The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 20, 1890, Image 4

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    1 - A
TtierttnodMthl TH aiara tw dew
IV rtw upon mu fairer ahoret
Ami liriiiiit tu h.s.vesi' Jevrutau crow
Tliej? shirt foi-wvwi-mAW.
Thorn In bo ih-ath ' Vh dust tmad
Shall ehanire tenet Ii lb summar ahowsan
Tu aukd-a (tram or itieikm trull
Or rainbow tlutvu M,iwr.
Til raull nvk dlsoritant
To fwl th hungry ituwa tbV liw;
Th funs trtt drink tlallv lift
rtvmi out th vlvwnw air
liter hi no Awt h I Th leave WAjr full
Th Mower fl siul p axav-
They only MI Uitvunh wintry hour
I'll aunilng ut lh May
Tlieretanniteathl An antvl rorm
Walk o'w Hi Mil a it h IUM tnsadi
It bean, our b.sit belovu ilort wy
And U w)U limn "vltad."
lie teams our heart all deoltt
11 luvk our (airmt, sinvtwt flofr-
Tmnsplatiusl Into h!i Hiojr now
- Avtora immortal bower.
The bird Ilk vwks. when joyous tone
Mail clu.l Hot aven of am anu strttiv
Shut now hervrvrliwOng aouf
AniUI itiTrwf I .if
And when h e sutll too bright
Or htit too purs, for Mint of viva,
Ho bear to tt Uml world of Ugliu
To M In I'mradlM.
Bom lino Una uiutyttiit life.
They low u but to (mum -hii
Willi Joy wo wek-om thsio tli un
k-vejet tu tin and paUv
And over near u. though unmv
The ttear. Immortal aplrlt trvad;
For ll the bsHiihllo unlvorw
U Uf tur ft no uo iHsui
Wit A dull light thrown to rJluf
ray, tho pcuUr tlghl whlok lv la tha
luxroundtus objecta a ra.vterloui aiid lrla
ir by aliArpoutng thadow, th yellowish
glare of tti bull1 ey lantern tlluiulnnte th
ceno. It wo lu h utile of lb cotutula
antr of polle of one of th quarter borders
tug tb loft bank of th Sein.
Tu tmll't eye. plnoKt oa hit (bak, tntcot
Um ouUlnr, 11 ko Chimwa diadoir, of
(Totip of men lathered iboul (xxiMthln la
Tbubls And tuttondixl poraoti or UiUxn.
On dittini;ultli th kept of tb Hrgoota d
riU, ft' futlilonably eul coat, a blu
blouao, A hand clasping a tori of a hrg
BUUi'i facvk; aud Uioo, talking lo;thr al
ou lid, tha eomuilHair of polio and a
young doctor of a neighboring quiu-ti-r.
On th cutnuuutd of th ooaiiuiualr on of
th fc'oronta d nil lifu til bull oto, th
group divtdtv and th lumlnoui arrow fai It
upon a itwtdwr and a rigid form aharply d
&ud, whilst th fact of th cUtor aud
th rwt of tho room diaippvar in Inky night
with but AunlofAiitoiitiorviliiotion left uwn
Uw coiling and a nntliva atiadow or two upou
th walL Tha rigid form u that of A woman,
youiig, blomlo, Tory pretty, umlutlgurod, Ui
iioipl woolen draw luoldnl U) th lluil by
th weight of tli inter with which II U
oaked and which drip to th Door. Th
little boou are coquottuh, th ftocklngi flii,
th underlineu tare trminml, tb entir o
turo that of on of th better clan of work
ing women, probably a mUliner In aomeahop
on the boulevard. la her ear at tiny tur
quoit forgvt-me-noU, and on her flugert rluga.
Th doctor, on ou k the trvk'ht r,
fela hor haiutt, itudiw bar face a uiouiout,
And tpeaki:
"Thrva daya, al least thre ditya, tb ha
been dead."
Then cotntuenrea th teorch for th Monti
flcailoD of th drowned gtrL In her pocket
It A handkerchief amtiruidored with an "A,
puna containing ten franct tirnity llr
jautiniea, a bunch of key, a gold tluuibl.
On After Another th cominitHur raosire
And note them objocta,
"Murder or ttucidar h qutwtlon th
doctor, who doe not heal lata,
But to b tur of It b rxaailne her
ntck, who round, plump wbiuneat tbowt
Dot th tlightott mark, Ui oaiio fac tlwp
luiiuovably; b lifu th arm and regard th
WTUt, wber clink aotua Turkuh bangles
nothing, not an abnuioo, of th Hue, delicate
akiu. lie repuata, "Muicido."
A b dro, the pailid band aia an ob
ject rolled Il'o A ball and hidden to th
cloeed palm of ih dead minaim between bit
flugera. It It A papvr perhaw the !;
Uon of thit greatom nijatery. AIiikwI lo
tinctirely th doctor eiinoealt it; If It pro
of lmportano it will alway tie tint to Mik.
IWaldet, In A cat of tuicidu tli reaaoo of It It
Dot a matter of importaiiro, aud that auiold
tt wat u aridcut to aii. That were th only
indicaliont that could ktt to Identify Ui
young woman.
"K'rhai aha will b racoKUlaed Al th
morgue," concluded Uw coouuiaaair.
Tb young phyalcUa rite, bldt him g d
eight and Hi group eparatoa
Once In th ttra-t, the doctor walkt rapid
ly, mechanically flujerlng Hi tcrnp of iawr
which h bad rotamed tn tha grtup Tb
sutimcut which bad kept him eileut wat a
Oompk'Z on which it would bar bean Uil3
cult for him to eiplnm. U bail toted from
linpula and aim mt Dnconacioualy. H'aa it
pity for that young craatur whom all tho
ctuioua eye had been tearcbiugf Did b
think to hide from their Tulgur and common
place conjecture tom tad and touching
drama of lovot Wat he on of that who b
lieved that tha tucrut which th aulrlda bad
hoptd to ngulf with lier'lf In tho dark
And straggling water thould Dot b wreatod
from her I A little of all that aontituenU,
perhApt, floated through tho young phytt
clan't aoul at h walksd thut through tb
All At one ha itoppvd In front of a bril
llantly lighted ahop window, and smoothed
out the crumpled pnvr, wot ttill with the
water of the heme, ami read it
"Thro d.iyt did I aayT he murmured
aloud; "throe daja-then hut no, no, 1 am
wrong; It would l too horriblel Noerth
leat, I will aak to hiin-1 uiuatawak to
linn I must miik him uinlcKtaudl"
And the doctor rotracod hia tUijm, turning
thit time townnla tho txjuluvard, hia fentun
drawn and agitated by a tenacious and un
welcome memory.
a ,
Still young, hit licnnl and hnir untoucliod
by time and work, hit cyi clear, bit Hgura
tuppie Aim erect, ur. Lurlcn i elunpi wat
on of th most plotting mmnUrsof I'arisian
tuolety, and At tb tnin time a practitioner
wltu A future. U-nacioua and ierwTrlng
Ilk all Drabmi, he bad mad hit own way in
tb world, using In th torvlc of an Iron will
a tuperb physiqu and An nubrokon And ro
butt conatitutloa Estwmed and anureclatod
by avery on at ha utiiloubteilly wat, thor
war mil not a few who did not pardon him
fur th hruwti frankm-xt which kept him
constantly at war with tha loot morula and
careless, culloua connclencet of the majority
of th worldlings with whom bo associated.
Among hia patloiittthura win one In par
ticular who disagreed with him, an old col
lege companion And churn, "haudsomo Rob
art lierain," at be had boon called, at pres
ent a stock broker, husband of a charming
wlf And fnther of Hire lorely children.
Telurqu felt for him sincere and genuine
friendship, Although their characters dif
fered at widely us th poll.
