The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 06, 1890, Image 4

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Hiiw (ha IVsoLviii Wiiim Wars I'trsl .!-sirti(-Ssrvlitita-
(Via tmih (
Maualvtinit Animals falttstils Otitis
lvl. lt n lt.mgM riir Huiall Sinus.
IMnmomt wow Hist found In ttultn,
ntul nt one time the nilneiieiirle.liNmvh.
were very provluotive of Mono of itrvnt
w em,I hi'illi.moy, Asia controlled the
vlinmoitil uiiuket for yein, mid only
hvst ita lioll when, early In th cIkIi
teenth century, some natives of Hltuil
were found lityiii)( at onrvla, They were
using stones for counter, ami these aloiioa
were nu;;h, tmt vory vnlunhle, iliniuoitil.
Thin was in thepivviiicoof Minus llornos,
in which mine wore worked a early as
K'.M, aiul whore ilhitiioucls nro still
When (lie now of the first discovery
spread there was a rush of fortune hunt
ers to Uracil, and noma were hunted In
very singular style, Kvery bird that
eame within r:m;e was hot, and the
content of its craw inspected with
greedy eagerness and often with great
success. Small diamonds won also oc
casionally found in tho stoituicha of
slaughtered nniuiuls, and tluj led to it
careful overhauling of every carcass.
On one occasion a gem of seven carat
was found in the tangled loeknof anegr
iluve. Score of slave had their wool
shaved otT at onoe, hut no diamond
voro found hy tho barbers.
While the ignorant were hunt Iuk
is irregular manner and trusting to
chance tint more ejH'rieniHl were dig
ging mines. Tho In-st diamonds were
found near the surface, and only ten or
twelve feet of soil wa removed. The
soil w as of tho usual diamond indicating
nature. It was piled in small heaps hy
the side of a natural or artificial stream,
and washed ill lone trvmghs hy slaves.
The overseer occupied seat on elevated
ground or on stand erected for tho pur
pose, and woro able to watch the w asher
very closely.
The slave washed w ith great care, for
the finding of a diamond of eighlien or
more carat was rewarded with freedom,
and many hundred slave were lucky
enough to mvure their papers in this
manner. In KM the tvahta mine were
dicovored, and more recently diamond
h ive lieen found in many other province
,f Pr.uil. In some yeaia the value of the
i. ins export. -I h is excei-ded $.i,eOO,(M)0;
..f nveiit years, however, tho output ha
not Issn so heavy. At tint ISia.ilittn
iU. linen. Is w, to not popular in K.uro'.
and there w.ts an idea that they were oil
si brilliancy and generally inferior Ui the
Asiatic article. Hut this was evidently
nn re prejudice, for soma of the South
American gems have a world wide repu
tation. The "Star of the South," nu ir
r tular dod.valio.lrvm.weighed l'.'l carat
hen cut. and an octahedron, found in
(he same mine, weighed nearly as much.
The great diamond Held of today are
In South Africa, w here tho production
has Usui so great ai to cause apprehen
sions as to the maiutciiaiieo of price.
In In; J John O K. illy, while traveling in
tho ate dinner ut the house of
settler named N. lkirk. On tho table
llnTii :w collection of Orange river
stones, and I K. illy selected one which
lit) Is li. ve.l to be a diamond, and nsked
if ho might take it. lie was referred to
its owner, a bu-hm:m named Jaeolst.who
parted with it without a momenta Con
sideration. Mr. O lieillv sent tho stone I
- tol'r. Atln -rstoiie, of lirahaiu Town, and
received $.',."nil for it. The gem weiglud
'.Ml carau, mid view at tho l'aru
exhibition. (I II. -illy and Acting Civil
Commissioner lloyi-s used tho '.',S0O aa
working capital, and commenced a rua
p ctmg tour nftt r diamond.
Other joined them, but for over two
year their etforts were unsuccessful,
und tiny wero unable to find nny ilia
nion.lif.roin earth. Hut in H'.'J Sir.
N.-lkirk trad.-d alsnii f'.VXA) worth of
jattl.) for tho f.unou "Star of South
Africa" diamond, which had been found
by a llott. iitot. The trade proved an
excellent one, for tho wonderful dia
mond was sieedily mill by it new
owner for $."n,noo, ur iitsitit -Id per cent,
f it value. The "Star" weighed KIJ
carats in the rough and 4'H carat when
cut. It formed tho nnwt striking feat
ure of the Countess of 1 hull. j' famous
collection of jewels. Iuriiig tho yar
170 tho ni-li to tin) Transvaal com
menced. Fully liMUKt miner deserted
California and Australia for Soutli
Africa, and huge mining ramp wero
establish,, d in likely nnd unlikely spot.
Few of tho newcomer wero exs'rt in
diamonds or diamond seeking, ami for a
time results were far from encouraging.
The Orange lhver Valley wa exam
ined by pross cting parties and finally
abandoned. Then there wa a rush up
tho Veal riv. r to where tho town of
Harkly now Mauds. Hero was tho center
of tho rich diamond district, and for
tune were Bi.edily inuda by soiuo of
th pioneers. Tho usual drawback of
mining camps fever, famine and hos
tile natives In set the miner nnd many
perished. Tho nearest town wa at l'ort
FliaU th, over Ti'sl miles distant. It
cost $'"kJ for team hire und provision,
and largo inimlsr who wero without
fund started on foot, only to perish by
the way. 1 ho conveyance wero heavy
wagons, very stoutly built and without
spring. Not less than eight span of
biillis k had to I, hitched toeach wagon,
which had to U dragged over rock,
across river and through forests, jerk
ing the rid. r oir their aland destroy
ing tho baggage. Fx plosives could nut
lie hauled, owing to the concussion.
Tho road now is caMor to travel, nud a
railroad ha Im-. ii built uloiig it, tho re
sult being many more luxuries and com
fort for tho miners; but in Ilia 71)' tho
miner's life was a hazardous one, and
although several got rich, many mora
i-itiier dii d in tho camp or went homo
The first II vo mine in operation wero
tho l)o Jlcers, Imtoltspan, Ilultfontciu,
(Jolesls rg Kops jeund Kimlieiley, TIh-ho
have held lirt plan) in importance
against all rivals, and have recently Is-eli
incorsirate. into a syndicate controlled
hy tho lie lifers Consolidated Slinocoui
puny. &
1.iiis (jlnlie-Lh iuocrat.
"Last ficcno or All."
A airnnge, terrible event Unit wa
which lifippeiied in tho Lyceum theatre
In Now York, when death sudde.nly laid
hi hand on tho comedian of tho play,
Charles B. Bishop. Ho was a merry
soul, genial, jolly nnd kindly, a favorite
with tho oilier lie lorn, llo went on tho
stage guy ly und jauntily, rnudo tho audi
ence room ring with laughter ami passed
behind tho scene. There had been no
intimation, not a word of wurnlng, that
ho wii ill. Suddenly ho entered the
rl:i:;o manager's room. IIo felt a pain
in hi left side, lie said. Help wa sum
moned Instantly, but when It ciuno only
a dead man lay there, clad still in tho
gi'oti'H.iie garment that had provoked
many n round of mirth, with dead eye
Muring nliovo tho painted cheek and
eyebrows. Tho comedy actor' soul hud
pushed behind tin scenes. I til 1 1 n il the
stugo the ciirluln had been rung down.
A ilie.'ul, in) sti'i ions hand had slopped
tho play, the hand that signals lliu end
of nil draman, on tho mimic stago and
tho real one.
BUMIill'l'L 01.1) lilHJS.
