The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 20, 1890, Image 2

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AT , " . ,,
.I'lilHl'ii ill
-JLlVMmi.ttor United State.
too lins-U'eikculltHl to mret MrvJi
JUlIf tii(HI,Cln j I l - ii.ii ill i -wm'-I
il IsrfikoVXTNNr i rv tho brdti
-otlS8 fAt mWiemhiulmh Unit n
-; j . . V ".. . i. !
TiirrWfew m Oltt titM WtUwV5 twKi.iiif'mij w i rvY';
',y1,RfttOn!toffiOlM!, h t.s;--v
.y WlmlulgMl littPT1." 1 A waV wft midW
l''Ho'nf-W'tlt',lKi!(V;',- Tit1 ptlblU
1o N1;iI'1.hI it!J lUJ!! i'! !'i!!H X.iJl IjA
The St. Louis Glolx DeiuooritJ
.nSfuIedithii Wm.tryJilJThirty' nr ftK
nty nrj Bun, for.t.tiHjilfi A! hafl
y, fu) nUyfJioliku tliviulmtUn tiiclr
party .ia.(he SuMlj wij raii t!m n
'ihVafaiwtJy.Uwir. amlacilv aiil
ullJJoiiHg..,iiTlie dwnJitntir cf,
S.WilWj.lpt'll i' rv i! .'ttUtinptin iUia
s.fwawbtJiitlrOBf-, ui t!it'Tlitt!
Htlimhktw(i3,tliii; juiftjority itw titq
WiiWiirRtiitlf-. .a.vni-'J
ni --mjm i,-.. - r. 1h ciIw
,c,r,l.1?h'!,?"S a. Hone thruuglx Uie -
.lPjf.;.,c)oyf'joferjl ",4 pvww
to act tl't llilll I'O til f.liroiur .,f)1.
'ccr, at
.fl" , anJ'gst authority.
"'thfnVatKe hotiic orjrepreHentativ't
T-trithUineji.' and tfji-refore it dorit
vtfoV approve 'the cour of (W dcnii-1
ocYatic minority tn,congr9 it
t lays it jFould njH-in jo bo rudimetv
"'tarjand l!jsipiul tmwc r'of a de
" li(t'afivMbij1 v 'to, tTt'cJiT whctlw-r
if!ia ftnt1, ir'1uiHijii'l Mi'rh
nioroy of a few riiPiiitar through a
BWcknica!' fiiiiti'h'xKKlVtiie jwij'Hihili.
ties of ob?tr,urtion,aro unlimitt-d,
ra iWnuut . ; i . i
;a-o .mii.iiit KTr:(t.',',i'1" j
n,;TV W Wi,io,J.f tl.vfi
ar'T plans' art'Wing '0
'fMpdirt thl'cifV aild work U-mi
I ... .!. t. .. 11
U6rie wnifh 'will tnAc-tlie upanon
Vif HMO VilucH i'no'ri; j.r.'lirie m limfd.
1rik''VWrrlH(.e''!tTriin ' Uat'of any
'iilktti at"liaiml to 'hIiow Inat nyCa
single indudtry to laniruinn bv
.ap()Uw,(vv4, l unta tnill or
'JfjUinA.Wilio.iiavh(li ,biUlt
.hre,,tiij ifKanwUirtjikeiy, :,!!
iftftl)14i ut unliiytili iikii.Ulijildiur..
-M vJW'tio kH'Mlftnriovti.lluildiTinn
.yliJf wili Iff A )Iibb f cuhKruc
.ttfkii:tjitt,KilJ lW:nwwifiii-tair!4
.whji;bJw,u)liipp',y ntny biirdi W
kn popibwt f,Ui -knii;o
done by thfj-rlood. In tbi respect
MtXMhlM'iit' 'ylUerd'aV will
VMil'Mm 'ft
'iniyhd diittbtti'te Wll' ihW'fliime
WMM!'" W Wo'oleh 'tll Which
pToyt"".'" Ml!" ffofeo
Ti'avb ! IlnwA" for ''ft WJilb
thila dcrr'lvfiVL;in.;itlV ('ort!:,1'A,fl
-alile tK,l5tMl;hlin will ffAil j)W?
do, but for the girls and women who
Bm&rfim,tUm)& tfwftiu,!
7111'J. !ll
jflijHt rifif. ttfntUi.ijitKHiy ,wlioh
jibfry , frid P;i il tcf (J(d t -fwij iltliwii itMetd,
HiHthfl ,;. kfoiurvhUwii
Ui'MW ty'Wy.m. W( wall anil
g)fcAh!)rtJ4 .wWrhj tby iiwuld.
have p'referreil upendifiB '1' 4l(.bai
sin or soma othor 4niprovoincnt jmt
bapty.iwbiloiitoiiWiratneUo'JFAllH E0ri4ji tofi parly vliritig nioif
iftuorjjyatMilL'uaniJ ;,aIi.hoavyiloHV
IRAybo lili(ifid td tiUarjc tbeir plan'ti
W!t4roJy,.Ti;frn.')'ii nu if t i r
ul!i)i)tit)beitniu-ubiol jiMrufc kupl
(jnioiU.cityi aiuLtiielriiibttdstl AM
on, rfKfeldiila )iintttyl:iW'.'cliitrncj
Bigger ayd ltvr btHldiiigB!aye'gi'
ing up with thiiT difference only
fey,Val(,,eH'o'tW4'itH'hi1!iild ;bfl-;
lire iHfyflrM.'if.)wlIlWlll,bli,,Klrin
a'nd fi'ri!y)ufiflei'5A"''a1rikfrW;
that'fibo'irfajf' ill 'rfntl'iva m
stand. .mnJkfl'-JloY ) tmr.
i(UiioTjfn')iid iiHriilT
lon'9 Itis Saw Mill-Ill-Ad-
.till.. . il . - iT..
UUIOH 10 IHV ml It' II
lull f 1 fct 1
Wofk tolbommonc
tho column of Tiik Kntnhi'uihk
that there "would no coaantlon of
building on account of tho fiool.
wil, jnioiwi.wai'kii i kI i ,!) .i
uUll.LU tv.1
TimUMIHl 1 11! JMll, ! I,
,IutV,'i:MU,(rjH'rfi(n,,iWW btvo
nuwtd eunia.Uiy-; w'lOi uaiUiU '
ant superintendent wor likithe
vivani fkiibM upon uOrwiv J'oiiU
4f,,t,lj;W,vr tint eitwryi .''Eh
",u tiding, will v ", ,Vto'
etVrW, J'.!1)'. lH)lt;jPl)i'H !iH')!f
.IriYiMinU'f m'M Mid ivtp $&n
YiV;Vv.llW)l HMIfld.t i5Hll-W,!t!
h,.;i tK,.,.will K- ,i.iuX
lfltl ""fCI'''fll-irp T.IM T''l I'IT 1
' . ... . .' .i. . If
P'WiH (it'flli'Vi(mMilJ ymito-i .
... . i. .
t , JkV'wrkitW.m H . Wjcvh m!i . 1 lit )1:
Jay at tho htti'nt Hfld .iU.ln,tulk"'t
lm,gn, liy.KiinJ .UtntA in-
iuont,iuurv'U.,UktUiru,.,Iil:i vni! .