At A bachelor, when their college days bail
punted, Itnliert had ImMi a thorough rake, nl
ways In torn "alTuIre" or dungliug at tome
woiimn't apron atrlni; brlelly, tliroiigli end
through, though IVIiirque bad mfuwiU to lie
liuve it, an unscrupulous s.umi In lute veins
l.uclen, by reason of hit isition. hit manly
clmrnctT uml serious way of regarding
women and love, hud en;:n;;i I hi many a
but dltcuMloii with Ins ti lend, whoso sou
sutlity, winch ba wn ticiinilnj; lolliidout,
know no boiindt and rcongniud uo ol.hia
When Bern In mnrried Tiliiiiiiu htil lioped
for a timo to tt him chiiir.ii, but nl:nl nt
tho end of six moiillisof mauled lilu tliu
rnhe bad rutunied Willi ifmiti-r self Indul
gi'iico tliuu evor to bit Imelielor vUim, uml
,'i'elui'iiiu vus saililciK'il mid ilinhiiui'liiiiod
ir than I cun 'suy
'ij" he would eiolnlin when augurvr) by
proof of HolMiri't fi'.voloui pro
il belong t thut clam of men who
tliomMihns hon.nt Ut'llMSO
'iiitciits of miotlinr't pwkot
u Jewel from u woman's
V'l take from Imr what Is
' her honor I"
'V'K'y a,"l Blwnyt
i' l'j. as bo tiirmud
is, pieAMUtiy Awirtng 1. lieu n dint "tno
ItdUw bed never let 0uiiil.uiiTd of llllll, tlult
thiM who dul not "I'll to rii Id to his bliuid
Islnneiils knew nvius wvll how to (jiutol
their honor,"
"All the mm," th rlm-tor would rlt,
'Hsmtnct ltlt tMisualHT wrvei t, n hot her
tli conwui or not, rnd the unlmi py euuiAU
whom youhmijif mid who li-limto you i-
Kmt IrreviHiably, tor you cmn ttiak bnr no nt
paration whatever."
At thit ikiIiiI III tha discussion Uohwt
usually eiul.M It by reliwvluig and luavuig
th Ovrnr to tli doctor.
Much wat th position of matters thre
ilayt liefor Hi uiH'turiutl acii In I ho coin
UlisaAli' oltlc ou the left Iwuk of til Kollitt,
when t.uolcn TeUnnue, raueing the I'af
lllch aIkhU mldniglit, beii his nam culled
fiMinoneof th hula tnlilvt whlck llii tli
tmrrac And aideisalk In I rout of it,
"Hello llier, doi'torl Wber ace you going
to late' Wait a inlmito and I'll Aconiaiiy
ll tut Holier! lierain, :i.l, hastily shaking
bands with hisooitiMitloit, lie roue and Joined
Tluiiu, wins In oNsliem-e to bis request,
bad stowl and waited for htm Hsriiiiia
tnc waa lluslied, bis eyi red and ftoeruh
hia whol appearance, In sliort, that of man
who had dined too wvll end pwhI an even
tug lu debauchery. He wot giianing At the
end of a cignr, but without smoking IU
Tli llfHt ulauiD guv tli doctor Ilia seoiutt
of til condition; hit fiu- darkeiunl nnd h
even conieiiiplated proteiidlug pnifeMioual
eugagaiiienl to rid hiuuelfof hit oiHiipanioii.
Uobvi t, however, wat In high spirit and ob
served nothing,
"Ah, my dear tmy," ha cried, "what an
Tvuiug i bav Itail."
l.ucten 'lelutxpia with A wwi'd -a ungle
violent wnl threw bit.ortuie lu UoU-n's
"lleinl What!" cried ttaralu, astoiiudHt
and csuvely coniotvbaudiug Telurque'a
tpithet. lie retieated it.
"And when meet lu futur, he Adiled,
"you will b kind tnough not to speak to I'M,
for t kuow you not."
"Ar you Jotlugl"
"Jeatlngf Ni 1 am not Jeeting, bene
forth and forever I rvfua wo touch th hand
of other than an honest uSan."
And tha d.vlor, at tha moment lu front of
hit former fnwi.l't J.nir, turiiot his hack
UHjn blm and wulkwl away. Tint wat three
uigtitt before th sonne In tho iMimiiiaanirva
olll.'O Uion the bank of th twine-throe
uiglitt only.
It was 11 o'clock when Luoleu Telurqu,
who had walked rapidly, stu! crumpling t
tweeq bit linger the wet and soiltxl i;-t
taken from the suicide hand, r-i bed tit
Cafe KichA He teemed to know Intuillrely
tlial the on b aought would l liter.
And Hoberl was tluf. sitting alone at a
email tabl to on aid. U hppd lu flout
of bun,
"1 wish to speak witb you," b ld. briefly
At first tli other showed A little Imitaucy.
but the doctor's frigid, cutting lone tuiprsawd
and diaquteted bun.
"All right," b answered "I will bear
Telurqu uiifoKUxl tli par he held lu bit
Augers aud placed It under tut eye
"Do you recognise Itf ha deuuuidetS.
Itobert, astoutuled and aprhensiva why
b could not have told you read II oocs,
twice, thric.
"And you, bow did you outu by ItT cried
b at last lu a sullsu, angry toic.
"How r Tha young physician caught Alio
roughly by th wrist and bent to hit ear
"Lmeu you thai! kuow." Aud b told bun
very tumg all that he bad dlv lived, all Ibal
be knew,
Crusheil, humllUUl, tu consternation,
with drop of anguished sweat upon bit hjw
ervd brow, Ik-ram could ouly hear him aud
stammer with uhen lipa:
"Horrible! Horriblel I swear to you I
did not dream it 1 swear It I
"What would the result haveheenf" eon
tmueil Telurqu Inflexibly, heedles t4 hw
xcusa, "had anollier than myself been
called by the rouuuisaair, bad tins paer by
cbauc com Into the hautla of the hiw:
Think you that they could not have found
you) 3Jy duty you know it as well at I -u
to restore thit paper and let Justice take IU
"Uut, l.ucien, In th name of heaven and
our old friendship"
"Uur friendship do not tieak of It,
wretched man. It txitt uo longer, and if I
Am or becom your aixxiuipln-, u it from
pity for your wif and children, who without
nie would lie the flrst vu-Umtof your cow
Ardly ACt"
Aa th doctor turned contemptuously upon
bit heel to leave bun lloliert mail a Una! and
tupreuM protettatloa
"It it 111 lax, tb very hut!" be cried, "1
twenr It, Lucieu, t twear it believe in!"
Tranlatl from tha I much for the New
York Mercury by C. Waggoner.
Women Oaghl Not lu Laboi.
"I think th women who bar been n
giged In the struggle for equal righu ha't
dou torn goisi for women In tli direction
of obuinliig equal wagt for equal work.
There ba alto bun for many years a ten
dency among women lu our country to I
com ltldeiudeut a desir tu ums their
own living to win Uieir own breed Ho
many hualsuida ar utterly uwliws, or wont,
that many wotneu hardly feel Justified in d
pending entirely on a husband for th future
They feel somewhat tufur to know bow to do
tonwtblng, and earn A little money tbeio
selvt. If men wei what they ought to be,
few women would be allowed to labor thai
It to any, to but It thould be the ambition
of every healthy and Intelligent man to take
car of, to tupiKirt, to mak happy, .uie
woman, Aa long at women bear the burdeim
of the world tht bumtn race can nevar at
tain Anything lik a splendid civilisation.
inervwiu o no great generation of men
until there bat been a great generation of
women, ror my part, 1 am glad to bear
thit question discussed glad to know that
thousand of women take tom Interest In
th fortune and In tb misfortune of their
"Th question of wage for women I a
thousand tune mor Important than landing
mlationaria to China or to India. There la
plenty fur mlasloiiarua to do bare. And by
missionaries I do uot mean gontltmeu anal
ladin wbodislribute tracts or quota Bonn
tura to tsxiple out of work. If we are to bol
ter the condition of men and women we must
change their surroundings. The tenement
bouse breed a moral pestilence. There can
ba In the bouse Uo bom, no Hnwid. no
lamlly, for th rsasou that there It uo
privacy, do walls between them and the
rest of th world, Ther it no aacradiHass, no
feeling -thit la our"' Hubert O. Iiigertoll
in new xort vtorio.
They Drank II Dry,
inert was a circus and wun 11 war seven
elephant. Their car was run alongside a
locomotive, Ouo of the elephant put hit
imux out through a crevice lu the car,
reached over to the tender of the locomotive.
lifted the lid of tli water tank, and blned
himself. The other HI elephants did tli
tamo, and In a short tune the tank was dry
The train bunds did itot se Hie performance.
and only when tlm engineer tried to start his
engine (lid lei llnd thut the water was gone. -Hun
Kruncitco Argonaut.
