The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 06, 1890, Image 3

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    Jo Happenings.
f slate penitentiary U to receive
Msitor no more.
i Modof found th Halem bridge
hall Uk low Wit Friday aa
smpted to go under.
UnnviUheo fvmJ olU8pet
; which h will devote toadv-r-ihtlown.
Very good.
K,v. II. K. inn, pioneer 01 j
n at her hum In Km! I'ortland,
...Uy.Jan. !l,oglttyr.
rob Yoat. cd Aurwre, wa In lowe
Uy. and called on TiiKsTri.
vi that the gripH ha not r-r-i
much about Aurwr.
tfr. K. (. Hrwmhall, of Alum, who
S town Saturday, y that Ihere U
, n (cot I nu il Walker'
, aitvi that it will iy tilt My.
kn Friday ( last week tti con
..(. .4 tl Crwn Paper Mill bniUl-
had remove their engine ond
j.tiiig appliance " y 'l
Ijly rising Willamette.
Saturday nlghl ! Utmio wa
,,vd in tin' bayou just U'tow the oUI
house, her ' h' ,U1' m'ingcwtt-
:,.rcd aafe, as the current loo near
hnk In high water and drift might tlengertuie.
-The storm linl W. VroHr
Oswego with a Mg trade for llour and
ami but a liinltHl amount to tupply
,tiuml- lu MoinUy hewaaalh't
.ig to cadi applicant auial! UHint
to make his supply !o U i' pihle
I th trtn should rliw,
1800 EQUAL TO 1801.
A Great
Amount of Damage
Pulp and Sulphito Mills
Solid, also tho Grist
Mills and Wool-,,
on Mills.; y
Full Acoount of th Terrible
Scones. .
Th flood l INtKi will be remembered
tor year at exceptionally great, oil ae
count ot tli Wvy Ull ot iiww, tiotU In
th vUy nd in tli uiounUin. Fr
wr ntrtiinl tlinl tti wnlrr would
b vtrv blub In tb WllUmHt tbl
. Tim viUol tli wk tv
nrtvn llmt Ui lr r uol smuml
liw. fr tb hvy ml nuuiuuou rln
vj tli irnut tffk wl vvtr "wrt mid rill
booming till tb tmnki uw owrtluw!
nd tho wlmW country hihm III
Tbo IIhukwihU ol twnii jmiirltig Into
U WU!nilt rmHt l ;to riw wry
(tut tiut on tunUy inuruliig tbla rom
inuiiitv n Mtartlitt to 1ml b tint W
low town vovon'vl with wUT, tli iwif-
lUkvutr ru Y. Tb win ot
L( nk tl tirviot nvt nivwt pro-
ctfvl tbut htt bwn known U U vl
t fcvr yvuni, nd tronflit th wwter ot
lt WilUnu'tte u to vry lnh ttaijo.
iimJ nay victim uiong tbe hom-i
tli viciitity ol Hull Kun. Kmit
brr b loat all tlu ir bom, nd
moot ery oih b Ut on or more, to
l n-hl(. TbiiU rvvre Mow to th
:rair of tbut wotion.
0 Jt ixiMixr. Th Mirt not
Columbia 'fount man of -lUnt juuV
uint in tb proo ol th county julg
4 tbat iimnty. It ay: JuIk Bwita.Hr
wtuiwl yrnteMay Irwin trip to Ort-
f m City. Ttic Jul(fc b gn-nt faith In
On-ytin t'ity au.l to lik up hi faith, in
vtslwl in Ut ol ral ratal In tlial city
Pau l or Salmon. Th Milt My that
th Columlua River Finbrrman Union,
ha tUol tb prii- ol wbnun at f I for
cannery bta, nl :& for outaid boat
which ia tb aam ft paid laat year
Tb canncmnen ay they cannot pay
tb prii dcmandl, owing to th d'
prwin in tb aalmon market, and oui
J them aav Uh cannot run; but th
nh rn n claim that tb prio U tow
aa they can work, nd waa fixeJ with
due regard to the tat vl the market.
Nahow Kjkai-. Sunday niitht lut
even o'clock, Mr. Blumcb 4 tb (ri-
nlal hotel, darkey and on other man
attempted to cmm from t'lackama
brid)re totlreiron City. Th water waa
at Uat twelve feet deep on tbe flat ami
th team attached to a back aoon found
iuelf bevond depth. The driver at
tempted to turn around and the team
tweatn ntanll ami could (O no fur
ther. Kneolllie men alood up on tb
road trulrad track being alxnit eiiilil
feet beneath the aurfaoe, while the wagon
road wa tmri.) atill der, making
comimmlcation luMwihle from that di
rection aav by tb boat. Tbe tioua of
Uohert Hnley waa aurroundmt by wtr
and early Sumlay morning they moved
out to U C. lrigg. having to nu their
younger daughter, MetU, with cf. ah
Uing aick at the time. All day Punday
tb Hood continued to riaw, Ull on Moo-
day Ureen t'oint waa but littl mor
tlian an lalaud ol ball aero intitanK
and on Monday peopl were bu mo.
tint. On iiarttcularly unpleaaanl I
tur ol tli moving wa tb lick that had
to b moved. Among theae wr :. Mr.