- ' " i
inovo upw t,n; ,tHtn. git
hvj-ahw, UiniilftTDnlkv..,. TU.'oait-
MVW , 'W 4!"itlvy ,frNt ,t ,
haiujH iHwrdina !W,,h(ii;KpMiMt (f
(if , , ai)t ; ,$, VW V.i rM . . Of i
TuiaJay.iiuxt lwy will ,h.:in,iiiJ',
iuj C(ntnu:U Vr, CcijiMi ,woUtilil
jMiJj4i.N, , ..,; .,,! j
, t m i vm n t x ; av w .! 1 1 u, , ' j, j
frvw. -thti.Mioiiutaiim Jin XWH well
yvy.Jog- Ubaa.iviloVitif: Uiy
aid w.i!.aVwn',!,lx.'gin h , m'mJ-
Iwn, o a;. aW'-Ji, mi,U t,hii"il't. f
the AUrmthv. Ho aa iiu, lHt
wnj jyvanriuj; vruvrma .Vint 'in
dymtyh, Jlit. Jirt.mUnt,,wiU I
t -i, . . ., '
W'IMI U,:'WU''"rW UUf
. .t M A. . . tl . if,. ... . . .
motHha wtllattlW to gt llu- wlwel I ft.. fcUxi -.fighi .Me
in .tUOtl.ll. , . ,,, ." I,,, ,, , ;
I k ' .Ml ' ' h . 1 J '. ' 1 ' 1 ! ' ! -i , i I ,' ' .
,11... nA'-'f: aoav, t?,UHlMl, t I.. i
j.TUu thvgun, lty ,MaMVtf'turirig
Co, will ImiJd W; ivl'litii to tlour
wiwU'iv j mill, ijUK, fom . atorio
high with f-.k tHmduii'Mj,,: Jiidn
art advurtjrad fur DJtcTtini to 11
! ... ..'1
myTow,,!;T)ii!iil'uililiig will li f"f
wiwd. veUauJ,. mtntly,, )nii)U,il It
will,bt),cs(iuplctHd,j.iMl HH,Nu Iftl"
pofjblp.iiLflir().ir;.,w, ,ow .b,UiJ:
Ji.liv:n:d,at tho urul. . fogr rvbiiAlJi
Ui It !wa tUtii'iv'wl iijtetitioii li
buikLj Uiui' miUf of tne ;bw
it ia now f hinight 't.i'uMvm!
jand tbe ilunn ati-j jniKbiifd iaixvrd
ingly. The wall - ia koing a miid.l
much ctroruri'r Ind, thf, HiMvitica
tioim arc now loiig jr-jxir.l fm
buildinV'aii 'how' pliinned.
. .:w tai-kii Mii.r,.
. I ;iv.'j o . M i 1 1 n m 1 1 nJ t i
It), isnv
nvt,.,v't ' l-vwUvel v.,(kuuwj
I'Vl'S v'fM W ,W i,,",l)!UW
tjirft Uiey wi),( and, ,we ,uxpi,rt, 4.
Ktateit a j,fftft within, (two weokn,
' "Ttife OKfirto'suV"' sieiaking of "r'e
ii'L i.ul 1 do.:.'!'.' 1 n li ii
i-i-iu lorincB ny me iiiMm eays: .
"'"Thmfgri 'tItrf'tAtalh.mV at' dregoij
'j'sVhitdorable, jt Witf
that' ll fa 'd'ivlde3atnon'ihiny ow'ii-j
er, all, ..wealthy n anil prii)eroiiH
and able to, loar the.lvHiiWitkont)
crippling tht;;irilbipeNt1,i,iTbe,y,B1ll
(Ieterniined to restore thejr .psab-i
liHhmen),g o ijim,plite, ; mrUyAtj'I nd
ellicieiiey. tiharliel davu 1 TroW
ably a aevw atllirtrurt tw thV"ity
than the'.' itetnu'l',1'deH,tr'(tr'li,irl. of.
anit'Wor1t'm'(iira'ik'e' 'frrtirl t1l tUn-i
jStirary"- sipr''h'iliori" df ' 'ieiW kilH
nhxlurtirih lfi'"thlel ;.'atililWr'nVeW'i
1ifte(d.,"i-he JWhnV 'of'"frfHt(F((,g
Ui'.'tn 'Will fnrhik,l(luiill,.ty.nen't'l'to
wiorfrmri1 hfmever'''lahd ' wo" Lky
oon 'fcxpciit t'id: tho' tii AS'i'ni'lM't'y
tit 1 't htf 1 fall ii !a kit .before; ' ''
i. it-'!;, il i.jiii'.' ''! 1" "..'i! t"
I ! BYlreijilcHt oiVVit.J.l!itrliwil!1riri
lettiir 4:T!M'0r,gii)iliHr -inv 'K'lwi
triocMotoir i Linoa'1! i'hiprli)ted;!iri
VlIK KNTgllrfltlSKl i'i'U puWicwill
1x1 sio.W'.tofindi ahythingii in' Unrl
letU c uliic'li will ebua tln'iei tii'Mi
Uto ihat'ithrj oouiity rtuidii 'hnd
bnidgra ahbuldl Ijemgivifti 't
non-flklenti jv coipcTatiritt. o'TrfB
KNTKtpjUrlis "puliliahi.'d'imiotighi 1pJ
tiir-a frymr prtfmjnhnt citizona ofthls1
fcourrtyitd ahrfw! that the foploarrJ
tuifc in fiivbrlof Uib iKihenwo Many1
others hftVfl beftfi received all of, the
.1., 'liiccr'i J'i.L,'.'!ij f"-"j -'.It
siime Jmporl. . .Tiik Kntkki'iiihic
nut, voices public,, dpuiion when
bolster Up. As tho court was b;ct'.
vj-mi iniilj.'i.'jiri. 7 pixiiMiiiu'i il
eel to protect, . JLI10 .county tiroperty,
iliiiifo) Mill .l;-..ri!i1 '
and carry out the wishes of tun
SS A''"(lt''ivl 1't1 V''J"A"'W Tll,.11'''1
i-ktViM if ulwilil fipn Ilia i.wO.i.
Mmhh 'drii bf eni. f f! fo'rtli'w I tl) ;' itllils'
alt?fttly'lAri '((iyen1 J ittWo' 'eiiilault'd'-"
tauniitliaa Lti .lb ntitbjd td boilhui
.ovitl! .(!'.. .V'tJl .viib-ot
k.w.u: Ml KM.
(Owing: to the, delay in tl mall, Iii
two loiter wore received at about tho
suit lime, F.n.)
(!h oldest Inhabitant Will.! to lull vml
it something Iim iit to be ilnno, nr. it
il'ikvJ (or tliu how uf nmmlii. with-
4 miy rwtult. Tim wUtit t gi'lu-
vltalug In on , NiH'inlnn tloiitfh
liptwiMMi Jm'k Knlln uiul Hunily, ulwuyn
orilh'i, It now iii)i"ii.lilti, uiul rlniii(
ImU ioi ini'li Hilliour. Iiniu,ilil lOinln,
coiitiniioiu rnin, inlitiiiiillviit ivoloiiu,
In tint oriliif tor Jmnmiv mul l'Vliriimy.