Watted Time.
A Frenchman hut succeeded In making a
:rfuct steam engine which welitlu only one
niiith of nil ounce lluouuld have husked
iill.uiiu hushidt of corn whlk he aim fooling
away at llus im-less toy, lust tlmiji.leu prod
ably never isvurred u him. Iietmit Kree
I'l esn
School report aliow thut Jowisw boyi
nnd girls tiro passing rapidly to the top
Inouredueniloniil inslllutloiis tliroiigli
out tliu country. Tliej Win to puna to
tlio top uflor they loavo acliool, too
America It, or ut lcunt ought to bo, a
good enough PahntiiiB for the Hobruw
A Methodist wonmn pruncliur, MIhi
Alvu Ilulloi), hat left tlmt comtmiiiion
boeuiiHo It refuted to ordnln wouion, nnr1
connected linrtoir with the United nrutli
ron. The llietlircn Imva rceulurlr or
dallied Imr at a circuit pruaclier
While the luw court of New York
wero wrangling over tlioquoutlon wlmtli
er electricity will kill, men wore killed
every week by coining In contact acci
dentally with live wire
vosh IlilltiitV rhlbsiiihy,
"l.t't liltit ;ii, inv roil," wild mt niu'lonl
fittlior Id Ilia liny, who h i'l caui'hl II nil
lilt, "mid wlicn lui nils lilgi;or kotoli hint
Agiilli." Tim iKiy tiki n lie wii told,
and lm Ui'ii looking fur thut riibblt
ever altic,
Tim vvuflil oviM nil lu oiiorgy nml ro
llnciiiciit toy liivur., llinning ronla
fur break fmil Anil ulug nalitnl (Kr dollies
I tlin viitowiiiis IniiiH'i'iiiii of a I nay
Thcia I litta uv fullis who i n l woll nml
it it ii k well, mid yet ui'ii Hick till tlm tlimv
Tlier.muo tlui folks lin iiKvnva tuij.iv
MKir licullli,
If n inn n lilt yu mtd jrn lilt lilm buck
yunrtftivvn. Iml If yuUmi'l lilli luicli
lio Is your ilclilor, nml nlw u nwet yu u
' mc It.
Men, If tlioy nlu't Iiki buy, llv auin
timo till tlioy it in HO, ami doili'uy llio
1 1 mo A kimmI ileal ua follmv 'I'lio fust
thirty yvnr lliey Hnd llirtuvliig tiium
nt A murk, llio kut kuud tidi ly tlioy smui.I
In cvaiiilning tho iiuuk low oo w tun
tliosliiiis lilt, mid llio remainder It di
vided In eusxliiK llio Ml nil lliixiM lug bint
nee Alld lunniiitJ (lid 1'iuiIiiUr.t,
Nut a llainli's root,
lr. Joint liiteliln, tliu gratt voliintiiry
lender, Inid cluirgod tin' liiliil(eis of 1 lis)
catiililUhed fluneli ivltli lciiling (lie live
of HyWiriloN, faring tuiiiptuuualy every
diiy uml clothing tlioiiisolve In toft nil
meiiL At A ptilillo iimelliig I r. tint lulu
luid tu reply I.) the aiuei'tlnii, llowna
ttiindlng on llio front of llio pl.ilfoini;
lilt IkmiIa wero vliMiig, Irtuieluhl oniiutry
IhhiI nml lilt troiiM-rt were l.oep.iUoHil
w ltll mud, for lid luid just walked aev
end in I lea. Looking niiind iiHin the ml
dletioA niul lioldlng out liia foot, li
hiIiiIh) to It nnd tnldi "My friend, lr.
Kitclilo dcelitret thut wo um a act o(
dandle. IX) yoil Cull tliul llio foiit of A
dutulyr Tli pK'ttl wua Irrealstiblo,
Alld wilt reaMinded to with groat
tor on llio part of tlm midlcnoti mid with
cheer, wlilcli were redoiililetl ft I'r
Uutlii io bIihhI Imldiiig out lilt) f (Hit aiuI
looking nlHitit lilm with n quiet, comical
sniilo. Sun rrani uco Argonaut.
A rttitreMid Air 'nHtwiiy,
Ouo of the iiiimI lm)Hirtnut viiterirlset
In l'a r is It llio I Vim pressed Air coiiimiy
w lili ll dii'trilmtet Hiwer lliroiigliout (b
city. It U'gan wiih a pneuui.uio clock
tyateltl nlKilll l;0 This tnisilieaa grew
until (her are now about b.tHKl pueu
initio I'Ux'ki, public Alld private, drivel)
frtini A tatinn aUuit four iiiiht rant ot
tb Madeleine. The coiupmiy dlstnbiitn
(Miwur for Any purpoeo, Tlicro nr aIhiui
iiO inotom. varying in power from oin
elghtli hums) mer to lUty luirto xiwer.
for All tort of put kMci, all driven from
tlio central sintiuii The tytleiu used Ii
lliAtof Victor I'opp, nnd it it lielng vx
tended with great rapidity. Purl letter
Ab Tell Their hauie.
Ono of tli luoet reinarkaldo old ladh-e
lu Cobb Ciiunty I Mr. Oliio Ilaml.y.
tlie uiotlu r of tho well know n and high
ly esteemed llmuby Iniye, of thit county
Sha la now over 7J year old and tin
mother of nine children, an of w hom
Are living. Slio lias siily slx grmidclill
dren, And can reach nil of lluuu In two
hour' rido, except two w ho mule li:
Arkansna. Shu can tell Hie names and
Age of every child nnd grandchild, giv
lug date with perfect clemnest, ills
playing a memory truly remarkable
: All of lier children and grandchildren
i luvo gikhl homos and are doing well.
! Marietta (Oa.) Journal
A W underfill liog.
II. C Wlicatlv, uiployed lu an nty.
lum nt Millcdgevillc, tin., has a wonder
ful dog. lie sends him on errands U
Anyone aUail the institution, ort.ial
moat Any place, the dog having learned
tlio place by nam and obeying every
instruction. Ho can count, t ll, and, Ufore retiring for tliu night,
kneel by th aide of Mr. Wlnntly't Ix-d
and any a fua prayers. Ho can iliuib a
Udder from the under lido, placed ut an
angle of 80 dcgrift, mid M-rformt
mimlicr of tricks that require more men
tal strength than is usually found in the
cmilne family. Chicago Tinice.
Taliuago' t'liurcli.
From Main to tho four new Hates,
from Oregon to Florida, symputhy an I
n gret will ttlr the breast of men and
particularly of women at tiding of tli
burning of rarton Taluiagv'a church,
ilia Urooklyn Tabermiclo. Howuver lb
uioiwca of ieople disogn-e on Kitiile or
theidogy, they all nud Tuliuuge tor-
InollA Utf hut rout lied the qulur lieurt
At no other preacher of hi time, except
Ilcvcher, bat dono lu thit country. For
year, regularly every Monday, good
grandmother All over the land have
tented themselves, newspitpvr In hand,
sM.t'taclo on iiimo, and read Talmnge'i
terinon, every Hue end letter.
Hut the fir thut consumed Tuliniige'a
church could not put out tho fire In tin
da lint Ice parson's soul Hit trusltn
announce that the church will bo rebuilt
immediately, not Indeed on tlio tmnv
silo, but further away from the buslm-nt
center. It 1 rather remarkable that
this I the aecund lire that lia consumed
Taliungu't church in Urooklyn on this
tame tile. The first one occurred in
h-ccmbcr, Itil'i, The present ori;unl.a
lion It not Ao rich at tuppimed. Hardly
anybody It, Tlio coiigregutUm were
still burdened w ith debt for tliu building
just dettroyed.
Meitutiinu tho Indomitable parson who
una brought consolation to o many
hearti, now aakicuuaolatlon fur lilms. If
and liii pcoplu. Since ho and lilt church
have Included the world in their Clirit
tiaii iiilnixtrallons, they now npieal to
tliu world to help theui rebuild theli
TalM-rnacle, The parson will himself no
knowledgo with lilt own band nil tul
acriptions tent to him, T. Do Will Tal
inagn, IliiHiklyn. And tiewpaM-r road
en will still have the M.ualjtjr sermons
Uniform testn for tight and colorblind
neat are to bu eatabllhlieil at tho Inter
lialloual iiiarinu conference lu Washing,
At last It Is claimed tlmro l n charm
to remove wrinkle, nnd prerve wo
men In faduluai btuiitT. A French nhval.
oinii, Dr. Vemoy, ay bo can do thit
uilrai lo my ineani of electricltr. Th
prwx'H It painful, but not io very pain
ful, Kven If It wure, though, that would
mako little difference, all tha world
would go in for li.
