k Tmiil:;;j Detedivo lory From th Diary of Lawyer and tho Note-Book cf a Reporter. By BARCLAY NORTH. E arc da to annouuoa thla 8pludid Story w OUR NEXT ATTRACTION In th Batto Tou are Requested to "Keep c.i Eye Out for Chapter One. WOOF.O AM----WON? She looked so voting, so happy, so In nocent, ttitit ho vvss conscious of it ohoni somewhere about his heart thut luul not vibrated for many n Ions d'y- " Gnilmui Stnnilish. was milking mi tifter noon call, ami she, Stella Ciivy, hail just ttippetl into the. room. "My mini ts'kTS )ou to excuse Iter for ft moment, Mella will. "Wo have just come in, ami sh Is taking lier bonnet olT." Statuli.ili nuule a olite aiul nptfopr' ate rejoinder. In his heart tio wished devoutly that the moment mlglit 1st in definitely prolonged. "I need not ask If you enjoyed the thtuoe last nlnht," lie said, hioking ith iiii-ri-asing pleasure t tho fair ami candid face, "Oh, so much, so inuehr she replied, with a pretty enthusiasm (hat ivasuhso lutely unniTWled. Her eves datuvd in the untight tliat streamed in nt tho in dow evidently darkened rooms ami cun ning blinds and rosy light were not in voguo In this house. Stella's skin was likes blush r and although slid was not regularly beautiful, there was some thing graceful and bright aUiiil her which inado her more attractive than many gills with greater claims to p.wi live lieauty. "1 love dancing, do not you?" sho asked, smiling raiiiautly nt him. ' If heaven were to U) one long dauce, I would le gtHsl all the rent of my life." "I ntu sure you iiro gooil enough for heaven, whatever it may bo," replied Stiuidish; mid he spoke with such gravity and even Intensity that Stella felt a little confused and had to talk rather fast to conceal her euiUirnissment. "I am not at all good: quite the re verse. Ask Aunt Marian," she said He looked at her with smiling incredu lity. She was like a white lily to him; like the down on a iwan'i breast; like now fresh fallen on some moun tain summit. And yet Stundish was a thorough man of the world skeptioal about friendship, love and wotueii in general Hut, though ho had lived and bad known almost every phase of a.s'i ety, be never said absolutely to himself or to any one else, as many younger and less experienced of his fellows da "There is not audi a thing as a good woman." On the contrary, ho had main tained that this rttra avis docs exist, but that the sjsvimeiis are few, and, w hen found, to l valued as x-nrls of great pice. He was hard and stern, w ith an iron w ill; but ho had a conviction that a good, pure, loving woman could change all the worst part of him, and inspire hiui w ith deep love ami tenderness, llo bad met Stella for tho llrst time on the previous night, and today, already, he felt she uppriKichcJ closely to his ideal. "I am sure you like, dancing, too, bo cause you dance so well," said Stella, and then she blushed a little at laving paid him a compliment. "It was jou who inspired me," ho replied; and then, dis-ply to Ids chagrin, Aunt Marian came in. llo had to con trol his c vi now, and to talk all sort of platitudes; but he went away happy, having won from Mrs. lirey a promise that she, In r liu .Kami, her son and Sti lla would dine with him at Hurlinghaiii the following Saturday, and allow him to drive tli. m down in his coach. Wheu tho door closed Umui him, Stella w altzed madly round tho rixitu, and finished hv embracing her aunt w ith an nrdor which made that nuiiuldu lady smilo and ask if he was going out of her senses. "How utterly delighlfull Whataiiice, dear man!" Stellacried, and resumed her gyrations. "I believe, ho Is rich and very well connected," observed Mrs. Grey, who was, what tlu wtay every good woman Is, a match maker. She was ijuito awaro that her Bon Leo and Stella fancied them selves in love with each other; but that w as, of course, ridiculous, as neither had any money. Sho tolerated tho idea w ith perfect good humor, but always had her eyes o-n for a gisid match for either. At dinner, tho admiral, Stella's undo, and Lcowcro informed of the invitation, and received it with satisfaction. "His father and I served together," remarked thu admiral. "Ho was a good deal my senior. A bit of a martinet, but, by Jove! ho was tamed at homo. II was frightened out of his sou by hit wife, w ho wxs a handsome tartar, with a will liko iron. Her sou hxiks aa If be had inherited some of It." "Now, Undo George, you are not to say a word against him!" cried Stella. "We are going to eat his bread and salt on Saturday," and she laughed delight edly, "I upK)Ho It Is you, my dear, we may thank for his hospitality," said the ad miral, jocularly. Is.'o frowned. Later in tho evening, when the elders were playing beziijue, I -co whisered to Stella, "I am not going to hava you llirt with that chap. Itememhvr, miss." She smiled at him with her innocent blue eyes. "Is It likely?'1 sho said, and they siiiei..,e.l each other's bunds lu token of conlidenci), When Hutiirilay arrived, and Stella found herself on tho box sent beside Htuwlisli Mrs. Grey having declined the jsmt of honor her delight knew no bounds. Htatulish's stern face was illu mined by pride mid pleasure every look into thosi) smiling eyes seemed liko a draught from some puro spring of happi ness. Ho was beginning ulreudy to lovo her intensely, and ho hud liuuhi up his mind absolutely that sho should bo his, blandish seldom thought it worth while to oxert his will on trilling matters, but when ho felt a strong desire to nttuln a purpose would luovu heaven or hull to compass it. Ho had taken it for grunted that Stella was freo mid heart whole, so when at dinner ho saw Uto look jealously at her and intercepted tho loving, reassuring srnilo sho sent back, ho experienced n sudden and violent pang, liut ho had sulllcieiit self control to conceal it, uiiil before dinner was over moro parties had been planned for tho following week, On Wednesday they were to go to tho dunce ut tho New club, und the admiral felt tho leust they could do was to usk their host to iliuu with tliem on Monday. 