.XulwUlwUii.linii till ol till, wu, ( Jnrk
K,ii(tf, miiiiitto to wlilU itAiiy llm It'ill
oomicitH of' wliilr, 1 r. II. Hiiulli U
kopl Imny,1 il Iiah lilltifli lo hiii'i'iIoiI In
U)lU Hitt, U nriio, wliiln I'lotooHor
NiHrr, )lmtiti itiiiorirty, I )ililnti
rl: III Uu iuoulli ill itiivnrul o( otir
KAnlo Orc'U, Ih'IK", iiiukliiK tlmin tiling
Of he Kill y1 tliitt 'will Ut forever,
Mr, Hon I'orintlur lum olil liin mtloon
M'l ili UwiuiuM to Mr. Jiu iUi'. t it
giHyJ ,(ui) ,irt ttiiinor li in
toiuU ty j ijlinj;i It Into ft tiull (or llio
oaiiii Mtim' Oliimtinn Annociution, ur
'"A (llriK ftXinVwdiiirtr tourimni.Mil U
m,litlliit.l'l m wlnlt x-ftllliiit lor it
ftKhMMfl'i'l ilul.lm lionoift
Ix'twvrn Mi't!1) KoKtnr, Yoruui wtl
.it -. ti- i u. '
lino pr. ,i
II. Snntli IIIU Ilia
IM K'. fcta! tho... ll
. . 1 i ... 1. I. ...
;,'tuMHwnw tiwjp iti
tli rwlili'iirc
Ii(!iti4 tUiitMivUirt MilHtm. r'ontor itinl
U'fUUnfi jujjni luiift, tilgliln. iniikiK ll.o
yiuiing Jjn .fiV'f, "jcftl'ly It WmuIiI
lie !D".I IJii'n'J lor 'yon lo ilm In xonio
MNift''iV.r'tVy',tTi' rfoliciuut cliiHiilulc
l ih it VlMftltt WlMlhttt Hie Imlb o(
tlitfMiou4il ta ftrolinil to ut follow.
I'Uny ti(l ivt.fftM lir Vfiui t'oinnifor your-
His )liiiioiiiiiyi)i'rtitmi ol intil liiitl
tr':ftiiil h!i' o'r'iW li)iiiin iluring tli
v'it yMiVwMild'JIitiOnt warrfttil ft prrt
hlitil Hiriitmiiftt)liill liftviiiK ioU
j inkier witVi )ft rryopi t tulpan yrart.
lw iniym i nt't(,oinf oitlio'il ftukinti
yv !'!i. ( llur luml vrrlor, K. Mct'ow
ft), l"i( rciftiUr. . t)i nit tt In II orlilt,
ftinit on tinift
, .iitwaUuridiiil tho Uiit'tliti tli prU-o
vl ftll (uH'IftneWtrcWilittf li gon
li.Jl)i nu jur Onj Mtorui roininenioil,
iiiit rivilihl tii ftliiiont! iloiililnl, it i
lilvftiUnt to HAoVt tUl i,h kro (till inl.l
it Wlll.m'MiiiMn!rrt ftt'httimil rtlr.
4 4li tjntwr. jifoiomi' ii Kt
ii,iwv;,4MiTr,',.!f Ji.W iW-.Ut he
i.l three .uynj,l?iW,(1,
Itoui thp oulsil.' rli w he,hit. Jar-
. . irinu.L, vv "'.Mi ,,v w
,,i'!l i'ie pj.v cv lii j:sit.Mi-Kiit.
.1.. IlLl-i I lL.lll.i ,ill....-LI. .1,' I I .1
VH ii.nTr.- .in-itiirr inii!.imiiuT in iii
i-vrvivftl atJel .'!'!' i i
Mfttnil IliAWrt itftllhanili.t feint HVMrf
I ne oiiiv -('ftMiitiiy woi'iiv oi
w an t. Ion injury inlV. 't Suiilli,
wlet win .caltil am lll pillnnl at
.S-ocly., Ii Wtfn UM Km loe'ian "tole
crorvilngvceKiunaloolftiiJ Mil" him
lAviJv, injuring llio lelt bip iiii ankle,
niili'.rikinifiiik vriiit ii. nu ('ouii'iued lot
rMirtiW. aitcriiT..!' bf 'pafient', 'k'nd tent
for bi (Mrtner. ito.Miftrflilg'.'aliw re.
MiaKiei iW'y , itUa gptliunoe 4)ve
formed it cu yrli)iMI, yite yl Mieut re
ultimo j in J-kI l'ortlwiiyl nd Hit other
'ft Vgri"l"reel(, aileinalini evei y two
wHii,'':Thrl coirinlntioil kpieti'' 'to
wnrh .Allnftt, UrHy, u4 tit pbyniMliit ten
link lit all le Ian! ttumd to r An tt
ciillent and xjicciiieful.oiri'ratwu af,p)r.
lorined herjii few iU)t ugiib.y Jl(, Jl'ar
llllij oii the bfllii''d.iiigtiter of lr Henry
miieftOlb'Jw'VVMi' ware i a'' ba'dte
Ictutnej a aJiyl 'htte' fvO rn ' Thy
l'i)e iiir IHirfeetlrjiiliarirbV. nii.ui 1ml
, t Pi?. ., llf.uwitl.. mff .aa.Ni'Uy
Jf-iunrjlitpd bill (Jhe- ill ui) ruir
up ulru.ger tlnn eVer. . ., . '
urfertWa' bf'.I.W.g l,r.l!;'y
!wrillie lti eAlrli f.rMtfe'mi'eiii'WUi
vigiinuiM1 kotitauiniitiaii Iruirt .! Alio
.tbftt rt a-'k'plnit-,,, trolleTnl b. v'higo
pHliiiiiftiip ,J UJ If 7) "f, viilUtig,.n
I'n.rigniifion inct'ing bin hcjlcrcuuioiul
'ireVill'd ftmf fr wW p.('liiii.,filii"il'tlin
burg tmi uiiti-Winfjfmifttiol.i -bi--4.
Hew i'lliiiT-' 17iT IHT-Trf-IT m.,7 1
,1:! .-''.
The recent rin Imtu nnuUi Hm rM.idn
D eo, ut llio rvimlcnce of her .parent.
rMirl.of(ii rfl.lltti.H'll'ieJ .ifllli of'jan-
uarx-.itit thoftwil'oflil. 'i'"'11'1 1
1 1 1r. i'.i rcliupt wbuwrln a'tiiaiinill on
!eKl,'ekl;,ba'iH,l! o(mu dam
wuhIiciI ont. 1 . , . , 1
1,1 1 , t:f'" '1J1.11I J -i.D-i In
Mr.' M. .'AvHrniViby'';1,',,..,.,! ol hi.
aiWkoa 'IKe mh'bf !F;ehhlry and will
llrmB tn (rev'Mfi('vi V)i Wit Iwa week,
i uVrn Vl'liinbnriilbjIlM'-heen on the
j.irk fiel for hem? ime.,) .
there a Hlido on Jlvvp (.'ruck hill
Voic,hl.;ck,Aile',Uiir.ii,1l'1fira few rl.iv.
