The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 13, 1890, Image 4

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    Colonel Biili,
".to, cut una , tir," taiu ueotvs vrtui
nwlaueholy mule, " Vv l'v eeu It."
Klit bad sunk Into a chair.
" What U th amount!" tlx aat.vd, iu a Uw,
MpT voice.
"1 hav been unable toeiculat exactly,
but, pckltnt romrhly-, !i eaunot b much
uuder llfty thousand pound, eatltnated an
th value of id sold alone, Her It a !l
uienof it," and Uorvvld ulUl out a haudrul
vt rial Hiul oilier coin, and poured Uicui ou
to th t-tolo.
Ida hid her face lu tor hand, and Edward
Cotoiey, reululns what thi unevpeoted d
doruueulot vnt might mean fur him,
bRn to tremhl.
. 'I thould not alio myself to b too much
lattxl, Mr. ! la Molle," ho mid, with a
sneer; "tor rn if thi tale be true, It I
treasure trove and belong to the orowo."
"Ah," tald th quir, "I nvr thought of
"But I have, atd th polon.l, quietly. "If
I remember right, the last of tlx original I
la Molle left a will In which h pee.ill de
vised thta tresMir hidden by hi fattier to
your ancestor. That thti la tli Identical
traur 1 am fortunately lu a petition to
prove by thil prohi,'iit;" and ba laid tha
writing that h had folud with tlx guld ua.ui
tha table.
"Quiw right-ulta right," aald tha .julra,
Hthat will tak it out of th etutom.
k..a .,1 taL il uil nr lll AlllMllt " I
"I'Wrhara Ui toiicitor to th lraury may
hold a differvut opinion," tald Ooatey, with
auotber meer.
Jutt then ttla took her hand from her taoa.
There wa a ilewy look about her y, aud
th lat .ripple of a bappy wuil Uugarvd
rouihl Ui corner of liar utoutu.
"Mow, that w hava her,l what Col
Quarith had to my," alia mid. In her aofleat
Tolre, and addrewing bar fulher, "there u uo
reason why w itiould not Uuuh our bualneai
with Mr. Cower."
Her Unrold and Oeorg turned to go, but
th waved them back luiperlouily, aud be
gan pckiug tiefor any on oould Interfere,
taking up hor pech where h had hrvkeo
It off when tl-. caught tight of th colonel and
Ottirg oouiing up tlx t
"1 can no longer beaitata," th mid, "tut
coo and tor all 1 dedin to marry you, Mr.
Coaaey, and 1 hop that I hall uevar mayour
face again,"
At tin announwiueut th bewildered ulr
put hi hand to hi head. Edward Coaaey
ttaggered t Hi lily and nwted himaelt againM
th tall while Ueorg murmured, audibly
"That a pxl Job."
"Listen," mid Ida, rUltig from her
chair, her eye Bathing a tha thought
of all th tham aud agouy tli bad
undergone rue lu bar mind "lltteu, Mr.
Coaeey"-nd h poltitrd her Auger at blut
"thi I the htory of our eoiiUM-tioo. Honw
month ago I aa eo ftvliih, taking you for a
gentleman, aa to ask your help In th niatu-r
of the raortgngv which your bank wa call
ing in, Vou then practically mad term
that If it thould at any Uiu b your wub I
thould lenm ngage,l to you; and I, caving
DO option, accepted. Then, In tli Interval,
while it aa Inconvenient to you to (iiforc
your right, I gave my affection Iaiwhere.
Out when you, having dreerted th lady who
tood In your way no, do not Inter
rupt nw, I know it, I know It all,
I know it from her own Up
ram forward and claimed my proiuue, I
wa f.xrevl to axteut. Thru a lp hole of
acai pn-eentcd lUelf, and I availed niywlf
of It. What followtxll Yon again becam
ponvwd of power over my father and thi
place, vou iniulteu th man I loveil, you re
torted to every expedient that th law would
allow to torture my father and mvwilf. You
let your lawyer upon u like dog upon a
hare, you held ruin over ut, and tgain and
again you offered me money, a much mouey
aa 1 wished, if only I would tell niywlf to
you. And thru you billed your tune, leaving
dettiair to do iu work. I uw lb toil clo
Ing round na I kuw that if I did not yield
my father would b driven from hi home In
hi old age, and that th place he loved bee-
tor than hi lit would pea to tnuigvrt
would pas to you So, father, do nut top
DM, I will apeak my mind. And at but 1 de
termined that, coat what It might, 1 would
yield. Whether I could have carried out my
determination Uod only knowa I almott
think that I thould bar killed mytrlf upon
tny marriage any. I made op my mind.
Hot Ave minute ago th very word were
upon my Up that would hav tealcd my
tnte, when dellvorancw came. And now go.
I have done with you. Your mouey aba!! ba
paid to you, capital and Internet, dowu to
the tut farthing. 1 tender back my price,
and koowing you for what you are, I I de
tune you. That 1 all I have to my,
"Well, If that bean't a matter one," ejacu
lated George, aloud.
Iila, who had never looked more beautiful
than th did In thi moment of reunion,
turned to (cat bcraclf, but th temion of her
feeling and the torrent of ber wrath and lo-
qnenot had been too mucb for ber, and the
would hav fallen bad not Harold, who had
been liib-uiug, aniated, to thi overpowering
outbunt of nature, ruu up and caught ber la
hit ami.
At for E J ward Coaaey, he bad ahrunk back
Involuntarily beneath th Toluin of her
acorn till be tnod with bit back agal ntt tha
paneled wall Hi far wat white a a ht;
detpair and fury hone In hi large dark
eye, rlever bad b ri fin red tin woman
mora fiercely than be did now In th mo
ment when he knew tliat th bad eacaped
him forever. In a tent b wat to be pitied,
for paniion tore hla heart In twain. For a
moment be itood thu, and then, with a
pring rather than a atep, be advanced aero
th room till be waa face to ftc with Har
old, who, with bla half fainting ttill In but
arm and ber head upon bit ahouliler, wat
Handing on th further ltd of the great open
youP h tald, "I owthlt to you,
yon half pay adventurer," and b lifted bit
arm at though to ttnke blm.
"Come, nou of thatl" mid th tqulr,
peaking for th Urat time. "1 will hav no
brawling here."
"No," put In Oeorg, edging hit long form
between the two, "and begging your pardon,
tir, don't you go a-calllng of better men than
yourwlf adventurer, At any rato, If th
colonel It an adventurer, ba baa adventured
to mm purpoM, at It eaay to ;" and b
pointed to Ida lying In bit arm.
"Hold your tongue, ir," roared the rulre,
at utual relieving bit fueling! on hi
talner. "You aw alway ihorlng your oar
In wher It tan t wanted."
"All right, iiilrt all right," uld Oeorg
th Imiirturbalile: "then hi manner
tbouldn't be tith."
"Do you mean to allow thUP mid Coaaey,
turning fiercely to th old gentleman. "Do
you mean to allow thlt man to marry your
daughter for ber money r
"Mr. Cotwy," auawereil th fulre, with
bit poliUat tnd moit old foihloiie,! bow,
"whatever ynimthy I may have felt for you
It being rapidly allennted by your manner.
1 told you that my daughter mutt apeak for
hermit. HI: hn pokon vary clearly, and la
hort I hav aUolutuly nothing to fid to ber
"I tell you what It It," Cotwy mid, iliaking
with fury, "I hav buen tricked and fooled
and ilnYod with, and to lure aa there It
a Ood above u 1 will hav niyrvvengoon
you all tomohow. Tha money that tin man
my tlint he ha found lielong to th queen,
and not to you, and 1 will take oar that the
croiier oaopl art Informed of It beforo you
can mak away with It, and whnu that it
taken away from you, If Indued th who)
thlim It not a trick, w will tee what will bnp-
pen to you. 1 toll you that 1 will take tlilt
property, and 1 will pull thlt old pluc you
ar to fond of dowu, tton by atone, and
throw It Into th moat, and tond th plow
over th tit. 1 will toll the oatnte plm-emenl
and blot It out 1 tell you 1 bar been trlckuL
You ncoiirannd th marrlag youneJf you
know you did and you forbwl that imio
tli bourn. " And b pautod for breath and
In uw-ictlUe woju. , , . .
