i In, 'lini i tin, ii, Stud t 'i n Coiniiiii'iT - Si : Vi , your
I'oiinnitl ' o:i ,1 ppi'l ' iooiiu ii!, It j;
Ii'.'ive to r-'"It ii' f-'ll'iue' I 1; il
' tin' t pf' -'illation of t!io eoinin.; ri
pnhlii-ati ! i'e e 'livrn! ion hull nii
. il of one ill lr .'.'! lit ! '' I'r.'in
I 'li h i'uiHili', ,in. i one for n.'iy 1,'.'
i ,t i f. or friie i H i' i i'V. r o:ii- Im fof 17"'
viitm. of tie' vo'i-x i'.ikJ lor tin' n piih
iieun e,,!iii .il.;ti- for i .Hi.:! - " III tin
,lun.' i'l. , t ..!. if ls'-, whii h will
iniil.e t!i-' n pi. i iitat ion for - I i
r.illliiv o I ill' ht;il.' .!. p- T li'. lu ll -!
I I'-aki-r l.l.iliU 111
; l'.i.!tt"ii ,M.ii!i- i.r. . . .'!
i l.ii'k.mi ii t1 l.i. ion T V irr..,v . I
1 1 'oliiinl 'i.i i M ul ; o- in. ih .""i
v. .... .o J'olk ;
t rn. 1, .''
I 'til I V i- I ' 1 1 1 ;i ' il'ii I1 '
, 1 'on '... v I lli"ll . ,s
i oil, .mi . r. u' .til. o:t -i
Iriuil Wiiie,
ll.lTlo y . I - I n -r Ii ,i: 1 .''
.l.-uk-oii . 7 V.i-)i:n.:to:i.
.loirphilie 4 V tt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . S
! I Uliiath . "
' I .like :: T..!,.l. . '.M"
1. line H
I in' l it i I'io'II. h nn't llu iunll.
Hut in v
j Ih-puhli-- ,n
I tin- party t
hli-l til'' Vlll' ol"
iini-t latioii nhowii
more ciear'y and
i i' h il ih i limit ion
, dnee'l
V 1,1
I liiol'i j r. , ; 1. . ii i . . - d ami a ",'1' nn
Alliel Ii alii.-lll. ill. ill ill the atti-
' il 1 1 at 1 1 1 it i 1 1 it i ned from the out -
; ive
' i t upon th la rill' and the lrr:i-ury
I rec.-iiitn. 'Die U-i,',ihlii ,tn oartv
dei 1. Ted uncpiit rally for tanll re-
form, ai.d f.-r a reductii of the
that the ri .lui'lioii - made neci n.i-
rv inn 't I mil, It- hv cm h a read
jimtuieiit of e.intoni d'ltien an will
."7 Mil pl'iiiluce the II. est ellei tive prolec-
'J. million to Ann rieaii productH und I.i
111 IK): hor. It wan liy an ciiially em
IS !7 (ilnilic ilechil itioii of the Pciuo
ItMil) ci'utic parly, that the reduction
.". I I It I ; hh ill Id he Mi in in le Mid the ilutirn no
j adjii'-ted. tlial th" import. ition of
JH (Kl foi'ei;;ii product-- to he i onnuincil in
.'I'l li.'i ! place of t!ie American nh mid he an
.MS (Kl free and ine.vpennive as rcadjui't
'1 '.Ml nieiit iniild ninke thcin iihnolulely
lit) IMH free, if piir.iil,t, til .v.iyn a free as
the need of t'.'V.'llilc Would liel'mll.