'How heavenly it would have been," Mid Iasj when lhc got home, "if tho mater hud gono in (runt nud you and 1 had wit behind together!" And Stella concurred, Standish did not sleep well that night Ho had conceived ft violent passion tor dte'lla, and he meant and willed that she should he his Hut the thought of the cousin, who was a good looking lad chafed and Irritated him. It was ridic ulous to think thoro could bo anything between them more than a hoy and gill fancy. Tho ll revs were not well oil I am wa only a del k in the foreign of licet ho could not marry her. Ihil Sltue dish could not endure to think that any one hud so much us breathed upon his Illy. His? Yes, his! Whenever his w ill hud lnHn roused be had never yet failed to obtain hi object. Instinct told him (hat ho must not Is'lmy his passion to Stella, He knew that it would fi ighlen and repel her. It was a hard tak when his arm was round her in the waits and his heart beat so near hers, but he exer cised Immense self command, and when his eyes would have betrayed him he averted them resolutely from her face Ho stsui Uvame the friend id the house, l.oo, no longer jealous, conceited the sit-on,- liking for him that an inlhu siastic and frank natno-d lad often feels for a man considerably his senior. Stan di!! gave him constant dinners, lent him horses to ride or drive, supplied liim with choice cigars ami took him nUmi. Tho end of tho season was drawing on. St. Oldish began to find his position in.-lH-aialde. It was I he llrst lime in his life tiiat ho had played a double pint, and ho hated It. lie had (limits Imcii a man of honor; now he w as going to de scend to Wise means. And yet he swore lo himself that his love, as he called II, was tho purest and l'"t rl of him, and ho vowed to love and cherish this fan creature as tho npplo of his eye, and to develop every gixwl and generous quality for her sake once lie Hscjed herl So Staiidish set himself to serve two mat ters, hell Hist ami hcavui after. He found out l.eo's w eakesl spol.M liicli, poor lad, was a tendency to gamble, Stan dish led him slowly nud surely on rac ing, card playing, even a little flutter on (lie Stock Kxchange. I or the lirsl lime in his life Iasj's sh ki ts were full of money. Ho was intoxicated with the unwonted sensation. He bought a ilia inoud heart for Stella, wliich she dan d not wear but trcasu-vd fondly, for ho hail sworn her to tecucy almut his mon ey making. What delicious his-riug they had together! When he had made i'10,000 they would I married. Stella w as moro charming than ever to Stan dish. Was be not tin ir guardian angel? Tho day of reckoning came quickly and surely. Uo lost all his w innings in Goodwood week, and t'.'.uOO Is'sidcs. He was horribly vexed, but by no means In despair, with a friend like Slandisli ul his back. Hut suddenly Stsudili made a hold face, looked and spoke sternly, ml alwolululy declined to adtancutho money. Stunned ami stus th-tl, for one mad hour I .is.) dreamed of suicide; but ho was young, the love of life was strong in him, and be thought of hi parents and Stella w ith ad.vpcr affection than he had ever felt before. Hut what could ho do? It would be imiihlo for his father to raise tho money in so short a time, even if he coiiw ntisl, but I am did not believe he would consent, and he felt it would Is) easier to die than to ak him. Hut to be adefaulter? What high spill ed young fellow could U'ar such thought? That night he took Stella Into the gardens in front of the house, and there be told her everything, with burn ing, miserable shame and anguish. She wept and wrung her hands. Was there justice in heaven if this aw ful calamity could fall on one so loved, so guileless tin Ui r ryes) as Iaxi; on those dear ssiple w ho have been as father and nuither to her. She railed against Standiah and vowed sho bad always miatnisled that stern face of his. Sho lay awake at night, her golden hair tossing on the pillow, her w hite face ny wuh fever ish anxiety. She would see Staiidish, would plead with him; yes, on her kuct-s. He bad always seemed so glad to do her smallest behest; surely in a matter of life and death ho would Hot re fuse her. Sho contrived to see him, and alone. With blushes that scorched her fair white face sho pleaded to him as In the Hatches of tho night she had M hoolnl herself to plead. Thin Staiidish un masked. Ho kept thu piinioii of his heart and eyes in leash, but ho told her n ithout disguise thu only terms on w hii h ho w us prepared to accede to her prayers. Sho wu tho price of IWs ih liverance. He waxed eloquent; In voice mid man lier were tender as a woman's as he s Hired out his love toiler thu love w ith which ho had loved, nay, worshiH.'d her from almost the first moment w hen his eyes Isheel her. Stella recoiled from him in horror; then recovering herself sho npisaled passionately to his gener osity; to his pity even. Hn had no more pity than the tiger whose prey is within ns grasp; desire knows neither men ? imr pity. Her b ars, her distress, kindled still niori) the violent ami i nn I side of his nature. Vet his Voice was lender and s'isiiasive. Ho would niul.0 Iht the happiest woman alive. She should not have a single wish ungriitllied; nay, l o himself should Ihj the lirst to Unelit by her sacrillce. Hu ventured, even under tho burning scorn of her eyes, to com pare tho Isiy's love w ith his. Onco more she implored him, with a very agony of entreaty, but ho was inexorable; there was only one condition. And so he left her, bidding her think it over. Wheu sho told I.cjhia rage for the mo ment overcame his despair. Ho called Stumlish by every name with w hii h g man can brand a villain. Would he hve his darling sacriliced lo save himself ten thousand times deeper disgrace? Hut af ter the first passionate excitement, do ipair came crawling back. Ihsgraced, dishonored, wus ho nearer to his love? Again he thought of making a dean breast to his father. Hut that very night it dinner the admiral hud seemed out of sorts, and bud darkly hinted at un un lucky speculation into w hich he had been (strayed. Ito thought of his young '.I others and sisters. Were they to besac Hik ed tohlscrliuinal folly? Ah! he could .