Again the niuiro bowed, and bit bow waa a
tuilv In Itaelf. You do not tee tuob bowt
"On minute, Mr. Cottey," b mid, ery
quietly, for It wot out of hla peculiurltle to
becsom abnormally quiet In olrcimutanooa of
real emergency, "and then 1 think that wa
Diay clou thi painful Interview. When flrrt
1 know you 1 did not like you. Afterward,
through varlou clrcuiiutnnoo, I modi lied
my opinion, and tot my dlalikodown to pre
Judlc. You ar qulto right In laying tout I
encouraged the idoa of a marriage between
you and my daughter, and altothut 1 forbad
the noiue to Jul uuaritcu. i uiu so uecauiw,
to bo hoiiDet. I ww no other way of avoiding
utter rnin 01 my lamuyt out pei tMu I
ww wrong lu o dolim. t hop that yon nmy
never be placed in a p,ltion which will fmve
you to 11111 a dix-lsiou. Alio at the Hum, ill
deed never till tint moment, hnv I ilUi
realised how the matter really tod. I did
not understand how trvitt(ly my diiuuiitor
wa attached lu uottir direction, rhapa I
was unwtlliug to midi'riitnud It, Nor did 1
altogether uinlvttid th cour of action by
which It eiu you uhiauied a promt m
marriage from my daughter lu tlx Hint In
stance, 1 waa ansJous for the marriage b
cauaa I believed you to tx a better man than
jvu are, and because I thought that it would
place my daughter end her descendant lu a
much Improve,! hiiiioii, aim mui wi
wvuld In time lavoni attached to you,
1 forbade Col tjuarltch tlia hou beoauae
1 thought that an alliance with him
would M tha moat uiulwilralil fur ovary body
CviiiwiikI, I llnd that In all thu 1 wai act
ing wrongly, and I frnnkly adinll It l"i-
baiw a a nw old wa grow wwiuiy iw.
and you and your agonta prwued m very
hard, Mr, Cowey. Sull I havaalwayt told
you that my daughter w a free agent, ami
niul tloclde for nerwir, aim iiwmorw i
you aoapology on Uiat w Ho much, thru,
f, ti queaiiou of your angagwneiit to Mm
da la Moll. It l don wltu. And now aa
raganU tli threnui you niaka. 1 aliall try to
Ikuvt them aa ov-aion ante, aim it cannot
do k It will b my mUfortuiiA Hut on thing
the how ma. thciuiu 1 am aorry to hav to
ay It to any nmu In a houa which I cwu atlll
oall my own they how m tnat my mil im-
.,,.,., .,f wm Die rorrucl unea You
' Mr, tey, and I mu.t
. -
beg to declln th honor of your funner ae
quaiutanc, aud with another bow howucd
th veatllml door, and lood holdlug tli
handl In hi baud.
K.lwar.1 Coury looked round with a ttar
of rag, and theu, muttering on meet oom
preheuair cur, he (talked from th room,
and lu another mlnuta wat driving faat
through th ancient gateway.
1W maul Ut u pity mm, for b aiao
certainly got hla full duo.
Uoorg followed blm to the outer door, ana
then he did a thing that nobody bad anan
blm do before be buret out into lud
curat euf infra a loud lavqK.
"What ar you making that noua about1
aaked bl muter, tturuly. "Thu u no laugh
ing matter."
HimP replle,! Oeorge, pointing to the re
treating dog cart; "bet a giving to pull down
the call aud throw It Into the moat and to
tend the plow over It, 1 bet llim that var
niiutl Why, Uiem old Viwert will be a-
tanding then when hi beggarly bom I
dint, and when hi nam ain't no mr a
names aud there 11 tie one of th old bhiud
titling In them, too. 1 kuaw it, and I bv
allu kuawed It. Come, epilre, though you
alluidu my how at I'm a fuke, what did I tell
yrl Dldnt 1 Ull yer that frowidenc
weren't agoing to let thlt place goto any
larvert or tanker or thlm torv vrhy, ul
ooura I old. Ami now you we. ma out
what it It all owing to the oolimeL ilewa
th man that found it, but then Ood Almighty
taught blm how to do IV Hut bet a good uu,
he la: and a gentleman, not like him , and b
one more pointed with unutterable loom to
th road dowu which Edward Coaaey bad
.Now look here," mid the apilre, "don't
you nand talking her all day about thing
you dou't unJi-rauud. Thai th way you
waatetuua ouMonand look aru-r tbu
goldi Itahouid not i leu alone, you mow.
W will com down praaently to Molehill, for
I ttippot that it wher it la H I can't
tbp to hear the atory uow, aud beald, I
want CoL guarltcb to teU it to me,"
All right, quira," tald Oorg, touching
bit red ulght ctp, "I'll U off," and b
George, hallooed bit mauler after him.
but Oeorge did not atop. He bad a trick ol
dtafneta when thettmire wat calling aud hi
wanted to go touiewbere elm.
"Confound you! roared tlx old gentleman.
"why don't you atop when I call your
Tbit time Uenrge brought bit long, lank
frame to a ttanditilL
"Beg pardon, tuulra."
"Bog pardon, )e-your aJwayi begging
pardon. Look here, you bad letter bring
your wit and hav aiuuar in ui trrvauu
ball today, and drink a glaae of iort"
'Thank you, tnulr. mid Uoorg, again
touching hi red mthtcap.
"And look ber, Uorg. UIU nx your
band, man. Here a merry Chriitma tc
you. We've gone through torn queerub
time atiout thi place togthr, but now II
almoct lonkt u though w wer going to cud
our dayt In peao aud plenty."
"Manx to you, iquir, I'm lure mm tc
you," mid Oeorge, pulling off hi cap
"Ye, yea, w'v bad torn bad year
what with poor Mr. Jamet and thai
Queat and Comey (he' U matter vat
mint of tlx lot, he U), aud the Imd
time, and the Moat farm and all; but, blew
you, (quire, now that there II be torn read)
money and no delita, why, If I don't nmki
out tomebow to that you all get good living
out of the place, I'm a Dutchman. Yua, it'i
been a bad time, and we're getting old, liul
there, thai' how it I, the iky allium allui
cleira toward mglitfulL Uxt Aliulglity bui
a mind to let oix dowu amy, I auppneu."
"If you would talk a little l aliout Ooc
Almighty, and come to cbnrcii a little more
t would b a good thing, at I've told you ba-
for," mid tb qulri "but there, go along
with you."
And tlx bonett fellow went
omiiTiii oaiatii.
Th (quins turned and entered tha houta.
ITo generally wat fairly noiy In hli moro
meuu, but on tlilt o'.'cnalon ha wai eicep-
tlotinlly to, rnwlhly he hail a reaann for It,
Uu reaching tha veatlhule ha found Harold
and Ma (tanding aide by (hie aa though they
were being drilled. It waa Inipnaallilo to nv
(lat the conclualnn Hint they had amlili'iily
awiumad that attitude Ixcauan It hiipiuucl to
be tlx flrat poaitlou Into which thuy could
ounvenlently fall.