X' vi r wnn un iiHi:e h 'tueen polili
cnl partim in a pri'tideiitial cam
paign mere idun'ply ihTiied. One
putty htood I'l l wi a u the American
producer and lal oiei', on one hand,
and their foreign competitor on
Ihe other, and declared that Amer
ican iiinrkcU und lul'or hclongcil
to American producer and work
men; while (he ol her would remove
alt harrier and np"ii Ainerican
I workshops and market to the pro-
duct of lalmrin foreign land. 'I'll'1
charge will hardly he laid at the
door of Ihe hi ptihlii'uu parly, that
since tie' election it Imi iihiiiidoiied
I lie doctrine of protect inn to Amer
ican iiidu'ti'icn or I .al mi', or that it
ha weakened in it iidvo.'dev. The
1'i'eniili'iil, in his inaugural lulilnw,'
nud in hin lirst nil 1 1 1 1 ul miMHiige,
halt ri'lli'i'iili il the deelnrnl inn t
'the party platform yet more clear
1 ly and emphatically; and the Coin
I milieu on Way and Mean I, and
him heeii fi oin the iluy of itw appoint
incut, iitont iiiihiHlrioiiMly ut work
in mi cinleiivor to ciiin'l it. There
llllH lll'l'll HOIII" lliHI'llHHiol) of llill'iT-
Hilt iiielhoiU of iinpiiuiii ilnlii'M, hii
Ut In i lli'i t llieeinl Hint the iu-
tliulrleH iiiul hihor of our oun himl
hIiuII, miller their prolei'tion, reuch
tin! lii:,hi!t hiii inorit permanent
priiHpi'rily; hill no iliHeiiHHion him
iinni'ii union); Hi'piililienim nvir tlio
tjucf.1 inn of ahuiiilolinielit. lnilet'il,
the voice of the piirly rmvit loinlcr
iiiel cli'iiii r an the ih-lmle nocx on.
Senutoi Pun I- in tint March Forum.
Kuulitinl'n ( iiiiiiiii'icliil I'ulli').
The opinion iri ufleii n hnnreil
that corueriiiK uhcutin ( 'liiouo ru
ined our market for niuiii In Liver
pool, hy forcing;laiii tn ilevi lop
ivhi'iit growing in Imliu. Wheat
eonii'M Hie u ixntitic evil, ami
may have liic-lcuoil the ilevrlnp
liicntof wheat pi'idluelioii in Iinlin,
hilt they are Hot the i iiUhi' of, nor in
iinvthiii he ever ilom in thin
country the eaiice of it, Thmcntiu
(I V loiiilit have prcveiiti'il the culti
vation of wheat in Iinliii hy furn
iihinij wheat to KnUii'l chi-aH-r
lllilil die eo,M t it in 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 ur
any where eUi', hut in no other way.
It in ihe C. polieynf that
.'real nation of merchant uiol man
iil'iel .irei ii o e,-t h, r hiri,nlufl'n ainl
mw inateriiiU w herever they can hi
li.el at th" hiwi'-t p coit, anil
n il her lonuuf.n l Hie I iiro lui'tK
where they will I tit
pi- I.I i. The W leHul eolllllloll
Uifern in luliii alnnit i x ei'utH a
lay. It i to l ike .ohantin;e nf thin
clu up l.ih ir t hut Knhtml 1 ii 1 1 1 m
i.uir.'i U mii iipi'iii up l ho w heal
li-l'U in In hi. Hi-Hi',; tin-priiii'i-pal
piuelii.-i r of th" Mirplii" wheat
of wh-'.i,t prini iciin; eii'intrii", it M
her policy to have the ai.-a
and the production inereiited all
ovi-r tle woild, n i thai competition
lii'tAeeU pt'oTli'Itl", Collllt I ien
lor In I' iniu'ket Will hum; the luici'
l.iiMi t a ihe lo.v. -i no .il,!,. 1,-v, I. Irhand- are imi un white ii. thosi-
in claim, d Cut the tun" w ill Mmii j
eoine h. n In -li in wheat i nn heio'elj
III l.iv.Tj ,..d for tern, ili.lil I; fly crlltn i
. hu-h. I If .i'U.imied. thin policy j
will noon foic-.low ii th- produciion ;
,1' in th.-. ceintrv t,, (.
