The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, January 30, 1890, Image 1

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I.Vt.i, :
Rv, j
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Strictly in advance,
Two PnHar pur year', One Dollar for
month ; Fifty Cents for three
months, Singloeoples Five Cents,
H:lv until kuiuumii 'll'itiltvu,
I v. Am 41 f "r hivh lr "it.t lit.'-nluii, it TS
t't i-tr Su. 'i lr vti'h h'tUnsjntit litiiHilttt, 1'rnt.f, fur-
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SUNDAY SCRVICES. li 'N'.i.t '. vriuv vi.riii :;. n .- it
O rt 111 li, I'l'l'f .tvrt iriti l 11 t W
" ii r i.itn i tlli'r in-r i l ii ht
!.-. fr.i VT llii-illlili Wr.llii.. It) 1'i.liilH l
7 ..,.i'i.t i rri-r iiiiflnn "I V l'i't.t i
H. liy til I lin-ll-ili Mull' 'r I'i'l) tui.U)
iruluC t i f " f . . ; i l
Kins r li wi it i" . in la ii -1: 1 1 J ' nt'
I' M irnl:H t.rv ' i' II'"' lii' liy
(..ii. -.1.1 i:ii. ii.i,'.,t .Tin-it . l..'iur
brayrr mi---tilni .-lii. t l " rirul'i; M- n!il
I. .i,tnl M..1.U! .'':' uii
fttr, .-,r..i I, if ' -'H. !iy I" II"' l.i' "" A
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lit rm in ti-rfi. a
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u l t ij .1 it "l --' Hii.tiili
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, 1 tllt. ,. mil ll.ill.tli- trl.ll.( l 7 .u twh) .-fii.-itl l: "i I't'tl.
1 u-l. rtiiitimli: mtiU- .i-h
tlx ul tlu.'it .
MfA llol I- I' I I I ! 'I' w. in Ti'll i
I. K JAtti, I'ltt- r W- nrii ii,r.l.iii .1 II.
inUi - h i, tl I: I I t. Hi I .1 r I . r Hi
.miu I ' "I . '" "" 1 ' '"
; I r hit I I, hiiii.i l
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Fii.-r ri;inViKi!US rm m il
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).... p - - t t-i. ? .il :ir t,ii.i I Miti-t
I:v 0
n rv t i!,,Ul ft'
i- trv. j
- U (; t Akvll
Professional Cards.
T. t' . o .ii Y.. II i
tiXWm AT LA'fV.
r ittli.rn I Mllnl l .If. I'll ' I'fl'd'.
... It,!,.
OKI W"S t il V. OilKi.oN
IIMN nl lit. 1 .1 , olIKfi'tS i 1 1 V, i'ltt.UnM.
V irn 'i-ir u 1
tih'l traiPitii tirimf!
Orccon, City. Oregon.
Oil, i r up -Ulrn lie ir C'. ul
Attorney at Lum.
Oivuii City, Orison.
Liirul IJiisiness a S.!ei.ilty,
T. A . M-ICKII'K- 14 IliKHitHl.
Attorneys at Law.
Hili- in .f ..i-'jur r.!x k,Oriv.,ii City, Hr.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
(lllifii tii'ii.'lv iiionitM Court UuilW).
Work rroiin(ly A 1Iim1m! to
H. E. FERHIN, M. D.,
Oregon City, Oregon
Orrirn ii. mulr. In Jiniik lilnck fri nl nf Hi
KMiiionmr. OrKirr.
J. V. POWELL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Dllimi ;il Cliiiniuui & Cn'ii lM(? Hlore
v. v. wiiri n. w. a. wsiir u
I'ractlcul JichilcrtH J- HuMdem
Wll t,rit.irit i.lnri, i v;. l.n. worlilnir
tiilln, ninl ,.Tin''Mii,,N liirnll kliult ul lunl'i
lli; H t ,i .-1 1 1 nil' 'iMhIi uIvkii In iikmI'Tii mil-
tut. I.itl I 111 till H lllllllfllfil "II BI'I'lllMlI'lll
Call u ur cl'loi.a Will IK liltOM.,
Or.-K"li Ully, Ogfl
rntrrT? T2m3f.m
Oscar E. A, Frcytag's,
r rnx Knivr k main ruttrt.