1 her wua a momenta (Hence, and than
Harold took Ida'i hand and led her up to
where her father waa Handing,
"Mr. Do la Mull," be mid limply, "one
mor I ak you for your daughter In mar
riage. I am quit awnro of my ninny ill-qnnlilh-iitlnni,
twpeclully thnao of my ngn and
tlietuiiillnemof my inenin; but lilt and my
If how aud Iwlieve that, umlor all th clr-
cuinatntii'ii, you will no longer withhold your
oonaent, and he pauetL
"(Juai'iLrli," ntKwered th iqnlrn, "I have
alrenily In your preaaun told Mr, Comey
under n hut nircuiiiatnncot I wat favorably
inclined to hi propoaul, to I nood not repent
all Unit, At regard your mean, although
they would have been quite luaiifllnliuit to
avert the ruin which threatened ut, atlll you
have, I Uiliovu, a compotnuoe, and, owing to
your wonderful and moat providential dlt-
oovery, the fear of ruin team to hav pouted
awny It I owing to you that that dlicovery,
which, by the wuy, I wnnt to hear nil nlxiut,
hut boon nmilo; bud It not boenforynu it
never would have been mado at all, and
therefor I oartulnly hav no right to my
anything mor about your menu. At re
gard your age well, aftor all, 44 It not the
limit of life i and If Ma doe not object to
marrying a man oi thorn year, I cannot ob
ject to bur doing to. With reference to your
want of occupation, I think that If you
marrr Ma thlt pluu will, at timet are. keen
jour iiiinoa pivus liilli vinliy when you
'luce mi nKitlnnUiiliiiil,!-)' lil tli it fellow
tliiV,e lo ilinl wiili fur I am gelling loo
oldnud aliipid to look after II niv'K'lf; anil,
IhoIiIi tiling are otoy turvy Unit I
can't uiiiteroliiiid t lie til. There I one thing
mor Hint t a nut to my t I foi Ud you the
bourn Well, you are a guiiei-oii mliglml
man, and It 1 human to err, and 1 think Hint
perhtp you will utidunland my action ami
not bear me a grmlg on Unit luivtint. A l",
I ilnra mv that at tlx tiiiia ami poealhly at
other lliW I mid tiling that t ahould tie
lorry for if I could renieinlmr w hat they
warn, which I enn t and If ao, i aKiiogire to
you at a gentleman thould when be limit
ulintelt In the wrong And now 1 my, tlod
blem you both, and I box you will tx lniipy
lu life together i aud o otnix hero, Ida, my
love, ami give me a kiaa You hnv Iweu a
good daughter all your lite, and to Qimrllvh
may tx tur that you will Im a good wife
Ida did a ah wa bid, and then th went
over to her lover and took hi baud, aud he
klmed her on the forehead, and o, after all
their trouble, they Dually ratified the con
tract, And we, who have followed them thu fur,
aud have prhnt been a little moved with
their atrur,glea, hoie and four, will not
lurvly grudge to re-echo theuirv'a old fnali
lolled prayer, "IK1 blem them bolh."
tlinl bhw them both. Umg may they live,
and happily.
Umg may Uiey live, and for very long
may their children- children of the race, If
not of the name, of Im la Molle, pane iu and
out through the old Norman gnlowny and
patt th alurdy Norman tonera 1 lie IM
myt, who built litem, here had their habita
tion fur ll generation. Th D la Mollea,
who wedded the helrew of the llolaaeva, llvevl
ber for thirteen geueratlont. May tlx
tjuarltche, whoe anceur nutn'le,! Ida,
hairem of th Lie la Mollee, endure a Imigl
Hurely It 1 prmltled to ut to lift a corner
of th curtain of futurity and to ee. In
Ifilrlt, Ida yunntch, atatoly and twaullful,
at w knew her, but of a bapplur counte
nance, awitcl, on aonx Chnatunu Ev to
come, lu tlx drawing imoiu of th cattle aud
telling to the children at her kim the won
derful tale of bow their father ami uld
Oeorge, on thlt very ulght, alien the groat
gala blew, long year ago, diacovered the
ruddy pile ut gold brded 111 that awful
t,irchtie amid tlx bonce of Ha mo or Den
ial! beroea, and thu mved her to l their
mother, W can turely na tlx wid and
wondering eye aud the ftted face a for tlx
tenth ti me they luteu to a More
which lb Joy of Crua will grow mU, and
hear th eager pieala tor cotillrmaliou made
to tlx military lnoklng gentleman, very grit
tied now, but grown belter looking with th
advancing year, who la Mamtiug warming
hluiaelf tiefor the Hie, the loml and nuat be
loved hualwud aud fulher III th wbol cvuu-
try al.lo.
1'erhap tiler may be a Vaatnt chair and
auotlier tomb amang the ran'.a of the d
iiartnl Io la .Mellnai perhaiK th aucleiit
wall will no longer echo to the eoiiml of the
old npiire't teiitriu Vt4c Aud what of
thatl It la our common hit,
Hut when be g,w the oountry aide wlllliaa
a man ut whmn they will not e the like
agalu, for the breed I dad or dying; a man
whiw very prejudice. InninauU'ncue and
oct-atlonal wrong headed vloleucw will Ix
held, when h 1 no lunger here, to have ln-n
endearing qiialllle. AtJi maiillueaa,
downright Euglith, Ool fiatring virtue, f,ir
lov of queen, country, family and home.
they may march In vein lo find hi wpial
aiuong tlx thin blooded gmililuy of Iheiva-
Uiopolitan r.ngliahmeii of tlx dawning Teen
tleth century. Hit fault were many, and al
otx Urn tx went near to ucnllrlng bi
daughter to mv hi houw, but he would not
hav tieen the man he wa withmit theiiL
Ami to lo blm, too, farewell, I'erhap Ix
will find btmtelf hotter plid In the Vadxlla
of bit forefather, urrumtiH by thiwe at, Kit
old De la Mollce whow memory he reganled
with o much lT,vt,,ii. than here lu Hie Vlo
torian era. Eur, a baa been mid elaeahera,
th old apiiro would uu.loiilitatly have
louknl IwtUT In a chain thlrt and a battle at
than ever be did In a frock coat, met-xlly
w lib bit retainer Oeorge armed tolheUwUi
behind lllia
They kttanl, aud II wai done; ami out
from the church tower In the meadow broke
till chub and clangor the glad muml of tlx
Chrlttnx bella Out It vept over pule aud
fallow, over grove ami em-L It Ooate,! d.iwn
the valley of tlx El, it twal atltxt lKad
JUaat Mount tkeaueforih to the vtilnr mind
mor htuntwl it an vei , and h,l up tlx
rattlet Norman towtr and down the oak
clad vealitmla Away over Hi common went
the glad niemage of Earth Saviour, away
high Into the air, aiartling tlx rook tiinjn
their airy cuurac, a though th Iron niU of
the world rejoicing would fain B eit to tlx
throned feet of tlx World Everlaatlng
I'eaue and good will, v, and hnipln-, to
the chlldreu of ineii while tlivir in la, and
hope for the tieyuud, and Heaven's h!iing
ou boly love and all g od tlilii;i tlml are.
Thi wa what tlnaae lupin! not. a terme, to
my to the inoet happy ilr who ttoul hand
in band iu the vettihul and thought of all boil eaeapt-U ami nil that they had ou
Well, Quarltch, If you ami Ida hav quit
doix (taring at each othr, which lan't very
liitermtlng to a third party, -rhn you will
not mind telling u how you bapiwue,! ou olj
Hlr Jaine de la Molle' hoanl"
Thu adjured, Harold began hi thrilling
tory, telling the whole hxtory of the night
lu detail, and If bl heuren had erpecU-l to
be atoiilahel, cwrtaluly their riactalioiii
ere conilderahly more that fnllllle.1
"(Tpon my wurd," mid the kpnre when tit
haddone,"! think I am la-ginning to grow
ii-ratielnua lu my old ago, Hung mo If I
d'Hi't believe It waa the linger of frondi-mi
Itaelf that wlnte,l nut thom luttor to you.
Any way, I'm off to ce the poil. Unn and
get your hat, Ida, my dear, aud we will all
go together."