I'll Mil rM-n.Hs lOigs Arm ut
tits Wool rismi His Aiir iM I - !'i ti'"i
Vsrjlng risox ! til l,lllK-"lll.loT III
Tans tr Vraist Hi Morns
In a small rKm on tho sis'ond Ihsir of
a building near Uroadaitd Market street,
Newiuk, a voting Armenian sat on a pile
of soft mid velvety vugs, describing to u sustain a distinct mid Interesting poo
iminlsT of ptsiple In tho apartment tho pie. Its geographic contour suggest the
ipialitv of the goods, some of which were curious silhouette of soiiio eoticlmiit gl
over 100 veai old. On tho tloor lay a gantle matallf. or huge wild Isast. It
Hi.,. lUikhara riur. valued at ;.V tiud ! is easy to see in It southorninosi out-
made, it was said, any wheru from 100 to !
l.'iO yrar ago. It w of H-culiar pat
tern, hardly t woof any of tho similar fig
ure Mug alike In every particular.
Wherein one Hgiuti there w a a back
ground of red in anol her there wa while,
Itlue wa placed in some but ojnittod In
other, and various other vouliuritio
wero noticed showing that ditfoient
color had Ihvu used and that diltorcnt
women had worked at the same rutr.
i no most H.tiuuoti leauireol I no rug ,.
Its iH-iiutiful gloss, which changed as tho j to 'l.iiar.l Head, it remotest southern
light struck it. headland; ncrosn it entire reach of bill
TllK AHMKNUK ttt'U M.VKiat. lmHn lands far out tlh.i St, lleoi ge's
The Armenian aiiwo from hlsseat. and, ,-miinel in the inn tliw est, mid over the
taking hold of one aide of tho rug, swung WU,, ,,f tllu r and coaster to the
it around. Instantly nit the colors aa-: ,,Ui,.(it, where the sanigo sea lashes
suined a dark, tt ilh here and there, ! Ullj i,i, , m vain iiIkuiI the moat furi
whero the light fell directly on the rug. 1 im mariner 'a beacons, the won
a bright SML Another turn wa given, . ulvl!, :ddstone light,
and all the w ane, brieht color c.mipils- i i!ut s(n'ding ihei e, w ith nil this nui .
ing the rug were brought out like a Hash. ,io eu-loraina before ou, desolation
"The ghw-i I obtained," the Arnieniaii ())1v ,,, i i,, tl, ,.)e. The tius.i
explained, "by constant wear for many lands sti. tch a If In bound
year. A rug do.' not get uuy gl.vss until j,, iumdin,, 't he tor and hill are
it has lccti used forllfty yiiirs, nndsouu'- ' n,,. nm nuy pm i,ilo face of
time it even take longer than that. For ' in,, ,H.,n lorn nnd . ai red, u by
this reason principally you can buy ti n,,,,,,,,,,!! eleineutal struggle. A
now rug a gvmd deal cheaper than all old f 1V ,n(? (ragiiieuts of evpl.uled
rug. mere are oilier reason, nowevei,
why the old rug are more valuable.
Formerly tho wool wa used. Now,
however, much of tho best wool I sent
to F,uroii, whine it command high
price. Formerly, also, vegetable dyes
were used entirely. Now mineral dyes
have Iweu introduced, and many of the
rug are dyed with mineral ami vegetable
dye combined. The most exs-nstvo rugs
are made of wool from the Aneora goat.
"I sold one to W. K. Vauderbilt, In
New York, that was over list years eld.
A gentleman in Wilkesharre, I'a., U.injit
olio that wa over WO years old. llo
lui.l t-VH) for it. and it contained twelve
patches, some of which were four or live
luchca square. These holes are caiisi d
from constant wear in those places. In
Scruntou there Is a gentleman whose
: father was a missionary to Turkey. The
j latter bought a rug forty-eight years
j ago, but it has not got tho glo-ss . n it
' vet. At my home iii Asia Minor we
iuiTo a rug my grandfather bad fifty
: years ag.v This is a different kind from
I the, however, and d. not get
! g!.ssy,
' "The gl. ha to Is' obtained from
: constant wear. If tt Is) obtained by
! other and quicker ineaiis it is not the
' same. Take such a rug and put it in
I water, and it w ill lose the gloss. These
old rug lire cleaned in Tin key by plac
ing them in the river, and then allow ing
tlu iii to dry in the sun. Tin y do not
lose their gl.. After year of wear the
color change, but th. y Invouio simply
uioro suUbied an t ncln r in tone, mi l
are more highly pri . don tliat account. "
astii.MsIIImi wnuiir.
The speaker went to one corner of the
ruein mi'l lifted a rug 51 fis t long by a (
1-3 feet wide.
Try and lift thai," ho said.
The n-irter t..k hol...f it and held it
out. It full like so much lead.
"That I a Tilli rug, and it w. lhi,
twenty livo or thirty miuu.I at hast.
Such rug a thi have tlio longest nap,
and th.-y are considered most us, fid in
Uslnsim rug. Most of them sell for
from $10 to $1'", although large ones
bring a much as $-"smI. Some nnti.pic.
measuring 7xH) f.s-t, have brought $.'t.
or o'Si. The ltokliaia, however, is tin
most exsusivo and the finest of the All
gora w.s.I rug. They mo more glossy
tn.m any other in Turkish Next
to tli. so the auti.ue 1 1 .In stall and K i
iak rug are tho glonstt and funs!.
The latl.-r I a cl.s. r woven rug than the
former, thi constituting the main 1 1 iT.-r-elico
Istwisu I In-1 1 1. Tho Koiirdislan
rug are also very costly, and lire anion;;
tho heaviest. One, 1J hy 111 feet. w. i(li
ing Vi't pounds, bring iiIhiiiI $"i0..
"Almost any amount of money can I
phu ed in a rug. An Albany judge, i
heard, paid recently in New York f l.fPD
for one. Tho largest Turkish rug rut
made w a ma le for the sultan about it
year and a half ago, in honor of his
birthday anniversary. It wa !!3 yards
long by IS wide, and bs.U forty women
three year to make it. It wa presented
to tho sultan by some wealthy men
"It is dilllcult to say how long It
would take to make a rug. Tho Tuiki .h
rug nro made by farmers' wive and
tho Hxrcr class after they are through
with their day' work, just u fancy
work i inado here. They nro nut made
with tho intention of si lling them, nl
though It i not dilllcult for agent trav
eling through tho country to buy them
Women don't work in factories u th. y
do hero, hut there i cirtiiin kind of
work which the manufacturers bring
around to the houses to he done. Worn, n
in our country haven't tlm privileges of
going out arid si-eing each oilier that
they havo hero. They earn a lum;.
however, making w hat are called Rig
dad portion , one of which you see
hanging on tho wull lliero." .Newark
What Ilia World's Iiimi!iiiIiiii Wniilil l)i.
If wo reckon the population of the
globs at ono thousand two hundred ni.ll
ion of human being (here woii I be
room for them nil on the fro.eii surface
of tho lalio of Const nice (Swit.ei land),
and the cru.di would not be so very gn at
cither, a there would bn a space four
feet square for each person. If the Ice
wero to break, and the whole semi m
race wero tint to sink into lliu w al' i v
grave, the level of the lalai would old)
bo raised six ilichea. Ixiidon Tit Hits
It has Im en said, and il Is probably true,
that no oilier tract of land sixty miles
squaro In tho world contain so many
natural wonder a Yellowstone park.