''TllhViit.K'elrr'W.n luve plenty
'of wonki'llitillvoiiri'iiib 0
-yiM'bliVbiWrrttMriiebiNed a tuccetiifiil
-'.'ff,'", V,i".,-li'iy,i!f! tfy Jiy.1inK ll0lm"
lit Krliliiv,
Nlr 0 P. Hedge V) ill llninti liinwifu't
irl-m HWI1W1I fn't lblrlM)iiiniicn school
flOUH. I'l.l
!l,il . "i'l.'l !l
lob ill .!(
vi V.?':lJ:,'K-
fvJilrf of rM K InwAiNK :
lseud.yijii, Iffjif account of lluief
fei'lt of thajwaiyr in the vicinity of Wil-
li ')i Wed'Oi-fUl'i'ltviiiiIng ut. 7 o'clock
Ui watiir 'wn. lm tf t Miami, (l1, Inchet
httliof'lhvi'lilf llobd ol December, 1HII2
tl.iirtjr.llo'a'grist mill Is a total
Vri'tkI ,l'lniiii
turtle W Willi Wu" rainn.l up hut Net
fll dow io lt'Vtce.
.-OlUrU"' hop hoiiHi flontod
iirimtltlm'crWtUy rod. - ,
TliieiiiVenl 4n tho rlvor'andln the
jtmiVvM-tlt'th liiiiil tlmt wat overflowed,
Wilviloiiiiiftliy' strong which cmntd the
mils to nearly all flout away. - '
The twrT county bridges at Ray'
mill are alftong the duhri.
The brlitut) at .1.11. Wood's place II
mVuI tfie'ro but the tupports to the bridge
iiKi waiWil away.
'Tlih"brtdgo on Wayne creek was
iW (Jruhain'a warehouse washed
ojit and went lo piece at Boons ferry,
niariin muiicg inn nirry man iom 11 in
blim 'and oiithoutcs and fencing, hit
house being anchored down was saved.
! ,'.T. W MeCllncey's bop ttoro houso
'floated about 100 feet.
i. Ilroin thp otllfi lri K.irl.l . LitiP h
I i. .1 I. 'Li I l.ll.J.I JI T.. 'I
H It. ri(mii. Mi't'llilfy nul W. 8,
CiIki'II liml iioiii ly nil tliolr mil.
Tlie Uoeimnly luliUi' iut mul w.t
u( I'i Iki'II'm litiuim io tml I, vvitn'k.
Tim iliiniiiiti) lo lliiKHiiiiiiy in ounh or
will loot up itliout im lollowfti
Wagner Ciwk brlitgn, (Vflj two lulilge
Hi Itovi'ii'i Mill, f '.',')(); Wooil lriilt!e., ('rut
ell brlilgo Tolnl, ft75.
U. V. rtii.iHr,
t liltHM IU i:.
Til lllllo lllg llUIIII'il 1 II l! il 1 14 iioloiig.
lug lo ilUtrli'l niiinlicr unveil wimo iu
llicr uUi'iit nor UnW iluring llm tnonlli
iiiiillng l'vtn nary U: Amy .t'umn, ,yr
ll Young, lOllln Hlmiikl.iiiil, Ullin t'ur
lln, Kmni'l Cnrrin, Jim,ie Cinrln, Nora
lliiln, timcn Hinool, Ague t'nrrin, Ar
tlnii' Williain, Ilugli t'liuln, ln vi Mut
tliuei, I'riink Hi'llinort', I'liltfitr lliimlii,
Alli'H H, (Iiiinon,
Tim Iftrmorn uni ri'jolrlng over the
ili-iiiii',iiiiiii'e of rniuw o tltey miy re
tni n to lln ir iiomiii! om e nure.
In our llloimy hiu ili'luilniij em Inly m
luive ninny young UiIich nii.t gi'iiilioniin
cUmliing tlie liiil.lnr o( f.iin.., t lio ut.'i'
lion of ollli'em I it SalnriUy evonlng ri
eulle.l In I ii follonlnt eliMlion : 1 1 mi. (',
W, Sli.i, inrl.liiit A . J.Tui ki.r, vU-n-pni(iiit
; Mm K, llnllain, ei'i rolury j
Keuliioi J. l'n. k.T, lnaniir ; hnl but
imtlivtit, 1 1 'il. .I.iui.'(ili!riiDii, n.'r.i.iiil
at uriiiH, itll .il li.iin me priiinlKliig young
('ople ol SprlMK'.iinr, We trim the
honor ili'ei iinn llifiu may prove
fieiln to til cooi'oi noil.
Tim Inuigi y , !ii. U.'it l.i)i r hat tie
I'llncil hie oioi,ili,Mi until llio uow lutt
dUiippi.iril, wlion via en oi l him to lu
eiline hi work nine inuiu. No one
know hut he dont with to liiiiuy chirk
eon. lie eoeiii to luve a imlorul Ul
cnt for mii'li wmk
On of our yeung Mr. Ni-whllle from
'. I'ortiiiml hue luken unto hiiiinilf a
hollor hull, Mim llaaliriHik of ripring
wftier, Wewinli them a long ami huppy
life iiil iinty all thvir Iruuhlv tie lllllu
Mr. John Mkhk lm rctiirnrtl niter
mi year' nty In Iilnlio, We wt'lcoint
hie return, iy Mim It,
Mr. I. W. Tinker hut rrn.verrJ
Inioi t long H'II of ickmuB.
Curl. ,, W.trki ut Art r.MiH.I Ik Ilia llulM
( H.itU.I t'lllr.
When the in.Ml,-ni r.-a-l In l'llny of the
r-xln inu il. trtHi of rxri Urnix to which
(irii k nrtinl liml miaiint In hi itny Aini
of the nrliv which mini' of their work
, i, -I. n,.,i ,ioivui,iii i,i a lo.mro or
i of mir iium.'V. . Ih.Ium anil oth.-r roiu.
j li-li'ii. aulhoi itlce UmiiilM,-,! Hu m ft
liiiii l. r' tahuL Tln-y cool. I iivt tiring
; thiMliM'ltre to t llcvu liml thi-ao nlori.-e
I wore trim, or that liulwiin. ll.ilU'ln, Mir
i Thouiii ljiwri iici. uiul iln-r later wli b-
i ihoiurt lAwrvm'tminl iiln'r iHlwfw
tMM lwvUMMilnUni , liri
I e.1 In the ci-ntiiil.- Uf.Me tho OiiUt
i . . . ... .
rrn. And yet il w an no, and I'liny no more
limn UeiiMlutli (h-wrvisl to Iw culled til
fittlier of liurm. The grave hvv given
Up their dead and rovmlcl neereU w hli h
Il was thought had been forever hidden
in tho timiU It U from tlie land of
Kgypt that theee diwoverlce come.
The etploratloii on the lle of Mem
I'liin and TlieUve had prepared the way
for the dlM-overii. In the province of
Kiiijiiiu. Tluiw conit of a uuiiiIht of
portmll found In (lie tnml at Itubaijut,
which are in the x wwmii of Theodor
liraf, In Vicuna, and are now on view at
the H.n'icte U'l'iicoiirnnciui'iit Miur I Iu
dualrie Nationale, 44 Kuede l'uum. Ao
corillng to an ancient Kgyptlan cutloin
tho countenance of Ihe doceamsl wo
n-prcat'tiied at the Inn. I of the mummy
or colli 11. Thia cuttiMii wat adhered to
Ui the ( episdi of 1'grpl,
but limtead of the plnxtiu head, which up
to that time had lieen alone In u, a
(minting wa tiilmliliiud representing a
real irlrnit of ti dei-t-omHl. T)ne
portrait, w hich were wiini.M on a thin
panel of wiHkl, were laid over the face of
the nuiinmlit, the outer bandagea of th
throuili being then wrnpied alxiut them
ki a lo cover the margin of the picture,
the latter alone U-iug viaihlo.