Ilnvitiit ruliililiiilunl mvwIJ lit IhkIiiokii
Iii'hv I mii((i Kt'llintf KtwiU ) Kiw Hull
tl will l tu tlu ttilviiitiiMi( tlit Imynr
Id lril vtiih liic. I Immlln unly tlml
rhrni KtxnU, ninl will mll llitm I'liMit) ho I may Id riruiu I" nliim ymir
itrt.i:nn in I hi' lulnri' lull itllil Plillll
ilii' luv finhl Mud rlc ml ninl lw
nmvinrml ilmi I mn Mlmy ym In Nidi.
Itr m. mH.T timl I ili-luor nil kimhIn In
aiiv I'.ni t'f (I'p i-itv irinitty mill l" lil
"l' I IIAUiiK Willi my n n itu.
Oscar E. A. Freytag.
i p
Yuu r luii-ii. Iluj la iuii'li t
fin or Orpii;
inns nv sor
J. H. WAY,
Tno I iv 1'IANO mi.l OUOAV mail will
wll you t't Innlilllui'llt -
1)11 ki ll IIKO..
If i:it A imi.
u . A II II.IV
. ii. ii tm:.
l i:i: i n.
A.MrfMni Orogon City. Or.
an ID
rriu ilr-V'. WwkI TuihIiu,
it's n, r.iiVi i, or
IFiilf GrocBries
! - AN 1K fOt'NI AT-
'jShop Carpenters Work
Will Ui Siiil.' l ti ('iilliinjuii Mi'.
Doors. Windows and Blinds
HT"i'. Hi"' 'otiri'itatKiiiul ( liilii'lt
AT Till".
0 rent IttMluelioii
Whim Dlr "f . hw C"1"'1
Wh.D aJ w ClilM. tl- orlwi for C'UI.
When th Ixwmiiw MIM, clanf la t'ttWrl.
Wlwn ih bi UilUrtn, li ' U"" CmUitI
Wai.umi A Jaiiiw ii, I 'ro.,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Grape Vines, Small
Fruits, Etc.
NurHory four mile below Orcuwi City,
on llie ()weti roail.
Cululnuiii'H mailed lies un aiilieation,
A'blrea all order to
Oaweifo, Orra.
A IliirKiila.
l'orulfl, at I0 per acre, 1(10 acre of
timber lulidj about W er ali timber,
i'i mile from It. it. Million, t mue
from hiiw mill on Kock Crenk ; ilendid
lend and tlmburj level; term nay,
Ak McUowa A Bon.
r a mi nt- nnrnnm niTU
raia up uapiitti aiu.uiiu.
CakiiiiH , , , , , til AS. II. iAtHKIJ.
M tx.MtiiH. . . . K, I., K. As III am.
H)t(ltjt rt't'flvpil nttlt)rit ( rlirl.
A ftvt Ittll nt hotp illoiMtii(r
mwiin tutu nti ftvatiNiMi nonrnjr.
CoUrmi.iit ittK'le tHun.tlif,
if,m'U'o, t'UKMn Htttl Afw York.
Interest piKu not itposllisluwj:
"tr tmthiM. it ivr I'vut. tr ntmn,
fur t J uii'iuU". yvt wt pur nm.w
mtu-l, bitt iuixrikt torfiiv4 LI iliu lv(tf
eiit i( Irriii a Ii(h.1,,i
Tonsoriiil Parlors.
Sharp Ua.ifrst (Mfiui Towt l-t
I,iiliiV nu.l i-hl'.dri'iin' hiiin iitting
a MM'ciully.
llot or coUl I'lithn nt any lime.
25cts. BATHS 25cts.
Jos Grigijs.
Opposite tho post Office.
II uu f ill lli'.'il of lUrtim., Sa,,li',
llriilln, or l!i'li, ymi l aiir.ivn iiiuiic)
hyi-illiin(iin ui.
Knif IWi((i;v miiii"i mnl Slmk Nivt-
ll' III I'ln til HliliT
WliPllicr yuu not I i tmyur iml l on
a ti n im'I n ma.
Harness Shop.
Siut tu I It in v t.tlip'n liwry Slalili'
..Geo. S. McCord's Mill
on Mt I'leifiuit 'J) mile mi'iih of
Oregon City.