Tho park, Indeed, ml,; lit he a bit of land
from soiiio oilier plain t, pieced info our
earth, so far a reiiemhlanco to any other
locality I concerned. Tho canyon of the
Yellowstone river I a thousand feet
deep, anil tho stream plunge into It over
a precipice !l(J0 feet high,
Tho time will undoubtedly come when
tho Yellowstone will ho ono of tho great
est health ri'Hoi't on the glohn. The gey
ser or Mining mineral spring nro the
most wonderful feat urn. Sumo of the
largo ones lull I water In a height of 1100
fiv t. When tho allien and other miner
.1 held in solution crysliilli.e, orange,
yellow ami red tinl of uIiuihI unearthly
brilliancy appear. .Scientist havo de
cided that tho Yellowstone wonder
wero produced by volcanic action. Vol
canlo lire far below tho siirfaco of Hie
earth heat tho water of underground
stream Into steam. In Necking to es
capo tho steam hurls tho mud nnd water
out with It,
A t'nlnt Hi si tteavuttilvs S..u. t oelint
WIUI lltTt tiliesmir Usr
twry" M.n.tlui..l lllrlliilsi' ! I't
viitt et King Arthur ami
Jutting fur out from F.ngliiud Into th
fill loin Aliunde Is a hit of rock httt-
trsed laud of ui.wt singular sliin which
reaching, It two .oweiful fore feeli In
Its noilheiucoantliiie its braced and lirts
tllug backi 111 Its iiimit northern projec
tion nu erect nnd pugnacious tail. In It
rastern IVmnsluie boundary It uian.ilve
haunches and hind feel, wedged against
the eternal gi unite of IVvon
Standing upon llciisliarrow, oueof It
drear and highest peaks, one can see
smiling levon to the eusli alunwl to
land's I'nd. lis furthest westward wall.
,,(.,,.,, Ui,,hI in w ful upis-r ralu iiihui
this laud coin. I have I. II no more un
sightly hints upon it Yet all these
cavern nud chasms which disllgiue it
were made by tho hand of iiiaii Its
granite, shale nud shite hidocops r, tin
nu I Iron For in. no than ll.UiW year It
surface has Usui ch ft, and Its dcptl
gored and lured, until il face i pitied
lis It w nil extiucl vi.icauiH-s, vviioso Oiim's
were lioiioycouils .1 tu n miles depth,
and. laterally, so far otilwanl Ismiilli
tue is-, an, in. a us vi i v wuscracliisl
and bios. u. until, to prevent tho sea
ilroppiiig lluoiigii, the Is'ltoin was
smiled and plugg. d and sol. I. ud like a
leaky b.c-inl
Aliun-t unlil t.hl.ty.n thno la ineas
ured, this laud I" the rest ef i.uglaii.l
was a veritable ten. t tucngmta "Wist
ll.tib.iry" It wa culled tollllv discitU
II uncannia. ss, il supposed ignorance
and Its popul.tilv a.'. iislite.l is-ml
barism. 'if its loo. O.HI ouU, one eighth,
front youth to d. alb, In il.u Liu ss pick
and blast in shift and drill tu.-ulh its
wind swept in. s. is. I'nld a ciilury
since a di.lilict l.tlii;ttagi was ss,k'il,
pleached and tau.;ht. In the
turner low IIS "I be put est F.llgllsll spoken"
Is said to prevail, toil a,,, tin I. lay not a
l.-ai;ue from those I mm itnioiig tl.ber
folk, iniii. is and a-.u.l ., mi ordinary
Fnr.l.-hinaii or Atneii. att call n urci ly
understand a w.u.l int. led
ktvi AlUIlt i; I. ANn.
Yet hero nie life and scene of tho
greatest fascination, ls!h life and scene
of siinpli. tiy. U'.tulv and graieh nr;
while romance and l.-c.iid glow wonder in tv.ry t,.r, coiuU. and :r..uii,
romance and I. ;. ud the 1. 1. 1.-st uiul iu.l
iiis..iii in all l.ngl.tit I For In le lived,
or w l ie I s.i n lo 1,1. ... legend, 'An bur,
l-aiuii .dot ttii'l I .iiliiev ere, uud the
old hound Table Kmgbts. 'this wild
uud sturdy land Is King Arthur's laud
It is t oi iiw all.
The writer Isguii hi journey around
the Cornwall emu t from ilm bill., wa
rt bathing place ..f lai.le.on hud,. I.av,
I;.. I mote than two leagues flout the
northern boundary of Kiuk' Aitlmi t
land. U jond this f..r a dieary distance, you stteti It tie. h ss downs, Is low
Joilitro Ja, ;!' .1 1 dill i, nnd 1s t ond these,
11, ihiui; but inula. U of sea fowl and the
iniiisiir.l." s.,1. At llih Cl.ll one
stand over 7oO feel nls.Mi tin, ocean,
where ev .iv 1 111 Iw a, d sound Is uiuiibi
late.l by the thunders of the set, but one
of the lnte.t cast views in nil Filmland
is providid. Not four miles finih.i
dow 11 the coast vui c.uiieiist
a M.-een
of hallowa d lom. nice l.i w 1 1 , 1 mi l dr
Tintai;. I. What inatti r It whether
inance nr fact coin. .1 the
that rniL',s Ihtoit, b tin. I,
sb l imn p'Ll
lid old I all
it fad,'aiis,. it was i'nd, mid made u
"stainless Lin;." S. iln m Is font you
on thitt wave lashed, almost island pro
liioiit.iry. Mauds today ilm slid easily
traced remain of Tiuliie;e of nidi lleru
was thn very Ian. luii; place of KinK' I'tlu-r.
Here L'th.-r I'eii.lntKoii Is-si. kiiI I Ue
of Cornwall in his twin rustles, Tintat;el
lunl lerrulill, slew I, nil, mill the same
dny married the dead dill.c's v, aihni;
w ife, Vernv lie, lo vv In.iii in tune a Im iy
wasls.rn. The eiichanier Merlin ri an d
the child Arthur under in "I Sir Fctor'i
cure, and re-lored t.i him the ituidom
of Cornwall on I'.inli ;i;;oii's dealh. The
noble Arthur Insiiiuied thn dolor of
Klil,;hts of the Koillnl Table, whose
sniully acts, ill thn service of (iod und
man, until they fill inlo sin, urn the
most shining deeds of nil tradition; he
loved only und initn iod luinevere.w hoiti
l.auiK, bis den, ,t f i n nd, bciiavcd.
uud ut la.t, rcoi iviii' his ,h alb wound in
the haltl" Willi Ids ri Isdliou nephew's
forces, j list over th, re ul, hut
two leagues from vvln ro vou sliind in the
ruin of ', Al l bur bade his last
loyal knight, Sir lledovi r, curry him lo
llomari) I'imiI - iili.u but a liltle ihslance
liwuy, where the Cm ilemoii 'I'li oi it
le once had his il w idliit),' - llinji Iuh
sword I '. m ul 1 1 .il r therein, w Inn a
rowed by three ipieeli iippeured, These
ipierii liflini; him iii, w ailed over him,
und they nil sailed nvvny over the mere
lo tin) "bland valley of A v illi, m" lhal
hi "i;i iev(ilin wound liii;;hl he healed."
C'or. New York Coniini iclal Adverliser
DIobI intelligent people would have
lilted to sen Canada invited to join In the
,1, 'liberal lonn of the lutermilional eon
Kicsa at Wiishlulon. und many have
wondered why she wu nut asked The
reiiHon wit that, however friendly our
Knvernnieut feel to Cnu.ada, she cuiiuul
luko part in tin congress heciiuse she is
not a itiitlon.
