The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 06, 1890, Image 1

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Strictly iii advance,.
Two Dollars per year ; One Dollar for
six months ; Fifty Cents for three
months, Single copies Five Cents.
-NO. ;w.
1'ltlCB 5 CENTS.
Will Cominenco in this Paper
Next Week.
bd ici?
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-rofosslona! Cards.
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;:)c:!i.';.u!.''iaAT i.a'.v. :
ilii.MLlS :
MUM I i: ,: I ,
C. E. HAYEii,
;;.y at I v; r j ';.:a';i ra.ic.
:on, City.
.rt II
i ' O. M--COWN,
A' toi noy ;it Law.
( )nv"'ii I iiy,
Lii n I I ji r i i o .
A . M'-el I I'M
A s I-l; I .-.-t I:.
at Lav.
I;:.., U, ine.'oit rity, r.
Civil Eno.inoor ;iid S'jrvoyor
lilli'-e ne.irly o.n Kile ( 'mil t 1 1 . ilifi .
I ;it ! : i' ).N ( 1 I Y , OliKUON.
tVorl, !:'roiuilly Aftnuli'd (o
It. E. FERRIN, M. D.,
Iilii''ATi!!!! I'll Y AM ANil f,i!l!r,KCH.
fir.' -mm CAW. . Oriiuon.!
in f nj,
U, 1 i nil I ' 1 . ,f k f r .fit !! lli
i'.ihiik oi rn
j . vy..i'c)vr.;i..! m. D.,
PhV ;ici.'.ri anl our?on.
I 1,'lirl' al, I lllll Mi. I" '
HIM'.'iwN I'liV,
A. ', T .wi .
Cll's I'lll"
V. 11. lillCMK AlI.
. .. . , ., .. ..
niini.i ui i in u u i ii
OKI.ii,;N CITY, - - - oUKtiUN'.j
ju ts I f' im t w T'f!
.j., ! ti j :. i; t x ; V
r v n'vf
;.r..'.,', vti
at rii Is
-wint a
New Stock!
New Stock!
Of rori'rii lj tlti, lrl Mii:
I'rtivUloui, Hldeli Hill
br Moltt
fHyAII jiin.lii ili'lu(rt lief,
oui:;on 1'it'Y, oui'iioN
ni or uip;;
1 IlKN WHY Not'
J. H. WAY,
Tin i.iw I'l VNO mill t'U'iN tUftin n.ll
Oil K'l 1 1 1 1 1 II ! 1 1 1 J 1 1
P.1 AtJCf.'!:
HUM it i:io-..
ii i:k a imi.
OiO-A2MS: ;
U IK)1 A II I'll l.
. h. in tir,
i.i.i i. in.
S;!l f:r CASH trn:.: lsmurtlNTFUN.
A llriftt O.-0KOI1 City, Olrt.
- a.t tj
m .Inuring V.m Tmiiii'i
I.OIift, left' kr, i.r
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will U Suite I hy I '.i lir; Me.
Doers, Windows and Blinds
O. IE. 131-JST'OW,
St7"Hp. ti," l 'eti.,rrk;.Ui..iiiil I'hiueli
n.KAKANa: sali;
at tiii:
( IttMliidion
oswego nurseries,
Wil l INl ,tt .Ul!l.i II, l'le' ,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Grapo Vines, Small
Fruits, Etc.
Nursery (our miles Imlu- Oeegnn City,
on tlm Onwrgii mail.
Caliiliiiiiii' nuiileil fiffl on niilieulioii.
A'blrexs all oi.lnrs tu
Oneso. Orton
i r r wiin k.