-I. II il by Its right mi l e now. Ileum! HI -lla sat with clasped hiimlsand sorrow. lid eyes. They had nuver loved each oilier us they did now. Then, In the ni;;ht, as sho lay half distraught with tier (rouble and Is-u's, the instinct of self sac rillce which was lu every gisid woman's in, lure, which hud made heroines and martyrs of them so ollen. inspired her; and. w ith shuddei in,;s and tremblings, she resolved to sate I .eon I Ihecosl of her own misery nml despair Wiihoul n wind or hint to Ia o the wrote .-. Stand lull that If he would m l have pity on her, knowing how she b it IohiihI him, she must needs accept IiIh cruel terms, since she loved In r coin in more Hum iiuj-hl eh.e in I he world Would hn, she won dered, want to tmii ry her after thut? lie lisik her at her word w ith joy nml triumph I i- would I, now how lo pui rd her ugaiiet l.o- against every inini In (,'hrh h mloin; nml he hud nil the fatuity common to loteni w ho believe they can mulie a woumii love them Kvcn then Stella had hope that she would be ubleto creep out of her promise through Home loophole, hut Hlamlii h was far loo deiei fol Ihl.l I tu hud ohlniui d ll Wee!; '. ili lay lor the payment of his (looilwoud losses. lieforo Htiiinlish handed over tin purchase money she must holds, Shu u,u I go through thorium of iimnhw w tth him at the registry olllce. He would then leave her freo for two mouths, dur ing which he was to appear to her ramily to woo and win her, llo knew slio was not td age, hut ho would hardly silolt lo such a inlio us tl He now, And Stella without a word to Iw or any living soul, with death In her heart, went out one morning and married Slandisli, and re ceived from him her price, l'J,0(H in Hunk of Kughmd notes, Her trembling hands placed them Unit night in Ism's, and he went half mail with delight, and vowed that, after all, Staiidish was a prince of j gtKul fellows, and perhaps had only mount 1 to give him a fright for his own gil Stella bchl her pence. Sho could not, dared not tell him not, stall evenls, un til ho had xiid away thu money. She knew well enough how bo would lllng 11 back in Slmulish's face, perhaps witli blows and violence, did he but hairguess the truth. When 1 ,00 sought his deliver er, and grasping his hand, tourcd forth all his graliludo with hearlfelt emotion, Si ilnlisli exjici lenced 11 sensation that w u not pleasurable, A few days later Stella's husband made II formal demand for her hand of her undo and auul. The gisul Msiple were ih lighted. Mi'icllully I'or Stella, U-obad gone yachting w 1th a friend for three, weeks. Mrs, lirey could(uot make out u hy the girl was not overjoyed at her wonderful fortune. Slandisli was a lover. ' III leu Ihoiisand; hissetllemeuts, hlsgifta were princely, lie did not trouble hei with much lote making he could allm to bide his lime: but no woman cool, have had more lender thought ami c-i uideiation show 11 her. lie was so kin that a wild hoto lla lied across her th iliap". iifler all, he would set her fin for of late the loud at(e tion she ha. (ormeiiy fell for her leo had grown inl a madness of lote thai was ealing hei hem t out. Suddenly one evening !i. till lied lo St.inill.h, nml in nil iigouv ol teiirs implored hilu lo release her, I lei, 11 his lip; adai k n il lln-.lt 1 aino Uilo hi . face "What 1011 ask is iiii""si! le, even if I Welti willing," he s.ild, and lie 11. Ill 11 lone whli h was qioie low, and jet whieh li rrille.l her, he inliled, "t'o ton know : that you are mine now, and thai I could lake vou away with me (his moment if I clew.'" As Vet I.eo was ignoiant of Stella's en gageiiient; she had made il a hhiiI that : he w as only lo Is' told by her own Ill's i Uli! w hat a terrible telling it w as on the ' evening when lie came back joyous und , radiant from the crime. The quivcrm , ' niqs-n leaves which had listened lo tl n former coiilhh in cs, had a sad tale lo 1. 11 lifler thai inghl-ef wild isibs, nml lin pus ate un and ugoiiv. Stella, hi Stella, the wife of Slandisli! fleo only at this uiomeiit by his foi Is aliiiice. The cruel days kept on, U11 and Stella ; trying hard to hide their w u-tehedn. s witliin their own breasts. si never met Stan.lisli; hv was imt to Ut at tho tu n 1 riage. His parents und.-rt.sl that hei felt a little sore, but thought w ith light hearts that he would soon gel over il. . Tho night Is foio tho Wedding ciiine, il was supsst',l Usi had left Ij'll.loli, but' again the tlislling leaves sighed oicr the ; 01 row s of those t w o it breaking young heart. Their lips who pressed together 1 In un ngoliy of farewell, il was an agony ; in win. h no joy mingled, Usauso there w as 110 hojK'. ; "Swear!" w lilsjs red I-eo Willi wild intensity, "Swear!" Ami she answered III a voice strong ly 1 like his, "1 swear!" j Never was luidi gnami more triune phaully glad than M.i:i.lih, ns he put Ins w ito into the cuiri.ig.) that was to : take them away f. their honeymoon. ; A flieud had lent him a lovely plane lu Surrey for a fortnight. Stella h id Isirne I up during tho cert mony, had smiled, had accepted and relumed the emhraeis of family and fi lends. Ilnl no soom-r was bo III tho carriage than the re.n tioii came, and she sank bin k while and ex h.iUsted. Staiuli-.il w u f"i U-aiam c it-s-lf. He 111. ide every allow am c for her. A he was strong be was nn-ri iful. She scarcely said a do111 words dining lite long drive, nud when they leaehed Ih. ir deslinalioli r-he complained of fallgue nml went lo le-r n ui. Iiium-r had hei 11 wa.ting half an hi , Slandisli fell a ih In' icy m ih-liul.mg bis wife. At l i t lie sent for III r lll.il'l. The Hoiii.ui said she had l.n.s ke. seteial timet without leeeiting an answer Sti.mlisli ran upstairs, kius keil loudly, and aft 1 r a moment broke o u the dm r. Stella lay asleep 011 the sofa - iislei p, yes, forever. Sin' had kept In r Vow to I.. -I in a way that he. p-..