Now for the cnniiery! I. t every
. i . iii.
man come in tiieirout ami in ip to
raihi'lhe neeiH.iary fuml.
If you have Hot ie,tieil the re-
moinlriilice againel the roinl ami
hriil(.'e fraucliie, lime no lime in
ubcribinu your mime in hohl let
ter which will tell the Court plain
ly that ymi are nnaiut it. Sin now.
DlTiirre l.ricltiilliiii..N,iliiniul or State.
Which hall legiNlate upon the
iilijci't lul ilivmci I, tlie Htate or
the feilenil governuient, i a mi re
pietion of imblic convenience ami
welfare. A ilivcrMty in the law
. i i i f i
on tlicHe Htll'jecl iH'tWcctl imieK llil-
eutmitioii niv rice I'oniparutivet
Iv to little confuiou; hut the rela
tion U-twecit the elate of the un-
inn are entirely ililVerenl from tlioe
between uch mitioii. A citieu of
thelate limy la- u roxiilont to-ilay
of one htate ami to-morrow of an
other; hut hi change of reiilence
ehoiilil lie without change or impair
ment of hi ri(hlHof cilizciiHhip or
of hi peiHonal or property right.
A r nt writer upon the euhjeet of
divorce eoiiMilei-H the ecuriii of an
amemlmeiit to the federal coiititii-
timi empowering congren to legi
latc iiiuii marriage and divorce im
practii'ahle, nml it may prove to !
mo. It certainly i eneoinpimHcd
with Uillicullic. ilKi eame writer
HccniHto think that iti practicable
toaccuru uniformity of IciHlation
upon themibject in the acveral atatcB
by nurecineiit. Hut if the proponed
anicmlnient to the'fcderal coiiKtitu-
tiou i impratMicahle, a nchcine for
HccuriiiK uniform lciHlntion thru'
the co-operiitioit of tho rtute 1 vi
ionary. Tho one plan roiitiiri H thi
coiiRcnt of all the HtriteR, and prmn-
icH no permanency, while the other
reipiircH the mnHctit of only three
fourth of thiHtatea, and if uccom
ilinlicd would lx permanent. Kveu
if concert of action by HtatolcgiHlat-
uri'g could ho Hectirod, tho iiniforini
ty coulu not ijo pri'Mervi'U, a
one cannot bind another. Senator
l)oljih,of Oregon, in North Ameri
can Review.
, Stanley expedition lum cimt
100,000 thtirf far, am! iidditiona
expeiiHCH will bring tho total up to
Tlis Bine Frout
noKiiCKU nn.l Coohh Hn.v r ,
waiitliiu to 1m! ciiiiiu'i'ti'ill'V riul. j
UtmMU'Jta in lituviiiK to orj:inlr.'
Kl.A math cohhIv wurrmit r nt
Jincouiil of Um i'mt iHH.t, in tra..
Ht llio turi'. '
MVHTf K IVtlST, Cih county, JiM
liAil k jmrtlal epivl.-u'Sio of ili)liilirin
among tho rhil.ltvii.
tiut'nL Voti hnvo pit your Iliif.'T
ill tllO BOU.
Wftil.r-Oh, that'll nit rl;;lit; U
in n't hot.
Tim .lii'i't lir-l hole In tin'
HiirM in in Si lihiili'iiliiirli "7:5 1 feel.
It took a ilmiiioii.l .liill thii 'J y-iM
ami a Imlf to ri'iU'h thpl'Ottom 4
Jai K rubliiu in I'HNti rn Oifnn
coulil not run M enough to waj-e
th recent awero wealht r ami were
froien to tleath. Thin eviilontly lie
count fur the great numlier i n the
I'oithui'l mailrt r.riiitly.
Snuw on our el reel aiel llower
on the Snnil Spit, hhvh the Tillamook
Ilemllinht, Suuiiuer nnl winter
only nine utile apurl. Any one
ilniihlin it cun go il.iwn to lieorxe
Klltott'a place on the Spit ami ."'t a
lmiiijui t of tlownr t ny iliy.
Til K piiiiientie Animal c nnmiii
ioii cr. iiteil hy tlie ho-t lc;'iU!urc,
i-niii Miit of liovtrii'ir I'einiiiyrr,
Sit-retury Mclli iile, Sute 'i ti rimi
rySurin Wythei'iiiul"' ami I II.
