The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 20, 1890, Image 3

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Home Hnppenitivja.
V .Vnuie IKillY i recovering from meu-
- The Oriental h attain chaneil
Kcv. 1.. K. Jaiiney v In town yea-
. li Amy Kolly U taking the avliool
- ,lieA lUmiphrvy lm hi I.oiiko avt
4. k in I'laoe.
' The- I. titona iW. ill belli tomimr
tiiv retired.
- W. Franco and aUlora, luive yone.
v tbtw county,
- I red Price Unit been ivntineil to hi
bd tUo jWl Week.
- J i t'liillii' lu hi incut niatkct
ui the old dry Iwiw,
(, etcher' iiiiartorly examination lie-
jiU NOXt UcdllCllty.
f VitervU rwivt for another bui
,.,. ic(i i'n tin' hill.
i ......
f I'llO dlViJOII I 11V NllK More lu a
filLiiip ot d thi week.
1 1 1' is ....(. it f l il.( ,(,,L i.. l..t
jN.f.l SliMhv the Hood.
J V. Meldi'tim Uwt ill liny, fcneea,
etc., I v the ll.hd, iiHottl ',Ki.
Mi i lU'.U U (l.sorlv tck
vw'li an iiti.ick ol imir.iiom
li.irham Uti'tix h moved into llie
hoiw l.-k "( F. ii. t li.vruinn'x.
- Jd'.iu imvii Sim moved e.on I0 lii'.l 1 lii' old c.niip iiin' liii; ground
f. Uur.U-tr, uf M.Mittinille,
was in the city yesterday on bulne.
dr. IVaell, who lia loon iiuite ill
o.ih able to K nbout uin on Suliinluy
Mr. J. I.. llurlow via taken ijiutp
ill hint Monday morning with th iEripH.
l W. Pruke, Silyerton' good-n
uir4 landlord raa in thin city yoetenlay.
Jo. liriiK will live in the hoiiae
tack of tli Uink jiut vacated ly John
Mr. M. A. Slrnttoti called to !a
'.cm on Monday lr llie death of hia
K. 1 Hnda ha iiir'h!d hon
and lot in Mock 102 opixit( W. A
Mo r. W. P. Johnaon and 11. K.
Smith. o( the V. F. 1". Co , Ml on
lio. 1-arlt ia Hiiit in hia kitchen
until h can ifct hia houa atmirfhtcned
into I'luce.
Mm. J.ti. I'iUlniry ia very alowly
impniviinf in health, though yet uimhle
to t Itl'Mlt.
J. II. Wnlkrr t(ik the lirst truin lur
.SaWin to look ttller the V. P. A 1'. (. v a
UtOtinir camp.
Mr. A. K. Ihivia haa receivwd ordera
to huve the hriik mill ready to run a
toon pcwuihle.
John ltck, former editor of Tim
KsTiui-KOii, died lunt week t hia hoine
in Tillamook county.
lieo. ItroiiKhton returned tho tint of
the week from bll loKintt camp in tho
Tilluuiook uiuiinuiiiK.
J. I). Kenner hua Itb huay thia
wwk timvintt T. W. Clurke'a hoiiae on
the Mat hack to iu place.
laliiel Williamaand hia du(htr,
Malvina, tilh died the pant week.
Their home aa near Canhy.
iiibb Potter has rent! the buildiriK
Iwtween Chartimn A Sou 'a and the llur
num for a alHn. He opened up luat
The Orcein t'ity ateain laundry haa
opened ita d.tora for Iniaineaa. It ia lo
cate. I at the old dry houae and ia op
erated by Howera A Son.
It a Mr. McNumarit'a barn that
moved olT with the Hood, ancl not hia
hou, aa waa erroiieoualy atated lat
week. Ilia liou-e at-xxl linn aa a r. k.
P. J. Cniuin haa Wn working for
the V. F. P. A P. I'o. for the laat week,
ircttin,' tlirir pulp mill ready to run. lie
haa it turning out pulp now in line
The Oregon City Saab A Door factory
i rimniiiK on full time, bavin alarled
up the pat week. They were all ready
ti) turn their wheel when the high wa
ter came.
J. K. Nelaoii, the veteran whool
teaeber, haa juat lliiiahed another term
of achool at Needy. He came to town
on Tuesday and will remain ben'alxiita
for a time.
J. W. Noble haa cleeided to ilit Iiih
tel hii-iiK-n for the preH'int, aa the old
Barlow llouaei to le torn down. He
lot iimivimI hia family Into hia houai'
near the achool hoiiw
When W. A. Htarkw rather waa
reenter at thia place he '"id out ttH
for clerk hire. Keimtor Mitchell haa
jui-t ititr'luced a bill to pay thia miiount
from government funda.
UiHt FrMuy there waa filed with the
iM-eretury of atule urticlea incorpora
tiu the OreKoti City Pttckiii Co.
incorporator beinK T. Lang, A
iioarow. E. A. Hli iuht and 1,
At the Metho-liat chur:h next Hun
day there will la! preucliiiiK intheder
man Iuiikiwkh by Jfev. H. Hainwii, at
2::t0 P. M. After thilt date (iermuil
aervicea will bv held regularly on the
laat Sunday of each month.