VI. A. Will IK.
IflltlTi" nnr.TltrnP igunnl. 1 his caused personal Iriemls
VVHIIt. bHUhibnO, f theCarliebl family in Cleveland
I'mrlirnl Jlrrhihcts J- lUtilders 'serious apprehension, for Home inli-
v m i.rri'.r. tii.i,.. ftiftvuiion.. .u kinr ii- 1 mill ion had hctiii received from de
ttlli, mnl I'i'ltti'ftili'iii Inr nil iliuli nf leiiM" , ., . 'i 'p. p l .
ih( H,i'cii ftiift'iiimi iirftii in niniiftrii w,i ; teclives that poMHilulity ol (lestroy-
IftfM. i'iMl I rt. m I r.ft. furiilHliftil in i niiiillrittlitu i. ., . . . . ,
full mi unelilrftm W II II l, H KOS ., I llg t lie t clll polll I'y VII II II. lllld ll ltd
'If eieiii I'll v, Ot n i i . i .
j considered ; so it was proposed to rc-
A Hari.alM.
l-orssle, St 110 .sr ..,, Hill seres rf
tiiiiher litnil : nhoilt !!.') ,ers mill tiniher.
4'iJ miles foiiii H, I!, Million, 'i mile
Hum saw mill mi Oh s ires k : an eintnt
luitil iinl tiiiiher: ltivel : lerriis ensv.
Ask MciJokn A bos.
p-11' p capital $50,000.
tvniMt n s u.r,n-ii.i,u.
Manauisw,,, . K. I., V A ST II A M,
n'ii tf.'i"tuil mbli'i't in ohn'k
Apt'totiM I'll! ul pMt0 ittirtint.
County oily urirtnt tiutigiit
1 ontia iu mmilit amntilly,
( uiunlxiii hu'Io Minpiiv
liralla ftxUt on I'oilliinit. Hi H Kl lU'l rrt , t ') ( t'
j.i, Np Voik. ftint U iirlm(il clllvi u( I u
I l rrtuiHoo, Cliir j i 4 Aw York
; lo::rcjl Pali n time toisllis follows:
' l'ir thrrfl mtitlm. 4 r rini ir uHt.
Tdnn t-ntlrti'cift of ImmiU jihthI.I toll lift
HMii.l hut iiHciciii (orlcUrj i(itiwn btffmt
-"" "
Tonsorial Parlors.
HAIR CU 1 1 NJ n
i r' it '. 1 1
il.nrs A Oh .111 Tom '
I.:Olit' it 1 1
1 1 hLilrriin' liHircuttint
:t specialty
I or coKl 1 aths nl snv time.
(25ct3. BATHS 25cts
1 W. C. GREEN,
Opposito tho Post Ofllcc.
AttentioiiFarmers :
ll .v
.V ,-ilSll
r- Hinl
tl' Ill lire. I el it llillloa, r- l lift,
r lleJUim, I ell I'n ft.lVP HIM V j
ell im I inn oi'v Hrnr.ft- 1
Sl-ek iiii Ulo ot.lrr.
Wl e'le.r tun want ti l"iy i.r not I ril
in lew n il! on me.
m Vf,ih. wo.ol.ifu! cvp.iieii'i". aiellhe
I II l'i III. I Ii I' llU.N I jliL,., ,i- ii.voi -en I. f.e It!, I
Harneso Shop.
Ai-o Aent ( r tin. l ei, lir.ite I
irir rinrr r I Ana I MMnraii
en rn '
GEO S KcCoril'g Mill
Mt. I'l
a-siit '2 mil
I heoll I'ltv.
ao i
th 'f
; I., irlli i' K. in.iliift.
i The I 'utrliehl molilimelit III ( TeVC-
I l.lll.l, UllO. iH Completed, Itlld J T. p- ''
I inn- aie l.e;m; made f. ,r the di d- j
I iciitioii. wliieh is to Ink" plaee ear- ;
Iv in the spriu'. At that tun.' the
' r. nniiii- of President Onrliehl will
j be luei d in it permanent M pul-
1 chie brie atlt the II lonll 11 il I it . I II
iew of the appro. lehnig tram-f. r of
the I' lll lili-i lr. 'Ml l.ak' t iew eeine-
jt. iv, it is now io-ihle to rel.ito an
' lltoll,ine -tory e-pl ctillg the ills-
lionliuii fthieh h.f been 1 1 1 ; I I nf
i lie' I. lie I'll -idi ll'"s bod V for till'
l.n t few year-. hen Oarl'n id's I e-m.Hli-
II ere deposited ill a vault ill
l.aki'view eeiinleiT il wa- au
iniuiu i d that they would remain
there until the time came to make
l.eni;:, !l"lll ll l-lilixitioll of t ll.'lll. Af
ter I be funeral the heavy canket
vtiis placed iii the i-arcopbin'UH w ith
in it vflllt w hich Could be viewed
fi "in a pal h i mt t-ide t hi'oiib it initHM
i vi? iron gritting. The HiiHpioiini
wbieh the rohb TV of llm grave of
Stewart had occitiioned rei-'cl ing
tlm existence of mi organi.eil blind
of grave robbers induced thegov
orninenl to take fpoi'ial ineaHiiiea i
prevent .my such violation of the
I'.v direction of Secrela rv Lin
coln sever nl gun ids of I'liitod Stall s
troops were i-lnl ioiii il al tho tomb,
with instruct intiM never In Icite it
unprolecled. For live years llu
tomb wits I'olistiilitly llluliTtlie eyes
of soldiers, night and day. It whs
ex led that this guard would be
mitiulaini'd until removal of tho re
mains to the place selected for them
beneath the niouuiiielll .