I.ixmey, met nt the pecretury of
ctnteV olhce yi-t. t'l.iy, am! afu riin
etteiiileil iu .-Hlittl iii an ottli-r im
in.itnl to Pr. Wvlhecoml'i' to kill
any an I alt caltlu f-mml itllei t. il j
with cotitH'ii.mi or infect imia Ji.
Hon the Heart Mir
A curioiH ralcuhiti'iit lum hceu
ma'le hy Pr. Kicharilmin, n i v i .
the work of the heart in mileage,
I'remtminu that the hlooil wn
thrw n out of the heart at each puli
ation in the proportion of ti'.l ctrnkea
H-r minute, ami at tho uumc'l
force of nine ft et, the tuilene rf tlie
hliKiil IhroiiKh the hoily mtlil ! !
taken at "J". vnrila per minute, i
mile h r hour, l's niih j-r lny,
dl.t'V.M 1 1 . 1 1 . h aT year, or .,i,I''',siHi
niih iu a lifi tune of S year The
nuuilM-r of U at of I he heart in the
t i ii t.i
aiuo m-g ih - wtrtiia i.n,!!!-,'
Kruii.l total of 'J.Sii'
leien' llPrdiili-t. nuked Mr. I.loyl, Mr.
Ilepew'a priuito eecretury, who wa
alo at the I , ii 11m ! pre hnmpict,
how in the world Mr. Ileja w kept
up hi utiM'k of nt'tric. " No trouble
at all," Miid Mr. hlnyd. "lie gel
m by doen in the mail every
lay. Ill fi -idols all over theeoUUt
try, railroad men, epecially, w ill
eo oiui'thim; in the pHMT,or In ar
a new torv, and thev'll av, ' I'e-
m w might to have that,' and o they
t i i
etni ii to turn, lie an. x n i mimi
it, ami oim times he make good
iihc of thing that coiiie to him in
that way. lUll ho doe n't need
them; he can make a good itory out
of nothing on !urt notice at any
ti ."
Ciil'inu Way. of lino Vli re j I n ir.
rho baker in France have an
original ayatem of keeping account
which may becalled a kind of book
keeping by double entry. When
the carrier deliver a loaf of bread,
w hich, by tho way, i about live or
ix feet long, lie i handed a wooden
lath about a foot long by the party
o whom he deliver the bread.
From a collection of lath of the
name nic, one for each eutoine r,
he pick out I hi particular cutnm-
t'm one, and placing tho two parnl-
el he cut a groove aero the face
of both, In the final adjuKtmeut
of acnountN both lath have to have
tho Maine number of notche. Chen
hut ingeniou.
Yot no men make. a sail mistake
when they think it necessary that
they should have a penonal ac-
piainlanee with tho dark and
Hcumy side of life. Many a man
who ha peered into tho abyss "just
to see w hat it was like," bus lost his
balance and fallen almost hope
lessly, A young man wa talking
to a pilot on one of our big steam
ers, "llow long, noasKCii, "nave
you been a pilot on these waters?"
Tho old man replied, " Twenty-five
years; and I caiim up and down nin
ny times before I was pilot."
"Then," laid tho young man, "I
should think you must know every
rock and sand-batik on the river,"
The old man smiled nt tho youth's
simplicity and replied, " Oh, no, I
dont; but l know where tho deep
water ii." That is what wo want
to know tho safo path nml to kuej
, Tlj,"1,!l,t,il, ,w" 'rwl.""
TWrd! wan k lnrn lt'li'j!iiliiiii of
; Kl .'omliun 'lurpytmii ulionnl liiu
jCity of I'lirtu, ivlut wrro rt'turniiiK
j ''' vlniU'i JvruHtth-m. hihI the
jk Uwy .Ih-.hI uii yoin. Knjc
lilimmi whx tlm Huly.-rt of (;r.'iit
mirth. Ail hiitfiiHlnimu rroin Man
i'lii'ir wtin n"nt over y fin-
Jillti'M tJ I'l'IHfi'i'llt tlli'llt in thin
iMiinlry, In tlm PulMrftii. or IiIh
fiiiliiin In' f H 1 1 1 n ii . ; f a 1 1 il to IiIh
fi llovv ittnt'iii'rfi I'l'funi ho win a
ilny out thu fai't thut Iim woul.l Ip n
fuller hy tlm tlint! ho ruiichi'il the
other I'Im.