W. K. Reddick, Kph. Frguon, Mr.
Shepnard, Mr. l'lUbnr nd Cba.
tcmiMin tbe Vm nincbluery wua to-
moved and the ltla painted to protect
them (mm thw wataiw, l-olig belore
riiion th fr were completely auh
memed and the w utvr well up to tbe
ceiling of tb mill. Nearly all Monday
night Hour being , carried to th up
IH'T floor of tb mill atid, to the war
houee when It w ab d on tbe upper
floor. The Mlla er her treat! to ft
emit of paint in the. oilier mill and
Mr. lavii removed to tbe wri'hou,
ud aftnrwarita eatiilitblied an olllce tit
freight car tint Mt track at U
mill IHiriiig the night a lot of I leu.
ttroutihhm'i lumber went out, together
with the road and hridg leading to the
mill. The old wrhouao at tb brii'k
mill ! alao lupoed to Imv paaan! out
tHHit midnight. It waa under water i
w could not ho certiiltt.
At on o'clock Monday night a circuit
of Oooe Vial waa inwl In a lmt and
houaca wcr found to l jock beginning
to lip over ami to move (rum their foun
dutlon. Hi VVet Side nillli were nt
vieitwlaud everything wa found aafe
except tbe excelKlor company ware
houne, which wa moving on It founda
tion and the wikhIkIiinI on the lank (4
the cnnnl t elonging to the aume com
pany. llctmlaliiedight)cordaof wood
The Home tM'loiiging to the attni coin
imnv had aUt limken loe and, aaing
in around, had knocked down and
wrecked I'eler Mcliraib a houte.
A panic wa cud on Main etreet and
j A Lu'M ullw of drift l l'H''l
tawu th tmpeil'il "' ll,n l'M"v
A gn of two incltca between th run.
way and th mill Indicate hit Hit
wiii-hiio la lonlng nnd lliihle'u go
at any moment.
;Tii V. r, Ki. h vo a, i)Uiiiui iiu
.tanda.bnt la enduring terrible ''
Tim Cplln t Thre HintcM
which la lying In tli lmnint
no danger yet Incurred i h alated ' that
no attempt would Iw mado to gel, be
low th falla the terrible ui
rent woubl nmke It linpoUU
to atop hov the tirldgn. !,'h CP'f
lurtber atated that he n
danger to the Witt. i
Tbe water ha reaehed th floor
of tbu weavlua riMim nd . lm
wMiight aail havmi with the machiinery
and good atored thereon. Th aofond
floor of the boiler lioita w aa fllltnl Wiilt
tored b'mxU (Mm the floor o( th' fac
. .. . , 11
lory. Ita overllaw ima nainngiHi imr
nieiiae ipiautitle of valuable matrlal.
Tb picker bonne at th wiaden itilll
went out Tuewluy night. A prlct toi
rent of water beat aglnt the nouth
.... 1 f.......H.. .....I ul....ui lit.. 4tr..t
entl m inn iMviiwi pi.,i i i
. ..... .. .... ' 1 !
I III HI1H. , ,u
At the bead ut Main alreet, givat
J Dill).
I M t I,, A t Cluck h.iiaii, January S4lli,
IMIM), Alice, yoiiiignat daughter of C.
.1 , and Mary liiiel, aged U yaia. al
tnr an llliiexa n( but a few day.
V I HI I ART- At tlm hum o( hla j.arunt
in thla cltv. Jftinea H,, aon of l. II.
iind ileuiletla Wivburt, aged U yearn,
4 mouth ami & daya,
Jmu wn tli aecond oit and hud
bm au k (ur lung Hum Willi eunanmn
tlon.nntl beart diaeaa. of Which ha ultl
niately died . U wa blight ami plum
bing youth, and hi death U Uuiily
iiiooriil by hi frieuda and aaaoclattw.
W. ft. Uii't Jeraeyi killed.
In accordance, with Inatructloii tb
Htale Veterinarian Hurgeon, Dr.
WUhycomh vinlled Mr. Udd'l
lnu near Kat I'ortland. and lncted
til killing of thirty-four head of th eat
ll. Hut few of them allowed any algm
o( Hi diaeaae. Hlx calvM killed allowed
no true ofdlaeaMt, and on hull killed
waa free from It, while muber had on
mall tubercle on hi luuga. A th
dim Wit I hit. W to develop In any of th
ibetd, the kllllng.of lb whole herd, aa
ordered by the ruiiimlaalun, l th only
iif miui Ut I followed to eradlal
wavea are rolling and heavy current I the dlaeane. Thla herd la Mleved to b
driving down the atreel Awaing it th only one In the tat w airecle-l, ami
wreckml, and window a broken u, I e , prompt action may prevent any apread
hind end ul th bak, another climfiedj
on ftie Urk of one of tb horae wbile
tb darkey left the rig entirely and
nia.1 for an apple tr which b climbed
They calbJ luatily lor help amjflc
reeded in attracting lb attenflna ol
Henry Nacband, Henry Hinder and In.
Smith who haataned to their rewn.
Tbe men were nearly dead, tb on on
th hack having only hi head bov tb
wU r. All hand wr behwd Into th
boat. After landing thealmoal drowned
men went !ak and cut loo th bora
which both twain hor parently
not much tb won (or wur. It wa a
cloee ihave and moet (ortunat that tbe
rescuing party happened to b near.