Mr. Kdwiird 0. b'ceh, tin) new dlrec
lor of the mint, was once a noled bane
bull player Numerous Kcnllciniii, who
have latidy attained iIIhI iiictioli.weli'ollce
llrsl cIiih baiehiill players, several ol
tlinin bollix clergymen. The Inullli mnl
energy they K"t from following the mv
tlonitl Kumn helped Iheni to success on
the field of lift) afterward.
Ht 111. 18S0, tho year of flood, disaster
of storm nnd cyclone, maintain ll rec
ord. Onti day there como piirticulur of
thn Hood mid volcanic erupt bum in
Japan, In which many thousand live
wero lost, the next day come, new of
llie foundering of thirty-five vessel hi n
cyclone In Mexican waters, while the
third day Hither in a terrllln ";nlc
throughout wcHlcril Kllliipn, nlleiiiled
with Iohr of life and iiiimeiiuo deulruo-tlnn.
Wlisii ltti snille ymr si iiiuin nl nits hosrs,
Wis lis rii.ll "r lliw to nlx'r,
Hut wn li im-is yimr rmismiinK s lih hwa,
lt suit I lie wiiiimii means to liwvs Imr war
0 woman, iti.m rl rlilnsl to U'KiilIrt,
Th 'l lni! A IHiol "ii"'!)1 tins.
Tliny alio linvu siiottii hor mils
Nol' '" " toa.lo ri omul. irt sn.t In lil.vs.
A millY Ctrl .l. llulils It." aiisor's He,
II. it lu-nuty iioi..!' oitit tvltli l..riii-.HiiHini
tlnr I... mo Ii.ii..i..iiii O'.ioiiii Is'iiulill.
A ol"K on.. .IiiTiisisi siionlilns lliotw
Alilioniili Vsliisl level soitiati o n!i irat
III. ti kilo" II l l"'r mil""' t"
An.l is.Hiilnl.if lior iiiihsImiI. lioKnuit,
Kliicv rio.llt'titly II lliul MilMli-u for two,
A I'.ilnml Moil IlKiuonalialeil Ills 'ilHM.IIJ
as a iivnmt' or W
There wna a gloeeiy just iicron from
the depot, and on a l-ciu h iiiidertho w In
dow were seven large watermelon, A
short, en. Microtis l.s.klng colmcd man
sat on it burgage tiuck hiMng acres nt
the grocery, After a bit one of oureruwd
sauntered up to him uud carelessly ob
served; "Some line melons over there,''
"lleod dey Is, Ikws," wit file reply,
"IK) colored foil. ever eat witter-
"IliU'sdev? IKh dey out watcruiel
Ivoiisl 1 should reckon to con ad. r dot
dey did!"
"hi that so? How many colored men
als.tit your sle would il taketogel away
w Ith ono largo melon?"
"How man? Say, U, 'pours to uia
you douii' lib in di kontry,"
"No; I'm Ju .t over fiom I'.uglunil."
"Hat account. Yer il.iun' know u.
How many w ould It take? YoU d Is-tler
ax bow many inellvou w ould Ui w anted
fur one cull'd pussoii named Jiwephu
"You don't mean vou could out a wholo
'I'isHi' I, If I can t cut do hull selicii,
: I'll go olT to de sw amp nu' diet"
WochipiH'd in to l iiv up the lot an.!
give the man the golden i.pK.itunily of
1 Ills life. The un ions wi re biocght over
nud laid In a low , and .loscphus u-momd
; his bat nnd Coat and h i out hi leather
Is It llii. e notches, and sat down with
his back braced again .1 a Isn.
1: I pi went the knife a ho got the
word, and the stoi in had burst. Ho t ill
the tin Ion Inlo four pieces, drops d Hie
knife, and ill Just Ivv o mimiti by tho
watch nothing was I. ft but a heap of
I mds and a handful of ss-.l As.ii. ml
was rolled over to bun and be.tin. d
liv e second on Ills ether time, till the
Ihiid ho I - t t. ti s- coiids, and on tho
fourth Ileal!) a ll.llill!.-, lie cut lie. fifth,
ate il .pialt. r of It, und then st.l up to
"Was it Vscti d dal I wna total do httl
Sets II ll,.bt lloW ll"
"ibi. no. Tho 1,1, t wa lo s o how
maiiv toil could i it ut I'lioi."
" all, le a lectio .Il ipp'iut.d lit my
si If. I di I Is li. v.i I could git itwity wid
do I, I In Is. nl half ai hour, but Uo
er I. II. d upon fo". I:. son I hain't f.s hn
oti'ilv welt au'.ilat do (logon ttiiuip I
itle dn maw mil' liev mrler held tue otT
If vou w.ntld Is- no kind a to give me
'Is. Ill liv i. ntitilites 1. 1 liliisll do ret of ill
i,n .bit h i tue I.imo do islder two do li
dar In d bii .li l y in. i If. Im a Is
bov in' d ,l' w on't Is) notion' I. ft by sun
Ho s.s-ii linl bed the fifth, nnd then
took a melon und. r r u b arm and made
for it tin. k. t dow it ilm Hack Twenty
mimiti after bo bit the train cam.'
along, nnd as w o rode past tho thi. Let
J. bus rose up w ith a . Iitary m. Ion
In Ins hands, Isiwed his thank and
shontedi '
"l.-sgwlu.l (fr do It, vsrtiltu tnaiil It's
do only one Lift, mi' 1 II git away wid
bun Is-fo' you ) ti il got dow n to I'eler
bur,;:"-NuW Yolk Sun.
t'Slltlll lll.tlD.
Clout, hone, oi India rubls r, Is the sup
of si veral ditr. rent plants and trisi
rowiu In tropical r. , -.ions, but Is m.wi
largely obi. unc i lt..m it S- tith Amen, an
plant. It i w hili. hi... (In. jiiio.i of tin 1 k
w,-.d w hen It eludes flout the plant, but
tss'oliies I d.ti k from the liTii tsof sliinlie,
fo the it. (ion of w Inch II is silhliH'ted ill
I he pri a ss of curing When It Is ol
I on. , from trees Ibt. sap is i;alhere, bv
tapping the trees after a fashion not id
lordlier tiuliLe that bv w In. It the nan is
: ,.iii.i,-i.d from manic ins-s for muLine
i" ; maple suj;ar. It is evtis. rated to re
o I tiii.v the wut. r. uud then a slick nr
i -bni" , ,tip-, Into it, and the sap taken
.... i I,, ii , ,r Mm,, ilm,, In the smoke of
II lire of lllll. Tills islcMltcd 1 1 II I he hat
i l..ii. led, w hen llie t iioiitchoiin I
taken olf nnd dned'for shippiiiK. When
obtaiiu d from plants, the Ids r is min er
nte. I und the sup i vlia.icl by evits. ra
tion. The raw rubls r thus obtained has
to pass extended and cuiipli'
I t itled reliiiuiK pr.s'cssos after Its arrtvnl
in this country is fote it in ready for the
purpose of the liialiufactilter, fitssl
III! Own
An old ciitlleuian In Ilid.lefor.l named
Iiluhald Ihoii has sulTeied lunch from
w hat scenic, I to Is, an out rowlli from a
bad corn on the Isitlouiof hi foot, hut
which the physicians say w us thy gun
Krone, caused by a heart Iroiible. The
f.H.l would have l, n amputated lone,
aco, m, it not been feared that thesuf
fi ler, who In Ml year old, would hot
survive nn operation. The pain was so
intolerable, however, that the gritty old
K'llt It illltll decided to lit ti ll, I lo illll, mil
lion hlinsi If, While Mono in the house,
ho took oul hi., I. iitln and t ill four Iocs
olf. Filler, liinlin that the , maininc,
lot, bolhered him ill liainl;i;ini: I. is fool,
he till that olf also. A few ilav s later,
H ; ,u:!Tii ill;: Hot having . ,1. lie cut
into the fool with u tilor, below llie in
step, nnd bio!,,, olf nnd pulled out all but
two of the bones of (he lower fool.
l)uiinh' bis hell' performed opetal ion he
lost much blood, nud upon one occasion
he bulled hi nalo d loot in dry lime to
slop Hie How. A doctor hail since re
lieved him of the (iireuilin;; member, und
ho Ih now iihl.i to walk about the door
yard w ith the aid of a crulcli.- - l.'-w i .toc
. . , . . ..