About ii year after Secretary l'!n
diciilt HiK'oeoded Lincoln as secreta
ry of w ar, he decided I hat it w as uu
noetmiiry longer to maintain the
inovo in the dead ol night, the re-
miiinsof (iiirlield from the sarcotih
ll(ry i(1 ,,.,., ; -, !
hcii re pliicn which would bekiiowii
only to iiicnibcis of (iarliclil's fium-
ily, und to those who undertook to
i-iury oiil um pitni. nmr nn'n,
t i
tliK'n ol'tlniii pnniiiiu'iit in I'llnilH'N
nllnirs, oiu Known pi'nfi'Huinnnlly in
t'li'Vclmwl, spi'nl unini' 1 1 1 in limit
inn fni' u propi'i' loi'dtioi). Thi-y tl"
t'iili'il on mi olmi'iiro vitnlt in 11 n
liioto port inn of tin1 1'l'lnctri y. Ono
nilit, not nntny ilnyn uI'Ibi' I In'
Miiinl of Kulilii'iH liH'l I'l ini iinimvi'il,
tlu'KK four nu n ivnit to tin' tmnli.
Tlli'V Ull'lrltook to I'i'luovu tin' I'llH
krt containin;; tin' ua itm. This
uh u In iivy fin ki t iniiili- of In ii vy
uuk Hinl nut nl. It imik ry lpuvy.
ami it wax with tin' pratt-ft '"'I
that tlto four iviti u' li' to ii limvi'
i, ' from it plui'c, innl olio of I lu in
ii. t-vrr fully ivi'ovnnl from tin' i f
fu tH of his night's work, llowev
er. l ie riixkct wan nniiiiv ui iiurni''i .
i ;.t.. .; .. .... n..:1"1"1
, , . , ,
of the i Sitri'iiphiiuus w us ivplacml uml
. ' . ' - . i
irnl'IIH'1! l-o iiiiii ii j'n n. ,4," in- . j
petusm"' which clistiiclrrieil it he
fi ne tin' l'i inoval of t lie fltket, Illnl
(he iloor of t lie loliih wn Im ki ll. It
was it tank til" Mi '! ilil'.'n ully to move
tin-cafkrl t- a n iiioli' uiol oliNi'iiie
nart ol' l!ie I'll! lal olrn'r, ami il look
the 'm lit. r pail of the nielli to !
it. Iml it w e ti niii ty pi. i i in tin
.i i lmleil pot, aiel all evi'leiiei of
uny ivcnil tr, ii!iiii-lit ol the t.uiili
Were ca.rrl'ul!v IrllloVeil
l;.n lior a Men in i
A cm j eripoiuli nt of thi' Sal' In
Journal r.-iife with npj u i. i.t up
plot tl the follow ile.' im oleut i.f Inn-
torv. W ' ,H'Ul. It o;ttli to I liev
.-,.n ei of 'i'
teul iv:!ll Hum olitnliil!