MomUr opened chnvly and drr with
a tddown iour ol rain witb occ
alona! bnrt t4 heavy ahower and e
ver wind. Alt day people
wer moving till at night not peraon
wa left on lireen I'oinl and liooae Klat
waalmot equally dowrWd.. ,0car t.
A. Frvtg' tor floor a th corner of
Fifteenth and Main tret waa ten feet
aWthe watar at ! o'd.irk,and at
otk it waa (our ihchea Under
water and at midnight tb top ol U
counter tod out oltb water.
From lour o'clock I. M. on Monday at
which time the water tood W lel U
low water mark till half pat two o'clock
Tnexlav loornimr there wa a eonataot
and ateady ri i4 Sv Indie n hour
From halt laat two till half pfttl flvo th
rite waa ten incbe. and tb nett two
hour thre and on bal( incbea. luring
tb forenoon Tuemlny tb water ram
to atandatill.
Tbe mill and factorlc un Ihia aiiW ol
tb river had large gang ol men buy
all night Saturday, Sunday and unlit
early Tueaday morning trucking out
good and raining them to higher floor.
The Imperial mill bad man atatlone!
lu tb mill at tbe upper end of town by
the wbUtling ol the Three Siatera when
lh breakwater gav way. F.vrvWly
rualied down th atrvet and (or th bbiir
Tb break, however, did not material
ly affect the river at thin aid of tb ba-
In, W. K. I'ratt moved hie utile to the
cement building at eight o'clock In the
evening nd t twlv o'clmk T. t
Cltnrmau moved th lctrio light plant
to tbe aani building,
At flv oVh k notber vifcwa mad
to tho Weal Hid. Th aitnntion at the
cliiiiir plant remained bout the aame
xwpt that alnc th laat vlalt tbe onlc
bad rolled over nil It lldc. A circuit of
tb aulpbileniill waa made and all found
accur. I went out on th lmt t4 the
Crown faper C.miany. It eemtH tolw
all aecuw owl reeling eaay. Along the
alk ol tit canal which waa afloat and
over tb fltiiig timber at the eulphite
mill to that mill which waa etandnig
without a tremor, the window wer alt
throw nopen to penult tb paaaag olth
watera; And flv (cet of water waa found
on tb HrHr ol th mill.
"f Tl (UKAV.
Tnetdav morning bruk cloudy and all
thy (nag the water continne.1 to rite.
Iirwrattn and Irtnka were in great de
mand Id Iiiov tb hoiiMdiold rfirU and
tnkt ol merchandiM on Main atreel.
A tb waUr continual to rise the im-r
chanta along the atreel beginning at the
npn' od of tb atreel would move on
by one. Morrla Uroderlck niovcl tbe
lUrnrmi at thre o'clock In the morning.
Attn early hour the aiduwalk al tl
upper nd of tho treel began to break
up and the buy began uaing them (or
By noon, I. Helling, 0. Uvejoy,
Aldritlg.-, II. R. McCarver and Mr. C.
H. U Hiirmeiter were moving, t'p ami
up crept the water till at night they
reached lb bank corner.
hrit of all description I piled lp)o'g
tb alreeta, and men are aavlng lb 1'V
valk to relay lu anticipation vi cfr
cltv ol lumlier. A atrong ruwnt (i
turn.! oil" of Miiiu ttreet at tho hank
am! th water la thirty Inflict dei.
Thla morning at toYUvk lb F.i;cllt r
mill waa earned away and om hoir
later, the maltrenn facl.try wraadetlroywi.
lHirlng the nigltl th aoulh end t4 tb
0. R. A N. Co.' dock waa Ix-ateu in au
the water waa pouring urth maio
floor In' torrent carrying olf J
(mhI and dealrovina: ton alter b f
YOtt aildl'tP UK
o E
ol the dlwnae
Helallv to th mttr, Mr. Withy
comU.atato vatorlnarlan, write:
There ia bill littl daliuer of th dl
cami aprcadiug among other hcrda. It
tolghl aem aa lliougn aucu a witoienni
laiigbtar ol tin caltle la uniiecewutry :
bot when wn eoiialder lb nature ol
iiyvluo Tulierculoeia,' and how II-1
bl It la to Iw trannlerred lo human U
inn in the form of comniuiptioii, th ne
cwity for action Iweome apftarent. A
piivt niortaiu revealed lite (act that In
iWrty-four bead laiitibtertxl Monday,
lltie waa not a healthy animal In th
lot. TIiimm were th animal elwted
bunt the herd which gilh!trd, mnr or
i leu. ixmitiv avmptoma ol th die",
A vlait to lb warehmiK abowe.1 4lwaua cannot im ueiecij wtiu any u-
thrh among.,
nlleaol flour ick. 1 lie building llaelr buti-, (,,,. herd known to b
hadih aoulh end eutiivly knu-kiKl out, ,a tilt Aleuively alfecl.! with the dl
and It waa wrembed two Indira tioraJ . Il t very imlortunate to bav to
.... !..-,,ui ...111 A !. lo il,lm.4h.ucb a llnely lire, ol c.ui.