Ureal hies Transit.
I leli, I a new idea sure Kecull It)
your mind the roller eoiister machines
you have seen at summer resort, whirl
hiej dnvvn oiiii Incline uud up another at
fearful speed. Then recall iii;iiIii the to
boci'.aii slide you havo seen or lend
about in wither und you will have the
idea. Maj Itenjainin H. Ileiinlui:, of
New York, proposes to construct a pit
sender and I i t -1 1 1 IreiKht railway on this
principle 'llie lirsl esperiiuenl will be
in the direction of iiecurln rapid transit
lid ween the oil ion of New York and
Ihoolilyn A iileep incline wdll he con
liuiied oil each bank ,,f F,nHt fiver, lie
.oinilii! lit llie tup of the incline, the
car vv ill nIiikiI down It lulu a tunnel un
dor llie river lied The momentum no
..i d will carry lliem itcrom under the
if er und hriii) litem to Hie font of a
iiit'wi Incline on llie other side. Here
oil, le Will ull.uch IihcII to them
c ',',,.1, the lo t of n inonieiit and drn
i. ,.'. up Ilm oppoiile iiicliiiu. ll ia "(.Mil
i. iied" that iniii inbuilt) will bo reitiired
,o uiiilu, t he trip I rout ono oily to tho
other .
Transportation Linos
Orogon Pacific Railroad.
Slrauirr SiIIIii Pales.
from Tannin Misimsr ffllliiaslia Til
ls rnsa.lny, lli'l I, Ssllil.lsv Oil. 13.
Ws.his!tir, urioiisr n
SrumMtii Kistii-Ui'o Hississr Wtllsavsut
Vsllsv - M.itnlir. Oct. 7; C'llilsj, llrl, II
riisifv. net '.si
I lit oumiisiiv i.kiii His rlilil In nliiiiii
sIIiiiii Cslii willnnil in .ties
1 rslni ooiiiis.-l uli His o A I', II tint llltsl
ll.isii si l .irtillli lie) A ll'iiir,
Tim llisgoii I'm lie stsaiuhost on th
WilUiuslto river division will h-svt
I'oitbind, lout bound, Monday, Wadnea
dav, ai d Fildav at U A M. Anlvo at
I 'orvslbi t'ursdsv, l liuisdav and Kstui
dv at 3 ..111 I'. M, l.e ( omlhs,
north biiiind, Mou.hty, WednM.lay and
Fiidayat It A M Airiv at I'oillaml
fues.hiy, Thiusday and Naluidav at II 110
I', M. on Monday, Wednesday and Frl
duv, both liortki and soutli. bound boat
he over night at Salam, Isnvini hsi a at
(1 A, M.
frslilu net Ticks! onn-s. lUlin.m iltisl assrf
C II IIANWKI.I.. j .(Isnirll If A f Al
14 M..ilnii'rt St , Stlt frinslti..
(' I!' Illllil h, 1 11, F k V A ill K ,
I ot,;IH, or.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And ill ,.liui (it, us
II I' t-At'l. AMI MIMNIsrofll
1li Wtliri n I'arlUo It. It
Il Hit .. sly lino ruiiitli i
I'ssssiigsr Tiaim,
ctind-t lass Slerpeia (fie of t harts)
I. uiuiioni Hsv Com brs,
l'u 1 ma li t'sla.a Irrpnij Cars,
1'ala.a Ibning t an iiusal 7.V)
Friia I'urtland U Us last
Isrs that Vour luksta rra I via the
.Noil he i n I'a. die It 11 and
avoid change of ems
1 ' r,.iiiii..i it 1 v
.tl! i V ,)'.! I Ml i,l,ll'
M 111.I te l- M
hi ot si rial il t
r m
I'ft. in. .Vl.i"S 1 ( I ..I iiitl Frsii is.l (t
li..a.l.i: 11 II . I U is.l 10 r M linn
II I .run, 4 it ; 10 r U l.i.l I II M , lima s
mil I V, A M ud I- M
1 tlf.'!l f'.l.lsiil I'l l. I a l,ls t'irl l!
pul .In n iilili St, . I i.' ibs 11 1 ri'l Si
Ism f'utiitULl. li.etnl ii.J imii.i aorrl
I'.t.) llfilrs .A 1 1 I llllll luS
t 1. in 1 cut fn,t 1 ,'t riiti at . cor aiith
ii (..ti st '..nii... iof..n
(aFl'H" I leiusi Kin' m l tl Slum
(ri oiii ( 'it v t l'oillanil.
I IAVK -OriissCiiT . T HI II 11 lorn
" r,rl,,'fll(ir
urn ,ii, i lo to it M 4t oar M
l NliT 1 Hira
I It A VK -llr.u I'll) I 0 A M AIT K
- -rirllis.1 10 a M HHP If
I . A N I I N ( I S .
Jei)tiii:ca, Slatili. Kisleys, (a
We)jo, Milwaukee, I.ntulierl.
Ti sun for the Fust h-ava I'u'tland, 7 .00
A M. and V (Hi 1', M.
TIPtrTC to slid frurn firttiel pi I p.iliill
liUrxCIO nt thi I nmu an, ii. i anirti
su.l R.1i.ra
If gint Si r Oifirg PtiliU i Cirs.
l'u i in a ti I'alnrc Mraprrt.
FltF.F COl.tiMsT si. I I.l lNtl CAU.
run Through un Fiprea Trail a
vtSt. I. OU IS.
wiriioi T tii.u.
I'lm ennuK-ilusi it rotilnJ for lis
elisa in, I l'uii S.uiud (niuii
for furtliir piillrulin lu,iilrl u( ist iinl
nt ilia t'uat iiiii f nr
t. i.i:r.
... I. A T. A.
Portland, Orrgan.
. M. ni:l.l.i:i, 'I'raOle.
Waai'l. Hlatater.
Overlaiul lo California.
Southern Pacific Cumpan;'i Un.
The Mount Shasta Route.
Tltai bilann Ori,.t) Clly lu4 iia FnnolMl
I hiniri.
ClLllulSU llfllsl TlltSIIVS SUIT.
ft W'J'llltri.ANII ANUJ! f
I Kerlli.
I I 1 s
4 Mi r
Oriinn CUT
M. r riiitilic.
, I.T
6 I f . S
I till M
7 tsj r a
7 IM U
hsi'sl rilllnflr Trlla, Hill;, ( Kioipl Nuii.IitI
I'diiiT a. I I.T I'l.nliniir' Ar " "l 4.1 r a
II i a I I.t 0ri,.nt:itT I.T I l lOr.l
110 ril I Ar Rtisii I.T ion 4. a
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
ruracromtniilillinuf Dsennil I'lm riimiiri
ilicliiil tn Kprsm 1'nliii,
Tin I'. (',)' Firry nvitsi rnnusillnn wlik
ill tin raiitir triuii nu ini nil aids DITIilaa,
ruia font f t unit, I'utilind.