tiele III 1 1 1 f t l 1 1 . r" K'iCli I -
. . i ,i
hoiirnt net'. lie n.iys'
" Tlii ie spp. aiH to U' a
1 , n
v p.ti t n le ' nave I ''' n"y
i paM-il up aiel iIiotii throii'.'h tie
I utiite-ince the laiii oa.I h.o p' U 1
'ei operation, to think tie v hate
I lleoiii.i h hate !" n '
eli. e-. mi l looked lit "Il thetu a III
every day oivr.i rem c. An eX ri
en.v or i I ploit cnn to the w I it t'n
memory winch be U lie, H wu nev
er in pi int V n k;i thirty or ;lui -tv
live yenis ago will a proi-pi loili
h.n.ih,' t.,ut, ut 1-vi. il l, e
t. 1 .
jtheie. A K-iitl.-maii from Ofeg..-i
W hi) 11-1 ""' I nf ColiMder.ll.le inter
i't iii Yiek.t for check- on S.m
Kr.iiici-co wai Icn il'e ! one iimriii
ii f. w data nfli r tin' traii-aeta.ii, t
i, ml in the 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Winer that tl
bank, airainct which lo- cheek-
, , .!.. II '
were draw ii. mm i.iiie.i aim ite
, , , ., ,. . i
hem v ban .runt. A thou;:lit 1 ne k
bun, and Seeing that the Oregon
steumer b I'l San 1' r.tin i-co that
iiiotiniig for IVrtlnud he if-ol i d to
bent it there if jmftHible.
He drew ins check.-, bought a
horc and began the race The si t
ting sun found linn mi Kmoie livi r,
where he . hmiei Imrxi's, and by
llloining be elm rged from the big
raiivoti, wh re he ft;:aiu changed
hor-i s, and again at llocburg at
noon be made another trade. Night
found him in th" Cnlipo"ia moun
tains. He wni frequently detained
iu making hie " Inn e t rades," but
the third morning found him in
sight of l'oitlaiid, and he saw that
dreaded steamer had lint ar
I. lb' put up bis hnr.-e at Ste
phens's on the east side of the river
and crossed over mi the horse ferry.
As the bank was not yet opened he
walked impatiently up ami down
the street, fearing every moment the j
cnnniin. w hich announced the arriv
al of the steamer, would send forth
the news. A few minutes appeared
nH many hours. Finally, the doors
of the bunk swung open, nml he
went in and drew his coin. 1U
recrosscd th" river and was just ly
ing down w ben the ibralions of
the ciiunon rallied his windows and
niiiiouiiecil the arrival of the boat.
Ten minutes afterward the doors of
the bunk closed, bill he had won
the race."
..... .. - - -
Seed (iil'll 1,0110 Villi's Old.
J luring the season of ISS'.I a re
markable crop was raised by lhtvid
lirew, at Plymouth, New Hamp
shire. In S,SS Mr. Dreweaine into
possession of some corn grains
found wrapped with a mummy in
Egypt, supposed to lie 4,000 years
old. Thi ne were planted ami grew.
It had 'many of Iho characteristics
of real rum; the leaves were alter
nate; if prew to be over six feet
high; the mid ribs wcie while; but
the iitodiict of the rlnlk, there is
where the curious part conies in.
Instead of growing in an car like
modern maize, il hiingin heavyclus
ters tit the top, on Hpikclets; there
was no tassel, no silk; each sprig
was thickly studded with grains,
1'iich provided with a separate husk,
like whetit grains.
I'lillonlmr I'p llli l'rit)tr.
KhliT John Slephi'tis hohl it ms
toriito in Iho I'Ycfi llnplisl rhurch at
t lunliiicr, Mitino, forty oii ycHrs
iin. N nl it f hinl'ili'iill i!;in'rously
with Klilor John. His li Innrt
vims csmI in mi iron friinm of iiiain
inot h propoi t ions, uml w lion Uu lifti'J
up his voire in prnysr or piaino list-
Clll'lH IVrlO Si'llll'tillll'H at it loss to
ti ll which was the slronuor, hix
nil or liin Iuiih. Ui'initrkiihln
alike fur sinccrn piety anil genuine
humor, Iho (.-in m iniill so teuipereil
his tiiti'liin(',s us to make thnn
eipially lu'ccpluhle to saint uml sin
ner. Killing one iluy aloii(j; ths
rmnl to Went (laiililier he overtook
im ox (cam that was stuck in tint
The tlincoura'ii cattln lunl
1'iTuneil tu pull, uml I Im driver, w ho
, , ... ,. ..