A mummy of thia kind, therefore,
preeeiiled the apiicaranc of a living
UMy, liKiklng out of an (.(leiilng In th
handag.- for the urvivoni to giuu umiu
in th collliin, the lid of which were
made Ui be thrown back for that pur
pom). Tim only other grave whr
thine cm lout pictorial workt have Ixin
found wore opened In tho winter of
I. 8 by the llngliah engineer. Mr.
IVlrle, at llarvurd. but the picture In
them are tnld to be not nearly eipial te
the nie liucim diM-nvered at ltolmljul.
Tlie touiU thcumclvcs, built III the na'k,
were ramiackcd age ago by thiovo
who, In their March for gold, dentroyed
both collint and muuimiat. Luckily,
the pilferer dcoiuud tho plcturu to be
of 110 value, .0 woro thrown away but
not lo pcriah In the dry dimt of th
llcrrGrartcolliH'tlon ininiliert ninety
five tecluicn of varying internit In
Miiut of exccullon, but all valuahlo a
work of art. They aro portrait! on cy
prcM, tlie moro ancient being
painted In wa colon, laid on with th
centrum or spatula, a lancet tluiied In
Itrtiiiient the later specimen laiiugpro
ducud by water colon, lo which wa
added the yolk and while of egg or
other reninous binding .ulwtanoet, Th
painting with wax wu dune, without the
employment of heat and without using
tho brush, the ancient being Ignorant of
the proccH of dittolving wax in turpen
tine On examining thcuo row of headt
Kii.lng calmly out of largo, lustrum eyot,
hut now for over 3,000 years, ono ftecnil
to ho brought face to face with th hut
of huiiinuily in a more real way than hat
hitherto been In our power.
One it alto struck with the modern
look of many of these ancient portraits.
There It a face of an old man of wonder
ful forco of character and Intellectual
power. Tho painter, of Derlln,
lias declared that nothing finer than thia
has been done In portrait painting, The
feuinle face are nearly all tinged with
mclunchnly, but some are of great beau
ty, and they almost without exception
reveal trace of the dUtlnctlon of the
originals. Thore I a very modern head
of an old lady with ihort gray locks.
The fidelity of execution In these pallid
ltiK is to great that doctor have been
able to dotect the existence of dropsy,
, tunitUiInt Bqmd Comprctitniloa.
Dut bow I It with th distune to th
11111? If to much time ft needed to reuali
the moon, it will take year to reach the
un, Yet, It will years and year. But
bow umnyf It la a mor queition of
miitliPluaHc. It tlie .'in It 92,000,000
mile from us, and our locomotive travelt
7(1 miles n hour, It will be l,2M,0nfl
hour on th journey, or 01,111 day of
24 hour each, pr lin year. In other
words had tho locomotive been known
In the middle of the last century, the
flight could have been begun 33 yoan
buforo the battlnof Hunker ltill, and th
Iron boiso could liavo been "thbnderlnir
...... V:..
tio n tneiij;1'" evci'Hiucr. diiy ami mtsht,
ntthl I'M'nlli) npi'i'il. What a dlntiiur
I t Iml I Vet Unit I Imt the rndim of the
orlilt win mb clii'iiiiifi'i'ciice the vnrth
tiavi'h evvry vimr. W here are our Idea,
of eprod ninl illi.liinccf Tlmy are too
fi'.'lifo fur inciilliiil (oiiipiiruil wllli tliU,
Thcu what pimxllilu .Igiilflt.ano can It
bnve to u to any that light, moving
wllli a velocity of 800,000 mlli't a ewimd,
wilt rtincti ut from a uertaln iur In Ol)
year, from another In BO, from another
In K'.lf Wo me utterly overwhelmed, and
our owu llyuii'K are lulliiitely hey on d our
Comprelien.lon, Chrliitlati Union.
Tli Vuuilwt I)ilr. ,
The pcoullur method of a voodoo doc
tor priu'llcliiK at MmlUiui, Ut., are Unit
diwcillxnlt When he Ugln hi practice
on a patient he get a pot and tllltlt with
water and root and put It on th fir. to
boil, While the waUr troll he Kelt out
lit the Door and thuket littrnwlf and tnyi
"I'm atiintxio d, I'm a crow, I'm an eagle,
I'm a kliiKlWior," then gov over lot of
uuliitelliglhle liii'iiuUitioiit. 11 then
nirtket the patient look Into the Kitof
boiling wnt4ir until ha can tee the on.
who tricked hint, Tli patient I vtnllod
freueiitly at night. The pot with root
ami mwilicluu I bolted, and the pulielit
muni undergo a thorough rubbing with
Hi content of the (Kit, whila the (Junior
doing the rubbing got-, over hi Iiu'kuU
Uunt. lijclmnga.
TlHtutlil It ll MUanl lor Him.
Jut U-fore the train going eaut left
Btiifulo a heavy t, reit headed mail
with grip inck got Into a dlnput with
an Vuglnuvr at the door of the tmKgeg
riKiiu I did not hear the tint of it, but
did hear tho fnt limn aayt
"If It waen'l right here I'd lick your
"I wUh you'd try III" replied the
"I'll try It on enough! I'm going to
lay for you, old fellow "
"And I'll lay for you! Mind, now,
what I tell youl I'll do you up before
you are many year oldurl
The train ttartrd and runliod along for
fifty or .lily mih-a, and then tvuuethiug
gave way on the engine and we ram. to
tttop. Itwa. tl o'clock at night, and
the iirakeman who ran back full Into a
ditch and broke hit leg and lantern at
the win moment. Ten minute later
an accommodation train cam booming
down u kjii u. It engineer taw the
danger In time to tlow up, but the loco
motive .truck the lout car with force
inough to fling It off the railt and turn
It acrou the track. Una ol the (trot ptuv
ugpr to get out waft the red headed
ainn, and one of the flrtt men he taw
wo the engineer whom he had quor
ruled with. They looked attach other
fur a few nvonilt, and then the traveler
put hi thumb to hit nie and tmrlng.
ly eAchtlmedi
"Oil, you will do me up, will youl Hod
liica bill plan, didn't you, but M
lliln't work! 1 eie led you'd lie up to
tins, and 1 had the Brut berth at the
itluT emit Kayl LWt you fixl rattier
BatT Detroit Vree I'reaa.