And they went and looked at Uio chtwl
brimful of red gold, yu. and ued down,
i -Vcik.
A nd tiny utnt ami faoktd al th ehitt brim
ful of ritt gold.
all three of them, Into thoao chill tireaeui-ei
III th bowel of tho mount, and, coming
thence awwl and illeut, enlud up thu nluct
On the following morning inch Inhnliltmitj
of UoUlnglinin at lmiieiieil to he aliout were
much Interiwlod at toeing an ordinary farm
timilirol coming down the niiiln (trent, mui
Ixnng driven, or rather led, hy no leu a ht
on than Uoorgo hluwelf, while linlilml It
walked the well k nown fot iu of the old njulre,
arm In arm with Col, tjiiaritcli.
They woro (till more Intornated, linwover.
whnu Uiu tuinlirul drew up ut the door of the
bunknot Coaany', hut the 0iwltloll hilnli
whero, although it wua liming liny, tlie
mnnngnr and the clerk were waiting, iiiin
rently, for it runulug
Hut their IntiTuil cnlnilniiti-rl when they
iiei colynl that Die curt oul t contained a few
flour (nek, iiiiiI yet Hint eimli of lliumi aut-kh
acoiiKiil to io ii I iu Uii-uu or four iiinn to lift It
with nny comfort.
l iiua wua the gold mfuly IiouhixI, Uiiim
Uiiug welgheil I la vnliio wa lotiuil to lie
aliout CHI.IKKI of moili i ii inniiry Aa, liotv
ever, (oiiiii of Uio cuiiia wiit-o uxii'udingij-
rare, anil or grunt value lo ninmniinN ami
li'rtori, till vuliiuwiKconaliliii'iihly lurrwimvl,
itml the troaaiii-u won ulUiiuiUily wild fur
,V,!Sii Only liln kept Imck iiiiouh uf t,t,
cholceat coin to miikii a gold wiiini lnuiil or
ginlleiiud a uecklucu for linianir, iliMi lnml, uu
Hod lit, iu riiluru ilu.ya lo loriu thu moat ulini-lalii-d
liulrlooiii of thn (Junrlu-h I'niully.
Oil tliiilanniu evening thu aipiiruund 1 1 ui
old went to London and oiunvd uu coiiiiuti
V rTM.' v'"
Illcottoii v.1111 me tolloitol' to tliu livukiiry.
li'oitiiiiiilnly iln-y were iililn lo rcfor to tlx
will of Hlr Edward a In Molle, Hie mooud
.i nuot , III which II n)clity doviatxl to bit
ooiialu, tlwiltrey Dolferlt lgh, mill lilt lieiit
forever, not only 111 ev-lntea, hut hla lamia,
"together with Hie trnuiire hid tliereoii or
lan here by my lnl uiuiilet-nl father, Hir
JuiiiMilela Molle." Al-ollny pinduiMt tlx
writing nlilch Ida had found In th old
llllile, ami tlx parchment dlacovvred by
(ieol'go aiuong the colli. Them Hire dmni
meiila foi'iiini a chain of evlilum-e which even
olllclnl liitotvated tor the tlvaaury oould not
reru lu iiilinlt, and lu the Uwliot tliu crown
renounced II cIhIiii, ami tlx proRrty In
the gold uwed to the npiiro, auhjuot to th
xyineiit of the Mime uccimuioii duty whloli
i would hav Iweii called uihiii to meet bad
be Inherited n like euui finni a eoiialii at th
pr,ii'iil lime.
And to It mute to tuta that when the mort
gage money wn duo it win Uil U tha but
fnithiiig, cnpilnl ami liiltiiunt, ami Edward
Ciwey loatln hold upon lloiilniiu forever,
A for Edward i'oey hiiuaeir, w may
my one mure woid nlenit liliu. lu due courwt
of time he gut over hi violent paulon for
Id tiillli-leiitiy to nllow blm to iiinke a lu ll
limit marringo with the only daughter of an
luiiecuiiiiiii icer. hhe keew her nam and
title ami heplavlha ntrt of tlx ueoewai y
bualmiuL Anyhow, my rrtder, if It I your
lorkoti foi'luiie to fiinpicnt the gildeil in
nont of the great, you may meet Ijuly
Honorla Tallhlt and Mr. Coney. If you do
meet him, however, It may Ui a well to
avoid hllll, for the event of Ills life hav not
been of a l. IU"e to Improve hit tsiuier, Thi
miii'tt then of Eilnaid t'owaoy
If after leaving the gilded mliaiu afura
mld you luiiihl lmpieu bi wander down
I' or (lie Hn end, a lit ma may tw,
you may meet another character In thi hla
tory. You may tee a tweet, iale fao, till
tiutiied w ith a child lik roumlnei and tliu
pllclty, but half hidden In tlx coart hood of
the nun. You may e Ixr, and If you car
to follow j mi tuny llnd what I th work r
wherein the mek her erei, Il would (hock
you; you would fly fnnn II Ut horror; but iu
her WOlk of ulelW and lovtlnf ktluliinuMiit
die d-aw it uiifliiH-bliigly aud aiuopg Xit'"'"
fellow nun iimre la no on mui beloved
then Hlaler A (ilea Ho go.a by Ui bar alto,
Harold yimriti h ami Ida were married Ut
the pring, and the village children itrewed
Uie churchyard path-the mine mt!i where
lu angulah of tout they bad met ami atrted
oo that dteary winter'! bight wub priio
roee and Vloliita.
And ther at tlx old church do-T, when
the wreath I on ber brow and tlx veil about
hor face, let u hid f.irewell to Ida and bet
huabaud, Harold Kiarllcu,
Tilt tun.
Th tlaelielof UlrL
It It mor or lea fun lu thi world to be a
girl Even being a wot kinggtrl, and a bard
working girl at that, I not enough lo rub
olf the bhami, providing tlx only take
thing in uli-e, uxiily tort of a wny. Ev
en ming come lo him who aalta, but b
whowaiU gracefully and with pleoaur ha
a dual more fun. tlirla all wail bar bua
hauil, but tlx girl who the girl
wlio a hiallo-while they wait, ate Jual that
much mote attiin tuiv
The Inn ticl..r girl ought alway lo bear
oue thing lu mind. "It giviwoue ttiff neck
and a wry face with wnukle on II to louk
loi long o,-r one a ahoiiUler '' 'the
f ill who tan't ataaihtU'ly aterae to aeneday
aa-oining a llne.lici aiuHild kerp her con
eciencr, bar liver and her forh,id clear,
"lint Hiy ipltiille ami Ihy dlaurf ready, ami
will mud thee flat, myt the old pruv
aM, A revivnl evIUuii! miglil well rea.l,
"tiet thy henrland in v life tvady, and Uud
will uiiit I lieu a hualiaudl" Lealle a Sew
Soimtor Cullom lint boon having a
Jamil around aiuong bl conatltueiita.
It It plcaiuiut to record that lie retolort
tlilt verdict: "I do not twliuva tli pctiplo
of toutlicrii Illiiiola wcr ever U fora In
nu ll a pctwpcrotii cuinluloii u tin y are
now. Crop hav produced alumdantly.
Tlit applo crop tant anylliing I aver
taw. A mail with llfty ginnl tree will
take In from 300 to U0, tnd o it g'w-e."