lunl sworn until tin sir wits hi lie
ami hiuFlleil of hrilnstolie, wtts lire-
' purine to reel off another striiig of
oathn, wlnn the parson stojijieil
I hi4 lioi H'ul Kaiil :
"Try prayer, my frieml; try
pi a ver."
i "Try it yourself," retorted the
1 Vi xe, ti nuiHter.
I ' I'll ilo it." saiil r.hl. r John,
it ii. I without further ceremony he
"lioppi il mi liin kne. s iii the waon.
: Kor Silhile he praye.l sroiltnl his
Kiihjeei im if ufi anl to touch it
; iiinlually, however, hin faith ath
: .U' iI Hlr. ltli, Illnl ill It Voice which
h.ele fur to iirollxe the iieighhor
. hooil, he hi honht the ow ner of the
ittie on ii tlioiiaieHiillH to move
t the hearts Mini lee ,,f tlne stub
i.roi '
I'.ftt ii oi ii. I he prayer was un-
colift 'iiiiiiihlv all.) Im Soulier
bad il loir I than (he impatient
driver prepared tu start his team.
" Stop." raid Mlder John, ih m-eiiil-nij.;
from hi wa'oii "Ah I hate
done the pint inj; I feel that I ouht
to n the lim ine, ,,u hold my
liiri'n!i, pve me the eoad-tick."
I lbs man coio.entd to tin nr-
, r.tni meiit, and with a rin waited
to sue the paron wort.-d.
At that moment iiimther ox tinin
ws seen npprn.ichiiii; from unother
! direction.
' "Halloo, iieihlMir!" the practicnl
Mirnoii shotited lo tin' new coiner,
,v' V'ir r""
' tueiit.
"Hold on!" died the owner of
'the mired cart. "That's not fair.
! If Von can handle this taln belter
1 1 by prat iuj than I cnit by swearing 1
w ant to t you do it ; but no dotib
Iihl; up, mind you; no doubling up."
r.hli r Jolin s roimxt lie are whh
i , , ,, , ,. , . .
. ilraw ll to It fullest height, iiml Ins
; ... . r..
Voice w a like I lie ronr ol the ocean,
l a- he answered:
! "My friend, the Mimter I serve
i i h abundantly able to move this
1 load with a single vokeof oxen or
I without nnv mxi n at all; but when
in direct am-werto prayer he sends
i me an extra pair of cattle, I'm go-
ing to hook 'cm on!"
No further objection was raised,
iniid with the aid of reinforcements
the loaded car1 was ea-ily drawn
I out of the mud.
i, Mnllr Illinium Uine I ma rt lied bj
II oi I Hie a.
Wednesday morning of this week
its Anion Kiker nml John (iood were
engaged in digging n well on the
farm of J. Henley, about two miles
from Kossuth, and six miles south
west of Speiiecrvilh', they exhumed
an cu irmotin human skull, and fol
lowing up the discovery, they un
earthed a gigantic human skeleton
entire. The bones were found at
the depth of ."'-' feet, embedded ill a
vein of gravel, mid were in an ex
cellent stale of preservation. The
skeleton w as put together as soon as
the workmen were somewhat recov
ered from their astonishment, and
proved upon measurement to be
nearly tl feet long. The thigh hone
measured !l feet and 2 inches in
length, and the spinal column was
4 feel 2 inches long. The skull
measured ,'1H inches in circumfer
ence, and wa fractured and crushed
in several places, which would seem
to indicate that this historic (loli
nth had met his death in battle or
by some other violent means.
'Several war implements were
found buried with the remains.
One weapon, a huge stone axe,
weighed 27 pounds; and another, a
Hint spear head, weighed 18 pounds.