tin. l i I' holn
ii.-iimption, or i v i-u ,
l' nn,
And o-U" n.vii iii.iiiuiaetitrcrn, hv
-ending Unproved failn Inil 'lliu TV j
to Aiiitralia, A rg. i t in -. lluiiga-y I
aiid r,u"ia. ar itidniL' in the v
i -i i
competition again! our own w licit
grower-,. Ilut, af'cr all, thisco.intry
eau make inore money m-lling man
uf.oliircl pro'lictn nhroa-l than
firm proluct... Tin- country that
tui v in ititilV.ct iv,' 1 products and
hidln agricultural prod'tcts rcuiiiiiis
poor. Tll'''r"..t Wealth of I'ligl.unl
has I n aci'iiiiiul.i'ed ut the ex
pens ' of th iritious with which iie
tradeH. An I it in only a ipi, ,-tioii
of tini" w In n Cn.laii l w ill iuipov
erish every nation with which she
traden manufaciuren for raw mate
i ialn and Lii iiilftiilV.
A ll .mill in, I II ir l .lllllll'.
The failure of the Philadelphia Co opelilt i e Society,
Limited. Inn given a sciioun net
hack to the idea of co ot ration in
iMiiii'iercial end rpri.-i'S in t his coun
try, for the reason that thin wan
ciiii.-iili ii ,1 tin' iii" I'-l institution of
the kind in the Cliiled Slati n, and
nt the start had scored a hrilliant
success, which wa freely ipioled in
support of the principle.
It was slatted on a moderate
scale alioiit ten yearn a;;o, with the
price of sharon at ifl, and a proviso
lluit no person could hi C'iinea lueiii
heron a piiicha: e of lens I luin live
share. It trcw raiiidly until the
liieinhi'iship increased to .'l.lllHI; the
one little store had heeoine a grand
e; tal IMiineiit with no less than
seven pretention hrauche.
hi time the husiiicnn grew tintil
Ihe sale aniountcd to if I, III XI a
week, and the society hud a surplus
of if 00,01 HI on ejcponil. P.ut wheth
er hi cause it ceased to ho a novelty,
or hecause of jealousies und dissen
sions, the trade fell oil', and from Htoi'cH and a I) per cent, divi
dend, it ha fallen away to thcorig
inal store and no dividend, and the
remnant i incoutneof liipiiihition.
It i Very douhtful W I'.ctlliT IIIIV
thiu;; hctterciin ho discovered than
the tiiiii'-honoi'cd principle of free
i hi i pet it it m for keeping dow n pri
ces and securing honest thaling. In
i that way tho fittest will survive,
aiul, it linen not take long fur enpa
city In selection, sagacity in mini
ngeKieiit and hnuctdy in dealing to
J; the market from incapacity,
IhriaJosH niiiiiiigeinciit and crafty
ileal! ug,
Kit 1,1k Ollu r (ilili.
If ever a woiiiim occupicH the
preniilentiiil I'hair in the United
Stali'M, wti hop hIid will he coin
poHi'd of the Kaine kind of material
iim !h Nellie I'litlcrHon, one of tlui
prettiimt jrlrln in tho villajto of Mt
t'lU'iiiel, Connecticut, Minn Nellie
Iiiim j nut completed n four yearn'
UpprenliecKhiji to the initchineHt
timle, To-day ho in working ut
the lathe and vine in the factory of
the Mount ('iirinel Lathe Company,
and there in not a mcchuuic in the
whole h!ioi who cull do n hetterjoh
or in Ichh time than Ihe fair ynun
Four yearn ngr-when Mini Nellie
he;au to think of the nicniiH wher
hy nhe iihinI earn her daily lircad,
hIid looked over thu whnlo field of
woiiiiui'h work. AmmiK the truden
or oceiiputionn w hich pushing wo
men of thin country have mnd
their own wan none which nhu en
peeiiilly liked. Shu wan a hrij-dit
t;iil with a reut deal of Yankee
eli'Vcriienn uinl roiinidcruhli) inj;eiiii
ity uinl invcntivi'iienn, The renuirk
wan made hy a friend that iih (.he
w an no fond of invention tdu1 ouj;ht
tn hceomi" a iiiachinirt. The e;l
tlnin idly nown tmik rout, Hint nhe