llu wim to rt'iH'ivc aeahli) t imr
iiiilin., whii'li, in tho i''int of a girl
Mug horn, wouhl reml iiiij!y
"Mary," mnl in rwo it wn a Ixiy It
W(1i, ( jnm,..", . A I'li rgyumn
fun ii. 1 a hlunk ci! ilo tliniiiti'h, ami
wrot'MHion it tho wor.l "Jiiim',"
anil m Ik'H thi pilot cuinc uloiigiiiilii,
ofTSiiiiily lltiok, they iiiflriit teil a
I'uhin toy to IihihI the ilifinitch to
llie K'-iith mini mill to utiy it vvnn a
ilinpiiti-h fur him bronchi down hy
the pilot l't, Tho Kii;liilimatv.
riMVUe l thiii liiil ilinpiitell lit the
.urn- tiiio" ivilh u neiiiin t'rthlo,
w Kit li r.iiil, "Mary." " 1 ty Jove,
tuiiw!" he eeiiiiiiiii Chicago
ll. r..l I
il ; i r hi I ( mifti'iHiliin In hsu.
Ijo-I c k'n rililiou of " KlIBtitlitT
injj Nraa" Hnyi; "The lint of new
railway liin rontrucleil tluriii(.'
I'iV'.I, which we prenent with thin
i uo, nhnwn that the total al'lilion
(o the main k ruiUay milt-iipe
of the l'i.itil Stute ilurinn the
year w.ll.vary very little from an
M'Vi ii ..i-v ooiin. i iiif m uir nnmif
1 1 , .1 .. ii . ti.:. 1 1 ii
f.t contttnetion rei-onleil ill liny
one year iu-e lss"i, wln n thv total
iliei! n.e il hut ;t7iS luih-a The
I'liii.t riictuiii in the ii.tirveninu hn U-en: tu t.sit, H47I
milea: in tSHT. I'.'.iW milea; in
I itiih-e.
'Tie' hulk of thi year' eoimtruet
titiu him Ihi'ii ilono in the South.
tlvir '.lii' mile of tho new lino
rri.oi id to ua lie nouth of the luti-
tiid" of Ciin ii nnli and enl of the
MiMHfippi river. Washington,
however, hai had the gn-iitel in
creane in railway of uny Millie
tate, "'i'i mile having been built
their in Issl). Georgia mine next
with "ill mile, niiil then follow
North Carolina with'JT'J mile, Tex
a with 'J70 luilc, and Miiaippi
with '.'12 mil.. Sixteen other
tate report U'tweeu lul mid -M'
mile' ; and in Vermont, Rhode Inl
and. New Mexico, Arizona and Ne
vada no new track-laying ha been
"Very few long line havelx-cn
built thi eaoti, but there ha lieen
a great nuiuber of hort branche
ami extiMicion, eiuiecially in the
Kat. The total number of sepa
rate linen on which track wa laid
during the year wa 'J.Vt. Thi
work wa done by l'.C different cmn
pituieH. The average length of each
extciiKiou, therefore, wa alnnmt ex
actly nineteen and a half mile. In
Ctnad.i during lssn, 7:1:1 mile of
track wcr laid, and in Mexico
the cftiiittrucliun amounted to .'111!)
I.ifr In lliittlu In Issil.
Melville K. Stone, founder and
former editor of the Chicago News,
hit returned from a long trip
abroad improved in health. Fol
lowing are a few line from what he
says about Russia: "In St. Peters
burg, in fuel all through Russia,
there is n hush in the very nir.
There's a dread of something, a
fear of the (liivorninent. Ono day
I saw a carriage containing n
gciid'aiino and another person.
I asked our guide who it was, and
he said it wa a political prisoner.