-r hid, had ' never dreauu d of. - l.omlou World. I VI HI A..llril. j MeKingle There I a til 111 iii Minm iih j oils that gis-s under the sty le of I'ii n o A 1 yuest. , Meh'ttiigle Well, what al-iiit it? j Mel'ingle Nolhmg. only 1 was think- ing that their cm plot is must bate to mind their l's and (. - Ijiwienee Ann rii an. Th lntrlllgfiit HiirMi. horse will teavo miihtv linv mi. Tho touched in his bin, no matter bow bun-1 gry. IIu will not think of water objec- i tionahlu to his questioning snllfs or from a bucket w hich Some other (slur liuikei offensive, however thirsty. His intelli gent nostrils will widen, quiver, and query over tho daintiest hit offered by tho fairest of hands. A mure is novel tatisiled by either sight or whinny that her colt is really her own until she has certified tho fact by means of her nosn. Illind horses, ns a rule, will gallop wildly about a pasture without striking the sur rounding fence. TI10 sense of smell In forms them of Its proximity. Others will, when lisiscncd from tho stable, go directly to tho gain or bars oM-nlng to their accustomed feeding grounds, and, when desiring to return, after hours of careless wandering, will distinguish the one outlet and patiently await its oen Ing. Tho odor of that particular pnrlof tho fenco Is their giildetolt. Kxcliunge. "Ilen llur" has recently Is-eti trans lated into Hutch, as has also "John Ward, Treacher." I'uiiUliliig (ha liiilibisr, ItiiHslit keeps up tho informal habits of I'utnr tho Great, and tho conversation Is very gay and general at the court tublo, with much of thu brilliancy of nn olllcer' mess on a grand scalo. In old times In Russia wherever a guest mado a diiitaslofiil reniurk a trumpet sounded. Tho otfenso repealed, the too talkative person was led away and had his tongue cutout. Nero used tohavnapct tiger extended beside him 011 his couch, which, at a sign, sprang at the throat of any In discreet babbler. In contrast to this life It Is almost painful to mention tho clock work formalities of other courts, and tho mapped out rules for conversation nt Victoria's tublo seem absurd. New Yorlc War. Ninns I'nlil Parts. When one nils down nud calmly llg ures up tho number of bushels of pota toes which could havo been bought for thu poor wilh tho millions of dollars cur ried over lo Paris and left there hy American visitors, ho must roll his ryes wilh astonishment. And when ho reads '.hu eslluiali) Unit not mora than into out of ten of those visitors had ever seen Ni:i:;nni ImiIIh, l he l.'ocliy moiiiitnliis, the Vosemiie, or tiny of il ihcr miluial uraniomi nf (he Tinted I'lnlei, hi. feels 1.. i' 1 iclaiming. "!!; ;oslll"- Octroi! I'lce Press IBfMWMSWRMMR fs"MMSMBlllSiaiil SMMaNnlSjH Tho statist li'lun bus iiltiu lie.l the ?huri'hgiM'rs, nuiil ho llmls Ihiil u iniicli larger proiHir.Uoii of lUltb.h limn 0f Americans utte ud uliuich regularly I'lofessor I''.. ) Houston, of I'llihuleb plila, has ircij'ed h dictionary of ehsj. trlcal terms. wh,lch bus Is'eli lietnet for omo lime r'.Jivt rim v has not only I'hangeil our llidilstiies, it bus ml. led greatly to the words wo shall have to km 11 (he meaning of l)f all the gold regions ever discovered those who have Iss'ii there declare that the Transvaal, lu South Africa, Is the richest r'.ilwnrd Hales Homey says It will pnsluce, when fully milled, more gold than California nml Australia com bined, The uielal Is In quarts veins, and requires the heaviest milling machinery lo evil net II A shameful state of iilTitlrs exists In several of the luigesl cities of the Union Hundred and thousand of children are luini'd away from (hesehiuil house ihsn lo risiill the itreela, U'cailsu lliero Is not slnl for them, Theie 1 not money to piiitide achisil house accommodation, hut there I always money lo pay a ho-l of s'tly iliiical otllclals. A wilier silt thai a ratthmnakn may () handled w ith safely, prut I, I, you will keep it iii g.s.-l humor and never (ouch It tail ,lo if raider biles yon summon all your w ill mw-cr, kisqi youi head on, don't gel fiighlemvl, and you w ill not die, Is.n't go out now aiul catch a miller and Is-glu fooling w ith him just lo try it, however. Tho same wrllei iiieiitlons that a preparation of conceit' (rated U-iir-oln, applied liniiusbatelv, will render a snako bite Inn iiilesa. Hut dmi'l go and get bitten only to try it. "tionkttig llaeki:.l" Two Yi. In tho w inter of I a st liking story was publi.be. In The Cincinnati C0111 iin ii 1.1I It came to the paer In inaiiu script form, and was written by a lady oftluttcitv, Il was called "The Nurrw live uf Vera airotllcli," and was a prophecy of the linllrallon of the fu ture Many uf our renders are familiar Willi thu novel called "Issiklng Hack ward." by Kdwatd Helhimy. "Jiklng Hack-vard" iw a very succt-s-sful l4, making Isilh money ami repulalion for its author. Hut now com,- iho sirsngr virtof the story. Mine. Z.ir.t itch put. forwardtheclaliulh.it In all Its esscti tin) feiitures, plot nml nil, "lssiklug Hackwnrd" was simply stolen from In r narrative. I iirtlu r more, slm claluit that Houghton, Milllin X Co. puhh.h.-J tho Issik for Mr. Ik Ihuuy knowing this to Imo tho cat'. The tady w ill bring suit at once to maintain her claim. If the courts suppott her, this will 1st una of thu most Celebrated case uf literary piracy on record. Auol ber WhliechaM-l Theory. l'r. Iaiwsoii Tait. a lyon.lon surgeon, bus put forw aid a theory in regard to lh lieudish Whitcchapd murders w hit h it Ingenious enough to figure In one of I'oe'i Weird slorie. Unsays tlrst, tho murderer Is au epl leptio maniac, and M.ss the murders w hile lint tit Is on, ling unconscious of tho crime afterward. Second, she is, not a man. hut a woman, who gather her splashed and bhasly skirt around hut w alt iiinler her shawl immediately uftoi the deed is done, and so escapes do t.s tioii. Then, since women are "alwavi t tho w ash tub," she easily waahes out the stain nud is not detected. Third, thu murderer I some one employed In sluugliter house, nud familiar w ith tin w ay in which animal nre slaughtered in Uuidoii. The Wlolis ha l victim havi had '.neir throat cu from behind, am have then Us-n eviscerated in the exact manner in w hi. h n Lni. Ion butcher l gins lo dress a sheep. Tho cut uro lung and slashing, uuhko tlnstn ina.lo t itlu-t by a surgeon or a novice. There un known to bo women 1 uiplovod invasion utly ulsiut tho L. n. Ion butcher shops. Il is bent, uccoidiug lo Iir. Tuit, that de bvtives should search