Applied Tor a place an mi appren
tice. For the pHHt four year nhe
luin woiki'd faithfully, mid a few
diiy-N u'ii her tiiuit expired mid nhc
in now n full lled).'i'd iiiiichiniht. She
! in iihlo to Mock up a piece of work
" phiiu r, or turn up an arlmr on
lathe. She line u drill or lian-
dlen a die an w ell an any man in the
nhop. Her HM-t'ially, however, in
tool making, and to thin che projmn
i n to devote herm lf. She can aho
draw out plan, liure nut diim u
nion, and from working drawing
nhe can make anything. She in mil
jafrnid of the greane and grime c.f
llie nhop, ami In r h auty in not m
the least marred hy a long nwijieof
dirt aero'-n her dimpled cheek, or a
npot of oil oil InT pretty none. Iler
s c i f InT nintern, hut they arc hy
ou aim l.irc, though they are
r""r -
ii,',H "f Mii- 'Nellie' makeup are
"" that thin except ion in a rc-
fl' diilig one. indeed FveliiligTel-
giAin. I
'I lie rulliiuia Hti.l l.u.
It look now un though the Full-1
map iialace car moiioimlv w.i '
, .
i i i . , ., '
iooiii,'.i, n.iinetning people nave, tor lnistncns, and o your husinenH will
I", til,-.-.' many yearn, ho d for. ,,t ht. neglected in looking after rc
The Steel Car Company, of St. Joe, irrigation. Huy low, nell fair, and
Mo-noiiri, him turned out it first ' take care of the profit. I.ook over
palace car, and it mark a treinen- i jur regularly, and if you
dous revolution in railway travel. iid an error of only a cent trace it
It w ill not only hreak upan unheal -1 nut, Humid it stroke of misfor
ahle inonoHily, hut insure Almont tunc come over you in trade, re
ahsolule iiuuiuiiity from fatal an i-1 iH'iieh, work harder, hut never
dents. The car is huilt entirely of . Hindi. Confront dillietiltie with
line three-fourth inch nteel plates ; untiring pi rseverance, and they
lirinly riveted together.anil although! will ultimately disapi-car. Though
it in one-half longer than an onlin-jytm honhl ultimately fail in the
ary l'ullinan, it weigh less. It is J ntrugglc. you will he respected; hut
oval in shape, rounded ahove and j nhrink from the tusk and vou will
underneath i that should it leave
the track it would roll over without
ajar. It cannot splinter, telescope
or luiiii. lnsnle the cur ma liieiiiuliind no exact your due. Keep
ofheauly. It contain hath room, -your word most conscientiously,
harher shop, lihrary, dining room ami you have nothing to fear.
and hed roiitu. upliolntcrcd heavily , .
in leather, covered with decorated I n AltlKati.r'n (Jneer Xenl.
atin, no that even if one wa rolled
down a hill with the car the padding
would prevent Anything more serious
than hruine. Cathedral das shedi
a soft glow from the upper window I
and a separate dvuatiio furnishes
the electricity. In time it i reason-1
a hlo to predict that all passenger
car will he of tdeel, und death from
railway Accident, such a . the
Chatnworth horror, he reduced to
the minimum. Seattle liudget.
A Southern postmaster is likely
o nee inside of a penitentiary on ac
count of hi desire to deceive a col-
ortal preacher. Ho wrote a letter
to the preacher, informing him that
he had heeii appointed to an ollicc
worth $100 a month, nnd signed
l'l't'sident Harrison' name. The
man went to Washington and there
learned he hud hi en deceived. The
pontmiister hiiH hecn arrested and
w ill prohahly learn that there are
some I'nited State lawn that t win
Southerner are hound to respect or
Hiill'cr the conscipieiicc-i of their in
fraction. Toledo llladc.