J. W. Nobln, of thia county, had the
honor of prnaidinR over the alato aaaeaa
ora' convention. It waa doubtlea owing
to hia eillcient inanimlation of tho gavel
that tli (Iraonian aaid, ''Tho delibera
tioria of the ttHHCHHort would do credit to
the United Ktatea aeuuUi.
QriT A IIazaau. The old dry hoiiae
liaa lieeoine alinoHt a bazaar in Ita a
jHiintiienta. It now Hiipport a wood
working machine ahop, a ateum laundry,
a gna-ry and notion atorc, and meat
market. What next?
FiUK'rTaAiN. Uat Monday morning at
ton o'clock the regular aouth bound
train came along en route, for Koaeburg.
Thi wui the flrat train for two week,
the luat train loiitli being two week ago
laat Saturday night, and it only reached
riuliiiu. It mini like, living,
Kkhkukkk Tiia F)od. The beat way
to do o i to Wicura one of tho many
line view taken by Prior, the reaidont
artiat. They will be ruady on Hutunluy.
HoomNo. Every man, woman and
child know that Oregon City i bHitn
ing right along in Hplte of the flood.
They should alao know that the Vienna
Chop Jlouae act the Iniat nifala a-golng.J
Nw Namis. The hotel llverniore- la
hertmlter to he the tmine. of Out hoetelry
prealded over hy mine boat, uverniore.,
who aiv that ho ia tired of anawer-
ing to the nniueof llettmaii. riumaa to
the Uverniore.,
Kt.M Fahw. Thia ia the imine of K.
K. Chaiiuiin'a line furm In Polk coiintv.
U. C. Vjulck, the center (or the paat few
year, waa In town htat Paturdiiy with
aauiple of the euallage which he la feed
ing hia cow with heneHVlal reaulta. lie
lml It excellent feed, and think the
method of pivaervliig feed an excellent
Tu AmasaTiiv Itauxia, Work waa
begun yesterday morning ujmn the Aber
nethy bridge, J((cph Hodgea being In
ehargu of the force of nion. The ap-
proach upon thia end la gone, ami the
further eection, and with Ita aupport
nearly tnlrtvl. Mr. lledgea hoe to
auve the roof and get the bridge back to
ita old place, and lit for travel In a few
U;eAiKiNtiTul,ocK. The laat of the
week T. IV, Sullivan took euiwrvialon of
repair on the Im-ka and engaged lh tl.
I'lck to overacv the ritrpenter work.
tnly temporary reairwill be made at
present, aa it ia nocoxaary to get boat a
through aa i(eedily aa poalble. All the
gate have Iwn found, ono t Eaat
Portland, another at the head of Swan
Ulaud, and the other at the foot of the
eame island, The E, X, ('(Hike up
on Saturday with limtlHr. Aa a.Hin aa
the italca can he hung the hnka will W
alulced out. It Iaexinvted that thev can
U( uaed In two wocka.
A Wkkckkh Sravwaa, At Oregon
City the receding Mood left the ateniner
Three Siatera, o( the Oregon Paoillo eoni-
kiit, high and dry on the main road.
She had Ix-en moored in the luiain aUivo
the mill and when the baaiu went out
the (earner went too and when the
tlood abated ahe waa left on the ground,
Thev think that It may le poeaible to
re-launch her after a while, but it la
(cared that her daya of uai-fulueaa are at
an end. Stateamau. Captain Short in
forma ua that the Three Sitera ia not
injured in the leant. The lt waa
beached carefully, and aa atam aa the
baain ia repaired ahe will I launched
and placed upon the river iu aa good
condition aa More the atoriu.
Uaaxa r MitwAi kia. Thet)regon
iun puhliahea the following liat of loeaea
at Milwaukie. A gentleman who re
aidea near Milwaukie haa furuiahed the
following liat of 1'wxea aualained through
the late rl(Kl by ivntoiia living at and
near that place ; It eoll loet ITS corda
of wood, about 10 ton of hay and the
aaiue quantity of atraw ; F. Wilton. 100
cord of woode: F, Harlow l.V) corda (4
wool and auiul .ij com i W(i uwikhi
by other rn. The furniture com
pany' loaa will loot up about I1VKI.
Mr. ttolert(in, who own Kol'ertaou
ville, loeea fifteen acre of land thut ia
waahed ahnoal entirely away, and
Churlraloaea aliout one acre of the inland
opM(aito Elk n k, it being cut into two
part. It now look a if the chan
nel w ill 1 on the eaat aide of the river,
at that place instead of going around
eloae to Elk rock. The bridge acroae
haa Iiwd carried an ay, and will have to
I rebuilt.
Ill Memorial).
In inainory of John ItiM-k. t)" (Had Kcli.
loth, !( i, at lo Iioinc, Sr. lie it Hay.
tiona to thy real, kind friend,
W could lint I. id llirv atay.
Tli U-ler call..! on Hire to build
Thy manaioii far attar.
Tluia liiddrii- at llie M-nrly galet
Awaiting Ida command,
The rur ()wn to tliy knock;
Thou bait Joined tlirctiuaeii band.
lliiild wall Ilia walla thou lnd.t tx-KUil
llrforv tby xiiiiiiKina came,
Kountrl on hiK'i, lu "troth and love"
Thy work be ull the naiua.