RuMlaa Dohlamuk
A certain princely family In Kuaaia,
each mmiilHt of which can ttyle blumlf
by the family title, hoa propagated to
raplilly In tlie couiaa of 100 year that
there are 8,704 mulct of the family now
living. All the are equal by right of
birth, but only 23 of them have anything
in the haeof hlh position. Of the re
mainder, 80O are in various grade of the
trmy; 400 are merchant and (hop keep
er) 1,127 are merged Into th lower
rank ami are ttahltuuen, waiter, lalwr
eniand tci'vanta; 19 ra In jail for variout
enenw; 1 under w-nlenc of haugiiig
are jlioe tplca, and 8 r In partnership
a kien of on of the moat notorious
houae of pleaaure In Moscow. Tlie rut
are occupini In variou war, among
thorn being twvnral butcher, baker, and
cub driver, mhI one w ho Inacrilie hi
aign with hi full princely title and hit
buainuaa, "corn doctor, underneath. All
at rriuco Ualitxin. Those tatintic
were reivintly procured at the Uitlance of
the cutr, who It devtlng mine meant for
curtailing the limit of an aritlocratio
title. In Itiuaia there are over 8,000
noblemen of the degree of prince (tlie
ltiiMlun etUlvalent for duke), count and
tiaron In n-celpt of pariah relief In
tcriUil on the mitt of the inunlclpalitii
a "piiupora. Detroit ftowa,
la I ha Rlflil Car.
Yeatenlsy afternoon a Cottage Urov
avenue cablo train was hailed at Twenty.
Ilfth strict by two Udiii. The train
topMsl. A man on tlie grip had turned
half around to contorne with a friend on
the tout behind hint. Tho two w ereoccu
pylng four teuta. Ono of the tadic who
hailed the car tapped the forward man on
the arm and asked if he would kindly ill
hack with hi friend and allow them to
occupy hi double eat. He could not do
otherwliio, ao he complied, but he grumb
led the while about womeu invading the
tmoking car when there wat plenty of
room r,ir thuiu iu the car behind. The
lady who bad atked the favor overheard
the guttural remarkt, but the aald nuth
lug. l'rvtty toon tho turned on the man
who had mado the quiet olijectiona
There wat a cigarette between her 111.
"Wfil you kindly give in a light?" tht
asked, at the reached out her little hand
for Ids cigar. He gnxed at her In amax.
tiiniit, but lie hnnded over his torch. The
Iinty took a light and pasted the cigar
lute with thanks. Then the gave bet
fsietid ft The nolo objector w ilt
He will never ngain claim that the amok
era' teats aro tnered to th men. Tho Ih.1t
In ipiinllun knocked him out. Chicngr
Wheat, V ttflo,
Dais, i lm
Flour, 1st grade, M.iHI.
ritODUCK :-
Hotter, H to3ilcts.
Kirirs, 50d.
Chickens, ilicHHOil, dot, (S f:i to (4
Chickeus, soring 2.00 f.M)
Chickens, live, ( (11.(1(1 to 4.60
rotnloiis, ybii fO.75
Onions, V lm (100.
Apples l box, 1.50
KbortN, '.'!) 50
llrun, 17.5ii
Hay, timulhy haled, (1H to ('JO,
Hay timothy loose, (15,
Clover, baled (10 lo 11
Hoef, live, 3 .
lleef dressed, tic.
Veal, dressed, 7c.
Hogs, live, 3o,
Hogs, (trussed, (it 5c,
8 hern V head. (2.6(1 and (3.00.
Wool,-20W'J1 V'
, bind, country bulk, lie.
Iji rd, buckets, Kl.'c.
Hams, V lb, 11 to 12c.
8ldos, VBi, lOe.
Hhouldors, Vi, 7, 80,
All kinds very dull.
Apples, sun dried, 8 and 4o, ,
l'luins, sun dried, 2 and Sc.
Prunes, sun lined, 4 ana tic.
Pears, sun dried, 6 and He. 1
Apples, machine dried, blenched ( Jt 7
l'luins, machine dried, fl to 7c.
l'ears, machine dried, S nd7c.
l'ruues, niaclilne dried, 0 and 8c,
ia diviilod into 70, two mid ono-hnlf,
and live aero trneta. It 1 loented
on tho height overlooking the
Clack nmii; bunco it inline, it la
about One milu from Court lion
and Uno-hiilf milu from tho city
mut. Tho County roini crosac
which make it cany of ncce, being
about twenty minute walk from
tho centre of Oregon City.
lie in Oregon City School dielrict,
and purchuHcr eitn lutvo tho advan
tage or sending their ctiildren to a
good, graded public school. Tho
Hoil i good, the I,oenlion very
healthful, all Frttila and Vegetable
yield ubunilnntly. Term onotbird
down, and lialitiieo in one year at
eight ier eriit. For further partic
ular inuiro ot
City Irug Htoro,
I), y. MAY, J, J. Cling K.
Dcalors In (JrorcrlcN H l'rodufc,
Oregon City, Oregon.
R(K)ks and Stationery
Tli tin.tia Il..ver rai
Klors i.f It.Mli.u, ami Unrry
NurarlM. tl ('anil.rliUa.
Maaa.. havi lalt nmva.1 in
rail I'Ki lei,. ( allleitila
Hr lha biialnraa sill ba
rui)ut'leU aa
The Itsrmnnd I'luwer
ami Keud More,
:. It. Ileviv, iUuair.
last l'sdena, Tal
Sand l"f emilie
l alau.gua.
II ) atxt l(n 1'alBtlna;, Usl
onlli, (draining, laM-r
Isaiilaif; mmd .llnK.
All wnrh aall.faet'.rv. Cbarapa mudtraia
lrra aiar I -a lalt at K. 0 ( aiillal.l
I have resigned the agency for Htaver
A Walker' machinery and hve returned
sll their giKHl. Hontar Wilson
T data thia iUt a.lialllf.l tny na.ia. laaac
1 Arkaiuian, aa a eatlnar lha bu.lna., sill
ba r.rtlr.l 0H u Hilar lha ftaaia ol Mar a
Aiiauuau Altl. Malls.
Tha Ureal Kaaiam Hiorc.
Or(on city. "b. lat, law. la-mo
.Hut Ice
All persona knowing themtel in
debtnd to ut ire reiiursled lo teltle the
tame on or before Jan. lit. Alter thai
date H standing accounts will be placed
in the hftiidt of a collector.
( hrap land (er Hate,
Choice farming land, three mile from
Oregon City In Imm 10 to llXl-acr tract
at ('-WOO to (.10.0(1 r acre. Call on or
ad.lreaa, Uytn A Handall or
J. 1). IUsiixm, Oreiron City.
ITashfl Ont,
hut not dilvtn out of biisineas, A great
many ol ourgond were d.tiuaced by the
recent flood, Mini thee we btve duter
111 i nod to dote out tl whatever they will
bring. W have a I no taktn advantage
of the flood to give our stoni a thorough
overhauling nd are now prepared In our
neat and commodious !or to tell more
oud tlmu ever. Ciiakmam A 8o.
For Sale.
Three new milk cow. In
ipilie of Tho. Charinaa or
(.ieorgn Warner
I have plenty of good lumber on
hand. Order early. (1.8. Mi Cote.
II 1. uncertain whether Chicago or
New York toenroa the Ureal Imposition,
but it it a potitlve fact that Hludbilder
i. the infallible remedy for all blood die
eases, and is a talc, sure and reliable
Ionic. Sold by H, (i. Caullcld
. , ,
The Vienna Chop House kept open
till It was flooded out, Set lis usual good
table and did not charge a cent extra.
Try It.
For the restoration of faded and gray
hair to Its original color and freshness,
Ayor' I lair Vigor remains unrivaled.