Ahoutaghost: Nieklehy I went
to a spirituiilintie seance the other
night. A spirit cain;' out ;; 1 1
gi'iihhi'd It and found it v.ti rial
llcsh and hlood. It in a ni'iacle
that 1 u in now alive. Sipied'H
Why? Did they Assault ynu? Niek
lehy No; htit whn they shouted at
mo I gave? Up tlie'ifhnst.
, . , H i . , i ,.
A TrnimaetloM In Fraclloiml riimiMy.
Pr. William Mourn, of lirooklyn,
wan tcllinif a cnrronoiideiit of the
New York Hlar an experience ho
had in tho Kotith nhortly uflr the
idonu of tho war, Kuid he: " I went
Houth funny healtli, and, haip(oiiin
toee a pilo of tlni fractional cur
renvy known a 'nhiiiplantiT' in the
how camm of a country ntore in
Northern (iuurjoii, I anked why tho
proprietor kept tlinin then). Me
naid that it wan iuipoHnihlo to in
duce pnopht to takotheiii, I offered
him for the lot, which offer he
accepted without hciiUtion. On
counting thmn over 1 found I had
purrhamid 'l 'M worth. 1 thou took
a liornu ami vinited all the country
ntoren within reach, and houht up
the ntoi.k of hiiijihiHter each one
had. When I reached Washington
I called at tho trcanury departiiHint
and hud my purchanen redeemed. I
then counted my profit, and found
that I had cleared 110 over my ex
jiennen on tho trip."
t itillate Hid Nuim-i.
The Toledo llhnle nay: The great
dnnger of ii government of the jhio
ple hy the jH'ople i from the igno
rance of the voting imputation. A
mere kuiwh-dge of reading ami
writing, a mattering of arithmetic,
grammar nud geography, in not an
education in thencuneof that word;
for the memory in the chief faculty
exercihed in ohtaiiiing a knowledge
of their rudiiiicntn, am', the child
may realty have had hut little train
ing in the exercine of all the other
Kiwerof hi mind. en'Mrially of hi
relh-etive and reanoning faculties.
Hence a knowledge of thine fumla
iiientaln doo imt remove the dan
ger to free institution; for no long
a men only think that they think
no long an they nre not eapahle of
taking Up a iUentioll of pllhlic ndi
cy, of relleeting upon it, and logi
cully working out a correct conclu
nion. that long will they he led hy
leuiii;;ogili-n and elf-eekiug men,
to tln ri 1 of free institution.
IIu.iiir.n rriiirlilH.
Let the luiniiici-n of everyhly
else al one nnd attend to your own.
Pmi't huy what you don't want.
e ... i .. . i . i
1 e every tionr in auvaiuagc, ami
study to make even leisure hour
useful. Think twice he fore VoU
throw away a dollar; reini'iiiU'r yon
have another to make for it. Find
r....r. ii., ;,, 1....L-;,,,, ri... .......
.. ........ ... ....n... ,,.,
In' depised. Hy following these
rule, however, you need "never
nay fail." l'av dehtn promptly,
Alligator, a a rule, have a reg
ular place of retreat in the hank of
a stream or tarn, say Outing. Thin
'xeavatcd with their foro paw.
and, according to some cracker,
'I'1"1 i carried away in the mouth
of the engtneer, who hack into
ic engineer,
'-''''P water and disgorges it load,
h1"'11 return to renew the ojicration
until it ha made itself a capacious
home under w ater. This w ill read
ily account for tho size of the
mouth, for it must not only pro
cure food, hut also act a a mud
scow. The female adopt the mime
method for huilding her nest, and
not only till her mouth, but alo
take a load between her fore leg
when nhe is in a hurry. She can,
by thi mean, uccoiupliah much
work in a day, for she, never seem
to tire. It i quite amusing to
watch a young mother build her
lirst nursery, she being not only fus
sy and vigilant, hut so suspicion
that a few iluttering leaves startle
her out of her wits.
A Tapir lintel.