Iierlal mill revealed the fact lbu lb
water covered all lb machinery th
lower floor. w..lNt lb continued erwak
inf cauaed by III heavy piaure of th
water above ahowd that lh mill ltall
wa enduring a terrible altaln. T.eula
ut wateta nmlxid in at tbe hiekcK win
dow and doora wliilnl largo ttsllon o
lb weal ud i4 th mill waa en lire fy
kiUH kt'.l out. Th aoutb end ul IboOi
R. A N. warvhouae i acompU'l wreck.
W. K. I'ratt't oltic and Ik Flrcirk
Light room la coinidt'lely demoiWhd
Tb cupport to the wareboux coneyo
i gone, aa la alm Ilia llr efi-e to U
mill. Hole bav been baltored Into lb
walla of tu Iuuilal warvbouo and
that building la threatened.
Cbarman lli. ' bullae, occupi.! by
C 11. I'tllow. waaalini! a wrtk, whil
U)go A Albright' bonne back ol lb
but her aliop tilled and in buiulnant
f'urinu Tuewlay night linear A. K.
Fry) tag inovrtl In tm k of inercbaiidine
Into lb Congregational rhmcli,
Iau A Albright wer aubinerged and
moved their meal market near th Cath
olic church hut lew grocery bint are
E. S.iWAItltKN,
A Iw can im full limi of
furniture, Yindow Shades. Mattings, Etc.,
Which he oiler t
t , t
JCIll.itr infill or on, tlm
, T .
You cannot do Mtvr tliati to call, nnl oxarnino.JJ
At i ; In tb .ttermmn tb boom .4 "I" in lMi,l.
Bverll, the health of tb cltiaena
bculd I protected, ntgardleM (4 pecu
aury loca.
1 DiliMtH.
...Mr. Tboma Ilobna ha hot two lllll Due on th 1Mb, and (bo other
Ike Mid ol January, with tb diphteria.
Mr. Henry Hillary and bla daugbUr
rw both very Uk. It I doubtlul
wln ther tb rlrl will gel wall or not.
There waa lioo'.lug match at Pa
laancua lant Saturday.
Tli rain baa act in lngool arual, and
tfie anow ba dinappeared.
J There waa a debal and liUoary aocl
iy oiganiaed at lb Painawua acboul
bonne lat Saturday.
I.F SlevenaW valuabl cow laat
P C. Kiiubley I vlailiug Irlenda at
There bat been more tick na ia Ia
ruaocuttliia winter than ho; ten known
fur year. .' Cba.
i . 1 ' 1
Th mot reinarku'do cure ot ocrolu'a
on reotrd bav !'n anavniphaliod by
lUxPa Harnaparill. Try itA " ,
at the breakwater to watch, ami in caa
I .ant week' Reporter quoted wheat at
60 cent in McMinnville.
The nUte SabUth tchool convention
will meet in McMinnville April 16th to
A lot on prominent corner In Inde-pendem-e
old for f 10 a front foot laat
Albany ityht bernelt the qimen minu
factnring city of th itate, but thi one
queen don't take many trick.
The Ilillatxjro iH'iuocrat I to U
niove.1 to Foreat lirrjve. Hlllalioro evi
deutly it not congenial to bourbon jour
Iluring the heavy rain ot laat wk
the Saltsm w bojl wa dianuted on ac
count of water in tb haaement of tbe
achuol building.
Unt week, ThuraiUy, 6,000,000 feet ol
log. broke looaa in McKenaia river and
came down it ream. The breaking of the
le Kim i din rild a a grand tight.
An aitiid tramp wa found dead near
Aiimnville lant week. FriHO apn-ar
nca be bad built fir (o warm him
elf by wW tlm too oi o tree blew off
nil bit him
Th Northwest TeuWx-r, publiMhed at
Olympia, ii upon our table, and found a
live M'hool puer. I'erualng ita columt
remind! ut of th yenr'a agone when
month In and month out we labored I ft
the achoolroom Th Northweat Tctudi
er la inch a pujur at every teacher in
WanhiiigUm abould tuke. Yet w hy con
line to leucbert? Kvcry parent in tb
Mtutat would be the butter fur reading it
very month, ami tlieachooll b improved
more than the mount of one dollar
which the paiier cottt. And thla re
ininda iia thut Dr, RU't Oregon rxhool
journal baa not yet put in an pier
lieu. W not only want to tee it, but
with much to m;t It iucceel.
"Ayer't Clmrry Ttcloml Iota given me
ureal rolief in bronclutia. Within
luoulli I bav aunt aome of till prepa
tion to friend HiilTorlng from bronchi-
tia suit tthma. It hat done him to
much good that he wrltct (or more."
Charlea K. Dumterville, I'lvmouth,
Kngland. j
I have realgned the agency for 8Uivr
A Walker't mucbinery and have returned
II their goodl. Rohkht Wiuiom.
T buy lhl day ailmltled ml naphew, Ic
x Ankormnn, a a partn.r. Tha bunluau will
b. crrU-i uu uii'lvr tin nDi ol Mayw
Ai;krmitu. Alix. Mavbh,
Tha Ornal Hlnr.