Thrn piuli thou the .lotted work
( OMinienerd her on earth,
II bratc, l (.ilihfnl and be tnia,
Tb Malrr know thy worth.
We initi Hire, r, we nil" the lion h,
Th v kiii t e . (rank and Irce,
Hi why aonld't thou ! called mii
In uiiinhnod'i early il.iy?
Con) I not ilia Maau r wait a while
Kre railing (lice ait ay,
And l id ther lil thy work Udow
And gite thee p.iwer to lay?
(ill, no the fial'a forth,
The huildrr need a baud,
Thou'rl chorn-n tu alt tlie work,
Tin' huildiiiK mu-t not aland.
Thnurt koiic, 'lla true in luanliiMMl a
And w iut "hide a wee, '
- . iitr Miii wiltcoiuP. far trll awhile,
Our "ht ar on the he."
. ' A. 0. Y.
taennr'a CMtntle". ,
The elate aaaeaaor ill convention
adopUul tho following inetnorlal I ', .,,
Aaking that lodv to eatabliah a Iward I
of e'iiuliiuition, lo conaiat of ono niem-l-r
of each Judicial diatrict. Ileaolu
tiona were ulao paaaed (hat aaaeaaor
ahoiild, when they lind personal prop
erty in another county', report the nine
to the proH-r aaaeaaor.
That all aam-aament law ! complied
in a aepiirute volume.
That all 'raona In giving a atatement
of property ahull bo aworn and In raae
the owner refuaea to make the late
ment tho aaaeaaor ahull iloiibli the llg-
That all property be naacaaed ut it
full value.
That the mortgage tux law ought to
la) repealed,
At tint afternoon aeaaion Oolirley of
fered the following aiuenduient to the
mortgage tux roaolution, which wiih
adopted :
ItKaoi.vxn. That we are In favor of the
repeal of the mortgage, tux low, on the
ground that It drive money out and
exclude money from the alatea? and
becniiae the nonaeqneiit Increaaed rate
ol Intureat Invariably fall upon the
lender. Providing that a law li paaaed
compelling aaataiora, under penalty, to
uHReaa all projMirty at it trtio cuah value
and that the law allowing tho exempt
ing of IwhiblcdnM be ulao repealed.
Hliaata county, Cnllfornla, n-port the
damage in ihat county by rocent flood
at half a million dollar.
An inaane man named Frod Smith
from Yaquinla, hung liimeoU la"t week
lit the Corvalll lull. When cut down
he wa black in the face and hi recov
ery wa coiiHldered doubtful.
Four live were lout by the flood In
Lano county and much damugo to prop
ertv and bridge la rtqmrted.
Albany unjoyed the felicity of being
without mail for eleven day.
Flcctilr Motor l.tnea.
Hahiow Station, Fell. 10, 18W1, To
Tint Enn-oH, Permit uiu to lay before
your readera aoloytblng 1 don't n-ally
know anything mIhuiI. Hut aa a major
ity of HupU write uiore aluiut what they
don't know than what they do know,
by your periutaaton I will claim the
privilege. And It what t ahotild v,
might et people to thinking they might
get out aomelhing that wu would like
actually to know, Though I am writing
for Information alamt tomething that 1
don't know, 1 do know, and wt all know
that thl electric motor I a new thing
lu thia country ; and how, and what, I
going to be the reault of It Introduc
tion lu the rural dlatrlcl la what w
want to think aluiut and know about.
Two week ago, I had never given the
mutter a accond thought, but the iuea
tloneuni up in our county court about the
right-of-way over our public highway,
and it waa liko throwing a homh-ahcll
Into a powder honae, in and around Ore
gon City, Whether partlea were pnnlc
atrlckeii (or fear of Mng run over by the
ailent aiuooth-runnlng motor creeping
on (hem, or were aeuluitled by aelllah
motive 1 cannot aav. Hut 1 really vnn't
aee anything tor the public to U alarmed
about. Of eourwt the electric motor are
aomethiug new to moat of ua, and the
idea of peiieliuling the country with
them ia aoiuethiiig newer. Put Ediaon'
elcclric ayatem a few year ago wa aome
thiug new , and gaallght tried to h(Hit it
dowu all over the clvllUcd world, but
Ediaon auld it would aunic day illuinl
nate the world, and do away with g to
a gr(t extent, bealdea Uiug a motive
Kiwr that would run car, and drl ve
muchinery chcH'r and aafer than any
other mwer, and he haa lived to aee hia
worda vvrlllod.