Wilt Hull IliTiitia.
lir.TWIIN roKTI.ANI) AMP C(lltVAl,,.
Uill Train, Pillr ( It leapt VuinliT.)
7 at I. a
i:it r. u.
I t jo s
I Mora
At AIIiiiit l it1 Cnrvillli satutitil Willi (ratal
nf tlrs,.a fielfli HillrnnV
Kirrm Tnln IsI1t (Kiciat Kunl'iy)
ro e a
I Mr. a
Portlanil Ar
Ui'HItinTllll I.T
I M. a
Fir full liifiirisillon rsirt1lit ritti, taipi.
iio .oiu on uuutpiny iitu st urrua city
loiiibiii, t. r. ntmiitd,
Uiaiiir. illit F. 14 flM, Alll.
Ji'()l' fi r eoiii.ninl bled ueidi'M "nl in the
I iihovi. nihU.'l nidi on or bi fore lie' "1-1 ''"V
;.d A ' I 1 . if, do "Si e I-' (I llcce IIV.
JLIl t DjLl I Ll2 t C !o I'lOliCl MlUUll IM .. ol -lid e. ,11. (fo I li'
TUtntUtuio ; ;::::;z: ;;;:;! ;.r, ;:
" "" ' , '. " ," i"; , , .inn, i ami si a: .ei I
I ,,-. -aid in i. Inn. I, tdrtiiiltll will nt If t (,,,,, I,,,, ,., , iv j.
.. , ft J'j (le lit,,! Im I i e leii'i c.'i ,)'(" I 1 llie i,s tv ., ,,
ft I a. , , , lib I, I" Wit. eu n.e.l..i.l;..nof lb- j.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,.
I rrvr'iv'Tl l,,r'l'..", " '..:'l"'V,,rv;..: s (? ':
lhil-J.))- e,lb,1Mi..l,e,,lo.,,Vcl.,ii..r.i.e.e I I at (w'.l(. , ,,, (; ., ,;.
l H'.'l.i ''JL- (l.'le i'M II. I. MV, III oHol liill.ll llintl III Wlllll.'ss.', lo i .o
hl ''li'''irrr'''"?ml"i lie' eo ., !l,i t oe I lll.e.1. , upon, I Ml
'" r :v "', , .1 p.,i,M.!,..l b, oi.l. r of Hoi,oib!, I Mti.k '. w.,,.,
fVis"-,!''V : !(( ,1). 1 ' 'l)lor, i.l,"'ol -ili'l c ll;, made oil Willie srd l j '
yk A- :' ",-,,, d,.y -I i - y, I... ,,!..;, . ,, .; .
- iV ' "fU 1 f " j S III., I I .(. 1 1 1 11 . .1 , S.A,.'..!- ,,..,M !1V I.!, I., ISiO.l'
f ''-'. -'".ir c ,, ii I , ,i, ii i S..f..e I-. I . r.x, r t - f-.n-wn.r-
, I j" V ?! "'"' """' '"' ( ! 1,01. 10. m.,; lo-ol I. si.;;...' ;.(lo
I f i'i','-At " y'f'H iC '',.' bsurt ".in k' -I' i. 11 I ml J ' el.iin., in,. 1 ,1 10 I 1 0. .f v.;ii I - HOC''- Is-
'i ' I '"' li '""' .'I j l" -f'f '.l III- sl,V Ilk.'.M AM. I.i k "II"., I.IK '!! , li.l,. I,.. ...I .. I ,.'C , I f !:.. t 1 .t' I
f 'f'lr!'"1' I ' I ."'' A I . r v. i I ... j I mi I ill e ,.l nr-,,-: I' l ,..-. .....
k'V, I Je' f'T-Vl." ' ,1 In li" 'I I"" el lie -t U "I ' . s I , 'I ; ,,,, ,:, .. ,,, . , ,', . , d .", I -'. " Li's llaf-
s ffC VW -;gis)i 'si .,.! ti...... I. f... .ui,.ii;r a t.., t- !. . said bf-d. v.- I' .!!. - , V. A. J- !.'.
UasOhfVLA'SsJ """" aW'4 . . .ot 1 -I , i". o.i'i .i.e. o,. 1.. 1 , 1.,. .....1 ! .., )-, , -. I , i, v. ,,, ;.d of
""ita."111 .l si- .nrrll.1 o ol In .' ... I- i ' ' ; Aim , I be to. .i- -.l
,. . .. hi; '"ei siM H.-i.r, 11.,.. si..i I. mi . j j t ('); )' .',
(J() TO .-, I... Isrlvll I'-IM.I,,.. I -1 1 -J , ' ' ,-. , l,'-r
,,l ..T.-.i, -li.K s "i'-.i-e I'O.'H ' ' ' "'"' j I,,.,. , . I ,., .. ,l J.-, '.llj
IMH. tf .ll I 1 1 IOI "ill. f( I'. I'. I' 1' I.'OV I I. ill.' .
S . s-,t I, i.l Si I .' I '.S II I I' tti.l 1 Il-I j N-.,",.- - I .-. . , ; V - , I .-.I f... .'.Hill,-;-
I 111 II I I . L Oil - ' " I I.l . , I .1. .' I, ',.:. '. c, i! e ! . , 'I-; i. 1 h '.I ' . i I. . IfC.i.-
r '' "' I i I- ., .- i. IV, ..I.l. 'I ... I I ' -. I ' ' '''I 1 01 , ,,,, ,, ; , , , I ,,,.,. J. . ,,, ,, ,, .,,
:r;!,aT,;iri!!,i,LTierTX' !;,;..;lr.r:i;;.:;:;;l:;x '.---'-(-
& K feJ f'fLf IPt.1 tit " f-" ' I'"":.- 'I. ! !-. ,' :.
r'4ln1it w I Bl I5 f I f Pi i '' n-- i..-..r v .n-.- ..i.i-h. , , n.,-.
yllF I;--:,:,':. .-.
r ct-C ": " ' , ; ';.. ,
y iVi & rXr-liOMl 1 '.1 1 1 1. S 1 1 1 s I . t s t 1. , i ,,,. J I i 'l I I: s. i ,'
1.. VVSi.'';. it V' to.,.1 s 1 nt, 1 . i.. i , 1 ',, 1 : n'.i :;: . i;. ,,t.r.
mt-'ViiJi '-'".' - -
jLiTt V .' ' 1 '" ' r Ii .- bl. I Ho" In - li.ii-i.- llllli: I 'OK 11 ttl.t ','! OH.
i f 1 - : I Vf I ! 1,., , t.. 1. iiifit pt.s.t n -op ot ..f i.i,
.'.''i'I A f " " A rl I J, l;OII,, d sail i will I. 1 itle ie I !'""""
ifevErt nl ' V , ft " ,.,.-:.r ,. ,d oe.o.r ..: I.,. I . - I "i-. ',, I iv .. ,.,.... Js-caif '...'', l-X.
ViyWvtW nf' " Il l.l'li oil I U...-OI. t i'l, I'll Vi.'l, l''l 1,1 I Not!' I- I- ..'.''. ).' f, lili.l I O I,,,'.,- ;!;k.
?..e ' f iiJ ,l .lav. Mat Is ii, if . I. r :!........ I -i:,r I. ... I,.,.-.. !,.. ,.. .