for the true clew The I'irat fhlue.o Hallway. A great event has lwipeno.l In China. Tho sou of heaven, that is to say, the enis'ror, has issued adivreo that a rail way shall be built from lYkin to Han kow. The road will 1st 7ix) miles long, and will pas Ihroiigii a sirtion of Chins lulu whieh the da) light of western civil iatloii has never before H-nelrated. Vol many years tho Lils-rnl party of tin country have striven lo get government s'rmission Id build a railroad there, hut in vain. All the old arguments used against the llrst introduction of the iron way into laigliind were rehashed In China, with more clTwt, and in addition tho s'culiarly Chinese objection that tin road would disturb the graves of their ancestors. Hesides, un Iron track, with black, thundering monsters rushing over it, would iuviido tho sanctity of tho earth, mako it angry and cause earth quakes. At length, however, the Chinese au thorities have concluded lo take tin risks at onco of thu wrath of tho earth and of their uucestors, und construct the road. Its llrst result will Ihj to give an humi'tiM) hiiH'tus to the Internal trade of China and after that to foreign com merce. Hut that it will work any great revolution in Chinese customs and civ ilization immediately, is not likelv, though it will do so ultimately. As to that, The Ijindon SH'clator says; "A railway will mi more make a mandarin honest than 11 telegraph will iniiku him u Christian," A Bolted Door May keep out I l umps nml burglars, bat nut Aslliui'i, lli'iiiii-liltls, I'nlds, roughs, anil I 'i-iiiqi. The best protection against lliese IIIIW eleiillie Intnl. lei I Ajer'S Cherry I'eetiirnl. Willi a bollle ol Mils fardimii'il piepnraliun at hand, Throat mid l.uug Trouble may lie checked and serious IMsease atrrleil. Tliniiiiis (i. I-!. hi mils, M, ) , llhon ii, Texas, eel I ilh : "(II lin- tunny prepn. ralloii hefoic lite pnhlle lor the erne of cnlils, ctiiurhs, liiiiiii'Imis, ami kindred tliseiise-i, (here are none, wlllnii ilm r.in i.. ol inv i-s 1 it 1 i.-ii. i- nml 0 1. sen al Inn, so ri'lialilii as Ayer's Cheriy I'eelinal." .Inini Meyer, Flori'tice, W. V'n., says ! " I liiivn used al! yiuir meilleini's, aiul lo'i-p 1 eiiiisliiiiilv In my Iiiiiihii, think Ayer's Cheiry I'l.einral saved my life hi i nit t en is agu," I). M. lli.ianl, M. 1) Clileopun Kalis, Mass,, t riles ; " Ayer's Cherry Peelnral lin proved reiiinrloililv guild III croup, ordinary colds, 11 ml whooping eiui(i. anil is Invaluable ns a family medicine,'' r'A I'tinrru 1 r UUIUIUIJ Aupr'o P.horrj Popfnrol njui u uituiij 1 I'll KI'AllKII 11V Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast, Bold hy sll HniKKlris. 1'ili-i'SI; ill l,uuli.,6. Transpcrtatlon Lino THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. Ulll'OUN Dl'il!!, Ol'ML'NT CUS STEAMERS. .SHOUT I.I.N 1 0 t'A I.I I'OIi N I A. 1 It i : H 1 1 IT A N 1 1 1 ' A li I K Tl I K 1,1 1 W y., MeiuiiT hulling HiHes. Kruin Yiiiln - Sleainnr Wliinli Vl y - I'.lr.il,,, ool t H .lill.Uv Uet , 1 etlni1iir, lit'lnl.tir Sr. un Hon Crsiielii'ii - Sumiiisr Wlltsuo'lli sllv W.niil.y, ,,. 1, Krl.l.y, tna. In l llxsilsV. I h i JD. 1 ha i' iiiiimiiy rni-n-i. Ilia r i It I Iii eliiis Hint 'urn. ttiiliiiiii in, Hi-,. 1 rshi i'iiiii I kiiIi llo. o t;, t, i,a lu,,, ll'.sli slCiirtiillla an. I Allialiy, The Oicumi I'licllle steuuil iuil on the Wilbiinellit river division Will lesvv I'oilhind, Soul hound. .Moinlit'. Wndnn. "lav, si il I'mUy t tl , M Arrive si orvu.iis iiiesihiv, IbmsiUy nml Hstui-l-iv al H . ail P ' M. ,..ve I orvdlbs. iiorlh boiniil, Monday, Wedneadsv ml 1'ililiiv si , M o it I'uiiland Tuesdiiy, Tluiisibiy nud .stuidsv ut :l ::il) P. M on Monday, Wednesday and r i lav. bolh iiorili ami miulh'lsiiiud hol he over night at ha lent, leaving hers al A,J Krntf.il an.lt It ki-l Oltle Slim irerl ta li.rl InrtUii'l l' II HASH!! l Jl . l.hrt V ' , ,11 M'.ll(.'lli'ry Ml , s.n KianrUri, t: i iiuiii k. at-1 ti. r Jk r ii I- it.. Cnrvsllla, or. Northern Pacific R. R. Great Overland Route. TWO PAST 'MAINS IHII.Y! j Nil ( II ANiii; tiKCAltS' i Shortest Line to Chicago i Ami all ix. Ili r-m tia j SI fAt I. AMI MIKNfll'ol.l, Th i.rtlirra I'srllle It. . la lh ou I r lin riinului l'sssriqier Trams, hecoml-t laaa M.-rpoi r ft a- of chsrgoj ; l.iisuriou mv Coaches, . I'llllllsll I'lditc "sleepllm t'srs, I 1'ulsie I lining I'm imssla ;fiy ) f rom I'urf Isiiitt ;.. hr last ! thut your tickets rend via the 1 Northern l's, ifle H K and avoid i hsu.'e of csrs. j ! I'uillauil at ? 4V A II. an.) 10 I' M i'ii """ """'I'"'!" if si raiil situs i Pa. trie Inn. ins.- Ir.i.., Isats ri.'iil an.t (I alrrcia .Uli. al 11 Vi A M ami 10 I' M al l.i-.-maai 7 lul' M andaiSA M.arrDaSa sola IDA S ami I V. - M ! 1 hr.iinh I'ii II in a ii 1'alar S:ratin Cat sit ' Saul ,la f.-arl.ra Suaai a:ara dunni ran ha Itarsn l'..illaua. lar- u.a an. I haallla Olrrn I'ail, a.r.li-1. A i t II A HI. I UN Aaai inn I I'.n Aarni Ul rim si , is.r Waaa n.r'"ii l 1'i.rilaml uira. o , j aTaV1!". o.'Miri firsi ant u Slracla t STKA.MKU I LATOKA. j Ort'pni City l'tirtlanil. j t.KAVK - Orif.iB I'liy . 7 30AM i I 10 t h j " -ferllaiiJI,,!,,, i allrst .li ra ., IHWA kl 4r W I St NDAY llill'S I K IVK llr,.u Illy ISDA M AIT U I " - rVMlaii.t o A M 4 4 Ki f K J I.ANHINCS. j Jennings, Stuitl.s KislevN, Oh- I . go, Milwaiikie, Lniilu ru. - i ! r.xio.x PACIFIC j RY. 'OVKHLWD ROUTE. ; Tinilia lorlhe l ust leave IV'tUnd. 7 :(Ki A SI. ami II IKI T. si. lllylCIO I,, nur.t siai.a, i.n.ria n. K'lru. Elegant Hex Citing Puliict Cars. 1'uiinsii I'slure Mreprrs. HI Ci'LuMsT SI.KKI'IMi CAMi run Through ou Kx press Tisii s -T- OMAIIA, ((H'NCIL I! LUFFS, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, t St. LOUIS. aiTIIOl'T I'll ANUS. ( lea. euiiu.rlliiiia al Portland lur Sas Fras, r!i"i ami rii.t s.nniil ulnia Knr lurllirr farllriiUra Impilrs ul a) a). ul hi Ins rusiiany or T. W I. I K, ... I. Jk T. A. 1'iii'tlaiiil, Oregon O. N. l TrnlUe. Clvsi'l. .llaasiKrr, Overland to California. IA Sotlllu i ii rariflc roniiuii'H Un. The Mount Shasta Route. Tims Uitwr. n Ornmi Cllr and Ian Frsuolars ss nuiin HAi.initsu urssaa tsaisisos nau.i ll'W'T I'olllbANIi AMI HAN FltANI'lsVO ) 17I7 ' rlh7 4 no i'. a j l. Pnrtlsiiil 7 "j ill 4ft a '. ft ih r. h I bv Oretiinciiy l.y I 4ft at 1 a . m Ar H . Frsni'lapii l,v l.mr.u. bi.i'sl l'naaaiisr Trslu, lUUr. ( Kxeupt Sunday) '., .Tl,t l,urilan'J""Ar j" 4ft r a vil a. M l br tir.Kiiiic'Uy b Q:40r. a V,4ii r. M, I Ar P-iiisne l. I oil a. s Pullman Buffet Sleepers TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Fur seeiimnisilsllen nf Sseoinl I'lam l'siuiiri, slliicliril In Kjire Trains. The H. I', Cn'a Fsrrymaksa minnssllnii wltli all His reiiular tralua uli Ih. KsatHliU Ulyialoo, mm (nut ul Fatr.rt, I'nitlsiiil. Wsat Huts tiivisloa. HKTWKCN PllHTI.AM) ANII b'OIIVAbl.lH. Mull Train, bully (Kiespt SumUr.) 