Are our leal and lalmon flHhnrlet tn Im
oxliaiitted nt Icnglli. liU tho rest of
nntiiro'i bouiitlcsi1 The Alauka company
report that it now reindict iminv more
lltllll to llll a L'lven lilllnber of ciihIis Ihnn
It tiHi-d to. A tliuilur st(-y Is told of sal
nion canning cHlabIIliiiiciits There mo
only 80,000 cusei till year, ngalntt
luu.uuuiaHi. wealutll be lunatics and
criminal If we let Uicho splendid Indus
trie! go down. When the country wa
flrat tottlod, old hlatorlci av that invrhidt
of water fowl lined the bank of Now
England riven and darkened tho air
uliove thuin, Tho itrcama wero crowded
with a many IUIi at could live In their
wnton. Shall we let the went beuuino at
the east la now?
Hot it) lllnners In Kiigbiiid.
Tho rujiil dinner mp of I'lnijliini!
no tlm immt foiiiiiil mid stiidii'd In tha
world, To beginner limy Itcouinu A
(rifcliifiil iiideul, mid they riuoly nt llm
cud ciin li II what the nioiil tmiHiidod wf I
lu old sliniem lliey itiv tt frightful timo,
Tilt novleet uiti inpeolod to ui'ilvn eiuly
Ai ut to be posted by Hlr Henry I'liiiwiiiliy
III cull it etiqllotto. Tliu quci'ii uniiilly
receives her giioBiH for nriiu niMin trnt In
In own aittlng room, mid reiiuilnt a
hIioiI tlnui Willi thoni eliiiuiiig oil light
tulijiietti then 1 1 1 1 v nro inillted In
wnndnr nvor the eindlti or tiny lit their
rmiiiit till dinner timo, wldi li I At V,
Sim suvs it few wiinl'i tu encli iuent ut
r,'io enlers tliu dilillig Iikiiii, nnd llieu
leads the way tu llio tit lilt, ll ill way t
seems so illciiui loons for Ihnilio tu tli-p
up nnd oiler HitMild liidy lilt nun, but It
would rcipilit' mi oqiiitl in limit to do so,
mid she enlets mid Irai cs llio rooui iilonn.
Tlierii Is very lllllo iHinveiaiilluu At tliu
tiildo Knell guout in Hiked one ipietttuit
by the queen mid call liuiliv nun reply,
'Hie pannes U ceo are dieuilful, nnd
Hie uiiH'Imiiii'til parceling out tif qui
lions mnl miswei't makes it aeeui nt If
llio queen welt putting A llililo cIiihs
tlirouuh II" eatiH'liiniii, I'.aoh ouo wallt
for lilt nun In viiino next, mid In tint
iuliiiiriiKnient tli "Aiiswert" tin often
of tho iiionl ttupl'l kind, Now York
II lU'l t urn,
A rtwidciltiif lids I'ily luid a cum till
tlltl tlllddle too of lib left fool, w lilcll luid
, Itolheied linn greatly for many years
One. morning he could U ai It no luugor
Alld ndopled nuulqilomul sudden method
tif gelling rid of it
lie obtained a rlflo mid fanloncd It
firmly, iiiu.le downward, on a lamrd net
fur tli iurHMo. Tliuil In) laid n board
down under It mid 11 red ll twice. The
bullet entering tlui Umid at exactly Hi
some Hilut each limo convinced liimtluit
1 the rule was llrmlv lived and proM-ily
ndjimted, and lilt next move wua to place
' hit luito foot on Um Umrd an that the
Oiirn on lilt too rmmi directly over the
bullet hole.
Thit mailer Mug arranged to lilt tut
Itf action, lie got a Irieiid, who was pnw
cut during tho preliminary o-rallona, In
1 pull the trigger, 1 lie result fully equuh d
1 if it did not exceed Ills c.h lalloiia
; Tlio bullet went llirnugh Ids t.m nnd c
j ried the oorti with It, leaving a l.irge
; rti.;ged bole, which will I si quite likely
; to give lilm its lunch trouble as did the
t colli.
! Ho refused In have a pliyxlcinii mid
! says a bullet hole Is bettor than a Corn
' any day. I'ouinfd .Monitor.
Kwilrr and faaler.
Cnn-i-t, hurry, Is a bud cliai,ictnrllo
of ibeiHi Uine. Wo do ever) thing by tel
egraph. Wu live as well a travel by the
lightning express. The late Sir Ilmiry
Holland, a lygl(.i man, in n charming
book of 'niial recnlliH tioii covering
ixty year of the Nlueiivntli century,
mi si "I'copto walk faster In Ixmdon
tins Is than tin y did when llml knew
them And till nuglllelited SM-,-d of
locomotion It carried Into every depart
ment of llfo politic, art, liteiature,
commerce and s. I d existence. The
charm of tranquil IciMiro la lea nnd hiw
ought after."
'Ibis, which It true the wol hi over, ll
Irmwt of all In uur country. Like the
old MUsltslppi etoamlMts, we am built
on I be high prewiurei principle; And, lik
lliem. we are liable to blow up. Tli i
hurry make biisiiira Imraming and
wearing. Our int-frhnul dlo at the top,
in Insane retreats It ruin homo life
for thut demands rcs. Tlio home
should boa breathing t, a place tin
Invaded by fn t and .u rtl lo .ace. Oc
low.' You will get tlmro Just the aniii
Aud save your health and prolong yout
life In the Urg.tiu. SL Uiuia Itepiibllo.
The lnlelllenl Hons.
Tim hors will leavo musty hay tin-
touched in lilt bin, no matter how hum
; gry. Uo will not drink uf water ol ieo
lioiuihlo to his ipiest inning snilfs or from
A bucket w hich s unn other odor makisj
olleiislve, liowovt r thirsty Hit intelli
gent nostrils will widen, quiver, and
epiery over the daintiest bit offered by
tlm fairest of hands. A tuare I novel
ealisllid by either sight or whinny that
her coll I really her own until die hat
certified the fact by mean of her hum.
Illilld horses, At A rule, w ill gallop wildly
l nit a pasture without striking the tur
rounding fence. The tense of imell In
form them of It proximity, lit ben
w ill, when listened from tb (table, go
directly to the gate or bar oieiiiiig to
their accustomed feeding ground, and,
w hen desiring to return, nfler hour of
careless wandering, w ill diMingiilsli th
one nutlet And patiently await III Cien
Ing. Tho odor of that particular partof
the fence It their guide toll. KxcliAnga.
I'uiilslilng Hie llahhlar.
liunala kooai up the ll, formal hablu
of Filer (ho (Ireut, and the conversation
I very guy and general At Ilia court
table, with much of the brilliancy of An
olllcer'i meat on a grand cnln. lu old
time in Itussla w herever a guest mad
a distasteful remark a truniM-t aoundod.
Tho olTenae repealed, tha too talkative
person wat led away uml had hi tongue
cut out. Nero used lo bavo A pet tigei
extended beside lilm on hit couch, which,
t a sign, sprang nl tlio throat of any In
discreet babbler In contrast to thit life
It It almost painful to mention the clock
work formalities of other courts, nml the
mapped out rules for conversation at
Victoria'! table lovui absurd. New
York War.
tome Cold reels.
When ono tits down and calmly fig
ures up the iniiulier of bushel of pola
loca which could have la-en txuight for
the poor with tho millions of dollars car
ried over to Purls uml left there by
American visitors, ho must roll lilscyei
with astonishment. And w hen he remit
(ho oHtiinuto that nut inoru than ono out
of ten of 'tho visitors liiul ever eer-
Niagara Fkll, hc Kocky innuiitnliiv, tho
YoHomitu, mt Any of the oll ur naturul
nltriiclloet ef Die I'nitcd '.Unlet, ho fccli
like excluimlnji
"lly KWuT-Dwr.ilt Free Fretii.