I ask"d him what would become of
him. 'Oil, he'll never bo heard of
again.' We don't have any bother
about juries and trials. The pnors
won't take up the matter, and his
friend won't attempt to do any
thing for liiin.' 'Hut if ho were
your brother wouldn't you try to do
Noniething for him?' I asked. 'No,
sir. If I went to tho ollicers and
said I wanted to know what they
were going to do with him they
wiuld say: "Come'right in. You
can hnvo the cell next to him am
go with him to Siberia to see what
becomes of him." When they want
a liuiii in Russia they maki no fuss
about il. An olllccrgoes to n mnn's
house or shop, and, beckoning to
him, says: "1 want you. The man
doesn't ask what is wanted or why
ho is wanted, llo goo. Outside
stands a cirriago with u gend'arme
in it. llo is nritionod Into tho car
riage, guts in, ami that'll tho last that
is hoard of him."
An V.ft Willi Whnluw.
A French DcienllHl who removed
the hell on each dido of uu egg,
without Injuring tin) Jineinhrane,
iu patclie about tho Hize of the di
ameter of a pea and nuuggly fitting
the opening with pit of gla;
give the following report of the
wonderful experiment: t
I placed the egg with tho gla
buH'H-eye in an incubator, run by
clock work and revolving once each
hour, no that I had tho plcauru of
looking through and watching .the
change upon the ini.l at the cud
of each ixly minute,
No change were noticeable until
after the end of the twelfth hour,
w hen oiue of the lineament of the
head ami body of the chiclt made
their apiiearance, Tho heart
appeared to Ix-at at tho end of tho
twenty-fourth hour, and In forty
eight hour two veel of blood
were ditinguihed, the pulwation
were ipiite viMible, At the fiftieth
hour an auricle of the heart appear
ed, much reembling a lace or nooo
folded down Umn itelf, At the
end of eventy hour we distin
guished wingi and two bubble for
the brain, one for a bill, and two
other for the forepart and hindpart
of the head. The liver np'nrel at
the end of the fifth day.
At tho end of 131 hour, the flrt
voluntary motion wa obaervinl.
At the end of l'!H hour the lung
and stomach had Iwcotire viiblo,
and four hour later the intestines,
the loin and the upper Inapdible
could le ditin;uihed. Thesliuiy
matter of the brain began to take
form and become more compact at
the beginning of the sevonth day.
At the hundred and ninetieth hour
the bill firat ocncd and the ll'-nh
li-gun to appear on tlm breast. At
the hundred and ninetieth the ster
num ap'arcd. At the two hun
dred and tenth hour the rib had
iM'gtin to put out from the back, the
bill wa tpiite visible, a wa also
the gall bladder.
At the beginning of the two hun
dred and thirty-sixth hour tin bill
had become gri-en, and it wa evi
dent that the chick could have
moved had it leen taken from the
shell. Four hour more and feath
er had commenced to slnsit out
and the skull to lierome grisly;
A 1 1 he t wo hu ndred and six ty-fonrt h
hour the eye appeared and two
hour later the ril were icrfect.
At the three hundred and thirty
firt hour the spleen drew up to the
stomach and the lungi to the chest.
When the incubator had turned
the egg !t.T time the bill wa fre-
pienlly opening and closing, u if
the chick were gasping for breath.
When 4ol hour had elapsed we
heard the first cry of the little im
prisoned biped. From that time
forward he grew rapidly and came
out a full lied gisl chick at the same
It w (iiioil SlrlKliliur.
While musingly watching the
now fall tho other day we recall ed
a story in connection with the Mil-
lerite excitement of years ngo. A
certain locality of ono of tho New
Knglaud statu was atllictsd with
the craio of Second Adventisin, and
the iipoillc of that fanaticism in
the place referred to predicted that
" the world would burn as stubblo"
before tho close of tho year. An
old lady wa particularly exercised
by what she considered oracular
prophecy, am! she (lamed with ex
citement aa tho cud of tho year
drew nigh. Her ascension robe
wa prepared, and was conveniently
near her day and night. Her wick
ed and tinimprcHsihle husband did
not share her faith, and like a prov
ident man laid in hi usual supply
of provisions for tho winter. Among
other necessities ho hnulod an
abundant supply of cord wood, and
ricked it up a high as ho could
reach near tho side of the house in
which he hud his liod-chamber, A
deep snow fell, nml late ono night
after tho icalots had held a jirepsr
atory meeting, a high wind arose,
and tho pile of cord wood wa ho
shaken in tho elemental strife that
it commenced rolling with ponder-
on thumps against Ihe limine. It
was an ominous noise to the old wo
man. To her it was (ho beginning
of tho end the veritable ".crack of
doom." , She cprnng out of bod and
frantically rushed for her robe. She
screamed at the top of bor voico
"Awake! Arouse! Gabriel, is worn-
ingl I Ivnr tho rambling of his
chariot whcelsl" The old man rollo
over in hiii bed, gavo a preliminary
grunt of dissatisfaction, and growled
out: ' Oh, belli Do you suppose (la
briel Is such a d d . fool ns to
como on wheels whenthero is such
good sleighing?". . ,
It't Asnlrliiif That Hay, ,
In the Poets' Corner at W,tniiil
Hter Abbey Robert Prowning has
joined a glorious company. Who
would not wrap the drapery of his
coticit about him and lio js acefully
with tho intellectual kinus who
dwell in that hallowed city of the
dcad?-S. k; liullctin.