7 Hi) a h l,v I'nrilanil Ar :'.1irs U-.'fft r. m. Ar Curvsllii, l.r 1 1 (o r M Al Alliauv nS I'nrvallia snniiri'l wllli Irala. ul (iri-Knii i'si'llto Ititllniait. Kirsa Trslu Hslly (KiPpl HtuiaUy) 4 Mil'. M. l, I'nrllsiiil Ar U lsJi. . suos. a. I Ar Mi'Mlnurllls ,r i.UA. a. THROUCH TICKETS TO AM, POINTS SOUTH AND EAST, VIA CALIFORNIA. Fur full lnr.irmalli.il rrur,1l nir rat la niana to onll nn (Joiiiisny'i ssmit st ori("U Cllr. HOailLKK, K. P. KOUKIIH, Msiiasar. Aia'tQ. F. and I'sss. Aisni, -VOW- (.'() TO G. A. HARDING. 4 .!!! . 1I!IJH''U.IH.1!.';.-A. NEVtR II1LVC-'X' CUT Of OKDtR. r.T " wu squASLNX- dau. 1 mtSQU.mi ,l ItuSfSJ ;ifSrUDtA E. S. WAKREX, On oi! City, Or. Mnlheia! . ,,, -nil,-, ,lv piiiai,-. UIIS fur elol.lieli I, ,. I li . ...... i. ve(etble pn-pmatioii. Us inie.heiiis uri pill. babe. I itlo-lllil inn li bottle. ( ,a sill to tin. tM; tttm,,,.v burin- les. i relipves eiu.slipHtn.il, reflilsteil b Uiwrla, ipni'lapsin, elites iluirhra Sll.ltain.l eolie, sllsts fevei labne. a. ,,,. strovs aorms, nml prevents convulsions, soothes the rbil.l met ivrs it reliesluiiK sml nslurul sleep. I s-I.tm is II. e ehib tren's psnsei s- llie irotbet's liieiul. 35 liases, ;i.'i i snls. M27 SEEDS h-a Ht tt f D. M. FERRY CO. W . mf t 1 r( I M IimtM o'i F-utiluily Iii mi ltd. ltfiptivt SEED AMitJAL h ID, I ,li l ,.,,,.1 mKH l.i a.l l'l-l" 'Uli. aiMi ... u.i ..- a t ,i leiii.ti. It M lim it... .. I v. lit lt.s u..n O.itlan, Flow.r m Kialil SKrtiS.h..ui.ln.l lul ii. d. M rc co. DITHOIT, MICH, A. WALK FJ. Painter, Kalsominer, and Decorator, la iT)reil Id nttt ml iroiii.y t work fiitriiHieil to liim. rutrolllloe resiit-tfnllv Hulifited, M. H. Flanagan, viioi.i:sAi k and i:i:taii, LI0U0R STORE. KFf PSON HAM) I4IK HKWI HKI.KU li el Wlnra. I.liiinra, Ale. Iurr, ,li-., tout fiiiinil III the Sim,, l.gi,, KsaUism III,., a till ins s rsll, M. II. FUSAUAS. iMerclianls Hxclianiie. ii Msln turret, Orrjnu I'liy Orrniui. JT-FFI'M CONHTAN I I.Y lN II AND Tim V li.il liraml nf l.liii,.r. Vllnea ami .I'lisri InsClly. nifiiIii mi, I irv ins ii,. u. ii.iiL.j Talils. Al.o lni.,,rleJ Mllasuki'v. rlili'sseand Boca Mr. r. j. TKKMIIAIH I'riinrlrinr. 1VOBI.ETT. Livery, K.ieil ami Sale SlaMo OREGON CITY. I.Of ATKII HKTWKKN TlltC llltllKIK AND IIKI'IIT Dolllill! flllll SillL'lo Uii'd. nml wu). dlo lioi'iuH lwnvt on liiiiul at thu lowt'Ht tirii'l'M, A I'lirrnll eiiiiii,.,...,l Willi tilt! Illll'll or louse Htock. Illfiirilllllloll reimnliiur nnv Lin. I stoek prompt ly utleiuleil lo by person or littler. horses Bought and Sold. OLD REUADLK JAS. LEFFEL WATER WHEEL Quarantooinjf More Power, J. Al -11 wnnn nnn r.na nn v rnr- J ' Dine mat will p work sucoossfully under High Heads Guaranteeing ECONOMY DURABILITY under Heada from mt' , , n, .,; - 1 waior mua any oiuor v- tTtl. s i m HMIBa,l-jsr 4 Dyspepsia Mskss Uis llrss nt many pflnpta mlserstils, and ufteti Irsils to sslf li'ti ui-tlun. lHalmai aftsr estlhK, sour sUiliiach, (Ink liesdrw lw, Lsurfliuni, loss ut spiwtlUi, t faint, " sll f una" leslliiK, bst tuts, eusteU tutiKua, and lrrr(n laxity til Ilia towels, ar DIStrOSa aotus of tha Biura ouuunuu li AftOr symtiUiius. I)yaspal dues nut "t WU ol Itsnif. It LBIIng roijulrrs csreful, porsUUmt attriitlun, and a rsmsdy Ilk Iluud's Bars. partus, which act (mil!?. 7"t surely a4 mol.ntly. It touss Ut Stuiuscb and other organs, rsirulales th dlifmliuu, traate (nod aiipctiui, nid hy Uius ftlck OTorcomliif Uis local synip- u j . teins romoves tli iyruis-H00aaCnO Uistlo edocU ol Ui dlaoase, vanlahn t)i beailulis, tuKt rofroahrs Ui Ursd mlmL "lLsv tmBU troulilrd wltlt dyaiKijul. I bad but UlU appsllui, and what 1 did sat u.-j dutroaaod IDS, or did m "'Brx Uitl loud. In an hour DUrn (itor eating I would rlMirs a falntiiess. or llrod, all gun lesllng. as Uiough I had nut eaten anything. My troo lis, I Uiluk, was aggrsTslod hy my business, which Is that of a painter, aud (ruin being nier or Iras stiut up In a gnur roum wllh fresh paint Ijwt mA u prlng I took Ibsxl Itarssr OtOmaCn rills -bsik Uir bollles. It did m aa liuoiens amount of gissl It gs um an appetite, and my fund rnllabsd and aatlansd Uis crartng I bad rvtoualy eiprflciiced." Gcokua A. Taoi, Waterluwn, Uses. Hood's Sarsaparllla Bout by all drac gliu. , all for fa. rnymi oaly bf V. I. Ilool) ( o., ApwiuMsrUs, Uiw.ll, Msm. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar IlliN Hii nlnl I'ol -hew ill,; nbollt .VSKI lines! eel of lumber l ur speeilleiitious sti 1 p.tilii if ia's, call on II Iv I noss, MniiHIfer ( il.i.lstoi.e lieul ,-si:il.. Ass'li. Uncoil t'ity. l'"e. I -'III , Issll 'IH ; I OK fl III.K I !. f siren hrTs l,sn i in i. r., i nioo -s I'll, nr., Feb. I'i, l'i. i X ol lee is l.i t-i-l.v fin it Ihnt the I., Hint ing iiiiuii .t m Hlrr I. us ul, , i, mi, ,. i, us iiiii-ii. linn lo nuke linul pnsif in sU" urt ol Ins 1 1. 1 III Soil Hint Mlil ploof Hill Is- Imele Is!- I tin- nmiil) J 1 1. 1 (.--, i.r in In. abei ie Uv Ion- 1 1. n i unit t i lei I i.l M ell noli, all i oin IV, nt roribiml, i in fc'.ui, .in lo.,li,. A, ul Jl, !:', ir illism M. Il iisbu, H..,.-.t, , l.iilrv. No. .'i.is, r u,i- MV i, ..I .,et ; I, otiiii,tp I t ,i ; i. i.iai.,. . - f,,lo- InR t. UtiM.-iM-a lo )lute Iiim i olilliiiiiitta re-l la-iii . iig i -u. mii I niltiVillil I, am. I Inn. I, vi' II, I Wi. In In., W . A. J.il.ns- li. I S Wliil.-, a, i.l r. Il.irilni, sllof A , t'lm loi- inns I i ir.yoii. J. T. AI'I KIiMiN, 'J -" i; I, Kl later Notlco for Publication. I'm i m Hmi s l.i so iii ri. r, i ilil ie.s I 'rrv 1 1., ri I. I i, Is a i, i Not n r l lu-r.