Do Sciuitor Culloin'i coixtltucnu umlor-
tanj the art of making elder Jullyf
Tho Ileal DliKorrrr of Aiuorlrn
A corrVHiKmtJfiil of Tho Nuw Yuri ,
Suu writti to know who rvally UiJ di.
cover AuurU'.v It viiiia that It
di.-M OTorctl fair An ! friuuro no Km thai
(ha timri U'foru It "took," nt tlirj
of vucdnutint.. Thoi mhoClli
tho chuir of nif4in'vul hintorjr in Tho
Sun olllco rt'('lici ah fullowt:
Well, If you wriiI iu know piattl, hnr
.n.lilliU4 MHinlii Trutu Lliln dUMxtonMl tlift wr4
frn ovtMl itf AmTt In Ui utimttw of 4Xt A. 1.
lit 4 urnm ( hliimrn vt n ovof, ftiil In iM atlt)
tixircv Tha lurtiiK )! tni on hut Uwa In
1W itxif ika from IrrUn.l . . . In l-UiitL I n 9u6
lljnil, fmm, mmi nM. N. fUxiii
ftiul tjtrilff, twin ih Itml Kur)mtu li p th
ttuimm of tli lif. tti h fUii.lwr. iiuul
rti.iuiit In Htt'li UUumI In tu A l In II7
Mtvl'io, )riitoof WaI, iimkIw ttt lament 4ui
birlu Ui rit itl lu HW I't'lumlHi tllniu
tvvii th country. CVjluintiua ntl Ut Omi r
ttvat, bulitna tlUoovry
I'orcai ry.
Without milking too niarh fuaa, th
(ort-atry congruMi luu accoinpllilicil great
giKnl tlncu In organisation, aoiuo ton
your ngu. At thu icwooit jimt ended iu
l'liil.nlrlplilii, i'cMrt from all tc-tiuiii of
thu ciiiuitry tliowud how deeply Intcrcat
In tha luitijit t It Kruw''i(- I'K'foiindly
liiti-n-Blliig were rcairt of young furcati
frrliu the trcrlcaa lilulnt of Illiiiul ami
bnkntit, Bi iiiiub nttuntioti It pnlJ to
tho luhjout tlint In kiiiio part of tha troo-
liw went, wlthlii tha lifotlino of tome
old enough lo recall Oil coiigrcea, there
will grow luxuriant furcate.
Thu coiigroK lina dona vtihinhlo work
In lUH-urtuliiing what truca cim ho ao-
climated In given localities, Aiuong
other vulunhlu aclilcvciiiciil too miicli
cuti ii t Ih tulil of tho lnlcnwt It 1 its
uruiiHcil nmuiig the school clillilrcn oo
lliv ttilijccl of trco platitlng. Many
school yards that fifteen years ugo wur
as (Icaiihito as Haluirn hav boon trail-
fiii tncil into bower of beauty uiulnr tht
kindly Inlliicnua of nieiiihvrs of tha for
entry umioclaliuii. Cliililrcn have learned
to lovo tho beautiful und bvtieflcunt trues,
A bouquet ef women writers tells us In
t nowspnpnr lottur what they would do
f they were men. Kniiis of thulr sitfr
(I'siluna bio so giKxi that It Is surprising
.hey have not adopted them for tlieiu
advea Dyspepsia
I one of tho moHt prevalent of tlnAHn.
Knw permitia linvii perfect dlgentlon.
Onn ol Ayer'a 111 Ih, taken alter dinner,
or a iloan at night heloru retiring, never
fulls to glv relief In thn worm elites,
and wonderfully uhnIhU the process of
nutrition, As a family medlclmi, Aynr'S
Tills uio tineipialud.
James Qiilnn, IK) Middle St., Hartford,
Conn., teatlllns ; "I have uaed Ayur'a
I'llls for the piiHt thirty years and con-
sliler th uu Invitliiulile finnlly ineill-
clnn. 1 know of no heller remedy for
liver t ron IiIi-m, and liuve always fiiiind
them a proiupt cure lor dyapi-paia." ,
IiiicliiH Alnxiiniler, (if M,
Mima., was long n severe mm Uiu or from
Dynpepaln, coiuplieiiteil with (illlllige
iiiniil of thn I, hit, moat of thu tlino
hclug iiniihlii to retain any food In his
stomach, Three boxes of Ayer's Tills
ciirnil hlin.
Frednrln 0. flreener, of Knst Dedlmm,
Mans., for several months Iroiililed with
InillgoHtlnn, was cured heloru liu usud
half u box of thimif Tills.
Ayer's Pills,
niKi-AiiKi) ii r
Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt.
Held by ill l)ruxiat and Dealer lu Ueillolu.
Transportation Lines
Orogon Pacific Railroad.
Mriiiiicr Sailing Unlet.
frnin Yanuliia Hliuer V, lllamall Vl
ley I'liemliiy, tlel I, Maluidnji Uet , U;
Weilueadny, llelnlier t.
P nun Kan Craneltea aiictmer Wlllaaieltt
Valley M,. ml.,, net, 7, ridy, Oct. I
1'iieailay, Oct, M.
The cnniiii)r reaery Ihe right tu chii
ttilmi Cale wlllnilll llnllee. with Ihe (I A C. K ami til vex
lloaia at ilorvellla and A theu;,
Tim diegiin I'lii'llli! Klmiiilioult on the
WIIUiiiolW! river 1 i v leiuii will lcv
I'lirtliinil, eoiil IhmiiiiI, Moinlay, Wnliica
day, nl Krnlav t U A M. Arrive al
t'orvullia Tunmlav, Tliuiailay ami I il r
dav at 3;:m I'. M, I.onv ( urvallle,
nortli-liotiml, Momluy, Weilneailay ami
K y ul It A M. ' Arrlv at I'liilltiiiil
Ttietiluy, Tlitnilay ami Hutunluv at il :.'H1
l. M. on Monday, WmliicNiliiy ami I ri
lav, liolli iioilli mui aimlli lioiiinl Inula
lie over nlglil at hiilciii, leaving hei al
0 A, M.
fteltht aiiil'llrki-i ulhce, Balmmi atrarl wllarl
C II. IUHWKI I. Jl .Oeneral t a f A.I
' M Miiuiii'iiiery Ml , .ii rrtnelten,
t' (V llillll fc, ac l ll, r. A I. O H II.,
t i.nallla. or.
Northern Pacific R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And til "'lni Ka, via
Th Northern I'arlllr 11. It.
la tht tit I y Hue ruiiulii
!'ar tiger Train,
. (MH-ond-'laHlcier (Irceol iharga)
l.uiiiriiiii Day l oaclm,
I'nliimn l'aliii Sleeping Cart,
I'aUce Dining Car (meal T.V)
From 1'urtUnd to Ihe Faat.
See that your ticket read via thn
Northern I'm I lie K U and
avoid change ul can,
e I'orlUii.t II 1 iS A M. n,t 10 P U
daily arrmtl Mliuieaeulit or a I ran I it I at
- )arm tllvlatnN.-Trat,. Iav Kront and U
ttrerlt ilallv al II A M an. I 10 r M arnt
al 1 x at 1 lu r M an.l 6 l( A al , arrUt He
1111 1, A M and -M' M
1 hreinh -iillmaii I'altc Mlei,l ( tit. 1
$ ani tlav e,iai'liea. Anrat paiar dime rtrt Ix
Iweea I'ertlalid, lacunia em! Mratll dlreel
Iially ttrlre A l IIAIil.tuN.
tail l,rn I Aanil lit tl lal l , euf. W ak
tiiieii Ml piirtlaml. Orr,,a
g-li"l. dinar flr.l aud II atreett.
Ort'pm City A 1'ortlaitil.
LKAVK -Ureimi I'uy ., 7 to A kl i t N f U
" -I'urtlainl.layli.f
Heel deck .. ,. II) 00 A II It k
Oral, ui t'lly . at) A M A I T U
FuitlanJ . . 10 A M 4 4 (Of K
Jt'iinii'H, Stmilia. Kifli'), 0
wcn, Miltvniikic, Linilx-rU,
OVKKLAaM) route.
Trains for the Knt leave l'lotlanil, 7 :00
M. amlU lM )'. M.
'IPIfFTC t" n1 f"'in iflnrlnl polnlt
wiwaw in in. rnlini aiaiea, lauaU
an, r.ilri-e
Elegtnt Nev Dimg Ptituci Cars.