Till I tho most popular toilet
preparation In the world ; all who use
it are perfectly satisfied that it 1 th
A beautiful young lady became so
sadly diHllgnied with pimple and
hlotcbe that It wa feared she would
die of grief, A friond rocoinmondol
Ayer'i 8arsaparilla, which the took, and
was completely curud. She Is now oneof
the fairest ot the fair.
8t. Oeorge, of Merry Kngland, des
troyed tho flrery dragon, but the Ameri
can champion cnrbolisnlve conquers St.
Anthony' fire, chilblains, frost bites,
cuts, wounds and itcbibg and Irritating
diseases. Hold by K. U, Cauflold.
Chicagorilitens demand a new system
of dralnsgd. Illudbilsr eradicates all
blood diseases, ktreiigtliens the system,
promotes digestion and rondersexistenee
enjoyablo. Hold by K. Q. Cufleld.
Rail Ithenm
with It Intense Itching, dry, hot skin,
often broken Into painful cracks and the
lltllt watery pimple., often causes Inde
scribable suffering. Hood' 8rtapa
rllla has wonderful power over this dis
ease. It pnrldts the blood and expels
the humor, and tho skin heal without a
car. . Bond for book containing many
tutetnnnt of cure, to C. I. Hood A Co.,
Apothecaries, Lowell, Muss,
Farmers' Store!
li. b. NKWT0X.
(', ci taaoS te)
straight & mm on
Goods Sold at Portland
sw .ni si 11. is i-yr-'-'"''
I'a', Vr 'f'i, s.
I tut 11. iw pr. iiii..l lo reii i.e tl.e
llli'HI'V fur It'll lilX-a III IHKII, III IHV l.lllcO
in tJi.'guii Ci, 0.1 gi'ii
i'. Vi', II f Aai!
KIlK lir ol CI ,1'ktilMlia ( 1 1; n
Tho Commercial Bank,
' OI' OHi;(iON CITY.
CAFJ1TAL 100,000.
Tranttctt a Ooneral Banking Butlnet. inude. Pills diacounted.
Make col led ion liny nnd sells ex
change on all Hiinls in ibn L' nitvd State
and i.urope sod on ll nig Kong, lii
,ila reifived stil.jci t to check. Inter
est at nsiittl rate allowed 011 tune depos
its. Hank oM-n from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M.j
halurduy eveniuti ft out 5 till 7 P. M.
Sheriff Male.
Htats or llur, 11. , 1
Ciii nr or 1 e kivia, "
Nollce ia hrrrhy alien, lluil in )iiruiiin r
of an r- iitnni Isii,h mil ,,, ami uii.lcr
ll.e K iil i.f Hi,. I'm ml Curl, uf lie Slnlr ol
ir.iu, fur I be dimly i.f Mulln uh,
Intvl JuiiUnrv ;"JI, lai,'am lo me ibre, l.-,
and ili-lliernl, aa hliernt uf ( lui Lnni.i
I 'iMiiitv, 1 'r,-uii, ruiiiiimniliii). in,-, In ihr
titineoribe Hiaifl ol io kuii, iii un o. II. u.
a herein T. I', llu, kii.trhaio ami II W. price,
ptrlira uinli r tin- linn nuiiu- of llu. knur
liam .1 I'rii e. sere pliiluliil. ami K, llurtou
ami M. K. lli.ri.ui. an- li frinlmi, 1
man. Iu. K 1 I iii 1:1! ' .1, 1111111I..
lo a it . X Is, 1 4, ami the forliier Mini ( I'l.'si
in onli r lo suiialy aald i , m ' 1 I . ami for
wtitit uf 4i,.mil .n.;ert". I ,liil, on (iii
'.'llli ilnv of Jiiuuarv. A. I', t '"i. I,n ii .ui
the followiiia rml pr..rty IuI.c.kiihj o
aillil 1I1 fi-hiltiiila, aa loilows, lo-iiii: l,..ta
an (HI an. I aeirn (7, it. bt.rk twenty four
I 'tl, ill (lie Iomii of rM'llM.Nul, ilunli-ii in
lai kitmaa Coioitv, iin-vnu. I ill, mi "al
unlay, tin. HI I. ibiv of Man-li, A. li MM, al
the hour ol one o'i l, k e. a. of sul.l ,ly, Hl
lb I'iiuri li.'Uu- ,l.r in n l ily, ore-
f ori, iinafril to arli all of aaid ruH rly 'iil puh
icauclioii, to 11, i Inirli.-.i bid, Irr. for cuali
In hnud, lo autisly am. I suma anil co-Is, and
accruing c. ii.
W. W. 11 H(a.,m,
Hheritr of I'lai knimis Couiiiy, ( in kii.
Daied al Oregon I'llv, (ln iiii, J.mmirv
ls:l. iu 10 '.1 1 . '
Pay I p.
All iert.on in.l.-l.led the (Inn of
(inn it roe, aro reipicsted to call at
once and seitlo tlu-ir account or tlie
tame will be placed in tlie hands of a
collector. (iHKtx Puot.
Advice !' Methers.
Mm. Wiskiow' Sooiiiinu Hvacr, for
chldren leelhing, is ttie luescriptmn of
one of tlie beat Icmal norses ami phyKi
ciim in the I uUe.l Slates, ami has been
Uaed for forty years with never-failing
aucces by millions of mothers for their
children During the process ( i,m-iIi.
ing il value is incalculable. It relieves
tlie child from pain, cure dysentery and
diarrhii-a, griping in the bowels,' and
wind-colic, lly niving licnl:li 0 tho
child it rvtts thy mother.
Medical and Surgical Dispensary,
HENRI KESSLER. H. ft . U.a.n
SOS Second Strut, Nr. ah Tvlon.
oh th Kiaar ri.ooa. No aria to cum 1
Th moat ronrrnlriKly arraiiKra eftic la th
elly fr the trrnlmrnl of all
The Doilota rnarantre to cure any case of Nrn
ralKi. Sick llrailache ami Hheuiuallam. All
diacaara of W'umcu aucceasfulle trealril. l
(iiatanlre to cure anv Couith, tunn Tmuhle or
1 hroal Uiaeaat curable, liiarhnrgt from Kaia
cuml In a thort time.
The Horlora tuaramre tu cure anv catr of Svph
lla (lounrrhra of lileet. Klrlcliirrt cured, no
dilTrrem-e hnw atamltiiK. Htms(,.rrhra,
Loat Manhoeit or Niuhlly cured per
maiienlly. Tha of Self. Aliuae er Maatur.
ballon erTeelually cured In a ahort time, did
Borea, Ulcera Cancera. and Skin Mseaaet cured.
And all klndtof rrnwlharemorrd from ny part
ol th body, no diircrrnc how lung laudiuif , or
how large Ihrv may he.
There la coniiM-led with the St, livit MaoiCAt
luai-KNtAHY the Ik-si euiKical tiklll on th
Pnctlic Coast. ,
rlrm't (o around any longer with thoae ntnlchet,
rlmplra and Krei-kle on your facea, ind that
oceaalonal Dark Kiiiar under your Kyea. Call or
writ. We will renioy (hat permanently ami
- -t ,r yu ! Hrsutifol Cuinnletion.
-The Doctor furnish the medicine and every
thing t alrlclly private. Conaullatlon Hre.
Oreic llwat, 9 A. M. to it M., tnd lo 0 P. M,
P. B All letter answered promnlly. Call and
i,t,.?f.u,i"i !J? fl lrn,,1Y ,"lt ""thing. .