Ortton City, F.b. Ut, im. tfr-luo
ol breakage to lire hia gun, which waa
to Uoaignal lor lb Three Stater to
ound a warning wbintle. Aliul eleven
o'clock two ahota wer flnrd, lolh.we. by
tli toot ol tbe boat. A cranhing nd
booming wa beard atiove and Iinme-H-ately
the two or three hundred men. in
the it reel near tbe Imperial mill made
ruah down Main tlreet and (or tb blurt.
Tb break cauted perceptible riaing In
the water o( th baain.but no ppreila
lil. damage waa don outaid uf tin
breaking ol tb breakwater, aeveral liun
dneUeet o( which went out.
Nearly all lh nien bnlt rletml their
flour ol good, piling them either on the
counter and on bout or raining them lo
upier floor while lew moved out allv-.
gethcr. The Hurlow vtcnlrd
at two o'ebak Tucwlay morning end
thortly after the Portland llouae waa
abandone!. Alxiut Hint o i-ba-k lliewa
tert puahed agitiuat lUiaa. Kelly't houao
with tiiincleut fore to fnd It off i4 it
foundution, and h baalily vacate.!. Th
moving ol thi houae frlgblemil Tho.
Pone 't family nd they began moving
their thinif to Fred Chnii'. Mra.
Inaac Sidling moved her houachold el-
lecti into l'op't bll MiHulay Hermxm.
Other honehoM g'la w cr iton-d In the
hall, wbil the rinory wa madeiniio
general iiae by all who wlbd, A. K.
I'atteo ling appointed to watcn.
Monday at oneo'cbick P.M. Itttoppod
raining which guve tome hope thot the
flwal would tubaide after ft few boliri,
but uu to three o'vhak Tueatlay,
or more than twenty-lour hour Iter, th
river uu lill rlalng. What iiumio tbe
matter much mor uiicertain wa the
fact that the Unit in every direcuon
weredownand wonl could lie aecure.
Tha luteal advice on Monduy wcr re
cived by thla office from the OrctfonW
olllce at 8 :II0, and the only Information
that they could give im that the Colum
bia w riaing rapidly, which, II true,
would mean atill higher water (or here In
the that of back water.
In order to obtain rclliible Informa
tion of tbe flood Tim KntkW'Miho wa
represented all night Monday night, th
orlitor Udng in nil part of tbe tow n,
making careful peraoniil otitcrvatloiw,
which are given In thlt article. To dot
tcribe all the tcemt wltneancd it lm)Hii-
aible they re ao niimnrout. The
moving oi fumilici' houwbold ellecta,
ml live tockcontlniied all day Tin-winy,
boat being employed. Kvnry boat wa
a. buav aa It could l and a man wHb a
boat could readily got two dollara on
hourfor hit tcrvlcct. In and about town
In all umtrtcri acitemnt continued.
At the grUt mill and woolen milt the
work o( removing perlnliable gooila wat
proeecuted all night. A large lumber
of truckmen were at work (or the wool
en mill carting good (rom their war.
house and (rom the O. R. AN. ware
houae to the cement building. They al
bad their weavinif room floor
packed with goodi (rom their lower room
Should water rite to thia floor tne uam
age will belndctcribable. At tlxo'clm k
In the morning the' water began to teep
through the floor o( the factory olllce and
it nlibt it wat u to the door knob. All-
bookt and papert had bn recovered
At the brick mill during Monday a(
lumlier belonging t o the Crown Paper;
Company containing '.llO.OtM (et ol
dreaned and lraine.1 lumlier went out.
An hour later the W. F. P. P. Co. found
their boom of luinlr mixed w lib drill and
crowding tb hulldingn. It waa deter
mined to kuMM-n it if pnihleand five men
went out to do the work. A I on time
It crowded againnt tbe ollice witb fear
ful violence, but by chopping, the prenaure
wat relieved and the mate twung around
to th other able, when it waa attain nec-
Owary lo free it from tb huildingt. At
tbit point the oar to their boat broke
andwheatuu great man awung around
Into the current lh men bad lo run for
tlielr Uvea to lb building, upon tb r..
of Which they rliinU d. A boat from ll"
abore tk them oil all nafe. At thla
time a man cume running over to thia
aide to any that one of then men wat
drowned. It waa, however, one of lb
many falne riirt which have been
ttarted and cin-ulatcd during lb lant
few day. The only foundation for lb
nqiort waa that a man waa Jerked over
board from a twt at th abore and waa
quickly taken in,
At tbn-e o'clock the oflhn and boi
factorv at (ieo. Itniugliton't aaw mill
allowed algna of moving and went
d iwnttrcani. Una than hour later the
tttw mill Itw-K went down, reiiuiining In
an upright p. wit ion till the Clnckainaa
rapblt war reached. Thi bdt notlilng
ttanding at tbe dry dock eicept the
tlectrk lighl building and one waa
knocked Ironi under It. Againat Hilt
building Ute w alert Ix-at with terrible
violence, Tit water along the ahore to
Oanemah were running lllleen feet high
and tb breakwater wat Winning a to
tal wreck.
At lix o'clock the wKrehoinwi ol th
Excelilor Compitny awung around into
tbeciirrent, Ita going being witnned by
a large number of poopl. It tbipped In
' an ekiy jut below the work wliur it
fircleil lilt aotue lime in uie uigui, w unn
It went out.