"Used Up,"
"Tired Out," " No Energy," And AlmU
lur expreKslonl, whenever heard, Indl
rain A lack n( vital furce, whhdi, If not
remedied In time, may load to corn
plelo phyNleal uml nervous prostration.
Ayeri BtwrsAparllln Is the best inedl
cine tovlt.tlln the blood, build tip the
tissue, And nuike the weak strong,
" fur hnarry three niontht I wot onn.
fliuMl lo Hie house, One of the most
celebrated physicians of Philadelphia
failed to discover the cunta of my
trouble fir afford relief. I continued In
A bud i y until about a month ago
when I begun to take Ayer't Hartupa
nllis. . It acieil like a charm. I have
gutheslitletli ami Atrmigth and fuel ever
so infieli hitler, Hliall coiulnuo nslntf
the Nhrsiijmi'llluiintll eiimplelely cured.
.I"Cnt V. Craven, Huluin, N, J,
" I llnd Aynr't Hartnparllla to be an
Admirable remedy for the eura of blood
discuses. I lileserlhe It, anil It does the
work every Mini." K. I, I'Atur, M. 1
Miiiiliiillaii, KuiiMiis.
Jl nn ana ofc for
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
nixpAHKi) bt
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man.
I'l loo 1 1 i tlx bottles, At, Vfeilil i bottle.
Transportation Lines
Orogon raciflo Railroad.
Fit KttlMT AN1U-AU KM TI I K 1 ,0 W KH'I
Sic liner hulling llules,
from Ys.iilus - Hlesmer Wlllsiujlle Vtl
ev - lue.iUy. not i, Htlunlay Oct, 11
Weihissilay, tlelober ill,
rum As ii frtui'Uea - Alesmtr Wlllsaieiie
Jslley - lloinlsy, tret. 7, rrhlsy, Oct. It
llleailsy, net
line ,iM,ny reierve tin right lu olituie
SSllllll (ItlVB Wlllllllll nolle,
, Trtltis e eel wllh Ihs o A C, t, and Itlyti
Ihisls al t'nrvtlllt and Albany,
The Oiegiui I'uclllc hI ili.nitH nn the
Willamette river division will leave
Portland, mitit-liutiud, Monday, Wednes
day. Ai'd Friday si U A M, Arrive At
Conallls Tuesday, Tliurtday and rtatnr
diivnl .t .'hi I'. M, l.csve. Curvallis,
norlli boiiml, Monday, Wednesday ami
Fiidnviil H A M. 'Airiv at I'uitliind
Tuesday, Tlinisday and SatiinUy At it :!I0
1'. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
duv, both north and south-hound boats
lie oyer nlglil ut Kiilem. leaving here At
freight tint Ticket tirtlee, Melanin lireel ehtrl
V II. IUNWKI.I., Ji , (ImisisI MP All
SI Uoiutomery HI.. Han fianelsiin,
tv c iiourK. te i ii. r. t r. u v. h
t orrsllli, Ur.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all ih.iiih ksst, via
I'. I'At I. AMI MINNkAI'Ul.lA.
The Northern Far I He It. It
Is ili ouly line ruiuilhi
I'tssenger Trains,
heeuiiiM lass Meer (Ireeul tbaig)
l.uxiirlous Day Couclie,
riilman I'ulai Mcepmg Car,
I'alace Dining I are (meala 7.V)
Flur Portland tu the I.Att
Hee that your ticket read VIA the
Northern l'. illc K li Alld
avoid change uf t ar.
bin furllsud at 7 A II. and 10 V M
itailv arrlitti Mluiieaollt ur n raul al ot
r si
I'k in. in i.ies - Trsl.i leave rml and (I
! ilircn daiii ( s,s a M and 10 H II trrlvs
tl Iti-emtal 7 luf kl tnda I A H , arrlvt A
tills I v A M tint I VI f M
1 b fullmin I'altr Aleer-lns Ctrt. lt
(sill ds e-( hra. neai palace dlulti rail he
leren 1'eilland, laruma and hsallTa dlreel
I'sll. s.rvlr. A II I IIAHI TliN.
A..I um I pass stent. I.I riral ll , e..r Wttk
liCeli Ht rorllslet. llrrtna
A'Afl'ei'-l, eumr First tnd U Aireeit
Ort'gun City & rortlaml.
t.r.AVK-llre,.,nt'uy ., 7 K M 1 1 10 T H
" - rurllsiid, Taylor
llreldurk . . llll)l allCI'U
I.KAVK -Oregou I lly I to A M A I f M
" - I'lirtlaud 10 A at A 4 AO f tt
JeiiniiigM, Stntilis, Kitleyn, ()h
Wi'Ku, Milwiiiiaif, IjiiiiImtU.
Train for the Fast leave IVtlainl, 7 ;00
A M. AiidW (M 1'. M.
TlplCTC lo tnd from rlnrlil Bolmt
IIVra.lJ lu th I nlirU Miaiea, laiiads
and AUiit
legint New Dining Pakct Cars.
1'mmin Palare Mrrprrs.
rim Tl. rough on Kxpress Trail.
Cleat enuurctlons al 1'ortltnd fur As Frta.
cltw tnd liiat Souu.l pelma
rnr fiirlhtr ptrtieiiltrt Impilrt of any tjrul
uf Hit t'uaipiiiy or
i". w t.r.v.,
... 1. A T. A.
rortland, Oregon,
O. M. 'l-rwIUe.
tUoti'l. .'(or.
Oveilaiitl to California.
Sotitlit'i ii Turlflc rumpaiiy'H lint.
The Mount Shasta Route.
Tlmt bclweeo 0rs..n Cliv and Isn trtnelset
XS hours.
cii.irotsu iiraist Tiamiau nait.T.
?!'w"L',o,'.ILLN.Ii A N WAW r" a ncikvo
ttmi.h ' " " I Nonh.
4 oo r. m.
ft m r. m.
7 . a. u.
It I'orilsn.l Ar 0t6t.M
l.v (ireimn uy .v I i.Mi.a
Ar N. rrtiiulsco l.v 7:00 r e
Local rassenger Train, Hslly. (Kieopl Hun.lav)
T ,"!. I'ortraiiilAr iiASr.i
lit. .( l.v Oraiint:iijr l.v 2;40 r. u
'f11L.?:J .!! Kiin !'VJ ?-
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
fortcrnniinedalltnnf Ueennd Class I'aiseiiftri,
attached to Kpress Train.
Th S. I'. (!n'a ferry makea conneollnn wllh
all the reiiuhir traiua on the F.sstHhl lllvlslon,
mill foot et f atrcel, I'ortlaud,
Wast Sole Pivuliit.
lIKTWI'.r.N POKTI.ANn AND C'()ltVAt,I.18.
Mail Train, lialljt (Kicapt Huiidav.)
T an a. m. I l.v
UiJMv M Ar
At Albany an Cnrvallia couneot with Iraltl
oltlreKou fuoirio Iliillroad.
Kniireas Train Dally (Kicept Hundty)
I Mir,. I
H oo r. m I
I'nrtlanit Ar I ( OO a. m
UeUluiivllla l.v 1:41 A, H
Vnr full liifiirmallMit ,.va,.lt.ia ! ........
llo., osliou Coiiiiitiiy't tieut tt Oregon city !
KlJKUI.KIl, K. r. ItOtlKltn,
Uanimer, Ats'tO. V. and fan, Ant
l uitvvv etrrof order.
- W UNiUtt SQUAtir n.. BWIAS,
ATI ANT a li tl.
tTiopii.o ,, , 'ra-!A'''yi.t.-iiLl
Orcpm City, Or.
Cnstoria it re. inn, i..l...l 1...
mm (or cliil.lien leetiung. It is a purely
"Tisi'i" ireparaiion. Its HigreilieutH are
published auciiiiI each teittle. It it pica-
taut lo tint Insln an. I Ih.,,i..i.,1u I. .......
, , ...... i, i.tiiii-
lesi n relieve, regulated
Jie le.e It, nuietapuin, , uies diarihi-A
mi in.i roue , Allays level ichne-s, (u.
StmVA Wnrillt and luxonli . ..i.e.. 1. 1.....
tiNilliea the child and give it rebeshing
ml natural sleep. ( asloria it l. , bi.
dren' panacea the n utliei't Iriind. 35
uueee, ,1,, (SHIS.
W tin rfi thm l-atgfalt
bttaaman tt U miti.