A- ,ma f.i
"W"TTTT71P!TT!rTi i,
GrocniT. Store
' ; ,k ' ' -.8
fill '
U'fTi JTTP i,. A.'U.,' ' -.'' " IHHk,- '' i . . . . ...... .i .'.T'X W f 'i '''' t .." tJ
V 7 .1 '.. .St.. ' , 1 n,V Ti.-'ri ,V, r " , , W T ' 1 If . . el X,'' A - -l.wv V ' '? eWV " V. .TJ t ' . '
Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oroaon.
Good Hoarsen. . Trimmed coffins and Caskets always in Stock.
tu riaaxM triiuia rot rauir
i A
Yoan, anxioa to pnaa,
U.U. U HlTSTtBt,
Auk your dealer to Ed. U Bantlay aoo.'i 1
If onr emiSa ars not In tha handa ot a....
HTOKKKKkl'kJt la yoor aami'n, m ui J
ClIltK lion tla IlKhT KNOW ail
twiinst MuM'Suaa W luUaln(:MTni, . ,
Iu the soriiL at trl tll will MAKK V0I.2
ayra auat, and Kf.KP YOU im,alri( l,.,w sanvl
alfiwd 10 lx If. If your IKAU.h iV,
tnwp our good. r4 Ui ua and wa W!i,L I
null yuu s Hull or (verwl, raa or aai
nl. on ranalid of prlos, Wa sill win aiat l.
rimr HUroiiaa If you try ua with an ordse I V 4
ava hullt ut, tlda liniiH,naa buslriaaa by 0, 1
l AlNbiAKISO uwtluxla. and by dilug byeqj
r aa are would Iw uon tiy.
Ho. L. HiaTUt Co.. yl Orlilaaton. I
a . 11.111 us n ordnrtng Holt or OvorenaU ohaar J
atrt. lly following rulat lot umauj
iimjiiH Ilrcaal inesaurs, or vaat, eluaa Ufi,
oaf smie, natn u". .t". uia. iuu
tuj UMsaura, bou oroUdi tu hmL
Reference l-'lrt National Ttaok of O,
eaM, eaiTiaJ j.uiXI.OUO; ( nui-i,li tialaK..
liauk Vt UUoago, cstiltsl
ED. L HUNTLEY & Ca.Manufic
ureri and Wholesale Dealer. In Ctothir
for Men, Bovt and Children, 122 and 12
Market St , Chicago, III P. 0. Box tot
School Mnniy,
There I plenty of money on btnil 1
loan of nchool luiids. tnd it will be toll
interest of all lorrowem, especially tl.o
who need any considerable amount t!
well as long time, loans, to l.ortuw trU,.
nmnev. 1 bis ia abiwiluielv tl.e rhrti-
moncy lo be bad H per tent and no con
inissiun after tlie lust year. (VI c
C D. Ditouieite, Attorney for ttie botn
A Wiiinitu'a IM-emery.
Another wonderful discovery ha lieei
maoe and that too by a lady in this coin
try. i'iciise lasl'-m-.i us ciuiclu-s insii
her and for eevi-n veam she w ilbt nJ
m-verest U-stn. but In r vita! organ aer.l
liiilerniini-.l ami ilcatli m euieil iiinniii, hi I
For three months aim (oiii"lii-, incssani I
ly and cu, not w I . , . bi- l.ou-l.t n(i.
a l"dlleol Mr, king s New I hscovery fu
CouKiiiupiion and was mi much relieve,'
on tiikintr lirst ibw (hut she sieiit al
night and w ith one lotile lots Ix-en sriir I
hcuIoiisIv euri-.l. Her iiaiiu-is Mrs. La
ther 1.111.." Tim writes V. ('. Hamriiil
Co., ol Shell. V, ,N. ('. liela IrratiiaJ
lioltle Hi I i . A . Ilanliii;;- Drug More.
Iliiehleil'i Armrfl Snlye.
The r.el Salve in Ihe sort, I for Cnli
Ilrilises, Sues, l l. eit, Salt Kheuui, Fe
ver Sori-a, Tetter, Clinpis-d hn., Chil
bl,ii.i, Corn, and ell Vkiri Kruptiona,
and Nwiiivelv cure 1'ili-a, or no pay re
iiurel. It in guaranteed lo give js-rd-ei
aatislaction, or money refunded. Prkf
I'.! cents x-r Isix.
For nle I iv i. A. Harding
A Xitfe I in e-,( "lent.
Is one which in tricininteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in ca.c of tail
ura return of purcliasc price. (In thir
sate plan you can buy from our adver
tised Drug:iat a botni-of Dr. King' New
Disco vi rv for Consumption, It is gnar
snteod lo l.iing relief iu every caao, wl.e
Use, I for u iiv iiiV.w'Iii.h itt Ti.r...,r I
or Cheat, such as Coiisuniption, InlliiHi
mslion of Lungs, Hronchitis, Aslhni.
Whooping Cough, Cronii, etc , etc. It
is leusaiit and agriH-able to taste, per
fectly eafe, nnd can always be ihandeil
iifMtii. Trial Is.ttle Inv "at li. A. Hard
ing' Drugstore.
The Verdict I n iiilnious.
W. D. Suit, Drucnist, Dippiis, Ind.
teslitict: 'l can reconuiiend Fh-dric
Ilillcni as tlm very Is-st remedy. Lvery
hot I Is sold lias given relief in every esse.
One mini took nix txittlcs, and was cured
of llhetimatism of 1 years' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, I'.cllville, Ohio
allirms: '.The Ik-kI Helling medicine 1
luive ever liamlle.l in mv I'll venra' ex-s-rience,
in Klectric Iliitern." Thous
ands of oilier have a. Lie. I Ibeir testimo
ny, ao lhat the verdict is uiiHtomous Unit
Klectric LiUcrH do cure all iLkchm-s (l Ihe
Liver, Kidney or llhsul. Oulv a hall
d illar a Dottlo at G. A. llardma's Drug
0 i 3 C A Q O
y s
n-1 r(-'--! n r i-ii-d , f tieillcnee whlok
a. I . r I: , .l.
I i"' ' IV. o nv i-TilthattoTonUv
P-" i.i...y i-ii piAAluvo.
- i.
xVA-.f.ii.v. .5 -j
.l-.i-.V- ;cA,rs.'t'il"
''sis '?-) 1
klv ri.jF, .v t i .".( lm
"wJ aW ' ' ",, . . S
This eToellent virvnne are rwlehratnd for vak
ma, iialiiy ol tone, qua, tarwiy ot ema
hlnauuu. arum ir dnsita, b.-auty In tnwh, perti-d
aniialructiou, makini; Unnn llio moat allracuva. oma,
awntal aisl drairul.te oraua for Uiuuva, tcuoaiaj
KBTAni.isinr.D nr.rrTATios.
KlilLlXU MtltH!F.T.
Intruotloa Book and Piano Stool.
OataJogtiin and Frte Lltta, on tpi'Uoatlca,
j WAS-
ataVatWCs aVaattsU
'..air a,v " i .a'' . rf-atv:. ''..: la mi
.... . .
I, i
.r ,i'
..a.L,..a nwnam -i;T1aVs''T .
OrcD T-iimTT-n i '