I'umian Tulare Sleeper.
run Tl.rongli on Kxprees Trains
Clna coliiiecllnna tl 1'iirtlaiid for Hau
elauo and l'iit Sound pulula
for further parllrulara luiiilr of r .nl
ut th Company or
I', u
... I. V T. A.
Tortlund, (liegon
salom'l. ,lagrr
Overlaiul to California
Southern l'arltlc (oiiijiuiij'h Hue
-The Mount Shasta Routs.
Tim between Orifiin City and Itn Franolae.
an Hour.
( ii.iniaau sirssa TsiNtus luii t.
ikiiiih F iNerih.
4 ou r. a
ft m r. a.
7 V. M.
I.v I'. inland Ar
10 4ft.
I.v On-g.iu i lly I.v
Ar H. Frtndai-ii I.v
Ixieal Haaaeuger Trtlii, lally, (Kie.)it Sumlayl
I on, n. I
V II . M. i
H.o r. n.l
riirllaml Ar
OreimiClly I.v
Kiien I.v
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
ForieeemineiUtlan of Second Claaa raaetieri,
attiieiieti to unreal Train.
The R. P. On' Firry niakoa ronneetlnn with
an in riiKiuar iriina on in r.aai nine invition,
mm loot el r Ureal, ruruanil.
Waal Hull lltvialon.
Mall Tralii, Dally (Kxeept guiidiv.)
7 HO . M.
Vi.Ui r. u.
1 1 or
At Albany tint Cnrvallia goliiieel with Irtlat
ol tiregmi metric luiiroail.
Kiprea Train Dally (Kxeept Hunilay)
tiftOr.n, I
our. a. I
Portland Ar
McUluuvlll I.v
1 1 im a.
I J:4.
For full lnfnnnalliin reitrdlng rat n, mapi,
etc., can ou uouiiiiiuy'a ieui at liregon city
Msnnier. Aia'tU. K, aud I'm. Agent,
V" vt. -a- r-r -,v"j nrriv
11" vi mti nt' Tl.
at teon.Me gi H'ltHj.'"'"1''1"'
Oregon City, Or.
Catoria Is tecoinmrnilrd tv idiveic
aus for cliililirii tcelhiiiK. It is a imrely
eretalil preparation, its Inirrvxlients art
published aro-ind each Ixillli.. It I idea
tant tn the tas'.a and ahsolutelv harm
Ir-ee. It relieve coi.atii.ation, reijiilated
he leiaels, iitnets pain, cine diarrhea
and wind colic, allays level iline, de
Irovs a or ma, ami prevent convulsion
Soothes th child and (ive it rcfrealiin
and natural sleep. ( aatcrla I the rliil
dren't panacea the irotlier'a Iru-iiil. 34
loart, 35 rnla.
' TM
r itMM u up by
ho r Largest
dmt n is iht trltj.
It M hiMACo'l
FWautifulty Uuiftid. IMcr1ptlv
kt itVynvtlltMi muJ KH hR lo oil
IPIJkmi, itm. tn a MafHn'l tut
uniti, hit lHr Ihatl ttf . t.v
tT pf' um Ooldtn, lowr
Of rtU1HLIilShUUhtlMtt.
Painter, Kalsominer,
and Decorator,
Is iiroiiiucil tit uttciul iirointitlv tr
vtiirk iMitniMu-il to liim.
I'utronitKC rfnuftfully tmlioiti-tl.
M. H. Flanagan,
V ..! aa,.. ii ,i. t .. . , -
ton II il III th. Httt.
ligua Kaatham IHimI
U. It. FI.AN AtlAN.
(lite ui t call,
Merchants Exchange.
Uilohtreet, Oregon flty Oregon.
tieat hratid of l.tiiuera. Wtnea and rteara
tu Hi City. Htepln ami try Ih new Milliard
Talil. AlialuilinrteJ Ullwiiike. t'hlcaio tnd
uetBe.r. J. TKKUHA I II
Livery, Ford itml Suit) StuMo
Doublu nntl Single HijjH, nntl biuI
Uo liorHi-g ttlwuyH on lmiul at the
IowchI jir'nu-H. A corrull coniifcted
with tho bam or loon Hlm k.
I nlor nmtion roiU'linu: nny kind ol
tuck promptly attniiilcd tu by pcreon ur
Horses Bought and Sold.
" ilLLie lii: M
r ' i '.r' ::w
p d. m. iiv 4 co. a
Guaranteeing More Power, using Less
Water than any other
Wheol, and the only Tur
bine that will
work successfully
under High Heads,
under Heads from I
. IK,
3 TO 300 FEET, h
eoMroimo extiuctX
Th Import- of purtfylnf tli blood eatv.
tot hi ovrtlmtd, (or wllbuut pot bloo4
jou ctunot njy g""d health.
At tlilt season neirljr ttery on needs
food niedkln to purify, VIUIli, and .iirlcti
th blood, and W tak you to tr Hood's
Da ul lit Hriaiarllla. llUiiftbns
reCUIIdl (.uiu np th syitrm.
creates to Ippetlte, and tones th dlgeatloo,
vlill It crtdlcttet dlaeate, Th pecullaf
combination, proportion, and preparation
of th vegetable remedies tited lv to
Hood's Rtrsapirllla perut. r. Ifcplf
tu curttlv povrert. Va ' w
other OMdlctne htt inch a record of wonderful
curt. If vntt have mad up four mind to
buy Ilood'i nutairli;t do nut b Induced tn
Uk (ny other uuKad. It U a I'Ktiliar
Medlcln, and II worthy your confident.
llood't 8rptrtlt It told by ill druggKla.
Fiepared by C. I. Uood Co., Lowell, Mate.
100 Doses One Dollar
u, r, MAY.
i. 1. ( IMik'K.
KciilfiK lu (rori'i-lcN V 1'rot! ucc.
Orogon City, OroKon.
Koolcs and Stationer)'
llir (hhhi llitvrjr Hci4j
Him it intt.n nntl Hovrjf
Niirrltt f t sti.tif lUirr,
Mmi., nmxv tnH-ii tnttl t'
Ktsl Iai1ffi. Ct('riilti
ulit-fi? Ihe jiiliifs (
rii4nrtrit us
rr CO
The lUmnnnl I'loHcr
d4 hpuij Morr,
C, It. Iturir, Muar,
Y.a I'uMitiruii, !.
g0fHvn (r r.m.plcitp
l tlKutj,
llaiiar anil Hlin IkImIiik, I4al.
aouilnlaat;. raliilnt. 'nM-r
llaatalnc mmd 4altln(.
All aork aalUfael.irv. I'hariea moderate
OM. ra may Iwlrttal K li t 'auA.ld'. li-ll
Sot Iff.
I lisvo rcsi'insl the agency (or Stuvcr
A Walker's machinery ami have rcturnej
all their kihhIi. Kumar it aus
t hae IM. ,lay a.linlilr.l my nephew, laaac
Arherman. aa a partner. 1 lia l.u.lnr.. ill
lie rartle. u Ull,-r Hi. name i t Uaver A
Aikrllnau. altl Nllla.
The UrMl Kaatein et,ir
llrei-im t Hy. reli I.l, Injo aviuia
All H-ruiis knoiii themmil in
ili-l.teil lo u are requested to acttlo the
tuuig on or li-furo Jan. 1st. After thut
ilule all atainlinn accoiinta will he pLucil
In the hamls of a collectur .
I.IIOI N A Al.llllllillT.
lids V anted
For hewinit aliout fitkkl lineal feet ul
hinrdcr Kur eai ilU-ttluii and particu
lars, call on II K. t Uuea,
Miinatier lilmlaloiie Kcul i'atate A'll,
ttii-gmi City. IVc. r.'lh, lssil
vitk i: I'OK 11 111.14' A I'IO.