Pm.h.Hy Iititttr,!, IlWttTlMlM !
Seed AWrtiAL
kl. . ' : rwTj s i
Ei MariiijomHwi milr.l r K K In all
I'l"" MM, IMl IO tattl MatOfn lUtW
I liMiivfe, ia Istylitt lit,tt f , ..
! rv prn .' -t OartJ, flower
: jr r'telJ VkktHAh.uMaiUoru.
O. M. FlnRV 4 CO.
I "iinuii, ssjsivrai.
Painter, Kalsomincr,
and Decorator,
la iri'Mivl to ntti'tul iroiiiitlv tr
work rntrtixu'il tti liim.
ratronnj;( reHiifct fully AiiliHteil.
M. H. Flanagan,
IJ-ffPH us 11 A N ll III K HKnr HKI.KITION
I llf Wll.B I I - .1. I . .
I - I nir, i.rrr, Hr, ll H
fiiuliil 111 IhA ril.i. t l..M... lu..i. i.i Jk
Ulva ma seal!.
al 11. ri.ANMis!,
Merchants KxcIianc.J
Main Street, Oregou Cltj Orelun. ' '
KKKPH l'ONHTAN'1 ht tOf'tUXii Till
bast brand of l.letmra - wim. ,..i ,-i
ta lh.CIIV. Jtleplu jn.1 trv Ilia Bew InlllaM
Ishl Alsoluiirt MUwiuae. rhli-stotnd
Beat Beer .1 -r.. l u
- ... ' ri, ui. 1 11
- .. . . ,.j t'rniirietor.
Id very, K.iotl nnd SuleStuWo
1.01'ATKU IIKTWKRN "flllC llltllltIK AND
Dlllllllll llllll Sillllln nnd u,
.. . " n1" h" "(-
tlio luirHfM ahvgys on lmnd nt the
lowest priiM'M. A oorriill coiiinH'teJ
with the hunt or loose ntock,
I lifiiniiul inn vn.r.i t- 1 1 ...... 1.I...I ..f
" .-,.... uiiv aiuu ui
luck promptly Attended to by person of
Horses nought and Sold.
1 jL..QrV J" V"'iS" VltMAtMA '
( Mfw
tv. wr m ,,'rwm
Guaranteeing More Power, using
Wator than any other
Wheel, and the only Tur- fmmmmmm
bine that will L
work successfully
under High Hoads,
undor Heads from
3 TO 300 FEET.
Matt peculiar point make Itood'A Ur
latitrlllA niierliir Ut All other mtxllcliwi,
I'eoiilltr III eombliiAUvn. iirofmrttun,
And piepArallnn of bigredleiili, fly
lluod'l BiirssparlllA pottette jrtS
Ilia lull enrollva value i.l 11. S jV S
- "- - - "
bfltt known rlndll
th vegetable king
J'eoullar tn it f j
and eeoiKiiny-JfyZ,
Jfood'i Mar
etna of.
tha ouly modi.
which can trulr
rOSe S "On Hundred Ouiee
OneO atIMIu." Medlclnei In
mSj Ireer aii4 iiriAller buttle
kVi'reriuIra lATger dotei, And du not
ri'foduo M good reiulU 11 Moud'A,
revullAT lu It medicinal merit.
flood'! HartapAilllA aoooinpllihei cure bllu
erto unknown, and bu won for Itself.
the title of "Th greatest blood
purincr ever dltoovired.''
jVullar In lu "good nam
amine," mere 11 now 'V'winor
of Jlood't BtriaparllJ
old la
Lowell, wbare
It Ii made,
than of all
other blood
J'eoullar In It
riuU 1
record at tale
AbruAd. .
no other preparation
ever Attained inch P"PU"
In m limit A lima,
. arm rviauicu 11a i-'i''-"-
? S and confidence Among all euvitee
...... . ...
of Hople ao Ateadfaatty.
Do not be Induced to buy other preparation,
but be tute lo get the Peculiar Medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
eUbjtlUriiwIrl. fltltrDrt, rnRwedoJr
hi tt I UJi)U CO, AiwUwearl, VmU, at,
100 Dosos One Dollar
lllds W Allied
l or hewing About fKSS) lineal feet uf
I inn Imr l-'yr tpeoifli'Atiou and parlieu
lart, rail on II K. ( h.iss,
Muimnor (iliidhtiiue Ileal Ksliite Ast'ii.
Ulegim t lly. 1W. lath, lHH'J
."Tsfl! I'Olt ll 111.11 A I lOL
t'sirrn Hrsris I.imi (iri.i r,
iiiikuo fin, nr., Kib. l i, HH, t
Noliie Is hereby (liven tlmt tliu fidlowliift
liiilueil sa-liler hits l.le.l mini e ol his iuti'ii
lum lo nuike Mi, ill .ii..i( lu sui.Hirt ot his
elaiin unit thai s.iel .n,f Kill U- iiimle li'
fine the i i.iiuly J,i,i),'e, or in hit mIimu io Is--lure
the niiintv i h rk uf Mulliiiunah county,
nl Portland, I 'ri iron, on Momliiv, Jl,
I 'i'l, v Ir : U illitm M. Iliitilin, lloiiii-slru'l
l.iurv. No. .'i'hl, .,r the bV ut s.-i lum ;l,
loii.hii H, It t K. He iiames the f.illim.
'ft lllliesiM'S to prnve tli" eulil milium lesi-ili-iiie
iiuii. nn. I i nil, vul um ol. wu. I luo, I,
vl: ll, I'. W'llllell,,, W. A. J.lllliiori. V. H.
hit.., and !'. Ilitrdin, allof Aiim-, l lm ka
uius I n., nr. uon, J, f. AI'l'CKsiiiN,
'i .11 ur ,IMI. Hi (!i-,l.-r.
Notice for Publication.
I'sirm hrTi l.,.n oikii r. I
liMi:i.o l irv nr., Kt b, lo, Istai.i
Noli.e Is hereliy irivt n that Ibe fulliiaiiiK
ilium d iH-lili r bus hh, I iiiiin e ot bis inn h
tlull to llluke III. nl l.nxif In ,l ,.lt nf Ina
eluliii, iiii.l tlmt aai'l uroof will ! n.u.le U-
lore the n i.ier and reei-iver of the t iuiihI
Mult Liiu l I 'Ili. e at luviin i.'ilv, I ireiruii,
nn ! in lui . A i-til wsi, m: rhirk llnr
diu, Holm Kulrv, ii.,1.M, lorthe X W
in se, uon n, i I ft. K A I., lie names
tlie iiiliowuio, Hilor-M to .rte Ins l oniiii
nous rrsidi-iH'e uimhi ,,,( rul :ivaliim of.
sanl land, via: V. ill.ilni, Vi". A. J. din-
son. . h lule, nn,! V. h'. liruhaui, all of
Amies, ( la, kuiiiai rouiitv, Un i on.
J 'I . AI'JKItSiiV,
If -.ll ! S7 .!. lie.-i-i. r.
.ll-n lor 1'ublleullon.
t sirrn HriTrs I vM.nrri, i , 1
HKIl.HA t ill, lr.. r i b. I'l. lA'S'.f
Soliie , tier. .y Kiv, that tin-fiilhitt iluf
liamed settler bll 111. .t ni.ti.n iifhi, inteli
li.m 1,1 ll, like 111 ill .ii, i- e.ti ,rt lil his
bum. nod lb il uel .ns,I Mill U- n ado la
bile Ibe rnuuiy Jll liti-, .ir lu I.h ulio-liee I,
f ire the roiinl v i h rk of M ultlloliiah '. at
roHliind. (ii.K'i'i, ui Monilav, Aird ;'
l'i, vn : William A. Johiii.n, Mult no
n ah i.miiiv, iip-eun, f.r the SW of w
T 1 M. It f. K. lie nam.-, the f..l..ii,K
llm s I,, prove Ins iiuiliiiliiiua ri'tlilemv
ui cm, uii.l iiiliiiatiiii' ol, mii, I Uml: Wm
ll.ill.-r. . Ini kMin, W. Hanlniir. nnd I'.
II inline, nil ut Ainira. ("bu kainiii i',i (re
:- 11. Ki,t.-r.
ouri. Km 11 iii.k iuo.
I'm-tro Suns 1.hii i n mi r.