-bt i-iti-n I'mt llo-foil.. tnit I lib r Inia lil. ,1 nod. e ul l i, ii,t, ,. I '. in.,,- II I is i priKii in s,l.rtiri ol Ills ' mill., loi'l lino ii, risil will Ik- nnele U (ole Illl n siller n.lll leis IV -r of Hie I lilte,l Milti s I nil. I I -III r 111 lii.t;i)ii lilt , I lu t-oii. on I ft. v . Aj.nl '.', s ai. m, rbn. lUr ilni. II. .in . He. el K.nirv , Nn. ,n i.-j f,.r ii,,. s Sol .-, tioi, ;i, C i., ; K. II" nsuie. the I. ill. -sii, vntnr.Mis ,i pru.i- loa loiilin- Holla real. lelier ll-ei a , nil 1 1 nlloli of, sni.l Inn. I, v.( I'. rV illii lie, W. A. .l-'lili "in, K. .i. Int.-. .oi l V. K. i.r.il,ii.,, all ol Alllli a, I lit' lol.li k- ei. lll.lv, III, nil J. i. Ai l'i n. '-' '-'"" -'C '.. Ili-H-ier illir r fial.lii Hllon. I sirin Si . i , isiiii. ri, i i niiioos I m. nr , J-eii. l.i. s o.i Noli,, , , ,'it. n Hint ll.r (olloiiit i.su .-l s. Iller lot- I.I.-.I i.,. ,,f, (.. Ii.n. lo ii.iti.i- in ,, ,.,,,,( n ..o ...rt ol l.i. fi. nil), if.il ili.it , ,,r,H.' u. ,,.n,,, ,.. fore llo-. ..inn v jinl,-, , ,.r in nis iil-en, e I.-Ion- Un ...unit .l.ik ,, liil,, , ul, r,,, 5i I'oltl.il.il. Disj-oi,, nn Moi.Jai V -r I "I l'", vi, Willi.,.,, A. .I'.'ni. II.,,,..-' ' . ". .'.'ini, ,,r il. v t, f ... I Its, I, ,'i ): Me iis'ii.-s Hie loll.iHintr tsilln s.. , lo j rot,- Ina n.nlii iiii r.Mtlentv '""I "illnitlioi, of. ..,i. .,i,,l: Win J! r' ' I'" t-ii. W II.ar.ti. v. ami IV II ir. 1 1 tijr. .-ill 1. 1 Ainu s. ri i. ion,,,,, i ., i n,.. K"" J T. Al I I IKiiV -J"; -i: 'I K.vister. on i; i on I'l in ii Vi lo v I't ill- S,,!,, ,,, ,. , u.i.e.N 1 1 v, nr., I. l.. 1 1, is 1. 1 Noli e I. Ii.'t. I V k'l.i-M in,, the f,,:i,,,, -g iii.n.i-.l M it!, r Ini. Iili. I n.iiu.. ,,i ),,.,., I, .,. I HI In 111 I. Ih l i,....f ... ... , : ' i.e.lll. ami III.. I .sill j.r.s., tt I.l l-e I 11,1.- i.e. lor,- II.,. n-i-i.l.-r St 'I I. seller I'I I lie ' . ,s, -ii -I olli, r i i ir,.,.,,:, I ,n , i ir..j;.,n, ,,,, l l .lit. .Man-It ;'s, ly. ,t j , in, !...,, i ., v., i, t;. i, s'. " I ' lil b. lie tut . e- lb. I.-1'..h. 1. k' ttil i .s, , i o pn.vi- l-ts ,,,, ti, ,,,,, ..,. ui o'i iiiel e.oliv ii ,,n s ,, i I,,.,,! tM i. w . Kn tvei. i, u, :i, .,,,. .i tv. N,,t: I "I. II!. ol .ee-u . I ,n , ,;,, ,-, ,. ; anil a. I-:. Ii. 1 1 .... i.e. i .,i t . . i . ... '" - ' .1. I. Al'l'l l;s,V OIH i: ntu m.H t llov I Ml I II M I I s I , Mi . I- , , I 'si .1 I : i v, ( r, , ,.. i,, : ,,',, , N.itn-e i, b, rel.v , ,,. llulile i -elller !,.i ,,,., tloli 111 linlke fiiml ,.( t'lililli, Sn.l llnit , (1 Ion' the register n ,.; r-'t ii i. I' -ai'.i: ' ..is i' , . n p 'it of bis . ni lint.lt' bs "I tin- 1 S. :"'"' 111 "T-i'i ut . t . in,,,,, Tu,.. Inv. April .s.l sa. r.,: , , v. Hi. Hon ssi. ,,,1 Ki Ir. , .V,, :i , ,- ,,. ,lls , iin.l nml SK , ,t ,. sl , , K , ol s.-.llon 4, -S. (,;,:, lie , allies the (ollottinu ilm- si's In ,,rv,. Ii, " neeuioiiiiieiiulA.il I, s,li.,.. i J' ; 1 l', l'' 'V I'- Harris. ml 1'. Mi-.l.lmiH f ..., , ,..k. lUlls.olllll,, llivi; j, Appi- pM,s ' ' liU'-IlT, OTM r, KM! ni l) AT,0. I' Mir I. S'-ITIS l.tM. (ll-lli , lliiiu.A (,iiy,-., 1,-1-, i,',, ;s .,., Noliee i, belvb, ,.,,. line .1..- Ii.ti.,,. ,.. niinie.l seuler lm lit.-1 .,(. , (.,,. V;"" 1 1 I'""''' in sui.,.rl..l'his elinni .mul ll.in S4i,l.,ns.f will Is-u,,le be ore l ie rek'isier 1U ,- u, ,- s liin.lnlll.vi ill. .,.,,, 'ilv ()r,To,,, on Mon ibi.t, April '.H, lt,rirl Nn l will, I - K I K. lie nun its tue loptivt ui- wlllie.est.,,,r,,.J1K , i mums, v.i.lei.ee upon nn, en ,v,,i, ,,r ,., , , w i.'.,r""ii 1 r V:'"'""' ' VWI'"' '"" ": s t. nil f li,,,iins, o. C.i, kiin-ns ,- ,lv. e0'l'M I! I'OII IT III.K 4 l . rNi rMiHrvris l,it-r Orui'i- I I'liK.niM i:nv, nr., ivi,. i;,, is-m. Noliee is bereby (,, , , Mu ( "tier has 1,1,-1 ,,, , , , '"f" I"""' hi -ni-pori I i, .hun. iinilliottHn,,! p, ' viill.',,'. ,n fine tin, register ,, ,e,eiver of I,,,. 1' s lav' '?.le'',V.!,-(''. I...U ... I ' V ' .. Jione. ,11'. l, ,MiM neir nt. Imv ,, arr, ,,, , lloinesleail lOniry -N-.! . . for'u-e N ol N 'i o set tion 'i 'I' 'i .1 l.' i i.' . i . . eiiituiui-.inor, ,.,i ;, u;; (; ' i'h.k,,,,!- i'rL ('""'lv' "" u( n ek, I In, kiiniits eoinm , , .,,-i ,,n- ,t ,. I lllnieteer nt I'nriin.tol . . -l i . using Loss "he ,j Tj )i " -1( t-.ti e h i .. -,''- , ,i ,,,),).'j'!i-.-,l, 't, f , V ..- X IN I L w,l ,V) . , Mu ii i; i on i'i in. it vi io. t. sp (iri( s AT Or'Kniii'llf, ' r'iniii, Jiuiuary, V. II Noll. Is lii-tie. v -iys . it t!,e'fol,,vtlng uit'in il se!. r I T. Milieu of io-. inli n lion in ii i, ei J ii o: in . on ,,rt of I, is 1 1.. i -i, i.e.. 1 1 i.i i ii I j - -il! (,.' in mis be- lore Hie li. k-l. ei ( , r ,, , M. ImilJ olliic ul oi-i.n I,.., i. 'i ii. i. li frlilay, ' .'.lurih I'I, is n, , . ,, Mul un, ilou.r. ! i-leinl ri"'li-, ,' ... ' i , , tt f f i lit Pieeliilll , J H.ilill,, )t VA.--.1. Hi-nn i . , . sit .... t) ,rne bis (in,:. . . ; ,,, ,,, ,, , eultitBilon ol', i !.., i', i c, ,.r i . I '. Ib iiier, 1 . ,. ,, W. Hi tl) .'ill "f Hlllln t .1 I, , I '-,, j , )f. I ri mis, it- cut) r. M, -II j luiin-1 i-,,-(i i. , ; i.ij. ii ; i-'iii m i . I linn i i',r . i,o-. i, ri- Mi i ssi, i N.ilii'i' ia In li-l.y im.-ii I e- f..'l. ttli ,n4 a.llll'i i. ' i -l I- h i ..) i . m ,,!, ,, ,, ! Iiii I I"- I I" "I! "i I . ... .i ..... iii , a il I i r -. i il . -1 . ... - i..-f. o- i ,i- (., jt,.i,r n t i-'-o" ' 1 1 (or s I. . .1 ,.iii n i lly, llo-;l -;. . 'I s ' ir- i- t ' i , n , , Me " I " I I." I) le!f - ! ' i -l. t. t C , In In.;, ill. -.'-- I ,1 n,i , If. i , a s -.I -l , .ir. .: ,,'. i, ,.i sue 1 1. I .-''i't. - t e I. - I lo i .1, r III" l"i. v i' ' I ' I ' '- lila ' in' 'I' ' - 'I ... . i'i i l ..... ..'.. I' I.e.. ... I. I . . ", O.i, , t.,. l-.i -I itr .i .. . . .. .. i'.., i ,1 i,,., "el W '. ) I " -' to,,. I I .1 , ti,.. Ill II; 1,1, U ' I. nvi i 'ON 1 11 '.' -." I i.-l.lrr. i '-' I .1 .'.t: J !- ' l'. -' r. 1. 1 i c n - . I. - 1. 1 Mi I VI II S I ii .-.'I i-n- in i for . .' I 'al i ('Ion h.'.tillr, n ,'i.ui si.'-e i- . I're-,-- . IIu- .... i i il.. rniii, j '1 1-ri.io , ( nil' t - III. aln! HW , ... e. I , , i .' I,.