Tiieaduy ulght at eight o'clock the wa
fert were up on .the brick w all at the
lactory with a large body of water held
back by the baton and drift. During the
evening the lower tidu of the baiin
broke and bugn log alriking tho Impe
rial mill warolioumi broke, in the aouth
wall. All dity without top the wittert
rone till they wer at nine o'clock on the
flut one foot above the trreitt RikiiI of
1H01. On Main ntn-i.t they lacked tim-ty-HOVcn
Inclict of iM-ing higli; but
the obHtruclloiit upon till tide doubt-
1pm bad (ojnothing to do w ith tbit,
Worm ahd worne, Still the watert
riaoand ttill they Continue to wroitk
their' vaiigeauco on the inhabltitnti of
thi community. All night long tlity
have erupt ateadily up. Indication
tbit morning point to a rapid ritu In
the Columbia with ' back water hero In
abundance. , i
Latt night the water of ths ,batin at
tho head of Main tlreet gave way and
alinoat immediately drift begun to ac
cumulate and to pile up acroHt (rom tho
factory to the Imperial mill wtrelioute!
This hold the wuUirt In chuck till along
In tlie night when It broke looae with
a cnudi and the drift logt and water
rmlied down Main , ttroot with greut
force, and thlt morning a regular nude
Ing current it racing along the it rent,
lo get upplir
rbia morning on part of the Oregon
City planing mill wan detached and
afloat, while ihe main building gave In
dication, of a iia-edv collaiMH. Th ma
chinery waa new and lb Ion will ba
nevert) one.
At S o'cioia r. at . - A I thla hour lh
brick work ol th O. C. Mlg. Co.' oltbt
ia cracked, and fear of ita. acdy de
ntm. tion are entertained. The engineer
and fireman uon lh Three Sinter bav
became frightened and tho t aplain u
ottering I'M for men to take their
i Armani tiKTAiia
The CUck.iiiiu County bridge la gone,
ami the railroml Itri.lun I oaly held in
I place by the iitmoit eeilon a. dnll-
j woimI baa aeveral lur.ea a i iimulaled In I
vaet quanli'ir The ( ounly bridge ia I
broken in two ami Ixlged near the moiilh
of the Clack.iiiiun,
ll ia probable tbnt the Pudding river
bridge ia alao gone.
(tolh titidg.t aciona Sucker Creek
at (law rtto ar wunhed out.
Tbe aulo-m. were vinlted by Ihe
Mayor and Council Wedn.nday morn
ing and egred lo remain cloned during
the flood.
The breakwater on the rant tide la en
tirely gone at la alao tli aide walk of
Caiieinah The county road to ( a
e.einuh la badly w aalicd out aa la alao
the railroad.
Standing upon the conveyor and look
ing down Muln Klrce' K-en w aa pre
aented Uiat begKitr deacription. Awn
In Kt were banging at every concelvitble
angle, window are broken In wbllal aide
walka are piled in mini and aaw logt,
ilrlft-hoxci and all aorlaof ilvlirit ar
carried by the Irrentilile current a far
dow n aa tbe corner, (innga of men are
"Ayer't Cherry Pectoral hat gneo mt
great rebel In broiitliili. Within 0
month 1 have aenl aotu of Una prepara
tion lo a friend aunVrlug Iroin brom hilia
and exthma. ll ba dona blm eo much
gou.1 that b write for mor." Charle.
F. Ihtm'ervitl, Plrmoulb, Fnglamt,
( heap Ua Far Sale.
Choice farming land, three milea Irom
Oregon City In from 10 to 10O-acre trai l
at .'S 00 lo t it) IM r an. Call on or
addreaa, Ryan A Randall or
J. I Ha, Oreeon City.
All kind ul r-raw" hkI l
tiaaKM llaot,
Men' hctvy olioea for I.!I6 at Oreen
Udiea fin liebblo goat aboea at (intn
Pro for l.ftO pair.
Royal Raking Powder, libit can,
Cot. 4'ifl at lireen Rnat.
It doea not take all you bav got to get
all you want at the atore of
Dukkn IlKoa
Heat Portland roller flour al Rar-
low'aat ILOUtwr ack dcliverea III ine
city free.
Ladiee French Kid Shoeaonly
wr pair lor one week only at The Oreat
F-antern Store.
For dreaaed poultry go to the Orea-on
City Market J alao beau oyatera aim
Dili alwayt on band.
Farmer, If you want money, bring
your ioultry and egg lo the Oiegont'lty
Market and get your caah.
Watchea, Clock and Jwlry re
paired at Mr Ilurmelalor' Jelry
Slur All work warranted.
You can get can of Iloval Hading
Powder weighing full pound for W
-.I. (.,r 1'2 ua. can lor 40 ce.ila, at
liarna llaon.
For your leetli ua Cauflald' Anlinep-
Ur Toah Waah. Nothiug will Inture
whiter teeth, healthier gutaa or purer
Everything markd in plain flgurva;
you can av 20 to 60 per cent, by trad
ing with lUmilton A Allen t 1 lacfca
uia Station.
Clackama I taking trideo to the
frotil and Hamilton A Allen at tbe New
Rrick Store there ar oeltlng gooda (or
leta than Portland pricea.