The experiment of constructing
a large building, chiclly of paper,
ha been successfully made at Ham
burg, where an Iniinense hotel with
it facade and other important
part composed of that material
ha been erected. It is claimed tho
building is fireproof and also imper
vious to tho action of the elements.
A Hi t un tlie I'rrslili'iii')-,
Colonel Joseph K. Rickey, of CaI
laway county, Missouri, i a hard
man to hi nil'. The other day a Chi
cago capitalist, who had gone, to
WaHhitigton a a world' fair Imm
er, advanced the projutnitimi that he
could name the next president for
a conaideratinn, of course.
"For how much?" iiHked Mr.
"For 2.')0 agaim-t 8000," oaid
the hooincr.
"I'll take it; name tho man,"
said Colonel Kickey.
" P.ohert T. Lincoln," wa the re-I-ly.
The In t stand. If Mr. Lincoln
i elected president in 1802 Mr.
Kickey lose 2000. If heinn't, Mr.
Lyon locn Jf'J."). Thi i prohahly
the initial wager on the campaign
of 1MD2.
A Farmer' I. nek.
Wc were within a mile of Find
lay, Ohio, and the train had just Ixf
gun to slacken njn't'd, when wo felt
a jar and knew that the train had
Mtruek some considerable object. In
the next neat ahtad wa a farmer,
and he threw up the sash, and put
out hi head and exclaimed:
" Hy gum, hut I'm in luck!"
" Why, they have killed a horse!"
shouted a man behind us, a he
looked out.
" Yes, and it ' my boss!" added
the farmer.
" Hut you said you were in luck?"
"You 1st, 1 am! I've been rid
ing up and down this line for five
year on a pass they gave me for
killing an old cow which was n't
worth five dollars. The pass ex
pired yesterday, and now my old,
boss that i n't worth skinning, gits
in the way and i knocked over.
Luck! Why, gent, that mean a
free family pass for five year more,
and there are fourteen in the fairi
Iv!" Mir 'low it Huuiiirr.
The men who advertise Are the
men whoaredoing the mosttolnnjtB
their town. The Chicago Inter
Ocean says: "It in not an unfrn
ipient occurrence for business men
to either come to the Inter Ocead
exchanges for the sole purpose of
studying the life and enterprise of
the various town in their territory
which they judge by the advertis
ing column and appearance of the
local press. In these day a city
without advertisers is dead, and
will stay dead, and no matter what
the resource are."
ulij lie Wasn't killed.
Captain Sinar And were you
never wounded, rat?
I'at Faith, nor, and 1 was. In
the fight ut Spottsvlvaniii a dirty
n-U'l lifted his gun and fired.
wa scared, I tell yez. He struck
me right under the left breast.
" Hut if it struck where you sav,
the ball must have gone throueh
your heart and killed you."
" Oh, liedad, sor; me heart wa
in ,ne mouth at the time." Har
vard Lampoon.
Abraham Lincoln, son of lloliert
T. Lincoln, I'nited States minister.
who ha been nutlVring from pois
oning arising from a malignant car-
1'unclc on the lift side bjlow the
armpit, died at 11 o'clock- Wednes
day morning, the fth hint.
Niitowoitli) Sajliitrs
Savings are the lirst gain.
A crown i no cure for tho head-
Tho longest life i nothing but a
parcel of moment.
If you would flatter the vulture
do not call him a pigeon.
The tree which i not taller than
thou trt cannot shade thee.
Lofty height must bo ascended
by w inding paths.
Our last garment is made without
A foolish woman i known by her
The greatest wealth is content
ment with little.
Wedlock is like wine, not proper
ly judged until tho second glass.
When the tale of bricks i doub
led, then come Moses,
The complaint of the present time
is the complaint of all time.
To maintain a vico is more costly
than ten virtue.
The Chinese say there are two
good men; one i dead, and the oth
er i unborn.
Error, when she retraces her
steps, ha farther to go than ignor
ance. A man of sense is not ashamed
of poverty, or of deliberately con
fessing it, but ho keeps the marks of
it out of sight.