The weight of these weapons, til -though
so great, must have been eas
ily handled by this great warrior of
ages gone. Along Willi liieso imple
ments of war was found it copper
medallion, on which Wiin engraved
several strange chariictors. The
discovery is a startling one, and
proves substantially the biblical as
sertion Hint "there were giants in
those days." To science tho dis
covery it valuable and may lead to
wuiie inleroHtiiig ilevrloptnents ami
disetiHKioiis, If the rciniiins were
bwiotl to such a depth hy naturnl
rausns, the k'mdI must havn lived
thouHanils or Uns of thousumli of
years ho; hut, of courss, this ii
iuer PonjeclurD.-SpeiiccrvillB Jour
nal. Tutifclit His Hoy lu hlcnl.
Cunt rafting Agent Smith, of tho
Omaha railruui, cluimsto have ilis
fovuretl the plau liy vi hich a Rung of
hoy jiajier thiev have heen so huc
remfully operating in upper town.
Annoyed hy thn repeated loss of his
l'ioneer l'ress, wbifh the farrier was ;
accustomed o leave on the door-1
...... ..t i.:.. i'..l...,. I
hi inn rri.jRiiti. on uiuitb
street, Mr. Smith recently arose in
time to gel the paper when the car
rier arrived. He marked it on the
inside with a blue pencil: "This
paper was stolen front ," left it
in tho iiaiial place on the step and
went hack into the house to await
the approach of the thief, Ten min
utes Inter, having heard no sound of
any one approaching, he looked out
and wan dumbfounded to find the
pajHT was missing. He laid asim
ilar trapthe next morning and sat
in the parlor window to watch. The
carrier had not Wen fjone two min
utes before a big New foundland dog
trotted into his dooryard, tmik the
paper in his mouth and ran off. The
gentleman followed the dog around
the comer ami saw three boys, meet
the animal there, take the paier,
and direct the dog to another door
yard. After wllei'ting the papers
the hoyi took them home to their
mother, had th creases ironed out,
and sold them U the street- down
town. l'ioneer-l'ress.
Ami! her Indie Him.
I'.i'fides the inllucnit, Kuro is
threatened with another epidemic
which has probably Wfore never in
vaded its territory. It has its cra
dle in the pviiinsula of the Oangen,
and it is called the retl fever of In
dia. It is an eruptive malady, dis
closing some of the characteristics
of measles ami scarlctiua. There
are really two eruptions, one ini
tial and the other final. The at
tack is sudden', with weakness, la--situde,
pain in tho head and affect
ed eyes, and then the first eruption
apf ara, in the form of red blotch
's. as in scarUtiua. The liintl cru
lioit becomes apparviit from the
fourth to the sixth ihty, and resem
bles that of measles, ailed ing the
feet, hands and limbs, and disap
pearing in its turn after a dura
tion of twenty-four hours. Conva
lescence is rather alow. The dis
ease has hitherto been confined chief
ly to Asia, but it has recently ap
peared in Constantinople and at
I'levesa. It it is extremely conta-
gious, but the lateness of the season
1 1
,.,,,,..1 ... b.eM.. rj''...'.
through Eurtqie.'
'lil hi ren that 'Ira.e.
is a misfortune to a child to
supHise that teasing is essential to
his gaining a point he wants to
gain. A result of such a view in
his mind is that he looks not to his
parents' w isdom and judgment, but
to hit own Hisitiveness and cr
sistcticj as the guide of his action
in any mooted case of personal
conduct ; not to principle which are
disclosed to him by one who is in
authority, hut to impulses which
are w holly in his own bosom.
Such a view is inimical to all
wise methods of thinking and doing
on a child s liart, ami it is even
more of a misfortune to the parent
than to the child for the child to
have the idea that the parent's de
cision is a result of the child's tens
ing, rather than that of the parent's
understanding of what is right and
Wat in a given case.
No parent can have the truest re
spect of his chihl while the child
knows that he can tease that parent
into compliance with the child's re
ipiest contrary to the parent's real
or supposed conviction. For the
chibl's sake, therefore, and also for
the parent's, every child ought to be
trained not to tease and not to ex
pect any possible advantage from
teasing. Sunday School Times.
A Itullet Italtlc- In Ills llend.
Eorover twenty-five years Fletch
er Wright, who lives near Hawson,
(!a., Inn carried a bullet in his head,
from a wound received in one of
the battles in Virginia. This Min
nie hall shifts around atone lime in
the front of the head, at another
timo in tho back. At times this
bullet gives Mr. Wright much un
easiness while at work in tho field
by iti shifting about and the rat
tling noise It makes in the head.