- If you want to tee lb lineal dock
of Wtchea, Clucke, Jewelry and Silver
ware In town go to Mr. Hur.n.i.ler.t
Jwlry Store. Prlcee reaaoneble,
It I now certain that thia year will be
the brigblent In the hlntory of Oregon
Cilv. It you want to catch oniu in
ftuum you will get your meala at lb !
enn tb'ip houae. -
13 poitiele ol dry grn' -I t
ur 17 pmtnd tiuiden O - t t -s "
fUtey blue overall 60 ewntt. ' :,
ad to Tna linTijaraiai lu ollene tier
gaina. n IIamii.tomA Aiihk,
flat kamaa, Ore.
We keep all klnda of feed and make
a apecialty of our own chop, graham and
corn meal lirain of all kinda wanted
Clack a in an, Oregon
All repairing dom
ami wltrrantixl.
Our Mr. McKittrick in now in
byuing an
which will arrive next week.
rvun tmviiiw ru v viiiik n illicit.
Lowest Prices in Oregon.
pry CkkhI ami (irotorit's, ix)ts and Shoes.
Wo Undersell Thorn All
Fimk Hnn a. All who have tried tho
10.1. Ke Wenl and fct ew ora
i-igara, Pild by Kent and Fui h. pro-nowm-elbem
lo belli bent cigar, for the
i.oney, wild in Oregon l ny. mevaiaoj
keep lor tnleall k n.lnol toiln. im lulling
llii kery and t'0.1.4 nnln. aim a line j
ilock of Cemliea, jiniina and Orangea.
.0l! Unt!
Three ooiulng twoyear-obl lieilert,
. . - i.t. - . ... ,.t
raiii maraoiwim a curte vu .
lower irnrtul tioth eara, one rd and
two red w ith white ajnita. Semi Infonna
tloii lo II. Vorpobl, IHackainith, Canby,
Or., who will pay tillable rward.
Notice l hereby given to all tho peo-
pie o( Highland, Oregon, that l( they
want a pat olllce longer than June
Ull, IHtK) that they will find tbemaelvet a
new Kiat maateror Ihe poet ollice w ill lie
diKcontinued lor the old nt maator bat
reaignetl. tl. Wai i-ai a, !'. M.
It la uniertalu whether Chicago or
New York eccoioa tbe (lieat l'.iponltion,
but it ia a pnnltlve (act that llludhilder
la the Inlitlliblo remedy (or all blood dia
eaaea, and la a aafe, aure and reliable
tonic. Sold by K. (I . Caullcld .
Kt. (leorge, id Merry Kngland, dea-
tioyed the llrery drugon, but the Ameri
can champion varbuliaulva compiert Ht.
buny alut the bank corner removing . , chHhlaina. treat liitea,
debrlltoialomalnlain a clctir channel , mi,u and itchibs and Irrltatlmi
and prevent a gorgu, the dangr ol
which ia great.
The watert continued lo rine rapidly
between tcvvn and ten o'clock. At the
l'litM-nlx building at that hour tb
water touched the mark o( lHtll. The
rine In the lower part o( town wa even
trreater and it la mainlaiued that the
Hood exceeilMllmt of 1H(I by aeveral feet
All night Tuewliiy the upjair and hiwer
river continued to rlci nliove at tho rate
o( one-litlf Inch an hour, and I flow
three timi'H at fuel. The elevatoi room
at tb Imperial mill waa loon-nlng al 11
u clock, wuicr wua aiunuing iwo n-et
deep on the Hour of the CHIT lioiimi, and
but one liuliil In town remained unob
tructed by the flood.
Ttiol,alonawiirehoiio la gono. A per
onal limpi'i'lloii of the houai-t along the
river (rout allowed (hat nine had gone
out at VI o'clock.
I.atkht. I.uhI nluhl at a lulo hour Mr.
rj, W, Hullivan atated that Ihu boiler
room of the aulpliite mill would pr iiia-
bly go out during the nlglil.
.A part of the I'ortland houao went
out at tlx o'clock laat nlulit, and (wo
houra later the npper half of the woolim,
mill olllce loll In. ' , ' 1 '
At four o'clock the water fat ita
tlomiry ami tMn after It began to lull, i
At (hit writing, eight o'dock. It hat
fallen three Indict. , V
A part of the wool bonne of th factory
Ih gone." ,,
) 'I .
cult, '
dlKoaaei. Hold by K. U, Caufleld.
Clucagocititi'tia demand a new yatem
of drainage. Hluilhilnr eradicalea all
bltMxl diaeaaea, airunglbena the yatem,
prnmolea digentlon and reivluraealHlence
nnjoyitbl. Hold by K. 11. Canlleld.
(atari k lao't be Cared
with lAH'AI. AITUCATION.a they
cannot reach the aenl of the diaeaae.
Catarrh la a blood or conatltulioual dit
eaae, and In order locure It you have to
tak Internal rvmedica. llall'a Catarrh
Cure ia taken internally, and acta di
rectly on the blood and mm ua turfaco.
llall'a Calurih Cure ia no otnuk medi
cine. It wat preacrilied by one ol the
lioat pbvalc'anain title country lor year,
and la a regular prescription . Il it com
poaed ol lb beat tonic known, com
bined with tb beat Moot! purifier, act
ing directly on the mucua eurlac. The
tierlcct combination o( the two Ingredi
ent la what prodncee audi wonderful
renulla in curing catarrh. Hend lor lea-
timonlalt In.