I. tun firm at
tin-Kim City, nn-i-uii, January, 'J", is:),
Nntiie i. 1,,-rel.y riven t'n- lulluw iiiij.
list I ai itlrr lina liled llulirr uf hla mil II-
tiotl lo Illlike 11 tin ' prHil' II ,1,1,, url n Ilia
Imio, mid that Minimal ill le omi! l-e
fore Ihe lli-,-iie- ninl Ki- eivi r ul I'. 8. I.itnl
illi-e ut Kr.-ciiti ( i-y. ilr.-.on. nil Kmluv.
March -.'I, l.tai. xi, : " .1,,. ., M.ilmi,. Il,,ii,e.
'tend nolle. So. .'i HI f, i ll.e m . ol
of N-ction I. Twna ii I Smith. K I
Went. lie IIIIII ft the In'. ,. IIIK Wit linear tu
prove hia coiiliuinni-i iianli ine iilam and
cultivatiuii ol, uml lain!, vu: i. C. Ihr.
W.C. Heater. 11. H. V, nclit. no, I V. S.-..II.
all of hiiiockville, a-liiniou Coiinlv, tir
eiion. J. T. ArrrnsoM,
.V, 41 -i il lal. Ilccist.-r.
olli' lor I'iiIiIIi alloii.
l.tMl t 1 1 II I T
Oreiiii City, tirrifoti, January SO, Iva).
Nolle la herrliy liven Ihe foliiwlli,.i, allied
aellli-r haa nieil liotli-e nl lite Im -lit lull 1, li.ake
lllial ir,mf In aiiiiett ol hla ,i ,lin, ami that
aald prool at 1 1 1 ii. male hetore tlie liriilaier
ami Kerelver of the V. Uimt inti,-. at l.i.g.iii
t'lly. Ores en Kalunla). April b, lauo. an;
HlcaiarH lirainliall, heir ol Andrew A llrain
hall, dereaaed, llouieitead Kniry No. .Vim ,,r
Hied i, ol kk i, ami K ol e,W i4, nf Serin e
Hi, Tiiaiiahle I Niiiith, Itansefi K. II.
Ihe lollowlllt wllneaaea lo prove hla
and deceaiied eutryllian'a ci l.lluuoua
realdence upon and cultivation it aald
land, vis: C I' Ktokea, II. H llnwrii, I' Harden,
and W. A. Julilmoii, all of Alma, I'laekaiuai
Cweuty, Oresou.
J. T. Al'l'KI SuN,
IWI-MW. Iteitlater.
Tlallirit I.ANII, ACT JI NK 9 IN7S.
Notlco for Publication.
I'mtkii ktiiii I.asu tirrtcs.
Uri-iUMi t'lly, Ore., N'oveinher IS, IfWi).
N'UTICKIa hereliy civiMi Hint lu cotnpli
ance aitli Ihe provi-iiniia of the m tol Coii
urcaa ol June It, IS7.1, enlitlcil "An act lor
the aide ol'liinlier lumla In the Hlntisol' Caii
loriiia, llh-pin, Nemilu, ,ul mthln-rton
Territory," William Slulilic of I'oitiuud,
County of Miilliionuili, Mule ul on nou lina
Iliia iluv liled in Iliia ulhce iiaaoru atnte-
ti t No. Kin, fur Ihe puiclin-ie ol (he N V
i ol Heclioti no. Oil, in Township No, S
South, ItuiiKti No. .'I I'.ual. uml will utlf-r
prool lo aliow Unit the lam! aouirlii ln nmrc
vuliiiilile for Ita timher or alone t luui lor
rlculluriil piirpnaea, mid to cNtuliliah hia
claim to auid luml Ih lure Ihe llog-iatcr ninl
Keceiver of tlilMilllee ill tlieiion Citv, lire
Itoii, on Muiiihiy, Hie Jilh ',hiv of Mnivh,, lie iiuiiicn un wiluesaes: .Inu l a 11, i .
f t if iL y'x
. .4
i i, it ..ii
ii.l---tj -'- AaW. j --aW
aid Tmil Mdon, and Ilenrv Iltrrlaon
all ol Mull imhiihIi I ".,1'r'goli; rk III AmU-ti,
Cliirkiiiima , 1'ri-Roii.
Anvam lull m-raona llllllnlllK aovi-rwiy
Ihe al.iive-ili-ai riid laiela tre rviiet-d In
lilt- Ihe r clii io In llu
on or licfor
Hi I'K'II 2H -Kl,
Notlce for Publication.
I aiirnanraa l.a an Orni s.
(iri tfiHI t'l'V, Otron, llec. II, SA,
Notice la hi-rcfi)- kiv-u that ill coiiipll
SHie allli Ihe nn iiolia of lima, I ofloti
Ifreaa of .lime M7", i-nlilled "A" S'-l fur
liie aalr of llmln r Im da In the Htiitca of Cal
ifiirnls, n pot, .Vi-viidii, Slid Vt'iialiltiKtoii
Territory," .lim II. HoMIn, of H.-attle,
County f Kn ir, Htnte of SS n-lilnKtoii
Iniallii" 'lli.V i 1 - in H I" ulllre III aworii
Bliiti ineiit (in. l id. for th" iin l.iirf- of the
HW l,j of Hei llmi No. I", i'i 'lollliii No.
I Hinilli, Hu'iirc No. 7 and villi oiler
proof lo allow lliat Ilin linul fni'l t la more
mliiuMc Inr It tiinln-r or at.ii.e tl.n r fur ns;-
rli ull HI ill liliriJina, Hllll lo l-aluhilali In
,1,111,1 lii -M.I lill d lalior ti e lii-fi-'i-r ami
llic.-lvcr id l! ii ' Hl'e lit Hti-,,'1'11 I'ity, -Kan,
on Wi-l'ii-l.i , tin' I "ii ilay "I May,
'ai, e l iio ia fta lli i": Julio
Mcll ! le i.l r-iiiidv, l i e Ihh ik, ur-
i-rini; W , A. nlinrii iin-l Julio iluKirrit, of
I', Mnlti.oMili I n., t'l'-Kon ; Henry
Sinipaoil ol Hi ultli-. ulili l"ti.
AnV mui nil "tuii a-lfiin. ifiK d-vcrai-ly
the ih u nlail lamia e-e re
iiir-ti-d In lilc tlii lr i hon in tliii-"llli'-mi
nr la-forr mii'l l ltliilnv of Mil' , I"''.
j. T. AI'l'i:r"S'.
;l :iM 12 Jlk X'l. Ri-triaU-r
Notlco for Publication.
I'mrxn Unto hiNu 'irro s
( City, (ri Ii c-. II, I AM.
NtlTICK Is licti In (riw-n Unit in Kinipll
amc uiili liii- j :ii i-iuiii of t!ie ailidton
riH nf June In,, i-i litlid "An sit for
tin- mle ol till I r inisi! II. tl e Hiilca of I al-
l-il nlll, I ir, ;-iiii, rwt In, im, I a-lill l.'1'ill
lerntnry,' Ili nn Sim) ami of N-miic,
Cinintv of Kii-f. Mule d alili.flni,
hlia Iliia illll' Hint in Hi- lilllie hla aHoril
atiili-n ei.t Nil I 4 -.. for ll.e i.iii--liaav ul lire
MV i, ,,f .--I . lim, Nil, to, n, I
Koiilli, Ilnnue So. 7 l.nt, and Vtill ollir
pliml In -l,u thill t I.l- luml lu.llflit la lour
viilnulilr fur it' tiinla-r or atone than fur 0K
rii ulliiriil piirMia', and to eatuliluli
rliiim lo auid land U-fure tlie Iti 'i-ti-r end
Itrii-lvrr nl Iliia ultli e al lin rm Cily.iire
itun, on i-ilni uluy, ll.e Htn dav of May,
lirai. lie liaini-a aa a Itlll-aat-a : John Mr
I niver of Hiinily. I in k'uii : W. A. ( alum of
Health-, Km Count,-, Wtaliin-tini ; John
llacfi-ll, and Jo. II. Itohlui of rrlutnl, Hr--K""-
Any and all --riiiia rluiii.diK adverw-ly
1 1, a1me ili-acnt-d ianila art- rctii-.lvl to
lilr llu-ir t lain, a in tl.i oll'n on or l-efor
mini lllli day uf May, iwai.
j. T. AI I'KltSoN.
i" .1 1:' m. Iteglatrr.