(IhIi.i.s I'irv, Or,, hi-b. 1.', Ivai.i
Noli.e i b.-rrhy nii.-n tlmt Ihe folhm itiit
liatlied H itler hii Med Imllee of III-iliteli.
Ii, ,n I.i uiuke lli.ul e. in .i,,.,i,rl i. his
il.iiiu au.l llmt .iii.l i.ris.f will I,- n.mle U
f..n. ibe reedier ri'ei-i. r ul' the f . S.
Inn, I olllee nt (In fun ( iiv, (ireiruii, on Kri
d.iv, Mured '.'s, Kn. u ' J iiel.-sh, l-r,..
! I' S., No ;. 'ii. ,,r , h ,r.
limi -so. I I S, It K. He iiHiues lltr follow
liiK itiu -.! lo pr.. vr his riintiiiu.iiM n i
deiue li .iii i, n. I i iiliiviiliiui in', bi'id,
vi : i. IV, kuurrel. K 11 ill.oi. uml W.
let, all uf, (IreMii.
nml A. K. II. lloMnnl, id Viimni.i 1 h knmut
v.iniiiy, nr. J. T. Al'I KUSuN,
-' -v isi-;i; ii li.visi. r.
I'Olt I'l lll.lf t l lOl
i ,un , i
'Hi ii.. (uv i li , I".! . '
Notii-e l In-re' t ti i u lb: t i.u
iiaine l seiili r hits lihsl ,i. :
turn to nuike In. i.l ,r,Hi Ii, sin,
1 1. .lui, and lluil ait: ! , ,r. ., , i I,
i. l-e.ll.l
Ili liilen
s,lt of In
lutue tm-
ore ine n-K-isii-r ai il r.v. ver of the f 8.
bind oitli e nt i .ri.'ii ( u . ; n eon. on Tues.
duv, April "I lis . ' in: .i Tavelll,
It, ui esiriul l:i tr , ,i. :;i , i,,r the l-I
mid nnd SK i, ., m: t,4 mid XK 'i of Mi
. ol .-. lion 4, I :. M, !! . y. (. iUne the
billow um Kiln ,, bis iinlinui.ut
n'siili-neeursm mi l i ultivii i..:) nl, .iiel lauil
via: T. 1' l'll,,s, S. K. .l.-nes. p. trrtea.
au.l P. McAiliiins, nil ,,f s iVi -t .
nnisioimly, Ori.H,.ii. j. - Afl'KliSi ix
wild: 1 on ii 1if.1t 4 a ii'.
Cmti 11 S-str I.l vh ilvn. 1 1
Okhmir t l- 1, Or,. rvU l.v mil.,'
iiaiio u vettii-r 1 ii.,i.-a ,.i i,.M o,
inn in make nf,.r 1., ...1 ..r 1.1.
chiiin, and thai al.l proof will Ik- n.ii.le has. "
. inr n'gieier uml rcoeiv.-r ul the I . ti
wnd ntnre al Hn-Kon t'ilv, Ureiion. on Mun
d'ly, April :, Ivsi, Vii: (iiil.ri.l Nnr-is,
lloiiMsten,l Kntrv Nn. Mini, lur the NW' I, ot
AtcM.T 2 S, K 'I Ileniiineslhelnllowiiiit
Ailnesset bi iiruve hi. mnllnuotts nsideniH'
lllll Hllll I'tlltivilliotl Of, sillll lilllil, jt- v
llorliiK Ji Vim-. ni, J. Web h, and (I. lla-
M'V, llll of UuillIlK us l'la,.k,ii,.,.s
OreiMII. . J. T. APVL Itsnv '
2 2 W-:t7 fl. H.Tist'er.
O I M ll I'OK I'l I' l.H t I IOV
l KITHlSTAT.t l,NlOKIIl'l, I
tiHKuoN City, dr., Kib. l 1H:ii.)
N'otlrv is herebv lumoi i.lmi 1,,,, i-.,n.... i..
luiuied selller lias ,1,.,1 nulioe ul hi inlen
tionunniiki. Iiiiul pr,M,f j iii port ofdia
eluiin. mn I hut si.i.l i..s..,i ,:n (..'. 1
I ,. ........ ,,, hiiiiii-
Join the nuisn r nnd leeelvi-r of ihe I' S
Inn. I utile., ut on-MHl I'll V, divKoii, ,1,1 Kri'
.; .April 2o, s;h, vl: Jr ,.-s Jr. (lil,,,,,,.
h ir nt law nf niirrv (ji,,.,,,, ,(.,rlw,
....,.,. ,,. ,. r.niry vi. .VI,,, lur the X H of
X '. olseetliiti " I' ' M 11 1 1.- 11 ..
, 1 , t r, , i . . . ... in- iiunii'M
Hie fiilloHlliir wilnesses I,, 1, ,,., ,1
eiili'vmairteunliiiuoiis ivsldern'o 11111.11 and
nil iviiihinur, s.dilhiiiil, vu: C. cjri'r
llul in.'isl,.,- , ,..,,, , ;
I nek, ( lai kaniiis t-,iti,itv, (i-,.e,,,,- 1'
l,,.!,.,,,, ,' , ;
1 r,',,.,!h . .... '. T. a rri'! itsi , ,, I, j.
-evV -V-' X'
""" 1 hi h -a no J
iw ...... r:,- '1. . !'"""'rwi
" ' " 00, 'Miliary, 2t
.vim. . ne 1 1 V ,!lr 1 ((,( ,,. ,
eli.l.o. . 1' ' .1,1 ,-, ,, , , ..! ! 'll j
lor., tlie i(e,.-i--e. ,,,, iS!:;!.,vh,, ',', ,'''i
oilier 1,1 1 uv, If.. i,, , . '1
Mnri'li if I, JA'ii. ill, ' ,.u.,i, ,H,fc" .!"
sieiid nolle. ,n. 'i-iii r ' "1. ,
U'.,.i II. ... . , ' . 1 ' """Hi. Ii
uroie J.I ii,-l, .. .. :
I :mii
i-iiuiviiilou ill, (,i i
vim 1. ;
W, ('. (leiid-r.
nil of ririiockv
- V ' in.. 1 y
1 .on r
-. ..
1 "Hill),,
J. I . ,
:ia 41
olf . b e i'lil
I iM (n,.
Ilreton niv. (i.ri-l,. tl,t ,
riiuire IS nrri'iij gitit I ii- ri.i.
sslikr li i.l 10 lice i, . lui .i.ii,,,,1
riii-ii ir.- in . .ii 1.1. ,i,,(, 1 ,
mil.! irieit Milli i.ii mu le lief it- 1 ,
""' ii,
i it
Slel l.e.-el r ..I I 1 Ijl.lll, ,!
( lly, Oi. '.,. 111 uur I ., Ai.i I
Kiel ire, l-r n -II. i. u .( .'(,' '
hull. Usee i.r. II... .ii-.l, ,i Kll'n ,,'.'"
the M it i, I l. I , sr.'l I'. I, i.l sW i ,, nt' '
Il'l llfl
.'HI Mill
re.l'leliee I, i hi
Ijii'I. US I' I eli
and IV. A i .hi..
.. . elc .i'-,li
l .'i M .
'I ...
SI III ui I, l; u H
i Aii... .i,
J T, tl'l't ,
imim.'t I-".M,. n f .. i,,,
fiotlec U.r r uL!!cat:cn
t eirn.sriirs f..,,, (,,((
, f o
. llVI
Kolli.' I. In rel,
inn e is l! h t ., no
,' I t ill il,
nl i ne u. i oft
Ki--s of J .I.,.-.:, In,
eniiihd "An art L
Hie Mile of tl'i'l er hn ill lo I '. .l an a f f
iiiiriiii,, i'm k'io, .n't lion, nt ii vv us,,!,
'Iirillnn," .i.i'M-JI.,li:i, ,,f rVaui,
( oiiniy of KiliK, ''" of Wadiihei
has II-is ''af lih- i io I is t.lttcr hi.
still. -Mii'l.t n, -1". for ll" il n I te nf (j ,
r-W ' , id lion Nn. l i, in luaiisl, Ii,!,,,
2 Html h, liai .e N. 7 l.u.i. aiwI niU'e'r.
.riif lo l.u ll, nt tlie I n.. I aotit'ht is h,h
villi, nl, h- lur lis liiuiH-r or stone than f,rtt
rl, nil uml purisiM-a, nnd to e-lnUi.!, I,,,
i-IiiIiii lo sue I Inn. I Im lore tlie Kefister t,a,
l.-.- Iver 'l Ibis olllt ut I iri-Kou t it v. Iir'
iron, on -hu'lay, the 1 -tl Ii duv of Mai
l'i. lie lum i-s ns JIJn'(
Aieinivrp ol riin.iy, I liu kamas I uiiiiv, ijr
ipiu: , a. i niKirii nun jiiim llaifj'eii.sf
1 1, nun,. i, .n ou nullum i ii., ( irr,,,, ; n,n
fcll I Ul,l.. U'u-I.l '
, ...,'.'.. .-. , ....... . .. H-l.llll.'ll.