K. J. CIIK.NKY A Co.,l'ropa,
Toledo, O.
Hold by Itruggiata, Trice 7.1 cenla.
I'ai I p.
Tlioa who are indebttxl to me are re
ipierled to call at once and pay up oi
the billa will lie placed in the bamla ol
collector aa I need money.
J. W.Nohkii, M D.
Money lo taml.
Kight per cent and taxea. That la
what all other eight per cent advertiser
mean, at you And on applying. 1 have
$100,000 available. Long loana prelered.
I alao have money to lend at ten per
cent ttralght. Come and ae me.
t0-3-lf W. C. J0IINHON.
ci I f i yjl a . i Z
im h if hi s i-i mt n ;i i
Kor parlor, dining or sitting room and
ollice ore we have the finext aaaortment
ever brought to the city which we otter
at bed na k price. You will loao uiouer
if you don't aee ut before buying.
We can juat auit you in cook atoveo
ml runut!i, iHH-auae wo have the very
lieat made in alyle and flniah to anit pur
ch.vwra. We carry the tlnt line in tho
cilv and can anit our euttointr every
.writ i: ron iriii.i,ATi.
I.ahii Orrici at
On-Kou City, Oregon, Junuary, Z7, ISnu.
Nolle in hcrauv given that the follow Ing-
iiiiiiiimI a..ll.-r hull lied nolle, of hln lllll'll-
Ui iiiiikn I Hid DriHil III aiipporl ol in
..i..i,,. 111,1.1 miM tiroof wilt In mad be
lore (lie Iteginler unit llecetver ol I1, ft. liinii
..iil, hi iiri'iriitt (;ilv. oreaon. on Kriday,
Mitrdi IHMI, Vis: John Mitnali, iioine-
nleiid n"ll', No. KH forth mKo w
'i Ol Hi'ctlou 4, Townnliip .1 nollin, tv l
Went. 11 nitiiien the following wlln.nnento
irov hia continuum residence upon and
cultivation of, mild html, via i 1. Her,
W. l llciiter, II. H. Wright, and W. Hcott,
all or Hmotikvilie, WashlngUin County, 1
egon. . .
J. T. ArricunoK,
!bV 41 2 8-00, tleglster.
Notice of Appointment or Adminis
trator. Notice It hereby given that I, tlie un
dersigned, have Wn, by the Honorable
County Court ol Clackamaa county, alute
el Oregon, duly apHiluted administrator
ol the tatala ol Coleman Ruckiier, do-
ceaaed. Therefore all poraont having
clnlmi against aa'd estate are notiliod lo
present the same, properly verified, to
... ... it i.-
mo, at Hie oince oi my auonic.v, n. r..
Croat at Oitigon City, Oregon within tlx
months (rom the date of thlt notice.
t UkIIKOI'A Ul lKNIilt,
Administrator of the Estate of Cole
man Ihieknur, deceased .
II. K, Crosa,
Attorney lor Katato. J
January liith, 18!H).
.Ifollc lor I'ubllculleti.
I.amii t 'im t
Oremn Cltr, Ornnon, January W, ISW,
M,.ilm ! l, ilvan lh. tolUiwlna-nanie.l
Mlllnr linn rlletl itottee ul hi. Iiil'tilluu Ii' ii'Slt.
I In iniiiart ill III. Ola I Ol. mill llisl
n.thl Vir.Mil will Ii. niS'l. h'tor. lit Jlelsler
ioi. I Hflvir ul Hit II. t UikI Ulllft l .iK"ii
(illy, llreKim, un Hntiirilsjr, April ft, ISV0 vis;
hsli, tlwie'snsil, lliiinsnlMil Knlry Ho. tm, , li.r
I.. 1 I. ,.( UK I. ami K l.ul MW Ii. Ill Heetllill
M, Townnhl I Mouth, Knii. 6 Ksnt. II.
th lolliiwlnt wlllin to priiv Ills
ni. I iluail nulrjonsa'i eiitlnuniii
rnnlilsne. upon auit eiilllvsllim ul tnlu
I. via- (!. T. Mlukun. II. t. Ilnwf ii.d. Ilnrclnu,
and W. A. Jiiliiitun, all ol Alms, Clsiiltsinns
.uuty,Or.g.m. ... , kmmM,
6-4l---). , Iteiltwr.
se'-nyw njiwi'anjnssn'eiaiensj 'vei;-n w
Notice of Final Hettlemtint.
Nolle It beroby given thid I luive
filed In the County Court ol CUckiumi
Co., Oregon, my nnl rerport In the innl-
terol tho entitle of J. I.. Thornton, do
ceased, and the court list apiiulnted
March 3, 1800, at day and time died
(or the examination and (or the lu-urlng
of objection to lite aame and lor tho id
tlemnntolaald estate. E. II.Tiiohnton,
Adminlatralor ot the ettate ol J, L.
Thornton, deceased .
II. E. Croat.)
Atfy lor Eatatu.f
January Wtli, 1800,
.-vMt"? pi!