TIM It Kit I. AM, ACT JTNES, It:",
Calico lor ltbll-iitloti.
I'siTrn l5TTr l.a. x i Urrn r.
Uri-ir-oi City, Ore., lanvmla-r 2, l-1'.
NtiTUKia lu-r, liy -mil Ihut in inn li
sin e with the pnn iinma uf tl.e act nf I on
?r, a i,f June ,t. I-Cd, entitled "An mi fur
tiie aale ul liinU r lumla iu the rMati a uf ( al
Ifiirma. I (''Hi. Nei aila. Slid Wa-luiiKton
Territnry" I lurry Toinlevuld uf 'Jai oina,
Ciiiiniv iif I'len-e. Hlutc of W a-lnhgtun, has
thiailuv llli-t III Iliia ullli-e luaiHuril atute-
nient No. l7t, fur the purrhaa- of the !-r.
I, of Hi Hull No. . Ill lownaliili No.
i S.nitli, Hnn.-r No. 7 Ka-t, and aillolh-r
pnaif lo aliuw that tl.e lain! i,u-lit
la mure valinti'le fur ita tiinlier or
ttuitc tliiiti fur airin ullurul purpiiMa. and lo
i tiihliih hia i Iiinn lo atinl land l-ciure ll,e
,'lit-r and Itrct-ivrr ul thii ofticr alHre
Ifuii Cily, im-futi, uu I relay, Ihe i'-Mh day
nf April. li"i. lie naniea aa ili,ee:
I-uia Curia. W. A. CuIm, rn. juliu Milntvre,
mui John llnr-ft-ft ail of I'ortland, M'ult
iiuiniih Cutiuly urrifuii.
Any and all a-rMiiiacluiniiin! adveraely Ih
static -lt-m rilicil hiinia sre n-,iie-tcl to I'll
tlu ir i lainia in Iliia iitlin- on or la lore laid
'itli iluy of April, In a i.
J. T.
T. I J Kl.
Felice for PiibllriMio.
IMtid Srnia I.und urnct.
llri ifon City, Hn-tton. NoteinlN-r i, Kl.
Nt'TIt K ia hi n-liy acivf-ti tlmt in compli
ance with the pniviauiu of the act of Coo-gre-a
of June 3. 1 7. etititled an art fur tl.e
l.ilr of tnulx-r luml ill tlie Slule- of Cahlor
nia. Hreron, Seiaila. and aahioKtnn Ter
riiury," Win, T. llurney of i ir-,ni t'lly,
Counly of Clin katnaa, State of Orriroit, ha
Una dav lili-il in Una oltlre his eanrn atate
inent So. Kit. fur the purrhttac of the K S
nf"K i; and lot 1 and 4. ufaectiuii No. -.1!, In
Tuwnaliip No. J South, limine No. siaj Kaat
and w ill oiler pried tu ahow thai tl,. land
aounlit ia inure valimlilr fur its timlr or
atone tlniii fur ai:riciiltiirttt purai-ea. tnd to
eataliliah hia claim lo suid luml 11, in- th
lte;iter and Uvceiver of this ollice attire-
ruii I uy, ureirnn, ou ilninlav Ilir '.'Till dsv
ofjsuuarv,, lie iiiimra aa witneaaea:
Ch. Ciittmi! and K. II. t lemeiilauf ( irenuit
City, nr.: K. 1. Seiera and K. Scivert of
Cherry vile, !rctuii.
Anv tml all a-rima caiiuiti s.lveraely
tin-al-oe ilcv riUil l.ui.l. are rv,ur-te. I to
lile llieir i Iuiiii in tliia otlice on or Iwfor
aaid '.'Till day of Jaunt; v, l-''.
Url -II IS mi. Kegiater.
OTI( i: I'OU 1I III.ICA I !.
I'sithii Stti I. and nrrirt
Oregon t" It jr. -.Irejnn, He 10, ltl.
N.ith s ia hereliy iveti that In compliance
tlh tlie provlloua ul Hie el ol Congrei o(
June il, 1-Tk. ruutled "An i-t (or the laie ul lim
ner land, lu me Miatet of I alllerult. iir,-un,
Nevada, and 1 -liiiiiun Territory,'' Chaa t:.
Neaeaatle, ol Portland, I'oimlv ol Multnomah,
ritaleol Oretoii, ha llila,!y nle.1 iu ilili ollle
hn awnrn aiaieineiii No im;, tor Hi. p irehaae
ol the MV i, ul aectloii No, Ii in Town
ahlii No. i ttouih, Kauge No 5 Kaat,
and will offer ptoof in ahnw that the
laud a. unlit ta mure valuable (or Ita iniler or
atone than lor aurlcnlliiral pur;ioea, md ea Inai-lalin to aald land hct.ire III.
t-ter and lieerierol Ihla ottn-e at Oregon I'ny,
llri-snii. on Monday. Hi .'lib day ol relmiary,
lnai He namea aa va ll iieaaea H. A. Matthieil,
I '. W t urnelliia, C. C. W.awieoek. and H, II ll.
1'iiler, all nl I'orilaud.Miilliioraali County. Ore
gon. Any and all per.oiu elalmliii tdveraely th
ahove ilea, rllied land, are reoneaied l tli. elalina In Ihla oitice en or lielur. aald jtih
day el Keliruary. I.syu. J. T. AlTKKsoN,
-,Hi-lil-iMii. Iter-iaier.
xn i n i: i-ou i( .t rio.
I'NiTtii Htatr I.and ilrvn t
lrci;oit City Orcein, Nov. IH, lwi.
NUTICK ia hcn-liy ttiven that lit compli
unce with the provi-duna uf t,e act of Con
Itrcaa of jinn-:(, I NTS, entitled "An act lor
the ante of liuiln-r liiiula in the Slnn-a ol Cul
ilnniiii, tircL'un, Nevada, and ViihiiiK't,,ii
lerrilory," Uuiia C. Ilenrv, of l orllund,
I oiinty uf Miilfiioniiih, Slate of OrcKon, ha
this day tiled ill this ulllce hi sworn state
ment No. ism, ur tlie piin-hiia of th
Sh i: nl Nivtion No. IH, in Township
No. i Smth. Unlike No. 7 Kaat, and
will ollur, proof to show thai the laud
aoucht ta niurv vahialile for its
Itiiilicr or atom, than I'm- aKriculiuml
purposes, and lo estuhlish las t-ltiiiu
to mml luml lietorv the Keuis
ler mid Receiver of Iliia ollice nt Hn-Koii
'", Oreiton, on Kriduv, the -J-th day of
March lw.m. U,, niinii as wilnc-scs:' ti.
!'." , ,'' ?l''''rniick. S. 1 Ih-rrv, all of
lortliiiid, Multnoinuh Co.; and T." llrotle
K m ' ,ull""""1' ''I't'iilyi ullol tire-
Anv mid nit persons claiiuliiK ailverselv
lie uliovc ilcsiTilicd lun.lsiire n.ineM,hl to
lilc tlieirchiiiiis iu (his olli.e on or liefore
mud 2Mh day of March, I Him.
....... J- AI'l'KltSdN,
il -SiS-12 11 . UcK-islI-r.
Head of Water and hm Rsquued,
' i
vv ' . j . . 'j.twf 'ii.'w iv.' i' i