--I .11 i . I I ..! i! e i I i -Illl I. I., i-l it I i nl er I '" -I ' - ... :' ' . i .. si.i.ifi.l is i oi villi. nblr lor il. toi ls r or stone II. n:, for sk -n. nil uiiil mi,, -i- nml ,, I,,. elnilii In nuiil hunt Is-tnri- Ilil' Keilrr Slirt llei-eiter o I tl,i. ollii r ill l'r. .in ii v. lire, iron, on Wtiln. --ulny, t- Hid ,1,-ty ,,i Mav, ls'"l. He I un I. iia v.ltne.es: Jnlm .Me I ntt re nf ,'siin.lt , t'lm Lsn na ( niinlv , (ir I'Kon: V. . I uU.rn un.t Jolni Jlak'i;rii, i,f I'orllat-.il, Miiitnoiniili I o., I ir.-iton ; Hmry Mm son nf Nitlllu, ii-I li el. ni. Ai-v sml iill er..,... . lion, ink' tir-. lv II. e nl-.tr item. rils-. lun. I. i.te rr--lin-l.-.l to Iii.- tti.'ir i I it 1 1 1 . s lit tins nfbtr on or t lor.- kjnl ul, .bit .. Mm, vn i. T. AI'I blt.'SiiN. -"' SK -U -M Hi. It.-K.lr IIMIIKK I.ANIi, At T Jl .Vf S, IsTS Notlco for Publication. I mi an sun. I .si, orrii "ri k'nll llV, UM k'oll, Ji.-r. II, ssi, Nn I II K is l.en bv (fitrn tlmt is i ouiph - SMI .- Uli Hi.' nn , ,, ii.,. u, i ,, ( .. (fi.-.. of Jin ,, s;s, endili .1 "An u. t lor tl.i- sale ol I mil. .ir Inn, I. ii, I l.i- Hlnlea of il-.ri-i.i, uri-,'...!, Netu.'s, nn.l Wssluntoii iHrnlory,' ll-nrt Nn, son ,.f s,Hlr, l oiintv of Kn.k'. Hinie of W n.lniiifttiri, lias tin. ,l:,t III. .) ill ll,a ,,li, ,. ,j, , isinlein. nl No. s-i.', lorll.r piifl.BM- of ti.r j N V I. of SlH t.., Si,. ll t I I.U llal.lt. V . . Nnitli, loo i-e No. T Mast, ami ttilj ,.tl,-r proof l.i slim iltni II I- i,i,, amik-lii j ,,rt tiiliml.lr lor ita iimU r or atom ilm. for sir rn nituml puri-i.. ., nml in e.inl.li.l, I,,. . Inini In sin, I Un.l I. L.ri- tlir ;. jri.ii-r sml It.-. . iter ol 11,1. ,,in i-ni in u.m l ilt- ure p.ii.tM, tte.,,..l.iv. tin- Hu, ,l,tv of Xsv, Isai. lie linine. t wit, ,M.,; J,,,, l,'.. li tter ol sn,u, ii r. k-.m; . r,f f 7' Kn k' l ..in It. Wal,ii-k-ioi,; Join, ll.ikt;. II. anj Jus. II. I;,. Mo, ,, I'nrlan.l, iir- I k'oll. A ii v lit , I iill i-r-..n. il.timii ' .ivi rsely tl i- nl. oe ,;,,, ii,., .:,, on-re.in..i., tu . . ..- . . ., i , . i it i ,i i a i n Hit t-ni. .n l Iill. ilm nf Mitt. sr.. mi or Is'lore j r. a i ti:i:shn. -' "-s I-' f ILifister. TIMliCIt I. ANJi, ACT JI'NES, s. ailit fnr I'm bllrulli.il. I' su i n Starrs l. mi uirii r. urei-oii City, Un... tr.i'ii,;-r lisji Nil I UK i In rebv Kit.-i, fl.ni in .-,, ,'j. Sl . .. witb the nn lan.na of U i-net of I oll Kre.a of .'it 1. I, i-i titl,., "A,, , , (,)r l-e s.-i!e ol tin-U-r Inmla jn ti.,. m.,i,., , f ('Bl. ifomin. "r i'oii, Netii.ln, sml l al,inp,,n Territory" llnrrt 'Itooi.-vobl t, launi-n r..u,.iv . f I n or. State of 'n!.ii.j.toii. ui II. 1. .bit lilf.l in tin. otli,,. ,i, n, 'B0. "' No. I'T!, for tl.e purel,ae ,. u,r sK ', of S.s iion V... s. j,, T,,, ,,,1,1,, S..ntb, llioik-e No. T :.(, si ,1 ,!! oilrr l.r.N.f to sl.o C i -,,. ,.,,, I,, ,.i..,e .ni.i.-tmr ,.r ,a .r -I. .ne tl i.li for nLrie. ltiir.il j nr o-.-, nn e-lal.lili I. is i lain, to vn.i !s: tl U-ion' 11' ;;i-i. r till-1 limner ol ,,a it ,. ,,t , I to tl.e re- it. hi i in. t'lveon, on I ri.iav. tl.e l"tl i tlav ol Al nl, .!. II,. ,.,. ... ... ,. i, I ,-ttts i rU W. A. la r, . M, ivtn', ,-m.l Join, II.H-fcT-it nil porilan.l, M'nlt iio,. nli Toiii ty i ii---on. Al ' biiiUH'i er..i,einiii,l;.vrrselvth nls.te ties, nla-,1 lJt. ,, un. n. , , t-t a-.t to" Mr ll.fir elitin-a in i i, nrtn-t- on or Is tore aaul a lb il.ty ol April, 1 v'ai. J. T. Arri:i:snN, - :u: I- " . Uepsler. TIMl'.KIl I.ANH. A I'T Jl NK:t. ls:s. M)IH i: lOlt III.K t OV t'Mti n Stvtis I. isi t.iri, t. Orr,li ( llv. Irriill. lire to, IMS Smut: ta hrrrl.y (i,r , ll.al In rnmvliauee Illl lltr r.i lalmia nl H,r set f i'i,,,.,t niir ;i s;s uttile.t"An si'l l..r thr a,r l inn l.rr l.n.l. In llir sl.lra nt I'sllf.rnll. Iin-gi.n Xris.ls .ml Haalilitil.ni Trrrilnrf I ha. I' Krweaaiir. ul PorlUinl I o.iiiiv f Mulinnmah sisienl nrraeu, ka. Hti.tlay flir. In Una i.rties bi. ..n. .ulriui-in N i I....J, l..r the leirrhaae ..I lite N IV .,,.1 Sretl,,,, k Ii In l. wn alilp .,. i S.iitih. Kalijr N,t r;.at an. I tail) ,,flrr .i.l in alintl ili.t n,( l.inl amik-ht la itt.irr islushlr f..r Ita pnilirr or Monrilisu (..rsinrtillnrsl niris.ara ami in ra Hlillsll lila rlalm in asl.l Ian, I U(,,re Ilia Kra Isier sn.l lt.-eritrr.il ihi.nili.r al iir.-i..i, , tlri'smi. nn M.. relay Hie .'liliti.y l r'cliriiary' Kaj llr nainra a. k ilii.'sar. 8. A. Mallloru i' w i tirnrinia, c. c. W,Hsi.-,-k. ami s II it' I'uirr, all nl I'nitlaml. Multiinin.h l uiuity urs ..n ' Any ami all erriona rlalinlni a.ltrrarly ths il.trle., rii.r.1 Inini. .re r.'.iu. air.l ,. n.r i heir el.iiiia In Ilil. ,.n,ce oner drfurr aanl ;ih .lay nl tel. rn. ry. I.s.ju. J. , AI'ITKSu.N. a-a.-K'-!M. Krti.ier. TIMIlKIt I.ANIlAi r. JI NIJ. U7S o i h i: i on i'i in.it a no, I'siTsit 8ratsa bisuomn OrvK-oii t'ily. DivKon, Nov. 1.1, Isxsi. NUlll'l'. is lieivhy given Hist in eompli iiiito ith the provisions of the ai I of l on -(-ress ol june.'t, ISTS, entitletl "An aet I'or II. r wile of lunlwr liin.l. in in,. Sliitcj l l ul iloriiia, 1'rt'Kiin, Nevu.la. sml Wasl,iiiKt,.u ...no... is.tiis i . iieurvs, or I urilsmt, utility of Miiliiioinnli, si nip ol Uri'iron, has this iluv lilf.l in this ollusj ,j, rn stste nieiil No. ISlii, 'r tl,e pnriluisr ol the M'. ol Set'titiii No. Is, in Township !'. ,.N,,llb l''"K No. 7 Kik.l, sml villi otlor piiHil lo show Hist ih,' liiml soiiKbt is more vuhishle Inr its timber or stone limn lor nuritiiltuiiil purposes, mul to estublisli liia elnilii lo sin, i InnJ Prim-,. (, Ucj.,,. ler mul Keeviter of tins ollitt, ut uiv.m I'liy, iiivi;on, on I'liilay, the L'stl, ,v f .Mnreh, I ,-!. lie mimes ns viiliiesses:' O ,; l;n. J. Met'ornurk. S. !,. I!,.,,-,, ,, j I'm! limit Mn in nn .' 'e ' .. . .. t ..i .. ' tietnie ol Allium, Miilinoiiinli I 'utility ; till ni'ure- Hi.n. A ii v mul all persons ,-luiniln mlverselv the nUit e tlest'iilietl htiiils tire re,iii-st,i- to hie their eliiiu.a In ibis .nil,,. nr l-ion, sill, 1 1 iii tint ol' Mnreh, IS M. . J. T. AI'l'l-:i!SiiN, S7 IIU I'.1 II K i. IteitisUT. WKITH; 1TOR CATALOQUH Al SU STATS-m ' Head of Water and Power Required, JAS. LEFFEL & CO. OsitoLiBERTVT.,l SPRINGFIELD. New vork. I OHIO. ,mi'rmrnr" ci,".,.y, ( "-:.'.-..,'; '-. f .'- .- ,, T 3 TO 300 FEET 1 1 g(ssajBjBjBrS1j liKs,