INs-1' i"i4l' Vf - il ' Holt ...I l.nifv. S... .'.. , lot lie N , .a I1.11 1.1 o a.. 1. 11 ,1 pi....i 111 . ,, . ..n ..! i n
lai X$V''X-m i M; ""' V' ''"lU 1 '-!"" "' "' -"I--I vml a-.. I
Ik ft " ' i-"- toiiou, .;., -. . .... n. i:,.',..,.,,vi 1;.,.. ,, .,1 1 . s ui..!
i ItlO1 ..,"2a.;yS(ll ! ' '" Ii" ei.l.t.i.tli.ll. I. tlii s.-l : ..'.I.. HI !, ,f I 1 J, ff ,i, on ));:.,
B IkS. . - - ' , I I I , ,'l), 1, .,) .1 ,Ot if I . 1 .t , I . t f . I . . V.I . i 1 , .1 . , .
siLlWIWC MACHliIJ, '''''r,-;.
inicssu - JO UN; R..UAk,N.I. - I'AUA:
All IN, . e. A ill.
. T-wr-r-s'-il ui'lU'. '.'i
K. S. WAinillN,
Oivoii Ciiv.Or.
A. WALK Mil,
Painter, Kalscmincr,
and DccoiTilcr,
la ire'Kri, d niti ml j r. n i . j t J v
work Hitm-ied to I, im.
I'utroiui;:e r i .li t fully snlicitrtl,
M. H. Flanagan
Wllnl.l'.S i: AM) 111 I'AII
rf r on ii ami 1 1 : it in
!' Mi Vf'l'ltlN
h. st. .1.' , to Ui
t-n.Umlii Mi.ll
i, a.. A,f
tu l.i,tll
f'.nii.l III thi sn
IIITI Uil I I'll).
Morcliaiils Hxcluuiiic.
Milnsurrt. titr(uit t liv tirrj ui
I'ltrr ctiNsi ami v us lUNi, tin
IV tilll lirm.l el 1 hli.itl. V llir ftli.l titlrl
Iml I, nn, I el I l.i
Islltllit. sire In in.l try tin mot UtlUii
Tllill Alls Iiiii,,
rlisl lilviiiiifi t
a ud
Im llfir
J I III M h A .
I.ivery, Kor.l ntul Sale St.tMo
i.m'Aiit) nrwKKN i us PiiiiHiK ANr
lhml.le nnl Siii'de l.ies, ntul :til-
die liorst alwav tm I, ami nt the
lowest priors. A tu.riull tiiiiiii i'ttil
with the Imt'ii or lonsa stin k.
Information reendiiin anv kind of
lock. pioutpll.T attended lo by prtt.on ni
Horf Dought and Sold.
Offtco Is tho Dost. Try it.
la i ii it t'niciiT t'otiir oi' thk SitiK or
(IS I.., ON toll I II K ( 'ol N I'V ol l 1 IcK M IS.
John (illicit, I'luinliir
vs (
Antdi' Klliiure (lilleit, j
liefeinliiiil. J
To A am K Ki, I miiik (Iii, i. kit, Svin 1 1 r, r n n
a n r :
1 n the iiitine of the Stale of (ireeon v on
uru hitreby ri'.piired lo appear nnd ui.suer
CI im tt l l,ai(tit
S fitlimn tn ill -stiJi.
V! l MlTrVl f t I
m lUaulifniijr I it tttiAir.i, I rf H'tir B
Q S. . , I- . ! IKIKlu ill
Q ( ,.u. i., U.i .i, , H
I, n, ll l. !-nrr It, in i.m . J . I
a r.v I 'n.'fl ,.,ri Ondis. Klomrir
Q is ,'i.tHs.aia.i,.,...ti'...ii,sit. I
a o. m rmsy 4 co. I
Guarantooing More Powor, usiajj Loss
Water than any otnor
. m
Whool, and tno only Tur
bine that will
work successfully
under High Hoads,
under Heads) from
. "
1(1, IC 1 I lO .
S i : I i' S
in ... s I
s III . hi
It . 1 I,..-
I.. l ei
,li e
.,,1 p...
.1 in - i
d nil'
I ol i, -
, ,! I
',. I . .-
.-li, on
It.- - .
. II, i
,i,i pi
I. ne lb.
I., I .,
r. ,i-. r
tlx- nt
M..v .'.
I I ' V ,
. u t I
im No
i: ..t
, i in
I - s, I.
: v, i .
, , ..
;, el C...I,.
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J i
I It
li. M.
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md i
Hce ef
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'.i! n nl-
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lilii;, l
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,i ii un
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i,l-Mi.t..l' ..I ihe l.-li
I . I.
xirit i: i mi ii iii.K' i toy. !
I M II I' Ot VI I I.' SI. "I I I, I I
Ul.cVllll.l 'r . I eh. 1 ., I ', j
Van. i-hi rr'.v i'ivi n I but lbs l..!l.. I
t ... tue I M'thcl I, ui hid l 't' e ol to- int.- . j
lion I.) inrtt,!.' I, i. nl tircol li ..u, pil ..f h.
, '.Oil
nt,.l i'l ti t.o.i
I - Hit I.
ol f. I
-.con I . es.
loir li.r
I il .1 oil
e M-ii-ler B',,1
ul ( 'tsson t .u
ill.V , A pril .'(. 1 s II, Tl.; Ibov.lil.l IflV'.hi.
li e, ;, a I I ' ll V , V. .... hi ill- I, ! I
ai d .'. nn. I K 'ol N I'. ',, slid S I. i, oi i;
', ol se lion I, I .' s, ; .. ll. lie i ion, s Un
(. ,l...v, tin: vv 11 nt .si s to j.-ove h i. r inticit, .11 -,rs
li ti,.,- nr.-n ,ei, . ilM .v all- - a !, s.u Inn I,
vi.. I I', riielp., .-. V. .b.i.,.,. P llsrris.
nn. I P. . V l.iltii. all oi s.,i ; . I ; ,
ins-1 oiini, . tin -..ii. J, I. A! Pi ll
'.' '. -( - I.' ... lo ,- si, r
mu m i: i u I'l t run.
1'otii '
i li:i.,.. I
Noll, e 1- l ei. I .
I Hi I I i . l i.T I i. . I I !.(,! I. .
li ttle, and I ' a'
I. ai- the rri-i-i i
Und nit). a- Hi t ' , I
lav. April .'. -lion,
, tc. id Im I
s.v it, I , i; , 1:
w lllll'"!', to 1 '.e .
ill-oil and i il't.v a'
lloriii-, Ih V'nc .
sev. all of Psnel
thi t-. oi.
'.m 'ii, T r.
till I 1-
!l .li.le b.
Ihe I . ..
;,l I ,
, r id
, '.nt. on Mott
111 Mel oltts,
c t'tt'NU '.ei
- the I., How n. u re-ld- l e. V.
,, and I.. K
..i lis cell, I V
. iTi.i;-u,"
ll. -K.-r.
- . . li-1 )
.1 !
.1. Vsi.
s, I ,,. .,
MU M I". I'O.t I'l II 1 .11 ' I IO
I I ii i S t v r t s 1 . i Nn 1 1 1 . . r, I
i hit o ov I i i v , it , I- ch. I.., is i
Nolice is her. hv it licit I e t ,i,, i
nil. lied scllnr hs- tiled I l.i . e ol !'. I !, u
t mil to make proof in siipts.rt ol his
chum, and that tatd ( root will he m.t !e Im--tote
Ihe lii'isl.-r nnii o.eiv.r of lie I . .
hill I olhee al I trefoil t ll v , , .re;:, il, on I ri
i lav , A pill l'.., Is ii, v i ; 'Jan , h Jr. I.ili.nn,
lu ir nt law ..( liiirr Uii n, dec. a-ed :
I loun I'.iilrv N . ; ., (or tl-e N ', of
NU i. ol Mclion ' .1 s, K I i;. ,. in,
the follov nut vvilinssfs o prove iic.ns,d
t'lllrviiili's cottli ah us re-nletice ui., ,n in il
liiln'v al ion of, , aid I, ltd, v c ' t'. t ai nr. 1 1.