Oil or Pf iicrinliit.
When it is said that tiinn-teiiths
of all tho oil of peppermint used in
tho world comes from one little
county in New York stale, it seems
quite improhahlo, yet such is tho
fact, and at that, the hest quality
only, Hut a abort distance east of
Rochester is located Lyons, the
county sent of Wiiyne county. It
is a s 1 1 1 it 1 1 county, hut is one of the
lending in point of agriculture in
the great Empire slate. Over 1 .10,
)00 pounds of the oil is now dis
tillod in Wayne county each y ar
in favorable seasons. The crop is
op,, that returns a funcy profit to
the farmer, w ho never geta below $2
a pound for his oil, and from that
price to ti and ". Twenty-five
pounds to the acre is thn lowest av
erage of tho crop, and frequently
it is double that.
Can ,fier He President.
There are four mcmliers of the
I!ntted States Senate w ho can never
he candidates, for the Presidency of
this Republic, under the constitu
tion, Wcauaeof alien birth. Sena
tor Jones, of Nevada, was born in
Herefordshire, Kngland; (!en. Mc
Millan, of Michigan, in Hamilton,
Ontario; Senator Heck, of Ken
tucky, in I'umfrieshire, Scotland;
and Senator 1'aieo, of Florida, in
London, F.ngland. While it il the
exception rather than otherwise
that a senator was born in the state
he represents, sectional lines have
been closely observed. Of the
northern senators only two were
bom in the Siuth Senator Ciillom
of Illinois, in Kentucky, and Sena
tor Hawley, of Connecticut, in North
Carolina. Not one southern Sena
tor is of northern origin.
The Stitches In a Shirt.
The following singular calcula
tion tif the number of stitches in a
plniy shirt has hern made hy a
Leicester seamstress: Stitches in
collar, four rows. ,'KhhI; cross ends
of same, ( si; buttonhole and sew
ing on button, l.'0; gathering neck
and sew ing on collar, 1,'Ji4; stitch
ing the wristbands, 1,2-8; etuis of
wristbands, fiS; buttonholes in
wristbands, 248, hemming slits, 2i4;
gathering sleeves, SI0; setting on
wristbands, 1,4'.S; stitching on
shoulder straps, 1 ,SSt 1; heminingthe
bosom, o'Jil; sewing in sleeves and
making gussets, n,O.'0: sewing up
side seams of sleeves, 2, ."..!; cording 1
Ih.boiii, 1,1'H; "tapping" the I
sleeves, l.V.V,; aewing all other!
seams and setting side gussets, L
272; total nuinWr of stitches, 20,
(U'.l. A Strains Illinois ( oiiiitv,
A citizen of Calhoun county is in ,
the city as a 1'nitcd States grand
juror. He boasts that there is not
a railroad, a telegraph, an express
,,iiet nr i hank in hiscouulv.
county jail has not bad a criminal
inmate within the last five years.
The grand jury of the county has
found only three indictments within
the hist two years, and these were
against persons who had illegally
sold litpior. The county has only
two terms of court a year, and a
term never lasts over three days.
Chicago Herald.
'1 lie Postal Law.
A paper in Ohio recently brought
suit against forty-three men who
would not pay their subscriptions, I
and obtained judgment for the full
amount in each case. Twenty-eight
at once prevented attachment by
making affidavit that they owned
no more than the law allowed. Un
der the decision of the supreme
court they were arret tvd for petty
larceny ami bound over in the sum
of .'!IK) each. Six of these did not
give bonds and went to jail. That
is tho result of the new postal law,
which makes it larceny to tako a
paper ami refuse to pay for it. The
World has about come to the con
clusion that it will try the plan on
some subscribers who owe this pa
par front threo to five years' sub
scription, and have returned the pa
per marked "Refused, thereby en
deavoring to defraud us. When
subscribers get dishonest, we pro
pose to call upon the law to protect
us, and when wo do that we'll get
what we suo for. Forbearance has
ceased to be a virtue. The publish
ers of this paper dial fairly with all,
and they positively will not he hull-
dozed. Those who desire the paper
continued, will not be pushed for
their ubscriptioiis, but it is those
who deny an honest debt that we
propose to call up for a reckoning.