Well, as far as we are coneenicd
we'd rather sitter along in the inno
cent and harmless manner peculiar
to country journalists, enjoying the
blending of Oregon dimato and an
occasional game of "draw," than
o wrap bed-clothes around our
delicate frame ami lie down any
where to die. ' lut'lb;tual king"
and "hallowed city of the dead"
sound pretty tony, but four kiogn
and an aco in ag'Mid i; v town like
this suit our grovelling nature
fpiite a well at preMent. Nehalem
A manufacturing concern in Pitts
burg is putting on the market a
steel nail which sdns destined, to
become very popular. Hi across
betei y a wire nail and a cut one.!
The sunt of this nail is made thin
ami llat for iiliot three eighth of its
length, the remaining Krtion being
round. Tho point is made like a
cold chisel and uito sharp so that
it will penetrate the hardest season-;
ed oak or hickory and that without
splitting tho wood. In weight it is
less than three-fourth of that of the
ordinary cut nail.
The New Jersey legislature ha
passed a law by w hich druggist will
be compelled to have the antidotes
printed Ou the label of all liottle
poison dispeusisl by them. As
druggists' laWla are now printed
and sold in wholesale lots, the cost
of the innovation Wtujd 1 "next to
nothing." while the jf loiii of the
precaution cannot 1$ dispvteel,-1
- v, t f,t
A Michigan girl who was CreiM
by her parent to go throufU the
marriage ceremony with a man,
whom she did not wish to wed,
said "no" to every question that
required "vcs." in spite of which
tho justice pronounced the pair man
and and wife. The supreme court
however, decided that the whole
ceremony was null and void.
Tho live daughters of the Morton
house will have pretty fortune
when they come of age :f2,HK),:iO
or LmMl lKXI, apiece and they are
being educated by their sensible
mother a though they were one
day to lake rare of themselves in
stead of fortunes.
The Aifltaliir.
The agitator w ho denounces every
capitalists i tvrant and an extor
tioner, and trie to make every
working man In lic e tlmt he is
tli-ei-cd and ill-uod by his employer,
lieconic. after nwbile, inti lerably
conceited. Finding that he is not
opposed, nor his misstatements cor
rected, nor the .shallowness of his
theories exposed, ho imagine him
self n laUer-duv apostle who is
preaching a gospel which will bring
about the regeneration of society.
What is wanted is a class of teach
m who will dearly nml plainly
show the people that the man who
tries to prejudice labor against capi
tal is nn enemy tu the working man
and not his friend; that instead of
beinn a reformer of si ci 'tv ho is. ns
far as his mill enco extends, its dc
stroyer; that instead of helping to
bring about a golden age in which
prosperity will be universal ho is
working to disorganize society and
to undermine that nspect for law
and order ' and that regard for the
lights of ot ters which are tho fottn-
hition of nil prosperity, Victoria
Ster;illi8 With the Head to the North.
The superstitious belief that hu
man beings should sleep with thoir
heads toward the north is now be
lieved to bo based upon a scientific
principle, 1 ho 1 reiich Academy of
sciences has made experiments up
on the body of n gullotincd man,
which go to prove that each human
body is in itself an clot-trio battery,
ono electrode being represented by
tlu.hoad and the other, by tho foot.