Ilollniiisti'i., and ('. ('a-edv, ad oi l it; !,'
Creek, ( Is, l.aiinls i',,;i! I , , ).-... ; ,t , I'.
I'libm-tcer of Cm t itt- vl lie, I 'l-.ri,u ;i.r,n,,
I'ir.'oii. ,l. T. API I i;c,,N, '
: .'. tu :t; ii i;,',i,ier.
o t i . i oit i'l ii,3 . n:n.
II Si VI I K I.l Ml 1 0 I 1, I , (
m Cnv, dr.. lib. 11, Is i'.t
eh.V iliveu ihe lollovvit e
Notice is hereby th.
iiitaa'd M tiler h;'s nied n,
lion to make i.iuil roof
eliiiut, ami lhal Mild proof
fore llie recsei' in,,l r, , ,
liiud o Ui, e nl i li ciioii ( I, ,
day, Mineh :'., I Nit, v ir. ;'
iiH'liou l. S., No. ,.,',.,
! lee ol hi- inli n-
I ori oi his
vvul h,
ol ihe I . S.
-oil. en l-'n
i,le..hv. Pie-
1 'I,
.1. I
lor the lot S, see
ollines the follow-
lion .in, I I S, li I I-..
Ini: vvitni sm's In prove l.ts i oiiii'utuuis resi.
iiiaii e ii mi und cultivation ol, -,u,l land,
vi.; ti. YY. Knitvel, V, I i tllon, nnd W, Nob
hit, nil of Niiilv, Cliickiiniiiseutmi , , nieu-on.
nnd A. I'l, H. llu.'.iti,!, ol A iirot ii, I I ,cl, mens
t'oiinl v , t irepni. ,1. , I r i .i:s. A
- ' !" li l,e,;i n r.
1 h i: i on
.t.ti; ''.'.
1 mhJ.
" .i.vlW,v.'o:'-i.:.', ;.
'.-1 r','V' 'i'l".-.'!'" ' . " ' .' ,'? ;-. ','.' '''.:' ."t
:' '";-'"'-)''-'''-.''.''V''' ' i w , .- .) ; o
ioiii i: row r m i tn-.
f'nirr i Hiir I ' '' '' j
.r I i '. 1" " '
,, toii'i
i i..l. e of ;.' u.''
,!o u joil nl Iii
b- i. a i
, r oi W.-t nb-f 'e is--,a
1.11111011,011 loiii.iy,
i,a .'loii.i.i r, A pril 'l ,
il ibcbii, 'Hon .-.liad
,, .i ,v t w .-U..H
)!. I, nines llo f.ilji.B-
I... .'is r si
i .on tit, ?tiel flt'id,
, . A, ,loto.. n. I". 8.
udol io.( , i in. La
J, T. Al'l T. l:s'"'.
li' g:"t''r.
.. ", I- 't.
u lilii ii l.,n.
I t rr,. .
' l ii ; r V s). 1- ...
-' I- f .:. ! ... ,.!!', I
Is;-1 I
... I ,
tl III
1 In ,!
I'.i- I. ft
XII, tl
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I .
liMbi.i: i. a Mi ai i j, . i
oll- lor l'u l.ileii ion.
I. I:
I I:. ',.'.
I I r I
1 So. 1
.I- N . .
S... .1
:. i a,.,
l,,r r.'t,
c N...
. land
i it ' , I
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i to
i:. I.
b. !
I I .
J. I . A I I'
i: i'.
I.e.' -le
'HMhn; I am. ,u - i sk a
Notico fcr Fu'oilcatior..
t'Miii.Mirr. I isr. t in.
t t V , I 'r, , .. , . I ,s .
,' of He
TV ,
Ii. i;,
net v
of Kn
liV l.h
of M i.shil l-loll
II, is
'. I 1 1
I; ;.
,1 s
. Li in,
a sr .'!!!
,1 si. ll. No.
wilt ,.r,-r
' t Is 1 ,,,S
,;,o lor If
.lib-;, I ;
c-:ir and
t. :!V . ( 're
v ot Vav.
.: John
oit t v , t r-ll.,fcs-i.
ni. Henry
it K ad-
,.!s njv re
,s . ih, n mi
li, ei No. lo
No. ; i .,.
vv I: SI Ihe l.i
'.' Soul n
b '
v .thijiht,' ,, ,r il in
re .hiatal jiiti',1 ,
c'.iiin lo s,,.,d I.,,.,
lo ( . ;, er ,'l l! is. i 1
-ton. on edf.-s.i;,
I - ". lie i .li e
Mi-I i 1 v r of ;o,, K
. : n i . V. . Cab.
I'olll.snd, VI '!,
Sl',i.-o,, ,. ssM.liv-
Any nnd all
v t r-el v Ihe ahov e
.Itcsled lo C Ii- In.
or l.elole s,,,,l m,
''i ".S C 'Vi s
i' ,1 lo
b. Lie Ih,
, s ;i , i,..
'. the ! Hi
Ms ,
. " "' U I
I I.;
inns i
of V
.1.1 v
Al'l I.I.M N
Kee, I. AMI. ACT JI'SU a. li"l.
Notlco for Publication.
IMll Ii SlAll.l I, AM, tiiril
I 'l, -'.oi Ch v , thi cm, Pec II, Inn i.
N" I'll I . is her, by l; , en I li.d in con ,
it:,, e V, ,lh Ihe j i .i,. s of the H, t ,, t ,, .
tle-s o ,1 nt e ... Is. s, i nulled "An n.l ior
I'.e K.tle ol tiud .,1 Linns in the Stal, . c.,1 .
ilniiiii, ft. i. m,'d SV ashiiii.ion
I 'I I'tlol'v ,' Ibiiv Mc,;..,ll ,,f Stnlll,.,
Couiily of Kn Sou,. ,, nl,n t;!ut;,
l,.is Ibis duv 111... Ill Itos nihec sco.ii
stileu.eii No. IS'... (or t. i ,(,,;,i,M. ,,f i, r
N i, ol Hon No. o, in low ,is,,;i No. J
Sonlh, IJ.iiie No. ,' l asi, mnl v, j mice
prool l.i shun that ll.c hi'M sons;' ; is tnoi
V lhinl,!i' lor its in. I el M,,,,. O.,,,, ,',,, ....
li, lllllltal I llli o
iiiid lo es, ,;,,;,, Ht
io;e l'u- Uei;isler Slid
e ill l ac,;on t it v , i Uc -Ibe
Ida ,,iy ol Msv,
wiini v, ; John Me-
clan, l lo ,;oil laud I
lie. civ er ot i! is oil
put, on i dnesdn)
is i". lie eatees a
1 nt v er ol S;o il v . i u
W. A, t i, horn of
Seat I ii
t; Coiiiiiv ,
I .Ins. II. lb
vv ii-'iin it ; John
him ol Put html, Hr-
11. n oil
til' ,n,
A'ti nt',1 nil ver-oes
iitii ii'K n Ivri'sely
s ste icn,ii'i.d lo
Ihe ubove ilesei ,1 ed binds
lile their chiinis in this ml
Mini I llh ilnv nl Ma. , IS m.
J. T.
J'.i :.s p. ,s i.
e on or ba ora
A '
Kaau cf Vaster :.d fawr Reqaucd,
3 10 383 FEET.