We arc not in t he business for our
health by a long shot. This paper
is conducted for iv livelihood, and
we propoto to have what is justly
ours. World.
A Washington city correspondent
says: " I'ostmastcr-Oeiieral VVana
initker at H A. M. is on his way to
his oflicc. Ho is at work Wfora
many of hii clerks have left their
breakfast tables, and he, Assistant j
I'ostmiiHter-Oeiieral Clarksnn and
Private Secretary dishing are, tti ft
rub;, the first three to cuter the de
partment in the morniiif. At 9,
the corridors are echoing under the
feet of the hundreds of clerks al
they hurry in to their morning'!
A promissory note contained ft
clause inserted by the maker in
these words: ''Should suit U; com
menced or an attorney be employed
to enforco the of this note,
I agree to pay the additioi J sum of
five per cent, on principt, und in
terest accrued us attorney fees in
such suit," The Hiipreu i ( irt of
Cnl., (Adams vs. Seaman et al.)
i i i . i ..I-
nent uiai mo insertion tu ineciause
in question rendered the note non
negotiable. The l!oton Herald says thn' the
poet Longfellow drew a lint .rith
red ink through a clause i , his
will and interlined above this .-ran-tire
a different wish a to the :.mjio
sition of the pnqierty named ii, it,
This had the effect of revoking hi
entire gift to the jierson indicaud 'rt
the clause, and, as this new
was not signed after being writte-;.
that person took nothing whatcter
under the will.
Minniu I wonder who was the
young man in the fur-triinniejcout
and silk hut that we just pae,l?
Mamie Oh, he is a Chicago trav
eling man.
Minnie Then you know him. do
Mamie Me? No. Hut diiln't
you hear him say " I have snw?"
Terre Haute Express.
'' No," said she with the compli
cency lmru of knowing that she had
the prettiest and most strikii g cos
tume in the ball-room, "I don't
care much for dreas. I like b feel
that I, for one, am above such van
ity, you know?'
" You are, indeed," said ' r "b
iniring companion, "Vec -.ut
shoulders above it, as everylsjdy
here will sny."
Montana Pete (looking at his
overdone beefsteak and jabbiiu; hi
bowie-knife through it) I'd like to
see the scoundrel that cooked thii
Large Woman (cross-eved imj
red-headed appearing a moment
later) The waiter tells me you
wish to see me, sir.
Montana Pete wilti. Chicato
"This hand," ipioth a congress
j man, extending his riglu hand to a
j troupif Chicago fair boomers, ''nev
er tmik a bribe, lint of this one, he
continued, holding out his leftj. "I
have lost control." The eonfr--man,
how ever, w as only joking
have his word for it. Kansas Ci'.y
Some Sunday School Informa
tion: Mamma Well, Nellie, wh: i
did you learn at Sunday School t
day? Nellie That 1 must .ell
three tickets for the concert an
week, give twenty cents to buy
present for the superintendent, ntl
that Noah built the ark. N. V.
Judge The prisoner denies hid
ing created any disturbance a- s"
cil by you.
Indignant witness (anight w ' 'h
niniO Hut, your Honor, if In did
n't raise tho biggest kind of a dis
turbance, how th- misery., did I -come
to wake up? Texas Sifting.
" I see," said Mrs. Ilenpock. "that
the new P.razilian government has
established civil marriages." "Well,
I wish you'd go down there and
learn something about them; I'm
getting mighty tir?d of this uncivil
a Hair of ours."
Clipper (the jockey) Sorry.boss,
but I can't ride to-dav.
Owner Sick?
Clipper No, sir. I was swipin'
apples, and the measly farmer filled
me so full of bird shot that I'm half
a pound over weight. Life.
Portugal (dodging a right-hander
from John Hull) I'm not in your
class as a slugger, but here goes for
a blow at your pocket. Chicago
John 0. Whitticr, the aged poet,
recently refused $2000 from a mag
azine publisher for a short Christ
mas poem.
It is said that Ibirnum 1ms offered
(icneral Uoulangcr $1000 a week to
travel with his show.