Tho body of tho subject upon which
experiments were mado was taken
immediately after death and placed
upon a pivot to move in any direc
tion, After sumo vacillation tho
head portion turned toward tho
north, the pivot board then remain
ing stationary, Ono of the profes
sors turned it half way round, but
it soon regained a position with the
bond piece to the north, and tho
sniuo results were repeatedly ob
tained until organic movement
ceased. . , .. ,
j. .' 1 1 . 1 . 1 ...ji .... ji i
Tlie C ostliest Hook Extant.
The Vatican Library, at Rome,
celebrated for its thousand of val
uable books, ha a copy of the Ifo
brow P.ible, for which 1'opo Julius,
in 1512, refused $125,000, The
would I) purchaser were a syndi
cate of rich Hebrews. They did not
exactly offer Julius 9125,000 for his
biblical treasure; they simply told
him they would give its weight in
gold. A tho book weigh 325
pounds, the offer they made i equiv
alent to tho figures given.
1'arnell at Home.
Charles Stewart I'nrnell, when at
home, conforms to local stylo In
Ires. Hi breeches are tied at the
kme with ribbon vividly green in
hue. Stout, brown worsted stock
ing, a little tho worse for wear, cov
er his shapely limbs, ending in a
air of brogues that have not re
cently Wen submitted to tho black'
ing brush. A waistcoat left unbut
toned displays a blue cotton shirt;
high collar, such as Mr. Gladstone
wears in holiday time, is loosely
tied with a kerchief, green, but not
so decidedly patriotic in tone as the
ribbon that knot the breeches at
the km-e. A high hat with exceed
ingly small brim is rakish! v set on
one sido of his head, and you do
not fail to notice the "cuddy" stuck
in tho rusty band that confines the
base of the crown, and has braved
many storms in tho lovely WickloW
Massachusetts fanners are filled
with alarm over the reported rava
ge of a newly found insect pest
which an Amherst college "bug
sharp" says may become wide
spread through the country and
may cause more havoc than the
celebrated Colorado potato beetle.
This is the gipsy moth which was
introduced into tho United States
twvuty years ago by Dr. L. Trouve
lot, i saw the eggs at the Paris
BrpofitUn-flnd put a few in his
rrt'-,polr.eL'''One day the little
bun.H of ej.v was blown out of his
window In Medfoi 1 and jiever hoard (
from till last fiiTl, when million! of f
the gyy lnofhs attacked hkd
and fruit trees ami shrubbery, !-
ing nothing save twigit and talks
behind. The area thus devastated
was an ellipse a mile and a half
long and half a mile wide, 'i ,
Altar of Routt.
The manufacture of attar of ros1
furnishes employment to hundreds
of js rsons. A visit to the rose fields
is something one will remember a
lifetime. The largest roee fields in
the world are at Keian Lik, in Bul
garia. There tlie roses from which
the perfume is made are cultivated
most extensively. The rose district
extends for miles and miles, and
the entire country is a solid mass
of (lowers. The district is, as 1
should judge, alsmt one thousand
square miles. In procuring tho at
tar of roses nothing but tho leavts
arc used. It takes 6,000 pounds of
leaves to make one pound of the at
tar. Tho rose leaves are picked In
tho proper season, thrown into piles,
and then taken up and placed in
large copper kettles for the purpose
of distilling the pure oil or attar. The
kettles are arranged ono within an
other, and tho leaves aro taken
through twenty-five or thirty distil
lations. Good attnr of roses can be
had from 112 to 115 per ounce at
wholesale. It sometimes retails for
50 to $G0 nn ounce.
One sheet of paper recently made
was eight feet wido and seven and
three-quarters miles long.
In Iceland there aro no prisons
and no police. Only two thefts in
1000 years.
In Madagascar you can live well
and have three servants for 70
cents a week. Hired girls get 8
cents por week and washer-women
3 cents a day.
The western Mayor, who refusod
to " let tho dead past bury its dead"
without a permit, wilted when in
formed that it had ft pootio license.
Time. i ih
Secretary Ulniiw's daughters aro
excellent housekeepers and perhaps
tho most skilled needle women in
Washington. Tho eaughters of
Chief JusticeFuller pride themsolves
on their cooking, and Goneral Sher
man's daughters, who are conspicu
ous for their good work among the
parish poor, aro always apace with
the nows of tho day, Miss Rachaol
Sherman has tho reputation of
knowing as much about politic as
Mrs. Logan.