Auv and nil p-iMius ilnimiua
vi-rwiv rue nieive iii-i riiK-.i itiiida are re-
iilele. til bli-tbi-ir . llilllis III this nfbolei
or IM-lun, Sill, I Mill iluv ,if .mm, lien
j. T. AI'l ldiMiS
'."tHA - IS y, AO. lU-guH,
11MIIKI1 l.A.Sli, ACT Jt'NE S, i:t.
Notice for Publication.
l Airan Atarts Use OrfKi
lin-fun I llv. Hn iron. Die. II Ken
Mi l M l'; Is bi n-by Kiven lluil IM cuniji.
am-e wild the no ii.,u of ll,e ai t ol tAin-
re nl June .1, entiili-il "An iulf,
Ibe mle u( llml, .ir hiniln in the hniii-s uf ('al
if.irniB, lr.'((iiii, Nevaila. and ashman
lerriinrv, Henry miii,imiii of Nuuie
( ulllllv of KiliK.' Stale of Vt aidiiliirlva"
l.:i this i In v hliil in this oilier ,n ,,ri
sliileiiulil X.i. r ,,r I he iur' l.s,. .,f
X W I, ul fie. n. .ii No. u. in Toii.iii,Xi, s
foiitli. Ituiine Nu. " Kast, And villi utm
.nif lu ahnw tbnt ll.e land M.utrl.t is men
valuable for its liinU ror stone (ban furat
rinillural inrKrs, and lo establish l:ii
claim tu suid land U-fure tlie Kefisirr si-4
Kii.-uer o! this i.llm-nl (in-soii L'uv. (ir.
Kim, ou Wednesday, the nu, ,ttV f May,
Is si. lie iiumi-a as ilin-.n: . Jnlm Mr.
I niyer ol Sandy, I inpiii ; W.A.I aimrti of
."v tille. Kihk C.miiiv, WasbhuMoii; Jnlm
llui't.'ll, and Jtt. II. Ili.l.lm of I'urlaiid Ur-l-K,u.
Anv and all r.uns i, adversely
Ihe Ih.w iles. riU-,1 Inn. I, are ns,ui.,i,(
hi.-llo ir i Inuns In H i-. ,,fh,- or tjefore
Mini lltli iluv of Mav, liesi,
J. T. AI'I'KllSuS,
'."i.'ii - IMS AJi. liegister.
.lr lor I'tibllrMlloa.
I'aitiii Sram I. ash (irru t
nn irmi City, (ire., Iiec-niU-r 2, la.
Nil TU K is lunby fivrii (hat in i-.uii,ii-Am-e
with the .nivisiuut of Ihe et of I'on
t:i uf June S, IsT.s, entule.1 "An , t f.
Hie sale ol lunlier Isn, Is in tb Sluii-a uf Cal
ifornia. ( irvpui, Nevada, and l aluirioa
Territory'' llarry Toiith vuhi of Tai om.
County of 1'ii-r. e, Slate of W ashii.Klou. has
tins duv in lliis oldc bis toni state-iiu-nt
So. s74. fur Ibe mn-bas of the sE
of Ivsiiun Nn, , in Tuwnshiti No.
2 Suiilh, llanire No. 7 Kat, and ill offer
pnsif In slii that the land soiurht
is more for us timber or
stune Ihun fur n'rn uliiirul iur)sM-s. and to
esiul.lisli bi i liiim tu ai, land lielure tb
a'!isier and KiM-iier ol ihi. i.Hht at ur
wn t uv, nrvimii, mi 1-riiliiy, the -.'Mli day
4 April, Is-si. i names as ilnees:
Iawis Curls. W . A. t'ulairu. John Mclutvre,
aiet joint llairtn-ti ull of PorllAiid. Midt
ih.bwiIi ( uuiilv dreeun.
Any And all 4Tm mis rluiitiiuR adversely th
aIww id s. nUil lauds are reuested to' fill
llieiri-biin.s in llus iirbcp on or Is fore laid
-id dy of April,
27 M-12 ! l. Kegisler.
O I M -K l IC I'l 111.14 A I KM.
I'NiTitii Stvtis l.miiuiiKL
Ore, in ( Uv. Jreton, tve 10. 1st.
NoTU t Is kerel.y (iven thai in roniltaiic
Willi the pmiisloaai.f the aet ol t'omresi ol
June a. IsTs . entitled" n act lor ihe s,e ol llm
her lamia In the Wales ol Callfernia. (ireien.
Nevada, and V sliiiinien Terrllnry. " ( hat C.
Neaeaaile. of I'orllaiid. Couiilv nl Miilluiimsh,
iMsieol urea, m. h tut Jay Ale.l In this mile
his .worn ruteuiriu No. IV.17. forth pirclisn
ol th SYY i, ul deeiloti Nik It lu li.wu
shlli No. 4 Auuili. Ksn.e No fcs.
slid will offer irool 1., alio I list ibt
Isn.l southt is inure valuable for its timber or
slime than lor asrlrillliiral and tees
tshll.h his claim 1,1 a, land iH-tur the Kef
later slid lieeeiteriil Oils nlliee R (ireion fur.
im-Koii. nu Monday. Ill MtU day of Kebmary.
Isis, A. A. Mailhieu.
1' ' t'oriieliu.. .'. i ,s.,,.,,k ...a h 11 11
, finer, 1)1 ul r.irtlaiid, Miiliunraali Couuly. lirt-
" '
V eroaa elalmliif adversely th
11 , isi ., ih,s, ... .-
2T-;i 12-IS-MkJ.
Ao ru i: 1 ou pi 111.1t tno,
t'KiTin Btatks LaNoOrrui
On-pin City. (In-in, Nov. 1H, lxsii.
.NcTIl K it hereliy Kiiun that in compli
iik e with the provisions of the Ai t ol'Cvui
Itrei 1 of June a, 1S7K .entitled "An Alitor
tlie side of timlier lauds in tlie Si utes ol Cul
il'nrnia, Ureeun, Nevmla, nnd Wasbinnion
Territory," laiuia 0. llenrvs, of 1 ortlami,
Couu ly of Multnonmh, Slul'e ol Uroirun, has
Uiis duv tiled in this ollii-e Ida sworn state
ment No. 1SUI, for the purvliase of lb
SK J ol Sts'tion No. tn, in Township
No. 2 Smith, Kiinpi No. 7 Kast, and
ill olTiir priMil lo ahow that the lai d
iii(!ht it more valuable lor its
timln'r ur tluiie thiin fur aprnulliual
puilioM-s, uml to estahlish bit el.iiin
tn suiil bind del. no Ihe U(is
ler and Itciom-r of this urtU-e at (ireion
City, llrvKim, on J'ridny, the 2td day of
Miiii h, 1-4)0, He iiaiiiis as ili,es.-es:' 11.
E. Wileon, j. McCornnik, S. I.. Ilorrv, allot
I'oi'lliind, .V'lilltniniiid Co.; unit T." tleolle
of Alhiiia, Alulliioinah Cnuiilv; nllol'liiv
Kuii. Any nnd all person cliiiiuiiiK Adversely
the above diwrdied Inn It are re .piesl.vl to
tile their eliiitim in this nl!le on or U loiv
said 2sli duv nl'.Murt'li, lfUi.
27 llll- Vi-iY 'X lieKisler.
AtfcO (Tl ATfl
Head of Water and iower Requfred,
-VslaiitVAalM lWal)AAlLl 'JbtUV.Ulli.
r il" M
- tsffi'fliaf .raiWiw
) j