Hut now the queatlon la, aa to allow
ing them to uae the public highway,
aiK'h atreeta and county nd. Ev
ery old man ran rememU'r what a kick
waa made all over Europe and America
when trcet car were llrat talked of. It
waa aaid that city cotincila that would
grant inch right ought to 1 tarred and
feathered, etc. Hut the eilerlment wa
tinally tried, and the reault V, prorty
went up all along the lrect tar linea,
and reaideut boua-a could not lw leaned
unlea it waa near one. And now
double track motor of ome kinde run
through nearly all the important atreeta
in our large cltiea. Itceidee, theae line
run all over the bridge, culvert, and in
a una caaea on the wharve, and (hey ore
not rntnldcred any olwtructlon to the
public travel, either by dray, truck or
light vehicle. And why? Hefauae
their rail, lie and grade are made to
conform to the grade of the atreeta and
1 riila over w hich they run, and all kind
of vehicle uae their tracka the Mine aa
anv other part of the treet. IW-aidea
they re taxed for every rail, lie and car,
and in noinecaaea, a Uinuabeaide. And
why cannot the county grant the an me
privilege and w,-irtion a the citiea,
and tbertdiv . baudaome revenue
frtitu taxation?
While I am perfectly aatinlled that the
county commiaaioner have a period
right to grant the aame privilegta that a
corporate city haa on it public highway
ami I am alao aatiatied that it would be
a great advantage, o far aa aitty-foot
road are coiicrrned, to have a motor
line on every road in (ho county, at the
aame lime, after rellection, knowing
the county road of Clackama a well
aa I do, 1 think it would U the dcaiect
road lied a company could build on, ex
cept in plaice where it could not well I
avoided. It would make the road
third longer to any given point. They
would have to keep up both their own
and the county road, and keep it wide
enough for team to ) in all plaeea;
widen and grade down hilla and make
wide rroeaweva; whereaaa motor could
be leveled up by narrow and high tree
tie work, and go at might to it deatinw
lion, and the clamor among farmer
Would i that each one would want it
to come right by hi farm, for a rMtd of
thia kind haa a continual dcd; pa
aeugeracun jump on and olf anywhere.
Heaidea they can run over gradea four
or live hundred hi t to the mile, with
aa in m h eaae aa a ateam engine can go
up an righty-liMit grade. They might
uau the county bridge to eotue advaii
tuge whero they would I'oiuu on their
line, a they would not t half o hard
on a bridge aa a wagon, and thin, I
idea, they would have to contribute to
the keeping up of audi bridge.
In com luaioti allow me to aay that 1
have no internal iu any corjxiration ami
never upect to have, but 1 do believe
that electric motor In the near luture
will almoit do away with wagon road,
except in aide line. Yet 1 would give
quit a aubaidy for a motor from liar
low' atutioii to the Soda tprlnga, and I
elive hall tho money lu land ubaldiea raited along the line to build
and equip the mud. Now thl i only
my npliiloiHanU if aoinu other man of
lawful age and atuppoecd to be of ouml
mind, will venturu hi opinion, we may
net atliructlcalfact. W. lUai,oW,
Trai lier' Kxamlnatlou. J
Notii t i hereby given that 'fot iht
1 .,..
purpuae 01 making an examination 01 an
poraona who may oiler themaelvo a
candidate (or teacher of the achool of
thi county, tho achool aiipcriiiteurfY'iil
thereof will hold a public examination at
the court Iiouho lu Oregon City com
munciiig at 12 M., Feb. lilt, A. 1)., 1H1I0
Applicant w iahing to take tho exam
Illation for lalu diploma will receive
special utleutiou on Thuraday alteruoon
ami Friday, February 'J7tli and -Hi li.
Dated February 15, 1HD0.
Alkx. Thohi'non,
County School Hupt. of Cluckamua Co.,
Old Hickokv' Nixca, A Mr. Col.
America Duvidaoii, a niece of Andrew
Jai kaon Iiah been toiilng at tho Liver
more hotul for the puat few day. Hho
I a knen-eyed lntelllgmit looking lady
(HI year of age. Hho w brought up
iiino iiillo from NaHhvlllo, and h ay
that ahe knew "Old Hickory" (rom hor
youth tip. Thoie who have aeon her
lay that he remuhle the General very
much, Hhe uy ht i on hor way
from T4nnoHHe to the Nehulom country
where alio baa threo grand children
whom he intend to take back home
with her, but that owing to tho preaence
of aiiow in tho mountain alui it unable
to get to thoin at preaent. A (he relate
alio wu robbed in New Mexico, and af
terward mowed up In the northern part
of California, o that alio i now In deatl
tuteclrctmiNtauco till ice can hear from
AgntiiNt the FiattehNf.
Editor oITiik ENTiiiifKi!
llut for the liiihliu anxiety abown, lel
our eou.ity court ahoiild grant the right
of way to railroad company over the
pobtlu road and bridge leading from
Harlow Station to Portland. I could
hardly treat it a probable event, H
being o clearly uiiueeeary and crimi
nally unjuat to the taxpayer all along
the road, and the traveling public at
large, a thl I a uiaIii road for the
Willamette, valley travel.
For more than a qimilor of a century
therltlaen andaetllur along thl Mill
have been building, Improving and
contributing money and tabor to make
tht aervlcahlo to them a aa public high
way and wagon road. It I there for the
plirpoae for which it wa granted and
no party ha a right to give It away or
Impair t utility to tho public, much
lea doe tin right exiat In their own
ehoeun eorvanla and frlenda. 1 can hut
entertain dm reapoctful an opinion of the
entiie court to (hluk that upon mature
deliberation Ihey will for a moment eu
teitaln a propoaitiou to glvo I hi road
to oilier pin lie or even a Joint occu
pancy by a railroad company and the
pubic. It apicaie to me peilldloiia,
1 will not Indulge ailch it auaplcion.
Surely the application ul a few peiaone,
incorporate, will not ao lar oulwigli llie
wiahea, 'Iglit and iutereal of a large
public, who obtained ibia road by ma-
oritv petition, money audi labor (or a
epecitled line, ami who have khaped all
their hualfiMe Inlereal to that reault,
a to lead toil eurreiider In whole 01
In part.
Many yeara ago a poition of thi road
wa iiaatny and unioriiinateiy ur
rendered to the 0. A C. It H. for omt
occupancy with the wagou road, touch
to the inconveiil'Mtce of llie latter, or
jwraou luleieeted therein, driving tliein
lo the lull for a iKiition of the
way and greatly Inconveniencing Ihain
throughout the i eater part uf the road
from Oregon City to New Era.
An additional railway on the wagon
road would render It worae than ue
lea; fearfully and continually danger-
ou. Sever! ecvujanl have reaulted
from thi Joint otcupaucyi other 111-
rowly avoided, aud doubtlea other and
wor ore yet to com. The danger I
not to parti on lb wagon road alone.
even greater accidenta may come to
thoae who travel by rail A twenty
dollar cow driven along the wagon way
may wretk a train aud deairoy many
live. Thoae roada ahoiild be aearal
wherever iiracticable.
Our bridgea aland angling to the road in
many plaeea hiding long alreti be of it.
tluia Inviting cwlhaion and aetident
between wagooa and carta, if admitted
to Joint occupancy, aa for example, ee
the Abernelhv and Claekarnaa bridge
We will all need good lche and a
time table to niak ua all aale, If Joint
occupancy I allowed All theae olr
jection apply with (till greater force to
the union bridge. Suppoae a wag
on to paa over the preaent railroad
rroeaing going nulhward to Oregon
City while a motor I um)1 Ih Alter
nethy bridge, who will hack out when
we meet on the highway balua ; which
takeU the mud?
I am not opood to railroad or cor
porate enlerprlaea. (iruat entnrpriae
require united capital, but lhe
room etiougli lor txitli rail and wtgon
road, without them rooming together.
Curpuratioiia wiacly take car of them
aelve. Let ui, the noli corporate, ahow
equal prudence. The proiprl that
PorlUnd will have quarlur of a million
and Oregon City Ally thoueuiid lulu! I
tanl within the next Un yeara, Willi 1
proittlunale gigath throughout the
atale are ample inducement (or Ih Im
mediate conalriiclion of motor linei
without butchering the wagon road
The lido of population I iu our favor and
we cannot top It if a would. I fondly
Iioh there ido reati o fear the aar-
rillce of our iulereat In (he wagon roada
though it haa loo ollen h"eu dvuionalral
ed iu olhar eapaeitiea thai our rlxawn
ollleiala have been the public enemy
It will, without douhl, be aullb ien for
llie court lo know that the public cro-
teat ia aginl the am render of the roada
and bridge to govern their action in
the matter to joint occupancy.
Wg A. HrakKwtATiiaa
Jluhre to Flrrmrn.
Not lee a hereby given that the annual
election of the lire department of Oregon
City for the purHieo of electing a chief
engineer and an aiataut engineer will
1 hold on the ,'lrd of March, 1HU0. The
jelling place w ill tie at tho houe uf Cat
aract Hoae Co. No. '.', and the poll will
te omi from 10 o'cha k A. M. till i V. M
37ti! M, A. Stmattom, Mayor.
Lrltrr Mat.
The following i liat of hitler rtc
niuining in the poaloMhe at Oregon City
Fehuary -11, 1HIK):
Hruwn, Joaeph A
lliown, Joo
Cornet, Win
lonldon, A I
katuiau, Loltie
Uregory, John
(iibhon. C 1 it
llawkina, F
llalenton, Nancy
J one, O A '
May, Narrl
Megrenn, John
Marcu, N
Mattock, HH
Owen, Margaret
Ilyiner, ('hri
Heain, Y 111
Child, Hohert
Havi, F II
Farnngton, ('Iih
(lillnor, 11 It
Huwkina, V
Hayden, A J
llerxing, Ham
Ii.,'fti. nfi.'.I.Ko' .
Maun. Mary Mr
Martin, William U
Matkley, A T
Owen, t'ha A
Hlehard Iauek
Stanley, W W
Sewdheim, J
Smith, Li v I nit
Slavona, Sylvia
Tbomaa, Jainea
William, 0 r
Younghlood, John
Smith, Joaeph 2
Hvlvan'ia, John Hov
Skirvinn, Harvey
Smith, Fred
Stoverl, Nalle Mr
Tie, Win
Lillium, L 0
When ralld for pletae lay when ad
vertiaed. J. M. Paeon, ?, 11.
Any portoni finding any ribbon or
material of any kind belonging to the
Oregon Clly Manufacturing Company
will be iiilably rewarded according
value and condition of material by re
turning to the 87 It
Ohkiiom City M!rrAcruHiNH Co.
The Spring Medicine.
The popularity which Hood' Saraup
rllla ha gained a a iprlng medicine I
wonderful. It poiiniHci juat thoie ele-
mont of health-giving, blood-purifying
and appotlle-roiitorliig which tvorvbody
iiein to need at thl eaon. I'e not
continue in a dull, tired, unaatlafactory
condition when you may be ao much ben
e (Hod by Ilood'i Suriuparlllu. It purl-
fht the blood and uiuko the weak
in i d.
STItATTON. At her hoine on Center
alreet, Hulem, nt il 'lll) P. M , on Satur
day, I'eli, Ui, 1WHI. Mi (', P. Htnil
tou, aged H7 year,
Pecoaaed wa olio of thn pioneer
woinutl of Oregon, Sim came aeroa the
plain from Pennaylvaiila with her hua
hand in the lull of IH.V2 and antlled near
Itoaebutg, where ahe remaliiud until
early In the hi)', when aim moved to Ha
leiu and took up her realdence In the
hoiiao In which alio died The laat few
year of life were of aiifferlng, She re
vived a full nine year ago, and ha
never linen able to walk allien. She ha
wide dlrchiof friend who will long re
member her a a noble chrlallau women,
She waa the molher of ten children,
eight of whom aurvlvii hen Jullna
titration, llorae iilrulton, and Mr,
Ailguala Whlllmore, uf Seattle ; Mr.
Victoria MoCnllv, ol Walla Walla I C. C.
Stiatton, of Oakland, ( ul ; M, A. Strut
(on, of Oregon City; Mra l 1 Willla,
of Porlbtiid J and Mia. I. C, Pullou, of
Ihla cltv,
Her remalua weie Inlencd In the Odd
dluw' cemetery, by Ilia aide of her
hnahiind, w ho died and wa burled there
ill 1M"4 SlHleamall.
KlU'K At hia home In Oretown, Till-
liiiH.k emiuly, I eh. Ill, M!HI, nged 41
Kr Km k wu for year well-known
eltlnen of Ihla coiiiiiv, and editor of I'll u
E.NrKHI'KIHK, The following letter I10111
A. O. Yale to J. (1 PtUhury will bo of
hitereat to hia many frlenda i
OHKrowH, Feb. 10, I .
'Our tileud, John Hock, haa Iwen
calUd away to Ida home thia morning,
J. It. t'pton waa with hi 111 when he died.
He paed away almoat without a atrug-
glu, aho wa ao very weak, lllalllueaa
dated from the lime he left here to go to
the land olllce loul hia final proof,
aa he told me he caught cold on the car
from Sheridan, there llng 11 j Are,
Since then he. ha been gradually gelling
weaker from hi cough. He mint have
been atricken with Ugrlpi) In Portland,
It lymptom are atich aa he du-
crihed pain in the head, vumeting,
hill and fever, and night aweala,
paina In hia joint and limb, and finally
it went tu the weakeat place, hia cheat,
and throat. he waa auhjoct lo broil-
hilla. lie had ealahllahed a nice little
hualitae here In hi aline, and la
mourned by hia many blende her. He
wa burled with Maeonic cermuonlea, J ,
II, I'plon, officiating
A. O. YT.
The world wide reputation uf Ayer'
Saraaparllla la tb natural reault ol ur
paiallig value ua a bhaal medicine.
Nothing, in the w hole pharmacopoeia, el
(mia more a'toiilhiiig rviHe, in evrufu
la, rlieuui.itUui, gxneral dublllty, and all
lurma of blootl dianaee, than thi remedy.
Fin HtocI. All who have tried the
HVl Key Weal and beta New York
clgara, aold by Feula and Fin ha, pro
noMncelhem to tie the beat cigar, for the
money, aold In Oregon I Hy. They alao
keep ior aale all kuidaof nula, Including
Hickory ami Coio nut, alao a fine
lock of Candle, Leinona and Orange.
ltl'Hl.NKN.1 NOTICE.
The buine uf I. Soiling ha tmen re
niiid at the old aland and will be con
tinued In lh mm of the decerned pro
prietur, Prlie owing the ealaln are
hereby noiilUI to make altiiiaiit
Nollre I f'lrmrr.
The under gned will he In Oregon
City al Harvey f ro' oilb evury Tue
dy and SUnUy of eeh week until
lurther notice, comiuetieiiig ua Tueaday,
Feb, 2i, fur the purp.d uf contracting
(or vegetable and fruit of all kind for
the canning company,
Oregon City, Eb. IK, lHOO.
A. 11, Hoacow,
Secretary of Oregon City Pai klng Co. ed or Hlelrn.
About January I.'), a aorrel hor with
loathed mane, about III bgnda high,
eight era old nnd branded on left
ahoulder with half tircle II. Suiluhle
reward will tie paid for hi rutuin.
Hiatal Stuaioiit,
Oregon City, Oregon.
(1, W. Porter ia ready lo. 1umi your
borne in llrat da, llyle, Hemenihor
theplooe, hack of 1'i'ia!' hardware alore,
I have uaed Avir'a Pill for the aat
30 yeara, and am lialled I ahoiild not
he alive to-day if It had not been (or
Ibeill. They cured me of dyapepaia
when all remodir failed "T. P Hon
ner, Cheater, Pa. Ayer' Pill are aold
by all druggiat.
William Hamilton (jibaon'a Ulualruted
article en natural Idatoiy, w hich are ap
pearing every week In Harier'i Young
People, treat iiibject which are ao near
ly appropriate to the time of year aa the
utiuauel inuluurologlcal condiilona thi
winter will wrmit. Hi article (or the
number to he puhliahod February 1 lib
will tell of "(jiouae on Know-ahoei "
Keep your blixid pure and you will not
have rheiimatiain. HihhI'i Saraaparllla
purille tb blood, and tone the whole
Hack Aoain. The flood having ub
lided, I have rcatockod my alore at the
corner of Mam and loth atreet with a
flue aanortment of clinic grocerie. no
tiona.. etc., which 1 will Mill cheauer
than ever. Uood delivered fieo.
0. K, A. Fhkytao,
Youu Cahinkt.- You are, wanting a
fin cabinet pliulogri'ph.. Thun go to
I'rler'a, tho reaideut itrtiat, who on M011
day next and uflor will iiirL them for
$2.00 pur, till furthurndHice.
I Till OlUClUT Clll'aT or TH HVATXUr 01
v n ii..a,.... nt.i.itiAi t . ej I.
, . .1.11 I'
lleiirr lima, and
I.aura Onieg, ilefaudaiila,
To llaaay Uaan anii Laura Qmiiu, Till aain
llBVHyit. MTM. ' '
In Ih name of the Ntate n( Ornn, ynn anil
earn nl rou are iiuntnuiieil and renulrad In an-
ar In Ilia anov eiillllerl cmin ,oa nr bidnre
he third M lar I Anrll. whleli will belli
'llitdiiynl April, A. ., UuO, ami aaawer Hi
enmplalnl fllail In tliealinveentltiai! "nil, nr for
want thereof, the plnlutlfT will apply to llie
I "mi rl for llie roller dainandcd In h ram
plalal. Hoeh relief ennalata In damanil I ir
a decree aaalnat aaid Henry Oma and lura
(Iniaa Inrl waive Hundred lioliare.ln nl.1 re1 1,
wllk liilaraat al the rata ul ten par eeut, per ..n
1 tint ilnr llie 211th day nf Anim, HM, and
due Hundred and flfly Unilara, Attonief a fee
I thia null, aim for aoala and dlalmraamonla,
and alao fnr a deeree aialnal Ike aaid defend
aula foreiilnalng a torta l?en hv Henry
linn, and l.aura Umea, lolhe nlalnllft, en lha
W nl ne T , A I K, W'lllamrtl merid
ian, In IMarkainae Bounty, or on, wlilrli miirt
ae la recorded en paea AA'i, 41, and 41.4, In
Hunk "P" nf lha remird d morl(ia In Click
inaa Cimnly. Oron. and dlraellnii laid land In
oe anui fnr ine enipoan nimaiini 111 aienej
due the li 1 I u 1 1 n nil in nioriaaiifl.
Thia auiiimon la niihllaheil niiraunnt loan
nrder made by Hon Krank i. Tylur, Juily ul
aaid Cuurl on Deuembor II, IHiio.
AUurneya lurl'laliilln.
i i hn
YOU Hllllt'l.l) llK(H( , ; .),'
I'All I K.'l'UAIl AtiOjl e AH H,
YOU TAkE. ',"
... 1 ,J d f m-:t..
Make apeclalty of
o :-.""--;ol
. 1
All kind uf yru need o l at '
fliiijlti lluoa'. ;
Mena' hctvy aln' lor (1 2ft uf Ijreen
m. 7 " , :
laidie fine iiehblo gout alnca ul rcen
Hro for II.Ma pair. ( f , ' ' ; ,
Itoyul Unking Powder, lljo cuiihV.W'.,
I2o, 4'ic at llreen llro. ' "V 1
..If i i ii 11
It doea not lake all you have got tu get
all you want al the lor U ,,.; , i n,, i
! UaM ilao.
Ileal Portland roller' Hour at Bar
low ' at 11.00 per aeck delivered Iri the
city free. ;
lie. - ..'Ii.c
I.adlea French Kid Shoe only 13.40
ir Hlr (or ono w'k only at The lireal
Eaatern Store. 1 1
For dreed poultry go' lo the Orison
City Market; alao tieah cptfer and
flab alway on hand. ,, l:l -
Farmer, if you war money,! brhig
your poultry and egg to the Oregon Clly
Market and get your caah;1 ' ,",
Walche. Clink a an,T ' JyTrj re
paired at Mr Hurmelater' , Jeyjelry
Store All work warranled. , .1 .(,
You ran get a can of Roval Baking'
Powder weighing a full iffliiid for &0
cent for a 12 o. ran for itt cenii,' al
(lanaa Hho.
For your teeth uee Caufleld'a Antieep
llc Tooth Waah. Nothing wltt 'lhaure
whiter teeth, heallhler yum or' 'pitrer
br,,,:'- hi! '.':.t,";'
Ever) Iliing marked I yUU IgMea;
yuil can aave Vl to 60 per eent. by trad
ing with Haiiiilton ,V Allen t ('lurliii.
mo station. '" ' 1 "" .
Clackama i taking ttridr to the
front and Hamilton A. Allen at the New
ltrii k Store ther ar lulling good (ur
let than Portland price. 1 1 i
- If you want to ee the flileat l.'k
of Walrhe. ClocM, Jewelry and Silver
ware in town go to Mra. Jlurmeiater.l
Jewelry Slur. Price reasonable,
ll I now certain that thl year will h
th hrlghleai In the hlatory t.f Otegon
Cilv. If you want In cutch (111I0 tli
boom you will gel your lunate at ih
enn 1 hop honae .1 . .
Ul iunda of dry granulated angtr,
or 17 pound (loldon C ug' r II 00,
Heavy blue overalla 60 ceaila. 'otiee
ad III Til k'MTkki'Hiai (or ollur bar
gain Hamilton A Ala.,
CUekamaa, Ore.
We keep all kind of feed and make
a Mciliy of our ow n chop, grlim and
corn meal, drain of all krlrt.1 wanted
LlVtBAT bui-rl,
Cltckaaiwa, Oregial
. I , . Li...
tatarrk Can't be tared . ,
with I.lK'AI. Al'l'I.U'ATlON, they
cannot reach the aent of the diaeaae.
Catarrh la a blootl or confulrona! (Ii
eae, ai.d In order to cure tl toil have to
lak internal reuiedie. rltllti Catarrh
Cure 1 taken iuiernlly;'iild 1 ad' di
rectly on the bhd and wnn'lia'lrrirtaee.
1111' Catarrh t un-1 nd qtiark rile II-
inn. ll preicrilied hi one nf the
heat pbvaielanaln thi countfy A.r'tenn,
and I a regular preicrlptiohY 'It ll I'uni-
iwo..l ul II, a luot l.(t(l..a V.(WJ, "lain.
blued with th boat bhaal Jih'ilTli'tl,' act
ing dhectly on the iniicua anrlac. The
perlocl comblnallon o( tho' (wolngredl-
enta la alia', produce arteh wonderful
reault In curing clrih
Scmt hjr lea-
timonlal (ree.
F. J. CHENEY ACrV.,prtip,
T.iiwh.; o.
Sold by Prngglal. Prh'1 T.Vcol tH.'1' '
li .V...I .oo-
Pay I'D. ' "
Thoae who are indebted' to 'niVin re
queried to call at once and Pay up 01
the bill will he placed ill Ore bund of
olleclorail need money. '' "' "' ' ''
: I '""ll
r:l I. 111
i I. o i mil 111
My money lendinn btiajiimm ,(il; t
carried un a uanal, I'arliua, iWiri)il of
lielng accuniniixlateit mill plefta oall at
my olllce. I liave $100,000 availal.We. I
3llf W. CaaiiViJuiiNiuMn ii
Hotlce of Aiiiitilnlmrnt iif Afnliii.
trittor. ,i ii,; iu
Nolle I hereby given that I, tio,in
loralgnntl, have been, by llie Jlnmirnlile
('iiiinty t'tiui t uf Clackama cuiiy,Mif)it, iluly apiiulnteil ailnilnialiatpr
of Ilia ralate of Coleman lliiekner, iln
reaao.l . Therefore all iioVhIIiih lluVlnii
uIkIiiii analtiit aa'il etute k'e .iiutllloi'l lo
.rcnnl llie Name, irorrW
ltd, to
i il .
me, at the olllce of my attorney
. ... .. ni in.
iron at Dreuon Citv. Ore eon within alx
montlii from llie iluto of tills ruitice
IUrkit.a IIi ixuki,
.... . . il. mi i.i. hni
Atlmlnlitrutor uf tlie Kstnt alj I, ol
man itiicaner, tieceaaeu,
i.. i1''- ."1.711.1.. '..iA
Attorney for l'.atiile. ) .
January Kill.. 1SD0. '" ' :
.,lillMl li M-lllJlC
Nolle of final HettWirii'ii.J'" 1 '
Nolle I hereby given .that, l liav
, I nil: .
filed In the County Court Qf .('lafnirtf
Co., Oregon, my final report It) t,ie ml
teruf tho natato of J, I.,Tlitriton, 'do;
ceaaeil, and the court liftaaypojiite,!
March S, 181K), a a day ade Q(a
for the examination and fiff, tto, Jnurlni
of ol.jectlan to the aame pdllvrl, iqr
tlenientoftald atate, E.,H,'TH9HliiMffii
Adniltilitrator of the aetata ati J Ii
Thornton, deroaaed.
II, E. Croat.)
Att'y for Katato.)
January Oth, IHUO,
II 7i ll. ill nit illl
1 1 1 1 1 1 iii'iln
1W.HI hi )l.."l 1111
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fill I -I ' ' (ll ' ' '.
, .1. , . i . ..I
. J,,1N Mill f l V !l';!
i.J U ;.o-' -, '.
Lowest Prices in Oregon.
, r, (.....,.,,; .
anil ode ril( leu-
il .1
1- .. .
i, . i-.l)ryiMxU ami (irucomlaodt ant Shoes. '
I ''."' ":.' -'mi ."V:" ( '...'i"t',,.,. ; ' ' - '
yWrG ,XJanLaiox"J3oll Tliom All.
''.' ; ., ni-. I a j i.i li.ia
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